THE OMAHA DAILY HHK: TIiriDAY, OCTOHIMt 11, 1000. 9 OwOOOWOOOWOOOOOOOO jOl0009OGt000b0U00 o 9 o 9 O 9 ooeoQOocoooOQOv. ocaooodOoooooooo THE GREAT IDEA, H JOSlAll FLINT A.SU IUaNCIS WALTON. O o o 9 o o to t' hicve the run ' i hi ,t a h' cm. e As for ibo n.ct.c. you uiay lane r I ! Idlng ibro gh a 'it l rr.iru a', i a- ag- a. I ir l nc II a. three g uited to dig a tunnel. ' A nl that's soon ml'!." replied tho Uw- Wht-n affairs wtre in this posture an1 the yer, laylaa; the bills on the tablo between tuunoi nvarl v completed Rudeflck McKlowd blm and his client with a gesture that rr -1 cue day off a train which bal neither took them nor teft them. "Try i! him oit of the beyct,! Th" r.reat scut, ' he said, standing before an open fire Idea tad taleti him away from Cernvilie and toast ins ft costume which was ostcn- toon after hercer Renshaw u elected tatlously provisional. "Take ott your coat fps'rr an if wj the rurat tdea that and hat and make yourself at home." (Copyright, Kvj, by M. rlurs. Phillips & Co.) u. re s re fe.rra administrations," said brought htm back. WP.h he let'eri of In Judge Uarwood had a good gray eye with ' i. d-rkk. aftei a pause which wtg rather 'reduction and fee ommendatlon thai he had a twinkle m it and the accent of his hi lt Is not for f.n ins.ant to be up,.od ,ri.sulr f'.r such an intimate ot.nciave. In bis pocket hen he t'epped off the tra n vtt.-iKn was Jotular. that the Oreat luea waa possessed in ha Vou say Barw oxla r. oktd an1 that's jus- he was offlclsllv a rnucb wore re p""td per- "1 am much more comfrtable with them ucmunmg Uj, nu itri. k n a: o nia.a nat l got mi.) rum. lie's too tude and symmetry m which li u.t male y ro .kd. He innkcu y .u an' me cough up stood revoand. He conceded at Brat, on half what we got an' yet hog tr.a). i. the vague outline, and worked in tae uc nrce times ns tnu-h as wo are hlaja;i tails afterward us occasion ttr cd but it mat's the kind o' blcke 1 like to do aa' is to him and not t. Juiac ttaiw.1 A .tut I a. 6 t-- di him luis eleuicn. He', thu credit of the oreat idea beljuijs. ine meanest grafter id this berg an' you Bo it known, that lit ihe cuy f Corn know it an' I know it. U'hiu you blokot vlllo Judge Uarwood. before ho we.,t to d n't Know Is that this Renshaw push Is congress, whs the predecessor cf .Sia.jr "in' to be easy to work. Any refurru Renshaw, and that In Mayor Uarwood a police force they put In offloe's goln' to be day Roderick and his clan held, 1 dnd dead, 1 tell you. Renshaw au' hit and tho Under World was In qj.t u 1 don't know us from any other four encouraged to arquiro veaud Ifltereati la 1 gl"f town. He'll change the whjlo ,tho city of Cornvllle. Thrrf -r, th c ' fore, lulnkin' thry'ro a'l crooked, an' them was honest Indignation In me tnior V. itdj hats luiiiod out'll keep up under cover hen Herbert Itenihaw, rai-, becam" a ' "Plto. an' then wo net our graft la candidate for mayor aaauisi Mayor Dar- there ain't no Uarwood around to word. Tho Powers tlmt Itule met as one s'ueeio tho profits out of us. Seo? You rnan to oppose his elrti iii. ThT. was a ,KtlC aY tip an 'turn in an elect llenshaw." moment when It seemed that they ml lit Theso weio hla words and the first cx- count on tho Individual ass, stance of tlitf position of bo Oreat Idea. What Iludi-rirk .OBa" than when he l-f Cornvlile. but In on: the r i iu Is rMd." said th" vtait.-r S'-mtials he was still TtU'teri'k M.K-d, The thermi meter tn tin ,'atrb of hi door "h" ullrk riii sun." Ho went str.Jrht from rctisiered in the full pas' ght 73 d .roe-, he train to the "Front Offlce" and called on J' si a.." said Uarwo d. i),reciatively; rhf. "and now about the fcunlti ss " Mr fowleu," Uu-'erlck began, "I have The buslni9 U the height of simplicity; een given to understand that you are teok- 1 have stolen $50,fiiO; for pers nal teas ns ng for a new man for your dete-tlve fore. 1 object to any one's attempting to lurauc t have had considerable expcr.ence In the mi and to take away the money.'' 'etectlve bi.slnes and I should ll'o to be Tho visitor also had a g od gry c e. our new man. if you're satisfied with tny Also the accent of hi announcement was redentials ' the least In tho wor;d Jocose. "I see that you are Certified to as bfllns "And that'H a very natural objection, a viry 'wlso man,'" remarked Mr. Cowles, af'er a haty penisal of Kudcrlck's papers. "I supr se that -ord 'wte' Is merely a tecbn.ial ierm in police parlance," too," said the man cf law. "The plain st way to avoid it ts to s nd tho money ta k " ' If I hud ber-n looking for the ph nct way I should not haxo come 'o y ur h n K"" the thief if thry -..jM th, v reiol ' 1 '1 t thry '-ou.J no: afTird ;o !'t IT'.yco fl v litouah their tlujers. they resolved for the prMcnt to keep the los concealed from the p.adtc press and from the utaie They con I.MI.CU Itll.Klt.o. Jlot of 'I'liein t nrrlt'il l.nrai' rortnnc it ltd I lio in. wh i. tlir Mhor.'rtbouts ;f i. ,-,uc ar bo din i t rr, .1 l'our Lkm l',dro, euiii'.r if lir.i..' ways had an uncertain teat -South An can potentates are apt to bate- but h' j things uulctly and collected butterflu a Powers that Prey, but fate decided o hr wise. j.',lc wn and the Oiciit o tho banner of reform Daunttd by riiKiowd recommended with a "take my up," whether it was In "York," In "Chi" or in f'ornvtlle, usually "went." so hlehly did Herbert nensha-, esq., (locked many ad-. he I'ndcr World appraise him. And thus "That's what it Is, Mr. Cowles. A wlso for adlce I cuuld have f. und he plalncs rrm in the police business Is Just wlsa, way myself." that's all." i Tl0 ttt(, j,alrs 0f gocJ gfas, cyc3 looked "You have some acquaintance, have you. into on.' ancther with appreciation, with tho criminal classy? We very much 1 "I repeat," said tho Judge, "that this need a man who understands the ways of lockB like a fishy bus iiosb. And what is thieves." very much to the p int In an ntfalr of h a ' Of eourso. I don't set myself up as any- magnitude, thnt bur.d'o of not s on tli thing extraordinary, Mr. Cowlos, but you vj table ts too small to be looked at wlth .ut "I HAVI2 STOLEN A SECOND 1'IFTY THOUSAND," SAID THE VISITOR. herents, among them his friend Knwln Cowlcs, n gentlonian of upright rrc ud ci, and ltlchard Englar, who owned a bank und considered llint all rar hly mait r should be conducted wlih reference u that fact. These three constituted thcmsolv s a Power and a Party und drew up that which they miscalled a platform. At tho tlmo Herbert Heushaw, esq., an nounced himself a candidate for the ofilce of Mayor of Cornllle there wero threo bad men In tho municipality who traveled f.nd transacted buslnet8 under tho names cf "Frlulo" (latinos, "Soapy" Wad ow and "Frenchy" I.atane. In the c'.as betica li Kuderick McKlowd they were tho greauHt and most envied Und r World celebrltl.a living In tho community. "Fr. Flizlu" was u gameHtor from London, England, who betted when he knew brf rohnnd th-ct he could not lose because be had IKcc! things that way. "Soapy" waB a "tool" from 'Frisco, who could "reef a loath r" In a driving rain and galo of wind, and 'Frenchy" was a "stall" from Quebec, who wus a crowd In himself and cc u d crcato n push and t.quczo on an on n prairie, If the victim marked for tho dip should tako refuge there. Ho could ar range a "frame-up' and relieve "S npy" of tho stolen porketlmok, after "S apy" had lifted It from the vlctlm'nocko', wl h n rapidity that made bin isS p net c d fellow "stalls" proclaim him a WunJir kind. Do it known that the three bad iron, with the severo simplicity of taste that bolongs to an arhtocracv detested "pose." In the event of Hcnshaw's cctlon as mayor the three believed that Cornvllle would asenmo a pote of rectitude which wus tho less agreeable to them becnuso It would bun their huflnets Thrrefo-e, .hpn Petiahaw's nomlna'lon was nnn uncfd h y oik counsel with theiuselvo' and with ltudrrlck for the defeat of Renshaw and th- brttcr govern uient of Cornvllle. lu was Uudcriuk's dis tinction In every community where be happened to nettle for auy length of time to be asked for his view of all matters of im portance to the Under World. Speaking generally, he did not ptvo advice unless li felt like It. and. for the irot pan. ho HI not feel like It. lie looked upoti "chow log the rag" as a v. iy. utr'c before n man ban done his Job. and ruinoim aft-rwavd. "More good guns talk themscheg into tile stir In n yent " he said, "than all the for-c could cop out In a century." He wa I)' tempt raroeut a "slnnle-han led" spe ia'1-.t; what he had to do professionally he 11'. ed to do alone, and no qmi"im a. e I omt n tnles told. "A gun that wrks by him elf can never turu state's eldenio. and there's nobody to blanio if the Job turns bad, and nohody to share with If It don't." was ul invariable reply to nil suggestions that ho Join a "push Tluro were times, however, when lluder'ck saw points for hh own baud in general It camo about that In Cornvlllo the Under World deternlncd to turn down Garwood and his following nnd help elect a reform administration. Wadlow, Clunnes and l.atane were simple-minded men who went about their business with a Homeric direct ness wheu onco they had derided what was to be done. They got themselves con stituted the olllclal gunrdians of tho ballot box and Judges nf tho election lu the Nine teenth ward, which hrd decided other ulo ti'ns and would decide this one. Klcctlrn day camo und went. Mayor Ur.r wood coun'ed on the Nineteenth ward, which had won th" former election for htm. Tho udges of the election But about Ihe stove in the pollling booth behind locked doers, muked good cigars, drank Sc tch hlsb balls and received reports time to 'Imo of how tho other wards had gone Thoy made no effort to count the votes. There was u dlsputo In th- Thirteenth ward In rcgnrd to the admissibility of cer tain votes, which lasted all the night fol lowing the close of the polls nnd tho next 'ay and the night after that. Thcro was understood to bo a dlsputo In the Nino- crnth ward also In rcgnrd to the admissi bility of certain votes. At 7 o'clock nn the second morning a message arrived that the dippute in the Thirteenth was settled; I'arwocd needed a majority of 500 In th'i S'lueteonth to elect him. As tho count ctooel he had a majority of but 200 odd The faces of the fcur men In tho polling booth were gray and sticky with fatlguo. hut a glance of understanding passod .'p und. "There's not bin' llko nn honest count. Mrkes, Is there?" remarked Kuderick. with a yawn. "If we hadn't been hero to o that the thing was done on the level ihe ma.'orlty 'ud 'a' been ehentee! out of Its rights -alnd't It? as Dutchy used to say." II. When Moycr Itenshnw camo Into h's Mnvdom he governed It so as to save his wn seeul. Incidentally h.s course ex speruted a gre-tu many ether pecp!e, who. but for hlra, would have icjt th Ir sauis out opcb, or p'st.ldy not at all. Into loa ns; ih'".n twlco e ver, tut every one beut in in his own toul Is bound to thJnk fir f hind If and to fFrd .b-r pe pie and lvir -He aa d ti U in the landman. 1Mb great b'hlere, '1H wot the iretii,n "f a pill, e free -hat did not kn -w hiw o iciDk, Kt In t'owles' Innt.lllty to wink !' rilled all his rTialnlng abilities in Miy r Renshaw 'e eye. who begged b'.m to sacrifice e n the al'.ir rf it vie dm Ahlch w ' rnvllbee r r ir-fp im au nppclntmcn as h'ef of p. ll-c. May r 'i.nihao snid thit neither bo nr his sub nil nr. tea t,b uld take tliue from the harvest of eln and shame, and Gdw.n wles aoerlflcod himself. Doth . 'ayctf heir d'S'incd porta In the rcalliutlun tf ttr Ored Idea. Then was tho city of Cornvllle delivered discussion, and "Frltnlc." "S-apy" and into 'be ba-' of tho three bad men. who "Frenchy" dropped in upon him r. a time wl.u he was very seriously conddernig what cards at the mon'ent ho held. He was meditating the Croat Idea. "Frltilo" was the spokesman of the trb and ho gave Rudertck, from tho trio's point of view, very coneiushe arguments why llorbert Renshaw, esq , should tn t bo elected mayor of Cornvllle. "If he's elected," Frltrle explained, "It'll be the) same thing over upaln that wo was up against In York whm that reform ad ministration was In You know your self that all us blokes had to get out be cause we was known and the outside talent that tho front ofilce wasn't next to rail roaded to town and ceppe'd out the coin. I'vei got my stake In Uarwood an" I think we ought to elect him. He's crooked, of course, but blokes like us thnt aro known ran't do business where the mayor on' polke ain't crooked Ivonshawil make seme old Ruba chief cf police an' we'll get the ht'ly mlt " There s reform administrations an' got my record In thoso papers." "Woll, Mr. McKlowd, lit toko your namo Into consideration. Good afternoon, air." Threo days later there was astonishment, bewilderment and profanity In the Under World. Roderick McKlowd had been ap pointed chief of detectives In tho town of Cornvlllo nnd tho Under World wondered what tho appointment mennt. When In quisitive tho Under Worlil Is like a child It walks up and asks questions and Rud ertck McKlowd's odlce was beslegcel b' "guns" who desired to know what was what and what was "doing." Among the rest were the three, who had como by special summons. So far tho Ureal lelea had progressed exactly as Rudertck had lv ped It would The financial value of the Idea was still to be demmstrated. Tho three bad men wero Invited Into Kuderick'? prUato rfllco. where, by Judbious quostlon- ing, they were made to deeinro that they htid nothing whatever "on" and had not done any business In tho town since the refcrm admtn'.stratlrn went Into power and that they had been "ditched" by Rod erick's idea nnd were sick of th" place ani repdy to quit It. To all of this Kuderick listened with a politeness which was ex emplary In a public efil-er and an obi friend. Whn they had finished his reply, too, was exemplnry nnd significant. "Hlrkes " ho bald, "I ain't much on eh' win' tho rag, but I'm mure'ii a little glad o' what you've told mo, 'n' that you're sick of tho town. I'm particular glad you're not mixed up In that tunnol busi ness under Ellglar's bank. The feller tliat'h done Hint lias got to cli'dco It cff. see? I on't stand for it. Ativthln' else 'fs been d no 'f re I got hero ain't any o' my busi ness. For y. urselves my tip as an old P'l,Is. 'Inee you're l-k of this town, to got shut of It by the n xt rattler. I'm re sen sible fer what's d ne here fri-in this on an' I'll have to mslie a pinch If yo'i hung an e nd; ao you'd better trv to mooch. 1 cuess you've trade ycur pllo hero anyhow, an' it's time 't you got your graft In elsewhere. I nln't trukln' no passes at yru nor nethln' but If yen sprint yru can ontch that 7 ?.o this ev-nln' It 'ud give me a Tin to see jtlu here after S o'clock to i,l'.'ht. So long, blt'kcs' take care o' your- s. Ives." in. Ji.d-:e Darwood hrd the name of being able to go with Impunity the bread' h of a hair closer thau any c th' r man In Cornvllle to the line that it wruld have l-nperlled his cwn i.rd his client's liberty to cr. ss. It was at id of hlr.i th-.t he made It a polir of bjner never to turn away oni n"ve.- t fall to li.lj. and to profit by a client. One evening six di s and a fraction, to he accurate, offer Ruderlck'e historic warn ing to the three bad men Judge Uarwood wa sutnnie ned fr ni his bed br an Im- p"Hunatc vtttltor win n ado himself agree. opened It o their ovter. and that was 'li-lr Bb,e "Pining his business with a tender V tlned twrt n the realization of tho Or-a: ' f a retalnlrg f;c. The fee was a bundle of Hea "F.tulo' Cannes, wi'h hi "euro ! '' the man wm in appearance por- '.inB" enterprises, reaped i harvest which l,aPB ou ca, 11 p- I'"werrui, ueiorroea. It Is pretty W'JI known that, fearls? cap uited with JiieUe Uarwood an I lntnu'tel tfe and imprtsniiment. iom lVdl Kruger him to notify hie client, if his client rhnuld has eent hunUreU of chests of valuables, nio'iri and labeled them anil he nls again enter into communication with bt:n. out of the eouutry for safe keeping. Fox letted fossil and bullion and the pt v they had taken his offer under advise- seated of great amounts in securities nnd j yacht that ho kept Vtttli steam alwa . p rent; secretly they employed one Rudeilck real estate and owning ti quantity of actual fur years was ballasted with specie. McKlowd to find out what he could about gold he has ceo verted all into cash and ha j There are. of course, but a few of tho robbery. Judge Barwood's client did stored It In trunks to be carried over the i rulers who haso in their time tied fr tu r.ot at this time again enter Into com- to der and prurved for him or his dctceu I thctr respective countries with their tr a dants. 1 ure. Tho history of the burled treasure of men- j Hx-Queen Isabella of Spain lives by arclis. If It could be obtained, would nuke , means In an humble fashion. Her re t . a valuable chapter In the world's records, i is more rlegant than that of the qi n What became of the wealth, for Instance, of regent and her costumes much in i the Napoleons' Where did they hide It? gorgeous. How have they managed to procure It since? : The ex-Empress Eugenie Is far from p r ts Its I'Oiscssion, and Its hiding, a family 1 though at one tltno called "pontilless," a I secret dlvutgM from father to son and un j so through the list of former rulers d u kr.owti ex ort to them? I to the deposed quern of Hawaii, who '.r Kings and rulers from time Immemorial I the past throe winters has been tho m. A have not only as an invariable rule made Investments that should ensure their be ing vastly rich whatever might occur, but th y have geno ally teen so acquisitive, even In the hour of dire disaster and flight, that they have taken as many portable valuables away with them by wav of consolation as ai'inlcatlon with him; and Rudertck found only that the tunnel by means of which the bank had been entered had been made by one Cannes witb tho als,anco of two com panions, named Wadlow and Latano re spectively but he soon obtains! word that hoy were In Philadelphia, actually In detention at the time the bank was broken into; there had been n national convention at Phila.lelphi.t and tho police had got the three bad men where they wouhl do the most good. Of their whereabouts since their rcliase nothing could be leartiod Englar said that Ruderlck was as big an sss as the rcit of the Front OHice, and must have turned flycop becaus. he could not make a living as a thief, an opinion which was positively ptemature. The directors of the bank once more consulted with Judge they c u'd carry. Canes have net t een want -pprwcoel and Instructed him to notify his ng where they have been so greedy that client, If his client should again enter Into they have been caught as a conseeiueoce of communication with him, that they accept beins overladen and thus hampered with ris offer, some days aitorwarei tney bound bootv. thrmselve. their heirs and assigns. In a There died In comparative roccrty In the manner mid form which Uarwood thought south of Englnnd within recent years a worth J3a.c00 to hlmseif and his night Snaulsh-Amerlcau. formerly the president visitor, and In return for the document he of Souti, American republic that has a pa el that amount. Two nights later he was going home from his ofilce In the dusk, when a quavering voice demanded an alms. The speaker was a patched end battered figure, a decrepit old man. wild-eyed and wlld-holree!. It's only a drink I want." repeated tho boirgur ns ho shufiled aton at Uarwool's side. "You seo "t I'm no liar I don't want nothln" to eat. 1 want a drink, it only cost3 n dime, boss." They had re-ae heel a stretch of field through which Uarwo.iel was wont to make n shoit cut to his heme and as ho left the sldwalk and turned Into tho Held path the beggar suddenly strulKhtonoel himself, dr. ppeel the whine of his votco and. tapping Rurwood familiarly on tho shoulder, said I !ay, Mr. Attorney, hand over that agree ment that vou mndo for mo with Englar " A fortnight later Rudertck was dischargee) from the Cornvllle force for drunkenness anil incompetency. The expectation! he hud raised when Chief Cowles engaged him ho had not fulfilleel. Upon his discharge he paid n visit to Chicago, where he keeps a safe deposit vault, In which ho placed among other things tho acreement whb h Judgo Uarwood had obtained for his un known client. This was tho finishing tou.h lu the realization of tho Oreat Idea. IMvr .Million I'liioe n eiir. In 199", nunc; In lv.', .".. n m o boxes: thi.t CnsonreM r.-indv e'jibirti. s Jimp Into popularity The pee pie have e ast tbe.r verdict. Prugglsts, lc, jfie, inn. retention every few months, who actually left JCl.5fl0.0o0 In good honest specie behind him on a wharf near Rto do Janeiro, to which point it had safely got from the in terior. He had waded to his high plnco In blood, for he was made president rnly by a rovo Itttlcti, but the spilling of me re blood over whelmed him at last He had sucks lu ll led "mineral ore" conveyed to n c- n vrnlont seaport, but was obliged to aban don It nil nt tho last moment to tmvo hla llfo. Living In splendor in Europe now nnd u companion of princes Is a man who ruled a South African republic and was deposed bv a revolt. Thero is another who lives In Paris who succeeded, bv the aid of a York shire hide buyer, in clearing off with more than n million sterling In u cargo of hides And yet thl same president only actually ruled for about eight months and u fol lower In tho presidential chair dliuppcarcd with near 1.000.000 soon after, simply walking out of his ohVc and vanishing as though the earth had swallowed tilm Other nsplrauti to the really good Job of being president wonder even to this day how ho got off with the "swag " Tho treasure of King Theebaw of Burma that was discovered Is said to be as notb lug to the Measure In rubles alone that ' the Theebaw chuckles about and that has) not I 1 en found by bin coolers He knows I i tbet ti.e Unirliili authorities do not call I in tho uid of tho thumbscrew and so on' elegant woman in Washington. tcitiiirr Iteuelerie I'urt. PHM.A1MM.PHIA. Met 10 -The torpeii boat Homer!, from New York for hs cllv. arrived afel lnlde the Polnwti o capes carl ti elm and later anchored cff League Islund luee ard ABSOLUTE SECURITY. Gcnuln arter's Little Liver Pills. Must Boar Signature f Am Hac-Slnilh) Wrapper Ikltw. Vary H uet tnuef t taJui aa FOR UEAOACUL rcn dizziness. FOR GIUOUSfiESS. FOR TORPID LIVtH. FOR COMSTIPATIOU. FCR SALLOW r.XIH. FOR TT!E COMPLEXION AJ si m lajBMia-gJTfllJLI M W 1 11 jCAKTEKS QURE SICK HEADACWi, EOUCAI TING GONTEST. mm discomfort. I 'T 1 . . . . .... 1 1 .. 1 I . ,, ... cuai uuuuit- uc uucc hoc u small ceo si for llatening to me toll you that I ha.-u stolen JJO.OOO. That Is all I have as cd JJJ for It. When you have told me h-w tu JVr koip tho 550,000 tho bundle on the tablu , 'ci FOR TEN OF THE READERS THE BEE. OF The Ike lias arranged with Tho International Correspondence chuols, of will bo bigger." Scranlon, Pa., to present Ten Free eSclio.larsh ps to the ten persons t-eciiring the it wcuid have to tea deal b yger." , M largest linnilierd ol' voteo Uelwcen now and 'oveinher 2o, 1UU0. "Wctild il set n limit to Its bene a If "T) 1 1 tho man out of whom tho 50,i00 c.mea had you dirt?" Thero were not a great man men in Cornvillo from whtn $50,0.0 could 0 li tod. Dm wood's faco took on a look of ln.ensc Interest. "Not Englar?' "Knglar!" Harwood's fact broadened Into a grim smile. "You are quite resolved not to put the mcney back?" "Quite!" "It is really my diry to urge the point." "Ye ur have org. d It." Rarwotd. with ;hu grim smllo still linger Ing on his face, strode for a tlm up a.ul ib wn the room, an Incarnation of practl al intelligence in labor. In d.pssns g wn. Ho came at last to a hull In his former Btntlon before the fire. "Could you steal any more?" ho usk .d, gravely. "How much more, fr r example?" "Well say a second flf:y h usand. You couhl hardly make a d 'al wi h less." "I have sto'en a second fifty thousand," tald the visitor, drawing a considerable parcel from under his cloak and laying It on tho table, "I calculated mvsnlr Mint it would take about a second fifty to protect ' tlm first ." "You teem to be a client of great fore thought to employ nn attorney of great penetration." said the Judge. -it Is only left to settle where and when I am 10 lot you know what I havo clone, I teup- 10-e you can irusi yourself not to get caught?" This was unkind; tho Powers that Rule v 1 re become n Joke In Cornvllle, and Ren- 1 "hw. who lad been Harwood's rival, was the I olnt of the oke. "I ran trust inyielf a good deal better Tho person receiving tho largest number of votes will have the choice of 0110 of the toliowlui; ten scholarships. The person receiving the next largest number of votes, the pe-cond cholco. The person receiving the third lurgest u umber of votete. the third choice, and so on, until the ten perecum locvivlng tho largest number of votes have each selected u sciio:arililp. ft ?& I 8 K 5 is ti 5JS he bad nevor suppose! Cornvlie could rru duco. He had thought that the ton had e'one Its ulti'ost as a "spor'y" commuel'y 'Oiler Mavor Barwonl's "open" aduiluU ra tlon. hut ho learned that a town U never fo Riilllblo as when reform attempts to tell it that it "shan't." "loipy" Waetl w and ' Frec-hy' Latano made similar agreeable eMscoveries. Pocketbooks were, perhaps, no more numerous than lu Mayor Harwood's dav, but they "came up easier," as "Soapy" put It, and he and "Frenchy" "dlppo!" deep with impunity It Is also to be remarked that thry were not called on to pay a per centage of their winnings to the "wise." Indceel the three were so plsajcd with their success and sc confident ot the innoci nee and ignorance of their constituents that they determined to combine Interests and make a run ' on Ri hard Knglar C-m's bank It was decided that the eaulest way well y-u know my false heard and fa!"e inc rdin: teiy ? uc h-h.itted, great -coatod, long-haired and whiskered. "The bills, to the best of my belief, are pi nulno; your beard, to tho heat of my belief, la net." said the lawyer. "This looks to me llko fishy business." "I do not offer you the beard aa a re tainer; I e-ffor you the bills." "And the voice In which yen offer them Is so far from being yur own that you make mo drubt whether the bills, however gcn-u-lne, are gon-u-lnely yours. I eay again this looks like fishy business " "You seem to be a person of sunte peno trallrn." said the visitor. "If you had not thought so before you camo you would not be here," said the lawyer "S long as you do not know my real beard and try real vobo I d n't care how not to be caught If I don't trust any one ? 7 v..v ...... iuj,, 1 cei y)i ask you. fiood n'elit. Mr. Attorney." "flood night, Mr. fcamp." The two mrr parted with mutual respect and good will. Uarwood hud made It a point of conscience In tho cordon of bis life, wben he ha I 1 'king to do. which was agreeable to hlmsel' an'1 dlsagreeuble 10 some one cle, never to rri'-rngtloato There waB besides an nd o'lt'ojial reaioa In the present case for dl'- patch. It did not enter into his views for his client that Richard Knglar should not have u chance to keep his loss unknown. ' Vr. Englar." ho said, with the regret which a man throws Into his voice when he speaks of the mli-fortuno of n per-nm' enemy, "I am Informed thit you r r .. jut been robbed of JJIW.OOO: ,ion i unow vbether It Is true or not. man so bundled up that I could make nothing of him visited mo at my homo Just now and told me so, he added that you could not find him. and 'bat If you elld find htm the money would b .liter llilpateil or would a -pent In his dofe nte. If you guarantee to make no effort to find him and to keep the affair out of the hands of tho state, he offers you 2r,ooo 10 tafce or en leave. Ho told mo nothing but what I state and then took his leave. I trade no attempt to lay hands on him." concluded tho lawyer, dryly. "I didn't want to deprive you of your chance of rneovcrlns 12.'' .000. nor our new police force of Its cbanco of distlngulshlnc Itself." There Is singularly little moro to tell Knglar and hla board of d'reotors had a ipodni hflfnra (lAi'lli-Vit elite .nen ascertained mo trutn ami moved motions and passed resolution- They resolved to l. Free Sioliuliirslilit lu .Meehuiil eul Kiiuliiciiui;. 1 11 r 1 . ' l. in it .1 in In arithmetic, lormulaa, teumutilcul drawing, me- uiieim . , Ciolllci.l..l ) Illecll.elHi a, n -u. vinec iiuiucs. uigeui'.c. luurnlund, .i.ii.!naiicd. Iicut, titt'iiiii una mwin nih.iit's, s.reiiK.n of iiiu.enaiH. npp.iea tin Iiumcti, siiuin Uonuiie, machtiio clu 11" uliuuius und lliolula. A I'rec etieiliil .hli in lllet! Irleul lilitliu-erllii;. Including umir jcu.i m .iiithmetlc, I'onii.uua. uriiwing, nn" iliuiiicui drawing, i;eumeur uiiel tr g otiomettty, eicme-iitary incchaiiics, hj dri'inere u.gentn. lognrilhiu , .ineumatics, heat, steam und Hteam en- 1,,Il,, ,...11.11 Ol lliilii.iu, ai,..i il liiuch.iii.cB, fcimm 001.1 r. eie- Mgll : li li e e,J e 1 . , ' e .lj . . in- cul mcttsuremcnts, applied electricity, iylle.l...... .......e. c,... ..,-a..,.., , . - trie railways, electric, of continuous-current u namo-elcctric mac hiiiesry, design 01 cuiieinjouh-i'.ir-rent motors, prnclpie oi tcternailng current apparatus, design ot aituiuat-Uig-e arre i.t .ippuratus. i h.a Includes a freo out lit of eierincal appaiutiis with which to do (tit worK 01 1 lie eoume. It, A Free ."eeliolicrklilp in A re' III -teeture. Inrladlng Instruction In nrlthmctlc, lorinu an, geometry and mensuration, geometrical drawing, nrclntecturul elrawlng. ornamental draw ng, no. vanced are hiteoi ural draw. rig, miMon rj, turpeiury. jolnerN, f'.i.r I. ornamental Ironwork, rordtlng, sheei mctai worK, eUctrlc Hgtu wmnt, una bellwork, plumbing and gun fitting, hcullng and vent.iution, putntuic and ucciuuiig, ubUiuuui.g aiiw calculat ing iuaii,,'j or 111 ctiiicce are, iiicliiicctural design, specincations, buiianig upcr.i.lui.ue?nci-, cuiuracts, puimits, etc., una uiclniLutuiai c.igi-nt.-cr.iitf. I. A lice? heliollirxlilil 111 Civil UllKlUC'CTlllU. Inciuuliig insir action lu arithmetic, turm.i.icii, uiuwiiin, mo c Ulaoiiifi, g.ollln ana inc oi,uiuuir , uicinc-mur iriCA.h.iiucs, ui Keciu loKur.iniim, iiyar.ieiuc j, pneu iiueiia, uiemoiuaii 1,1 iUl.i .11, ircii,ih ol material), unuljsiS of Hel', pi'OpOI'CIUlllllg tllu UliUCTlUl, udIiiii.1 ol cuimii aciiein, uutuli., uill.i uiiel .1, He.rvejing, niiiu sur ve.uiK. inaii'im. luiiie.ul locution, raniuiid I'ui.atructioii, iracK worn, riiiiiuail ll uctm'c-a, nrullia(Se, sewer iihc etreiiH ana hit,tiaa,, W.llcr-WileOlS, ll.iiau..e Ill.lOll.llr r v , sa..i , j. j uii.i . 1, 1 mho. 1, .ii.u tlon, heat, Htcuin and stcum englnen, hec-.iiii toilers, locomotu en, djiiainiia Uliu ,11111. 111, e-ic ... i.f,.e.eih. ruuwuH, etescriiHiee aaciniiom , cici iiie iilaey ctuin,eir, guoiolvy, uiowp.ii i.ij ...i , inuo icigy. r. A Free' .Si'holnrnlilp in unliurj I'.iiniliii.K. ..eietinii unci Venil- llltie.ll. Including Instruction in urlthmctlc, gcoi.ii. o .11 uluvsiiirf, Iiic..mii. a, ....... ,11,. mens ir.iuon. mkcii.uucs, plumbing ano cirainitrfu, gun ami gaa iiitiiiB. wiring ana ticliwork, princip.os ot lieiiting und ventilation, uleuni hi titlng, hot water li'Mtiiin, furnace hulling, vcntllution ot builaings. O. A I'rro Scliolurilili 1 11 Clieiu Utr. Inc.aalng Instruction In nrlthme-ti. i-lciucntury and trlgonouu 11 1 functtoti.i, ph.BiiB, tin ore ticul ciic-nii try, liiurguiiu' i-i..-niiet r j . iiuiilit.itiv. luiuljsij, uibiin.c chemistry una eiaun tltutlco ai1.11 sis 7. K I 're: eiieilai nliii iu Ceiiii-nie-reilll llieelie lieM, lne:ueilng instn.c lion in urlthmctlc. hpeliliit,-, vcitticai 01- .lurit.nt; peiiin.cii kin)), grammar, putu luation, li iter wilting, uiugiv enii iiuoKKeeping. double; entry bookkeeiilng, tipt'iiiiu, clu.slng und ciiungiiig uuuna una ute 11 oicrupliy tt. A Free SelieilierMlilp In .! I'liunleiil I)iuliii. inciudlng insiriiciinii ,11 nrltlimetli . furiiliiiiiN, uiiel me iiM.ratiui. moiiic.i C'Ul lllUWlIU Uiiel lll.-e h.tlliCUl oticwillg 'I hl HI'lli II flli'i .'. . .111 .1 . ItlJlOli; drafting outfit, retull price, 51:. ii. li. A Fret- elieeuii lili in Archi tectural DlllltlllK. Inc'.uding liiieti'iictiiiM in uiltbmetic, geumeitry una iiu nniir.iiiuii, gc-iniiotrl cul ur.iuliiK. un liiie 1 1 ui ill iiiuwing, 111 nam. iua. elr.,e und uilvitncuel architectural drawing 1 h 11.,... . ides a complete outllt, renin pi ' ' i 5. Ml, A I're-e' selmlurnlilp In Oriiu nit'iitiil llrwlnn. Including InKtruotir.n In genme.trleul freehand drawing, hlstorli ornnment compotitlon and applied du- il'.s scholarahlp ineiuden n eomplcto dCBlKiiloB outllt, retull price, J9.uo. 8 f tit ti in Escli GcursG in Bcuntl Form. Hach of these con-nei. will In. 'ude the- instruction and question pop- rs and drawing plat'-H m ".carv tu st.ielv w.tli and In ti'td Hon .c n in, ' n m-t e.r tlte jnnir papers ll.eil 1sumel and der.n.l' l..,tid 111 b.ith.l, un 1 I'.inji n I" k ot formulas uinl Kes i..r the whole wdk ot the course, for U.-U OB releleriee Lm K!- On Exiiibilijn at Continental Glothln? Co. Tin- l i". i d v.ilimi'i containing the InHrnotlon und ques tion Ul'i-l.i , f l lie He cnurfC-H, the eiraftliig uutllls. nleelrl- 1 :c'. iii.l its iliel ileslenlIlB nitllt, tu be given with Ihe) 1 nurxe-.i, in. 1:1 I'xh.i. H"ii ut the e ' 'litlung ('u, und the I'jblli is cordially Invited to come uml see- ihem SHE OUR Window Display A I THE CONTINENTAL CLOTHII COIV.PANY. lth and Douelfis Streets. TKNTHOiiKS AND INrfTUI MilNTrt 'N LXIIIIHTION. SPEC8AL WOTSCE. For every $1.00 paid on Hub ecription to Tlio Daily or Weekly Hee, tho Subscriber will be enti tled to 100 votes. fa It How to Vote Cut out tho iittiiclied VotlnK Con loii, nml ninll or lirliii it to tlio liusl - - t; IH.SS 0,jjpo of Til 1-3 ltl-313. I-Jneli coupon must bear tlio iinmo of tlio person for whom you wlhli to voti;. The records of tho competitors will bo shown In every Iksuo of THI'3 IU-:i:. and votes will Iw rctelvt'il until midnight of Nov. '-Ti. 1 U i 1 35SS23SS2S VotitiR Coupon. Name. St. and No, Town