Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 10, 1900, Page 5, Image 5

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    Till: OMAHA DAILY ISUIi: WliDMXI) Y, OCTOURIi 111. ti00.
General Brooke Urg RcorgRUiwition on
. , . ,
Matieni Una,
5 lt'in of W 'rrlevi
liililUhril by : - n n I Sen lor ('mil
niriitlril hiiiI In llnrlj ISt
fennlnn Ail linl.
WASHINGTON, Oil. ! -It is urged In
i he nmitml report of MJor Oeneral John
1 1. Ilrooke, commanding the Department
f llio tin Hi. til New Yorlt, which vtiis made
imbllii at the Wsr department today, that
i pressing necessity exists fur tin reor
ganization of tho army on modern lines.
Tor many year past,'' says he. "the
AiBornl nfflturn of the army have known
ih necessity for an Imteasi which will
,ilni'o tho army on .iti cltlcleni basin nnd en
able 11 to perform Its tint Us with credit
in Itilolf mid lo tho satisfaction of the na
ilon. The nvt-nts since tho commencement
i tilt) Spanish war have demonstrated be
.ond doilbl that tin- necessity for a reur
Rtmlznllru which will enable 1 lilt nation to
maintain tho position in which It now
finds Itself placed, o that, In case of war,
the army may form tho bulwark behind
hMi tho volunteer army may be created,
a liiis been done In our country, by organ
izing tlm people."
Itvferlltig lo the rehabilitation and prog
ress of our coast defenses, ho says that
while It ii impiaitliablo at thin tlmi; to
make tecummendfttlous regarding tlm nrtll
Irry posts when the number of men enter
ai it factor on m count of tho largo foreign
drafts, It Is not too early for drawing up
plans for supporting the toast artillery. It
in mil the province of coatt artillery, he
snys, to act out of fort Ideal Ions, their
sphere ol operations being limited and tho
progenro of mobile troops to tepul attacks
i rout ihu rear and lo prevent landing pin
tles from gaining a foothold Is Imperative.
On that account the vicinity of each post
for miles mound should be mapped with
a v vw to determining the lines of defense
lipfce tho tier .'salt y for their use arises. j
lienenil Ilrool.e taya he li tmpressod with i
iho importance of having all artillery in
eh.trgo of coast iortlHeatlons stationed In the
iinniedlato vicinity of the guns. He thinks
It Is Imperative in man) cases that more I
land should be acquired than hitherto has ,
iieen bought for the erection of foitihca- j
Hons. j
There are places along the Atlantic coast j
whero the defenses ale exposed to danger I
from the Inroadii of the sea. Thlh mutter,
General llrnoko says, should receive prompt '
attention. Gencial Dtooko says he found; willl" tho olllcers and enlisted men j
wore, cnthtlslaHlli In matters telatlng to I
their profession, military tlutles are Imper- !
fectly performed and the Inst ruction of the
men handicapped by the lack of olllcers.
Many batteries mid companies have onl)
ono olileer present tor duty and at several
posts where detachments are stationed
there Is no olllcer In command.
GcuTal Hroolio commends the system of
wireless telegraphy established by tho sig
nal service and says Ihnt plnns should be
perfected Immediately for complete and per
fect coinuuiutratlou hetwoen the mills com
posing each fortres.i and the fortiess com
.ttorney (iencinl Mniiry lor Ihr Oov
ermiieiil Mux r In Artvnlll'r tlie
erly AfTnlr.
Washington. Oct. u. in the supreme
court today Assistant Attornoy Oeneral
Maury for the government moved to ad
vance tho Neely extradition ease nnd an
nounced that ho had received u telegram
from the opposing counsel In New York,
stating there would bo no objtctlon to this.
Tho date which will be set for the case has
nut yet beei. determined.
Tho court announced that It would hear
oral arguments In the Chicago drainage
canal case on November ll'. This Milt In
volves tho statu of Missouri against tho
stale of IlllnolH and the Chicago drainage
commission, tho contention being that the
Chicago drainage cnnal from Lake Michi
gan, emptying Into the Mississippi river,
pollutes the drinking water of tho city of
St. l.ouis.
A motion was made to advance the case of
John II. Gocrtzem, the New York Tobacco
Importer, Involving the light to collect duty
on goods Imported Into this country from
i'orto itico. A similar case involving tho
importation of fourteen diamond rings from
the Philippines will also be moved forward
at tho nine ilmo lu this case one M. L. J.
Peipke was arrested In Illinois on a chnrgs
of smuggling the rings mentioned, the con
tention being that the Philippines, aa part
of the i'ntled States, are not subject to
tarllf laws.
Counsel In the cbbo of Alice Well and
others asked leavi to have tho case dis
missed from tho supremo court The mat
ter will be taken under advisement. The
Well caso lu a companion case to the fa
mous I.a Abru mining case, in which a de
cision wan rendered lu tho court ot claims
last session against tho Da Alira company,
on tho ground Gift thuy had obtained fraud
ulently u large indemnity from the Mexican
. government. Motions were made to advance
live cases Involving similar points known as
tho Kentucky railroad cast.
The cases of ttie l.'nltud Slates against
the states of North Carolina, South Caiollna,
Florida and Louisiana today were dismissed
in accordance with the decision of cousresa
In these cases during tho last session. They
involve certain funds due the I'nlted States
from Iho four states named.
I'rrMlilfiit Upturn to Wiinlilnuloii,
WASHINGTON, Oct. O.-Tho president
ftnd Mrs. McKinlPV. accompanied by Secre
tary Cortelynu and tho family servants,
A hornet's nest is comfort
itself, compared with living with
u man with a liver.
Is life worth living so? you
ask. That depends upon tlie
liver. And a million livers de
pend upon Ayer's Pills.
J. C. Aver Company,
I'ri txil Chtm'uu, Lowell, Mm.
Mrr't Sirupirilli
Ayft'i PiU
Ayrri Agur Curt
Aycr'i Hiir Vijor
Ayfr'i Chrrry Pectoral
, Attr'i Comitoii
SUi&'S SRU5 !
v ill remain In WsHhlngtuii until moot mo
or 23d f tho month, when he will again :
? l Cant0" "nd re,UH'n "'tcr
election I
The prpsident sent on: . . nil for a !
meeting of tlie cabinet todav. I
' 1'iille.v Itimril of nvj I)lfunrn Teeli
'Irlrurntili l- i nleill I.ckkoiii ill Newport
Vuiiipiit itn,
WAHH I.MJTON, Oil. !.-The Navy Policy
Hoard held a session today, attended by
Admiral Dewey, Hear Admiral Crow In
shield, Captain Chadwlck and various other
member. The board has to do with tho
largest iiuertlons of policy concerning the
navy. It Is understood that most of Us
consideration today was given to the tech
nical lessons of tho Newport naval tnan
netivers. Tt'illliliortn Arrive ill Mnlilln.
WASHINGTON, Oct. H.-Oeuoral MacAr
thur reported to the War department today
that the transports Hosecrans and Argylc
nrrlvcil at Manila on Oetolier 7. Light
batteries (' nnd -M, Seventh artillery. Major
fl. 0. Orecnotigh commanding, were on tlm
Hosecrans. having nailed from San Kran
( Irco on September 3.
SeliruiUu I'okI muster Niuncil.
V vHHINOTON, Oct. The ptealdent
today appointed William Austin postmtis
lee al Kranklln, Neb.
I'Miirriil of II, I), Cnllnn(.
WKST POINT, Neb.. Oct. !.- (Sprelal.)
The funeral of Henry D. Calltiud, whose re
mains were brought to this city last night,
whs very largely attended. The funeral
service.1 were held under the auspices of tho
Congregational church. Ilev. K. W. I.eavltt
olllclntltig. The deceased was one of Went
1'olnt'b pioneer business men. having been
enguged in trade for the last twenty-live
jours, lie was for many years the resident
agent of the Nye & Schneider iiimpany In
this ptaco and enjoyed tho confidence and
esteem of the entire community. Ills ro-
mains were mei at the depot by a delega
tlon of over 2tu) business and professional
men. He leaves a wife mid four children,
the oldest of whom Is now In England. lie
was the brothel In-law of President Kloke
and Cnphler Hoseuthul of the Nebtaska Slate
bank of this place and brother of A. I'
Culland, a capltallHt of Omaha.
CoIoiipI ,iimi-ili w i luln.
WASHINGTON, Oil. ;.- Colonel .loneph
1'avnoti Wright, assistant surgeon general
of the Culled Stales army, died suddenly
last night at his home here in the tilth
year of his age.
Interment will be made In Hie nationnl
eemutury at Arlington. Colonel Wright
was a nathe of Pennsylvania. Ho served
throughout the civil war as an assistant
surgeon and received three brevet commis
sions for faithful and meritorious serv
ices. After thu war he entered the reg
ular army with tlie rank of captain and
assistant surgeon and rose to tho rank of
,, . v,,,w ,,,, . 'n . .. o . i. i
HANDOLPH, Neb.. Oct. !. (Speclall.i
C. ( rim I.
Dr. C. C. Crawl of this place died at his
home Sunday morning at 4 o cluck from the
effects of being thrown from his buggy by
a runaway team on September 28. The de
ceased whs one of the leading physicians
here and was loved and reBpected by all.
He came hero from Omaha four years ago
and had built up a very lucrative prac
tice Ills lemaius will be interred lu the
family lot In Puorla. III. The funeral
services will be held at the Methodist Epis
copal church tomorrow al o o'clock.
Ilolirrl luulr.
CHADHON. Neb, Oct. I Special. ) -Hubert
Ingle died at the saniturluiu here
Sunday night from Injuries sustained l.y
falling In front of an engine hero n he .
railroad yards Satin day. For years he has
been a conductor on the Fremont. Elkhoru &
Missouri Valley railroad, with headquarters
at Chadron. The funeral services were eon
ducted In the Grace Episcopal church this
afternoon and were attended by the rail
road organisations In a body. The deceased
leaves a wife and two d.iughteis.
Vliijor Srlilou ( lurk.
WASHINGTON. Oct. fi.-MaJor Seldou
Noyes Clark, a widely-known newspaper
man who had been connected with the
Washlugton bureau of the New Yarn
Tribune for twenty-two years, died hero
today of henrt failure. He was an author
ity on political and economic question1).
He served with distinction In the
war and was a member of the Military
Order of tho Loyal Legion. His remains
will bo interred in Arlington cemeierr
with mllltnry honors.
I'inierul of .Vim. MoIioIm.
WYMOHK, Neb., Oct. 9. (Special.) The
funeral ot Mrs, D. a. Nichols of this elty,
whoso death occured In Reatrlce on Sun
day night, was held here today. Mrs. Nich
ols had been taken to Ileatrlce for treat
ment and ou last Wednesday was oporuted
upon for a tumor. Her condition seemed to
tmprovo until Sunday, when she became
weaker nnd died.
.Vlurqulk of Hutc,
LONDON, Oct. 0. John Patrick Crlchton
Stuart, marquis of Hutc, died this morning
ut Dunfrles hoime, 1 1 1 3 seat in Ayrcshlrn,
from pnrulyslfc.
ITre record.
VV Isiier OtTclllllu lloute.
W1SNKH, Neb.. Oct. 9. (Special.)--Yesterday
morning about 11 o'clock tho resi
dence of Mrs. Dora 15. Graham, together
with all the contents, burned to the
giniud. Mrs. Oraham was nvvay from homo
visit luii her daughter at Albion. Neh., and
left her son, about 15 years old. at home
Ilu got up this morning, built a lire and got
his breakfast and stayed around the house
until about 9 o'clock, when he cntue down
town and everything was apparently all
right. About 11 o'clock tho neighbors ills
covered tho hoiiBe on flro and gave the
alarm, but before the tiro company could
get thorp It was burned so they could not
save anything.
VI Work on etv IlloeU.
WYMOHB, Nob., Oct. 9. (Special.) Work
was begun yesterday on tho new Anhouser
Husch business block which Is to be erec
ted In this city. The building, which will
bo oihi ot the largest ln the city, will be
built of white pressed brick and two sides
will bo of plate glass. Tho work will be
finished and an endeavor made to complete
tho building before Christmas. An Omaha
linn luii the contract.
Marltul i'riiuril,- at Avu.
CAHllONDALIC, III.. Oct. 9-At Ava. a
small town on the Mobile & Ohio railroad
northwest of here, this morning Samuel
Sorrell, a young man. barely past his ma
jority shot ami mortally wounded his wife
and then killed himself Mr. nnd Mrs. Sor
rell were married ubout one year and be
gan life at Ava.
S oral.. In Over Hie llorilri-.
TOUT WOUTH. Tex., Oct. 9-Twenty
Italians and Chinamen have been arrested
at i:i Paso, charged with being unlawfully
In the I lilted Stales. It Is said hundreds
of these emigrants have made their way
across the Mexican border, and sb fast us
captured by tho customs ottlcnrs are bonlz
Hun lluoa Assemble at Uiillim,
DALLAS. Tex , Oct. S. The ninth annual
meeting of tho order of Hoo Hoos as.
sembloil here today Two thousnnd mem
bers are present, coming from ull parts of
the I'nlteii States. The session will Inst
three days nnd will be followed by an ex
i urslon to the City of Mexico.
UST OF BOXER VICTIMS!01-0 B0ARD 18 Re-elected
Ranks of Mifaionarios Sullj Depleted Dur-
mg the Uprising in Uninti.
One Hundred mid e etit -lilulit
Hither Kiiomi to lime lleeu
Mnniiiercd itr llnie of
Mitel) AlmiidiMied,
NfciW VOUK, 0t. u. A complete list of missionaries Ktiuun to navo
Dteii Killed ttolu luu beginning of tuu
lioxer luoemeui to bepieiunur o has bei.n
ii.eicd uy the Amerualt nlolo socleiy irom
iluv. John it. hykes, U.U., lis agent In
cnanguai, as follows:
in biun 'lung, December 31, lh'Jli Iluv. fc
..i. Kiuuns ui me Church of Kuglanu mis
sion. In C'hl U, ubout Juno 1, WOO He v. II. V.
Normun, nev. L'. itooinsoii of the tiuiiiii oi
KUgiutui mltdlon.
At Puo 'ling 1'u, Juno M llev. r. i:.
Simcov, ilniliuii, l'.i., .Mrs. Slmcox, holi
duu, Pa., three children; Dr. G. V. Taylor,
all of Ameticau iTesuyiinuu mlssiun,
i ayloraviue, in. J ti i t, Ue. ll. T. lilKlu,
Phlladrlphla; Miss A. A. Gould, Hetnel,
Me.; i.llss M. S. .tloriill, all of the Ameri
can Hoard mission, Portland, Me.; Hev. II.
llngnall, Mrs. Jlagnsll, ono clilld, Kv. Wil
liam (Joopur, nil of the China Inland uuu
3IUH, Kiigmml,
At ilsiac I, Sliantl, June 30 Miss Whit
church, Miss Scarelt of the China Inland
mission, hiiglund.
Near tho Vullow Hlver (while llylug from
Shausli, july lu oi 1U Hv. G. Mclouiiell,
Mrs. MeConurll, one child, Miss King, Miss
lliirtou, nil ot i hi Ctil mi inland tiu-iou,
Kugland; Miss 1'. K. Naihuu, Mlus M. 11.
Nathan unit Miss Ilcuysmun of the China
Inland mission are supposed lo have been
with this party and iu have shared their
fate, but a this is not cuullrmed, they tire
put in the list of missing.
At Klu Choii, I'll- Ulan. July ll and 12 -Hev.
D. ll Thompson, Mrk. Thumpsou, two
children, Miss Desmond, Mlfs Manchester,
Hev. (1. K. Ward. Miss Ward, ono child,
Miss Sherwood, Miss i'hlrgood, all of tho
China Inland mission, Kugland.
Knroute to Hankow fioiu Shansl Miss
Hlce, July Mr, .Sauuders and child. A
Hell; July 27, Mr. Saunders' child. Jessie;
August J, Mrs. R, J. Cooper; August t, Miss
Huston, August 11, Hev. Whltehouse, Mr.
Whllehouse, all of the Kngllsh -Baptist
mission, K'ngland, .Mr. Iluynon .Mrs.
II,..,., 1,.n nil ,.f l... Illllul. '
' ' """!
ind Korelgn lilblu society, Unglaud; Mr.
.Miller it ii. Mrs. Wilson, one child. Mrs
J. Stevens, Miss M. K. Clarke, of the China
Inland mission, Knglund.
The following is a llt of the missionaries
who are unaccounted for to date (Septem
ber 5). It only Includes those who were In
the provinces most affected by tho Iloxer
troubles, viz: Chi Ll and Shansl:
The last word from the following who
weer stationed In northern Shansl was May
S. Mr. S. McKee, Mrs. McKyo, I. Anson.
Mvm. Annuo. WrA. AHtxlpn. Miss M. H. Mmllli
-N,r. Persson, Mrs. Persson, Miss O. A.
, ,,. , .,. t. ,
UIISUU, .'linn i.iinuni, iiitn iftii . i riri.iun,
Mr. G. 12. Karlberg, A. Johauson, Mr. Hed-
hind, all of the China Inland mission, Kug
land. Tho last word from the following was
June HO- Mr. Ogren. Mrs. Ogren, Mr. Peat.
Mrs. Peat, Miss Dubson, Miss Hum, Miss
E. Nathan, Miss M. H. Nathan, Miss lieays
man, Mr. Young, Mrs. Young, Mr. Harnatt,
Mr. Woodroffe, Dr. Howeti, all ot the China
Inland mission, England.
No word from the following has been
heard: Mrs. S. Olsen, Mrs. K. Olson, Mr.
K. J. Compers and child, Mr. Lutley's
! children.
! At To I Yuen Fu, Shansl, June 27 Miss
Coombs of the Shuyong (Independent
u ,, u . mUulon BnKllina. Tlie
evl'aeuce or ller, lH a lelt,r ln G.
man, dated July 0, and acen by Mr. Stoven-
aon of the China Inland mission, In which
It Is stated there was a ilot June 27, In
which Dr. Kdwards' hospital was destroyed
and Miss Coombs killed (by being thrown
into the burning building.)
It is believed that all of the missionaries
who were In To I Yuen Fu at the time ot
Miss Coombs' death wore mashacied ou tho
9th of July. There were there only thirty
one names, six short of the number said to
have been massacred, according to Chinese
olliclal repcrts, but It is known those living
at plitees ueur to the capital were urged by
the local oQlclals to take, refuge In Tat Yueu,
because (as they afterward suld), they were
unwilling to kill thu missionaries, and sent
them to Yu Ilslon, the governor, lo butJiei
Supposed to have been killed at Tal 1 urn
1'u, July 9 Hev. T. W. Plggott, Mrs. I'ig
gott, Dr. Lovatt, Mrs. Lovatt, one ihlld, Hev.
W. G. Stokes, .Mrs. Slokes, Hev- J. Simpson,
Mrs. Slmpsou, Hev. A. Hoddle, Miss Duval,
all of the "Shao Yang" mission; Hev. (1. i.
Farthing, Mrs. Farthing, two children, Miss
Stowart, Hev. T. J. Underwood, Mrs. Un
dorwood, Mr. O. Oberg, Mrs. Oberg, O. Fors
berg, Mrs Foibbcrg, C. Illomberg, Mrs.
Hloniberg, W. Noren, Mrs. Noren, A. Fager
holm, Ft. Jacobsen, li. Andersou, Airs. K.
Anderson. Mr. Hook, Mr. Hook. A. Sand
berg. A. K. Palm, Miss K. Kricksen, o. Ulng
niurk, Mrs. O. Hlngiunrk, V. Nystrom, Mrs.
F. Nystrom, M. Nystrom, Mrs. .M. Nystrom,
C. Poderbauni, .Mlb. C. Soderbaiim, A. Lnr
seti, Mrs. A. Larson, C. K. Lundberg, .Mrs.
0. Lundberg, seventeen children lu the mis
sion, all of them Christian and Missionary
alliance (American).
Tho following aio said (o bo lu hiding:
Mr. Kay, Mrs. Kuy, Mr. (i. McKie. .Miss
Chapman, Mis Way, all of ihu China In
land mission, Lngland.
In tho province of Chlh Ll the fol
lowing art unaccounted for: .Mr. Greene.
Mrs. Greene, two children, MIsA Gregg, all
of tho China Inland uiUslon. Knglund.
Those people are repelled to be in the
hands of tho Motors at a place eight mu.i
from Tien Tsiu; Mr. Grlillth, Mrs. Grllllth,
Mr. Drown of tho China Indlaad mission
Knglaud. These three peoplo are supposed
to be in the Jail at Shuen Teh: Hev. W. A.
McCurrarh, Mrs. McCurrach, Hv. H.
Dlxou, Mrs. Dixon, Hev. S. W. Knuals.
Miss It. C. Henant of iho Kngllsh Daptlsi
mission; Hev. Atwater, Mrs. Atwater, Hev.
I i iapp, .!. i iuiji, .tiiot it. turn, jiuv. iarK
Williams, uov. uavis wuuari iprmmDly),
Hov. Price of the American Hoard Mlsslou.
ln thu above list there nru 17S peoplo.
very few, It any of whom will escape, of
these, slxty-sK aro women, sevenl y-threu
men nnd thirty-nine aro children.
In tho above totai there aro the follow
ing Americans: Tweuty-flvo men, tvventj
four women (sixteen married und eight
single) and twenty children; total, bixty
nlne Americans.
Total killed, about whose death thero
Is no quern Ion, eleven men, six married
women, thirteen single women, thirteen
children; total, forty-three. Of these lulled
tho following were Americans: Threo men,
one married woman, six single women,
three thlldren; total, thirteen.
Of thoso lu Tai Yuen Fu, who vvero un
questionably mnssncred, July 9, ten were
men, nlno married women, four slnglo
women, seven children; total, thirty, all
Thero aro still somo missionaries ln the
provinces of Kansuh and Kvvelohow who
have not been heard from for somo time,
but there is good reason to hope they will
get to places of safety.
(ill-Is Strike for Heller Pny
AKUON, O.. O.-t. P.One hundred nnd
fifty girls employed in the packing depart
ment of the American Cereal company quit
work today after the denial of their de
mand for an Increase from "0 to 90 cents
per da).
A ll II ll ci I MeclliiK "r nloli I'lti'llle
storUmlilri Held lit Milt
I. ilk e.
SALT I.AKn, ' Oct. The annual meet
ing of the stockholders of th I'nlon Pa
cific railroad fir the election of directors
was held In this city toda. George Q.
Cannon presided. There were no changes,
the following directors being re-elected
Oliver Ames, Horace G. Hnrt, George 0.
Cnnnou, T. Jefferson Coolldge, Jt , John
W. Dunne, Louis I'ltzgcrald, George .1
Gould, Kdwnrd II. llnrrlumn, Marvin
Hughltt, James 11. Hyde. Otto II. Kahn,
ltoswell Miller, Wlnslow K. Pierce. Jacob
II. Schltf nnd James Stlllmr.n.
No other business ot importance wns
transacted. The Oregon Short Line meet
ing will be held tomorrow.
Old Alton l'neiiKPi- Chief Clioeii
liinli-iiinii of .! 1 riumeon
lllleiitlll ANMie III I lull.
CHICAGO, Oct. (i. The i omtnltlec ap
pointed by the transcontinental lines to
select a chairman and place of hindquar
ters for the new Transcontinental pabscu
gor association have chosen Janus Cnurl
ton, formerly general ptssenger agent of
the Chicago & Alton, lis chslriunti of the
new bssoi latlou, nnd have decided on Den
ver as headiiunrtelK.
I.iih It lite fur .Settler lu N or t li m i I.
ST. PACL, Minn., Oct. P. The Northern
Pacific today announced u general reduc
tion lu their settlers rates from Chicago
and St. Paul to all points Let wren Little
Palls and Aitkin, Minn., nnd Helena. Hutte.
Spokane, Seattle and Portland, Ore., be
ginning on October 16 next and effective
each Tuesday thereafter and lm Hiding No- I
vember 27 of thu piebeut year and same ,
days from rebrtiary 12 to April oO, In- i
elusive, PiUl. These reduitlon.i will 1
average mi one-way nnd round-trip nvn
from 2.1 to -10 per cent and It Is poutldentlv 1
believed by the olllclals Hint they wilt en
able the Northern Paclllc to Increase i'
average yearly Immigration from lo.nuo to '
upwards of persons.
This low baslx of rates ii inw orfpred
for the first lime to Minnesota, North Da
kota, Manitoba, Central Montana and the
famous Palouse, Walla Walla and Clear
water country, also to South llend and the
Grays Harbor eouiilt).
Tliede new rates meet the reduced raie
announced hist week by the Great North
ern for the western portion of the road
and also makes the sumo low rules effect -
Ive on this end or the line.
- -
Will Unlld ,. I.,.,.
CHKYKNNU. Wyo.. Oct. J. (Special. )-
The Gerlug & Southern railroad has been
Incorporated and will build u roud from
Scotts lllulfs, on the Hurllngton's Alllame-
Guemsey line, to Ucrlng, Neb . a dlslunce
of three miles. When the Hntiington built
south from Alliance the people of Gerlng
iiiiido btretiuousy efforts to have the Hue
pass through their town, one of tho largest
settlements in that section. Tho Hurllng
lou refused .and established a new town
three miles distant from Gerlng. The
citizens of the lltle town are bound to have
a railroad and will build the three-mile
line at once. The Incorporators and ill
rectors are- H. W. W. Kayre, president,
Hubert H. Nceley, vice president, and Mar
tin Gchrlug, treasurer.
AVImpoiinIii SIiiivvn 111k Iiii-iiIiiks.
M1LWAUKEK, Oct. 9. The ilrst annual
meeting sluco reorganization of tho Wis
consin Hallway company w-as held at the
general olUces of the company in Ibis city
today. Tho board of directors elected for
tho ensuing year wns m follows: George
Coppol, John Crosby Urown, William L. Hull,
Charles C. Ik-amnn, James C. Colgate, Fred
T. Gates, Gerald L. Iloyt. all of New York;
Francis II. Hart, lloston, and II. F. Whit
comb and Howard Morris of Milwaukee.
The annual report shows: Gross earning".
$r.37.41G.18; operating expenses, $;.:,M,
935.73; net earnings, 2,0;fi.4S0.-iri.
lii-rut Wettrrn Ciiiihi-n Troulilr.
CHICAGO, Ocl. 9. A Joint meeting of the
Omahu, St. Paul and Kansas City commit
tees was held here today for the purpose of
ndjustlng certain dlflercnces. The trouble
seemed lo be with the Great Western,
which iu some wny has gotten ahead of
the agreement and has eutered Into u dis
pute with the other lines regarding it
The mutter w-as put Into the hands of a
committee, which labored with the Great
Western olllclals for sonm time. Late In
the day a second meeting was held but
no result was galtied.
llullviiiy iten Mini I'erMUiiu In.
I"rauk IL Heach. traveling passenger
agent of the Minneapolis & St. Louts, from
.Minneapolis, und U. D. Hogers, district
passenger agent of ttie Northern Pari tic ut
Dps Moines, are interviewing loial passen
ger men.
T. ll. general wesiprn freight
agent of the Nashville. Chattanooga & St.
l.ouis, Is le tin- 'Uy from St. Lulls. He
Is ueompaiiled i) J. 11. Duller, traveling
freight agent for the same line, whose
liiailiiuurteis are In Kansas City.
I.eelu.'e for Stoekmeii,
TUHNTON. N'oK. Oct. 9. (SiH-rlal.) The
fanners and stock raisers of this county
are called lo meet In convention hero Oc
tober 18 to consult with Di. A. T. Peters,
animal pathologist of tho State university.
The doctor will addrt.vs the convention upon
"D.seaiie of Stoi k."
This is a critical par lot!
in iho Hie of every woman
nincl no mistakes should
ho made
Tho ono recognized and
roiiahlc help for women
who aro approaching and
passing through this
wonderful change is
Lydla E. Pinkham's VejteUblt Compound j
Thai the utmost reliance
can be piac&d upon this
great nsodiahta is test!"
ficd to toy an ssrmy of
grateful women who have
boon helped hy it,
Mrs. Pinkhant, who has
the greatest and most
zucGtrss fuI oxperienco in
ifiQ world to uualify her,
Mill adviso you free of
ohargot Her address Is
Lynn, Mass, Write to hor.
Tho Hue lma arranged with Tho International Cornponfionce Schools, o
ScnTnloiTiTa.Ttu present to "the ten persona securing "tho
1 a rgeyTn umbo rd ol votes between now and .Novum ber i5. It) UP.
The pprsnn receiving the liirgcMt number of voles will have the rliolce of one of
the follow Iiik ten scholarships.
The person receiving the nest largest number of votes, the second choice.
The person receiving the third largest n umber of votes, the third choice, and so
on, until the ten persons receiving tUo largest number of votes have eacii .selected
a. scholarship.
I. I'rer eliolni-lili In Meeliuiil
I'lil I J iii I n -r I li
It ImtltiK Histruetioii in iirlthiiieti".
toimulan, geomotrlcul drawing, tne
ii . ,. i ,r.. Omni hit'i'ii'ti n if ttii
i nuinelrv. elf uielitury muclianlcH. il
iliKmeeliHiiler1, iiunim. logurltlim.
inieuiuuiu-s. neut. Htrnni mid steam
i ngiiir, sireiigiti of niMteriulH. uppllc i
met lu. ult s, neiim boileiM. mat-lime l -uHii
"'in d ndiiiuu Htio motors.
U. I'ree eliiiliiilillt I" Ulee-M-leill
!i .r , ii.str ic.iuii In iirillinn
Tii 1I MUr gei M.i trb itl iliuwlng. mo
il. ulll. C, gLonu-try una tr
i.iiiini' tr-. . i iMiiieiitarv iiK-chunlcH. i -i.iijtii'
b.MitiM, ulgtnra, lonarltbliis.
; iieiiti.Jtlcs, heat, stcuin und steam en
yuyf. utleliglli or inaleriH.M, npi'He't
i i. eliuuu s. meum bollera. miuliuie de
fit.ii principles of elect r-ii'it) . el. eti'
ni inraHurettH'lits, applied eleotrli It) ,
I .UeiHS. eiei ll-ii' tr.iiiMuoHliin. lie- -tr.
talivviivs. elei trie lighting, desir..'
ut i ontlnttoiis-eiirreiit tnr
Mpehliiery. ileslgn i t eoiHlmmtis-ciii -rein
motors, principle "t alternating
eiil K'ti! uppiiratiis. Ui Hign ol allot mil-ing-i
urreni appurnl us.
'iiiis scliiilnisliii lm i ides ft free out -lit
of eleetrleitl iiprorittu.H with w hit ii
t.. ilu Hie work ot the eoiirse.
fl. V I'rei- t.eliuliir-ilili In Ai-elil-trelnre.
liieliillug instriiction In nrlthmetle.
f'irniu'.as, geomrtr) and meiisuriitlHii
geometrlenl drawing. urchileottn il
uruwlng. ornameutHl drawing, ad
vanced drawing, muson
rv. cnrpuntry. Joinery, stulr liulldlng.
nrnamental Ironwork. looillng. she .i
on till w-nrk. eb-etrle light wiring ami
Each Course in Bound
Knell of these coirses will Include
question papers and drawing plates ;
with, und In addition a .oinplete set
hund-onielv und durubly bound in
Imok of formulas und Kevs fur the
course, for use us lefereliee books
Window Display
15th and Douglas Streets.
How to Vote
Kueli coupon must beiir the nnnu- of (he porsui. for whom .von
wish io voif.
Tho rei-onls of the eoiiipotllorx will bo Khown In every issue of
TUK TUCK, nnd volt's will be received until midnight of Nov.
inrmnn nlariOD' PUIS t" ' "f . ,(: l"'","' 'M H""
ft ,Vl. AHwn. ieti!, cr'djtue'.n.oiii..i. Cures Uoat, Manhood, I m-
l?OH SAI.ll ItV 3IVI5U.llll.l.O
j For
Two Editions Printed and Sold Last .Uonlli
November Number,
Tlie i Severest iuui strongest I-ciituri.!- li jhclIw
' By Rev, Braddin Hamilton
Wlicrciii the eminent Newporl divine advances some,.: , tit. us oi a
most interesting subject.
.MISS VANDHLllL'K IMKAIK .... P.y Helen .ilikcxtj
DON Jl'AN (Cuiito XVII) H KicL.ird llovuy
I.OVIJ IN AN OI'1-.U.V UOX - I5y .M .ry tt-vv.u t Cnttliig
SOdlHTY IN UO.MH My Julb n (iorJon
TIUNtiS At 'UK AND AUOIiNT - I5y .Mi.h .! Clillonl White
A LA Mi IN LKNOX ' Kate Mattel sou
Forty-Five Other Stories, Sketches, Etc.
Hv the Brightest Writer, of the Day.
Hill PAtiliS Ol" UKAOINti MA l l l.K 25 CJiN I S IMiU COPV
CIrfri1 nfffr fnf t))f riibscrlbi ra who now tend $3 00 tllm reg
jpttlill Ulltl I Wt uur subscription), either dire.- or
through a hcwb dah-r, will receive nil ntimbirs of tho Jnnirt Pet from now until
January, 1002
A Word to Advertisers
The peetlllar and wlde'ipread Interest fell In Tho Hmart Bet l.-iRfuIno ban bern
ttiorouglily demonstrated both by its phenomenal and increasing sales und bt
tho remarkable result which the nngazlne has brought to Its advertisers Ad
vertUera dpslrlng space in thu Deicrnutr .Mimbcr Phi uld applj at once. ,1I cop
should bo In by the 20th Inat.
wot mn
bcllvvnrk. plumbliiB and gas uttlng.
Iicatlng and vomuutlim. painting and
iteooiuttn, etilmatinti nun elucidat
ing quHiitaleB, hlBtory of architecture,
iirchlluuturul detlgli, Hpeclllcutlolis.
biillalng superintendence, toutrueis,
permllB, eti . und nrehiteetuml engt-
, A I'l-re Selioliirnlilii
I'iikD"''-' Ins.
In I It II
ti i-liidlnn lnstriictiun in in P bnietu-.
tormuiuM Kouii!trirul iir.iwtnu. nn -(liunicii:
ilruwlug. geonietr.t; unit trig
iiiioniulry. elementary mechanics, m
lpoiu, toitarltlims, h)il-uiiiies, pneu
nutlif. eieineiiiiio- giiiplmul statics.
Mieugth or inulerUls, iiti.ilsis of
suvsaes, iiruportloums the mutuiial.
ilelulls ol const r loi luii. uitalU, bills
and estimates, Hiil-ve) lug. liind sur
viving, mapping, rni'tuml u .itlon.
railroad eunstriuttonr- traik work,
l.illioiul sirueliiri".. uiHluuge, wer
uge. streets ami lilKhwu.vs, paving,
vviiter-vvhrels, liydrnuiii' meeliltier) .
water supply nnd illftrilutKm. irrlgu
lion. heat, sleuin nnd steum engines,
sieuin liollern, lneoliu)tlves, ilynumos
ana motor.-, neeine iiislmng. lectin
iullvva)s, ilesiiipilve iistroiinmy, ele
mentiiry rhemlsir.v . geol'ig-.. l!ow pip
lug anil iiilneritloloK)
r,. V I'ree Selioliirsliln In nnttni-)-Pliiiutihm,
llriillou nod Venti
lation. Including llii trit.Mlon In arithmetic,
eeomeliuiil iliuwing. nn i Ituilieai
uraw-iiifr. mensurailou. tiieehanlri.
..t t.t. nti.i iiriiiiiiiir,. tr. m unil u:is-
I illiii'ii.p. ! , . . .
ttlng. uiu! b.'liwetk. prlnelplet
r ii.lliii! and ventilation, steam
. . 1...1 .....i.,,' Imutllip rilrrvii'..
leuilllK. ii" ,,7
Iieiiting. ventlhitlon of bitllillturs.
Form. On Exhibition
the liistruetlon and
necessary '"'J,X
of .the nJ ?i
leather, liiiludlng u
whole work of the
The bound volumes containing the Instruction nnd qur'
tiuli pupers of these courses, the drafting outfits, electri
cal oiitlllH and designing outtlt, lo be given with tho
eourses, are on exhibition ut the Continental Clothing Co,
und the pjbllc Is lordlully Invited to come and wee them.
('tit nut the itltiu'lietl VotliiK Cou
pon, uiitl niiill or bring 11 ! Uie busi
ness ullloi' of Till-: HHI3.
1)11 L (i CO.. HIT 1 1 AM) l'll.3t.
Jt WHm Dm
1 1
Satirical Annising
Out ToDay, Conlains
TUB SlllllT MVI', 11:15 llltOAIlU.i V, n York,
i'liiiliirlili lu nient-
Ine iiUlug Instruction In artthmetle.
elementary algebru and irlgontimetrlo
f urn tlons. physios, hemtH
Iry, ltioiguulo oheinlstrv. nun inatlv.i
analysis, urgunti; clitittilstrv mi.i ii-i.iu-tltutive
7. A I'l-e Stioiiilili In oui
uierelul llruuelies.
liic'iiillug lostiufitoli In nritlimetir.
spellliig, v 1 1 H ,t : ,ir ui. lining pinmuo
snip, granuniir, piliu tuallnn. letter
w riling, single entrt liookKeeplug.
double ontrt liouimeepltiK. opening,
liustiig und . bunging Iiooks unit steti
t'Hrapli.v .. A Kerr
1)1' II iv luu.
In .lie-
lui'ludlng liistruetlon In utiilimetlc
It'I lllllllin, Itllll Illt-lintil tttltni. fe-t,iiiuii i-
uil driivvini: uiul meeliuuii'ul tlrawluj.
This M holurHbip Includes i ciiii:io
drafting uuttlt, ictull price, Jl.'.&o.
A I'ree Se ll o III l h ll I u lu Areliln
leetiirnl Di ll tt Ion.
iMi'udlng ill nrltbnietp,x
geollietiy und mi'IiHUIiitlutl. genitietii- J
ml drawliig. ar. Iilteeturul diuwiliKj-'
ornameiitiil dtawlig and mlt-aucml
itreliiteetunil Ira wing
I Ins .Mi'iioiursliip n,t.iudeH a complete,
tmltlt, leiutl prli'f . $12 .'
HI. A I'ree feliula rli I i In Ornn
iiienliil Ortlnii.
iucliidln ltmtructl'iii lu geometrlenl
drawing, fteeliand draw lug. historic
ornament i onipetlllon and applied de
sign. 'i Ills seholatslilp Itipludes a complete
tlelgnlng outtlt. retnl! prue, J9.r.
at Continental Clothing Co.
For ovory 1.00 paid on sub
scription to Tho Daily or Weekly
Hoo, the Subscriber will be enti
tled to 100 votes.
Voting Coupon.
St. and No
If cot, you have mlflfei a cood thlni.
This exrjulglte malt beverage stands on a
utilquo bails. It sells Itself. Its fault n1
reputation la the envy of many. The palaU,
tho bcnuCclal results achlcvod "within" tha
inner man aro the only and real Judgci ot
Its merits. Approved ot by them, It tri
umphantly enters innumerable households.
Where Cabinet enters, doctora and dru(
Mils exit.
iimuwki) ii r
i itc.o icrtio nitnwi.xfi co
IMlfc'ie lt!. 031AIIA. NRIU
Ik Ground floor
; Office
Witli n Rlrr
n . -. , m
van ii
located right on Karnam Rtreet, In tgg
1TUK PltoOP building Is an oppor-
t nit y whli h may not oome again (orj
jeuri. There Ih anotbor laree room 4
Jdjolulng vvhli b you may have. If you jg
vvstil It which opens on the oourt.
Dloctrlr light, brut and janitor serv-
i e tire Included in the rental. a
Dpstdew there Is an advantage In m
being In the best building in town.
; R. C. Peters & Co.,
Uental Agents,
a (.round I lour, Rep, Building.
V Hlifii tor uunktural
in 1 i'i i an.
UatfLUr ll
r4 trritntUn or tikratlur?
J B nmt. tu ttdr
--tfT'i tt jiiit-e t'hlnlci), nit' not tvitria
tu iu 11 11 u 4 nif iu vittiit's
ll III I'l Bill II I C
hf ntprfu, prepitid, Ut
I !.(, or I Ultlf, 13.7ft.
1 'ryw