. Z2 THE OMAHA DAILY UKRi STXDAT, OCTOlVRTt 7, 1000. TRAMP IONS HIS W AY OUT Hobo's Aversion to Work Stimulate Him to Outwit Tanner's Sons. PLAN OF YOUNG RUSTICS NEATLY FOILED Vnntlcror Solicit Mm I anil I Ciiii ronloil ii It ti U nnd I'llo, Wlion iiikiii He I on t, V Hi Win I'liml Without Worli. Tho truth is out about llic burning of IVarrwr j u I'varm' cm-rlaKd h.uiv .n wow tliu di iKlibum have laa Uugh on John end Kd. tin' farmer's strapping i,u, I. tho t on j had not been la-.y, nay theje neigh bor. ho thing woultl not hu-.e hftppenou. but ihi Hni,M aver that thu.r indokiio t,r lndu iry r.ad tiolhtiiR to do with It and that turv li, kod tho tramp in the carriage bou:;i '. Uiw lomo fun with him. As t the caw...; ,.f the wood, they wMlltlnt have Ullrich 1 I- ,i The wholo ihlllK was u Joke. T. lie ur', the iramp ui riled th Joke on t hi m they aro willing to admU that Turmer Kwiiis and wlfo mid llte.r two liu.ky hoii.h iiBd 20 utiil 22, live on a well tilled and improved tract of land atiout two mi.e- rst of Kloroiue. !horily ulttr iiom on Krlilay Sir. I' ana hltchc I up io ih' rarrlnKo to tako his wife to town. "Now there'll bo nothing for you boys to do thu afternoon," he said, ' except to taw op that pile of wood, ' liidlcitliif? u Bcore or so of drkd tree trunhs, "and I ahull rr-pert to find a all unwed and piled up ninly whin I km home." An hour pussed. The boy were In tho liou. . loading some oh lis for quiill shoot vim there was a timid knock at the kitchen door John answered it. "Kd rami- his voice a moment later, "here o a trump that wants something to cut " l.d ward, who Is a resountful yctins; man and will be ii stat"Siimil some day, suddouly thoUKbt of "omethitig. Ho would make, tho tramp earn his luncheon by having him Buw that wood. Tho proposition was submitted to th" hobo, who icndlly iibnonud to It. but wlih this amendniuit: Ho wanted the meal first Ha iuk hud nothlnK to eat for twenty four bonis, he was too wonk to work without refreshment. Trump ItrmciiilM i n CnmiKr rnciit. This tieeined rensoiiahl. . Tho meal was forUicominK, the Intmuid 't.nrry w.ib Intro duced to the woodpile, th- snwlmck and tho saw and tho i.ohh of Kviinn returned to tnoir Hiieii-ioadliiK-bui only to bo Inter rupted a moment Inter. John happtned to look out of the window Just In tlmo to hco tho tramp scurrying iliiotiKh tho black berry pauli towaid tin road. Immediately both were In hot pursui'. Tho (lrlino.ii'nl was overhauled and led back, for ho was but a plaything In tho bauds of th, two brawny youni; farmer. "Lttu loi k him In the cnrrlURO houso," BUCKeated Kd. Tim was dene, but later the plan was amplified in this way: Quo of the boys remained In the Cnrrlnso house to watch tho pnsonor. while the other drugRod In the logs, the sawbuck and the saw. ' Now. when you saw that wood we'll turn you loose, and not before," I hey said to him They locked the door, nnd, as they walked uway the tramp trilled the refrain of that lyric hucccbh - JiiHt tell them that you now me, ltut mhi didn't Hue mo saw. Tho shcll-i belni; loaded. John nnd nd ward sauntered forth to Imr a few quail. They wnndered through tho pasture, made a dolour to avoid the hedge nbout IJcaton rortcra murblu Held and disappeared In a wilderness of ripening torn. Tho tramp wa.i watching them through a crevice. 'Gosh' ho led us a merry chase," re marked John "And it was hard work packing that wood in thoro," returned Kd. " Twould u-been eaBlcr to 'vo sawed It ourselves," said John. "Hut not as much fun," said Kd. The boys didn't stay out long enough to got any quail, because they saw tho llnmca leaping up over Doaeon Porter's hedge, and habtoned back, arriving Just In tlmo to save two old horse collars nnd a pair of doublo trecB from tho burning carriage shed. Larry wits nowhero to bo seen. It was not known whether he suwed tho wood or tint nu all evidence on that score wns-d"Htroycd, but It la reasonable to supposo that ho dldn t Karmer J W. Kvans called nt tho police station yerterday with Ed. his eldest son, nnd gave a description of tho trump. If tho lat ter is apprehended Parmer Evnna will file tt charge of arson aqalust him. A Ncmv riil'iitNliliiK .no,!. Store. 1) D Carter, well and favorably known In thla city, having been connected with tho- Continental Clothing company, liar Just engaged in business for himself and 1ms opened nn elegant furnishing goodt btoro In tho Her drand hotel block. 615 Bouth Sixteenth street. His stock com prises all tho very latent In furnishings from tho medium to tho highest price. Call unil see him. llrjns' Krp. Souvenir Coiil Intiril, In Octobei with each now dor.cn Plntluo Cablnots or larger photoa wo give a beau tiful water color FHEE. Hoyn. tho Pho tographer, 313-317 South Fifteenth. TO. GaSifornia. and Oregon triiiiiijiiiwi iiinwiiiii.iinMiMiiiiiiBi mm 'MMrMMtMiMahMtMMnrMrTw,.MiMM, Special Attention niven to Ladles niiJ Cliiltliou Travel. Thoy aro well cared for by tho (Joniluo Ini; A One. lorj w ho accompany each of thcee excur- sIpiib to California nnd Oreson. nnd passenKorn can depend upon rocelv- In tho most courteous treatment. The Co in' tic tors are all men of exporlcnco In excursion travel and will seo that tho comfort of nil patrons U carefully attended to. One of the .Most Attractive Features oft lies. Kncui sions There Is a dlffereneo between tho flMt and la the hdonumv. second class passaso In railroad and sleep- lnK care fares of nearly 2o per paseenKer. This sum can be saved by pationiitni? tho I'nloii raclflc I'crsonnlly Conducted Excursions. The New Pullman Ordinary Sleeping Cars nsslcned to 'this servlco' wero built expressly to' accom modato the excur.tonlsts to California and Oregon. AH Are I,lht.'d with the famous I'INTSCII UOHT. aro well ventilated havo separate Invutoriea for ladles and Rcntlcmrn, and all cars are car peted and upholstered, with movable partitions BeparatlnK tho sections thus Insurlnu all tho utmost privacy. ' No SinoUiili Is Allowed In the excursion cars, there being A SmotUii Car provided for thnt purposo on tho train. THE rVJOVE EXCURSIONS LEAVE 0WU EVERY FRIDAY flew City Ticket Office 1324 Farnam St. Tel. 316. MmniivMinmf key pays in promises lln Mmtr ,o Itroont Kiitlriivnr IIIk I'p (lie Muiir) llrniiinilril 1) Inltnl Hliitra. In Washington, Oct. 6 inquiry at the State department dlscloftrg the fact that there have been no recent developments In tho matter of the claim of the t'nlted Stntcft (iKalnut Turkey for Indemnity on account of missionary property destroyd lit Harpoot and elsewhere several year ei?o. The claim ha been presented several times to the Turkish Koxernnient, tho most recent presentation bclnn made by Mr. Orlsrom, our charite d'affaires ut Constan tinople. In each case tho Turkish govern ment Instead of repudiating tho claim has promised a settlement and this Is the latp of the east nt presint. Homo months ano Hear Admiral Ahmed of the Turkish navy cpme over here to plirrhaso a ship, with the tmomrially understood purpose of com promising with the claimants under the over of the purchase. He carried home a number of plans from American ship " . I""" i"' ""V'. BU builders, but ho did not buy .!,. m .,.... eminent Its dissatisfaction with Its dil.i torlliess the State department has allowed Mr. Htraiiss, our minister to Turloy, to to malu In tho United Stales. There the mat ter remains for the present. There have been no developments and none Is ex pected In tho very near future. Army Deelxlim A iiro eil, WASHINGTON'. Oct. fi. -The War depart ment has approved an exhaustive oplnlcu by Judgo Atlvocate (ienornl I.elber to the effect that absentees from a volunteer regiment, save prisoners of war, are dis charged from the service on the name dato upon which their organization Is mus tered out. The decision was Impor' in, us affecting the pay and status of many otllcors serving on detached duty. I'liliiiliitlini of Nim I III ill m III re. WASHINGTON. Oct. C As olllclnllv an nounced lalo today tho population of tho state of Now Hampshire Is 411,688. In lSItO mo I'opiiintion was HTfi.lHO, the Increase being 3&,0.iS, or ft.'! per cent. li'tiMiiN Iti-ttiriiN Ainimiiieeil. WASHINGTON, Oct. (l.-Tho census bit rcua announces tiint tho population of latoma, Wash., Is S. .714. ns against .IC.OtteJ In 1S0O. This Is nn Increase of 1,70s, or i.ii per cent. i Aot :if, nut aitir. in nayuun uros.- ntilct Inst Sunday Tho Hee made a bad error In stating that tho loiiowing pieces of music "Tho Tale of Kangaroo," "Sla Tiger Uly," -nird In wimcii t;ago. "sing SIo a Song of tho htinny botith ' would bo sold for 3 cents. it snouiu ravo been 23 cents. amnion warren, M. u Eclectic and magnetic physician, ofuco at tho Central Hotel, corner North Fifteenth and Dodse streets, till a suitable location can bo found. Special Httentlon to all long stand ing or Ilngeiins diseases and to diseases of women and children Don't put it off, but seo G. E. Shukert at onco anout your fur or sealskin s&rmonts 315 South ICth street. Seo the new shirts In our window for Jl.ou. Kelley & Hoyden, 16th & Chicago st. Hubormnan, Jeweler; est. 1866; absolutely reliable; lowest price guaranteed. 13 & Doug Illank book nnd magazine binding. A. I. Hoot, 414-416 South Tv-ifth street. laitc your lunch at Slaurer's, 1306 Far- nani bt. Genuine Imported beer. A nice assortment of fali woolens Mndquest's, tailor, 316 S. 16th. at Williams tc Smith Co. announce tho ar lival of fall nnd winter woolens. Wertrlno prevents baldness, reraoTes dandruff. Sold at 1615 Douglas street. Frnnces I). Coutta, plnno and harmony, 9 a. m. to 1 p. m.. 322 Ramgo bldg. Uowllng alley, Ed. Heyden. 1519 Chicago. G. W. Wert, dentist, 1615 Douglas street. Lillian Flten, oratory, 302 Hoyd theater. Have Rotit print it. Dash Drug Cutlers Our store still remains tho chief drug emporium of tho ralddle-west. "CHIEF, ' not because we SAY bo, but for tho reason that our stock comprises at all times all of the arti cles for which thero Is a demand In this section. Our service Is a skilled nnd adequato ono our prices Invaria bly as low as aro mado by ANYONE for articles identlcnl in quality. WE QUOTE TRICES from tlmo to time, but wish our patrons to romembor that wo always have tho GOODS und THE PRICE. Write for Catalogue. Slwman&, McConnell Drug Go COR. 16TH AND DODGE ST. The Popular Personally Conducted Excursions iim Cn-.1i ( nine I'rotnptl.r, On September i!9 the general tncrchan dlso store of Puffer llros. & Co. at Val ley, Neb . was destroyed by lire. It was Insured In the I'hoenlx of Hrooklyn for 14.300 und tho loss wns paid In full on urtober 6. such promptness and square dealing in the settlement of n heavy loss Is worthy of the highest commendation and Nebraska people are to bo congratulated upon tho fact that such a reliable aud substantial company Is doing business In the state. The following letter Is self explanatory: VALUKV, Neb., Oct. r,..JM0. To tho Pub lie: We feel it n duty and also a pleasuro to tnus publicly acknowledge the square, honesU-llbcral treatment wo havo re ceived from tho Phoenix Insurance com pany of Hrooklyn. N. V.. through their adjuster. SI. SI. Hamlin of .Omaha. Within a week .after the lire occurred wo have received cash payment of our entire amount of loss, nnd tho manner and mcthed pursued by the Phoenix is ono thnt entitles It to the fullest and most complete confidence of all parties seeking rename tire insurance. PI I'I'KR BIIOS. A CO., PKIl A. SI. PUFFER. To tu Dm- on Mt'Klnlry. DOUGLAS, Wyo., Oct. C (Special.) Numerous election bets havo been made here. Tho Inst one was when George llolln bet $500 against $1,000 thnt Hrynn will bo the next president. John .Morton and John Williams took tho big end of the wager. Twn to one money Is being offered on Slc Klnley In all parts of tho county, but with few takers. This Fectlon will roll up the Inrgest republican majority this fall In the history of the county. Will WurU for MeKlnlcy. LAUASIIE, Wyo., Oct. 6. (Special.) Two moro candidates on the democratic county ticket have withdrawn from the race. They are Chris SIndscn nnd Gcorgo W. Storey, lloth men have come out for SIcKInley and will havo nothing to do with the demo crats, Charles De-Kay, nominated for county clerk by the democrats, has nlso withdrawn from the ticket. Tho democrats announce that they will fill the vacancies on the ticket nt once. IIiiIIiin, Ti'iiHi mill Itctiirn .l.lt Vln Hook Inlnutl Itmilc. Tickets on sale Oct. 7 and 8. Final re turn limit 30 days. Fast train leaves Omaha C:55 p. m. and arrives Dallas fol lowing evening City ticket office, 1323 Farnnm St. Salesmen Hy an old established Chicago tea, cigar and spleo jobbing house, a few more Ilrst-clnBS salesmen; state age, terri tory, experience, nverngo sales, salary or commission expected. Address C X tiCl, Tribune olllce, Chicago. Eggs is Eggs SAID AN OLD LADY who did not know that eggs were graded Into e?RS, fresh eggs tuid strictly fresh eggf when they g'it to market Same with drugs. In mnnj st'iret. ilruirs are drugs without any regard to their purity. Not ho here. In order to tie on my shelves drugs nnd chemlcnls havo 4'H to be absolutely pure. I would not risk my reputation by liming them i therwise. Cramer's Kidney Cure 75e Shnefer'H Couch Svnin ain Dr. Karl Kramer's I'ennyroynl Pills.. $1.00 .Mention h inicutn rowuer Ayor'i llnlr Vliror Iuffy'H Malt Whiskey 1 doz. 2-grnln Quinine Capsules.... 1 tloz. 3-griiIn Quinine Capsules 1 doz. R.gruln Quinine Capsules.... S. a. S Syrup of Flgx Miles' Nervine iMnlted Milk Pierre's Prescription Doan'H Pills I'nele Kam'H Tobacco Cure U'o toe 8ie "o lot: 13c 7e .'We 75o 10c T."e nc toe t.UT PRICK DRUGGIST W. Cor. mill mill ClileiiKo. HOWELL'S Fjon't suffer from n cold or coueh Anti-Kawf AntI - Knwf will atop and cure li .tli. Only 25e. All dniK-glets. Read Bik Bargains on Page 13. Ail the lewasi Styles and Best flukes of Shses on Sa'e, for Ladies, fosses and Children. shoes, with fine vici Jviti lops and I widths, B to E, at all sizes and Ladies' fine $2.50 and if 3. 00 single and double soles, all sizes, Misses' fine $2.00 vici kid lace I 4C shoe?, sizes 11-to 2, for ! J Misses' lino 1. 35 kid laco and but ton shoes, with double stitched soles, sizes 11 to 2, for IbUv Child's fine vici kid $1.75 laco shoes, sizes S to 11, for Child's dongola kid school shoes on sale at G9c, 75c and 'Square dealiiiR slionld be accompanied by politeness." You lire sure ol both wlicll you pruor SHERIDAN COAL Best coal mined in Wyoming. Clean ns hard coal and quite as lasting. VICTOR WHITE, QASE BURNERS, STOVES AND RAHuES, THE GENUINE R(OB OM STOVES, The MONITOR, The MAJESTfC and QUICK MEAL Siesl Hangas. Thousands of tliuso celebrated stovod and ranges aro in use in Onmha and vicinity. They have no equals. No. 8 Cook Stoves from $8.95 up. No. '6 Stool Kanges from $17.50 up. Hard Coal Bast) Burners from $15.75 up. Oak Stoves from $4.75 up. Hot Jilast J I caters from $0.75 up. Air-Tight Heaters from $2.45 up. The largest stock and greatest variety of Cook Stoves, Kanges, Base burners and Heaters in tho west. Stoves sold on payments. Cor, (4ih and Farnam Streets. Solo agents in Omaha for Kidianl Home and Garland Stoves, Genuine Round Oak Stoves, Monitor, Majestic and Quick Meal Kanges. ? 'fit's rMncnnii It is all EMPEROR "jiu. ?an... roil that is run Best Razor Made. rHI2 HHADQUARTHHS KOH- I HKi cicni.. !:ii'i:unit UA'.OHS, POCKUT KM VMS, e I e I e SCI.SSOIIS, IMP. O I SHAVING OUTFITS A HI'Ht'IAIrV 9 Jas. Morton & Sou Co. 151 1 DODfiK ST. TOOU UKADQfAHTKHS. Dull Razor la n r.ilarrnblc ttilni; to tis- Next to n com or tootlinrlip, It Is uUout the worst thins you can hr.vp. No iifcd for It. We enn noil you h OKNU1NI3 YANICKH 8THOO for Mc that Ih equal, and in somp cases, superior to many 60c and $1.00 strops. Try ono licforo tnoy aro an zone. KroR In tho Throat llroino Quliiino ilrown's TroclK'S Hull's Catarrh Cure Kondon's Catarrh .Tolly Ely's Cream 1-Salm.... Mnrshalt's Catarrh Syrup Hallcntlno's Catarrh Cure Humphrey's Catarrh Cure 20. Sykos' Catarrh Curo SO. Ozololl 131 I'lso Caturrh Curo '4' " ft. J. A, FULLER & CO. Cl'T-rillCIS Dili CJMSTS. l'oiirtcrntli nuil -niicinn Strep. Open All MKht. Big Sale of New Fall Shoes Monday The "Ultra" and Brooks Bros, fine Rochester made shoes for ladies. The famous "Merriam" make of shoes for misses. The "Pennant" school shoes for children. Ladies' lino hand turn and wult shoos, worth $5 and $0, A gfk for $3.00,53.50 and T-..UU Ladies' Hue 3.50 patent calf Jaco singlo ilexible solo.s, 'J Af Lrt'W vici kid lace shoes, with for KJOS l'a rn 11 m. Tel. l'J7. 03M !.20 1 no&CV. A.Jr- There Are Times 5 '5 0 00 00 0 m 0 0 0 0 A NEAT KITCHEN with stationery wash tubs, n i;ond X 0hlnk and bol'cr and hot water Hupply, w (Vutiil Iim- Wlt.iir n pi imblOK In Ki in ml, )r is Just as important In the lunut- as vmo H.iuitary piumiiinir m your nan 0riMitn Wi will nut linprovi'd plunili 0 Iiir In new biilUlliiKS. or relit old ones 0 ii with th.i llncst open pliimhlng, or o X tynnv Kinu 01 piiiiniiiiiK, steam anil b.is v r; llttltiR. on tin best Silintlllc liutllnds. 0 at low iirlces. 1 Free (S Black, i Phone 10.0. . . ISDti Furiiiiiii. 0 00l. " (i. 00 0 000 0 ' xl t IHI OS, I T f -HtL -4 2 U rlifefeas?rj?tfr 4 - ,rfEi X J?'' Jloatl Hiiydon's Haraiu Salos on Pac :. iy v i' l n. 'i c. n 1 ii'iiBM mwfm u r n n m w mi rm u n rj hrr MM y Vv b 1 u Aji n li u 1 lidBifcP that ilayden's show the 'greatest variety in men's clothing ans! sell the best clothing at than any store in You are invited to inspect our Men's nrass and Sami-nrus Suit nanarlmant. i Likewise the special offers herein made for Monday. AfEN'S C.OOD ALL WOOL MELTON SUITS In brown and Ian shades also line Worsted Suits lect nttinii e sew here &!) at liavdens f MEN'S FINE l'LIIJE WOl.STEl) of business suits single and double-breasted vests actual .912.50 our special price MEN'S FINE SUITS Made of Oxford vicuna in all the newest designs sold elsewhere at eighteen dollars special price at at..- MEN'S SUITS Made of highest grade vicunas, thibets and fancy worsteds in all the newest patterns and cuts the kind for which merchant tailors asl; you .935 and .915 1 special at Ilayden's .918.00 and 8 MEN'S STJUCTLY ALL WOOL styles well Jined silk sleeve .910.00 at, Ilayden's EXTliA SPECIAIj 2,000 men's line Fancy Worsted Trousers sold elsewhere at .91.50 to .9(5. 50 special price, .93.75 and ' Selling the Most nothing in lP Smoke the best. Ask your dealer for a IT COSTS YOU NO MORE THAN INFERIOR BRANDS. F. R. RICE IS. C. CO.. Mfrs, St. Louis. UNION MADE w OO00OOOOf.HC1 Your Boy 2 Keep Him Off the Streets. J A KODAK f w ill no it. a Nothing tnnr! .iitcrtHli'H: noth'tur in.ire iiintrut tlti mihltiK m.iro In O c r. j 20 Per Ct. Discount nn nil Eastman Kodaks 4 I O Our linlshltiK department Is und.-r 5 . the inntiaRement of llrst-e'ass work- A 1 o men ami we elvo free instruction to v j Di'Blnner.t. O The Robert Dempster Co., s 2 1215 l'lirnam St. O r O Uxeluslvo Dealers In I'hoto Supplies Z, Z. Wholcsnlo and Hetall. O 00000000-S000 Sower prices Omaha. well made and per- SUITS Neatest and dmssiest 7.&0 high grade fancy worsted and l.Iaydeii's J0.00 COVEUT TOP COATS New linings elsewhere V 2.50 When one wnnts tho swvlres of ft cumputout anil nxpurt dontlat and vunts htm inilclUy. Our Lmalnoss In so fiyHtcraatlzcil that wo can give Bitch ui'Kont rnH08 jirompt an woll ns careful iittrntlon. If you wnnt o traetlnK done expeditiously oh wall as pulnlessly wo recommend our method. BAILEY, the Dentist llnoniN :ir:ii:i l'niton IllnuU, I'liuiie lOSn. I.uily Atlriiiluut. 6 o ' 1 1 1 n. i .... ,. .-. ...iaiiajrij FASHIONS FOR THE FEET. Tlio footwear of today is far-hlinr.l for oaso and comfort, hs ell nti for st lo and pli-Kanco. You inny be ablo to find pmv and comfort Hi an ordl i.iry dhop. but you won't find these iiunllllrg in connection with stylo aud i leK'iiirn In anv but u lilith-Kl-aiiu ulioe, "mil as are ennied only by the ex clusive gi,0(, Htoros, nnd only by tlio bem of tlicm. We have this fall tho largest stock of IiIkIi Ki-ado footwear, lit nil tho new and fHKhlonabli. stylos, that havo ever bun dlspinj,.,! in the city; and all fife to be mid nt the most moderate prices. Nowhere cUo can such splendid values be obtained, in IiIrIi Kradc, styllHh nnd reliable footwear for 3ti;. ami wtMinv AT tjill.tlll, Hlt.r.ll. 14 1,00 tl) Ijl.l.OO. W. E. Cor. tctli euid Dougla Sts. j Rochester Shoe Co., j I 7" ,,pcskOM The Hini'G. ! ' A pi'imanent iiistltittloii -.solllm; hiph Kradc footwear -nt half the usual tlcevt asked elsewhere-perfect nitlim yiir f money back for tho asking -riitits' I high grade shoes a spci.il'v Vasli- t Inns latest deslRtis .Monday Inn ii- ! luclUK the NUW KOOT KOIt.M hhnes- I A I5.W) SHOH-to build 11 n ixn I $2.98 i uauc 1,11 tnein Tor future business the price will be.. W'e repeat our Misses' ilreti's Shoo Sale Monday. and Chll- Rochester Shoe Co., RurroKHiirH to ir.ir. DonuiiiN TIIK llOWK." Street, Onialin. AGOHH S'I'iiEL RANGES eln not loik tnu.'li lf( t T III a picture tliiin nth. r ninnns, but wlion you nro tho rims .' ti will admit that Aconm aro ali.M,' y, ar .ilio.-nl of otlirn. Aoorii ini.Kix urt nut uiado of common Iron ami 'el, nilntil ovor, but from PLANISHED STF. L wlilc'i rrqulr. no paint ami conao qui in I v 'iia nut i,. ol ulf. 'ill' i . i. "i ; Mi' int.i-K tbo Arorn are so win iw.owu taut tbo nntno j I. .in in mi'.i a- i nt- Ht.iiKlard th Miriu over it .o.u lobM to own - i;u'Ki ratiKi- ih .a u clieaii oik John Hussie Hardware Go. I 2407-9 Cuming Slreef. Tel. I I Hi. If You Buy It of llossle It's Mght. HU-CAN HAIR TONIC I'r-inii.ii tli iir..wih "t tl.' Mulr -I 'row m- '.'I I'urii Jiililii.K'i lit III"'. i 1'i.tMlrilff I'wr UlMlilHOB of Hi al Imp'iii.- I.m.iro and Hcnuty to tin- H.i r II is inn a ilw. but r-.-i-turiH tl.o colui of I In- liilr by jl Inn lo It Hid natural oloniontH and uourlHlimi ut which It uooilx. 75c a Boltle. ' framer'B Kidney Curo 760 I'e-ru-na 750 S. S 75c Carter's Mvor Tills I60 Illectrlc Ulttcrii 400 Dr. Mllej' Hointdlt's 75c 1'lerco'H Favorite Prescription 76 (larlleld Ten 20c Dr. Jiiyno'a Expectorant 78o Kilmer's Swnuip-ltoot "tic Indian Sauwa . "6c 0ST0N TOR DRUG 1 DEPT. WINNING SMILES f P 1 - . - ... o-.-o-. j " '' - Aro onhanciMl two-fold by prrfoct trclh. Tho iiaturalnoHH. In.iuty .uid pcrfo.-.tness of our Alii 11'Il'IAI. TIOKTJI uro abovfl uh Hon. (lood Teeth, per sot M.fiO Hi .it Tooth, per not Is.nfl (lold C'rowna 5.W Tatt's Philadelphia Dental Rooms, :5iv Memo st.