Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 07, 1900, Page 23, Image 23

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41 'F
roii s i.i: iiual estate.
Telephone 5SJ. 30C Paxton Mock.
NOW 18 THE TIME to buy a lome. , U Is
nlmost ImpotMlbln tn rent a desirable
houso. nnd with h small payment down w
run Hell you 11 good home on terms
chon)i ni" rent.
Will build you n house of 6 to S room In
Remls Psrk, east front and modern, for
11.700; $100 rah and $15 per month. Thl
place would rent for $20 per month.
Two routines on fxl-foot lot. cast and
north front, bonutlfiil shade trees, bring
ins In $13 60 per month, will "ell fur l,w,
Van cash und $12 per month.
HOW IS THIS? Nine-room modern house.
tO-foot lot, south frmt. house eon $3,HM.
Wo fire authorised to offir this for a few
days Tor $2,300. and only 10 u tush, balntico
on easy terms.
An olglit-room strictly mod' ni house, cast
front, lino shade tree-. .. hrubbery,
near Hatiscom I'ark, "tilv i . . .
ANOTHER - Hlrlrtly mdTVrn nine-roorn
houne. Rood bum, east front, lot Ms 1 12,
line lawn and ihade tree!), n r llfttiscom
J'nrk. Wp are authorized I" accept $f.0U
for till If nold at once.
HERE IS A HOMK-Slx-rooni Hlrlctly
modern cottage, mantle mid grate, new
furnace, rlilna closet, alcove, hath
stained Moors. e,m front, ntco lawn am
shade tri-ps. idmiI street, lot 50x11$. A
little Rem. only $2,wu.
Wo have dozens of other at anv nrlco nud
on hov term on may desire. Vou can
not attorn to pay rem. uomu ami see us
We mIIII have two or thrco of those beauti
ful resilience lotn near 21th and Ames
avenue Hint we nre offering at jr.; $5
cash and J.'i per month, j
We ran also offer you other residence lots,
nidi loealed, beautiful shade tree, at 5500
up, with Htimll cash payment and $6 to tin
per month. Sueur" on' now while they
lust and Ititlld a houso to suit yourself In
thu sprltm.
Wp have truckage propertle In the bot lo
cations in and about the city at prices
that will surptlso you.
If you want an Investment we can hnw
you business and rental propertle that
will net you S per cent.
40-ncro fruit farm In one of thu. richest
eounlles In the state; 2.UM fruit tree Just
coming .tun bearing. H taken this week
this place can be bought lor fi.iw, und
we will show you 10 per cent on your In
vestment In way of corn ami apple crop.
Owner desires to leave for the west.
We also have a larKe assortment of farms
and ranchen In nenrly evnrv co.intv hi the
state. HU1C I S HUFOltH IH'YIN'O.
(Established In 1SCS.)
Telephone 5:..
Pnxton llloek.
HE-123 7
170S l'aimim St.. Ilee llulhllli(r.
Telejdione MK.
'Ml This In a 5-room new huimi-, cemented
eePar, bath, marble washstaud, water
ervlce eonuilete, small bum. lot 50x1.12,
near ear line. This Is a very choice prop
erty. Price only $l,tw.
if. " . STOIt Y hoii'ic. all modern except
furnace. Ilnlshed In eedar. line sbaile. lot
.'OxlfiO to alle), No. 2S2J N. 21st St. This
Is a bargain.
-IIEUE is a bargain and ho.ise must be
sold at once; rooms, city water, gas and
good sized barn, lot COxl27t!i. paved street,
permanent sidewalk and line shade. Price,
V2.2W. Make us an offer.
7n: 7 IlOOMS, all modern. Including fur
nace, corner lot. south and east front,
two blocks from 21th street car line, tine
shade. This property Is In a good stnte
of repair. Small cash payment and J25
per month.
7-HOO.M house In Hauseom Place addition,
.-.o-foot lot, full depth, lty water .and
sewer connection, east front. A great
bargain nnd must bo sold thl week.
Price, only JUOO.
155-1 10-FOOT south frontage on Spruce
street, corner of lMh. Price, K.UM- Three
good bultdlui: lot.
1.VM GO-FOOT lot, south front, on Mander
son, west of 2flth street. Price, only
1550. ,
1271-50-FOOT lot nenr Hanscom park.
Price, only Di'ju.
It. C PETEUS i- CO..
1702 Farnani St., Heo Uullding.
UE-9'Jl 7
Wo havo two special barguln on West
Faniam street thl week. One Is a mod
ern 9-room houre, near Hth street, f ir
only 2,C). Ilouso could not ho built for
Tho otlier la a modern H-rooni house nnd
gooil barn, paved street, full lot, nice
slmde, south front, till for Jt.lOi 11.100
Hero Is a snap for a rooming or boardlns
house. It Is a 12-room modern house, 50
foot lot, east front, on 17th street, south
of Jackson street, for J2.CJ0. Cannot bu
duplicated In thu city.
For a line building slie look at lot No. 17,
In block 3 Kllby Place Addition, on 38th
uve.. fourth lot south of Davenport street,
und uiak us an olTer
Wo have the fluent corner on Park Ave ,
between Leavenworth strot and the
park, with n new 1(1 room fully modern
residence, lor ll.rtm Tills offer Is only tor
a few days.
Wo have a special barguln In a 12-rootu
modern line brick resilience and brick
barn, largo corner grounds, centrally
'ocated. In Council lllulTs, which we are
.,,,tiw,riT..,i tn sell for S0.50i). Same kind
of nronertv relatively situated in this win lit Hell iitilck v for M2.00n.
Wo have a large list of both Improved and
i-niiui tirim.ii-lv lii all lv.irts of tile city
and wr.are selling some sp endld bursalns
and have nmuv of same kind left. 1-or
Information regarding real estate pleane
,,a" .M-."ilNB CO.,
. mi l"A,lNAM STUlu:TiE-so:-7
HALF acre lust west nf 30th street, at
eotith end of Miller Park; only $275.00,
Ilyron II. Hastings. 212 So. 14th St.
ni:-M937 9
FOn SALE, lots In Hazel Terraco on south
17th and ISth streets, a few blocks south
of vliiiou street: lots nun and stgntiy
city water, directs graded; prices, $J00.W
to $:00.0O eneh. Call at otllce for plat
snowing uiisout lots. n. i). Keen, 212 so.
Hth St. 11E-931 7
R acres on Center street. $150
1C0 acres near York. lOu acres in crop,
bnlunco pasturo una unv
Hi story house, I2.SW, ouo-tlilrd cash
will pav over 10 per cent.
liW-ncres ranch six miles north of Stew
art, a great bargain. $3.00 per acre.
J. II. PAHIIOTTE. Douglas Hlock.
IIB-996 7
A iiaiihaI.N': 6-room cottage, tine renalr,
full lot, city water, close to cur and school
good niigni'ornoou, oniy VJia. jirnes;
Rweot. n. y. l. 51-ir!ili.!l
NEW 8 room modern dwelling, can be built
on a line lot on 25th avenue, north of
Farnam. so the entire cost of the new
dwelling and this line lot with street und
nllei- 1. nvm! u'l'.l not exceed $5,500 to SO.O'XI.
Fine lot with ehndo nnd small cottase
on 24th, north of Vinton, must be soul:
nart cash, part time. A F Connett, 30J
N. Y. Life. Phone 12S5. HE-933
UHEAT lUHOAIN. full lot on Cumin
Ktreei. Mv!S2 feet, between 17th and ISt
street; paving tnxen and iH'rmunent side
WIIIK ill IU1U llll, 111 e. a.."-v...-.
Tho Ilyron Heed Company, lls 'Jj'j
A FEW snaps. Just lll-d last week
veNtlggte. Ernest Sweet, 1 . L.
HL W0-1
Lot s. hlock I91W City ft . north of Pun
lag hi , fromlug wrst on -itli nt nnd eait
1 r ;,. st lor . 11 owner iiuin not
lirrvi uiaiy s 'd nntnir 101
F D. cud, W24 DouifUn St. HE-&5I U
on .w,i: HUM. IJSTATIJ.
Price and term within reach of all. Pur
chase, now, Mid be haopy; or postpoiio
until property goes still higher. WliL-h
I the host thing to do? A word to th
wise li sufllclont. A suro a you live
He quick or lake a back sent. Wo descrlba
the properties, come In and wo will show
them to you.
1711 This proj erty I on ?lst near Paclllo
St. Tho house has 9 rooms, with law
attle. every modor'i Improvement nnd con
venience, ilso good barn, tine lot nnd
excellent neighborhood. Owner 1 unxlous
to sell and will take $7,500. We re,ird
this u bargain.
Oil Tht H a 0-room all modern house
located on S3d St. near Pact tic. The
in-ntiertv !s !n n irnnd rlnte of nreserva-
Hon, In fine neighborhood, near car II. ic
and Is an all-round desirable home. For
call at the olllce.
1115-On 33d St.. one block from Wnlntlt HI I
ear line, n 7-room house, nil modern, well
built, completed last February, rents for
JDT, per month. Owner Is anxious to t.ell
nnd will lake $2.GO0; $500 cash, bulance
monthly payments.
1702 A 7-room house, hnth. newer, city
water, gas, etc. Located on Hurt near
3fith St. A very desirable homo for
tt'n nff.r n"".-. Prntt St.. n r.-ronm rottilTe.
cood well, 6o-foot lot and a nice little
home for JHn). on cusy term. Who will
bo tho ucky mun?
We propose to offer for this week some of
the finest bargain In vacant property
tocently put on the market, prices and
terms Klven at the olllco or by 'phono-
No. 1761. ? ldnrlf ?. t.!up!ld Plane.
Lots. 1, 2, 3, Knox Sub., California & Lowe
f.,il r. titnelt . Orburit IH11.
J.ot 12, block 10, Shulf gecond Addltlr.n.
There Is on this lot a smnll 5-room hoiue.-.
Main Floor N. Y. L. Hldit.
irir nnrAnn sr.. 4 lnrzn rooms anil hall
rlty water In house, lot MxlM feet, will
rent ror ji.'w n moniu; prico
easy terms. ,
The ilyron Heed Company. 212 So. Hth St.
Hi: MWi5 9
WANT to sell quick? I have the customers
urnest aweet, i. i.. nlim.t
tf rut TtlVl t urnUVipil n.rnnni nntlaue (In
( ludlntc new planoi and nearly an acre of
ground wun trim in ainoun. in i
ehanco for Omaha house and assume
smal iidcbtedness. 2MI weeatur nt
I'lty. HK-MSM-O
,OTS In lovely Mnrsvllle Add.. J450.CO; easy
terms. Ernest Sweet, S22 N. Y. U-
lift X'J-I
iiAiiviv turns' LIST.
ON EASY payments. North 20th Houle
i i,nn, i',,rl.v hi re.' I dwellliiki.
roonii. bath, sewe'r, city water, piped for
gas. good sized lot, shade trees, desirnble
nolglioornoou, n iiargaiii; privv, ,ou-i.
Moni'nv i,iini?n. 7 rooms, hot and cold
water. as. bath, sewer, furnace, ..large
cellar, good barn, sojth front, full lot
i.rli-Ir uiii-eil street, near Mill and Par
ker: iirlce. 2,r,fW, Investigate. . If price
don't suit make an offer, as tin iro:i
ert;- must sell.
N'F.W imiilern dwelling of 7 rooms, ouk
finish, mantel, electric light, gas, pnr
....ii..,, in, it, nrst-nliiss furnace. ce
incnted cellar, everything flrst-elass, an
east front on osphult paved street within
walking distance; a bargain; price. M.200.
UAltVIN UHOS., WIS Farnam St.
(!18 N. Y. Life. Phone 1294.
S IlOOMS. gas, bath, an honest, well-built
house, 2i"i25 Decatur; owner was asking
$2,500; now he says I2.U1.
8 itOOMS. ga, bath, barn, 2411 North
18th, U.KOO.
0 IlOOMS. gas, bath, lot 50x150, 4145 Izard;
a good house, $2,ono.
7 IlOOMS on the Boulevard, near Orace,
east front, good lot and shade, $l,i00.
7 IlOOMS, 2527 Davenport St.. $2,000
0 IlOOMS. northeust corner 19th and Lake,
CixH'J, $2,700.
SOI'THEAST corner 24th nnd Mlamu,
Bum.! on Mlama. near 2Mb. $300.
60x127 on Ohio, near 30th. $.'".00.
Jubi sold one of the nlecHt corner in
Kniiiuze nluce very cheap; havo one
more can sell way down. See me If you
want anything llko thl. HE-992 7
FOll SALE chenp, large lot and threo
cottages. J. A. Lovegren, 4th tloor Pax-
ton block. tit, .Mow
HOUSES, fnrms. II. C. Patterson, 305 N.Y.L.
HOUSES, lots, farms, lands, loans; also flro
Insurance, iiemiu, imiuii m. iw
GOOD rental property for farm. Monroo
& Co., Feed and Fuel, 811 N. 10th St.
riAnaAiNS-iiAnmsoN, n. y. life.
HE 1U Oi
CIIAS. E. WILLIAMSON. 1203 Farnam St.
AK4 Mrfl
1 .J. lit-. a 1 i:-jt.'1'iS rtAltftAINS: LUW-
,ui iviiiii.""."'" 1KT
EST HATISS on I,IMB nuu .1 u
for HIS 1ST. f irsi nour, i. '!?,"'"
LIST your real, estate. I will sell It.
tsrnest -sweet, s .it- 'ji.;..
i.-.-io u 1 1 f.,. full inf In Arlington nddl
lion, near sotli nnu iaac siret-mi m
jAHj.w. 11. u. ticeu, .1. cu. ""uj.;,ljM y
HANCH AND FARM lands for salo by thi
ITr,!..., lii,,.IHi- ltiillrn:nl f-nmounV. H. A
AleAIIuster. unci com nussioiier, uiuun
I'aclllo Ik'adituarters, omuha, Nrb,- ,
DELIOHTFUL homo In Hunscom Placo
for sate at a liberal discount. .'
Keniiard 6: Son, sulto 31U-311 llrown Ulk.
ills lou
LANDS. C. 13. Durrows, Norfolk, Nebraska,
111. W - '
THItUU 1.UTM HXii EACH. In nood rest
(lenco iieigiiDurnoou, iu uiockh iruin cum 1
house, on paved street, with good U-room
cottage; taken for $2,4TO mortgage; 1 am
authorized to sell It tor .',2j0. O. C. Olson,
17W Farnam Rt. hb-i i
1,120 ACHES of good farm or grazing land
In central Nebraska for salo cheap. Pet-
tersou, u.2 K. itiin at-, umana, ieo.
HE-M309 023
FINE east ront lot, three blocks so. depots
1011, st. nu "u','il3MS31 u.
IH'.FOllE vou buy no sure, to call on
Ernest Sweet, t22 New York .V.,,
for SALE. S-room house on North 2oth
street, full lot. barn, city water, etc
$1,700.00. 11. D. Ilced, SIS BO. lli i ai.
HE 931 7
NEW house, 7 large rooms, porcelain bath
etc., very complete, full So. front lot
C. F. HAIIIUSON, 913 N. Y. Life.
HE-K7 9
IjAHCE 7-room, 2-Btory house, good barn,
largo lots, near paved Sr., school, etc
C. F. HAHlllSON, 'J13 N. Y. Llfo.
HE85S 9
NON-IIESIDENT offer modern S-room
hounc, barn and lut for must sell,
Address At. it. Jviiuourn. uiivurtou, ore
gon, UK-awn iu-
FOR SALE, three lots at 47th and Leaven
worth at $300.00 eachi call at olllce for
plat II. O. Heed, 212 tio. Htli St.
HE-032 7
FOl'H-HOOM house, city water In kitchen,
lot t'ixl26, comer. $050 cash. 301 Hurt St,
SEVERAL 1 Ice cottage homes, very cheu
ir so a ut once, urnvsi nweet, x 1.
OEOItOIA avenue propi rty. 8 room, all
mooern nouse, mil lot. nne siiaue. pci
manent walks and l nw'tnent. Price.
M.2iA J. II Sherwood, 939 N. V. Life.
FOll SALE, a splendid home on 29th St .
eji'uiiou ursi-cuvns, moucrii, nun in
snnp; owner going to California. Address
Y 03 Ilee. HEM-116
FOll SALE. S-room modern house, electric
lights, east and south front, lot .sxijj,
fine shade, large barn, permanent wa.k
and pavement, northwest corner 31th nnd
M.lrtha. Just the placo for South Omaha
man. Price, f.1,600 cash; balance long
time. J II. Sherwood, 939 N. Y. Life.
IIE-M-11I 8
A good six-room cottage, with line aero let
ior garuen purporoi. aeconu nouso noi in
of Poppleton nve., fronting east on S. Mil
st., must go for tho price of a song by
Oct. 10, J2.S00 cash refused for same in
less, but II, (wo tnks It now; Just vacated,
owner going away; possession given -it
once; call tomorrow, niro; If you don't
say it's a real, suto thins: snap you can
huvo It free.
At 140 N. 23d s. If, n model 8-room strlctlv
nil modern home, nearly new. cast tront,
splendid barn, not far from Farnam car,
which has Just been vacated and must bo
sold at once or n tenant will tnke pisse-i-slon;
owner has left city und has author
Iznl mn In reduce nrlcj from l6.li1) to
15,255, In order to sell at once as ho want
money nnd wnnts it now; no po'iuw-M
refused Ki.jW tor mis nomo a year as"
If worth wour while to investigate thl
Some nne bargains In Hanrcom park dis
trict, nnd In nil other parts of city, tiro
insurance in uesi oi mi om siucr luiu
panic. Seo IlENltY 1J. PAYNE, C01 N. Y. LIFE
WE OFFEIl the following list of some of
our Unproved property, in mo mi
new and modern nnd in most ease spe
cial taxes are paid In full. If you are
looking for a homo or Investment, with
out any outlay for repairs, Investigate
these bnrsalns:
l house. 19th and Hlnney, d,000;
yearly rental, J4S0.
2 S-room hnjseN.26th nnd Dewey, 14,000;
yearly rental, I20.
1 7-room Iiousp. 27th nnd Howard, J2.&CJ :
...... I,. r.,,lt.. I fil'Hl
1 ti-rooin house. 27th nnd Howard. 12,100;
yearly rental, $210. . ...
1 i.nuue "V7fh nml Ttoward. i2.40O:
yearly rental, pio.
1 B-room house. 2Sth and Dewey, J2.Si;
yearly rental, J33i. . iA .
1 Croom house, 1503 Locust, $1,100; yearly
.nnlnl riTJU
WE a'ro Just completing 4 modern S-room
i,,,..u ni intii atreitt hojlevard and Hurt
street. These are fine houses, ranging
In price from 13,500 to M.sou. tno renuu
received for theso make a. good Invest
ment. These are too good to sell, but
we need cash, call ami sec innae muuj
Ihd.. -irn nupM Illiml'ton HrOS.. COIltmCt
or. ith and Davenport. Telephone 1179
flu A VtVf"! lntii I nt pntnte. clean nnd client)
vviirtrado for city Improved. 1203 Fnr
nnm. lib 12b 8
LADIES out of health llnd prompt rcllof
Hox laz, umnna, iseo. uoiinuuiniui.
LADIES troubled with. Irregularities,
whites, sterility, painful or suppressm
menstruations linu iirumin icuci unu vu.-
hnnm l.nfnr,. HUH lIlirllllT COIlllllO
incut. Call or write with stumps to Dr.
Pries, 1513 Dougo St.. """"j ou
LADI1CS, Golden Seal Is a never falling
regulator; removes Irregularities Irom
any cause in live hours; sent secure iron)
observation, i. v.uoum ..wu.w..
i.miiIm. Mo. M, uii OJ9
ClONOVA Is a French rreatmeni for male
and female, lor tho positive, euro of
,.,,, n l iniuitiirui iJisciiarKcs.
lnllnmmatlons, Irritations and Ulcerations
nf the nijcouu momuranes. vn iiuernui
...... uiih inipetloii combined, vvai
ranteu to cure worst cafes tn one week
! nnnUnen or i lor $5. Sent any
where on receipt of price. Tho Kldd Drug
Co., Elgin, Hi. American Ohlce, retail,
.,inui.iu f vera.nilion Drue Co.. Omuha,
M. A. Dillon, South umaha; Davis Drug
Co.. Council iJiuiis. run nnu ui iuuuti
WOMAN'S ULESSINO," private I'rescrlp
eiular mViwtruaUon. never fails, sample
box free. J. M. Home, M. D., Drawer
w ill fhlpiiiro. III. J.i 1
,ADIES Madam Dreyfus, monthly regu
ator. safe and reliable, $1 per box. -Mrs
ivil,. Hi, t -A. W18 .NICOIlOl AVL-., .iwilin:
apolls, Minn. ;'-J
,AD1ES' safe homo remedy; clover brand
iiuVJla Pill; mom..)- reuinded It not sal
i,v mail i2: c rcular free. Hox
iniu.iviji . " I : ,C 7
3uW, UoBton. Z-
....".i..r .......1 .. iinmn hv Internal treat
ment; no unu . f"' '7:"' ,r
etltute. 121 W. J'N:
Sl'FFEIUNG Men, Fend full description of case with this ad and 2w.
...1.... .... ni. ilniKBlst lnr olir ln-
Iirr.H;! HIllUII I'll ...... " n r, - - - - . . I
dividual case from America s greatest
iihyslclan. Good until November Id only. ,
! "'. '.. :' ..., 1 1 ... mi ninlii I'hleauo. I
Hiierninif! Aiit.uii.ui w., -j
iADIEB, $1,000 for a case old Dr. Jackson
monthly regulator lalls to relievo In .1
hours, or money refunded; no ergot or
tunsy pills; many avvu from sulc hie. lly
mall $3.00. Dr. Jackson Remedy Co.,
Dept. (J 2. 182 Deurborn St., Chicago, III.
LADIIsS, cure for leneorrhoca, etc.; perfect
regulator; tenn i.w. uu """"-v.."
LOST. Elk' pin, II. P. O. No. 39. Reward
-,,,r ,,, r. .1 Mhriuler. Lost 377
IUI . . . u . ... -.
Stolen, team oi bay muieu, 1 hcrse, 1 maro
IllUlO Willi oiliio-'ao, cum uii iibi'i. iiniu
foot of horse mule. Any iiilormuclon lib
erally rewarded. C. C. Curtie, livingtoii,
jeb Lost Alibi !)'
LOST, a red dehorned heifer with a small
wmtQ fUIir 111 iurt:nrtiu, m-f,m uuuut
pounds; reward. W. Coulter, :th and S,
So. Omaha. if ir11!6.'.'-.
LOST Hlack and white pointer pup, three
moiltn OIU. liuwuiu im iuini iu
110 S. loth bt. Lost-8-7
THURSDAY, at Hoston Store, an unusu
ally latge-sizeu goiu nog, uiisu-r ui u uin
inonds. Llneral reward if returned to c.
Murks, Westorn Union Tele, otllce.
Lost 930 i
GOLD spectucle at lioston store; reward
it returned. Globe Optical Co., 21s S. loth.
Lost 7'J 7
LOHT, between union depot and postoflloe.
Case COniailllllU guiu riicti.n.ii-. iirmin
to J. E. lioutz, room 210 Govern uient
building Lost-9.7 7
CIIAMHER8' school of dancing, 17th and
Douglas, (.insses auu emus huiy iuiiu
ing at academy. Open dahy, 9 a. m. to
6 v. m. "Phone, liil. Hail and music
tumished parties, clrculara. M694 u.o
NEW classes now forming at Moraud
this week, Tuesday and 1-rlduy. p. m .
li lessuoa, lumvs fv, t..;i,..v..w.t .
prices to clubs; assemblies Y ednesduy
lio 0.8
A. C. VAN SANT'8 School. 717 N. Y, Life.
UOYLES Collego, court reporter principal
Dee Uldg. iW
NEHRA8KA Uuslness and Shorthand Col.
lege, lloyd'a Theater. 707
GREOG Shorthund taught nt the Omaha
Commercial College, I6111 und Douglas Sts.
Lessons In bookkeeping, penmanship, arlth
metlc; clay & ev'g. Rathbun, 52J Hee Hldg
CIIATELAIN School of Languages, Uoyd'a
theater, has reopened for Demon.
123 OS
ACCORDION nnd side ploatlng, cheapest,
best, quickest, Mrs, A C. Mark, 9 Pat
terson Htk., 17th and Farnam Bts.
M514 04
ijNT.iNEsrnoii.niis, ivFc.
L. C, Sharp Mach. Wks.j motors, dynsmoi,
OMAHA Steam Lnundre; shirts, 7c, i -It irp,
Sc; cuff, 4c. 17W Leavenworth. T.l toll
EAOLE Loan Olllce, reliable, nceommodnt
L.onn OHiee, reliable, nceommodnt-
business contidentlui. 13U DougUs
ing; all
- U
LOANS, II. Marovvitz; low rates. 413 N. bi.
MONARCH Generators are best. I'arbldJ
$1.50 per 100 lbs. Agents wanted. Jl A. u
Co.. 1022 Douglas St. -Bi7 OIJ
CURED. Julia Vaughan, 430 Ramge Uldg
- 71
G. McDONALD. 1C12 Capitol avenue.
M-i07 OlJ
IN FAMILIES. Miss Sturdy, 318 So. 2t!ta
St. !4J 4'
ELLA DAY, 201 Ramgo bldg. ; reading, elo
cution, oratory; xuursuay nignt scnooi.
Dumagcd looking glasses resllvcrcd. 70S N It
TEL. 1331. M
S. Walklln, 2111 Cuming St
- 713
STOVE, furnace, range repair, water con
nections, oin, aiovo itej) vyks.. i.'ui i;ouk
Tel. W0. 711
WANTED, horses to break and train; will
tngc tins worn at rcason.iuie rates, nav'
good winter iiuartera. Addre4 George
Davis, 22ii lieu Uidg., Otnatia, Neb.
-3i NI
WE tune your iilano for $1.50 Rose's Art
store, last uouge. lei. ivm. vs
STOVES, lamps and chandeliers replnted.
um. t'lutmg io , ueo uiug. ici. mj,
i 10
STOCKS IJlrd Store.
1603 Leavenworth.
-7i ;
CHARLES E. WALTERS. 326 Hee bldg.
-.M.o'j nov i
INSTRFCTION tn piano or organ freo to a
limited number of studi-nt'i, now iil.ui,
see me. Prof, llraun. u Ramge Hlit,
HIGH class tailoring, moderate prices, latest
deslgi.j S J. Hrodetlck, WW Farnani.
im UIO
ALL kinds of carnenter work and renalrlnir
promptly atit-naeu to. j i. ucniitiei-, setn
and Lako Sts.
Ct"T rate tickets everywhere. P. II. Phil
bin, 1505 Farnam. Telephone 751. 7v9
At in o clock u. in mi the loth day of
October, 1900,' at the former fair ground
of tho Omaha Fair und Speed Association,
the undersigned wtl! sell at public auction
to tho highest bidders for cash tho follow
ing: amphitheater building or Grand Stand.
Judges' Stand building.
Coollnz Paddock.
Ticket Olllce at East ante.
Track Fences.
Five (5) large Speed Hams and Engine
This sale offers a chance to obtain good
building fnr farm use or a large amount
of the best kind of second-hand lumber at
n low price
fM N. Y. Life lluildlng.
Miss .mi Valley Hnllroad
"Tho Northwestern
VirlllClU Line General Olllco.
UlBiWKV 1 aiti-cl StaU-s
K-SggjUji' Hank Hldg., S. V. cor.
V5S& Twelfth and Farnnm Sts.
unlet viiicu. 1101 Farnam St. Telephntu,
501. Dipot, 15th and Webster Sts. Tele
phone, 145S. Leave, Arrive,
illack Hills, Dead wood.
Hot Springs a 3;00 pm a 5:00 pm
Wyoming, Caspar and
Douglas d 3:09 pin o 6:00 pm
Hastings, York, David
City, Superior, Ocneva,
Exeter nnd Sowurd. . . .b 3:00 pm b D:C0 pm
NorfolK- Verdlgro and
Fremont b 7:30 am bl9:25 am
Lincoln, Wahoo and
Fremont b 7:30 am bl0;25 am
Fremont l.ocui o 7:30 am
a Dally, b Dally uxcept Sunday, o Sun
day only, d Dally except Saturday, e
Dally except Munday.
Railroad The North
western Lttiu" General
unices, United States
National iiaiiK Hullalng,
8. W. Corner Twelfth
and Farnani Sts. Ticket
Oincc, hui Farnnm St. Telephone, &G1. Do
pot, Tenth and Mason Sts. Telephone, i29.
Leave. Arrive.
Twin City Express ....a o:jj am alo:i ion
Twin City Limited a 7:35 pm a s:lo am
Bloux uy Local a 6:00 um a 4:20 pm
a Daily.
western Railway "Tho
Northwestern Lino"
City Ticket Onice, 1401
Farnam Street. Tele
phone, 501. Depot, Tenih
and Mason sts. Telu-
lUiOlll, u
Leavo. Arrive.
Daylight Chicago Spe
cial a 7:00 am all:30 pin
Chicago Passenger a 4:15 pm a 3:10 am
Eastern Hx'jres", Dea
Molucj, MarMiialltowu,
Codar Rapids und Chi
cago al0:53 am a 4:03 pm
Eastern Limited, Chi
cugo and East a 4:55 pm a 4:05 pm
Fast Mull. Chicuuo to
Omaha ... a 2:4j inn
Omuha-Chlcago Special. a 7:15 pm u 8:00 pm
Fast Mall a 8:30 am
a Dally.
Minneapolis & Omaha
Railway - "Tho North
western Lino" Getie.Jl
omces. Nebraska Divi
sion, lath and Webster
Sts. City Tickot Otllce,
TislenniiMi. r.r.i lin,n
15th and Webstor Sts.
Leave. . Arrli-e
Twin City Passenger... a Cov am a 9.10 pm
umnna lMscsnger uliao um
hioux t.'ity it Nortn
east Nebraska a 3:50 pm
Oakland Local. b 5:45 pm b S;15 am
a Dally, b Dally excep. Sunday.
omces and
1,ck?.mcos Southeast Cor
ner, 14th and Douglus 8ts.
ielejihonu PJH,
Diiioi Lnlon Station.
St Louis & Kansas "'aVe- Arrlve'
City Express a!0:00 am n 6-30 nm
IC C. St. L. Express. ..al0:10p,n a 6:15 Sro
Leavo from 15th and
Webster Si.
Nebraska Local Via
Wfie1iSf Wnen.. b I5pm al0:45am
a Dally, b Dally except Sunday.
S- l'ajl Rullwav-C.f
Ticket onice. 1501 Farnam
Street. Telephone 2S4. Depot
Tenth and Mason StroeU
Telephone, C2a.
Leave. Arrive
Chicago Limited Ex. i S:00 pm a 8.05 am
LI1ICUEU Oi UdiailH bAU I 1U HOI U 3 i tW 10
a Dally, b Dully except Sunuay.
531 u"i:mnoton & Mia-
FuUrl liivi.1 itaiirouu
The Uuriington llouto.
Get eral omces, N. W.
toruer Tenth and Farnam
hts ticKci uiuce, iwi
1 arnatn street. Telephone,
is y -tntioti. 'lentn and Alaaon
"""Wl'iiS rs
Streets Telennone, 1-3.
Streets Telephone,
Lincoln, lluslliiB
..a SM'J am a 400 ira
Lincoln, Denver. Colo-
Va&trcallfomiala 4.K pin a 3:W pm
Lincoln .v Uiaek IIUI. " r' I'm a aa-j phi
M' ntina PiiKet ound. a l:3o pm a ti:45 urn
Lincoln tail Mall ..u i. pm alo:3, am
Denver. Colorado. I tab
& California .. a '',6 am
u Dully.
'I Of iHifiti Irhl"T hp . Hurling.
ton Reilto llcket omce,
1W2 Farnam street. Tele
phone '.'50. Depot, Tentn
nnd Mason streets, 'i'elu
phone, 12.
L.e.ive. rtiioc.
Kansas City Day Ex .a 50 am a 6:10 pra
Kansas City Night Ex. alJ.U pm a 6:15 am
St L ul Flyer for SI.
Joseph and St Loula a 4:55 pm nll:15 am
u Dally.
& Qulncy Railroad "The
HurlliiBton Route" Ticket
OIllcc, IM Farnam St.
Tel. 250. Ufpnt, Tenth &
Mueoi) Streets. Telephone,
Leave. Arrive.
ufijHj,,. i. .i.i.igo Spe
cial a 7:00 am
Ptorla Express a 3:25 pm
Chicago Vestlbuled Ex.. a 4.00 pm a 7;4 am
Chicago Local Express. a 8:50 am a 4:oj pm
Chicago Limited a 7.45 pin a 7H5 am
I'ncillc junction i.ocai..aiu;w inn
Puclllc Junction Extra.
Fast Mali
a Dally.
a 7:00 pm
a 2:45 pm
land Rou'.u -General Oilluos,
Is. E. cor. Ninth and Pumam
street. City Ticket Ottlce, 1321
Farnam street. Telephone, 310.
Dipot, Tenth und Muuou Stc
Telephone, Ui9.
Leave. Arrive
Thu Overland Limited.. P S;20 am a 7:35 pm
Tho Chlcago-Porlland
Special a 8:20 am a 7:35 pm
Tho Fast Mall a 8;50 am a 3:25 pm
Tho Colorado Special... all :3j pm a u.jO am
Tno Fast Mall a 4:35 pm
Llucoln, Heatrlco nnd
Stromsburg Express..!) 4:10 pm bl2:2j pm
Tho Paelllc Ex)ress...a 4:25 pm
The Atlantic Expres;... a 6:50 am
Grand Island Local h 6:30 pm b 9;30 um
a Dally, b Dally except Sunday.
Railroad. City Ticket Or
lice. 1403 Farnam street.
Telephone, 245. Depot
Tentli una .Mason siretis
Leave. Arrive.
Chicago Express ..
Ch.cago Limited .
Minneapolis and
Paul Expiesa . ..
Minneapolis una
...all:10 am a 4:05 pm
...a 7.45 pm a &;15 um
, .b 7:00 am b 9:40 pm
...a 7:45 pm a 3:15 am
Paul Limited
Fort Dodge Local from
Council filuff b 4::o pm am
u Dally, b Daily except sunoay.
and & Pacific 1'itlroad
The Great Rock Isl
and Route " City Tick
et Otllce. 1323 Farnam
Street. Telephone,
Depot, Tenth A: Mason
' Streets. Telephone (.
Leave. Arrive.
Des Moines and Daven
port Local a 7-23 am blljj am
Chicago Express bll:15 am a 8:10 am
Chicago Fast Express, .a 6:00 pm a 1:25 pm
Llucoln and Fnirbury..u b:3o um a 7:0J pm
Lincoln, Colorado Spgs.,
Denver, Pueblo and
West a 1:50 pm a 4:15 pra
Ike Moines. Rock Isl-
nd and Chicago a 7:15 pm a o:no pm
Colorado Sr. Texas Flyer a 5:5 pm a 9:15 am
a Dully, b Dally except Sunday.
Ticket OIllcc. 1501 Farnam
PYlMVVU Street. Telephone. S95.
Ml1! pot. Tenth nnd Mi
u Streets. Telephone C2i
Leavo. Arrl'
St Louis "Cannon Hall
Express a 6:CC pm a 8:20 am
a Dally.
roan -umnna. Kansas uity
& Eastern Railroud "The
Qulncy Route" Ticket Of
Ilea, 1415- Farmim Street.
Tolophono 322. Depot,-Tenth
and Marcy Streut. Tole
tdione, 029.
l-cnve. Arnvo.
St. Louis Cannon Hall
Express, a 5:03 pm a 8:20 am
Kansas City and Qulncy
Locul a 7:M um a 9:00 pm
a Dally.
oi '
An Irishman, VC years old, has Just been
i.ut unitized In Jersey C'tv. Hu Ih gettlinj
ready to grow up with tho country.
Manufacturers of birch beer havo been
delected cutting down birch trees In Van
Cortl.indl park, New York, to got thu bark
to lluvor tho llijuor with.
The order of 20S guns and two destroyer
fnr the Turkish nuvy has been placed with
Messrs. Krupp of Essen, t.otwilhstaiiutr.4
mat the tender of Messrs. Armstrong,
Whltwnrth .V Co. of Great Hrltaln was over
$400,000 less than tuat of the German linn.
The surgeon general of the navy ha ar
ranged to send to Guam a dentist to treat
the teeth of the men nt that nnval station
There has been miieli complaint from suf
lerers at Guam, and the services of a
dentist aro greatly needod. Tho dentist
was enlisted ur a hospital Htoward at $ a
Thero Is a blooming lire Iree from Queen
Innd, Australia, In tho conservatory in Cen
tral jiark. New York. It Is thirty feet hlnu
and lias Innumerable bloss mis of a pecultir
red hue. So profuse am they that they
hide tho green leaves of the tree. From
tho profusion of (lower hiding tho leave
tho tree nt a little distance looks as If It
were adorned with coal of (Ire at red heat.
Australian rabbit ixporters are dissatis
fied with tho methods of tho colonial gov
(rnment toward exterminate, & rabbits. An
1 xpenslve department It is snld, is main
tained for the purposo of poisoning the
animals, whun-us trapping would he unully
elllcaclous and would bring In a revenue nf
$500,000. Thoro Is now a largo trado In
frozen rabbits nnd exporters would bo will
ing to pay reasonable prices for them.
Two of the runnon captured by Dewey at
Manila. May 1, 1S9, now adorn tho east
front of the War, Stale and Navy building,
In Washington, pointing toward the White
llnitho one of them, called tho Hellcoti,
was cast nt Manila October 23. 17S9. Tho
other, rallell flic nardunn, bear the mono
gram of Carlos IV, and was cast nt Sevlll ,
February 21, JT77. Tho crown of Spain 1 1
cast on each. Tho present mounts, provid'd
hv tho Navy department, ore gilt shloldi,
beatirur the stars and stripes.
Tho driving of tho Orrnt Northern run
way tunnel through two miles nnd a half
of solid granite In the Cascade rango of
mountains Is ono of tho most notable en-glneerlne-
feats of the century. Holing was
started at each end toward tho center, aril
so accurate were the engineers' caleuln
tlons that at the meeting nolnt tho differ.
eiico of ullgnment was scarcely one Inch.
nils cutting tnrougn refractory material
was accomnllshril In fortv-llve mniilln l.v
80O men, operating thirty-two c.impressd
an cirius a vtritaoio miracio wrougnt by
modern muehlncry.
"Wo have been eoinnlalnlnir of thn ho it
here." says the Honolulu Star, "but It l.
not lung to vvmu lias neon experienced on
thn mainland and In Europe. Our highest
hns been In thn shade In London re
cently 93 doiirco havo been roElstored In
tho shade and 133 decrees In the Blin. There,
were twenty-tlve dentil" from sunstroke and
sixty cases of heat prostration. In Now
York the same story is told. T.iklnir a
sample August ila.v. at mldn ulit It was
degrees, at inlddny W, from 2 p. in. till I
p. nt. It was 93, at 7 p. in. It was 90, at 9 p
in. It was M Thero were fifteen deaths
from heat an.l sunstroke and llfty case of
nroptrntlon. We nuaiit to coneratulato our
selves upon our climate, which Is far better
mid milder man tills frlgntrui neat of tho
temperate zone."
The Wiiiniiii AVns DIITerenl.
Chicago Tribune: "Hut I don't know
you, madam," tho bank cashier said to tho
woman who hud presented n chock.
Hut this woman. Instead of saying haught
lly, "I do not wish your acquaintance, Blr!'
merely replied, with an engaging smile:
"Oh, yo, you do, I think. I'm the 'red
headed old virago" next door to you, whoso
t-coundrclly Utile boy' aro always reaching
through the fence and lacking your flowers
When you started down town this morning
your vvlfo said, 'Now. Henry. If you want
a dinner nt to eat thl evening you'll have
to leave mo a llttlo money. I can't run this
home on tho city water aud 10 cents a
day -' "
"Hero's your money, madnm," said tho
cashier, pushing It toward her and cough
lus loudly.
u C h i .r
Game Britigi Strong Arms nnil Ruddy
Cheeks to tho Weaker Sex.
Pitle-Fnoeil Women Who Once I.m
brntilereil Impossible Daisies on
Dollies Now Drive Hie Hall
Around (he , l.liiUs.
Otic of tho marked phnse of the golf en
thusiasm has been Its virulent spread
among women who havo forsaken In U be-
hnlf foibles and fancy work, Iniara aua
bargain counters. And Its effect has been
to Instill nulmnl life In generous numtluos
luto tho bodies of fatigued women of fash
ion. At tho coronation ball the fairest
women on tho lloer wcro bronzed to n dusky
huo above a lino which marked tho collar
band, llelow. thl limit of shadow ahotie
threat nnd shoulder with their own pecu
liar whltencs.
Without- exception those who engage In
the sport speak kind word In Its favor
and many of them are fully competent to
speak, for their malo colleagues look with
envy and respect at their scores. Among
the sentiments expressed by tho enthusi
asts nre those given below.
Mr. Harry McCormlck: Golf I a most
delightful game. It Is nil one could wish
for In tho way of sport and exercise. I
don't bellevo it makes women masculine or
men less courteous. If it did, our hu
bands would not take tuck an Interest In
having us learn to play a good game, nnd
If those who criticise golf on that ground
would ltnrn tho game I bcllovo it would
prove nn excellent remedy for their menial
nnd physical dyspepsia alike. Whllo few
men want their wives to beconio cracli
players, thero nre still less who nre not
anxious to havo them learn and enjoy the
Mrs. .1. S. Ilrady: Golf has done wonders
for buslnesu men In taking thorn out of
their olllce and giving them tho kind ot
exercise they need. It ltj equally beneficial
to women. I do not think It makes them
masculine. It seem to inn that It give
them the kind of healthful exercise that
makes them all tho moro charming nnd
their presenco on tho lluk Is a great ben
efit to the men.
Mrs. Klrkeiidnll: As a form of exercise,
golf Bland without an equal. It Is decid
edly n social Riime and ono can tnka en '
own tlmo nt following tho ball. I can seo
nothing In tho gnmo that should hn any
thing but beneficial to n woman nnd If she
nllovvB It to bo anything else It Is her own
fault. I consider biuii criticism absurd,
(illine fin- Cool Went lire.
Mrs. John JlcCord: Golf la simply fasci
nating, nnd tho more ono play the more
ono wants to play. I think It la a game
for cool weather, however, for I should not
caro to drlvo and follow tho ball around
through tho hot sun a many do. Still
thero are thoso who play In tho rain and
oven In tho snow, nnd a gamo that cnslavta
people to tho extent of making them en
tlrely forget tholr personal comfort cer
tainly proves Its own fascluatton.
Mrs. Harry Lyman: Golf Is the greatest
blessing that hns como to women In a long
tlmo and they should nil bo thankful for it.
It hns emancipated them from their long,
trailing skirts and tho absurd hlgh-hecled
shoes nud given them not only an excuse,
but nu Invitation, to adopt ono of the most
practical garments ever worn, the golf
oKlrt. in ndoptlug golf as a gamo women
havo corao to realize what exercise really
means to them and I think tlu-y will be
slow to go back to tho old Indoor pastimes
now that they havo gnlned tho freedom In
the open nlr that they havo so long craveA.
U la tho greatest relief In tho world to go
out to the Country club and see peonlo with
whom fatigue had become chroulc, driving
tho ball ns far os anyone aud actually en
thusiastic In tholr pralso of tho game. It
golf bus n tendency to niako women mas:u-
llue, which I do not believe, It I rerlalnlv
to be deplored, ntlll one extreme Is nearly
as bad n another. For my part, give mo
Links n It t ill for Di'sUn,
Mr. G. W. Wattles: It Is Just tho gamo
for tho men. Its peculiar fascination
brings them out of their olllce nnd glve3
thorn exercise that I les violent than they
would taKo in n gymnasium. Then, too
It keep them out of doors. Tho gamo cor
talnly ha dono a great deal for both men
and women.
Miss Dowey: What do I think of golf?
I think that, llko lightning, It strikes in
strango places, and that ono can never tell
where It will hit nc;ct. The domestic woman
becomes It devotee Just ns readily a tho
nthletle woman or tho ono that has uoth
Ing to do hut ntnuso herself. I consider It
n fine game nnd ono for which all women
should be thankful. It Is duo to golf that
women who havo been content to sit iu-
doors and embroider Impossible daisies on
tho ends of towel nnd docoruto linen with
all sorts of distortion of uaturo aro now
walking flvo and six miles dally nnd get
ting such exercise a cannot fall to bo
wholesome both mentally und physically.
And then It hns brought nbout tho short
skirt nnd surely all women should bo thank
ful for that, for It 1 a long stride toward
tneir emancipation. Golf nnd sentiment
certainly do not go together, for it Is i.
neatly a practical and prosaic game. I do
not think Hint comradeship of this kind
makes tho men less deferential toward
women, for n goutlemau I a gentleman
under any circumstance, nnd In mv ex.
perienco I find the men observe nil the
courtesies nnd llttlo attentions that women
are accustomod to qnlto ns carefully on tho
gon iwks a in any placo whero I como in
contact with them. In fact, I bollovo that
men navo a genuine admiration and a whole
somo respect for tho womon who boat them
occasionally at games of this kind.
SUIH Hnlber Thnn SIrenKlli.
Mrs. Cildnhy: I don't think anything
nbout golf; that' the beauty of It. I Just
play nnd enjoy It nnd my llttlo daughter
plays nnd enjoys It with me. Tho exorciso
Is Ideal bocauso combined with such delight
ful sport. It brings business men out ot
their ofuco3 nnd makes them forgot tho
care nnd perplexities of tho day, whllo they
tramp around in tno open nir nnd exorcise
and when tho gnmo I done they sit down
and rest and enjoy social Intercourse with
their friends, which, In many cases, thoy
too frequently negiert under othor clrcum
stances. I think Hint a low scoro depends
upon sitiii as mucn a anything, for with
out fcklll no amount of strength would mako
a successful player.
Mrs. Will Itedlck: I think golf Is tho fin
est out-of-doors gamo I know of, and It
furnisno ii,o cesi exerclso r havo ever taken
a well. I bellovo that practice makes tho
expert goner, rathor than strength or skin
I like golf hecauso It mako companions of
parents nnu ciuidren nnd nfford3 nn onnnr
tunlty lo combine a delightful pnstlmo with
a most wholesome exercise. Whole famlllos
piay u togetner and It Is equally Interest
ing to each member. It la tho only jramo
I know of which this can bo raid. Thore
are ovoral cases out at tho Country club
wnrro lamer nnd son play tot-ether dniiv
each trying to lower tho score tho other has
mane, i no not think loo much ran bo said
In favor of a gamo that brings about such
companionship. x
Hiivt Kiltie Aim we red.
Derolt Free Press! Katie Is Just over and
shfl I employed a a domestic In a hlf,
houso surrounded by shade tree on tho
Can farm. See la as willing a a hungry
mosquito, but there arc thing she lus not
yet learned.
Kntlo I having a hard tune In maatcrlu;
tho telephone. She litis had ninny lisroti
and long, but there I u mystery nbout the
whole thlug that Inflames her superstition,
'Anyone call or nsk for tne by telephone
whllo I was out, Kn'le.'" asked tho ml
"ludnde they did, mum. The box Jingled
and n lady with a volco llko a colfco mill
say: "'Hello' and I snyB 'Hello yourself,
nnd she says, 'Who 1 this?' and 1 enys,
'None of lour business, and she says, T
Aunt Mary there," and 1 told her she'd bet
ter nsk n policeman nnd she folred t-omo-thing
In tny cai nud 1 dared her to Miow the
ugly mug of her back of our brn sal she
said nuthln'. I'll talk tn that mnrhuic no
more, mum."
One Si-crcl of Oblillultiu n l.iistliiii
I'lintnurnpli nf Oni'srlf.
Ono of tho most prominent and sui"
cesfjful photographer of the east always
tells hi sitter of the fair sex that they
ought to he photographed with ns few
clothes on as possible. Ho wants them
not to mako their dre too modern nnd
characteristic of the slyios of tho moment
Nothing makes a pu-turo look bo very much
out of the mode ns some cotuiuo of fifteen
or twenty year ago. which may havo
been tho smartest thing possible nt that
tlmo. Hut fashions change so positively
tlmt few of them are tolerable to look nt
utter n decade. On the other hand, a
woman who hn been photographed with
only tho herd and bust revealed will never
Give any sign of tho passage of time In the
appearance of the picture. She will not
hi.vo the antiquated, out-of-date look that
makes some photograph ridiculous Puffed
sleeves vvero worn only live years ago. but
tho picture of a woman taken In one of
these dresses I really absurd.
Even greater than tho changes In tho
stylo of gown I tho difference that comes
In huts Women who had their phoio
graph tnketi In the style of bonnet worn
Ilfteen jear ago must feel llko laughing
at themselves now. Even Jewelry ha 11
effect, n the picture of a woninn Hint I saw
the other day very plainly showed. Sho
had on nil old-fushloned set of coral ear
rings, bracelet, pin nnd everything that
used to belnig to the "set." She was ills
IlRiircd by these ornament. Nobody would
have thought of paying tiny intention to
her face, as tho toral Jewelry absorbed
nil the attention of the spectator.
II Is for uch reasons us this," snys tho
nuthorlty referred to, "that I nlwny tell
women who want to continue satisfied with
their pictures that they should havo only
tho head nnd shoulders taken, nnd drapo
them with n lace scarf or something elso
that might have belonged to any tlmo or
crlod nnd Is not going to look absurdly
out of fashion after a year or two. Ex
tremely simple dress sometimes mny ac-
ompllsh the same purpose. Hut tho light
draping Is always most certain. I can
remember when women hnd n passion for
being photographed in snowstorms. Tho
heavier tho Btorm tho inoro they liked It
and the moro closely they clutched tho
fur muff they always carried In thoso
pictures. It Is only necessary to look at
ono of them now to realize how mistaken
nil such attempts at eccentric picture
iMiillne Nun Wlin ( ill mi-il n Multitude
In (In- tinlv eslon Mnriu.
A heroine of tho Gnlvcstoti storm I tho
mother supirlor ot tho Ursullno convent.
who calmed nud controlled hundreds of
men and women who sought rfugo tluro
on tho night of the storm and Hood.
Mother Superior Joseph found herself in
harge of tho rescue nnd succor of what
seemed n multitude Ilcelng to tho strong
buildings of the convent or drifting under
tho window nnd against tho vvnlla on
;eces of wreckage.
Tho buildings occupied four blocks from
Avenuo N to Avcnuo 0, from Rosenberg
nvonuo to Twenty-seventh street. They
wcio surrounded by a ten-foot brick wall
which was Hwopt nvvay by the Hood, Hut
tho main buildings stood, and It Is record d
Hint the nun worked llko men to drag
tho people to comparative safety.
It was a tlmo when tho person man or
woman who was bra vest, assumed com
mnnd, regardless of sex or ago, and vva
obeyed by tho others. In the midst of tho
tempest part of ono of tho buildings fell
The negroc who hnd been given shelter
set up n weird wall and chant that wns
fast driving them and ovecybedy else to
frenzy, it was llko the diath song of sav -nges.
Women fainted und men stopped
their cars. The overstrung nerves of tho
fugitives wcro giving way. Mother Joseph
ordurrd tho chapel Imll tolled. Tho freu
zlcd negroes ceased their maddened chant
and howled when they heard tho peal of
I ho hell. As they listened, awestruck, tho
horole nun appeared heforo them, In th
dim light ot tho candle, as the llgurc of u
"You must rouso your walling," she told
thoiu. "If It Is God's will Hint wo shall
porlsh wo must dlo llko Christians. Pray
to God llko Christian. Resign yoursolvea
to Gcd. To thoso who will, wo will admin-
Inter the holy ancrament."
To tho awestruck, half-nuked crowd of
men, womon and children whllo and black
while tho tempest boomed nnd the waters
beat agnlnst tho walls, tho holy womon,
In tho dim light, administered thn rile of
tho church, whllo other tied up wound
nnd others dragged fugitives through thn
wind own.
I'm in lleiiiliiiiii'tern,
Detroit Journal: Two soldiers, a IlrHon
and a lloer, met.
"You are licked'" snld tho Ilrlton.
"Well, I declare, wouldn't that ccnld
you?" said tho lloer. In Great surprise "Hut
bow hnppcn It that you aro definitely up
prnlBod of this, before we have bo much ns
an Inkling of it?"
Why, our lino of communication wUh
London la so much more direct thnn yours" "'
said tho Ilrlton, courteously.
After which tho two shook hands and
parted excellent friends.
Alfred T. Turner, city treusurer of Hns
ton, hn been In the service of the city fnr
forty-seven, conseeutlve year. lie celo
bratd his 80th birthday last week.
Adolph von Iiehler, the Tyrolesa poet
celebrated Ills 80th birthday recently. Hvl.
dently Jlerr von Plchler haH nlwaya been
cnretul never to tnke his i oetn on sprlnr;
around to tho Tyroleco editor In person
Dr. John AuguHtiis Elder of Lancaster,
Pa.. Is Htlll In active practice, though in
his fOth year. He was ono of the delegate
In attendance at Hi" recent annual conven
tion In Wllkcsbarro of Hie Pennsylvania
Stnto Medical society, whic.h society no
helped to organize fifty-two years ago.
Hon. A. W. Paine', Hangor'n oldest
lawyer, has voted at slxty-snven national
nnd state eloctlon In Mali.e. Ho haa ml?oi
voting for president but open Hi nro lf33, nn 1
then from severe Illness, and hn haH misled
but once voting a straight vvhlf? or repub
lican ticket, and that onco was when no
voted for tho re-election of a Judge of
probate in whom ho hnd gToat conihieriec.
and who had become i- democrat.
Mr. nnd Mr. II II. Forman of Inde
pendence. Kan., who recently celebralel
their slxty-tlfih wedding nnnlversnry, are
conceded to he tho oldest couple n Kansas,
Mr. Fonnnn was born noar Mount Sterling,
In Montgomery county, Ky , January 15,
1M2, and his wife was bom In the am
pluco and In tho sanm year. After their
u-eddlng thev removed to Illinois and
tled near what I now Hprlngllold. Two
of Mr. Fnrman'H sons, who are now on
gaged In business In thl city, were horn
In a houso In Sprlngheld thut waa owned
by Abrih..m Lincoln, Thn Forman after
ward removed to Iowa, thence to Kirks
ville. Mo., where they lived during tho
war and thenco camo to Kansus, wher
thoy took a claim, Mr. Forman served
el'Tlng tho civil war In tho First Missouri