TUT, (TMATTA D TLY nTCTC: SfXPAT, OOTOnfiTC 7, 1000. 23 SPECIAL JGTICES AilvertUrnienlii for tlire rolnimn trill tic mlirn until Hi tnr ,hP rrulnic edition mill until H !H P mt, for ini.rnliiK nnd snndnr edition. Itntra. I J-'-io f iriird flrl lnrrllon, 3r a ord tlierenf ler. .Ntitlilnit lUrn for le lliun anc lor the !" Inser tion. These mlTrrtlflrmraU null be run consecutively. Ail verllrrn, by rentiestl nmu tirrril cheek, mil hr mowers n4 ftrcsard to n nnmbrretl letter In rare of 'Hie lice. Amnm o ililrrssril ttIII lie delivered o preneutntluii of the cheek only. MTI TIO.S WAVIKI). I liv r-xnerlenced nil rein J bub her anil meat cutter; single in. i. temperate, no objection 10 "';""' Address X u7, Hco. a-m;m h HITl ATIo.N wanted by young lady; ac curate ut flgureH and u Rood penmnn; ref erences given. Address V 2. Met- olllro. A Al?i.J I JSXPKR1KNCKD hdokkcepcr desires cler ical position of any kind ut oncu; city references. Address Y 7, Her. A M3&9 V IW ANTED Position In bunk by experienced jookkcper and lmnk clerk with the p"v Int t taking flock. ' Address, K lieu- A vis a COMPETKNT and experienced stenog rapher and telegraph operator; under stands oilier work. Host of refer.-ices. A.tilr.uB M HH II.. -Xli aiCLIlgUC mo.- -912 BITV ATION wonted by llrst-class book- keeper niu expert m-iuNiii. " , " ;; ii tnt vi ry H al references, rtuurewi i . 842 aoutli 22d St. A-Mi2-I.V WA.NTUn .MA 1.12 HELP. JVVe Teach the Oraharn and Gregg Systems. NKHRASkXTiUSINKSS -AND-BHOHTIIAND C0LLEGK, imD thkatkr huilding. A MODKI1N, UP-TO-DATK HCI100I,. 2,60O HANKING FURNITURE JiiHt placed In thti colMe for the actual Huslnos and Hanking department. 13.010 WORTH OK NEW TYPKWHITKRS pure-hat 'd thl the students. year for tlio benefit of I2,0n0 WOUTH OK SMITH IMinMIKHH. Ton r.-n-ntly placod In the Typi-v rltlni; di partnii'tit. Wo liuvt' nix dlluTent maki'M of Htnndiird inachlnoH, maklijK tho tnuHt cotnpleto nnd niTtitl , nppiMi Hliortband hoIiooI -In the wust. ANOTIIHK KI.OOH HAS IIKI3N Ll'AHKU tbat thu many Htudont.i iwitrrlnK the dlf foriTii ili'partmriitH may bo nccommo da tod. KlIlT KriIOOI.. TuuKht by tho tearbcr3 of the duy nrliuol Oi-rman i:lttMao tauulit by a Ui'i inan ti'iiclier or thu HlKh Mchool. JN AN8W15K TO Mil. MOSIIHH. Th' olllclal rcriuilH do not nhow tint Mr. MohIkt v;ih i-viT uppolnliMl court td porter fur inn' da. Hi- attempted to rpoit two cafi-H only, but was never t-aueil iiK.iln anil why." Mr Musher know nothing of the OreSB HVHtim a ytar iiko, hlH xprlenc In Hhorthand beliu; In a IMtmunlc Kystem; and In why Mlns Van Dousen of fered in a fair challenge to double hla Fpeed. MImh Van Oeuson would linvo accepted Iiih challenge, but not with Mr. OrcKi; uh a jnif;e, tor the reanun Mr. Oickk wuh Iniliieed to hIku the letter recently piibllHheil by .Mr. MoHher. catttiiB re llectlun on the ability or MIhh an Ueu en, of whom ho knew nothliiK. anil which was the .solo caime of thin con tention. At tho end of two montha MIrh Van Dousen left the Omaha Commercial Cul leuo with three othcr by reasun of Mr. MoHher m Incompetency In the OreBK ayHtem and all entered the Neliraxka llUHlneHH CoIIimu to HnlHh their couinc, unit ollierti hiiicii nave louoweu. 3N CONOMJMON Wo am perfectly wllllnR to abldu by the public verdict h.h to the fatrnenH of our hallenKe and the candor of our Mute incnta. Day and U veiling Sessions. A. C. ONO, A. M., LI,. II.. President. H-13U ' AVANTKI), wo havo steady work for a few good hustlers of good habits and appear ance. C i-'. Adams Co., IiWj Howard St. H-tl2l JIAHHKR trado tuught thoroughly In short time, cataiosuu and purticulats irec. A inicss Western llurburs' Institute. Uin.iii.i, Neb. li 171 - l ANT KD, teams for It. H. work In Mlu sisnippl, free transpoi tatlon tor outtlts. Uickliam, l'helan v Co., 19 Scott street, Couhul Hluffs, la. 11-020 WANTKD men to learn barber trade; S weeks completes; positions at Jlo.00 t.O'kiy giuiameeil; tree railroad lain to Denver, niigest college in the world; wo have no college or ottieu on Kamam street Write lor particulars to Akh Moler. Humor College, Crcighton iuock, Omaha. It 799-.V ."WUITK to us for trailing Job, straight ialar. Tilumph Co., Dallas, 'lex. I1-.MS09 11 ,"ANTKD, men to learn barber trade; a thoruiigh collegu course given in two months, two ears' lime h.ned by our method of tree cllule, espert Instructions and lectures; as Hiillieleiii piacilce cannot bo had in the iimaller cities we furnish tiee transportation to uur colleges in Chicago, St. l.ouls ur Minneapolis; wu want graduates as deinouBtiaiui, a new iiinthod of advertising that gives uur bar bers steady work, good pay ami viuuiiulo experience, also iiiuny oilur Jooh In city and country shops. Kur parucularo and free catalogue adilrens .Moler t odecc Itup ruaeiitatie, 1023 Kurnatu St., Omaha. it -Mjio 10 WANTKD, a llnit-elnss specialty ralesma. well acquainted with sa.oou ttaile to scl i.i Mi-ll line line oi bitters, tonics, coruluht, etc.; good imposition to uapablu in.ui. u. Soniienschetn cb Co., 9-u2 K. Lake St., Chuago HMM!) AN" IIP. an experienced Herman clerk in general sioru. .uuiess l,ocK Hox lio. Walnut. la. H MS3S 7 WANTKD, Ursl-cliiss watchmaker and- en graver .Miiiiesn ii. i-,. ueriii. yis Main, JYllll&ua II WAMKD. first-class saleimati thoroughly exponoiioeu in ine luruiiure and carpet bus ness MeorasKa c urniture uni i'r. pet Co . 413 and 413 North llliii Htrect, OlIU'll v.uiiiu.,. II .IJkW i WANTKD by wholesaler, energetic sales men to learn to neil elegant lino d-p.irt- III en i goous 10 iiieicnan u: niruo saiarv no experience tiecos.sary; wo educate. llox 790. Chicago, in. li st: PKR wih'Ic bona llde; salnry nnil ox penscs capable men and women to repre sent us aiinolntlnu nueuts: ranid nrooio Hon and increase of xaluy; new, hriu.a.it lines jiutier Atger, .miiv luven, conn. J2NKROKT1C workers to distribute clrcu lars and uaniples; pormaticui occupntlo.i goon pay, ii.irticunirs tor aiamp. uis League. 49 W. 2bth St., N. Y. H - WANTKD. energetic and successful young salesman by wholesale cheap Jewtlryaud novelty Iiuum' for 1J01. J. I-toersiici'n Kuiisiadetr .S. Co.. Chicago, III. H WANTKD. agents, good, reliable, energetlo men to Hell our it lull uriide line or lubil- catlng oils, greases, imlnts, belting and mil' sjpplles. either exclusively or as ui.l. line: locallv in- travel tig. on com mission Th.' Industrial oil and Supply Co. ciceiaiiii. iiiuo. n BALKSMKN .to sell lino of up-to-dito printed wrapping taper, earn J21) to 1:0 weekly as side line. Kompor-Thom is I'ancr Co., i lucinnaii, u h WANTI2D. Biilewmiiu. iicnses. permanent. Rochester. N. Y. $7.1 monthly and ex Perry Nursery Co 11- WANTHD. experienced traveling salefctnen of good nppeurance and address. Per manent POHUIOII 11 Dillt'U UH' fHliai.H.U'iJ Must furnish unquestionable references Addross Uox COS, St. Louis, Mo IS 100 i WWIED MAt.K HEtil'. IJOYtBS' COMMHItCIAI, AND SHORTHAND UI5H nt'IIiDINQ. "THU SCHOOL THAT MAKR9 A SITCI At.TY OK KAOII STLDKNT." StudcntH entcrlnn all tho time. Now clasica tomorrow. HOOKKKKl'INO, COMMKUCIAL A1UTHMKTIC. I'KN.MANSHIP. COMMHHCIAh UW. (JHA.M.MAIt. BrKI.UNO. counnsi'ONDKNCi:. SHOUTHAND. TOIVII TYPHWltlTtNO. OKKICH DIUIili. ThoroURh Indtvlilual Instruction In all com mrrctnl branclKH for earnest yotliiR men nnd women. Klncn ItH organization this school hns en joyed tho commence of tho business com munity, and has enriched that community by furnlshltiR graduates who are thorouchly competent to do that which builness men rrqulre done. Catalogues furnished on application. U-MU.7 WANTHl), wholesule clothlnK traveling salesmen for Iowa, etc.; apply with ref erences, ImluditiK hist employers, only ii.nrrii iiii.ii with esiaollbhed tradt! ti'.-id aiinii. and no others. Address I- t'der, r yucr. Third Ulllii.rhi.ti- A. I'll . Nos. 30 and J- Mi.. Cincinnati. Ohio. H MbiSj TltUHTWOHTHY man to advertise and es tablish agents In Nebraska; JSO monthly and expenses besides commission; per manent. John Cross, 3.xi Dearborn. Lht ,.n;0. H MaiW i CKlAlt salesman calling on saloon trado to handle lino lino of hitters, lonlci. ete., as side line; '.arse commission. O. Hon nentichetn i Co., M-luJ U. I.aku St., Chl- cngo. WANTKD, nt onco, n live. unerROtlc, nx pirlencoii cierk ror Keneral store; Oer mati speaklni; preferred; reasonable sal ar ; stati- uRe. experience, salary ex pected and send references In tlrst letter. Address Hex VSi, Danbury. la. 11 MSV: i W AM I'JD, man, upright character, to manage business of old established house; sa'arv tlS per week and expenses nayublu eueh'v.'eck direct from headquarters; ex pense money advanced; position perma nent; reieivnce. Standard House, Jul Caxton Uullditig, Chicago, 111. H MS70 7 A IlKKAI) baker and a helper; good wages paid; at Smith's bakery, 1102 5th ave., Cojnell Hluffs. 11-MS7 S WANTKD NicholiiH. men to work on Ico. 14th and tl MS70 7 WANTKD. at once, coatmakor; steady woik. O. Abrahamson, Holdrcge. Neb. It-MSt75 S MKCHANICS, engineers, electricians, tire men, etc: A Tree scholarship In engineer ing will be awarded to a row well recotn nu nuer appiicaniii Atneruan School of Correspondence, liostou, Mass. H-SJ-7 OOOD salesmen can cam $76 to 100 rer niotith and expense:) with the Merchants' U1I Co.. Cleveland. O. U 311 7 A KIRST-CI.ASS travellnc salcsmnn to represent established house. Liberal guarantee and commission. Position per manent. Address, 1011-313 Dearbein St., Chicago. H-91-7 WANTKD Kxperlenced salesman; school furnlturo and supplies; correspondence solicited. I'nlon School Kurnlahlng Co., 211 K. Madison St.. Chicago, U-910-7 SOLICITORS In every town to reiiresent our fashion magiislne; no expense at tached: complete outllt and sumple copies free; agents make J10 dally. Address, Pictorial Review, 863 Hroadwa. Now York. H-KH-7 OOOD crockery and premium geeds salfa men to sell to the trado; experlonco not necessary, but want hustlers; liberal In ducements to right men. Imperial Por trait Co., 441 Wubash ave., Chicago. 11-S97-7 CAPA11LK, reliable men In every county to represent large company of solid finan cial reputation; 13 per day absolutely mire to start; delinlte bona lido salaried contract and expenses; opportunity to secure permanent position Involving no canvassing. Universal, Uox 731, Phila delphia. H-S9S-7 SPKC1ALTY suleiiman wanted to place de partments of perfumes and toilet articles in all clase of stores; very attractive advertising features; hlsh-class commis sions and liberal contract to right man Tho Klyslun Mfg. Co., Detroit. Mich. H-917 7 WANTKD. good men to sell liquors nnd wines to tirlvutri trade, on liberal com mission; will give three counties to each man. Addrehs The Ashbrook Distilling Co.. P. O. Hox 150, St. Joseph, Mo. H-M9M 9 ANTKD, general dry goods salesman. single, nbout 12 years experience as dry goods Fiilcsinnn, competent, affable; best references required. Address, stating full nart culurs. r. I), lock nox iidu. ..o braska City, Neb. H-919 7 WANTKD A good man to sell tea nnd coffee. The union rnciiio Tea co.. YfH Pith St. ii-a.i WANTHD An energetic man to take the agency ror our goons in ourasKii nnu Iowa towns; lirge commission, wrne tor further Information. The I'nlon Pacific Tea Co.. 201 N. ICth St., Omaha, Neb. 11-974 7' WANTISP -Three good coat makers; best prices paid. rn-brasKa 1'nnt ami Hint co., IU N. 13th St.. Lincoln, Neb. H-M972 8 WANTKD A registered pharmacist. Ad- dress, Jos. rlckcrltis;, Henedlct, reii. H-971-7 SALKSMKN for Iowa, Nebraska and Dakota. Regular !lno Jewelry. No scheme. Kxcluslvo time devoted or will furnish side line. Give age, references, experience. Rig commlsnlon. New Kng land Jewelry Co., Iowa City, la. H-370 7 WANTKD -At once, two good eorpenters. Write or telephone. Wm. Reed, Carson. Iowa. U-90-7' WANTKD Kverywhcro, hustlers to tack signs, Distribute circulars, samples, etc.; no canvassing: good pay. Sun Advertis ing Jl'.ireau, Chicago. H-9'57 7' $10 DAILY to live men. We wont agents everywhere: leather suspenders; cannot break, wear out or pill' off buttons; sell at sight; samples furnished free Cliicln natl Leather Suspender and licit Co., 11 720, Cincinnati. O. H-939 7 WANTKD Om -. ba branch otnico manager: SM and commission; semi stamp, nan tnry CO., Nt. Lotus, .Mo. 117-91. i 8ALKSMr" rnr cigars; new plan;-quick sales; good business; big money. Con sumers' Clgnr Co.. Kit S. 7th St.. Ht Louis. 11 910 7 WANTKD SaVsmen (calling on all linos or trauei to carry Hide lino or line cnlcnd'irs. No better line will be on the market this season Goods strictly 1111-to dnte and prices right; pay 25 per cent commission; big money can bo made dur ing next sixty days; the best season or the year to sell calendars: 125 different stiles: Includes everything desirable. We have men traveling with th s line exc 11 rlviy, some making from t"5 to $lil per wei-h. ,h nun. iino nomine equals it. O'vk refetincis J. js. Care Lord & Titomns, i-nicagn H 911 1 WANTKD-An energetic young man In each town lo permanently represent our coiui'iiiiy ; gunii puy mm no expense, par ticular" on request. McGraw-Murdon Co. New York C ty. H GOVKRNMKNT positions, thousandi or an polntments to be made; examinations 1 soon In every stale; circular 151. giving ful! particulars, sent free; wrlto for It toiinv to ,-siuionai corrosp. institute. Washington, o. c. R GOVKRNMKNT positions; don't prepnro tor ine posiomro or any nmer civil serv lco examination without seelns our cata I . . . . . I I..?..-... .. a .. t I II 1,1' 111 mi 1,1 1 1111 1 ,uii , ri . v Ulilllt' blan Correspondence College, Washington WANTHD MAMJ IIIJI I'. A VKW MOIU; I'fllNTKItH AHOl'T THE OMAHA COMMUIH IAL t'OLICOK, IlOIIItliUl.UH. IIIIUS.. I'KUPUIKTOIia. Pointer No. 1-Iletwoen forty and tlfty njw students entered the various depart ments of the collets last week. New classes wero organized In all departments Several new students have nrranpd to begin tomorrow mornlnc This Is a pood time to begin. Several students were Riven positions during the week iu stenogriiph ors and bookkeepers. We have had more calls, as usual, than we can till. Pointer No. 2 A new class starts tomor row night. Tho night school In Telegraphy will run four nights a week and the tui tion will be, for Telegraphy and Type writing, H tier month. All who desire can now learn Telegraphy nt night, our night school has nlread) a large attendance. Th branches taught In the day schnol may be had in the evening school Pointer No. 3 We have the largest cl-ii In Oregg .Shorthand wo have ever had. This 8stcm Is still attracting widespread attention. We are teaching It by mall and are having exce lent suc cess. If you nro going to learn a sys tem of shorthand by all means investigate the Oreiig. It hns but one position, no slant, and but tew word signs. A cata logue explaining the system will be sent to any nddruss. II 7 SAI.KHMHN, automatic copying book. Just out, sells Itself; needed by every bushier i man; a bonanza for agents; exclusive ter ritory. IVrshlt-.g Mrg. Co., South Uend, Ind. M-MIKI 7' 8AI,KSMKN to handle our par excellent line or advertising blotter?, calendars, hangers; Imported and domestic; highest grndo; largest assortment ; best pree-. Marshall Mf?. Co., 177-17'J Adams St., Chic o. II-tKC-7 WANTi:D Huptured people who will work a few nourr tor a tree cure. ur. tpciri. Hox 610. Westbroolc, Maine. II THAVKLINfJ salesman wanted ror hlsh grade staplo line to dry goods anil gen eral trade; contrnct ror balance of this year and all of next If sa'es are satis factory. American Stundurd Jewelry Co., Detroit, Mich. H9i-? VA.vrnii i'ijmam: iiiji.i WANTKD, 200 ftlrls. 1521 Dodge. SO girls wanted. Canadian office, 1522 Dougta- CJ iii OIHb for general housework; must be gooJ cook; wages $1 week for competent girl. Call at onco 2'J20 nnimett. C MM QilU for general housework; m N. 3lst Me. small family. C-MXll WANTHD. references. liist-class girl, 1SI5 So. 29th St. In family i C-U0 7 WANTRD, a girl for references required. general housework; 111) N. 22d St. C-S61 7 SALESWOMAN for crockery nnd gliiso do partmunt. Address, with references, V 11, lee. . C-Mstf; 7 WANTKD, girl for general housework. Ap ply 42U7 I.nfayetto ave. Oood waifes. C-M.Mil S Dodge St. C-MI-S WANTKD Olrl for geneial good wuges. 2404 Cass fit. hojsewurk; C Sij S SKRVANT girl wages. 20i S. wanted; .Wth St. 3 In family; good -8S2 GIRL for cencral housework; Jl per week. 1822 Kmmett. C S7l 7 GIRL for general housework; to compe tent girl, 1 week; small family. v.M Dod.e St. C-S-I S WANTKD A bright woman In each town to pennant. n I ly represent our company; renin .1 and congenial employment tor al! or portion of time; good pay and nu cx Sense. Particulars on request. McGraw larden Co., New York City. C LADIKS to do piecework for us at home; we furnish all materials and pay $7 to $12 per week. Send stamped envelope to iloynl Co., 34 Monroe St., Chicago. C-919 7 AN ACTIVK, ambitious lady not younger than 25, wunttd nt once In our bimlncst ; p.i moderate, but gradually incr used. Address V 13, Hoe. C 91b 7' WANTKD-.lt olioe, forclady for dress making parlors; best of references re quired: also understand Initios' tailoring. Address Dressmaker, G Kajt Grunt st.. Marnhalllown, la. C MOIfi 9 WANTKD, woman or man In every town to collect names; J5 per hundred. II. H. Robinson Mrg. Co., Chicago, 111. C-93S 7 PROOKRKADINO taught by mail; paying situations always obtainable. Home Cor respondence School, Philadelphia. C-937 7 WANTKD, girl for good wages, small ton Ave. genoral family. housework; EMS Popnlu-C-9i2 7 WANTKD, mediately. experienced nurse. 4123 Karnutri St. Call lm-C-9j4-7 GOOD Park girl for iivenuo. general housework. 1021 C-13S 9' WOMAN wnnted for chambermaid an-1 general work In rooming house; muit have references. Appi) Monduy, 1 to 3 p. ni., Tho Kamam, U21 l''arnnm. C-130 7' I-Oll IlKXT HOUSKS. IK you want your houses well rented place them with Uenawa Ac Co. D-CitJ FOR RKNT, strictly modtrn flat In Dav Idge building, oposlte city hull. JOHN W. ROHHINS, 1602 I'ARNAM ST. D-029 ClfAMPION Carpet Cleaning Wks., cleana and lays enrpcts right. 71S S. 14. Tel. C53. D 13 1 02J ALWAYS moving II. ll. St. goods. Pianos. Tel. 1359 or StU. D-0u0 Olllce, ibllVt i-arnam HOUSKS for rent ln all parts of the city Urcnuan-Love Co., sjo ho lain at. D C31 HOUBKS, stores. Hemis, Paxton block. D-GJ3 CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON. 1203 Farnum; W Ml FOR RKNT, house 8 rooms, S. W. Cor. l'ark ave. ana i-eavenworiu. .vi- nern ax cent furnace. Key at cottage In rear. D-105 COAL, best cooking, 14.25, delivered; noth ing bolter, iiarmon f eein 10 iei. 111, D-9s7 019 'OR RKNT, October 1, to smull family, a desirable seven-room cottage, 22nd und California street; water In Kitchen; $22 per mouth. Inquire at 007 N. 19th street. D M293 3707 JONKS Streit, beautiful ten-room modern resiuenco in peneci oruei , new plumbing, now furnace, large lawn, JGu.OO. OMAHA LOAN & TRUST CO., 16th & Douglas St. D-MD52 8KB HENRY H. PAYNE. 001 N. Y. LIFK o u.a HOUSES, cto. K. D. Wend, 1521 Douglas. D-CT HOUBKS and flats. Rlnswult, Hnrkcr itlk D-033 HOUSES and flats. Illngwalt, Hat kor blk 1 !st 3217 CUMING St., 8 rooms; modem except furnace, in goou conuiiiun, OMAHA LOAN it TRUST CO., ICth & Douglas St. D-550 9-ROOM house, modern. 220C Harney st, l M7CiI FIVE-ROOM cottngo, furnished. $23: tin furnished, $20; flue Mason st. lawn, chise In. 1,11 D-M&47 . E-ROOM, modern, and barn, 24th and Har ney; cor. -iitn ami iinmiuon. moueru ti room new house. F. D. Wead, ICth und Douglas, D M509 N1CR C-room modern cottage. $22. 2110 Decatur D MO FOR RKNT. S room modern houne cor. 15th and Vinton Inquire 1111 Vinton. D-M830 11 5-ROOM modern furnlBhed house; Hamcom Park district. 3027 Marcy St. D--5'i 7 FOR ItKNT. soven-room house turnshed completely, fine location; 2001 South 32d avenue, west side car. D MSixl 8 FINK 11. room residence, strictly nioilern steam heat, lawn, barn, unsurpassed locn- Hon, central, jm). Address v ks, nee. D-M10SJ HEAUTIFUI six-room cottage, vacant, $15 furnished, tls nnd t fine lawn: bv th year's lease, $15, $1S anil $20 allowed off for car fare. 914 3. 40th, Lcnvenworth Poll UI2T HOISHS. Kult HE NT. I'.'li Hinney flt . large modern huie, good location, IX. MM Capitol Ae.. 9 rooms, modern, . 361" Pierce St., rooms, modem except gns, 126. lf7 Plnkney, 9 rooms, modern except gas, JiO. 91x So. 91st, 6 room cottage. 1S. 1PJ1 So. Sitb Ave., 7 rooms, modern except rurnace, 1S. ISm'i Harney, 7 rooms, partly modern, J1S. RJii N. 22d St.. 7-room cottage, f22. Ml 4 I.lndsny Ave , 5 rooms, ti. IN Sut'TH OMAHA. 3222 R St., ll-ronm building, excellent e- pair, J30. 191 So. 24th St., ti-room cottage, $1S. 2Sth and H Sts., S rooms, city water, $17. R. C. P12TBRS & CO., 1702 Kamam. D-M0I9 7 28i: Dewey Ave. and closet, ?8. 171S Jackson St Mini, $!'. l-room lint, brick, bath 5-room, city water In 22"4 N. 21st St., 4 ,.i..,f w room brlclt llat, bath and 2SI1 llrstol St., 7-room, city water Inside, paved street, good condition, J12.M. 2722 N. 26th St.. 7-room, city water, K 1112 N. ;t.id St.. S-room, city waur. bartt, lose to Atnes Ave. car, $u- !Mil Mason St., 9 rooms, all modern, $2". 316 N. 41st St., in rooms, all modern, ."!.". PAYNH-KNoX COMPANY, Klrst lloor. N. Y. MIo Hldg. D-9il 7 1S20 N. 27th, 7 rooms, bath. Jtft.tO. 1802 Ohio. 9 rooms, bath. J25.O0. OARVIN HROS., 1C13 KARNAM. D-M999 KtVK.ROriM :V-J N. 20111 modern cottage, barn. Jl.HW. D-S.SI- 1'OR RUNT. lino C-rootn modern cottages In the Stunlord circle, 13th und Vinton fitreets; convenient to South Omalm nnd 13th street car lines; J20 tier month. The Hyron lb d Co., 212 8. llth St. D-137 HKNRY It. I AY NI J ' SRI : NT "lT AR 0 A IN fl Only two of those large 3-ro.iri brlclt hoiws left at per nionth, two blm k south .,t lnion und .South oinin.i car. on l.th st. These nre iiewly papered and will soon h? In line fhape on outsld". loo. Rear ,v3il H. I7th at., B-rooin house, newly p.ipered and pnli.ii-d. re l"ce l to V. ill 8. K.'.li uc, line ti-rnoni c ttrfgo, bath room and gas throughout, . 1911 S. 2!h st., splendid ti-room house, now, all modem, except furnace, for rent ut $2,"i if not sold bv Oct. 10. II you see it you will wniit to buy It youreif. 3V.S Seward St., n-rooins. nil in .dern, ex cept furnace, nlco condition. furnl:-hed nt $22, tiiifurnlsh 'd at $1; to be vacant Oct. 20. 15-14 S Wth st., 11 -rooms, bath, i?n.. furnic", 5 mantels and ;;r.itM, Mce rep.-'lr, on y J25. This Is suitable for two fnmlilvs. See I1KNRY li. PA1NH, tOl N. Y, LIPiC. D-12S 7 LA1U1K modern' house, West l'ariittin district. G-rootn cottage, 271K Jackson, IIS. f.-room, modern, furnished (piano), $33. C-room cott.igi', )si N. 31th. Ml. 5-room, vers di r.lrnble, 3u0l Hlondo, 19. 4-ruom, 4-room, almost m w, ffilij Knimett, M. In-' ml new, 1320 Canton, ;i-rooin, :i-ruoni 2-riKim. 2-room I! togelher, each, SO. cottage. 1!'.'!7 Ho. 2"It st, $(J. 2 togeilui. almost new. each, $3. house. Jirju Dorcas St., i: I-Ine, large b.irn. .'J" So. 5th ave, $7. Inquire L'l3 l-'unuim St. D-12B TOR lir.XT- 1M ItMMIIIOI) ltdOXS. TI1RKK rooms, housekeeping; 1112 S. llth, K-374 SL'ITAHLK week. 310 lor No. four students, Mb st. $1 each per k-mm:: 7 ROOMS, furnished or unfurnished, modern, wltli or without board; private f,.m.Iy. 210.N Chicago St. K S..0 7 SIX rooms, furnished, modern, low rent; convenient to Lnlun dipoi; delightful lo cation; Karniini car. Audioss Y it, Ileo. lO-Ii-O i"' NICKLY furnished front room, with aici-vo; also smaller rooms; modern. 51. S 2lui aveH K Mltfi ii HKAl'TIKl'L modem room3, llrsl flo..r. housekeeping. 514 N. 19th. K Mill 9' KOR Wl'.: RKNT, one S. 19tll st. furnished room, modem. - K-110 7 KPRNISHKD rooms, from tlo to 52.) per Address Y 21, lice. single or en suitiv month; stem he .t. K-131 ; TIIK KARNAM, 121 Karnnm st.. just ojiened; elegant looms, eer thing ne.v, stc.nu heat, electric light; trai.s.ent, l to i2 a day, i;uro,,ran jilun. Tel 11 U. K-132 9' NICKLY furnished room, steam heat, for gentlemen. 'Jsl Douglas. IS 115 7 I-'l It.MSIIIin ROOMS AM) iIO.Mll). GLKNCAIRN,traiibIentb,J1.25day. 1C09 Doug. K-03-i GOOD board, private family, avenue. UTOPIA, 1721 Davenport St. 509 So. 25 111 F-MKi'l TIIK Merrlam, Dodge. good summer rcoort. 2oth & F-oll TWO largo south Webster St. modern, F-C23 :oio FOR RKNT Rooms gentlemen and one and board for three ludy. J4irt Cass St. F H'm a' FI'RNISHKD or unfurnished, board, vnto lainlly. 2)J.'! W'oolworlli Ave. F-9J1 prl- LARGK pleasant room. 221J Howard ut. F .Mj7j-9' ONK largo room and 0110 small room: best or home cojkiiig; not watei neai. auiihi.is Y 21, lite. K-.Ml.-l s FOR RKNT, furnished or unfurnished rooms with board In prlvnto lam.ly. Apply at 1115 S. -uh st. F 12J HAND8OMK south roam, In lnrgo brick resl.ienee; also smg.e 10.111; steam; bourn; relercuces. 22 N. Isih si. K .Ml 1' FOR HK.Vr I MM ll.M.MIIM) IIOO.M.s. FINE suite of rooms, modern. ttlg. BIG Georgia Ave. FOUR large unfurnished rooms for .nt; first lloor steam heat, lti ijoimi.is i. U-.M70 OR 4 unfurnlsheil rooms for S grown iitople, very light housekeeping, close In, V lb, Hee. lS9 FOR RKNT, with or without licit, tour unfurnished rouins ror 10,111 niuibcKeep lni;, bath etc., good location; reieri nces required. 2.'1j U etister. H--14.1 i FOIl It KT STORKS AM) OFFICES. FOR RENT, storo ln llrst-class location; rent reiibonauie Appiy u. . 1-0. u.s Co., ground floor, lieu bliig. I -Ou ALL FULL AT PRKSKNT. . . UNITED STAil-S .NATL It.V.sK HLDG. I W'o very ilcMiaoio oiili-ea douii iu uu vacant. Aiso some olllce s.i.icch on ground lloor, vault, telephone, etc. lnquiie l2tu Karnam. 1127 7 AtillVl'S WA.Milll. WANTKD, agents In every town and communiiy 10 sen ino ni-i up-ji Gasultne Lamps; mosi scieiulilo Lump made; two years on the market; abso lutely guaranteed fi.r Jlie year. HOat ill-caliucbCL-nl Light Co., 3li ho. 15tll ot., Oiiiahii. Neb. J--M132U.I WANTKD, tiBcnts, H.iye-i' metallic rublier tlies ior roiMing cnuirii, iippiuu 111 u iu minutes' time and 110 iroublo; quick seller, cou.l nroiits: protect. b.iseboatus und lloors Horn scratcuit. makes rocmra nolfelcos and comfortao.e. J. C. tiayts, 41S East Locust St., Dm Molno. 1.1. J .M16O 7 AGENTS on salary or commission; tho greatest agents' seller over produced; every user 01 lien mid Ink buys 11 uii siglu; 200 to 50U per ceiu profit: one agent s B.iU-s amounted to so2o in s)x uayu, an other $32 In two hours. Monroe Mig. Co., X 1, La Crosse, Wis. J--MM3 AcTlJNTS WANTKD "Galveston; Tho Hor rrs of 11 StiicKeii City,'' by Murat ilul slcad; ludy Illustrated; tastcat selling book ever oubllshed. only $1.W, best li-niii uu.uunteed; ouint irtc; bo q.lick. J. S. .legler Ai Co., Chicago, lib J-MSto , JUST Ol'T-Now l'e-riess cnsollnr lamp; easiest lighted, most satisfactory, knocks all competition, egents coining money. Peerless Lump Co.. 214 Railway EicliMU't bldg . St- Louis, ilo. J AGENTS wanted; now plan; fast sel'er; big commission or salary; full Instruc tions free. W. H. Otwell, .Manufacturer. CarllnvUIe, 111. J-9JO-I MAN or woman to employ nnd superin tend agents; J50 per month nnd expenses. Experience not required. Permanent. Vdcgler Co., 509 Motion Uidg.. Chicago. J J9 7 Adi:T.t w.i i:n. AO I. NTS. complete .story i.f the (ialvest'in Horror bv Murnt llalstead in .iuiii'ni Illustrated, large book, big commissions,' credit givuti, outfit free. Address Atnert can L. . M. Association, 358 Doiir'iorn. Chicago. J-P22 7 SALKSMKN. J2,Nio yearly easily mad?!! Ing Amerlcus U-ather and Web Suspend ers, also other leather goods, large as sortment, handsomely llnMied, quick sell ers, big commissions; wrlle for exclule territory nt once. Herry Mfg. Co., H 41, Cliiclnnatl, Ohio. J-M3 J2.5Ti u vear easily ma-le by hustling agents hnmllliig our white and fnnc rjbber collars, cuffs and neckties. Patented and Ktinr.snteed Koods. Our campaign ties are winners. Liberal com mission. Kc1uslc territory. Send statnti for special plan, terms, etc. M. At. M Mfg. Co., SpringtlelihMass. -l AflKN'TS wanted In Nebraska, for th ftnl'Twrlters' Klre Kxtlngulsher. Ln dot seil l 2s board of underwriters. Our agents have earned nnd received over fcti.""0 In commissions during the lust two cuim and the sale Is Increasing. Knight ,t Thomas, 31 Central St.. Hostnn. Mns J 9n3 HIOOKST opportunity ever ottered lo sell high-grade, total adding caMi re..'ltos Agenl.- or storekeepers Wnnted. Lvefy body Willi- tin. Chicago Cash Register Co., Chicago. J--9'I-.' A OK NTs- -Kor successful substitute for 1..... r.. ....wll.im mi, I ulumlnr cornet L. lill" II 1... llll-.ll.... -. n : gives perfert llg ire without pnd- right Hust Kortn Co., St. I.o il., mil Newark. N. J. J -9'li wotm ling. Mo., and W NTKD-Aireets, orgntiler's and d-pti-lies for modern up-lo-dnte socl--ty. Ileallli, iiceliutit. i1l"milllty and d. alb benefits combined under one certirirnte a' cost. Coniraci. libera! and ey sellers Hpletiilid chance and big money fur hlMlets. Address, "Manager." Hrown HulldlnK, Hogloti,,Miiss: ... J9jr''.r A WANTKD-S'tute and county agents to handle "'I he Klllclelit" Rasulltie vapor lamp; the handsomest nnd most pernot Inmp tn-ule; ,itD catullo power; costs hnlt cent hour. Irbv - Olllll.uvl, Manufaef-e-ers, Jlempllls. Tonn. ' J 9'ft-vi CORSKT Hgonts. Theto Is only olio boat that's the llygela, the staiidaiil of th- century forserxlci- nnd ratlsfncllon. I-or partlctilnrs uddres-i. The Weaturn Corset Co Louis, Mo. J TIIK HOOK WAR-Clalveston Btorm book: tirie.-s cut; no per cent profit: blrnest nil 1 best; 2 premium fr'e With cich l.r.o book; r,i) pag'-H; crsllt eli-eii; fi'eiglit paid; gcnrriil agents wuntid on silnr, bonk on tilt alone frc-; both book and p'-'-nli m outtlts sent 'irepnld for 2'c; order today. Montoe Hook Co.. 32" Dear born it., Chicago. J 9 14 7 AG H NTS to handle fimes; our plan terms reasonnblp. Louis, .Mo. our high itrnde por wln; large profits; Leffler ii Co.. St. J9li? L1VK ngctita to handle latest triumph In gasoline, gas lamps. Just nut. Illghesi iiunllty. Newest iliRlcn. Hest i-oiislrur-tlon. .Staple goods. Kxrepllonal luduce metits. American Lighting Conip.niy, Chlcnso. J-H5-7 AfH-lNTS to rell our ell! prlc Xmih bonks; fee box for 15c; $1 book, 25c; JI.Do box. fi"e; $2.fi boidi, 7uc; credit given, freight paid, outllt I roe. Ferguson Pub. Co., iiSn i-Mftlt St . Cincinnati. Ohio. J-!h 7 MANAOKR wnntoil In every city, county, to handle best paying business known; legitimate, new. excluslvo control. Phoe nix Co.. 114 W. 31th St.. New York. J-IWI 7 AOKNTS, Oalveston Horror, thrilling Htorj of the gr-atest en tastroplie of in idem times, greater than Johnstown flood: Inrge book Illustrated, big piolits. q.iUU sales, outllt free. Martin DeGiirnio Co.. 411 Race, Cincinnati, Ohio. J 9X1 7 SAY, I'll give $IR.i"J In goods to l.rst ono sending 2 ror copy "Good IIalth, gives proper food combinations. AueniB wanted. C. Kthan Drown, Wnveilv. la. J-9 12 7 BIG PROFITS handling latest Improved gasoline lamp; sells nt sight; beats elec tricity; cheaper than kerosene; retail JI.O'i up; 12 il.ft'elenl fctyles; exc'clve ter- riioiy. Htaiiuarii l.amp Co . in.intiiaciiir- Cllli ixo. J 9.1 v AV.V.N Ti:i TO HK.'I. WANTKD by m.tn and wife, unfurnish"d rooms and board w.th btiiciiy private family; ulil pay well lo.- sutistator ul coiiimod.itious, can i'liin.sl. r.nd will re quire references. X 5S. Hce. K 773 WANTKD, three unfurnished rooms 'or light housekeeping In good hius, i.tcu neighborhood, wiinlti wulKing dlsl.ince, rent. Including bent, not over 52 1. Y b, Hee. K 9sj-i WANTKD, good boarij and pleasant fur nished room, within walking distance, by Hioili-llii.il iiiii ..ill.-. l,Jll J'.l) ft, II month'. Y 20, Hee. K.-9S3 s i on PACIFIC Storage nnd Warehouse Co., 012 914 Jones, gein.-r.il utoragi.uiid loriwmiln,;. -042 Om. Van Stor. Co., I511V4 F.irn. Tels. 1559- 63 -013 VA.'I'I!I)-'I'(I Hl;Y. ALL kinds of household goods, hotels, etc., In hii'he ami binail quun.iiic.-. .hiiugi Furnliuro Co., Hou-10 uougo. Tel. 2.u. N ul3 WILL purchase a limited number of Omaha bitviugt. bank uccotints. Lrounau Luve Co., :M So. 13th. N 014 OLD stump collections bought. 21C N. PUIi. N 9j0 0.9 WANTKD, to buy tlfty bccond-hanil type writers. Nelitaskii Cyclo Co., Cor. ljlh and liaruci. N Mai5 11 RKSIDICNCIO WANTKD-S or 9 rooms, mullein, with bum; must be in good con dition, on puvco si reel In nice iieilioui' huud, am willing to pay Hum J.,.. ay tu VJ.iOJ cusli; si.iio lowest pucu una fun uehcripliuli iu lust leltyr. Y 9. Hue. N-.NU02 S WANTED, quotations on bran per carload Horn inili.s ill ,m!D. or lowa. west l.uwn Mill, Oolli mid Lemur hi. Moll sluilon 11 Huiitu one, oiniuiii, Neb. N-7l 7 WANTKD, st. good base burner. 4012 Charles N MIOj 7' WANTED, to purchase, a l.oiiie, 7 or S-room house, inudi-i.i. ill gouil '..jcail.-n. Ad..r. a.-., itallug puitlculurs, .tilsi AO he rtlne.j, llox iv2, Omaha. Neb. iS'-US' illll .SALE HO It. sES, VEHICLES, ETC NEW and SUM. vehicle'! at marked down prices. Harry Frost, llth it i,javcimortii. P-ill'j FOR SALK. new buggy bodies wiln gear 4ng at $I.a0 each. A. u. Alplni. .13 uOaUj P AlliU Ui FOR SALK, a horse unit buggy cheap. In quire, at i52 SI. .Mary's ave. 1' AL9J FOR SALK, lino hnddlo horse; call at 2131 S. 31th st. alter 5 p. m. P !2S 7 FOR SALK, Phaeton, cheap. Y 17. Hoc P-Uoti 7 FOR SALK. n good all purpose lior-o, cheap; als-i bugy' ami l.a-iu-as, h u. sired; must t.e.1. Call at 21o S. 3Hh . P AilOi Poll SAI.E-UI.MJKLI. V.NEOl S. HARD and soft foundation piling; hog lunces und ciiiioing. wi kiii.ii. w-in CUTTERS of drug prices. Sherman it Mu- Connell Drug lu., v. or. luin. uiiu wougu. q-.S 2DHAND safe cheap. Dcrlght, 1UG Frttnatn. W-ou SAFES; buy, sell, ex'go. Schwartz, 111 S)J3. 211iTaND wheels, $5 to $10; new wheels, $15. Omaha Hlcyclu Co., ICth & Chicago Sta. i;-0j1 FOR SALK, payable urtcr received, three months' trial tree; $11. 2j for a h gh gradu, 5-ilrawer, drop head cabinet sewing ma chine, jlLfri tor a regular lio.in bkycl"; 59S.50 ror a $3ikj.W piano; $29.73 lor u $73 0) parlor organ!; S15 ..u lor 11 6-ii ece over sti.ffed colour tlil.oo parlor sulle. All new lilgh grailo Httindiird goods, l-'or lull par ticulars state articles interested In and we will mall yo.i u special catuloguo. Hears, Roebuck & Co., Chicago. Q-MttiS Q13' SKCOND-HA;'D Callgraph (newi for stllo. Call at olllco ck-rk district court. Q-aii KINK horse and rubber-tired bugiiy. very cheap, 11. E i-'reiioriCKSon, 11.; iw iiju m CORNCOUS. Monroo & Co., Ell N Wth St. y--G i on sai.i:-Mi.sini.t.A.Mitit s. W1HTK labltiet lu-w, bargain. sewing machine, almoal Address Y 6, live J MM4 HLKOANT piano, MOO. Address Y 8. Ilee. q-ji HKLGIAN It Alt KB, pedigreed stek, for sale, cheap; core card furnished with each animal. C. It. RoLerts, Iloidrete Neb. Q - PROKKRSIONAL mnn going to Kurope will sell his two pianos, ono upright and one h parlor grand, both in line condi tion; will take part payment of good party. Address Y IK Omaha Ileo. Q-9JI 7 FOR SALK, good second-hand upright plnno, In good condition, cheap, lnq.ilro 2"U2 N. 1Mb st. Q-9:.f. 7 FOR SALK. Alaska sen! coat and muff .coat 3tl-ln. bust, muff seal Jltted; goes at big bargain. Call at Shnkcrl'n fur store, 491-103 South 15th street, Omaha. 12-1417 FOR SALK. "ood condition. .1. W. Neb. Italian harp, ilrst-class Sampson, Grand Island, q M142 P .MIM'KI.I.A.MIOI S, NOTICK, country dealers, 2dhund furnlturo and stoves tit lowei prices, c.n ,oa.i bus or less. Chicago Kuril. ture Co., Hoii-lo Dodge. IS (W C LA I It in A.M'M. ANNwl'NCKML.T. Mr. R. C. .Mason hcieuy lliforms his many tr lends ami patrons of Oltialiu and vuiuity thai he has returned to ninih.i Irom his home vacation in New I'.hm-ioi and wnl mane his llrsl appearance bt-iore the juibllc nt PATTKRSON HALL, 17th and Karnniu Sts,. Sutlilay ovenltig, Octooer 7, at S p. in. Subject: "Uostoli and Omaha Com purcd.' Splendid music All welcome. Admission. 10 cents. S-S9.1 7 MM 12 OLYMKR. WllilAS 1-'A Ulll TH I'ALAUMT. Holds consuliatlon dally In the PARLORS OK I'ALMl.Sl'ia", located ut K.J.. DODGK ST.. over hhennun a Mn ontn-ll s iiriiM ftore. 'ilils woiiiiertul woman reads lite cuiretl, Kclt-niilir ait) and hniiestiy. Slid tiil.-i mn- nuHi, pri sent and uil.ire by tile oniy set, mine iiieihoil now In vogue. Her preuli tious tut- a uuys iiccurate and innb.. tltms ale l.satiacil as lilu-nofiietiul. fell does not make any pretensions that sln cannot I. mid. llir long reiildcuce In Onmhn tienoies squarv ueulinn anu Is evi dent o of ability and IlilegliU . Don't lull to see this rimiirUable WOMAN FoL'R YKARS IN 0MA1IA. S-11S 7 MRS. FRI'1 clairvoyant, 819 North llltli. S 9. M.MK.GYLMKR genuine palmist. 1CGG Dougo s-M.a r.i.Kt'Titiu ti5i:at.mi:.t. MMK. AMKS, lClu Howard, toom 1, 2d lloor; .Muc Lum-ii'. assistant. T .Mall IP KL1TK parlors. Ula S. lGth, ticcomt Hour. T cvi-tN-o MMK. 1A'A' magnetic trcutment, 607 So. U1I1, room 2. MM l.o 13 1'LIIMI.VAI.S. DR. ItoV, chiropodist; coins romuieJ, -2oO unU upivaru. nuoin a, Frvtuer biocK. L 0tl2 RL'PTL'RK cured; no knife, 110 pain, no umui.1 . nuiia ior cirvumi'j. Lmpue ltup tuiuCuru, 9,12 N. Y. l.lto bklg. Omaha. U 000 VIaVI, woman s way to lien.th. 34C Hi-0 bnU U-i.i. TUH.'CiSH bulbs, masstiga bath, olectr.c LuuiH, tor iuuu-s oiu , Hiuiieil women m.itt-iigi iipeuuui's; ion-si eqji piled uUili. i'i tin. in), iteiisuum Luih v-ompan. koulliu iiv to 20 lcw iiui;. L 'Jlil PJCIVATK licspluil for ladlos before 1 qur Ing CL.n1.1iLiin.111; uuuius tiuupteii. UJ0 .S. 17. UmM PLKAT'lNO, buttons to order; pinking while you wait, uin.iha 'touting Co., Ij.i Douglas. U k PRIVATK hume In-1 on. and dining confine ment; names aUopteit. .Mrs. Uurt,el, .u.O liurdcllc. L 00J LADIES will recelvo llrst-class care beioiv und uu.uis coiiiim.-nn.-nt; may physician, bill N. -Mi ril. U 14 j U2P YOUR OLD 'SKIRT Can be alteie.l to look new unJ siyd.-n by Ubing one of our b-.-iuiti.l 1-itCiI ACCORDION PLKATKD l-'LOL Nl. Ld Any Kind cuinpleiu 110,11 Ji.'ij up. AL 'iKitATlO.N l'A 11 1JR.NS A.Mi l.Nnl'HiU MiO.sia l-iv.-.r.. Al-cuiu.uIi uiiii muo p eat ing o the ...ul. bt iiii ior circulurs. M. GOLDMAN .St LO. 200 DougUs Hlk., loth and Dodge. U-IC1 SHAMPOO, 3jc; hairilress, 23c; manlcuro, IiOc, sciiiii trcilmcnl, .uc; electric ni.u miijo or hc.up liviiiniuiii, 3.JO. F. M. itLtiudcil .V Co., 1522 Duu.las. U-Mi7 029 LADIES' jackots and tailor mnde suits al tered, cleaned, repaired. M. Fosul. 3u( S. 17 U -s,o- MORPIIINK. opium, laudanum, cocamo habil, myself cured, will Inform you of haimless permanent homo cure. Mrs. Haldwiii, box 1212, Chicago. U MARRY lovely women and honorable nun; many rich, send 2c for big list. Muliiii Exchange. Kansas City. .Mo. F SECONDHAND SKWINO MACHINES. Monday we will si II the following soc ihd hnnd sewing nmchinos at prices that will Inicrest you. They nro genuine burguln.s: Dnvls S.ngoru White N w Homo Domestic -Choice, $2.00 Former price, J 10.00 Monday. $ 5.01 7.50 12.5) s.oo 12.50 li CO Domestic Whet ler ft Wilgon. 1B.00 1 Sli.ci r, modern 2i.l0 Household 10.00 Standard -S3.I0 White . vv.. 1. ni iiini iiines ior id cents tier week Wo sell parts for and repair all makes of sowing nun h'nes. Monduy forenoon we will give ono-nair llUZen mucilllie neecoie-i il, on oiuy .vuu asks for 1 hem at our storo. NEBRASKA CYCLK CO., Corner i-iticenih ami Harney Sts. U &93 7 PHILADELPHIA business woman, widow, 43, about 10 locato in omann, wouiii uuo to oiircspond with Omnhn business man; object, ninlr.mony. AddreBu Hoys' Cloth ler, 907 Vine St., Philadelphia, Pa. U-92G 7 LARGEST exclusive matrimonial pupor liiibllslii-u, seaicn juc; no j ice; many worth $100 to JlUQ.000. R. L. Love. Den ver. Colo. U--923 SKCRETS that win. Knowledge that pays: lll'ieiKt- 111111 oriiiHii oiihiiii'u iinii roi-nii success cures dlseasn nnd bad habits; wins lovn nnd friendship; grntlflo.s am bitions; gives wonderful power and con trol Over others. You ran b-nrn at home AVlite today for our el-gantly llltistraled book, which fully explains ni the hidden mysteries of personal magnetism. Hypno tism, magnetic healing, etc. It's fne Address. New York Institute of .Science, Dept. 229 A. Rochester, N. V. t.- LADY of wealth nnd kindness of hourl will be dev-iteil wife lo kind husband and adviser. "Amiable," 771 North Park Ave., Chlcugo, III. 1 -Jff! ' J. II. -Address Immediately, M. Port llvron, U-9GI 7 III., A "PROMINENT buslneni man, accumu lated JNei'.non, dislikes society belles, seeks dorecsilcnted wife. Mr. Hall. 1517 U Ave., New York. 1 M ' a HRFINED young widow, having $i'i.000, ,i.,.i, husband who would be a con genial companion fca, St. Louis, Mo. Address K H.. Hox I '-9:9 7 AGVKS V. SWETLAND, M. p.. spectnl tit In disease of women and obstetrics. :oi llee llulldlMS, second floor. F-131 7 11 WE !i'l head of eittle; want gentleman wl.'ower or bachelor with $3,000 cah 10 piiv off mortgage op rattle; one wjio will marrv at once and take rhnre of my butln'ess. Addross, with stump. Y. 25. llee olllco. '"."iJ A HKSI KCTAHLB voung Catholic man wishes 10 correspond with refined youn ; Catholic ladv: obji ct matrimony. Ad ,lr. -s Y 21 Her. P-117 7 Ill'SINESS man desires ncnualnlancn of discreet young ludy or wlflow. A'Mr'is Y 2fi, Hee. t' 7 CORRKSPOND for amusement or inntrl monv; scaled particulars, 2c. Champion, Council Hluffs, la. U-139 7 MII.MA ill l.OA.N-ltllAL liyrAI'K. LOANS on cistern Nebraska atul westcr-i Iowa fat ms in u pi r out, burrowtrn oait pay lien or any iiumip.e, un Interest ilHlc. no dela Hrt-niiHii-lAise CO., So. Dth St., oinuhti, Nil). W TO MONI5Y to loan on Improved Omaha roal estate. Hreiinaii-Lovu Co , 309 So. Will V-i.7I $1,000 and upward to bum on Itnprovcil c.ly propel ly ami farms. W. l urn.iiii Siinth .v; Co., 1820 Fat nam. W ,7J WANTKD, city totiiw, bonds und wnrratits. George .i Company, lwn l-'arnam St. W Sti MpNKY' ln any nniount at b. SH.Tper cent J. . ROHHlNS .V Co.. lsw FaRNAM ST. W-l MONKY to loan on farm ami cltvpropet'tyj lowest lutes. O. F. UavU Co , I60o l-Vrnain, W too MONKY to loan ut 5 Omaha property. W. mid fiW .per cent oil H. MeUlc, )1 S. lith W-7ti PRIVATK money, 5, 64, 0 per cent; no de lay. Garvin Hrus., 1013 Kamam. W tm WANTKD, city und rurnt loans; also bomU and warrants. It, C. Pcteru As Co., i7iM Furimiii St., Hco llldg. W-67S PRIVATK money. F. D. Weud. l2tT)ouglnii. W-t)i9 F1VK per cent money. Hemis, P.txton block, W-osO MONKY to loon on llrst-class litiiroved city properly or ior miiiuiug purpusis rnyne Kiiox Co., New York Life. W-l PRIVATK money to loan. 9'D N Y. Life. II Kherwo'd, WM 113 u MO.MIV TO I.O.V CIIAT'l'KI.N, MONKY TO LOAN ON furniture, pianos, hnr.-is, cows, etc. Yo'.i to keep th" propei ty. SALARY LOANS to people pemiuiiciitly elii;-ioycd on their una names, without in lotscr or mortgage. e loan ll iun i i up We charge nu;li Ing for m,'i.ig pup, rs and we keep iiolh Ing out of Uie iimou'ii you nsK fur, You may tcp.iy the inoi e m one. month, or take 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 itioi.ihi or more In which to repay it. our rates are us low as the lowest, our bu. li.css is conildent.al and wu nlwnjH try to pieusc OMAHA MOHTGAUK LOAN CO.. s. ICth 3t. Kstubllshed 1SS2. .-.M7lll MONKY , , LOANKD MONKY PKOPLK, SALAHIKD No endorser of inortgrgo reqitlt'ed. LOWKST HA'lKS. KASV PAY.MKNTS and SU'R I' 'TH Ci N K I L' i-.NTLV L. O.MAHA CliKDlT CO., Room 520, ilfin Hour, .Now i ork Life Wig. MONKY loaned on planoj, furniture, Jew elry, hoists, lows, etc. C F Reed, 319 . U. X-CS LOANS TO HALARIKD PEOPLE FOLLOW THE CROWD. They comu lo us. If you can do better elsewhere don't come lure (bill you can't) Comu und let u piovt- to you thai we give REST TKR.MS lu the city und more foi your liuniy I Imp others DARE. No mortgage, no Indorser, no pu.ilicity; Mtnpi 11 confidential business deal. RKLIAHLK CREDIT CO., Room 303, 'i'li.rd Kloof. Paxton Hlock. X tsl MONEY loaned 011 pianos, furniture, dia monds, waicbes, privately. Ilergcr's Loan Co., 15ol Farnain ftt., upsli.lrs, X-9D MONEY loaned on pianos. Urniture, hnrcs, cows, Jewelry. Dun Gicen, it.?-, Uarker HU .MONEY loaned Milnrlcd people holdliig per manent ponithv: with re.siioiislb.e concern upon their own mimes without security; easy payments Tolmun. 700 N. Y. L. Hidt; X-U'ii SALARY LOANS, CHATTEL I.OANSJ W. TAYI.UK. 213 First Nat. Hank llldg. X ht JIONKY loaned 011 furniture, 11111111(11111?, watches; payments conli.ie.nlal. uin.iua Chattie l.o. in Hank. 220 S. ljtli. iip?t..lis. X otl'J PRIVATE LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE On their plain note without security. No rharges rm papers. Lower rates. Easier piivments. Coiillilcuiliil treatment as sured We want your trade. AMERICAN LOAN CO., Itooin 001 Hco Hid- X-712 IHIMNESS CHANCES. $150 CASH or easy payments ouys 2.". strictly 1. iuful (nickel) slot machines for drinks, clgais or cash; will earn $2 and upwunl weekly each. Karl. Clark ti Co., Furnl turo .Manufacturers, Chicago, 111 Y-M7&4 WANTKD, St., Hook 2dhund Sloro. clocks. 1520 Webster Y-73.S-7 ALL the popular novels or the day 3c, 2 for 5c; exchange. 1..20 Webster St., Hook . Store. Y 740-7 SPECTACLES, guaranteed perfect, war runted 2 years, ninth $2.50. 50o. 1320 Webster St.. Huok Store. Y 739-7 KOR SALE or lent. Mailer's Hakery and CoiilicUunery, 2Mb and Leavenworth. A bargain. -h37-12 'VERY desirable stock of general nier- rlrinillM'. 1 -nly been running is iiioiiiiin; Invoice .fs'.soo: owner will take about $3,ou) cash, balance lu Nebraska or K.iuns mm k hum. Ileie Is a 1 hance ior 11 y,ood ilea'.. Sumers At Hi own, 507 Maiihatliiu llldg.. St. Paul, Minn. Y-907-7' KOR a small Investment I can ofTer the best novelty nianulacturliiK chanco In the country. Will clear a fortune. Krom one to llvn tho.isand needed. Wrlto quick, .1. Peddle. Detroit. Mich. Y-9ii9-7 $3,000 stock general dry goods, ladlos' 'ind jiK-n a 1 ui n.. h.iir, goods, uii or any part to exchange tor land and about oiie louiih cath. ihls Is high grade, clean merchandise, up-tn-dato and staple. Sinners & Hrown, 507 Mnnhattnn Hlug., St. Paul, Minn. Y-90.S-7 KOR SALE Klxtures and lease In 20-room hotel, county seat, good business, good location. Address, Hudson House, Glen wood, Iowa, Y 973 7 FINE slock of dry goods, furnishing goods, clothing, etc., all clean and staple. .Need about l.loo cash lo pay bills. Will take clear land for balance This Is an es pecially desirable slock. Hundred of yards of Btnp'es and fall goods. Lines or underwear well tilled. Homers Hrown. 507 Mnnhnttan llldg., SI. Paul. 'Vu 7 WANTKD - An experienced l'r"i titer ami .,,.,,1 ..iinr.-ttiir lo naiion- n.ie- ... State previous experience. l-'or nnrtleii- him midress. C .1 I nmin, 303 Market St., San Francisco, di Y-910-T trou IALH or rent, furnished hotel, 2.1 I'Oll r'V'"' ' ,' '. .. ,,,,1 nil mil, 1 1 11 IVM! II regular maker J. II- Parrotte, linn 1 ill 1 ii. ............ ........ .. Douglas momy Y 994 7 Hlock- mivtlciANS' practices and drugstores for I lliui .' . 1 ul, liiii'..rhi for ..nut. nil C. VV o Itiai. ill... '' ............. ...... ...n N, hrnskii and Western lowa. Med- leal Exchange, omnhn. Neb. Y-121 7 i30O TAKES nn o'd established clgnr tin ness. owner leaves for California busi ness, owner leaven 101 v..itinui ion 10 tuko charge of an estate. Address A, Ileo olllce, Council limits. Y-H0 7 DINING room or the New Fnrnam; will leiiKO to responsible tieoplii only Call at Tho Fnrnam, li2I Fnrnam, V 131 7 I'Olt i:ciiamje. WANTKD TO TRADE, a secondhand high grade bicycle In good condition ror a 5x7 camera. Address Y 10, Hee VMiMI-9' ICO ACRES near tho city oiy the wests house, bam and cribs; a nlco homo; will oxchanije ior .gen,! n;m 7,'i i 7 g75oU clear bulklltig lot lo trado for horso btiggv and harness. Hyron R. Hustings, 212 So. 14th St. .-M9.S 9 WANTED, to exchange, vacant lot for horse and wugon. J. II Sherwood. HO N. Y. Life. .-IU S OSTEOPATH1. JOHNSON It.stltut", 616 N. Y. L. llldg: Tel IfiCI; Alice Johnson. 1). ()., ladles dept.; Old E. Johnson, O:.teopathlst, Mgr. 1 -703 M E. DONOSIUE, D O.. of Still school, KlrksvUlo, Mo. COl Paxton Hlk. Tel. 13C7. 701 A. T. HUNT, D. 0 305 Karbach. Teh g:2. I'AYKTTK COLE, D. O., room 413 Hee bide! 9rs-NG' i u, c. ti motor ono block. D-i53 7'