Tlfi: OMAHA DALLY .11 KK: "FRIDAY, OCTOUEK fl, 1!KH. NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA. COUNCIL SIINOIl MHVl'IO.N. Davis sella class. "Mr Illley." S-cont cigar. Oas fixtures ami globes at Ittxby's. fine A 11. C. beer, Neumaycr's hotel. Uchmldt'a photo, new and latost tyc!'- H. M. LifTert, erpirt optician, WG Hdy. Cob. photos ll.W do. Wlllliims. 641 Wy. Wollmaii. scientific oiitlclHli. 1! id jr. W J. Host. tier. dentist, li.ildwln Work J. C. 4c W. Womlvaril. architects. 523 Hdy. W. 13. Lewis ue!ln monuments. SOI H way. lamp's beer, Soenko lloyscn. sole agent Hst beer. Judweiscr. li. llosotifeld. At. New oval frames. C. 13. Alexander U Co.. del your w.rk derm nt the popular h.W Wundry, 721 Uruudway 'I'tiono Irf. W C Ksfp. und-rtuK-r. l'enrl street. Ttl.pUonr.: Offlcu, 91; residence. f Horn. t.. Mr. and Mrs. rliMoii Uurfco of Uoulh i'lrM miect. lust ovulimK. W. F. Gruff, undertaker and Mef""" Loliner. 101 "' Muln street 1 " " Mrs K K I'ontlus has 1,1 ''V i -lifer Mrs J " Hoherlsu,, of Fifth entertaining Mrs. A. JaM-pl. ? ''""".v nlvui riBtivltlps. . If. of o I in cuest or his daughter. Mrs. . . Uflte.). oi UHklatiil avenue. .., Mrs V i; Muim-r huSKOliu to Sioux Oty io alte...l tl, -arnlvnl ami in-ol her comer North f-ccu.i.1 and .Ura,.l,l,"l,rt" " fll. Mrs ic.'.n. who cam" (on xv 1 1 "I ur n.iral ol her grandson, uptiln -J- Mur" t.liv r. tirn.d v li'if In Des Moines 'Tiih.'ii-ilii done at Morgan & Klein s All 'kind, afn.atm-SH.-H ' Zux proces. lletter than now. li South M.un Htre. t Telephone MS. HnsldeiitM on Park and CJlon avenues are ,S , lir better llgl.tlnK "f th-Ir m-lKh-borhoou and uro circulating a petition to bo present'.! to thi- I'lt.v council. Arthur l.lttli- f Concord, I'lt.. who Is honVv idUni I If brother. N. M. Little and sister Miss HiolLi Utile. In 111 at tho uiun s Christian Association hospital. O. GilMer ot 111'." Fifth avenue complained to tho police ,cMtcrd;i that a quantity .,r earuenti r tools and nvc woolen blankets had bt-i-ii stolen from his pictnisoH. I, , c linker, a civil englncir of Huston, Mass, Is thr M..UHI of Ids old cn U-K -li.s mat.-. Clly Knglneer Mnyro. Mr. Hi-oKor In on his waj to California to spend thu winter. mm... i.,,i..i,..u ,.r it. Ik oiiv iinnnuni'O that fium now until May 1 all inarkets vl'l b.- losed on Sundays and housokt-cpors will have to make their purchases nil bJlur ua The Hoos.-velt diiminstratlun across the river pro.:d n.o tlon; an nttriirtion r r i ..r it.,, ii I.I.Minivi lilt 11 Kilt ...,.i tiu. in.-.ili.. of tho c-ltv council had to bo iidjouriu-d until next Monday nlBlit rjr want of (luoiuui. ii ni..f., i...i... Nn L70. Ancient fir- dr -if Fulled Workmen. mc-H tonlKht and u 1 the meiiibi-rs arc ro.U. sie.i hi no I'. ... . . .. ., .,..., i t,i ,,. .ii time Is n th-j' proKiam. O.xsfra are to bo served lie.-, but only members of tho order uro i-xpocted to bo present. I'rodltors of oillcer .V: I'usey s bank kept ( l.-rk Kee.l of the district court busy jos terdav llllns their claims. Those llled yes terday Included a numli-r for small li.lli. ints. the uKKrcKIlto beillK about $.11(..W. In ull. claims umouiitlng to uboiit Uu,(J0 lane been llled up to date. John Witty, h lii-yar-old boy, was ur lestcd eateidav afternoon on an Informa tl in tlli'd In J.islln! Vlen court. charKli.K Mm with assault with Intent to commit murder The boy Is said to have struck at Louts Yount;. an old soldier, with an Bi ilurlnn an altercation. Ill ileliitllt of bond ho was committed to the count Jail Contractor Campbell li.M completed tho construed n uf the new bridge over Indian (reck at Fifth ami Fnlon uvoiiium, so far that th motor company was able to run cars across It last evenfiiK- The drlV' way L nei yet comploted, but will bo ready lor the public use b. next Monday. The new utrii' tun- r"sn upon sK phis formc.1 u steel tubes lillod with concrete. City Kiislneer 13tnyrc- rcsards it as olio of tho best hrldfces In tho city. Mlit" In W'omleiluud," which will be prosm.ted to tin- Council Uluffs public at thu llohuiiy theater this t-vcnlni; and mat luee tomorrow afternoon, Is otio of the prettiest productions ever si en hero and, best of all. It will be presented by or more of tho brlRhtesl Klrla and boys of this i lty. The numerous costume and ,r..pertlos are elaborato mid various sotiRfi, lionises, mar. hen and .tpt-clnltlos will ho li troduced. It Is said the entertainment will sorpass .itiythtiiK of Us kind that has cor been presented here and will bo for I Do benellt of tho women's auxiliary of Uruco Kpiscopal church. N. V. I'luuibliis Co.. tel-uaano 230. Davis sells paint. Use Domestlo soap. It's tho host. Heal Kulittr Triuisfrri. The following transfers were llled yes terday tit the abstract, title and loan olllee of J. W. Squire, 101 Pearl street: Lou Thomas and wife lo Herman Urokman, lot .!. Auditor's subdlv., aw'4 nwt 3-i-70-3, w. d $ 1,500 Patrick l.aue to t banes llolilorf, e',-j sec. 21-77-40, W. d Asa O. Wyluiid uud wife to James II, ShleldH, 4.2 uc res uw'Vi no Pi-7U-42, w. d Htnto HavingH bank to Karl Mnyue. lot 10, Auditor's subdlv. of west 4'.S feet of outluls 2 and U, Jackson's udd., w. d .1 W. Squlro and wife to William A. Plnkertou, "0 lots lu Squire's udd., w. d 1.17 CM 3,roo 3.000 Flvo transfers, totul :3.170 Domestic soap suits on Us merits. Ituiirlerl) Wiitt-r III1W Now due. Pny before Octobor 10 and aavo f. per cent. OUlco open Saturday evening. He Ktxtrnt Ion (or Nirclal lilectlon. Yesterday was tho first day for regis tration fur thu special election to bo hold Tuesday, October 16, when tho pooplo of this city will bo called upon to veto upon tho grunting of a franchise to tho Blurt City Klootrlo Light and Gas company. Tho registrars will bo in sebslon today and uguln next Thursday. Ueports last oven lug from the dlfleront precincts showod a very light registration. Domestic scup outlasts cheap soap. Howell's Antl-"Kwr- cures coughs, colds. Mitrrluwf Iili-rnsfM. Licenses to wed wero Issued yesterday to tho following persons: Nainn und Hoitldonco. Ago. James Ives, Macedonia, la 22 Joslo 13. Coonoy, Carson, la ltl John Peters. Umuhu Josephine Swanson, Omuha 3 Largest Variety Reliable Shoes for GliihSren at HAMILTON'S Shoe Store FARM LOANS Negotiated In Fistcrn Nebraska and Iowa Jam s .N Casadj. Jr , 12C Main St , Council HluffH. Save Your Money SIV(iS, LOW WD III II. DIM! ASh'V, loJ Pearl .Street, I nunc 11 llli.l(, lit. BLUFFS. OLD PLANS AND STREET SITE School Board Makes Another Movo to Got New High School. CONTRACT CONFIRMED IN GEORGE HUGHES llffort lo pi-iir!- it .Nov .V-t of I'lnm ami ii .et (onlrncl Foils anil the .tlirit linle l.onii .ui Is Itrut-M t-ili Tho Hoard of Kducntlon last nlcht awarded tho contract for the new High school building to bo erected on the Street site to George Hughes, on his original bid of (57.700, tho building to bo constructed ac cording to the plans prepared at tho time of tho Eelectlon of the Oakland nvrnun rite. Mcmhnr Suulno cssnyid to have tho report of tho board's architects. Cox & Sehoentgen, In which they recommended a new style of building for tho Street site, adopted, but failed of support. Tho matter was brought up by Member Sw.ilne, who moved that the report of the board's nrehUcct he ndopted nnd they be authorized to preparo plaus of a building adapted to tho new site. For a while It looked r.s If the motion would die a natural death for wnat of u second, until Member Macrao said ho would second It "Just for fun." Tho motion failed to carry, Swaluo and Macrao alone voting in the alllrmatlvo. Then Macrae moved that tho original plans as prepared for tho Oakland avenun site be adopted. This carried. Swulno nlono voting against It. Then, on Macrae's motion, seconded by Hess, the contract was awarded to (leorge Hughes under his bid of $57,700 submitted nt the limn tho board contemplated building on Oakland avenue. Ills bond was tlxed nt f2S,S50, being 50 per cent of the contract price. Tho matter of grading the Street slto for tho building was left with the com muted on buildings and grounds to attend to. Same discussion was had as to tho time tho building should bo completed. Tho board expressed Itself us anxious that It should be ready for occupancy Tjy tho open ing of the school year In PjOI, which would bo nbout the roeond week In September. President Henry suggested that It be com pleted by August 1 or lb, but Hughes seemed to think that September 1 would be about ns early as ho could promise to have tho building ready. Tho matter wits llnully left with tho building committee, consisting of Secretary lloss, Member Swalno and the board's architects, to determine. Tho board will meet next Tuesday night to complete tho contract with Hughes. MIbs Harriett Illood, supervisor of draw ing and penmanship, tendered her resigna tion, which as accepted, and Mrs. Kmma I), lngalls of Iowa City, recommended by the committee on teachers, elected to suc ceed her. The salary of Miss Laura Cole man, a kindergarten teacher, was refdorod to SCO from $55. The salary of T. A. Ilrow Ick, supervisor of buildings and grounds, was Increased from $05 to $75 per month. Tho bill of costs presented by County Superintendent Mc.Mnnus for tho hearing of tho appeal In tho site case was brought up and. on motion of Member Macrao. "laid under the table." Tho board Is afraid to pay without an order of court, as Judgo .smith Is his Injunction order lestralned tho board from Incurring any expeuso lu the selection of the Oakland avenue site. The school directors of Galveston have requested tho children of tho city hchools hero bo permitted to contrlbuto towurd tho relict of tho storm-Hwept Texan city and Superintendent Clifford and the prin cipals of tho 80cral schools were mado a coiumltteo to formulaic a plan to collect tho subscriptions. lu the house furnishing line anil fur niture of all descriptions you will certainly llnd what you want at Peterson & Sohocn Ing's, Mcrrlara block. fiO.OOO cakes Domestic soap used tn Coun cil Illuffs last month. Premiums given with Domestic soap. For furniture all that is requliod to satisfy yuu that no other house In the city equals Peterson & Schoeulug's for good goods anil low prices Is uu Inspec tion and comparison with tho lines they carry with thoso of other Btoros. hFi.Ti;.C12 DAY IS DISTK1CT COI'llT. .IiiiIkc Mm-)' llimd Out I'unl-tl.ineii t to the ConvletH llcforc Mini. Augustus Smith, the West Indian negro convicted of attempted criminal assault of tho most aggravated character, was sen tenced yestorday by Judge Macy of tho dis trict court to twenty years' Imprisonment In the penitentiary at Fort Madison. Smith made quite a lengthy nddross to the court, til which he de lared Ills Innocence. Ho snld that unfortunately It could not bo de nied that men of hts race wero addicted to committing the crime of which ho had been convicted nnd they dusorved the worst punishment posslblo meted out to them. Ho was Innocont of tho crliuu chatged to him. Ho had been brought up by Chris tian parents and after ho had obtained "religion" ho had sought tho company of none but religious peoplo. Fred Wroth, convicted of adultery, was sentenced to eighteen months In Furt Mad ison and tho same sentence was meted out to Wilbur Uazoo, the young mau who pleaded guilty to bigamy. W. U. Iloch, who pleaded guilty to forg ing the ni-nie of tho tjuoal Lumber company ot this city to a check and getting It cashed at tho Neumuyor hotel, was given six months lu tho penlteutlary at Fort Mad ison. Iu Hoch's case Judgo Macy granted a stay of execution of sentence for ten days, It being understood that his friends will try to becure u pardon from tho gov ornor. Bnilth, Wroth nnd Kazoo will be taken to the penlteutlary today. Judgo Macy nnuounced he would make auothcr assignment ot law cases this morn lnc K P. danco Hushes' hall, Saturday night. haley's orchestra. If you want tho host baso-burner on tho market tako a look at tho Hadlant Homo at Peterson & Schocnlng's. Mernam block. (linn ti-rly Witln- 111 1 1 x Now duo. Pay before October 10 and save : per cent. Ofllce open Saturday evonlns, Federal t o.u l Ail joiiriiN, Judgo McPherson's time In tho federal rourt yesterday was taken up with dis posing of a number of minor matters In bankruptiy. He udjourncd court last ovon- lug until No ember C. There are hot blasts nnd hot blasts, but none of them equal tho King Ilee, at Peter- eon & Schocnlng's, Merrlam block. Try tho King lleo hot blast. It can't bo excelled. Sold by Peterson & Schoenlng. .McKlnlcy (in aril a Look Well. Tho new uniforms for tho McKlnlcy Guard arrived yesterday morning and tho members turned out la full force Inst ct ening under command ot Captain Krncst 13. Cook aud wont to Omaha, where, they took part In the Roosevelt demonstration. With their natty white uniforms the guards made a flue showing. tjiifirtcrly Witter Hills Now due. 1'jy before October 10 and sao C per cout. Onico open Saturday evening. The King lice hot btast, the beet made. Sell 'em nt Peterson & Schocnlnc8, Mer rium block. K. P. dance Hughes' hall, Saturday night. Wbalcy'B oichostra. Commonwealth 10-cent cigar. .Niicrmv Hst-iuif from PoUonlnK. OTTUMWA, la., Oct. 4. (Special Tele gram.) Kmerald Hamilton, a 12-year-old negro girl of this city, hus been adjudged guilty of attempting to poison tho family of W. L. Sargent, a prominent druggist of this city, and was sent to tho reform school ut Mltchellvlllo today. Tho girl had been In the employ of tho Sargents and yesterday was accused ot lar ceny and discharged. In tho evening some tlmo before supper sho contrived to put fifteen grains of strychnine, in n Jar of club house cheese. Tho family partook of tho cheeso for supper, but Mr. Sargent, bulng a druggl't. quickly detected tho drug. Ho shouted to tho other members of tho family not to eat any more of It. Hastily preparing an emotlo he gave It to his father nnd saved his life. The girl confessed hor guilt, but showed no repentance for tho deed. It was b mir row escnpo for tho Sargent family. Fa talltles wero averted only by tho prompt action of the head of tho house. Kuotl liftoff n l'nrnirr. GRINNHLL, la., Oct. 4. (Special.) A ro- markablo feud has developed In Cedar township, llenton county, which will prob ably end seriously for William Peterson. one of the most prominent farmers of tho county, and a young man named Fnwn Jacobs. They have been arrested on tho charge of burning a thresher belonging to Tharp R- Pitts of Vinton. Peterson enter tained feelings of enmity for Tharp ft Pitts. Tho ilrm lost a machine curly In tho sea sou by lire. An attempt to wreck a second was mu.lo with dynamite, which nearly re suited fatally for somo of the operatives. A third attumpt was made by putting a largo stone In tho grain and the last was by Are. Jacobs has confessed that ho was hlrod by Peterson to perform the work County Attorney Tobln Is working up the case, which is attracting great Interest Arcl.lilil.op Visits m-IiooIh. HUIlUQUi:, la., Oct. I Archbishop Kcnnu is making tho rounds of tho va rious parochial Bchools. In tho course of his remarks ut St. Mary's German Cath olic school he declared that It wns abso lutely eseeutlal that the Hugllsh laliguago should be taught and that thu catechism must be Icuroed in the English tongue. Ho said that u person born lu this country should learn tho language of his country first nnd the language of another country afterwards. Ho made similar remarks at all the German schools. lllsfllMf A.ii.iiiic lotto Cuttle. GIUNN13LL, la.. Oct. 4. (Special.) An thrax has appeared among cattle lu tho vicinity of Marengo nnd tho stock raisers ind cattlemen of the county are greatly thinned. Several farmers have already cuttle and tho dtseaso is present In several other herds. Heroic measures are being taken to stump out tho dlseaso and tho veterinarians of Mnrongo and surround ing towns uro being kept busy vaccinating stock. .ftv Free Urllvt-ry llonte. OIUNNKLL, la., Oct. 4. (Special.) Colonol J. 11. Jeltory, United States post ollice Inspector, was lu tho city today nnd established n rural postal delivery route out of Grluunll for Poweshiek county. Tho route Is twonty-flvo miles long nnd touches the country south of the city. This Is the second route In this county, one of thu first in tho country having been estab lished at Ilrooklyn. Directors for lotvu ('eulrnl. ORLNNKLL, In., Oct. 4. (Special.) The annual meeting of the stockholders of the Iowa Central railroad was hold In Oska loosa yesterday. All of the stock ot tho company was represented either In person or by proxy. Tho directors chosen for the ensuing year wero Hlward Hawloy, F. H. Davis, George Crocker and L. C. Wolr of New- York and Georgo W. Seevors of Osku- loObU. l'lrht Trutu ou Netv I. Inc. CLINTON, la.. Oct. 4. (Spoclal.) Yos terduy a train pulled Into this city which attracted considerable attention. It was tho first trulu Into this city by tho Indiana, Illinois & Iowa Hallway company. For sevural mouths past tho residents of Clin ton huve been looking for this train and Us appearauco was hailed with considera ble euihuslasm, as It means another rull way fur this city. COH.V I'.VhACIl WAS HI.CCUSS. I'll. nil. 'lul ItfNiilts uf I elr Inu I loll ut .Mitchell hnrpUHN Kxpt-t'tiitloim. MITCIIUI.L, S. D., Oct. 4 (Special Tel egram.) The corn palace, which has been In operation for tho past ntno days, camo to a closo this ovenlng with n very largo nudlenco ot Mitchell peoplo, thoy deter mining that the corn palace should huve a successful ending. Phlnnoy'B band played a popular request coucert and the entire fair wound up with a happy ending. This uftornoon tho corn palace management opened tho palace to 700 school children. who marched In a body to tho building. Tho gato receipts have far surpassed tho expenses nnd a good dividend will be de clared. .Murder Mystery 1'imol veil. DBADWOOD, S. D.. Oct. 4. (Special.) Thero Is still tho greatest mstery In tha murder of Mrs. L. 11. Herdmun of Garden City on Sunday night. Tho horse und buggy that wero stolen ore still missing and theru Is practically no clue to tho doed with tho exception of uu old lantern which was left In tho house by tho murderer. Mrs. Herdmau was a fine looking woman, about 22 years old. The straugo part of tho murder Is that none of the money In tlm house nor auy valuables were takou, as was at ilrst reported to bo tho case. The llttlo 5-year-old son of tho family Is tho only witness to tho crime. He tells now that un old man entered tho back door by breaking It open with an ax. Tho boy's mother Jumped out of bed and said: "You get out of horo." Tho man asked: "Where is Late'.'" meaning her husband. The woman answered: 'Up at tho shaft." "Do you know mo?" asked the man. "No," Thereupon tho old man commenced firing at her with a rovolver. Five shots were fired at her. most of thorn taking offoct In her breast. There was blood over tho sill of one ot tho windows, whero sho evi dently attempted to escape. Tho deed Is a myBtcry for nothing wbb stolen and thero Is no other motive, Tho deceased was born In Uoone county, la., and her par ents reside at Donver, The funeral oc curred In this city Wednesday afternoon. WHO IS DEAD TRAIN ROBBER Identity of the Slain Bandit Still Shrouded in Doubt. SEARCH TOR COMRADE IS FRUITLESS Orllccrs l imbic to Locate Clue to the Wl.crciibiintn ot the llulihcr Who Mscupfil When lln.itfr Opened 1'lrCi The dead train robber, shot by Adams Kxnrcss Messeucer Charles U. Baxter Wednesday night, remains uuldeutlllcd, al though tho remains were viewed by hun dreds yesterday at Lunkloy's uudertuklng rooms lu Council llluns. Thu llkeucss ot tho dead man to Al Poormun, a barber who furmeiiy worked lu this city and Omaha, led many to bellovo it was him. The fact that Foornmn Is walking around In hla owu proper petson very Btrongly disproves the suggestion that he Is the dead man. Chief Donahue. Captain Her and a num ber of Omaha police ofllcers viewed tho body, but failed to Identify the mun. It wns thought by somo of tho Omuha oltlcers that the dead robber might bo a mun named Murphy thnt roceiilly escaped from the penitentiary at Fort Madlsou, but a party who was acqualutud with Murphy said ho was not tho mau. Leo Mitchell, n saloon keeper on South Muln street, Council lllufts, claims lo hae seen tho dead robber u number of times Ho says the man, who was a Frenchman by birth, came to his saloon frequently nt Intervals of about two weeks and bpent tho evening there drinking. On lcavlug ho would always purchase it pint or more of whisky nnd tnl;o It away with him. I'll o ton I'll ll. i:inixeil. A photograph of tho dead robber was posted In tho wludow of a cigar store at the corner of Ilroudwny and Pearl street with a card underneath containing the query: "Who is the dead trulu robber? Hundreds viewed the picture during tho day, but no ouo was able to give any clue us to tho identity of the man. -Measure ments under thu Uertlllon system were taken by tho Omuha pullco of tho deud robber and If all other menus full 11 Is hoped to secure ldentllleatlou by these. Coroner Treynor of Pottawultamlo county will hold uu Inquest this morning ut 10 o'clock over tho dead robber. U.xpro-s Messenger Charles U.ixter returutd to Council lllulfs last evening, In order to be present ut tho Inquest. On orders from tho superintendent of the Adams Kxpress company he stopped oil ut bt. Joseph in Btead of continuing with his train to Kuu sus City, whero his homo Is. This Is not llaxter's ilrst experience of being held up. Three years ago he was running messenger on tho Wabash wheu tho train was held up and the express Bnfo robbed of a large sum of money. On another occasion he was In tho express car when an uttompt was mado to rob It, but tho company had a posse of guurds on bourd and tho robbers wero fought on Sftirehlnu for u Trull. OHlclals visited tho scene of tho holdui yesterday morning ut daybreak and were able to secure trace3 ot tho robber who escaped clear to tho bank of tho Missouri river, where It' Is bclloved ho secured a boat nnd rowed across to llcllevuc. After 1umutii from the express car when Ilax tcr shot ami killed tho man covering mo engineer and fireman, tho second robber ran down thu track to the road crossing, a distance of about forty rods, where he turned Into tho meadow and Btruck across country. Two men, who wero found camp lng near tho river, told tho ollkers that about daybreak a man stopped nt their tent and asked for a drink. After quench lng his thirst the stranger, they said, got Into their boat and was starting to row across tho river when they covered him with a shotgun und ordered him out. The man got out of tho boat and proceeded down tho river bank. A boat belongln to a fisherman numed llnpp wus found missing later and It Is supposed tho man who la thought to huvo boon tho train robber, took It and rowed ucross the river in It. A lad named ltlef brought to the police ytsttrday a mask supposed to have been worn by the robber who escaped You:ig Illef found It In tho meadow nbuiit halt a milo distant from the hccno of tho holdup tho robber having evidently thrown It away In his flight across the couniry to tho rivtr. Terribly Ulfi-elUf Shot. An examination of the dead robber yes terduy showed that oluven of tho sixteen buckshot forming the charge that Kxpress Messenger lluxter poured Into tho bandit struck him on the right breast within radius ot six lucheo. rlho deud man was wearing what appeared to be a nearly now null' of enamel uuuid with welt soles of good quality. They beur ou the solts th tritdemurk "Sanderson." Hts cluihtug while of good quality. Is tsomowhut worn. Tho llt'itlllou measurements show that the dead man Is not as tall as ut first described. In3teod of bolug b feet 11 inches ho is but 5 0 inches in holght, but of muscular build. D. It. Kulght, tho suspect urrcstcd yes terday by Otticer Callaghan of Council Illuffs, proved up all right nnd will be released this morning. Colonel Davenport of tho Hurllngtou telegraphed to Thayer and learned that Knight hud been working on the railroad grade there, as ho claimed, and thnt he had been paid off Wednesday. Tho story ho told the police when taken Into custody was corroborated lu every particular. Tho Uuiilngton company brought Its bloodhounds from Ltticolu la3t evening mid thoy wero taken to thu scene of the holdup nnd put on the trail, but did llttlo good. MfkiteiiKf r llmtfr'H Story. ST. JOSKPH, Mo Oct. 4. Express Mes senger Charles K. lluxter, who killed the Hurllngtou train robbor near Coun. II Illuffs, was on tho piiBsenger train that was held up and robbed ut Hoy's brau h nenr here, on tho night of January 18. 1S94, when tho safe was looted. Ho has been ready to uso a gun sluco that night Baxter said today: "I was suspicious when tho train slopped tho first time and when It su.pp 'd the second time I had my shotun and iar- trldges ready. 1 got off on tho opposite , side from tho robbers and hid behind the ' embankment, which Is seven feet high. Looking over I could see nil thnt was going on, hut it was somo time before I could distinguish botwoon tho robber nnd tho trainmen. Finally they started away from tho car, Engineer Donnelly and Fire man Frank Holm nn In front nnd tho rob ber behind them, holding a revolver at th ir heads. "I fired at him. aiming at his breast. Ho rolled down tho embaukmcnt on the oppoelto side of tho track, and as ho fell ho called: 'Frank, Frank,' twice." KANSAS CITY, Oct. 4 W. H. MrGen. conductor of tho train held up near Coun cil Illuffs last night, describing tho kill lug of one of the robbers, says "I found the robber's body lylug flftoen yards from whom he was nhot. The Hrms and 1cl'3 wero extended, I recognized tut I man aa otio whom I had seen nt tho Union l'acino transfer Junction Junt outside ot Council U luii's when we were crossluc over from Omaha. Ho got on the trutu and when 1 reached my hand for hla fare he said. 'I am Just going to tho depot. Tina was customary with employes and 1 passed him by. It is my belief that he after wards climbed ou the tender and rude to the Mosnuito creek lldge, wluro his pal was lu walling." II1NA MUST ANTE Ul (Conllnutd from First Page.) ner the United States and the other powers are to be assured that satisfactory punish- tn. nt is Indicted. It Is hoped that Air. congers rtpuen w ii... ii,iitit ..un if,pi..rt will iniorni the cov- eminent of the United States In the opinion which It now shares with the imperial tier man government that the edict In Ques tion Is nn important Initial Mep in the di rection of pence unn oruer in t. num. lUnartmeiit of State. Wue hlngloii, Oct. 3. 1900. It Is felt here that tho American nolo will create a most favorable impression lu Berlin nnd will prove another bond betwecu the two governments. It has been recog nized thul after the Inst note to llermnuy some friction was manifested In tho Ger muii prcrs and thero was Ktruo apprehension that tho accord between Gormany nnd tho t'nlted States as to the means of dealing with China might be strained, If not broken. For that reason tho recent negotiations have taken on ndded Interest and idgnillcatice aud tho hearty concur! once whliii hus beeu brought nbout Is looked upon us little short ot a iriumpu iu unci initionm tunuij turn one alike satisfactory to the United Mutes and to Germany. Tho Instructions to Minister Conger (lis- cloao the firmness with which this govern ment will see that the punishments arc ad mlnUtercd The chief personages guilty of tho outrages have been taken Into tonsld eratlon during tho latest negotiations, and it can bo stated that the foremoct nmong them aro Prince Tuun, Chao Shu, Chlao nnd Kung Yl. Except Tunn, these names have been llttlo mentioned nmong those China has marked for punishment, but they aro nono tho less thoso who had largely tn do with tho outrnges and they will bo held to strict accountability. The German note contained In today's dis patches concerning the punishment of Chi nese offenders Is that which Huron Speck von Sternberg has been earnestly urging on Secretary Hoy within the last few days and to which the fnvoralde recponso of the Fulled States was communicated to thu Gorman charge d'affaires today. OPINIONS ON THE PROPOSAL llmpi-ror Wllllnm'N l.ult-Nl l l.ooKeil on tilth (.rem Tutor In London. LONDON. Oct. 4. Kinporor Wllllum's latest proposition Is regarded ut the for eign otQce hero uud lu other diplomatic circles as going further to pnvo tho way to both an agreement of tho powers and the success of tho negotiations with China thau anything which hus jet transpired. The text of the German proposals has been wired In Us entirety to Lord Saltbbury, who Is out ot town. "The new proposals," said a leading diplomatist, "uro, of course, tho outcome of Lord Salisbury's verbal refusal of his consent lo Germany's first note. Cmperor Wllllnm has now saved the situation by In troducing entirely new proposuls, which will probably obviate Great Ilrltatu hav ing tn send a formal wrltteu reply to the previous communication." At tho Amerlran embassy, whero Mr. Joseph H. Choate returned this afternoon, the news of t Lo German proposals was received with much gratification and as evidence of the strength of the American position. STRIVE TO MAKE ATONEMENT Temple Will lip lrrclt-il ifor Huron ton Kelteler mill Olllclitln lieu rmleil. TAKU. Monday, Oct. 1. The dowager em press has deputed the highest ofllclal of the empire to make all necetsary arrangements for n most imposing funeral iu honor of Huron von Kelteler, the late German min ister to China. Sho has also ordered the erection of a suitable temple at the capital to his memory. Tho superintendent of (trade ut Tien Tnln has been ordered to meet tho body on its arrival here and tho highest of ficials at other ports will pay the greatest honor to tho dead. An Imperial edict degrades from all ranks and omces Prince Tuan. Lan Yl, Kong Yl, Tung Fuh Slaiift and others concerned In the Hoxer movement. OPPOSE THE WITHDRAWAL I i.ll. il stulfi Cill.fiiM lii thlnn Thiol, thnt i'luiijiN MiiiiiIiI It f lit There. TIUN TSIN, Monday, Oct. 1. (Via Slung hat, Oct. l.J At a meeting of Amen au citizens at Tltn Tain tho folluwing resoiu Hon una adopted: We, citizens of tho Fnlted States, deplore tho contemplated ol u Lit, part of the Fnlted Suites iroeps In N"rt.i (.iiinu. wo teel the work of tho .ml. armies l.i far from accomplished and i.. refusal of the American gov rnineiit to tak. part therein It sure to lie ivpuriied by tl. allies as nn unworthy net und by the Chinese n it sigh of In. inference. We u.m our government u cair in an ml tn work it has so lionorutny ami iflliieiiti begun, nn.l to maintain a suuich here to secure the protection of mercantile and inihslmiul y liaci ti settlement of the present truub compllshe.l. Itfi-epllou for Wi.ldercf. PMKIN, Saiurdny, Sept. Tho commis sioners of tho Internatlunul forces arc ar ranging for a combined ollliial reception of Field Marshal Count von Walderseo. A detachment of mixed cavalry will escort him from Tung Chow to this city. Tho members of tho diplomatic corps hero aro still of tho opinion that only Prlnco Chlng and LI Hung Chang can bo recognized as peace negotiators. Do!iaof Theat friday Night, Oct. 5. Grand Saturday ltl October f. Elaborate Presentation of Hope l.rnnuril'N Oprretlu, filice in Wonderlanc Two hundred children In tho enst. Under tho miHiilcos of the Woman's Auxiliary of tho Grueo Kplsropnl church. Klnhornto properties, costumes nnd ef fects. I'rlcfH BvenliiKS. 23c, GOe, 70c, Mat Ineo, '-'.Ic RUSH TO HEAR ROOSEVELT i Indications Are for Tremendous Attendance At Waterloo Meeting. TELEPHONE COMPANY AFTER FRANCHISE, Concern Oltt-rt t lt of IJei Moliif Mime Induct-iui-titM In the Wity of l'i' rt-ciitiiMt- uud Pliit-liiK of Wires I Di:S MOINUS, Oct. 4 - iSpical Telegram ) The sale of tickets toduy for the Waterloo excursion tomorrow Indicated tho ic of tho crowd that would aitiud the big I veil meitlug from Des Moines. During the I day the committee lu charge of the excursion disposed uf 4U0 ttckeu uud 11 Is expected , that more than as many more will be on I tho tralu tomorrow. At buurtte a mlutc ol ! cnunou will iuform the ptople ot the city I uwukeulug that the great republican day ut 11)00 has dawned. The parade will be al out noon uud It Is aolug to be one ot the g. cut est political pnradro ever held lu tho ttute. All ot tho rough rider clubs of the statu that are fully organized and properly uniformed will take pnit, as well us many of the other Innumerable lepubllcnu clubs which have been organised during tho cumpulgu lu all purlieus uf the state. It Is cbtlinated by tho tuauagtrs of the meeting that thero will be iloie to 20,000 lnltors In Waterloo mid I , ,."'. ,, ., ,ri, ,,, .,, , titer parade. Immediately otter the parade the Fpcak lng will tommeuce ntid will be continued all day and all evening by come of the best or ators lu the statu uud nation, (level nor lloonotctt will be the chief speaker, but to fill lu tlmo during the day rt number ot other prominent men will be on haud, Including Senators Allison and Dolllvcr, Governor Shaw and Speaker Henderson. S ii pre in r Court Drt'lNlniin. Toduy'b supremo court derisions were as follo.vb. State against Leonard Wyihoff. Shelby district, (onvlctiou lor reduction, ulUrmed; State against Karl Coltmau, Keokuk district, conviction for reduction, reversed, Singer Piano compuuy against Unrnurd Walker & Co., Dubuque district, milou upon claims, ruver&ed; W. H. llerencKS. administrator, against First National Hank of Charles City, action uu u $1,000 deposit, alllrmcd, Statu against S. 12. Carter, Warren district, con viction for obtaining signature by fraud, retertcd. It was learned today through an alderman that the Jutwt Telephone company has been lndlieclly uppioachlng members of tho city council and tentatively making all uirts ut llbciul Inducements In order to secure u franchise In Den Moines. The Inducements thus far oluuteered two to grant tho city 5 pi r cent of the giosa receipts of the com pany and voluntarily place wire In under ground conduits. Another Inducement which has not been formally offered, but which It has been Intlmuted would be conceded In order to obtain tho franchise. Is to permit the council to reguluto the rates. Mil or Objects d, Iiu-i-i-uni-. Mayor llurlenbowor today vetoed the ordi nance granting a C5 per cent Increase in the price of electric arc lights for tho busi ness district. The Increase was linked In consideration of the placing of the light wires lu underground conduits. The mayor takes the position that the light eo.-upany should do this unywuy In accordance with tho terms of its franchise and then If the cost lu so great as to prevent provable operation at tho old rate, appear before tho council with tho hooks of tho com pany to show that an Increase in ruto Is Justified. Ho would not then oppose It. Drake university of Des Moines and Grlunell college of Grlnnell will play a novel game of football hero tomorrow even ing The gamo will bo ployed ut the leoguo ball pari;, which has been equipped with a great number of electric lights for tho occasion. It will be the first foot hall game ever played in the state by eloctrlc light. It IIciiIn the t.uiiiia. When Buffering from u racking cough, tako a doso of Foloy'ti Honey nnd Tar. The soreness will bo relieved, and a warm, grateful feeling and healing of tho parts affected will bo experienced. Tako no sub stitute. Myers-Dillon Drug Co., Omaha; Dillon's Drug Store, South Onmlm. (ovfriior Stlci.nrj I nt. .. uu r t eil . MoNTI'KI.IKIt Vt , lu-t 4. -The Yermuiit IrglHiatute aiict-inbled lu Jelnt u.i Inn to day an. I fl... i i,i r - ,n i . w .ukii. was Inaugurated. a ut rure , lW"7'flK Jilfl ri' h ! Good Is a Good Investment Fifteen lots In a body for milo at a very reasonable price. These lots aro located In Omaha addition and llo high and dry. They will make a splendid location for tome factory. Several other lots Bultablo for building purposes one of thorn especially will make n fine location for a homo, being within one block of tho motor lino and within two blocks of a school houca aud church located In tho western part of tho city. Apply at Bee Office, Council Bluffs. !OWA FARMS FOR SALE DAY & HESS, .'J1.) Pearl M . Council Blull'y, Iluvr for nn If ii lui'Uf Hit of Improved fiu-inx, nun-hri, frull mill trKi-litlilf I it n tl n i iiImi rewldnief iiml IiiinIik-nh pro.ifrl I" ounrll HlulTw mill Oiiiiiliit. Mini! I'Ali.iiM 1C0 acres Hazel Doll twp., 11 miles ne C. D., kooiI hulldlncs. $46 per aero. SO acros near Cretcent, well Improved, J4j: per acre. 60 acics 5 miles cast, good buildings nnd fruit. $.r,0 per acre CO-crro fruit farm, near city, good improvo I ments, J160 per acre. I SO-acro fruit f-rrn adjoining city, J6.000. I The iiliot f In only n Rumple of our r. per flint lull-rent. 'If If plume Ull. Duffy's WJtiiskey Ko Ynni Oil. THK WORLD'S FAMOUS CONSUMPTION CURE i tiM voiMiTMl. bj W4inr i i. in fniurr a tint gn.f fcTwt.i nlmulfnlaoillijuK. AUi MTTY'S MALT WR1SKET C., leiktttw. .T. " lyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. 1 1 art .a.' lull)' (lltfi'Sts tliu fcod aud aids iaiuie in Ht.i'cntftUctilii"; ami rccou urtifllmr tho ('xiuuuitMi tlliitstivc or jjHiis. It itliclatetillscxjvcridillccst iwit atuiU'iiir. Ko otlicr nrc;arntiou can h f ii ;ih It In ftlk-lciay. It lu H.iTiil) I'. li. vesiiiid ponuariiMitly cures UyipepMa, J'Hliuiwtloti, Utartl'iirn, riiitoloniv. Sour Stomach, Nausea. Sick n. a'lai liGndtralKKC'rauips and ttilvir.rr 'aiilutof lmiierfeetdigcisLlou. Pr'rt W .mo tl. I.trro fcl.-orontatuiIH then Vn.t.l i.. . Iti.'U.ii!iljutJpcpsls.nuiilcdfrts Vrcuarrdtv C Do'VI" T CO.. Chteoaa FEMALE BtAhS Orett lnontMr regulator fortrt- L',' ' rt . 'i " ' i ir tcrn i f re. e llr f" i!vt. CI at Sh rr .an A Me. nnc.'i. Knlm A Cn. nr. i:rviK. t.r tuu.cil r L.-.u Imig Cn. I'.i.tTjln, ill., XV By Our New Phut avd sin, i, m:wi.! machines at t I .-... tJIM.O.I mill )f'J.-..(ll.. Full lik-kil, with hili linn. They arc p.od hiiitiiliu's nut clieiip tiling. Our HO. :i.r. -lu ami ."U dollar tmll lu-ar-iiii,'. doiil.k- feed "New Homes" arc thu llnest you over wivt. Trial five. If .von would like to hcc, try or liny a hewing machine call on us. Wo rent hewing niticliliies 7ftc a week. Kverybody knows that the "XKW 1IOML" Is nil light. Von take no chances. We gnnruntee every one and our guuranice ih good. all ou un mill Krr the nine lilne unit con. pure prlf f n. GEORGK A. BULLIS, :t:iT llromlttii). ( oniif II 111 ii an. FOR S ALE House of 5 rooms, cellar, city water and bnth, i blocks fiom P. ()., $1,100. 6-room house on Mynster St., J1.C00. S-room house, pantry, closets, city water, cemented i pilar, nice lot, fruit and shado trees, ' blocks lrom P. O., $1,000. Good 5-room houso, with bnth and closet, rellur, city water, cistern, good barn; ouly $1,500. House of I roonif, pantry, cellar, coal hoiice, city water; JS50. $50 down, balanco monthly. fi-room house and room to finish two more rooms, city water, good repair; $1,100. $100 down, balance monthly. Fine Iiouko of 10 rooms besides basement, bath, clued, gas, furnace, laundry room, water ou tlneo floors, choice location. 100-acre farm, nearly all In cultivation, house, barn, well, etc., $25.00 per ncre. Johnston 6t Kerr 511 Broadway, Co Bluffs. "Si efore you IIiivo your tooth attended lo call and got our prices and boo for yourselves how very reasonable they are. Remem ber it conts no more to have good work than it doed to have poor. . ..Telephone 145 H. A. Woodbury, D. D. S, Council 31us- Next to grand fMei roper ty ICO-acres Mlskourl bottom land, f, miles r city, (40 per acre. jjo acres ntn- l'arlflc Junction, well Im proved, $10 p r aero. 320 acres In fillvfr Cneli twp, :.(, ner a ir, well Improvd. 213 h'.Tca line bottom land In IlQokfcrd twp,, J43.C0 pit rro well Improved, list. JIO.M, I.OAMJII O.V KAHMS AT