TIT 73 OMATTA PATTjY" BEE: "WTCDTTiESDAy, OCTOBETt 3, 1000. NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA. COUNCIL MINOR MKXTIOX. Davis fells Klnsn. "Mr HUey," 6-cent clgnr. Gas uxtures nnd Riobes nt Illxby's. Kins A It O. beer, Neumayer's hotel. Bchmldt photos, new nnd Intent style. II M Leffcrt, expert optician. 285 Hdy. Cub photos J1.D0 doz. Williams. MI Hdy. Wollmnii, scientific optician. 409 H'd'y. W J Hostettcr. dentist, Ilnldwln block. J. C. & W. Woodward, architects, 623 lldy. W K Lewis sells rnonumnnts. 301 H'way. lamp's beer, Bocnke Hoysen. sole ngont. Ilest beer, lljdwclsrr L. lloscnfold. AKt. Now oval frames. C E Alcxnnder & Co.. t33 Droadwny. Dr A I' Itum-hcM left Inst ovcnlnK on n visit to Kansas 'lt Get your work d"ne nt the popular Eagle laundry, 721 Hrondwuy 'l'honc 157. W C Kstep, i.ndrrtnKer. 1'enrl street. Telephones. Oin, Hi; residence. 33 V V OralT. undertaker und licensed em bnlmer. 1"1 South .Main street. Phone o Otto Ilnnk tins been Rented n license by the city to conduct u saloon lit i13 nniau way The contract for tho plank sidewalks ordered by the city council bus been awarded to John Sklnkle. There will be a special meeting of RX cclslnr Masonic Indue, No. 219, tnnlBlit for work in 'he third decree. Wanted, competent Rlrl for general i hou'ie ork, i mall ..imlly .Mrs. K A. MclvOMfni, corner North fecund and (Irani street-). firlggs f l'ort Worth. Tex., und Allen K M. Woods of Omaha were mar ried In tins dt yesterday. Justlco rerrler ofllrlatlng The members of I'Klellty council. Itoynl Armarium v. 1 1 1 glw a high live nnd 'lanc.iii; Burt tonvrmw einlii' at their hall in the litignrt In no block. J Campbell, an employe of Gilbert Uros tiutitieil the police yesterday that some one bid stolen Ills new mnehlnUish from his i'c wagon. The 'oi,. II will meet tomorrow evening, when Hie report of the city engineer on the North Mnl'i strict imvIiik will be innde u special ii. tier of business. The t,iol'eH' Aid society of St. John's litis U li l .-I cm church will meet tomorrow afternoon ut the residence of Mra. II. O. Hi hi r j if) Sc clltll avenue. Bcrgi-jini Ambrose Hurkc of tho night poIPe ii mil anil wife went to Kansas City )esteru.iy to take In the carnival gaieties. They pe t to return Huturilny. ( ouix-ll Muffs camp, No. 7151, Modorit Wonilmen of America, will give Its opening bull this I Wednesday) evening, October 3, III uodmcn or the World hall. John Ji Krulney Is aiiiioiinceil to address the ilemoi ruts next Monday evening at the heaibriarters of the Hr iiti-SteveiiMiii dub on the political Issues of the campaign. Mr and Mrs. Charles Harriott are liomn from a three weeks' visit with relatives In Ittiitana W tili- away they attended a family I nun. ii at Carbon, 1 ml., at which liVj liar tleltH wore present. 1'resluent S. V. Henry of the Hoard of Udui ntixi) returneil home yesterday from un nxteniled lslt In the east. No call for ti perlal session of the boaul to take action on the llUh Hclmol liullding plans lias been ltjsued jet A building permit was Issued yesterduy to the l.iks Untitling association for the erectiun ..i the clubhouse on Kinil avenue to cost l..otio. One was also issued to C. K. Anderson for a one and a half story frame cotl iK" at 1110 I'ulrmoutil avenue, to cost 11.W0. OwIiik to business connected with his olll clal position us Justice of the peace J. W'. Kerrler has been compelled to resign us captulu of tin: Mclvlnley (luuril ami has been succeedeil by Ernest M. Cook, county surveyor The now unllurms, according to u telegram received hero yesterday, will arrive Thursday. Albe l.i Wonderland," the Juvenile operetta will be given nt the Doliany theater Krniay evening by i clilidren, this beltiK the Ilrst local production of Miss Hope Leonard's utlaptutlon of Lewis Car rolls ever popular children's story. 'I he sulo of seats opens this morning. Trunk l'armelco yesterday replevlned the gun uttn- lied by tho whcrllf during the ro cent shooting loiiriiament under a Judg ment obiutned by the Hunter Arms com pany of New YorK In the courts of Douglas count). Nebraska. '1 he sherllT had hoped to lo on some of the prize money that Pnr melee miKbt liae won, but was dlsnp pointed Mrs Thomus M. Murey died yesterday atternoon at Ht. Hernard's hospital of heart failure, ugoil h! years. One son. Dr. .1. M. Murey of llulihwii City, Kan., survives her. The funeral will be held this afternoon from the residence, of K. Morehouse, ;o KranK street llev. T. Thlckstun will conduct the services and Interment will bo In Wal nut Hill cemeter. I'ho receipts In tho general fund nt tho Christian Ilome fur last week amounted to JUKI Jj. being JSI.75 below the, estimated needs for the current expenses of llio week and liierousInK tho deficiency In this fund to dutu to $7:c;.4!i. In the managers ttincl i the re. elptH wi re $2)i.i. being Jil..Hi below the m-eilft r tho week nnd Increasing the dellt lei,. in tills fund to to date. Tb New Railroad Jack," a lute success In the comedy lino, will make ItH Ilrst up poarunco ut thu Dohauy theater tonight unu will uoubtlesH bo accorded a hearty wulcomo l Dm Council HlufTH theater goers Tho stars of the company have a splendid support nnd tho play Is mounted In a most olubornte manner. It Is said that the music Is of the jingling kind, tho dances rattle and the Jukes can be stamped N. V. I'lumblns Co., lelrnnonu 250. f.0,000 cakes Domestic Boap used In Coun. ell Hlufls last month. MnrrliiKc I.Iociiiiok. Licenses to wed were Issued yesterdny to tho following persons: Name and Residence. Age. W II Stugcmuu, Hundolph, Neb ,.32 Sarah Dillon, Council Hltiffs m W W Orlggs, Kurt Worth, Tex ..49 Alice 13 M. Woods. Oinuliu U Use Domestic toap. . It's the best. 11mi1 -t'.Hliito Triumfcra. Tho following transfers wero llled yester day In tho Hbstract, title nnd loan oillce of J W Biiulre. 101 I'enrl Htreet: Henry Q Fisher and wife to M. J. Currio. lot 4, block 2, I'liderwood, w d. $ 400 John Freeso and wife to llnrrtetto M. Cody, lot 15, block 11, Hotter & Cobb's add, w. d W Jnmes Mlilmin et al to N. W. Wells, trustee, government lot s and accre tions In section 11-74-tt, w. d Lulled States l.lfo association lo Omnlia Council HlulTs ,i Suburban Hallway company, right of wuy GO fool wide across set, mil, 12-71-44, d. John V i turner and wife to Antonio Flori, 6 ncres In soi ne'4 17-75-4:1. q. c. il County treasurer tfi V. It. Wood, gov ernment lot fi, In 1-70-44. tax d Hamo to sumo., lot 25, block 30, Central Htibdlv. tux d Bumuul Alexander and wife to Mary K Williams, lot 9, block 4, Squire's add. w d John Hnnimer und wife to William Jluber lots tl. 7 and S, block 10, Cen tral subdlv, q. c. il l.MW 750 1 8 50 loo 1 Total nine transfers . .$ 3.C10 PRINCESS Stylish, serviceable) school Shoes for glrla nt HAMILTON'S 412 Broadway, mm FARM LOANS Negotiated 111 Eastern Nebraska mid Iowa. James N Cnsady, Jr., i:0 Main St., Council HlulTs, Save Your Moneys Hy estlng h the NAVIMiS, LOAN" AM) lit ll.IMMi ASVN, 1UU l'eurl Mreot, t'ounoll Illurta, Iu, BLUFFS. HI BAIRD PROVES TOO LOW Couldn't Roach tho Persimmons in tho County Court Houbo. CONSTABLE BLUFFED BY THE AUDITOR I'mlertiilicH to Collect n .liiilnmciil ImniidI tttit f .Itistlce Veln'i Court, lint tirtK it I. cumin '111 I.imv liiHtcnil. Acting under Instructions which ho stnted ho had received from Justlco of the I'cucu Ovlde Vlen, Cohstublo HI Dalrd attempted yesterday afternoon to levy on the cash In the safe In tho county audi tor's ofllce nnd on bolng denied this priv ilege mado nn equally futllo ettort to nt tnch part of the money In County Treas urer's Arnd's olllco. County Treasurer Amd notllled tho constublo that If lie made a move to touch a cent of thu county's money ho would bo thrown thniUKh tho window. Constnblo Hnlrd du cldcd that tindur the clrcumstntices dis cretion was the best part of vnlor and bo ln a little uncortaln ns to whether tho Instructions he had received from Justlco Vlen were exactly In accordance with tho strict letter of law, he withdrew without having secured any of the funds belonging to l'ottuwnttnmle county. The attempted seizure on the part of tho constable of tho county funds wus due to a Judnmcnt that Constnblo Albertl hud secured by default against the county IB Justice Vlen's court yesterday morning At tho Inst session of the Hoard of County Supervisors Constnblo Albertl presented n bill for $10, being expenses Incurred by htm In connection with tho Bolruro of tho liquor stock of Charles Dobbins, the Ilrondu-ay saloonkeeper, under proceedings Instituted by J. W. Scott. Tho board ro fuxed to ullow tho bill and Constable Albertl ht ought suit against the county In Justice Vlen's court. Notice was duly served on County Auditor Inncs, but ow ing to pressure of business, political nnd otherwise, lie forgot to notify tho county attorney of the suit. Consequently tho county made no defense, the ense wan called nnd Justice Vlen promptly entered hp Judgment In favor of his constable against tho county for $10 and $1.70 coats. Not denlrlng to levy on a Judgement which was In bis favor. Albertl secured the services of Hi Ualrd. tho constnblo in Justice Ferrler's Justice emporium. On reaching tho county auditor's olllco Con- stnuic uairu noiiucu Auuuor iiiucm unu he was there for the express purpose of attaching so much of the cash In tho safe ns would be necessary to satisfy tho Judg- ment. "The money In that safe is my personal property and not a dollar of It belongs to tho county nnd I defy you to Iny n linger on It," said the county audtor. "Oh yes. but I must. Justlco Vlen said I could seize any cush I might llnd In tho safe in your oillce." replied thu constable. I standing on tiptoe bo as to make his four feet, six Inches of height look ns near live root ns possioie. i must insist, iu tho name of tho Inw that you allow me access to that safe." County Auditor Innes opened tho win dow overlooking the nice grass plot out side tho front of tho building nud turning to the constable said: "If you make ono move townrd that safe I shall bo reluct antly but none the less surely compelled to throw you out that window. See!" Tho constable saw nnd started across tho hall to the oillce of tho county treas urer, where lie reiterated his demand In tho name of tho law and Justlco of the l'eaco Ovlde Vlen that ho bo permitted to nttnch so much of tho county's cash ns uccessnry to satisfy the Judgment In his possession. As soon ns County TrenBurer Arnd hnd recovered from his surprise hq looked nt tho diminutive constnblo and quietly Informed him that If ho ventured inside . the oillce behind tho counter he would bo forced to eject him through tho window. The cash was not disturbed nnd the constable roturned to Justice Vlen for fresh Instructions. In telling of tho attempt to raid tho county treasury County Auditor Inues said that thu proper method to collect n Judgment ngalnst tho county as prescribed by statute Is to present same at tho next meeting of the Hoard of Supervisors for payment and If It Is refused to then apply to thu court for a mandamus to compel tho board to settle It. Mr. Inues ex preflscd much surprise that Justlco Vlen, after being In oflico for eight years con tinuously, should havo not bocn nwaro of this und should have given tho Instruc tions to. the constable which tho latter asserted ho had. Ullchcil 1 ii ii a vii Motor. Ed Duggan, a 17-year-old lad living In the southwestern part of tho city, was bound over to thn district grand Jury yesterday afternoon by Justice Ulef of Lewis township on the charge of wrecking a motor car near Lake Mauawa Monday evening. F. S. Mer rltt, a younger boy, was lined $25 and costs for complicity In tho offense. Duggan in default nf n $300 bond was committed to the county Jail. The' sentence of tho youngor lad was suspended during good behavior. Monday evening the boys placed a brick on the Mnnawa truck at a point near the curve about a quarter of a mile north of tho resort na one of tho largo closed motor cars was approaching, with th result that the enr wns thrown from the track nnd badlj damaged. Tho boys watched tho result from a noighlorlng Held and wore seen by thn motor man, who gave chase. Ho succetHled In cnpturlng young Merrltt, but Duggan was too fleet of foot and escaped for the tlmo. Merrltt told who his companion wns nnd the latter was subsequently arrested by Deputy Sheriff Woolmnn. He admitted placing the brick on tho track. It wns after midnight before the wrecking crew succeeded In plac ing the car on tho track. Commonwealth 10-cent cigar. Domestic sonp sells on Its merits. Note from tho Court". Tho trial of Fred Wroth, which wns com pleted In tho district court yesterdny after- noou. winds up tho criminal cnlcndar for I this term. I The case ncalnst lTerhort Sulllvnn charged with larceny from a building In tho nighttime, was dismissed on motion of the county attorney yesterday on account of In- j sufficient evldenco to convict. The case ngalnBt Ed Jones of Ncola, charged with a statutory offense, was con ! tlnued until next term on motion of the state, as an Important witness could not be produced at this time. John Evans, Indicted on the charge of as saulttug with Intent to kill John Clark, se cured n contlnuanco of tils case until next torra, In Jones' esso tho ball was reduced from $800 to $500, and tho defendant, filing a bond In the Intter amount, was released. F E. Silvers, ouo of tho burbers who kept open on Sundays and took his case from tho superior court to the district court, pleaded guilty yesterday by stipulation nnd was lined th and costs. A Jury will be lmpnncled this afternoon for the second trial of tho Schacfer-Budatz suit nnd tho tnklng of testimony will be commenced Tbursdny morning. Tho trial of the suit of Wood Hros. ngalnt tho Citizens' State bank, which has been on tho docket for several turmil, has been specially assigned for October 10. Tho suit of K. W. Nash against the Union Lnnd nnd Improvement company has been sot for Oc tober 23, and outgldo of these enses thero Is little business of this term to be disposed of. Tho October term of tho superior court was convened yestorday by Judge Ayles worth, who will tuako nn assignment of cnueea this nfternoon. There aro at least twelve coses ready for trial, an. unusual number for this court. Federal court will ho reconvoned this morning by Judge McPhorson, who will hear motions nnd dispose of tho llnflnlshed bus iness of this term. Tho Jury In tho case of Fred Wroth, charged with adultery, brought in n verdict of guilty lust night, after being out about four hours. Woman'" Cltili Work. Tho members of tho Council Muffs Wom an's club nro agitating the question of rep resolution on the Hoard of Library Trus tees. Tho removal of J. I). Kdmundson to Des Moines In thu near future promises to cause n vacancy on the board and tho club members feel that ouo of tho women who were Instrumental In founding tho library should bo given ii placo on tho board. The club womun contend that a woman, hnvlng more lelsuro time, nt her dUpos.il, sho could give moro attention to tho details of library work than the othor members. The addition Is yet In Its Infancy nnd bo far tho matter has not been broached to Mayor Jennings, with whom lies the ap pointive power In case of n vuenncy aris ing. When asked yesterday If ho had nny objection to appointing n woman on the library board Mnyor Jennings said that If the citizens were In favor of the Woman's club being represented on tho board ho hnd no objection. Tho Council HliifTs Woman's club has abandoned the Idea of a matron for tho city Jnll. Through Its attorney It has learnol that tho section providing for two or moro matrons In cities of 25,000 nnd upwards was subsequently araondod, making the ap pointment of such nn otllclal optional with tho mnyor. As It Is known that Mnyor Jen nings Is unalterably opposed to havlug a matron at thu city Jnll, the club women realize that It Is useless to further agitato the matter and will wait until tho city ad ministration Is In tho hnnds of a republican mayor. Howell's Antl-"Kawr- curei coughs, colds. I'nrk Hoard Mvrtm. At the monthlv session of thn nark hoard .., ..,h. ,,. ..,,. nf annonnff ti,n hlnh brUlK0 at KnirmoUnt park so as to prevent It falling Into the cut In the event of unother cnveln was dlsctifsed at length nnd severnl plans suggested. Nothing wns de cided on and the commissioners will Inspect thu structure tilts nfternoon and thou do' terralno what Is best to be done. It was decided that ns soon ns the leaves are off thu trees to have a survey made of the south, east and north lines of Fair' mou. n(lrk ..m. ,.,.,. . istnhllahlnfe the t,ou,1(nrlcs. It Is not proposed to fence ,n , imrk but pog(s w,u bQ p,ace(, at flrtJ. oot IJtervag to mal.k tho boundaries, The ugm, Kr,8t of ,,, nm, gn,Hry st for th preceding month constituted tho rest of tho business transacted. Davis sells paint. Domestic soap outlnBts cheap soap. Council In Committer, The nldermon met yesterday morning as a committee of tho wholo and Inspected tho portion of I'lorco street between First and StutBmnn streets', where It Is proposed to movo tho curbing back In order to widen the street to conform with the balance of tho thoroughfare. It was decided to post pone nctlon until City Engineer Etnyre shall malic n report on the ordinance establishing the curb line of tho strcot. Tho committee also Inspected Indian creek, south of Sixteenth nvenuo, which needs deepening, as during tho recent heavy rains It overflowed Its banks botween Six teenth nnd Nineteenth nvenues. The creek was found to bo full of drift mud nnd weeds and the matter of cleaning nnd deepening It will bo brought up nt the council meet ing tomorrow evening. Cmicer Ciirod Without the Knife. Mrs. Coznd of Avonuo E and Sixth street pays: "I wish to tay to nil who mny bo nflllcted us I was for yearn with a cancer ot tho lower Hp, I called on Dr. A. II. Hethke for treatment nnd I nm happy to say tho cancer dropped out. And I was cured In ono week's time. Mr. Nick Swonsru of Knoxvllle, In., says: "I had a cancer of the ear which for years was nn open, running tore. Hearing nf Dr. A. H. Ilothke. cancer specialist, I went to his office, 810 Avenuo A, Council llluffs. In., for treatment. There was no cutting nor loss of blood nnd am pleased to Btnto that In twolve days the cancer was entirely destroyed. Premiums given with Domestic soap. Claim AkuIiisI Ilnnk. Claims aggregating over $18,000 wero llled yesterday In tho district court ngalnst Officer & l'usey's bank by depositors. Tin claims ranged from $4,129.02 to $25. One schuol district has $3,S70.I3 on depcslt In tho bank. Notices for (lllng of claims wore sent out to tho creditors nf tho bunk yesterday by tho receivers. No report as to tho condition of tho bank has been mado yet by tho receivers. ltoiiililloHll ('lull Oruillllrcil. ONAWA. Ia., Oct. 2.-Spoe!al.) At thn meeting at tho engine houso Saturday night H. E. Murrlton was chalrmnn and W. I). Drown secretary. A. McKlnley nnd Itortso volt club was formed, with Judges Addi son Oliver as president; H. S. Howes, vlco president; W. D. Hrown, secretary and II. E. Morrison, treasurer. There was a good attendance nnd considerable InteriVit mani fested. The club will meet Friday even ing next when Judge Oliver will nddress them on political matters. The republicans are making decided gr.lns among their popu- llstlc brethren In Monroo county. As nn Illustration, fivo out of seven delegates present from Sherman township nt tho late ropubllcnn county convention wcro men who voted for Hrynn in 1896. FIRE RECORD, Drill Store ut Fort DoiIko FORT DODOE. Ia., Oct. 2 (Special Tolo gram. I Fire this morning damaged tho wholesale drug stock of the Oleson Drug company. The loss Ib nearly $30,000. dam ngo to building $5000. Tho flro was started In tho basement of the drug strro by an explosion of n can of carbolic ac d. Tho blaze was quickly communicated to oi. The three-story block, ono of tho flnc3t In thn city, was threatened with entlro de struction. Tho clovator shaft communi cated tho tiro to tho Bceond nnd third stories so quickly that some women were Imprisoned In living rooms on tho third floor nnd wero rescued from the bilcony by firemen, It required an hour and a half to got tho lire under control, by which time the stock was ulmoht totally ruined by fire, rmoke nnd water. The Insurance Is about $25,000 on stock and $28,000 on building. SIGNS OF IOWA PROSPERITY Official Bank Statements Are Great Argu ments for Republican Oattco, DEPOSITS SHOW AN ENORMOUS INCREASE Cunillilitte for fioTcrnor of Wisconsin inly Jinny Democrats IVIah to Srr llryan Drfrutril nnd I'urty IteorKiiiilreil. DES MOINES, Oct. 2. (Special Tele gram.) Auditor of Statu Merrlam mado public today tho reports from Iowa's 232 Bavlngs banks nnd 216 stnto banks, show ing their condition September C. An ot llclal compilation shows that the deposits now In theso banks nro $91,673,230 nnd com pnred with the conditions In 1S90 show that deposits have almost quadrupled In tho laat ten years. The figures also show thut during tho Cleveland democratic admin istration, from 1S93 to 1897, tho deposits In state and Havings banks In Iowa In creased $3,000,000, whorcus during the Mo Klnley republican administration they have Increased nbout $!3,000,000, or nearly twenty times as much. Tho supremo court met today In ses sion for tho regular October term. Some forty candidates for admission to tho bar uppeared nnd took tho first pnrt of the examination. Tho opinions fllud were as follows, nono of them being of pnrtlcular lmportarce: Stnte ngalnst Charles Splegal, appellant, Polk district, conviction for arson, alllrmed. Kelly nnd Million, appellants, uk'ulnst Celestlne Kejtrvary, executor, Scott dis trict, reversed. State against Irwin Chauvot, appellant, Sac district, conviction for keeping houso of lllfame, atllrmed. State ugulnst John Oeler. appellant. Keo kuk district, conviction for murder In second degree nnd Judgment of fifteen years In penttentlury. alllrmod. State ngalnst William Klssock, nppe'.lnnt, Jasper district, conviction for seduction, l eversed. TlcUeti ou Ititvii Ilnllot, Thero will bo seven tickets on the of flclul ballot at tho election four weeks from next Tuesday In Iowa. Thuso uro tho tickets of the republican, democrntlo, peo ple's party, prohibition, soclul democratic, socialist labor nud united Christian. Tho time for tiling nomination papers oxplrca on Saturday. Tho republican nomination papers havo all been filed except for tho Judicial district, which held Its conven tion today. Tho democrats huvo com pleted their filings with tho secretary of statu, except for tho Third district con gressional nomination. The people's party and prohibition tilings luive not yet been made. Tho prohtblton managers held for somo time to the belief that their elec toral ticket could bo placed on tho ot llclal ballot without a patltlon under the constitution, but finally decided to proceed with the petition to arold dllncutty. Tho soclnl democratic, socialist labor and united Christian Minus wcro mado today Hon. Robert M. LuFollette of Madison, Wis., republican candidate for governor for the state of Wisconsin, arrived In tho city this morning to attend the supreme court session. "Tho republicans will carry Wisconsin easily," said LaFollette. "There Is a very largo German republican voto In Wisconsin and until recently the democrats havo been claiming It, but I am confident that wo will retain almost all ot It. Tho tact Is thut tho Issuo of imperialism has bocn worn threadbare. The moro the Issuo Is dscussed tho more rapidly are tho people forsaking tho banner of Uryantsm. It Is not n real Issue, but until within tho last couple of weeks tl)0 democrats were mak ing such a display .of It throughout tho country that tho chances seemed somowhnt dubious. It was so In our statu ns well ns throughout tho country. In Wisconsin, as clsewbero throughout tho country, we nro gaining a large number of tho gold democratic votes. Of courso wo aro losing some, but to counterbalauco that loss we aro gninlng a number of men who voted for Hryan In 1896. They wero men who wore loyal to tho party above all things, hut who aro now determined that thu only futuro of tho democratic party Is In the complete downfall ot Hryan and hopo that after his detent this year tho party can bo reorganized nlong older and enter lines and upon a safer platform." BURGLARS R0Bl0WA BANK One Thonnnnd Dollum nml Snnir Vuliiiililr i"iiioi Are Sonurrd t KlUpnrt. DUHUOUE. Ia., Oct. 2. Three burglars entered the bank at Elkport, northern Iowa, enrlr today and blow tho safo, securing $1,000 In rnsh nnd valuable papers. When pursued they 11 red a dozen shots at citizens nnd escaped. A posse and the sheriff are In pursuit. LABOR IN ITS MIGHT (Continued from First I'age.) vnnco has not yet been offered. Tho mlno workers as a rule do not appear to grasp the mei'nlng of tho notice as posted by thu Lehigh Valley Coal company and declare they will not mako a moo towards ro sumption of work until ordered to do so by a mlno workers convention. Half a dozen houses In different parts of this city, occupied by non-striking miners, w-cro stoned during tho night by unknown persons. All of tho attacks occurred near midnight. Nobody wns hurt, but sovornl persons had narrow escapes from being hit by llylug boulders nnd glnss. President Mitchell, accompnnled by mem hers of the, national executive board of tho I'nltcd Mine Workers and other officials of th union, left here shortly after 11 o'clock for Wllkosbarro. where n big labor demon stration Is to take place this afternoon. Mr. Mitchell's speech at the mass meeting In that city Is looked forward to with con sldorablo Interest, as It Is believed he will reveal to u greater or less extent the lino of nctlon that the union will tnko In ro gnrd to the 10 per cent Increase. SETTLE ON THE WAGE SCALE Tin I'lulo Workers nnd Thrlr Km ployent lloiieli mi AKrcrmeiit on All but Minor I'uliit". NEW YORK, Oct. 2. Tho conference be tween representatives of the American Tin l'latu Workers and mon representing their oinploycrs havo agreed on a scale of wages but Mime minor demnnds ot the men remain to be sottled. The consideration of theso wns deferred, pending the nrrlvnl In this city of somo of the district managers of tho tin plate company. Theso men aro ex pected todny, when the conference will ba continued. It la behoved u final agreement will be reached. "We huvo sottled the wage question," said Gcorgo Howell, president of the Inter national Tin Plato Workers' Protective As Boclatlon of America, "the company grant ing ub a slight concession. The question that Is now under discussion Involves a principle, and unless It Is recognlzod there will be trouble." Powell declined to say what the question In dispute was, but snld It had nothing to do with the recognition of the unton. "Wim Molo Touted. 8CIIANTON, Pa., Oct, Jr-The Dataware, Lackawanna & Western railroad posted notices today that the wages ot IU em ployes would bo advanced 10 per cent from October 1 and that the price of powder would bo reduced to $1.00. Similar notices wore posted today by the Hillside Coal and Iron company and the Tomplo Iron and Coal company. General Superintendent Hose of the Dela ware & Hudson company said his com pany would undoubtedly Issue the same notice. It has not done so yet. Strike lenders sny the proposals of the companies do not come up to the demnnds of the strikers by any mentis. Tho Indi vidual operators have sent u committee to New York to scok a reduction In freight charges, as they say that otherwise they cannot meet the wage ndvance. , .StoiipuKP of Coal Trade. IlEADINO, I'a., Oct. 2. With tho gradual closing of tho collieries In tho west enu of tho Schuylkill country coal shipments On tho Reading railway aro expected to cease, unless the company draws on Its storago yard at Schuylkill Haven, where It Is said a small quantity of coal Is on hand. Today hardly 100 cars had been pro duced. It Is aow expected that all mines will be tied up In a few days and that tho hard coal trade will then stop altogether. Mo Outline N'otloril. NEW YORK, Oct. 2. At the offices of tho various coal-carrying roads here It wrb said today that all reports received Indi cated that the strike situation remained unchanged. Nono of tho railway managers wns willing to talk about the proposed visit ot a delegation ot Independent mine opera tors to demand cheaper freight rates In case they should bo obliged to grant a 10 per cent Increase In wages. WESTC0TT LOSES HIS TEMPER from AVlttir Stand Captain Carter' I''ather-tn-LuTV llriimln Ortuln Statement ii "Outlined Lies." NEW YORK. Oct. 2. Hearing was re sumed before Commlsloncr Shields for the removal of B. D. Orceno nnd J. F., E. M. and W. F. Gnynor to the Jurisdiction of the Georgia federal court. Robert V. West cott, fathcr-ln-Iaw of Captain Carter, who has been under cross-examination during the last two days ot thu hearing, was tho first witness. Counsel for tho defense showed Mr. Wcst cott cancoled checks aggregating $50,961 drawn by him to the order of H. D. Greene and asked what they wero for. Mr. West cott suld he could not remember. To u direct question Mr. Weatcott said he never knew until the beginning ot the present proceeding that I). 1). Green was Interested In any of the Savannah contracts. He said ho had some Indistinct memory ot the Atlantic Construction company, but did not know what business It was In. He did not recollect hnvlng loaned Captain Greene $19,000 to carry out u contract in Georgia. Mr. Kellogg produced several letters from Mr. Greene usklug loans and letters from Mr. Westcott to Mr. Greeno enclosing sums varying from $5,000 to $16,000. In his direct examination Mr. Westcott said ho honored Greene's requests for money under Instructions from Captain Carter. "Did you rfet letters from Greeno for every check you sent him?" asked coun sel. 'No; frequently I had nothing but In structions from Carter." Mr. Wostcott said Carter paid nil the money ndvanced to Greeno oxcept $21,000, which Greene paid himself by check. Coun sel took the witness Into nil tho details ot his purchase In 1S94 of a piece of prop- cry on Eighth avenuo that ho Biibfequently sold without proflt to Carter. Mr. Westcott said he paid for the property In bills. He could not remember the transaction nnd could cot find nny record of it In his check book. All through the cross-exumlnstlon coun scl had several times reforred to Intorma tlon glvnn to thu government by Mr. West cott. The witness lost his temper when tho accusation was mado today. "I never said a word," ho retorted, "until after Captain Carter's sentence wus con firmed and he whs In jail. I gave my books nnd papers to my counsel, Mr. Stlmson of Root, Stlmson & Howard, for Investigation after your firm had accused me of being a partner with Oaynor.'" Witness denied that ho was ever a part ner of Gaynor. Tho witness snld in nn excited way when counsel taunted him on his Improved mem ory: "It is n striking Incident In n man's llfo when ho is accused of being a il d thief. You know that I nm Innocent nnd that these statements nre d d lies, made because I refuse to bo Implicated." The witness In reply to a question said he was Innocent and admitted that he re ceived $100,000 from Captain Carter. Hut he said he understood tho money came from Greene. "You had transactions of $50,000 with Held & Flagg and you can't tell us anything nbout them?" asked tho counsel. "I have had transactions of millions nnd can't recall tho detallB," Westcott replied. Iropcrlty In Hloux City. BIOUX CITY, la., Oct. 2. (Special ) -The bankB of Sioux City have moro than $6,000, 000 on deposit In their trensurles. It la said there ncvor was n time during tho so culled palmy days of Sioux City that thn banks wero so well fixed as thoy are to day. They never hud so much money ns they now hnve and the reason for this con dltlon Is that Sioux City never wns so truly prosperous. By Our New Plan WE) SKM, !UW!XH MACIIIVnS AT ijun.on, IjtlH.OO und ?'A-,.oo. Full nickel, with lilsli iirm. Thoy nro good innclilnes- not cheap tlilnKH. Our 3D, .ir, ID nud GO dollnr ball bear ing, double feed "New Hoiiioh" are the finest you ever saw. Trial free. If you would like, to nee, try or buy a sewltiK uinelilno call on us. Wo rent HewiiiR mitebineH 7fc a week. Everybody knows that tho "NEW HOME" Is all right. Vou take no chances. Wo guarantee every one and our Kiiarantee Is fjood. Cull uu un und nit tlm iiitii')iliii' nnd compare price. GEORGE A. BULLI5, :i:i7 llroMilwny. Coiiiioll IllulTii. .Mrs, W.lualowN noollilH syriii Has been used for over FIFTT YKAK3 t MILLIONS of MOTH I2IIS for their CI Ilk DK15N WHILE TFIKTHINO, with I'KH KECT BUCCEB3. IT SOOTHKS the CHILD tiOKTENS the QUMS. ALLAYS all PAIN, C'UAEB WIND COLIC, and Is tha lust rem edy for DIAItr.HOEA. Bold by Drujgtsli In every part ot t'ie world He suru ana uak for "Mrs. Wlnslow's Boothlnic ayrup." and take no otner kind. Twenty-llvo cent a bottle. WILL NOT LOSE HER FORTUNE Absenoo of Adoption Papers QItos Princess Hatzfoldt Bad Bcato. HUNTINGTON HEIRS WILL NOT OBJECT Lifelong Friend nf Droit Millionaire Sn That Yntiuir Woman Alivu UnJo)fd I'rlvllrKe of il Duiiithter. NEW YORK, Oct. 2. Princess Hntzfcldt, tho adopted daughter of Collls P. Hunting ton, Is lu no danger of losing the legucy of $1,000,000 In trust bequeathed to her by tho Southern PhcIHc millionaire. A dispatch from San Francisco said that search was being innde thero for adoption papers. 11 E. Huntington having mudo ju fruitless search in New York for tho documents and being much worried because they could not be found. It wus snld In tho office ot tho Southern Paclllc railroad In this city today that Mr Huntington's will left the trust fund to thu princess specifically and It made no difference whether udoptlon papers could bo produced or nut. As a matter of tm t t was said there wero no adoption papers on ' record nnd nover had been nnd conse quently uo search has been mndo for them. Charles H. Tweed, chairman of tho board of directors of tho Southern Pactlla and Mr. Huntington's llfu-Iung friend, suld thut Princess Hntzfeldt was udnptcd Iji tho con ventional manner; thut Is sho wns taken Into Mr. Huntington's family ob a daughter und ull the family know and understood that sho wus to enjoy nil tho privileges nnd benefits t lint would come to a daughter of tho rail mail magnate. Tho princess was tho daughter of Mrs. Prentiss, n sister of Mr. Huuiltigton'B first wifo. DEATH RECORD. .N'ehriuikii Soldier Hurled. NEI1RASKA CITY. Oct. 2 (Speclnl.) Thu remains of John L. Shownlter, tho young soldier from this placo, who died while en roulo from Manilla, arrived here todny. Tho funeral wns held thlB afternoon from Memo rial hall. Tho attendance at thu services was large. Chaplain Smith, nslsted by Company C nnd the local post of the Grand Army of tho Republic, conducted Uio serv ices. Tho interment was in Wynka ccme tory. Itrnldent of I'emler. PENDER, Nub., Oct. 2. (Special Tele gram.) Hon. W. E. Peebles died nt his homo In Pender today at 12 o'clock. Ills death wtu caused by a cancerous growth on tho liver. He passed away very quietly. Ho had fulled very rapidly since his return from his western trip and It wus no surprlsu to his friends to hear ot his death today. The funeral will bo held nt tho Iioubs at 10 o'clock Thursday, October 4. Inline "W. I.iiiinIiik. ROCHBSTKR, N. Y.. Oct. 2. Judge Isaac W. Lansing, n prominent politician of Ne braska, died nt tho homeopathic hospital todny. Ills frk-nds and family In Lincoln have been notified. Judge Lansing fell 111 two weeks ago while passing through this city. Ho was CO years old. ltli'liurd II. l'lOTrer. CLARINDA. In.. Oct. 2. (Special Tele gram.) Richard H. Flower, a retired farmer and old citizen of Pago county, died here this nfternoon suddenly of apoplexy. A short tlmo before he expired he had been nt work clearing up his yard. Mrs. M. II. llomle. SCIIUYLKR. Neb.. Oct. 2. (Special Tele gram.) O. II. Wells received a telegram from Tacomn, Wnah., today nnnounclng the death of Mrs. M. H. Hoxlo. Tho Hoxles wero among. tho earliest and most prominent Bottlers here. HYMENEAL. llurrolil-Jono. ASHLAND. Neb., Oct. 2. (Special.) Mr. Walter O. Hnrrold und Miss Laura Maude Jones were united In mnrrlnge Monday even ing at 7:20 o'clock. The ceremony wus per formed at tho Methodist Kplscopal church by tho brldo's father, Row O. M. Jones, as sisted by Rev. U. 12. Ferris. After the cer emony n reception was held at the resldeiico of tho bride's parents. Tho groom Is a trav eling salesman for the McCormlck Harvester company and thu bride Is the eldest daugh ter of Rev. and Mrs. (I. M Jones. Tho couple left this morning for their new homo at Oreeley, Colo. IOWA FARMS FOR SALE DAY & HESS, 89 Iliivr for niiIc n In rue lint ut Improved fKt'tnlilf IiiiiiIni iiIni, renlilrnen nnd und Oliillllli. SOMK FAIt.MSj 1C0 acres Hazel DoU'twp.. 11 miles ne'C. B,, good btilldliics, Jir per acre. SO ncres near Crofccnt, well lmprovod, $15 per acre. 60 acres 6 miles east, good buildings nnd fruit, M0 po: ncrc. 60-acro fruit farm, near city, fiood Improve nients, $150 per aero. 20-acre fruit frm adjoining rtr. $6,000. The nbiive Is only n biiiuiiU- of our r. per t-riit lnt-ret. Telephone It I t. R03 IN VALUE. Some excellent lots, pleasantly located and do sirable for suburban homes, can be had now at reasonable prices. These lot s are located in Omaha, Wright's and Central Sub. additions. This property will steadily increase in value as the city grows in th at direction and tho time to buy is the present. Call at BEE Council Dohauy Theater friday Night, Oct. 5. rand Saturday Mat. October G. Elaborate Presentation of Hope l.eounnl' Operettn, Two hundred children In thr rant. Tudor tin' auspices of I lie Woman's Auxiliary of Hie Cnioo Kplscupal clmrcli. Klaliornlc properties, eostuine.s nnd ef fects. l'rlers - HvenliiKS. L'.'e. fiO 7."u M:it Inee, 2.V. HEATER ONE NIGHT ONLY, WEDNESDAY, OCT. 3. TUENKVTRAILROADJ.CK Twelve Jiig Specialties. I'ltlCKSt '..,e. .'I.'f nml ."(),. MUNY0N'SGUARANTEE, BtrOBp: Assertion na to Just "Wlmt tho Hv'iwedlea Will Do. Hint ti niii'iiuutltui Oirt, will curs uinrly nil cttff ut i Ionian. tlBDi lu a ton bouri; tint Ills rripep,ln Cur will cuie liiOiC'-Ktlna aU't all ittmimli troublo; tht hi EUni-y fur will cuif UO per cut Of nil fIRK ot lilJUfJ trouble; tliat M O.. tttru Olj will run cu'urrti no m.nur bo Inn; 1 1 "ti.tlr.c ; licit fclJ IhiiJ' li" Cuio n 111 cui uy kn.it if L.'flilicko In i. fiw nilnutu; tint bin Cm! Oira "1)1 qillrtclr urmili tm tor form of cold nelt bo on t Lionel ti.i f nitre llit nt roiurdlfl At all clr.'llti. 13 r.iitt a Mil If you nctd uifdlrnl ilvi' r wti'r .' rcf Muuyoa W Mfb ' I'' lla ' Or, ECay's ReBiovafor Un a rmit rcil to euro tho very wurat chuvu of ajMnuau, constipation, lilliuuj heutli ache, liver and kidney. At ilriiglst, -ki nnd JI .cnd for Free Haiu;le. 'rce Hool, nnd Frco Au-.'u. Ur. IJ. J Kay, Saratoga N. Y. Slice in Wonderlanc nOHANY fsl Before you Have your teetli attended to call and got our prices and see for yourselves how very reasonable they are. Koinoni ber it costs no more to havo good work than it does to havo poor. . ..Telephone 14-5 H. A. Woodbury, D. D. S-, Council Bluffs- 30 P6Br! Si taukisi Pearl St . Council Hlull's, f ii rum, elili'Krn riiiiclici, fruit nnd iMlalni'i" iro,ler( lu Council lllilif ICO-ncrcs Missouri bottom land, S miles b ' CUV. $10 por acre. , ' 240 acres nea- Pacific Junction, well Im proved, $10 pr acre. ' 320 acres In Silver CrccU twp., $50 per acre: well Improved, 213 acres fine, bottom lnnd In Itockford twp., $42,110 por ario; woll Improved, list. MU.M:Y l.flAMIU OX I'M It. M.N AT OFFIC Bluffs. liSSIIiff