Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 30, 1900, Page 24, Image 24

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lndnlg3 In Vigorous Logomachy with ai
Whalobaoxou Party.
Reconciliation In . KITecleil mill HI
Hrxtirlille Oiipnni'iil Tnl.o III (lilt
an .llltlmi)' mill OITorn to
liny II for 1 f I lit.
Standing at the rear door of the Jail
building, Tim Ornishy wan glvln ome vury
pointed observations on Ak-Sjr-llcn, and
at tlio same tlmo checking off the loavea of
broad an they were tossed from tlio deliv
ery wagon Into a banket.
"Saw you up theto on tho Midway last
lcht," he snld.
"Yes, I was there."
"Did you get next to tho whnlebackcd
party I was with?'-
"You mean tho round-shouldered gentle
tuun?" "Sure. Well, lot me toll you about his
obs. Time was, not more'n two weeks
bbo, when him nml me was ubout as
friendly as two buzzrtiwH. Bvcry time he'd
pass me on tho Direct he'd hand me n
chunk o' ice, and I'd scowl him n plceo o'
facial profanity that'd rciiko IiIb teeth rat
Hlo. nut last night It's different. He was
J wcotcr'n tuplocu ptiddln'. Wanted to buy
m ulifcrythlnK on the Midway and pay for It
"WINnadf, My money was all counterfoil,
domcinV i guess f could open his mall and It'd
"Dcmevi right."
rare, plea .at caused the sudden change In his
count of anr?"
aldo nanircf. U10r i KOod; you may serve It
Mountforih'tJy,,.. v-lt, you see, It's all on ac
aud goes to t little princess over on tho south
nil kinds of pi. Addle lllHke. Addle was Tom
such rot. but V Htmly . and when Tom enlists
what ii nilplniV,. Philippines sho makes him
niRkln' googoo i . (,mBf.s t)QUt buln' true and
party. Ills ni.moijeforp Tom BBts t0 1(now
party'H Is. You t-V Iooks nin j,prp-fl Aclll5
them Lnura Lean ,)..VH f0 t)l wmlobaoked
Hho known that all .,B Ju(,k , wi,ael)acked
lovers named .lark. Al(1u. bocn ren(iin'
llrri-'n VVhi-rr by love storCB nn, H0
"Well. Tom MountforH, girls has
be pretty thick, and AtlL
ono day when I incuts hel,. aptn
and tells her 1 guess 1 11 ba. nm, mc lae(, l0
nml tip the game off to him v ,(now8 u
headed and gives mo a glasfy 1 nn t)o 3)rt,t,t
I'm only Jokln'. but A.l.lo Is . tf) wrto Tom
chilly dolls that cnu't take n Kllf clB reil.
' 'Rout three weeks after this, ,o, rnurH0
t pink tea on tho south side one, & lh(;in
Addlo's there. I.ookln' pretty tr . h
loo-stacks up well, an' they ul jm cut o
them laundry queens that ntl ' , niRlit. and
to wenr her clothes. Hut frosty. . Jn sho lfj
wan the chilliest lobster that ev:. tmj Q.
from the cracked Ice. I tries to v )R,r hfW
to her, but she throws the harpoon gay
at every turn. er c()me
"Well, after she'd put the rolle yarm
me onco or twice, who shou d blo u((j nw
the whnlebackcd party, all was
combed till he didn't look ngr umIcr
togged out In one o' them waiter sv but
U very chesty. ,,,hod and
"Couroe I can bco all right that gslc.H
thine live ha uirned up. You doll,
to knock mo down to get me to tn -that.
Sho don't w more'n clap hert somo
on him thuu sho scuttl-s up and be,t hayo
make It ploasant for the new cntr- Wo q
just like nm staudln' here and you t
see? We'9 tlrtF cIobo together, fan .(iB o
Hho beglns-fo deal him u neat lino 1(j
all about nuddlla' nn' tntttln' an .
.p,M"?.nl. J-TXJ. I" , r,Vr ndfe n
riKiu "itn tlio y talk
into me good and plenty, r ,n,ckr
'Ad.' I says, brain.enco tlw
duco mo to y'yf,n'r!l the prlooWln' tho gaff
. cenversati and typewrltlnK
v rtha Commercial
.. A court reporter f. .11' ill) to hsr, 'Intro-
"3' Vni'0rit,,J0Ur fr,en(1- ''vo Kl some nico
"tsli" 'n hcro Ulat llkc t0 ""load."
i-' 'l'llon'l think this lady knows you,' ho
ftays, glvln' 1110 a solar plexus look.
' " 'No, I think he must be ono o' them
bashers, Jack, that's got In hcro by mls
fhke,' she says.
"Thnt was two Jolts ns near ns I could
J' A ''I tell her to hie herself to a nunnery,
bill Jt don't fast her. You see I'm protty
, weuK,m mo coinooacK, 1 m 100 mnu 10 taut,
vttlt jiist about mad enough to light, so t
lays' down the tatty candy I'm pullln' nud
' with allnsrer daubrd with molasses I draws
" alonfrmatlfidnwn his shirt front.
' ,ol for llif AVIi 11 lli nek,
'jPR "'Jack,' I says, 'the strcaK o- yellow In
" you Is showln' toulshl.'
"Well, he's game all right. I dedg's a
dhort jab ho alms for my mats and makes a
Kotawuy out tho side door, leavlu' It open
tor him to follow.
"Hut will Bho let him go? Not In a thru
eandt Sho gets a half-Nelson on h m and
braces lerselt against tho ddbrjani, and
there he Is.
"'Hold him tight. Addle!' I says, 'or a
naughty man out hcro might push a talt In
Ms face and make It funnier than It Is
"He wiggles and tries to como back at
me, but forgets his lines.
" 'Don't muss his collar, Addle,' I says.
" 'You're a gentleman, you arc!' sho says
to mo. 'You're suro nil right.'
" 'An' you're all right from you're head
up,' I says, 'an' ycr foci down!' 1
"Well, wo gets rid of sorao moro largo
blue language llko this, and protty soon a
rororolttoc, headed by the main squeeze o'
the house, comes around to mo and wants
to arbitrate. They leads mo nrnind the
house an' takes me In by another door, nn'
1 don't see no moro of Addle and her now
larao that night.
"Hut hero's the funny part n tho whclo
checso. About a week after tho pink tc
Addlo gets a letter from Tom In tho VU 1
lpplncs sajiu" ho ain't never heard a peep
out o' me since ho left the statm. Ours'
that clears mo all right. And this Is why
the wlmlebarked party wanted to buy the
town last night and make mo a presont of
s picto
Nora A. Miller of Los Angeles. Cal.,
writes- "I have taken tho trip many
times by different routes. I can say
your Personally Conducted Excursions
excel all. I found everything clean
and comfortable, and received aB much
nttcntlon ns I did going east In tho
Mr. Ezra W. Docoto of Chicago, 111.,
writes: "I wish to thnnU the Union
Pacific for tho way In. which they nr
ranged uur entlro trip, and for the
way in which they made ua all com-fortuble."
These Personally Conducted Excursions
Leave Omaha Every Friday.
For full Information call at
N jv City Tlc'o: DflsJ, J 2 i rim ti 11 Tel. 316.
.Mm. Vniuterrnok .tmnnim llpllereiit
Attitude 011 llrnrliiK till Testimony
of One of Her elulilinm.
There was a scene In Justice Crawford's
court Saturday morning when Attorney
Jeffries put eleven witnesses upon the
stand In quick succession to Impeach tlio
testimony of Mr. and Mrs. James 13. Van
dercook, farmers living near Florence. The
woman beenmo .violent as one after an
other of her old neighbors Bwore they
wouldn't believe her under oath. Leaping
to her feet sho sprang toward one of the
men who was testifying, shaking her fist
ami vowing vengeance, but, fortunately for
tho witness, an attorney stepped between
them In time to prevent violence.
Tho case on trial was that of the State
against Mont Watts, colored, charged with
assaulting Mrs. Vnndercook with Intent to
do great bodily Injury. Watts bad been
employed by the Vandercooks as a farm
hand, but trouble arose between them and
ho wns discharged. Ho alleged In defense
that he struck Mrs. Vandorcook by way
of soff-defense.
Excluding tho evidence of the Vander
cooks, there was still enough evldcnco to
Justify holding Watts, so Justice Crawford
held him to tho district court under $300
II111I to llitvr- It.
Uffectlve October 7 Train No. 7, arriv
ing at Webster .Street stntlon at 8:15 a. m.,
and No. 8, departing at 5: 15 p. ra.. for Oak
land and Intermediate points, will bo dis
continued. Admission to tho Hullstedt band farewell
concert Monday night, Oct. 1: Ooneral ad
mission, 25c; reserved seats, 23e extra, or
noc. Help tho Auditorium fund to grow.
Curd of TIiuiiI.m.
The undersigned desire to tender their
heartfelt thanks to their friends, also the
Modem Woodmen No. 120, for their num
erous kindnesses and sympathy In our late
bereavement over tho loss of our mother
the late Mary Moore.
J. P. MOO It E.
Cedar Rapids. Neb.
ED C. MOOHB, aoilth Omaha.
FUED MOOIIE. Council Bluffs.
The Hellstedt Concert band farewell con
cert Monday night, October 1, will be n
record breaker. Just read tho program In
this paper. Give tho Auditorium a boost.
Kiicnri- Mo 11 ilny.
Among others, the following encores will
be given Monday night nt tho farewell
concert by Hellstedt'H band, by request:
Sextette, from "Lucia de Lammermoor."
Dance In tho Mountain King's Hall, from
"Peergynt Suite."
"La Palomn."
"Plzzlcntl Polka."
"The Blue and Gray" and tho latent New
York hit, "Every Race Has a Flag Hut
the Coon."
tfllvntlonlNfi .nU Alii.
Jili',l',,l-Vl'tl"n ArnVv 'Iwiin Home for
l' alien Uomoii appeals for help, the man-
'.KA'tf V,'! ,;l,rt',,lar Hla,1" ,'"'t 'l ""im
perative that they jtecuro single iron bed-
bowls, pitchers, lied linen, table linen
shcH. conking utensils, old 'muslin, "unu-
&h'l etc!"0" ,",b"' ,al,,,,s' ",u""v
Attention, A. O. V. , ,. 17.
All rrcmbers nre requeued to attend the
funeral of our late brother. Lou Grate from
residence, H21 North Nineteenth street, nt
1:45 p. m. Sunday, September .10. All Uni
form Degree teams and members of order
In Omahu and South, Qnaha invited to or
tlelpnte. R. p. i .
. -U,. YlNJUdr Recordor.
yill.-IO luiiiaiinpolla nml llrtnrn.
Tickets via tho Burlington route.
On tale October 1 and for morning train
(7 n. m.) on October 2.
rtcturn limit, October 5.
Only J19.40 to Indianapolis and return.
Tickets, 1502 Parnam street.
Hamilton Warren, M. D.. Eclectic and
magnetic physician, ofllco at tho Central
Hotel, corner North Plftaenth and Dodge
stieets, till a suitable location can bo
found. Special nttentlon to all long stand-
ing or nagcrinr diseases and to diseases of
women and cnilrirei.
Mortnlltr .Statistic.
Tlie foliosvlns, deaths nr.d births wor
ii ported to the city health commissioner for
the twenty-four hours ending at noon Sat
urday :
Denths-W. A. Grander. St. Joseph's ho
pital. aged SB; John Knezack, 1317 S-uth
1 hlrd aged t.9; Henry Hunch, ()! Sownrd.
HKeu SI.
Hlrtlis-. Coreninan, SIT Parnam. girl:
Rimer t hllds. 2122 Ames avenue, boy; vf II
Potts. 350S North Twcnty-eighth, hoy: s'
B. Smith. 2220 Clark, hoy. ' 1 ' &-
Better got your tickets for Bcllstedt's
Concort band. Parewell concert Monday
night, Oct. 1, soon. They nro going fast,
and help tho Auditorium fund.
Por policies that nrs sight drafts rt
maturliy apply 10 II. l). Neely. manager
Equitable Life, 20C nnd 20S Heo building.
Tnko your lunch nt Maurer's, 130C Par
nam St. Genuine Imported beer.
Miss Nellto Hardy, teacher of piano,
studio, 1424 Sherwood avenue.
Don't put It off, but sco (!. E. Shukort at
once ubout your fur or sealskin garments.
315 South lfith street.
A nice assortment of fall woolens nt
Llndquest's, tailor, 310 S. 15th.
Williams & Smith Co. announco the nr
llval of fall and winter woolens.
Hubermann, Jeweler; est. 1SC6; absolutely
reliable; lowest price guaranteed, 13 & Duug
Wertzlno prevents baldness, removes
dandruff. Sold at 1615 Douglns street.
Blank book and magnzln binding. A. I.
Root, 414-416 South Tvlfth Btreet.
Book tickets will not be honored at fore
well concert Monday night. Give tho Audi
torlum n boost. .
Hnve Root print tt.
Popular Excursions
The Union Pacific to
Oa'sfsrnia and Oregon
Extracts from numerous letters:
Mrs. George Montgomery of Los
Angeles, writes- "I have traveled n
great deal, but never usod tourist cars
before, and wo had not thought It
possible for a Journey to bo made to
comfortable. Tho Union Pacific cars
aro a revelation."
Mr. George Chadley of Scnecn Palls,
N. Y.. writes: "Everything that rould
be done for tho comlffxt ot passon-
gers all tho way was done, and will'
recommend your excursions to all our
friends, feeling assured that the ar
rangement Is tho best for tho pu I c."
Vlit Hock In I it 11 il Itonte,
Lincoln Street Pair, via Hock Island
Route, gl-66 for tho round trip, on Oct. 2
to 5; 11.35 for tha round trip on Oct. I.
City ticket offlre, 1323 Parnam st.
Notice lo Trnvi'tltiu Men
All Traveling Men's Kepu'oll an c'.ubs and
all traveling men not belonging lo ilubs
arc cordially Invited to Join us In the
grand parade given In honor of flovcrnor
Roosevelt at Lincoln, Tuesday nf crn.jon,
October 2. All those partlclpat ng In tho
parade will meet at Lincoln hotel not later
than 3 o'clock.
I.oucst ItulfK ot the scaaon
Iowa, Illinois,
Wisconsin, Minnesota,
Northern Michigan.
Round Trip!
Minimum Kate, 17.
September 20.
City Offices, HOI-U03 Parnam Street.
Clienp ttatr HiriirMonn.
See agent Northwestern lino for cheap
excursion rates to Hot Springs, S. I)., dur
ing month of September.
in in h us rii Li ai ri u wni
I rl III II 11 I tt 1 AI TM II I. LI H
mm meal
Made of extra heavy Cold Rolled IJesstnnni' Sled Plate,
lined with heavy asbestos. Gray and Malleable Iron eastings.
Use Less Fuel, Bake Quicker,
and Last Longer than other kinds. Many styles and sizes,
at prices from $25.00 up.
Tho largest stock and greatest variety to select from.
All strictly high grade, warranted goods?.
Stoves and Kanges sold on payments,
Corner 14th and
Busb Burners, Garland Stoves
Oak Stoves.
Ln dins'
C Jt
Children's Jacket s
....A Jj
Special sale on Ladles' Suits, (J -4 CQ r rti j-
worth ?lS.0o and ViOM. at Ci q5 I O
Ladles' handsomest and most stylish Snmplo SultH,
worth 10.00 and $30.00, at ?J."..00 and J27.60.
Ladies (iolf Skirts
Very finest Imported materials, mado up with strapped
scams, with 21 rovs of stitching, at
$10, $12.50 and $15.
Ono tablo of ladles' Oolf Skirts, In grays,
blues, browns nud black, at
COO ladles' Dress Skirts, In mohairs, Venetians,
and serges, worth $C and $7, on Halo nt
H.'i sample high grado Taffeta Silk Skirts, most elabo
rately trimmed, at $12.00. $16.00, $20.00. $30.00, $10 nnd $."0.
Our stock of co.-.t!) In automobiles, boas and Htous Is
something tromondous. 'Impossible to describe thnm. Wo
luivo them from iho plain Jacket at $5.00 to the swellcst Im
ported automobile at $13.00.
250 Washington Mills Kersey Jackets mado with strapped
seams, pearl bullous and lined with tho famous Skin
ner's sntln warranted for 2 years' wear a Jacket worth $ir..00 In
nny house In America Ilnyden's prlco only
Our Fur Depart mont
Is tho most complete In tho entlro west. Wo carry autrachans, heavers, minks, I'or-
slaus, near-silks, oloctrlc seals, iniiuioons
75 Astrachan Cnpcs, Skinner's satin lined,
worth $7 SO on aalo at
tho houses
cent less tliun
rountry. They
200 Jackets,
worth $0.00,
Tho season Is over and no more large shipments oxpocted. You'd
bettor como nnd see us tuls week, while you are taking In tho "good
things", nt tho Ak-Sar-Uen festivities. We nro only ono block
north of tho postolUcc.
Wo offer tha following bargains for this wcok:
I youiiK anil tiinie Mrslcnii Iteil
lleiuleil 1'iirriil, nml n "olid, nullnlile
Parrot 1'iiKe, only
Wo huvo (julte n fow In stock, which aro already talking a little.
Call early and you will get one.
Our Written f!uurantee, of eourne, um vltli every Pnrrot
IlatnblUhed 1SS3. 303 North ISth Street, Omaha, rhonfl 217.
Direct Importers ot and Wboleialo Dealers in Moxlcnn Parrots. .
At tnillnnnoolli, 1 11 (I., October M.
Tho Omaha A St. Louts railroad will scl.
tickets for this occasion at one fare plu
12.00 for the round trip. All Information
at city oulce, 1-115 Parnam street, or write
Harry E. Moore,, G. P. & T. A., Omaha
Ileecli Cniiifi. I -in I. M. V. A., AtliMil Inn.
All members are requested to meet n
tho hall nt 1 o'clock Sunday. Septotnber 30
and attend the funeral of Mr. Orate, whl.h
takes place at 2 p. m. nt Nineteenth and
Paul streets. NELSON C. PRATT. V. C.
(.mill Ptaliliiii-
Spirit Lake, OkoboJI, lko Washington
Waseca. Eagle Lake. r.Ior Palls. Solon
Springs. Itfco Lake, Bayfield, Ashland, Oov
eblc, Watcr3ineet and numerous lakes near
St. Paul and Minneapolis.
They aro all (rood fishing places and are
quickly and comfortably reached by the
Northwestern Line.
Cheap rate excursions September 13. 21
nnd 2S. Limit. Orteber 31. 1900 City ticket
ofllco. 1401 and 1103 Parnam street.
Wanted, 100 extra salesladies for our
Mill-End sale. Only those that nre used to
measuring dry goods need npply. Conn
prepared to wcrk and apply between 7:30
and 8 o'clock nt the college entrance. Doug
las street. J. L. Hrandels & Sons, Pioprle
tors Hoston Store.
G. W. Werti, dentist. 1C15 Douglas stroct
Farnam Streets.
and Ranges, Genuine Round
Astonishing Bargains in
Stylish Cloaks . . .
Ladies' t
Cloaks xfJS
adies' Undpi'.skirts
Avith llounce
eel tes .
and all other furs,
warranted to wear-
Children's Jackets
Wo carry moro Jackots for nges 1 to 1C years than nil
In Omaha combined, nt prices 23 to 50 por
nny houso ln the
como from $1.23 to ,
ages 4 to 12
for only . . .
on sale now-
Exquisite Millinery
A Hplendld showing of all the newest creations from
foreign nnd enstern fash'on centers. Hundreds nf cop
ies of Pan- rn Hals on Hpeilal sale Monday, you are
utiro to Unit n becominu ha .n our iri m surl-tv. A swep.
line of all Mio new Hhtipea and materials In Kail stylo
Hats at n big nvltiK In prlee
KRNNKOY- Jnnieft P.Tin PorCand. ore.
Roptemlier 38th. Hnwl 7J. Ueceisert leaves
live i hlldren. 1- L Kennedy. Portland
Ore.. 5lr. V. V Clark. North Cwriiilnn
.1 It Ki-nnrdv, Hattle ami Jlny Kf-nned,
of this cltv
1'irii'M.ii Mntulav, October 1st. at to h ni
from 111 So. 27tli St. Interment Prouctt
llejn's I 'rep Oedilier Sonvrnlr.
Again with ouch new dozen Platlnn Cabl
lets or larger photos wo give-a beautiful
'Aatbr color KKEK. Heyn. tho Photog
.'.ipher, 313-317 South Plfteenth.
ISP "ItA GltlPPll COPGH SYIlfP"-lt
clears the voice and pats gea.
It stops Iho "hacking," chronic cough as
easily and quickly ns It dois the more re
cent one ccughs, colds, bronchi: Is, wheez
ing of the breath, "tightness' ab ut th
rhest, hoarseness und soro throat. All
yield quickly to a few doses of this rem
edy. Price 2fic nnd 60c. Samplrs free.
POP COM) IN III3AI) use Sherman's
Cntnrrh Jelly. Por Hay Fever, Sherman's
Eucalyptus Catarrh Jelly. When your
IIKAI) AC! IKS (from cold) use Shermans
Kucnlyptus Catarrh Jelly. When you can
not breathe through the tirao uso Sher
man's Catarrh Jelly. If you hao n vor
uecd It rail nnd get free sample. You will
know then that it's tho best catarrh and
cold medicine made. Mado and sold by
Sherman &. McGonnoll Drug Go
Now Store S. W. Cor. 16th and Dodge.
And water 13 loo bad to be endured, hut
the removal of the cause old-fashioned
plumbing, with clogged and leaky pipes and
dendly sower gas will put an end to trouble.
Modern open sanitary plumbing Is the secret
of cloudless domestic skies. Tho cost Is not
great and tho result In satisfaction Is per
manent. Sep us for estimates on plumbing,
steam and gas fitting.
Free &; Black,
lMionc 105). . . 1800 Furnani St
Rem! the Boston Store an
nouncement on r"Us 12. Sale
heglns .Monday at 0 a. m.
Ml 1IO
of metfs fall and winter suits and
at $5, .?, 8.75, 510. SlL'.no. 18 and 520. The fabric in
every garment Ave sell is carefiill.v selected and tested. The tin
ishinp,', and tailoring of garments, the linings and (lie reliable
make up of the "insides" v them that dill'erent tone, that
sureiiess of lit and permanent shape.
SPECIAL PUIW'II ASH Nino lots, H)S suits in all
:..,.. ..1.... ..1 ....I 4 n .... lit, (1... fni.w.llLi II s! W M
J1IM, I him u win. iv un i hi i ii mu
niiitiufacturers at the end of their
These are their regular -fl'n.OO finest suits; inside from best
imported vicunas in oxfords, blacks aild blues; also in tine stripe
or Jloclvanum worsted; the most
date suits made; with single or
the nobbiest creations ever brought to Omah
II. S. S: M. '2 suits, on sale at
coals in the new lengths, liSin 11
stylish; made by the famous II.
$1; and -irlS values; our special
us to sell these two small lots at
We have double-breasted Vestce and Bailor Suits at Wc.
$1.75, $2. 0 and up to $3.00, thnt cannot bo duplicated for loss
than twine our prices. All sizes, from 'J to 10.
Cnmpalg i llatu for men on sale nt f"'C
Hoys' Ciimpnlgn Caps nt 10c nnd 23c
225 Men" Stylish IIiUb In Kcdoras, Colonels nnd Hall- 'TCjfl
road linden; regular $1-25 Hats, on salo nt X Ow
All tho litest Oolf shapes, regular $2.00 and JC
$2.25 Hat. on sale at ! w3
2S0 Men Suit IlntB, lino felt body. In tho Knox and other lead
ing flip. i, sold eUewhero at $1.75 to $2 50, -j ff
on t ' lu re nt 1 J VJ
Til 12 l!l(i STOKK IS A SAJT PLAC1? TO Tit A DM.
K'ead Hnyden Mros'
Smoke the best. Ask yinr dealer for a
F. R. RICE N. C. CO., Mfrs, St. Louis. UNION MADE
f ItM
M .irrffs. 1
i i
Would be filled with a description of
all our shoes. Wo have all tho
Newest and Nicest
Things in footwear
For Men, Women nml
Thn latest styles.
Tho newest designs.
Tho greatest beauty.
Tho finest makes.
Tho best fitting.
Tho most comfortable.
The moat durable..
Tho highest grades.
Tho lowest prices.
And If there Is anything else that
goes with up-to-date, hlgh-g ado
shoes, you will And It In our new full
N. E. Cor. 18th
ad Douglu SU.
l-ir painless extrartlnc. le.ies i.o afir-
effects and can be taken b nn ne Mad- 1
Iresh In our olllco everv nn.rtiltig.
Vitalize, Air . . ,,s ...v iVe
' ;iwettmr ...r... '. "-" i
llest Teeth, a set '.
tail's Piiiiaaeipiiia Dental mm
m 4
a most exclusive
and complete line
nr ii. i. ti,
wholesale season
dependable, stylish and up-lo
double breasted vests
led vests (TV psr
,1, t1;, i5
The swell new Kaglan over-
inclios; comfortable as well uh
S. He M.; jiositively
purchase enables
!?l.n() and
bargains on page !.".
in our methodo of nXTKAPTINO
THRTIt, for tho simple roat-on that
we use tho most approied and eclen
tiflc Bystem and employ only ixp rt
help. Thnt old stump of yours, which
has given you bo much pain nnd trou
ble, enn bo readily removed. OltDISlt
I.V T13HTII nro worth owning. If
you hnve none of nature's giving,
come lo us for glittering Ivories. Wo
will dovetail them In your nuulh for
comfort and good service.
BAILEY, the Dentist
llnoniN :il".-:ii:i I'nxtun IlloeW.
I'lione 1IIS.1, I.llily Allemliiiit.
,iiaWet, W"
wr'bUuiriiiiu t
A B o VDlymc
OMAHA. Sept. It'h, 100.
Wh-' the Ilurlliiglon train "pulls oJf
H'JIiliv nrti-rnoon nt 1 o'clock your friend
th ii. it-u-ti,. Aputheker. ' will b aboard
(. iu-iti to Alluny. N. Y Wednesday a'
ttni'Di there will be held tlmre nn Im
portat.t ni.-ting, V wll: bo thero. Now
Doc, b.-ri-s the point: If we colieludn t
ai-cept the i.roposltlnii that Is offered tis
SOU will N- perfectly sufe to "plug' In
Omaha In a Huirt time and there will be
nobody to Int. rrero In your percentage bus
itiem Hut if don t Doc. you can
depend on tliK that ue cannot fortcl
even If IPs onh oei-aslonnlly, to rIvu you
n touh of " life' Now. Doc, be
i g'ol. nice in We won t feel olTeiuled
If vr.u conllnir to te!l your patients wo
can t llll your pn s.-rlptlon.
cur pRir.ii
S. W. ( or. Illlli mill ChleiiK".
P S Ooodbye, to
W Itho it
olmn bnne
i tb" iijtul
i. m I'm h.i
In the l ii, t
burner of ill.
ot wrllt. n t.
users w lio jm
.i ni). i i
IMt.ill 111
He-re h-
tluit it gK,
l.-r tile fuel
liurneil nilil Is inure msl
than onj- other it,.e m
ma nl' look alike, but there Is n a'it
Itrrf-r.-iiee in th. -if . omfort Klvlnpr qual
ities . n, iit.-r w b.'t itie. i nujiave
nxnl mi, Inn an orn wtlh the giur
Hlite, thin win Mill Imttei- or
"'"I tn ' r, fi.n i, , t'th-oM$21 to Jl.0.
Hussie Hardware Go,
2407 Cuming Street,
I'd. 111(1
If mu liuv
of llussle It's right
There's a Difference.
There Is a IiIk difference In drilc olorcs.
Some ilriin stcreH do but l.ltle prescription
work and ns 11 rrsult the driiKs uro not til
nayti frcHh and of full mroiiKth. Ilnn.
however, preRiriplion work Is mr principal
business. We do not uso we cannot afford
to tine nny but the purest drilga ot maud
"-d wtrcnRth.
l'ai.. i"'"-y Compounil 7,1
lfood'H Surt.. "'MU-. 7j,
hydlu t'lnkhiim'K t Kiiipniiif.i.'. 7
I'ernnu 7f
S. S. S 7,'..
CarterH l.lver I'IIIm i;
lOlei trlc HltterH 0i-
Or MiVs' ltein.lle ;;
Pier, e 8 Pavorlte 1'reKcrlpllOn 75-
narlleld Tea . L'di
Ilu-f'oii llnlr Tool,- 7fi
Dr. Jayim'H l-Apeet.initit "ri
KIlmer'H Hwntnii-Iloot 75
Indian SaKWa 7i
I Decision of tha Powers, s
United States Agree All China too
O Hn ToL-nn With thn k'ntlnt
uc lancn nun mu iuuuii
O Yoti enn pnrllcipnte If you get tho
right weapon. We can show you Hist- q
riKIll wi'iijuiii. t an ni
4 clnnM ohph from up.
$5.00 poco ron $3.75. "
o o
All nniateur photo goods, fresh, re-
O llalile and n;i-lo-ilato. q
Frio Instruction lor beginners.
S The Robert Dempster Co,, ;
l'JIS Fariiain St.
Wholcalo and Kutall Dealers. O
Dull Razor
1h n mlsertilde tiling lo use. Next to n con
nr toothfielic. H In about tho worst thlni;
.1011 11111 have. No need for It. Wo can
hoI! vm 11 liHNLi IN1J VANKIJ13 8THU1'
for 2.'k- that la eiiual, nnd 111 Home cunes,
superior to many 00o nud $1.00 strops. Tr
one before they uro nil aono.
Frog In the Throat 10
llroinn Qiiliilm lfi-
lirown'H Trochee , 2"
I hill's I 'aliirj li Cure ii "
K'ondon'H I'ut.irrli Jelly , 2"
liTly'H I'reuin lliilm I"
MiirMhiill'H Catarrh Kyrup 2
llallentinn'H Ciitiirrh t'tire 2n.
lliimphrey'H f'ularrli Cure 20
S.I'.oh' t'utnrrli Cure W'
imoie'l I..
I'lso I'alin rli Cure l"
ci T-i'itiei: nut (itiis i .s.
I'll ll rice n Hi n,i -aouulnn Streets.
(ll(ll All MkIiI.
We Can Save
You Money
For Wc Itjtall
nools and
I Builders; Hardware
T At Wholesale Prices. f
? Soe If Ws Don'!.
sJas. Morton & Son Co.
i o
! pi
ii sip
1 1