2"! m mims chances. for At.i:-im.i. iiHTATi;. rem sAt,i:ii!).i, iwi'ati:. for s i,i:-iti: vi, iistati:. Fdlt .1 I.E It i; V I, IlSTVTE. RAILWAY TMII) I' MILES. THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SVNDAY, SKPTBMItKH .'10, 1000. $150 cash or onsy payments buy 15 strictly Iswful fnlrkt-1) slot machines fur lrltiV?4. cigars or cash; will cum 12 anil upward weekly filth. Karl, Clark & Co., Furnl. ture Manufacturers. Chicago, 111 Y-M7M roil RENT, owing to ndvnnelng years Mr. II. Hans, the florist nt 1113 Vinton street, has decided to rent out Ills hot houte nt above locution, occupying 7,0 0 to 8.0W square feet, under glass, with about M windows, nnd tho residence und store fronting the street, on t In motor line o South Omaha. Excellent location for the business. Y Ml FOIt SALE Oil UK NT. hotfl; also blnrk smlth simp, at Pcrrlvnl, lowu. Address Mrs. R. M. Les'lc. Y-SQTS JOB lot watches; Hampden. 17.Jewelcd. In latest Urtiher , case, Vi.in; Special It. lly.. $20; Engineer Special, 17-Jowoled. In fB.c simile, Jino; polil case 7.6n: good wntchci In yellow cases, 12.50. Hook Store, 120 Webster st. V-MH4 30' FOIt SALE, well puylni drossmnklng and corset business; centrally located. Ad dress X 31. lice. V 121 ! $300 buys photograph outllt In Rood town. O. O. Rruckrrt, Harvard, Neli. Y-M5H-2 U.OfiO nnd personal services to Invest In a legitimate commercial or manufacturing enterprise by an experienced man. Will give and expert references. No trlllers need apply. Adilross, X SO, Her. Y-513-30 WHY ilont you open n foot cycle academy? Owners of rinks, bicycle schools, gym nnslums, dancing halls, theaters, lodge nnd vacant store rooms make IiIk money drvotlnjr their property to cycle skating Write for termil and booklet. "Mow to Conduct Toot Cvcllnn Academy." W. S. Clovoluhd. Hole Manufacturer, IH09 Chum plain Ave., Chicago. Y-512-30 A RARE CIIANCE-Everybody knows Mueller'H Hakery and Confectionary at the corner of 2Sth and Leavenworth Sts. I am going out of business anil will give tho right man a grcut bargain. Will sell or lent. Call and see me. Also liRve the third store from corner for rent cheap; Rood location for any kind of business. Y-M 111 a CIO CHANCK. three floors (10 rooms) full of fine furniture and good roomers; best location: tlt'e clear. Insurance paid, pays J'hj per cent on Investment; 6o cash tnkes It by October 10th. Address "Harrulh." Hen Olllce. Y-M.l8-2 HAVE you from oiu to live thousnnd to In vest In manufacturing business paying 25 per cent annually? A money making dinner. Wrlto at once. F. J. Peddle, l)e tlolt, Mich. Y 630 3u FINE stock of dry goods, furnishing goodr, clothing, etc.. all clean und stnpte; need about $l.t"0 cash to pay bills; will tako clear land for balance. This Is an especially desirable stock; hundreds of yards of staplca and fall goods; lines of underwear well lllled. Homers & Hrown, 607 Manhattan Hldg., St. Paul, Mlntl. Y-S3S 30 KICi desirable stock of general merchan dise; only been running 1S months; In voice Js.MiO; owner will take about $3,0n0 iMimnee in .M'lir.iSKu or Kansas stock land. Hero Is a chance for a good i.Yi ' SJ'.m'.'rH ,lr,iwli 607 Manhattan Hldg., HI. I'nul, Minn. Y-637 SO 13,000 STOCK general dry goods, ladles1 ami men h furnishing goods, all or anv purl to exchange for laud anil about one fourth cash. This Is high-grade, clean merchandise, up-to-date and staple. Sum V. .At..nr,,w,, 5"' Manhattan Hldg.. Ht. Puul. Mlnn. Y-KW ) WANTED, capable man with tt.Ouo rush to establish and carry on branch business; J150 per month and expenses; also extra percontnge; permanent arrangement: ref erences i required. Address Ceo. King. Como Hldg., Chicago. Y-535 30 WANTlii), active man as iihiiiiii" egltlmate manufacturing buM - m...'. . t VK,5,ftl'w; I'j'Ve comnlni jiu coMIng Jl.,000.00; we Invito oios.jst investlgiitlon : neeii Jo.ooo.oo to introduce goods; money secured; salary $1.100.H) n,i,i Interes' in business guaianteed. Address Room 41. S2 La Halle st.. Chicago, III. V 374 "0 ClfJAR and tobacco stand, established lkM": good ret'i.l and box trado in loth domiu tlo and Imported cigars: stock fresh and clean; rent cheap; locution central. X 10, too- Y-573 30' FOR SALE, Interest In .1 well established grocery store; will sell cheap: going acaj ou account of sickness. Addres.-) O. lt'o olllce, Council llluffh. y lltiOJ u FOR SALE, patent right: will sell stale counties In Nebraska; If you wish to make a few hundred this winter write for par ticulars to I. Heo olllce, Council mff Y-MOM 13 CALIFORNIA, richer In ell tlumgoldTwo develop tho most valuable land In the en tire state; it will pay Investors, large and small, to address Metropolitan Oil Co . 315 Currier bldg., Los Angeles, Cu Y-50O 30 FOIl KXCIIAMJIJ. $3.C00 DRUO stock, all new goods, at wholesale prices, for a farm. W. It. Human, Rooms S and 10, Frenzer lllock. Z-M.139 1 EXCHANGE, 80 ncres best Towa land tor Iioubo In Omnhu. Cull nt lain iarnam. Z-M40I 3C IIS.OOi) stock clothing and furnishings. Will tukii two-thirds .In land; balance cash. Quick. Hox 311, Nebrusku City. Neb. .-015-30 FOR SALE or exchango for good farm, 10 neres near city on west, with line im provements: delightful home. J. U Par rolte, Douglas blk. ,-C17 30 .tll'MIIC.VI,. LADIES out of health find prompt relief. Hox 232, Omnhu, Neb. Conlldentlul. -KG IjADIES troubled with trregulailtles. whites, sterility, painful or suppresied meuatruutlnns llnd prompt relief und euro; n.ulet homo beforo and during confine ment. Cull or wrlto with stumps to Dr. Pries, 1513 Dodgo St., Omahu. Neb. U-MCO 013 OONOVA Is a FreucJ. treatment tor male nnd female, for tho positive, euro of Gonorrhoea, Oleet. Unnatural Discharges, inllammatlous, Irritations mid Ulcerations of the mucous inouibruues. An Internal remedy with Injection combined, war ranted to euro worst enscs In ono week; $3 per package or 2 for $5. Sent any where on receipt of price. Tho Kldd Drug Co., Elgin, III. American Olllco. retail, wholesale, Mycrs-Dlllcu Drug Co.. Omaha; Sf. A. Dillon, South Omaha; Davis Drug Co., Cbuncll Uluffs. Full lino of rubber goods. WOMAN'S HLKSSINC1. private prescrip tion; positive cure for suppressed or Ir regular menstruation: never falls; sample box tree. J. M. Home, M. D., drawer V 141, Chicago, 111. 020 30 LADIES! Chichester's Engllsn TMinroyal Pills nro tho best: snto, reliable; tako no ether. Send 4c stumps for particulars, "Relief for Ladles" in leitir by return mull. Ask your druggist. Chichester Chcmlc.il Co.. Philadelphia, Pa. LADIES, Oolden Seal Is n never fulling regulator; removes Irregularities from nil j cause In live hours; sent secure from observation, $1. Cattolu Medlclno- Co.. St. Louis. Mo. M-55.1 02fl OSTUOPATIIY. JOHNSON Institute. 615 N. Y. Llfo Hldg.: Tel. 1604; Alice Johnson, D. O., ladles' dept.; Old E. Johnson, Ostcopathlst, Mgr. a;tj M. E. DONOHUE, D. O.. of Still school, Klrkvlllo, Mo. C04 l'axton Hilt. Tel. I3U7. -B57 N. F. McMURRAY, R. S. D.. D. O., Mrs. J. R. Mustek. D. O., graduates A. S. O., Klrksvlllr. Mo., ulto 53H-3S Hce bldg. 372 05 A. T. HUNT. D. O., 305 Karbach. Tel. 233J. 6S0-Oct. 9. SHOHTII AMI An TYPinVItITI.(5. A. C. VAN SANT'S School. 717 N. Y, Ute, -Oil BOYLES' College, court reporter principal. Heo Hldg. -K3 NEHRASICA Husitiess and Shorthand Col. lege, Hoyd's Theater. 933 nnmn Rhnrthum much at the Ornnlin Commercial College, ICth and Douglas Sin 954 PAWMUtUKEnS. EAGLE Loan Oltlce, reliable, accommodat ing; ull busness conlldentlul. 1301 Douglas. 9il5 LOANS, II. Marowltr; low rtcu. 41S N. 16. Are you thinking of or looking for a HOME, SWEET HOME' If so, call upon GEORGE P. HKMIH, Telephone tV Jfi6 Pnxton Block. He has a big list of HOUSES. LOTS, FARMS RANCHES. LANDS, SUBURBAN HOMES, FRUIT FARMS. IIL'HINESS, TRACKAOE AND MANU FACTURING PROPERTIES. Look nt theso six choice homes In West Farnum nnd Hunscom Place districts, within fine mile of postoltlce. Most of them are NEW ami all STRICTLY MOD ERN: One of 7 rooms J2,.ri00 7 " 2.300 5 " 2.100 " 6 " 2,800 7 " 3..VM S " 3,500 And the following are NEW and STRICT LY MODERN and In NORTH PART OF CITY: 7 rooms, corner lot $1,500 8 rooms, Inside lot 3,6"0 New d-room modern house, corner, Kountzc Place 5,000 C-room house, near ltith and Locust sts. 1,350 A bargain: An eight-room house, city wa ter, elegant shade trees, newly painted, corner lot 41x119, one block from Dodge street car line, In north part of city. Only $1,050; J350 cash and $lo per month. Another: Six-room, brand new, well built house, located on a beautiful 60xl32-foot lot. one block from 21th street car line. Only 1,050; $ftO cash, balance at $10 pi.r mouth. How's this? An all modern seven-room house, storm windows, shutters and screens complete, 2 stationary laundry tubs, large refrigerator built In house, hardwood finish In all rooms, closets cedar lined, front und side porch, gravel driveway, shade trees and shrubbery, large barn, permanent walk. This Is lo cated on West Fnrnnm street anil for a few days we arc authorized to sell It at 3,7oo. Call and Investigate. VACANT LOTS. Choice lots, 27th and Sprngue, $300 each; $3 down and $5 per month. Beautiful lots,' Mamlcrson, near Stilt, $300 eucn; iu down ami jiu per mouth. Excellent lots near 21th st. nnd Ames ave., $123 to $150 each; $3 down nnd $5 per month. Have nice resldenco lots In every part of city at reasonable prices nnd nn easy terms. FARMS NEAR OMAHA. 140 acres nt $13 per acre. 10 10 Ml so .VI so jo M M 55 75 100 5, 10, 20 or 10-ncro tracts within 3',i miles of city limits, 7j to jioo per acre ami on mosfany terms uesireu. RANCHES. Have some excellent CATTLE. HORSE AND SHEEP RANCHES In every part of me state, largo smuii, gome, wttn st- ..r.'. foiuo witlKV DO 'TT .ANT ONE7 If so, wo can certuinly suit you. Sl'HL'RHAN HOMES AND FRUIT FARMS. Wo huvo a good list of suburban homes and fruit farms, some, within and somu nut sldo of city limits, of from 1 to 5 or more ncres euclt; some are thoroughly well im proved, with good buildings nnd beurlng fruit trees, and others of moro modest pretentions. Prices ranging from a few hundred up to $0,000 each. When It comes to RFSINESS. TRACKAGE AND MANU FACTURING PROPERTIES and nlso FIRST-CLASS, INSIDE, INCOME-PRO-DUCING INVESTMENTS YOU CAN REST ASSURED THAT WE ARE "STRICTLY IN IT" AND CAN OFFER YOU AN "A NO. 1" LIST TO SELECT FORM. COME AND SEE US. WE HAVE 5 PER CENT MONEY TO LOAN ON STRICTLY FIRBT-CLASS CITY AND FARM SECURITY. WE ALSO WRITE GOOD. SOUND FIRE , INSURANCE. GEORGE P. REMIS. (Established In 1SGS.) Telephone 685. . Paxton Block. RE COS 30 GARVIN nROS. LIST. rnr line. 2!Ull nnd DtmOItt Streets smnll house, city water, lot 39x114 feet, for $500. Another neuruy tor naniu piim llnlli Imt'fTiilnM. SS15 Ames ave.. good cottage, faarti, full lot; .. ,., r,..,l,, lrlre. iro. Near Manderson nnd 27th street, doslrablo dwelling, 8 rooms, city water, sink, full lot. ood vniue tor price, ,u, niveau gut. nt. ti'nv nnvnientH. cood dwelling. 8 rooms butli, sewer, city water, gas, lot uj-foot frontugc, desirable residence neighbor hood, near 20th and Ohio streetB, and a bargain. Price, $l,SO0. .... 5 neres neur Henson car lino In Halcyon Heights; owner must sell. Mako an offer. 5 ucres In Henson, with houso C rooms, bam, etc.. ror ji.wu. Cholco vucunt lots near St. Mary's nvc, and 20th strcol cheap. GARVIN BROS., 1613 FARNAM ST. RE-1S3 30 DEER PARK. DEER PARK. DEER PARK. ri.nr,. Ih mo ADDITION IN OMAHA which offers such b.irgulns to those desiring beautiful building lots; loentetl close to OMAHA AND SOUTH OMAHA both, as do lots in this uiiuttion. FINE LARGE SHADE TREES, closo to tho BOULEVARD nnd only two blocks south of Twentiein una viuiou Hireciu. EASY OF ACCESS. CLOSE TO STEET CARS. PERFECT TITLE. Wo sell them on eusy terms 75 lots to select from. THREE sold this week. Wo will mull you pint, with prices, so you enn look them up any tlmo ut your leisure. DON'T FAIL TO SEE US. POTTER-HHOLES CO., Sole Agents, 310 New York Lite. iin vx w W. II. GATES. CIS N. Y. LIFE. 'PHONE 1294. S rooms, fully modern, cellar under whole house. In good order, south front on West Furnum st. A nouso ior onty j.'.uw. S-room modern house In good order, laun dry. barn, east front lot 60xl5S feet to an nattier street, 330 N. 3Sth uve. Tills house Is vacant now. Before It Is rented will sell It for $2,500 on easy terms. C-room houso on the Boulevard near Grace St., east front, good sized lot, Jljoo. Northeast corner 19th and Lake can bo bougnt cheap. 7 rooms, water nnd sewer, 2327 Da v... $2,000 7 rooms, water, S0xl32, 2Si!7 Blimey l.fA) room house, 'j ucre. close in l.tuu 2 houses. 60x122, 2027 Miami 1.300 RE-5S1 30 4-ROOM liotine. 1S10 Ontario, $.V). 4-room hoiiae. 3012 Hamilton, $S50 7-room modern houae, 1522 s, 26th. 11,730. J. 11. PARROTTE, Douglas Blk. RE-C15 30 TWO full lots, 100x120 feet, on grade, one block north of Clifton HID. ne&r school nnd cur, only $300 for both: eusy terms. uyron it. lUitings, :u a. inn si. RE-M571 I W. FARNAM SMITH CO.. 1810 FARNAM STREET. ... BARGAINS FOR BUYERS. . . BIO VALUES FOu uIT 1'LE MuNEY. LIST YOUR PROPERTY WITH US. WE HAVE THE CUSTOMERS. (B-21) Beautiful home In West Farnam uistrict, new and entirely mrmrn, 3 rooms, lower floor In quarter-sawed oak, very best plumbing, large barn and nice lawn : nrlee. $i;.500. (B-19D Very desirable residence, 808 North z-u street, 8 rooms, entirely mouern, ex cellent repair, cost owner $3,000; will sell for less than nne-hnlf this amount. (B-239) Good, modern resldenco on Popple- ton ave.. s rooms, soutn trout, near pat k nnd rur line: nrlee. 1I.O10. (B-24D New nnd deslruble S-room, entirely modern houso In one of tho very best close-In locutions, near High school; prlco only $3,700. (B-242) Good "-room modern cottage, ex cellent repair, within walking instance ; price. $3,100. (B-23S) New S-room modern house, largo imrn aim largo lot, near nun at. car nm; prlco $2,000, part cash. tn-:it) vr room house with CO-foot lot. ?llo Charles St., rents for $12 per month; room ror another nouso on mis lot; owner anxious to sell nnd we think will tako J? fllia Hn lu at nnro. (B-1901-Good fi-room house nnd Inrgc bar-i, 112 North 37th St ; price $1.C00. (B-193i-Cottage of five large rooms, con venient to Sotltn omnnn. in gopti repair, gas, city water, cemented cellar, rents for $11 per month; price $1,500. In Dundee we have a few modern homes left. For further particulars cuu anci see us. If you wish to buy or rell. call on W. FARNAM SMITH .V CO. 1320 FARNAM STliliKT. RE-439 30 SPECIAL BARGAINS. rOTTER-SHOLES CO. 310 New York Life. Teicpnone w. 2402103 Miami street; we offer special bar gain in 7-room, two-story nouse, siato roof, nice level, good sized lot, for ONLY $!.. 441 S12 North 39th St; we offer lino 7-room, modern house, furnace nnd everything complete, lino location, right on top of the hill, enst front, half block from car line, EXCELLENT reunlr. $3,250. 530-1010 South 28th St., 50x140, east front, line 7-room house, steam heating plant, porcelain bath, strictly modern and a gem of a home. $4,200. 3121028 Scwnrd St.. lino home, 10 rooms, strictly modern, ulwnys occupied by the owner, who has Just purchased liner home in West Omnlia; house tip-top shape, good burn, excellent furnace nnd well built up on both sides of it. Want you to see It; $2,8W. Cun make terms to suit ut low Interest. 807 In West Omaha, on the HILL; we offer 12-room house, brick; brick barn; strictly modern, cost $24,000 besides tho ground; ground Is a corner, S2xl77 feet; prlco Is less than cost of Improvement! several thousand dollars. You can liny part cash und part lu other good property. VACANT. 433 On 32d Ave., half block from Fnrnnm: we will sell you 70x133 feet, on grade; line trees; utono walk; paving till paid; for 4C3 On same street, further north, wo will sell 04x135 feet, subject to paving for re covering 32d Ave., for only Sl.dno. These aro regular "PICK UPS" nt the price. 120-Lot 8 nnd 9. block C. Brlggs' Place. 100x128. on Dodge St., on cur line, neur 42d St., lying fine; sold onco for $3,200; reduced to $r.V). 451-90x132. on 37th. 200 fect north of Far nam, n.M-;, a,&oo. EXCHANGE. 4l( -"iOxI.'O, east front, choicest lot lu Han- with .omo cash, for pleco of good lunJ iieHr .'iiiaiiti, 5354x128 ft;t. with two cood 5-room cot tages, all cl. 'ir, renting for $14 per mouth. Trade clear for good piece of land in Nebrnska, 440-822 and 822'i S. 20th. two houses, rent for $38 month, to trnVit subject, o $2,200 mortgage, for stock goods or good ia.nd. i-iicu w.aw. it E 163 30 PA VVir.wnv rOMinvv OFFER I'NPARALELLEd' OPPORTUNI- iica iu rt'ituilAHK CHEAP HOMES THIS WEEK. Three of our greatest bargains advertised Inst weak linvn Iw.ut, nnll 1.1 , ------, - - - . v D..4. 4uu hum, miner the Instructions of non-resident ownors, wo uumi mo marKct tor lmmedlute salo a few of tho best bargains recently offered. 213 This Is nn eight-room house, all mod ern, in good neighborhood; located ubout two blocks north of Cumins Ht. SmTii !. A.ve' "as large lot. shudo nnd UlUir trees. Terms given at tho olllce. 223-Near 42d and Cuming, only two blocks ..m Lno,,or- 'Plfnilld S-room house with hot und cold water, gas. good furnace, line lot, east front. .Make an orrcr. 229l!!in.."ro"crtj'.,,,7 'cp1 I" Idlowlld Addition, on 22d, near Spruce. The houso has 8 rooms, bath, hot und cold water, gas und furnace and is In good repair. Tho lot Is about G7xl!5. The QHHT Ji'..v,,1T nnxlous to sell, wb OFER L"MiT ANr "EASONAULK 151G-Thls Is a nice C-room house; all mod ern; locoted on South 11th St. Just the Place for South Omaha man. Will sell for $2,000 on easy terms. IM3J,?,'VY?1",ut,n'"n J-afayette Ave., pno block from car line, an S-room house, recently put In lino repair ?!n0.(i?J!, l", ev,vry I""-tlcular Owner l'VkUl '?r,z-'u us t0 'alo ,iO0; terms reasonable. ".mm Main Floor New YrFLIfo Hldg.. Omttha, iNOU Iti: 512 in J VJvI1,ruN3 co.. , , , 3802 FARNAM HT. ? lT.en 60 very busy .tlio past month M.,5r?inai",sr th, Ak-Sar- en show, i n shows" t ry'lYinK I,ro"r'V '"'! other snows, that wo have not hail tlnm t.i make much of a show In tho advertising columns, but below pleaso netlie npro. iiilscuoua list of u few of the barcalns that wo sill j have left, and we wSufd b0 Pleased to show them to jou B s"i!'ilil"i,0!lt'r" ll0sc. West Farnnm. $2,000. J houses and burn, near Hunscom Pk tn iOQ 6-room cottare. Fairmont park, $ ,oco? ' b-room moOiouse, Olso's idd., $1,750 7Jnnm n'01'-, bouse, block north parl $l,w. inT?i.or2u V' CorJV "anscom Place, jj.uoo jo-II. nnd bam. llanscom Pi elegant $1 500 5-room cottage Hunscom Place. $ "200 r !' CuMlKe- .I'-njon's n1d. paved St. $2,190 S-It. brick. 3 blks from court hotisu, $ u.31. K-R. modern, near Joslyn's. 40tli St.. $3,500 b-room modern. 2Sth and llowanl. $2io C-room houso. Locust, near car. 11.450 4-rootn cottnge. 2(!th and Chicago $900. I u U'iK0. ,1nr,Con,tr';1 ParK slIiooI 30. nil1 f0,11"1?' Cnl'lwcll St., near car, $950 Cor. lot, 2 houses. Sowurd ond 2Mli. $3 .iio. We also havo a large lis: of line farms In all parts of Nebraska ond western low " some neur Omaha to sell cheap or to trade for city property. 1 Pleaso call and we will show vmi. J. W. BOBBINS & CO.. 1802 Fnrnam St. RE 457 30 16 000 ACRES in the Red River Valley In Minnesota In u well settled country; neur good mnrkets. churches nnd schools. Can bo sold now for $10.00 per ncrn. a huvo a tract of 32.000 ncr.s of flno ttgrlculturu lands In North Dakota wh licit can bo sold cheap nnd on ensv terms to parties who aro prepared 1.1 colonize lino'"' auJollll"K 800,1 towns on tlio Soo 6,000 ucres In the Red River Vallev; land nearly a'l under cultivation This s owned by eastern parties and a snap If bold soon; could be sold in smnll lots. t';,8V,.,,,ack,neyLa,ul Ca W) Oermanlu Life Bldg., St. Paul, Minn RE-540 3u" FOR SALE cheap, large lot and three cottages. J. A. Lovcgrcn, 4th floor Pax " "lock. RE-M510 I OFFER 60x131 op 25th nve.. mnr Dojge at a low llguro for cash. Inquire JVa Dolge ItE-517 30 ' UN L lot with shade and small cottneo on 24th ht., two blocks north of Vinton Bt. Part cash, balance payments, $1,000. C14 S. 28th St.. 9 room, modnn. eastern owner wunts to sell. 4iK Dodge. 8-r . modern. 2 lots, barn, a Mi U0,,?e'. h'X- "irl modern, cheap. 261G N. .19th St.. S-r.. modern, good con dition. Very cheap at $1,754. A. F. Connett, 309 N. Y. Life, 'Phono 12SJ. P.E-543-30 i--T 25th ave. nnd Pacific at.. 1170 00. Othels payable I2.U) monthly. A. 0,r2ll9 Bees t. 1 KE-51S 30 HOUSES, farms. R. C. Patten7305 N.Y.L. RE-943 TAKE A LITTLE TIME TO READ AND CONSIDER THESE BARGAINS. 12-Koom brick residence, modern In every wuy, full block of grouti'l, covered with large maple, spruce and pine trees, faces best car line, house alone worth the price, $15,50i). Another fine property of 12 rooms, large barn. 150 ft. frontnire. modern. 1U.0. 31st. near Farnam, 7-rccm reldeitre. strictly modern and up-to-date, full oust front lot. A genuine snap at $6,s0j. S-room brick, modern, hot water heat, full lot. shade, lawn. For rush. $.7.(100. 8 rooms, strictly modern, ood barn, lot 6ftx 150, paving paid, Hanseom Place. 13.600. luuiii. nwicuy inouei n, iieiu iin -urn Howard; Al repair; renU. $26. $2.2 0. New 7-room cottage, full lot, Miinderso 1 st.; Ioely little home. Sl.iioo. Make off' r. 5-room cottnge, city water, huh nnd fix tures, newly shingled, p.ipered and painted, 60x132 lot, 14 blocks from scho 1 nnd 2 car lines. Only $1,275: part cash. 6 rooms, full lot, good repair, city wutcr, neur new car barn. $975 takes It. Splendid lots on Mnndersoii nnd Hpnldlns, Just west of 21th. $6oo. Easy terms. Also on Templeton. $300 and $10). Easy terms. ERNEST SWEET, 22 N. Y. Life. RE-511 30 OUR BARGAINS THIS WEEK. B-room cottage near llanscom purk. $1,330. 8-room house neur Farnam motor. $1,G00. Moiiirn 9-room cottage, splendid locution. $1,230. Fine S-room house, Farnam and 33th. $l.svi. llnndsome brick und frame house. No. 3019 Pacific street; nothing liner In city, $0,750 Elegant 10-room residence, corner .list und Pacific; house cdst $10,0u0; lot, $1,000; price, $11,000. Elegant modern 10-room house, one of the finest locations In Omaha: owner leaving city: will sell for $7,000: only $1 MM cash. Flno lot near llanscom park. $l,i5o. Nice south front lot Fnrnuttt nnd 41st. $1.1 1.. F-- oast front corner Dodpe und 33th, $1,730. In ..ed property close In. paying $SI0 yearly, II per cent on price asked. $7.0'o. Largo double house neur Hnnsconi park; flno grounds; price, $11,500. CHEAP GARDEN LAND. Five acres near city, $723. Six acres on puved street. $S75. Ten ncres neur South Omnhu, $1,375. Twenty ncres Just west of city. $2,500. 100 ncres near South Omaha, V0on. HICKS. :t?3 HOARD TRADE BLDG. SPECIAL BARGAINS. NEBRASKA FARMS AND RANCHES. Fine 320-ucro farm, Wood River vulVj; latgo portion rich valley lund. balance smooth upland: 150 acres lu cultivation; house, burn, windmill, etc.; line strcum water, $13.60 acre. Fine I'.IO-acre farm near Kearney. Buffalo county, Neb.; nearly 500 acres under plow, balance tine pasture and liny land; nil fenced; house, barn, large granary, wel' and windmill; Just the plnce for farmer with large family; price, $12.50 nn ncre. Choice stock farm sou ncres. central Ne braska; flno farm buildings, splendid water facilities; over 60 acres rich valley land; no liner place In Nebraska for corn, cattle and hogs; for quick sale at $11.50 an ncru. 1,000 acres lu Knox county, eastern Ne braska; more or less rol'lng; plenty good plow land: all good soil; Well watered and covered with, good grass: will make line stock ranch; only $iS.60 an acre. Highly Improved farm CIO ucres custern Nebraska; never fulls to produce good crons; well fenced, good farm buildings, we!ls, windmills, etc.; largo bcnrlng or cliard, flno timber, abundant water; one of the finest farms In enstern Nebraska; non-resident owner will tako $23 an acre. Cheap grazing land 19.000 ucres. western Nebruskn, only $1.75 tin ncre: smull ensh payment, long time. Address HICKS' FARM LAND AGENCY. 323 Bourd Trade Bid- RE 019 30 R. C. PETERS & CO.. 1702 Farnnm St. Hen llhlir. We have some special bargains to bo sold nils wcck unn wojiii ov turn i snow any of tho following properties any time: No. 4S3 7-room modern house, lot 50xlfil, Aou, f.n.t, ,,l.n olmii I ninfl from car, lurge barn, everything In good repair; price, $j,uoo. No. 1521 New house, with 5 rooms, bath closet, wasnsuinu, hard pine on iitusu, largo porch with side entrance, shade, small barn; owner leaving city; price, $1,500. , r V. have a oliolcc 10-ucre tract, also .1 fine 36th st.. to soli oh easy terms. 320 acres adjoining tlio town of Bloomlleld, Neb., Improved, to sell on easy terms; reasonable irice. South front lot on Manderson Mrrot be tween 2Gth nnd 27th sts, so. front, for $33o. No. 611 East front corner lot 21th and Siencer st. for l,20O. A bargain. Comer lot Cilxl32, on paved street, with house, within walking distance; a simp for somo one who wants to build three houses; only $2,230. Seo us -for ;nirttrulnrs. R. C. PETERS & CO.. 1702 Farnum. READ THIS; one of the best homes In llan scom Place; 9 rooms, large lot, good nam sightly homo; party It-alnj c.ty; price, $7,600 00. M. J. Kennard & Bon, room 110, Brown block. RE 917 HOUSES, lots, farms, lands, loans; also flro lnsurnnce. Bemls, Paxton blk. ItE-91'5 SEE HENRY a PAYNE, 601 N. yTlIFE. re-9:q payne-knox co.. headquarters for REAL ESTATE BARGAINS LOW EST RATES on LOANS; SOUND IN SURANCE; HOUSES. FLATS, STORES, for RENT. First floor, N. Y. Life Hldg. UE-019 RANCH AND FARM lands for salo by tho Union Pacific Railroad company. II. A. McAllaster, land commissioner, Union Paclllo Headquarters, Omana, Neb. RE-918 GOOD rental property for farm. Monroe & Co., Feed and Fuel, 811 N. 10th st. Z-M022 BARGAINS HARRISON, N. Y. LIFE. RE-4130ct7 CHA3. E. WILLIAMSON. 1203 Farnnm St. RE-MT83 C. F. HARRISON, FARMS. N. Y. LIFE. RE-2GI OS DELIGHTFUL home In Hunscom Place for Mile, at a liberal discount. M J. Kennard & Son, sultu 310-311 Brown Blk. RE-1S0- 6-ROOM modern cottage, full lot, lino lawn nnd shade; monthly payments It desired. 2429 Mundcrson st. RE-320 30 1,120 ACRES of good farm or grazing land in central Nebraska for sale cheim. Tet crson. C22 N. ICth st. RE M309 Oct23 RESIDENCE, 11 rooms, modern, lot 73x110, tlno shade, contract let to pavo street. 84 S. 2Sth Btreet. David C. Patterson, 1C3 Farnam. RE-M285 Oct. 2 LARGE 7-room, 2-story houso, good barn, 3 largo lots, near paved St., school, etc., $1,200. C. F. HARRISON. N. Y. Life. RE-128 1 A GREAT BARGAIN In a well Improved 60-nero fnrtn one mllo north of Florence, with a tine 8-room house, very sightly location with beautiful lawn covered with line forest trees, nloe orchard and smnll fruit, largo basement, bum, nil but above live acrefi high and level and the best of soil; bnnt location for fruit near Omaha; wo are authorized to take $1,000 tills is only iso pur ucre im provements cost when jnllt over 1300; adjoining Innds unimproved aro soiling st $0 to $100 per ucro; tho owner nsks $5.0f0, but must have somo money and has au thorized us to mako this lew price; terms, one-fourth cash, balance to bo nrraugod. Call In and wo will show you the prop erty. Pavne-Knox Company, main floor. N. Y. Life Bldg. RE 173 2 LANDS. C. B. Burrows, Norfolk. Nebraska? RE-400-Doc. 20 2717 CHICAGO ST., 4 largo rooms und hall, porch In front and nround the side; nearly new; city wuter In kitchen; lot 50x152 ft., on grade. Price. $l,2i'O00. Eusy terms. This Is a bargain. Sold adjoining houses last week. THE BYRON REED CO., 212 S. 1ITH ST. RE-M578 2 NEW house, 7 large rooms, porcelain bath, etc., very complete, full So. front lot, $3,200. C. F. HA11R1SON, 913 N. Y. Life. RE 133-3 40 ACRES flyo miles north city limits, $m 'X 48, Bee. RE59$ 50 FfHt HAI.K. $7.0011 for 9-rootn nmilerii liottse, north of Hunscom park, on 31st st. $5.8nO for 8-rootn house, near 33d and Dodge st.; recently bunt; a very attractive Home and a bnnrntn. H.ono for s-room houso on Marcy st., new and strictly modern. $2,28o for 1321 Friinklln st near Military ronu, -room House, modern except rur nneo und In tlrst-cluss condition; good burn also. $2,5ix1 for 2 houses nnd lnrge lot on 21st st . neur uraco si , now renting ior jii per month. $1,350 for 1121 N. 19th st. boulevard, 34x140 11., i rooms, city water, burn. BARGAINS CilEAP VACANT LOTS EASY TKiiM.q. $0 for full lot. Dewey nve., near 42d st. $860, full lot, Franklin st.. near Military ave. wri. inn lot, csouin tain st., on car line, on grade. $H'i. full lot, South llth st.. nenr Vnllev st. UbUHUK & COMPANY, 19)1 FARNAM. RE-Stll 30 LARGE "-room, 2-story; gooa barn, 3 lnrge lots, near paved St., school, etc., $1,2V). C. F. HARRISON, N. Y. Life. RE-42C 2 I HAVE A LAIIGI2 CALL FOR GOOD PROPERTY SIX TO EIGHT ROOMS AT RIGHT PRICE. HAVE SOLD NEARLY ALL I HAVE LISTED. CHAH. E. WILLIAMSON. F. S. NAT L HANK ULDO., 1203 FARNAM ST. III A 9-ROOM residence, modern, In Hunscom addition, for sale clienp or exchange eipiltv for smull cottnge or ncreug" wlth.n 20 miles of city. Address X 41, Bee. RE-M534 30 i.ovr. LOST. Elk's pin. B. P. O. Nn. 39. Reward for return to W. J. Shrader. Iost 377 LOST, Gurnet pin; liberal reward for re turn to 1101 Douglas St. Lost IIS 30 LEMON nnd white colored setter dog: a thin, coari-hnlred nulmnl; reward. $5. 127 N. 32d Ave. Lost-123 LOST, a sorrel broncho saddle mare, with four white ffet, shod; mane clipped short: strayed from barn Thursday. Sept. 17. Finder plenso notify W. II. Moratt, 207 9. Z It It St., or return same for reward. Lost-MU3 30 LOST, n gold medal with a monogram B. It.; return to Morltz Meyer's cigar store; reward. Lost 013 30 HOUSES FOU SALE. FINE matched carriage team, young, gen tle, stllsh nnd good travelers; weigh: about 1,160 each; nlso nice standard-bred bay mare, 1.000 lbs.; a line light mariner; ull blood bays und will sell very cheap For particulars seo It. F Dalley, with Payne-Knox Co., main floor N. V. Life bldg. P-M411 1 Ml'SlC, MISS T. FRANSEE'S musical studio since September 27 In No. 140S H ICth St. Voice, pliitio und all orchestral Instrument taught after tlio best methods. Orchestral nnd choir rehearsnls free of ehargo to pupils. To others very reasonable prices. Assistance of Miss Anna Fransee and Prof. W. F. Fransee, both of the Conser vntory of Prague. Austria. M430 30 DANCIMJ. CHAMBERS' school of dancing. 17th nnd Douglas. Classes und clubs now form ing at academy. Open dally, 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. 'Phono, 1111. Hall und music furnished patties. Circulars. M593 O10 NEW classes now forming nt Morand's this week, Tuesday nnd Friday, b p. 1:1 , 12 lessons, ladles $S, gentlemen $S; special prices to clubs; assemblies Wednesday. 453 028 ACCORDION KATI.VO. ACCORDION and side pleating, chenpest. best, quickest. Mrs. A. C. Mark, 9 Pat terson Blk., 17th und Farnam. M314 01 TICKET HltOICEIt. CUT rate tickets every where. P. II. Phil bin, 1303 Farnam. Telephone 784, 97 ".a;i:TYinixi:r MONARCH Generators are best. Carbide $4.50 per HO lbs Agents wanted. M. A. O, Co., 1022 Douglas St C77-0-13 PIANO Tl MVO. WE tune your piano for $1 60, Hose's Art Store. 1521 Dodge. Tel. 1915. 93C DIt KSSM AKI.VfJ, E. O. M'DONALD, 1C12 Capitol avenue. MC07 013 ICE FOIt SALE. ICE for sale In car lots. Gilbert Bros., Council Bluffs. M640 STAMMERING A .Nil STUTTl-SHINK. CURED. Julia Vaughan, 430 Ramgu Bldg. -9C1 MIIIROIl FACTORY. Damaged looking glussen resllvcred. 70S N. 10 92il LANGUAGES. CHATELAIN School of Languages, Boyd's theater, will reopen Monday, September 10. ' 423-OS HOTELS. HENDERSON, $1.C0 per day house: board, $3.50 to 13 week. 9th and Farnum: tel. 1210. -M261 Ol LAUNDRY. OMAHA Steam Laundry; shirts, 7c; collars, 2c; cuffs, 4c. 1750 Lcuvunworth. Tel. 647, AUCTION. MONDAY (tomorrow afternoon) at 2:30, of flno carpets, elegant furnlturo und house hold goods ut 2X)0 California. 519 3') i I I It.MTLIti; REPAIRING, TEL. 1131. M. S. Walklln, 2111 Cuming St. -9G2 STOVE REPAIRING. STOVE, furnace, range repairs; water con nections. Om. Htovo Rep. Wks., 1207 Doug. Tel. SO" T1II.ORING. HIGH ctnss tailoring, tnodcrnto prices, latast designs. S. J. Broderlck, lfilt Far nam 'III o-ic Ft It.MTUHi: AM) i'lANO MOVINIJ. JACOB SCIIWARZ, 1510 Webster. Tel, 2046. M128 30 HNGINIV, HOII, CHS, ETC. L. C. Sharp Mach. Wks. ; motors, dynnmon, -913 CARPENTERS AND .IOIIIIERS. ALL klndB of carpenter work nnd rcptlrlng promptly attended to. J. T. Ochlltreo. 20tii and Lake Sts. 3T0 ELOCUTION AM) ORATORY, ELLA DAY, 204 Bamgo bldg; reading, elo. cutlon, oratory; Thursday night school, M7iS.Octl5 NICKEL PLA'lI.VtJ, STOVES, lamps and chandeliers replatcd, Om. Plating Co., Beo HKg, Tel. 2533. SCO lllltns AND TAXIDERMY. STOCK'S Bird Store. 1G03 Leavenworth. -9S9 Ml MP W.. PROF P BRAI'N. teacher of piano itid organ, studio .Yki Itnmgn blk; open I to i l in . terms moderate; thorough, artl'le work guaritntced. MSU OdlS' t II.W vv timi: 'l'.MH.t:r. tHICAOO, ST. PAUL Mlnurapolis & Omaha Railway - "The North western Line' General Olflce. Nebraska Divi sion. 13th nnd Webster His Cltv Tlxknt limrn. iwi l arnnm st. Telephone, Ml. Depot, 15th and Webster Sts. , Leave. Arrive. Twin City Passenger... a C:00 am a 9:10 pm Omaha P.isesnger nll:10 utn Sioux City ,i North- enst Nebraska a 3:50 pm Onklund Local b 6:15 jim b S:15 am a Dully, b Dally execp. Sunday. CHICAGO : NORTH western Rallwuy "The Northwestern Line"--City Ticket Ofllcc. 1401 Farnam Street. Tele phone. 661. Depot, Tenth und Mason Sis. Tele- phone, C29. Leave. Arrive DnVllttht Clllrnen Stir. clal a 7:00 ntn nll:30 pm Chicago Passenger a 4:13 pm a S:40 am Eastern Exores" Des Moines, Mursiinlltnwn, Cedar Rapids and Chi cago al0:53 am a 1:03 pm Enstern Limited, Chi cago nnd East a 4:53 pm a 4:03 pm Fast Mull, Chicago to Omah.l n 2:43 pm Omnha-Chlcngo Special. a 7:43 pm a S:00 pm I'usi .H.lll u 6 3U utn a Dally SIOUX CITY ,t PACIFIC Railroad - Tho Norttv western Lino" General Olllces, United States National Hunk Building, S. Y. Comer Twelfth ii, I t.- Hi. ri,. Olllce. 1101 Fnrnatn St. Telephone, tifit. De pot. Tenth and Mason Sts. Telephone. G. Twin City Express Twin City Limited Sioux ily Local . i.eavu. arrive. ..a C:53 am n 10:60 pm .n , :35 ntn a 8:15 .mi a 1:20 pm . ..a &:vo am a Dally. FREMONT ELICIIORN ,t Missouri Valley Railroad "The Northwestern Line" General Olllces. Unltd States National Bank Bldg., H. W. for. Twelftli mid T.'nrtinm Qih Ticket Olllce. 1401 Farnam St. Telephone. 601. Depot. 15th and Webster Sts. Tele- iiuonr, Lea vo. Arrive. Bla. k Hills. Deadwood. Hot Springs a 3:00 p'n a 6:00 pm ynmlng. Caspar nnd Douglas .; d 3:00 pm p 5:00 pm iiusiiugs. turn, uavui City. Superior. Genovu. Exeter nnd Scwnrd b 3:09 pm b 5:C0 pm Norfolk Verdlgro nnd Fremont b 7:30 nm bl0:25 um Lincoln. Wnhoo and Fremont b 7:30 ntn 1)10:23 am Fremont Loan c 7:30 nm a Dally, b Dally except Sunday, c Sun ny oniy. u uauy except Haiuruuy. o Daily except fljonuay. CHICAGO, nOCK ISL nnd & Pacific illroa, "The Great Rock ls and Route " Citv rick et Olllce, 1323 Farnam Street. Telephone, 42J. Depot, Tenth & Mason streets. Telephone C2K Leave. Arrive. Dca Moines nnd Davon port Locul n 7-25 nm Cnlcugo Express . ..bll:15am Chicago Fust Express, .a 6:00 pm Lincoln and Falrbury..u 8:30 utn Lincoln, Colorado Spgs., Denver. Pueblo nnd lil 1:3.-, ntn a 8:10 am a 1:25 pm a 7:0J :im West a 1:30 pm a 4:15 pm ijcb .-vioitu'3. kock isl and und Chicago u 7:13 pm Colorado & Texas Flyer. a 6:3n pm a Dally, b Dally except Sunday a 9:13 ant UNION PACIFir-"TIIE OVER land Route" General Onicr.- N. E. Cor. Ninth und Furnum streets. City Ticket Olllce. 13J4 I'nrnam aireci. 1 eiepnone, 3IU. i..,nt. 'renin and .Mason st- Sit' The Overlnnd Limited im a 7:33 pin Tho Chlcngo-l'or'.latid npecini ; u f.:-u uni n 7:3.1 pm Mull 11 !(:50 11 m n 1." ..... The Fnat Tlio Colorado Special... all. 33 pm a :50 tim The Fast Mall u 4:33 nm Lincoln. Uetitrlco and 1 piiuiii-tuiiiK i..ress..u i;iu pm HI3!2j tim Tho Pacific Express, ,.n 4:23 pm Tho Atlantic Express.. u C:60 am Grand Islancl Local . ..b 6:30 pm b 9:30 am a Dally, b Dully except Suudny. BURLINOTON & Mis souri River Railroad "The Burlington Routo nnnernl OfttreH. V w. Comer Tenth nnd Farnnm Hts. TlCKet Olllce. 1602 li'iirnnm utrrt n'nlnnlinna 230. Burlington station, Tenth und Maoon Streets. Telephone, 12s. Leave. Arrive. Lincoln, Hustings and McCook ... .n 8:13 nm a 7:36 pm I'll Udll wi-(,v. ,..- rado, Utah, Cnllfornla.a l:2o pm T I. .ni.. c. ii..i. ttiii o o. nn ,m a 3:00 pm n 3:0) pm a H:I5 um ''iH-.'lil 1,II1VIV IIIH" -.1 I'll! Montana, Fusel Hound.. n 9:30 pm Lincoln Fust Mull a 3:0) pm at0:35 urn uenver, uoiorauo. man & California a Dully. a CMS ant KANSAS CITY. St. JO seph A- Council BlufTs jianro.iii "Tiie uurllng ton Route" 'ticket Olllco, 1602 Farnam street. Tele. phono 250. Depot, Tenth nnu Vinson streets. Tele, nhone. 12S. Kansas City Day Ex. ..a 8:50 nm a C:lo pm Kansas City Night lis ,al0:15 pm a 6:15 am St Louis Flyer for 01. Joseph and St Louis .a 4:55 pm all:15 ant a Dully. CHICAGO. BURLINGTON fc Qulncy Railroad "The Burlington Route" Ticket oiilce. 1602 Fnrnnm St. Tel. 230. Depot. Tenth St Mason Streets. Telephone, Daylight Pint . Chicago Spo- a , :vo am t'fiirlii t.vtirnnu Chicago Vcstlbulcd Ex.'.'a 4:00 pm a am a 9:25 pm "nihu irai i',Airen,ii b:ou nm a 4:U5 nm Chicago Limited a 7:43 pm u 7;45 am Piii I n . iiiiMinn Tl nin.c. .2 UM Paclllo Junction Extra) Fust Mail n 7:00 pm a 2:45 pm a Dally. MISSOURI PACIFIC RAIL. ronil-Genernl Offices nnd Ticket olllces Southeast Cor ner 14th and DougloB Sts. Tuiejihono 10. De..ot l nlon Station. at t i c t- Leave. Arrive. St. Louis & Kansas J'ixlre!,1'; ali):00 nm n fi:30 , K. C, St. L. Express... ui0:10 pm u C:15 am Leave from 15th and Webster Sts. Nebraska Local Via Wj'f'Plne vle,r b 4:15 pm nl0:45 nm a Dally, u Dally except Sunday. CHICAGO. MILWAUKEE Ht. Pn il Rnllwnv- r t Ticket Offlce. 1501 Farnam Street. Telephone 284. Depot Tenth and Mason Strccta Telephone, C29. Leave. Arrive WLmiKL iLS C!ucut;o Limited Ex. ...a 0:00 pm a 8:05 am i nil ago fit umuna i-;x..u i:ijnm b 3:10 pm a Dully, b Dally tixccut Sunaay. OMAHA ft ST. LOUIS RAIL roud Omaha, Knnsas City & Eastern Railroad "The Qulncy Route" Ticket Of fice, 1415 Fnrnnm Street. Telephone 322. Depot, Tenth and Marcy Streets. Tela phono, C29, i-oavo. Arrive. St. Louis Cannon Ball Express a 5:0o pm a 8:20 am Kiinsaa City and Qulncy i.ocnt a Dally. a 7:00 am a 9:00 pm ILLINOIS CENTRAL Rallroud. City, Ticket Of. flee, 1102 Farnam street. Telephone. 245. Depot Tenth and Mason strcots. Leave, aiuio am a 7:13 pm b 7:00 am a 7:45 pm Arrive, a 4:05 pm a S:15 am h 9:40 pm a S:15 am Chicago Expross .. Chirui?o Limited . Minneapolis und Ht. Pnnt Kv tiritsu . . . . Mlnniapoilh una St. I'rtlll l.lmlten Fort Dodge Local from t'nnnrll lllnfTM b 4:20 pm blO;lt am h Dally, b Dally except Sunday. III WABASH RAtt.ROAO Ticket onico. 1501 Farnam Street. Telephone. St. De pot. Tenth and Marcy Streets. Telephone, t. LeuJ. Arrive. St. Louis "Cannon Ball" Kvtirrss n Dntl. COOL WEATHER BOOMS CHESS Moliolnrs' tlniues Ionic Into Not Popularity lu Full flies tinines by I'lirrespiinilenee, Sltico tlio advent of cooler weather evi dences of life urc ninniftst at the room! of the Omaha Chess club on tho third floor of tho O. F. Da via building, on Far nam street. As soon u tho members re cover from the effects of tlio festivities of this week a preliminary tournament will be started to test the ability of the play ers. Following this will be held a handicap tournament, tho winner of tho prize In three tournaments to have tlnal possession of It. Later In tho season a chaliengo will be scut to Lincoln, calling tho chess masters of the capital to a teat of su periority for the championship of the state. Tho opening games of the two big cor- retpondener events in the Plllsbury Cor- rcsrondenco association will bo hold the cctulng week. From the present condi tion of entries there will bo probably 100 competitors on a side. The most im portant event Is the Twentieth ccn ury tournament. In which each competitor M f i L'ann itnr iniiint 111 iiniirriHH iiiiiii 11 tournament Is conrluUnl. Tho nihr ev ,ni.nn,n,t,i, ,a ,m, , , ,, i n,i - i ,i -r (,v. v 1 Is tho cast against tho west, ltils oroi lieing but one name uotween rival pi em, will attract the largest number otV'itrles . . ns many who enter tho tournamentJ' ''H not iietttA v 7, ' fiefei hesitate to take oil a fifth gauir The following two knights' nsc Is front tho masters' totirnamen held re- contly In Munich: TWO KNIGHTS DEF('eNSE J.icob. l'lll-Vliiry. White. llliick. 1 I'-KI I I'-KI 2 Kt-Kir, 2 VCt -cjlll 3 II It I 3 Kl-lU 4 P-OI 4,11-114 5 lt-KKt' A I'-Klt3 B 11-K3 11-K13 7 IJKt-lj: 4 7 C.l I It R P 1 . ' 5 i'-'Ut 9 PxP ' Ktxl' 10 Kt-ll Jf 10 Kt-Hi 11 H-UKi 7 U P-KtS 12 11x11 ' 12 ltl'nll IS Kt -K1 U -k"l 14 K-ll 14 1UI1 . 15 Pxll 13 QxQ 10 Ktx 1 Kit Q 17 Kt-K.1 17 P-KB 1$ Kt K IS H-Q7 19 P KKl ' 15 Kt-yl 2D KtxKt PxKt 21 Kt-O :t Kt-K'4 22 K-Kf.'j 22 Ktxl' :il'-Ktl 23KI-I1G K Kt-,14 21 Kt lit S.1 KtxKt 55 HxKt S6 I'-Jlf i'lQItxl' 27 Itxlt 27 Itxlt :tll-q' M P-Q7 23 K-ll 29 K II 30 K-U ' 30 K-K2 31 Ilxlt 3t Itxlt 32 Kxll 3i P-QIII S3 K-B 'I K-Qt SI P-,11. 31 IC .113 35 P-B KH 3" 1 113 3ii P I I .'. P-QKI4 37 Pxll li 37 KxP 3P-" 38 K 113 3! lb fjn. 4 Black. Five Pieces -K on K 6: R on KB ; Ivts 11 IC 2 nnd Kit 8; P on KB 2. mm m m m mm tm s m m .j " wi via uvi.i-' White, Ten Pieces- K on K 8: Q "bit Kt I. R "ii i Kt 6. KtB on U Kt and Kit t 0 und Q 4, 1's on QB 3; Kill 3 nnd Kit 1 , lay nnd iiiude In two moves A PARIS DOCTOR'S NEW CUIUS. III' Infuses Formaldehyde Into the .iiiiKN for Consumption. t I bom irTSfe.... - The medical faculty of Paris is devoting W considerable attention to u new cure for tuberculosis through the transfusion of microbe-destroying drugs by means of electric currents passed through the pa tient's chest und lungs. The discovery of the treatment, which hns been submitted to severe tests at Paris and Bordenux dur ing tlio last four years, Is attributed to M. Francisque Crolto of Paris, und ex huustlve tepnrts on tho results of tho ex periments were rend before tho luternu tlonul medical conciess teceiitly by Dr. Ilertheaii, medical delegute to tho con gress from the city of Purls, nnd by Dr. Dttcnmp, dulcBKto to the congress from Bordeaux. A third paper on tlio sama sub ject was submitted to tho congret, by Dr. Labudlc. 'lliu conclusions of the throe reports, says a dispatch to the Now York Tribune, aro emphatically lu favor of tho new treat ment unit this view Is shared by Prof. Vlr ehow of Berlin nnd by Dr. Brouurdel of likely to recelvo tlio sanction of Ilia moil ing to tho patient's constitution nnd tetu Icul faculties of Purls und Berlin lor adop tion in the p.tbllo hospituls of those cities, Tho Purls physlcluiiH consider that M. Crotte's discovery muy havo far-reuchlnif coiiKeiiurnceH. for It enables extremely powerful uiitlseptlcs to Im Introduced into thi: human uystem and pormeute thu tis sues und even the bones, so that bacilli may lie killed without Injury to the pa tient, which would result It' tho knrlio drugs wero absorbed by tho system through the HtomuCh or by other meaus hitherto em ployed. A long series of cxpurlmcntH hns con vinced tho physicians hero that n solution of formal, known as formaldehyde, con taining Iodide, und mercury, in absolutely lata: to thu bacilli of tuberculosis, oven when applied In tlio form of vnpor. This exceedingly powerful antiseptic cannot without great danger bo tnken through tlio stomach nnd reports submitted to the nied Iciil congress by Drs. Berlheuu, Ditcump and I.nbadlo show that by statin electricity tho vupor of formuldehydn has been trans fuof'd intu thu tissues of tho chest und lutlgB, thereby destroying tho bacilli of tuberculosis and preventing reproduction In their tubes of cultivation. Slncu M. Crotlo communicated tho tho ory of his discovery to tho French Acad emy of Sciences 111 1891, S0O tuberculosis pa tients In Franco havo been treated by hi method and 000 of these huvo been cam plotily und. Tlio number of putluntx whoso treatment hus been sot forth In clinical detail by tho reporting physlclunn and submitted to the congress Is thirty two, of theso ten wero reported upon by Dr. Bertheau, eleven by Dr. Decamp and twenty-one by Dr. Lnbndlc. All the cases known to have been treated by the new method are divided Into three categories first, patients who nro in thu first stage of tuberculosis; second, thoso who havo reached tho second Htnge, and third, Giobo where tho progress of tho dlseasn Is so advanced that under ordinary clrcum Hlanceu they would bo considered Incura ble. Tlio statistics submitted to tho congress show that tho proportion of ctttea obtained by tlio transfusion method applied to pa tlentH of tho first category was 100 per cent. Tho percentage of cured patients of tho second cntcgory was 75 per cent nnd tho proportion of cures In thu third cate gory was 30 per cent. These resjItH aro considered highly satisfactory nnd hnvo mudo a decided Impression on the leading physicians In Purls, and especially upon tlioso who muko a specialty of tuberculo sis. Elnbnrutii experiments huvo been mada with guinea pigs und tuhhltx to prove, tho exact quantities of formaldehyde trans mitted to the tissue (if tho lungs by tho application of o'cctrlc currents und nlso to show how tho Intensity of transfusion can bo restituted. Tho method of trcutmont Is simple. Tho patient Is placed on an Isotuted chair In a statin machine and towels Hiituratril with ti solution of formaldehyde, nro applied to tho chest and buck. Tho solution vurlea in strength from 1 to 10 per cent, according to the degreo of tho disease and accord lug to tho patient's constitution and tetn ptirnnient. Tho mnchinn Is then atarted and tho current, with ntlltivlu or sparks, or with both, Is passed through the lungs. While this Is going on tho patient Inhales tho fnrmnldchvdn with the electric eltltivln nbtnlned by placing u saturated sponge In contact with one of tho poles of tho Instrument.