Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 30, 1900, Page 22, Image 22

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iilvrrllfrmrnli for thene Polumril
Trill be tntirn until IU ni. for tlie
errnliiir edition nml until R .'10 p. m.
fur morning And Sunday rilMlon.
Kates, I )- a rrord first lunrrfton,
Jc word therenfler. Nothlmr fnkrii
for ! Ilinn r.e for thr first lnrr
tlon. Their nilvrrtlarmeaU moat be
run eonnrrnMrrl jr.
Advertisers, try rrnnentlnir K num
bered check, enn hne nnsTrer nil
drrmirn In n numbered Irller In enre
of Thr Dei'. Answers so ndtlrrssrd will
lir delivered on presentation of the
check only.
hitiatioxh waxteii.
AN eastern toucher do-dres a position ns
governess to small chllilreti, or ns com
panion to tin elderly lady. Address X .',0,
lice. A-M4C 4'
WIDOW of 1 1 would like position ns house
keeper. Address X 32, Bee. A 121 30
A LADY, well editcutnd, good render and
with it fair knowledge of music, would
lllo position iih rninpiinlon to Invalid, or
elderly person; refeteneos. Address X 33,
Bee. A-MI3730
FIRST-CLASS breiid nml cake baker; good
referenced from Inst place. Addreus Lock
Uox 403, Lyons, Nob. A-MI32 !)
WA.VI Ell-MAMI lllil.
store. lGTii and douglas.
roiMER NO. 1 -Tomorrow morning wo
organize new dns-cs In all dopnrtnicnn
A largo number ef .tue'mts will enter.
Thin Is Just ns good a time to begin us at
tlio opening of the full term. If you tire
going to start to school "Ids month. start
tomorrow; in iinv tute, i-ometime during
tho weelc. We run locate you tomorrow In
liny department to the best advantage.
ro INTER Nf) 2 -The nigh' school rrsunf H
tomorrow night ut 7 o'c'o"k. Classes will
lie organized In h inkkfreplng, iirl.hmetle.
spelling, penmanship, Gregg short linnd.
touch typewriting: In fuct. any branch of
study desired nmy be hud. If you will
take Gregg shorthand and touch type
writing at the evening school In a lew
niontliH you will be obi" to write nt least
1f words per minute of new mutter Tho
tuition In any or all brunches Is nboul
$5.(0 per month.
POINTER NO. 3 A new class will stn-t
tomorrow In telegraphy. Our telegraph
clepiirtment Is v.-oll equipped and well
conducted. There Is n groat demand for
telegraph operator. Thli 1 an excellent
opportunity to leirn telegraphy.
roiNTHIl NO. I-The following statement
from I'rof. Mosher Is due the public;
"I notices In last .Sunday's papers that A. C.
Ong, proprietor of the Nebraska Ru'Iikas
college, challem;c-d me to enter Into a
public contest with Miss Maud Van
Duson. the principal of bis shorthand de
partment. Mr. Ong chains that I do this
that the public may determine which Is
the hetter teacher and n'so that he mjiv
Heeiitp some cheap seiiMittonal noyer'ls
Ing. It Is hut proper that Miss Van
Duson's stenographic expctlenco bo given.
I will also give my own.
"Miss Van Daren, principal of his Orcpir
shorthand department, entered the OmnliA
Commercial oollogo uh ii htuclont of sh ut
hnnd May 2. U"i. At tho time sho en
tered she knew nnthliiR whatever of
shorthnnd, with tho exception of tho flr.t
few tin rom of Demerit's I'ltmanlc. Her
knowledge of ritman was so limited that
sho dropped It and took up tho Gregg.
Sho attended school half days for ton
weeks and divided her time luitwoon
shorthnnd nnd typewriting. At the ond
nf this time sho applied to several schools
for n position as teacher and Mr Ong Is
tho only one who was willing o employ
n. teachtr of her experience If sho Is as
rapid u writer us Mr. ong claims no small
nmnunt of credit Is due the Omaha Com
mercial college for producing so rapid a
writer In so short a time. Tho public
should remember, however, that at tho
tlmo Miss Van Dusen wns employed by
Mr. Ornt and made principal of his Bhnrt
hnnd department her ontlro stenographic
career was limited to a few weeks; that
sho had never done n day's;:
thnt sho hnd never done a day's work ns
nn nmuniiensls. nnd that sho had never
taiieht a class or a single student In
shorthand. Wo do not blime her for ne
ceptlni; tho position as prlnclral. but If
Mr. One things speed the only requisite
of n teacher, and hud Informed tls thnt
he wus In need of n principal wo would
liavo sent him a member of our advanced
class. Instead of ono from tho Inter
mcdluto department.
"As to my own exptrlenco tho following
will sulllco:
"1. Fourteen yenrs the principal of tho
shorthand and typewriting depurtincnt of
tho Omaha Commercial college.
"2. A court reporter for olshtcen months,
"3. Henorted many sermons, lecture nml
political speeehes.
"It seems a llttlo out of place that I should
bo called upon, nfter So many years' ex
perience In teaching and writing short
hand to ruler Into a public contest with a
novlco at thin kind of work. In order to
demonstrate, my competency I low over,
if Mr. Our Is sincere in his challeiiKo artl
wants a test I assure him that ho will bo
accommodated, but I do not care to enter
Into any $10 affair. Any school of stalel
ItiK oiiRht to be wIIUiir to rIvh Jlo to tho
Galveston sufferers without ImvliiR a con
test over It.
"I make tho foiling: proposition: I will
secur i'rof John It. OrRR. author of the
flrcRR system of shorthand, to Rive Mhs
Van Duson and myself a thorough and
conipleto examination. This examlnntli n
Is to consist of a tost In wrttltiR, knowl
edKO of tho principles and a demonstra
tion of ability to Impart this knowledRft
to others, and whatever olso Mr. OreRR
may see lit to recpilro. If Miss Van Du.en
tiasses tho bitter examination I will play
JIOO.OO Into the fund of the anlveton
sufferers. Tf l pass tln better examina
tion Mr. Our Is to pay the jieoeo
'V have ilepoi-lted in the National
Hank of Commerce ns a puaranty that 1
will carry out this proposition. I ask Mr.
DnB to place 1W).no In tho samo bunk us a
wunranty thut ho will carrv out tho con
ditions of tho contract. The JPO.00 Is to
pay I'rof. Otcrr's expenses to Omaha, to
rIvo this examination, nnd Is to he paid
by tho loser. I will let this" money re
main In tho hunk for ton days, u Mr.
Our hns coulldenco In his previous state
meats and wishes to demonslrnte the su
periority of a threo months' student as
teacher over u tenehor of fourteen yearn"
experience he should Immediately cover
this money, or else lot tho mutter drop,
us I enro for no nowspnper notoriety by
lnvvlnR my name ussoclnted with his.
W. MOSlllMt"
11-572 30
WANTED, wo hnvo steady work Tor a fow
Rood hustlers of good habits and appear
unco. C. K. Adnma Co., 10K Howard Kt.
13 S70
BATtlUSn trade taiiRht thorotmhly In short
tlmo; cutnloRiio and particulars free.
Address , Western Ilarbers' Institute,
Omahn, Neb. H-S71
WANTKD. lnborors, teamsters, rock men
nnd surface men. Neb. V.''o. nnd Iowa;
free fare; hlRhest waRes; ship dnllv.
Western It. n. Labor Aisency, 310 8. 11th.
COOK, at once, for day restaurant. Ad
dress K. K. Miller, MrCook, Neb.
WANTI3D. chicken picker, experienced, for
scald pIckltiR; must be man of steady
huhlls. Hlchard Webber, Sioux Cltv, la.
11-522 30
WANTKD, mon to lenrn barber trnde: only
8 weeks required: two years' time savel;
we funilsh constant practice by free
tickets eent to charitable lustltiitloni;
this opportunity cannot bo had In smaller
towns: for this reason wo furnldi tram
portatlon to our coIIcros at Chlcaso, 8t
l.ouls or Minneapolis, whero we have ex
pert instructions, lectures and diplomas
nnd Rlinrnnteo positions when competent:
our Rrnduntes In Rood demand on account
of our thorough mUnliuc For partlculn-s
nnd cntaloRUo addtess Moler Harbor Col
Ioro representative, HK3 Furniim st..
Omaha. 'Caution:" Our sttccess hns
cnuscd others to adopt our name. Do
tint confuso the orlRlual Moler Sv3tm
with shops culling themselves colleges.
H-M331 SO
COATMAKHH wante! nt once; steady
work Rtiiiranteed. U. Abrahamson, Hoi
droRO, Neb. H-MIO5 30
VVANTHD, 10 brldpe carpenters, J.'.M; 10
pllo driver men, 12.0n; IMdyvlllo. In.; S
months' Job; free fnro; laborers for city,
nil-winters' work. JI.75. Sweney's Kmploy.
mctit ARfiicy. 300 S. 12th Bt.Omjihii.
WANTKD. teams for n. H. work In MN
Hlsslnnl; fren transportation for outilts.
Wlckham. I'holan & Co.. 19 Scott street.
Council llluffs, Jit, iIZ-L
WANTKD, at once, a Rood trnvelliiR sales,
man:. must como well recommenued; st.vo
exnerlcmo. nnrtleld Oil Co., Cleveland, p.
11591 30'
WANTUD, entrRctlc nnd successful younR
salesman by wholesalo cheap Jewelrv and
novelty house for 1901. J. Floershelm.
Kunstudctr & Co.. ChlcaRO, III. -
TAIl.OHINO salesmen to tell mackin
toshes direct to consumer, cash on deliv
ery basis; correct prices; handsome
nmples prepaid, lnterituto Khber Co.,
S21 Sth avc, ChlcnKO. B-IV3 30 i:i-.MAi,n nm.i.
Is not nn expense, but nn investment, nnd
ono on which tho returns are certain.
will be formed In nil departments of tho
popular coIIcrc In which the IcadltiR busl
ness men of Omaha are Interested.
HAND coM.nan.
llec llulldlnR.
ocTonnrt fihst,
While other schools tiro wrnnRllitR nvr
tho merits of "Rreased HvthtnliiR" sys
tems of shorthand, this school Is belmr
presided ovr by threJ regularly ap
pointed com . reporters, nbly assisted by
other teachers of InrRo experlenco In
amanuensis work and iraduates are in
constant demand by Omaha's best Com
mercial Institutions.
1 153 30
WANTED, a few first-class solicitors on a
strictly up-to-date proposition; exclusive
tertltory and other Inducements to men
Bccutomed to from J73 to JIM weekly;
applications n anted from capable parties
only. Address the W. H. Orace Co., Kit
treclRo bldR.. Denver. Colo. R-MI3I !
TR1 'ST WORTHY man to travel and estnb
llsh nsents In Nebraska; $V) monthly nnd
expenses, besides commission; permanent.
John Cross. ,wti Dearborn, ChlcjRo.
11-MI25 31
WANTED, mnn, uprlsht chnrae'er, to
miinnRe business nf old (.stnlillhed house;
salarv Jls.oo per week and expenses pay
nble ench week direct from hend'iuurtorti; money advnneed; position p r
mnnent; reference. Standard ltntisu. ,T'l
Caxton bldR.. Chicago. 111. 1J-MU7 3)'
WANTED. Ilrst-ctass coachman: well rec
ommended. J. M. Molcilf, 1210 8. Uth.
11-MtH 31
TINNER wanted; one that has somo
knowieilRo ,,f pinmbltiR preferred. Wil
liam Parkinson, Madison, Neb.
n-Mlll 30
SOLICITORS for nn Illuminated sIru;
shows (lUtnly In tho dark: quick seller
liberal commission. A-Hlress X 38. Uee.
H 151-30
WANTED, Rrorery specialty salesman;
Rive your experlenco fully; we offer ox
centlonal opiiorlunlty nnd Rood salary.
Address X 1, Hoe. H-MIS3-2
WANTED, clothltiR salesmen for the west
nnd northwest.
Only experienced men with good refer
ences need apply.
Stem, Lauer, Shoh & Co., Cincinnati, Ohio.
11 IS2-3H
SALESMEN wanted to sell up-to-date ml-
rtlslnir novelties; liberal commissions,
lluffulo D. & M 001 Mutual Life BldR.,
Ruff.ilo. H-179-30
WANTED, experienced salesman, school
furnlturo nnd supplies; correspondence
solicited. I'nlon School Furnishing Co.,
211 E. Madison St.. OhlcaRo. 11-178-30
A FIRST-CLASS traveling salesman to
represent established house; liberal
RUnranteo anil commission; position per
manent. Address 1611-313 Dearborn St.,
ChlcaRO. U 177-30
SPECIALTY salesmen wanted to p'nee de
partments of perfumes and toilet articles
in nil classes of stores; very attractive
ndverttshiR features; high cash commis
sions ami liberal contract to the rlRht
man. Tho Elysluu MfR. Co,, Detroit. Mich.
U ISO-30
WANTED, bright man, Rood tnlker and
letter writer, to cnll between 10 a. m. nnd
1 i. m. Sunday, room 20 DourIub blodc
II I7C-30'
TWO men of Rood appearance, experienced
salesmen, permanent position to rlRht
party. Call on Domestic Mercantile Co.,
707 N. lfith. 11-473-30
WANTED, llorlst. J2.V00; stable hand, J20.00;
porter, J18.00, bonrd and room; bond cook,
Ji'iO: panwasher nnd dishwashers. Metro
politan Employment OHIce, IIP) Fnrnnm
Street. IJ-I74-30
WANTED RcRlstered pharmacist; refer
ences required; hIiirIc. Address, U 13. Bee.
II IC-30
TEAMS to haul coal. C. W. Hull Co.. 20th
and Izard. II 16730
WANTED The Lcjral Adjustment Com
pany of Atlantic, la., now betnn per
manently located In Its own bulldlnR,
with all modem conveniences, wants 100
Rood men to represent It on tho road.
None, but hustlers with Al references
need npply. Address, 510 CliMMtnut St.,
Atlantic, la. u ICS 30
J12 STRAIGHT bnnaflde weekly snlnry paid
direct from olllce, expenses, extra com-mlsi-lnns;
capable men and wnmon to
represent us appointing atfonts; rapid
promotion and Increase salary; new bril
liant lines. Hutler ft AlRer, New Haven,
Conn. II
SALESMEN to sell line of up-to-dat"
printed wrapplnR puper; earn J20 to V.O
weekly as side line, Kemper-Thonris
Paper Co., Cincinnati, O. n
WANTED, salesman, J7S monthly nnd ex
penses; permanent. Perry Nursery Co ,
Rochester, N. Y. II-
WANTED. two yoiine men of about 20 to
iissiHi (iii HiiveriisinR, iun Karoucu
hotel Monday ut
it i o cli
clock. Klspii
WANTED, mnnnser for branch cllleo bv
old established manufiicturlnR house;
salnry J125 per month nnd extra commis
sions; must furnish satisfactory refer
ences and JSeo cash District Manager,
300 Johnson IildR., Cluclnuutl, Ohio.
H-481 30
WANTED, ollleo boy. C. T. Kountze. FlrBt
Nntlonnl bank. H-511-30'
SALESMEN wanted to cnll on doctors onlv
on behalf of the IcadlnR firm In tho busi
ness; established trade; position "perma
nent; applicants must ho InteriRcnt, In
defatigable, nnd of Rood nppeurunce; stnto
experience. Addresv 1'. O. Rox KSS, Phila
delphia. 11 IS9 30
WANTKD, salesmen to sell stuplo toilet
articles, perfumery nnd llavorltiR ex
tracts; refetences required. Iloerner-Fry
Co., Iowa City, Iu. 11 ISS 30
WANTED, salesman to handle full lino of
cutlery on commission direct from fac
tory. Address A. M. Clark, llfl W. Cth St.,
Kansas City, Mo. B-4H7 30
TRAVELING salesman wanted for hlsh
Krnde staple) line to dry poods and Ren
oral trade; contract for balance of this
year and nil of next If sales nre satis
factory. American Standard Jewelry Co.,
Detroit. Mich. 11 4S0 30
TRAVELING salesman, experienced In spe
cialties on salary or commission to visit
Ronoral merchants; wo pay our men from
JlftO to Jl"0 a month nnd want only a busi
ness Reiler. Address Western MfR. Co.,
Minneapolis, Minn. IS ls5 30'
GOOD salesmen enn enrn J73 to J100 per
mouth and expenses with tho Merchants'
Oil Co., Cleveland, O. II 1S1 ;W
WANTED, experienced men's shoe saler
mon for Kansns, Nebraska nnd Colorado.
Apply, stntliiR references. N Grecnsfcider
& '.to Frnnklln st., ChlciiRO
11-521 SO
MECHANICS, engineers, olectrMnns, fire
men, etc.: n free scholarship In etiRlnoer
Iiir will bo nwnnled to a few well. rec Jin
mended applicants. American School of
Correspondence, Ronton, Mass,
H-521 30
SOLICITORS for "Galveston: Tin Horrarti
of n Stricken City." by Mural Halstoad;
tvx) paRes; blRRest book, best terms; do.
mand enormous: solicitors clearing J5 to
J30 dally; outfits free. Stnndnrd Publish
Iiir House, 332 Dearborn St., ChlcaRO.
11-523 30
RELIABLE man In every town to repre
sent an old established manuf.ieturliiR
company, with capital of J.HW,M; sa ar
J900 per year and expenses; rapid promo
tion and permanent position requiring no
canvassing; unusual opportunity. Address
MuWajrer p, O. Box Hi J, l'Ulludclphla, Pa.
u-a 30
TVA.VrUIJ M A Ml H Hl.l'.
WANTED. The American Oil works wants
n live representative In Omaha to handle
the "Original Brown's Roller Compound."
Mnn with established trndc In eiiRiii ar
supplies, or an engineer In good stardbis
In either association, preferred. Achln ss,
with references, American Oil Works.
Rochester, N. Y. It
WANTED by wholesaler, energetic), sales
men to learn to sell olcnnt line f. part
ment goods to merchan.n; InrRe salary;
no experience necessary; we educate.
Box 7!, ChlcaRO. 111. 11
ENERGETIC workers to distribute droit
lars and snmple.s; (lermutcenl nccupntloi;
Rood pay; particulars for stamp. Din:.
League, 13 W. 2sth St.. N. Y. 11
WANTED quick, fot local pjsltlons In oil
country towns and vlll.tars, Catholic men
and women of charactir: Jis p"r vei.
Address "Faith," ?M Caxlon Bulld'.ig.
Chicago, 111. By
WANTKD. agents, good, reliable, energetic
men to sell our high grade lino of lubrl
cntlng oils, greases, paints, belting nnd
mil! Ripplles, either exclusively or a- n
sldo line; locnllv or traveling, on com
mission. The Industrial Oil and Simply
Co., Cleveland, Ohio. 15
WANTED An enereetlc yoiitiB man In
each town to permanently represent our
company: pood pay nnd no expense, par
ticulars on request. McGraw-Murdcn Co.,
New York Cltr. B
GOVERNMENT positions, thousands of ap
pointments to be made; exMnilnn.'loiis
soon In crry slate; circular 151, Riving
fill partlcnlnrs. sent free; write for It
today to National Corresp. Institute,
Washington, D. C. B
WANTED, ruptured people who will Work
a few hours for n free cure. Dr. Spelrs,
Box tl. Wcstbrook, Maine. H
WANTED, bushelmiut. $13.50 per
week. It. L. Pulne, 1217 O St.. Llneoln,
Neb. B 570 ,Ti
SALKS.MEN tor cigars; new plan, quick
sal), good business, big money. Con
sumers' ClRar Co., t11 S. Uh St., St. LnuH,
B-r,2fi so
WANTED, first-class bookkeeper, male or
femnle. Addtess S, Bee olllce. Council
Bluffs. 11 COi3j
GENERAL helper for repair work, rental
department; also ono plasterer. l?n.l Far
nam st. u Me 2
AV..Ti:n ri:.ii.M: iiei.p.
Wo tench the OreRR and Clrahnm syst-ma.
42WVK0 IlnnkliiR Furniture
just placed In the coIIcro. The.e llxturcs
nro of the (ltust Flemlsn oak. ornamented
with exciulslte curxliiw. Mexican marble
and superb metal work, cc.nstltutl"R o ic
of tho llticst rurnDhins to be foiiod In
any banking house. Klnborate and per
fect In detail, hiii passing In beauty and
costliness the equipments of nuy huslnons
oolloRo In tho west.
J3.000.di Worth of New Typewriters
l'ltrchimed this year for the benefit of the
J2,r).c Wortn of Smith Premiers.
Ten recently pise. 1 In tho MnwrltlnR de
partment. We have six dl'Torer.t nnK"
of standard mnchlnes, mak'iiR the most
ocmplcto and perfectly (implied short
hand schoul.
Another Floor Has Reen Lrnod
That the many students enterliiR the dif
ferent departments muy bo accommo
Ono week oro this Institution ebalieoR ..
Mr. Mosher. the principal of the ilreR
shorthand of the Commcn lnl collece, tc, ,i
public contest on speeu vrlt nR. Miss Van
Dusen nf the Nebraska lliiflniss iiRreed to
DOUHLE the speed of Mr. Moslier, add
yet no acceptance Nn aceptnnco to chil
lenRO of knowlcdR( of principals. Nn ac
ceptance to ch illeiiRe made bv two of our
students. And Why? Why'.".' Why???
If you want n thorough education attend
where tho teachers can practice what
they teach; attend where students arc
Kunnllecl with decent typewrlti is without
petttlnnlnR for them; attend wlvre honor
nblo nnd fair dealhiR will b" accorded; at
tend where you will bo assisted to a posl
tlon when the course Is finished.
A. C. ONG, A. M., LL. R.. PRES.
C C22 30
WANTED, 200 girls. 1521 Dodge. Tel. 870.
10 girls wanted. Canadian ollleo, 135! Douglas
WANTED, girl for Rencral housework, $4
per week; only neat an I competent Rltl
need apply. 4020 Davenpjrt. C Oii-'l
GIRL for general housework: must bo Rood
cook; worcs $1 week for competent girl.
Cnll at once 2020 Emmett. C-MD'Jti
GOOD second Rlrl. Mrs. E. A. Cnduliv.
37th and Dewey avc. C i!7B SO
WANTED, good girl for general house
work. 3 In family; wanes $1.00. 2602 Pop
plot on Ave. C 402
WANTED, a cook.
3620 Fnrnam.
C 401-30
WANTED, 100 extra salesladies for our
Mill-End Fnle; only those that are used
to measuring dry Roods need npply.
Como prepared to work and apply be
tween 7:30 and 8 o'clock at th college en
trance, DoURlns street. J. L. Rraudols
& Sons, Proprietors Boston Store.
c 4r.2-::o
GIRL for general houswnrk, small family;
good wages to a competent person w',10
will remain In tht houce uvenlnuK T.) 6
Dodgo St. C 456 3.)'
CROCHET ER8 wnnted to crochet for us nt
home; good pay. Chicago Crochet Co.. ,".'16
Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. C
WANTED A bright woman in each town
to permanently represent our companv;
refined and connenlul employment for all
or portion of time; Rood pay and no ex
pense. Particulars nn reouest. McOraw
Marden Co., New York City. C
WANTED, girl for general housework nt
E2S So. 2Cth St.; small family; good wages.
WOMEN to do plain sewing nt home, Jl
per day, fout months work guaranteed;
work sent prepaid: send stamped ad
dressed envelope for particulars. R. W.
Hutton & Co., Phllndelphl.i, Pn.
C 102 31
EXPERIENCED girl for Rcneral house
work; threo In family: wages J20.0J per
month; references required; call Imme
diately. 4123 Fnrnam St. C 4'13i'
WANTED, a pushing, reliable business
woman, with responsible refererce. In
travel short distances for us: permanent
ongagemcnt if successful. X 35, Bee.
C 190 30
WANTED, good cook; no washing. 531 S.
40th St. C .TO 30
WANTED, womnn or mnn In every town
to collect names; J3 per lfO G. & II. Pnr
nctt Mfg. Co.. Chicago. Ill -310 .'.)
FOR ui::t-iiol.ii:.
FOR RENT, strictly modern Hat In Dnv
Idgo building, opnoslto city hall.
CHAMPION Carpet Cleaning Wks. cleans
and lays carpets right. 718 S. II. To'. i,1.
ALWAYS moving H. H. goods. Pianos
Olllce. 151P.4 Farnnm St. Tel. 1559 or Sfi3.
JJ oi
HOUSES for rent In all parts of tho city.
Brennan-Lovo Co., 320 So. 13th St.
C-nOOM flat, city water, 2719 Burdette.
HOUSES, stores. Bemls, Paxton block.
CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON, 1203 Fnrnam.
FOR RENT, houao of 8 rooms; city water
and good barn, 4112 N. 33d st.
D-M330 !
FOR RENT. hoiiBo 8 rooms. S. W. cor.
Park ave. nnd Leavenworth. Modern ex
cept furnace, Key at cottago In reur.
6- ROOM cottage, 1F0S California,
s-room modern house, 2102 Maple.
S-room modern houso and lam, S30 S. 3Sth
7- ronm modern flat. 1402 llllnms.
Store room, corner llth ami Williams.
J. H. PARROTTE, Douglas Blk.
D-614 TO
COAL Best cooking. JI.25. delivered t nnth
ing better. IJarmon & Wceth Co Tel 8S.
roit iiii.NT iiorsiis.
FOR RENT. October 1. to small family, n
desirable seven-room cottage, S2d ;iivl
i California tret; water In kitchen; 22 per
month. Inquire ut t''7 W, 10th street.
3707 JONES Street, beautiful ten-room
modern resilience In perfect order; new
pl.imblng, new furnace, large lawn, JtlO.OO.
ICtli &. Douulas St.
FOR RENT, a cozy 8-rootn modern cot
taRe. Inqulro 2152 St. Mary's. D-M7D5
5-ROOM furnished house,
Christie Bros., 2120 N. St.
FOR RENT, stable on 20ti street between
Lejvenwotth und St. Mary's nve; three
stalls. Apply 11. M. Rogers, 9JI N. Y.
Life Rldg D-M3M5
WELL furnished or partly furnished 10
ri'cm. modern house, with good barn:
choice neighborhood, In west Fartiam dis
trict: will rent for winter or longer to
small family; rent, $G.' to J7f. Address X
25. Bee. D-MJW .'W
2210 LANDON Court. 10 rooms, modern; In
line condition; rent Jisoo.
16th & Douglas St.
D V8
FIVE unfurnished rooms, all modem. 2711
N. 22d st. D-Mlll
IF yiKt want your houses well rented place
them with llenuwti & Co. D 7s
HOUSES, etc. F. D. Wend, 1521 Douglas.
FOR RENT, 11-room bulldln In South
Omaha, arranged for boarding house; re
cently painted Inside and out, papered an 1
overhauled generally; favorable terms to
tospouslble party.
R. C. PETERS & CO., 1702 FARNAM.
D-MeW 5
A NICE C-room house for rent. S32 So.
21st St. D 1 19-30
HOUSES nnd lints. RIngwalt. Barker blk.
NINE-ROOM house, 1210 North 21th street,
bath, closet, largo yard, newly papered;
nil In ijood order. D 105 30
EIGHT-ROOM modern house; Rood repair;
near postolllce; one or more years lease;
furnished If desired; rental, $10 unfur
nished. O. C. Olson. 1701 Furnom St.
D-.M 171-6
3217 CUMING St., 8 rooms; modern except
furnace; In good condition, $20.00.
ICtll & Douglas St.
2R17 DEWEY Ave., I nnd 5 R. Mats modern,
ts and J'J.
17IS Jackson St.. 5-r., city water, $10.
2SH Bristol St.. 7 rooms, city water Inside,
tlno repair. $12.IW.
2?J2 N. zMh St., 7 rooms, city water. JS.
3M7 Charles St., 8 rooms, modern, $21.50.
1112 No. Kird St., S rooms, city water, good
barn, Tirum.
2015 M. m 011 St., ! rooms, all modern.
1919 Cass St., 9 rooms, line, $10.00.
We have ono or two good stores for rent.
Life. D-M7-30
FOR RENT, nicely furnished, S-room mod
ern house; references. 1910 Wirt street.
D-I9I 30
FOR RENT at C:02 Pratt St.. noveu-rooni
house, city water, cistern, sewer. $15.
O. F. Davis Company. D-515-Sii
FINE 7-room house furnlhed, modern In
every particular. Walnut Hill, for r. nt
until April 1; reference required. Address
X 11 Bee. D-oS'G '.0
LARGE modern house west part town.
Brand ,iew 4-r. oottngo, K2) Canton, ii.
3 3-r. oottoRes together. Each $6.
ir7 S. 29th st.. 3-r. cottage, $7.
3 2-r. houses, $5 and $0.
6-r. collage, Count II Bluff.i, $20.
Kinney st., l-r house, $0.
Fine large bnrn, CO I S. Ja'.h nve., $7.W).
Inquire 1203 Fnrnam st. D 5SS 30
rOR RENT, severnl stores centrally lo
ui tod, also building for wholesale pur
poses. It. C. PETERS CO.. 1702 FARNAM.
D-0;9 30
REAUTIFUL sl::-room cottage, vacant or
furnished, lovely homo; Leaven worth
motor 1 block. 911 S. 40th. D 5S4 30
120 N. 27th, 7 rooms, bath $18.00
"4tli and Caldwell, 1) rooms, bath 25.00
1W2 Ohio. 9 rooms, modern, burn 25.00
D-5S2 30
8-ROOM. modern, nnd barn, 24th und Ilnr
ney; Cor. 26th nnd Hamilton, modern 6
room new house. F. I). Wead, 16th and
Douglas. D M5b9
ONE year or longer. 2320 N. 2Sth St., ten
room house, with barn, strictly modern,
$. P.iynu-Knnx Company. D 560 30
FOR RENT, 1910 Blnney, large modern
2620 Capitol nve., 9 rooms, modern, $25.
!HS S. Illst. fi-room cottuRO, $is.
1921 S. 35t ii avc, 7 rooms, bath, Ras, city
water. $18.
522 N. 2.d, 7-room cottaRe, $22.
lliS. 21th st., So, Omaha, 6-room cottage,
19o" Plnkney st., 9 rooms, modern, $20.
3011 Lindsay ave, 5 rooms. $5
R. C. PETERS & CO., 1702 FARNAM.
D Crtl SO
I'OIl HEM'-I t ItMSIIIOl) Itntl.MN.
THREE roms, housekeplneg; 1112 S. llth.
NICELY furnished, all modern room, for
runt, with or without board. 2612 Harie
st. E-M155 3,
NEWLY furnished rooms, steam heat, new
building. 151S Dodge, Hat A. E M 130 20
FINE suite furnished rooms for housokeop.
Ing to rent at 609 S. 29th st.; modern. C.
E. Youngs. E M43S 1
FOR RENT, furnished or unfurnished
rooms and board If desired. 1170 S. Win.
E-M439 5
FURNISHED rooms for light housekeep
lllg. 2013 Cass St. E 148-30
ROOMS, now building, new furniture,
steam heat. gas. bath, hot nnd cold wnir
Phelps, 1518 Dodgo St. E 193 30'
FURNISHED, 2 nlco rooms, also back
parlor and kitchen for housekeeping. 516
North 19th St. E-M549-2
FIRST lloor, nicely furnished for house
keeping, furnace heat and gas; walking
dlHunce of 1. O ; reference required: no
children. Address X 43, Bee. K-005 30'
FOR RENT, 5 or fl rooms, furnished com
ploto for housekeeping, modern, 3 b'.oks
from High school. Cull at 2127 Dodge t.
K-5.9 30
"imxfs!irci" "am no.vimr
GLENCAIRN,transleiitB,$1.25day. 1609 Dgls.
GOOD board, private family, f.09 So. 25th
avenue. F MS33
UTOPIA. 1721 Dnvonpott St.
THE Merrlam, good summer rosort,-25th &
Dodge. F-83
ELEGANT room, with board, 1909 Cnnltol
avenue. F-M323l
ROOM, furnished or unfurnished, with
board, for two. 720 N. 23d St. F-501 30
3 LARGE, well furnished rooms, with or
without board; rent single or ensiqtej
overy modern convenience. 110 8 25th ft,
F M00I 1
HANDSOME uouth front room, nlso two
single rooms, with board; references. 202
No. istli st. F-CU 30
TWO larRO south rooms,
Webstnr st.
modern. 2010
F-623 7
2 UNFURNISHED rooms; no hojsekeep.
Ing. 10,57 Purk ave. G 112
FINE suite of rooms, modern; housekeep
ing. 616 Georgia ave. O 313 30
TWO nowly papered nnd pnlnted rooms,
steam heut. buth. 3d lloor; nUn entire
2d lloor. Apply 1005 Dodge, so. side new
P. O. CI 010 30
FOR HliXT T(ritl";sA iroFFIUlJsT
FOR RENT, storo In first-class location;
rent reasonable. Apply It. C. Peters .fc
Co., ground lloor. Beo bldg. 1-201
All full at present.
Two olllces soon to bo vacated.
Inqulro 1203 Fnrnam st.
I-6S7 30
FOR RENT, several tipper floors of whole
sale building, suitable for storage, fac
tory, etc. R. C. Peters & Co.. Bee Uldg.
I Mi 30
Af!i:rs A.vri:n,
WANTED, gooil agent In every town and
community to soil tho "Best" Vapor
Gasoline Lamps; most scientific Lamp
made; two ycHrs on tho market; abso
lutely guaranteed for one year. Best in
candescent Light Co., 318 S. 15th St.,
Omaha. Neb. J-M132 Oct.21
AGENTS on salary or commission: the
greatest agents' sel'er tver produced;
every user of pen and Ink buys It "ii
sight; 200 to Boo nor cent prollt; one agent's
sales umotiuted to $"20 m six days, an
other $32 In two hours. Monroe Mfg. Co.,
X 16, La Crosse. Wis. J-M43I 30
AGENTS wnnted: "Onlveston: The ltrro-s
of a Stricken City," b Murat H.ilsteid;
fullv Illustrated; fastest selling book oer
published; only $1.50; best terms guaranteed-
olitllt free; be quick. J. S. Xloztrr &
Co.. Chicago. III. J-MI2S30
JUST Ot.'T New Periess nsoltne lamp;
easiest lighted, most satisfactory, knocki
all competition: iigents i.olnlng money.
Peerless Lamp Co.. 244 Railway Exchnnx
bldg.. St. Louis. Mo. J-
$50.00 WEEKLY, ugenu and mnnag-rs
selling Bradford's Automatic Wii'lvr,
sells Itself. Agents samples free. Brad
ford Mfg. Co., N 55, Cincinnati. Ohio.
J 199 31
GENERAL ngetits In every locality
throughout the U. S. to represent largo
concern and appoint ngents on u strictly
salary basis of J5 monthly and nil ex
penses. Dept. S7, J. J. Morun, New York
City. J-6.'6-30
AGENTS Luminous name plates, signs,
numbers; readable datkest ulvlits; easily
sold; profits large: samples free. Door
pluto Works, i:ngh-wood, III. J-5OI-30
GALVESTON Horrors. Breit book ly
great author, Murat Ilalstead, the most
authentic and best Illustrated book, ouillt
free; commissions 50 per cent: freltot
paid, credit given. II. Stoll, Pontine B dc,
Chicago. J VJ 30
AGENTS coining money; nr.o ngent cjeniod
$12.5") In ten hours: lis" per cent prollt; we
guarantee Atnerlrus leather Suponders:
fast sellers, big nssot tmetil, handsomelv
llnlshed. Write for exclusive territory.
Berry Mfg. Co., 11 116, Cincinnati. Ohio.
J-197 30
AGENTS for famous Squlor Gas mnnllos;
most brllll ml and strongest mi'nufae
tured: great Inducements. R. Harrlsm
Mfg. Co., Rahwiiv. N. J. ,1-501 .11'
AGENTS wunicd everywhere, prntlts 110 to
525 dully; unthliig like our health -and
accident Insiirnnie. combined with t "R
Istrittton, ideiitlllcntlon and credit refer
ence; the mcst pipular yet, nil take It at
sight. 1. tiler sev. crsts $1, $3. $5 and 511
per year, c all or write for territory. Im
perial Registry Co., 11 Broadwav, New
York. J -CM .10"
A RELIABLE agent In every city nrd
town to lepresent and ,.ell our Incan
deycent gas lamps: no loreli ieculrei;
actually the best and cheupest lamp inn 10;
good piollts to ngents. Stud. Gja
Lighting Co.. Kansas City, Mo.
J-G02 30
MANAGER wnnted In every city, county
to bundle best paying business known;
legitimate, new, exclusive control. Phoe
nix Co., Ill West 31th St.. N. Y.
J-503 30
BIG profits handling latest Improved gaso
line lamp: s Us nt sight; b ats rlectric.iv;
cheaper than kerosene; rclull $4 0 up; 12
diffcient styles; exclunlve territory. Stan
dard Lamp Co., manufacturers, Chlc.iji.
J-592 ,t'p
AGENTS Wo want llrst-c'nss ngents
every where for latest r lllec spec la ty:
greatest money maker In yenrs ; d op
everything and write for terms. Amorlc m
Lock Crunk Co., Milwaukee, Wis.
J-591 30
AGENTS, biggest seller out; hnndsome
enmputgn souvenir pin: renl novelty; 100
per cent prollt; quick sales guaranteed;
sample mulled 10c. Ktcln & Ianglos. 13
Marlon st., New York. J 531 30
AGENTS, wo have the best, largest ond
cheapest lino of campaign, fair nnd street
novelties; send for our doubled catalogue
(Illustrated) nnd prices. We beat them
nil. W. F. Miller, 2 Chambers st.. New
York. J 533 30
WANTED, agents, organizers and deputies
for modern up-to-date society; health, ac
cident, disability and death honellts com
bined under one certificate at cost; con
tracts liberal and easy sellers; splendid
chance and big money for hustlers. Ad
dress "Manager," Brown Building. Bos
ton, .Mass. J 532 30
AGENTS for Ludwlg's 100-condle-power In
candescent vapor gas lamps; simplicity
itself; mechanlcully perfect; most eco
nomical; quickest lighters. Ludwlg burn
ers fit uny lamp and wo guarantee not to
clog. Ludwlg Mfg. Co., Kansas City, Mo.
J 531 3D
MAN or woman, to employ and superintend
ngents; $30 per month and expenses; ex
perience not required; permanent. Xlcg
ler Co., 509 Monon Bldg., Chlcugo.
J 530 30
WANTED, agents to sell Murai Halstead's
great book on Galveston Disaster, the
sensation of the century; outfit lree; book
now ready; only eompletn nnd nutlientlo
history; IiIr money for next few months.
International Pub. Co., 185 East Van
Huron St.. ChlcaRO. J 529 30
OUR selling method Insures success for nil;
exprlcnco or talking untucessnry ; 25c
samplo (special) 10c. Acme Filter Co.,
Montvalu, N. J. J 528 30
NM and old neents to handle latest tri
umph In gasoline gas lamps; Just out;
hUhest quality; newest design; best con
struction; retull $5. American Lighting
Co., Chicago. J-567 30
J100 MONTHLY, new (latent metallic broad
boards; sample free. M. G. Forshee. Cin
cinnati. O. J-556 30
AGENTS, everywhere, to sell complete
story of Galveston horror; 5,110 dead; $25.
( m,-m Property destroyed; largo book,
splendidly Illustrated; will outsell Johns
town flood; ngents easily mnko $50 to $100
a week; book will sell 011 sight; experi
ence unnecessary: boys, girls, men or
women can sell it; outfit free, freight
paid, credit given; act qjickly not a mo
ment to lose. Ferguson Pub. Co.. 1201
Fifth St., Cincinnati, O. J 655 3ij
GALVESTON horror, most complete ac
count by eye witnesses; authentic Illus
trations; money-mnker for live workers;
best commlsi-lons; freight paid, credit
given; write for free outllt. E. c. Mo-se
& Co., Chicago. J 196 30
LADIES and gentlemen to take orders for
our Christmas specialties; good pay; sam
ples free. Address, Ulft & Co., 110 Wabash
Ave., Chicago. ji;a:M
$2,600 a year easily mndo by hustling agents
handling our whlto nnd fancy rubber
collars, cuffs nnd neckties. Patented und
guaranteed goods, our campaign ties are
winners. Liberal commission. Exclusive
territory. Send slnmp for special plan,
terms, etc. M. & M. Mfg. Co., Springfield,
Muss. J 527 JO
w.v.vf iip to nuxT.
WANTED, to rent store room ubout 25x61
in live town of 5W or over; will lenso for
term of years If party will build. Address
X 29, Beo. K-M406 30
WANTED To rent two unfurnished, well
heated rooms In modern house by young
married couple. X 31, Bee. K 507 30
WANTED To rent by n lndy two unfur
nished rooms with bonrd; not over $23.
Mast he between Harney and Woolworth,
25th nnd 32d. Private family preferred.
Address, A, 2203 Grant St., City.
WANTED Board and room In exchango
for work by student. Address, X 37, Beo,
ROOM nnd hoard by young married coupln
In private family; stato terms, references.
Address X 39, Bee. K-563 30
PACIFIC Storage and Warehouse Co., 912
911 Jones, general storage and forwarding,
Om. Van Stor. Co., 15UV4 Farn. Tels. 1559-S63.
ALL kinds of household goods, hotels, etc.,
In largo und smull quantities Chbag)
Furnlturo Co., 1406-10 Dodge. Tel. 220
WILL purchase, a limited number of
Omaha Savings bank accounts. Brfnnin
Lovu Co.. 209 So. 13th. N-S'5
2DHAND bicycles. Omahi Blcyoie Co.
OLD stamp collections boucht. 216 N. 14th.
A FIRST-CLASS tire and burglar proo
safe, about 6.1MI pounds, with tlmo lock
Address T. O. Underhlll it Co.. Collhran,
Colo. N-MJGS 29
WANTED To buy. at good price, nom
Omahn Savings llnnk accounts, Addres
X IS. Bee. N-311
WANTED to buy Shetland ponv; must be
gentle; one that weighs nbout tvm lbs. Mr.
A. D. Brundels. Boston Store. N M5J5 'i
CASH for farm or residence ut n snerlll.'e.
Address X 45, Btjg. N 59 ItO
WANTED, good second-hnnd shnper, bam
saw, Jointer and 3 or 4-horse power gnso
lino engine. Cnll on J. C. Jordan at Mer
chants hotel till noon Tuesday.
N'-M612 1
ONE-HORSE electric motor, belting, shnft
Ing, etc.. to operate two Gordon presses
will buy any part of above equipment
X 4, enreo Rec. N-621 30
WANTED to buy. house and lot direct
from owner. Address X 42, Bee.
N-COfl 30
FOR SALE-Furnltare In most desirable
four-room nut In Omaha. Call nt F'.ut E.
1612 Chicago St., dowry Block.
O 223 30
FU RN1TURE. 1123 No. 20th St.
O 391-30
AT PURLIC auction Monday, tomoirow
nfternoon nt 2-30, contents of large house,
consisting of extra tine 1 arin t i, o'egnnt
furniture nn I household good". 20M Cali
fornia, O 173 3'i
for s w,i: houses,, in
NEW and Id H. vehicles nt marked down
prices. Hurry Frost, 14tli & Leavenwoith
FOR SALE, now bugglo bodies with pear
ing tnr saio ai ji.du each. a. B. Aipirn,
913 Douglas.
P-MtOt Oct. 7
FOR SALE, n horse and tuggy, cheap. In
quire nt 2152 St. Mary's nve. P M7.6
HORSE for sale cheap. People's Store.
P 101-30
FOR SALE, a good all ptirpoc iorse
cheap; also buggy and harness If dcflrnd;
must sell. Call at 210 S. SOtll St.
P-M3M i
FOR SALE, buggy; $5 If taken at 01100.
Apply Wux Works, P17 s. pith st.
P-6T5 .3.
roii sam: mim-i:i,i, i:ot s.
HARD and soft foundation piling; hog
fences und cribbing. 9)1 Douglus. y 899
CUTTERS of drug prices. .Sherman & Mc-
uonnon uriig Co., uor. 1st 11 nnd Dodge.
0-3 U
FOR SAM;, flvo Lcwollyn iIor piip, now
rciiilv In tirnnlc. Mutineer in 1 utrm .
price, $10. Address W. S Kieilne two
miies oust 01 city, council niuro
Q-M373 02
'JDIIAND safo cheup. Dcrlght. 1116 Farnnm
SAFES; buy, sell, ex'ge. Boh nrtz, 111 S. 13
2DHAND vheels, $3 to $10; new wheels $15.
Omaha Blcyclo Co., 16th & Chicago Sts.
MANSON bicycles, $25. Omaha Blcyclo Co,
M. & W. tires, $2.75. Omaha Blcyclo Co.
SECOND-HAND CollRrnph (new) for sale.
Call ut ollleo clerk district court.
FOR SALE, corncobs. Monroo & Co., Ml
r.. 10111 st. Q MIW)
FINE horse and rubber-tlrcd burgy. very
cneup. n. ij. i- rcuricKSon, n.. uocire hi.
0-134 OS
FOR SALE, pnynble after received, three
months' trial free; $11.25 for a high grade,
n-drawrr. drop head cabinet sewing ma
chine; $11.90 for 1 regular $40.00 blcvclo;
$98.50 for a $300.00 plnno: $:9.73 for a $75.00
parlor organ; $15.50 for n 3-plcco over
sturfed vedour $40.00 parlor suite. All new
high gindo standard goods. For full par
ticulars stato articles Interested In nnd
we will mall you a special catalogue.
Sears, Roebuck & Co., Chlcaso.
Q-MS5S 013
NT Money. $183 will buy fine Chlcker
iprlnht. Address, U S, Bee.
FINE Stelnway plnno for sale cheap; party
lenvlnR city. Address W IS, Omaha Bee.
Q-267 Ol
2 HARD COAL stoves for sale. Cnll 9 to
12 morning. 1111 S. 30th Ave. Q 396-30
I-OR SA LL, new lumber wagon, cost $'"2,
for $15. Chnrles Weber, 1063 R R ave ,
Albright blacksmith shop. Q M 115 .10
R. IIASS, Florist. 1813 Vinton St. TclO.
Plants, cut flowers, boquets, hall, rcsl
dance, wedding und praco decorations.
Orders by mail or expresso promptly filled.
BELGIAN HARES, pedlpreed stock, for
sale, cheap; score card furnished with
ench animal. CV H. Roberts, Holdreiie,
Neb. Q -
FOR SALE cheap, ofllco furnlturo and
horse and bURpy. 921 N. Y. Life.
Q-668 30
LUMBER for r.ale, 2x6 and 2x8, 16 ft. long.
Apply carpenter foreman, McCord-Ilrady
bldR., 13th and Leavenworth st.
Q-M576 3
HARD COAL Art Garland stove, almost
new, cheap. 1131 N. 18th. Q 117
NOTICE, country dealers, 2dhand furnlturo
nnd stoves nt lowest prices, carload lots or
less. Chicago Furniture Co., 1406-10 Dodgo.
Is known to bo absolutely reliable In
every particular. Sho can tell the past
and predict tho future. If you hnvo not
uh yet hnd a life reading don't miss -
Ing this wonderful woman. Her method
In palmistry Is tho only one that stands
tho tests or scientific investigation. Thero
Is not u palmist in America today who is
Mmc. Gylmer's peer. She Is pre-eminently
the leader of her profession. Par
lors of Palmistry, 1005 Dodgo, south sldo
of P. O. 8-577 30
Will lecturo Sunday 7:45 p. m., Patterson
hull, 17th and Farnnm sts. S'.tbject, "Spir
itualism Lives Without Bloodshed." Free
tests and questions nnsyverod. Admission
10c. Everybody welcome. S 609 30
MRS. FRITZ, clalrvoynnt, 819 North 16th.
ELITE parlors. 615 S. 16th, second floor.
T-375 OS
MME. AMES, 1615 Howard, room 1, 2.1 floor;
Mao Edgar, assistant. T 123 4
MME. LEE, magnetic trontment. 507 S.
13th. room 2. T M5M 6
LADIES' hnlr shampooed, dressed, 33e, Hair
toilet goods. Mount-It, 15ls Farnnm. Tel 2.1.VJ
MONIIKIT, Chiropodist. 1518 rum. Tel. 23.-3.
HOFF'B Express & Messenger Co, Tel 1717.
DR. ROY, chiropodist; corns removed, 2Eo
und upward, Room 12, Frcnzcr block.
VIAVI, woman's way to health. 316 Jlee h'dg
TURKISH baths, massago baths, rloctrlc
baths, for ladies only: skilled women
massago operators: tlnont equipped baths
in tho city. Renstrom Bath Company.
Rooms 210 to 220, Bee Bldg. U-910
RUPTURE cured; no knlfo, no pnln. no
danger; send for circulars. Empire Rup
ture Cure, 933 N. Y. Life bld., Omnha.
PRIVATE hospital for Indies before dur
ing confinement; babies adopted, 1136 N. 17,
PLEATING, huttona to utaer; p'.nklrg
whllo you wait. Omaha Pleating Co., 1621
Douglas. U-9D
PRIVATE home before nnd during confine
ment; babies adopted. Mrs. Burgt, 2'30
Burdette, U-616
LADIES' Jackets and tnllor made suits al
tered, cleaned, repaired. M. Fosel. 307 S. 17.
LA PETITE French oval photos 60c per
dozen during September only. Proctor.
616 S. 16th. U-M333 Oct. 4
PLACE your order now for seal sncqucs.
fur renrfs and collarettes of all descrip
tions; furs repaired and nltered. Aula
baugh. Son & Co., 606 Karbark blk.
U-M357 03
LADIES will receive llrst-class care beforo
nnd during confinement; lady physlcli.i.
S13 N.23d St. IT UiOJl
E. L. I.OVEJc iY, 118 N. 15th St.. for a GOOD
blcyclo. for n good sewing machine, for
nnythlng for blcyclo or sewing miichlnes
sen him. U KH Ol
Can bo altered to look now nnd stylish bv
using one of our beautiful FRENCH
Any kind complete from $1.00 up AL
TIONS FREE. Accordion and side p'eat
Ing by the ynrd Send for circulars.
200 Douglas Kk , 16th nnd Dodge.
A lit
SUPERFLUOUS hnlr. warts nnd moles per
timtiently removed by electricity; consul
tation free and confidential: nil work
guaranteed. Miss Altondcr, 1613 Douglas.
MORPHINE, opium, laudanum, cocalno
habit, myself cured, will Inform you of
harmless, permanent homo cure. Mri.
Baldwin, box 1212, Chicago V
SECRETS that win; pays;
sclen. e that brings bu lne-s nnd s clil
Mirer. cures disease and bad habits,
wins love nnd frlei dshlu. granites am
bitious, gives wotubrful power and cor
trol oor others; you can lenrn at houii.
Write today for our elegantly Illustrated
book, which fully explains nl! the hidden
mysteries of personal magi', hypno
tism, inn miotic, beiltng ,otc. It's fir.
Addless New York Institute of Selotir.i,
Dept. 441 N, Rochester, N. Y. U
GENTLEMAN of rellnomont and generos
ity. Jl.iC.iKin, beautiful homo, lucrative,
buslnc 4s, bank references, seeks home
lovlug wife. "American," 771 North Park
Ave., Chicago. III. u6Uso
MR. J. It. HERTFORD has purchased tho
tirholKterlng tmslnos of C. Luudecn St Co.,
152.1 Leavenworth St., Mr. Lundeen to re
main ns foreman. U 510 So
ACCOMPLISHED lady, 2S, charming"" r
sonallty, mnuners. worth $2mi.iMii. stranger
here, would marry reliable gentleman.
Miss Wood, 1517 Second Ave., New Ynik.
SIDEBOARD, two stoves rbnso burner and
double heater), ut 2201 Webster St.
MARRY lovely women and honorable men;
many rich; send 2c for big list. Mutual
Lxchangc, Kansas Cl'y, Mo. u
Monday wo will soli the following second
hand machines at prices that will Interest
you. They are genuine bargains:
1 Davis
. Slntrors
1 White -Choice, $! 00
1 New Home
1 Domestic
Former price. Monday
Domestic $ !0.0) $ 5 01
Wheeler & Wilson 13. i) 7 60
Singer, modern 25.00 12 60
Household I6.00 ft no
Standard 25.0 12.50
White 12.10 u o
Shoemaker, Slr.Rer 40.0) 25. V)
Monday forenoon we will plve one-na f
dozen machine neeedles tr any lady who
asks for them nt our store.
15th and Harney.
U-460 30
SHAMPOO, 33c; halrdress, 23c; manicure,
60e; scalp treatment. 20c: electric mas.
snso or scalp treatment, 35c. F. M.
Schadell & Co., 1522 Douglas.
U-M557 029
CORRESPOND for amusement or matrl
money: sealed particulars, 2c. Champlm.
Council RlulTs, Iu. U 001 30
MRS. JACOBSON removed to 1SU Lnke.
U-M616 6
YOUNG lady wishes acquaintance of well
situated Cnthollo gentleman; plvo descrip
tion. Address X 17, Bee. U M61S 2
LOANS on eastern Nebrnska nnd western
Iowa farms at 5 per cent. Borrowers enn
pify $100 or uny multiple. Any Interest
date. No delay. Brennan-Lovo Co., 309
South 13th St.. Omahn, Nob. W-924
MONEY' to loan on improveA Omaha real
estate. Brcunun-Lovo Co., 309 So. 13th.
$1,000 and upwnrd 11 loan on Improved city
property nnd fnrn.s. W. Farnnm Smith A
Co., 1320 Farnnm. W 9J9
WANTED, city loans, bonds nnd wnrrnnts.
Gcorgo & Company. 1601 Farnan' St.
MONEY In any amount nt 5. 6V4, C per cent.
MONEY to lonn on farm nnd city property;
lowest rates. O. F. Davis Co.. 1505 Farnnm.
MONEY to lonn nt 5 nnd 54 per cent on
Omaha property. W. B. Melltle, 401 H. 15th.
PRIVATE money. 5, 5V4. 6 per cent; no do
lay. Qarvln Bros., 1613 Farnnm. W-920
WANTED, city and farm loans; nlso bonds
nnd wnrrants. R. C. Peters & Co., 1702
Farnnm St., Bee Bldg. W 921
PRIVATE money. F. D.Wead. 1621 Douglas.
FIVE per cent money. Bcmif, Paxton block.
MONEY to loan on llrst-class Improved city
property or for building purposes. Pavnc
Knox Co.. New York Life. W 925
No endorser or mortgaRe required.
Room 626, llfth lloor, New York Life. Bldg.
MONEY lonned on planoB, furniture, Jow
lery, horses, cows etc. C. F. Reed, 319 S. 13.
They como to us. If you can do better
elsewhere don't como hero (hut you
enn't). Como and let us piovo to you
that wo give BUST TERMS In tho city
nnd more for your money than others
DARE. No mortgnpo. no Inclorscr, no
publicity; simply confidential business
Room 303, Third Floor, Paxton Block.
MONEY loaned on nlnnos, furniture, dia
monds, watches, privately. Berger'a Loan
Co., 1501 Fnrnam St.. upstairs. X 910
MONEY loaned on plnnos, furnltuto, horses,
cows, Jowelry. Duff Green, R.8, Barker Blk
Wo mako loans from $10.00 up on furnlturo,
pianos, horses, cows, etc.; you keep tint
'property; or wo will mnko you a SALARY
LOAN rn your own noto. without Indorser
or mortRiigo; wo chnrgo absolutely noth
Iiir for making papers nnd wo keep noth
ing out of tho amount you borrow; you
may pay the money hack In one month or
tnko moro tlmo In which to pay It, and
you nro expected to pay for It only what
time you uso It; our rates nro low nnd
our terms aro tho easiest; our business In
as rnniidentlnl us is possible and our treat
ment Is always courteous. Omnha Mort
gage Lonn Co., 300 80. 16th St. Estab
lished 1892. X-931
MONEY loaned salaried peopln holding per-
munnnt position with responsible concern
upon their own names without security;
easy payments. Tolman, 70C N. Y. L, Bldg
W. TAYLOR, 218 First Nat. Bank Bldg.
MONEY lonned on furniture, diamonds,
watches; payments confidential. Omaha
Chattle Loan Bunk, 220 S. 15th, upstairs.
PLE momentarily embarrassed who deslrn iibovo
everything else to
can bo accommodated ut our offlro with
less expense, timo and trouble than any
placo In tli city.
Room C01, Be Bulbllne.