TNfi OMAHA DA I L V IJI2M: SVTl'HnVY, SEPTUMHttH 12, 1000. n LEEVER'S WORK TOO SMOOTH Bods Unable to Connect with BeDdora of Pirates' Pitcher. KENNEDY HOLDS BOSTON SAFE ALSO Net Itrsitlt of Ycstcrilii)' (itinn Slums .o ClimiKC tn (he Posi tions of Mir .iilloiuil l.cimui- Trunin. I'lttHlinrtr, N Cliielnnntl, . Plitlnilrlpliln, 7 Nimv York, . Ml. Louis, ill CIiIciiko .'t. Brooklyn, o Boston, :t. PITTSHUItO, Pa.. Sept. 23. Lcevcr's flno pitching was too much for Cincinnati today ami tho homo tenm won easily, Bcckley strained his anklo In running to third In tho eighth liinlnt; and Peitz relieved him. Attendance, 3,000. Score: ITTTSllCHtl CINCINNATI. It.ll O A E It.lI.O.A K et-rr, it. o v z o o Ikitrett. cf.. 13 10 0 iiraum i, ri i i i ij ti uarttel. If.. 0 0 0 0 0 Wtehy, 5b. 2 1 I j I Clour, rf ... 0 1 2 1 0 Waicnr, rf..l 1 1 o 0 llttkley. lb. 0 2 11 1 0 O'llrlfn, lb, 0 : 1 I VeUz. lb.... 0 0 2 0 0 Lmrh, 3b... 12 13 1 Irwin, 3b... 0 0 0 3 0 O'Connor, c 2 1 i 2 0 Corcoran, m 0 1 3 1 0 :iy 0 2 2 I 0 fltelnt'ilt, 2b 0 0 3 V, 1 ,001 10 Kahnp, c.... 0 0 3 0 1 rhlllllMi. li.. 0 0 0 4 0 Total . S 11 27 II 2 I Totals ..1 7 21 '8 2 Pittsburg 2 1 1 1 0 1 2 0 -S Clncinnntl o o o o o o o l o-i Kitrned runs: Pittsburg, 3 Two Ouscli'i: Beaumont. Thrce-baro il:n: Itl.ehey 2i, Wagner. Bncrlilcc lilt: .McCrrery. Stolen lusus: Lunch. Hly, llnrrill Double pluy: J-:iy to llltchey lo Ollrl.'ii. Tliiu lm e .! balls: On I. never, 3, ort Phtllpps, 3. Struck out: Hy Loever, 0, by Phlhpps, 2 Wl.d pitch: Phtllpps. Time: 2:u&. Umpire: Kmsllc. Uiinkrra llotiml (o Win, NBW VOIIK, Sept. 2?.-PhlladelphUi be it New ork nt tho polo grounds tills aLer noon by heavy stick wotk. Taylor, 'ne (leaf anil dumb pitcher, was hatted out ul' the box in the third Inning. nd Carrion took his place, but he could not hoid tho Phlindclphlnn In rheck. l'lioher Keym.u' Iiuh been suspendfil by the Nuw York club. Attendance, ito. Hcore: PIIILiAUUU'lllA. I NEW VOItlC. It.ll li A.H I . K.ll.O.A I! Thorns, cf. 3 0 0 1 Q VanltTi. cf. I 1 1 HIjkIc If. .. 1 1 J 0 0 Helbach, If.. 1 1 3 iMleh'ty, lb 1 3 10 1 0 lliokm'n, 3b 0 1 0 Iajol, 21). . l 2 2 l llcrnunl. rf. 0 o o Flick, rf.... 0 2 I 0 0 Doyle, lb... 0 112 McfaiTil, o. 0 3 0 0 l)nl, rf.... 1 2 1 Wolv't'n. 2b 0 2 1 3 0 Muiphy, 2b. 0 1 5 Dolan. w... 1 1 0 1 2 llower'n, e.. 0 0 4 Orth, p 1 i o 3 o Tnylor, p... 0 0 0 ,"!inlth .... 0 0 0 Totali .. 7 16 27 11 3 i-airlck, p.. 0 0 0 I Toluli .. 3 T: II 2 Flick out; hit by battod ball. Hatted for Taylor In the third. Philadelphia o 0 10 0 2 0 1 07 New York a J o o 0 1 o 0 13 First baso by" errors: Philadelphia, 1; New York, 2. Left on basus: Philadelphia. 10; New rork, I. First baso on bulls: off Orth, 2; olf Taylor 2; oft Carrlck, 1. Struck out: Jly Orth, 3; by Carrlck, 2. Sacrlll-o hit: Wolverton. Stolen bases: File!, Slagle, Vatihaltreu. Three-bio hit: Dolau. Two-baso hits: Htaglo, Iijole, Hickman, Davis. Selbaeh. Wild pltc i: Taylor. Time: 1 55. umpire: Snyder. Tic ntuiic lit SI. I.oiiIn, ST. I.OU1S, Sept. 2S.-it!iin and darkneM Interfered In tho eleventh It.nlng of the Chlcago-St. I ouls gime. Hoth iiltcheis wcru lilt hard, but the tleidlng on tiuih sides was hrNk. Jot es lost his own gamo In the ninth Inning by fumbllnr two bunts nnd then making a bu l throw. Scoond pame postponed ; rain. Attendance, 1,1(). Hcore: ST. LOUIS. It II.O.A. JtcOrnw. 3li 1 0 1 CHICAGO. it.ll o.A.n. Ol.Mtrnnif, 3b.. i 2 2 1 0 llurkett, If.. 0 3 2 llcldrlck, cfO 0 4 Donovan, rf 1 2 0 Wallace, m. 1 1 1 KelKtrr, 2b.. 0 3 S McOaan, lb 0 4 17 Crlicr. c... 0 11 Joiito, p.... 0 0 D 1 Clilldi. Hi... 0 2 2 2 0 o Mccar'ty, If o l o o 0 0 Mnrtca, cf.. 1 1 1 1 0 0 Or-n, rf.... 0 0 3 0 0 0 llruillry, lb. 0 3 11 1 0 0 McCor'k, cs 0 1 8 1 0 0 Kllntr. c.... 1 0 3 2 1 Callalmn, p. 1 1 0 & 0 Totals .. 3 1133 22""5 V otals". 5IM 17 1 Game called on account of darkness. St. Loula 0 000010110 -S Chicago 0 000000120 0-3 Earned runs: St. Louis, 2. Sacrifice hits: Ilurkett. Kelster, Strang, lcCurthy, lira 1 ly, Callahan. Two-basa hit: Chlns. Threo-baao hit: McOann. lilt by pitcher: McOraw, Strang. Doubt plays: Mcrtei to McCormlck, Wnllacn to Crlgor to ,Mo Graw. Uaso on balls: Oft Jones, 3: off Cal lahan, 3. Passed ball: Kllng. Strike out-: Uy Callahan. 2. Stolen buses: McGraw, 2; Strang, 1. Time; 2:23. Umpire; O Day. llrooklyn llniielics Snfctlcs, BROOKLYN. Hept. 2S.-Urooklyn tied tho scorn In the llfth luiiinir. when, with two out, Kohnedy tripled, Jones singled. Keeler hit for two bases and Shreckurd hit suc cessfully. Plttlnger lost control In tho eluhth innlnir ami tilled tho bases with fren pnsses. Demont brought In tho winning runs Willi a. single, uosion went out lit order during the last four Innings, Ken nedy pitching splendidly. Sensational catches by Hamilton and Demont wero the features. Attendance, 1,400. Score: UOSTON. I HHOOKLTN. K.H.O A.K I It H.O.A.B. Hnmllt'n, cf 1 0 4 1 0 Jon.. cf.... 1 12 0 0 Ion, ..,. 0 Htalil, If.... 1 Tnney, lb. 1 Colltm, 3b.. 0 Trreman, rf 0 Ixi we, 2b,,,. 0 Connor, 0... 0 I'lltltutcr, p. 0 Clarke 0 Harry .... 0 2 3 0 Krrlrr, ir... 1 1 1 0 0 2 0 0 Shuckard. If 0 3 1 0 0 8 0 0 Kclley, lb... 1 0 10 3 0 13 0 Cros, 3b.... 10 14 0 0 0 0 Dlllltfll, (in.. 0 0 3 4 1 2 3 0 Demont, 2b. 0 3 2 3 0 4 0 I'nrrcll. c... 0 0 5 0 0 110 Kennedy, p. 1 1 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Totals ., 5 8 27 13 1 Totals .. 3 8 21 li 0 Hatted for Connor In tho ninth. Hatted for Plttlnger In tho ninth. Boston 00102000 03 Hrooklyu 0000300 2 -S lCarned runs; Hoston. 2: Urooklyn, 3. Threo-base hits: Long, Kennedy. Two-baso lilts: Tonnoy, Keelor. First baso on errors: Huston, 1. Left on bases: Hoston, 7; Brooklyn, 7. Struck out; Hy Konnedy, 1; by Plttlnger, 3. Bacrlllco hit: Dumnut. Stolen basu: Demont. liases on balls. Off Kennedy, 2; olt Plttlnger, C. Double plays: Hamilton to Long; Lowo to Plttlnger to A society woman Undergoes n greater straiti titan la gen erally realized, and every woman is a society woman in her own circle." The debts of society arc many nnd must be paid or .there will Come social bank ruptcy, nnd it is in the punctual payment of social debts, re gardless of health or feclitiKS, that women often lay the foundation for serious illness. The late hours nd rich foods, common to soci ety gatherings, soon or late tie range the stom ach ; the liver, perhaps, becomes Involved, and the heart flutters or palpitates. There is no medicine for the cure of diseases of the stomach nd organs of di gestion and nutri tion which can equal Dr. 1'iercc'a Golden Medical Discovery. It heals the stomach, purifies and en riches the bloxl, cleanses the clog- ged liver, nour ihes the nerves, nd gives face nnd form the radiant beauty of health. "Golden Medical Discovery " contains o alcohol, and is absolutely free from opium, cocaine and other narcotics. Utt. I,. Hcdcccokc. of Doticr, Collingtworth Co., Tta. write. "1 wa troubled for aeven r eleht ycari vrilh tndlgcMlon and liver com plaint, nl received mote benefit from the tue it Dr. Tierce's Golden Medical DlKovery and ricaaant rclleti' thau any medicines 1 have er tried." Pr. Pierce's Pellets cure constipation. Tenner lilt by pit. lied bm Hv Ken nedy, 1, by Plttlnger. 1. Pnsseil bull. Con nor, rime: l it. rmpire. Hurst Mnnillnn; of tho Team. Played. Brooklyn 127 Pittsburg 129 Philadelphia IB Hoston 127 Won. 7fi 71 fi9 111 in R7 M M Lost. XI SI so ia to m 72 71 P.C. ,r 9 .lVi .401 .IS I .4.11 .421 Chicago 12S HI. Louis 12i Cincinnati 128 New York 12S HORSEMEN SEE GOOD RACES Iti-niurknlil)- Fust Tlntr Mmlc nt llrlv Inn; Pnrlt f mislilerlUK (old Went her, Tho second day's races at the Omaha Driving park drew nn ntteiidance In the neighborhood of 350, the program being nn exceptionally Rood one. Two races were pulled off with a. Held of Mvo starters In earh race. The llrst rnee was the 2:30 pace, with Hlrdle A tho favorite In the pool sell ing. Odds of 2 to 1 were laid on the little bay mare after the first heat, which she won by a length from Chlcora Girl In 2:20 Hat. The second race of this heat was a hummer, the light for supremacy being be tween Blrdlc A and Mayola, who made a strong bid for the place, but was beaten at tho win- by u neck In the. retnurkably fast time of 2:Ifi4. The third heat was also won by Ulrdlo A, with Mayola u close sec ond, In 2:21U. The latter Is a vcrypromts ing young maro nnd will be heard I rum In the big circuit next season. The second race was n well contested one, the light for llrst nlaco being between All Done and Fannie K, with the rest of tho horses well bunched. Thn llrst heal was won by All Done, with Fannie K a length In tho renr In 2:27i. The second und third heats also went to All Dono In 2:2i and 2:23Vi, Iidy Almoneer being a length behind In tin- second heat nntl Paiioris a close second In the third heat. After the urn l lieut All Done was barreu from the betting, nnd Fannie K was tnndo tho fa vorite for second place. Itesults: racing, j-.s) class, purse ).uu: Hlrdle A 1 1 1 Muolu 5 2 2 Nellie 0 3 3 4 Wile Itanee 4 4 f. Chlcorn tllrl 2 6 3 Time: 2:20, 2:1M4, 2:21U. Trnltlmi. 2:30 class, nursu 1200: All Dono 1 1 1 Fannie K 2 3 4 Lady Almoneer 3 2 f I'anorls 4 n : Dickens 0 4 i Time: 2:27'i, 2:25, 2:324. Tho program for this afternoon Is as fol lows: I' ree-for-all pace, purse 3200 Miss KIop Plng. b. m., by Hamiuot; Oeorge XV, r, g., by Juryman i Victor 1,, b. g., by Ulack icior; Templctou, b. in., by Lungltuilu; Itoby, b. s., by C. Caffroy. r ree-for-:lll r)liio mill Irnt mnrnhnra Omaha ltoad CIul Carter MeOregor. s. g iy Jlobert .Mctlregor; Tom I,ee, g. g by .in,,... utiiii uimitnii i.inu Lanaway, u. m., by Callaway; I.ady Hlchards, hi. m., by Altamont; Henry Colby, bl. g., by John A. IKIIIIIIS. FORM FAILS ON FRIDAY Favorite llenteii ullh SlnrllhiK Kro-iitiic- nt the Hun thornr Itncc Truck. CHICAGO, Sept. 2?.-IfAVorltes fared badly at Hawthorne today. In tho third race form players were routed, when long shots ran llrst and second. Compass was made tho favorite. The lllly was heavily played and wus 7 to C at post tltr.o. Cora Goetz wns second choice nt D to 2. j Compass whs iiocKeieti anil wus uuuuio u gei tnroucu. Hllnk came throuuh on the out- sldo Htul won by threo lengths Tola was iv strong favorite In the llrst rare, but was never in it. nine Tim won witnnui trouble. Weather clear and track good. Itesults: First rare, six furlongs: Llttlo Tim. l')2 (Tnllv). 4 to 1. won: lil Orlente. 112 tW. Alexander), 6 to 1. second; Hanswurst, 115 (Diipie), J5 tn I, num. Time: 1:13. rour ties. Hovnl Victor. Azlm. Lord Iloberts. St Hlurr, Lady Fortuno Teller, Krower, Bur nett h waiKaway aiso ran. Second race, six furlumt.t: Dolllo Welt hoff, 102 (Tally). 13 to C, won: I'ope Ia'o, l'B (J. T. Woods), 10 to lt second; La Goleta. S3 (Alexander). 15 to 1, third. Time: 1:13;. Andes, Fausturo, The Lady in Blue, Little I. iiml nnd llnnlnmln also ran. Third race, five furlongs: Blink, ICS (Dupee), 15 to 1, won; The uutcner, iuj (Tally), 20 to 1. second: Cora Goetz, id (Til Iv). 0 to 2. third. Time: l'.oi'i. Sad Sam, If You Dare, Compass, Bob Daro. Peaches, Plrato Queen and Lasanco ulao ' Fourth race, ono mile and a sixteenth: Aloha II, 93 (Buchanan,!, 10 to 1, won; Bill Garrett. 93 (Wllkcrson). 30 to 1. second; Imp. Mint Sauce. 109 (J. Martin), 7 to 5, third. Tlmo; 1:1(5'. Brigade. War, Ktta and Norford nlso ran. Fifth race, ono mile nnd seventy yards: Balrd. !i2 (Flick). ir to 1. won; Vernctta. i (II. Jackson), 15 to 1, second; The Sluggard, 101 (McDnrmott), 3 to 1. third. Time: 1I.V Zaza, Semper Kndem, Mah irajah, Deponan, Plantain, Coravlll II. Chauncey Fisher and Allco B. Chlcopec also ran. Sixth race, ono mllo nnd an olKhth, sell ing: Wulkenshaw. 99 (Buchanan), 6 to 1, won: Koenlg. 102 (Tally), 1 to 1. second; Macy, 107 (Devln). 4 to 1. third. Time: 1:5514. What Next, Prince Blazes, Admetus, Plccola. Croesus, Tcrrcnco and Locust Blossom also ran. I'ut rrlnips In Bookmakers' Iloll. ST. LOUIS. Sept. 23. Form players put a big crimp In the bank rolls of tho book makers nt Klnloch park this afternoon, four favorites and two well-played second choices pasBlng tho Judges In front. A largo crowd was present, notwithstanding tho threatening weather. Just prior to tho third race rain begnn to tall, tho last four events being run in neavy downpours unu on a track deep In mud. All tho races were won by wldo margins, wiin me exception of tho fourth. In this tho crowd was elec- trllieu by a noso unisn between urianuine, the heavily backed favorlto, and Qroy Forse. an outsider, the former getting tho decision amid tho plaudits of tho spec tators. Itesults: First race, selllnc. rnllo and ono-slx- teeuth: Amelia Btratlimore. 101 (Domlnlck), C to 5. won; Sylvian. 91 (May), 4 to 1, sec ond; Hush Fields, 111 (McGlnnis). 6 to 1, third. Time: 1:52. Fiddled III. Miss Lo rettn, Crystalline, Slddubla uuil Cathedral nlso ran. Second rare, selling, six rurlongs: vino Vance. Kill (Holand). 4 to 1. won: Dlnna Fonso, 103 (May), 12 to 1, second; Negli gence. 108 (Coburn), 100 to 1, third. Time: 1:16. Mystery, Hevenuo, Kibe, Maud Wal lace. Iteefer and Alvln W also ran. Third race, selling, seven ruriongs: uur Lady. 100 (Basslnger), 4 to 1. won; llean, 100 (J. Waldg), 8 to 1. second; Qlen Bow, 103 (Boland), 12 to 1, third. Tlmo: 1:32'4'. Dr. Hlrkner, Julotta H, Sethlng, William Hover, .lunnctt. Mnrcv mid Bluer also ran. Fourth race, selling, mllo and ono-nuar- ler: .iriauuini. vi iiiimrui. . 10 1. won: urey I'orge. mi timosj, iu to 1, second; Nan Dorn. 103 iCoburni. 8 to 1. third. Time; 2.1S. Falsehood. Mlcroscone. Plnnr Del lllo uiueiia, liovornnr jioyci, itnmcrio 11 and inueniio niso ran. Fifth race, selling, seven furloncs: in Kollar, Ibti (Domlnlck), 2 to 1, won; Old r ox, !tt (.Mi'lilnil), 1 to 1, second; Tlckful Si, (Coburn). 5 to I. third. Time: 1 ::. Klslo Banies, Colonel Gay, Glnn Lako and Loving Cup also ran. Sixth race. selllnR. six furloncs: Kmnll Jack. W? (Domlnlck), S to 5, won; Curd Oil men. :l (i;ocnrani, e to 1, second; Ned Wlckes. 11R (Knos). 2 to 1, third. Time: 1 .is. Tom Kingsiey nnu Man also ran. l'linr Sport nt (irnvesenil. NEW YORK. Sent. 2S Scratch s nil but ruined tho card at Oravesend todiy nnd tho extra day's racing offired bv th Ilrook vn Joe Kev c lib did not furnish 11 very high quality of sport. Threo fav rlt s wero successiui, 0111 iiiTuoeiu m, who romped homo In the second race, was held at such prohibitive odds that only tho hi speculators protlted, Dolando and Tar'a' worn other wlnnlnir favorite. Henrv won tlio Jockey honors with two wins out o four mounts. Tartar graduated from the maiden class In the fourth rnce. beating the second choice, tho rempiar. a lenrtn. At 11 met-tint: of tho Jockey club today Jockey Mitchell was restored to gooJ standing, ueauits: First race, hurdle handicap, one nnd half miles: Monroo Doctrine, 132 (Barry), 3 to 1. won; Mazo. H'i (Veltch). 6 to 5 and 2 to n, second: inner, n tuwensi, t 10 1, tniru Tlmo: 2:M2-5. Howard Mann, Lost Chord Island Prlnco nnd Brahmin nlso ran, Second race, nbout six furlongs: Kllza' buth M. 121 (Henrv). 1 to 3. won: Scurry. ( (Knight). 3 tn 1 und 1 tn 3, second; The l'uritan, U3 (spencer), 10 1, mira. Time ltlOl.5. Thrpo stnrted. Third rnce, ono mljo nnd seventy yards selling: Dolando, 99 (Turner), even, won Klnir Hnrtev Corn. 114 (O'Connor.). 0 to 5 second; Trlllo, 107 (Henry). C to 1 and 8 to 5, mini, rime: imu. too uauaui uiao ran. Fourth race, about six furlongs: Tartar 109 (Burns) even, won; Templar 109 (O'Con nor). 4 to 1 and 7 to 5. second; Fatalist. T M.lttlatlelil). R to 1. third. Time: 1:12 2-5. Mnnlelmo. Lcnmin Island. Lizzie Tteirant Hop Brook, Monaca Prlnco nnd Pe-fuaua also ran. Vlflb rnee. one mlln and a sixteenth: Fil vonloiiH, 123 (Odom), 7 to 2, won: Motley. 100 (I' ranch), 1 m ; ami 0 to .'. seconu; iniru slve. 126 (Burns), 2 to 1. third. Time: 1:4V l'ntptito ulao run. Sixth race, five furlongs- Snark. 99 (Henry), to 1, won; Billionaire, Itt (O Con tun. 7 t.. 2 and fi to si- nnd Quite HlgM 9S iSlarkl. t. 1. third Time 1 V Ula 1 mill and Sinn hI.. ran. Vo ItneliiH nl Trrri' llniile, Ti:illtH HAt'TH. Ind.. Hetit. rain which (ell last night rendered lh' track too heivy for rarlnn today and to mgni it veriihiiio uowntiour cuufeu trotting ns'oclntloii lo regretfully di" lar. the big meeting off. An e-ITort may be mudr lato tomorrow nftrrnnon to ilnlsli the " -1 trot, In which Annie Burns has two heats and Contralto one. nnd the 2:2S pace, of which only one heat hns been paced, but the outlook Is most unpromising, Ktindny liners lit DrlilliK l'nrk. On account of the unfavorable weather during the forepart of the week races will no nem at. til" umana Driving parK next Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Among the events will be a 2 t0 trot, 2;40 pace nnd a one-half mile running race. MAKING BETTER SCORES Third Day of (ho Iltironl Gun Club .Shoot Is llrst of lilt Meeting;, Tho third !sy of the Dupont Gun club r.lioot. held Friday afternoon at th" gnui cJ or, tho Iowa fide of tho tlver, was n 1 rldedly enjoyable occasion for the pirp" number of I'pcrtsmen who parti 'lpnl ' The rcores made by the revernl shontc s nveraued belter than on the pievlnus da-s. Mr. Bray iigaln carrying nwny tho Illinois with a total of 155 out of 1C0. An event .f considerable Interest was Hie ten live 1 lid handicap, an extra which was added lo the tegular proitram. Today s shooting will b? devoted to th' twenty-llvo live bird handicap, in which th" "ntianco fee, including hints, -UU be M5 Tho moneys will be dlvliled on 'lm bnsl of "ite money for evrry live mlrles. Hn'idl capping will be trnni twetity-slv to th1r' two yards. Tho scores of yesterday's shoi.t follow: Total Av Hrayl 15 15 1 1 15 20 1 1 15 I M I T-155 9 1 IMrnsldo ..13 II 15 1,1 20 14 12 II II 19-14S Miller 14 13 11 li 19 It It 16 1,4 I&-14C Mltclifcll...ll II 15 IS IS 13 13 14 12 U 111 Schroedf r.,14 Ifi 13 15 19 13 15 13 II 1WII Llnderman.15 13 13 II 1 It 13 13 13 19-142 IVfnderferl.i 12 13 II 19 13 13 14 11 17-111 Grant 13 II 13 14 19 12 1.1 15 It 11-1 It Dick K S 11 14 12 ID 13 15 13 IS 1-1?5 Townsenit. 14 15 !l 13 IS 13 S 13 10 19-132 Patch 12 12 11 13 IS II 12 13 12 1I-1H1 2 r, pi 2 bl 2 ill " ' 1 V7 6 7 "i H 3 .2 5 l S si r, Loomls 11 11 II 12 11 12 It 13 13 14-12!" S1 (1 Terry II 14 11 11 ! 13 12 13 7 10-120 7 7 Saunders.. .10 13 14 13 17 - B 27 11 H 13 10 20 10 13 11 .. .. Burke 11 13 11 1.1 11 - Matson 12 15 11 11 16 10 12 12 12 14-125 7S.1 Tamm 12 9 10 14 HI Meeves 13 13 13 12 19 - Nicholson.. 13 12 13 13 15 Slmpklns...11 12 12 11 lrt - Thompson.. 12 N 9 10 17 13 1.1 14 11 ..- Hanks 13 12 12 13 .. 12 13 .. .. Dwoark 12 14 10 13 12 - Parmoleo 11 18 11 13 13 .. .. McDonald 12 10 1 1 It IS Brewer 14 II II 13 20- Ten live bird event: Lewis 22112 22112-10 22l,2 2222 '10 I'armelco B 27 Bray Kimball CI rant Ouy Hurnsldo Townsenit .... Peterson Ilungatc Den Mitchell Miller Slmpklns Matson Mott Schultz McDonnld .... Lltidermnn ... Klmmel .12112 2)2 1 M ..11212 '. !22222 ..11121 ..21121 ..11121 1212' ") 2"222 10 '."2'2"' '0 11211-10 12122-10 11112-10 21HI2 9 .12121 .21112 12111 1H .21112 1121- 9 1121'- 9 22202 .22102 0122' S 22022 120' 2 S ... .211021 11121 S ....202O2 2022'' 7 ,...11'20 02122 S ....21201 00 ' . ....1110) 10000-- I I'pper Iiiiviiiih Are ICnsy. IOWA CITY, Sept. 2S (Special Tele gram.) Tho now foot ball grounds were dedicated today In a rnitno with the I pper Iowa university. Haiti put tho, urldlron In n bad shape. Tho llrst touchdown was made In les than one minute. Score: Iowa. 57: Fpper Iowa, 0. The high score was not due to lowa'H excellence, but to the visitors Inferiority. Open Font llnill Seiinnn. MITCHRLL. 8. D.. Sept. 2S.-(SpccU! Telegram.) The llrst foot ball game of tho season wns played here this ufternoon be tween Yankton and Mitchell High school elevens. Mitchell team won by tho score of 19 to 5. DIpm from Foot llnll Injuries. CHICAGO, Sept. 2S. Lawrence Plerson of the Lake Forest foot ball tenm. who was lnlurvd in u gam" in iaiki .ruioi, m.. Wednesday, died today at tho local hos pital. His homo was at Lexington, 111. StmlPiKs Oreet Fnllirr Ilinvllnic. Yesterday nfternoon at 2 o'clock Hev. Michael P. Dowllng wus tvented to nn en tertainment WHICH tllO HIUIUMIW. Crelghton university had been iircnnrlng to honor tho feast of SI. Mlch-el. the patron of the president. It was the first unpenrnnco this year of tho Mandolin or chestra nnd the first ocaslon on which the students appeared ns speakers. After several papers hnd been read Pro'l dent Dowllng miulo a brief speech. In which he referred to mo nnvnniime uin-ivu mv students for their nil-round Improvement. Ho directed tno iivienuun n mi ;"J llternrv. oratorical nnd musical societies. i wiiiMi ar. rteveloned the accomplish ments which recommend n young man to public notice. Hdltor'a Arrfnl rilBht. F. M. Hieglns, editor Seneca (III.) Nows, was afflicted for years with plies thnt no doctor or remedy hoiped until he tried Bucklen's Arnica Salve, the best in tho world. He writes two boxes wholly cured him. Infallible for plies. Cure guaran teed. Only 25c. sola by minn c uo., druggists. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Governor Poynter Is In tho city, j. W. Plako of Genoa Is at tho Murray. t wilts nnd wlfo of Denver nro in Omaha. Senator Stewart of Novudn Is at tho llor Grand. J T. Melccr of Lincoln in sioppiuu u the Murrny. Mrs. J. F. Wolto or uauaway is u bu'-s nf ihn Merchants, - n Wnh on st or Hastings is u piiii.m rr ilm Her Grand. .indL'o Holcomb of tho state supremo nnnrl Is 111 the I'ltV. j V. Merrltt nnd who or newuiu -,ir.aia if tho Millard. n. W. C. Johnson of Grlswold, la., Is n natron of tho Murray. t n M'niunn nf Nebraska City Is a patron' of tho Millard. I. L. aiaraei anil nrme ci luuimm nm tttnvlnir at tho Millard. William A. HroUnw of Cedar Bluffs Js .iniminir nt tho Merchants C II. l'ursons, nn nrcnueci oi ica iuuibh, u utnnnlnir nt the Her Grand. Mrs. B. 15. Hurst of Creston, In., Is tho of her brother, ur. i''cnscn. W. W. COWU'S nun vnnra naiiiucis m Lincoln aro Btaying at tno wcrcnanis. a II. Wheolock. Internal revenuo In spector, has returned from a trip to tho west. . r-nninin 1?. 11 Jenkins and wlfo of Co. lumbus. Neb., arc In tho city enrouto to Iviilnmazoo. .Mien. Mn r C. Msrvntt and Mrs. E. L. Boltili of Pender and Mrs. A. J. West of Wlsner nro at tno .Miuuru. w it Ttrnmwell. mavor of urieaus. Neb., and a rarty of menus, caueu upon Miivur Aloures it is uioiiuiik. miuu v.iiTiiliKth VunSnnt. clerk In tho oillce of City Attorney Connoli, has ro turned from Idaho Springs, Colo. W. A. GUI, e'erk In tho quartermaster's department of tho Department of Colorado, reiurnun io uenvur .t uu weeks' vacation spent, in umana. Mr .1 l Tnvlor nnd dauehter. Mr.i Wlthrow of Central City, aro visiting dur ing Ak-Bar-Ben week with the family of Sirs. Ivato uuvcr. -ui douiii i uiiij -n nvenuo. Mr nnri Mrs. t. J. Burcess of Super or K. M. Garey and J. E. McCracken of Lin coln, L. C. Krwln of Hastings nnd T. N. Bennett oi hi, I'aui uro biuio puupiu icb latered at the .Murray Mf nml Mrs. 12. 1. Savnco of Sarirent. O A. Abbott. Ir.. nnd Bert Walton of Grand lnliinil. W. I. Snelce of Columbus. Hobert M. I'evton of CrelKhton and W. C. Eddy of Norfolk are stato guests at tho Iter Grand. Nebraska at tho Merchants: Mr. and Mrs. It. L. Nnpper and daughter nnd J. P Gibbons and Misses Gibbons nf Kearney Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Kerr of Craig. II. E. K Mellnr and E. J. Raymond of Wnyno. II Smelser of Ashton. XV. C. Hull of Ord, G m. Kinaei or urniui isiami, v. 11. vorn o Vermilion and E. C. Simmons of Lincoln. It ii 1 1 if ii - ,ot(' mill I'lTNOtinla. F. M. Guult, commercial agent of tho Lehigh & Wabash Desputch, Is In town from Kansas City. It. D Miller, usslstnnt city passenger agent of the Northwestern, Is enjoying a vim irnm nis aimer, .Mrs. u. a. 1 of Des .Moines, C. M. Secgrlst, chief clerk In the general freight department of the Union 1'acltlo, naa neen cauea to uixon, in., by the serl uua uiiicaq vi mo iijuinvi, i m ww it ' r Tin-u k. - si n i p j, n n i tmmi nx South Omaha News . For tho purpose of appointing members f tho board of registration tho city co mi ll met In adjourned session last evening nd named theso registrars: Irst Ward: Flr.u rreelnct James rivitiKa, Floyd T. McKay. T. H. Hatohfr. Setond Precliii't Kay W. Hunt, E. L. Delnt nty. M M.ibcry. Tlitrd I'recinci jnines urniui, iiuriun Hire. Al Ktcnan. Second Ward: h'irst i'recinci enaries jonnsnn. .rtnur Ighe, Peter Young. Seciuul Ptcilnct XV. AV. Hutherfnrd, oseph Mai Ik. J. M. Tobias Third Precinct J. S. Itldgwny, D. Mor- III, Arthur Tttst bird Ward: , First 1'rorlnct Emmett Farmer, John Corcoran, Silas James. Second i'recinci j. i-. uuwu'j, iieuirtu Dunscoinbo, lleorgo Byrne. ourth ward: . It. W. Mulllns, iicnry ueorge, wiiiiam Broderlck. On nccount of the agitation on tho sub ject the council has been careful to select competent men for tho .board this year with view to having the books kept up in llrsl- clnss shape. , lteglstratlon days title year nro on Octo- er 18, October 20 and November 3. Somo llttlo routine bunlncss was trans acted. Tho claim of Pouudmaster Stevens for J27S was allowed and an ordinance for the grading of tho nlloy between Twenty- fifth nnd Twenty-sixth streets and G and H streets wan passed and slgucd by tho mayor ns soon ns tho voto wns announced Petitions for flro hydrants at Thirteenth nnd Missouri nvetiue. Thirteenth and .1 streets slid Thirteenth and I streets were recolvcd and referred. Tho city engineer wns directed to sub mlt estimates ns to the cost of repairing ertaln portlous of tho west end of tho Q treet viaduct. After two or threo minor street repairs had been ordered tho body djourned. v Sclinllr. nnd AVIIoox (io 'iiiiiiiiIkiiIiik. Today John F. Schultz, republican can didnto for stato senator, and II. E. Wilcox, candidate for member of tho lower house, will, in company with Hon. James H. Van Duscn, loavo for Elkhorn and Bennington on n campaigning trip. Messrs. Schultz, an Duson and Wilcox will speak nt lik- horn tonight and on Sunday morning will drlvo to Bennington to attend tho big rally thcro. Mr. Van Duscn proposes to make n number of speeches for tho ticket during thn eamnalcn and ns far as his time will permit will accompany Schultz and Wilcox on tholr electioneering tours. Iti'piililloiiu Clubs Consollilnle. A consolidation of tho Colored Ilopubllcan clubs of tho First htul Third wards is nbout to bo perfected. Tho preliminary arrangements were marto at Evans' hall on Thursday night and at tho mooting to bo held next week it is nxpectod that tho clubs will amalgamato under tho ofllcors elected by the Third Ward club. At Thursday s08 The Boy- You'vo Iicanl of Drox T;. Rhooiiitin, haven't you? Ami you've heard of his boys' Hhocs-nothliiK like them anywhere for tho inoney-?l.fi0-lt Isn't much, hut tho nhoL'8 uro bis values nuido of solid leather uppers und Roo, substantial soles that wear Indelliiltely-brluK tho hoys In before you bo homo und see what wo can do for tliein 11 will mean money saved for you. Drexel Shoe Co., Oaha'a Up-to-dnlo Mho nana. 141U FAUN AM STRUET. A Meal At Balduffs Menus n pood meal-not only a good meal, hut It's coolced to suit your taste nnd It's served to your llklnt'-then tho price is not nny more than you'll pay tho "ordinary restaurant "--hiiiulicdH or peo ple eat dally at llalduff'rt-uot only tholr noonday lunch, ht breakfast and sup per lis well-when one wants fiomothlni; special you'll ahvajs Und It at Ualdufl's this time It's oysters-ami yon can Ret oysters served any way at tlio poptilur place-It's just the place after the con cert. W. S. Balduff. 1520 Fartiam Sr. night's meeting Mayor Kelly was ono of tho speakers and ho assisted materially in bringing nbout tho consolidation. Owing to tho parades lit Omaha tho ntteudnnce was not as largo as expected, bo no business of Importanco was transacted. Next weeks meeting, however, promises to bo n hum mer. I'l'i'slili'iit Til It U ItChlKllft, President Tagg of tho Young Men's Ite publtcan club has called n meeting of tho club for Monday night next nt Mayor Kelly's offlce In tho Masonic block, Twenty fifth nnd N streets. At this meeting tho resignation of President Tagg will bo sub mitted for consideration. Mr. Tagg said Inst evening that &3 his business would call him away from tho city for sovcrnl weeks ho felt that it would bo better to placo Bomcono elso In his position. The election of n president nnd tho formulating of plans for tho campaign will bo the features of Monday night's mectlug. Mnjor ConsliliTS Seller OrilliHiiu'oo, Mayor Kelly has taken tho threo sewer ordinances passed by tho council nt a re cent meeting under advisement. Ho finds that In one or two Instances errors have been tnndo In securing signatures. As soon ns theso discrepancies aro straightened out tho mayor will sign tho ordinances arid they will bo published. Property owners In the districts concerned nro anxious lo havo contracts let before cold weather scti; In and tho city authorities propose to hasten tho matter as much as possible. Proposed fVlrlirntlon (Iter Onsus; Secretary "Watltlns of tho Commercial club said yesterday that at next Friday night's meeting of tho Commercial club tho proposition of having a celebration or somo sort of a Jubilee over tho census returns would como up for consideration. Just now tho plans for this project nro In ombryo, but It Is expected that tho directors will tako hold of the matter du-lng tho week and be in a position to suggest denude plans to tho members at tho coming meet ing. Prominent llolii'iiiliiu Apiiolulril, 1 Yesterday forenoon Major Kelly ap pointed Philip Zallnka to a position on tho police force. Mr. Xallnkn Is ono of tho prominent Bohemians of tho city nnd his appointment to a position of responsibility and trust Is considered n good one. As soon as sworn In by tho mayor Mr. Zallnka roported to Culof Mitchell nnd was assigned to duty. It Is understood that another prominent Bohemian is slated for n placo on tho police forco to tako a position mauo vacant by n resignation. .Mnisli- Clly liosslii. Mrs. II. P. Shumwav of Wakefield is visit ntr Mrs. Fred Bloodhart. C. F. Wright and wlfo havo kohq to Ado', la., to attend tho funeral ot air. Wright's brother. Tho washout on Twenty-second near Q street Ih to be repaired by the street com missioner. Thcro will be no S n. in. service at St aiartln's church on Sunday, but Hev. Irv- mm My, but folks easy time now-d Ing P. Johnson will preach nt 11 o'clock on 'Tho True Idea of Church Membership. The P E. O society will meet with Mrs O. D. Hruttnn. Twcnty-llrst and I streets, Saturday afternoon. Commission. -r Clark Is usliu the crndltvr machine on Twenty-fifth rlieet. north nf i. street, and Is doing good work Mrs. Josenh Dworak. wlfo of Councilman Dworuk, has returned from Atkinson, Neb., where sho spent somo time vlsltlnu frL'iul.i and relatives. PROSPERITY AT WEST POINT Tivriity-SIx of Fr. Him'hkIiik'x I'nrlali- Iiiuitii, All of Tli cm Fiirniei's, Slnkc Trip's lo lluropr. Rev. Father Hucsslng, priest of tho Cath olic parish of West Point, Neb., wns in tho city yesterday on his way to Chicago. Ho was talking nbout tho condition of aflnlrs in his pnrlsh nnd In tho cuirso of conversation remarked: "Tho people In my parish wero never In n more pros perous condition. For four ycar3 there has not been the least causo for com plaint and this year twenty-six of my parishioners took a trip to Europe. Theso Luropean visitors aro nil farmers of Cum ing county, who havo never In all of tholr experience In tho county enjoyed the good times they aro now having." l.nilnrH.l l)rltth AkoiiIi'N. Only a roaring llro enabled J. M. Garrett- son of San Antonio, Tex , to Ho down when attacked by asthma, from which ho suf fered for years. Ho writes his misery was often so great that It sromed ho endured tho agonies of death, but Dr. King's Now Discovery for Consumption wholly curod him. This marvelous medicine Is tho only known euro for asthma as well as consump tion, coughs and colds nnd all throat, chest and lung troubles. Price, 60c and $1.00. Guaranteed. Trial bottles frco at Kuhn & Co., druggists. Fair nml I'oiirsliiu: Mi-cl. CLAY CKNTEH, Kan., Sept. 28,-(SpeclBl Telegram.) This has been the week of tho Clay county fair und coursing meet, but on accouut of tho wot weather there was no horse raolng. Tboro wero thirty eight dogs entered In tho all-age dog stakes and forty-four entered In tho puppy stakes. Tho coursing was postponed yesterday afternoon on accouut ot ths rain. Tho all ago dog stakes was won this forenoon by Red Diamond, owned by Rny Virgin of Utlca, Neb. Tho ruunor-up being Last Chanco, owned by .Myers and Ehrsatn of Enterprise, Kan., nnd Ralph Hoffman's Ho tenso Juno was third. On account of the loss of so many hares, only one round of tho puppy stakes wns run, tho stakes being divided among tlio twenty-two. "Wi-Hleott TeNtlnioiiy Continued. NEW YORK. Sent. 2S.-Robert F. We.i' cott. fnther-ln-lnw to Oberlln M. Carter, continued his testimony beforn (VimmU- sloner Shields todnv in tho hearlnir on .in application for the removal of John F , E. 11. and William T. Gaynnr and Ben jamin D. Gretno to tho jurisdiction of tin Georgia federal courts. In detailing thn history of n numbor or stock transactions In which ho wus un Ak-Sar-Ben Pianos 'o are selllnpr nil our Roods at spe cial fiKiires (luiitiK this week All coun try visitors are welcome to our storo to Investigate our prices nnd examine our stock Come and see what we can do for you. A $.100 piano for $'2.'. A $275 piano for SHOO. A .''."0 piano for $175. 1 A .$'-"-'5 piano for ?Ki0. A ?200 iilano for $U8. with a stool and scarf nml si Kiinniiity for live years-Call and Invest Ipjalo at ouce. A. HOSPE, fclusfo and Art 1613 Oourla., I Dun See One of them balloons come down yes terday and It looked Jlst Ilko my neek all stretched out I Kt my neck lu dU condition rubherln' at do parade Thurs day iiisht but I will set It bnck In Its placo after Sunday but wnt do you euro about my neek It's do price on deso stoves my boss sells wat Interlsts you It's Just $1!.S0 for n Favorite Kane llurner an' dat's do best ono wat's on do market den dere's do Oak Healers wat only cost $1.08 au' do Kaviirlto Steel Hauge wat costs $'-1) rid you h-o my boss Jf youse am going to buy a stove. A. C. Raymer 1514 Far nam St., hwe m tfmrs" paged In 1S91 ami 1S92. Mr Wesloott 'tnld he introduced i apt t i .irter to bis stoi k nroKors. iieiu k i-ma t .nun- time in is-.u. At that time and n IViTi (.nnt.iln Carter held his power ir uiii.iiu. He hii i he nuulii liav. the murium bonds to the irnt i.r $hk,mh in 1.S9.1. when he went In l-'iu . .i.-. tun tho gre'iter part of his propirty Was real estate. Tin; itr.i,r mahmx lNSTIU'MENTS lilai'eil on record Thurs day, September 2ff, UW: iiiirrniii.i iiimmin. ai. L. Richard nnd wife to Frank Tindru ct nl. lot 9. Miilniii'V m add. . iis L. Browne and wife to A. F. Close, lot 1. block 1.1S. Florence 25 John Zeis ii tit I Wife lo George Zeis, will feet nt 3. 1) nek 4S. Va v 1.00 1 Ellruhelh I'lil and husband to XV. P. Harford, lot 111, block 17, llanscoin l'lace 2,;C 1. It. Andrews tn Mary (1. Andrews, lot is. block 2. orchard inn Byron Heed cnnumiiy In W. It. .Mur ium, lot 17. blink ... Drake s mill.. . i.i0 F I. Williams and wife to K. It. Williams, lots 9 nml 10. block 5, Mat thews' subdlv 150 W. 11 Alexander and. wife to C. ('. Kendal', lots 3 ami I, block 2. Ken dall's add 1 11 M. 1K' anil htehnnd to F. M. Scott, wlO feet of rW feet of sublot I in taxiut r5 in pi-15-13 mm J. 11. Dumnnt nnd wife to Omahit Sav ings bank, lots 10 and 11, block i:, llausi'iuii Plan" 3,000 ar.fE. MeAveal to A C. Potter, lot 7. block II. Clifton Hill fA) aiutual Loan und Hullillug 'association to .1. T. llltl'iulat. part lots lu and 11, block 7. Drake's add 9?3 Otto Slemsseii and wlfo to Omshit Havings bank, wli liMj lot 12H. .Mil lard & C.'s add 1,400 (lull 'In I tn Di'imIn. D. W Slot row und wlfo lo A. F. Close, lots I, G ami 7, block IKS. Florence 58 A. It. H. Llndsav nnd li'isbnnd (o F. H. Hi own. s'-.. lot 23. Itu-r Oak 1 lleeiN. E, C. PerkhiH el ul, executors, to II. W. Yntl s. lots I to S and 10, 12 and 19 nnd undlvl4-37 of lots 13 and 14, Hillside Reserve- 10.000 Total amount of transfi is 121,077 oavoi nuaitn co. WATnn-oii,, vn. i. Hard rulibpr, tubo with ono tip, prleo 75o, by mall 10c extra. Wo have a large stock of nil kinds and sizes, tiik Ai.or. ,t pi'.sroi.n co. Daformlty Hra'-r Manufnrturors. 1(01 Farnnm St. Oppos.te Paxton hotel. mm-