Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 29, 1900, Page 12, Image 12

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THE OMATTA DAILY liEE: SA TT'ftDAY", SEL'TmilVirR 20, 1000.
Millinery Tirm of M. Spielberg (t Son Will
Locate in Ouiftha.
Goml- Ximv MakltiK I" tlm V.nX
Will llf Milinn-il lllriMM In 'I'liN
t't I'll in (.'ilium iriini
A wholesale house, the necl of which
Omnha linn full for many yeurH. will be en
Uhlloheil In thiH oily January 1, at v.hl'h
time tho wholesale millinery firm of M
EpleaborK & Son cotnptiny will hugln bun
InesH. Nc'Botliitlotm whlrh huve boon In
progress for umo time looking toward such
an end wero consummated yesterday, when
a contract was signed for tho HnruniiKh
building on Harney street, between Twelfth
and Thirteenth streets, In which the milli
nery house will bf located.
Tho firm of M. SplcsbiTR & Son company
has been In tno wholesale and manufactur
ing millinery business at Koukuk, la., fur
forty yrpra. It Is. and always has been,
upon a solid flnanrlal basis and has ample
capital nt roinmand for tho conduct of r.n
extensive buslntfs in Its Hue. Tho com
pany employs ten traveling men and In the
various departments of its business 10U cm
cloycs will be etiKagCd. Tho Harbaugh
blorU wherein the factory and salesrooms
of the firm will be located, will be amply
capable of accommodating the needs of the
establishment. It will bo rcllttecl and im
proved IhroilKhotit In accordance with the
desires of tho new tenants. Thu moving of
tho Splcsbcrg stock from Keokuk to Omaha
wll begin In December and everything II
be In readiness for tho opening of tho firm
In Its new IochMoii by January 1, 1901. An
extensive order for new goods has Inert
made In the east and shipment will be
made direct to this city.
llrttrr AilvniititKeN Here.
Boveral reasons have prompted the change
In location of this company. At ono time
Keokuk, la., wus of considerable Importnnco
ns a wholesale distributing point, particu
larly In the millinery line. Until rjx-ently
coven large houses of this 'kind were located
there. About ono year ago tho largest of
theso establishments was moved to Kansas
City and the Importance of tho market was
considerably affected thereby. Also, tue
bulk of the business dono by the Splcsherg
company Is In tho territory west of the Mis
Eouri river and Omaha offers better ad
vantages as a distributing point than Its
present location.
Omaha men who are Interested In the on
largcmenl of the commerclnl Intluenco of
this city aro greatly elated over tho sue
cess of their elforts to get a wholesalo mil
Unary house located here. The need of one
lias Ions been apparent and the Increased
Influence tho city will have as a wholesale
renter is easily appreciated. Active mem-
bors of tho Commercial club, whoso efforts
have been largely lustrumotital in securing
this new establishment, feel that with the
beginning of the new year Omaha will be
Btronger as a wholesale maiket than ever
before In the history of the city. Desldes this
millinery cstnbllshineiit two large wholesale
houses, un dealing In dry goods and tho
other In hats and caps, will bo launched
on or before that date. Theso are the
lines, according to Secietnry Utt of the
Commercial club, that have been neoded to
Htrcngthcn the wholesale Importanco of
(noil i'lilnu tn llnvt.
"A wholesale millinery house," say3 Mr
Utt, "will br'n,; more people to Omaha than
any other lino of jobbing trade. Millinery
is a lino which abovo nil others needs the
personal attendance of the purchaser at the
salesrooms of the wholccnle establishment
Most of tho general stores In tho smaller
towns carry a stock of millinery goods and
heretofore because of tho abseuco of such
a house In this city th"y have been at
traded olsowhoro to purchase their mllll
nery supplies mid much business In other
lines has escaped the Omaha Jobbers be
cause of thlb very fact. Tho reputation of
tho M. Splesberg & Son company Is such,
and Its established trade so large, that Its
uuccess from the start Is a foregone con
clusion and Omaha will from the very be
ginning reap untold benefit from the loca
tion of this houso in tho city."
(. A. I.'H K H.MtT IV TOWN.
Orleltintor of the (irciit .Mill l'nrt Sale.
I nt IliiKton Mlurc.
Monday mcrnlng at H o'clock the famous
I.ntkhurt 'mill-end" sale will open at our
store. Mr. Lockhart, with n larger corps
of assistants, also aided by our entire force
of employes, Is very busy opening, arrang
ing and marking this gigantic lot of new
mill end" merchandise that has been
rhlpped here for this sale. Mr, Lockhart
could not come here a great many hundred
miles for a ono day's sale, neither would
ho come to a store llko ours and a city like
Omaha with n few goods no, no. The sale
will continue all next week nnd the quan
tity of goods Is simply Immense.
.V. W. Cor. 16th and Douglas Sts.
Ilcncllt ( iincyrt Ticket.
Ilrllstedt's band will glvo a special ben
cllt concert Monday evening, October 1, nt'!
tno ravuiou. tiio program Is superb a
credit to the band and "a compliment to the
audience. Tickets now on sale nt box office.
General admission 25 cents. Reserved seats,
uO cents.
Did you ever drink Schlltz Culmbacher?
If not, do so next Saturday, September 23.
I.iMTCKt lliilea ot the .Tnaoii
Iowa, Illinois,
Wisconsin, Minnesota,
Northern Mlchtgnn,
Round Trlpl
Minimum Rate, 7.
September 20.
City Offices, 1101140.1 Karnam Street.
Detail from l)cnrtiiirnt of Jtliiiirl
Pick Out llrst Drilled .Men
In .Ml-miirl Mllltln.
Captain Erwln, acting adjutant general of
the Department of tho Missouri, Captain
Jncliscn of Jcffcreon barracks and Lieutenant
Ouigmird of l-'ort Riley have been detailed
by the department to go to St. Louis, where
they will act as Judges of the competitive
drill of tho companies of tho national guard,
which will bo held In that city In connection
with the fall festivities.
Colonel Hathaway has returned from
Louisville, Ky., where ho approved tho pur
chase of eighty-three cavalry horses. This
purchase completes the equipment of tho
Eighth cavalry, which Is stationed ot Korts
Riley nnd Reno.
Never pass us by, whether you want to
buy or not. Hayden Uros., with an ad. on
pago 7.
IlooU Tleliot Holder!
Remember book tickets are not good for
admission to I'avlllon nt Dellstcdt concert
after September 30.
Schlltz Culmbacher beer on draught next
Saturday, September 2!.
Turn to page 7 and read Hayden llros.' ad.
Pure ell Concert.
Ily Ilellstcdt's band next Monday evening
Advance sale of tickets opened nt box nlflre.
Fifteenth nnd Capitol avenue, th:s morn
ing. Oct In early, ns there Is going to be
i tremendous rush for seats at this per
formance. Tho program Itself will eclipse
everything yet heard from this band.
clenrs tho voice and bronchial pass gcs.
It stops tho "hacking," chronic cough as
easily nnd quickly as It docs the more ro
cent onu coughs, colds, bronchitis, wheez
ing of tho breath, "tightness" nb ut th
chest, hoarseness nnd soro throat. All
yield quickly to a few doaes of this rem
edy. Price 2.1c and COc. Samples free.
FOR COLD IN HEAD uso Sherman's
Catarrh Jelly. For Hay Fever, Sherman's
Eucalyptus Catarrh Jelly. When your
HEAD ACHES (from cold) use Sherm. n s
Eucalyptus Catarrh Jelly. When you can
not brcntho through tho noso uso Sher
man's Catarrh Jelly. If you have never
used It call and get froo snmplo. Yru will
know then that It's the best catarrh nnd
cold medicine made. Made and sold by
Sherman & McConnell Drug Co
New Store S. W. Cor. 10th and Dodge.
i&r, Sus A. Benze
Is the gentlemen who made nil those
beautiful Moats In the Thursday tiUht par
ade and deserves the credit for same, they
were nil splendid end no liner display has
ever been seen In this country. We con
gratulate Gus.
i minei s Kidnr-y Cure 7Se
Sclinefir s Cough Syrup 20c
Dr. Karl Kramer's Pennyroyal riUs....$l.U0
Meiinen'H Talcum Powder Mc
n ine of Cardtil 'i'0
Carter's Liver Pills 10
Avers Unlr Vliror "'C
Duffy': Malt Whiskey Me
1 do.. 2-graln Quinine Capsules if
t tloz. 3-i;ralu Quinine Capsules 10c
1 doz. fi.graln Quinine Capsules ljc
S. S. S
Svrup of Figs jj'e
Miles' Nervine c
.Malted Milk 4'je
Pierce's Prescription c
Doan's Pills
I'nele Sam's Tobacco Cure uOc
lleglnnllig Oct. 1st our store will close nt
11 p. m.
Kllli mill Clilonfco.
national covvr.vrio. or inmo-
( II ATM ( 1,1 IIS
At Inillminoollt, Intl., October .i.
Tho Omaha . St. Louis railroad will sell
tickets for this occasion at one faro pltH
2.00 for the round trip. All InformatU u
at city office. Ut,, Farnam street, or write
Hnrry E. Moore., o. P. & T. A., Omaha.
Autograph program ot Ilellstcdt's farewell
concert Monday evening. October 1. Popular
prices, 25 and GO cents.
. . Cor.
Aold this terrible suffering, by having
your teeth attended to now. Our work Is
always of tho best, nnd fully warranted.
Gold Crowns $3.00
Good Teeth, a act $J.OO
Extracting 23c
Taft's Philadelphia Dental Rooms
inn 'iiouuiun st.
A MlMnlotiiiry Mcillcloc,
A medicine that makes your body pure
and clean Inside, and keeps It so. It's ('as
carets Candy Cathartic, cleanser and regu
lator. Druggists. 10c, 23c, 50c.
Ileiielll Concert Tll.rta
Are now on oalo at tho box olflco. This Is
for the special benclR concert to bo given
Monday, October 1. General admission, 2.1
cents. Rescrvod seals, fill cents.
Saturday the Last Day.
Thanks for your patronage. A farewell Bale. All of
THE HOWE slock at ona-half price. Factories which are
here with consignments will be represented by their foremen.
Each shoo must fit perfectly or no sale.
ConsignmentsJohn Foster, Laird, Shobert fc Mitchell,
Jenness Miller, Queen Quality, .Regents, Stacy Adams,
Stetsons, Eaydons. Each and every size and width in
stock. Fifty expert shoo litters in attendance. Seating
room for all.
Open Saturday night 10:30 o'clock.
151 & Douglas Street.
Kvery day Is bargain day nt the big store
of Hayden llros. Read their ad. on pago 7.
( fioott KIsMitc.
Spirit Lake, OkoboJI, Lake Washington,
Waseca, Kaglo Lake, Ulver Falls, Solon
Springs, Rico Lake, Ilnyfleld, Ashland, Gog
ebic. Watersmcot and numerous lakes near
St. Paul and Minneapolis.
They aro all good fishing places and are
quickly and comfortably reached by tha
Northwestern Line.
Cheap rate excursions September 18, 21
and 26. Limit. October 31. 1000. City ticket
office, 1401 and 1103 Farnam street.
Cliriip Unto Kit-timtnit.
See ngont Northwestern lino for cheap
excursion rates to Hot Springs, S. D., dur
ing month of September.
Finest program over rendered nt Bell
tedt's farewell concert Monday evening, Oc
tober 1. Popular prices, i5 and 00 cents.
JVInth Ward HejintillciuiH Attention,
All republicans nro requested to bo
jireacnt Saturday evening. (September 2t), at
tho club rooms, Twenty-eighth and Far
nam streots, to lake action on the- recep
tion of Colonel Roosevelt, nomlnco for vlco
president, to this city.
C. S. HUNTINGTON, President.
Don't forget to drlug Schlltz Culmbacher
next Saturday, September 20.
Uverybody should attend the Ilellstedt
farowell concert Monday evening, October 1
Popular prices, 25 and r0 cents.
Vrn'l.iiti- Sale,
Last chance Saturday Children's chocs,
UOc. Misses shoos, IHc. Ilahy fIioos, 12c.
llrokcn lines ladles' shoes, 4fc. UoyB' shoes,
worth Jl.7fi, salo price, ii0c. Men's 2.d0 and
J3.D0 shoos, S'Sc Saturday, tho last day.
l!il5 Douglas st.
fjltn.lO Iiiillimnpolts mill lletiirii.
Tickets via tho Ilurllngtnn route.
On sale October 1 and for morning train
(7 n. m.) on October 2.
Return' limit, October 6.
Only $10. -10 to Indianapolis and return.
Tickets, 1502 Farnam street.
Hook lloilcr!l
Remember book tickets nro not good for
admission to Pavilion at Ilellstcdt's concert
ufter September 30.
Try Schlltz Culmbacher, sold at nil
Schlltz places Saturday, September SO.
Williams & Smith Co. nnnouuee tho ar
rival of full and winter woolens.
fr 1
Scptcmbir 30, October C. Final return limit, Octo
ber S Th most satisfactory train to St. Louis H
the liurlin-.tou's St. Louis Flyer. It makes fast time,
carries thro' sleeping and chair cars, nnd runs over
n smooth track all the way.
Leave O nahu, 4:53 p. in. Arrive St. Louis 7:10 a m.
ticks: Oltlot,
1502 Farnam St.
Tel. 220.
Burlington Station,
10th and Mason Sts.
Tot. 12B.
Whcro you will finJ all tho most
pi pulur up-to-dum st.vlcs in
FURS, Otter, Astrakhan nnd
Near Seal Jackets and C p.s. A full
lino of SeniN, Storm Collars nnd novel
ties In furs.
OPERA CLOAKS-A fow exclusive
hand( mo opera cloak's.
No disappoliitinc-nt hero. RatNfnc'ion
assured. Ueliublo goods L west price.:.
1510 DdimlasSt
nil 111 Hfen
Half Hrass Red The lower half of this
lied Is finished In any of the new finishes
(enmeo, dead black, moss green, bronze,
fine enamel, etc.) tho top half Is solid
brasshas scroll top no knobs best
casters a regular
$30.00 bed with tho
special lot at
Springs and Mattresses, of any grade, low
est price.
Only a few of "One-Dollar" tf 4 (f
lleds left at .J i . V VJ
Visitors In the city aro Invited to look
through tho store, whethor In senrch of
Furniture or not.
Sikimick Juftnilwis V&
1315-17 Farnam.
Tremendous! Tremendous! Tremendous!
"The OverS sl si d
via the
i:. . n... mb-
In the Year ct
Union Pacific
The Only Direct Route Across the Continent.
jv Vou can leae Omaha on this train aflcr breakfast and reach t.e Pacific l3
Coast as soon as those who start i any other route the day before
One hundred and fifty miles along the Columbia Riter by dayllf lit.
Only Two Nights In Making the Trip
from Omaha to Portland.
City Ticket Office, 1324 Farnam Street.
Telanhnno 310.
Arc the crowds thronRlnn our cloak department, carrying away
the preatest bat gain . In Jackets, suits, skirts, furs nnd waists
that th'e Ulfc Store luis ever had.
For Saturday wo havo preparel thousands of barpalns, tho llko
of which were never before offered by any house In America.
COO suits, In newojt styles, greatest values, on sale at $12.00,
,'-V..OO and $20.00,
'COO ltnlny IDaj, Skirts at $3.75, $ I.0S. $.VJS and $7.50.
COO Ullk Walsis, In colors and black, nt $, $3.98 and $I.P8.
10,000 Collarcttc3 a $1.00 to $u0.00 enrh.
5,000 Jackets, in a.l tho new, desirable styles.
Ono lot of Jackets, made from sanio materials as our famous
$10.00 Jacket last yoar only the newest
Btylcs a regular $10.00 value on sale nt
Thousands of ladles' skirts at less prlccj
than jou can buy tho materials.
( 0
'IT x
After mouths of hard work we have Gathered from the best man-
Y(r ufacti.rers of the country the largest nnd most completo stock of
ehlldrcn's goods of any house In America. Saturday Is the first
i!nv nf Ihn iinrtnliip- nf llila t rnnn.nilmiq Htfmlf nilfl Wft UUarantOO
"V r every mother In Omaha and the surrounding country a saving of
W 25 to 50 per cent on children's garments. Wo make you a stand
"T-ML Inc proposition that If If uny house quotes you u price one
cent less thnu ours you can return It at our oxpenso and gut your
money back.
COO Children's Jnokets, ages 1 to II, ns a starter for $l-2ri
2S.3 Children's Jackets In heavy mixtures, niade up In the very newest fXLO OR
styles; the;, arr worm st.wv-on fine w morrow ni "
Childrrli s Jni'kets. tin- greatest and grandest vnrletv we ever had; ffiSJ ()f)
to 51U.OO on sine ror. eueli .
Specials for Saturday
fiO dozen Uadles' Wrappers, lleece lined, each Vic
J ilozun lV'ieale Wrappers 3'ip
l.adli-s' lin ssiiig K.miues. In blue, plnU, card mil and gray
-made from wool eiderdown C()p
worth $1 for tJ J
I.adl'h IVn ali- I'lidersUlrts, with lloimee and Clr'
ruffle, worth "$1.00. fur
1 table I.udli-s' Italny-day Skirts, with several ffifJ "7
rows nl Htitdilni;. at 4"J''-'
Exquisite Millinery
A splendid showing "f all the newi-st creations from
foreign nnd eastern fashion ctntt'tn Hunilreds of cop
l.'. ot Patt. rn H.its on si cclal wale Snturdny. You are
ii i'j to find a liernm'.m; Inn tn nurKnat xarl'ty. A swi'i;
Mm' of all tin- new sh.i;es and materials In Fall style
Hats at a big saving in prhe.
tliev uro worm J J nU
EH Saturday's Big
SalC Pae 7.
The Climax of the Greatest Week of
Bargain-Giving in Omaha's History
Unapproachable valuei In guaianteed Clothing of tho best fabrics,
tho best styles and the best makes. l'KltPKCT KIT OL'AHANTICRO.
No storo In America can give you such good values or All your cloth
ing wauts so satisfactorily as THIS 11IO STOUK. Competent Bales
men to show you all the dllferent styles, fabries and patterns until
you find Just what you want. You will find tho prices from 25 to 40
per cent lower than tho30 of nny other house.
A largo lino of reliable, well made, neat and service
able Suits and Overcoats, on special sale at
Men's All-Wool Melton Suits, haudfomely made up In tho new styles,
rtroiifily lined and stnyed. silk sowed throughout,
worth $12. CO, on special salo at
Two iilg special purchases of Men's Kino Worsted Suits, and KerBcy,
Heaver and Covert Overcoats, that are rcgulnr values, will go on salo at
Men's extra lino Vicuna Worsteds nnd Kancy Tweed
Suits, worth $10..10: very stylish and dressy, perfect
lilting nnd shape-holding
on salo at
Men'n extra lino Vicuna Overcoats, In M ffe()Q
r. tihndcs, Bcnulno 1S values, on sale at. R J
Asl: to bco those.
For tho most stylish and particular dressers wo
have splendid values In Suits and invrcoats nt $12.50,
$15.00 and $18.00, thnt nro oiiunj to tho bent merchant
tailored garments in every way. They are perfectly
tailored and finished ; tho linings and trimmings aro
tho best. Other stores would offer them na leaders
nt $25.00 to $M.e0. Como In and examnlne thum.
Wo havo double-breamed Vosteo nnd Sailor Suits nt Stc,
$1.75, $2.50 and up to $5.rn, that cannot bo duplicated for less
than twlco our prices. All sizes, ft am 3 to 16.
Campaign Hats for men on salo at
Roys' Campaign Caps at
OT.r. rt"
...10c and 25. -vrS "tVi-
225 Men's Stylish Hats In Kcdorns, Colonels nnd Hall- r Zn I I
road shades; regular $1.25 Hats, on salo at -4 kJ'j ,
All tho latest Oolf shapos, regular $2 00 and j OS? Vv-'
$2.25 Hats, on salo nt flwt
2S0 Men's Stiff Hats, "im felt body. In ttie Knox aim otner lean
lng shapes, sold elsewhere nt $1.75 to $2. mi.
on sale here at
Clothing for
en & Women
Ifyou compare our offers with the goods
and prices of other firms yon will more fully
underst niul .why The Nebraska is always
busy on Satu rda
Siits, Cloaks
Etc.. Etc.
$11.75 f o r Stylish Tailor
Made Suits mado of lino all
wool Venetian, jacket double
breasted, tight lilting eton style,
1 skirt with now inverted plait
for less than $1S
our price
$19.75 for Handsome Tailor
Made Suit of broadcloth, Ve
netians, coverts, and lino all wool cheviots, in the
new eton, blouse, ily front and double breasted tight
fitting style, perfect in lit and work- Tjj jf fJ
manship sold elsewhere for $25, ,rco JL.JL O
$4.90 for New Stylish Jackets mado of all wool
kersey, in black, blue, tan and castor, strapped seams,
lined with a good satin Homain, a sty 1- A ff
ish and pretty jacket, our price only r. J?j
$16.75 for Stylish London Box Coots half
tight fitting back, mado of fine imported kersey,
stitched collar and lapel, in black,
tan and castor our price
$4.90 for New Golf Capes made of plaid back
golfing fabric, new colors and patterns, high collar,
fancy hood, trimmed with bands of A
kersey our price S3 JrJ
$4.90 for New Walking Skirts made of meltons,
coverts and heavy plaid back golfing materials, lin-
ished with rows of stitching, properly A (
finished, and with the correct hanor. T-'e
1 miwflmi'rawn w,' ,v
Irv the Fur Dept.
Only good reliable furs sold at The Nebraska
Ladies' Fur Scarfs--ft 1.75 to $25.00
Ladies' Fur Collarettes -$2.!)l) to $45.00
Ladies' Fur Mull's $ 1.25 to $10.00
Ladies' .Fur Capos: $14.75 1o $45.00
bailies' Fur .Jiu-kets !? 10.75 tt $55.00
Every garment guaranteed to lie ns represented.
O'cocts, Suits Hats
Hefore the cold conies during the linlf-loued weath
er you'll appreciate our oll'ering in men's winter
The time has long passed in which we are obliged to
argue lor the superior style of our clothing so we yive
you a few prices to guide you as to how much, or which
priced suit you many select.
$4.25 fei' men's all wool cassimere suits.
$5.00 fer men's black cheviot, suits.
$6.50 for men's gray cassimere suits.
$7.00 for men's oxford gray suits.
$7.50 for men's all wool plaid suits.
$7.75 !fS.50, ).(),, 10.00, and up.
Vou can't no wrong in your choosing, if you choose
here. Any mistake you might make in your selection
will be gladly red Hied.
Men's Pall 0'coats .... $ 1.50 Men's Tall 0'coats .... $8.00
Men's Pall 0'coats .... $5.00 Men's Pall 0'coats .... $8.50
Men's Fall 0'coats .... $6.00 . Men's Pall 0'coats .... $9.00
Men's fiekls
It's a wonderful hat
store this ono of ours
it's one of the bus
iest spots in the
1 inn cn
Every man who buys a hat at this store is ahead a
hat because the hat, that we sell for 1.50 and call it
our "Nebraska Special" is as good as any .?.'U)0 hat sold
in town.
We've other hats at $2.00. .?2.50 and .$.'U)0, and to
pay more than !?:U)0 for a hat is foolish. All the latest
blocks are here. Miller's. Knox, Stetson, Dunlap,
Christie, Vouinan, etc. We've gottd Derby Hats for
1.00, in black or brow n.
.(fy-" Al.l. .Srr.'ailt Jjfcut-rKljioa Alm.
-JI or, si'i).wi'. 'c cuw'l tr uihr
i . VI wmk 'l IniiiMTrtionj. rhru nuUMu
Ci.y or icuiia, unu ' 1 i''i (or nudr. Ijui;
Atfi nati or plau-i. l'muni Jrinmt7.nnii
o.BiEwiininlltK mi.rormnt j.leBi-ctnCbltE
trnllothoiail lnlt iiihju Imnili! lUeoiiuini,
riirou WKlBOpoilrer.llnuunintwitn.if
fi t iiruro tn cl( v-a or riluud U.. rooner. I'rln i
En. , I." iMWHnkf. ir lx lrljirf ,ltull tt.
hoftn McrdM of rnc. I trcuin. ilre. i
for rale in "'innna. Not), ny Jh l'omyth,
02 N 6th K'llm A Co.. 15th fli.ll UoukI.
hi a In CuhvII IilulTii by .1 (.'. uaiuvon.
I Ml fti.l ui m urn till. aa. wild
r lll x-nd un till. Iilch
BtmAe, high arm. SO. rear
vu.r.ul.rrf (4iwlntf VI a uh I n n
liJfr.lKlit, I ii i ulilf t
n.lloii If y .1, fli.d It plTlMllr k.t.
tirarloir.M.ilLlh. Iillitliri4t...
I.m. .!. ..lit i,r,..r. .1 (IU.IMI
u $10 m. nt iii. friii. I 6it nr
a M.rlll.r p..lillff.trrltf, $IID
til l rrsifhi i turpta. Il.
irf . I...I.I tad If la a.v .111 r.tiira
i-aaf. 1'iimB, complete with quittar, airtwdrlftra, bob
ncilli.. cauirr, olUan nna lintiiiction hooV n.aii
i " t lullil i,nk f.clraorr. itrnu hvatl rahlnal, llaa DTrrjr
iproi.niia. F.ali.t runnlnit, b,l w.rtlua ..vrluc
Hrlilar cT.r nir, rr.l. Hllltr HOtlikliri I. fllltiTilv .Tall
kllUIHK. VTrll. f.r I... H.wl.if S.rhl.. I UI.... i4dm,
il l !..
llu 1.
ailif, rtr. At trnv
liUlu. nr h i nil'
Vice lioult ail
chilly full oven
iiigtt lircml CoukIis
"hihI bad onn too.
Atitl-lUwt U the
Don't miss reading the ad. on pago 7 It's
vice, etc, of Dr. I). J. Kay, harutec. N- V. turt cure
All drugglitt.
Hayden llros.'