Tin-) OMAHA. DAILV HKK: SATl'HDAV, SI-JPTKMnrn 2, 1000. 1 1 FECIAL NOTICES Advertisement) for these eolnmti rtlll !ip taken until in m. for the rtrnliiK edition nnd until HUO .p. m. fur niwrnlntc nnil Sundny edition, llntPn, 1 J-Ue n Mord flrat lnprlln. le n word thereafter. .Nollilns; tnUrn fnr lei Hit, n Sfie for the first inser tlnn, These ndTertlseiuents mill lip run poiiaecull vclr. Advertisers, by reuuestmic tl nmii- nercd clirpL, can linvp" snureri ad dressed to n numbered iPttpr In cure of 1 he Ilee. Anmrri an addressed vrlll Iip delivered on presentation of the cherk only. SITI TIO. WAXTEI). AN eastern tear her deslrfs n position a Kovenies.i to small children, or ns cm 1. anion to 1111 fid- rly liuly. Address X iO, litf. A-M4S5 4 WIDOW of I" would like ptsltlon a Iiou kt' lMT. Adriri !" X 35, !$. A 121 A A l.ADV, well educator!, good reader and with a fair knowledge of mule. would like imrltli n ,is ciniianl"ii to Invalid or ei'icriy p'rsoii; references. Address X 3, Her. A MI37 w FIRST-CLASS broad nnd nuke baker; good references from la? t place. Address L01 k Box 41, Lyons, Neb. A-MI32J0 WAXTKII-MAI.K HELP. WANTKD. wo have, steady work Tor a few good hustler of good habits nnd appear ance. C. F. Adam. Co, 19Ji Howard St. II STO BAHIIKU trade taught thoroughly In short tlmo: cntnlogu nnd particular free. Address Western Barbers' Institute, Omaha, Neb. It- S71 WANTKD. laborer. teamMci, rock rnon ntul surface nipn, Net). V.'-o. nnd Iowa; fro fure; highest wages; lilt dallv. Western It. II. Labor Agency, 310 S. Uth H-S77 AN 1NTKLLIOKNT young man to take tv shorthand scholarship In bent school and pay lor It when course In completed nnd position secured. Address L 26, ltee. 11 s:.i WNTKD. A manual tralntnz hoarding school near Denver, where only the mm of the pour are educated, wkmIh th',r oughlv educated men, g ch wotkers tfor superintendents, engineers, fruit grower and general farm work) to give, wlthoir filary, u year of service Hoard n'd room furnlnhed. Itnlph Field. prcl ! it.. Denver, loio. J 1 .mum w COOK, nt once, for day n stnunint. Ad dress I'. K. Miller. JlcCook. Neb 11- M :k WANTKD. chicken plekrr, expet Itrced". f"r m-.iiii pn-nins;; mui lie mini 01 -'- ' j habits, ltlchanl Webber, Sluux Cltv. la, 11-332 30 WANTKD, net to Icirn br4rber trade; on'y 8 wcpkh ii-nuireu: two year time kbvpi; we furnlKh eotistant practice by fre tliketx xent to eh.irltiible loKtltutl n'; tliN opportunity euntiot be had In ymU'er iowmh; tor huh rennoii we iiirnisn tran portatlon to our chIIcro nt Phle.tKO, St l.oul or Mlnneapoll1". where we have ex pert lmtrueilntis. lecture and dlpb'tnt and Rimrantee position when pompetetit: our KradtintCH In ttond d tnjml on aecmint of our thorout?h trilnlt'i; Knr pirtK-ulH-a nnd catalogue nddic-i Muter Harher Co' Ipkh rejire ntatlve. 1flM I'arnnm --t., Omaha. "Cuutlon:" Our nirwi Iiim cniiHed other!" to adopt our n.mie. I'o m.t confuse the orlB'oal Moler Hv-ir ni with vhopit, onllliii; themxelvri eollene". I1-MM1 WANTKD. roclotered ti!inrmaclt ; refer cnceH rwiulred; nlrile. Addrean I 13. Ilee. 11-MV1 V0 COATMAKIJIl wanted at once; steady work Buarrtntcfil. G. Abrohatin'on. II 1 drofip. Neb. Il-.M(O) 30 WANTKD. 10 brldjte enrpnterM, 2.r.i; 10 pile driver men. Ji.ot; liddyvtllo. la : , months' Job; free fare; labmvrtt for cltv, oil-winters' work, J1.T3. Swrniy'n i:mp!oy. tnent AKCiicy 3"J S. 12th it trniihi ll-MUM n. WANTKD. a Rood onnvusfer or snllcltnr. Apply ISiH) NHt.. Srt. Omaha. Il-MIIJ ?J TKA.MS to haul coal, ltlqtdfo' at yard!', 13tU and Webber. C. 11. ilitVcliH R: Ci . 11-122 2 WANTKD, nlllce,boy. National lauk. T. Kountze. First II 419 28' WANTKD. a few llrst-class sollcltorfl on a strictly tip-to-dnte prop iltlun: exclusl territory im.l other Induce tiiei'la to mn iicctistomed to lrom ?7r to ,tir weeklv; apptlmtliins wanted from eapnble imrtle only. Address the W. II Clrare t'o.. Kit trcige bldg.. Denver, Colo. I! -M43I 1 Tltl'STWOItTHY man to travel and estab lish agents in Nebraska; fso ni uithlv and expenses, besides commlisloii ; permnnent. John Cross, 3C0 Deurborn, Chle.igo. I1-.MI2J 30 WANTKD. innn, uprlijht charne'er. to manage, buslncs of old establl Iio.l Iiousp; salarv li t per week nnd expenses pay able o.nh week direct from headminrters; expense mtiuev iiilviinced: position per manent: reforence. Standard 11 num. 3 1 Caxton bhlj;.. Clllcugo. 111. H-MI27 3i WANTKD. tlrst-clnss co.ichmin; well rcc oinmemlcd. J. M. Metculf, 121" mil. I1-MI40 3O TINNKH wnnVed; on" that has some knowledge of plumbing preferred. Wil liam I'ltrktntiun, Madison, Neb. I1-MII130 WANTKD. Al salesman to cell Slmpbx time recorders on commission, exclusively or as n kUIc line. In Fulled States, New Kngland ece)ited; state territory wanted and give refi rencea and experience. Klin, Simplex Tlmo llecurdcr Co.. tlardner, Mass. U-M4I3 2D WANTKD. men to learn barbr's trnlo nt American Uarbers' College. Oni.ha; powl lions guaranteed; catalosuo free, 15-MII4 2) WATKII-FKM I.I2 IIKI.I'. AN 1NTKLLIOKNT lady to take n short hand scholarship In bet school and pay for it when courso Is completed und posi tion Bccured. Address L 2T, Hce. C S7S WANTKD. 200 girls. 1521 Dodgo. Tel. S76. (J girls wanted. Canadlnn ofllce, 1522 Dougjaa i 01 1 ' V-ntrr ,.lrl f.it r-aonrit hnnantvnrlf SI per week; only neat an I compotcnt cltl need npplj . IS20 Davenport. C-Dui WANTKD. u manual training boardlus Hehool near Denver, where on v the soin of tho poor nro educated, wants thor oughly educated women, good workers (for teachers, stenographers and general housework), lo gl-e without ualary. a vear or service, nnarii ami room rur iilshed. Ilalph Field, provident, Denver. U1HL for general housework; must bo good cook; wages i weeit tor competent girl Call nt onco 2ii20 Kmmett. C M'JiKJ WANTKD Girt for housework; four in family; no small cniiuren; wngeit to com- Beieni party 10 i per ween. airs. 11 1. Neely. 4S71 Humllton St. C-313 wXnTF.D. girl for general housework small family. 2130 Kinney. C-M3' 29- GOOD hecond girl. Mrs. E. A. Cudahy 37th and Dowry uvc C 37C 30 GIIIL for housework. 135 N. 32d nve, O-sJl '.-J LADY TO TAKK CIIAKOK OF CLOAK ALTKIIATION HOOM; HOOD SALAItY; HTKADY POSITION. NKHItASKA CLOTHING CO. C-M3W 29 WANTKD. good girl for general house work. 3 111 family, waged $1.00. 2tlo I'op pteton Ave. C-102 WANTKD, a cook. 3S20 Farnam. C-401-M KOIl HUS r hojsi:j. HOUSKS and llatH. Ulngwalt. Barker btk u i FOIt ItKNT, strlatly modern tint in Da--Idgn bullillng. opnoslty city hall. JOHN W. flOUniNS. 1WS FARNAM ST. D 6U3 ALWAYS moving II, H. goods, rianos Olllce. 1511H Farnam St. Tel. 1B59 or - 11 PKK HBNItY 1). I'AYNK, 001 N. Y. LIFK. u is J'lVK utifurulfclifd rooms, all modern. 2711 N. '.Id 'St. , u M1U IF you wnnt your housns woll rented place them witn lienawn ,v wo. i 73 JIOI SKS, etc. F. D. Wcad, 1524 Douglas. D-S73 rim hijt hoi'si:. Hii' sKS for rent In all twirl of the city. Hrctinan-I.ove Co., JSO 80. lS;h St. D-W 6-ROOM flat, city water, 2710 Burdctte. Hut'SKS, tore. Uemln, I'axton block. D-SSO ' 'HAS. II. WILLIAMSON, 1203 Farnam. D-.M671 roil ItKNT. house of S rooms; city water and good barn. 4112 N. Sd ft. D-M3S0 ! FOIt ItKNT, house 8 rooms, H. W. cor. Park ave. and Leavenworth. Modern ex cept furnace. Key at cottage In rear. D-105 10 H ItKNT, October 1. to ?mall family, n iloslrab! ceven-room cotlaRe, 22d and Citllfornln strtet; water In kitchen; 122 per month. Inquire at i"7 '.. K'th street. U-M2U3 TWO 6-room modem houses, new, 26th nnd Hamilton. V. V. Wcad, ICth und Dniinlaj. D-Mll COAI Ilest cookine, Sl.sfi. delivered: notit Inc better. Harmon & W'ecth Co. Tel. MS. D-&S7-0-1D KOrt ItKNT. n cozy S-room modern cot taKQ. lnqulro 2162 St. Mary's. D-M7D3 0-rtOOM modern house and barn, 2211 Howard. J. II. I'arrotte, Douglas Itlock. D-.M102 5-ltOOM furnished house, all modern. Christie Iirott., 2120 N. St. D-310 FOR ItKNT. stable on 20th street between l.eactiwi)ith and St. Mary's live; three stallM. Apidy II. M. Kogors, SJI N. Y. Life I1UU. D-M356 U I.LL furnished or partly furnished 10 room. modern house, with cood barn; choice n li;liborhood. In west Farnam dis trict; will n nt for winter or longer to amall family; rent, tflj to J73. Addresi X 35. Ilee. D-M3W 30 WANTKD, house 5 to 7 room: permanent. AddrcHH at once, J. S. Merrill, lb-r Orand hotel I) Mll.t I'OIt It KM-Ft It.MXIIKI) IttKMlM. TIIItKK roms. hoiisekeplneg; 1112 S. 11th. K-ri LAHOK front room, modern, with or with out oonru. w jiurney. u ivi n- Fl 'ltNISI I KD room. prlvate"familr 812 S 22d street. K-M302 NVf'ULY furnihed,-all mmlini room, for rent, with or without board. 212 Hxr-i st. K-Mr NKWI.Y furnished rooms, steam heat, new Imlldlnff. 1511 Dodge, tint A. K MI3'1 ' KINK suite furnished rooms for housekceii. ItiK to rent at Oit S. 3ftli st V mod -rn C K. Youiikh. K-M43S 1 roll ItKNT. furnlhoil or unfurnished rooms ana board ir desired, lb" H utn K-Mna f rtiiviMiKi) uncus ami ikiaud. aLKNCAI!lN,trnnslents.Jl.:5day. lCXi l.'gH. 1' 5Ja GOOD board, private futnlly. f.00 So 2Sth iivenuo. F M53 I'TOIMA. 1721 Davenport St. F-OO TI1K Merrl.im, sood summer resort. 23th St Dodge. F-Sl FOIt ItKNT To two persons, large fnnt room, with small alcove, rum sneu or tin furnished, with board; private family. 1.") ?. Sin. 1 an-. .J- KLICrj ANT room, with board, 1W3 Carllol avenue. !" M323 ' l'Olt ItU.N I-l M l ItMSIIIU) ttOO.MS. 2 LVs'FI'rtNI.SHKD rooms; no hoasekeep. Iptr. ln7 rant ave u tl.' INK suite of rooniF. modern; hnusekeep. In?. f.H. Cenrcla eve. (.1 315 S' FOIt KK.Vr STOHliS AM? (JFFICKS. FOIt ItKNT. -tore In flrt-clavs location: rent reasonable. Apply It. U. relets t Co.. ground floor, lteo bldg. I 2iR .tiiuvrs AVA.VrUD. ItKLIAIILi: ngents In every Nebrnskn town to tell the tjest combination life nnd nccldent policy ever Idsued: easy to sell double the ordinary amount of business: liberal contracts to good men. Address Guardian Life Co., Denver, Colo. J-M7.-.5 29 WANTKD. good agent In every town nnd community 10 sen tne nesi vapor Gasoline Lamps; most selentllle Lamp made; two years 011 the market; abso lutely guaranteed ror one ear. Ilest In candescent Light Co., 31S S. 13th St. Omaha. Neb. .1 M132 Oct.21 AGKNTS on salary or commission; th greatest agents sener t ver produced every user of pen and Ink buys It .0 sight; 2oo to &) per cent prollUone agent' sales amounted to JtSo in six days; an other s.,2 in iwo limns. .Monroe sitg. c 1 X in, La Crosse. WW. .1 M I'll .".' 'QUTItAIT ngents overywhere quit "crav 011s;" try washable oaamclnes; no glas don't rub; cheap. Fumlly I'nrtrnlt Co. Chicago. J Mi;t3 2. AO 13 NTS wanted; "Galveston: The 11 rrn-s or 11 HtrlcKen City, by .Miirat llalstcid fullv illustrated: fasten selling b.iok ever published; only si.mi; best terms Kunran teid- outtlt free; be ipilck. J. S. lester ,)t t o., t niengo. 111. j ai4.s si' wwTiin to iip.vr, 10-ItOOM boupe, vicinity llnnscom l'nrk or west rarnnm: win pay to JW; ,m swer ut once. X 22, Bee. IC 371 2S WANTKD. two unfurnished rooms with board, close in. by man nnd wife; give terms or no niicnuou paiu. Address x 2S, Hoe. K Rfifl-2S' WANTKD, to rent store room nbout 23xS5 in live town 01 u"u or over; win lease lor term of years If party will build. Address x ..1. nee. k mvh m sToitAtii: PACIFIC Storage nnd Warehouse Co.. ni 914 Jones, general storao ana forwarding, k -S3: Om. Vnn Stor. Co.. 1511V4 Farn. Tcls. lMD-fffl, UK w.wrnn to huy. or. L-I.iilu r t linocnlintl rrnnila lintkla aln In largo und small riuantitl'es. CMVagJ f urniture wo., awiu jjuusu. lei. iiji. N-S9I WILL purchase n limited number of umana navings onnK accuunis. urennnn Lovo Co., sw ho. urn. n s 5 2DIIAND bicycles. Omaha Blcycio Co. 4 OiT A FIItST-Cl.ABS fire nnd burglar proof safe, about n.vw pounus. wun time loclt. Address T. G. L'ndcrhlll Co , Collbran Colo. .N-.M2S3 29 OLD stamp collections bought. 21fi N. liiih N-9S-0-19 WANTKD To buy, nt good price, some Omaha Savings Bank accounts. Address X is. nee. .-n .ni FOR SAI.I-Fl If MTl'lli:. Foil SALK Furnlt.ire In most desirable four-room flat in umana. 1 an 111 p ai 1 1612 Chicago St.. Clowry Block. O 223 30 Fl'ItNlTL'HK. 1123 No 2Qth St O-394.30- Foit h i.i;-itoHsi;s, vkhiclks, irrc, NEW nnd 2d II. vehicles nt marked down prices. Harry Frost, 11m & L,eavenwortn, FOB SALK. new bmrirlo bodies with gear tng for snle at Jl.W each. A. II Aiplrn, 913 Douglas. r Jll uct, 7 FOIt SALK. n horse nnd tuggy. cheap, quire at 2152 St. Mary's nve. 1' Mi I'oit h.u.i: Miscni.LAxr.orsi. 1IAHD nnd soft foundation piling: hog teuccs nnu criouing. vn uougias. y sm Cl'TTKKS of drug prices. Sherman & Me Council Drug Co., Cor. 16th nnd Dodge, B. HASH, Florist. 1S1J Vinton St. Tel. Plants, cut flowers, bonuats. ball, rent deuce, wedding and grace decorations, Orders by mall or exprusso promptly tlllvd t von st.v. him i:u immii. Kofi SAI,K, flvo Iewellyn doe pop. n"W reauy to ureiiK; minjeci to rett.mratton. price, Jio. Address W. 8. Kfeltne, two miles cast of city, Council Uluttn. w ,101,1 2D1IAND safe cheap. Uerlght, 1116 Fartmm. AFESi buy, sell, ex'ge. Schwartz, 114 S. 13 2DHAND wheels, IS to JIO; new wheels J13. uinaiiii iticycio v.o., loin v nicuao sis. M ANSON bicycles, 2S. Omaha Uicyclo Co. M, & W. tires, J2.75. Omaha Bicycle Co. SECOND-HAND CallgrHph (new) for sjle. wan m omce cicrn uistrict court. Q StO FOll SALE, corncobs. Monroe & Co.. Sll a. mn si. q mum FINK horse nnd rubber-tired bucey. ery cheap. II. IZ. Fredrlckson, 1422 Dodeo St. . U-4JI OS SKCONDHAND bicycles from tlf up. iHU, JUIC -v., UUI. iUlll twin UUIIIt'. Q-M724 OB SALK. payable after received, threo months' trial free; JU.23 for n high grade. 5-drawer. drop head cnblnet seMng tna chlne; $11.90 for a regular $10.00 blevclc; J9S.50 for n $300.00 piano; $29.75 for n $75.(0 parlor orgnn; $13.50 for n fi-plece over stuffed velour $10.00 parlor suite. All new high grade standard goods. For full par ticulars state articles interested In nnd wc will mall you n special catalogue. Sears, Roebuck & Co., Chicago. Q.-M85S OlS NKED Money. $15 will buy fine Chlckcr- ing upngui. Address, u S, jiee. Q-267-O-l TIIItKK fresh cows. 4315 Krsklnc st. N Q-M."Jil 20 FINK Stelnwny ninno for sale cheno: nartv u-uviiiB cny. .1111rcs8 v is, umaiia Itee. Q-2A7 Ol HARD COAL stoves for sale. Call 9 to 12 morning. 1111 S. 30th Ave. Q-396-31 OR SALK. new lumber wagon, cost $i2, for $15. Charles Weber, lut.3 It. 11 ave . Albright blacksmith shop Q-M4I3 0 MISCKI.L ixi:ot;s. NOTICE, country dealers. 2dhand furniture nnu stoves nt lowest prices, tarioad lots or less, (.niengo j- urnituro co., 1103-10 Dodge it rJ7 CI.AIIlVOYAVrs. MM K. GYLMKR. OMAHA'S FAVORITE PALMIST. LOCA'l'KD ISO.-, DODGE- South side P O. nont ran to see tins wonderful woman, she rends life by the onlv correct meth od now extant. Her advice Is Imuluu blc and her predictions nro Invariably uccurntc. S 3IS 2. MRS. FR1TC, clairvoyant, S19 North lfith. KI.ECTItlC TUIJATSIK.NT. i:LITK parlors. C15 S. 16th, second floor. i 010 Oo MMK. LICK, magnetic treatment. 507 S. istn, room 2. r M2S3 29 MMK. AMES. p;i3 Howaid. room 1. 2,1 iV or; .line iug.ir. assisiiini. 1 U3 I EltMIAAI.S. LADIES' hair shampcocd, dn seed, 33c. Hair toilet gooas. rooniun, uib l aruutn. I CI 2-'3 u :os MONHEIT, Chiropodist. ISIS ram. Tel. 23.-J, HOFF'S Express & Messenger Co. Tel. 1717. U "17 DR. ROY, chiropodist; corns removed, 25c and upward, lloom 12, Frenzer block. U-U13 VIAVI, woman's way to health. 3IC Bee b'dg U 918 TI.'RKISII baths, massngo tmlhs, electric baths, for l.ullcs only; sKllled wnmon massage operators; tlnet equipped bitrs m 1110 city, iteiirirom ii.tui ijonipniiy, Rooms 210 to 220. Bee Bldg. U-910 Rt'PTl'RK cured; no knife, no pain, no danger: semi lor circulars i-;mp'r. itup turo Cure, Mi N. Y. Life bldg.. Omaha. U-914 PRIVATK hospital for Indies before & dur ing confinement; names auuiuia. um if, U-911, PLEATING nnd pleated skirts of nil kinds, ai. uoiumnn Ac uo.. aw uougias piock. I '915 PLEATING, buttons lo order: nlnkl wnuo you wait, umana l'lenting en, u-i Douglas L'-9rJ PRIVATK homo before nnd durini: collt,.n', meni oauics adopted. .Mrs. uurget, --j LADIES' jackets nnd tailor made suns nl- . . I . . 1 I ....... 1 1 r ... ... n.,- - kiVU, i;,.'UIIVIl, I t' I Itl 1 1 Vll .tl. I'UKCI, UIM o. II U-31I-0-4 LAI'KTITK French ovnl photos 50c per iiozen during ocpicniDer omy. i-rncior, uio s. iiitn. 1. ,m;i uei. i nr rr - ....... r , 1 j uui ui ui 1 iiuv iui m:ui phl-iiu. for upiir'M ntiil ,nttn rnttna rf fill ,ln!3erln- tlonj; furs repaired and altered. Aula- l . . . . . 1 , r .. pa . . , . uauii. ouii u., uvj ivai uatt, iiik. U M337 03 LADIES will recelvo first-class enre before and during conllncmcut; lady phvs'el in, SIS JMl St. L'-Hj U.l' E. L LOVEJOY. IIS N. 15th St.. for n GOOD bicycle, ror n good newlng machine, for anything for bicycle or sowing machines see mm. u iw ui WANTED, 50 second-hand Indies' bicycles. xveurasna uycio Co., cor. l&th and Harney i;-M17l 29 FREK' We are clvlne nwav nbeolutclv ireo a lew iioigian narcs to ndvcrti e largest stock In America. Do you want one? Write at one. Sun Flower Ittb- bltry. AMiene, Kan. I 118 2.S MO.M3V TO I.O.W-ItEAI, ESTATE LOANS on eastern Nebrnska and western jowa iiirms ui o per cent, uorrowers can pay $10o or any multiple. Any Interest date. No delay. llrcnnan-Lovo Co,, 309 couiii jam 01., uiiianu, aid. v 'Ji MONEY to loan on improved Omaha real estate. ureunan-L.ove (o., wj no, 13th. W-92S $1,000 nnd upwnrd t loan on Improved jlty WArt iiL cuy mans, uonos and warrants ucuibu v-uiiiiiuo-, avji i'urnaini. r w -931 MONEY In nnv amount at 5, 54. r per cent J. W. ROBB1NS & CO.. 1S02 FARNAM ST W 930 VOVRV In Innn nn form nrwl nit.. lowest rates. O. F. Davis Co., 1505 Farnam MO.NKi to loan at 5 nnd 5'4 per cent on umana property, w. IJ. Jlclkle, 401 S. Uth IV V. I PUIVATE money. B. 5H. fi per cent: no do lay. Garvin Bros , 1613 Farnam. W- 020 WANTED, city and farm loans; nlso bondi una warrants it. L . rciers Ai t'o., 170: r arnam ar., lice uiag. w 9:1 PRIVATE money. F. D.Wead, 1521 Douglas FIVE per cent money. BemW, Paxion block W-923 MONKY to loan on first-class Improved city properly or lor miliums; purposes, ravne Knox Co . .now York Life. W 92 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS MONEY MONEY i.Wii.M.u nH.Aiui'.u 1'c.ui'liU. No endorser or mortgage required. LOWEST RATES, EASY PAYMENTS and Dine. li,i v r iutz i 1AI.. Room 526, fifth iloor, New York Life Bldg S.kJ wu.iro luuiien on iiiunus, lurnilure. lew lery. horses, cows etc. C. F. Reed, 319 s IX X-9J0 MONEY loaned salaried iicnnln tini.iin.. n.t.. manenl position with responsible concern upon their own names without security; easy payments. Tolman, 70S N Y. L. Bldg . JoJ SAI,AUYLOANS. CHATTLK LOANS. J. . lAiuuu, .'in tirst Nut, Bank Bldg. A.-937 IIOM:V TO I,OA t IIATTKI.x. MONKY loaneil on pianos, furnltuto, homes. cows, Jewelry. Durr oreen, it , unrgor hik X-93S -M-O-N-K-t-.-n.O-Y-O.n-N-K-K-D-I-T- We make loans from $10.00 i.p on furniture. pianos, liorss, cows, etc.; you Kep tne property; or wo will make ou a SALAItY LOAN ni your own note, without indorser or mortgage; We charge absolutely noth ing for making papers and we keep noth ing out of thu nmount you borrow; you may p:iy the money back In one month or take more time in which to pay it, and you are expected to pay for It only what time you use It; our rates are low and our terms are the easiest; our business Is ns confidential ns Is possible and our treat ment Is always courteous. Omaha Mort gage Loan Co., 340 So. lith St. Kstnb fished IHtt. X-934 LOANS TO SALAItlKD PKOIM.K. FOLLOW THE CItOWD. They come to us. If you enn do better elsewhere uon t como nere tout ou can't). Como nnd let us prove to ou that wc give BEST TERMS in the city and more for your money than others DA UK. No mortgage, no Indorser no publicity; simply confidential business deal. ItKLlABLK CREDIT CO. Boom 303, Third Floor, Paxton Block. X-M973 MONKY loaned on nlanos, furniture, dia monds, watches, privately. Bergcr's Loan - ,,. T ' .... .. . . L3 . ..n.fnl.a X- r , A MONEY loaned on furniture, diamonds, wntrhes; payments contmeniini. umana Chattlo Loan Bank, 220 S. 15th, upstairs. X0I1 PRIVATE LOANS TO SALARIED PKO IM.K. momentarily embarrassed who deslro abovo everything else to AVU11J I'L'illilUn v can bo nrcommodnted nt our office with less expense, tlmo nnd trouble than utiy place In tho city. A.AirJIllUAiN l.lA. I. u, Boom 0)1, Bcc Building. . X-912 IHSIM2HS CIIAt'U3. $150 ensh or ensy payments bus 23 strictly inwrui tnicKto slot macmnes mr oriiiKs, clgnrs or cash; will earn $2 und uoward weekly each. Knrl. Clark & Co.. Furni ture Manufacturers, Chlcnsto, 111 Y-M7s4 FOR RENT, owing to ndvnnclng years Mr. II. nans, tnu norist at iu inion sirrci. has decided t rent out his hot houoe .it abovo location, occupying 7,0 0 to sooi square feet, under r1h"S, with about 'J)i windows, and the residence nnd store fronting tho street, on the motor line o SifUth Omaha. Excellent location for the business. Y-941 FOR SALE, nice boarding and livery stable business: chance ror live man wun sman capital to make money. Address W. Bee Olllce. South Omaha. Y-M202 29 rOR SALE OR ItKNT. hotel: nlso black- smith shop, nt l'erclvnl. iown. Address Mrs. R. M. Les'lc Y-W-3- JOB lot watches: Httmpdi" V, 17-Jewehd. In iniesi 1euuei' case. rqiecmi ii. nv , $20; Engineer Special, 17-.leweled. in fu' slmlle. $Ko; gold cno. J7 50; goo.1 wntche. In yellow cases, $2.50. Book Store. I52J Webster st. Y Mill 30- FOR SALE, well paying dtesmnklng nnd corset business; ccnir.iiiy iocii en. .mi dress X 31, Bee. Y 421 1 FOIt KA CHANGE. $3.fi'""l DRUG stock, nil new goods, at wholesale prices, for a rartn. . it Human, Rooms K und 10, Frenzer Hlmk Z-.M3W 1 EXCHANGE. SO acres best Iowa land or house In Om.tha. Cull at I9l.i rnrnam Z-M40 r,f I'OIt SALE REAL ESTATE. 22, 45 or M acres, 9 mlle west lmprovJ: iM rier acre. 0 acres 11 miles northwe-t, houe. bam, crop, horses, cows, implements, etc., nd for Sl.jjO. i to 120 acres 12 miles northwest of Omaha p. o.. S.V) tier acre. Adjoining the fund last mentioned, 122 or H2 acre". Big Pnplo bottom. $03. 107 acres near Military ruad( with good lm provemoiits. V.7.W per .is'f.e. lt acrej-. 9 miles west, near paved road, $!.." ner acre. 320 acres good Burt county land, nenr Her man. J30 per acre. 312 acres 12 milts west of Omnhn, near .Millard, J.W P-r acre. Bargains In city lots, houses nnd business oroiiert v. JOHN N. FltKNZKR.'opp. old P. O. Kri -.M.I.J -9 READ THIS; one of the best hones In Han- scorn l'lnre; a rooms, large lot, good barn, sightly home: party liu.'ing c ty; pr:c. J7.fs.(". M J. Kennard & Son, loom .d0, Brown block. RK-917 HOUSES, farms. R. C. Patterson. 205 N.Y.L, It U I'll HOI'SES. lots, farms. Innda, loans: also Ore Insurance. Ilemls, l'nxton ulu. UK aw SEE HENRY B. PAYNE. C01 N. Y. LIFE. llli w PAYNE-KNOX CO.. HE VDQEARTERS for REAL ESTATE HA Ui J A IKS Lt 'W EST RATES on LOANS: SOl'ND N SI'KANCK; HOI'SKS, FLATS, STORK8. for ItKNT. First floor, N. Y. Life Bldg. RE "19 RANCH AND FARM lands for sale by tho Cnlon Paclllc Itnllroad omp'iny. it. A. MtAllaster, land commissioner, Vnlon Pacific Headuuarlers, Omanu. Nob. RK-913 GOOD rental property for rarm. Mo & Co.. Fend nnd fuel. f,ll N. ICth St. Monroe . vllU, BARGAINS HARRISON, N. Y. LIFE. UK I130ct7 CHA5. E. WILLIAMSON, 1203 Farnam St. RE-M'SI C. F. HAPRISON, FARMS. N. Y. LIFE. RE-5CI 05 DELIGHTFUL home In llnnscom Place for sale nt a liberal discount. M .1. Kennard & Son, sulto 310-311 Brown Blk. RE-1S0-- 6-ROOM modern cottnge, full lot, line lawn and shade; monthly payments it uesireu. 2129 Mandcraon st. RE-320 ,;o 1,120 ACRES of good farm or grazing land in central Nebraska for salo cheap. Pet erson. C22 N. ICth St. RE-M309 Oct23 RESIDENCE. 11 rooms, modorn, lot 73x140. fine shade, contract Ipt to pave street. 501 S, 2Sth street. David C. Patterson. 1623 Farnam. HK-M2S5 Oct. 2 A GREAT BARGAIN In a well Improved 50-acro furm ono mile north of Florence, with a lino S-ronm house, very sightly location with beautiful lawn covered witlijlne forest trees, nice orchard and small fruit, largo basement, barn, all but above five acres high and level and the best of soil: beat locution for fruit near Omaha; we are authorized to take $4.000 this Is only m) per ncrc: Im provements cost when jullt over J3.CM). ndjolnlng lands unlinnrovt d are soiling m $S0 to $100 tier acre; the i.wncr asks $5.c. but murt nave some money nnd has au thorized us to make this Irw price; terms, one. fourth cash, balaneo to be nrrnnged. Cnll In and wo will show you the prop erty. P.tyne-Knox Company, main tloor. N. Y. Life Bldg. RE-375 2 LANDS. C. B. Burrows, Norfolk. Nebraska. RE 100-Dec. 2i! LARGE 9-1-oom, 2-story house, nil modorn. 2hth nve. nnd Douglas St., for $2,500, If taken before repairs are made. .1 11 Piper. Ramgo blk., Omaha. RE-MI10 29 LARGK 7-room, 2-story; good barn, 3 Urge lots, near paved St.. school, etc., $1,2H C. F. HARRISON, N. Y. Life. RE-126 2 HOME MFST BE SOLD. On Sewnid st. near 40th, lot 50x130 ft., with 11 lino S-room modern house In splendid repair, with good barn und beautiful shade trees, all nlrely fenced nnd only two blocks from street car line. Owner says. SELL! Houso alone cost more than wo are asking for entire plfno JCST THINK, this beautiful home ONLY $2 00. ON EASY TERMS. $300 cash, hiil nneo to suit. Call and allow ono of our salesmen to show you this property PAYNE-KNOX COMPANY. MAIN FLOOR N. Y. J-1FK BLDG Tel. 17SI. RK-.MI42 3 A NICK building corner, lots 2S and 29. Falnnount Place, on eury terms. W rite to F. H. Kuppcti, Milwaukee, Is. I'AWMiUOKEItS. KAOLE I.onrottlce. reliable, necommodat Ing; all busnoss conlldentlal. 1301 Douglas. 965 LOANsTTl. Marowitz, low rates. US Nl LOST. LOST, Sctch C dlle pup, light brown color, With white strlpis on f.,ce and arouivi neck: Hnswers to name of "Frits Lib eral reward for return to J G Mori o. Sth and F, South Omaha Lot-.M' ft LOST. Klk's pin. It. P. o. No ' 9. Itewnrd for returnjln W. J Shradcr Uwt-377 LOST, n stoatner rue. blue nnd sreen tnaltl, bplween concert tent and 17th st Return to 212 N. 22d: reward. Lost-MJSI 26 LOST, a -fold hunting cne. ladles watch. Tiffany mike, with gold enamel vloi-t pin. diamond setting, attached; supposed to have lieen lost on Plxteenth street; reward for return. Brown & Horsham. Jewelers, 222 So. lfith. Loit-U7 28' LOST, GHrnet pin; liberal reward for re turn to 1101 Douglas St. Lost-IH 30 LKMON nnd white colored setter do?, a thin, coarse-haired animal; reward. $5. 127 N. 32d Ave, list-126 LOST. Thursday evening, valu.ible paper. belonging to Commls y. Sergt, A. G. Wood. I. S. A. Finder please return to Police Sergt. llavey. I.ut-420 2 SMALL .leroy cow, fawn color; liberal re ward. Return to 2613 Pierce st. Lt.st-MI4tl 30 LOST, n sorrel broncho saddle mare, with four white feet, sluvl: mane clipped short: strayed from barn Thursday. Sept. '.7 Finder please notify W. 11. Moran, 207 S 24th st., or return sumo for reward ljst M445 30 MEDICAL. LADIES out of health find prompt relief Box 23.', Omaha, Neb. Conlldentlal. -955 LADIES troubled with irregularities, whites, sterility, painful or suppressed tnenstruntloiis llnd prompt relief and cure, quiet home before nnil durln conflm -ment. Call or wrlto with stamps to Dr. Pries, 1513 Dodgo st , Omahu. Neb C-MC69 013 VIRTEAMA cures Impotency resulting from Indiscretions or debility, gives vi tality, vigor, restoring desires, ambitions, aspirations of youth, health, lifting for success, happiness In business, profes sional, social, murrled life; $2 or 3 for $. Smt am where prepaid on receipt of price. The Kldd Drug Co., Elgin. Ill American Olllce, relnll. wholesale. Myers Dillon Drug Co, Omaha. M A Dillon. South Otnnlia; Davis Drug Co, Count II Bluffs. Full line rubber goods. OSTEOPATHY. JOHNSON Institute, 515 N. Y. Life Bldg.: Tel. 16C.4; Alice .Johnson. D. O. ladles' dept.; Old K. Johnson, Osteopathlst. Mgr a;o M. E. nONOIIFE. D. O.. of Still school. Klrkvllle, Mo. COt Paxton Blk Tel F67 -i7 N. F M'MFRRAY, B. S. D.. D. O.. Mrs J. It. Miihlck, D. O.. graduates A S O Klrksvlllc. Mo., suite 52C-3S Bee bldg 3;F05 A. T. II I "NT. D. O.. 305 Karbach Te' "352 5G-Oct a SHOlt'l II VMI AND TVI'EWHlTINfS. A. C. VAN SANT'S School. 717 N. Y. Llf". 91 BOYLES' College, court reporter prlnc''' Bee Bldg. 95- NEBRASKA BiTiiness and Shorthand r,'. lege. Boyd's Theater. - S'C GREGG Shorthand taught nt the Orai'n Common lal College, 10th nnd Dougla- 911 HOUSES FOIt SI,E. FINK matched carriage team, vouijg. geri tle, styliiih nnd good traveler w.lglr about 1.150 each; nlo nlie standard br d b-iy mnre, l"0 lbs ; a fine light road tr. all blood bays ami will ?oll very lv a For particulars see II. F D.illey wl j Payne-Knox Co., main lloor Y Life bldg. P Mill 1 Ml'SIC. - I MIPS T. FRANSEE'S mu-lr.il dudn -lur" September 27 In No. in;1- S lfith st olc nluno nnd nil nivho-drul It'Hirurr.ei t taught nfter the licit method nrhcn-r. ami choir rehearsals free of . h. r io pupils. To others very reaxonab'e prieen Assistance of Miss Aniui Franseo nnd Prof W. F. Fransee. both or the ("nno r. vatory of Pniguo. Austria. M43n .".0' DANCING. CHAMBERS' sehool of dnnclng. 17th and Douglas. Classes and clubs now form ing nt nrademv. Open dally, 9 a. n. to 5 p. m. 'Phone. 1111. Hall anil music furnished parties Circulars. M59S O10 t: ounioN pm: vTir:. ACCORDION and sldo pleating, cheapest, best, quickest. Mrs A. C. Mark, 9 Pat terson Blk., 17th and Farnam. M514 Ol TICK ET II HOtv Hit. CFT rnte tickets every where. P. H. Phil bin, 1505 Farnam Telephone 7SI. 967 ACET YI.E.VE MONARCH Geneiators are best. Carbide St. 50 per 100 IPs. Agents wanted. M. A O. Co., 1022 Douglas St , C77-0-13 PIANO Tl XING. WE tune your piano for $1.50, Rose's. Art Store. 1521 Dodge. Tel. 1915. rOT- l)Hl:SS.MAICIG. E. G. M'DONALD, 1C12 Capitol nvenue. -M607 013 ICE FOIt S ILK. ICE for sale In car lots. Gilbert Bros. Council Bluffs. M540 ST A SI 31 Em XG AM) STl TTKHIXG. CUBED. Julia Vaughan, 430 Ramgo Bldg. -961 MlltltOll I'ACTOHY. Damaged looking glasses resilvcred. 70s N. 16 926 LAXC.t;A;r.s. CHATELAIN School of Languages, Boyd'B theater, will reopen Monday, September 10. 423-OS HOTELS. HENDERSON, $100 per day house; board, 3.5 to $3 week. 9th und Furnam: tel. 12W, -M281 Ol I, A I'MIII V. OMAHA Steam Laundry : shirts, 7c; collars, 2c; cuffs, 4c. 1750 Leavenworth. Tel. W7. -913 Fl It.MTl'ItE HEI'AIUIXG. TEL. 1331. .M. S. Walklin, 2111 Cuming St. -962 STOE HEl'AlHIXt.. STOVE, furnace, rango repairs; water con nections. Om. Stovo Hep. Wkk . 1207 Doug. Tel. 960 EMilXn1. IIOH.nitS, ETC. L. C. Sharp Mach. Wks. ; molors. dynamon. -913 CAItPEXTEUS A XII .lOIUIEIl". ALL kinds of inrpenter wjrk-nnd rep.lrlng promptly uttenucu to. J. T. ocnntree jt and Luke Sts. 3.'' EI.OCITIOV AM) OIIVTOIIV, ELLA DAY. 204 Bamgo bldg; reading, "lo cution, oratory; Thursday night school. M7sS-Octl3 XII KEL PLTIX(i. STOVES, lanipa nnil chandeliers replntcd. Om. Plating cv, , rieo iu-lg. Tel. 2535 -B60 111 It llf AMI lAAIIlKIOn, STOCKS Bird Store. 1003 Leavenworth -9-9 T WI.OItlMI. IIIOH class tailoring, moderate v latest designs. S J Brwlcrbk P'.i; 1 nam VM i' Fl tt.MTl HE AMi IMfHI SIIIVIMI. JACOB SCIIWAIt'. ir.10 Webster. Tet :'' Ml s :' Ml SIC M PROF P. BR A FN, teaihcr of piano nnd ornnti: studio Kin It.imEe blk: on n 1 to : p m.; terms moderate; thorotiKh. nrtW ie work guaranteed. Msn Oi tlS GO EHV.MKNT Ml l it E. PROPOSAL FOR WATER SYSTEM I liarttnent of the Interior. Olllce ot It' . Affairs. Washington. D. C, Sept. r i. Sealed proposals, endorsed "Propo.i's f -Wntel System.'' and addressed to tho i'oio mlsslotier of Indian Affairs, Washing' ' D. C, will be received at this ofli. e m-i 2 o'clock li in. of Wednesday, Hi tot-, r t 1, for furnishing and delivering t tin Klckapoo Boarding School, Pott iwatntru etc.. Agency. Kansas, the necespiirv mati -rial and Mvur required in the construct ioi of n w.itir system. In stru t nrcord.ini with the plans, specifications nnd Itf-trr, lions to bidders, copies of whl. Ii ore i lite in tills olllce. the I'. S. Indian War bouse, Chicago. Ill , the l S Indian Ag nt Pott.i wntomle. etc . Tvgeucv. Kansas the H illibrs' and Traders' Exchange, Onmlu Neb . and tl. newsnnper p ibllslitng tt ) n.lverllscnii nt W. A. JONKS. i'oihiiib Hloncr. SJ2 d ISt moio After Oct. 13th. IOOO. Iodine .frvV Wrt n lioile nd intthltitf bonne mil J) NvfUhil"'' fiota tho )0''t).ii tfl rj Hmtirip pric inmticn ioc W NJ?VV ntifof trj uMieenpieil mwn DnJltr W (PvX .ml rauntr Inl? M -Alnlut 1JO lllof1 x4.9"tl rt htr n tksn ur I ncainrtdOT iji'licstitt ntut oteiurr. with iood xvAWv at na lndmlt.3U.l I totttldoar lo Tfiv firilsftln,iidfur. rliuDt. Mnor xVTiN. nl'ti rep(itillileiif hTtfailniMrn. yV crnct. Wide ui l 2Uto$lf i ve-li X M onto t" 'am with u wlm nBr v Jias. Tour cotintr.ln frnMabOTtJ0 month x&ipV tin tu:tlt twfoiei ntnr tp.vhr. x-di. pcltln otl iromo ladle) ininllr. C? 2vr' thct ic, nn enralns SI6 n f T ftXvortunMr iltirlnuMritilni. V III rT XriX0' "fa rialilonnc wiiiidh waturr J ft moaih anil ift'j on wpIi1t .r ,,kI,Im n.kl lihr.l tarmi fnf IwX pats time, l'artlculur. and full ln.N? tructlon howto i tt.cv(I, iruvlle.l for lcCJ .... l.n. r.Mft.. a a untiUtiaiiM..t hlrie.Oar I i ifliu buying your bug- ik!il rtr rlinofrf ffif Iinne. frnn. t1ii wofIrfe: rtl lOl k-4 on IStli ami Manic) Streets Are showiiig the fin- m est variety and offer si . r , . mum snyciai nriccs. w. F-I71 ... iCa tLZ Call now we'll mighty civil to you. rwii . , , mi It tll.W TIME T V11I.ES. HICAGO ST. PAFL, Miioeanolis & Oma'.a U.illwa "The North iv. stern Line" Geticr.-I CHlieus. Nebrnska Dlvl sii.n, V'th antl AVebster Sts. t'lty Ticket OHIpc, Farnam St leiepuonc, b6l. Depot, Sts. and Webster - . , Leave. Arrive. Twin City Passenger . a C:W am a 9:10 pm Omaha Pasesngr r all:10 am Sioux City & North- jKt Nt hr.mk.i .... .1 3:.r,0 nm 1 Oakland L...111 ... . b ,'i:I5 nm b S:15 nm a Dnil.i. b Daily excep. Sunday. CHICAGO & NOItTII western Hallway "The Northwestern Lino" Cit Ticket Ofllce. 1401 Fernam Street. Tele phone. 561. Depot, Tenth und Mason Sts. Teh;. phone, 623. Leave. Arrive. Daylight Chicnco Sue Chicago lal a 7:00 nm Chicago Passenger a 4:15 pm Eastern Exniei- Des Mulnt-s. Marsualllown, Cedar Rapids and Chi cago a!0:53 nm Krttern Limited. Chl- cago and East a 4:53 pm Fn-t Mall. Chnago to Omiili.l Omaha-Chii ago Spec ial n 7:45 pm Fast Mail u Dallv all:30 pm a h;40 am a 4.05 pm a 1:03 pm a 2:45 pm u S;0fl pm u H:Z0 am SIOFX CITV it f'ACIFIC Railroad 'Tho North western Lino" Genernl Olllcea, 1'nlfd States National Bank Building, S. W. Corner Twelfth w., , .a. - "J. iiiioiiii DIS. IIUK'1 Ofllce. 1101 Farnam St. Telephone, Ml. oe put. Tenth and Mason Sts. Telephone, C29 Twin City Express Twin City Limited Sioux uy Loca; a Dally liVrtVL' J I I lit". a 6:55 am nl0:50 pm ...a 7:35 pm ...a 8:00 am a s;l5 am a 4:2V pm FREMONT ELK HORN & Missouri Valley Railroad "The Northwestern Lino" - General Oftlces I nlted Status National Bunk Bldg., H. W. Cor. n'.i.nirii. .....i t- l, . . . m, . . . . . ..nun nnu i- hi mini cm Ticket Olllce ltul Furnam St. Telephone. 561 Depot litn und Wobster Sts. Tele phone, 1..S Leuvo. Arrlvu. Black Hills. Dcadwood. Hot Springs a 3:00 prn a 5:00 pm Wyoming. Caspar and Douglas d 3:00 pm e 5:00 pm Eastings, York, David City, Superior, Geneva, Kxetir und Sownrd....b 3:00 pro b 5:C0 pm Norfolk. VerdlgiM and Fr-ni'int b 7:30 am bl0:25 nm I.lin oln, W.ihuo and Fr. mont b 7:30 nm W0;25 am Frt ii i ti t lm m c 7:30 nm a Dallv b Dall except Sunday, c Sun dnv oi I d Dallv except Suturduy. o Daily . pt Monday. CHICAGO, ROCIv I8L nnd A: Paclllc "iHroad "Tho Great Rock Isl and Route " City Tick et Oillce, 1328 Farnam Street. Telephone, 424 Depot, Tenth & Mason Streets. Telephone, tSi. l.i,flvi Arrlfn uea .noines anu Daven port Local a 7 '25 am bll':35 nm Chicago Express . . till .15 (tin a S:I0 am Chicago Fast ExprtfS. .a 5:09 pm a 1:26 ptn Lincoln and F.ilrbury..a am a 7:0J ;nn Lincoln. Colorado Spgs., Denver, Pueblo und West a 1:50 pm a 1:15 pm Drt Moines. Rock Isl and ami Chicago .... a 7:15 pm n 5:50 pm Colorado &. Texas Fler a 5:5t pm a 9:15 am a Dally, b Dally except Sunday. I'Vinv TArMT?tr.t"riTr ni-r.-r. iVVirriiT 'and Itouto" Genoral Ofllcea, ?HVj(t N l: l ur Ninth nnd Farnam Bireeis. v-iiy iickoi iiuice, ja;i Furnun street. Telenhono, 3HI. lifpi.t. Tenth and Iason SIk. Telephone, 629. i.eave. Arrive. Tho Overland Limited .a 8:0 am ti 7:35 pm The Chtrngo-Por'.land Special aS:20nm n 7:36 pm 'I'liM Past .Mall n S;50 am a 3;25 pm Thu Colorado Special.. all:35 jitn u 0:50 um The Fast Mall a 4:5 pm Lincoln Heatrlee and Strom-birg Express, ti 410 pm bl2:25 pm Thi r.v ttli Express a 4.25 pm Tho AtUm Express n 6 '.0 am Orard 1 ' i.. I il h ' Zt pm b 9 2; um n Dally b Duuy isccpt Sundau. USE 1 SB I i i - 11M 15th r it u w ii time t nr.i:s. IilT.llN'mON ft MIS oiri ItHer Itallroatl The H.trlinetOri Routt Cl-'M.il tlfflies. N. W. Comer Tenth ami Karnam Hts Ticket .tuflce, 1?J F.irnatn street Telephone, 2 r.'.r'i , mor. siai.o'i, lentn aim .Mason Btrcus Telephone. Lea ve. tl 1.. tt ..lU,n, lltlll Arrive. l.lllii'Mi li i-mip 1 ...... McCook ... , tv SilO am Lincoln Denver, t.olo rado, J'tah. California n l; I'm n 746 put a pm a t:U0 pm I ui. o!:i iv 1 .n s, llli s n r.ow ton .w i'n m. . 1 1-j, 1 ug.-t putid .a 9:10 pm a 6: om It L..tt r.f-t Mall ..u$;wpui nt0:33 am D i mt C'l .r ido Ftah ,t California C!' ni t. Dully KANSAS CITY. St. Jo seph A- Council HlufTs Railroad "The Burling ton Route 'llcket Olllce, 12 Farnam street. Tele phone 250. Depot, Tenth and Mason streets. Tele- bhoue. 1: Leave Kanras City Pay Ex ..n v:no am Knt Cl.y Nigh' lit. al'J.lj pm Arrive, a itilo pm a 6:15 um St '. il.t Flyer f.it St. J -i I I) und st Louis ii 4:50 pm all :15 ant CHICAOO. UFRLINOTON A (Julnry Railroad "The Burlington Route 'Ticket oillce, 1502 Farnam St. Tel 250 Depot. Tenth A Mason Streets. Telephone, l.'v Leave. Arrive. Du ll,;ht t. Mi ago Spe cial ...a 7:00 am Ptori.i t pt " .... a 9:2.5 pm Chi a,.o e-t b'i'ed Ex. a 4 f0 pm a 7H5 am Clueago l al Kxpress.a S.50 am n 4:05 pm riui.it, - limlti.l a 7:45 pm u 7:5 am Pi Juiiction I oral. .al0:45 am Pn- I'le Juticti ui Extra. n 7:0o pm Fust M ill a 2:tJ pm n l'ail) iV4L MISBOrm PACIFIC RAIL- IrNf?-.- rnntl .rinnnrtil lliTtAi nrul iDiUte Ticket olllce Southeast Cor 'I'VftwcUA? n,'r ulh nlKl Douglns Sts. eHlff' li'lei'hone ItH. . TftVt' ! .t I nl. ui Station. Leave. Arrive. M I.i.t is &. Kansas ("i '-xprcf . ...ain:0fi am n flrno pm K C. St. L. Express. . .ulOilO pm a 6:15 am I.envc from 15th' and Webster Sis Nebraska Local Via Weeping Water b 4:15 pm alO:lo am a Dally b liullv except Sunday. OMAHA ST. LOUIS RAIL- T rt.ait-umalia. luni-'ns Cltv A Eastern Railroad "Tim Qiilney Route" Ticket Of llce. mt Fiirnnm Street Telephone 322. Depot, Tenth and Marcy Streets. Tele phone, 629 Leave. Arrive St I.rnls Cannon Ball Expr- a 5:00 pm ti 8:20 am K itiwi' 'v and yulney I n' 1 a 7:00 :im a 8;W pm WABASH RAILROAD Ticket Olllce. 1504 Farnam "-..., t I i '.r Tla rUl ..,, rr...l. l..atf bircci.s. Teippijono, kzx. S Lowlfl "Cunnon I3all" Kxprefls a 5;(6 pm a S:lt0 am r. Pally. CHICAGO, MILWAl'KKE K- St. Paul Uallwav-Cltx Ticket Ofllce. 1501 Farnam Street. Telephone 2S4. Depot Tenth nnd Mason Streets Telephone. C29 Leave Arrive. Chicago Limited Ex. ...a fi:o0 pm aS:06am Cliu ,,o fi Omaha Ex. .b 7:15 urn h3:4U pm b Du"y except sunaay. ILLINOIS CENTRAL Railroad. City Ticket ON tlce, 1.92 Farnam street. Telephone, 213. Depot Tenth und Mason streets Leave. Arrive. ,...all:10 am a 4:P5 pm ...a 7;45 pm a s:15 um St. ....b 7:t"0 am b 9:40 pm St. ....a 7:15 nm u S:15 am Chicago Express . Ch.iugo Limited , Mi' eauolts nnd I'.i tl Express ... Minneapolis nnct Paul Limited . Fcrt Dodge Local from . .... ,m Council Bluffs b 4:30 pm bl0:lt am n Daily, b Dally except Sunday. POS'l'Ol'FlCE XOTICE, (Should be rend DAILY by all Interested . as changes tnuy occur at any time.) Foreign malls for tho week ending Sep temper 29 1110, will close (PROMP'I LY 111 nil caseM ut the General Post Olllce as follows: PAHCELS POST MAILS closo one hour earlier than closing time nil own below. Parcels Post Malls for Germany closo ut 5 p. m. Monday and Wednesday. Trims-A I Ian tie .tin 1 1. S ATI' It DA Y A t 5:30 u. in. for KUUOPK. per k h. rnibriu. via (jueenstown; nt 8 m. fur NKTI1ERLANDS. per n. s. Simarn- . dam. via ltotterdain (mall must be di rected "per h. h. Spuatndam"): at 9 a. ni for DENMARK, pir s, a. Inland (mull must be directed "per s. it. Island"); at 10 n. in. for SCOTLAND direct, per s. s FurncRslu (mull must be directed "per s. k. Furtiessla"). 'PRINTED MATTER. ETC -Tin st-amer tnkes Printed Matter, Commercial Piperi COl'NTRIES direct, per s. s. Parana: nt 10 a. m. (supplementary 10:30 a. in.) for FOllTl'NE ISLAND. JAMAICA. SA VANILLA, CAHTI IAGENA and QHEY TOWN. per s. s. Alleghany (mull for Costu Rica must be dlicctetl "per h. h. Al!eghaii"); at 10 a. m. (supplementary (: n. m.) for Cl'RACAO and VENE Zl'ELA, per H. s. Maraealtio (mall for Snvanllln and Carthagena, via CUracio. must bo directed "per h. s. Maracalbo') . nt 10 a. m. for PORTO RICO, per s. c Ponce; nt 11 a. ni. for CL'B., per s. s. 1 In vn mi. Sl'NDA Y At 8.30 p. m. for ST. PIKRRI3 JIICJI'KLON, per stenmcr North Sydney. Malls for Newfoundlanti. 'iy rail to North Sydney, and thenco by stonier, close nt this olllro dally at S:30 p. in. (connecting close hero every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday). Malls for Mlciuelon. by rail to lioston and thenco uy steamer, ciqio ni this olllce dally at 8:3) p in. Malls for Cuba, by rail to Port Tampa, Fla., nnd thence by steamer, closu at till olHne dally (except Monday i nt "7 u, tn ttho connecting closes are on Sunday, Wednes day and Friday). Malls for Mexico Cl'J. overland, unless specially addressed for dispatch by steamer cioo at this oftlco nnd Samples for acrmmiy only. The same clasti of mnll matter tot other pari of Europe will not bo tent by this thlp unless specially directed by her. After the closing of the Ru;nlcmcntary Trnns-Atlnntlc Malls nameu utiovo add! tlonal supplementary malls are opened xii the piers of the American. EuKib-h, Frencli nnd German steamers, nnd remain open until within Ten Mlnuies of thu hour of sailing of steamer. Mulls for South und rentrnl A inerlcii, Wi't Indies. Etc. SAT! 'RD AY At 8:30 a. in. fir LA PLATA dally nt 2: So n. m. nnd 2 30 n m. Malls for Costa Rlin by rail to Mobile, and for Belize, Puerto Cortez and Guatemala, by rull to New Orlean. end thnce bv steamer. cloc at this olhce dally at "3 P. m. iconneitlng closes htrti Tuesdays for Costa Rica .md Mondavi for Belize. Puerto Cortez ntul Guatemala), I'cgls tercd mall closo at fl p tn previous day Trnns-l'iiclMo ."Mullin. Malk for Hawaii. China, .fapan and Phil ippine Islands, via Han Francisco, eloS" hero dally at 0:30 r. m up to September 27th. Inclusive, for dlpatch per . s Rio do Janeiro. M ills lor Australia (x cept West Australia), New Zealand, Ha waii, riji nnd Samoan Hands, via Sao 1'rnnclsco, close hero dally at 0:30 p. in. nftcr Siptember lfith and up to Septem ber 29th, Inclusive, or on day of ar rlvnl of . s. Cumpanla, due nt New York September 29th. for illsp iti h per M. s Alameda. Malls for China and Julian. U Vancouver, cloo hero Oally nt 0:30 p. tn up to October :d. Inclulve, for dlpntih per h. a. lCmpresH of India (rngUtured mail must be directed "via Vancouver"). Mnlls for Ilnwall, Japun, china and Pnll Ipplno Islands, via Sun Francisco, close here dally at 0.30 p. m. up to October 16th, Inclusive- for dispatch per a. s Coptic. Malls for llawvll, via San Fran cisco, close here dally nt 0:30 p. m. up to October "12th, im luslw, for dlspaio'i per s . Australia. Malls for Australia (except West Austrnlla), which goes via. Europe, and New Zeulnnd, which K''''i via Snn Francisco), and FIJI islands, vl'i Vaniouver, close hero dally at C:'M p. ni. up to October 13th, Inclusive, for dl puti h per s. . Mlowera (supplemeiiturv mulls, vln Seattle, closo at 6:30 p. in. o. -tolnr 11th). Trsns-I'iK Klc malls are forwarded lo port of sailing dally and tho schcduln of clos ing is arranged on the presumption of tbilr uninterrupteil overland trans-t IteKlstertd trail loe ut fi p m prev ious day. CORNKLU B VAN t OTT PosmiHstrr Pot flle, New York, N. Y, Sf,itmber 21, iMWiYAUKUl a Dally