Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 26, 1900, Page 12, Image 12

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Takes Thorn from Hii Neighbor's Warren
and Makes Fotples of Them.
After rnrtnUlmc of thr Sirorjr Illi
ilr. Sliiki'K MnUrft a DUrovrr)
Unit I'lllo Mini with
To tho nclRhborliood of which Forty-third
nd HrlHt'Ol streets 1b tho center tho pre
vailing IlelRlnn hnro madness Is a thing of
raro nnd unUHUal Interest. Within tho lust
twenty-four hour It hu3 etiRiiBcil tho atten
tion of every mnn. woman and chllil com
prehended within a radius of five blocks, and
all now feel ft personal, thoiiRh Indirect, con
corn In tho new "Industry." It Is because
of a mishap to a person who will be known
herein ns Stokes, because "Stokes" Is not
his namo.
Stokes Is ft nclglan hare- fancier who
fancies the Hclglan hnrcs of his nclRhbors.
He Is a victim of tho latest madness, with
n complication of kleptomania.
Dr. A. E. Attica lives at Kortythlrd and
llrlstol streets. Along early In the summer
tho doctor acquired two line hares, which he
hoped would form tho nucleus of an Impos
ing rabhltery, so ho built a high picket fence
around his hack yard nnd reinforced It with
wire screen. Ono nlKlit about a week later
the rodents were stolen.
That tho doctor was angry goes without
faying, but ho was not discouraged. Thdt
picket fence hadn't been built for nothing,
llo tot his brains to work to figure out somo
schomo to dissuade tho rabbit thief, nnd
finally called Into consultation his fellow
practitioner, Dr. (J. W. Tnylor, who lives
less than a Mock nway. They talked the
matter over at length, anticipating all tho
dlflk'ultlcs presented by the problem, not the
lenst nf which Is the fact Ibnt under tho
htnto law rabbits arc not property. A mnn
can no moro bo proierutcd for stealing a
Ilclglnu hare In Nebraska than ho could be
prosecuted for stealing a mnlteso cat. Hut
llnally, between them, they hit upon a plan.
Three weeks ago tho doctor bought nix moro
About noon Monday n little boy burst
breathlessly Into the ofllco of Dr. Taylor
and exclaimed:
"'My pHpa Is poisoned, nnil we'ro all
poisoned! Come quick!"
Tho doctor, recognizing the child, winked
at hlH reflection In a mirror nnd bestirred
himself in thu matter of a silk hat and
medicine case.
"Who Is your papa?" he asked.
"Mister Stokes. Oh--'
"Sorry, son, but I was Just going out on
nnolhcr call. Run down and get Dr. Ames;
ho Just came In."
Tim l.oy obeyed, and a moment later Dr.
Ames wnB on hln way to the Stokes home.
He wns there a half hour. On his return
ho stoppcil at the office of Dr. Tnylor.
Didn't IClMMV What Alleil 1 1 1 ill .
After tho physicians had had their laugh,
Dr. Ames explained: "Ho didn't know mo;
Bcemed to think that I was you, so ho
talked freely. 1 asked him what kind of
poison ho had taken, and he said ho didn't
know whether ho was Inoculated with
scrofula or bubonic plague, but it wns
something terrible. Ho'd bought some rab
bits nt the market, he said, and tho rab
hits had evidently como originally from
some medical college that practiced vivi
section, for ho found, In examining tho
polls after the beasts lind been served In
potple, that around tho neck of each was a
little tng. Ono tag read:
" 'This hnro hns been inoculated with
diphtheria culture.'
"The other lioro this device:
" 'This hnro has been Inoculated with
"From tho description of tho tags I rec
ognized them ns the ones I had written
out three weeks ago."
"You gavo tho patients an antidote, of
courso?" observed Dr. Inylor.
"Well, 1 felt kind of sorry for his wlfo
nnd children," replied Dr. Ames. "Thoy
wero no doubt Innocent. So I recommended
utrong coffee for them, and told them
they'd ho all right In an hour, hut ns for
Stokes himself- well, I gave him a dose of
Ipecac that would sicken a horse."
"That was a horse on him," said Dr.
Taylor, dodging and putting up a guard,
"Dut that Isn't all," resumed Dr. Ames.
'After I'd given him tho Ipecac nnd be
fore It had time to take effect, I wrung a
confession from htm. I made him admit
he'd stolen my IJclglan hares and that four
of the original bIx were still ullvo In his
cellar. He's going to send them back this
"I went down cellar and had a look at
the hareB and found that only two nf the
four had tags on them. The chances arc
that In playing about In the yard during
the last three weeks nil except these two
had torn tho tags off. I don't' suppose that
the hares served In the potple were tagged,
but that Stokes. In looking over his stock
of stolen rabbits, saw the tags on these
two and took it for granted that all six
were Inoculated with disease germs, and
that he was n dead mnn."
Dr. Ames now hns four fine Ilelglan hares
In his enclosuro nnd excellent prospects
of keeping them.
Ket'i) Vour llorvH StroiiK.
Constipation or diarrhoea, when your
bowelo arc out of order Cascarets Candy
Cathnrtlc will make them act naturally.
All druggists, 10c, 25c, 60c.
Oooil nulling.
Spirit Lake, OkoboJI, I.ako Washington,
Waseca, Englo Lake, Illvcr Falls, Solon
Springs, Itlco Lake. Dayfleld, Ashland, Gog
ebic, Watersmeet and numerous lakes near
St. Paul nnd Minneapolis.
They are all good fishing places and are
quickly and comfortably reached by tho
N'orthwcstcrn Line.
Cheap rote excursions September 18, II
and 2(5. Limit, October 31, 1300. City ticket
office, 1401 and 1403 Farnam street.
l.iMtcnt llnlra of the iicnaon
Iowa, Illinois,
Wisconsin, Minnesota,
Northern Michigan.
Round Trip!
Minimum Rate, J".
September 20.
City Ofllces, H01 -1403 Farnam Street,
At Indlniiniinlls, Intl., Oololicr it.
The Omaha & St. Louis railroad will sell
tickets for this occasion nt one faro plus
$2.00 for tho round trip. All Information
at city ofllce. 1415 Farnam street, or wrlto
Harry E. Moorcs, O. P. & T. A., Omaha,
Commissioners Notify Voters that Bond
Issue Will Bo Submitted.
9 1 l.IO I ml I ii it ft iol In mill Upturn.
Tickets via tho llurllngton route.
On sale October 1 and for morning train
(7 a. m.) on October 2.
Return limit, October 5.
Only JI'J.IO to Indianapolis nnd return.
Tickets, 1502 Farnam street.
All members of Fatten lodge, No. 173, A
O. U. W., nre requested to moot nt hall
on Wednesday, September 20, nt 2 o'clock
sharp to attend frntcrnal parade. Uy or
dor. A. O. OIBSON. Recorder.
iiuiiiiiiiK lvi-mim.
The city Inspector of buildings tins Issued
the following permits: Home Fire Insur
mice company, Vius Fnrnum, alterations,
11,(00: Howard ltanck, t5 North Twenty
sixth, repulrs, J100; T. It, Malnne, Twenty
fourth and Franklin, frame dwelling. J1.000;
Mrs. Helen H. Jeffcoat. Fourteenth nnd
I'ntmli'it avenue, frame dwelling, J.VjO; A. I'.
Orobock. Eighteenth and Van Camp uvenuo,
frame dwelling, Jl.&on.
Attention, A. O. V. VII
Fay no attontlon to previous announce
ments, but meet at Eighteenth nud Cum
ing Btrcots Wednesday at 2 p. m. sharp to
participate In the parado. All visiting
brothers nre requested to Join. Degree
teams must appear In uniform, by order of
central committee.
Thn Indies of tho Lowe Avenue Presby
terian church will servo dinner nnd supper
at 1511 Dodgo street Wednesday and Thurs
day of this wcok. Meals, 25c each.
WilllamB & Smith Co. announco the or
ilval of fall and winter woolens.
"' f ' " 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i i-
tie MiLMiWM mxm
Over tho Rurllngton on Wednesday.
Clili'iiuo nuil return....,
St. I.iiiiIh unil return
(luliiry unil return
I'furlik mill lie turn . . . , . ,
(jitli-xliuru mill return..
UurlliiKtiiu 3i nil return.,
I III ii ii 1 In ( mill return...,
... .SI 1.7.
. . ,i:i.r,ii
. . .tjlll. M5
. . .miliar,
. . . Jfi-. "
. . .911. in
. . .Mi'.in
Return limit, October 31.
Mnny other cheap trips on tho Rurllngton
WEDNESDAY. Hotter ask about them.
Ticket Olflet,
1 502 Farnam St,
1 Tel. 260.
eurtlngton station,
10th and Mason Sts,
Tel. 128.
neighborhood, Tho matter wns brought to
the attention of tho department by Con
gressman Mercer, whose representations
secured the Indorsement of the command
ing general.
So far but one man hns responded to tho
call for packers to go to tho Philippines.
Ho Is n resident of South Omaha who wns
with the army In Cuba.
Officers of the army nro discussing the,
question of Increasing the number of bat-j
terles of heavy artillery at Forts Riley and
Leavenworth. According to statements,
thfs would have been done some time ago
but was deferred at tho suggestion of those
who said that tho range was not large
enough for targot practice.
riii'iip llnte Kxeiirsliiiin,
See ngent Northwestern lino for cheap
excursion rates to Hot Springs, S. D., dur
ing mouth of September.
Nuiiitier if Tnpnjers Assert tlint Ail
illtlnuiil Tniiitluu "Ml IMmMiiir
n Int estnieutM In Oinnliu
limine mill l.iimli.
At Its meeting yesterday the Hoard of
County Commissioners adopted a resolution
directing tho county attorney to draft a
proclamation for submitting to tho voters In
the coming election a nonu proposition, u
is proposed to Issue bonds In tho sum of
1500,000 for tho Improvement or rebuilding
of tho county court house and county Jail,
or either, and for securing, If deemed neces
sary, additional land for tho location of a
now Jail. Tho resolution was unanimously
adopted, nil of tho members being present,
In spite of a protest that had been Hied
tlgncd by John (1. Williams, John W. Lytle,
Herman Kountzo, F. H. Davis, V. II. Cald
well and W. N. Nason.
The protest was not only ngulnst the vot
ing of bonds for tho new court house and
Jail, but also against voting bonds for tho
electric railway. It set forth In detail that
property cannot stnnd the nddltlounl tnxes
that such bond Issues would necessitate and
that the adilltlonnl taxes would discourage
Investment In Omaha lnnds.
The proposition to vote bonds for the pro
posed electric Intcrurban railway did not
como up, although n protest was read against
It specifically bearing tho signatures of Her
man Kountze, F. II. Davis, John D. Crelgh
ton, Henry W. Yates. C. W. Lyman, A. Mil
lard. J. II. Kitchen, W. F. Alien. W. S. Pop
tjcton. J. M. Woolworth, Iw W. Hill, W.
H. Green. Ocorgo W. Doane, E. L. Robert
son, Samuel IluniH, George B. Lake, (i. S.
Rogers, J. A. Crclghton, Iln D. Wood, F.
T. Hamilton, F. P. Klrkondall, V. 11. Cald
well. T. J. Rogers, A. L. Reed, A, N. Fer
guson. George E. Hnrkor, J. A. Scott, as
ngent for tho Ames estate: J. II. Millard and
William Wallace, This protest was referred.
It is said thnt this proposition is likely to
como up for final nctlon at the mooting Sat
urday forenoon. A member of tho board
said that ho understood thnt the promoters
nf the line hnd reached a conviction that the
proposition cannot carry nt this timo nnd
that It will ptobahly not bo prosecuted fur
ther for the present.
Tho board directed the closing of the court
houso Wednesday afternoon In observance
of tho Ak-Sar-Ilen holiday.
Frank Trapp, an old soldier, was ordered
sent to tho Soldiers' homo at Grand Island.
i uuiiMiaihra i
li'nrle Sum Will Clone the Former I'n
rmle (iriiiiiid to I'ulille Only One
t'nuillilnte for I'
The qunrlcrmnstcr of tho Department of
tho Missouri has received authority to con
struct u fence around tho Fort Omaha mili
tary reservation, tho work being ordered
upon the recommendation of General Miles,
who states In his Indorsement that the res
ervation should be hold by tho United
States 'for uso of tho army.
The fence has been needed for some time,
ns the grounds wero being made a resort
for undesirable people to such on extent
ns to bo a menace to tho peaco of tho
Some Drug Prices
That Save You Money.
Our Drug Prices
Have always been low yet here nre a fow
items that are even lower thn new store
is full of money savers.
Me Syrup of Figs (Genuine) 30c
r,0c Blrnny'n Catarrh Curp 30c
J1.00 Llsterlne (Lambert's) 59c
GOo Morrow's Kid-ne-olds 29c
&0o Donn's Kidney Pills 40f
50c AJax Tablets 40c
Aiiegretti ti Kiwei s rhocolatos 50c
50c llny's Hair Health 40e
50c Slocum'H Ozolcll toe
50c Cuscurets toe
50c Tarrant h Soltzer Aperient 40c
50c Ciltlcurn Salve 40c
il.00 Hovlnlne. larao size TKn
JI.00 Fnlrchlld's Pent. Milk Pnwiler l
50c Uromo-Soltzer 40c
50c Hobbs' Sparagus Pills 40c
imcncFier s ungnsiv rennyroyal
Write for Cntalosue.
Sherman & McGonnell Drug Go
Now Store S. W. Cor. ICth and Dodge.
New Waists.
Of all kinds silk, French
Flannel, Velvet, mercerized
brilliantine, outing Flannel
Etc, Prices $1,00 up,
If you interested in FURS, don't fail to look at our stock
before you buy. We linvo a very choice stock of the best goods
made lowest prices iniarunteed. You need these for the cool
evenings id our street fair.
If you have CHILDREN'S CLOAKS to buy this fall, now is
the verv best time to buy. as our stock is complete. Prices from
the lowest to the best.
A new line of FANS for Ak-Sar-Iien Ball, from 50e to $0.
New KID GLOVES, for street, dress and ball, from f 1.00 up.
When you come, which of course you
will, to tho Oreat Show this week, you can
And our location very easy. The post
ofllco Is two blocks south of us, and tho
prices aro cut.
Crnnirr' Ktilncy Cur TBu
SeliiU'fer's Cough Syrut -
lr. Knrl KriiiiiiT'M I'eniiyrn nl
1'lllN ?l.l(
7 c
7. -.u
S. AV. Cur. tilth nuil Clilonuo,
Menni'ii'H Tiilouin l'nuili'r
AVI lie of Clirilul
Carter' Liter I'llln
Ajit'h llntr Vlcor
ItiHTy'ii .Unit Whlnkfy
ilox. li-nr. tiitiiln- CniiNiilfN. . . .
t iloz. :t-r. l ii 1 ii I ii CiipMiucM. . . .
due ri-Kr. (Itiliilnr- C.'iiiiHuli'N. , , .
. . S
Syrup of FIk
Mil in' Nervine
Mnlte.l 3111k
Mrree'n I'renerlptloii
Donn'H I'llln
Uncle Mmn'n Tobacco Cure . ,
Oriental Carnival and
Ak-Sar-Gen Parade Pictures
When you go to the carnival this
week tnko a
with you.
Wo havo a complete line of
Nothing better niaife, at 20 per cent
discount. A hrst-class aim kodak for
All other amateur photo supplies
fresh and up-to-date.
1215 I'nrnain St.
"Wholesule nnC Retail.
mi (U BAMS
"The Overland
Limited" f-Vifevir
via tho
Union Pacific
The Only Direct Route Across the Continent.
2 Yu can leave Omaha on tills train after breakfast and reach t e P.cific
Coast as soon as those who start la any oilier route the day before
Via the
One hunJrcd and fifty miles along the Columbia RUer by daylight.
Only Two Nights in Making the Trip
from Omaha to Portland.
City Ticket 0?fice, 1324 Fariinm Street.
Telephone ;HO,
wwM,!WM!W.!'i,;!,,''1!n"3''"'""M('f, f?
Big Specia! Carnival
week Sales
Tin ii' Viilucs ovor put on sale. I'm knot's chcfki'tl fret.
lOvoi-v iUM'diiiniodiilion free. THU 15 1 (J KTOHH IS A SAFE
I'LAt'H TO TUADIO. Siitisfiirlion or .your money back.
Get Men's $12.50 Suits for $7.50.
Get Men's $18.00 Overcoats for $10.00.
Wo reopiitl.v secured for .spot cash
J. ISO men's suits, in line worsteds,
tweeds and fancy cassinieies. ami 8155
overcoats in line new vicunas, coverts
und kerseys, which wo pul on sale now.
The suits nre regular SIL'.HO values, are
well made and will 07 32
he sold for .kJVJ
The overcoats are the usual S1S.00 kind
and will he sold
6 for
Men's Early Fall Overcoats at Half Regular Prices
7.r0 Fall Overcoats at 15.75
$10.00 Fall Overcoats at 5.00
$12.50 Fall Overcoats at .;()
10.50 Fall Overcoats at 10.00
Men's tinest ready-tailored Suits and Overcoats in America now
readv for your inspection. Ask to see the line 11. S. & .M. Suits
and Overcoats at 10.00, 12.50, 15.00 and up to 22.50.
Boys' and Youths' Clothing
Tr.vr:?nH: 95c to 5.50
'HO ll IIW
i JA
Youths' Loup; Pants Suits
3.25 to 12.50
Iiuy your boys' and youths' clothing at llayden's
and save 25 to 40 pei cent.
i trm
Make The Bir istore your
accommodation free. iiffil 1 IIT HI?
Specials for Wednesday
:55c All Silk Itibbons 10c
20c Tooth brushes 7k'
1.50 Triplicate Dressing Mirrors 5!)c
1.50 book, "To Have and to Hold" SOc
75c Hand Mirror 2!)c
;5c Wash Laces, per yard 5c
Genuine Chinese. Shoes the regular shoe worn by Chinese
women an interesting souvenir worth 1 on sale at . . 25c
Magic Chinese liox see this wonderful curiosity regular
' price 50c on sale nt '. . 15c
"The Big Store is a safe place to trade."
The Most Wonderful Silk Bargains
All of Ak-Sar-Ben Week.
1.25Jilack French Foulard for ."
1.00 Black Tan'eta Silk, 27 imhes wide, for 5!)c
50c l'laid and Stripe Silks on sale 25c
1.25 Fancy Silks, all the late styles lilc
2.00 heavy Silk Novelties on special sale at (i!)c
Big sale all week on line Black Dress Silks all the lalesl
weaves and styles worth up to 1.00 all go on special
sale at 1.00
Dress Goods Sale
On tomorrow wo will sell 1.0S Tailor Suiting, in black, strictly
all wool, sponged and ready foi useno goods ever QQ
shown so heavy for the money at QjK'
We will soli one rnse Illnck C'repona iiuilo lu Knuland 13 In. wide QW
strictly iuro mohair, and tho re;uliir price is $1 ard, In this sale only
One case of imported French Novelties very lino patterns, 10 Inches wide one rase of
all wool Homespuns, in the new Rrays 10 inches wide one rnno of nil wool Home
spun Plaids, black and gray ono caso of Hlaok Hrllllnntlno. iQ Inches wide, niado In
England all tlieso Roods bell from 75e to $1.00 por yard all on sale lQ
tomorrow at .rtl
French Flannols, 3Sc, 55c, 53c. 65o 7So. OSe up tr $3.00 yard
ciime niiKss cinous,
Half Wool Cashmeres 10c llnlf Wool Novelties l"i
Half Wool Novelties Vio Half ool Plaids 10c
The added grace of trade ac thiiy increases the au
tumn charm of bright nnd sparkliim merchandise. Sep
tember began with stirring sales. The throng of visitors
yesterday and Saturday made more emphatic the great
earl, response to our vast stock preparations. And thus
there is a completion to our business year as wonderful
as its progress has thu far been phenomenal.
Sjtits, Cloaks
Etc.. Etc.
$12-75 for Stylish Tailor
Made Suits made of line all
wool broadcloth, jacket double
breasted, tight litliiig eUm style,
skirt with new inverted plait
back you cannot match thorn
for less than ls.00 $1
our price A O1
$10.75 for Handsome Tailor
Made Suit of broadcloth, Ve
netians, coverts, ami line all wool
cheviots, in the now eton, blouse,
fly front and double breasted light fitting si vies, perfect
in lit and workmanship- sold $1 O 7
olscwlioio for 25.00 our price
$4.90 for New Stylish Jackets made of all wool
kersey, in black, blu. tan and castor, strapped seams,
lined with a good satin Contain, a stylish $yd AA
and pretty jacket, our price only 3 w
$J6.75 for Stylish London Box Coats half tight
fitting back, made of line imported kersey, stitched collar
and lapel, in black, 1 nn and Jj'fjj L FJ K
castor our price 1J A t
$4.90 for New Golf Capes made of plaid back golf
ing fabric, new colors and patterns, high collar, fancy
hood, trimmed with bands of QA
kersey our price
$4.90 for New Walking Skirts made of meltons,
coverts and heavv plaid back golfing materials, finished
tt'ifli lilf'e itC k.ftfliitlir lil'Mlwil'li'
It II ti t.'i.o.'i mill III 11,, V III, ...... .1.
and with the correct hang our price . . . .
Ir the Fur Dept..
Only good reliable furs are sold ;il The Nebraska.
Liid'its' Fur Scarfs 1.75 to SU5.00
Ladies' Fur Collarettes $2Ai) to '15.00
Ladies' l-'ur .Mulls -1.L'5 to 10.01)
Ladies' Far ( 'apes 1 1.75 to 15.00
Ladies' Fur .Jackets-si ).7r, i 55.00
Every garment guarantied to bo as represented.
Tlie cutting, the making
and all tho details of finishing
get most carelul thought. Tito
little, things that so often m iko
or mar a suit, aro never over
looked. The fall things are
ready Dressiest sorts for
dressy men, inodut-t and sub
stantial kinds for other tastes,
neat and reasonable whatever
stuff you take.
Men's Fall O'Coats, $4.50
Men's Fall O'Coats, $5.00
Men's Fall O'Coats, $0.00
Men's Fall O'Coats, $8.00
Men's Fall O'Coats, $8.50
Men's Fall O'Coats, $9.00
j ? 7
Men's New Fall Suits.
Men's New Fall Suits .
Men's New Fall Suits .
Men's Xew Fall Sails .
Men's New Fall Suits. .
Men's New Fall Suits.
Men's New Fall Sails ,
Men's New Fall Suits . . ,
You can go as high as you want to for men's suits
here. lOverv suit is guaranteed to be the best at the price.
, sl.50
, 5.00
, t;.5o
, ,U.75i
Low Rates
Best Dining Car Sorvico
' Dr. Kay's Refivato? !
Uiinruiiiei'ti to lire mu vci wurai t iao.
ot d5iictbi4. coiihupatlun. LilliouH rivuil
ache, liver nnu Klilii'-i'd At aruKtimth. S
nd 11, ScnU for V roo Sample l-rr Uool
anil l rco Au..ct. Dr Ivuy. Sarutoiii,
K. Y.
St. a nis, Mo.
Si-h. :kmii. on. i, -. .') i, n.
Kansas City, Mo.
St'il. 'Jll, h, :KMIi, Oct. I, 'J, .'1, 1, ,", t.
Indianapolis, Ind.
(let. Ix nuil -ml.
'i ii ii t; i' o i -i -i i :,
s, i:, ((Ot. Mill ".M) DIM til. Ah,
wi'tk tinrt. niik incfi
IliSfj k'mil'. r"buti
nC ii ii,nrri t ni'H, nun I'iuthI-
- ry vnr.uii) inlft hi .n uf it t
it, r a f f r i i . r ' '1, Jl
U iUli