Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 23, 1900, Page 24, Image 24

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Enrollment Shows Considerable Increase
Oym that of Last Year.
Commrelnl Court n Prove to lie
l'optilnr trltli l,nrir .Number of
Students Cndftn dentil
Tlirlr llrllla.
The number of pupils In the Qraaha pub
lic schools for tho week just ended Is 1,M2
In ozcc.tM of the enrollment during (ha first
week of school In ISfiT. An attandanco re
port made by tho nrlnrloals Friday even
ing shows that the enrollment fjr the week
was 15,607. The enrollments for tho corre
sponding week of the thr"" iroviou. years
wero as follows: 1897, H.1P5, 1808, 15.0W;
1899, 1 1,802.
Although the attendance ts rfre.Ver nt nil
buildings than It was Inst year, the Increase
Is moro marked at tho Mko sthool and tho
High school than elsewhere. Kxlra
seats have been provided In ninny of tho
schools and In some rnses the crowded con
dition 1ms been relieved by granting trans
fers to other buildings.
There are about 100 moro pupils at tho
High school than Attended tho first week
of last year. Many of these entered the
now commercial course which has boon In
stituted, the enrollment of beginners In
that department being 112. In nplto of tho
Increased attendance there was no dulny
In beginning recitations at the High school.
Less than half an hour after school unit
called to order Monday morning nil tho pu
pils who had previously selected their
studies were given schedules nnd begun
Nearly 200 pupils had either failed to se
lect their work beforo tho opening or de
sired to change to tho commercial course.
In former years pupils havo been allowed
to attend classes until their credits nrc
Investigated nnd their courses outlined.
This year, however, Principal Wntcrhouso
did not allow unclassified students to enter
classes until their grudes wero approved
and all details of their cour.ies wero ar
ranged. Tho High school battalion drilled
Wednesday nnd Friday afternoons under
Commandant A. S. Penrse and Is thoroughly
organized for tho year's work. Tho foot
ball team is also being coached by Mr.
I'enrso and Is practicing dally on tho
grounds nt tho High school.
(Aitt.i. hi:i:k imu:iahatio..
Thn till Cent More tr.lft ,1- iil I)iinnln
Has laid In thousands of horns, masks.
blow outs, confetti, confetti bombs nnd
many other novelties not to be found else
where. Wo are undoubtedly the head
quarters for celebration goods. Havo you
seen the dying pig, the latest novelty. So
natural It looks like a live pig till It keels
He sure to bring your friends Into the
mammoth bazaar.
The !9-Ccnt Store.
LOW It A Ills WI2rM2fIIAV.
lltirllriRton oners 1 ntiKtinll.v I.oiv
1 1 n I to I'd I ti In V.nnt mill South.
Tho last of the Homo Visitors' recur
sions, Inaugurated by tho Uurllngton Route,
will happen on Wednesday. September 21.
Here nro fomo of the rates announced:
Chicago and return, JH-""'-St.
Louis nnd return, $13.50.
I'eorla and return, $13.23.
Qulncy nnd return, $11. S3,
fiiilesburg nnd return, $12.43.
Hannibal nnd return, $12.13.
Hurllngton and return, $11.15.
One faro plus $2 for tho round trip to
everywhere In Wisconsin nnd northern pen
insula of Michigan; to nearly everywhere
In Iowa, Illinois, northern Missouri and
southern Minnesota.
Return limit, October 31. 1000.
Tickets, 1602 Fnrnam street.
Opening of millinery nnd hair goods
Thursday nnd Friday, September 27 nnd
m. sohadi:Mj & co..
1522 Douglas.
Miii'CIIIiim' Muht.
Tho Mnccnhces havo selected Monday
evening, September 21, us "Maecnbeo night"
at tho Omnhn musical festival. A special
program has been arranged.
Tickets will bo sold to Maccabees and
tbtlr friends nt 23c each, On sale only nt
Sherman & McCotinell's drug Btore, 10th
nnd Dodge streets.
Merrltt & Graham's drug store, ICth nnd
Knrnnm streets.
Hnrtry'H cigar store, 315 N. ICth street.
Dillon's drug store, 24th and N streets,
EoutU Omnhn.
For policies) that nre sight drafts rt
maturity apply to II. 1). Nclv, manager
liqultnblo Life, 200 and 20S llco building.
Wertr.lnc prevents baldness, removes
dandruff. Sold nt lfitS Douglas street.
r.oini riitiiiiiR.
Spirit Lake, Okobojl, Lake Washington,
Waseca, Eagle Lake, River Kalis, Solon
Springs, Rico Lake, Bayfield, Asnland, Oog
oblc. Watersmeet and numerous lakes-near
Bt. Paul nnd Minneapolis.
They are all good fishing places and nr
quickly and comfortably reached by the
Northwestern Lino.
Cheap rato excursions September 18, 21
nnd 20. Limit. October 31. 1000. City ticket
offlcs, 1401 nnd 1103 Pnrnnrn street.
Attention A. . t. W.
Wednesday, September 2G, Is Fraternal
8ay at the great llellstedt band concerts.
It Is expected that every member of this
order within 200 miles of Omaha will be
present and tnko part In the parades, nttend
thn concerts and take part generally In tho
fostlvltles given In honor of their order.
This Invitation applies to nny nnd all mem
bers of fratcrnnl orders.
Ak-Sar-Ilen bunting, 3Vic ynrd, at noston
Store, Omaha, ICth nnd Douglas streets,
Sprclnl .Nolle.
To book ticket holders: All tickets sold
In books at special prices will not be re
deemed or recognized after Sunday, Septem
ber 30, end of season. So como out and uso
Opening of millinery and hair goods
Thursday and Friday, September 27 and
1522 Douglas.
I.otrrat Itnten or the Meunou
Iowa, Illinois,
Wisconsin, Minnesota,
Northern Michigan.
Round Trip!
Minimum Rate, $7.
September 26.
City Offices, 1401-1403 Furnam Street.
Ho sure to hear the boy cornetlst at tho
BollsteJt baud concert Sunday afternoon,
Illlnoln ('en I nil nirnrnlnus.
On September 21 and 23 we will sell
round trip tickets from Omaha to St. Paul,
Minneapolis, Waseca. Watervlllo, Madison
Lake and Duluth at rate of ono paro plus
Home Visitors' excursion tickets on sale
Soptcmber 26 to nearly nil points in Illi
nois, Iowa, Minnesota nnd Wisconsin at
one fare plus $2.00 for tho round trip. All
tickets limited for return until October 31.
Full particulars at City Ticket Offlco, 1402
Farnnm street, or address W. H. Drill,
D. P. A.. Omaha.
Don't put It off, but bco O. E. Shukert at
once nbout your fur or sealskin garments.
313 South ICth street.
rhenp Itnle Hie iiralons.
See agent Northwestern lino for cheap
excursion rates to Hot Springs, S. D., dur
ing month of September.
Tin Omnium Oftrn a flctiutirtil 1'rlrr.
To tho lady handing In the largest num
ber of cash subscriptions to tae Omahan
by December 1 wo give n full tallor-mado
gown, shirtwaist, fur cape nnd French hat.
For particulars call or address Mrs. Murr,
613 Paxtou blk. Seo dress In Kllpatrlck's
ni vTic runs
At Imttniinpoll, lml,, October .1.
Tho Omnhn & St. Louis railroad will sell
tickets for this occasion at one fare plus
$2 00 for tho round trip. All Information
at city office, 1416 Fnrnam street, or write
Harry E. Moores, O. P. & T. A., Omaha,
Williams A Smith Co. nnnounco tho ar
llval of fall and winter woolens.
Not li-p.
All members of Pntton lodge, No. 173, A.
O. IT. W., nro requested to meet ot hall on
Wednesday, September 20, at 2 o'clock
shnrp to attend fraternal parade, fly order
A. O. OH1SON, Recorder.
Religious services will be hold nt Metro
polltan hall for the coming Zewisk holidays,
Monday nnd Tuesday, September 25 and 26,
nnd Wodncsdny, October 3. C. Singer, sec
retary Hungarian society.
Moil rrn Woodmen of Anierlcu.
All members of Omaha camp, No. 120, aro
urgently requested to meet nt the hall at
1:30 p. m. Wednesday to take part In the
fraternal purude. C. II. T. R1EPEN, Clerk.
J. W. HARNETT, V. C. bunting, 34c ynrd, at Boston
Store, Omnhn, ICth nnd Douglas streets.
Dlnnk book nnd mngazlno binding. A. I.
Root, 414-410 South Twelfth street.
Take younr lunch at M-urer's, 1306 Far
nnm St. Genuine Imported beer.
A nice assortment of fall woolens
Llndquest's. tailor, 316 S. 15th.
Miss Nclllo Hardy, teacher of piano,
studio, 1421 Sherwood nvenue.
O. W. Wertz, dentist. 1015 Douslns street.
Have Root print It.
How About Your Heater?
Is It all right ana ready for the Winter?
If not this Is tho best tlmo to have It
clenned and put In repair beforo you atnrt
your Winter's lire. Or possibly you need a
new one'' In any case you will find our
work in this lino of the best. We will put
in steam heating upparatus or hot water
heating at a reasonable cost.
Free & Black,
Phone 10-lH. . . USOfJ Firnam St
Positively L
Monday morning at 8 30 the rem. ndr of tho stockIncluding consignments
must go this weok greatest s'toc -.'u rj 'ter ever known.
LADIES' SHOES, TAN Turn nnd wel.s. plain and vesting tops Including Fos
ters vnlues up to $0.00 sale price $1.9.
LADIES' SUOES-Conslgnmcnts Julian & KoUlnge, Cincinnati, Ohio; highest
grade footwear made-SOU pairs, fall styles. 1900 finest shoes, including patent
leathers sizes SVj to S widths AA to S divided Into three lots $1. IS, $l.fiS, $2.3S.
MEN'S SHOES Consignments. Stacy, Adams. Regents. Dersh & Sons. Haunls
tcrs Strong Gnrlleld -645 pairs four lots $1 2!V $1 60, $1.S0 and I'J.ta
Wreckage Dept.
LADIES' SHOES-Viilues up to $4 00, $3.00 nnd $3.50 on sale. 69e, OSc, $1 18.
Ladles' Oxfords -10c. 4Se, 6!te.
Little Gents' Shoes--V lei kid tnn and black box calf values $1.73 sale priie.
Hunters are Jubilant over the good shoot
ing In tho northwest this year. Ducks nre
numerous. Rice Is thick this season, which
will probably cause n straggling flight.
Urouso shooting Is very good nnd chickens
promise to be very plentiful with a chnngo
of weather.
The Soo line has Just Issued their 1900 ;
hunting book, containing rcllnble reports as
to shooting nt nil stations along their line
where nny exists, nlso giving nil other In
formation valuable to the hunter.
If you contemplate n hunting trip don't
fall to send for n copy. Fame will bo mailed 1
fieo to nny address upon application to nny
Soo lino representative, or
G. P. A., Soo Line, Minneapolis, Minn,
Hamilton Wnrren, M. I)., Ileetlc and
magnetic physician, ofllcc at the Central
Hotel, corner North Fifteenth and Dodge
streets, till n suitable location can be
found. Special attention to nil long stand
ing or lingering diseases and to diseases of
women nnd children.
Home VNItnr' r.xeiirilnn.
On September 26 tho Rock Island Route
will sell tickets to points In eastern Iowa,
Illinois, Wisconsin nnd Minncsntn for one
fnre plus $2 for the round trip. Gcod for
return until October 31. Call at city tlrkot
olllce. 1323 Farnam street.
Hubcrmann, Jeweler; osf. 18C6; nl)3oiutclv
reliable, lowest price guaranteed. 13 & Doug
When You Gome
to Omnhn this week to see the most stu-
nendniiH negri gatl i of street fair nnd the
mirst colossal. In wllrlcrlnuly beautiful and
Intensely fnKelniitmi: Piiuennt of light nnd
splendor the clei trlml parade don't full
to rail on tlio "original cut prire uniggim.
You 11 tlnd our ilonr WMe open to vieiiome
Cramer'!! Kidney Cure 75c
nr. Knri Kramer s rennyroyni rius..i'v
Mctinen's Tnleum Powder 12c
Wine of Cnrdiil Tie
f'nrter's Liver Pills 13c
Ayer's llnlr VIor 7.1c
IIuITVh Malt Whiskey Sc
1 do7.. 2-gi'iiln i.Julnlne Capsules 7r
1 dor.. 3-grnln (jiilnlne Cupsiileo pie
1 doz. 5-gialn Quinine Capsule 15c
S. S. S 75c
Srup of Finn v
M lies' Nervine Toe
Mulled Milk 40c
1 Merer-h Proscription 73c
Donn's Pills 4't
I'nelc Kam'H Tobaei o Cure 60c
Jiilh nnd (MiI'-mco.
Latest Styles
Ladies' footwear
If you want to see the ninnt stylish
high grade footwear for ladles In the
world, call and see our Laird. Sciiolier
Co. line. They have Just been
nwnrded tho "Grand Prix," at the
Pnrls Exposition. This Is the highest
pilzo offered for shoes, nnd has been
awarded for the best shoomakltig In
tho world, to Laird, Scliober R Co.,
for whoso goods wo nro exclusive
agents In Omaha.
This wot'k vp ootniripnoe our ntiimnl full r(ovc- snle,
this is nn opportunity for stove buyers to secure lend
i ii i? bniuds nf warranted stoves sind ranges nt prices as
low or less than is asked for inferior ;oo(ls.
We are exclusive agents for Omaha
and South Omaha for
f P
e Stoves
nil Ranges
3 'c,:- -rrj238P
OC. tl.ST I.DUI3. 1 HICUI5 3 m
liPSiy Majestic, Monitor and
l M3B i Ousck lea Stee Emm$a
fr.i i-v . c ,, , Mil a w u
1 UCjU II ;J.i
(STB n
.... . ,,"H
V. Cor
Avoid this terrible suffering, by having
your teoth attended to now. Our work Is
always of tho best, nnd fully warranted.
Gold Crowns $3.00
Good Teeth, a set $5 00
Extracting 25c
Tail's Philadelphia Dental Rooms
ie,1 lliniulnii St.
If. E. Cor. 10th
and Douglu Sta.
Wit km if m
Stoves and Kanges sold on payments.
Stoves and Ranges delivered and put up in So. Omaha.
Corner 14th
and Par n am.
Prices and Illustrations by Mail on Application.
M'S P.flRMVA. Pi"n-l Work Before
at s li'Ji Hft) crtm.'ttir&5'?cl SXSrWi
This week we place on sale a big line ot
tho choicest purfumes over shown in Omaha
price of from
25c to 75c Per Ounce
These porfumctt retail nt Just double
this price. Don't fall to soe us for per
UHliHCi?:!!'!! I I.L.I I.'IH
yj7TysSAFE,..A1r,,,,,J'M" LuiiM..nrnicti
r.r 1:111c tutor KR'i kMll.Iir
U UEI 9l Uclit M'lOllt kin v.lil '1 nltr iia othr. It.r.a
l.Ctron. Dnli.lllutUilii DlliI lilt.
tlim. Iluf .f yttt p 4f.l fir ,k4 -1., m
' . - ... -n . . i
,T .J ttnllir fur l.,.lc.,''lr,,nr' lr rf
tlir 11 nSI. I O.IIIM) I hui.kKli e.vlrt ty
I)rjjln I'hlchMlf r HhrrolrsI !.,
ft" Sla.ll.on -uut. c. I'fl I V
' Cloak
S Department
Men's Shoes broken lines 6?o. 9Sc, $1. IS. J1.38.
Infants' Shoos- I'.'c. Misses' Shoes 39c, t9e, 59c.
' Doll Shoes l'rco with every pair children's and ralsaes' shoes
Colossal, amazing and unparalleled Is Hoyden's stock ot cloaks, suits, skirts,
waists nnd children's Jackots Purchased from the leading manufacturers of the coun
try, and now ou salo In our remodelled, and enlarged cloak department AT A SAV
ING OK W to 30 PER CENT ON EVERY GARMENT. Wo nro better prepared this
season than nny house In western America to give ou tho greatest values nnd tho
greatest bargains you ever heard of.
1UO Ladies' Sample Suits
submitted for comparison by threo of tho leading manufac
turers of New York City, at a saving of 50 per cent.
!f:($i2.5o $15
Ladles' handsomest nnd most stylish sample suits, worth
$10.00 and $30.00. ut $23.00 and $27.50.
Ladies' Golf Skirts
Very finest Imported materials, mado up with strapped
seams, with 24 rows of stitching nt
$10, $12.50 and $15
Ono table of ladies' Golf Skirts. In grays,
blues, browns nnd blnck, nt
500 ladles' Dress SklriE. In mohairs, Veuetlansi
nnd serges, worth $C and $7, on salo nt
35 Sample High Grade Taffeta Silk Skirts, most elaboratoly
trimmed, at $12.00. $15.00. $20.00, $30.00, $40.00 and $50.00.
Our stock of coats In automobiles, boas nnd etons Is something tromendous.
possible to describe them. Wo havo them fiom tho plain jacket nt $3.00, to tho swellest
Imported Automobllo at $15.00.
250 Washington Mills Kersey Jackets mad o with strapped seams, pearl buttons nnd
lined with tho famous Skinner's satin warranted for two years wear
a Jacket worth $15 In nny house In America Hoyden's price only Zl
Onr Fur Department
is the n ost complete In tho f At Irs wnst. We carry astrakhans, beavers, minks, Per
sians, ii.-uv silks, electric seal'j, nuiflloons and nil other furs. 75 Astrakhan capes,
Skinner s satin lined, warranted to wear wortli $7 so
on sale at
The largest clothing stock in America. The greatest assort
ment of styles, fabrics and patterns to choose from.
NOT (lO. The gigantic volume of our business enables us t
buy for spot cash at fully one-third less than even the largest of
tho other western houses. In this Rreat ssle we offer several large purchases recently
fucured by our buyer specially for this occasion and will offer the senson's best styles
and fabrics and makes In suits and overcoa ts at a saving to customers of 25 to 40
per cent.
Men's New Fall Suits 580 men's worsted and line
cassimere suits, regular sizes. 'M to 4-1, sold else
where in this city for .fll.HO to 915.00
special Carnival Sale Price
Glen's very tine suits, in regular also slims and
stouts, of line Oxford mixtures, pure worsted,
tweeds and cheviots made by the best makers in
America Suits worth !?1S.00 special j f ff
Carnival Sale Price 1VJ .JJ
Men's early fall Overcoats, handsome Oxfords, vi
cunas and Chesterfields, also nobby Covert Top
coats, regularly worth from 1.50 to $20.00 special Carnival
Sale Price
3.75. 5.00, 7.50 and 10.00
I'oys' fall and winter Knee Pants Suits, ages l to 1(1,
cut in ve.stee, double-breasted fancy vest and novelty
styles all the newest and nobbiest effects, extra well
lined and tailored suits that others offer at double
our Carnival Sale Price 05c, $1.50, $1.75, $2.50. $2.05,
$0.75 up to $5.50.
300 stylish hats, In Fedoras, Colonels nnd ' sold elsewhere nt $1.7fi, $2.00 nnd $2 50. on
Railroad shapes, regular $1.25 hats, on salo special Carnival Salo Price, $1.00.
at 75e. A special drive In men's und boys' Caps.
All tho latest Oolf shapes, regular $2.00 All silk lined on sale at 23c.
and $2.25 hats, on sale at $1.25. Campaign hats for men on salo nt 95c.
225 men's stiff hats, made of fine quality Hoys' Campaign Hats at 10c and 25c.
felt, In the Knox and other leading shapes,
Children's Jackets
Wo carry moro Jackets for nges 4 to l(i years than all the houses In Omaha com
bined, nt prices 23 to 50 percent less than nny house In the coun- -fl O f iTti
try. Thoy como from $1.25 to ,UU
200 Jackots, ages i to 12, on sale Monday wortli o
G.00, for only iiiVO
Specials for Monday
300 Indies' Sill; Waists, In black and colors, sizes 32 lp 1 1, made of all silk taf
foln, corded back and sleeves worth $8.00 anywhere fif
llfiydcn's prlco
Ladles' dressing sacques. made ot wool eiderdown, trimmed with CiT
satin ribbon worth $1.50. for OVC
20 dozen Perc.iline I'ndersklri b -wirih $1.23 A f
on sale at, ench 4C
20 d zen r'lannolette Wni.p. rs with yolci braid trimmed, extra
waist lining w rt U $1 'J' f.r
50 dozen lad eV rar ocr- at i.
Head Ilnydci s Hurgams on page I'
Im- S .
in our methods of extracting teeth.
For the simple reason that we use the
most upiirovcd und sclcntltle systom
nnd employ only expert help.
That old stump of yours, which has
given you so pain and troublo
can be readily removed.
oitnr.iti.Y ti:i:tii
nre worth owning. If you have tiono
of naturo'H glvlnjr, come to uh for
glittering Ivorlm. We will dovetail
them lit vour mouth for (umfurt nnd
ijood service.
BAILEY, the Dentist
Hnoiim :t t U-:t 1 :i I'lixt.ui lllnel.-.
I'lioiip HIM.-t. I, inly Atti'iiiliinl.
I 1 o 1 dies t'ollarettes ullt lined.
The Btason Is ovor and no moro largo shipments expected You 1
better i ome and sen ua this week, whllo you nro taking In the "good
things" at the Ak-Sar-Ilen festivities. We nro only ono block
north of tho postofllce.
We offer the following bargains for this week:
IV (IM All V ue don't think It ntll
thin I line.
CHICAGO. Sept. 10 The Projirl-tiin A
Hoellltlon of America, united with th.
Whiilemilc LiniKglsts' association, the S i
tlonnl ltetull Druggists' assoclutlei
the American l'lmrmueeutleul iismii ,.n. ,
todnv In a close agreement to M iK.
n tall prleeH of prnprletiiry tneillelne ,m.
drugs. Ah ii remilt of this action all
prlftnry inoilleliieM will lie jut upui Mi
market nt the juices Hated und tint ,it .
reduction of from 20 to (0 Jier rent
illsj'iitch, Thursdny.
Heferrlng to nbove newH Item we lien t
remark thnt regardless of ugreemr'nt" m.nt
by iMlOPIUI-rrOIl.S." "wiioV-.ileif.'
lini'AII.10119, mid whether the hitter n
under the "seiidiniyin of iai'K''ft hi.
drug limine In Omaha." "iip-to-ilale .lnu
gist." "graduate In iihiirmaey" nr . -maey
graduate." we shall continue t.i h ,'
goods WHICH H'H OWN nt juie, m h. h
Si:iA'i;S. Htl.-k u Mn here.
Sherman &, McConnell Drug Go.
Corner tilth mid Undue.
Oriental Carnival and
Ak-Sar-Ben Parade Pictures
When you go to tho carnlal this
week tnko a
with you.
We havo n comploto line of
Nothing better made, nt 20 j. r cent
discount. A llrst-chiBB film kod.ik for
All other amateur photo supplies
fresh and up-to-date.
i215 I'drii.iin St.
Wliolculo unci Kottiil
the noBTRr dfmpster go
Perhaps you aro n visitor lo oi.r
O i O O
Ak-Sar-Ilen festivities aiiy way
want to show you some of Wm.
Wood & Oo's celebrated
at our booth
You may not be ready to tun
but e will take plenum e In
you these tools.
we v
-hn .mui; O
iJas. Morton & Son Co. I
151 1 DODCii; ST.
j ooi iicnti(u,ii ters.
----- a
I jiMiim nnd tiiiue 1teleiui Iteil-
llendi'd I'nrriil, und a hiiIIiI, xultnlili
I'll i rut t ii ur, on I
. $6.50
We have quite a few In stock, which nro already tnlking a little
Call early and you will get one.
Our Written (.iinriint eei-, of cnurxe, coeit with r erj Pnrrnl
Ustahlh hrri ik.s s3 North Kith Street Omaha Phone 2)71
Direct Imjioiters of and Wholesale Dealers in Mcxl- an I'arroto
Low Rates Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday
High Grade Weber, Wheelock, Schubert
nnd nine other makes of pianos to nolect from. Wrlto tor catalogue ami bargain
list. Klcctt'lo piano plnyors uonoorta Huturdav ovonlnps. Tel. "l!:i. I'Iuium
moved, tunctl and stored. COLLINS PIANO COMPANY,
1620 Douslas. T. II. rEHt'IELD, Msr. South Omaha, fitO-7 .North Twenty-Koimh
Smoke the best. Ask your dealer for a
F. R. RICE N. C. CO., iUfrs, St. Louis. UNION MADE
lltl :
y W so.i'
That "Yellow Soap
Hun I'lcases All.
10c a Cake.
Fourteenth mitt Ununlni fttrerta.