THE OMAITA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1000. 23 PERSONAL. VITAMTY re torcd, without "drug". -Mf li'tii" treatment, stamp fur Dartliu'ar AMr-M. ntology, p. o. Box 5., Omahv t -2 t.' VI' T'ltiv of science over disease; cancer ballllng general practitioner's skill vlUla riadlly to our scientific method. Mason Medkal Co. 121 IV. 43.vl street, New York Hook and advice tree. U 81 I 1'HRFLUOUS hair treated for ten days half price, one treatment 11. Mme. True. 1623 Do J Rifts. U-M245 CORRESPOND for amusement or matri mony, scaled particulars, 2c. Champion, Count!' Bluffs, la U-244 ft WIDOWER of SO wants a wife with some means to assist In his business. Address I- 13. Bee V-Wi tl' 8ECONDHA ND PEwIntTUCI UN E sT Monday we wl'l sell the following second hand machines ut prices that will Interest you They are genuine, bargains; 1 .iodic I Davis I Rlneers 1 White J Choice $2.00 I xi-w Home I Domestic Former Pr'.et. Jit OO HM 25 ) IS 00 2SfO ii .... "00 Mondav. J 5.0) 7.10 Domestic Wheeler tc Wilson.. Hlnger, modern Household standard White Shoemaker, Singer.. 12.50 ?.09 12.00 6 00 24.00 Mommy forenoon wo will ohe-half dozen machine needles to any lady who asks for them at our store NEBRASKA CYCLE CO.. 15th and Harney nirccw. l no k LADY, no. cu'tured. amiable. affectionate, Il&.ooo ami tally, no great beauty, would marry Mrs. Stone, 101 E. 83th St . New York U-231-2S INFORMAT ION wanted of Henry Hcliclp who w.iH .ii Umnhn. Neb . In Anrll. 1E"J0 la a trunkmaker by trade; 28 years of nrre heuvv built hiiiI wore h brownish moustache. If this notbe should meet hl eye will h" plruse address his sister. Mis' Bertha Hrh"lp. Murine. Wis 7 Any per son knowing of hit whereabouts will con fer a favor bv addrerslng Bertha Schelp. :;o nz: Norm Main street, iinoine. wis !MNE nnnearlnir. educated and refined pro fessU nal man of 9) wishes to correspond with Udy of means, object, matrimony Address, T CT, llee. U-228--23 CVEALTHY itcntlemnn. prosperous mniiu rVturcr. STO.Ooo annuallv. wi'l devote lf io hnopln-ss of oongcil.-il wife Hank reference-. 'Bonnflde," T71 North Pmk vo . Chicago U-22S-2S' WEALTHY gentleman, lonely sluce mothers death, wants wlfo to make h us lovely house home. Mr. James. 11" East .3d St New York. u-227-23 WANTED. 50 second-hand ladles' bicycles Nebraska 'cle Co , for. ir,th and Harney U-M171 20 RECIPES Bottled Electricity. Secret Ink. Sa'he' I'erfume. Corn Killer. Hubberlne, 5 rents each S. M. Dean, Box IS. Fort Dodge, la. U-169 23 MOHl'IIINE whisky and tobacco hanlt cured In ten days. Pav when cured, no suffering Write Rob'non Institute Hlalto bids. Kansas Ity. Mo Stato rights to use remedy can be secured. u-23t ;3' MOVEV TO I.O N IIK.tL ESTA'I OAN8 on eastern Nebraska and western Iowa farms at 5 per cent. Borrowers cun nay 10 or any multiple. Any Intcres date No delay Hrennnn-Love Co., 309 South 13th St , Omahn. Neb. W 924 MONEY to loan on improved Omaha real estate, iireimaii-i.ove Co.. sro so. lath. W-WS 1,000 and tipward to loan on Improved city property and fnrn s. W. Farnam Smith At co . ixt f arnam. w WANTED, city loans, bonds and warrants, Hcorgo A: t.ompany, jih i-amain si. W-931 MiS'nT In nnv amount at 5. 5'A. r, per cent J W BOBBINS & CO.. 1802 FAllN M tT W 930 HONEY to loan on farm and city property; lowest retes O. F. Davis Co., 1505 Farnam. W-932 HONEY to lontt nt 5 nnd 5'i per cent on Omaha property. W. B. Melkle. 401 S. .15th. W-927 PRIVATE money. 5. Mi. a rer cent; no de lay Oarvln Bros . 113 Farnam. W-929 WANTED city and fnrm loans; nlo bonds and warrants It. C I'cters & Co., IToci Farnam St., Bee Bldg W 9J1 PRIVATE money F. D.Wead, 1521 Doaulas. W 922 FIVE per cent money. Uotrn -, Paxion block W-923 MONEY to loan on first. class Improved city property or for bulldlnir purposes. Pnvne Knox Co.. New York life. W-925 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTEL... MONEY LOANED SALARIED MONEY PEOPLE. No endorser or mortgage required. LOWEST RATES. EASY PAYMENTS nnd STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. OMAHA CREDIT CO., Room 520, fifth floor, New York Life Bldg. X-9J3 -M-O-N-E-T--D-O-Y-O-U-N-E-E-D-I-T-We make loans from $10 00 up on furniture, pianos, horses, cows, etc.; ou keen the property, or wo will make ou a SALARY LOAN rn vour own note, without lndorser or mortgage; we, charge absolutely noth ing for maKlng papers and we keep noth ing out of the amount you borrow; you may pay the money baik In ono mouth or take more time In which to pay It. and you are expected to pay for It onlv what time you use It. our rates are low and our terms are the easiest; our business is as cont'.dentlal as Is posslblo and our treat ment Is alwava co irteous Omahn Mort gage Loan Co , 3e6 SO". 11th St ERtab fished 1592 X 934 LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE FOLLOW THE CROWD. They come to us If you can do better elsewhere don't come here (but you can t Come and let us prove to you that we give BEST TERMS m the city and more for jour money than others D RE No mortgnge. no Indorscr. no publl.ltv. simply conlidcntlal business deal RELIABLE CREDIT CO. Room SOS Third Floor, Paxton Block. X-M97S MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture. Jew Icry. horses, cows etc C. F Roed, 319 S 13. X-936 SALARY LOANS. CHATTLE LOANS. J. W TAYLOE. CIS First Nat. Bank Bldg. X-937 MONEY lonned salaried people holding per manent (Kisltion with responsible concern t.pon their own names without securltv; easy payments. Tolman. 706 N Y. L. Bldg X 9S1 HONEY loaned on pianos, furnittit' . horses. iowh. Jewelry. Duff Green. R.S, Barki.r Blk X-WS HONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, dia monds, watches, privately. Berger s Loan i o iw'i r arnnm ni . upstairs, x 910 HONEY loaned on furniture, diamonds. watches, payments conildentlal. Omaha t'nattio t.oan uanK. :.u s. lotn. upstairs X9U V l I V A T E 1 .0 A N SToT S ALA 1UEDP EO I'I.E momentarily embarrassed who desire above fveryttung else to AVOID PUBLICITY fan be nccotnmodated at our olllce with ess expense, tltno nnd trouble than uny piace in tno city. AMERICAN LOAN CO, Room 001, Bee Building. X-942 Hi'si.M'.sh ciiam-i:., 1150 cosh or easy payments buys 25 strictly lawful uilckel) slot machines for drinks, cigars or cash; will earn $2 and upward weeklj each i;aii. I'larK it t-o rurni ture Manufacturers. Chicago, HI Y-M7M HAN and wlfo without chlUren want management of n first-class $2 house or would leaiie ror two years, years ex. verlence In hotel business; references Address U 46. Bee. Y-M9.G 25 IVIIEAT WHEAT. WHEAT II ; iinested in wheat by my ufe invest ment plan may make you Independent fot life Send for free particular.. Sucicss fill customer and financial references Stohen A Clemons. Broker, 4 Van BJien St . Chicago Y-234 -2J TMIVRlfMANH' practices and drug stores tor fait, very drrlrubk. Medical Kx- c&mio, Omaha No. Y-2J9 S IttSlNF.SS ciia'ci:s. FOIl HENT. '.wlnir to advanc'.nr year Mr u iua ine norisi at i"u iniun strrei, has decided to rent out his hot houe at above location, occupying 7.0 0 to S-W souare feet, under glass. 'with about SO) windows, and the residence and store fronting the street, on the motor line tq South Omaha. Excellent location for the buHneis. Y-Stl FOB SALE, small stock millinery; about I12S: only stock In town Chs. F. Ooetts. Bennington Neb. Y-Ml Si AN established tSOOCO Ohio corporation, compo'-d of men mini over io. 'v.Ojo ttur tilshlne hlghet banking and commercial references). iperatlng on the Carnegie proflt-'harlns plan with employe?, desires eorrerpomletice and Interviews with men able to earn salarv and commfstlon of U,W0 pr annum T" omply with co operative conditions and obviate (riving bond an Investment of H.000 to IB.Ooft abso lutely necesary Address Auditor's de partment. 200 to 206 Wyandotte bldg.. Co lumbu, O. Y SPKCri.ATOHS who are not adverse to op erate on the Turf can mane from 20 to 30 per cent monthly in a l.esltlmate and Absolutely Safe Established Buslnes: thorough Investigation Invited. Trial Olven Before Investing. Write to Al 1'etier .t Co., S2 Dearborn, Chicago. Y-233-23' IF YOL' n-)t to go Into grocery business at an old etabllsli"l stand In fine resi dence part of Omaha drop a line to 7.. Station B. Omaha, and you .can learn of a bargain. Y-M232-J4' FOB RALE Oood prlntlnz ofllce, doing rood business In a live Nebraska town; iwo. J jot cash; easy payments. Artars, V 22, Uee. Y-210-M' A first-class manufacturing chance, which win pay iio.ou) clear annually, for tn.e for JI.W.'i. owner dead. Address F. J. Peddle. Detroit. Mich. Y-2J5 21 FOB SALE, nice boarding and livery stable biwlneas; chtm.o for live man with small capital to make money. Address W. Bee Office. South Omaha. Y-M2C2 23 PHYSICIANS' practice and horse and buggy for f 150. German Lutheran pre ferred: eastern Neb. Medical Kxchaneo Omaha. Neb. Y-23d 23 GBOCEnY stock for mile. Davldge Block. Inquire No. 2 Y-273 23 roit i:cnA.fiU. tW.Ooi) worth of general merchandise for sale or traae in cihi.iks to suit, -wiiae, 713 Wabsh.v st , St. Paul, Minn. Z-MW3 2 J.1f tock new nenertt ilrv uoc.ds: will ex change for derlrable protierty in the south or west; owner would require about J2.&50 cash to pay up obllgat.ons, but would take uil pntpertv for balance. Ad dress L J Wilde, trustee. 7(3 Wabasha St.. St 'Paul, Minn. .-MH2t' SG.&O). 39.000. 117.500 and I30.0d0 stocks Ken trnl merchandise for sale or trade. "Wilde." 7 Wubasha st . St. Paul. Minn 55-MS02 2t FOB EXCHANGE, good lot. 11th and Cuss st.; will take good driving horse and buggy as part pay. Benawa Co. 7.-MW7 23 HAVE moo stock of genernl dry bo :ds and ll.&M) cash to exchange for pood, im- tiroved farm In nurtheHFterii Neb. r Iowa. Box 71. Norfolk. .Neb Z-M304 :v OSTEOI'ATIIY. JOHNSON Institute. 615 N. Y. Lifa Bldg. Tel. 1CU: Alice Johnson. D. O.. ladles dept ; Old E. Johnson, Osteopathtst, Mgr. 3.H M. E. DONOHUE. D. O.. of Still school Klrkvlllc. Mo. m Paxton Blk. Tel. 18 -S37 N. F. MfMl'liaAY, B. S D., D. O.. Mrs J. B. MiiMck. ii. o.. crartiiates a. h u Kirksville. Mo., fulte M6-35 Bee bid I dp. 372 OS A. T. HUNT. D. O.. S05 Karbach. Tel To2. 5SC-Oct 9. MIOKTIIAM) M TYIi:'lllTI.0. A. C. VAN S A NT'S School. T17 N. Y. Life. -651 BOYLES College, court reporter prlnc'pal. Bee Bldg -952 NEBRASKA Business and Shorthand Col lege. Boyd's Theater. !'-3 GREGG Shorthand tnucht at the Omaha Commercial College, lCth and Douglas Sty 9ol D.lMiMi CALL on Morand. Crelghton hall, for society and atago dancing, waltz and 2-step. $5. Large hall to rent for con ventions, meetings, balls and club socials. 636-Scpt. 21 CHAMBERS' school of dancing. 17th nnd Douglas Classes nnd el ibs now form ing nt academy. Open dally, 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. 'Phono, 1111 Hull nnd music furnished parties Circulars M59? O10 KIU'CATIOX All. CHATELAIN School of Languages will re oren September 24: enrollment book will be open September 20 and following days at the hdiool room, Bovd's theater, every day from 9 a. m to 5 p. m. . tuition $2 per month. M-97C 23 lTHNITl'Ri: AMi PIArVO MOV1XCS. JACOB SCHWAr.Z. 1510 Webster. Tel. 201G Ml. 3 -if Ml'SIC L. PROF P HRAUN, teacher of piano and organ: studio 550 n.imge blK; open l to i p. tn ; terms moderate; thorough, artistic work guaranteed. MM) OctlS ACHTVI.KXE. MONAIV'II Generators are bast. Carbide $4 50 per !) lbs Agents wanted M. A. G. Co . 1022 Douglas St. C77-0-13 IIIHIIS AXI1 TAXIUr.nMY. STOCK'S Ulrd Store. 1603 Loavenworth. 959 ACCOIIDIOV PI.EATIXR. ACCORDION nnd side pleating, cheapfst best, quicKest. .irs a. w. jiarK, j rat tersou Blk., 17th and Farnam. -M514 OJ 'PICKET HROICEn. CUT rate tickets every where. P. II. Phil- bin, 1505 l'arnnm. 'iempnono ,m. wi PIAXO TIMXO. WE tnne your piano for $1 50, Rose'a Art Store, 1521 UOUge. Tel. I3JS 956 DltESSMAKIVC. IN families. Miss Sturdy. 318 S. 26th st -630 Sept 24 E. G. M DONALD, 1612 Capitol avenue. -MC67 013 in: ron sale. ICE for sale In car lots. Council Bluffs Gilbert Bros -M540 STAMMEHI.NC. AXI) SiTrTTIJIlING. CURED. Julia Vnuglian. 430 Ramgo Bldg. SHJl MIHHOH I'ACTOIIV. Damaged looking glasses resllvered 708 N 16 -926- LANGUAGES. CHATELAIN School of Languages, Royd's theater, will reopen Monday, September 10. 425-OS HOTELS. HENDERSON, $100 per day house; board, $3.50 to $3 week. 9th and Farnam tel. 1214. -M261 OI LUXURY. jMAHA Steam Laundry; shirts, 7c; collars, ' 2c; cuffy, 4c. 1750 Leavenworth. Tel. 547. ' -063 ' I'lil X IT lit H It 1: P A 1 It I f ! . 1 , 1 TEL. 1331. M. S. Walklln, 2111 Cuming fit. I ... . . . 903 TOR S ,l!tr.AI, KSTATE. H l".-'ES, LOTS. FARMS. RANCHES, LANDS. GOOD INVESTMENTS IN INSIDE lU'SINESS PROPERTIES, FIR8T-CLAS3 TRACKAGE PROPKRT1KS 5. 10. 20 AND 19-ACRE TRACTS NEAR CITY LIMITS. RESIDENCE LOTS ONLY 18 EACH. UY GEORGE P. BEMIS. Telephone m. Paxton Block. LOOK AT THtS-Two houses oil S0-foot lot. one of 5 roomi and one of 3. in vicinity oi 2Mh and Lake sts.. about 3 blocks from street car, only J1.000. Two vacant lots near 40th and Farnam. 50x 127'4 feet, only jiweaeh, 51" down ana jis per month. Como and see them. Five-room cottage and small lot near 19th st and Boulevard and Nicholas St., only $SM; only 10 blocks from postofflce. Seven-room l'j-story house In north port of city, with stable ana run corner lot. oniy J1.000. Four-room cottage, large lot. only $700; 175 down aqd only tio per month. Five. room cottage ncur 26th and Hurdette, only VACANT LOTS. Choice lots near 2iju and Ajnes ave., only 150 each; Jj down and $5 per month. BETTER YET At 24th nnd Manderson. covered with fine large shade trees, only oi eacn; iu down nnu nu per tnontn. Have large list of choice resilience lots In every purl of city from 1M up to $2.00) or eacn. FARMS. RANCHES. LANDS. In every county In the state. Come In and look over our list. GOOD INVESTMENTS In central business portion of city. Come In and look over our list. Now Is the time to pick up the snaps. TRACKAGE PROPERTIED. Have some of the best trackage sites In the city of Omaha. Come In and look them over. FRL'IT FARMS. SL'BI'RBAN HOMES A N I) ACHE TRACTS NEAR CITY LIMITS. All sizes; some finely Improved and some oniy tairiy so; an prices ana most any terms to suit buyers. PER CENT MONEY TO LOAN FIRST-CLASS CITY AND FARM SECURITY. WRITE GOOD SOUND FIRE INSURANCE. ON GEORGE P. BEMIS, (Established In 1&08.) Telephlno 5Si. Paxton Blook. HE-297 23 TOR SALE. 6 acres fine garden land Just west of city. $575. Hicks. 325 Hoard Trade Bldg. RE 299 23 R. C. PETERS & CO.. 1702 Farnam St.. Bee Building. HOMES FOR RENT CHEAP. No. 41-2322 N. 21st. 7 rooms, bath, gas, hot and cold water, nice cedar finish, all hand carved, lot SSxlOO, cast front, bau t If til shade trees, good barn, one block to car. $.1,OV. No 4565 rooms, on Chicago and 2th st.. n bargain for $1,0A No 7057 room", car, only $2,500. modern, 2 blocks from No. 1,154-Here l a snap to be sold this week, 7-room house, 50-Ioot lot, eat front, 27th and Popplcton live.; mtge.. $1.0oo. submit offer. Annlher big bnrgaln In a 7-room house, bath, iloset, hot and cold water gas and fixtures, huuse In splendid repair, full lot, east front, asphalt paved street, 3 blocks from car, only $1.;C0. No 512 10-room. modern house, lot 75 feet front, asphalt paved street, south an I east front. In Kountze Place, cost owner over $12,000. We arc authorized to "ell this beautiful home with tine ehado and permanent sidewalk, for $5,500. No. 1,253 7-room house, nice lawn, on cor ner, owner has held thU place at $3.00). but now wants us to get nn offer. VACANT LOTS" FOR PALE AT A GREAT SACRIFICE. South front lot. near new street. car barn. am ana Ames ave., very cheap want an offer. Owner Is going to sell. On Manderson street, west of :ith. south front, full lot, only $550. East front on 27th, south of Woolworth ave.. at a bargain. Submit offer quick. Farm of 2M acres only 12 miles northwest ot city tor j. per acre, or win sell to acres of same farm If deJlred. We have a large list of farms In eastern Nebraska. R. C PETERS Si CO. 1702 Farnam St. f.E-251 h rOTTER-SHOLES CO., Tel. 473. 310 N. Y. Life 202-2515 N. 13th, on Boulevard, we offer 30x140 lot 5-room, neat home, clfcan- larce. shade trees. $1.6 S10 .ls N. 42d, 50x128. 7 noma, all modern, with furnace. anJ good repair; $X0 ca'h balance monthly. $2,600. 312 402S Seward, 10 rooms, strictly modern. wun lurnace, goon nam. 101 wxiw. nrst class order; guurantee nood for price. 401-S30 S. 29th (Geo. ave.), 4Sxl40. 6 rooms. elegant location and while not modern, Is cheno at price. S3 300. 5C0 1040 S. 28th, 50x1(0, 7 rooms, strictly modern, steam heat and In fine repair. 14, zoo. 807--IU West Omaha, on the HILL offer 12-room house, brick: brick barn strlctlv modern, cost $24.i0 beside the cround: ground Is a corner S2177 feet; price la less than cost of Improvements several tnousann uouars. vou can pay part casn ana part in otner goou prop crty. VACANT 455 On 3!d ave., H block from Tarnam, tve win sen vou Tuxiao teet. on crade. nno trees, stono walk, paving nil paid, for 463 On same street, farther north, we will reu uvxioj ii-'ci buuji-i-i io iainK lr ir covering 32d ave., for only $1.6H These are regular "PICK UPS" at the price 120 Lots S and 9, block 5, Brlggs" Place 10Oxl2S, on Dodge St., on car line, near 4:a st . lying line, soia once tor $1.2.0; reauceu to .. 451-00x132, on 37th, 200 feet north of Far nam, FINE, $3,500; EXCHANGE. 41050x151) enst front, choicest lot In Han scom Place, on 31st st., to trade, clear with some cash, for piece of good land near umniu, 53 flx!2S feet, with two good D-room cot tages, all clear, renting for $14 per monin iraiie cieur lor good piece o land In Nebraska. 410 K" and f22' S. 20th. two bouses, rent for $3S month, to trade subject of $2,200 mortgace. ror stocit goods or good land JTICC, .i,WJ. DEER PARK For moderate priced lots, surrounded with lino BOULEVARD nnd tine, lnrge oak trees on every lot, nothing In the city of fers as attractive bargains for homeseek ers of moderate menus as do lots In this BEAUTIFUL addition. Prices are from $250 to $500 and on terms that will suit. ABSTRACT of title with every lot. SEE US. POTTER-SHOLES CO HE-290 23 OPEN FOR SETTLEMENT. THE COLVILLE RESERVATION of state of Washington will be opened for home steads of 160 ucrt-B each on October lu at 12 o'clock noon. A timber, mining and farming country; mild climate; fruit grains. Desirable free government land in United States nearly gone. Embrace this chance. Send llfty cents and cct de scription of lund. way to get there, name , of United States land olllce. how to select , your land anil how to file on snme, with otner intormnuon anoui ine i-ou-we Res ervation Address Culvllle Land Guide. Box 25S7. 8t Paul. Minn. RE-170 22' MODERN 9-room cottage, splendid location, near Hanicom park, only $4.:&o Hlcka. tZi Beard Tr4 IHi. RS-22 'OH ?U.E-HHAt. KlTATi: PAYNE-KNOX lOMPVSV are authorized bv the owners ti offer the following exceptional real estate barclna for this wek and we believe earh and every one of these properties are cheap at the prices named: $2,300 wi'l take a beautiful eight-room house in tne norm pari oi me ciw. one block from Jlth St car llae. House all modern except f.irnace; terms easy. $1.00 will take a tine lot and flve-roem noure near &in, on uun ri. imuFt has ,i rood cellar, city water and sood barn. $2,000 will buy a good 7-room house, all molrn except nirnace, in urcnaru Hill, only two blocks frem motor; nr.: ill payment down, balance easy terms. $l,tj0 This is a nice 6-room house. 3 blocks from car line in cimon inn. o can rell on SMALL CASH PAYMENT. $1,300 will take this good., little home of 5 rooms, locatea on nuimm near dim St.. pnvlns n 1"U- CHEAP ENOUGH. $1,500. This Is a splendid S-room. cottage on 17th and Manderson sts. WELL WORTH THE MONEY. $350 takes a nice 50-ft. lot in Kendall's addition, 4 blockB from Ames ave. car barn. $40) Procures a fine lot on California and Lowe ave., 50x142, nice high ground. Wo have property all over the city, all grades, all prices. Give us a call. Main Floor N. Y. Life Bldg., Omaha, Neb. RE-172 23 WYMAN. SHRIVER CO.. N. Y. Life Bldg. 51x50 feet, vacant, cor. 26th & Parker Sts, lln building sight. $UW. 60x127 feet, corner 25th. near Parker 6- rnnm bmise 11 ROO G-room cottage, city water, sewer, lot 3lC0 feet, corner on alley, cast front, sotn unu Parker. $1,000. Full lot. east front. 5-room cottage .on grade. 3th. near Dodge, I1.0). 1 Mil IU. !UUlll llUilk, d-IMUII! UI"lVltl IIU"" barn, 42d. near Farnam. v. Ill be painted ami nut In cnod shane. $1.2"). 5-room cottage, city water and sen or, lot 3SX60 feet. 2tUh and Decatur. $l.CO). Full lot. south front, 4-room cottage. 41st nnd Hamilton. St(t uOxlW feet, two fronts, large 10-room btlck residence, modern, barn. tro blocks from court house. .(). Full lot. south front, 7-room modern houc except furnace, large burn, snaac trees, loth ami Itninllton. t?MY S-room modern house, Urge barn, 22d and Grant. fl.O.w. S-room modern house, full lot, on street car line. 47th and Dodge. $2,500 3-room cattace. corner lot. 2ath. near Bur- dette. $1,000; cash, balance $10 per month, rents for $10. Full lot, 6-room modern house, 25th and Hnrnrlii tl 40O 6-room modern cottage, 25-75-foot lot, ISth nml Si Mnrv's Ave. $1250 7-room dwollln'g. south front. 20th and Cum ing!. $1,500. ... Any of the above can be b ught on small pavment down, balance to suit purchaser, tno'nthlv or otherwise, except two of them. which must be cash. Out of 12 pieces of propertv advertised last stimtay & oi tnem have been sold since and have offers on two others. You want to see our list oe fore buying elsewhere. RE 174 23 GARVIN BROS.' LIST. SS15 Ames ave., good cottage, barn, full lot. n barcaln. orice !0. Neur 2fth nnd Dorcas streets, good house a barenln. nrice $500. Cottage of 6 rooms, bath, city water, south ironi, run lot, anuae, price ji.ivj. invcsii rate. Dwelling. 7 rooms, city water, sewer, sink, ru!l lot. nood value for. nr ce Jl.ftvi. Near Hanscom park, choice corner south antt eaBt trontf-. aesiranie iiwoiiiuc ot rooms with modern conveniences, lot 50x 150 feet large shade trees, streets pnvcu paving taxes all paid: would make a de sirable home: nrlce $j.250 On easy pavment-. good dwelling, two stories, s rooms and bath, sewer, city water, good sized lot. desirable residence neighborhood, n bargain, price u.nju. VACANT LOTS. Want offer for six lots In Deer Park. Want offer for 16 lots in Dundee l'lnce. Want offer for IS lots 27th and Lake. Want offer for lot 20th and Ohio. Want offer for lot 26th ave and St. Mary Want offer for lot 34th and Fartrnm. Want offer for lot 36th and Harney. Want offer for 2 lots cuj Park ave. want offer tor lot iMii ami MioKory. Want offer for lot 22d and Leavenworth. Want offer for lot 20th and Vinton. Want offer for lot 2utl nnd Dorcas. Want offer for lot 3Mh nnd Davenport. ir you wani a uargain in a vacant lot can at our oinco quick. GARVIN BROS., 1613 FARNAM ST. RE-IC1 23- ' ARE YOU INTERESTED IN REAL ESTATE? LOOK AT THESE r,HiiXK HATtnAiNS room cottage, 27th and Hurdette, good renalr. rents for Js. on v 1690. 5-room cottage, walking distance, rents for Jio, oniy uo. 6-room cotince. 24th and Snaldlnir. ca water, sewer, cement cellar, line lawn and Hhaiie. cherry trees ami small fruit full lot. J1.C50. 7 rooms, strictly modern, near 27th and Howard. Al repa r.- rents to fln"i-cliw tenunt for $25: price J2 250 An Investment I rooms, modern, barn, full lot, paving paiu, complete Hume, nanscom imtk $3,5(0. 2ITH AND AMES AVE. (Near new . ar barn) This vicinity Is developing rapidly. I sold four vacant lots and one residence prop erty In this locality last week. Can offer the following: 7 looms, full lot. water, gas, $1.H). 7 rooms, beautiful new home. $1.90. 6 rooms. Al repair, water, full lot. $975. 5 rooms, water, gas and fixtures, lull lot llrst-class renalr. J1.2.J. A few choice building lots left at $i'0) easv terms ERNEST SWEET, 622 N. Y. L Bldg. RE-241 23 32. 4S or SO acres, 9 mile west. ImprovJ $50 ner ncre. 0 acres 11 miles northwest, house, barn crop, horses, cows, implements, etc., ml for 54.500. SO to 120 acres 12 miles northwest of Omaha P. O., $50 per acre. Adjoining the land last mentioned, 122 o 14? acres, lllir Paulo bottom. J55 107 acres near Military road, with good lm nrnvementa. 157. 50 ner acre. 160 acres, 9 miles west, near paved road lis per acre. 320 acres good Burt county land, near Her man. 130 ner acre. 312 acres 12 miles west of Omaha, near Millard. $55 per nrre. Bargains In city lots, houses and business Property. HN N. FRENZER, opp. old P. O. RE-M2I3 29 B. R. BALL. 9ol New York Life. Phone 612 1130 S. 30th Ave., 7-room, modern, good barn 52S n, Kd St., ll-room, mouern except tur mice. J2.floo. 3, S and 7-room, modern exrept furnnre, North Uth St., rents for $56 per month, $5,000, easy terms. 3, 6 nnd 7-room houses, North 19th St., from $1,500 to $2,250 each. Also largo list of vacant property nnd farms. Flvo grocery stocks, Invoice from $500 to 5,000. B. II. BALL, 901 New York Life. Phone f.12 RE-1SI-23 A BARGAIN. Northeast Corner 25th Ave. nnd Jones St . 3 lots. OOxf.'i, each with 6-room house price for nil. $2,500. Will furnish money to further Improve the property. This has been taken under foreclosure and must bo sold. Make me nn offer. O. C. OLSEN. 1704 Farnam St. RE 1S3 2 O. C. OLSEN These must be sold; look at them nnd malt' m an offer No. 2419 S. 20th Ave., 4 rooms, city water. $1.(m). No. 2409 S. Hth St., 3 rooms, city water, $600 i No. 1327 S. 27th St , S rooms, modern, J2,5ij0 1 Np. R39 So. 17th St., 3 rooms, $900. No, C9S Parker St., 7 rooms, $750. No. 617 N. 32d, 6 rooms, city water, $1,000 No, 4MS Seward, 8 rooms, modern, $3,000 . No. 3013 Webster. 8 rooms, modern. $1.65" Beautiful building lot, 20th and Spring St J500. Cash or monthlv payments O. C. OLSEN, 1701 Farnam Street. RE-1S2-23 TEN of the best lots in Rose Hill, ju-t southwest of tho Country club: six lotr In one body surrounded by n nlco grove i nnd two lots Just a blo,-k from Military road, eleuantly located, with large quan tity of fruit and shrubery The-p lot will be sold very cheap for a few dav I also huve two houses and lots In Oil: tun mil whlcp I will pell on a basis of $10) cash and $11 and $12 per month, re apeetlvcly. A. V. Tukcy, Board of Trade RE-143 23 FOIl SA1.E-HIML ESTATE. TWo BltliiKPT SNAPS IN IIANSCOM PARK DISTRICT No. 153 S. .'t'th t . an east front house on asphalt paved street, with six large rooms, pretty hall with open stairs, large cloeets with all three bedrooms and nre storage closet besides, large pantry, bath room with enameled tub, open wash basin and closet; sewer connection, nice new fas flxutres all through house, oiled wood work, all rooms daintily papered, u thor oughly genteel home for a genteel bur. with 50-feet frontage, running back to alley all for tbc astonishing low pnue of only $1.SW. and paving nearly all paid for at that. Possession can be given October 1. Will be sold sure before that time, so come quick No. 1911 S. 2Mb st . only one block from Park car and two blocks from Hanscom park. Is one of the latest style new houses, which must be seen to be appre ciated. It has six large rooms, halt and open stairs, large closets, parcelaln bath, closet, stationery basin, porcelain sink, hot-water, sewer, fas fixtures, olted wood work, pretty decorations, large cemented cellar. 50 feet frontage, alley in rear, and all can be delivered to purchaser on Oc tober 1 for only $2,500. You can t touch anything like It In Park district for the money. Easy terms, too. Quit paying high rent and take this pretty homo while you have a chance. HENRY B. PAYNE, SOLE AGENT, Phone 1010. 001 N. Y. Life Bldg. RE-30S 23 GREAT tmr-aln In rholce land adjoining uniiwia, l, acres ueiween icavenwortn and Center, near Elmwood park, for $2,100. Hicks, 325 Board Trade Bldg. RE-2S9 23 HOUSES, farms. R. C. Patterson, 305 N Y U HIS 94j HOUSES, lots, farms, lands, loans; alo firs insurance, norms, paxton blK. he-913 READ THIS; ono of the bct homes In Han- scorn Place; 9 rooms, large lot, gooa barn, slchtly home; party having city; price, $7,500 00. M, J. Kennard & Son, room 510, Brown block. HE 017 GREAT SNAP 44 feet near 10th nnd Jackson for $3,300. Jlicks, 325 Board Trado Hidg. RE 299 23 SEE HENRY B. PAYNE, 601 N. Y. LIFE. re-o:o PAYNE-KNOX CO.. HEADQUARTERS for HEAL ESTATE BARGAINS. 1.0' EST RATES on LOANS. POUND 7S SUHANCE; HOUSES. FLATS. STORES, for RENT. First floor. N. Y. Life, Bldg. RE-919 GOOD rental property (or farm. Monroe : t-o., 1 cea ana i-uei, tu i. ism si. Z MC22 RANCH AND FARM lands for sala by the union Pacific Railroad company, ti a. McAllaster. land commissioner, Union Pacillc Headquarters, Omaha, Ncb BARGAINS HARRISON, N. V LIFE RE tl30ct: CHA5. E. WILLIAMSON. 1203 Farnam St. C. F. HAPR1SON. FARMS. N. Y. LIFE RE-361 05 rniiAP N'nnn SKA FARM Fine 610-ncre farm, central Nebraska: over 600 acres tn cultivation; house, oarn. vmiu tntll. granarv. etc.: only $12 W an acre Illcks. 325 Board Trade. RE-29 23 4113 Davenport, 7-room houre and barn; rencca, trees. snruoDcry; grcai uoiiwii, $1,000. Inquire 1308 FarnnmI,t:JjS3P M. LARGE 7-room. 2-.tory house; good barn, 3 large lots, near paved St.. school, etc.. $1,2C0. C. F. HARRISON. N Y. LIFE. FOR SALE, good building lot. 35th and Cass st. for $ioo. uenawn. kl-mot -j A GREAT BARGAIN In n well Improved 5o-acre farm one mile north of Florence, with a fine S-room house, mtv sightly location witn ncautlful lawn covered with fine forest trees, nlco orchard nnd small fruit. Inrxe basement, barn, rill but aboe live acres hlh and level and tho best or son. Best locnuon ror fruit near Omaha. We nre authorized to tuki ii.Ono this Is onlv $S0 per acre. Im provements cost when built over $3,000. Ad joining Innds unimproved are selling at $S0 to lieo per aero. 1 oh ownr hbus m,ivj, uni must have some money and has authorized us to make this lov.- price. Terms one fourth cash, balance to be nrranged, Call In and we will show you the property. Pavne-Knox Company, main floor N Y. Llfo Blllg. UK MS9J 1 SAVE rent, nice 5-room cotta'ge onlv three blocks from 24th st. motor, for $750 Hicks, 323 Board Trade. RE-299 23 NONRESIDENT writes me he will come to Omaha nevi week and wants me to se cure nn offer for his property on Georgia nve., near Popplcton; snys he Is going to sell. F. D. Wead, 1521 Douglass. RE-M100 23 SNAPS 4-room house. 1S10 Ontario. JASO. 4-room house nnd barn, .1212 Hamilton. $v,o. 7-room house modern, 1522 S. 26th.. $1,750. J. II. Parrotte. Douglas Block. HE-M101 23 DELIGHTFUL home in Hanscom Place for sale nt a liberal discount. M, J. Kennard & Son. suite 310-311 Brown Blk. RE-1S-0- DID you ever consider What you pay out onih month in rent. Why not apply that rent on i home of your own. We can offer you a house and lot, 2707 Chl-c.-iko St . 4 large rooma and lull, brick cellar, porch In front and around the side, newly papered and palmed, -ity water In house; lot 50x152 fest: price. $1.200 00. $25000 cash, monthly payments on balance. The Bvron Reed Co , 212 Bo. 14th St. RE-140 24 SNAPS for speculators: Western Kanms wheat and grazlnc lands nnd lota: bank rupt prices. Lch Monroe, Havs. Kansas. RE-253 23' 16) ACRES choice farm land In Saw countv. only $46 an ncre. Hlcku 325 H.'ttrd Trade. RE-299 23 FOR spot rash I offer for n limited time onlv 60x120 cor. 25th ave. and Dodge at K front foot. Inquire on premises. No. FOR SALE, a modern 10-room house near Hanscom park: am leaving city: will sell cheap. Address U 87, Bee office. RE-299 23 W. H. GATES. CIS N. Y. Life. 'Phone. 1251. S-room. fully modern house, most as good as new. cellar under tho whole houe. south front on West Farnam and r cheap homo, for only $2.00) S-room house, bath, gas, furnace, large barn, on ISth, near Lake struet, owner will entertain an offer of $1.W. S-room, modern houfe. nt 2525 Decatur street, a good house, well built, 52 2 0 7-room Iioum' on large lot fronting Kountze Place, bath. cas. lnrce barn. $3.0A 7 rooms, water, wer, all In nice order, $1,200. 6-room houso on 27th, near Davenport s I $950. , 5-room cottage and lnrge lot nt 3331 Emrret , 1500. VACANT. 51 feet on Harney, near Park nve.. $550 S. E. corner 2Hh nnd Miami. $l.w A nlco corner In Kountze Place cheap. RE-253 21 ELEGANT modern, up-to-date house near Hnnbcom pari;, spienaiuiy iinisneu, oniy $6,750. Hicks, 323 Board Trade rr:?99 EIGHT rooms near car line, water, both furnace, rents $15. This property cost 13.0Oi). Owner will take Sl.oou: small nay- ment down, lone time on balance. This must be sold nt once. Call Monday morn ing nnd see owner. W. A. Spencer. 1034 N. Y. Life Bldg. RE 276 : RESIDENCE. 11 rooms, modern, lot 73x140, flno shade, contract let to pave street. r.0( S. 2Sth street. David C. Patterson, 1623 Farnam. HE M2M Oct. 2 l-ROOM cottage, near 27th nnd Hurdette streets, paying 7 per cent above expenses on 1.000: price reduced to $675 If sold this weeii. c u. enimer, soutn intn hi RE-27S 23 i.o vr. LOST. September 1, brown, larg- Irish Spaniel bitch. Return to Jos. (iold'tn'th Murray hotel; $20 reward. Lost-JS9 U LOST, small black Shell hihI uoo h iwi also small blufk cashmere fhawl Pl-ai leave at ollb e of Dexter L Thomas Be Bldg. Ll.Ht- iin Z. T III.OHIXG. HIGH c'ass tailorlne. moderate pric es latest designs, a J. Brodrlck nam. 1S17 vi nr. 31 0-16 MEDICAL. LADIES out of health ind prompt relief Box 23J. Omaha. Neb Confidential. 954 LADIES troubled with trref ulatltles. whites, stertllt). painful or supprencd menstruation tlnd prompt relief und cure, quiet home before and during confine ment Call or write with stamps to Dr. Pries. 1511 Dodge st , Omaha, Neb. U-M9 OlS GONOVA Is a French treatment for male and femsle, for the .oMtle cure of Gon orrhoea, Glest. Unnatural discharges. In flammations. Irritations and Ulcerations of the mucous membranes. An Internal remedy with Injection combined, war ranted to cure worst In one week $S per package, or 2 for $5 Sent any where on receipt of price. The Kldd Druf Co . Elgin. III. American Olllce, retail, wholestle Myers-Dillon Drug Ce . Omaha. M A. Dillon, South Omaha. DaUs Drug Cj . Council muffs. Full line of rabber goods. LADIES! Chichester's English r nnroval Pills are the best; safe, reliable: take no ether. Send 4c stamps for partlcul irs "R.'llef for Ladles' In letter by return mall. Ask your druggist. Chichester Chemical Co . Philadelphia. Pa. P. L MOORE. M. D.. lock box 435. nhv jlclan and surgeon. 22 years of success In rest ndnnce soYioTt .J. B 2io 23V . 1 . "C. 10 T'men: eTV," m.on,nl rVc" with full directions, $10). Address Box 014. Omaha, Neb. -237 23 ItEI.OlW IIAIIES. HELGtAN HARES. peiPgreed does 6 months old. bred to Imported bucks 1 e- fore shipment. $1000 for two. expr- ss paid: safe arrival cuaranteed. nfereice. Hradstrect'-.. Callfornli Belgian Hare Co, No 315 South Spring St, Ios An- gcles, -23i 2! BELGIAN HARES for 'ale. thoroughbred pedigreed stock W. L Patten, lfu Locust street, Omaha. 23j 23' THE Los Angeles Belgian Hare Co. will close out their entire stock this week it reduced prices on account of moving to Illinois. Now Is the time fur bargains. 2627 N. 16th st . Omaha. 301 23" LADIES TAILOIIIM). lll70 I il l e.llO, '-v 1 11.MUH uiuv t. ladles' tailoring and dress making: late of Miss Terrll! s. formerly with Marshall Field Co.. Chicago -2.1 23 PA W. II HOKE HS. EAGLE Loan Olllce. reliable, accommodat ing; all busness conildentlal. 1301 Douglas. -905 LOANS, 11. Marowltz; low rates. 41$ N 16. . STOVE REPAIRING. STOVE, furnace, range repairs; water con neetionii. Om. Stove Rep. Wks . 1207 Doug Tct 950 MAGNETIC HEALING. GREAT Western Institute, 1623 Douglas St., chronic diseases curcu;.no uruiv surgery. -a-A CAHPENTEnSi A.ND JOIinCKb. ALL kinds or carpenter work and repairing promptly attended to. J. T. Ochiltree. 2th and Lake sts. 3.0 IINOINC, HOILEHS, ETC, L. C. Sharp Mach. Wks. ; motors, dynamon. S43 j.1 . . a, - - u ELOCUTION AND ORATORY. ELLA DAY. 204 Hamse bide: readlnc. elo cution, oratory, Thursday night school. M7lS-Octl5 NICKEL PLATING. STOVES, lamps and chandeliers replated. urn. riating 1.0., ueo ui-:g. ici. -S50 LEGAL NOTICE. YORK. Neb , Sept. 22 Notice is hereby glcn that sealed bid" will be received at the olllce of the city clerk In the city hall In ) ork. 7eb , up to noon of the 4th day of October. 19io. for the construction of a sewer system In said city of York as per pluns nnd dpeelllratlons on file In the oflle of Bald clerk. All bids must stato the price per leneui iooi ror tno various Kiraa oi work required, the city to furnish nil ma terial The hlds shall also state the nrl'e per leneal foot of the system complete, the contractor furnishing all material and doing all work. The bids must also be Hinui' .-i-jmu tur vii tiivii sj i 1 1 it- itivs i u u i ' V and B. as shown by the plans. an$ ir tho cltv decides to adopt route "A the system must ue compieieu on or oeroro tne Ut d.iv of December, 19i0, and If It decides on ruute "H" then It must be completed on or before the .ilt-t day or Decemiitr. 19). A certified check tor tive hundrc. ($..' dollars must accompany each bid The city reserves tne right to rej.v t any or all bids. ii;u .Nl'iWiMA.N. City Clerk S23 dlt IN THE WHEELING WORLD. The committee appointed to revise the conctltution of the League of American Wheelmen has concluded its task, and the remit ! to be published In tho October number of th league magazine. The com mlttce was not a unit In recommending some of the changes, and two reports are likely to be ptetented to the next assembly. which will act on the revision. Tho prlncl pal changes propotcd nro ns follows. Under the tectlon defining the objects of the League of American Wheelmen the committee would ndd "to eeouro the con structlon and maintenance of cyclo paths." The committee decided to advise a reduc tion of the age limit from IS to 16 years, the abolition of the Junior memberfhlp, and tho establishment of an honorary member ehlp. The majority recommend the following odlrcrs- A president, two vice presidents, an auditor, a secretary-treasurer and eight directors. Tho minority propose that tho cocretary-trcasurer should not be an elected officer, but ehould bo appointed Ly tho board. The majority favor tho present system of electing the oftlct-rs by a voto of tho assembly, but tho minority recommends that they bo elected at large. Tho national committees oro to be com posed of one director and the chairman of the corresponding committee in each division. An applicant must sign his own nppllca tlon. must be 10 years of ago, must stato it he ho a bicycle rider or not, glvo his occu patlon, and give one reference. Dues re main as at present. It nas the opinion ot nearly all preecnt that the Initiation fee should bo done away with, hut after zsrao discussion it was allowed to ttnnd. No provision for publication of names Is mode. The secretary Is to mako return of applicants Just ns he now makes return of renewals. A proviso Is made, however, which will allow the executive committee to publish tbo name, If It at nny tltno thinks ,s It desirable to do eo. The applicant's name Zjj'.Kt 6. is sent by tno national eet.eiary io tue division secretary; tho latter then, within thirty days, sends the name to the chair man of tho membership committee. The chairman of the membership committee may dccldo to admit the member, or he may refer tbo name to bis committee- for action. In tho month of December in each year tho members of tho league enrolled tn each division shall elect one member of the league as n delegato to the national as sembly for each 600 members enrolled In that division on tho 1st day of December This calls for an election by popular vote and It doea away with tho membership In tho asiombly of chief consuls, etc., as surh The expenso of this election Is to be tharso'l to tho league. Proxies may be used at assembly meet Inge, tho number held by a member to be unlimited The national secretary-treasurer thall Sive a bond ef $10,000, and shall devote h. entire time during b is ness hours to th )'it its of his office His isUry shall be. fixed by the board of dire, tors and he shall be elected each year He is to be secre tary of the assembly, the executive coin tnluee and tno dlreclors The tiatlsnat audi'or may be authorlred by the executive committee to examine Into and report upon the receipts, expenditures, obligations, vouchers, records, and financial nisnaie-' meat of any division-treasurer, committee er olllce. He shall opproxe all bills be fore they are certified tor payment by the president. Members shall be assisted In litigation te obtain their rights as users ot the high ways, etc. No member or officer of the league not especially authorized br the national or a division executive committee shall have any right or power cither to represent that the leaguo approves or disapproves of any scheme of legislation or any bill pending In any legislative body: or to procure tb enactment of any law. ordinance, or regu lation whatever. Any legislation desired by the league or nny division thereof mul be prepared by the national or division rights and privileges committee, or tubmltud to the consideration 0; that committee, and mutt be presented and advocated by soma specially authorized committee The statistical reports of the Treasury department support the comment upon ths bicycle as a uouity that has lost some of Its power to nuwse. Four years ago, when bicycling was bcioming tho mo6t fasclaat Ing diversion for tho whole world, aad when tho United States found It profitable to undertake to contribute to the demand for wheels outside of this country, c ex ported to the rest of tho world bicycles nnl parts of bicycles valued at $1,S9S,012. The demand had Increased so greatly that In the next year we sent abroad wheels allied at $7,005, t23. Tho blight of the "crazo" seenu to have been reached then, for the exports fell In 1S9S to S6.S46.529, to $5.753.SS0 In U99. and dropped to $3,551,025 In 1900. An excellent fluid cement for fastening tires to rims Is made by pulverizing hard red cement, placing It In a wlde-moutbed bottle nnd covering It with benzine. Lt It stand for a few hours, shaking It occa sionally, until the cement Is entirely dls- sohed. when It Is ready for use. Clean tho rim with a cloth dampened In benzine, apply n heavy coat of the cement with a brubh, moisten tho rim side of the tire with benzine, put It on tho rim and pump up. Keep the bottle tightly corked when not la use. When a valvo stem Is cut by friction on the edge of the rim. or oihcrwlso, It may be repaired by using small rubber banda. Cover tho valvo stem with rubber cement. filling the cut thoroughly, then wrap the, rubber bands tightly around the stem until they fill tho cut and extend for a quarter of an Inch on either side of It, applying cement with each band. It the cut is not a bad one, this method will effect a per manent repair, though, as a rule, a dam aged valve stem should be replaced by a new ono ns a matter of precaution. Toe clips should not he allowed to hang down while the wheel Is being ridden, as the pedals como so close to the ground with the present style of frames that a stone or other obstacle may catch the clips and give the rider a bad fall. AMONG THE CHESS PLAYERS Trrn i'j plcnl (inmrs from the Xew England Tournament Ad nntoer of MnnsliiK Forces for Attack. The ability to mass one's forces for an attack and to post them tnost advantageously constitutes n prime factor In the process of winning a game. Taking this as a basis tor Judgment, tho winner of the appended game, H. W. Barry of Boston, showed to good ad vantage against B. F. Wlllcox In the Now England division's reml-linals In the first tournament. The score: RUY LOPEZ. White Wlllcoi. Black-Barry. 1-P-K 4. 1-P-K i. :-Kt-K 1) J. 2Kt-Q It 3. 3- II-Kt i. I-l'-Q Tl 3. 4- I1-H 4. 4-Kt-U 3. 5- r-Q 3. E-B-H 4. e-l'-ll 3 C-p.Q Kt 4. 7-n-iu : T-r-Q s. fI'-K R 3. . S-I'-K 31 3. S-Castlfs. 9 rattles. Ift-ll-K S. t B-Kt S. ii-u ii. ii-p x n, ii-V-Q 4 1J-Q-H :. 13-1'-Q 5. t3-Kt-K 2. H Q Kt Q n-Kt-Kt 3. 16-K-Il ti-Kt-B 6. lt-It-H l-Q.Q 2. 17 -Kt-K Kt. IT-P-K Kt 4 1-P-II 3. ls-K-It. l-It-H 2. IS-P-K" It 4. W-r-K Kt 4 J-K-Kt 2. 21-K-Kt 3. :t-it-R. J-It-Il 2 -P x P 2S-H P x I' M-It-lt 6. !i-n-lt t. Jl-U-Kt i. is-Kt-n. 5-j it-u. M-Kt-K 3 2C-K-Kt. 27 H-Q 3. 2T-H-H. ls-n : :-q-q. :s-p-Kt 1 .vii'Q : j'-r-n s w-q-k n. 31-Q it-it :. Sl-Q.R . K-lt-H. 35 H x 1'. 33 It x Kt 33-Kt P x It ek Ktrtisna. A very entertalnins variation of the Ruy Lopez, which received considerable atten tion at the tlmo ot Its adoption la tho Showalter-Ltpschutz match and later be tween rillsbury and Stelnltz nt St. Poters- burs, was tried In a recently concluded game between S. G. Ruth of P,rooklyn nnd Prof. It. B. Lloyd of Trenton, N. J., who arc competing In the eastern seinl-flnnls of the third tournament. The Brookljnlte got Into shallow waters and should, through best play on tho other side, have lost, but he managed to steer through to safety and eventually won tho game. The score, with notes by tho winner, follows: PETHOFF DEFENSE. Whlte-Ituth. 1- 3--K 4. 2- Kt-K II 3 J-P-0 4 (a ) 4-o.K 5. 4--k :. C-K-Q. 7-r x P. e p -P x P. 9- Kt x P (b.) 10- Kt x Kt. 11- P-K B 3. tf-P-0 II 4. 13- K-B 2 14- P x Kt. 15- Q-H 3. 16- HC It i 17- P x O. Ife-Il x IS. 19-H X R. 30-Kt-ll 3 21-K-Kt 3. fJ-P x I). iS-IJ-K 3. M-dt-K I). 2.1 B-Q 4. 21-R-B 7. 27-K-n 4. Illack-Lloyd. 1- P-K 4. 2- Kt-K II 3. J-P x P. 4- Kt-K t. V-ll-Kt 5 ck. 6- P-Q 4. 7- P-K B 4. 5 Q x P. 9 Kt-Q II 3. J0-P x Kt. 1I-II-R J (c.) ll-CtlT, ck. ;$-Q.Q 2 (d.) 1-11 x P. I'-P x P. K-Q x Q. K-II x II. M-K ll-ll. n-H x ii. :"-lt-ii 7 ck :i-u x Kt. "i-It x K R 1' . ;-p-q it i :-.R x K R I' iW-Kt 4. ;-p-K R i 27 K-H . It-Il 4. tO-P-Kl 6. J9-R-Q . ai-B-Q t. H-K-Kt 2-83-lt.Q . 31-K-U. SS-U-I1 6. SS-P-K . 1T-K-Q. '-K.K. t-K-Q. ' -H-H S-i-H-K R 2 i.' -K-II. l-K-Kt 2, -n x it. 41-p-ict e. 46-P-Kt 7. 25-It-K Kt 7 32- R-Kt S 0k. 33 Il-K 3. Jt-H-Kt 7 ck. 35-H-Q 4. ss K-ii e 37-K X P. 3S-K-Q 6. Ji-Il-K 7 rU 10-01 x P. 41- ll-K 6. 42 11-11 C ck 4J-II-K 8 ii' 41-R-K T ,,. 45-11 x B 40-Ot-R 4. 47 II-U 2. lttilcns. (a) Played by Stelnltz against Plllsbury; Kt x P l considered belter today. (b ) Stelnltz gives the movo bh good; Freeborough gives It und says White has the better game; M. Morgan of Phila delphia, on the other hand, savs it Is had and that Black should win with 9 Kt-B i in reply. White's next few moes ura forced c i White cannot take the bishop, for Kt-H 7 ck leads to a mating net. (d ) A showy move, but u blunder, Kt-B 4, a beautiful and rather deep mave, n-ln. Ir. oil ... .In lln . ...,-.-.. .... I Mr. i