SPECIAL NOTICES Ad--rtlaementa for these column. -Ill be tUen until 12 m. for the -T-nlnK edition ond until M jlO P for mfrnlna nd Knndnr edition. It-tea, 1 l-3o ord nmt Inaertlon, lc word tberenfter. Nothing tnUen for lees ln 2Bo for the nret Inser tion. Theae d-ertlseni-ta n net be run conacentlrel jr. Adrrrtlaera, by reqnejetln a num bered checU, can hurt; nnsrr era ad dreaaed to n numbered letter In f"f of The ee. Arntrin ao nddreaaed trill be dellrered oa preaeutatlua of the cheok only. WANTEO-SITt? VTIOX. 9.r1 twntn nn( nf fnWM WntltS POSl- tion as stenographer; experienced, refer- nncf e; salary $iu to uegm wim. U 61, Deo. SITUATION wanted by elderly lady ns housekeeper In wldnrcr's family or where duties would bo light; city or conn try. X 7, I!ee. A,!,J a 'fT clerical noltlon by steady and tent young man. experienced, best WANT cotnpeten references', willing to start on low salary to securo position. X 12, I!ecA3(0 jjj. SITUATION wanted by a Rood e",nR0slo" nnd press feeder. Gcorgo H. Scott, os ceola, Iown. A.'u -i WAvrun-MAi.E hum A FEW MORE POINTERS ABOUT THE OMAHA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, COR. 1GTH AND DOUGLAS STS., OMAHA, NEB. POINTER No. 1-In Omaha there Is no longer any doubt ns to the superiority of !i"K'i V,....i....i nmnhii Commer- WWfc fully &hna.tS nierlts of tills up-to-dato system that tv mnntlm niri were coll- d.'mnlng It nro now loud in their praise or it. iiftiviruii vn fTlnv Omaha Commercial College teaches Gregg Shorthand ex- ;.i..i..,.l V,. .Mmnl run tlMieh tWO (I (Ter- ent methods ami do thorough and elllcient work with either one ot them. POINTER No. 3 Students iwlshlng to learn Oregg snortnnnn ougiu m am im u iwu whose tenchTB are In sympatliy with the systi-m and who were enterprising enough to discover tho merits of Gregg Short hand, far In advance of any other teach ers In tho state. They ought to attend a school where Gregg Shorthand Is made a specialty und not n side Issue. I hey ought to attend a school, the teachers of which were Instructed by the nuthor und delegated by him to tench his system. It certainly would not pay to attend a school forced to adopt Gregg Shorthand in i order to obtain patronngo nnd In which there is not a competent Instructor In this system. POINTER No. 4 We had n large new class this week In Gregg Shorthnnd; another linn nlrr.ti.lv tiopn nruniilzcil for tomorrow morning. This Is a good tlmo to enter. It will pay you to attend a school up-to-date, modern nnu progressive. POINTER No. 5 The Business Department of tho Omnha Commercial College Is now tho lurgest and tho most Interesting it linn nvi.ii been In the month of September. Over 150 new students havo entered all of tho departments since tno opening or me Fall Term. Considerably over 3u0 are now enrolled In nil departments. POINTER No. 0 Our Telegraph Depart ment has taken on new life. It has been reorglnazed. a splendid toucher placed in ohargo and every posslblo equipment pro vided. Wo are hnvlng numerous calls for telegraph onorntora nnd can provide any student with a most thorough nnd com prehensive courso of study. B 249 23 WANTED, we have steady work ror n few irnml himtlers of L'ooil hubtts und appear unco. C. F. Adams Co., 1005 Howard St, 11870 BARRER trcdo tnuglit thoroughly In short time; catalogue and particulars free. Address Western Barbers' Institute, Otnnhii, Neb. H-8U WANTED, laborers, teamsters, rock men and Biirfnce men. Noli. Wyo, nnd Iou;a; rreo rare; lilguesi wnges; snip aaiiy. Western R. R. Labor Agency, 310 S. 11th. B-87 AN INTELLIGENT young man to take ft horthnnd scholarslilp In best school and pay for It when courso Is completed nnd position secured. Address L 26, lieu. n-873 FDUCATED man tn conduct office In ench rnuntv Rent! no rnnlliil lint honesty and good common sense; rellalile concern with Headquarters in umana. jnaress u -j. Bee. B M6C0 WANTED, two gentlemen of good nddress. Call 538 Ramgo Bldg. B-M971 2rt WANTED, rellnble nnd energetic ngeuts In each county to sell Whiskies nnd Wines to consumers; references or bond re quired. 8. H. Oppcnhelmcr, fit. Joseph, Mo. B-M971 2G DO you want traveling Jobs on snlary? quick. Triumph Co., Dallas, Tevns. B-MD72 2C WANTED, a young man us assistant bookkeeper who Is willing to work. Ad dress, with references, U 6.1, Bee. B-107 23 TEMPERATE man to travel nnd appoint nfenta In Neiiritsua; $mi monthly nnu ex penses, besides commission: permanent. John Cross, 356 Doarborn, Chlcairo. B-M113 23' WANTED Mnn, upright character, to mnnage business of old established house; salnry $18 per week nnd expenses, pay able each week dtrect from headquarters: expenso money advanced: position per manent; reference. Standard house, 301 Caxton building, Chicago, HI. B-M112 23 A YOUNG man wanted by largo New York City clgar factory as resident ngent, to sell tho Spear 5-cent cigar; a good clinncc open for ono who Is trustworthy nnd nm hltlnus and can furnish Al references. Address Spear Bros., 79 4th nve.. New York City. B-M133 23 WANTED, experienced gent's furnishing goods salesman ror western lowa ter ritory. In applying glvo referenco nnd experience. Bell Bros. Company. Du buque, la. B-M131 21 WANTED, two swift oyster shuckers. W. B. Baldliff, 1520 Farnam. R-M130 23 WANTED, good, sober, steady all round baker; good wages to right man: slnglo preferred, l- urman s iiaxery, vorn. Neu. I1-M127 2G' WANTED. The Amcrlcnn Oil works wants a live represontntlvo In Omaha to handle tho "Original Brown's Boiler Compound." Man with established trado In engineers supplies, or an engineer In good stnmling In either association, preferred. Address, wim rererences, American un orgs, Rochester, N. Y. t B- $12 PER week bona fide; salnry nnd ex penses; capable men and women to repre sent us appointing agents; rnpld promo tion and Increase of salary; new, brilliant lines. Butler . Alger, New Haven, Conn. WANTED by wholesaler, energetic sales men to learn to sell elegant line depart ment goods to merchants: large salary: no experience necessary; we educate. Box 790, Chicago. 111. B ENERGETIC workers to distribute circu lars nnd samples; permanent occupation League?49Sv" L-1, WANTED quick, for local positions In rll country towns nnd vlllngrs, Catholic men nnd women of character; $18 per week Address "Faith," 790 Caxton Bulldl.ig. Liucngo, in. ii WANTED An energetic young man In each town to permanently represent our company; good pay and no expense. Par ticulars on request. McOraw-Marden Co., New York City. B- WANTED, llrst-class oil salesman to bsII "Buckeye Boiler Scalo Solvent." V rv liberal commission. Address Lock Box 154. Mnsslllon. O. B-156 S3 ANY person who will distribute circulars for $2.60 per day should write Standard Co,, 4 Wells, Chicago. B-1S9 23' WANTED, experienced traveler to enrry our cmers on tno biuo, Appiy interna tional Table Supply Co., St. Louis. B-18S 23 WANTED. Jeweler, young man: tools fur nished. 516 West Broadway, Council Bluffs. 11-377 23 WANTISI) .UAI.I3 iltilil-. We Teach the Gregg and Graham Systems. NEBRASKA BUSINESS AND SHORTHAND COLLEGE, HOYD THEATER BLDG. READ OUR SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT In this column of our new bunk furniture and fixtures. READ our special announcement of the ,lrBe purchase of new typewriters to meet the Increased demand. READ our special announcement, of our lenso of another floor for the accommoda tion of the many new students who are entering every week. READ THE SPECIAL CHALLENGE which will determine the merits of Insti tutions. RKAD the long .1st of students b positions last week and those a ho took short tlmo prior. $2.ri0 banking furniture placed In the col lege last week. These fixtures are of fin ish oak, given the highest finish, orna mented with cxqulslto carving, Mexican marble and suncrb metal work, constitut ing ono of tho finest furnishings to be . , . , ., , ,.. .. I toiinu in any oanKing uouse, i ney Hre- , . ' . ",., , ,.,,. .... most elaborate and perfect In detail, sur- passing In beauiy and costliness the equipment of any business college in tho west. These fixtures were made by the firm of A. II. Andrews & Co., Chicago's celebrated bank nnd office furnishers. This Institution, with tho most nlegnntly furnished apartments ever devoted to educational purposes In the west, now provides tho bewt facilities for young peo plo who desire a practical training for business, n thorough preparation for shorthand nnd typowrltlng, or a sensible English education. $3,000 worth of now typewriters purchased this year for the benefit of the students. $2,000 worth of Smith Premier typewriters, ten new ones being placed In the typewrit ing department last week. This makes the most complete and perfectly equipped cinui li it i m out in uitj t fjoi c iiuvc six different makes of standard machines, giving our students every possible ad vantage. ANOTHER FLOOR HAS BEEN LEASED that tho many new students entering tho different departments may be ac commodated. Tho thorough work of tho school in the past accounts for this phe nomenal increase of attendance. In a recent publication of tho press the following language was used, purported to be written by tho esteemed publisher, which same demands n reply that we may bo vindicated: "As far us wo are aware there Is no other school In your city hav ing teachers competent to give Instruc tion In Gregg Shorthand." By reason of tho nbovo statement we do hereby challenge Mr. Moshcr, the. prin cipal of Gregg Shorthand in tho Omaha Commercial college, to a public corttest with Miss Maud Van Duesen, the prin cipal of Gregg Shorthand In tho Nebraska Business and Shorthand college. Tho said Mnud Van Dousen of tho Nebraska Busi ness college agrees to double tho Jtpeed In writing of Mr. Moshcr of the Omaha Commercial college; iiIbo agrees to ex ceed In rating In n contest of the knowl edge of the science nnd principles of said Gregg Shorthnnd. Again, two students of tho Gregg Shorthand of the Nebraska Business college who havo studied two months will contest with any two stu dents of the Omaha Commercial college who have studied for the same length of tlmo. Terms of contest: Contest must take place within five days from the date of this challenge. Students must make affidavit as to tlmo devoted to tho study. Judges of contest to be selected by the contest ants. Tho Institution losing shall pay Into tho fund for the Galveston sufferers tho sum of ten dollars. NAMES OF STUDENTS ASSISTED TO POSITIONS LAST WEEK. Miss Lindstrom, Hayden nros. Miss Henley, Hnydcn Bros. Miss Douglas, Mercantile Agency. Miss Liggett, Mercantile Agency. Miss Btirnnp, Mr. Lee. Mr. Adams, Rep, headquarters Nehawka- Mr. Allen, F. E. Sanborn company. FOUR cnlls In ono day for our graduates Insldo of TWO hours, SIX calls unfilled for wont of operators. A FEW OTHERS RECENTLY PLACED IN POSITION. Miss Floren, Paxton hotel. Miss Floren, Vanduessen A Pennok. Miss Dennis, Omaha Machlno works. MIsb Weddel, Omaha Telephone Co. Miss Williams, S. J. Allen Packing Co. Miss Staebell, Republican headquarters. Miss Baumann, Bradford & Ktnsler Lum ber company. Miss Mass, Tontine Benefit association. Mica 4iitiiLn, i7utiiwi.iiiu ,niiv,iuii, inn, Mr. Johnson, Lee Chemical company. Mr. Cabol, U. P. headquarters. Mr. llolbrook. N. W. R. R. Co. Mr. Wnlkup, Omaha Carpet Co. Mr, Deltrlck, Baum Iron Co. Mr. Floren, Richardson Drug Co. Mr. Douglas, Hllllcker Commission Co, During Ak-Sar-Ben week call and see the most perfectly equipped Institution In the west. Como ond mako yourself at homo In tho olllco and we will tako pleasure in showing you through. Visitors always welcome. A. C. ONG, A. M LL. B PRES. B-303 23 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: S try PAT, SEPTEMBER 23, 1900. 1 1 I .... I ... . .... 1 l.'llll SAI.l-.1ll.H UliliA.-llwi -'AATEII-MAI.H HELP. BOYLES' COLLEOE. BOYLES' COLLEGE. B0YLE8' COLLEGE. THE FALL TERM Is NOW OPEN. DAY AND EVENING SESSIONS. YET THERE IS ROOM for a Limited Number of Students. Enroll at Once, Before the Desks Are All Taken. Complete Business Course. Complete Shorthand and Typewriting Course. Complete English Course. BOYLES' COLLEGE. BOYLES' COLLEGE. BOYLES' COLLEGE. AN EVIDENCE of, tho value of the courses of Instruc tion given by this school Is the generous patronngo that has been continuously accorded It by all classes of citizens, In cluding tho successful business men of tho city. Apply for Catalogues Bee Building. B-250 23 $10 DAILY to live men, we want agents perywnerc; leatner suspenders, cannot break, wear out or pull off buttons, sells at sight; samples furnished free. Cin cinnati Leather Suspender & Belt Co., B 677. Cincinnati, Ohio. B-196 23 WANTED. A manual training boardln school nenr Denver, whnr nnTv tho nim Of the poor nro educated, wants thnr- oughly educated men, good wotkers (for superintendents, engineers, fruit growers and general farm work) to give, without salury, a year of service Board and room lurnisncu. Ralph Field, president, Denver, Colo. B-M19I 2U SALESMEN, one experienced In hnndtlnor specialties on salary or commission; our men averaged six sales each last week $2S commission on each sale: only men capable earning $3,0'0 yearly. Address uox 41, Minneapolis, Minn. R 193 23 WANTED, clothing salesmen for the west and northwest. rtr . , . only experienced men with good reference need apply. STERN. I.AUER, SHOIIL & CO.. Clncln- natl, Ohio. B-191 23' ACTIVE hustlers everywhere to take or ders for "Story of the Galveston Hor ror." Over 500 pages. Elaborately Illus trated from actual photographs. Agents coining money. Illustrated circular and outllt free. Act quick. Address Globe Bible Publishing Co., 723 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. B-M257 2V HOME employment, either stx. $13 to $17 weekly, working part time day or even ing: no cnucasslnc. easy, permanent: en close two lc stamps. Excelsior Mfg. Co., Ill li. z.a hi., iew vorK. u i?z sr SPECIALTY salesman wanted to nlace de- parimcnts oi perrumcs and toilet articles in all clauses of stores; very attractive aoTeriising features; nign casn commis sions and liberal contract to right man. Tho Elyslan Mfg. Co., Detrottr Mich B-190 23 HELP wanted. Lithographic poster arUsta, ooen. "SadrJMe Donaldson Lltho. Co.. Newport. Kv. B-219-23' SOLICITORS for "Galveston, the Horrors of a Stricken City," by Murat Halstead; 600 pages: hlffL'Cst book, best terms: do- mand enormous; solicitors clearing $5 to o daily: outtlts free, standard Pun house, 332 Dearborn st., Chicago. WANTED, seven men of rood nddres. must bo very convlnclnc talkers, to sell new specialty line. $5,000 r year; liberal expenses; must furnish noon references. J. O. F. Harrington, Iowa City. In. B-157 23 WANTED Four good laborers with shovels mr mummy inurmiic ivn rnrnam ni.. Free & Black. B-181-23 WANTED, local salesman for an old es tablished nnd reliable cigar house. Can mnt u ncirl nnvlfifr nennilnt nv n Mn linn Reference and bond required. Address u w, Liora & 'i nomas, 1,-nicago. B-155 23 $M and commission; send stamp. God- frey Co., St. Louis, Mo. B-161 23 SALESMEN for cigars: new plan, quick sales, gooa nusiness, uig money, con sumers' Cigar Co., 634 S 7th St.. St. Louis. B 153 2.T CAPABLE, reliable men In every conntv to represent large company of solid finan cial reputation: $3 per dav nhnlute!v su-e to start, rtennue, nonn line sniorieii eon tract nnd expen?c; opportunity to se cure permanent position Involvinr no canvassing. Universal, Box 733. Phl'.v'el phta. B-1P2 ?3 GOVERNMENT positions, thousands of ap pointments to he mnde; examinations soon In every stnte; olrcular 151. giving full particulars, sont free; write for it todnv to National Corresp. Institute, Washington, D. C. B GOVERNMENT positions; don't prepare for the postofflce or any other civil serv ice examination without seeing our cata logue of information: sent free. Colum bian Correspondence College, Washington, D. C. B WANTED, ruptured people who will work n rew nours lor n rree cure. ur. Bpeirs, Box 601. Westbrook, Maine. B WANTED, agents, good, reliable, energetic men to sen our nign grnoo line or lubri cating oils, greases, pnlntst. belting nnd mill supplies, either exclusively or ns a side line; locally or traveling, on com mission. Th Industrial Oil and Surmly Co., Clevelund, Ohio. B BALESMAN wanted, to call on doctors only on behalf of the leading firm in the business; also one In centrnl part of state: esiHoiiHiieo irncif; position permuien;; applicant must be intelligent, Indefatiga ble and of good appearance: stnte exnerl- ence. Address P. O. Box 85S, Philadelphia. B-1S7 23' YOUNG man, salesman, etc., hustler. Domestlo Mercantile Co., 707 N. 16th. B-1S0 23 WANTED, snlesmnn; $75 monthly nnd ex penses; permanent. Perry Nursery Co., Rochester, N. Y. B-197 23' TRAVELING salesman of ability for high, grade line appropriate to nearly every department of trade; referents, bond nnd entlro time required. Commissions, $is to $36 on ench sale. P. O. Box Three, Detroit. Mich. B-190 23' FACTORY offers side line to first-class man on uncovered routes; several average $125 per month. Brattice Co., 243 Pearl St.. New York. B-267 23' lit, - WANTED. exerj'Where, hustlers to tack signs, distribute clrcu'nrs. samples, etc.; no canvassing; good pay. Sun Advertising Bureau, Chicago. B 2CG 23' COOK, at once, for day restaurant. Ad dress F. K. Miller, McCook. Neb. B-M265 WANTED, local agent: good money; per manent. Chicago Rubber Horse Shoe Co., 68 Lake Street, Chicago. B 270 23 A FIRST-CLASS broom maker wanted nt once, quicK. urana island, Neb. U-273 23 WANTED FKM A 1,13 HELP. AN INTELLIGENT lady to tako a short hand scholarship in best school and pay for It when course Is completed and posi tlon secured. Address L 25, Bee. C S75 WANTED, 200 girls. 1524 Dodge. Tel. 876. C-S76 SO girls wanted. Canadian office, 1622 Douglas U MI COOK A good reliable cook wanted: an easy place, good wanes, Address nrand Hotel, Hartlngton. Neb. C MSS3 23 WANTED, girl for general housowork. $1 per week; onlv neut nn:l competent girl need apply. 4929 Davenport. C Oil WANTED, girl for general housework. C-957 25 1919 Chicago st. LADIES thrown upon their own resourct wnnnsr in sen a. new wnm.m'M nriv.ne specialty, will make bg money and gain tne lasting inennsnip 01 every purcniser. Saffomore Co., Chlcaso. C-159 23 WANTED FEMALE HUM. GIRL for general housework. 3863 Fnrnam. WANTED, a good girl for general house- worn ai o, sjj s. -tin i. 1-.H1.1 i.i- WANTED, seamstress In alteration depart ment, lloston store, J. l. iiranueis Sons, proprietors, !L2:i GOOD nil-round girl for housework. 1003 N. .1111. U MilV WANTED, governess for 2 boys, to go to conntry; must have nest or reference mm capabln tn tench on organ, fall Pnxton hotel Wednesday afternoon between I nnj G o'clock or evening. O 11. Mnnvllle. C-M3M 21 GIRL for general work, $1 per week. In- quire in iiinney si. u-m G1RL for general housework. 1ST, N. 32d C-1 12 21 Ave. WANTED, cook and laundress. r. M. Ill 21 Rogers. Ml So. 37th St. C- WANTED, good conk and laundress at 121 So. 19th St.; $l.no per week. C 151-21 WANTED, competent girl for general housework, only two In family; good wages. 313 North 20th. C-150 WANTED A bright woman In each town to permanently represent our company: to permanently represent our roinpniiy, refined and congenial employment for all or portion of tlm-; good pay nnd no er- ponse. I'artlculnrs on renuest McGrnw- JUrrten Co., New YorK city. C- AN AMERICAN ladv required, with ilrt rate ability for selling goods; one not too young preferred. Address X 4. lice. C 201 23 COOK wanted; references. Telephone 261-K WANTED, n manual training boarding sctiool near Denver, where only tho son of tho poor are educated, wants thor niii;lilv prtitentn.t women, irnod worker. (for teachers, stenographers and general liouseworK), to give. wiiii'Mit salary, n year of service. Hoard and room fur nished. Ralph Field, president, Denver. UOIO. U - it. w.iwpn n,i mlim, tn rrnrlmi mnke nnttenlmrir lace nnd embroider nt home, city or country. Herrsch-ier Needleworks, 324 Dearborn St.. Chicago, III. C 0 S3 WANTED, woman or man In every town t ) colleot names, $.1 per hundred. 11. B Robinson Mfu. Co.. Chlcauo. 111. C-1&9 23' -1&9 23' LADY to travel In Nebraska: $f0 monthly and nil expensns to start: permanent po sition If satisfactory: solf-addreseil hi. vclope for reply. Manager MaeRrndy, Star Illdg.. Chicago. C-201 23 GIRL f(5r general housework: must be good cook; wages $1 week for competent girl. Call nt once 2020 Emmott. C-MD9fi CORSETS, skirts, bustles; big profits; samnles free: lailv ncenls wanted. J. is. Wood & Co., 205 E. Jefferson st., Syra cuse, N. Y. C IW 2J' WANTED, good girl for general work, family of two. Inquire Tue idav or Wednesday between 3 nnd 4. Mrs. E M. Martin. 1501 Georgia Ave. C-19S 23 WANTE JD, experienced salealadles. Apply ed to go to work Monday morning nrn tin red Boston Store, J. L. Brandels tc Rons. Pro rrietors. C 274 23 FOR HISn'T IIOU12j. HOUSES and flate. Rtngwalt, Barlcer blk. D-f.81 FOR RENT, strictly modern flat In Dav Idge building, opposite city hall. JOHN W. BOBBINS. 1802 FARNAM ST. D-003 ALWAYS moving II. H. Office. 15114 Farnam St. goods. Pi Tel. 1559 o anos. or S63, D-8S5 SEE HENRY B. PAYNE, C01 N. Y. LIFE. u FIVE unfurnished rooms, all modem. 2711 N. 22d st. D-MH1 HOUSES for rent in nil parts of tho city. Brennun-Love Co., 320 So. 13th St. D SS7 IF you want your houses well rented place tnem wun uenawa vu. u-su HOUSES, etc. F. D. Wead, 1S24 Douglas. D STS 6-ROOM flat, city water, 2719 Burdette. D 869 HOUSES, stores. Bemis, Pnxton block. D-8S0 MODERN 13-room house, stenm heat. 2219 Dodge st. Rtngwalt Bros.. Barker block. D MG9 LAROE modern residonce west part town, $33.00. Inquire 1203 Farnam St. D M675 CliAS. li. wiiiIjIambujx, hvj rnrnam. D-M071 FOR RENT. Kin So. "3d st.. ft rooms, bath, closet, water. $17.50. Has just been papered and painted, is nil reauy to move mm. OMAHA LOAN & TRUST CO., 16th nnd Douglas Sts. D 727 TWO 6-room modern houses, new. 26th and Hamilton. F. D. Wead, ICth and Douglas. D-MS14 FOR RENT n cozy 8-room modern cot- 2152 St. Mary's. D-M793 tagc. Inquire COAL Best cooking, $1.25. delivered: notn Ing better. Harmon & Weoth Co Tel. R4S. 09370-19 9-ROOM modern house and barn. 2211 Howard. J. H. Parrotte, Douglns Block. D-M102 MODERN 8-rootn house, furnished or not, desirable place, close In. U 61, Bee. D-101 27 FOR RENT Steam-heated 10-room house. No. 2011 Harney st., two blocks west of court house. See James Neville. D-M123 2S' FOR RENT To two persons, large front room, with small alcove, furnished or unfurnished, with board; private family. 720 N. 23d. D-M12J 23' FOR RENT House, 4907 Webster, 9 rooms, nil modern barn, ono block from car; perfect repair, $16. D-MU6 23' 3107 Jackson St.. 7 rooms, all modern. $18. 713 S. 19th St., 8 rooms, city water, $1S. 49i7 Webster St., 9 rooms, strictly nil mod ern, $16. 316 N. 41st St., 12 rooms, modern, $35. We have some 4 anil 5-room flnts on Dewey nvenuo modern except furnace, $S and $9. We will also have one of the tlnest homes In the Hnnscom Park district for rent October 1, About 12 rooms, east front, on carllne, paved street. If you want something strictly elegnnt come In nnd see us. Payne-Knox Company. First Floor. New York Life. D-M13I 26 FOR RENT, house 8 rooms, 8. W. cor. Park avi'. and Leuvonworth. Modern ex cept furnace. Key at cottage In rear. D-103 FOR RENT 6-room modern rottage. 23d and Boulevard St., one b!ock south ot Vinton. Apply Carpenter Paper Co.. 121I1 and Howard. D-M179-25 FOR RENT 1907 Plnkney St., 9 rooms, city wuler. furnace, bath, tine lawn, $20. 2020 Capitol Ave., 9 rooms, modorn, con- M-n'rnt to busliii'hs section, $25. 1910 Blnney St., largo modern house, nico location, $35. 195 S. 21th St.. South Omaha, C rooms, city wuter. centrnl location. 517. 3014 Lindsay Ave., 6 rooms, $5. BUILDING In South timuha, 14 rooms, re- cently put In thorough repair, $35. Wo have oilier houses; also somo stores centrally located. R. C. PETERS & CO., 1702 Farnam. D-177-23 BEAUTIFUL six-room cottage; n regular little paradise, Inwn all round, special rnto by year, furnished or unfurnished, 911 S. 40th. D-208-23' HANDSOME cottage, six rooms, city, cistern water; cemented cellar, lawn all round; how much can you pay down and how much per month till Its ymir. Motor 1 block; stute occupation. U 62, Bee. D-207-23' SIX-ROOM flat, bath, closet, nil In splendid orucr nnu largo rooms. -iuy (.uuiweii hi, D-200-23' FURNISHED modern 6-room cottago, walking distances. Address X 3, Bee. D-205-23' FURNISHED, my red'i'eiice, 2117 Wirt lit". for the winter cheap to small family. J. J. Gibson, cos 1st Nut. Bk. D-212 23 MODERN, six rooms brick, pnrtly fur nlshed, low rent; ten minutes walk depot, S. 10th: Farnam car lino; references. Ad dress X 10, Bee. D-256 23' s FOR RENT, October 1, to Bmall family, a 1 tiesirnoie seven-room coiwme. fi nno California street; water in kitchen; $22 per monm, inquire at wi ;n. uui street I D-M293 FOR RENT, Oct. 1, 2903 Dodge street, 9 rooms, all modern, with barn, $35. HOT, Park uvc., 8 rooms, line shape, mod ern, $35. , , A 1115 8. 2Sth, 8 rooms, good repair, $20. POTTER-8HOLH8 CO. Tel. 470. 31U N. Y. Life. D-.M2(8 26 FOR HUM FVMNIMir.ll ROOMS. THREE rom. housekeplneg; 1112 S. 11th IU 3, 1 LARGE nicely furnished front room; gen tlemen only. 1919 Dodge. ci IIOUSEKEEPINO. (ill So. 17th Ave MODERN. Improved, nearby, furnished rooms, and hoard If desired. 2021 Cali fornia st. 1 MU72, LARGE front room, modern, with or with out board. 23S0 Hnrney. E-110 2N FOR RENT, furnished, modern. S rooms, bath, laundry. 2722 Howard St Inquire m Pnxton ltlk. Tel. 11. E-1H 23 FURNISHED room, private family. MJ S. 22d street. h- M-"- -' THREE rooms for rent. 2309 N. intb t. E-29. 23 ; ; . tiUi.i,i, ROOMS, single, nnd ct suit e. No. 2. Dasldg Block, 18th and rnrnnm, - OR RENT, one newly furnished room nlsn unfurnished room. 10 blocks fron' postolllce. private family; roferfiuft- cv changed. X 9, Bee. H-2W 2.T rUIIMSIIKI) ROOMS AM) HOAItl). OLENCAIRN,trnnslents,$l.25 day. 16Js. GOOD board, private fumlly. 609 So. 231 h awnue. ' w UTOPIA. 1721 Davenpoit St. F-S9J THE Merrlnm, good summer retort. 25th & IJOdge. " LARGE front room, first-class board. Harney. r-M94, 25S4 ROOM for two, with or without 1'?! 215 N. 23d. F-MMa 23' FURNISHED south back room: also lnrge front room, with board. 2015 Doug'aH. r m' j FINEST rooms In city, first class board Address X B. Bee. F-M209-24' r itirlti nrtnn,lM fnrntahril frunt tinrlOr. with board, for two; heat, gns. porcelain bath, telephone; references exchanged I.G 8. 23th St. 1-M.'M2! PRIVATE family will rent, with board, one or two desirable rooms to gentlemen willing to pav reiiponaoie priceij iui fnrtnhln home: location ,..!iirnl: references exchanged. Address X 11. Bee. F-217 23' 314 SOUTH 2nTII ST., two suites, connect ing front rooms, with or without board modern. ! au- FOR HEVr-UNFURNISIIKD ROOMS. 2 UNFURNISHED rooms; no ho.isekecp. ing. 1057 Park nve. t,-4l- SUITE of rooms, modern. 616 Georgia Ave G-139 ::r FOR HUNT-STORES AXO OFFICES. rnn nifVT atnrn In Hrst-class location rent reasonable. Apply R. C. Peters Co.. ground lloor, nee mug. i-- iiMint.roAl.R luiMillnir mnilnrn enulnment excellent condition and well located: also some STORES near center of business section. R. C. Peters Co., l.nj i rnnm i i,f -i WE HAVE a line store building, two or three stories, eievaior aim nvrijiuiiii, m line repair, on Farnam st.; goon location for wholesale house. Inquire Pavne-Knox Cnmninv. Mnln Floor N. Y. L. Bldg. ' I-M286 23 AC.EXTS WANTED. i.i'cnATiVR nnd nleasant employment no expenso attached; commission l.irg r ovrinrlnnro reniilred: teachers paruC' ulnrlv iwlnnted to the work, but unyoiio rnn lie successful. Address 411 Bee Building. J-M701 28 TM.'T.lATIt.R nirents In every Nebrusk inwti tn ul1 the liest combination life and accident policy ever Issued; easy to sell .lnnhln the nriilnnrv amount of business; liberal contracts to good men. Address Guardian Llfo Co., Denver, c"VIl.M,56 9. "GALVESTON: The Horrors of n Stricken Cltv." by Murat llnlstend. nesi hook linui nnthnrshln. best terms, best prices outllt free; write quick. Houser-Iless Co., Dept. 1, Indianapolis, Ind. J-M9S9 23' AGENTS on salary or commission. The irrcatpHt nirents' seller ever produced every user of pen nnd Ink buys It on slirbt: 200 to 500 per cent profit; one naent'ji sales nmojnted to $H20 In si dnvs; another $32 in two hours. Monro JUIg. HI., AI-, v.u.-,.-, 'jjjjjjj, n'H HOLLAR n year nrotects you: w Issue more accident policies than any other similar company in the world, be cause wo issue the most popular nnd chenpest Insuranca written; one do'.iar I vpnr nnvs for n J.'iOO nollev: other amount In nrnnortlon: no assessments or dues death lienellts. weekly indemnity, free medical attendance; many other original and popular features; either sex between 16 and 6 venrs; $2',0.000 deposited Willi New York Insurance department protects policy noiiiers unucr our nysivin, n Aini,.;i nrnmntlv and liberally settled write' for application blank; rellabl ronrnnetitntlves wanted everywhere. Th International Registry company. 189 Broadway. New York. J M125 23' AGENTS" WANTED "Galveston: The Hor rors of a Stricken City," by Murat Hal stead; fully ll'iistrnted; fastest soiling book ever published, only $1.50; best terms guaranteed; outllt free; bo quick. J. S y.legler & Co.. Chlengo.JO J-Mlll 2,T WANTED, good agent In every town nnd community to sell the "Best" Vapor Gasoline Lamps; most sclentlllc Lump made; two years on the market; abso lutely guaranteed for one year. Best In candescent Light Co., 31S S. 15th St , Omaha. Neb. J-M132 Oct.21 JUST OUT New Peerless gasoline lamp; enstest lighted, most satisfactory, knocks all competition: dgents coining money. Peerjess Lamp Co., 244 Railway Exchsnge bldg . St. Louis, Mo, J- WE WANT one man In each town to buv for us. Nothing to sell B:g Income, tf reliable. Commercial Rubber Co., 12 East 42nd St., New York. J LADIES nnd Gentlemen to take orders for our Christmas Specialties: good pay; samples free. Address, Illff & Co., 110 Wabash Ave., Chicago J-176-23 AGENTS coining money. One agent cleared $42 50 In ten hours; 100 per cent nront. We L'linrnntee Amerlnus Lenthsr Susnenders. Fast sellers, big assortment, handsomely finished. Write for exclusive territory Berry Mfg. Co.. B 129. Cincinnati, O. J 212 23' WANTED, live a ire 11 ts In every good town Ready seller to business men. Call on or nddress. J A. Townsend, 317 N. Y. Life Bldg.. Otnnhn. J 211 2.1 AOKN'TS-flalveston horror. Thrllllnc story of tho greatest catastrophe of modern times greater than Johnstown flood Largo book. Illustrated; big profits, quick sales; outllt rreo. -Martin ueuarmn i-o, Cincinnati, OMa. J 220- 23' AGENTS Our quick selling campaign nov nltles nro money makers: automatic badges, match safes, buttons, souvenir spoons, etc. Send for catalogue. Alutnl 1111m Novelty Co., 335 Broadway. New York. J-218-23' AGENTS Article of unusual merit. High est awards. Government endorsement. Half million sold. Agency Uopl. 31 27 William St., New York. J-217-23' AGENTS knowing cancer sufferers can make big money. Write todnv. Address, Dr. J. B. Harris, R. 366, Plko Bldg, Cincinnati, O. J-210-23' AOFNTS Comnlete story of tho "Galves ton Horror." bv Murat llnlstend; beauti fully Illustrated; larg" bonk; big commis sions; credit given; outllt free. Address, American L. Ac M. Association. 35X Denr- born. Chicago. J 211 AGENTS, Galveston horror; filly Illus trated: retail nrlee. $1.30: ofllciul: greui seller; best book; best terms; freight paid; outllt free: now ready The ,n. , Hamilton Pub. Co., Via The Arcade, ("eve land. O. J-16S 23' BIO profits handling latest improved goso linn Inmti: sells at slirht: beats electricity cheaper than kerosene, retail $4 up; L' dlrtereni siyies, oxciusivo iriu" Standard Lamp Co., Manufacturers. Chi caso. J 167 23 WANTED, state and county agems 10 Ilium lo " l lie luucienr iauiuiu ,... lump: the hatulsomrst ami most perfect lamp made; &) candle power; costs 'i cent hour. Irby & Glllllund. Slant, actur ers, Memphis, Tenti. J It -o AGENTS wanted to sell incandescent Vapor Gas Lamps; iw cnnuio punn, m torch; quickly lighted; latest designs. Write Studebaker Gas Lighting Co.. Kan. sas City. Mo. J-!o2 2,1' GALVESTON HORROR; story of the (treat cutasttoplio told u y survivors nnu res ellers; illustrated from photograph.! taken Immediately after the disaster; 4w pages, handsomely bound; only $!.;: sell, a slf.nl; agents clear Jin per day; freight paid; credit given; best terms guaranteed; send todnv lor free outllt. II. J. Smith Pub. Co.. 334 Dearborn St, Chicago. ALVESTON HORROR: most complete ac count bv eve witnesses; authentic illus trations; tiiiiiiev maker for live workers; best commissions; freight paid; credit given; write todn for tree outllt. L. (. . Morse .i Co., 56 Fifth Ave Chicago. J- 161 23' OENTS for Ludwlg 100 candle-power In- i n in irei'iix apor gns ininii?, mini' 'j Itself: mechanically perfect; most eco nomical, qilchest lighters; Ludwlg burn ers tit any lump nnd we gunriintee not to clog, Ludwlg Mtg. Co., Kansas City, Mo. J lifcl 23 GENERAL agents in every locality In V K. to represetit large conce-n, uppoi'ii'" ngents on strictly snlnry basis of $ per month, with all traveling i-.pi"is"s prld. Dept. CSC, 1970 Park nve.. New York J !(, ( MAN or woman, to employ nnd superin tend ngentf.; $50 per month nnu expenr.-. experience rot required; permanent. Zlegicr Co., 509 Monon bhlg.. Clilc:: Jr-lld 2..' AGENTS, we have a line line of fast sell ers, userui in every nomr; ir profits; write for circulars. C. O. Myers Co., Atchison, Kan. J-251 2.P GENTS Unusual opportunity to make Mg monev. "oniv oiuciui. Aiiineuuc inn; Comi'lelo Book on Galveston Disaster, now ready; sells on sight: fUi per day easy. Extraordinary terms, freight paid; credit given; don't delay. Outtlts free. Avoid llctltlo.is llrms Address the old established National Publishing Company, Lakeside Building. Chicago. J-214-23' iOENTS-Wolsbach supplies; perfect man tle, 6c: sample, sr sunups. .ni;utKue mr stamps. Van Houtcn, 74 Park Place, New York! J -210-23' AGENTS Big money In quick selling household articles; sctui tor , circular!,. National Agency Co., Lima, Ohlo. WA.NTI'.D TO RENT. WANTED, a modern house, seven to nine rooms. In West Fiirnntn or nanscom pars; districts; either rurnisiicu or unnirnisneu. Address 201 First National Bank building. K M913 WANTED, two pleasant rooms and board on south or west sine oi city ny mnrricu couple; will pay liberally for nice place; private family preferred. U 55, Bee Otllce. IV .MV,) SUITE of unfurnished rooms, with board, In private family uy coupie wun ono child; nouse must ne monern nnu iocu Hon deslruble. Address U 60, Bee. K M130 TWO rooms or room and alcove, furnished or partly furnished, October 1, by lauy employed during the day. Call or address uressmnKer, .-in npnico ai. iv .wi.u m- OCT. 1. by man nnd wife, board, south. steam nenten room; win pay vm per mo, Address X 2. Bee. K 149-24' SEVEN or 8-room modorn house; state price and location. X fi, Bee. K 221 23 GOOD party wants to rent one lloor of good uat in warning distance, or a neni i room cottage. Address 306 Karhach Blk K-263 23' WANTED, by man nnd wife, one or two rooms wun noarii, warning aisinnce oi Ben Building; state price and all particu lars. Address x s, uce. K 277 2.T STtJRAfJIS. PACIFIC Storage and Warehouse Co.. 912 914 Jones, general storage and forwarding. Om. Vnn Stor. Co., 1511H Farn. Tol. 1559-S63, SJJ TVANTIflD TO HUY. ALL, kinds of household soods. hotels, etc. tn large and small quantities. CV.t ago Furniture tjo., Hve-iv uoaga. lei. zuu N-J9I WILL purchase a limited number of Omnha Savings bank uccounts, Brennn Love Co., 309 So. 13th. N-S 5 2DHAND bicycles, Omaha Bicycle Co. 8 or 9-room house to move off lot. Address 631 S. 27th. N .M370 Zf THE best modern 6-room cottage that $1,700 cash will buy. Address, v m, nee N-M907 23 SECOND-HAND safe. Address, give price and muKe, jonn tmud, hock rori. Jio N-M9T9 26 OLD stamp collections bought. 216 N 16th N-DStV-O 19 WANTED, good strong buggv horse, per fectly rellnlilo in every way. Puyno-Knox Company, mnln lloor N. Y. Llfo Bldg. N-M99I 23 WANTED, to buy a cattle ranch. Address U 67, Bee Office. N Ml 35 21 WANTED to buy small house and lot or vacant 101 in norinern part or city at reasonable cash figure. Address. U CO, Bee, N-222-2.V WANTED to buy Shetland pony; must bo gentle, one mni cnmiren can drive, a. u. Brandels, Boston Store. N 298 23' WANT to buy some 5, 6 or 7-room cottages, to tie moved orr lots. Address 524 N. 17th st. N 2SI 23' A FIRST-CLASS fire nnd burglnr proof sa.e, about 0,000 pounds, with time lock. Address T. G. Undorhlll & Co.. Collbrsn, Colo. N-M2CS 29 FOR HAl.E-I'l'It V ITU RE. FOR SALE Three bedroom suites, dick ering grand ptano; call at once. i,ui Capitol ave, O-M120 2C FOR SALE Household furniture; new hentor; private sale. 1713 Georgia Ave , second lioor. 0-224 -2'!' FOR SALE Furniture in most desirable four-room flat In Omnha. Call at Flat 13, 1612 Chicago St., Clowry Block. O 223 30 FOR SALU-IIOKHES, VKII ICI.F.S, I1TC. NEW and 2d II. vehicles nt marked down prices. Harry Frost, 14th Leavenworth. P-WS FOR SALE, new huggle bodies with gear ing for sale at $160 c.ich. A II A'l'lrn, 913 Douglas. P-.M401 del. 7 FOR SALE, a horse nnd ruggy. cheap. In quire nt 2152 St. Mnry's nve. -M7-6 SHETLAND pony (spotted), cart and har ness. 2517 1 nicago i. P- MI0.1 23 HOUSES FOR SALE -A fine retillemnn'M rondster. line looker, good trnvelor, sound and gentle. Will sell theup. 1M . n;-Knux Company, main floor, .V . Life bldg. FOR SALE Bnv horse. 6 years old 16 hands high; will sell cheap, lnqutro 1710 Fnrnnm ' -' FOR SAI.E-MISCKM.ANEOIIS. HARD nnd soft foundation piling; hog fences and cribbing. 9ol Douglas. g-8W CUTTERS of drug prices. Sherman & Mc Connell Drug Co.. Cor. lt-th nnd Dodge. Q if iu B IIASS, Florist. 1813 Vinton St. Tel. 776. Plants, out Dowers, boquets, hall, rosl dence, wedding and grace decorations. Ordoru by mall or exprcsso promptly tilled. li-lwl 2DHAND safe cheap. Derlght, 1114 Farnam Q 90J riAI'ES: buy, sell, ox'ge. 8chartz, 114 H. 13 Q-W2 MANSON bicycles, $23. Omaha Bicycle Co. Q-903 3DIIAND wheels, $3 to $10; new wheels $15. Omaha Bicycle Co., 16th Chlcaco Sts. Q-90 M. & W. tires, $2.76. Omalu Bicycle Co. y-wi 'OR SALE, a handsome rubber tree; price, $.. Inquire 607 N. run street. ti-M2-l 25 FOR SALE, young Jersey cow, cheap. 2111 OlllO St. W-2'JI Z3' SECOND-HAND Callgrnph (new) for sale. Call Ht ollice ciern insinci q jj FOR SALE, corncobs. Monroe Co.. Ml N. 16th St. W-'UH"i FINE horse and rubber-tired buggy, rty cheap. II. it. ! rcuricKson, ii-. uoiwp ni, (J 431 08 FOR SALE T- o pool nnd bllllnrd tables, clirnp. 161 liroauway, uoiiiien mu i", (J MW-4 SECONDHAND bicycles from $1.00 up. Neb. cycio co., cor. i&iu nnu nariiejr. Q .NL24 29 FOR SALE, payable after received, three mounts trial tree: ju.io mr u iimn sraut, 6-drawer. droii bend cabinet sewing ma chine; $11. 91 for a regular $10.00 bicycle; !S.50 for n $300.00 piano; $29.75 for n $75.0J parlor organ; $15.50 for n 6-plece over stuffed velour $oih parlor suite. All new high grade standard goods. For full par. tlculars state articles Interested In and wo will mall you a special cataloguo. Sears. Roebuck Co., Chicago. Q-MC3S Q13 NEED Money. $18", will buy tine Chlckor- lug upright. Address,- u , Hee. g 267 O-l FOR SALE 2 Hoosler wire-picket corn- crib machines: good wnrmng oruerj bargain. J. W. Hart. Stroinsburg, Neb. Q-MM9 25' FOR BALE-Two beautiful Manila "Jose" dress patterns; price $15 oach. Address X 1. Beo ollice. Q-M131 23' FOR SALE Fine Inrgo oleander. Just be- (.uililng to tiiossom. .Apply i aim ave. Q-MI15 23' PIANO, slightly used, left on salo by prlvato party; big bargain. Call w:t Douglas St. Q-M129 28 FOR SALIC, excellent heater: good ns new cheap ror cosh. Address 702 First avenue, Council Bluffs. Q-M13S 25 FOR SALE, fresh Jersey cow. lOOi So. 37th HI. W 14, 21' BELGIAN HARES, pedigreed stock, for sun-, cnenp; score enrd rurnisneu witn each nuimnl. C. 11. Roberts, Holdrego, Neb. Q Si:COND-HAND TYPEWRITERS. Tho following list nro In good condition and nre bargains for tho money: Odell $ 5 00 Two Cal crnnhs $10 and IS 00 Yost 25 00 Smith-Premier 30 00 Three No 2 Remingtons 15 to S3 0,) item Shn to oo NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., Corner 15th and Harney Sts. Q-M173 23 THREE fresh cows. 4315 Ersklne st. Q-M2S1 29' FINE Stclnwny piano for sale cheap; party leaving cny. jtuuress w i, umnnn nee. Q-2S7 OI .MISCEI.I,AEOUS. NOTICE, country dealers, 2dhand furniture and stoves at lowest prices, carload lots or less. Chicago Furnlturo Co.. 1106-10 Dodge. R-907 CLAIRVOYANTS. MME. GYLMER, OMAHA'S FAVORITE PALMIST. Don't bo skeptloul on the "llfo-readlnu" proposition because- you havo beon "faked." 'TIs true that most all tho so called life renders that havo Infested Omaha within tho past few years under tho guise of clairvoyants, occult scien tists, spiritual and psychic mediums huva been Imposters nnd most of them havn been exposed. Homo have been required to tell their troubles to tho pollen and others were given tlmo to get out nf town. However, all this does not signify that there are nono genuine. If them nro nny who hnve been fooled und still ndhero to the notion that tho past, pres ent and future cannot be told they should consult Mine. Gylmer and by so doing In vestigate a sclentlllc nnd real method. It is useless to comment on Mmo. (Jyl. mer's reputation, for she has been In the city 4 years and Is patronized by ;ho best people of tho town. A little Inquiry will convlnco anyone who Is not in formed on this subject that she Is honest and n woman of ability. Pnrlors, 1603 Dodge, south side P. O. S-218 23 MME.GYLMER genuino palmist. 1605 Dodge. S-Hl MRS. FRITZ, clairvoyant, 811 North 16th. 8-929- RI.KCTniO TIU3ATSU5XT. ELITE parlors. 615 S. 16th, second floor, T-375 OS M ME. AMES, 1615 Howard, room 1. 2d floori Mae Edgar, assistant. T M993 27' MME. LEE. magnetic treatment. 607 S. 13th, room 2. T M2S3 29' PERSONALS. LADIES' hnlr shampooed, dressed, 33c. Hair toilet goods. Monhclt, 1518 Farnam. Tel 233 U-MW MONHEIT, Chiropodist. 16H rnrn. Tel. 2333. U-909 IIOFF'S Express & Messenger Co, Tel. 1717. U-917 DR. ROY, chiropodist: corns removed, 25a and upward. Room 12, Frenzer block. U-913 VIAVI, woman's way to health. 346 Bee b'dg U-918 TURKISH baths, massage baths, electrlo baths, for indies only; skilled women mussago operators; llnest equipped batlia In the city. Renstrom Bath Company. Rooms 216 to 220, Beo Bldg. U-9I0 RUPTURE cured; no knife, no pain, nu danser; send for circulars Emp re Rup ture Cure, 932 N. Y. Life bldg., Omaha. U-914 PRIVATE hospltnl for ladles before tc dur. Ing conllnemcnt; babies adopted, 1130 N. 17. U-9U PLEATING nnd pleated skirts of all klnda. M. Goldman & Co., 200 Douglas block. U 91S PLEATING, buttons to order; plnkb-g while you wait. Omaha Pleating 0 JO, , IDt U-319 Douglas. PRIVATE home before and during confine ment; babies adopted. Mrs, Burget, "'H Burdette. U-919 LADIES' Jackets and tnllor mnde suits al tered, cleaned, repaired. M. Fogel, 3u7 H. 17. tJ 344 0-4 LA PETITE Froncli oval photos 60o per dozen during September onlv. Prnotor. 616 S. 16th. U-M333 Oct. 4 PLACE your order now tor seal sacques, fur scarfs and collarettes of nil descrip tions: furs repaired nnd altered. Aula huugh, Son &. Co., 506 Karbnrk blk U-.M357 OS UNDERSKIRTS; see those we make to or der from $2 up to $5; the very latest and decidedly swell. Omaha Skirt Co, Doug las Block, 10th nnd Dodge. U-M093 27 E. L. LOVE.IOY. 118 N. 16th St.. for a GOOD bicycle, for n good sewing machine, for anything fur bicycle or sewing machines Bte him. U-10! 04 LADIES will receive first-class care before and during coullncincnt; lady physician. 813 N. 23d St. U-145 021 SECRETS Hint win; knowledgo that payii seleiu'o th.it tilings I111-I1 e h and S 'cl 11 bin cess cures disease nnd bad hahlti; wins love nnd fil"dshi'i. gratifies irn bltlnns, given uiuiil. rful power and rnr Irul over others: you run learn nt ho'ne. Writ" ti'dny fur oil r elegantly Illustrated book which fully explains al' tne hlddin mysteries of personal magi'ftlsm, hypno tlsrn, mugniiic heillng .eic. It's fic, Address New York Institute of Science, Dept. Ill N, Rochester, N. V. U SUPERFLUOUS hair, worts and moles per. manfully removed by eleetrlcity ; consul, tutlon free, and confidential; all work guaranteed. Miss Allendcr, 1613 Douglas, -U MORPHINE, opium, Inudnnum, rorntnt habit, myself cured, will Inform you nt harmless permanent homo cure. Mrs. Baldwin, box 1212, Chicago. U ASTRO-M ENTOl.f if 1 Y ; gives scientific nnd accurate delineation of c lurar-ter. bml ness and marriage adapt. itioiis, etc.; pr sonul Interview by iiip..intment: stamp for particulars. Aatro-Muntology, P j. Box C67, Omaha. u2it J 4 i 1 . I f r r '"f In' 1 1 (