Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 23, 1900, Page 21, Image 21

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Moro Buyors Arriving on tho Market Than
for Several Weeks.
Jobbers Arc Coiinllim oil Doing a 1 ! I u
Ilnnlnc wit), tin; Merc limit Who
Will III- III till! (It)
This Week.
Considerable Improvement Ih notlcod 'n
tho volume of buslnoiiH being trai.sicod
by local Jobbers. Cooler vcutlior has had
n tendency to brlnjt mute buyers on tvie
market anil tnall orders for full end winter
goods are also on tho Inerens. Do.ilers
In nearly all line are greatly pleased with
the present trend of bulnr and llnd th it
they aro having a much heavltr trade now
than war, experienced a ear ngo. Tn'
ro all countlnii on doing an Imme.i'C
houso trade this coming wf.ok. ns thou
sands of merchants will ho In the city to
attend tho Ak-Sar-Hon feativ ties. They
a 111, of course, come lo pleasure to a
largo extent, but at the Mams time 1 1 1 i'
usually llnd tltno to make the rounds f
the jobbing houses and stlcct their t.tll
and winter Roods. Dry goods! Jobbers in
particular will do a big buslress. The fa t
that merchants can buy cn tills mar ot
und have their railroad Toro paid pro
vlded It does not rxceetl J I'it rent of tit -tr
closed at S3c, Dec ember, MVlttlic, closing
at Vi'ic
('ORN-Rerelpls, 141.375 bit ! experts, 1.VS
"ai bu. . sales, l'U.OiXi bu futures, 2U0.0) lu
spot. Spot, ilrm, So. 1, 47c In c.cca'or
and 4J'ic f o. b, afloat Option market
was ilrm against advancing on strong cable
news and llghtfr rece'pts at Chl iiao
and a fair demand for otttsl I shorts, c.oi-d
strong and tift'te net .il-ther. May, 41'43
41"ic, closing at llie; September. Iiliv
ic, closing at t'r, October dosed at
45Hc; December, 41 9-163 11V, closlnK r.t
OATS Receipts. lGe.Ov) bu.; exports. i9,.
219 bu. Hoot, steadv; No. 2, ihv: No 3,
2l,c; No. 2 while, 2iUftWe; No. 3 whl o.
2ic; track, mixed western, 24W-.Cc; track,
white western and white stnt 2,f
Options, quiet but steadier, with corn.
FKED-Steady; spring, tl7 J. mid
dlings. $17 0ua 19.50; winter bran, I17.80819.W;
city. $l7.ffl7 60.
HAY Steady, shipping, 7Mi77Hc; good to
choice, !zifflair.
MOPS Quiet; state, common to cholre.
1MK) crop, 10fil3e; old oldi, 2'iOc; PaClllC
coat. f'M crop. 10fl!3e; old o'da, Ifjie.
HIDES Firm; Galveston, 20 to 2ft lbs.,
lc; California, 21 to 2T, lbs., Mic; Texas,
dry. 21 to 30 lbs . He
LEATHER-FIrm; hemlrck sole, Uu-no-.
Aires. light to heavy, 2:if234c acid,
WOOIz-Piill: domestic llocce. 25tj2s;
Texas, 15yl5tic.
PROVISIO.NS-Hcef ilrm: family. $11 5 1
1'lfnV henf luimM. ISftOflflJI 00: lll-k.-t. 1100'
min.SO; extra India tn-ss. $1 .0"4717 0. ("tit
meats, steady; pickled bellies, JiWUII.W
pickled shoulders. JO 50: ploilod l.nms, 19.75
Win is. i.aru. wcuk; sienmcci, ti m. bt;
t ,tt t? .iimiMrll! r-dltl'll
easy; South America, $S.5'; compound, $ i.'Jft
iil : continent, $7.ST. P rk, n.y: shirt $13 75ftl5.0O: mess. H2M-IIU; family,
H5 2f.fjp;vi,
llt'TTKR Firm: creamery. lfi'47722c; fnc
tory. llfMOVhe; June creamery, HV'-lc! Imi
tation creamery, 15yl7'4c; sdatc duiry, 1H
' CHEESE-FIrm: Inrge. white, lie; small
Wheat Market is Fairly Active and linn
and Glutei Higher.
Onls Arc lulcl, but S mpiitlir with
Oilier Cmlti nml n (loml Milpil"
Iteiiitiml tlnrr n I'lrin SlnrUrl
i'rmlslons Arc Itnther l'.nsy.
CHICAGO, Sept. 22.-Wheat was fairly
active and Ilrm on unfavorable northwest
conditions and higher cables, October clos
ing to No hlKher. Corn and oats closed
ouch He higher und provisions easy.
October wheat opened U'SHc hlsher at
78V4AW.C and sold early to 7Sit?70c. Liver
pool was iQil higher. There wero show
ers In tho northwest. Duluth receipts were
light and Minneapolis nhoed an advance
of l'4c. A prediction of clearer weather and
ry c""n
purcha'es. Is bound to tin a drawing car I, I .vi.i,H ur. i,.rifp rolorcd ll'tc: small, col
and whl undoubtedly largely tncrensu the or"l 'llVtli c
in" muiKt'is on mot
lines have not
changed materially s'n':n Inst if port. There
Is, however, a good healthy feeling ult
along the lint urd higher prices on a
number of urllcles, which have bren aging
Mown for some time past, wou'd cafse
Utile surprise. The fact that the mar
kets nrr In a good, sprung position, will
have a bciemlal effert on trade, as me
diants can now buy without fear of the
goods depreciating on their hands.
Collre Sllulilly lllulier.
Vntll tho latter part of the week the
coffee market was ery dull Buyers were
holding off and It Is reported that the
amount of stock In Jobbers' bunds Is very
limited. The latter part of the week the
market firmed up and an ndvanc- of ,c
took place on green coffee. The effect wa
to stimulate business and tho generil
Impression now Is Hint the market be
morn active than f.r tho last few weeks.
Indications are thought to be favorable tor
higher prices. Package cuffeo remains tho
There Is no change lo report In simar.
The demand still continues very heavy, but
rellncrlcH are apparently catching up wl h
their orders, us deliveries have been prompt
the last week.
Tho only chango In conned goods Is a
slight advance on easler-i peaches and on
tomatoes. The feeling Is very s rnng In
eastern markets and higher prices are
blng predicted Tho California Halsln
Growers' association hao not
their opening prices, but It Is thought they
will not bo materially different from Him
at tho beginning or last season, iw uuu
uutiH Firm; state anu ri'iinivni i ,
21c; western, regular packing at mark, 2'i
Hiibc; western, io on, .'-c.
TAM.OW-KInn; city. $2 per pkg., 4V;
country, pkgs. free, IVirtftc.
111! li f irm : oomesiic. lair iu onu, 1 1
fB',c: Jnpan. I'ifiSc. .
MOI.AfiriKH-Klrm; New Orleans, open
kettle, good to ehiilcc, OiC.
.MIvIA l.r--i opier, ficnii) , iiiur-i in .to
$l 75. Lead, dull: brokers' price, JIW.
Tin plates, quiet.
Ciiiiillllon of Trnde nml Qnotntlona on
Staple unit Kimcy Proilnce.
Enas-Hecelpts light; good stock nrm
at 15c.
i.tvn uni't.Ttiv trnj. 7e: roosters.
Sfflc; spring chickens, Sc; ducks, 4flCc;
geese, 4'6,'c; turkeys, fcc.
KItUSU DllKSSHU rOl.l. l 111 uens. O i mnainru itiieka nml ceee. Sit
10c; broilers, per lb. 12'4c; turkeys, 12lc.
OAMi:-Prnlrlo chickens, per doz..
ni' i i i.u i ommnn to lair, n-v. inn. -
ISQlfic; separator, 2lo: eathcrcd creamery,
FISH Trout. 10c; bluonsh, ?c; jilckerel,
Se: catfish. 12c: dressed buffalo. 6c: whl'e-
tlsh, 10c; herring, fie; black bass, 10c; sal-
Dion, 13c; wntte nass. l"c: rropme. to
pike. 10c: hallbitf. lie: hul!hea.'t. l"c; rln
rierch. r,r; lobsters, green, 22c: b-lled lob
sters. 25e; mackerel. 20c; codllsh. 10ci yellow
perch, fie.
ritKSH OYSTEUS First grade, solid
packed. New York counts, tier can. 40c;
- l . -1 .1 .,!, u rnmnln till. Klimt AS I . . . .. . .. n, 1 .T . riAnnn.l
they wero a week ago. The now crop of (;rn,i', slack filled. New York counts, per
prunes and rntslns is expecico to rcnui cnn. 30c: extra selects, 2ic; standards, c.
hero within the next two weens nnu uie PIOUONS-I.lve. per dozen.
i,.Mor ,.r,i,in ,,f neuehcs aro already on vea r.sphnlrn Mttne.
tho mnrket. , , HAY Prices uuoted by Omaha Wholesale
The only chnnge In farinaceous gonu n iiav Dealers association: unoico uiuanu.
an ndvnnco of 20C0c per barrel on llur jg.). j;0, i upland. JS.OO; medium. $7.50;
as a result of the advance In wheat. Kuans, coarse. 0 50. Ite straw, $". W. These prices
on the oilier hnnd. are lOftl'e tier bu-u-l nro for hay of good color anil quality,
lower thnn last week's quotations, owl.I Demand fair and prices steady. Receipts, 7
to tho arrival of mo new crop ni me ;uai- cars.
kot Tho California Walnut mowers- p i, in iinvo oiven out their opening
prices on this yonr's crop and an advance
of about 2c per pound over the opening
prices of last senson Is noticed. Tho ch-ise
market Is Htlll very Ilrm on necoiint of the
nxceptlonally heavy export demand, not h
..I... l' ...,.1 M.,lln mill, lH Still llecllnltlg
quotations being slightly lower than thay
wero at inn ieiun. ... , i
Au ruimnin the condition of trndo local
OATS No. 3 white, 20c.
COUfi-Nfl. il, 33C
UUAW lU.ll
CUCUMllKItS-Pc.r dozen. S23c.
KKW Tl'HNIPS' Per Uuslui liasKet, wo.
NKW ltnt.rrH Per itnien liunches 151H0C.
NEW CAItltOTS Per dozen ounches, 23c.
KETTrCB Per nozen. lOalac
lUDIHIIKiJ-llnmii nrown. ner dozen. 15c,
HEANS Wax, per hulf bushel basket,
tobliers ntato that they are .uoing more 4aa, strln
business ut tho present time than ever tie. poTATOKS-Per bushel, 4030c; sweet
IOre MIHl llldl l I"'' . " - - :-- -ttt I JIUlilir3. I I IIUllllU, LK.
as rood as tne ursi two mm i"""
break nil previous rremu
HnriUnru Mnrket Firm
irnriiivnrn lobhers aro now busy rushing
out their fall goods. Tho cooler weather
has modo merchants anxious to got In their
winter goods und particularly Is this true
of dealers In the far west, who aro obliged
to haul their HUppllCS long uisuiiron m
. miiaf rnmiiiir pxiHiinu i -
niiKuua. , ..'i: ,, I'HPNKS Utan and
gaming iiiiure prices i f .'" . .i t. $1 00- tier box COe
to buy moro freely and to anticipate their J',',?,' -
u n.rrn (linn lhV tinVO done ill L ""tl1 S.r .PX
several months. Taking Into consideration
ih. rrtrt innr irnrit min di'uii iifii j
throUKhout tho nummfr, whnn retnlkra
tr Ini vino in n htinil-tn-moiith way. job
bers figure that. they should do an Immense iari .lies. tT. 73c.
. !!... Mm mo rlut u n rnnn I . ' .' . . . ... . .
iiusiiidbm ii" r,,.r .if lower APPI.KS-NtttlVC, i&'HJl W per oil,; pur
piruiiK jooiiiwii nun ..v. ....... uiii s j-j ,y.j.(.io.
prices. ,,,, CIIANHUHUIRS Per bbl.. JG.OO; per crate,
AllllOUKIl me mniBui in iiiiini in.-..- i'""r J2.25.
not been many changes during the last TUOPICAI. FIU'ITS
week.. THO Olliy one wormy iu i. e. .em n onANnKS-Vulenclas. f I 2-.fiil.75.
CAHUACeK Homo grown, per pound, lc,
PAl'l IPI nwi'niw iliiinn. II.
TOMATOES Homo crown, rcr half
bushel basket, 40c. .
()MU.N.s-iinm grown, por uu., wowc
CELKUY-Nebrxska. 30y40c.
PRACHES-Californla. freestones. 0c:
clings. 70c.
l'l-i'MH iaiirornia. ner crate, ji.iuuio,
PHl'NKS Utan and Colorado, per crate,
ailAPKS-Callfornla Tokays. 4-haskct
crato. J1.50; Concords, home-grown, iiy;
Delaware anil Niagara, per D-ll. imsKOt, ioc,
,V 'K () .1 xs-as to size, zsu.oi. eu-ii
CANTAI-Ol l'U-Gems, 1 or dozen, wuju?;
. .. .i ti. ...... r..iiliitn I'"". vuii)ir snarus eie irregular. .ioiH-y
the adoption of the Minneapolis receipts, I fates wero very stiff, closing at 3'i per
etui ior can loans, .in per com tor time
loans and discounts were strong. Gold
amounting to was taken for export
for Cgypt. On Tue.'day i;2.0iW,wo is .tie
for tho new treasury bills niid this Is
nwaltcd anxiously as u cruclnl test of tho
money position.
'I he following nr the ciuslng prices on
the New York Stock exchango:
lrli,i. .,lt.l Thi. lii.nM I It n I I V, n n.1,.i..lnn . r,,ft m f u.i. it'iirfl tr c ,t,t flt.,1
relief measures made last week s tno. tnent ' GVi i-llvcr The Imports nt dry gumls and is nissipateu nv tnis weeg s larger
nioNcmetit, demands from western points
bilng added to those from the south. New
York markets have rose appreciably In re
sponse und speculative sentiment In the
stock market has been made much more
sensitive to other elements of uncertainty
In the outlook. The coal miners' strike,
the unsettled wage schedules In the steel
trade and the growing complicity of the
diplomatic situation over China have playeJ
parts of Increasing Importance. It is re
called that In the experience of last fall
the needs of speculative holders of stocks
wero the last to be consulted by tenders
of money and many Industrial dividend
paying slocks were uncompromisingly re
jected na collateral for loans. The call
loan rato on the Stock exchange soared
to 1S5 per cent, while no more thnn 0 per
cent was paid for loans In ordinary busi
ness transactions. These nro the consid
erations that have Induced the week's liq
uidation. 'I he bond market has been only slightly
affected, compared with stocks, but liquida
tion has been In evldenco there also,
t nltoU States is, new coupon, advanced lt
and the old 4s , per cent In the bid prlco.
The 3s declined i4 per cent.
Tho Commercial Advertiser's London
financial cablegram sas The marges
here were absolutely stagnant today. The v
was no news and no business. American
shares drooped, but their weakness stemed
to bo due solely to the utter lack of sup
port. Copper shares were irregular. Moiuy
which made the northwest total look les
bullish, cnused a reaction to Damage
renorts wero numerous, referring to me
spring wheat damage us a "calamity.' and
this, touetlier with rumors or export uv.-
coptanees, caused a rally. October tccov-
ered to 79',e und closed strong anu nvp
hlgher at .tVu;&e. '1'he weather predic
tion was cotiiioerauly discounted ov private
messages which reporicu ruin iiiuuij, unu
these reports aided In the linai lucent
New York reported lit loads taken for ex
port. Clearances ut the seaooaru in c'
and Hour were equal to lui.UuO bu. Primary
receipts aggregated i.wj.wj uu.,
with 1.U27.0W bu. lust year. Minneapolis unci
Duluth reported 4W) curs, against SS ast
wctk and l.Um a year ago. 1-ocal receipts
were Sot cars, 11 of which graded contract.
Trading In corn wus on u small scale, out
the niarlu-t was lit tn and prices made a fur
ther advance. Itoeelpts-olD curs-and light
country acceptances, cotnoinect with hlgner
cables, Wete the lactors. bhorts were tne
best buer. lSusltuss uy ampui-m
small. October sold between aMc und SJUu
and closed 4c higher ut .1STJ39c.
iimio u'iii . ,nii, i imt Hcninutliv with wheat
and corn and a good shipping demand gave
a Ilrm market. ictoher sold between 2W'j
21V und iitu und closed 4c up ut, -uo
ti. ueceipts were .m cars.
Provisions, ribs excepted, were rather
easy. Hog receipts were over me csmn m-,
but It was tulked around that the selling
wus being dono for the purpose ot shaking
out wcuk holders. October pork bold be
tween J11.9S and J12.05 and nic lowcr
at J12.06: October lard between i.0j nnu
lti.97VN closing 7',il'JC lower al ti.a.
and October ribs between i.3i'j unci i.4ia.
with the close a shade up ui fi.i.ft.
Estimated receipts .Munuuy: neat. ...o
cars: corn. CA) cats; oats, w) cats; nogs,
aO.CHjy head. . ..
1 ho leading futures ranged as iouows:
Articles. Open. i High. Low. Cloae. Yes'y,
Sep l
Sept Oct.
Oct. Jan.
Oct. Nov
Sept Oct.
7S'4 70i
79'i'icu. S)
TbiKfll 7'JB
40Ti 41
38; 41
21','ji W
21i''. 22
Sl'.tl 22
12 co 1 1; or.
11 37-ti 11 40
7 03 7 05
7 02V4 7 (B
0 70 . C 70
7 72V4 7 72
7 07!s 7 42',$
. 7i o,'8 VI 7S '11 1 VJI
lO;' 40'i'l0'(n,.i
21K 21,2l'('!;
12 OS 1 12 15
U 3,W 11 13
Atchlion .ti'i Union I'aciiio
do fiM O.'i do pM
liultlmurc & Ohio,. CP. Vnbanh
C'unuillaii l'aclllc... Si I rto pfd.
. 5
. 94
. li
,. li
. 4)
. 23
. 9:h
. K.
11 -3
11 35
c ms'j
6 f5
0 07',4
7 7'i
7 3.4i
6 05 1
7 00
G 9714
6 67 li
7 f.714
7 42S'
ti 07 1 i,
7 07,$
7 0".
C 75
7 70
1 421
G 10
an advance of about 6 Per rent In gal
vanized bhent Iron. Practically all staples,
imu'Avnr. nro verv firm at present prices
and It would not bo iiurprlslnc. In view of
the heavy demand, snouid nigucr prices
rule on n number of lines In the near future.
More Acllvlty lit Ury fJooils.
fancy, $3.25;
liKMONS-f'nllfornla. cx'ra
choice, ji wmij.w.
HANANAS Per bunch, according to frlzc,
2 0i)ff2.75.
1' 1GS f allfornlu, now cartoons, ji.-u,
layers, 90c.
For scuno time, past the dry goods market mbcHg ,,er U 12e; ulmonJls. per lb" l'.TT
its been very dull In eastern cities. Huyeis 1S(. raw ,)t,r ,,, usp; rousted. Wt7'-c.
No. 2.
Cash quotations were as follows:
Flour Firm; winter patents, J'1.90r
Htralghts, J.1.20fi3.S0; clenrs, J1.20't3.iV;
spring specials. .11.70; patents. J.l.tWI.lo;
straights, J3.10if3.80: bakers'. J2.S0Jj2.Sil.
WH12AT No. 3. fsqjSc; No. 2 red. 79i..c.
COKN-No. 2, 4KIUci No. 2 yellow. 4HLT
41OATS No. 2. 22tic: No. 2 white, 2382(ic;
No. 3 white, Sl'iJfJaVjC.
KYK No. 2. M'.ic
IJAItLI2Y-Good feeding, 39GI0c; fair to
choice malting, 62S&5c
SURDS No. 1 llax, 49c; No. 1 northwest
ern. J1.60; prlmo timothy, JI.301J 1.40; clover,
contract grade, $10.
PROVISIONS-Muss pork, per bbl.. $12.0,
(fi12.10. iAird, per 100 lbs.. $7.GO'u7.02i.!c Short
ribs sides (loose), J7.00fj7.85. Dry nailed
shoulders (boxed). $1.2ufi S.37V&- Short clear
sides (boxed). IS.lGij8.2l).
WHISKY Hasls of high wines, $1.26.
Sl'GAH-Cut loaf, unchanged.
Following are the receipts und shipments
ot the principal grains:
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour, bids H.nno s0i)
Wheat, bu 231.W0 1H9.W0
Com, bu 4S1.001 4S1.0")
Oats, bu 2tS.00O 4SVO0
Hve, bu 9.000
llarley. bu CS.COH f.J
On the produce exchange today the but
ter mnrket was firm; creameries, l.Vft21c;
dairies milSc. r-heese, Ilrm, at lOH'iUlhc.
Eggs, firm; fresh, ICc.
Canada Fj..
Chrs. & Ohio ...
Chlcneo U. V...
c, n. & q
Chi, Ind. & U...
do pfd
an. & v.. in..
(It lea go & S.
('., It. I. & 1
C. ('. C. & St. la,
Colorado Ho
do let pfd ,
do 11 pfd
Del. Ac Hudson.,,
Dl. 1,. & W ,
louver & It. a..
do pfd
da lit pfd ,
at. Nor. pfd
Hocking Coal
Housing Valley ,
Illinois Cvntrul .
Iutva Central ....
do pfd
I-ako I.'rlo 4 V.,
do pfd
laulce Hhois
U & N
Manhattan la.....
Met. Mi. Ity
Mexican Central
Minn. & Ia..,
do pfd
Mo. l'aclllc
Mnlill- & Ohio .
M.. K. .t T
dl pfd
N. J. Central ,.,
N. Y. Central ...
Norfolk & W
do pfd
No. l'aclllc
do pfd
Otituno & W
Ore. Ity. & Nav.
do pfd
1'emiM'lNanla ...
do 1st prd
do M pfd
Hlo O. V
do pfd
St. la. Ac H.
do 1st pfd
do 2d pfd
St. U Bouthw tt4
do pfd
St. Paul Ill
do pfd 172i
.ut. I". & Omaha. ...110
Ko. l'aem- SOTi
.So. Hallway 10'
do pfd 51S
Tex. & 1'aclllo H',
4f4 Wheel. ,1 L. E.
if. do 21 pfd
li I Wis. Centrnl ....
ll'j; Tnlrd Avenue ...
:) Adnnn i:x
W Amerlcnn Ex
Wi P. a. Kx
W...U9 Wells-Forgo Ux..
103 Amr. Cot. Oil .
dn pfd.
.iner. Mulling ..
do pfd ,
imer. J. 4 11 ...
do pfd ,
1714 Anier. Spirits ....
. IS do pfd
. 63 Anier. H. Hoop .,
. I'Hjl do pfd
. iOS Anwi. H. & W...,
.llti do pfd
. i:t Atnvi. Tin Plate,
, UU do pfd
.llj .Aniet. Tobacco .,
.. :3'i
.. 71U
.. 't
.. tt
.. I Hi
.. ti
.. w,;
.. ki
.. 22
.. 3i
.. SI
.. 114
.. 17
.. l.i
.. 61 '
.. 29',
.. TO'i
.. 2l,
.. "T
.. SO.
.. 42
, 30
do pfd
Aiiuc. Mining Co
Drooklyn It. T
Colo. 1'uel ,t Iron.
Con. Tobacco
do pfd Hteel 3C
do pfd Ki
Oen. Klearlo ...,..13J
.. 61Vi cilucoia KiiRarr .... tS'j
.. 91 do pfd 98
.. 47 'Inter. Paper lin
..33 do pfd 0)
.. '.i Uaclcde 11 ;M (9
.. 3i,lNatlnal lllrcult .. 31't
. .l'.S't i do pfd kj
. .KC1 Nntlonal laead U'i
.. W, do pfd
.. 74 Nutli.nal Uteel 2,,t
.. (CTil do pfd S!
.. Ui N. Y. Air Drake.. .121
.. 19 No. Am-rlcun 1 1 i
.. 12 l'aclllc Cciall X
.. 7cl do 1st pfd
..I.'tli do 2.1 prd
.. lj l'aclll? Mull ...
.. fiJi 1'icple's Ouh ..
.. 2.".H I'rwsed H. Car
.. i do pfd
,.. if) il'ullman P. Car
.. flH S. It. & T
.. 61
mere hatidlse were valued nt
rorelan I'Iiiiiiii'IiiI.
TtKHIaIN, Sept. 22. Internationals and
Americana were quiet on tho Hnurse tod
Hanks and lnd'HVv'als wero steady. The
first relapsed sharply on ll'pildatlons. ap
parently for provliu ial bankers atid specu
lators, on their objecting to their names
being registered for time bargains. There
were also n microns Incul and speculative
snles. Kxchatico on London, 20tn 45jnfg
for checks Discount rntefj; short bills
3'i per cent; threo months' bills, 4's per
PAHIS, Sept. 22.-Huslness on the bourse
today was quiet. Tho Improvement In ex
ehanses favored Spanish Is and Hrazlllaps.
Hlo tlntos were In good demand on dHldend
nntlclpatlons. Kufllrs were maintained.
Three per cent rentes, lOOf KV- for tho ac
count. Uxchatico on London, 25f 23o for
cheeks. Hpunlsri 4s closed at 72.77H.
LONUO.N. Sept. 22 liuldon to the amount
of 100.000 was withdrawn from the Hank
of Fnglnnd today for shipment to F.gypt.
Oold premium at lluenos Ayres, 133.90.
I'liinuclnl .Vote.
ST. LOUIS, Sept. 22.-Cleurlncs, JI.3X3.MS;
balances. Jiil,410. Money, 6C7 per cent.
New York exchange, GOc discount bid, 40c
discount nsked,
CHICAGO. Sept. 22,-Clearlllgs. $19,451,431;
balances, $1 691,012. Posted exchange, Jl.Slft
4.SS. New York exchange, 40c discount.
Nl-.W YOHK, Sept. 22.-Clearlngs, $130,
GOc!.574i bnlnnces, $7,543.C:o.
110STON. Sept. 22,-Clcarlngs, $17,091,035;
bnlances, $1,C9(1,4.'9.
PHHaADHI.PHIA, Sent. 22. Clearings,
$17,&iS.S9l; bnlances, I2.04fl.350.
CINCINNATI. Sept. 22.-Clearlngs, jl.Sta.
230. New York exchange, 40'ff53c discount.
Money, ."416 per cent,
nALTIMOUF.. Sept. 22,-Clcarltlgs, $3,611,
152, balances, $030,421.
3 Vi
Sugar 114
do pfd H4'i
Term. Coal & I M',
L'. H. laeather 9(,
do pfd CO
V. R Ilubber 274
do pfd 91ia
WctUrn I'nloii .... 7t';
Republic I. & S.... 10
do pfd !Ai
'. C. C. & St. la... 53
Sfcir York Mmiry .Mnrket.
NKW YOUK. Sept. 22.-.U)NUY-On call,
nominal; prlmo mercantile paper, 4V4W3H
''sVkhLINC, KXCHANOU-Steady. with
actual business In hunkers' bills at $' ' 1
t.hih for demand and ut $l.k8i8 for sixty
days; posted rates, J4.M3-i.s4ti and;
commercial bills, J4.s2i4fn.s2i4.
SILVKH-Certlllcates, GI.Bc; bar,
C2J4C. Mexican dollars. 4r,c.
flONDS State, easy; railroad, weak; gov
ernment, firmer; refunding 2s, when Issued,
104; coupon. 104',i, 3s. reg. and coupon. lD83i;
new 4s, reg., 131; coupon, 1341,-,; oM 4s, rg.,
115; coupon. Ilfl; 5s, reg. anil coupon, ll.m.
The cloalng prices on bonds today uro'as
were afraid to place their orders und sellers
were not willing to make any very Im
portant concessions. As a result compara
tively llttlo business was transacted. Tho
last week, however, has brought about a
decided chango and the markets arc
crowded with buyers nnxlous to plnro or-
HinrcS No. 1 creen. 6c: No. 2 green, 5c;
No. 1 salted, 7Hc: So. 2 salted, 6'c; No 1
veal calf, K to 12 lbs., be; No. 2 veal calf,
12 to 15 lbs., Cc.
St. l.nnlN rJrnln nml Provisions.
ST LOCIS. Sept. 12 WHIIAT-Hlgher;
dors for both Immedlnto unci fit t nro ship- Nno red cash elvator 7'cWo' track? 78c
menu. Sellers, though, nro holding their September. 76V; October. 77ic: Decemb-T.
eoods at verv strong tir oes and n scuno , '. .... r l.,. V ,.i ru'.m-.n
" - , - ., .. . I.rf. . ...I,). O.ll . I1U, M .1,...., II, 11,,',..
rasps lmvo withdrawn frmu the market.
Indications then at the present time are
that spring goons win no cnnsicicrnmy
hlcher than manv nennle nntlclnated
Locally the situation Is very satisfactory
to all concerned. More buyers are arriving
nml nre nlaclnz liberal orders. Traveling
men all stato that tho city will be full of
merchants tho coming woeg nnu that tney
nro counting on mnKlng Heavy purchases.
Jobbers seem lo have nothing to complain
of und are very continent regarding the ru
'nro trend or business.
(iociil Deinnncl for Fool AVcnr
Tho trndo In boots and shoes Is running
along very nicely. A good many orders are
coming In from retailers who, for sonic ren
son or another, did not buy early In the
r'eriHon. aV good business Is expected this
wecK rrom mercnatus wno win im on tne
market looking for aildlllunul stncic. Spring
lines aro Doing rapidly put in shape and few
men un now on the- road taking orders."
Tho majority or the traveling men covering
Nebraska and Iowa will be tu the cltv this
week to wait upon their customers, as more
of them will no hero than nt their mores.
Ilubber goods are also selling freely and
considerable more business Is being trans-
nctml now than a year ago at this time.
Fruits unci Produce,
Tho market la still will supplied with
fresh fruits from Colorado and t'tiili. The
1'nllforutu crop Is about llnlshed. but still
a few shipments are arriving. Tho demand
continues very heavy and prices do not
show much variation drapes arc now on
the market In good sunnlv and most all
arlotlcs can be had. Lemons, owing to tho
cooler weather Hint smaller demand, ate
somewhat lower Fancy stock is held at
$,. 25 and clioico.jl.wcjfo mi.
There are no changes In vecetuliles
worthy of mention, nbout the same lines be
ing on sale at last wecK h q intatlnns The
ecu market Is cons: letahly hluhc r limn
at last report, receipts being light while the
demand Is good. Poultry, on the other
hand, Is rather wenk. ns n hits have been
quite lltieral. minor 1101.1s uliuit steady
m:v ioiik (;i:r..tvi, .mahici:i.
IluotnlloiiN for the liny tin Vnrloiis
CoiUllt.Hl It I UN,
NUW YOU If, Sept. 22 FLOPR Re
ceipts, 17,vct0 bids ; exports, 36,702 bb's
talcs, 4,500 pkgs. Market llrnly hold nt a
shado advance, but buyers and rollers were
10fl20c apart at the cloo; w'nter patents
$3 701)4.00; winter straights. ia.V3.(5; Mln
resold patents, II 2' If J. 10; winter extras
$2 70f5.00: Minnesota bakers, $2.75113.30
winter low unities. J2.I.Mi'J KV live Hour
steady; sales, 360 bblB.; fair to good, $.1.10
C11.1..10; cneice to lancy. .i io'j.ihy.
SFi:DS"Qulet; timothy. October, JI.OO
Clover. October. $10.25.
eoilNMKAI.-Strudy; yellow uestern, K5
tjM'c. cltv. !c; Hranrtywine, $2.457(2 m.
UYH-l'Irm; No 2 w. stern ft)c, f. ti. b.
Ktnle KiSifitie. e. I. f.. New Yer''.
UMII.I' feeillllJ. 4Sfl 'Oc. C. I. f
New York; m.tltltig, W8&!e, c, I. f,, Ut.f
folo .
p.Alll.HY MA I. T Dull : western. C'tTiS.1.
vlli:ATIteccli)ts. 7.f.(i bu. : (XPorU. 0C
(W bu.; sales, 2,Mi0.iVH) bu. fulures. iO.OX) lu
unnt Mivnt. ttt'tn! N'n 2 red. SlUiC. f. o. I
alloat. iitnl t'2'vc In elevator; N 1. 1 north
cm. Duluth. SS.4('. f h , nllciat. Optl"F
opened steady on bullMi cublei. supple.
nieiiteii bv furthrr ttemiuids frnn shorts
mln to tho northwest and higher mnrliets! Inter tho market wa
nutet hut string on fftiewed coveting a
net aiHuuc-1. M.ltcll, 87 IS-l'ifie
cloning at W( Ma , , iw PO'ini:
S7!c. Setilctllbcr clotcd at cWc, O' I b
COltN Ilicher: No. 2 cash. .Tii4c; track,
S9ff40c; September, 3J-V; Dctobcr. CC?ic;
Decenitier. 3:i4it"'c; year. ;.(c.
OATS-H nher: No. 3 casn. s:c: traea,
22,fi22lje; September, Bitte; October, 2Hic;
Hecemner, .J vu-iic; iiny. ..741. s". -white.
ItYli -Hetter at 61c.
FLOl'H rnchanged.
SUFDS-Tltnothy. steady at IX"$QU0
Flax, lower at $1 4.
COltNMIaaX la Steadv at $2.o"?(2 05.
HAY-Strong; timothy, S.o0?i 12.50; prairie,
JCfio'ci"' 50.
WIIIHK V Hteauy at i.;u.
HAOOINO-JS lefiS 50.
M ICTA LS Lentl, qulot, Jl.52',5. Spelter,
Ilrm. $3!'.V , , ,
POl'LTHY Sternly ; chickens, 7Ue: young,
ft-c; turkeys, 7o; young, C, uuekn, "c;
geese, u'sc.
i-:tiiis--ritenuy iu 11c.
Hl'TTl'.H -- Steady: creamery. ITS 22c;
dalrv, 10tl7c
PIlOVlHKi.NH -l'org. nrm: lonoing. i; in
Lard, lower: choice. J-I.C-Ofifi 92'i-. Dry Milt
meats, boxed steady; extra rnoris, .;
clear rib1", $37V4; clear sides, $S r llaeon.
bnxed. steady; extra sinrts, juj; near
ribs, JD12H.. clear sides. J9 2S.
RK( r.lPTH e lour, 6,cjo puis.; wnent, its,-
000 bu : corn. 23.(yn bu.; onts. 2o.m bu
SHIPMKNTHI1 mur, ji.ouo nius. ; wnoii.
S5.000 bu.; corn, 50,0)0 bu, ; oats, bu.
I.Merituol (irnln mid Provision.
LIVFRPOOL. Sept. 22 -WHKAT-Spot.
ilrm; No. 2 hard, western winter, fls 0d:
No 1 northern, spring, 0s 5d: No. 1 Cal'
fnrnln. Cs B'.fcd; futures, steady; September.
Cs 21a d. December, ls nil.
CORN Spot, nrm, American mixed, new.
In; futures, quiet; uctotier, 4h 34d;
Noveml-er. 4i 27t,c1. Decemlier. 4s,
FLOFIl St. Louis fnncy winter, nrm.
PROVISIONS iieer, extra tncua mess,
dull. 72 Ocl; prltnn mess, stenclv, r,i,s "ci
Pork, prime mess, western, sicnuy, .;s ti
1 .ini American rellned. In nails, steads.
wii 3d: prime western. In tierces, firm.
0,1. Hams, short cut, II to 16 ins., dun, m
lacou. t ' tntierianci cut. .1 to ids., nrm.
Us fid: phert r'bg. IS to 2'! lbs.. Ilrm. 47s.
tmiir e enr middles, gilt. 30 to 33 lbs.. Ilrm
titl : lone cieor 101011 en. ce-iiv , ,1.1 111 in
lim ilrm. 42s fid: short clear tiaclts. 10 tn
is lbs., ilrm. lis 0d; clear bellies, II to 10
lis., stenclv 4." nnouiuers. sciuaie, i. to i
tlm (lr-i .",1k fid.
ClIl'.l.HK .Mnericnn uncsc wiiite, urm. n-s
3d: American llnest colored, Ilrm, 53s fid.
TALLOW Prime city. prm. -os ,t; 4mis
trniiim In l.nnclon. firm. 2tiH Cd.
llops--t Lnndun. l'aclllc coaBt, sicatly.
C ',i C" r.a
HPTTKR-rnlted States llnest, 91s; good,
SOs. . .
IM: AS-CnnatP" i ssinvi.
Kiiimns Cltv Urnln unit I'rin Isliiim.
K'AN'SAS CITY. Sent 2' Wllfi T Do
cetnber. 7H fi71c; Miy, 7ic; rash. No. 2
hard. ,ii't72c; N" o, u'nTlc; NO. ffci
7Vfi7l'.e: No .1 T5H7fe
CORN -December. 33 ,e: May. 3mg34'l(",
eash. No. 2 mixed, 37if3Sc; No 2 white,
Tti'iC no a, aw.
OATS No 2 white, ire
TivuN.. 5. We
HAY-t'hclce tln.oruy. fit 50; choice prilrlr
Ill'TTlCR-Creatneiy. Pfi20c; dairy, fancy
FOOS-Hlgher; frefh Missouri and Kin
Has stock. 13'c doz.; loss off. oases i
turnecl; new whltewcwid cases IncludrHl, He
UFCKIPTS-Wheal 154.(00 bu : corn. 41,
lift bu fills .fK) bu
SHIPMFNTS Wheal 131,2.0 bu ; corn
o, st'-O bu , oat , 5,0j0 bu.
V C. Is Itiu
IV. "i j. .. Krn. 08,..,
H3'4 No. Pacific 3s CVA
1a"4 do 4s ioji;
rega..l3l IN Y, C & Ht L 4s. .107
....idi',4 Ac V. C. 4S ?S
.lia ,o e. Nav. 1 1
'lo 4s ioj
Oregon H. La. 6s.... 127
do consol Ss..
Heading gen. 4s
.lluilict IliMiimeit Ms Ve-nW Time, but
CIiikcn Fnlrly Active.
NI-2W YORK. Sept. 22. Stocks weakened
afresh today and after two hours of trad
inir the market closed active und weak, ex
cept for tho Irregulnrlty caused by shorts
buying to cover in sotno in me. nmc-un n.i...i
had been most severely raided by the bears
OnlV. I" Tennessee .C'onl w.b he rnll as
'nolnts hi th'u" stock! '"Th. coalers the
iV . .;.rial ,.i Jn..einitiei niul the steel stocks,
except the sleol rallmnkors. show the heay-
m n i . ai i,l l.w.njlalllill In
lest losses, i no riotiiiK k...... ...
the nntbraclte mining region had a depress-
Ing Intluence on the whole list and Heading
issues were spccmu nuv"u ........
that Its mines would not be shut down,
which Is dl.iuppnlutcd by yesterday s ccsia
Hon of work In that company s shafts, lhe
Kit UUilng tor laouuoii nc-c-wuiiv mi" r..-
tlrely disregarded and the slight demand
from bargain hunters, which made Its ap
pearanro here and there, was without any
Intluence In checking the liquidation.
The railroad group did not escape the prc
,.ni.. -,vilin,M nml standatcl rullro.icl
stocks were as much depressed ns stocks pf
minor lines, tne soutnern group, wie ruiitn
westcms, the grangers and tho Pnclllcs,
Ualtlmoro .v unto unci laomsvnie numr
vlllo wero most conspicuous for weakness.
Tho bank statement seemed to precipitate
tenewed selling, although It was no weaker
than had been expected, and In tho de
crease In loans was rather better.
Tho loan contraction snows ine extern, tci
which genuine liquidation has boon going on
In the stock market ilurltu the week und
detracts materially from the force of as
sertions mat ine selling nun neeu mostly
for short account. It seems also thnt the
remittances In payment of the riermnn loan,
whlcn stlnencti tne exenange iuarsei eariy
In the week, were arranged without re
course to the local money market. Tho
movement of gold from the Hnnk of
land to Oermnny, cour'ed with the heavy
interior demands for currency, strengthened
the conviction tnnt consiuernuiy mguer
money rates arc Inevitable
Prlres are considerably lower as a result
of the week's trading In the stock mnrket.
on Monday and Tuesday there seemed to
bu an effective, check to the liquidation be.
gun on Friday mid Saturday of last week
and the demand from shorts to cover ef
fect nl some considerable rallies, but on
Wednesday the liquidation was renewed In
force and broadened out so as to Includo
pretty muc h the whole list, actlvo as well
as dormant. In the latter class some heavy
declines are recorded, owing to the length
of time which had elapsed since there was
any trading In tho stocks and tho chango In
conditions In the mcuntlmc
Thnt speculators haw abandoned their at
tempt to maintain prices and ' .v thrown
over their holdings, brln--' ' 'h-r ..f
ferlngs on the decline, I nrlablv the
result of a fall In prices Hear speculator'
have, of course been short sellets und
Iu ns far as their requirements remain
iticovered hsve made nn element of tech
nical lrenirth for the market. Tho grounds
upon which hopes have been based that
i.ncv iati" would be easy tlibi fall are
pretty geliernlh understood First, was th
oxpectntlon ihat business activity had
fallen oft mi considerably that thero wou'd
be much less than uial fir credits The
volume of the bank clearing and the level
of railroad earnings show that the reac
tion In general business activity was a
rood deal overestimated It was expected
tu addition the country s additional
mii'icv supplj would keep down the rates
The London market is still cut off from
Its recent sourco of gold supply In South
Africa and the 'urge sums or gold which
usually go from Australia to London rnvo
been diverted to San Francisco In eon
sequence banks have lare tenders In for
Men markets and for a considerable period
have practically gone oit of the local
money market. Interior bank i have In th
meantime been active in placing lonnx In
the New York market. The eifeet of tlvi-e
coml'tlons which have been ripening for
a b ng time been me manifest last week
t-hrr large ip m uius ri qinn New
Hlo O W. Is.
& I M c. Sv
. it)
. 9i
C. B. ref. 2s, reg.. 101
do coupon
do ia, leg.
do coupon
do new 4s,
do coupon
do old 49, reg
do coupon ...
do It. reg ...
do coupon ,.
la. of c. 3 iia
aVtchl'on gen
do adj. 4i SJ'i Ht I
Canada Ho. .a ius st la & 8 F g. 6s.,.12J
cnes. u. eini. ruui consols ..
do G 11'J St. P.. C. & P. Is. .117-4
w. ft N. W. c "S...133 I do Ss ii3t:
UO r, J il-u. ..i.vs nu, j-iicinc IS
Clileano Ter. 4s.. .. M'j So. Hallway Jj....
Colo, So. 4s ! M. It. it T. 6i...,
U. & H. O. ls....D3'i Tex. 4 Pacific Is.
do 4s SS do 2s
Erie general 4s.... 07 t'nlon Paclilo 4s..
P. W. I. C. is.. 7o"iW abash Is
Cen. Hlectrlo 5a. ...lit do 2i
lotta Central Is 113 IWeat Shore 4s .
Ia A- N. unl. 4s.... WilWls. Central Is
M.. K. & T. 2s 04!,, Va. Centuries .
do 4s 9) I
When Issued.
. 77!,
. CO
.. 7
.. M
.. 63V4
llcmtou Muck luntnt Ions,
HOSTO.N, Sept. 22. Cull loans, 2i.J,1 per
cent; tlmo lonns, Ulilh per cent. "Olllclal
A., T. & S. P V Wcatlngli. niec...
do pfd 07 Atchison 4s
Amer. Sugar 114 N 17. (1. & c. 5s...
do pfd 1HVi atdventuro
aVtner. Telephone ..IT? Allouez .Mining Co
iioxtoii laevuieu .. no .tnai (,'onper
..Ii7 At'anllo
. lsirfi lloston A. Mont..,
.. 3S ltutte 4 Hoston.,
..110 Cal. Ar Hecla
..135 CudennUI
..133 iFrankl.n
..13S1, Humboldt
..210 Otceola
.. 101,4 Parrot
.. 85 .CJulncy
.. D Santa Po Copper
..204 Tainnrnck
.. H! ,1'tnh Mining ....
.. 83". Winona
.. DPi 1 Wolverines
llofton it Me.
C.. 1). & Q
Dominion Coal ..
do pfd
Fitcliburg pfd....
(Jen. i:i"ctrlo ...
do pfd
IM. Hlivtrlc III..
Mevlcnn f'entrul
Mich. Telephone
N. 11. (1. Ac C...
Old felony
Old Dominion ...
t'nlon I'.ielflo ...
West l.nd
. :."4
.. 65
. 740
.. 134
.. 13
.. r.
.. C.l
.. 40
.. I
.. 2S
.Nimv York lllnlnc S(oek.
NUW YORK. Sent. 22. The fnllmel..
the closing quotations for mining shures
Crown Point ....
e'en. Cal. ,V Va.
O'Mild & Carrie
lfnle A Norcroas
Ml" '4 A
I en Sliver
.. 15
.. 11
.. 43
... I?
'. fa
.. :
' 'r ....
do pfd
Sierra Nevada
1'nlnn Con
Yellow Jacket
.. S3
.. S
. .700
. . ; .1
.. 17
.. 20
London Slock (ttitittlou,
LONDON. Sept. 22.-2 p. in. -Closing:
'4 V.Tie '
9i do 1st rifil
. 274 Pennsylvania
.. 9'4 Heading
.llPi No. Pacific pfd.,..
..M Oram! Trunk
.. 7li Anaconda
. 7S-4 Hand Mineil
71 'i
Consols, money .
do iiii'ount
At hKnn
Cntmllan Pacific
Si Piul
Illinois Central
Dullsville ... .
1'nlon Par tic pfd
N. Y Central . .
HILVHR-Rar. Ilrm. 2.d ner m.
MONKY 3 per cent. Short bills. 3T per
cent; nine mouiuH uius, .iia-iir11 percent
Weekly Hunk Stiiteiiien t.
NUW YORK Sept. 22,-Tho weekly Mate
tuept of the averages of the associated
nangi snows: i.oans. JSin iii.non; decrease
$2(!S9dnn; deposits. JTO7.415.fiOO: decrease
$9f7" 400; circulation. 29,i'a72,n: Increase
;iii 1 n , e,i- femur :i 7.121. 400: deerense
$3.9311,20(1: spcclo. $17;i,79S.SoO; decrease. J.'SC-
i-i; reserve, fi4o,.u,.i'i; qerrease. IH.762.2iO
reserve required, '.'.'4.M7.S7i; decrease
V.'.fi V); Hiirplusk $10,552,323; ilecrcuse
t'undltlon of th TreiiKiiry,
WAKHINHTON. Sent. 20 Todav'n mi.H
tnent of tho tren-niry balances In the gen
eral fund, exclusive of the $150X).0 0 erii
reserve In the division of redemption
shows: Avallnlile casn Inlnucc. $123,S53,0M
e 1 oi'k Imports nnd IHiiortM.
NKW YORK, Sept 22 -Tho exports of
culd and silver from this port lo all coun
tries for this week nuercr.itp f'ril.331 silver
York uuiiK reserves tot cunciuj from in- 1 burs and coin and $..,2M gout. The im
7 . t IJ
m do s r.
fA ll I K'4
Usual Saturday Conditions Prevniletl at tho I
IfirilS T0U.1T.
Willi the 15cciitloii of Corii (,'nlllr,
Which Are I. oner for Week, Hie
.llnrkcl Holds About Mrndy 011
All Dcslralilv tirades.
Receipts were:
Olllclal Monday
OKlcUl Tuesday .... Wednesday
Offlciul Thusdny .
Ofllclnl Krlday
Ofllcial Saturuaj
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep,
.. 5,401
., 0.1)33
.. t.:tn
.. 1.033
. . I0i
Total this week ..
ecK ( ndlng Sept. 15
veek ending Sept. 8..
Week ending Sept. 1..
eek ending Aug. 2f.
Week enalnd aue. IS.
Average, price paid for hogs for the last
several days, with comparisons,
5 1'3
Cotton Mnrket,
cotton mnrket opened steady In totv with
prices 12Q19 points higher on active got:orl
buying, In which Influential Liverpool houes
figured as leaders. During the forepart of
tho session the feeling was ilrm anil prl-s
were tolerably well sustained by continued
foreign support and covering of shorts.
Tho public operated In an Indifferent man
ner, for tho most part giving nttemlmi to
tho winding up of nccotints preparatory to
u new start next week. The strength on
the call was entirely duo to nn unexpected
development In the Liverpool mnrket. lvuh
departments reported pronounced Improv -tnent
there nnd closed with sentiment still
optimistic In the extreme. The hull Ideas
abroad wero privately repirted to be due
to tho Hood news from Texns and ntbe.
portions of the western belt nnd to feirs
of manipulation In the New Orlenns mar
ket. Predictions for abnormal receipts nt
the Interior towns nnd ports next wek.
notably nt Cilveston, led the traders In
tho local exchange lo proceed with gr it
caution Crop news from the endern belt
was rather better but not sulllclentiv t
especially llguro ns an imiuenre Follow
ing the call the market beenme quiet T
and prices ran off fruni the openliig level,
Tho market for future ,ned 'iul"t but
steady, with prices net 91712 p'dnN higher.
Spot cloecl quiet at Ne net advance, m'.l
dllng tiplnnds. 105le; middling gulf, Pi's"
sales, 2,007 bales, Future closed nulet .nid
steady; September. $10 07; October, $11.97; No
vember, J'l.Cii; December. J9.57: .latiunrv,
$or,r,; Kebruury, $9.63; March, $9.'.V April.
$9 52; Muv anil June. $0.G2; July, J9 5j; Au
gust. $9 II.
NKW ORLRANS Sept. 22.-COTTON-Kutures,
steady: September, JlO.fivj'o.iiS;
October, W.GHiO C.2; Nnvombor, $') 4W:i.4l.
December, $9 :i9ii!i.40; .Innttarv, $9 31571. (c,
1'ebruary. $9 (OTiO 12; Mreh. $!.l35i9tl;
Atirll, $9,111)9 4: May, $94:9.46. Spot sales,
1,500 bales; nrdtnnrv, Sc; goed crdltuirv.
lie; low middling, l74jc: middling, 10c: good
middling. 10Ue: mlddllnt: fair, losic; re
ceipts, 12.420 bales; stock, Cl.OI" bales.
ST. LOI'IS, Mo, Sept. 22 -COTTON-
Steady: sales, 120 bales; n.lcldllng, inije: re
ceipts, I32 bales; shipments, 791 bales
stocit. r.0s bales.
steady but dull: prices higher: American,
middling fair. 71-ICd: good mldd'lng, 7 1-lid.
middling, 7d: low middling, CIS-bid; good
ordlnnrv, 613-32d; or.llnn-y. r. 27-.12.I: tho
snles of the day were 2,000 bales, none for
speculation nnd export, and Included l.X)
naies avmertcan; receipt!, iwi uae's 1-1-cluilltlg
3.700 bales ainerc in. Future
opened steady nnd closed steady: Amel
enn middling, 1. m. c. September, 7d valu;
September and October, 0 a-filltrt 4-Cid,
value; October and November. ti&S-Gld. sell
ers; November and December, 5 29-'it1f
DSn-rdd, sellers; December nnd Jnnunry.
r. 22-tild. buvers; January and February.
5 19-ClftS 20-iitd. buyers; February mid
Mnrrh. 5 17-U4d. buyers; March and Ap-H.
615-C4d, buyers: April and Mny, r.H-6'd,
sellers: May and June, n iz-uni.i i.t-tiiu. miv.
ers; June nnd July, 5 IB-Cltl, value; July und
August, G9-01d, buyers.
OH JlnrUel.
T.lVF.nPOOL. Sent. 22. OILS Cotton
seed. Htlll rellned. Novcmber-aprll. steady
at 20s 3d. Turpentlno spirits, stonily ut 30s
9d. Rosin common, steady nt 4s Ocl. Lin
seed. 3Gs.
LONDON. Sept. 22. OIlaM Calcutta lin
seed, spot, 089 6d Turpentine spirits, 29s 3d.
NUW YORK. Sent. 22.-OILS Cottonseed.
Ilrm; vellow, .'17t7c. Petroleum, dull; refined
New York, $b.05: Philadelphia and Haiti-
more, i'i: l'liiiniicipuia and iiaitimoru in
bulk, $3.43. Rosin, steady: strained, com
mon to good, Jl.50yi.55, Turpentine, steady
nt 41H0'l2c.
Toledo Market,
TOLI.DO. Sent. iK.-WHKAT-ActlVO and
higher, spot nnd October, 8D4C; November.
W.c; December, KPie.
CORN Dull and unchanged; No. 2, cash
and September, 43c; December, 35c.
OATS Dull nnd higher; No. 2, cash and
September, 23c; December, 23'iic.
KYis Dun unci uncnangeu; no. .-, casn,
cLOVnitSKED-Actlvo and higher: Octo
ber, JG.60; December. $fl.C3; March, J7.
D11I11II1 MiuUet.
DCH'TH. Sent. 22.-WHKAT-N0. 1 hnrd.
cash, S5c; to arrive, 83c; Sc'ptember, S.'c;
December, 81'ic; Mav, 87'4c; No. 1 northern,
cash, S3c; to arrive. 83c; September, &3c;
Decemlier, '.ic; .May, J,c; no. - norin
orn, 7So; No. 3 spring, 7oc.
OA i Sl'trSlisC.
IiMILEY 37dSc.
CORN 10-sc.
.MIiuieiipollN Wheat unci l'lour.
Senten;ber. 791ic; .May, 83c: to arrive, No.
1 hard, S3c: No. 1 northern, Sl'.ic; No. 2
northern, 79Tc.
FLOUR First patents, il.20titl.40; second
patents, $4.40fl.45; clears, Jl.l01j3.20; second
clears, $.10i2.20.
hhan in nunc. ..UO'(..;o.
mv iirlk Dry liciiiils.
NKW YORK. Sent. 22. Tho week closes
with nctunl business In stnplo cottons of
llmltt d dimensions but tono of market
strong throughout. Print cloths nro quiet
nt previous prices. Prints are lu good de
mand but no change In quotations. Olng
bnms nro very Urm. Cotton yarns aro
strong with little offering. Woolen nnd
worsted yarns ato dull and easy.
MIDvuuUcc (irnln Mnrkcl.
ket higher; No. 1 northern, BiruSJVic; No.
2 northern, 79',sG80o.
IIYD Higher; .no. 1, doHc.
HA RLE V Firm ; No. 2. 67c: sample. 40
Sept. 1.
Sept. 2.
Sept. 3.
Sent. 4
vept. n. .
Sept. 9..
Sept. 10.
Sept. 11
Sept. 12.
Sept. l.'l.
wept. 11
.. J?
. .103
. ns
.. in
U . .311
M 349
67 t
II 311
71 m
ti 301
69 Ml
60 1
61 M
it 2
(1 303
U Ml
Ut .
J 1
4. m oca
1 J
"'VI 7 J14
.?: 61 J77
61 Jf.3
V) 1H
tVI 2
tl . . ..271
(.... 20.1
7i . .tt
. . 3S
67 . . . 2.-.4
S. ... KJ
4 2
6 0I7j 4 20; 3 fill 3 991 2 p
4 14 3 65 4 07; 2 SI
5 02 8 C5, 4 07 12 81
I f. (ti. 4 1ft1 4 (I a! 711
B... & Ojij; 4 22 3 C2
6... I 5 0T.V), 4 23 3 f.3l 4 05
7... I 6 OS'. I 3)f 3 &3i 4 02
5 iot 4 no, 3 on 1 00
I 4 jai a K .1 vi
r. nn
r. ii
5 20 i, 4
5 077fc 4 2S
5 nv . 4 30
5 01T
2 7
i 81
2 41
2 SS
2 CS
2 70
3 SM 3 93
3 M
.1 791 3 &2l
' 4 M 3 71 i Ml 2 70
512 4-5 I 3 to, 3 2 Ci 4 Mi 5 6?
r. 111. 1 it 3 u' 2 71 4 04. 5 bl
I C 19 I 4 33 , 3 711 I 2 Sl 4 0.1 6 44
1 !i 4 31 3 il 4 ra "i' n
5 23 ! 4 311 3 711 1 fll 2 81 3 901 5 3.
321 2-3 4 .lii 3 73i 3 SO 3 81 1
4 31
I 14
4 l K (It
4 13 5 55
4 201 5 61
4 221 5 57
1 B 51
4 2l
4 C 5 61
4 091 5 f:
4 05 8)
4 06, 6 73
4 OS. 5 71
J 5 W
4 iz
tu f, nn
( (0 I U'i
M 1.0 t .1.
it . h UM
.nt w
m 1 ip,
UU M ft tin,
th 40 I IV
.317 W t M't
u; 41 1
.241 164 ft 'b,
.364 11) ft IS
.K it s :nt
,t!) 1 II 27i
.146 4 t .1,
.ns ... ft ui.
.lit 1W ft M't
.3M 34) ft
.nt no i
H 130 ft 36
11a im t k
:2t s ) ft js
rt ... 5 :
.:t it ia
. 5 IS
.. S3.
IM IM ft ti
1: 1) &
lit ft) ft
SM ... ft
... ft 3ft
... ft 171.
... ft C
40 ft u
tm 1 37it
fl ft S7i,
40 ft M
. . ft 30
110 ft 30
.. IU
. .313
b 20
IndlcateH Sunday.
The olllclal number of enrs of stock
brought In today by earh road was:
(.attie. nogs, an p. n "
c., M. .t St. P. ity
O. St. L. Uv
Missouri l'aclllc Ry.. ..
U. P. system 4
C. e; N W. Hr
1'., E. & M. V. It. R.. ..
C . St. P.. M. .1- O
It At. M. R. R R 1
('.. n. & Q. Ily
K. C. .t St, J. Ry.... 2
('.. R. I. A; I.. euHt
C, It. 1. & P., west
Total receipts
11 .. 1
29 . . 1
27 13 1
9 .. ..
103 13 I
The cll'posltton of the day's rec
as lullows, each buyer purchasing
receipts w.n
tne ttuni-
t.a.t- nt lli.nil lllitlriltecl
Huyers. Cattlo. Hogs. Sheep.
Omahu Packing Co
(1. II. Hutnmotid Co
Swirt and Company
Cudahy Packing Co
Armour fi Co
Swift, from Kansas City
W. 1. Stephen
Hill & Iluntzlnger
II Standlsh
Other buie'r's'"!! 39 .... 291
.176 0.745
CATTLE There wns practically noth'ru
on the market today, as Is gemrally the
case cn Saturday.
Tho market his been In good shape c.H
the week, tho demand blng equal to th"
sunnlv. The tccelpU have not been ns
liberal ns they wero the preceding T.ecK,
tho decrense amountlns .0 2,012 head, una
uy compared with the same wek lnt year
thero Is a decrease of S.447 hend. Cornfcd
cattle were It, very light kunily all tho
week and some clays there were hardly
enough to attract the attention of buyers.
Thut fact 11,11 'il. illy tended to tunlte tltm
rather Indlfferont. but nt the same Mine
the good handywelght cattle weighing from
to 1.350 pounds), are not much different
thnn they were a week ago. Prlees aro
u dime lower on the heavy cattle, and Hie
commoner nnd half-fat Huff la nil of lOo
or 15c lower and lu seino casts more than
that. , , ,
Tho cow market has been In good shape
moit of the week. Oood cows are sclll IK
fully as well as they wero n week aro, the
deinnncl being heavy for that class of stulr.
Medium grades urs a llttlo easier, espe
cially the kinds that are selling around
13. Packers do not seem to want that
class of stuff and feeder huyern will many
times pay moro than tho packers. Tiny
arc probably fully n dime lower for tho
week, dinners have been In good demand
all the rvcek. but prices on that stufT are so
uneven It Is hard to tell much nbout the
mnrket. They have not changed much for
tho week though, unci nre selling in nooiu
the same notches as they were i. week ago.
There has hcnti a goon lively irnoe 111
stockers and feeders all the wek. I no
ood kinds are a little stronger than tny
were a week ago and yorci trailers imv
had no trouble In selling their stuff at
satisfactory prices, as a large number of
niiverH mice neeu in rrom 111c cumin?
looking for etork. The common kinds have
been sotnewhitt neglected, but at the sains
tlmu they are fully us high as they weio
a week ago Stock cows and heifers havo
also met M ready sale all the week.
Western cnttle have, or course, compru-u
tho hulk of the receipts, but there have
been verv few beef cattle 'ncludcd . PncW-
nru i.m nil rinvtniiK for irrasf cattle, una
tho market has ruled stronr nnu active an
tho week. It Is saft) to call tho good klnd.i
fullv n dlmo higher than thoy were at tho
dono of last week. Cows have also brought
very satisfactory prlres. Tho better grades
nro fully steady, und In same cares perhaps
a llttlo higher, while the medium gnd
nro firoiind a dlmo lower. Canners havo
sold well and nro not much different than
tbev weio at tho cioso 01 last ween. 1.0011
fecclcrs aro In actlvo demand and ate a
ncitn Mirnnrrer tluiu tbev were nt the close
of last week. Medium Kinds have alo
ulinwccl some Improvement, hut not as
much as the choice heavy cattle. Rcyre
sentatlvu sales:
cow n.
Pr No.
1 M 5
2 30 1
CORN-.Vo. 2. 39V,c.
i white, 23?ic, billed
PEORL, Sept. 22.
OATS Firm; No.
whisk vun tne oasis ot i.zu ior nn
Ishcd noods.
Atloi-ncy ('oinnill Suicide,
HUTTE, Mont.. Sept. :2.-Mclvlllo L.
Wines, prosecuting ntorncy for Silver How
county tor two terms, nnd a prominent
criminal lawyer, committed suicide Inst
night by Hiking morphine. The act was
evidently done In a state of mental aber
ration, .no he wiih Known to hne been out
of Ills mind f'ir several clay. Wines enme
to this city eight yearn ago from Virginia
Cllr, Nev.
INSTRt'MENTS placed on record .Satur
day, September 22, 1900:
At 11 rr it lily Deeils.
Karelin Tut tin to Josenh llnrker. Ir..
n,i swll-13-12 (rclllo) J1.O00
Margaret cneney and husuand to .1.
c. Nelson, sti lot fi. block 10. Shull's
seccind addition 1,M0
a. L. ncacocn ei ni, executors, to
Murv M. and Helen O. lleacock. lot
2, block 2. Everett Place I0O
C. E. Sturgls and wife to O. I.. Ran-
dnll. lot m, block s. Deer Park... . 000
O. L. Rundall to Sophia Schroder,
samo 700
Mario Laederlcli and husband to II.
R. Penny. s75 ft lota 9 and 10. block
5, West End addition S.frt)
T." M. Mnrsh und fe to same. nllO ft
lots 9 and 10. block 5, same 1.9C0
dull Claim Deeds,
G. A. Lnwrctice to Margaret Cheney,
sU lot 0. block 10. Shull's second nil-
dltlon 1
Harry Johnson to Jessie Johnson, lot
10, block 3, Hnnscom Place
Dorllno Sehleslngur to C. S. Rose
water, s'i lot 7. block I, Henry it
S.'s addition
C. S. Hosewater and hiisbnntl in Dnr
line Schleslnger, nttj lot 7, block 1,
Chicago Lumber company tn Snphli
Schroder, lot 10. block S Ieer Perk 1
Total amount of tranvfors 19,009
IM t ns
. . ft 174
0 I 17H T7
. . 617S l
... f 171, 6ft .
... HIS M ...
40 ft 11S
... ft 17S 60....
IM I 17S fa....
... ft t!H 71...
O ft 171, 61 ...
5) ft K 61....
1 tli) 77....
.. l ....
IK IU 71....
... J 30 t ...
M ft 0 64....
I) IU 67....
1 30 71....
ft H) ..
t 10 J. .
IS) Id ...
tM ...
6 3 7$....
ft 30 ft .
10 ft 10 t....
... ft 0 17....
... ft K bt....
... tM 67....
it Mil
... S) JO....
ISO 1 10 70....
... ft 30 M ...
SO S JO 71....
... ft 80 77....
. . ft JO ( t! . . .
41 5 20 ,
aVbout thirteen earn of sheep
arrived late this morning, but as usual on
Saturday thero was not much doing and at
a late hour practically nothing hud changed
The supply of sheep the last week has
been very liberal, showing a gain oxer tho
preceding week of 11, OM head. "d its com
jiared with the same week last ear. thero
is nn Increase of 22.2SI head. The detuiihd
for sheep was In good bhape all the week,
but prices have weakened a trifle and lh
mnrket mny be quoted weak to h dlmo
lower than it was at the close of last v.erk
There has been a big break In lambs nnd
nt the close of tho week prices range Mil
Vic lower thnn nt the close of last week
Chlcngo reported a decline of 75rit$l 00 and
the week closes with the ni.tiket very (tall
There litis been a good, strong demand for
feeders nil the week and sheen are about
steady. Good lambs nre strong, lint common
stuff Is slow sale and prices .1 little lowr
Quotations: Choice western grass wethers,
S3 751I lfio, choice cruss yearlings. J3 ;:,
4 Oil. eh.'lce ewes. J.1 2.V'i3 f,1, fa'r tn good
owes, $3.00f(3So, cull t-wci. 2 50t3CO, chelo
spring lambs, $4 fV(t4 75; fair lo good
silting lambs. ll.i0UI.fi5; ieeder wethers.
13.35ti3.ii."; feeder lumbs, $1,001)1.10. Rep
resentative sales:
Kit 11 no City l.lie Stock.
KANSAS CITY, Sept. 22. ( '.VTTLE Re
ceipts, 1110 head, receipts for week. 01 K0
head. Market lower; values on lc. iii ig
Cattle reduced the s.ipply. while grans
cattle of till varieties were very plentiful
nnd closed lPcfj l.'.c higher. Moderate sup
ply of stock und feeding cut tic, with n
sold tit slightly higher values. Nativo
steers, $4 tiJjfMVi; stockers and feedns,
$3.25,j4.75; butcher cows and heifers, 3 0ii(r
4.70: canners, 12 ,"off3 (; fed westerns. $1 "ti
rfi 3. If) : wintered Te.ans, Jll.001.10; grass
Texnns, 0.
HOnS-Rereliits. 2.500 bend. Marki t
steody to shade easier. Receipts fur the
week. 42,000 head. Tho weeks business
shows very little change, prices toda be
ing Just a shade higher lliiin last week's
quotations. lleny and mixed, $5 25'tP
6.37H: light, $5.2lX0:.3.-.; pigs, $15011 1.Sn
SHEEP ANI LAM IIS-Receipts tills
week, 19,000 head. Tip- week's market was
remarkably good, prices for killing grades
having advanced ion (25c, with feeding wi'i
otles about 10c higher. Lambs, $1 C5US 40,
feeding lambs. $".7;i(i('l.23: muttons, $!0no?
4.0.1; feeding wethers, $3.IOi(3 05; stockers,
$3.O0fi4.OO; culls, $
St. Louis Live Stock.
ST. LOIMS. Sept. 22.-CATTI.E -Receipts,
20c) head, all Testins. M itket stenclv Sh'P
ping and exort steers. $"..onml ,s5; dressed
Uecr nnd luitclir steers. jt.i;.ti. nn; steers
under 1.000 pounds. $.!.25'u"5 15; stockers and
feeders, t3 2icil.S5; cows and heifers. $2 00
HT4.95: ennmrs. Il.5nti2.50: bulls. J2.25WI00.
Texas and Indian steers, $3 25'1J4.G0; cows
and heifers, $2. Hit) 3 75.
HOGS Receipts. 2,hvi licnd. JIarket r.o
lower. Pb;s nnd lights, $5 SlfiVin; pack
nrs, ri.S5j.r.0; butchers, 2510.7U.
SHEEP aN'I) LaMHH- He"elpls, ;,u nraci.
Mnrket nominal Nntlvc muttoni, $3 75'f
4.00; lambs, St 0015.3; culls and bucks,
$2.tiQ4.0O; stockers, $2.00ir'3.25.
pti York 1,1 ( Mock.
NEW YORK. Sent. 22. REEVES- Re
ceipts, 077 head; fecllntr unchanged: ex
ports, 1,300 cattle and 0.720 quarters of beef.
Calves, receipts, 30 head: market teady
Veals, $,"..00iJ.00: grassers, $3.23ft3.60; city
UreHed. veals steadv.
SHEEP AND laA.MHS-lleceipts. l,:iu
head. Sheep weak: lambs slow and bnrelv
steady. Sheen. I'l.OOfll.RO; lambs. 13.00,-t
2T,: cHIS 13.754.00
HOGS Receipts. 2.027 head. Market nom
inally steady.
St. .loep!i I.Uc Stock.
SOt'TII ST JOSEPH. Mo.. Sept. 22 -(Spe-
cinl )-Th" Journal quotes:
CATTI.IJ-Recelpt". 200 head. Jlurkst
steady; cleinand strung. ,
HOOS HecelptP. 1,mi lienct. Mariiei
opened a 1 limit higher but rloed wealt:
nil crmles, $5.25T5 37'i; bulk of sales. $5.27V4
"SHEEP AND LAMHS Recc itn. 10)
head. Market steady.
Mock In Slcbl.
Following are the receipts nt the fiur
principal western markets fur Septom-
ucr ...
. S99
.. SS9 2 50
A v.
.. ra
2 SO
2 SI
2 SO
1 1110 2 75
1 ao 5 00
1 MO 2 63 It 90S S 0$
5 D70 2 7S 12 13S0 3 0)
4 505 4 80
N'o. Av Pr. No. Av. Pr.
13 feeders.. S3 $3 i 1 cow loll) $2 2..
11 cowa S'.l 2 90 1 cow llfiO 3 25
1 bull 1" im 1 nun I-"
John Erlbcrg Colo.
0 feeders.. SO") 3 75 9 feeders.. 10IG 4 10
rnedera 925 4 10 1 heifer.. . C99 3 25
1 1nr.KTI11.rn wna n liberal run of hogs
hum today for a Sattirduy, but tho market
opened up falrlv nctlvo and about sternly
With jcsieriinvH general niurnci iiiiuc
llc-btweluhtH sold largely at 15.2505.30, tho
same as yesieruay, wnn ine itgiti inmrii
hogs going at .i..j',jrctii.i. niiu me kooci
iienw Iiolth at 15.2n. alicnit sixty emits sold
on that basis and then the market began to
weaken owing to less ravornuie reports
from Chlcngo. and sales were mntle 2',ic
Iima-ht nml llnallv the market dropped down
to 2i-'("i5c lower. Chicago reported the close
5ijil0c 1 wer, and. ns a result, sellers could
not do much here. It was mostly the heavy
htuff that was left until the hist end and
the late nrrlMils. whether light or heavy,
Hiiffered in the decline.
The hog mnrket the lust week has been
In good ehnpe. Receipts havo not been
quite is heavy ill. they were tne wteK lie
fore, but the de fease amounted to only
2.US7 head, but us enmnarnd with the siimci
week Inst year there Is a decrease of 5,455
head. The tendency of prices has been up
ward all the week. Monday .dinted In with
an ndvnnco of about 4c and on Tuesday
unother cent wns added and on Wednesday
nearly (Jc was put on. Thursday the mar
ket wont up 3c more and lc more on Trldny,
which was the high point of lhe week and
also tho highest point reached since early
in Mav. S.iturdav tho market cased off a
trltle, but still tho week closed with prices
much higher than they were at the close
South Omaha
Kansas city .
St. Louis ....
Cnttle Hos. SheP
... 100 0,011
7CG 11,111
I. '.7 1
Cnltfiiriilii III led I'rolt.
DRIED KRl'lTS- Wf re dull nnd nom
Inn v iinchatik'fd. The market for evnpei
ratcd apples, us usual for u Saturiia half
liolldov. ruled quiet and tincdmnveel; state,
common. .If 5c; prime. tii5t4c; choice. CViif
fie; fnncy, (VTK.iio. Prunes. S'AfiTc, as lo
slzo and qunlltv. AiU'IciIm, Roynl. Hyi4r,
Moor Pork. ISigiOc. Peaches, peeled, ll'dlic;
unpccletl, Cl(9c.
t'olTei' Mnrkcl.
NEW YORK. Sept. 22.--COKEEE -Quiet;
No. 7 Invoice, S'ic; mild, quiet; Cordova,
9ic Eiiturea opeticd Bieatly with prices un
changed to 10 points higher oil covering,
following better thun expected European
nnd nrnzllliin cables. Closed steady, un
changed to 5 points higher. Siles. 43.500
bags, Includlnc October ut $7.0u; Docem
ber. $7.20; March. $7.37. .0: April. $7.45;
Mny, $7.50; July, 17.fi1).
I'll I Indel till lit Produce Mnrkcl,
I'lrm and good demnud: fnncy western
creamery, 22'ic; fancy western prints, 21c
EGGS Firm and 5c higher: frepli nearbv
and western. 19c; fresh southwestcin. Pm .
fresh southern. 17c.
CHEESE Firm ; New York full creiim,
fnncy small, ll'.e; fair to choice, lO'i'Ulli ;
New York lints, HfllOc.
fltittitc .Mnrkcl.
NEW YORK. Sept. 22. -SEOAR-Raw,
firm; fair rcllnlng, l',ic; centrifugal. 90 test,
5c; molasses sugar, -lc; refined, ilrm. No 0,
$5.00; No. 7, $5.50; No R 15.10; No. 9, $5 3(1,
No. 10, $5.25; No. 11. $5.25, No. 12, $5.20, No.
13, $5.15; No. 11, $.MG. stnnchird A, $5 95; con
fectloners' A, $5.95, mould A, tC 10; cut loaf.
1G.55: crushed, $0.55; powdered, $0.23; gtiinu
latod, $0.15, cubes, $0.30.
E- BOYD & CO.,
Telephone 1030. Omaha, Ssl
Correinondcnce. John A Wrrn Co
uireo; wires to Chicago and Nov tort;
of tho
preceding week. Representative)
A. Kb. It
... M ... 3
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ei- iS3
OhWltA nvt
IMC0U1 111
stock mmm organized,
Hook mnlb'd FRLE Working Capital Pro
cured. CoriMirutlon Law Co, Washington,
D. C.
do veu
If bo, speculato hiic"e-fully Send your
orders to it reliable houne, wheru they will
be placed In the open mirkct. We can
make for you In ope month muro Interest
on your money than nn bunU will pay you
tn a year. Send for our hok 011 speculation.
It Is free.
J. K. Gomsfock & Go-
Itocuil L'.'t Tiudcm' llliltr., Cklcnuo.