TJIR OMAHA DAILY RATTHDAY, SI2PT EM WVAl '2'J, 15MIO. SPECIAL JPSCK A(lverlenentn for Hirse columns ttIII be InUen until I'- for vtdiIiis edition nnil until H HO p. m for murnlnK nnH Miiulny rdltlon. Rules, I i-'ic n vrnrtl Urn! Insertion Ip h vwiril f hermlter. Nothing tiiUrr lor less tliun 2oe for the llrt Inner tlnn. Tlinr ilt f rllnrmtiili uiuat hi rnn con eetillvcly. Advertisers, br rrnuestlnir n nam liprril fIifcU, cnn hivp nnvrcrs ad dressed to numficred letter In cnrr f Til lift: tnincn mn HH4reeil vrlll lie delivered am prcaentatlon of fl cheek only. WANTE1J-SITIATION. rot'NO lady from out of town wants posi tion ns stenographer, experienced; refer rncrs, salary Ho to begin with. Addri'Sf! U 61. Ilro. A-M990 23 w a xt nn-M a i ,n ii i:i.r. WANTED, wo have steady work ror a few pood hustlers of good habits ami appear ance. C. F. Adams Co., Iwd Howard St. BARBER trade taught thorough y In short tlmi; catalogue and particulars frre. Address Western Harbors' Institute. Omahu, Neb. WANTED, laborers, teamsters, rock men nd surface men. Neb. W"o. and Ipwa; free fare! highest wages; ship dallv Western R. It. Labor Agency. 310 S. nth H S7V AN INTELLIGENT young man to take a shorthand scholarship In best school and pay for It when course Is completed and porltlon secured. Address I, 26, Hoc. 1 II 873 FDUCATED man to conduct olllce In each county seat; no capital but honesty and F;ond common sense; tellable concern with irad(iiartcrs In Omaha. Address U 9, Bee. l!MWi BARBER; no Sunday work; Jn'. J. I'. Colburn, Alliance. Neb. WANTED, two gentlemen of good address, fall 638 Rnmgo Hid. H-M971 20 WANTED, reliable and energetic agents In rach county to sell Whiskies and Wines to consumers; references or bond re utllrcd. S. II. Oppeulielmer, St. Joseph, Mo. H-M97I 20 DO you want traveling Jobs on salary? quick. Triumph' Co., Dallas. Tevas. H-M972 26 WANTED, man for retnll nil wagon; es tablished route. Heferenees renllred. Address I" 00. Bee. U--9SI 21 WANTED, a vpung nian as assistant bookkeeper who Is willing to work. Ad dress, with references, I' CI, Heo. 11-107 2.1 BRIGHT young man of age to travel, ad vertise nnil collect; salary $720 year and all expenses to start; sclf-nddrossed en velope for reply. Address Secretary l.nng ton. IBS Dearborn, Chicago. H MUX 22 TEMPERATE man to trave' and appoint agents In Nebraska: monthly anil rx- Senscs, besides commission; permanent, ohn Cross, ID! Dearborn. Chicago H-.MU3 23 WANTED Mini, jiprlght character, to mnnngo business of olil established house; salary IIS per week und expenses, pay able each week direct from hendotmrters; expense money advanced; position per manent; .reference. Standard house, 301 Caxtoti building, Chicago, III. I1-MU2 2.1 A YOUNG man wanted by large New York City cigar factory as resident agent, to sell the Spear 5-oelit cigar; a good chance open ror one wno is trustworthy ami am bitious and can furnish Al references. Address Spear Uros., 7:' 4lh ave... New York City. Il-Ml.n 2S WANTED, experienced gent's furnishing (roods salesman for Western Iowa ter ritory. In applvlug give reference and oxperlence. Hell Itros. Companv. Du buque, la. II M131 21 WANTED, two swift oyster shuckers. W. ri. UalillltT, 1520 Farnnm. H M130 2.1 WANTED, good, sober, steadv nil round baker; good wanes to right man; single preferred. e'lirmnns oakery, York, Nub. I U MIZ? 2B WAeiTEIV-FrcMALK HICI.P, AN INTELLIGENT lady to take a short, hand scholarship In best achoo) and poy for It when course Is completed and posf- tit,,, nvguiqu. n'K4i v-.i u b... hit, J. VlV WANTED, 200 girls, 1521 Dodge. Ted. S70. C -37b 80 girls wanted. C'onudlun olllce, 1522 Douglas C 877 COOK A good reliable cook wanted, .in easy place, good wages. Address Uraud Hotel, llartlngion, rsen. u .MS.V) 23 WANTED, girl for general housework W per week; onlv neat an I competent girl neen Hppiy wsv uavenpiu. i-v 10H YnteB St. (near Sherman ave.) C 21 CHtl, wanted for general housework; gmill family, near parK. in? so. ;d hi C-901 21 HiniirST wages paid to llrst-class waist unci sKirt nanus, .miss iiouanii. .119 s 2rtth st. C 959 22 WANTED, girl for 1919 Chicago Ht. general housework. C 9.i7 niKlj for general housework. 303 Knrnitm C-M975 WANTED, good girl for general house work. Apply at 2021 Chicago st. C-M909 22' WANTED, girl for general housework Apply to Mrs. W W. Karrand. 1012 7th Avenao, council iiiuns. i mvs) inU for general housework; must be good cook; wages Ji ween ror competent girl t a.ii at onco zicu uuitnctt. i -jibw WANTED, good girl for general house work; small family, good wages. 3208 roppleton avo. C 110 21 WANTED, a good girl for general houso worn at NO. 2U7 H. 2tth HI. C M12S 3S VOll BUST- IIOI'SKS. HOUSES and Mats. Hlngwalt, Harker blk u S.S1 FOIl RENT, strictly modern flat In Dav Idge building, npposltu city hall. JOHN W. HOHIilNS, 1S02 FAUNAM ST D-rtn ALWAYS moving II. II. goods. Pianos Ofllco. 16UH Farnam St. Tel. 1D59 or sen. SEE IIENUY II. PAYNE, 001 N. Y. LIFE, FIVE unfurnished rooms, all modern. 2711 N. 2?H Ht. . D-M1U HOUSES for rent In alt parts of the city Brenntvn-Iiove Co., 320 So. 13th St. D-Vii IF yo I want your houses well rented place xnem wnn itenawu ai i.i. ,u is HOUSES, otc. F. D. Wead, 1524 Douglas. D-S79 l-HOOM, flat, city water, 2719 Ilurdetto. D-S09 HOUSES, stores, llcmls, Paxton block. D-W50 MODERN 13-room houso, stenni heat. 22 Dodge st. ningwalt Urob., Darker blue! D-MC9i I0S Stanford Circle 2002 tud 2G10 S. lath St A. room modern cottages. cnenleiit to Suuth'Omaha and 13th St. car lines, J20.00 eacn. The Pyrou Heed Co.. 212 S. 11th St. D-M7H-22 I.AItRK mydern residence west part town ,i,oo, inquire I2U3 r arnain si. u .muts CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON. 1203 Farnam. D-M674 813 So. 23(i fct!. 6 rooms, tmth. rloset, water, Wl.y. Uuv just hftnt papt'rt'il ami nuiiited, 1'. .. I I , 1.... 13 all I rnui in uiwtc i Mi". OMAHA LOAN TIU'ST CO.. D-727 UUHT-and 33d. S-room residence, modern hot water, heat, steel ranne. good yard Unit to tlrst-class tennnt from Oct. 1 at J2S mo. inquire on premises, in rear. D 955 35 TWO S-room modern hoiiKCs, new, 2th und liumllton. i'. u. veau, inn umi unumaa, WATEI-MAM1 nin.i'. FOlt KENT, a cozy 8-room modern cot- lage inquire avt ni. .mij n. j OAI-H"st cooking, U 25. delivered: noill- ing better. Harmon & Wfcin rn Tei m HOOM modern house nnd barn, 2211 Howard. J. II. Parrotte, Douglas Hlock. D-MI02 OU PENT, house 8 rooms. S. W. cor Park ave. ami l.eavenworin. Moucm ex cept furnace. Key at cottage In rear. P IS, Hee. D-105 ZV MODERN' s-room house, furnished or not. desirable place, close in. U bl, nee. D-100 27 OR RENT Steam-heated 10-room house. No. 2011 Harney st., two blocks west of court house. Pee James Neville. D-M123 2S OR RENT To two perons. laree front room, with small nlcove, furnished or unfurnished, with board; private family 720 N. 23d. D-M122 23 OR RENT House, 4907 Webster. 9 rooms, all modern barn, one block from car; perfect repair, Jltf. D-MUfi 23' 1107 Jackson St., 7 rooms, all modern, $18. 713 S. 19th St.. 8 rooms, city water. 118. 19U7 Webster St., 9 rooms, strictly ull mod ern, J1U. 10 N. list St.. 12 rooms, modern. 135. AVe have some t nnd 5-room Hats on Dowev avenue modern oxeent furnace. S nnd J9. Wo will also have one of the finest, homes in mo iianscom i'aru district for rent October 1. About 12 rooms, east front, on carllne, paved street. If you want something strictly elegant come In and see us. Payne-Knox Company. First Floor, New York Idfe. D MI31 20 FOIl KILN r-l'l ItMSIIHD IIOIIMS TIIHEE roms, housekoplneg; 1112 H. 11th. K 371 AlKil! nicely furnished front room; gen tlemen only. 1919 Dodge. E MtiOS HOUSEKEEPING. 614 So. 17th Ave. E-9S1 20 MODERN. Improved, nearby, furnished rooms, and board If desired. 2021 Cali fornia st. E MI17 2S ft lt.MSIIED IIO0.119 AM) IIOAItD. aMCNCAIUN.tranBlents.Jl.Mday. 1(W Dels OOOD board, prlvato family. f09 So. 25th avenue. r iis.j TOPIA, 1721 Davenport St. F-S90 THE Merrlam, good summer resort. 25th & Uoilge. i mi ILEOANT room, with board. 1909 Capitol avenue. f .mvj 22- AROE front room, first-class board. 2581 Harney. F-M9I7 25 ROOM for two, with or without board. 215 N. 23d. F-M935 23 'PUNISHED south hack room; nlro lame front room, with hoard. 2i'l. Douglas K-Mf.19 'Olt RENT 1'.FI!IINISUI!I ROOMS. UNFURNISHED rooms; no housekpeiv ing. 10T.7 Park ave G 412 FOR RI1XT M'millS AXO OI'FICES. FOR RENT, store In first-class location; rent reasonnoie. rtiiiuy it. t-riem -ic Co., ground floor. Pee bldg. 1-260 A41EXT.S WANTED. LUCRATIVE nnd pleasant employment; no expense nttncneu; commission large no exnerlence required; leachefs parlic ularly ndapted to the work, but anyone can bo succesnf ul. Address 41 1 floe Rulldlng. j-auui x RELIARLE agents In every Nebraska town to sell the best combination ute ana accident policy ever Issued; easy to sell double the ordinary amount of business; liberal contracts to good men. Address Guardian Life Co., Denver, coio. J-M756 23 GALVESTON: Thti Horrors of a Stricken City," bv Murnt Halstead. Pest book, best authorship, bent terms, best piiccs; outfit free; write quick. Hgusnr-HtlSr Co.. Dept. 1 IndUnapol U, In J. J-Wsb IV AGENTS on salary or commlsilon. The greatest ugeniH' f.qi;er ever proiiurcij very user of lien ami Ink buvB Mt on sight: 2W to 50i) per cent profit; ouo agent's Htes amounted to $62U In six diiynj uiiulliiii' $3i in two bourn. Monroe .Mfg. l ii.. Alii, l.a i rosse, wis. J-M11D 3.1 ONE DOLLAR a voar protects jou: we issue niori' iifcinent pouciea innn any other similar company In the world, be causo we Issue the most popular and cheapest insurance written; one do.'lar a year pays for a $5f) pollcv; other amounts in proportion: no ussessnv'titH or dues; death be.nlltH, weekly Indemnity, free medical attendance; many other original and popular features; either sex between 10 and 03 veurs; $250,000 deposited with N'e,w York insurance department protects pollcv holders under our system; all claims promptly and liberally settled; write for application blahk; reliable representatives wanted everywhere. 'Die International Registry company. 189 Hroadway. Now York. J-M125 23 PORTRAIT agents everywhere quit "cray- nns. l rv wasnaine enameiuies; no ginss; don't ruh; cheap. Family Portrait Co., Chicago. J-MI2I 22' AGENTS WANTED "Galveston: The Hor rors or n .stricken city. ' ny Murni uai stead; fully illustrated; fastest scMng book ever published, only $1.50; best terms guaranteed; outllt free; be quick. J. S. Xlegler & Co., Chicago, III. J-MH1 23 WANTED, good agent In every town and community to sell tuo "nesi vapor Gasoline Lamps; most scientific Lamp made; two years on the market; abso lutely guaranteed for one vear. Rest In candescent Light Co., 31S S. 15th St., Omaha, Neb. J-M132 Oct.2l W A N T E II TO HUNT. WANTED, a modern houso, seven to nine rooms, in west Karnam or tinnscom para districts; either furnished or unfurnished. Address 201 First National Rank building. 1C M913 WANTED, two pleasant rooms nnd board on souin or west skio oi cuy oy muinmi couple; will pay liberally for nice place; prlvato family preferred. U 55, Hee Olllce. 1C-M9.U SUITE of unfurnished rooms, with board, In prlvato family by couple wnn olio child; house must tie modern and loca tion desirable. Address U 50, Hee. K-M1.16 TWO rooms or room nnd nlcovo, furnished or uartlv furnished. Octoher 1. bv lady employed during the day. Call or address Dressmaker, 2219 Spruce St. K M120 23 WANTED, two or three unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping. Address o. Rudlnsky, 115 S. 18th St. K-M137 22 STORAGE. PACIFIC Storage and Warehouse Co.. 912 914 Jones, general storage and forwardlntr. -t92 Om. Van Stor. Co., 151114 Farn. Teh. 1559-s3. S)3 W A N T BU-TO IIUV. ALL kinds of household goods, hotels, eta. In large nnd small quantities. Chi ag Furniture Co., liwi-iu uoiise. tci. 2j2u N-if9i' WILL purchaso a limited number of Omaha Savings bank accounts, urennan Lovo Co., 309 So. 13th. N-S'5 2DIIAND bicycles. Oniahi Ulcyclo Co. N-S96 8 or 9-ronm houso to movo oft lot. Address 631 S. 27th. N-M970 23 THE best modern 6-room cottnao tnt $l,70i) cash will buy. Address. V 58. Hee. SECOND-HAND safe. Address, give price and make, jonn rraun, iiock rori Mo, N- -M979 20 OLD stamp collections bought. 210 N 16th. .N O-IU WANTED, good strong buggy horse, tier fectly reliable In every way. Payne. Knox company, main noor i . i.ue mug. N-M994 23 AN INVALID pushing chair to buy or rent. i'Uil WOUglllH, IU3 WANTED, to buy a cattle ranch. Address FOR S A Mi r L If V IT f It 11. FOR SALE -Three bedroom suites. Clilrk- erlng grand piano: call nt onee. l (n Capitol ave, O- M120 2P FOR SALE HOUSES, VEHICLES, im. NEW and 2d II. vehleles at marked down prices. Harry Frost, 14th & Leavenworth. F9S FOR SALE, new bungle bodies with gear ing for sale at $1 f each. A. R Alplrn, 913 Douglas. l'-MtOt uct. 7 FOR SALE, a horse and luggy. cheap. In quire nt 2152 JR. Mary's avo. 1' M7:6 SHETLAND pony (spotted), cart nnd har ness. 2.ii i nicago si. i' sa llonSES FOR SALE-A fine gentleman' rondstcr, line looker, food traveler, sound and gentle. Will sell cheap. Payne-KtiOA Company, main floor, N. Y. Life bldg. P-109 23 FOR NAM" MISCELLANEOUS. HARD and soft foundation piling; hog . .I. .....1 rll.V,lm Ortl TlnllL'Ina riSTl CUTTERS of drug prices. Sherman A- Mc Connell Drug Co,, Cor. 10th und Dodge. U. HASS, Florist. 1813 Vinton St. Tel. 77C. 1'ianiS, Clll lllMYCl.-t, uuut:ia, nail, rtyil- denco, wedding and grace decorations. Orders bymatl or expresso promptly tilled Q-901 2DHAND safe cheap. Derlght, 1116 Farnam SAFES; buy, sell, ex'ge. Schwartz, HIS. 13 w M. & W. tires, 12.75. Omaha Bicycle Co. t- run Vi tfUl MANSON bicycles, J25. Omaha Ulcyclo Co. iDHAND wheels, $5 to tlO; new wheels $15. Omaha Ulcyclo Co., 16th & Chicago Sts. U-9M0 RKCOND-HAND Callgraph (new) for sale. Call ut otneo cierk district court. Q-810 FOR SALE corncobs. Monroe & Co., Nil N. 16tll St.' U JllUli FINE horse and rubber-tired buggy, very cheap. II. E. Fredrlckson, H22 Dodse St. i-J-151 OS FOR SALE Two pool anil billiard tables, cheap. 101 Lroadway, Council muffs. U-MOM SECONDHAND bicycles from $1.00 up, Neb. Cycle Co., Cor. 15th and Harney. Q-M72) 29 FOR SALE, payable after recelVerf,' three months' trial free: $11.25 for a high grade, 5-drawer. drop head cabinet sewing mn chlne; $11.90 for n regular $IO.oo bicycle; J9S.50 for a $100.00 piano; $29.75 for a $75.00 parlor organ; $15.50 for a fi-pleee over stuffed velour $40.00 parlor suite. All new high grade standard goods. For full par tlculars stnte articles interested in and we will mall you n special catalogue. Sears, Roebuck & Co., Chicago. Q-M05S 013 NEED .Money. $1S5 will buy tine dicker ing upright. Address, U 8, Hee. Q-207-O-1 FOR SALE 2 Iloosler wlro-plcJiutcoi;u-crlb machines; good working order; bargain. J. W. Hnrt, Stromsbilrsl. Neb. Q-M9J3 25 FOR SALE. 2 nine fresh Jersey cows and 6 good grade milkers and springers. Call afternoon. Jester's yard, 2,1th and Hurt st. Q 9'2 22 FOR SALE Two benutlful Manila "Jose" dress patterns; price $15 each. Addiess X 1, Pee olllce. Q-M121 23 Ffltl RAI.E Fine Inrire oleander, tnst be. glnnlnir to blossom. Apply li -2Mh nve. Q-MU5 23 PIANO, sllghtlv used, left on sale bv private party; big bargain. Call 1020 uougias t. y mi 29 2S FOR SALE, excellent heater; good us new cheap for cash. Address 702 First avenue Council Illuffs. Q-M13S 23 MISCELLANEOUS. NOTICE, country dealers. 2dhand furniture and stoves at lowest prices, carload lots or f;s. ciiicato ffurnituro co.. itos-io Dodge. it 10 CLAIRVOYANTS. MME.OYLMER genuine palmist. 1003 Dodge S-1IS MnS. FRITZ, claln'oyant. 819 North Iflth KI.ECTRIC TREATMENT. ELITE parlors. 615 S. ICtli, second floor. I IiJ (Jo MMJ0. LEE. magnetic trentn.ent. 507 S, l.itn. room 2. t sixin MME. AMES, 115 Howard, room I, 2d floor; Mae Kdgar, assistant. T el 933 27 PERSONALS. LADIES' hair shampooed, drcrsed, 33c. Hair toilet gooas. .Monnui, isis v arnnin. tci 2J"3 MONIIEIT, Chiropodist. 1518 ram. Tel. 2333. HOFF'S Express & Messenger Co. Tel. 1717, l !IH DR. ROY, chiropodist; corns removed, 25c nnu upward, iwom 12, Frenzrr diock. . U-9I3 VIAVI, woman's wny to health. 346 Beeh'dB U 1)18 TURKISH baths, massage baths, electric baths, ror ladles only; skllltd women massage operators; llnest equipped biths in tho city. Renstrom Rath Company. Rooms 216 to 220, Hee Illdg. U-910 RUPTURE cured; no knife, no pain, no danger; send for circulars. Emp re Rup ture Cure, 932 N. Y. Life bldg., Omaha. U-914 PRIVATE hospltnl for ladles be'oro & dur. Ins confinement; babies udopted. 1136 N. 17. U-911 PLEATING and pleated skirts of nil kinds. M, Goldmun & Co,, 200 Douglns block. V 915 PLEATING, buttons to order; p'nltl'i: while you wait. Omaha Pleating Co., '521 Douglas. U-9r) PRIVATE home before and during conl'ne ment; bubles adopted. Mrs. Uurpet, 2i'.20 Hurdotte. U-916 LADIES' jnnkets and tailor mado suits al tered, cleaned, repaired. M. Fogel, 307 S. 17. U-3H-0-! LAPETITE French oval photos 50c per dozen during September only. Proctor, CI6 S. 10th. U-M333 Oct. 4 PLACE your order now for seal saeques, fur scarfs nnd collarettes of ull descrip tions! furs repaired ami nltered. AU'a uaugh, Son & Co., 500 Karback blk U-M357 05 WANTED W secondhand ladles' bicycles. Nebraska Cycle Co., Cor. 15th & Harney. U-M 722-22 HOMES WANTED A llttlo girl 10 dnys old and one 0 yenrs of age for adoption; al four boys for adoption: age 2 months. 3 months, 7 years nnd 9 years. Several other children wanting prrmanent homes Child Saving Institute. M4 South isth St. U-9S8-2J UNDERSKIRTS; see those we make to or der from $2 Up to $3; the very latest nnd deaide.dly swell. Omaha Skirt Co.. Doug las Block, 10th and Dodge. U-M993 27 K. L. LOVEJOY. 118 N. 15th St.. for 11 GOOD bicycle, for a good sewing machine, for anything for bicycle or sewing machines sen him. U-104 Ol MO.M0Y TO LOAN HEAL ESTATE. LOANS on eastern Nebraska and western Iowa farms at 6 per cent. Borrowers cnn pay $100 or any multiple. Any Interest Sato. No delay. Brennan-Love Co., 309 South 13th St., Omaha, Neb. W 924 MONEY to loan on improveA Omaha real estate. Urennau-Love Co., 30S 80. 13th. W-928 $1,000 and upward tn loan on Improved city property nnd farn.s. W. Farnam Smith & Co., 1320 Farnnm, W-929 WANTED, city loans, bonds and warrants. George & Company, 1601 Farnam St. W-931 MONEY In any amount nt 5. 64. 6 per cent. J, W. RODMNS & CO., 1802 FARNAM ST. W-S30 MONI3V TO LOAN-REAL ESTATE. MONEY to loan on fnrm nnd city property; lowest rates. 0, F. uavis Co., i.ii)5 Farnam. W-932 MONEY to loan nt 5 and Bt4 per eent on wmnua property, w. u. .mcikic, 1111 h ism. W-927 PRIVATE money, 6, B'4, 6 per cent; no de. lay. Garvin Hros., 1013 Farnam. W-920 WANTHD. city and farm loans; alo bonds anil warrants it. u. reitrs : 1.0.. 170 Farnam St., Hee Hldg. W-9.'l PRIVATE money. F. D.Wond, 1521 Douglas W !'J2 FIVE per cent money. Ucmi?, Paxion block. . , MONEY to toan on flrst.clnss Improved city property or ror biiliuing purposes, pavne Knox Co.. New York Life. W-925 MONEV TO I.OAN-CIIATTELS. MONEY MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE. No endorser or mortgage required. LOWEST RATES, EASY PAYMENTS and ol It LI II, 1 CUNU'lUK N T IA1 OMAHA CREDIT CO.. Room 620, fifth floor, New York Life Rldg. .X 9.13 -M-O-N-E-Y- D-O Y-O-U N-E-E-D I-T We make loans from $10.00 up on furniture, pianos, horses, cows, etc.; you keep the property; or we will ninke you a SALARY LOAN ni your own note, without indnrser or mortgage; wu charge absolutely noth ing for making papers nnd we keep noth ing out of the amount you borrow; vou may pay the money back In one montli or inko more time In which to pav It, nnd you are erfiected to pay for It only what time you use It; our rntes nro low anil our terms are the easiest; our business Is as confidential as Is possible and our treat ment Is always courteous. Omaha Mort gage Lonn Co., 30G So. 10th St. Estab lished 1S92. X-931 LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE. FOLLOW THE CROWn They come to us. If you can do better eisewnere oon t come here (hut you can't). Come nnd let us prove to vou that we give REST TERMS In the city nnil more for your money than others DARE. No mortgnge. no Indorser, no publicity; simply confidential business deal. RELIARLE CREDIT CO. Room 30.1, Third Floor, Paxton Hlock. X-M978 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, Jew lery, horses, cows etc, C. F. Reed, 319 s. 13. X-9.16 SALARY LOANS. CHATTLE LOAN'S. J. W- TAYLOR, 218 First Nnt. Rani? Hldg. X-937 MONEY loaned salaried people holding per manent position with responsible concern upon their own names without security; easy payments. Tolman, 706 N. Y. L. Hldg X-939 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, horses, cows, jewciry. uun ureen, k.h, uarker I11K X 938 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, dia mond!?, watches, privately. Herger's Loan Co., 1504 Farnam St., upstairs. X 910 MONEY loaned on furniture, dlnmonds, witches; payments confidential. Omaha , Chattln Loan Hank. 220 S. 15th, upstairs. X941 PRIVATE LOANS TO SALARIED PEO PLE momentarily embarrassed who desire above everything else to AVOID PUHLICITY can bo accommodated at our olllce with less expense, time and trouble than any place In the city. AMERICAN LOAN CO, Rooin 601, Heo Building. X-3I2 m'.'itNESS CHANCES. $150 cash or easy payments buys 25 strictly lawful (nlckiil) slot machines for drinks, clgnrs or cash; will earn $2 and unwai'd weekly each. Earl, Clark & Co.. Furni ture Manufacturers, Chicago, 111 Y-M74 MAN and wifo without children want management of a llist-class $2 house or would lease for two years: 20 years' ex perience In hotel buslnes; references. Address, U 46, lice. Y-M9-G 2-5 FOR RENT, owing to advancing years Mr. 1). Haas, the florist nt 1813 Vinton street, has decided to rent out his hot house at above location, occupying 7,0 0 to 8.0u) square feel, under gins, with about 20) windows, and the residence and stops fronting thu street, on the motor line o South Omaha. Excellent location for the business. Y-941 FOR SALE, small stock millinery; about J123; only stock in town. Chas. F. GoettH, Hennlngton. Neb. Y MW1 28 CALIFORNIA Belgian Hare Co.. R 2i Wa basha st.. St. Paul, Mlnu. Iletter than a sheep ranch for profit; 11 $20 pair of pure pedigreed Belgian hares for 20 cnts und we trust you for the 20c; send 10c for Breeders' Booklet and particulars, and start In business for yourself. Y-MU4 22 FOR E.Clt.'.N(in. 100 .ACRES clear Improved laud In Red Willow Co., Neb., to exchange for pi'ip erty In vlelnltv of Hanscom park; can pay difference In cash. J. H. Hlanehard, 1142 So. 29th St. Z-M7il 22 $50,000 worth of general merchandise for sale or trade in chunks to suit. "Wilde," 713 Wabasha St., St. Paul, Minn. Z-M903 24 $9,000 stock new genen.l drv goods; will ox chango for de-lrable property In the south or west; owner would require about $2,S50 cash to pay up obligations, but would take nil ptopcrty for bain ice. Ad dress L. J. Wilde, trustee, 713 Wab'isha St., St. Paul, Minn. Z-M501 21 $6,500. $3,000. $17,500 and $30,000 stocks gen 1 al merchandise for sale or trade, "Wilde," 713 Wabasha St.. St. Paul, Minn. 55-M902 21 FOR EXCHANGE, good lot. 35th and CnSH St.; will take good driving horse and buggy as part pay. llenawa & Co. Z-M997 23 FOR SALE REAL KSTATB. HOUSES, farms. R. C. Patterson, "05 N.Y.I RE-94T HOUSES, lots, farms, lands, loans; nlso tiro insurance. Hemls. Paxton blk. RE-9I' READ7THIS; ono of the best homes In Iian scom 1'iace; a rooms, large 101, gonu nuni, sightly home; party l- nvlng city; pric-, $7,500.00. M. J. Kennnid & Son, room .d0, Brown block. RE 9I7 SEE HENRY B. PAVNE, COt N. Y. LIFE. RE-90 PAYNE-KNOX CO.. HEA DQU A RTERS for REAL ESTATE RARGAINS LOW EST RATES on LOANS; HOUND IN SURANCE; HOUSES. PLATS, STORES, for RENT. First floor, N. Y. Life, Bldg. RE "19 GOOD rentnl property for farm. Mo x. cn t.r,i .,...( i.'f,i sn N lfith st. Monroe RANCH AND FARM lands for sale by the Union Pacific Rnllroad company. R A. MeAllaster, land commissioner, Union Paclllo Headquarters, Omanu. Neb BARGAINS HARRISON, N Y. LIFE It J' 'IJiiUOt ( CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON. 1203 Farnam St. 11 1'j l - 8 1 C. F. HAPRISON, FARMS. N. Y. LIFE RE-301 OS' 1113 Davenport, 7-room house and liarn; fenced, trees, shrubbery, great bargain, $1,000. Inquire isos 'ar,lu,nUKMS30 j. LARGE 7-room. 2-story house; good barn, 3 large lots, near paved St., school, etc., $1,201). C. F. HARRISON. N. Y. LIFE. RE 919 it A GREAT BARGAIN In a well Improved 60-acrn farm ono mile north of Florence, with a tine 8-room house, very sightly location wnn neautlful lawn covered with line forest tree nice orchard and small fruit, large basement barn, all but above live acres high und level and the best of soli. Best location for fruit near Omaha. W nro authorized to take $l,0o0-thls is only $W per acre. Im provements cost when built over $3.0u). Ad joining lands unimproved are selling at $mi to $100 per acre. The owner asks US), but must have some money and has authorized us to make this low price. Terms one fourth cash, balance to be arranged. Call In and we will show you tho property. Payne-Knox Compan. main floor N. Y. Llfo Bldg RE-M995 2n A NICE building corner, lots 28 and 29. Falrmount Place, on easy terms A rlto to F. II, Kappen, Milwaukee, Win lit, F41R SALE-REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE, good building lot. 3-tit ami Cass st. for $l"0. Hennwa. RE-M99S 23 NONRESIDENT writes me he will come to Omaha next week and wants me to se cure an offer for his property on Georgia live., near Popplrton; says he Is olng to sell. F. D. Wend. 1521 Douglass. RE-M100 23 SNAPS ( room house, 1S10 Ontnrlo. $sr,o t-room house and barn. 3212 Hamilton, $s.Vi 7-rooni house modern, 1522 S. 20th., $l,7.V J. II. Parrotte, Douglas Hlock. RE-M101 23 M EPICAL. LADIES out of henlth find prompt relief Box 232, Omaha, Neb. ConlldentUI. -955 LADIES troubled with Irregularities, whites, sterility, painful or suppressed menstruations nnd prompt relief and cure; quiet home before and during confine ment. Call or wrlto with stamps to Dr. Pries, 1513 Dodge St., Omaha, Neb. U-M0C9 Ol3 DR. LE DUE'S Female Regulator, posi tively warranted to cure the most stub born cases of monthly stoppages. Irregu larities, obstructions and suppressions brought on from whntever eauce; $2 n package or 3 for $3; sent anywhere pre paid on receipt of price. Tho Kldd Drug Co., Elgin. III. American Olllce, retail, wholesale. Myers-Dillon Drug Co., Omaha . M. A. Dillon, South Omaha; Davis Drug Co., Council Bluffs. Full lino of rubber goods. OSTEOPATHY. JOHNSON Institute, 513 N. Y. Life Utile . Tel. iOOl; Alice Johnson, D. ()., ladles' dept.; Gld E. Johnson, Osteopathlst, Mgr -9.6 M. E. DONOHUE, D. O., of Still school. Kirkvllle, Mo. 601 Paxton Blk. Tel. 1307 -957 N. F. Mr MURRAY, B. S. D.. D. O., Mrs J. R. Mustek, D. O.. graduates A. S. O . Klrksvllle. Mo., suite 530-38 Heo bldg. 372 05 1 ! . , , A. T. HUNT. D. O.. 303 Karbach. Tel, 2352 r.eo-Oct. n. SltOHTll NII AXO TYPEWRITING. A. C. VAN SANT'S School. 717 N. Y. Life. -951 ROYLES' College, court reporter prlnclpnl. Hee Hldg. -952 NEBRASKA Business and Shorthand Col lege. Boyd's Theater. 9"3 GREGG Shorthand taught nt the Omaha Commercial College, Iflth nnd Douglns Sta 954 D NCINO. CALL on Mornnd, Crelghtbn hall, for society and stage dancing, waltz and 2-step, $3. Large hall to rent for con ventfons, meetings, balls and club socials, C30-Sept. 21 CHAMBERS' school of dnnclng, 17th and Douglns. Classes nnd clubs now form ing at academy. Open dally, 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. 'Phone, 1111. Hall nnd music furnished partlc? Circulars. M59S O10 EDUCATIONAL, CHATELAIN School of Languages will re open September 21; enrollment book will be open September 20 and following days nt the school room, Boyd's theater, everv day from 9 a. m to 5 p. m.; tuition $2 per month. M-976 23 KLItNI'ITRK ANI PIANO MOVING. JACOB SCIIWAR7.. 1510 Webster. Tel. 2016 -M12S no Ml'SICL, PROF. P. RRAUN. teacher of piano and organ; studio 550 Ramge blk; open 1 to 0 p. in.; terms moderate; thorough, article work suaranteed. MS4) OctlS IIEI.OIAN HAKES., THE Los Angeles Belgian Hare Co. Is head quarters for thoroughbred stock for breed ing purposes. 2027 N. 16th St., Omaha. SG9 22 ACKTVLUNE. MONARCH Generators are best. Carbide $4.50 per 100 lbs Agents wanted. M A G. Co., 1022 Douglas St. 677-U-13 rutins an n taxiuermv. STOCK'S Bird Store. 1003 Leavenworth. - 95.9 ACCORDION PLEAT! NO. ACCORDION and "Ide ple.itlng, cheapest best, quickest. Mrr A. C. Mark, 9 Pat terson Blk., 17th and Farnam. -M514 O? TICKET BROKER. CUT rate tickets every where. P. II. Phil bin, 1505 Fnrnam. Telephone 784. -907 PIANO TI NING. WE tune vour piano for $1.30, Rosf's Art Stnro, 1521 Dodge. Tel. 1913. 956- IIRUSSM AKIN'ri. IN families. Miss Sturdy. 318 S. 2flth st. -010 Sept. 21 E. G. M'DONALD, 1012 Capitol avenue. MOST 013 ICE FOR SALE. ICE for sale In car lots. Gilbert Bros., Council Bluffs. -M340 STAMMERING tN'll STUTTERING. CURED. Julia Vaughan, 430-Ramgo Bldg. -901 MIRROIt I'ACTORV. Damaged looking glnsscs resllvprcd 708 N- 16 920- I.ANC.I' AliES. CHATELAIN School of Languages, Royd's theater, will reopen Monday, September 10. 123 08 HOTELS. HENDERSON, $l.CO per day house; board, $3 50 to $5 week. 9th and Farnnm. tel. 1210. -M261 Ol P WNIIItOICERS, EAGLE Lonn Olllce. reliable, uccommodnt lng; all busness conltdeutlal. 1301 Douglas. -905 LOANS, II. Marowltz; low rates. 418 N. 16. -600 LAUNDRY, OMAHA Steam l.nundry: shirts, 7c; collnrs, 2o; cuffs, 4c. 1750 Leavenworth. Tel 547. -C03 STOVE It I ',!' A I It !N(i, STOVE, furnace, range repairs; water con nections. Om Stove Rep. Wks., 1207 DoUg Tel. 900. tlUMTDItl! REPAIRINri. TEL. 1331. M. S. Wnlklln, 2111 Cuming St. -962 MAGNETIC HEVMN'O, GREAT Western Institute, 1023 Douglns St., chronic diseases cured: no dr.igs, surgery. -u: 4'ARI'ENTERS iMI .lOIIHERS. ALL kinds of carpenter wjrk and repairing promptly attended to. J. T. Ochlltieo 20t!i and Lake Sts. -370 KMilMV, BOILERS, ETC. L. C. 8hari Mach Wks. ; motors, dynamos. -313 EI.OCl'TION AMI ORATORY. ELLA DAY, 204 Ramge bldg. reading, elo cution, oratory, Thumuay n-g 1' school. Jd78iS.OctI5 NICKEL PLATINtl. STOVES, lamps and chandeliers reptated Om. Plating Cc . Beo Bi'lg. Tel 2M5. - TVII.ORING. HIGH class tnllor'ng, moderate prices. I st designs S J llroderlck, 1017 Far nam. V9I O-10 RAILU AY TIMI) TABLES. FREMONT ELKHORN & Missouri Valley Rallroau "Tho Northwestern Line" General Olllce? United States National Bank Bldg., S. W. Cor Twelfth nnil Fnrnrim SM Ticket Olllce. 1401 Fnrnam St. Telephone, 601. Depot, JBth and Webster Sts. Tele phone, H5S. Leave. Arrive. Black Hills, Daadwood. Hot S rings a 3:00 pn a 5:00 pm Wvom'tig. Caspar nnd Douglns d 3:00 pm e !:00 pm Hastings York, David City superior. Geneva. Exeter and Seward., .b S:O0 pm b 6:C0 pm NorTolk. Verdlgro and Fremont b 7:30 am bl0;25 am Lincoln. Wahoo and Fremont b 7:30 am bl0:25 am Fremont I.ociu c 7:30 am a Dall. b Dally except Sunday, c Sun day only, d Dally except Saturday, e Dally except Munday. CHICAGO. ST. VAUL. Mlnue.itiolis & Omaha Rullwa "Tho North western Line" General OHIees, Nebraska Divi sion. 15th and Webster QIm .(!,. ,ei..1... r m ,. . 1401 I'arnum St Telephone. 601. Depot, 13th and Webstur Sts. . Leave. Arrive. Twin City Passenger a 6-00 am 11 9:10 pii, omnha l'astsnger all '.10 am Slo. ix City North- v east Nebraska .a 3:50 pm Oakland Local . i. 6:15 pm b 8:15 am a Dally b Dally extep. Surulny. f'HICAHO A NORTH western Rail wav The Northwestern I.lno" City Ticket Olllce, HOI Farnam Street. Tele phone, 501. Depot, Tenth and Mason Sts. Tele. phone, 629. Leave. Arrive. Daylight Chicago Rue ..f'"' a 7i00 am Chicago Passenger a 4:15 pm Eastern Exoivw" Des Moines, M.irsnalltown. Cedur Rapids and Chl- ,,fago . al0:53 nm Eastern Limited, Chi- cago and East ... . 11 4:55 pm Fast Mail, Chicago to Omaha Omiiha-Chlcngo Special. a 7 : 15 pm Fast Mall a Dallv nll:31 pin a S:i0 am a 1:05 pm a 4:05 pm 11 2:15 pm a .S:00 pm a S:30 am SIOUX CITY rwtiim Rnilrond - 'Tho Nonh- 1 vvestern Line" Genernl 1 OHIccs, United states Nntlnnnl Bank Building. S. W Corner Twelfth Olllce 1401 Farnam St. Tele Z,,,1 pot, Tenth and Mason Sts. Telephone, 029. Twin City Express. Twin City Limited. Sioux ity Local... a Dally. i.eave. Arrive ..a 6:55 am nio.50 nm .a 7:35 nm a s:l."i am a 4:20 pm .n 8:00 am 4, W A H A 8 II R A 1 LROAD V?Y3il Ticket Olllce, 1601 Farnnm JiMmwMvV Street. Telephone. 895. De- Streets. Telephone. 2, Leave. Arrive. St Louis "Cannon Ball" Express a 5:CG pm a S:20 am r. Daily. CHICAGO. ROCK ISL nnd & Pacific "-illroad "The Great Rock Isl and Route " City Tick et Olllce, 1323 Farnam Street. Telephone. -'ii. Depot, Tenth Ai Mason Streets. Telephone 62. Leave. Arrive. Des Moines nnd Daven port i.ocul n 7-23 am Chicago Express . ..bll:15nm Chicago Fast Express.. a 5:00 pm Lincoln nud F.ilrbury..a 8:30 nm bll:35 am n 8:10 am a 1:25 pm a 7:0) pm i.iucoin, uoioraoo ttpgs., Denver. Pueblo and West n 1:30 pm .1 1:15 pm wes .money. aocK isl and and Chicago a 7:15 pm Colorado Texas Plyer.a 5:55 pm .1 Dally, b Daily except Sunday n 5:60 pm a 9:15 am RURLIN-rrrON &. Mis souri River Railroad "The Hurllngton Route General Ofllces, N. W. ('orner Tenth and Farnam Sts. Ticket Olllce. 1602 Farnam street. Telenhono. 25" Rurllngion Htaliou, Jentn and .Mason Streets. Telephone, 128. Loave. Arrive. Lincoln. Hnstlngs and McCook a 8:13 am a 7:35 pm I.iucoin. Denver, Colo rado, I toh. California a (.25 pin I Muni-. ,v mack Hills a 9:30 pin M-.ntm.i. l uget Hound a 9:30 pm Lincoln I-ast Mall ....a 3:Oj pin Denver, Colorado. Utah & Calif irnla u Dally. a 3:oa pm a 3.00 pm a 0: 11 am a 10:35 am, a 6:16 am KANSAS CITV. St. JO- nnuli X? I'nllnill ntlirfa"T'he Hurling- I ton Route ' 'ticket Olllce, 1 1602 l-'arnnm street. Tele- 1 phone 250. Depot, Tenth and Mason streets. Tele phone. 128. Leave. Arrive. Kansns City Day Ex ...a 8:50 am a 0;lo pm Kansas ("uy Night Ex al0;15 pm u 0:15 am St ills Flyer for St. Joseph und St Louis, a 1:55 pm nll:15 am a Dally CHICAGO. BURLINGTON (Julncy Rnllroad "The Burlington Routo" Ticket Ofllco. 1502 Farnnm St. Tel 250. Depot. Tenth & Alnson Ktrretn Tntenhnni WJ'.lA'ifVf.U.'Pini 1..J ' ' Arrive. Da light Chicago Spe cial a 7:0) am Peoria Express Chicago Vostlbuled Ex.. a 4:00 pm Chicago Local Express.a 8:60 am Chicago Limited a 7:15 pm Puclllc Junction Local. .al0:l5 am Pnclllo Junction Extra. Fast Mall a Dally. a 9:25 pm a 7 IB am a 4:05 pm u 7: 5 am n 7:00 pm 11 2:15 pm UNION PACIFIC'TIIE OVER, land Route" General Ofllces, N. E. Cor. Ninth and Farnam streets. City Ticket Olllce, J3.M Farnam street. Telephone. 316, Depot, Tenth and Mason Stc. Telephone, 029. Leave. Arrive. The Overland Limited.. a 8.20 am a 7:35 pm The ( ' Special a 8:20 am a 7:35 pm Thu Fast Mnll. a 8:5u am a 3:2.' pin The Colorado Special .-.alLIio pm a 0:50 am The Fust Mall a 4:35 pm Lincoln, Beatrice and Stromsburg Express. .! 1:10 pm 1)13:23 pm Tho Pacific Express... a 1:25 pin The Atlantic Express... n 8.60 am Gland Island Local b 6:30 pm b 9.3u am a Dally, h Dally except Sunday. ILLINOIS CENTRAL Railroad. City Ticket Or tier, 1102 Fnrnam si reel. Telephone. 2I. Depot Tenth und Mason stunts Leave. ,all:IO am .a 7:15 pm Arrive a I.e.". pm a S:15 am b 9:10 pm a 8:15 am Chicago Express ChiCniri, Limited 3Iltii,eapoii and 01. Paul Express o (:w am Minneapolis and St. Paul Limited a 7:15 pm Frrt Dodge Local from Council Blurts b 4;30 pm bio.16 om 11 Daily, b Dallv except Sunday. OMAHA A- ST. LOUIS RAIL road Omaha. Kansas Cltv .V Eautern Railroad "Th" (julticy Route" -Ticket of fli u, 1415 Farnnm Street 'P,,l.i,lifinn !f" 11nnt Tnnlli mm, fT'n"!01s an I M.ircy Streets. Tele. tfoflJfcH Phone, 029. Leavu. Arrive. St Louis Cannon Ball Expr s a 5:0u pm a S:20 am Kansas City and Quln-y j.ocni t 7:0,1 nm n 3;00 pm n Dall.v A S VJHM MISSOURI PACIFIC RAIL road General Otllces nnd Ticket olflces Southeast Cot tier 14th and Douglas Sts, litifxrs? 1 en a'noiitj 4vi. Deiiot Union Station. Leave. Arrive. 81 Louis Ai Kansas (ltv i:oress ..al0;fti)am a O-v nm K. C, St L. Express ..nl0:lopm a 6:15 am Leave from 15th nnd Webster Sis Nebraska Local Via Weeping Water .. b 4.15 pm al0.45 am a Dallv b Dallv execut Sunday. IS mm mm .it mm mm? KAIf.U AY TIME TABLE. CHICAGO. MILWAUKEE St Ps il RhIIw.ix CH Ticket 0111. e, iMi Farnam Street. Teleph ne 2"I. Dfpot Tenth and Mason streets Telephone, G2s Leave Arrive MMAUKL Chicago Limited Ex. . . 11 6 00 pm 11 s 06 nm (. nil ago Ac Omaha Ex n 7 is am d put a Dully b Dally except Sunday. (iOVERNMENT NOTICE. 1 ItOPoSALS FOrI'IIESH VEGETABLES Olllce Chief Commissary, Omaha, Ne braska, September 22, 1900. Sealed pro posals, in triplicate, will bo received hero until 11 o'clock a. tn.. October 12. 19 W, nnd then opt nid publlclv for furnishing and deliver of such quantities of potutoes and onions as may v required by the Sub sistence Department at Forts I,catn wnrth, Kansas, Logan 11 Roots, Arkansas, and Jefferson Barracks, Missouri, between October 31, 19m, and Juno 30. 1901 Pi.. posals will also be received and opened b the Commissaries at the posts named, ea. ii 1 ost Commlss.m receiving proposals for Ills own post only Tim right Is reserved to reject any or all proposals In whole or In part. Infoi matioii its to conditions of ecntrnet will be furnished on application to this olllce. or to any of the ubove men tioned otllcers. D 11 WILSON, Major 2"'th Infantry, Acting Chli 1 Cnmiulsmrv. S2J-24.25.20 O10-11 PROPOSAL FOR WATER SYSTEM -Department of the Interior, (mice or Indian Affairs. Washington, lv c, Sept 19, l'.Hl- Sealed tnoposals, endorsed "Proposals Tor Water System," and addressed to the Com missioner of Indian Affairs. Washington, D. C, will be received at this nflii uoili 2 o'clock j). in. of Wednesday. October 17, WW. for furnishing and delivering at tho Kleknpoo Hoarding School, Pottawatomie, etc., Agency, Knnsns. the Ufccssurv mala rial and labor required In the 1 unstrin 1 1. n of a watir system, in strict o with the plans, specllb alloiis and Instru. -Hons to bidders, copies of which are on llle In this olllce, the U. S Indian Ware house, Chicago. III. the U. S. Indian Agent. Pottawatomie, etc., Agency, Kansas, the Builders' nnd Traders' Exchange, Omaha Neb., and the newspaper publishing this advertisement. W. A. JONES. Commts "loller. S22 il IM morn LEIJAI, Mt'l'U'H, NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Scaled proposals will lie received at tho olllce of the iinderlgned until twelve o'clock noon on the 17th day of October. 1900, for the construction of the Carnegie library building, In Hie cltv of Lincoln, .Nebraska. Plans, specllloatlons and con ditions may be found nt the ofllco of the Librarian of the Clt Library In Lincoln, nnd at the olllce of Messrs. Fisher At Lnwile, architects. In the Pavton building, Omaha, Nebraska. The board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Bv mder ol the Library Board of the Cltv Library of Lincoln. Nebraska. S. L. (IEISTIIARDT. of Committee on Plans, lis Rurr Block, Lincoln. Ne braska. S-16-18-20-22-M POSTOei'lCIJ Xll'l'll E. (Should be read DAILY by nil Interested as changes may occur nt any time 1 Foreign malls for the week emll-g Sep. lember 22. 1900. will . lose (PROMPTLY I I all easesil at the General Post Olllce iH follows: PARCELS POST MAILS elu o one hour earlier than closing time shown below. Panels Pot Malls for Germany close at 5 p m. Monday and Wednesday. TrniiM-Atliintle Mull. SATURDAY At 8 11 m. for NETHER LANDS, per s s Slalendam 1111.1II nuit be directed "per s h. Statendam"): at '0 a. m for SCOTLAND dirert. per s. As toria '(malt must be dlicted "per s. s As toria"); at P' lio a. in. i.iuppleinenlarv 12 in) for EUROPE, per s. LlMinl ' via Queenstown; nt I p. 111. for ITALY, per s. s. Kaiser William II, via Naples (mi l must be directed "per s. .1. Kaiser Wil liam II"). PRINTED MATTHlT-ETC -Th s stearier takes Printed Matter, commercial Pipii nnd Samples for Germany only. The snme class of mall matter for oihwr pins of Europe will not lie rent by this ship unless specially directed by tier. After the closing of th- Supp'cmoot try Trans-Atlantic Malls named above aMI tlon.'tl supplementary malls tne oienel on the piers of Ihe Anicrb nr.. Engil h, French and German stcaini"-;, ard remaiii open until within Ten Minutes of th hour of sailing of steamer. Stalls for South 11 nil Central Anierlcn, West Indies. Ktr. SATURDAY At 1 n m. for NEWFOUND LAND, per s. s Slberl'l'i from Plllladel. phla: at 10 n. m. (supplementary ln.30 a. ml for FORTUNE ISI.VND. JAMAICA. SA VANILLA and CART'IAGENA. per s s. Alhos (mall for Costa must ,ie directed "per s. s. Athos"); at 10 a mi. (supplementary 10:30 a 111 1 for INAGI'.V umi HAITI, per s s ; .11 in .1. m. (supp'oniontnry 10:30 a 111 . for POP'IO RICO, CI RACOA ai'd VENEI ELV.p r s. a Philadelphia (mall f ir Sevautlla ari l Ciitthagena must be dlricted "per s h Philadelphia"; at II a in lor CUBA, per s. Mexico, via Il.iv.ii'ii, at 1 p 111 for MATANZAS. CAIHUtlEN NUEVTNI. GIRARA. RARACoA sillo P'ERTO PADRE, per s. s. Cudllvba lordlnarv null only, which must be dliccled "per H '. Curltybu"). Mails for Newfoiindliinu. 'iy rail to North Sydney, nnd (hence bv .it-anicr. cl s, h this olllce dally al H:3'l p m. (conn, ei lug close here eveiy Mntaliv, Wednesday and Saturday) Minis 1, y w, ion bv rnl, to Boston and thence by .deanu'r. cln-e it this olllce daily al S IM p 111. M-iHs for Cuba, by rail to Port Tanipj, I'ln , ci'l thence by steamer, clon at Ibli oll'eu dally (except Mondayl nt 7 a. ir. itho coniiectlng 1 loses ate 011 Sunday, Weil 1 " day and Friday). Malls lor Mcxbo CI y, overland, unless spedallv nil 1 for dispatch by steamer, cio.-e at this olllco dally at 2:30 a. 111. and 2 30 p 111 Malls for Costa Rica by rail to Mobile, and for Belize, Puerto Cot tea and Gmteniii a, by rail to New Orb. ins. end th. noi b.' steamer, close at llns ofllco dn'lv at "3 p. m. (connecting closes hi rc 'I lies M a for Costa RIcu and Mondays lor le I'.e, Puerto Cortez ami Guatemala). "I'' mis tered mall close at 0 p. m previous day Trims. Pneltle Molls, Malls for Australia (except West Australia, which goes via Europe, and New Zeu'aii'l, which goes via San Fiiii.clsio). and Fill Islands, via Vancouver, rlosi here dully nt 0:20 p. m. up to September "151b, In clusive, for disputed per f s Warrlmuo (supplementary malls. vln Seattle, elos al 0:30 p. m. September Ilithl. Mills fir Hawaii, Japan, Cbln i and I hlllpi.Miu Islands, via San I'rani iscn. dose h T" dally at 6:30 p m. up to September "17th. Inclusive, for (llspatih per s s Nippon Mnru Mulls for Hawaii, China, .lapan and Philippine Islands, via San Francisco, close bete dally al 01!" p. in. up to Sep tember 27lh. Inclusive, lor dispatch per s. a. Rio de Janeiro Mails for Aii'tri'la (except West AustrnllJl, New Zetland, Hawaii, Fill and Kamoan Islands, via San Francisco, clon h r" dally it il:20 ji 11. after Sepleinlwr "lOlb aid up to Seplcn . her 2'Ub. Inclusive, or on day of arrival of s s Campania, due .it New Yolk H"!1' tendicr ,2'.ith, Tor dispatch per s Al -ineil.i. Mails for China and Jainin. via Vunoonvi r. close here ('.ally at O.Ti p m. up lo October "2d Inclusive, for .11 pa .h per s s Empress of India ire :' t "'"l mall must bo directed "via Vancouver"). POS TOI'I'ICE NOTICE. Malls for Hawaii, via San Frau'two, close here dallv nt 6 .In p in up I ' letn her l2th. Inclusive, for llspatch per m. s. Australia. Trans-PaclMe malls ore forwardfd lo port of sailing dally anil the sch 'dole of clos ing Is arranged on the nr sumption of their unlnterniptoil overland trins.r Registered i""l' cl" es at 1; p to i.rev lous day CORNELIUS V.W i'OTT. Po 'ina-ter Postolllre, New York, N. Y . September II 1900. DAUGHTER IS LEFT BEHIND Parents Change l.oilnlnt; While ( I1II1I i; mi Erriind, Lemlnij the Oll'l V HI11111I 11 lloioe. Tvvelvo-year-ohl Her hn llowyer, wlio lived with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William llowyer, at 171S Webster stiect, went down town hiBt .Monday to buy buiiki oatnjoal, pi uncs and n'lery, nml whim she ruiurn l eaily In the evening found the Iioiibc vacant Her parents had moved while slio was ab sent, leaving no word as tn their new ubudo. Yesterday the father, William llowyer, called ut pollen station and said ho had hi on nothing of hs dnuKhter since last Monday, when hho left homo to go to thu grocery store. Ho admitted that her protrjcud ab sence was probably his fault, ns he should luivo rrquegtod thu nelghbots to notify tho girl where to go, hut In the rnnfualnn 1 n 1 -'ental to moving he hail foigni'en II Ho now links the poll 0 department 10 help find her She Is iles(ibed as a fd'tj.icr slip of a 'hlld with IIkIii biown hii'.r tin I eyes, wear ing a plaid bklrt nnd dark, BirlpcJ biavr hat. u uait U 07. Uee Office. N-M135 2