THE OMAHA DAILY T.LH: SATVUn Y, SEPTEMUHl? 22, 1000. o . Cloaks, Suits and Furs nm o M 8L& WW Fall Millinery Fall Opening Sale of Cloaks ening at, aiu H(dc yun nuve ivurnca iuac no Vllllllicry in the weit can be compared -with ours. Saturday, the oncnina dmi. ... - t - H " I this fact will be more forcibly demonstrated. This fall our disnlat nf the rare milliner creations surpasses all past effort. Our spacious depart ment is filled to overflowing with hats possessing rare artistic beaut. Each hat is designed by a master mind and trimmed with skill. Perfection is attained in event in stance. In this showing we include the very inodera'e priced hats as well as the dainty Parisian models (masterpieces of the most celebrated designers). To create additional interest in our Fall Opening we nffr the following plendi't opportunities to procure a Jashionable hat much below it's meiit value. First Showing Saturday of New Swell Fall Styles in Suits, Coats, Furs, Etc. Come and sec the handsomest deas from every important fashion center of the world. Here arc a few h.nts of what you may expect. $5 fP a handHoine lino of trimmc wVlmt.s ail( fi raped turbans in thi? puason'ts correct) ftyltvs, all the latest shades and most desirable trim mings inndo of the now chenille, felt and braid with now dossils in fancy feathers, pompoms, plumes, with totichen of gold braid and long buckles, a mamdously beautiful collection, and tho price quoted is far below their real value. 31 A At JiJ? 00;- Fill Qi if e of unt CovorU, Venetians and ncu 1 ail ou,ia Pebble Cheviots in single or HA.50 , I !Mnrl Cu: c mado exclusively for w, of tin OlliV LlllCU OUllo ost imported pebble cheviot double breasted fly front or box front effects jackets lined with silk 7 gored llurnir skirts special 3 opening sale price JL JUL nickel m nnv ooso or tier it- umc siyit t ' - w with eitnoi double with he black, navy and tan special either ,r or 7 gores, with single ordl-d 4T le inverted pleats, entire su.t linedM- heavy talfeta silk and finished in JL desired, skirts 00 Women's verv stylish t'i mined hats, exact con es of imported patterns, modified in tone so as to suit the taste of tho well dressed American woman. They are made from the richest materials that tho season nfFords, a diversified assortment so that wo will bo able to satisfy all tastes and fancies. Exceedingly Swell Novelty Suits Made in various new striking effects and comprising the swellest creations produced by the leading high class tailors ol the world. Most of (j A ECf) these are made to our snecial ' J$ xu i order and will be found nowhere else prices range from $75 down to London Box and Top Coats and A-rvnkMr, Tilt swollost of the season's stylos AUlOniODlieS 0f fine imported Kerseys, Vicunas, Montinacs, Coverts and Chev- HiQ 1UIP 111 till LUIUIO i..v down to the popular priced ones at 17 An Endless Array of Pretty Trimmed Hats from $2.50 to $25.00. Walking Hats. 100 dozen ladies' nice felt walking hats trimmed with B largo polka dot silk, making a ?oll ellect, in all . olors, worth 91, 40f" )I1 ill Trimmings. 50 dozen fancy feathers, 7c otc, stylish trim- breasts. mlnL'!. O.onlnff Salo price Thousands of largo fancy foii'hura and bird, In ull p coIoi'H, Including bluclc, JjiJ worth 81.00. on siilo m...., VICHY STYLISH 1 1 ATS MADK OF velvet, bluclc and nil oolorH, trimnioil with fancy feathers, ribbon, larffo buckle, etc A very swell turban, ft QR bluclc nnd colors, Ot) On Httlo nt Hxnct copv of a $2" 00 put n hut, the new "G-nlcy" hat, CF Q() draped .villi vclvot and ellt embroidery, nt ' NewandllandsomeGolf The New Fall Golf and and Outing Capes shawls in the most striking color combinations, a splendid assortment at Walking Skirts linn tins season. J be stvles I A 98 $1 7 Tt "i n li 50 received atten- are rignt, the cloths are of best quality and tho color of inoht plcaslne nnd stylish combination!'. They are nil mudo in tlio 7 tforod stylo and positively will not tup- 1 lio inn erlnl uro tilniu l:ic-k covortu. Iiome sputis, Kerseyx und pobblo che viots, a I'luirinintf uh srtini'iit at SI5 s10 $7.50 $5 - Children's and Misses' Sc"00' Reefers i,"d Jackets Over 700 dainty styles, jackets for tho little ladles, upos I to 1 1, made in tho latest und prcttlent stylet, loose or tljjht tlttlne; hacks, Home with capos, trimmed with applique or braid, pricos from $q;98 $1KOO $1 98 COMMEKtlAL CLUB WILL All) Its Members Plodgo Moral nnd Financial Support to Auditorium Project. NUCLEUS OF BUILDING FUND AVAILABLE 4 oriMt'imiiK ill' Opinion Annum HiinIih-k JIi-ii In IIiiiI Mli'li u Mlin'tnn (lh Vi'.-ilcil ami Villi Tho project of ImiUllns im nu'lltorlum In Oiiinha out of the tlnaiU'tal nucleus repn Ht'iitt'il by tho not pnirpnU from tho hiiu ccHsful mimical ttstUal mis Klvsn a do rtilnl ltiin'tUK yostcrrtiiy, whon thu cxpcmlvo ctmmlttco of thu Commorrliil rlub ailoptpil rt'solutloiiH rndnrnltiK mo.t healthy the jilniiH looldtiK to'waul tho hullillliK of surli on cilltlce. Tho uieotlns was a Joint path erlnK of the Commercial club mill tlio niuil tal fctlvnl. The proposition of bul.ilinn an auilltorlum was iliscusjcil luforma.l, leadlUR uiiiiuburs of tho Commonlal cluli inillcatniK their hearty support of any feaKlblo plan and plnlglm; tlio moral uml iluanclal Hiipprrt of tho club as n uli ile. After the quetlon hml been talked over i.t length J. S. White Introduced tho f 11 w ln rtsolutlou, which was outluiHinstically adopted: WliereaH, The Omaha Muslral l''enllval, organized under the ausplee. of the Com-iia-n nil i'IiiIi. Is now di'iiwlns to a mu'ceBS. fill eloso. and. Whereas, When tleltets were sold and subrrrlptlons pecured for this undertaking. It was provided that any surplus aecrulntf Hhnuld be applied u- the Initial fund for butldliiK an In Hi s rlty. and. Whereas. It "I'l-mt that suoh surplus will approximate. $io,ou). and. U'hcrpiis The Omaha Muslcn! Festival Is formulalliiR a jilnn of ornaiu.liiB n eom- Iiany (or but.dliiK un auditorium; therefore i It Hesolved, Thut the exoeutlvo commltteo ftsSQiUTE SECURTfY. Oonulno Carter's Little Liver Pills. Must Boar Signature of Am Ptc-Sliollo Wrtpptr nlw. Tarv nU mud eoiy FOR HEACACHL FOR DIZ2IKCSS. FOR BIU0USKES3. FOR TORPID LIVER. FOR C0N8TIPATI0M. FCR SALLOV SKIN. FOR THECOilPLEXICR CARTERS nf the Cominerelul elub tnnnratulatc the cmaha .Muilral Kesttvol en Its Kreut sue- ess ami fully endorses Its plan and pir I'ose to raise $150,000 or more to build an audlti rlum In the ntv of (iinalui. cenlralU loi-Hted, with sulllelent ra parity to aecom modate conventions, publle meetlnns nnd other larcr audiences tominensuratu with the Impnrlnnce of our ;lty. lliiMlm-KM Men Kmlornr 1'rnjeel. 1'ilnr to (he submission of this resolution Chairman Pickens of tho Commercial club executive committee, who presided over tho Joint meeting, called upon a number of members to express their views reardlm; the matter. Uurlid Martin stated (hat ho was In lie.uty nccord with any plan thnt mlHht be adopted for the bulldlm; of the auilltorlum. "Tho venture will not bo a success," he said, "unless tho auditorium Is butlt where tho people can easily pet to It. It must bo In a tentral portion of the city and slioull be contiguous tn nil of the hotels. In a pmpoMt.on of this kind it Is gene ally a suc cess or n failure right at the beginning, and wo shuuld start tho matter right In every particular. If we do there Is no gainsaying Its success. " Charles S. Klguttcr, general counsel of the Musical festival executive commltteo, ex plained tho tv.attsr somewhat In detail, after Mr. Martin had been followed by Mr. J. II. Dumont nnd other members of tho club. "The executive commltteo of tho Musical festival," said Mr. i:iguttcr. "has given much time and labor In bringing tho band concerts to Omaha nnd has labored under many disadvantages for the purpose of rais ing a small nucleus that might bo utilized In building an auditorium. We held out that Inducement to Omaha proplo when wo asked them to subscribe for the festival Now the members of tho exprutlvo com mittee of the Musical festival como here and say to tho Commercial club of Omaha: 'We have raised very nearly Jlft.OdO for the purpo?e of starting an auditorium fund.' It U uot tho purpose of this meeting to discuss tho size of Buch an auditorium. Its location or the use to which It shall bp put. Omaha needs nn auditorium. We como for the moral support of tho Com mercial club. Securing that wo will later call together the business raeii. the moneyed men nnd (he property owners of Omaha to consult concerning tho proposition. Time linn C'niiie to 'l. "Tho quetion of the architectural de mils and othrr minutiae may well bo left till a later day. Our one Idea now U to raise fU.0,000, $2M.(.00 or 300.C00 for an ninllioraim. We have sot the people, of Omnhn enthusiastic on tho proposition and ue want to strike now while, the Iron is hot." Alfred Millard said: "Omaha haB become accustomed to tackling bis things. Think of the suffering we endured for many years uwirg to tho lack of proper depot accom modations, until we finally went after the rnilroai's, and now we have two of the llntst depots In the country. Wo havo seen tho success of the Transmlsslsslppl expos! tlon and know how a few men got to gather, willed that It be a success and It wb a Buccoss. I don't be'levo the time Is rlpo to go out nnd ralso tho funds necessary tn build nn auditorium. It will be after election, and I believe most sincerely that the matter can be carried to a successful Issue If we are fortunate In tho election. "Nothing kuccec'iB llko bucceis." said John Steele. "I -hMik it well for us to strike while the Iron Is hot and while wo are reap Ing the advantages of our successful musical festival by getting ready to collect the funds necessary to the building of tho auditorium Immediately after the election. The Com morclal rlub should and will lend its hearty moral and financial support to the matter.' till II it I nur Would I'uy 1)1 vtilrnilN President P. IJ. Sanborn of the Musical lYsilvnl committer told what had been don relative to looking Into tho erection of an auditorium. "About four months ago,'' ho said, "the matter was taken up by some of tho gentlemen Interested and architectural opinions wero recolved In tho promises. Wc got un option on a suitable location for the auditorium. It Is within two blocks of every street car line and In a central ilowntown district. This lot would cost In the br.rhood of JI.'.OOO. The estimates of tho architects showed that the building would rot no less than $100,000, making a total of ipproxlmatuly Jl.'O.COi) on a minimum basis. 'We figured on un auditorium having n seating capacity of ri.000 people and nlso capable of furnishing accommodations for the Commercial club and rooms on tho ground floor unliable for renfal purposes. These rentals would bring In n steady In come, which wo estimated nt ubout $15,000 per year. Tito cost of maintenance and repairs would pr bably rut this sum In two, but would slill leave a good sum to pay dividends on. say, $100,000 common stock. A proposition has already been re ceived from the militia companies of thlB city which would like quarters In such an auditorium, nnd this, with the probability of having tho Commercial club and the Woman's club an tenants warrants the opinion thut there would bo little dllllcully In disposing of tho surplus room at a tlgure that would make the property n fairly good dl Idend-paylng one." At tho conclusion of tho discussion of tho nudltorlum project the Commercial club endorsed the application of tho Hoard of Governors of Ak-Snr-Hcn thnt nil business establishments bo closed Wednesday after noon between tho hours of 12 and 0 o'clock. It wan also determined that the cxtorlor of tho Commercial ilub should be deeurnti d appropriately for tho festal scaBou, begin ning next weelt. RAILROADS liARE LOW RATES Le33 Than Ono Faro for Hound Trip for Ak-Sar-Bcn Festivities. BIG ATTENDANCE IS ANTICIPATED" Sold on .ilni,dn l.i lie Gum! I'ntll October '1 Low Itiili'x AIno front louu 1'ollltM. Wednesday of next week will, according to the prcdlitlons of railroad managers, Lo tho big day, In point of attendance, at tho Ak-Sar-Hen festivities und street carnival. Un that day from nil Nebraska pjlnl.i within IM) miles of Omaha rates will be in effect of fcO per cent of tho oi;u-wny faro for tho round trip. Nebrasknns who avail themselves of tlic3 low rates to lslt the carnival will havo tho privilege of remaining throughout .ill of thu subsequent festlltles, ns the return limit on theso tickets will bo until Octo ber 2. In addition to this special ratj during next week, ratcH of aao fare for the round trip will be effective from all points within i'UO mills of Omnlia In Nebrns'.a and from all Iowa points wi.hln !f0 miles of Omaha. Because of these low rites olid tho excellent ailrae tlonb ottered by (he Joint Ak-S.ti-Hcn paretics and street carnival, local railroad men antlcirntu more visitors than have ever before attended tho Ak-fc'ar-Ilen fes tivities. KnHlern I'relulit ill rills ltextnrril. Pursuant to telegraphic Instructions sent out from Now York Immediately folio. vlng the recent meetlns of tho presidents and executive officers of western roadi. nil freight rates havo been re-estnbll'ined on tnrltT basis nnd since. Thursday of this wick the suggestion of a cut-rato has boon ie ceived by tho railroad men with an evpres slon of horror. How long tho exist'ng condition will exist Is entirely problem atical, although well Informed freight nun express the opinion that it will bo for a longer period than formerly, Inasmuch as tho presidents have tnken tip with renu vod attention tho matter of establishing local pools nt various points. Tho opinion Is generally held that a pool will bo in open tlon In Otnnha before long and then rite rutting will be practically Impossible. IMIIorN Awful I'llulit, r. M. niacins, editor Seneca (111.) News, was afllletcd for years with piles that no doctor or remedy helped until he trltd Uucklen'B Arnica Salvo, tho best in tho world. Ho writes two boxes wholly cured hlra. Infallible for piles. Cure gusran- ed. Only 25c. Sold by Kuhn & Co.. urugglstB. GOLFERS START FOR ST. JOE Mriiilit'i'H ol tin' Dimlry ( lull lo I'luv Iti tiirn (iniiie ullli the MIhxoii linns, A delegation of Omaha Bolters, mcmb.-rs of tho Country club, left Inst evening io a visit over Saiurda and Suuduy ai S . Josoph and Katini.s City. The of tho party will occupy a prlvuti, iiiiiv Ing In St. Jtsin this in roin,,'. und will spend the day there as the gusts of the St. Juscph Ci untry lub A tn tea na'i o will 1 o plajed tirlrg th day. Om.ihn ,uifois txprasu cuiiMcnco m a vKtorj lu this coniesi, but do not believe it will bo nccornpllshcd with such a marg n as ,n ths recent gamo on tho homo links between these teams. "The S. Josp,i team It . a been practicing diligently since it v,s Ited Omaha," said one of the y, "mil Is now prepared to piny more s if ntltlenlly than when It lust trltd conclus..;is with ur team. Then, too, tho playcia will be ,.n their homo links, which havo fir mor. hazards thau ours, and tlio.r familiar. ty with the ground will servo to offs-t tho ad vantage wo havo m superior playing. Thero Is little iiueatlon, however, but that wo will win the match." The Omaha contingent will leave St. Joseph Saturday night for Kansas City, whero Sunday will be spent as ths guests of tho l'ansas City Country club. The gclfets will return homo Mondny morn.nj. It(lllWII) NltCH II Mil I'lTHIHIIllH. Asslstnnt C,"nernl I'ns-i-liger Agent Arthur II Smith nf the lliiiiliistnn has gone tn Denver on a buslnoss trip. K. Palmer, city passenger agent of the Itnck Island nt l'eorin. Is In the cltv. uc (impnnled by his wife. Mr. rainier wiu fornvrlv located here I,. M. Allen of ("lilengn nnd H W. Thomp son of Topekn. (iHni.stnnt general pnnongi r ugents of the Hock Inland, are In the city. Th-3 Boys' Shoes Ate of consUld'uhlo ooncrni to tho liiiiviits to trot a shoo thnt will not only look well, hut imike it liood weaiiii!; h iiool shoo. Is tho itrohloin Drox I.. Shooinan has In his !?l.."f shoo a shoe thut comes inluhty ileal' 111 II nt: all tho l'eiltllivilii lit llllllle of Ili'st-flili", f-ollil leather, with o:ik sole leather soles, by the best shoemakers III America It has stood the test of years and Is today the leading hoys' shoe on the market -boiiuht once always ImiiRht MNsos' k'd or calf shoes. ll'. to -. St.r.O; A'.j to II, Sl.'jri-Ti to 8. Sl.o'o-samo utilities as oitr boys' shoes. Drexei Shoe Co., New CiilnloKiM reiulj Tnl 'rre for I he nx ,lnu Omnlin' I p-tn-iliMe shoe lliinnii, niti rvnA.ii tui:i;t. nr. Millions wilt h nicnt tr. politics toll year. We can't Utep the campaign going without money any more than we can keep tho body vigorous without food Dyspep tics urcd to starve themselves, Now KoJol Dytpepila Cure digests what you oat and Hows you to eat all the good food ou want, it radically cures stssmrn troublti Glosirg Da's of Arl Sale- Have von availed youivelf of our overstock art sale'.' - Duly a short tlmo left In which to buy a picture at al most your own price Hundreds of wis,, ones havo taken advantage of this great sale, saving from in to do per cent from regular prices Nothing re servedevery pleture must bo sold re gardless of price or quality Select your picture now for tho holidays It means money to you -See our special bargain counter -choice pictures from 10c to Ohc Worth live times the money. A. HOSPB, Music end Art 1513 Ooutlat, III I. Mlllrr. Irave Inn passenger a cent out nf t'hiingn. an oiiipnnles them. (I XI Kntrlkin. n.ilrtnnt genornl frelebt ugent f tin Omaha ,t St Louis, has re turned from h Inisluess trip to Chlcngo. I.llilllr-1 Di-nlli's AkiiiiIpm, Only k roaring fire enabled J. M. Oarrett- Eon of San Antonio, Tex., to lie down when utlncked by asthma, from which he suf fered for years. Ho writes his misery was often so great that It seemed ho endured the ngonlcs of death, but Dr. King's Now Discovery for Consumption wholly ourod him. This marvelous medicine. Is tho only known cure for asthma ns well ns consump tion, coughs und colds nnd all throat, chont ind lung troubles. Trice, GOo nnd $1.00 (iuarnntocd. Trial bottles free nt Kuhn & Co., druggists Shell II Iti'i'Miilnrro DiivIh, Sheriff I'nwer und Denitv Klvnn urn feel. Ing decidedly good over (ho recanliiro of limrli'v lnK u colored prisoner who lirnko Jul! April IV last iifler he hail served Rlmtil a month of n six-month jail sen- nice mr iinviiKiii inuiHeiireuKing. Iinvii returned tn Omaha yesterday and within an hour again In the clutches of the law, being found by tin. olllcers In n house down near the distillery. Ho will Imvo u chance to serve out about live months nf ins unexpired term nnu, ns ne stole u stilt of elntlilni; und un overcoat from fellow prlfainois when he broke Jull, his term will doubtless bo extended. llellevc Wlui t We Hny. Tho best proof of our sincerity about Cascarets Candy Cathartic is tho guaruntee to cure any ease of chronic constipation or purchase money refunded. If your glosses are skewed or pinch you como tn and wo will adjuat tbm, no charge for nuch pleasantries tin that nor for examining tho eye Our charre arn for furnishing tho proper eye holp but ths charco la Jim right You will say nn much. THE A10E & PENfOLD CO., Leading Sclciitlflo Uptlclnna. 1408 Farnnm. OMAHA. OPPOSITE PAXTON HOTEL. ENHYROyAL PILLS ila lir.D ml (Ulil miil boio Mtlrt wlii! lliirtbfcm 'I'nkc no olhfr. RiTitft Itncfron Kiititlinllfin 4 ImlU lift, rj; ft ) tr l'ruciv or oi 4a la i4ri fif rnrtloutur. f ftmaUU oi ''Kfllor fr l,tlft,H(n ttutr, r taim 1uil. tO.ttun I Jillnonttl Mahlki A Lucky Horse Si'oe- -. .les' as shore as tie sun inny rlKO. do llindln' uv a horseshoe am lucky 'cause I hadn't bin home IS Iioiiih till I dun found one-air do Ink wasn't hardly dry on de paper what I writ my last ad on till my boss More was tilled with customers a-lookln' at 'deni Favorite baxe burner Htovcs what ho noils fur H'.i.Jid and up (ley am de greatest base burners wnt-J made becauso (ley Iiiih about one-thli'd more radiating surface as compared with unnie I.oh of other bane biirnerH and are mounted and llttcd perfectly but ef yuse Is not oln' to buy a heater and wants a steel raiifjo you Jos' let my boss Miow you a Favor ite steel rane wat he hejls fur ,'J0.SO an' If you don't say U'h t blfj btiraln den tny name is not eke. A. C. Raymer 1514 Farnatn St., Gold M3dal BonBons Never more popular than today for the reason they are the most delicious confection manufactured, f'ome In. One, two, three and live-pound boxes at (Stic a pound. If your dealer does not hnudlo them remit tho nmnuut to us. No order too small or too lartre for our prompt uttcntion. Only the purest and lM'Ht materials are used lu our candles and you can enjoy their dellclousnesH without fear, for there Is nothlnx un wholesome about them. W. S. Balff, 1520 Fiimum SU 1 1