Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 21, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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    TJJJ3 OMAHA DATLT 11 BR: rHIDAV, STjI'TEM BEl? 21, 1000.
A Most Remarkable Array of Remnants of
All Kinds of Tall Fabric.
Immrii'i' I.nt of ( citloii (Jonilft. Cnllro,
Hulrrnn, Cotton anil Outline I'Imii
urlo, for the I'lrnl Time In
Our Itiiieinent T(mIii.
Tho greuiost array of ull wool, allk and
wool, mercerized and wool checked nml
plaid new fall dreas goods remnants ever
displayed In our Friday remnant sales, on
ljaraln square, eliolcu 25c yd., In ientfthH
from 2 to C yds.
$1.50 CASSl.MUItKS, 4!ic AND 6'Jc.
Thousands of yards of all wool cassl
meres for boys' and men's wear and koU
skirts, also covert elotlm, Prem h and atorm
hi rises, plaid hark roIHiik. hroadclotlis,
Murk and colors, whllo embroidered polka
dot Henrietta or navy and red grounds,
plaid camel's hair, pure silk and wool Im
ported novelties, every yard worth from
1 1 .25 to $1.."0, on bbIh ou bargain square
tit 46c and Cite yd.
Short lengths of Imported French flan
nel and cashmeres In polka dots, stripes
nd small cheeks, many of them Just waist
patterns, on sale at Site nnd lJe yd.
Hundreds of thousands of pleres of silks
ind silk velvets, plain colors, chocks, plalda,
nroiaded, etc., In sofa pillow lengths, also
suitable for millinery trimmings, fancy
w irk and dress trimmings, go according
to length at r.c, 10c, 15c nnd 25c for entlro
2 00 SII.KS AT f.Oc AND 69c YD.
All tho silks In lengths from 2 to 10 yds.,
especially adapted for silk waists or entlro
milts, In plain colorg. checks, plaids and
stripes, light and dark grounds, also 27
Inch taRela, In black and colors, on sale
at toe ami t'.iic yd.
10,000 yds. of remnants of all kinds ol
drapery Hllkollno, worth 12'fcc, at 3c yd.
One big table of drapery (.atoen, worth
2Cr. at 10c yd.
One big counter of drapery ticking, 10c
yd., worth 40c.
One big table of mercerized sateen, In
plain black and plain colors, worth 40c,
go at irc yd.
One big counter of light colored outing
flannel, fic yd.
Ono big counter of o.itra heavy dark out
ing flannel, 8,fce yd.
One big counter of drapery velours rem
nants, 3."c, worth 50r.
One big table of black and white print
lemrantu, 316 e yd.
One big counter of lining and sateen rem
nants, worth 2.1r, go at Tic yd.
Ono big counter of twilled shirting rem
nants, fc yd, worth Mr.
One big table of assorted cotton flannel,
outing flannel and shaker llannel remnants,
all grades, 4C y,, worth Mc
Onn big table of llecco back wrapper
flannel, 6c yd., worth 10c.
And hundreds of other bargains In tho
bssoment today.
N, W. Corner 16th nnd Douglas Sts.
I'nuturlntN lit the Door.
Look for them 300 cases men's and
women's footwear consigned to us with
orders to ctmh them to go with remainder
of Block f0 feet atoro room added to first
floor. Entire basement turned Into sales
room; all broken llneH displayed In wreck
age and basement depart metits; 500 pairs
of little gents' shoes, vlcl kind, tan and
black, all sices, values up to $1.7."; Bale
price, BOc; ladles' sllppors, worth (1.50,
eale price,- 19c; misses' shoes, kangaroo
calf, worth $1.50, sale price, 59c. Chil
dren's worth "Go, sale price, 12c; children's
kid shoos, worth $1.60, Bale price, 39c; baby
shoes about BOO pnlrs choice, $12e.
Extra sale of Foster's ladles' extra line
shore, $'j.38; Indies' oxfords, broken lines,
19c, Indies' shoes, broken linos, 48c; men'R
shoes, consignments, llannlsters, Stacy
Adams, Stetson's, patent leathers, vlcl kid,
tan and black, divided Into choice lots at
$1 IS, $1.38, $1.98. Broken lines men's shoes
wreckage department, 69c, 79c, 98c.
I, allies' slippers, white and colored satin
39c. "THE HOWE,"
Friday and Saturday.
1515 Douglas St.
Next weok Tho Howe quits doing bus
iness In Omaha.
Lowest Urates tif the Meimnii
Inwn, Illinois,
Wisconsin, Minnesota,
Northern Michigan.
Round Trip!
, Minimum Rate, $7.
September 26.
City Offices, 1401-1103 Farnnm Street,
WcdlirMltu J , tin- -Utll.
Is the last chance to procure homo visitors
round trip tickets from Omaha to nearly
nil points In Inwn, Illinois. Minnesota and
Wisconsin ut rate of ono faro plus $2 for
round trip. Return limit 'October 1. For
particulars call at city ticket olllce, 1102
Farnam street, or nddress W. H. Brill,
D. P. A.
nn.i.nn rovriMlvr.Ui miok.
The (-iitillnriitnl' llntlrc Moek .Me'
nml IIojk' I'lne Minim.
Boston Store has bought every pair of
men's and hos' shoes from the Continental
riotlnng i'-i . corner l.'.th and Douglas Sts
The iheapest man's shoe the Continental
had they sold for $.' 50 and the best at $5 00;
wv give you the choice of this entire stock
at $l.!tS.
Your choice- of any of the boys' youths'
and little gents' shoes from the Continental
stock, no matter what they sold at, choice
for 96c.
MEN'S $6 SHOES, $3 AND $3.50.
Choice of all the men's shoes from the
wholesulo stock, that sold up to $6.00, nt
$3 00 and $3.S0.
DREN. Be sure to see our complete line of new
fall shoes for women and children, em
bracing nil tho latest novelties In fancy
slippers, evening, dress and street shoes.
We nre headquarters for Ali-Sar-Ben ball
fool w en r.
No hoti'e In the west can show as flno a
line of shoes ns we do.
N. W. Cor. 16th nnd Douglas Sts.
sneak Thief makesTescape
(Inner of llonr I'ormit to (ittnril
Itenr Door While Hi- Wnn Wlllt
Iiik for tin Poller.
A telephone message was received at tho
police station Wednesday to the effect that
a sneak thief had been cornered In the
homo of (leorgo W. Roberts, 2S69 Spauldlng
street. Sergeant Whelan went out nt once
In a buggy and when ho arrived found Mr
Roberts patlollng tho street In front of the
house with a shotgun over his shoulder.
A search of the house, however, disclosed
no snenk thief. Mr. Roberts had neglected
to guard the rear door.
A half hour before this Incident n man
called nt the Spauldlng street number and
asked to rent n room, representing himself
as uu electrician In the employ of the
street railway company. He was assigned
to apartments, but Immediately afterward
the family become suspicious nnd tele
phoned to the street car barn to ask If any
such man ns the one described was in the
employ of the company. Receiving a nega
tive nnswer the pollco station was notltled
by phone.
While Sergeant Whelan was at the house
It was discovered that the "room worker"
had stolon a fur cap and a pair of fur
People of that State Are Bidden to Inspect
Nebraska's Prairies,
Prnaiirrnii Yrnr In .rlirnUn AITuril
mi Opportunity to I)UiIii.t the
Ail wiiitnuc" or .soil ii nil
Clliiiutc to HomeveeUer.
Supplementary to lis cheap eaatbound ex
cursions, which gnve tho residents of Ne
biaskn. a chauco to visit their old homes
mid tell their former friends and neighbors
of the advantages to be found within the
state of their adoption, the Burlington has
decided to give the dwellers In tho east an
opportunity to learn for themselves whether
their old associates have been telling the
truth. In order that no one may be de
prived of the "hnnce to make a personal
Investigation a rate of $12 for tho round trip
has been mndo from any point in Illinois
to any point In Nebraska. Tickets will be
on sale October 2 nnd 16, with a return limit
of twenty-one days.
"We determined some time ngo," said
General Passenger Agent Francis, "that If
Nebraska had a prosperous year this season
nnd would he in condition to make a good
showing wo would put In rates that would
bring people from Illinois out hero to
look over the state. In doing this we were?
prompted solely by our desire to assist In
tho building up of Nebraska We believe
the state will profit by these Illinois visitors
coming Into It Thry will see what a de
lightful climate we have. They will ills-
i over cheap land in abundance that will
produce ns good crops ns they are getting
from their farms In Illluols and wo will
show them that we have a great stock
, market nt their very door.
"We have placed the first excursions from
Illinois because we believe the opportunity
for recruiting emigrants from that state is
particularly good. We could not handle
more than one state nt a time and on the
days these excursions reach Nebraska wo
anticipate that every blt.of available equip
ment will be called Into service In order to
trntifport our visitors through the stnte."
Tilt: t MIPiri'N A It AltltlVIMI.
Vi-aterilny Wf Hi-ecl oil erl.v u Cnr
I on it liiuinln nml 'ro llru-neU Art.
ISO rolls of all kinds of Ingrain carpet.
SO bales of small rugs.
From a New England carpet mill wo
closed out their entire stork on hand for
less than one-fourth regular value It
was sold for spot cash to wind up the rs
tnte nnd Saturday morning wo will un
doubtedly hnve the biggest sale of nil kinds
of Ingrnln carpet that over took place in
the west.
Wntch tonight's papers for the ridiculously
low prices for which wo are going to sell
nil kinds of line, medium nnd cheap Ingrain
carpets and Ingrain rugs.
N. W. Cor. 16th nnd Douglas Sts.
Mirrlrr (iiirs After Hull Xi-itro,
Sheriff Powor and De;uty Levy, wll
armed nml provl..ned, have gone to ap
prehend .Mont Walts, a dtspernte negro
A complaint was filed by C. y. Vimdercnck
a farmer four miles north of FlnriO'
o Belief for 20 1inr.
'I had bronchitis for twenty years,"
snld Mrs. Minerva Smith of Danville, III.,
and nt times havo been bedfast. I never
got relief until I had taken Foley's Honey
and Tar. It is pleasant and gives nulck
relief and Is n sure euro for throat and
lung diseases." Tako nothing else.
Myers-Dillon Drug Co., Omaha; Dillon's
Drug Store, South Omaha.
lioml I''tailnir,
Spirit Lake, OkoboJI. Lako Washington,
Waseca, Eaglu Lako, River Falls, Solon
Springs, Rice Lake, Bayfield, Ashland, Oog
enic, Watersmeet nnd numerous lakes near
St. Paul and Minneapolis.
They are nil good fishing places and are
quickly and comfortably reached by. the
Northwestern Line.
Cheap rate excursions September 18, 21
and 26. Limit, October 31, 1900. City ticket
olllce, 1401 nnd 1402 Farnam strcot.
At Inriiiiiiitiiolls, I ml,, October It.
Tho Omaha & St. Louis railroad will sell
tickets for this occasion at ono fare plus
$2.00 for' the round trip. All Information
nt city office, Hlfi Farnam street, or write
Harry E. Mooras, O. P. & T. A Omaha,
Cheap Hate Kxenrslon,
See agent Northwestern line for cheap
excursion rates to Hot Springs, S, D., dur
ing mouth of September.
Be sure to hear tho boy cornetlst at th
Bellstedt band concert Sunday afternoon,
Mortnlltj StntlNtlm.
The following deaths and births were re
ported to the health commissioner f,,r the
twenty-four hours ending nt noon Thurs
day: Deiiths-IT. S. Obersehelp, 111,1 South Fif
teenth, aped 31; Walter Kenning. 2229 North
Twentieth, aged 2 month; Hay Hloemer.
221(1 South Twentieth, aged 4; Georgian.!
Schrurk, 201 South Twenty-fifth avenue,
aged 29.
Births-W. F. Orndy. 1102 Not In Nine
teenth, girl; S. A. Deyoe, 1123 North N nn
teentll, liny; ('. A. Jamison, 301 Btlrdette.
boy; L. Romano. 121S South Twelfth, gltl.
Fred Witters. 271 Mnpl". boy: Kb.ui
Flelschmnn, 42 North Seventeenth, boy;
William Robertson. 30.11 llurdette, girl.
Natural Hi-niiI ,.
No violent, unnatural strain Is caused by
CascaretH Candy Cathartic, but the system
Is gently restored to natural activity.
Druggists, 10c, 25c, 50c.
Home Visitor' l',r urloii.
On September 26 tho Rock Island Route
will sell tickets to points In eastern Iowa,
Illinois, Wisconsin nnd Minnesota for one
faro plus $2 for the round trip. Good for
return until October 31. Call at city ticket
ofllce. 1323 Farnam street.
Friday night Is solo night at the Bell
stedt band concert. A regular soloist tour
nament. It will bo one of the most en
joyable departures from the regular pro
crania of this season of good music
Williams & Smith Co nnnounce the nr
rival of fall and winter woolens.
Send Doc There.
We don't mean "Doe the Plugger," but
"line'' Tanner of the South omnh.i Tribune
Hoc wonts to go to tho legislature. Well,
old bov. If we roiilil send ymi there It
would be ii pleasure for us to do It. nt ntiv
rate we will do u little "plugging" for you
('miner's Kidney Cure 75c
Scliaefer'H Cough Syr ip 20c
Dr. Karl Krnnier'H l'cnnroyul Pills. ...$i.on
Mennen's Talcum Powder 12c
Wine of Card ill 75c
Carter's Liver Pills 15c
Avers llnlr Vigor "So
Duffy's Malt Whiskey 85c
l doz. 2-graln Quinine Capsules 7c
1 do7.. 3-gralti Quinine Capsules 10c
1 doz. 5-grnln Qulnlno Capsules 15c
S. S. S , 7Sc
Syrup of Figs 3Qo
Miles' Nervine 75c
Malted Milk 40o
Pierce's Prescription 75c
Doans 1'lll.s 40c
Ciicle Sam's Tobacco Cure 60c
Dr Karl Kramers Pennyroyal Pills will
tie -ent postpaid on rerelpt of price.
b. W. Lor, Ultli nni Chlrauo.
Our Large Stock of
Silk and French Flannel
is in, ready for Ak-Sar-Ben week.
flie New Styles in Silk Waists
from $3.50 up.
French Flannel Waists from
$1.50 up.
Our Fall Stock of Kll) (JLOVIJS for Kvoninn ami Strcot wear arc In
ull sltadcH and colors, Prices $1,00 up,
JSEW FANS for -Aic-Sar-Uei Ball,
T1 TV 1
Limited" EVi r
via the 2
Union Pacific!
The Only Direct Route Across the Continent. Sf:
You can leive Omaha on this train after breakfast and reach tl P iclfic
Coast as soon as those who start la any olher route the day before . ;u
SPECIAL" union pacific. a
that V iMr his ussatiltid him n I weM
nlKht In, it. tv htm t" it l)rci'i!r h.
fanner t.fviicil to kiVc thu -r.. Hi t
etniilnyinetit at large wjkc. Watts va
etniloyeil at u nclKlil'orlng farm and in
known In Umuliu polite court circles
"Things" for Birds
We sell all kinds medlclues nnd foods
for birds. Just now we nre offering a de-
Idcd bargain In bird seed n full sued 10.
I'Uckngc for 4c. Wo botiRht about 4.000
iaclnes of this of the Santa Clara Mfp
Co. when they closed out their bird seed de
partment. Wu sell cuttle bone, tileo large plects for
tllrd Manna, package IRe
(ttintilnK's Hlrd Tonic, bottle 2Sc
McAllister's Silver (travel, package 10c
Kaettipfer's MockltiR Hlrd Food, pkg.. 3.1c
Sheppatd's Son? Restorer, bottle 2"'C
(lOlden Harvest Illrd Se"d. package . toe
Hetncniber you sae '. cents by buying a
4c piickiine of the mixed bird seed men
tioned above..
l'repaters of preset iptlotts and promoters
ef popular pharmaceutical prices
Sherman & McGonnell Drug Go
i . . .. .
. rxr 1
'TV' tu."?
Ready to Wear
is j
received the
Gold Medal
awarded to any Atnerlcin
Cttampaane at the Pirla Ex
position of IDOOt
Sole Alikers, llhtlnis, N. Y,
.Sold by all Respectable Wlno Dealers.
One hundred and fifty milts alont: the Columbia Riter by daylijht.
Only Two Nights In Making the Trip
s; irom umotia to rort and.
City Ticket Office, 1324 Farnam Street, g
Tolopliono 310.
Snap Shots.
1,1 Mil Ii 1 I JJ.U.I.I !. U.J.JJ JJ 1,1 J.IJL.U I 1 II 11 1 II 1 II 1 1 1,1
tie MiuMiTW mmm
j I To California
In in a uurnnmoii unuir r uriai car is a ineme MO In- I
I tcre.tlni: that cilums I Its t'avur mltrht I in nrlntnd I
In n nurllngton Itoute T urlst car Is a theme so In-
tere.tlnt; that cilums I Its favor mlt;ht bo printed
Humlreils of lottnrs pr it Ihk the tiervlco could be pub
nifnrtnble and the economl
oapt. A berth from Omaha
Anuelt'H. ciwti onlv 15
The n.utv is via lieirer anil bv tbn lm-iiikI nnnn-
rutna jf the Kockles for mlli-.x through the moci
beautiful scner In Am rlca
Thro" tourist slccum'H tavo Omuha evory Thurs
day at 4 Tj p in.
It In t lie eusy. tho
cal way of bIW to tile
to Man rruneueo, or l.
Tlokat OFflo,
1 302 Farnam St.
Tel. 230.
Burnngton Station,
1 0th and Mason Sts.
Tel. 120.
Qt a kodak or camera and take a
snip shop of the funny afternoon
parades, the handsome floats and
Midway shows. Wo hare a beautiful
FOR $4.00.
All other good makes of cameras.
Call and see our assortment
The Robarl Dempster Co.,
1215 Farniun St.
Exclusive Dealers In Thoto Supplies.
A well built (shall wo s.'iy?) hat
is equivalent to a well inadogown
nowdays. The designs produced
are so elaborate that they require
an experienced hand and excel
lent needlework in their composition.
Professional milliners can tell at, n jiliiiice if the lint is
correct in stylo and detail, and would in all probability,
discard it at once if the materials were in I he least shabby,
or the decorations at nil amateurish. We ruard against
all these obstacles. Wt buy direct from fashion's head
puarters, and buy only that which is correct.
Pretty, Stylish Millitiery Here
Keady to put on, at .?!.!(). $2.00. .."O, ?.?. 00. $1. ."0. .ft.OO
and up. Made right -sold right.
Walking Skirts
iMade of heavy all wool golfing
cloth, ne' back, finished with
tailor stitching, a skirt that would
be cheap at $7.50
lade of tho best taffeta silk, new
fancy front, tucked and braided,
in nil the new shades $ A QA
$7.50 values, for
Venetian cloth, satin lined skirt, with inverted phut back,
and flaring bottom, stitched satin bands, jacket with new
front, trimmed with :aiin bands--- $Q 7
$15.00 values, for J 1 k3
100 real marten scarfs, with cluster of 8 "7 QA
natural skunk tails, worth .$ 12.00, for - -y
Men's Clothing
Men's all wool suits, in stripes, checks and oerlnid
plaids, cut and made in the latest style a suit that brings
as much as .!).()() in some stores 7
here for J A O
Now is the Time to ...
, 4 it vou want to save money
Purchase a PiailO wo have just received
the first shipment of our fall stock.
If you are expecting to purchase, you should not fail to
visit our piano department. We show you the largest line of
standard pianos in the city. New pianos, .?14S from that price
up to the price of the (Muckering, Fischer, Lester, Franklin, da
cob Doll, llnines and several other makes. Any piano sold guar
anteed to give perfect satisfsu lion or money refunded. New
pianos for rent. Pianos sold on monthly payments if desired.
We handle Iturdette and Newman Hros' organs. Slightly used
organs at $S.()0, 10.00. $15.00. 20.00 and $25.00. Pianos
moved, stored, tuned and repaired. Telephone Ids.'
The Big Now Going On.
Cotton Goods Sale
The big attraction for the next
fifteen days.
Selling new fancy dark Standard Ol, p
Calicos at, per yard J 2v
Selling genuine Amoskeng Apron JTp
(Jinghntn, per yard , Jv
Selling double fold Plaid Dress 101 p
Goods, worth 15c and 18c, at IU 2j
Sidling Standard Indigo Blue 33 p
Calicos at J 4l
Selling Flannelettes, in dark , ftl-P
choice styles, worth 12Ac, for " 4v
Selling Simpson's '.A Percales, in Aj r
cadet, blue, at T 2v
Selling Novelty Dress Prints, in AQr
J 0-yard patterns, worth 75c, at
All new style goods, in full pieces. Bought
expressly for this sale.
Grand Lace
Opening Exhibition
We are just putting on exhibition a full
line of eiegant laces, in trimmings, edges,
bands, boleros and full lace gowns.
Holeros from 25c to $:U).00 each.
Luce Gowns from 12.50 to $75.00 euch.
Luce All Overs, 25c lo $25.00 per yard.
Lace Edges and Hands from 12c to $0.00
per yard.
Hanging in lengths from 1 to yards.
In connection with this exhibition we C
will close out a line of 50c Laces at yd.
Best Corduroy Dress Facing, per
Best quality metal tipped Dress
Shields, pel set
Best quality Stockinet Dress Shields CJ
at, per pair
Men's Furnish
ing Goods.
Men's $100 Colorcl Latin
ilereil SlilrtH, In nil JQp
tlie ni4b styles, nt
Hoys' $1.00 Colored Kaiin
deie.l Shirts, wtih separate
collnrs ami ci'fft),
All the latent styles in nn'n'a
$l.(j(i Colored Laundered
Shirts, with collars
and cuffs separate. ,
1 lot of men's Half Hose, in
blue, red, black and tan, In
plain and fancy, that sold up
to 25c, on sale. Q)
Men's medium weight Wool
I'nderwear tho kind that Is
sold everywhere nt $1.50,
ou salo Cf 1
at I
There is No Taffeta That Wears
Like the Winslow.
Winslow Taffeta is made in over
100 different shades. You tako no
chance on Winslow Taffeta. Years of
wear has proven that it is the best,
llayden Hros. have the exclusive sale for
Wo sell you n 67-inoh wide tatTetn, f
in nbuut 'Jt! nlmilos, jj y
bt!.-.t vuluo in iho city
Wo blmw tho onlv now Panne silk, for wnists.
New linus or I'ancy SHUs for full wcur,
olorfimt stylos, (Ho, fHlo and IC5j. Tlio now full vol
votri lire in nil .shuilu.', in colors, nt Tou up to 46.
Bluck Silk Volvcts-from "So up to I0.
Flannel Dept.
One case extra soft
and fancy Outing
Flannel, per yard,
One caseextra heavy
Shaker Flannel, per
yard (worth 84c)
One case Bed Tick
ing, per yard,
We enrry a lino of Tins and I'u iims all Souety
Kmblems and make 10 order Hum any design We
are hcftdiiuarcers for these aoods
look run tiii: mi;
ism not oi. vs.
Linen and Muslin Department
The best and finest line of Imens, Muslins and Slieetin,'S in the west at prices less than
iniinufacturers' present prices.
Klnr large, all linen liamitKk Towels
Win I.lddell's llelfast I.lnen Dam
nek, fiS Inches wlile. full bleached, on
sale tomorrow at f!'e yard quantity
limited to live yards lo each customer.
slie l'2xl."i Inth's. tomorrow only 'IVy.
Coloicl I'rliiKfd lied SprcadB at
S-in'li heavy Ilarnsley Clash, rooiI
value ut lie, tomorrow at 9c yard.
Hou't fail to see ilio linn of Iluek
Towel-, we are selling nt Oc each. This
towel is well ttorth your attention.
The binnest bargain of the season is our S-l and 10-1 Bleached Damask Pattern Cloths at
JfL'.DO, '2.'27, ami 'A.QQ. Don't miss t his chance to get something line for a very small