NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA. COUNCIL snvm milviioji. Davis fells glnn. "Mr. Wley," 5-cent cigar. Leffert, Stf Ildy , teats cyei frefv Oai fixture nnd glnbi at lilxby's Kino A H C. beer, Neumayer's hotel, lir. Stephenson, 101 Pearl St, Tel. 33). SchmlJt'H photos, ticiv ttnd latet styles. Cab. photos Jl.W do. Williams. Sit tlUy. Wollmitn, xt'lctitliic optician. 1"9 Hdy. W. J. IIntetter. dentlHt. Haiti win blork. J. C. & W. Woodward, architects. &53 lldy W K. Lewis jells monuments. 301 Hvvay. I.emp's beer, Soenke lioysen, sole agent. Ilest bier Hudvvclvr. L. Knsenteld. Ag. New oval frames. C. E Alexander &. Co., 838 Ilroadwuy. Get your work done at the popular Eagle lutindry. "21 Broadway. "Phone 157. W a. Estop, undertaker. :S I'oarl street. Telephones: Ollleo, !)7; residence. 33 W. P. Graff, undertaker anil licensed em baltnur. 101 Houlh Main street, 'Pliona 5CJ Mrs. T. ('. Jarvls and dainhter have re turned from a two months sojourn In Callforn'a. Tliei regular meeting1 of Council camp No. II, Woodmen of the World, will be held this evculr For su'e, ihirtp.n-rooin, two-story frame hotel liulldliiK. tiKititre at IJluff nty laun dry, 31 North Main. Captain Tlnley has Issjed orders for n special drill thin evenlns ut 8:15 of Com pany I., when all members nro required to ii" present. Contractor V Ic kham commenced work yesterday on the (Irnhnm uvtnue sewer and expeetH to have It completed In four or live da vs. Fire di stroved n small barn at the comer of M lister and Sixth streets alio it 10:30 o'clock last night It belonged to the estate or the late John Allies The beHts of the riljht detail of police have been rcarrangi-d so the neigh borhood of Park and Olcn avenues, where a number of birglnrleH have been com mitted, cnn be p.itrollt-d. Woman's Itellef corns No ISO wl'l hold Us tegular meeting this afternoon at the Oruntl Armv of the llenublli' hall, lm porlant business tnakcx It necessary that all members be ;rvtteiit A. Ilraberg was arrested last night by the police fin a warrant from Justice Vlen's court, on the charge of larceny. After he had been In custody a short while Justice Vlen oldered h!s 1'cUnse. City Clerk I'lilUipM Is nrrnnglng for poll ItlK places for tie- rcgu'ur eleeilon and the special eleetlim to be held October 111 upon the grunting of a franchise to the Bluff Cltv Electric Light and (las company. Professor Chambers extends to his past pupils and all his friends an Invltatl u, complimentary, to attend 1 It- opening party Friday evening for mlults and Saturday evening; for children, at Odd Fellows' teni ple. Hev. A. Overton and Itev. Erleksnn pastor of the Firth Avenue Methodist church, assisted by a number of young women and a guitar, held a mission service yesterday in tlm putrol room ut police lieadauarters Mable, the Infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hoy I) Suit, died yesterday mornliiK from nephritis, aged iu months. The lun eral will be held tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock from the family residence, near the paper mills. Interment will be In the Clark ccmeter;-. Mrs. Ella Am Williams, her daughter Nellie mid grand-daughter Amy Armstrong are guests of Mrs. (leorgc A. HaMies, 623 (lain sired, for a few days. They are en route home to S i .tense, Neb., from llecorah, la , where they have spent the summer visiting relatives. Moarle, the tl-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. II. I.. .Mcl'arland, IK Itldge street, died sesterd.i tilonihui of scarlet lever 'the funeral, which Will be private, will be held this aflernooii at o'clock from the family residence and Interment wilt be In Walnut lilll cemetery. At tho lioh.iuy theater Sunday night Delia Prlngte and Iit company will be seen In "Tho Midnight Alarm." The pl.iv wilt be prouuci d with all the scenic splen dor and tho same company as at the Academy III Chicago, the Itijou In Pitts burg and the Lyceum In Baltimore. Deputy Sheriff I'aiinliiK returned yester day from .l.icksouvTlc, 111., having In eiistntli- Fred Hansen, who violated his parole. En route home he lett voung Hansen at the penitentiary at Kurt Madi son, where he will now have to servo live years for breaking Into and rabbins the residence, of A'lbln I luster last winter. N, Y. Plumbing Co.. teleonono 250. lliiNlnehs t i ii I iicmi en ii'iiccil. There have been no further developments In tin) matter of the liquidation of tho banking house of Olllccr & Pusey. It Is announced that tho receivers expect (o make a public statement showing tho con dition of tho bank to the court tomorrow. Other hanks are. taking caro of some of tho depositors, whoso money is tied up by tho receivership, but a number of business firms who did business with the firm aro experiencing considerable Inconvenience. One merchant had checks to the amount of $S0O thrown back on him yesterday, which ho had drawn Inst week against funds ho hail In the bank, tho checks not being presented until after tho receivers had been appointed. Another merchant deposited close upon $2,000 Saturday after noon Just beforo tho bank closed and now cannot draw a cent of It out. These are but two cases of many In which business men nro Inconvenienced by tho closing of the bank. Commonwealth 10-cent cigar. Nc iplilioiiiooil How. A neighborhood row resulted yesterday In Mrs. Cora Kelley llllng Informations before Judge Ajlcsworlh against Mrs. Alice Wright, charging her with assaulting her children. Pantile and draco Kelley by "throwing brickbats at them without Just cause- or provocation" and against David Lane, charging hltn with assaulting her four children, Annie, Irene, Fa mile and (liaro by striking them with a whip. Judge Ayles worth will arbitrate tho case this morning. Domestic soap sells on Us merits. Itenl IIhIiiIc Tinn-fert. The following transfers wero fl"cd yes terday In tho ahstroct, tlllo and 1 an olllco f J. W. Squire. 101 Pearl street: County treasurer to Austin Howard, ' lot 1, block 10, Everett's add, tax d..J 9 JJa 1- ft ml ... I tn Af., I-,. E. P. llalley, lot 121. original pint of Council i,.t.rCs. mm strip adjoining, w, d 2,0C0 Mary E P llillcv to A'len A Jcfferls. w' se1, 2", s'a nei4 and part n'-j ne'i 27-77 -I I. w. tl .... 7.0A1 lii"eiloie H DavtH ainl wife to P. C. EiibcI, nw'i 11-75-12, vv. d 7,50 Pour transfers, total ii;,: o f.O ooo cakes Demestlc soap used In Coun cil llluffs last month. uoys7 oim nocs $1,25, SI.50, $1,75, S2 Ecr Pair Warranted at HAMILTON'S I 412 Broadwa), FARM LOANS fHeioliuicd in i'.i;rii TctiraK aim Iowa. James N Cas.tdy, Jr U Ma ' t i .mi. It l" jiT HONEY TO LOflNiSrSv' Savings Loan and Building Assaciat'n Council UlurtB, Iowa. Largest Assortment ija mi BLUFFS. ASKING FOR A NEW RECEIVER Truat Company Brings tho Omaha & St. Louis Into Court. DEFAULT IN SEVERAL RESPECTS CHARGED ev Vnrk (iuiiriinty 1'rust Coiiiinn 1,iiImI ibul Its liitereMtx Are .Not Itelnu Piuperly I'rolecteil. Tho Guaranty Trust company ot New York and JuIiub Waish of St. Lulls hKd a bill ot compUint yesteidny In tho United Siutos circuit cout l here ugulnst I lid Omaha & St. I. mils Kallroad company, nsn inc that a new receiver bo app..n.ed and that the mortgage held by tticm bo fore closed. Charles II. Chappell and J.imos Ilcpkliis, receivers of tho road; the .Mis souri Construction company and Samuel W. Iol d) ce and Webster Withers, re ceivers of tho Kansas City, Piushurg & Gulf Kallroad company, are also named as defendants In the complaint. The Guaranty Trust company of New Yoik holds lirst mortgage bunds of tho Omaha & St. l.ouls road to tho amount of 2,07tf.OOO, Issued In May, 181)6. These bonds arc paablc In gold on July 1, 1901, and carry 4 per cent Interest. The orig inal Issue of bonds was 2, 376,000 ami the plaintiff states 11 does not knvv h.w muuy of the remaining (300,000 bomU have been irsucd by the road and aro now outstanding and unpaid. To cover this Issue ut bonds the Omaha & St. l.ouls gave a mortgage to tho Now York Guaranty company cov ering Its 113 miles ot lino between tho Union Pacific transfer In this city through tho counties ot Pottawattamie, Mills, Fre mont and Pagu In Iowa, Atchison, Nodaway, Grceloy and Davis In Missouri to or near Pattonsburg. Tho Guaranty company says the railroad has defaulted In the payment of the semi annual Interest due on these bonds on Jan uary 1 and July 1 ot this year; that It has also failed to pay a largo amount of taxes and has failed to keep the mortgaged property In repair. It further claims that the railroad has defaulted by suffering a Judgment amounting to J2t5.901.05 to bo re corded against It In tho circuit court of tho United States for the western district of Missouri by tho receivers of tho Kansas City, Pittsburg & Gulf Kallroad company. It also sets out the claim that tho road has furl her defaulted by suffering C. H. Chappell Rnd James Hopkins to be ap pointed receivers on January 2 last. Uy reason of these defaults on the part of the Omaha & St. Iouls tho Guaranty company now elects that the payment of the bonds become Immediately due and payable and asks that the mortgage bo foreclosed. Tho plaintiff company also asks that the receivers ho required to make un account ing of tho property In their possession; that other claimants bo barred nnd that a new receiver bo appointed by the court and Itecoivers Chappell and Hopkins be required to turn over to such receiver tho Omaha & St. l.ouls railroad, with all Its appurtenances. Domestic soap outlasts cheap soap. llnrlnri HxclituiKe Ideas. The annual meeting of the Medical so ciety of tho Missouri valley, held In this city yesterday, brought together about sev enty members of tho profession and a very successful meeting waB the result. Owing to the length of tho program it was found necessary to hold threo sessions, one In the forenoon, ono In the afternoon and one in tho evening. The sessions wero held In the superior court loom of the county court l.ouse, which had been placed at the disposal of tho society by the supervisors. Dr. Jacob Gelger of St. Joseph. Mo., pres ident of the society, was unable to bo pres ent and In his absence Dr. J. P. Lord of Omaha, vice president, wielded the gavel. Tho election of ofllcers for tho ensuing year was held at tho evening session, re sulting as follows: President, Dr. V. D. Treynnr, Council llluffs; first vlco president, Dr. II. 11. Davis, Omaha; second vlco pres ident, Dr. T. K. Sampson, Creston, la.; treasurer, Dr. T. II. I.acey, Council llluffs; secretary, C. Wood Pausett, St. Joseph, Mo. It was decided to hold tho March meet ing ot tho society In Omaha. Tho sum of $25 was appropriated for tho Hush monu ment fund In Washington, D. C. Following tho session a banquet was held at the Grand hotel, at which Dr. T. H. Lacey of this city presided as toastmastcr. Gravel roofing. A. 11. Itead, 641 nroailway. Political Note. Captain Kerrler put tho McKlnley guard thiough a number ot Intiicato evolutions on First nventio and Pearl street last even ing. Tho drill was watched by a largo ctowd and the guard came In for a mi ml a.' ot compliments. Tho uniforms uro ex pected dally. The membcrsh p is Increas ing dally and much Interest manlfcbteil In the organization. l.ouls Zurmuehlen, chairman uf tho democratic county central commlttfo, has received vvcrd that James He. tl, major of Knnsr.s City, will deliver an address In Hits city Tuesday evening, Sep.emb-r 25. Tho commlt'teo has not yet socur d a hall. Democratic primaries to bclect delegates to tho county convention to be held next Wednesday aro on tlio slalo for this even ing. Tho democrats of the Firs; precinct of tho Third ward hold tholr tail us last tight and selected tho following d-Megatcs. Mox Mohn, J. P. Organ, Ii. C. Karsen, J. O'Neill, II. O. Ouren. Jack O'Neill was re elected precinct chairman. Hen. Low Gcniing, the- spollblndnr from Mil's county. Is announced to deliver ono rf hU fhira',,eric"lr sire lies t'nlght be fore the llryan-Stevenson club nt tho Og diii house. The ri'-t Co'd Wind. Yesterday you felt tho need of an over oat. It won't bo long until you will feel he need of a good heating stovo. Ilefore vou buy wo want to call your attention to the Kadtant Home, tho most economical ami best heater on the marl et. Tho Had I ii ti t I'o'iie Is known to hundreds of Coun- II llluffs ppnplo and they will tell you that the stovo gives perfect satisfaction. If your neighbor has one nsk him about It. We stand upon tho merits of the stove. Ml we ask Is for you to come In and look ever the Hadlant Home nnd see Its good points. Kemember that wo warrant it not 'o crack. Peterson & Scnoenlng, Merrlam block. Will lv for ii It nl in ii. Mesdames Pholps, M. V. Kohrcr, E. C. Smith, W. Tarklngton and Strcck. com prising a commlttco from the department uf city Improvements of the Coun '11 llluffs" Woman's club, will wait cn the city coun cil next Monday night and Insist on tho appointment of a matron for the city Jail as provided for by law. Mayor Jennings has refused to take any action In the mat ter being opposed to tho nppolntment of a mutron, and the womeu have now decided to appeal direct to the city counril. If their request Is refused by the a dcrtnen tho courts will probnbly be appealed to. as tho women are serious tn their Intention to have the law compiled with and a matron established ttt polled headquarters. Davis sells paint. Allien from the Courts, Denjamln V. Coblentz commenced suit In tho district court yesterday for divorce from Minnie Coblentz, whom he married tn Omaha May 2tj, 1S90. Judge Macy yesterday excused the petit Jury until next Monday atlcrnoon nt 1:30 o'clock. In the federal court yesterday Judge Me t'herton commenced tho hearing of tho suit brought by Walter A. I.attlmore of Phil adelphia against tho Hardsogc Manufactur ing company of Ottumwa to restrain the de fendant from Infringing on n patent de vice for holding it lamp in n miner's cap. The hearing Is expected lo last several days. Thn line of John W. Palmer for sending an obscene letter through the mall was re duced from $160 to $100 and costs. John Otterson of Audubon pleaded guilty to bootlegging and was fined $100 and costs. Ho was given thirty days In which to pay the line. Mrs. Huster holds her fall opening ot millinery display on Saturday, September (inlveilou Itellef I'lind. Subtrrlptlons to tho Galveston relief fund continue to come in very slowly and Mayor Jennings has decided to close the list next Monday at noon. At Camp Ilros.' store the subscriptions up to last evening had reached Pre", iiubll'hed... JCS"A, H." 5 Fred Kper Ins: 2 - J. D. Kdmundsoil. W Total U6 Mrs. W. C. James 1 Mayor Jennings has received 120. but ?2 30 of this amount Is in tho nature of a check on Olllcer & Pusey's bank, tho affairs of which are now being liquidated. Mayor Jennings hopes that tho citizens of Council llluffs will respond to his ap peal In tho Interval between now and the closing of the list next Monday. So far none of the batiks or tho largo business houses have sent In their subscriptions. Use Domestic soap. It's the host. Clltttotly of Children, Judge Macy's time In the district court yesterday was occupied In hearing the ap plication of A. W. I.annlngham, agent for tho Iowa Children's Homo society, that the two children of Mrs. nmma Anderson aud the l.'l-year-old daughter of Levi Scott be turned over to the custody of the society. In the first case the court dented the appli cation and In the second granted It. Howell's AntI-"Kawf" cures coughs, colds. Identify the Itnrve. The horse found In the possession of Wil liam F.ldle. arrested Tuesday night by olll cer Callaghan, has been Identified by Thorn Price, a farmer living near Weston, as his property. The animal was stolen from his pasture Sunday night. A chargo of grand larceny has been placed against Kldle and his prtllmlnary hearing will be held this morning. Premiums given with Domestic soap. Woolley Mopi nt t'loliin, CKF.STON, ta., Sept. 20. Tho prohibition special train nrrlved at Charlton, la., early today and a commlttco escorted the candi dates to the court house, where an open air meeting was held. John G. Woolley, tho presidential candidate; Henry Ii. Mot calf, candidate, tor vice president; John P. Hughes and Oliver W. Stewart spoko to n largo ctowd. Mr. Woolle.v denounced tho canteen policy and its support by tho present administration. The first stop after leaving Charlton was at Creston, where tho party was greeted by a large crowd. Speeches were made by the different mem bers of the party. FORECAST OF THE WEATHER Friday mill Saturday Likely to lie I'u 1 r with Variable WIihIn iiii (lit Mile, WASHINGTON, Sept. 20. Forecast for Friday: Nebraska Fair Friday, warmer in east ern portion; Saturday fair, cooler iu west ern portion; variable winds. initials Fair Friday. Saturday fair, winds becoming variable. Indiana Fair Friday and Saturday; fresh south to west winds. Arkansas Generally fair Friday and Sat urday; warmer Saturday; southerly w.nd. Oklahoma and Indian Territory Fair, warmer Friday; Saturday fair, vailable winds. Kustern and Western Texas Generally fair Friday and Satutday; light to fresh winds, mostly southerly. New Mexico Fair Friday; Saturday partly cloudy, showers In northern por tion; variable winds. Iowa Fair, warmer Friday; Saturday fair; variable winds. Missouri and Kansas Fair Friday and Saturday, variable winds. North Dakola and South Dakota Fair Frldas and Saturday; warmer Friday In eastern portion; cooler Saturday In west ern portion; varlablo winds. Colorado Partly cloudy Friday; Satur day fair In western portion, probably light rain Iu eastern portion; varlablo w.u's. Wyoming Fait- Friday; Saturday partly cloudy; probably showers In scuthcast por tion; vnrtable winds. Montana Fair Friday; cooler In western portion; Saturday fair, cooler in eastern portion; wcstorly winds. I, oeal Iteeoril. office of Tin: wijATinni nrrti-ur, OMAHA. Sent. 2il-tlllleal record of teui peraturo and preripi'.itb.n compiled with the corresponding day ot tho last tiireo years: 1MJ. 1S"! H9i. 1M". Maximum temperature... 71 CU sfl re Minimum temperature.... is 5 iv, & Averaue temperature ft) f,3 7 to Preel"latlotl Ot) .on ml IK lUvord of precipitation ,u Omnlm for this day nnd since March 1, lf: Normal temperature for tho day (P Deficiency for tho day 3 Total excess since March 1 537 Normal rainfall pi inch Deficiency for the dnv jo inch Total rainfall since March 1 22. S3 Inches Deficiency since March 1 1.7,1 inches Deficiency for cor. period ... 3 91 lnchs Deficiency for cor. peib d, 159$ 2.2'3lnciiei Iti-tioi In Iroin Minion nt s. p. 111, STATIONS AND STATE OF WnATHKK, : ! ? Omaha, clear North Platio, clear Cheyenne, clenr Salt l.nke, partly cloudy... Itnpld City, clear Huron, clear Wllllston, clear Chicago, clear St. l.ouls, dear St, Paul, partly cloudy Davinport clear Kansas City, partly cloudy. lleltiia, clear Havre, cledr Itlsmarek partly ibrndy Galveston, partly cloady fi.ll 711 .00 721 71 .00 01 cn, .no tw cs .00 ttii fi'3 .00 GS Til .00 Oil fiS .00 mi 7ii .in 7S 82 .00 511 M .00 112 CS .00 701 7li .Ml H2 M 00 i; .'iu fil fll 'VI St 9" "i I. A WELS'l. Local l recast Oillclal, WOOLLEY TO STOP IN IOWA Des Moiro3 Prohibitionists Arrange for Coming of the Candidate. CUMMINS WILL NOT FILL BURROW S DATES Time Will lie decupled by Ills Law Practice I ntll He Opens UN .xpcaWInu- ('11 in pnl un In Invtit In October. DCS MOINKS. Sept. 20. (Special Tele gram.) The prohibition speciol train car rylng John G. Woolley, tho prohibits, candidate for president, and other prom inent party lenders, arrives here tomorrow nt noon nnd will remain an hour. Mr. Woolley will address a crowd at the court house square during that time. II. F. Met calf, tho prohibition cnudldte for vice pres ident. will also speak. Judge Ilolter uf tho Fifteenth Judicial district, named by tho democrats for Judge has notified the secretary of state that hi has withdrawn. It develops that Hon. A. II. Cummins wilt he unable to fill Senator llurrovvs' Ne braska dotes. Cummins is compelled t' devote his time to his law practice until October 1J, when he opens his (.peaking campaign at Colfax. From that date tu tho end of tho campaign he will be on the stump continuously nnd will speak In In dlana. South Dakota, Nebraska and other states as directed by the national commit tee. The national committee has asked Secretary Dobson to remain nn nddltlmi.i. week In Nebraska and Dobson has con sented. The republicans of Des Moines will open tho campaign proper October 3 and Senator Allison will bo tho speaker This arrangement was completed thlt. morning. Tho locomotive firemen did but little to day, the sessions being taken up by dis cusslons of committee reports. An Impor tant question was settled today. The dele gates decided to let tho custom of payment of delegates' expenses rest as It Is, that Is the subordinate lodges pay the expense of sending delegates to the International con vention. The committee on constitution and by-laws reported a resolution nr.,11.1. Ing that the grand lodge shall pay these expenses rrom a special fund to bo raised by assesment. but the delegates declined to adopt It. PARTY MEETS IN HARMONY County Convention Held nt Omnia Vlnkc It .Nomination! h, Acclamation, ONAWA. 1.1. . Sept. in.-fSpeclal Tele gram.) Tho Monona county republican convention was called to order by S. II. Martin, county chairman, who called John A. Helsler of Mapleton to the chair and H.A. Tinker was made secretary. The Castana Glee club rendered "Old Glory" in n very pleasing manner. 13. M. Casadv Whiting; C. W. Hosklns. Ulencoe, and H V. Chapln, Mapleton. wero appointed a committee on credentials. C. K. Underbill. Omiwa; Fred Norcross, Castana. ami I. H. Uakee, Falrviow, were appointed a com mittee on permanent organization. The commlttco on credentials reported every township ropresentml and no contests, c W. Hosklus of Illcticoo placetl In nomina tion for auditor C. II. Kills of Sherman township, who was nominated by acclama tion. T. H. Lut. ot Mapleton placed In nomination for clerk of the court C. 11 Hradbury, who was nominated by nt clama nt Ion. Lawrence Olson of Falrvlew, Kd M. Jones of Castana, J. J. Little of Oram and K. O. Severson of St. Clair were placed In nomination for recorder nud Lawrence Olson was nominated on tho first formal ballot. W. L. Smith of Onawa and Harry 11. Ordway of Castana wero placed In nom ination for county attorney and W. L. Smith was nominated on the first ballot and his nomination made unanimous. T. F. Wooster of Maple township was nominated for supervisor by acclamation, which completed the nominations. Hon. 11. I. Salinger of Carroll then ad dressed tho convention for about one hour, delivering a very forcible and pleasing ad dress. Tho convent Inn was very large and enthusiastic and all proceedings wero en tirely harmonious The court room waa crowded and quite n number were unable to got Into the room. Tho republicans of .Monona never held a better convention than that of today anil aro all strictly in line for a, victory In November. Uf liillillciio Itiillj nt LlMIOl. LKNOX, la.. Sept. 20. (Special.) The republican campaign of tho Wight h congres sional district was opened In Lenox yester day with a large attendance from Iledfonl, Conway, Clearfield and Sharpshurg. L'ach of tho above named towns furnished a large delegation nnd upon arriving tho Iledfonl Cornet band led the procession through the principal streets before disbanding for din ner. At 2 o'clock p. m. Marshal T. W. Den nett formed tho procession with tho Sharps burg, Cleorfleld nnd Iledfonl bands, the ocol Itough Illders nnd those finm tho towns above mentioned, together with tho Lenox Ladles' Henubltcan club and the Lenox Marching club and gavo ono of the largest demonstrations ever witnessed in Lenox. At 2 30 Bomo lino music was furnUhol, nfter which tho local committee Introduted Hon. W. D. Illiikenioro as tho chairman of tho meeting. In his usual happy manner ho Introduced Colonel W. P. Hepburn, who was rerolved with prolonged cheers. The opera houso being packed and nn enthusias tic crowd on tho street desiring the polit ical issues discussed Lieutenant Governor J. C Mlillman addressed an ovcrllow meet ing. In tho evening Hon. T. S. SteVeii3 of Fremont county and Lieutenant Governor Mlillman addressed tho audience In tho opera house. Tho meeting was ono grand success nnd each of tho speakors were frequently up piauded as they showed tho fallacy of the opposition In Jumping from ono Issue to nnotlicr, I'estlvnl at low a Colleu, AMES, In.. Sept. 20. (Special Telegram.) Tho fall festival at the Iowa State col lege here today was a success. Lxcurslon trains from all parts of tho state camo heavily loaded ami by noon over S.000 peo plo were In attendance, which equals the first festival held two years ago. The weather, though threatening for three days previous, was perfect and the entire pro gram was carried through, a largo tent was erected on tho campus, in which tho follow ing prominent men spoke to the crowds. Senator Harrlman of Hampton. C. G. Me Corty of Des Moines nnd Judgo Stevens of iioono. After the speaking tho crowd was enter tained by drills by tho college battalion nnd a foot ball gome betwepn tho 'varsity team and a picked eleven from the alumni. Port limine 1 1 1-1 1 u l 1 1 imi 11 m Ormuilze, POUT DODGE. la.. Sept. 20. (Special Tel egram.) Webster county republicans held a rousing meeting last night, at which n large ami enthualastic republican club was organized The organization stnrts with a membership of fifty auivo party workers and nn active campaign will be inaugurated Tho club Is already planning to give Houbu- v J? X b H B fifS H 8 clear js cRysrtL fy TV V v Jy 4 SMELLS LIKE ROSES VA 4 wlro and acts as you have dreamed a soap should- ivx n ) 4 KSRK MAKES ST BE ALE US SELL IT J W $5.00 A MONTH. SPECIALIST In All Private Disrascs and Disorders of Men is Year" Iu Omaha. VARICOCLLC HYDltOCLLi: M'-tlit tl new never fills, without t iitting. pain or ItiMlllt till P CVDUII BC! cured f .I-lite mid tliepnijon the syitem oon every Men aid supt.'in (Unilinear completely nnd foiev.-r .No "HUB lvIM DP T i f lliHdiiciiKf. 011 the SI.I11 or fi'- Treatment contnluj no dauyerous drugs or injurious meilli Hie. WEAK MEM 't'), of M ANltooit from i:x "'v . . 1 i fcwi'nir ViniMioi itv-fus obtUtLuT liivpii 11 v or I' xii vl - 1 1. .N, WASTIN'I U'KUIM'hs iNVol.l'M AMY I.O---VS, Wlttl l.AHI.Y l)Ki Y 111 i,l'M, Mil. 1. IB AoKP 1,1. l of vim vigor 111 d ttrtrLgth with sexual organs unpaired and vvr.iU STRICTURE I'atllt slly duett with a new Ii erT,ml Infallible Horn Tr-t anu uLttt incut. NoinitruniiM.t.nopaln, tio deteiiM 'ti from I'liMn-m i ieunri hoen, Kidney an. I IH i.l.ier Trontile" ft Itr (il'.Mt WTIi 1. Consultation frcf. Ircitmfit b Mall. 1 so on 01 address g s. 14th St. DP. Soai'leS&SeaPlOS, Omaha, Neb. Ollice Oner 215 Saulh UlhStreci. S5GO A EV2SST5-S. ba Ii RflcGREW SPECIALIST Tr eiith nl. Forms 01 DISEASES AND DISORDERS OF IV! EM OAJI.Y 25 Year's Experience 14 Years in Omaha VAIHCOC. LO Hired QiiicMy nit bout cut- Dr. McClrew at ting or pain bYPIIILIS In all stnges eined peimniently and f I fe. i-irietiiip, H j ( m iit LOSS Of MANHOOD, Nlslit Losses. Ncrv u I obilii) llinrtiii r. Kidneys, Uonnrrii e.i, dleet. CURES GUARANTEED CHARGES LOW. Electricity and Medical Treatment cum blned. THEATMUNT BY MAIL. Co isu: taiitui fre, Hours S to S p. in. Sunday. 9 to il V o liox t). Office over 215 tio.ith lltb tr. et between Fnrnam and Douslas atnei!-. Uma ha. Neb. BUFFET LIBRARY GARS Best Dining: Gar Service mm a.a um lyspepsia Curs Digests what you cat. I tart ill 'hilly digests tli food and aids Natuio 111 fatU'iit,'tliPiiiiit,' and lecon .tructliiK tlic cxliatisti'd dmestivi' o- .ins. It is tliulutitdlsrovcrcddit'ost tntand tonic. INo other iiivnaiiiuoti an iij.proacli it in filli icncy. It in itantly icllowsand pennaiiontly cures Dyspepsia, Indiucstlon, Ileai'ibuni, 'Tatult'tn'o, fciotir .Stomach, Nausea, lck Ileadaclio.CiaHtralul t.Cramp'i and til oilier results uf iiiipiirlei'tdit,reii;"n. rlcoDOi'. and tl. LarKoslei'iintalnsa', times uallstr. ilooUHllalxiuti'vbpcpsi.i iuaad frcn frecarcd by C-Dc'VI" r OC Clueaga NERVE BEANS rortoro wcuk pnrik, nmki i.'in iimui;, vliiuruu. r-.ouft $ murrlrd rnon. lni'n IlllPIl't' Inx to marry, nuniul ak- 11 hi.x , nf.nilliln rn- ulBlit iloppoil: povrer ri'nttiri'tl; tl ni hiti-1 nun A V. uiiniM t. Kulm A 1 . .tn I " tlrUi'cmit i niuiit U liy Net ic lltiutiLu. llutTalo N V veil a rouniiiK rectptlon vnIicd he passes through here on his way lo Waltrloo. The ofllcers of the club aro: I'rcmdcnt, II S. Holm; secretary, Harry Hollln; treasurer, A. C. Sihill. vlco presidents, W. S. Kcnyon and H. J. Price. II pit lit Ion 11 peiilier ut 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 r . HA.MIIUItt!, la, Sept. 20. (Special.) Lieutenant (lovernor J. r. .Mlllunan ad dressed a good audience In tlilit dty last evenluK on tho campaign Issues The republicans of this community met at the city hall Tuesday rvenliiK and or ganized a McKinlcy and Hoo.-.t-vilt ilib They adopted u tointitui inn tippoint.d a commit'ee 10 secure meinbt r.- at, 1 ad journed until next T'lesday iveninu, at whi' U tlin thiy will elct.' oflb era m Ml,) V .1 . 60. ira .ik fee? xM) m Drop Your Fire Insurance 1 Hi - is rg not that we do not believe in fire insurance, for we do ;m but not whzn you arc located in The -JJ it is absolutely fire proof, no wood in its construction 2 that is not in plain sight and mighty little of that, i'hat 2 is merely one of many seasons why you should be a tenant n R. C. Peters & Co., Ground Floor, n Rental Agents, Bee ttnildinir. V3 .SB IN VALUE. Sonic exce lent lots, pleasantly located and do sirable for suburban homes, can be had now at reasonable prices. These lot s are located iu Omaha, -Wright's and Central Sub. additions. This property will steadily increase iu value as the city iirows in th at direction and the time to buy is tho present. Call at rJsa rwiss pva no Council OUR J i IOWA FARMS FOR SALE DAY 6c HESS, .'59 hue for Mile 11 lni'lie lint tit llnpitiv eil I'Kclnhtc lllliilsi nloo reslilenee mill Ml OiiiuIiii. Mtlli; I All.MSi acres Hazel licll tvvp., 11 miles no C. 13., Kut buildliiSH. il.'. per aire. 1 lures near Crescent, well improved, ?13 I'cr in re. acres r. miles cnat, good buildings and fruit, .'.0 per acre. fio-acre fruit farm, near city, good Improve ments, $:,0 per acre. 15'i-atre rrult f..rm iidjolnlni; city, $G,00n. The nlioe- In oiiI ii miimiiiIi uf our ." per eelil liiteret.1, 'l eleiiliiine it I I. st IIOOI.S, BROWSIELL HALL Hun i d I nii mill JJiiy M'linttl liu kIi'N under llle (I I lee I : un of 111, lle, (.eni ue W iirllillii;tiiii, S. T. I)., 1. 1,. II Full tei'lil lieuiiiuliiK Sept. IT, IIMIII, Ono of tbo oldeit and most sucieiful educational Institutions ot the west Ita high Btandard allowing it to compote with eastern colleges aud gcb"ol. Uulldlngs in completo order perfect steam heating, san itary plumbing- rollcglato and preparatory courses; special Htudents in tntjslc. tbo lan guages and art, competent corps of teucusu. Every advantago offered as rcgaras tho moral, mental and physical training. Send for clrculnr or apply personally to Mrs. L. H. Upton. Principal. The Kearney Military Academy icr. wim, m:ii. Third year uiglns Sept. 12, MOO, with In-rriasi-'l fa. ultj and fa llltles to give the liujs of Nt hi j -k j i ompjt if preparai Ion for Untversltv or ILi'lmm. C.arges moderutB, Address tho in oitlent. Mm, W'llnlmvn nntliliifr yrup HaR been used for over KIFTV VKAHH In MIM.IUNS of Mu'I'llCIlS for their CHIIa IjI'.ICN Willi. K T I'"KTM I N'i. with PKft riil'T Hl'CCKriS IT SOUTHKS the CIlU-Ll n'l'TKNs the OL'MS ALLAYS ul! PAIN, t '"KKrt INI" i. '..and Is the best rem eJy for WAHRIKMiA Sold by DruKglsfs In -viry art fie world II iiuro and uak f. r Mrs Wliihlw's SQutning Hjrup '' and take no otnei kind. Twenty-Ilvo oent u. boitlu. 2- Bee Bttildino; xisv raw wrm a cuk nrca Bluffs. PRICES And th quality of our work should bo of interest to you if your teeth art) not in perfect condition It matters no. how little or how much you have to be done, we will be pleased to do it, for you, and the charges will be very moderate. . ..Telephone 115 H. fl. Woodbury, 0. 9. 3., Oaunsil 313- 30 Pearl SI. raiit! Ho) si Pearl St . Council Bin1!, flirniM, eblelteii riuielies, fi'iill mill liiiKliienn i '..,.' I In oiiuell llluim ICO-ncres Missouri bottom land, 8 miles t( city, J 10 per acre. 210 acres near Pacific Junction, well im proved, 10 per acre. 320 urrcH in Silver f'rccli tvvp , $50 per aero; well improved. 21H acres Hue bottom land In Ilnckfnrd tvvp., $12 50 per arro. well Improved. lint. jiiim;i on i Aims vv St M) MtillT, Sepl. -J!t. JOLLY DELL a PRINGLE and Her l'i.n.;..ii . A KTAliTI.IMJ HTOItV KRAMim IN BTltANOKST hccni:s. An Ininienso amount rr r ,n mil. ml pretty faccs-Hroiikh ii l.ri.t,..- I v in., i nl.i - Palace of gohi u I,,,. - i,n, i Prli es Hie, 3,., .,i, BUY THE GENUINE SYRUP OF PIGS MANUFACTURED BY CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CC mcvm TBK HAUXL Dr. Kay's Renovator liuiirniiieeti to i uro Hit; very wurjl casei Of ujni.u.ia, i.utiun, bllluiik beud. ache, .ivtr anu kiili.-- At druui'. ak and ): tn-ud fi Imbo iren Hool and l'ree A. .. t. Li i: j l.aj. Saratoga Anti-Slawf A . . ij-b a Id I r -ii , A' 'i I i vv f vv 1 i'. t r J r it ui dr JtKisti