T1TE OMAHA DAILY .HE 13: FRIDAY, SEPTRMRTJn 21, 1000. Telephones 61S-S34 public comfort, within easy reach of all pocket books. COTTON HLANKKTS. At E;e, TSo. Jl 00, $1.1"., Jt.2.. J1.50, J1.7J, J1.85, 12.00 a pair. WOOL HLANKKTS. At J2.00, $2 -.0, $:'.".", J3 00, 11.00 H.GO, J5.00, $5 SO, JfiOO, $8.50, $1.35. $1 30, $;.:.. J7.00, $8.00, J!l00, $10.00, $11.00, $12.00 a i air. Cotton Wind comforters, at $1 2'. $1 3:., Wo Clone Our Store tsnttir-Jays at O P. M. fon roiTicn kid lovks ajvc hoCAMs patterns. Thompson, Beldem &Co. THL ONLY LXCLUS1VE t)HV GOODS HOUSE IN OMAHA. . M. O. A. OUlLUinO. COU. 1UT1I AND DOUGLAS HT. day night to oddress the men of t li Wyo ming valley In IiIh coiiiiixim. utlun he Mti tho outlook Is very encouraging. Many rc crultn are being made In tho Lehigh region and ho In proud of t lie unanimity existing among tho miners of the Wyomltifi region. Ho says It tho sume unity existed In tho other districts of tho anthracite region the operators would bo faco to face with tho crisis at once. SMALL OPERATORS GIVE IN f icrnl (M'licr In Soriiiiton lllatrlct Accede to Deiiiiiiiiln of Their MrlLInu I'.iuplo c. SOHANTON, Pa., Sept. 20. Scrantonlnns, strange to relate, are tho llmt to experience hardship ns a result of u scarcity of coal. Tho men at tho Columbus washery. out of sympathy for tho strike movement, refuse to prepare uny culm except for the electric light plant, of which the washery Is a part, and this compels tho trolley company to uso unwashed culm. At least 50 per cent of this is noncombustlhle and It la extremely dim cult to make Bteam. As a result of this all tho heavy cars wcro taken olt the lines throughout tho city and valley nnd tho Miiallor ones, jammed to tho dashboards, were barely able to creep when ascending grades. Trips that ordinarily require twenty minutes could not be mado In bet ter tlmo than one hour on runs having heavy Krades. N I Kill ( lllliu Sonic. Hcrauton also him tho distinction of having tho first operator to sign the union scale. He Is Michael (ilbbons, who conducts u Bmall working In South Scranton, from which bo supplies some of the schools nnd u fow prlvato families. He feared his fifty men might quit at any hour and agreed to sign tho srnlo If the union would exempt his placo from the strike order. The dis trict board of managers told him to sign and close down his works nnd they would consldero the proposition. He consented and the mutter will be considered tomorrow. John Murrln, another small operator from Carbondale. whoso place Is still worklug, has applied for the timo treatment. He will sign tho scale tomorrow. Superintendent 13. E. Loomls of tho Dela After Dinmeir To assist digestion, relievo dlsti -after eating or drinking too hcsrtll to prevent constipation, tako Hood's Psiis Sold everywhere. 25 cents. NOT A TEMPORARY STIMULANT SEIU&l JDEBILITY, DOCTOR I OLSON, Snccialist in DIs cases of Men, of tlic ht.ite Iilcctt.i itUUiciil Institute, l;$U8 I'.iniiim St., Omaha, Noli. Mn, pinny of you ara reaping tho result of your former fotlv. Tour manhood ii fuLIng and will soon lu lost unless ou . o something for ymn f. There Is no tlmo to lone, Impotency, llkn all sexual dlsrns.'s, Is tn-vur on Uio s-uiidstlll. With It you can make no compromise. Hither you ni'i-t master It or it will master you and fill your whole fuuio with misery Hnd Inde. rlbnble woe Wo havo treated so many rases of this kind that w are as famllll.ii with Hum us you are with tho very day light. Onre cured by us, you will never ignlu be bothered with omissions, drains, pri-ma tttrcness. small or weak organs, ner, ousnesii, falling memory, Ions of ambition or similar symptoms which rob you of your manhood and absolutely unlit ou for study, business, plcHsuro or marrlnite. Our combined Electro-Medical treatment for wenl; men which combines all of tho curative powois of both medicine and electric ity will rorrct all these evils and restore yoj to what nature Intended a hale, healthy, happy man. with physlcnl. mental ami sexual powers complete. We alio cure to stay cured by our combined Electro-Medical treatment Varicocele, Stricture, Syphilitic Blood Poison, Nervo-Sexual Debility nnd alt associate dlsenses und weaknesses of men. Physicians liivlnr stubborn cases lo treut aro cordially Invited to consult us. We charge nothing for private counsel und give to a patient a legal contract In writing, back"! by abundant capital, to hold for our ptnmlse. Is It not worth jour while to lin Ks.tig.itu a euro that has mado Ilfu anew to multitudes of men' If you cannot call at our office, writ , us i our symptoms filly. Our homo treat mtnt by correspondence Is always success ful Hufcrencu: Best Ituuks a nil I.e. tiling Business .Men in tills City. CONSULTATION FREE. Office Hours: 1 rum 8 a. m, to 8 p. in. Sundays, 10 a. m. to 12 p. in. STATE EIJ0TR5HTHBIMI. 1NSTITJTE, Permanently LocttcU at 1303 F.iru.tm St., O.HAI1A, M KB, Send this coupon and Only 10c to The Bee Publishing Co., Omaha, Hot For part Paris Exposition Pictures. Sent postpaid to uny addrc.ia. jltf Stay ftt homo and enjoy tho groat exposition. II to 20 views p3 every week, covering all points of interest. Altogether there will be 20 partJ containing 350 views. The entire set raallod for $2.00, tVi lice. Sept 20, laoo. Blankets and Comforters Blanket time is here to stay nil winter. We greet it by turning the blanket ptoro into a department of $1.50, $1 75, $2.00, $2.50, $2.73, $3.00 Wool mini comforters, at $3.00 nnd $1.00 each Sllkotlno covered, $1.50 anil $.'.50 each. Crib comforters, cotton tilled, Sitka- lino covered, ruffled all uround, a bargain at r.Oc each. Crib comforters, wool filled, with re- moveable atlkotitii covers, at $1.50 nnd $2 2'. rat ll. ware, Uickawantia & Western mining de partment said today: This arbitration proposition Is absurd. It la Im practicable. Each company might ar bitrate with Its own men, but such a thing Is not necessary. The operators stand 1 rendy to adjust any grievances their men ma present and I um satisfied they can bo adjusted satisfactorily. This plan of ar bitration can effect nothing except the rec i ognltlon of the miners' union and that will never be effected because we cannot afford to havo our business directed by emissaries of our competitors, tho soft coal men. The Mine Workers' olllclnls know they ennnot gain tho point they ask. I hopo tho miners for their own selves will soon realize tho futility of their light." The Pennsylvania Coal company Issued a statement sliowng by a resume of Its comptroller's reports that tho average wage of miners and laborers In all of their twenty-seven collieries for tho month of August was respectively $2. GO and $l.i'.7 per day, and that twenty days were worked. Opci-iitor SccLm (u Divide Striker. The operators aro said to bo considering: striking back at the miners by the expan sion of the Lackawanna Miners' union, an Independent organization of Delaware, Lackawanna & Western minors, and the using of this body as a lever to crystallise the nntl-strlke sentiment, which tho opera tors firmly believes obtains with a majority of tho men In tho I.ackawannn district. Hy the middle of the next week tho operators llguro tho conditions in tho lower district will be such as to dscourago tho men In this district and they will be looking for some means of letting go. Hy having tho Lackawanna union in operation tho opera tors think the miners will see their strength going nnd will not bo long In de ciding, and tho operators aro convinced they will return to work. Tho operators think that onco there Is a break, tho end will begin. No change whatever has occurred In the tie-up and not tho first sign of disorder lo reported nnywhere. Tho men kept filing; Into their headquarters all day long to look at tho newspapers nnd scan tho bul letins. There is no occasion for their doing missionary work, ns all tho mines nro idle. Opci-ntur I'll 1 1, of Aliiimlonlim Mines. SHAMOKIN, pa., Sept. 20. Over 400 mules were hoist d fiom various collieries In this neighborhood today and will be shipped to the Schuylkill county corral. On Monday the mules will be hoisted from the Cameron mine, after which It has been de termined, an olllclnl of the mining company says, In tho event of tho men not returning to work, to abandon the mine. Everything is quiet and orderly here. PERMANENT CURE J Ml BUT A HOWELL CLEANS THE PLATTER Fight Betweon the Domocratio Committees is Settled at Primaries, COUNTY ATTORNEYSHIP IS LEFT OPEN Milolds, KclUeiinj mill Wrlulit All Hutu Follower Aiiiiiiik the 1)cU Kitten Chosen mill the Dark. Hoi-leu All Hute Unpen, Democrats and. fusion populists held their primaries jcaterday afternoon lo elect delegates to the county coinuiitluus to oc lur ut South Omaha Saturday afternoon, 'tho populists primaries attracted but Ut 'lo atttinion, but the democratic husting.i proved qulto spirited before tha day was over. There wiro two bases of riwilry In tho latter. Tho paramount Issue was the controversy between tho old Tunning county committee and tho new Howell com mittee. Next In luiporlnuco was the ques tion of who Is to be tho nominee for coun.y attorney. In tlilu city about 1,310 votos were cast, with thu result that tho county attorneyship nomination is hanging In tho balance, and tho Howell committee won ou. in every ward but one. In tho First ward tho Fanning commit tee had up no ticket. Thero were ninety eight votes cast and it Is claimed that six out of the eleven delegates are for Shlelda for county attorney, tho other five being for Kelkenncy. In the Second the Fanning committee had no ticket, but owing to a smart light over tho asscssorshlp :S0 votes wero caHt. Theodore Wlrtu winning tho assessor's nomination. It Is claimed that tho dele gation is largely for C. C. Wright for county attorney. Where tin- Contcntx Were Hot. In tho Third ward, through tho lieu tenancy of W. II. Ounsolus, tho Fanning ndhurents won tho day by ti5 to 72. Thero wero but IDS votes cast and It Is claimed that Ounsolus. who has been connected with tho olllce of tho county attorney as a dettctlve, cun swine six of tho delegation for his chief, the remainder being for Jauieu Kelkenncy. The Fourth ward cust 123 votes, Howell Itcs receiving Ut) und Fannlngltes. cham pioned by Harry Miller, but IS. Tho dele gation la reputed to bo about evenly di vided between Wright and Kelkenney. Tho hottest fight was in tho Fifth ward, Where Colonel Walter Mnlsn Id t till 1tU 11 - nlng adherents, but was beaten out by Harry O'Neill and Fred Cosgrove. Thero wero 23'J votes cast. There wore but ten men on thu Howell ticket. They led their adversaries by about twenty-live mes, but one of tho Molse crew, I". C. McCarthy, squeezed In because ho led his ticket and tho ward Is entitled to eleven. Tho dele gation Is divided between Shields and Kel kenney. In tho Sixth 111 votes were cast, SI for tho Howell ticket nnd 33 for their ad versaries. It is for Shields. Charley Fanning was distanced In tho Seventh, tho Howell ticket winning by It 2 to 19. Tho delegation Is nearly evenly divided between Kelkenney and Wright. In tho Eighth ward thero wero throo tickets, ouo for tho Fanning committee, ono for tho Howell committee, but against Shields, and ono lor Shields. I. .1. Ilunn championed tho latter, which is said to ,n really for Wright. Kdward T. K,lw.ml nn.i I. F. Longenhagun of the Uunn ticket wero ino omy ones on that list not elected, their places being taken by llenrv Sihrniior ,.,i John Mctlrcal of the Fanning ticket. Tho Dunn ticket ran all tho way from 04 to 120, mo ! aiming ticket from to Gfi nnd tho antl-Shlolds from 20 to 39. Thero were 109 votes cast. In tho Ninth ward a compromlso delega tion had been selected, but James P. Eng lish and (5. F. Thompson wero beaten by C. J. Smyth nnd ( I,, West, becauso it was said that they wero for Kelkenney. Only 35 votes wero cast. From South Omaha comes Intelligence that tho Fanning ticket won In the First waiu, in mo becond tho Howellites got four and tho Fanning crowd three; In tho Third five are for Howell and two for Fan ning and the Fourth goes to Fuunlng. Of tho thirteen county precincts Valley and West Omaha were reported last night. Iloth wore for tho Howell comml tee. ll-llKUtl Klccll'll. The Omaha nnd South Omaha delegates to tho county convention will bo as fol lows: First Ward-Walter Hrundes, .7. r. prexel, A. I.. Thompson, Uan liellus, .Joseph Kiejcl. Frank l,"mloux, .John teller Kd J. nee, T. J. Foley, I.. F. Nelson; Jotppli Wlesner. Second Ward Adam Sloup. S. It. l.eto. vsky, Michael Nlttler. Joseph I'ezdlrU, Ollrlch Jelen. . II. Herdmun. J. H. Mur R',' It. J- Altchlim, Henry Ilium, It. H O'lJonnell, Henry I'loss. Third Wind- inme frelghton. William Atkln, KM. Seymour, W. ll. flunsolus. Jerry McMnhnn, Andrew T.nwler, John Hooves, tuorge v. ager. James Finch, Itobert lJuulap. Julius Slobodlsky. Vourth i Ward-P. r llcufev. P. M. Tobln, .V H. Dlllrunco, W. o. lillbert, F I. U oavor, (Jennie. (1. Keay, J. II.' Collins, M,(y.,!nM,..M,;'!',,!'or"' T.' Mullen, 1,. J. Plnttl. W. J. Kroetszch. Fifth Ward T. S. Hovd, Otto J. IJatl munn, liiant Kust. ciuus Pahl. James SliPllraiui, ('. II. Hrown, C If. Djun. t homiiH Ont'emim, ,i j. f.oeiiy , Ferguson, Hobart Williams. P. c. ".Mc Carthy. Sixth A'nrd-Pa trick Mostyn, C K. Clark on i Uwycr, P II nillonli. A. KalHer, F. E. Uroslus. K P. Smith. S. .1. IJotlnvMI, U II. Chadwlck, Fritz Hanson, Joseph Sherry. 1 Seventh Ward C. K Unwell, v.. P. nerry mnn. M. Hunan. John Smith. William llonnn. K. S. Streeter. r. I.. P.ustln, P I. l'ol'frlr'S' J' U'"1""'11' T' F' BoUun. Henry .J?.1.?'1"" Wnnl-C. T. Johnson, I. J. nunn. Ulllhini Shields. J. A. Fltupa trick, J. T Hurt T. J. Wilson, (. H. Wlthnel!. J. r. swift, nnmlnlek Cosgrove, John .McOreal, flenry Sehroeder. Ninth Wnrd-.T. F. fond, 1r . A. H. Hln nle, T J. Houlihan, J. II. Mcintosh. WIN 'un Maxwell It. P. Mubuhev, .M. W Paine, Joseph Polzer, Joseph Itapp,. Jr., C. I. Smyth, C. l West. J SOFTII OMAHA First Wnvd-llenry fiest. Charles Akof for, John Whabn. Thonins Kellv, John White. John J. Cuhlni.-. Hb hunl Uerlln Second Wnrd-Willl.im Hiiskle;-, K S Ttemer. M. Fltxger.i'd. Harney Curran ndrew MeOulre. Joseph Vosacek, John C.ilfilideU. Third Ward C, Sheehnn, Anthnnv King .itrlek Ilannli'an, p. J. O'Connor. Michael Tl'irke. i;c M, rjee. P. Cuhlll. Fourth Ward -.Too Weber. John Madura ''mi liicev, M Hannlnnn. Peter Wnwrlns elskl. T. C. Hoyle, John Anderson. It Is conceded that neither of tho threo candidates for county attorney will be nomlnnted on tho first ballot, nnd James P. English may bo sprung ns a dark horse. l'oiulUt I'rliiuirlev, Tho only contest in tho populist prim aries was In tho First ward, where, on a torn! vote of about twenty, tho ticket fav oring Ernest Stuht for tho legislature was beaten nbout two to one. Tho Omaha dele irates to tho county convention tiro as fol lows: First Ward-M J. O'Cnnnell, P. Posplsll t W Harnett. O. Wendt. K. Francis, A. : h.inipson. i. Andres. J Kuss. J. Kovotna Second Ward P. I.. Qulnltlll. Tom Hen uitt. T. C Kelsev, It. (i. Van Ness, James MeMonles. W 11 idsi'eth, M Quinlan, S. I.. ;,it,,r- Wtl'lam Vlllnms. Third Wnrd-F. S. llorton, P. Vincent, CASTOR I A For infants and Children. 'ns Kind Ycr Have Always Bought Boars tho 3lguaturo of P I. Forgnn John (J ilnn. J W. Uorsev, K. W. llunkleH. HI, bird Cody, J 11 Mitchell. T McCurr tf Fourth Ward Patrick Hltn , J 11. Junes, I.. U. Jidinson, J J. Point-". T. C Kel hua J If Peabody, K XL Miller, C. W. Hnih man, Charles Ward. Fifth Wiml-Ptcr Klewlz. John V. Km bleu. James W. McCatthv, H E. Stoddard. Uernard Suchsse, A. It. Swendlv. Hike Vlers, Thomas Holln. W. H. Franklin. Sixth Word-E. J. Morrow, II. J. llnckett. W. N Parton T O Kellnng, O. V. Wood boy, Silas Hobblns. H. O. Dawes. Warwick Saunders, N. E. Adutns. Seventh Ward-ll. Humes, J. W. Logan. O. C. Porter, Martin Ijniedon, J. H Hardin, Joe Anderson, J. W, Fiarrett, J C Whipple, llinrv Cork' r Eighth Wnr-I A. V. tfp.iuldlng. F. W Marsh, . J. Welsbnns, (Jeorge A. Magnev, if. W. lllte. Peter It. Ibold. lteno A. Mug ney, J. F lle'.ln. Jeff lbiMmuss.Mi. Ninth Wnrd-E E. Tbomns, II. Cohen. C. Cohen. I,. J. (julnl., J. (. Thomas. II F. Mcintosh, C. Hawillffe, Captain Cross. l'hllli Forun. South Omaha News . W. J. llrcnnnu, secretary of tho Hoard of Education, hns filed un answer in tho Hoctor school site mandamus case. At tho time Mr. Hoctor nppl cd for u mandamus to compel Secretary Hronnan to sign tho warrant for his property Mr. Urenunn ap peared bororo Judge Koytor and was given until September 10 In which to file answer, as he stated ho desired to light tho man damus. On this date Mr. llretinan was at Excelsior Springs on his vacation and his attorney asked for n continuance for tlvo dnys, whlih was granted. As Mr. Drcnnnn had not returned at this tlmo the papers wero sent to him, but ho had left Kansas City for home before their receipt. Tho answer thus passed tho date set for filing, but owing to tho circumstances It Is un derstood that an ugre.nicnt hns been reacho.l whereby tho answer tiled will bo consid ered. Tho attorneys in the enso have agreed to ask for u speedy hearing and It Is ex pected that tho question will bo decided soon ofter the fall term of court commences. Property llnncn Wnnl Soucm, Property owners on Twcnty-llfth and Twenty-sixth streets, between I nnd K, lire Indignant on account of the delay on tho part of tho city council In acting on the petition for a sewer presented somo tlmo ago, The residents In this locality aro very anxious to havo tho sewer constructed be fore cold weather sots In. Investigation shows that tho delay has been caused by tho desire on tho part of the city olllclnls to havo nil special tax levies assessed legally. City Attorney Montgomery has been engaged for several days In looking up tho title to property In tho proposed district and the assertion was made yesterday that tho ordinance crentlng this sewer district will bo pnssed at tho next meeting of the council. Inereimeil Stool. IteeelplN. Hecclpts at tho stock yards continue to In crease and it is expected that during Oc tober tho packing houses will bo workod to thu limit taking care of tho stock shipped here. At tho present tlmo range cattle aro coming In from Wyoming, Idaho, Colorado and Montana nnd thero is a demand here for all such stock. Nebraska and Iowa farmers are buying these feeders as soon as they arrive anil cood prices nro being paid. Ono commission man at the yards 'said yesterday that the demand for feeders exceeded tho supply and that Chicago prices wcro being paid. ItettlNtl'iitlnii Dm is Vuoieil. Preparations nro already being made for tho last threo days' registration of voters this fall. The first day for registration will bo on Oc'iber 18, tho second on October 26 nnd tho third and last day on November 3. Every one who desires to vote must reg ister this fall, as Is customary under tho present regulations. East fall tho total reg istration was 3.S5S. This spring tho In crease at the revision showed over -1,000 voters in South Omaha. With the Increase In population this summer It is predicted that the legislation this fall will bo at least r,000. lloxpltiil Mill (or. Mrs. D. L. Holmes, president of the South Omaha Hospital association stated yester day afternoon that she hnd engaged Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Hoberts as nurses at the hospital. It has loin; been tho desire to secure a mulo nurso nnd as Mr. nnd Mrs. Hoberts aro both experienced nurses Mrs. Holmes feels that the care of patients at the hospital will be greatly Improved. Mimic City (iiiKNlp, Tonight (he Oood TemplnrH will give n social ut Modern Woodman hall. John Flynn, president of the Commercial club, hits returned from un eastern trip. Pork Hatchers' union No. "X will give a dame at Frauek's hull on Saturdav night. The democratic eojnty convention wl'l be held at Modern Woodmnn hall on Satur day, Mrs. Frank Hastings of Fnrtv-llrst anil T streets, who has been qulto sick, Is re covering. James W. Hastings has gone to Arizona to escort his brother home, who is serl ouslj' ill. Services will be held on Sundav at St. Martin s EpNeopal church, Twenty-fourth und J streets. ' The Stuto Saloon Keepers' association will give a picnic at Syjullcato park on Saturday of this weed:. J. C. Carley says (hat a new vein of copper has been struck hi tunnel No. :t ut tho Stoddard copper mine. Several South Omaha people aro interested In this mine. W. If. Cressey, general foreman of the Joint Car Inspection association here, h.is gone to liulT'tln, N. Y., to attend the annua' session of chief Inspectors of the Cntteil Status and Canada. HYMENEAL. UlelmriN-lli iiM n. FIIEMONT, Neb.. Sept. 20. (Special. ) The wedding of Fred Itlchards and Miss Adallno Drown of this city was solemnized last evening nt St. James church in the presence of a largo number of Invited gucits. by Uov. ,H. Percy Silver of Omaha. Mr. Lyman of Hooper was best man and Miss Erma Corf bridesmaid. At tho closo of tho ceremony a reception was tendered tho newly married couple at tho residence of tho bride's parents on Mllltnry avenue. Tho groom is the oldest son of Hon. L. D. Itlchards and Is associated with his father In many business enterprises horn. The brldo Is tho daughter of Dr. N. H. Drown of this city. They left on tho 1 o'clock train this morning for a wedding trip In Col orado. Itlci-McCnrtliy. AMES, In., Sept. 20. (Special.) Dr Thomas L. Hire, veterinarian on the stuff of Colonel Hoosovelt during tho Spanish American war, w-ns married to Miss Har riett McCarthy Tuesday evening in Hi. presence of immediate relatives. DEATH I RECORdT .Minnie Taylor. YORK. Ncb Sept. 20. (Special.) Miss Mtnnio Taylor, oldest daughter of Mr. ono Mrs, A. P. Taylor, died yesterday mnrnlni; at " o'clock from typhoid fever. Th funeral service will occur tomorrow am! the body Interred at Pleasant Hldge, thlb county. Tlllilnle Triiot iiIn Pi'Iccn, NEW YOHK. Sept. 20,-Tho American Tlnplate company today reduced the prb'. 'f tin plates tor delivery over the last quar ler of 1(ki b (',.". cents per box, uh compan-. ..lib the price heretofore maintained. Thl makes tho new prlco on tho basK of Jl per box for H bv 2. Pl pounds, tren o board the cars at mills, instead of Jl'fi Tho reduction has be. n m iaslonod by im competition of outside mills. Stopa the Coimh mill oil. (XT the 1 old. Laxative Ilromo-Qulnlno Tablets cure v cold In ono day. .So Cure, No Pay. Prict 23 ceati. 0oooOiO806oeo o o 0 o 8 o o o o c 4 o e o 9 o o o o o o u o o o o o o o o o o o o o o -1) o o o o o o o o e You HUDYAN Robust and Strong I i HUDYAN cures headaches, dizzy spells, general weakness, paleness, tremblings, dots beforo tho ryes, twitching of musclss. Ht'DYAN cures pulns in shoulders (1), pains in arms (2). pains In legs (41, palpitation of heart (til, cold extrem ities (3-C), HUDYAN cures pain in back, (deepness, clouded memory, that feeling of lutiguor, loss of appetite, pains In stomach, despondency. Men who are weak or debilitated as n result of overwork, worry or nny other cause, Und Immediate relief In HUDYAN. Hl'DYAN Is n boon to sickly, suffering women, because It cures those weaknesses ami disorders peculiar to women. HUDYAN brings comfort. HUDYAN Is good because It cures permanently. HUDYAN brings back the glow of perfeit health to pale, haggard faces. Get HUDYAN from your druggist noe n package; alx packages $2.50. If he does not keep It send direct to HUD YAN REMEDY CO.. San Fran. Isro, Cal. doctors " " m,',vi.s,iiv;,!:n:"n,'v.;;n':"o"s,,lu"J "y "''"" Druggists Kllhn & Co.. Sherman McConnell Drug Co., Myers-Dillon Drug Co, F, A Fuller Co, Clms H Pchnefer, J. H. Schmidt. Omaha (leo. S Davis, Council Illuffs. Dillon Drug Co.. South Omaha, all sell nnd recommend Hudyan. ooeoao9Ooo9oeooooO0OeoOioOfcoeoooeoooaoooeoaoooooo PIRATES WINNING AT HOME Oelobrato Their Return by Taking One from St. Louis Easily. NEW YORK DOWNS THE CHAMPIONS Iliiltbej .IciiiiIiikh' (ilnvv Arm t neiiiiiil to Hie (lulek Throw Xoecuxiir y lo Mint Oir n It ii ii In the Tenth liuilou. PlttNliurK. I"! St. I.oiiN, -). lloMton, r. I Plilliuleliililn, a. r t iirl., it. HrooUlyii, PITTSIU'KG, Sept. 20. The Pittsburgers celebrated their return from tho most suc cessful eastern trip In tho history of the club by easily defeating St. Louis. In only one Inning could the visitors Unit Tannebill successfully. Tho game was called at tho end of tho seventh inning on account of darkness. Attendance, 0,300. Score: PiTTsnntn. t bt. unns. it ii ' It II O A 11 C.ok. If. 2 :i 0 0 M.-Oraw, nb ''oo Ua.li. If.... 1 0 0 0 0 Ilin lo 11, if. t o ii if 1 1 4 o rf 1 '.' 3 u f. u o t ; .1... 12 12 lb 0 2 11 1 Hi aum't, rf 1 1 1 UilUiey, tit. 2 1 4 Wagtifr, it. 1 3 3 1 o n.-,ilrick( i 1 Dminvun 0 0 Wallace, O' Uriel), h.. Will m, til.. 1 1 li) 0 1 Kelstcr. : 0 2 0 MKlunii, Zlmmt-r. ... 0 l l 1 0 lloblllfoii c 0 0 S 0 illy, bH 0 0 2 1 0 Powell, p... 0 2 0 I Tnimolilll, p 2 2 0 10 Totals .. 4 11 21 It I Totuli ..lOlllII 9 2l Pittsburg 2 1 0 0 3 1! 1 -lU St. Louis 0 0 0 0 II 0 U 1-1 Earned runs; Pittsburg, B; St. Louis, 2. Two-bnxe hits: Clarke, Williams (2), Tanne bill. Three-buse hit: Cl.tik. Sacrifice hltn: lieaumont, Hllchey. Stolen bases: Cl.uk, ltltcbey, Wagner (I), Zlmuier. Ilase on balls: Oft Tanii. hlll, 1; off Powell. I Hit by pitched ball: ltltcbey. Struck out: Hy Tunnehlll, I; by Powell. 2. PnsM-d ball. Hoblnson. Tlin : 1:13. Umpire: O'Dny. I nli-lil llrioris Settli Thl. HOSTON, Sept. 20.-The Philadelphia in lleld went to pieces In the second Inning of today's game, making four errors which, with Dulfy's scratch single, netted Ilosion three runs. A one-handed catch by Uolan and Thomas' batting were features. At tendance, EjO. Score: UOSTON. I PHILADELPHIA. It II. O A B It 11. U A.n llnnillt'n, ct t t 0 0 Thomas, cf. 0 3 2 0 0 Link', sh.. , 0 1 0 1; 1 MiiKle, If.... 0 0 ritald, rf-lf. 0 1 2 0 0 Pf.cli'ty. lb 0 1 Teimey, lb. 0 0 0 1 O'LiJolo, 2b... 0 2 f.illlns, 31... 1 1 1 2 Ijrib-lt, rf.... 0 0 Duffy, Ob... 110 0 OiMcPatlM, c. 2 2 4 s 3 0 4 I'.i'emaii, if 1 2 2 0 0l)olun, 3li Liwe, 2b.... 1 1 4 2 0 Croa, ss. 0 2 0 .1 1 1 .SlUIIMin, c. 1 0 3 1 0 kjmi, p L'wIm, p.... 0 0 0 0 0 rotiii 2 S 24 11 S Totals . . : lloston 12 .1 .0 1 0 0 n 1 n b Philadelphia 0 u 0 0 0 1 0 1 0-2 Earned runs: Itostun, 1; Philadelphia, 1. Two-base hits: Freomnn, LaJole (.'). Mc Farland (2), llamlllon (2), Teniiey, lmif. 'lhiee-baue hit: Freeman. Doulile pl.is Dolan to La.Iole, LaJole to Delehimty. Hase on balls: (JIT Orth, I. Struck out: Hy Lewis, 2; by Orth, L Time: i:5S. Umpire: Hurst. HiiKhey .1 11 ti 1 11 n n tilnss Arm. NEW YOUK, Sept. 20.-Tho New Yorlts bent tho champions in a ten-Inning game this iii'ternoon. With one out In the tenth, Hickman hammered the ball to deep right for threo bags. Seymour, who batted for licrimnl, not bis base on balls und Doyle sent Mercer home, the latter running lor Hickman, with a neat lilt to Jennings, which the latter could not pet to Mellulre In time to bend off Mercer. The ganio w.is au iiitciestln one. both pitchers doing good work. Dahleu was put out of the game for kicking In tho ninth. Attendance, iwo. Score; III'.OOKLTN. I Ni:V VOP.IC. It ll.O.A.n I It 11 (I A n Jmifs, cf.... 0 1 0 0 0 Vnnll'n, cf. 0 I 2 0 0 Kceler, rf... 0 3 2 0 1 Selbaih, lr.. 0 14 0 0 Khi'cUard, If 0 0 0 0 0 111. km.in, 3b 0 2 3 4 2 Jcnn'o. lb. 1 0 14 0 0 "Mrrctr ...1 0 0 0 0 Daly, 21)..., 0 0 0 ,3 0 llcrnard, rf, 0 0 2 0 1) Cross, 3b.... 1 1 2 3 0 d.ym'r .. 0 0 0 0 u Dalilcn, 0 0 110 Dnylo. lb... 1 2 G 1 DMii mi, sa. 0 0 0 0 11 Duv Is, ... 1 1 MuOutre, 0. 0 1 2 10 Murphy, SI). 0 0 Kllson, p... 0 2 0 I 0 Unwer'ti, c. 0 3 .Taylor, p.... 0 0 0. 0 2 V i u 1 0 Totals .. 2 S'il It 1 I Totals 3 10 3U 13 3 Winning run ecored with 0110 out. Han for lltekiniin In tenth. Hatted for Uernard in tenth. Iirooklvn 11 11 0 0 0 2 0 0 02 New York 0 00000200 1-3 First base on errors: Urooklyn, 2. Left on bases; Urooltlyn, 0; New Yoik, 10. First b.ifo on balls: off Kltson, 3; off Taylor, J. Struck out: Hy Kitson, 2; by Taylor, 6. Stolon buses: Selba. ll, Howorman. Saerl llco lilts: Hcriiuni, Howorman, Taylor. Three-base hit: Hickman. Two-baso hit: Vanllnltrcn. lilt by pitcher; Hy Taylur, 2. Time; 2.00. Umpire: Snyder. .Mil ml I UK of the leniom. Pluyed. Won. Lost. P.O. Urooklyn 120 Pittsburg 122 1 htlndciphtn, 120 Doston 110 Chicago 123 St Louis 120 Cincinnati 121 Nuw York 121 7.1 47 .11 S "l ci 01 f,i ,'jt.l til 69 .r,.i f,7 Cti tli ri a; .4, M ftS . I ' . 51 70 . t Jl AVorliliiK IIojh I'llllil (Jiioie. Tho working boys' base ball team of th Young Men's Christian association wii lino up nt the association park next Satur day for Its last game of the season, ihni opponents will he the PlaltHtnouib TU 'I ho piattsmouth boys are u strong tcum and nro sure tu make It Interesting lor th" working boys. (ioinl Dm y lor Itncex, VILL1SCA. la., Sept. SO -(Special Teb nram.) This was a peifict day for t o races and there was a good utiondnn.e Tho llrst rnco was 52l seei lids for u ha f mllo. Flness, O. D. I.Urd, owner, llrst. I Own Parker (It. P. (iormuiu. secon.i, nm,e Lou (J. Hrundoii), third. Six start ers In the race. Seven started In th" (lve.el8htb-mn lash Hettle I) led In 1:01, closely followed I v Slow Oo and Lucy White The one and on. gbth-mlle YHMS'a i rby, purse 200. had t.ve start'-rs H.in.U'., rst , Montii-i i O. nt, nci oi.il Tom Cany bird ICi.t linnt put List In-aeud of llr.t f r vleu't weight Time. 1 r,s'a. Seven-, lithths-ini il.i-b t ithc tl2" bud four iUrttrs. Lu'iuuiso, wim, Mp-a Cham- i oeo90ao09eoeooooo9 Because Hudyan Creates Healthy Nerves Thus Insuring a Correct Discharge of Every Bodily Function, Need Not Be a Despairing, For II TDYA N i within yoxw reach. It will mre von. HUD TAN gives strength anil tone to the nenes and nerve colliers. HUDVAX gives a renewed impetus to tho circulation, and cre ates pure, healthy blond. 11 TP VAX is for people who havo lost, nerve force and courage, people who cannot sloop at nighl, people who havo lost eontideuce in themselves. I d-m SEBXBaUDSESMIBSSSi other Hugs odor. Used in leading hotels and ptiblie buildings foi 20 years. ron saui iiy au. muuws, 2Scts. a ho.y. Gtitii' r 1 -nt hlormon Bishops' f'lll Cliur-Ji nuT Wf L .net.. i'd.tu4, o! c.iuue. oiiy.ua, octiitt, er rrrrs, ttmuhte C-Ira'n ti4 nn-e cnten. 5 a txix, i uimcyitiuaJcj, iii. 4 uitt. cut-in bee. Addresnt 1-Olt NAl.i: IIY .M i:its-l)ll,l,ll bcrs, oernnd. Coti-dn Lett, third. Time: It Is hoped to p. iv nil expense", iiotwlth standing the unfavorable w.ath'T of two days. l.lii'KC Ci-iimiI ill ltaee. 1IAIITINOTUN, Neb.. Sept. 20 - -(Special Telejtrnm.) The uttendnnco nt the llurl Ington Driving nnd Fair association meet liiir was large. The day was tine Th" 3:0" Hot or pace was won hy Adeipiute. if 1 1 It second. Time: M :o. The 2-i-ar-ohl Hot was won by Adrian. lieat-Ein-AH sec ond. Time: 3:10. The 2:27 trot or puce was won bv Davy Crockett, Norway ( hlef eoc- I olid. Time: 2:31. The pony running race, one-luilt mile anil repeat, was won hy Mol lis Whlpsaw, White Stockings second. Time: :5I. In the Imse ball game1 Hartlnglnn de feated Cnlrrldge 9 to ii. Ilnrllngtou did not score until the ninth Inning. Dillillip WIiih ut Coot Hull, DUNLAP, ln . Sept., 2".-(Specal Tele Kinin. I--The Loi'in lout bn'l tenm plaj.ed niiiilnp'ii crack team lnre this afternoon. The homo team had the game from the start and the visitors took a boum- egg h .me with t ln-iii. Score, 21 to 0. Dunbi;) has nn exceptionally strong team, which promises to oi (class every team It meets this (.ill. ( oleriilue Dcfciit Slmitoii. STANTON. Neb. Sept 20 - (Special Tele gram. I- Coleridge nnd Stanton plnvod bull here todav at the tulr, resulting in it vic tory for Coleridge bv a score of Pi to S. Hutterles: Stn.itun. Thompson and Wilson; Coleridge, Noes and Wood. w 99 v?Ht 6TA0 MIlWAUt1) BEER , UAminA'NDrTEMI'TIN0 is most retreshins delicious and satisfying The embodiment of purity and goodness. OUULU A CASE. VAL.DIiAiuLi y iu w., auu iV AUKKK. Uioiiliii liriiuch. Ilia DookUin t. Tclepliiine 1D-.I. QUICK AND SUIU:.-. Is tho relief of all pain when Mull's MfiMTMNti PAIN KH.I.KH Is used. Hcontu'ii" no opl.ktus. nniinonU or capsicum, and Is u safe and curtain euro, us d I ii le rn a 1 1 v. for Suiiin.nr CuiopUiut. Cholira and HUrrbcea ueil nttnrually, it cures Stilus. Ilruihci.. Cuts anil Burnt,. 25a und SOc. Ask your drujikt, or wniu TI13 LllttBlOZ MidlClDS CO., MOSCil IC, m. PIONP.P.U KIIIM'.Y CUItn Is guarnntend by n d. iir uruft id b u posttlvu our for all Uitluuj aad iiluddvr trouble. patenor, -ct Powor, tticrit-Lotses, Bnormutor-nooa n uacK. bill Dooiret. Bemumi .niiio-io, umo iinc, ullltyt HrndncnoA'ntltneBs to Mnrry, kotn nr r. wimen, rir Jjonnilnntlnn. t,t.in Oulc'tnem of tit a- kr I ? 1 chnrsro. eve- fjit.ti. t k:I fc.e.lnuriit. A cute U at ln. fr.i li--.. .r- k frrvx 9 A I 00CSO9000S0I0I0O0O Weak, Nervous, Pale lile Being, You simply sweep them up after using V Stearns' Eiedric Paste It kills Hats, Mice, Cockroaches .mil ill 0 and Vermin, K-avinu 110 rir o bi,c bei In ur o.rr 9 )rm ty tl.L le4,.''t vl tli? Mortnoa .ucct i.n intu cuts In oil ftol y mr arolnc bum tflNIl cicirnu-uaoiunj. Curil Lost r.nnl1O0U, lm" incomnin, i-nina nnrvoui ub vnricocnie( Cross Nor- .11 jr ana intent Y lm tmxll. un.tf .e'ted fi f r f 1 ko br nii ' -l Aw en pu nlt t, to ur DlihoD wemed.' w o.( f - l ranclico, CaU (i CO.. KITH AMI I AIt.NA.M. 3I SIMi:Ts, Bellstedi's Band at the Pavilion 15th St. and Capitol Ave. Ci-ldu.v f(eriiooii, Sc-plrmber ai. ailtll P. .M, 1. Mnrch-"Tho '.on" Hrand 2. fiavotto "Lornu" Hr.ud 3. Waltz "The Proposal" Dreyfus. 1. flrand b'antassla-"Die Walkuere" Wagner ThciiIj- .Minutes llilcrtiilnion. fi. Overlure--"MlKiion" Thorn. is C Cornet Solo Select d Mr Ferdinand Weiss. 7 I'nntiisle Concertnnte on nlrs fiom i "liobemlan tJIrl" Hulfe-KelNte It S. "P.tsiiulnadi ' aolthuhullt All music played by Hand, for Piano, on sale in this Pavilion. Admission After noon, to any seat In pavilion, 2,"ic; chlldrou. 10c. Evening concert, admission, 3,1c; re served send, pic extra. Concert begins ) o'clock, sharp CrtCIQHTON '1'iioin- i r:: i . Iloo'l MIn ilir I'liNt IIIk Miow of I lie Si'fiNiiii. TOMt.lIT Si I,-,, ett pHlnlly niiitliiec Snf iirtlny. IIIHIli: OIIIAItll a ml .Mxi: (JAItD.VEll III "The Sonbrette and The Cop." .li i.i mm;si,i;i a In "Ilir Cnelc's Niece." THE l ilt II .11 (it.l.l.Mi .MHIU.(, The World's flti'iitcst. M V.li: KIMi, Queen of Electrical Terpsechare, nni.i.i: i i. and nitoAvN into i iu;its, .MKCKEIt-ll UvElt TltlO, i'aiiui.im: ii i i.i.. Till! COSMIMHt M'll, Showing the Latest Happenings. Prices nevor Changing Evenings: Hr- served seats, 2r.e and f,0e; gallery, 10c. Matinees: Any part of house, 25c; children, 10c; gallery. 10c. Do You Want to Hpcoiiio a Static Pavorltc? oaiiattho orpSicum Theatre And iirranR-e m nppnar Aintitour Night, Fi itl.iy. Scit. Engagements secur. i for successful amateurs liaco'sTrocadero TH Tho New Pa mo of lJiirlencnio. m tim:i". i inn it u.iw km i am. MI.IIT PIC It i:s-l)c, '-"( unci 50n. TnO.VS Orient 1 HtirlcsqnerH Tin IIIukcmC Hit ot the Siiioii, Tin re High Cl.ii-8 City Shows In One! (oioeib, lliirlei-cine. mule 111 Vordlct of the iicoplo commends this au perb .ittru 'Hon. Prices, 10c nnd 2r.c for matinees, und 10c, 2oC and "0c for nights. Kogu ar ma1 lines Sunday, Tuesday, Thurs da nnd Saturday. Nxt week commencing with SUNDAY MA'IINEE, Sunday, Sept. 23, The Liiropenn heiiNiitlon Iliu lrsiiie-ii. -icuui:r. ii iciaiio Cr. Kil l Kidnovcura? Ji'ieaaei, M.o Ut nn. et. At 1rt:t c Kts or ut x,. 1. - "" I, I'rrn booV, , bt Vr. ll. J. Kuy, bitrittew' N. V. flOO, eU. ... , tu. m w W f n-. 1 CI O o o 0 o o o o 9 o o e o 9 O 9 O o o o o o 0 o 9 o 9 O 9 o o 0 o 0