Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 20, 1900, Page 4, Image 4

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Catcher Robinson of St. Louis Assault
Umpire Gaffnejt
Oarae Declared I'nrfelted to Hie Sii
perhan n a llrtilt l'lttbnr
-.nil Plillndcliililn Altn Win
Thrlr Ciitiici.
Broolcljn, III (. I.tinls, O.
Plttaliurir, fi .tnv Vorli,
Philadelphia, liiiclnnntl,
frd lr. ronso,u"i'-e favorite, blng beat' i
Id the. f.rst three ra(M S immr .
First rai e. roir and a nmr luriongF: .ei
lie Forest. Jo; (Kllc)i, 1 to I, won; Sweet
Dream. 12 (Dupee), to 1, -coni ienr
Abbott. 7 : Strm, w in I. tniru. lime.
iT4. Bill OInn. Oracle It. Katherlne
BnnH. lip. Merry Wager, Fair Gift and
Cut Author also ran. ,
Second race, Mven f'lrlonni: Wue Lick.
114 ('awood). 10 to 1, won. HatidrreM. W
Tall' I, 3 to 1, scronu; I ne r-ieciur, ! s i u
mn, 7 tn K. third. Time: 1:21. Larkspur.
tibials. Tomond and Pirate J also ran.
Third rai. nix fjrlonrs: Sly. 1W (Vltatoei,
2 to 1, won; lty Curson. !! (J. T. Woodsi.
10 to 1. ecorm ; uesie AiaoKiin, t lauyi,
11 to 10, third. Time: 1:1S. Oaorglt: also
Fourth rare, one mile: iiacivan, i-a
(Wlnkfleld), S to 1. won; l.outsvHle. (J.
T. Woods), 5 to 1, second; Hoodsbrogade,
I (Tallyj. 2 to 1, third. Time: 1.I6-,.
FranglDle. l'lantain, ansa i-airon nnu
Bishop Heed also ran.
Fifth race, m e and sixteenth: The iaay.
106 (H-rgen), 11 to 5, won; Florlzar. 1
(Alexander), lft to l, "coni; uoney noy. v.
'Peatont. 5 to 1. third. Time: 1:HV Star
Chamber and Pinocle nl'i) ran.
Sixth race, mile and three-sixteenth".:
Trehor, 1 'I ( Wlnkfleld). 2 to 1, won;
'Imuncc) Fisher, 99 (Hnrshberger), 15 to 1,
BROOKLYN, Sept. 19. Today" Kaine be
tween the Brooklyn and St. Louis cluba
A. A t .. ... .1.. .H..I r,,1 th.
uucu IU u iur. Ill uir luuiuft .. .... f' T.
umnlre declared It forfeited to llrooklyn un.nd: Pa Load. Id (1 uliv. i, to 1. third
br a icore of 3 to 0. In the third Jones Tln.: ft Prestar, Judge Denny and Cant
i t'i.- i,r, fi.r- L'arice also ran
ucui a, &IUUUUCI IV imtimv, ......
badly to the plate. I'arrell gild under Ilob
Inion'i hands and was declared safe
Itoby Jumped up and after throwing the
ball at QaHncy rushed up and struck him
on th chest with his fist. The umpire
swung his mask at the player, Just grazing
bis none. He ordered the big catcher out
of the came, but he refused to go nnd Me
Oraw backed him up. After walling the
I'd nil 1'lnjiT t (irnveaeiul l)liluy
It a re .Millltj In I'atlurc tn
IMck Wlnnt-rs.
NEW YOIIK. Sent. 19.-Favorlt nlayers
had a bad lime t Uravenend today, as
i.ilv ne Hrtun! first choice tiroved a
customary time Oaffney declared the Kame Ur
forfeited and McOraw withdrew his mn inBl,t In the fourth race and her victory
McGlnnltr and Jones were tho opposing ftirnifhl consolation to a few. Th
pitcher, and the earn promised to be In- .arTst
trestln. IJrooklyn bad scored a homer a, on mlf. nnii n turlone. wa thr fea-
In tho first and another In tho third on ture, nnd O'Connor ulsnullioil hla reurn
r.rr.ll-. rtmil,l. .Mcninnltv- .acrlflco and " wie enaoif oy. winninc . wun iiocaiun.
the play abovo mentioned, while St. Louis iha'ndrn and Vulcaln enunl serotul choicfn,
blank. althoUKh they Kavc inuica- Kocuton took tne tracK ni tne tail or in-
tlons of hlttlnc bard, having made fiv
hits to two for IJrooklyn. The 3.000 spec
tators received their money back.
l'lrnlr. .Still Winning.
SEW YOHK. Bopt. 1.-Th New York
1 .st another same to IMtubtirj this after
noon owing to their InaMHtv to hit fne.
llaif and rhuwid the way for fix furlong.
with Contestor at his aaddle. The latt'r
then went ti the front, fol'oweo by hllU-
shandra. but on the rar turn. wh. n Odrm
made his run on the rail with McMetkln,
O'Connor nirain sent Huckton I ri t j tiit- i'td
nnd Hhowed the way Into the atrctch.
rii!asnanrira n jug on i ine ihni riAn'ruiu
pule, li it th-n atopped and althouith Odom
eardlne rla' Is made because Siosson ha
ire'iunitl) refusfd to mm here to piaj
S(haefer has posted a forfeit of 2y and
will be ready to play tn sixty days.
I'.hxj- Ictory fur John A, Murrl.
ST. LOf 13, Mo.. Sept. U.-The uni.rpl
tloua weather caused a marked filims-o'T
In th attendance at Klnloeh park t"la.
only the dyed-ln-the-wool regular lei K
present The heavy KOlr, brouglit disaster
to every favorite, the winner turn ng up
In four outsiders and two second cnuires
Interest In the day's card centered In the
fifth event at on mile, which brouaht
Barney Srhrelber'J crack, llannockbvirn.
and Bookmaker Ired Cook's (treat cam
paiirner, John A. Morris, toae.her. Ilan
norkburn lookel hljrh tn flesh and not up to
a brulslnir race, but at that was made a
top-heavy favorite. Morr! was well backe I
at . to 1 and made the white-faced son of
Havden Kdwards look like a selling plater,
rompln; In an easy winner by four lengths.
First race six furloncs, so'ling: Percy
It. lo; (Frnsw. 16 to 1, won; Terrnlcne, 101
(I'omlnlcki. SH to 1, second. SeBurancn. w
(K. Mathewst. 34 to 1, third. Time: l:22l.
Mall Hajr. Cathedral, Diana I'onso. May
dine, Master Mariner and Hungarian alo
Second race, six furloncs, purse: Our
Ladv. S (llasflngerr. 10 to 1. won; Orleans,
;i5 (May) 6 to 1. second: '"urd Olllock. Ill
(Dominlck). 2's to 1. third Time
I'rlnce Stonmouth, Marcy and I'ossart nlso
ran. , A
Third race, one tnlle and a lulr. soiling
Zazel. 92 (Waton), I to 1. won: Orlandlne.
K (.Nlay), 9 to 5, second; Fox Hnrd, 92
(Domlnlck), 2 to 1. third. Time: 2MVt. Leo
Far. Tom Gllmore and Hound Turn also
Fourth race, one mile and n ha:f. pjir"
Titus. 139 (Howell. 1 to 3, won; Silent
Friend. 12S (Coburnl. 4 to 1, seoond; Kva
Moe, 12$ r Porter). 7 to 1. third. Time:
3:34. Ootnez Tonto, l'adrone and Domi
xetta also ran.
Fifth race, one mile, purse: John A. Mor
ris, 113 (Durdnlck). 2 to 1. won, Hannork
burn. 113 (Howellt. 1 to 2. second; Alice
Turner. KO (f'olurn. S to 1, third. Time:
1:5"'. Three starters.
Sixth race, seven furlonas, selling: Kin
dred. IS (Howell). 3 to 1. won. Meddlesome,
101 (Cochran). 11 to $. seoond; Maztfle Duvls,
Id (.1 Wald. 3 to 1. third. Time: 1:5-.
Iris. Sweet Caporal and L'l.Me Uarnes also
to (Inlvrstnn Murtii Sufferers.
EoacdcTiri jn 'g- 0,Kj!!,rWis ' BURLESQUERS GIVE BENEFIT
3 South Otualm News . K earnest now and Is doing everythlnc he can 1 ,j.rutn))cro llnH fiI)(. Mutlnce. the
A-ryT. e". ue'eRl" K " IToorr.l. of AVhlrl, Are Donated
vu k v6i w o mm tor siaie aeuoior. r. j. rrcuvs ib
The first Important republican rally of the choice of a portion of the democracy for
the present campaign was held at Twenty- the offlce Knsor covets, but It is understood
fourth and N streets last night. It was a that ho will decline to allow his name to
t.inif.Trm meetinu nnd ecral hundred voters be presented
gathered around the national colors which Kach ward In South Omaha Is entitled to
floated from each end of the platform to seven delegates In the convention and an
listen to good republican doctrine as ex- exceedingly noi ngni is preaicieu
hv nn nf the the well known
,br. f fl. th. went. Ur. Samnson I'one Ailklna Approves Llulit Iteiolutloti
nf Oklahoma Actlnc Mayor Adklns yesterday npproved
After several seieetions by a band and n resolutions passed by tho city council lo-
fonc or two by the Mack Diamond quartet rating electric street lights at the follow
m.t,...i. i.,oMnri nr. t'one Ins places: Twenty-sixth and H streets
IV. ... " . I . ....t m . .1.1.1 I
After acknowledging tho salutation offered sixtccnin nnu n sireeis. iBniy-unru
Dr. Pope said that the country is on tne . "" "'''"""
' . . . . i fi TilrH'.r.nrt nnii 1! Thlrt v-aecond and
eve of an important election au mose mo p; '.,,;. , ... . ...
nre In a position to voto Biiouia remcm-
fmiu MriMnasf rt hit ii jt f f 1 1 1 in nr ur vpi ici
bro. wno pitcneu goon ohii irom u-siiinuiis I., . i?. u" i.YVk in t itm
,n vitotiitancB l ) Score: Rorkrrt.. wlio Won clevrro in rasi time.
,0 vi-w YOHK M-Mk.n and Ulllashundra linlahed sec-
riTTiULKO. M- vp.R.K;,t. ond and third respectively
li , '.Vv.Mf. r! n a io nullman was fined JJftO and set down for
l.v. If ... o o : ! i"?" T- V 2 i ! t the ba'.unce of the meetlt s for what the
Iinum-t. elt i l J . If 9 1 . b stewards railed rcck'ea rldlnj in tht first
Ititohy. lb 0 l I 1 6 Hi kmn. . 1 t S " rao, Summary:
Vtrner. rf. o 1 o 0 H.-ri.rJ. if. : 0 relllnr. one .lle and a s x-
nllri.n. lb. 1 2 14 0 0 nn-le. ID . . n in 4
Wlirms, Jl). 1 J 1 i 9 Havls. m.... 0 0 t 6 2
O'Connor, e. D i 1 0 Murphy, lb. H I 1 1
n!v. 1 1 S 1 0 lnr'n. c.. I t 4 1 0
i-hmhrn. n . 1 1 0 1 0 'rrl-k. f).. 9 1 1 t 9
"ierinour .. O 0 0
Tottln . S tl 17 U 0 Taylor, p.... 0 0 0 0 9
,M 1
Tftl ..I 5 51 IT t
Hatted for Carrlck In elchth.
I'lttsburg 0 0 I 1 p 0 1 2 rv-5
Nw York 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1-2
Knrneil runs' l'lttsburir. 3: New York. 1.
First base on error: I'lttsburw, 1. Left on
bnso on balls: OfT t'lieslro, z: on i.arnca,
mniti out: It v Chnsbro. 1: by Currlck, 2,
Knrritirw hltn: Clnrki- Chesbro. Double
plavs: Dals to Doyle (2). Davis to Murtihy
to Doyle. Two-busM hits: O'llrlen. O'Con-
. .r. Jilt ijv n tcneii na : ny layior, i.
I'KHsed ball: O Connor. 1. uowerman, l.
Time: 1:40. umpire: Snyder.
Iluskrm "Win the Serli
PHILADKLI'HIA. Sept. 19.-Hy wllinlnc
todav'a L'amu I'hlladi-ltihla sufcecded In
canturlnc tho ;rles with Cincinnati. The
vtsltorK allowed n. dlstiosltlon to hit Hern-
hard nnd Dunohue was substitutetl In the
fifth lnnlnir and held Cincinnati down to
two tilts during the remnlndcr of the
game. Attendance, 1.1G5. Scoro:
H H O K.r. It II O A E
lUrrett. cf.. 12 110 Thoma, cf. 4 2 2 0 0
Hariey. If,... 2 2 2 0 0 Slaele, If.... 2 12 0 0
Jrwln, rf ... 1 2 0 0 0 Iwleh'ty, lt0 0 1 0
Hckly. lb. 1 1 1! 0 0 HiUds. lb... 0 1 0 0
fVrra.ruti 0 1 2 I 0 l.i.Inlc Ih . A I 1 I A
Kllnf'(ll. Sh O 0 3 1 0 V Irk. rf 0 " 0 0 0 lienuui III I uri'-
Oulnn. 2b... 1 2 3 4 1 Bousing, c. 2 1 4 2 0 FOItT WAYKK. Ind.. Sept. . 19.-Ttaln
I'olti.. r 0 1111 Dolan. 1b... 0 0 0 1 ciusr d a noHtnonement of the races
I'hlllippt, p. 1 10 11 ero. s.... 0 13 5 1 srheduled for todHy and th. 2:1.1 pace ana
D.-rntrdt. n. o o o o 0 1 tne 2:m pace went over unui lumurmn.
Tni.i. .. t i? i is 3 iv.nj.hii. n n n n n e in ilm 2:12 trot. untlnlsliu irom yester
.. . - r. i-. ( a;1, i nrnena icu mn n : mhivi m
Cincinnati 0 0 3 1 3 0 0 0 0-7 T '.'S "" 'fflS 'Sv i'hn.o.
- . . . i. it
cell The Chamberlain. 99 (IJrennant. l.i
to 1. won: Annoy, 10i (uullmnn), 6 to l
and 2 to 1. sc( aid, Carbuncle, 104 (McCue).
5 to 1 and 2 to I. third. Time 1:4S 4-.V Olea,
Flaint. Ten Candles and Kmma Kusseii
also ran.
.Second race, about six ruritmRs: Jionrine.
119 (Hullmaiu. " to 2, won; Ui Toscn, II.
I'D (Turner) to 1 and 2 to 1. second:
Motiev. u; twriiama). it) to i, tniru. lime:
1.10 2-5. May W, Hesper. Smoke, Llfber
Karl. Asnuit i. now or. Mr. jersey, .iiee-
hnnus and Mayor Ollroy also ran.
Third raco. the Monarch st&kes. one mile
ami un clehth: Itockton. HA (O'Connon.
I to 1. won: M-Meekln. 121 (Odoml, 9 tn 1.
second; Klllashandru, lis (Turner). 7 to 2.
third. Time: l:il.'-D. Withera. Hlg Outi.
Contegtor nnd Vjlealn nlso ran
Fourtli race, selllntf. five rutionns: iue
ranil. 109 (lJurnsi. 11 to S. won. lillllonalre,
102 tShaw). 10 to 1. second; Lurk, 97 (Hren-
nnn). 12 to l. tniru 'Jims: i:un-.,. iiiac-
loiis, Inshot. Snark. Marothen. llrtrnde
Elliott. J'letiricn. irocneua uuii inracia
also ran.
Ft; h race, one mile ana a quarter: i a-
vonio-is, 117 (Jlu'imani. u to i, won; de
canter. 115 (Turner). 9 to 5. second; Dnuro,
110 (O'Connor). 7 to J, third. Time - 2 07 3-5
Chaiontus, Gonfalon. Jackpolnl and Lave
rock nlo rnn.
Sixth race, five furlonKs: Kia. u (wnav.-).
I,, l won: Fannlu Maud. 11" (Henry).
33 to 1. second; Pleasant Sail, 11) (J. Slack).
5 to 1. third. Time: Miar. urionia,
Julia Hanover, Marlu Holton. Kstelada,
Anna Darllnir, Lady Pndden and Nonparull
also ran.
JtiioeN nt VIIIIsuh.
Vlt.T.ISCA. In.. Sent. 19 (Snectal Tl-
(tram ) A rainy forenoon did not promise
any races and so many were kept at home.
"'mis: ... ....
First race, half-mile uasn, purse jw. nve
starter: Charles Lemurs won. Hoy It sec
ond. Little I. third. Time: 0.63.
HkoW rae. Jiulf-nille atut repeat, nurre
1100: glow Go won. Fostonlc second, Lna
I'rlre third. Time. l:iT' untl i:.
Third race, three-quarter- tni.e. purse
SI' " Miss Chatnliers won, Laquols second,
0-rai- Ketrjvim tliira. jim: i:i.
J-'ourth race, ent -mlle noveiiy. ii ai eacn
a'.iarir. I o.i j'afKer won nrst riuarier
and Cousin Leily tooK tne reft, i me: i:vj.
Fifth race. hnlf-mll run, tor i-veur-niua.
urse J2.": I'atchwo'k won. Nappvn second,
L'na Price third. Time: 0:y.
Philadelphia 2 0 t 0 2 1 1 1 -S
Karneil runs: Cincinnati. Z: I'htladelnhla.
2. Two-base hits: Ilarlev, Irwin, I'eltz,
Douglass. Tnrce-tinso nits' j-iick, cniius.
Kacrlflce hlta: Corcoran (2). S uu e (2). Dele-
hanty, Dolan (2). Stolen bases: Hurley,
Peltz. Uecklev. Thomas. Dclehanty. Ln-
Jole. Double play: Stelnfeld to tjuinn to
LiecKiev. loii on uases: i incinnuti. rr, I'nu-
naeipnin, 4 Mrsi oase on nans: un I'till-
llps. 2; off llernhard. I. Hit tiy nlteher:
Thomas. .Struck out: lty llernhard. 1: by
Donohue, 2. Passed ball: DoiiKlnss. Wild
pitch: Donohue. Time: 1:40. I'mplre: Hurst.
Munillni; of the TrmiiN.
I'layed. Won. I.nst.l'.Ct.
and Vesper won a heat each. Pussy mow
vas tne ravoriio ai - " "i u n i
nf the had been Kona when a
heavr rain started nnd the two events
were fv.Hinoned. summars':
2 12 trot, untinisneii on luesuay, purac
T.' .. . .. t. l.a. v...'.. ...I
(.oruena ueii, o. m.. v wnn'u
Brooklyn ....
J'lttsburif ...
ChlcnRO ....
St. Iuls ..
Cincinnati .
New York ..
.5 8
1 1 1
.. 4 T
.. 2 4
.. 3 10
.. fi 3
..8 b
..10 6 10
.. 9 f.
.. 7 9
American I.englie'H MiiiiiIIiik,
CHICAGO. Sent. 19. Tho ofllclnl Htand
Intc of tho various clubs of the American
baso ball lenKUe, us they finished the
eayon yesterday, were Klven out today by
President Han Jolinson. Tiiuy are un roi
j; - a r. G a s
s c S
, 1 1
, 4 2.
2 3
3 I
6 fi
0 5
7 dlB
Hnln Prevrnt Dm fiifiort Hiii-cn.
DAVKN'POItT. la . Sept. lP.-Haceg not.
poned; rain.
i:.n.sio rem wKvrnii.v vj:tf.uavs
: a
Milwaukee .
Kansas City
Cleveland ..
9 11
12 12 10
.. 13 11
9 7
f. 4
S 14
; 13 11 17-S2
ItS 11 9 13-;9
12 1fi u 14 12-71
.. 11 12 11 11-71
9 .. 10 15 13-fi9
8 9 .. '.)-
9 5 11 .. 10 n
9 7 11 9 ..-51
KJ 59 fit (S 71 73 7S S3..
In President Johnson, the
eeiiHnn IllNt cloned WIIH tilt) IllOHt SUCCCHSflJI
In tho leiiKue'8 history, either under Its
presont or former name
f lvlrhvl
Alvard Aiken
No'.l Owvnne, g. m
Silver Wilkes, r. b
May Alcott, b. k
Tudor Chimes, b. K
Chain Shot. b. k
Annlo Hums, g. tn
Genevieve ch. nt
Asalo Medium. 1. m........
Time: 2:134. - vin- i-iiit-pace.
puri-i $SW:
Lady Alright, h. ni., by
Horo l Wilson)
Orln H. b. K
I lacy. dr.
Mllo 11. h. B
Mlnettn, b. m
Decoration, r. tr
Commutation, b. m
Time' 2'U1. -Ma'i.. -:in',4.
2:13 pace, New Avellno hotel, puree 11,000
cinflnlBiied): .
Vesper, rn. ni .' , -
I'ussy mow. u. m t
Mv Choice, ch k J '
Halmv I., br. h 5
Tod WIlllamH, jr. B ' J
Tolctta. blk. m J S
wnwen r.pii liinr "
Time' 2:13. 2:ill4. z:iav..
'.:( twice. Wuyno hotel, purse Jl.OW (un
Acltnto. b. li I
Lady Pipes, o. in j
Tim Admiral, b. S ?
Sidney Pointer, b. h J
Colbert, ch. s
Head. cn. 8 s
Attar '
Time: 2:10-v
War Survivors lleinenibrred 1y t lit'
tienrtiil (;o eriiiiient.
WASHINGTON. Sept. 19. (Special. The
following- pensions nave been Braiiieu:
itaii.t ur AuiriiNi mi.
N'eb'-nsk t . t 'rml .a. Al ner Doiimnn Grlf
th. Handolph. K Ad.litlonal-Phllllp i5.
I.Mulr W .Lrrlelit .ts Kminli ro titnl4 Danl !
M. HoldridiH'. Tlldvn. J-. Kestotntlon .n.u
additional -William I.. W:il.-h. ded. Fro-
mont. 10 original widow.', eic .iiunrM pi
Kobcrt H. Steele, oiuow.i. li; .Mary i:
Hrown. uhlowa, $; Lettltia Walsh. Ftc
mont, is ...
T,iwn: Drlcrlnnl Georrre W. CHntOIl. Keo
kuk. 15. Charles H. unwirth. Des Momes,
t.i, Dunlel Aibauh. Cidur llluffs. J'i I'
Klewlet II Hand. U: H"li:V
neuter Herntiton. J12: Mii'iuel ! f.ive.,
IS: Ja-ob Am lnr, JJlkp rt, H: Moso Gar
land, .Marhal town. !-; .) sian ) . kuiu,
Albla. Ill; William MumDy. Hevmour. J";
Wlllliirv, A Sti'lh Mhrhll.l(l M S-'1
Ch.irhf Cone. Atnllsia, $12; John p.,
j i .i .. t,..,-.,ii Tit n Tltiirmnn
12. Holssue r ssmun. council
liluffs, J4. Uelrsim ni.d Inore iso Hii j'i
Price Wilson. Glenwood. J6. Orlclnnl wid
ows (special accrued S ptemDer C. .VHun
F.lwood. Centervllle. Jl :. War with Spain
(widows, etc.) Amanda E. El'.lott, mither,
Udell. J12
Ci-iierul Jllles at KnnMis City.
KANSAS CITY. Mo., Sept. 19 -General
Miles. Mrs Ml!-s. ths gen-ra''s son, Sher
man, and Colonel F. Miahler. passed
throuBh brc today. The general has been
traveiinR for thre weeks 'In Nor'.h .ml
Smith Dakotn. Nebraska, Monlaru. una
Kansas. lnspectlnK army rosts and bhoot
Inu prairie chickens
"Will the troops, in China be withdrawn.
It a tit no nuLfnrl
Mnlt At ihem." nald he. "Wo have very
... , k..-.. It vlll Oenen.l on clreumstnnr
whether we tend morn then-. I hop" It will
not be necessary. All troops under o-d'-s
for China luno been sent to tho Phi lp-
P ''But arc the men needed In tho Philip
..i -
"General MacArthtir recms to think he
needs more. .Many oi ine jiuoijo
ing for are to take the places, of the M
:'..-.. ti,ne will nxnlro In July
You t.eo we must begin soon to return th
vniunteers to this country. We mun bend
t...m tn tuWe thir nlace?
"I nm returnlnB home from ii tour of in
spection of army posts. I did not find
much to inspect. There are verv few trooni
HI llie country Theo are distributed about,
tal'lnx care of the government post bulld-
bcr the times of 1S86. Ho then went on
briefly to explain the conditions which ex
isted prior to the election of McKlnlcy and
said that it was a question with the labor
ing men whether the present prosperous
times Bhould continue or the country go
back Into the stagnated condition which pre-
vallei prior to tho inauguration of a rcpub
lltan president.
In speaking of President McKlnlcy Dr.
Pope said the president had been called
W, Twenty-eighth and W, Twenty-first and
O, Twcnty-sovcnth nnd E, Twenty-third
and Madison, Tweaty-flfth and P, Twenty
second and W and the center of tho L
street viaduct.
Tho light at Twenty-sixth and C streots
was ordered moved to the middle of the
block between Twenty-fifth and Twenty
sixth streets and C and D stroets, while
the light at Twenty-sixth and K streets
was ordered moved to Twenty-fifth and K
streets. The light now located at Twenty
first and H streets will be moved to Twen-
...un i. ,i.ln .ia Imnnrtfint mipfttlonn.
uyvu tu ut.i.t uiuiB ... ...... - .
than any other presld- nt since the days of V-Kona anu
Lincoln. Run mat ne nan inei inmi wuu ... ,..,.,,. . ,,,.,1,
hlngular ability and courage. c t-nclnecr Ileal has prepared plans and
I do not believe," said Dr. Pope, "that ,,.,..., fnr n i.rideo across Mud
o peopie 01 iais siaie v.iu mm mu " creek at Railroad avenue and Madison
Hunt soldier like William McKlnley for a ,,,, rnr . con.lrupn0n of this
paid politician like Dryan. and you won't br,jRe wlll be advertised for by the clerk
vote ior mm ciuier, ccn u uo id u ium- wltllln n ,) 0r two. Tho cost of a new
dent of the state, will you; bridge is estimated at U00. There Is 1H1
.. .1. . . t . . t 1 .ilnH.H a. . I
..exi me epeaKor cuneu uuuiuuii iu m,lt,h .roVe to nnd from I.alire Hill cero-
fact ttint tne snop3 anu lactones are now et anJ lno country beyond that a new
open nnd that there is plenty or work for ht&Ka 1(J imperatlvo cercsslty. The
all, especially in this great packing center. pre!ient Btructurc is In a delapldated con
Labor is so scarce, said Dr. Pope, that la- nm! lg considered that it cannot
borers are being offered top-notcn wages nt alaml Up unJcr tlic loa,is mucn ionger.
Lincoln anu luero is u ovanuj ui men.
Compare this, my friends, with the condl- iteecntl"" " Itev. lorlnrfy.
tlons which prevailed prior to tho election nev. D. W. Morlarty, pastor of St. Agnes
of McKlnlcy," said Dr. Pope. church, wlll return from his Kuropeun trip
At this point there was some little dls- on Friday morning and wlll be accorded
ttirbance in the audience, caused by shouts a reception at the church, Twenty-thlul
from Uryan sympathizers. In reply to tbise I and Q streets, 011 Friday evening. r-
shouts the speaker said that ho was on the rutigenientB are all completed for the affair
platform to discuss public questions and and It promises to be ono of the social
public men and h asked that ocryono be events of the season. Hev. Monany naB
fair. Dr. 1'opo discussed tho attitude of snent four months traveling through Lu
tho democratic party toward tho negro and rono and from his letters It U Judged that
Iiryan's position on tlio question at tome he Is returning home greatly refreshed.
length. He Is nt presont visiting friends and reia-
Clialrman Illchardson spoke ou general Is- vivos in Massachusetts,
suos for n few moments after Dr. Pope had
Third IVnnl Hi'publloiwit.
A tncctlnit of the Third Ward Hepubllcan
club will bo held at Evans" hall. Twenty-
Igh'li and It streets, on Friday evening,
Mayor Moores appeared on the stage of
the Trocadero theater Wednesday after
noon. He was not Arrayed In the habili
ments of an aspiring thesplan nor did he '
do a "turn" calculated to entertain so
the mnyor was not eutltled to ccnsiJera
tlon as "one of iho 'profesh.' He
presented himself before the glaring foot
lights for tho purpose of expressing thanki
to a fair-sized matlneo crowd for their at
tendance at the benefit given for the Gal
veston sufferers.
Mayor Moores was as felicitous and as
much at ease standing before n crowd of
theater-goers as though he had been mak
ing an after-dinner speech or an address
from a public platform and his contribution
to tho nfternoon's program was quite ns
entertaining as anything else. He gave
pre-eminence, however, to the gratlfiratlou
it tve him. ns well or Manager Iloscnthil
and others Interested, for the generous out
pouring of Ornsha people to help their un
fortunate fellowmen who wero victims of
the Galveston disaster
Tho afternoon's program consisted en
tirely of specialty numbers. All of the
specialty artists who are appearing with
Watson's "Oriental Hurlesquors" at the
Trocadero appeared and a number of lornl
aspirants for theatrical honors assisted.
I'ntll reports nre received from thoso who
sold tickets for the boneflt the exact sum
realized cannot be stated.
Itcgtilnr McetliiK nf the Cluli Klect
Ariv Oilier nnii l!iwir .nunc
At the regular meeting of the Ninth Ward
Republican club last night at Twenty-eighth
and Farnam streets officers were elected as
follows: President. C. S. Huntington; vice
president, J. H. Daniels, secretary. Charles
Miller; treasurer, O. M. Cooper. The olfi
Vrjr.;? lheb
M &
argue vlth
Careful n.n id4
w sifi dj .ot U
UM'lt. ya-tfit(i0
tllf.r bl, Is Irfoft
eeK enie rel ef Hste
pi.u cr cui. at tie in
(.Korssid' HsieToa
rhc msllimv Are leu sort,
ouir Do jou Kt & itj? Are
yi.j irrlubls? Are you
obJsrd torH niter offn
d.rfnir lh dy? Ail tri
&r dtnrer ill ssli wb.en If
ycu 4onot Ltld tnsy rsiult
terio-'i'y ted otten in
flrlstt 1 dlteate.
T tire Uiiiy Trtiklf it t
kfll Ike ttrn tltt (aaui tU
iktidi. Ikt til; tillicttlt
i rtrn dtilrtjtr, irlli
tiltt; t Ike kimts ijilca Is
fClentl!l-3l!rrrPreitlhSoll4 !1i4 Fortntl.
dehyde co ,it:utd n C rare routs and hsttl
- tnakirft i.iemp'.rrlyum i)!ly Trgeuble is
"haraeteratt'ioif'nett.jethe only reniedy
wlit.-h nian(!eit(j-llon to the VUner rerai
-fir. Coo. Lelnlnner'ft Fcrmnldehyrfe;
Kidney Tabloti li a nw woailripl natural
antldjte to 1: cetm cf KUtty. Liter and
Uladder d.if iand t! eunlterul teftlwenr
(run th 'to Tertm hat been rurd
has been thr do kill the rclerobea
taereb cr.r tl'!SP dneftiei.
So 4 hi m, , ri--u.t ia t iUi, 1 t
hirlun nr illtr. t (rein tt Dr. Ott. LUUir
boixltl mil.t: Iih fnr tkt tiklof.
It irurntfed i- ' - Alts.
nit IUt !"..- 'TurrJ.t1 'xf-t-i ru,..tlci
n,.IS" " r-;-i !.- .-nil Ria 1
Kold und recommended by hherman &
cers wero all elected by acclamation with , cCo""Pl P ' - outon-M. G.i,n Drue
,uri 1 iii'iimiiniii eiut i-", ti i '11-
concludod. Hoth epcechea were well re-
colved. Tho object of holding an open-air
rauetlng was to reach a class of Bryan vot
ers who would not attend a meeting in a
hall. The ineetlne was a success in every President Conway says that the club Is
rcsiect and tho music by the quartet and
the band was greatly appreciated.
JlfTi'Ot of the CeiiMis,
Tho returns from tho United States
census bureau show that South Omaha
growing in membership and that before
long It will be 0110 of the strongest repub
lican clubs in tho city. At a meeting of
the club held Tuesday nlRht John O'Ncll
was chosen temporary tocretary. The
"lectlou of ofucorB aEldo from tho pres
has a population of 2J.001. Tho figures are Ident will probably occur at triaay nigm s
exceedingly gratifying to a largo propor- meeting.
tlon of the residents.
Important changca in municipal govern
ment wlll doubtless occur on account of
the census returns, under orJlnury clr
cumstanct'8 and the existing law the city
will soon be governed by what 's known as
the Lincoln churtcr, at least this Is the
supposition. Attorneys diner cn this point
Some assert that it will rcqulro an act
1'oMolllct- lliislnrs IiiorcnsliiK.
Thu volume of business transacted here
is shown to a great exteut by the sales of
stamps nt the postoflVe. During tne
month of AurubI tho receipts amounted to
J6.227.33, on increase of 12 02S S2 over the
ccrresponuing momu 01 mumi. s
receipts at thho postotuce Btand next to the
ho exception of Mr. Miller, who defeated
M. A. Hall by n voto of 26 to 24.
U the close of tho election H. P. Stod-
lart, the retiring president, addressed the
club members briefly, thanking them for
their nctlvo co-operation and making a plea
for united, lntolllgent action In the pres
ent campaign. A vote of thanks was ex
tended to l-'m by the club.
O. C. Thompson, from the county central
committee, outlined a plan for precinct or
ganization which was adopted und precinct
oisicors were chosen. Precinct meetings
will be held from tlmo tn time and tho ofll-
ccrs will report progress to the ward club
Tho matter of securing permanent club
rooms was referred to n committee consist
ing of one from each precinct. A r rort Is
expected from this committee next Monday
night, to which time tho club adjourned. A
communication from the McKlnley and
Roosevelt club of Douglas county In regard
to the organization of marching and Rough
Rider clubs was referred to Ed Cone, who
was elected as captain of there clubs
Au address In tho Interest of tireless ac
tion and perfect organization was made by
M. A. Hall.
BUIlli: UOBl-l I. 1.1144b Ik Hill IWtJUIlU -1 -- .... , . , C
of tho legislature to transfer South Omaha lrpl in tho history of the office. So
from Its present class to a city of the t this month the receipts exceed those of
last September anu u mi4 uu mm .mo
first clues. Others claim that the census
returns make South Omaha a city of tho
first class and' that in the absence of a
special charter the Lincoln charter must
be observed
Members of thu city government have
month may bo another record breaker.
Mnln J'rnvCM Suriirlsp.
wiirviii'S n Kent. 19. The larntst
crowd of the meetlnK witnessed the racing
today. Tho weather was cloudy, but warm
and tho track fast. Fred M was .1 pro-
lilbltlve favorite, in uie .11
In straight heats with speed to spare.
The 2:20 trot furnished the only surprise
of the dav. Wllhelm Mclster was picked
CHICAGO. Sept, 19 -The feature of to- " J '-,-,-T ,,!,, ,!, tlillM
Siircnlntors nt llnwtliuriir Suffer lleR-
nlnr Wnterloo liy StlfLInK tn
l'orm ('hurts.
day's rather mediocre card at Hawthorne
was tho defeat In tho third race of Uessle
Mucklln. tho much touted "speed mnrvel."
et lier fnvnrllo instance After lendlnc by
three lenn-ths Into tho stretch shtt allowed
Bly and Lady Curzun to beat her out for
first and second money. It looked like u
oase of faintheartedness on the part of
Hessle, nlthougli this was tne nrst lime
sni naa been iiskcu 10 bo in we muu.
Tho all night rnln made tne courso n
perfect sea of mud and form players suf-
SusCnliird by Grnpe-Nutii rood.
Cantatn Ulackburn who sailed from
Gloucester, Mass., In a small boat 29 feet
over all, for Gloucester, Eng., In June,
carried with him, by order of his- Doctor, a
variety of different foods, nlso a little oil
stove to preparo them. Conspicuous among
these foods tho doctor named Crape-Nuts,
When Capt. Blackburn got to sea, the
weather was so stormy, and tho water
rough, that ho wus compelled to stay at th'
wheel the most of tho time and whs unnbli
to run his stovo and prepare food. He sub
slsted almost entirely on Grape-Nuts food
which Is ready cooked nnd which he poured
directly from the llttlo boxes Into his hand
or mouth.
"Although woakened by the continued
drenchlnir. fallcue. and exposure, ho mndi
the voyage successfully, which his physician
say would havo been wellnlgh Impossible
but for Grape-Nuts food. Having fouuu
Grape-Nuts food so wonderful in its invlg
oratlug and nourishing effects, the captain,
upon his return, acting on the advice 01
his physlclai, continued tho use of the food
steadily gaining In health and strength.
Capt niac'aburn and the physician, whose
name is omitted as a professional courtesy
(a well-known doctor In Gloucester, whose
name can be given upon application to thu
Poatura Cereal Co. Ltd., liattle Creek.
Mloh..) look upon Grape-Nuts as the most
perfect form of food known, and especially
appllcablo to the use of those who are sub'
Jected to lone cotinued exertions, fatigue,
ui exposure.
1 1
1 3
7 4 2
3 5 4
5 B 3
S 7 7
9 8 8
C dls
in straight heats. Molo's finish In tlie mini
heat was sensational. He broke In tho
back strntch and dropped bnck to sixth
placp, but after ho passed tlio three-quar-
ters poio ne wtiu muuuu un ..........
won from Gale, who looked a sure winner.
Dalsv .1 was the favorlto In tho 2:19 race.
Vichols laid up the mnro In the first nnd
then went In and won In consecutive heats.
Summary: . ,A.
2:19 class, pacing, purse itoi
Dalsv J. b. 111., ny .Monigoy
iuba. b. m J
Violation, b. m
t.eiral Hal. li. ti '
Walter K. b. B i
Insure, l). m
He Hiiro, jr.. i). 11 "
R M G br. G..... 8
tliiahlev V. I). K 4
.... ' ' . . si. , ...4AII rt.4t O.ll
Time: z:u'i,
2:2o class trotting, 'purfo $490:
t.)io. b. ir.. by Monuette (MltcneiD... 1 1
Gale. br. Il 7 g
Spring lock. ur. m - j
Superior Wilkes, blk. h 4 3
rlel JilKliwooil. l). 11 ; -
Wllhelm Melster, b. li 5 h
Wllb ir, b. b 5
Paul ne H. 1). in (
Time: 2 ITi;. 2:1U4. Sirj'i
"14 inelnt nurse tSOO:
Frod M b. h.. by Imprint (Gosnell).. 1 1 1
Daisy Klder, k. m 2 2 2 Tipton, b B 3 3 4
Hfd Light, b. h 5 4 .1
Hazel wood Nal, s. li 4 5 0
Time: 2:12'v. 2:14. .':icj.
" - .
Aincrlenii Turf Cuiivrrns.
CHICAGO, Sept. 19. The expected frlc
'lon did not materialize nt tlio annual met t
'nir of the American Turf Cnivjress held
hero tonight. Troublo was anticipated over
lie license committee's report, but the re
port was passed before any adverse action
could be taken and with tills matter out
of the wuy It was clear sailing.
Tho session was larxely taken up with
the usual routine business Applications
'rom Lakeside, worm, uiniocn rnrn mi
1 nnii nnd Lexlncton were approved, but
hey were not admitted to membership In
the nuMOrl.Hlrjn.
As then) was no contest over the license
-ommlttce It is said that James Howard
wlll bo elected to the presidency of the
association without oposiiiou.
Sehnt-fcr ClinllenueH SIoihoii,
CHICAGO. Sent. 19 Jacob Schacfer to-
nleht rlnillentre.l Genrce Slosson to nlav
two games of billiards for the champion
ship of the world. One of the rames Is to
be at lA-lnch balk lino, no ball In and the
other nt cushion caroms, both games to bo
played at New York. The stipulation re-
Jtnlimin MnLrs 11 Illsrnvor .
VANCOI VEIt, H. C. Sept. 19.-In un In
terview with Lieutenant It. P. Hob soil,
lulled In u local paper. Hobson Is n noted
as miyim; that Admiral Dewey did not b nk
tho Spanish ships at Miinll.i. but that the
Spanish opened the valves and scuttled the
Phil themselves. He Mild. uccordliiR to the
Interview, that our shell fire did very little
Knvnr Cliiiiiue tn "recd.
IJUFFALO. Sept. 19,-Tho Presbytery of
nuffalu nt Its full meetliiB held In Last
Aurora, voted 32 to 19 In favor of a chango
In the Westminster confession of fnlth. The
vote whs an ufllrmatlve reply to the third
ouestlon submitted by Ihe general assem
bly, (irking If a substitutional and shorter
creed "of tho things most surely believed
anions us" were desired.
George L. Plutt of Ilcatrlco Is at the Mll
Iftf'I' . .
N. S Glbbs of Central City. b. 1)., is .11
Omuha. .
n. H. Miles of Kansas City is at me
I. B. SIzer of Jvenrney is sioppine ai uw
Murray. . ,
Ernet O. Powers of Atnol, .Mass., is jn
tho city. , .
G. A. Van Inwegon lias reiurncu irom
the wuit.
J. W. Meegnn of Kansns City Is at tn?
Her Grand
V. a Tallerdav of Watorloo, Ia., Is at the
Ilor Grand.
John G. Howard of W.izlilnBton, D. C,
is In the city.
O. L Stephenson of NorrolK, .Net)., :a nt
the Merchants.
A. Jofferson of Tnlmuge, Nch., is n patron
of tho Per Grnril.
Mrj. Hlancho Eller of Mi'incapolls is Biny
icz at the Murray.
E. It. TalmadKe of wicnua. Kan., is a
patron or mo .Mercnanis.
MIsh Ethel Greenwood of Eddyvllle, Neb.
Is 11 iruLBt of tho Merchant i
nenutv Rice of the Hankers' union Is 111
ut tne j'resuyierian nospiiui
t. t f i , i,,itniaii n.wnanr inan
ol Sprlnntleid, III,, is In Omnha
I! Tnlierlv nnii 1.. A. .MCUOnulll QI
SiirlnBtleld. S. D., aru stayliiB ut tho Merchants.
,1. C. Aid of Norfolk. H. H. Loughrldge
of Lincoln. Charles Kadlsh of West point
n,,,i m l.- Stnnlev of Aurora wero state
peoplo voBlstetyd at the Ilcr Grand Wedneb-dav.
Georee H. Koon nnd M. J. Herry of
llaatlnra. K M. Chanmun of Plattsmnilth
J. W. James of llenedlct and Ira J. Ayers
of Lincoln wero state Buests aimo .Murray
Mnjor Georse E. Pond, chief quarter
master of the Department of Dakota, with
headquarters at bl Paul. .Minn , is in up'
city on his way from Fort Mead, where In
ha been on a tour of Inspection.
Nebraskarw nt the Merchants: Mr. and
Mm. A. Slcmnn of Scrlbner. H. T. Hobs. F.
E. HuRlies. John Dam and Frank Johnbon
of Gordon. C F. Scholer of Fairbury, Clydo
Klnic of 1J Weill, ur. K. A. linnna oi Annie.
L. r. Kloppin of Randolph, Ed Smith ol
Lincoln, Dr. . j. warner oi ufnnniBui".
William Sutton of Table Rock. GeorBi
Dlnsdale of Fuliorton and II. A. Plutt oi
Grand island.
I'lnent of Its Kind.
No beverago of recent years has met with
such pronounced success with tho general
public as ULACK & TAN "The American
Porter" its popularity being due to its true
merit. Orders addressed to George Krus
manager Omaha branch, will be promptly
Mniclc City llosalti.
Temnlars wlll alve a social nt
Mo.iern Woodman hall on Friday evening
Aiir, tfineu nml wife. Elchttentli and
been consld'erfnB thu Lincoln charter for Mlsmouri avenue, announce the birth of a
somo tlmo In anticipation of ths census lauB!in'r. mniiin rlerfcs
returns. Thi3 charter Is considered cn- at tMe postofilco, has returned from a two
tlreiy too cuinDersomc ior oouin umana, I wceKs vacation.
nn 1. r.i..'l,1Au f IT- o nniviV,ef nf ..tll.lold nnt I r U narhvnhlrfi. H mall CArrlCT Oh One
neencu ncro nnu increases inc sa.aries oi i ;Vif.ii
otilccrs beyond the limit of the tax revenue. ,.'.,. innes reoorts a cne of scarlet
It Is now proposed to secure a special fever In tho O'Ncll family at .til North
charter for South Omaha and this work Twenty-iirm street
will bo taken up at once by busin
and members of tho Commcrc
Some work on a now charter has already frlonds,
been done by interested parties. That la.
tho framework of a charter has been PRACTICE ON
niocKca oui wun mo expociauon mai nr.-
census would bIiow a chanso to tlio first
class. Now the Commercial club, the
council nnd business men will get together
and talk the matter over and select a com
mltteo to proceed with the work. South
his work Twenty-llftli street.
Iikss men K. C. Prlcn. formerly general mannger of
iikss men s;.ft.H plant nere, Was In tho city yes-
cial club, terdav, shaking hands with his many
Knlu'htu of AW-Siii'-Hon (iettltiK t'P
Courtly (irnerx hikI the
Ak-Sar-Den's den was cleared last night
Omaha needs more money for llro and and many of the faithful of his knights
police protection than is provided for b Janced to tho strains of band music, mere
luw and these two points will bo made y,as ti0i the glamour about the affair of
features of tho proposed new charter. Thfc a fUj dress event and tho charm of tho
election of u city attorney will also b 'adk-s fair was ubsent, but the knights
advocated. In somo Instances salaries will ,iunced and promenaded and bowed anu
bo increased where it Is deemed advisable, craped Just as courtly and Just as grace
but tho general expenses will bo kep
down as much as possible. A tax cor.i'
mlssloner Is ono feature of the new chir
tor Miggosted which nppcars to meet with
favor among all classes of cltlzuns.
Nnturally tho liquor licenses will be
Increused from $500 a year to $1,000 and
tho probability Is that the number of sa'
loons will be decreased. At the prcscn
fullv as though the object of their atten
tion were tho king himself or one 01 nis
feminine subjects.
Tho occasion was a rehearsal on tho part
of the knights of the promenades and dances
which will be presented at the grand court
ball next week. Somo of tho figures to
bo Introduced will be new and the knights
felt tho need of practicing them. And then,
tlmo ninety-one saloons are in operation, too, they sought to familiarize themselves
while under the arrungment to go In fore
next spring it is thought that thero will
bo not to exceed seventy-flic liquor stores
This chango alone will mean consldera
bio to the city, as with a license of H.Oo
no occupation tax can bo collected. Th
school district will bo benefited by the
change, but tho city exchequer will b
bhort about J1S.000 u year.
Tho mall carriers aro already clamor
Ing for moro help. It Is asserted tha
Council llluffs, with 25,000 peoplo, has
fourteen mall carriers, while South Omaha
with 20,000, has only nine. It Is expectm
vlth thu requisite curtsies and salaams
vhlch must bo made by them when tho
.ing appears. The special figures In which
tho knights will take the lead promise to
a especially attractive and the advance
rehearsals assure that they will bo fault
essly rendered.
Mnnorlnl for Ir, XovIIIp.
In the denth of Dr. Joseph Neville tho
-.edlcul profession of Omaha and the
Imalm Medical society lost an Influential
number. Dr. Neville was always active In
he affairs of tho society und was nt ono
t mo its presiuent. ai a receni meeun wo
n.,i.K nvnreRQefl Din esteem In which Dr.
thai this will be remedied soon, however, Seville was held by resolutions which wero
as Congressman Mercer has premised thn- 'rawn up by n committee consistim; or
additional carriers, who will doubtless g
to work October 1.
nrs George Tlldon, W, L. Glbbs und W. O.
hnin, Ch-is. II. Pchneftir. Max Hecht. Ho
com Pnrk Pharmir), Gl.ultsh Pharina, .
Kinit Pharmacy. I'evton p)'urmi.. G.
S Davis c rt.cll D uffs. In.. M A. Dll.o;i s
Drug Store. South Omaha.
Keu.tvn Tin. rimplt.
iklts. Uo'h PtwhM,
Mail- 1111) hklft 4i-
if. an etry
lltmlih on btiuty,
r.ti 1,..
tien It r.n tloai
th ttit of (I
jfan, and li
hatmltti e taita
It to lit urt tt
sroptrly m4f.
A pt no Munltr-
'' l o!
n Dr L. A.
tityt iald te a la
dr of fit naut-toa
(a aatltnl):
As ve 1 ladies will use m I recom
mend UOI'RAt'DS CREAM' ?s the least
harmf..l of a.! the Sk n preparatlum ' For
sjln by all Drjcmsts and Fancy Goods
Dealers In the V. S. and Europe
FUItn. T. IIOI'KI.VS. Proy'r,
S7 Great Jones St, N. T.
Drop Your
Fire Insurance
3 not that we do not believe in fire insunince, for we do
but not whin you are located in
H The Bee Building
45 5F
t it is absolutely fire proof, no wood in its construction
that is not in plain sight and mighty little of that. That 2
5 is merely one of many seasons why you should be a tenant 5
g R. C. Peters S Co., Ground Floor, Se
g Rental Agents, Bee Building.
u tan ft iini,ip n f r "rr 4V s r r- "cupiden E'
s&XZSi BVt iaU mJU)Jt t. a VL? S EZ. Li n m. v.,.ta.
i&"54iVvt-J bi V,i,lnr. theprewnpuanof sfniuoin French pbynriaa. it-l'l rjnlcltiy eur yon if all
CXjiM ft Mtrrotlror miAaiif tha ren.rMtlr i,rm. .u.'h am l.cial Mnnlltiud. InimDllL
Sx Kj i'.iltia 111 lli l',rk,li.wliil tultiluut. XrrtniK neblllly, Ilmile
na Hurry, Kilmmllnfi Iirnlto, Trlrocele ( onnlrnlloa.
tel A.7T J l libit! all Inutt hrdarertilirhl. l,r.niini!!iLn.ii ol illhK.rr. wklrti If not ehftckrd
U lull to riprrniaiorrtiaa and alt tbu hirrori c( oiuoifncy. 11 PI IIKVKclatnwi tt
ltvur. lha LUiin ind the n. .h... nt ,1 imnril, 'ttal nt-' 4 nr.i,,tli.n.
tad rtitorenmll nraic organv
'Jp'',on tuirrtri are not cnid by DoctorslibfeanseWpercentttro troubled with Prostatitis.
CUPIuRNJC l only knami retneSr l curt "llaout n opsruUon. Uf mtlmonlali. A wrltlea
iruaraiitta ei r n aiiil moner returnKl If boxei dauol cflecl a pcruautai curt. ILM a box, for 4.,
by mall. Sen 1 fnr Knif r rfrr'ilar and a.
Addr- I) A vol. ni:i)ICI.NK to., f, O, ""ox S9TC. Baa Franckvo, Ci.
run salio il v mvi:iis-i)illo. nvv. co iotii axd paiixam,
af rJ r i
ThMhaTenood tht ttit f ytiri.
ana save cuiea tnauianai &l
caiti of Narvoui Due aiei. inch
-i Debilitr, Ditstncii.&lttpliii
ni and aiicCilr,Auorar.ft.
Tnty dear lae bran, nrtotihtn
tae circuiition. cake Oicrititn
nprfert. knit ira.irt a hraltaw
l-rltor to tho whole tela;, All dralui andloitet art checked fermAmnity. Unlcu pitltMl
are Pioperircureii, larir conaaion onto wornettccm into laiinil-. ( nniutaptita oi Dtiln.
"Mailed iralcd. Prica it cei boi: 6 boaet. with lroi-lid Irral ruaraotr- i , urr t tefuadlh
moncT. l5.oo, Srnd lot free. book. Addiett. PFAL MS" -i,.i..a r.
Sold by Kuhn k Co., 15th and Douglas, and J. A. Fuller & Co.. Hth and Douglas.
Viaduct Ilt-pulr Ordered,
When tho attention of General Mpnagn
Kcnyon of tho Stock Yards company was
called to tho condition of tho planklnp
on the Q street viaduct yesterday he stutt l
that material had already been ordered f"i
repairs. A quantity of heavy oak plnnk
lnc bis been sent for nnd also somo heavy
stringers. As tho stringers must com
from Oregon there may be somo llttlo de
lay in relaying tho flooring of tho vladui t
but it Is the Intention of the Stock Yard-
company to place this bridge In first-class
condition before winter sots In.
In connection with this bridge complaint
Is made that tho stairway leading down t
Hammond's and Swift's is weak. This
stulrwny was constructed by tho packing
houses mentioned for tho accomodation of
employes and must bo ropalred by them.
Tvy for 11 alt In
foot Hull Ten in OrKitnUcd.
Somo of tho young rcen of the South
Omnha High school have organized a foo'
ball team and will coramenco practice for
tho fall (tamos within a short time.
meeting was held at tho grounds, Twcntv-
flfth and P streets, yesterday afternoon fur
the purposo of organizing and playing t
practlco game. Tho team Is composed of
ho following members: Charles Mullen
Will Oemmill, Vorno Havens, DeWm
White, Oscar Denning, Hoy Towl. ltalpb
Towl, Antone, Frank Pierce, Glci,
Routt, Charles I.einer and James Cohin
Charles Lolller Is captain of the team and
I. V. Hawkins will act as
I)r mocrnt lo Prliiiiirle Today,
Democratic primaries for tho purpose of
selecting delegates to the county conven
tlon will bo held today, the convention be
Inc held on Sturday. There is a contest J
Talhan, McDuffic Co.. Ga.. May I. 1900.
I wai reading your advertisement in the Ladies' Birthday Almanac and saw the wonderful Wine
of Cardui prescribed. My health has been so bad for the past two or three years that I decide'd to
try your Wine of Cardul. The first bottle gave me relief and now I am taking another bottle. A
friend of mine was so helpless that I recommended it to her, and she is also using it and says it U
doing her a world of good. I shall recommend Wine of Cardui and Thcdford's lJiack-Drau;ht in this
settlement, as they are wonderful medicines. MARY A. MOORE.
You iny bt ai wtll as Mary Moore. A million women have found reiki in Wine ol Girdul. It It (act thai
nlnty womtn out ot a hundred are lck became they never sincerely try to be rll. There nwr mi i
caie of diiordered menstruation, leucorrhcta or falling of ihe womb Wine oi Cardui would not btntllt and lew It
would not cure. Do you not think It wise to rid yourself of thoie terrible aches in the head, bick. armi. It.i and
abdomen? Why do younot try to be free from menitrua! sufferlnji from the continual ajany of bcarinj down
palmt from the languid suffering ol leucorrhaa?. Wine of Cardui buildi up and regtnerati. the d.ic.ied oejani
and elves them strength and tone. If you are lick, and discouraged In the fight for health, try Win of Cardui.
It will bring you a quick cure. A 51.00 bottle which you can buy (rom your drugght mcani Just 10 much
relief a healthier and stronger body less discomfort at the menstrual period. You do not have to ipend long
months " doctoring ". Wine of Cardui starts a cure at once. We atk you to try for health before you give it up!
You un be well I
in raaa ran u 1 rlii ir apeclal direction,, addraii, rlTIni aympioinf. "ino LAOiaa-
aCDl " AU ,ii.n.Muvsi m.uiwiua wvM,y..j,
AdTlaory Department,1
anooc, Tenn.