TUB OMAHA DAILY JJIiE: TIIl'USDAY, s KPT KM H HI? HO, 1000. 1 1 PECIAL NOTICE Advertisements for these colntmi, rrlll lir tnkrti until 111 ni. fur the rvrtllnc edition mill until .Sill) p. In. fur iiiwrnlnu nnil Sunilitj edition. Itntcs, I J.V,e n vrnrtl tlrst Insertion, le a nril thereafter. Mitlilnic tnUru for lr, III n i USo for the llril Itisrr Him. Thrac nil vr rtlnonicnU mint lit run Pfinit-tMitl, ply. Advertisers, liy rciitiestlnir n nuni tiered chcolt, run lirtve nttstrrr nil ilresacil to n iiuttilit'ri'il letter In enrr of llir. lire. nuera so ntldrreil villi br tlrll, itpiI on iircnt'Ulutlou of tin ehrcli only. TI,ll-.l M.K HULP. WANTED, wo lmve teady work Tor a few Knr.il hustlers of good habit. 1111(1 appear amo C. F. Adams Co., 1 Howard St. n-STO HAHRER trade tnught thoroughly In short time, oataloguu itnd particulars free. Address Western Harbers' Institute, Omaha, Noli. H-S71 WANTED, laborers, toameteis, rock men and surface men, Neb. V"o. and Iowa, free fare; highest wages; ship dally. Western H. 11. Labor Agency. 310 S. nth H-S77 AN INTELLIGENT young i to take ft shorthand scholarship In Ik-pi hool and I'-ty for It when course Is cnrtuib led kikI Iioslllon secured. Address I. '.0. lire. R-S73 I HAVE paying position f'r a" memp'uyed male teachers. Cn't or ftddri s.t C t. Hates, m Ramge Rldg Omaha. N'h. ! tilTATHU tnnn In rondiiet office In each county Heat: no capital hut honesty an.l Rood common sense: ivllablc concern with lieinitjimrterM in nmttha. Atiuress i u lice H-SIOOO WANTED, men to learn barber trade. We t-aeh the work In two months, present mmnlete outtlt of ton!. Pay w.ig"S for Baturday from Mart, give lectures on tltln tiupiiv. uriiiit dlnlomns thai allow prnduutes In work In any state and piy transportation to our college at t nic.tgo St Louis or StlnnVnpnlls Grand onpnr tnnllv fnr iltittllciin from dlstlllic C.ita. loguo and particulars mailed free. Mo'er Hariiee college representative. isi i nr nam st . Omaha. ll M993 M RAHHEH; no Sunday work; In.", .f. 1' Colburn. Alliance, Neb. 1J-.M7I3 22 GOOD fire Insurance litiKtlcr. U :'2, lieo ODD Job man und plasterer for rental dept. U 13, Hee. H-X93 1J A No. I stenographer and typewriter, for railroad niiire: k'Xki opening inr enpaoie, well edi.cated young man. Address, stat ing experience, ago lllld salary expected. U 33. llee H-930-19 WANTED An experienced grocery travel In man; good references rciulretl. Ad dress U 1. llee. H-ITIO-20 WANTED, two good solicitors for city. Iloom 27. Victoria hotel. II-WI l'J WANTI'O, boy to run on train as news il?ent. W nodmansee, Webster Hired depot. I! WJ 13 WANTKU. two Kentletnen of K'od address. Call KK IlaillKO IIUIK. U .MU71 WANTMO, a youtiK man who inn f?et llteiiHe to lire holler Ml w liolesaie house Rlvo ace. referonro anil SHlary exnecled. Addresa 1' ..0. llee. II.M73 S) VANTHD. reliable and energetic acents in each county to sell Whiskies and Wines to consumers, references or bond re oulred. S. II. Oppenl.elmer, HI. .loseph, Mo. H-.MU74 W DO you want travellutr lobs on salary? ipdek. Triumph Co , Dallas, Texas. II-MS7J K' w ti:d i.r. 1 mi, p. AN 1NTF.I.UC.KNT lady to take a short hand rcliolaishlp In best school ami pay for It when course Is completed and posi tion scoured. Address 1 2., llee. C f7." WANTED. 2o!) plrls 1521 Dodite. Tel. S76. C-S76 to girls wanted. Canadian olllee, 1522 Dnui;las C-S77 WANTED, at or.c, Klrl. WIS Poppletou Ave. c fisi-m I'tJOK A KOod reliable cuok wanted, .ill easy plare, Kod wat;e.. Addiess (Irand Hotel. Hartlnuton. Neb. C MSS'.i S3 GIUI, for llmt work. 2Sth St. good wanes. 550. So. C-S92 1j WANTED Nurse Klrl : short hours; must live at home. Apply 22oS llarnev Mt. C- 9.-20 WANTED Cook and laundress. Mrs. M. Itocers, 331 S 37th. C-9.'7-20 VVANTED. 2 bright lady solicitors, one for South Omaha. Ciood compensation to rluht parties. Call Thursday after H a. in. 2312 Doimlas st. , C-M2 19 WANTED. Rlrl for general housework. j. per week; onlv neat an.l competent nil I need apply. 4929 Davenp u t. C 9iJ ClIHIi for ueneral housework. St. (near Sherman avo i lull Yates C'JS 21" RIHL wanted for kpiutjiI huurcwork; sm ill family, near paik. 1117 So. 33d St. C-9fil 21 OIKL for peneral housework: Kood wanes 120 So; .HUli HI. C 955 20 11 10 II EST wanes paid to llrst-class waist ami rKiri nanus. ,mimh iioimnu. :n: k 20th St. C-959 22 WANTED. Klrl for 1019 Chlcano st. Kcncr.il housework. C-937 25 r.iitL for general housework. :n'i3 l'arnatn C-M975 WANTED. Kood Klrl for general hou"e work. Apply at 2021 Chlcagc at. C-.M0.1:' 2J' WANTED, nlrl lor i:encral housework Appl to Mrs. W. W I'arrand. 1"12 7th Aven-ie, ('ouiu ll Uluffs C -M9V) I'Olt 1IIJ1 T IHID.1HN. IIOl'SES and Hats. Itlngwali, liurker blk VOH KENT, strictly modern flat In Dav Idge buildiliK, opposite city hall JOHN W. ItOIIHlNS. lS'li TAllNAM ST. ALWAYS movhig H. II. noo.ls l"Manos Olllee. 1511H Karnam St. Tel. 1559 or D-8 SEE IIENUY U. PAYNE, ! N. V. LIKE. D-MO 1'IVE imfiii nlshed rooms, nil modern. ,2711 .N -Jll SI. U Mill IIOl'SES for rent In all parts of tho city. Ilrennnn-Lovc Co., 3S0 So ISth St D-SS7 y vn want your houses well rented nine, them with Henawa Co. D !78 IHU'SES, etc. V. D. Wead, 1521 Douglas. D-S79 l-HOOM flat, city water, !719 Uurdette. D-SM 1KH'SESV stores. Ilemls, l'axton block D 4Sfl MODEIIN 13-room hou?e. sieam heut. 2219 Dodge st. uiiigwiut urns., iidrr.-r iiiocx H Jiirn ins Slunford Circle IWi and W10 S. i;uh St ii-ioom modern cottages, convenient to South Omaha and nth St. car lln.f. $.'0.m PITlic Uyron Heed Co.. 212 S. llth St. D-M71I -22 l.AUOE modern residence west part town imiuiro l-iu riiruuin st. ti .mots CHAS. 12. WILLIAMSON, 1203 Eamain. D-MH74 Ton KENT, a oozy S-room modern col lage imiuire ai. Mary s. u-.Mrjj roll HUNT. in So 23d st , i; rooms, bth, closet, water $17 m lias Jiint boeit papered and painted I an reauy to move into. OMAHA LOAN Tltl'ST CO, Pith und Douglas Sis. D-727 full KENT, 7-room house, nindern, 5H S .ltd avo. Call A. Trnynoi, 'phone K2 or PI D-.M9M lii'ItT and :cid. S-room residence, modem hot water, heat, steel range, good yard Kent Mmt-elRfs tenant from Oct 1 Ht mo. inquire on prcmiocv, in rrHr D 955 25 i-oit hi:nt iioi.i:s. TW) -r'H.nt modern houses, n' w. !itn and iiamnti'n. f v Weai, jetn and hoiirimj. D JI91I Ml'ifiM modem detached house; larite r,W,i- lll-t-r,. m-H I WMipj-, .-.n I'Olt lti:.M-l l IIMSIIIUI lt()(M. THHKK roms. house keplneg; 111" R 11th. H-74 HOt'SEKKKIMNO. 611 Ho. 17th Ave. H-iSM-ID 1. A HO 14 nlcelv furnished front room: een tlemen only. 1910 Dodise. U-MWS Hf.KOANT room. 524 H. Suth suitable for two men. K-C5I-20 HOt'RUK KHIMNO. bark parlor und kltch rn; also nice front sleeping room 510 N. 10th St. n-K!2-2'i l'lllMMIIi:i) lt(l().M5 AMI IIOAIll). OLHNCAmN.trnnKlcnts.H.SCday. P-8S3 aonn board, private family, avenue. tCO So 251 h F-MSSJ I'TOI'IA. 1721 Davenport St. THR .Merrlam, good summer resort, 25th c ce. F-S1 KMiOANT room, with board. 1909 Capitol avenue. r MSS2 22' LA 11012" front room", "llrst-class board. 2SSI Harney. K-M9I7 25 HOOM for two, with or without board. 215 N. 23d. K-MK 23' rriiNisinin south board. 2)I5 Doimlns. back parlor with F-M0I9 21 I'M HNISIIMO south back room; alro larfM front room, with boar.l. 2015 Pous.'n T SlOI'i I'oit ut:vr-t m i it.Msiir.n rooms. t'NFfllNIRIIKP rooms; no hoj-ekeep-li;if. I57 Park ac O 112 I'll!'. II i:T-STOIIKS AM? IM-T1CI2S. Fon"lli:NT st. ire In firt-elas Vocation: rent reasonable. Apply It. C. I'eters V Co . Kround llnor. Ueo bide. 1-2 Atlll.VrS V.TI2I). TTrrnATIVU and pleasant employment no expense nltacheil; commission l.irB- mi exni.rlence renutred. teacher panic ularly adapted to the work, but nnyo.io can be nucccssful. Address Vi llee Ilulldlni?. J-.M701 2S Itm.IAHLK ncents In every Nebraska noli tlie liost rnmblimtlon life and accident pollcv.ever Issued; iasy to sell ilouble the ordinary amount of business; liberal contracts to Kood men. Address (iuardlan Life Co.. Denver, Colo. J -M7M 29 AOKNTS. "Oalveston Horrors" sells at slKht. ttti? book, over I'm pages. Illustrate I from photographs taken on the spot; complete story or the greatest catas trophe of the century, thrllllmr details by an eve witness and world famed de scriptive" writer as told by the rescuers nml rescued; only $151; agents makUm $50 In $2ii0 ner week: best terms, credit (riven, freight pnld. outtlt free; order to day. The I'Jbllshers. 315 Dearborn St., ch'icao. ri. J-ai93r 20 v ri f ' vTC2 i,.lt.ui.M Ifufrnr' fntlv llltls- t i'ii t cil: retail, price, i.;u; oniciai: k seller: best book, best term": frcUIll paid; outllt frte, now r -Ail..- I he N vl llamllton Tub. Co., SAT, Tho Arcade Clevo land. O. J-.M9tfC 2. w tTi:n-To hi:t. f?lIT13 of unfurnished rooms, with bourd In private ramny n.v coupie wun one child. House must be modern and loca tion desirable. iv 'JJj WANTI2D. n modern house, seven to nine rooms. In West rnrnam or uanscom purs. districts: eitner rurnisnen or uuiuruisiieu Address 201 First National Hank bulldhiB K M9I.1 WANTED, two pleasant rooms and board on south or west side or city ny marneu couple; will pay liberally for nice place; private family preferred. V 65, Bee OMlee. sToiiAia: PACIFIC Storage and Wnrchoue Co.. 912. 911 Jones, general sioriye ami lorwartnug -S02 Om. Van Stor. Co,, 15HH Farn. Tots. 1559-ll. WANTED TO HfY. ai t. 1ln.la of household izooils. hotels, vl" . In large ana sman ouanmies. iniiiiji Furniture Co.. H0ti-10 Dodge. Tel. S91 WILL purchnfe a limited number of Omaha Savings Dnnit accounts, urennun Love Co.. 309 So. 13th. N S 5 2DI1AND bicycles. Omnha Rlcycle Co. N-S90 or 9-room liouse to move off lot. Address 531 S. 27th. i"'07'!?!- I'lIE best modern -room cottage tnat $1,700 cash win nuy. Aiiuress. 1 as, ne-, N-.M9ii7 i'l SECOND-HAND safe Address, give price and make. Jolin irnun, hock run. .mo. N M'i9 26 for vi.i:-uousii!s vr.iucLES. ivrc. NEW nnd 2d 11. vehicles at marked down prices, llurry t rosi, Hin a: i.eavenwonu. v P-i9S FOR PALE, new buggle bodies with gear ing for sine at i w eacn. a. ij. ninrin 913 Douglas. P-31401 Uf'-J "OR SALE, n horse and fcuggy, chea-p. In iiulro at 2152 St. .Mary's uve. P 317 0 I'Olt SALE VHSCIil.l.AMSOUS. HARD and soft foundation piling; hog fences ami cmming. ."i uuutiiii, CUTTERS of drug prices. Sherman & Sic- Council iirug vu., t-ui. mm -uiu uuui;t, Q-9yij II. HASS, Florist. ii.) v inion at. rei. 7iu. Plants, cut uuwcin, iumiucis, uuu, resi dence, wedding nnd Krace decorations. Orders by mall or cxpresse promptly ililed. Q-901 2D1IAND safo cheap. Dcrlght, Ills Farnnm. SAFES; buy, sell, ex'ge. Schwartz, 114 S. 13 Q-9CC St. & W. tires, $2.73. Omaha lllcyclo Co. Q-904. M ANSON bicycles, $23. Omaha Ulcycle Co. "D1IAND wheels, $5 to $10, now wheels $13. VJlUitlli 4JIV.;.v. V- v.. , .u... u. x..wh" .Tin. Q-W6 SECOND-HAND Cillcruph (new) for sale. Call ut oince cirru uisirici cuurt. Q-S40 FOR SALE, corncobs. Monroe & Co., Kit Q-M10C N. icth st. FINE horso and rubber-tired buggy, very cheap. H. 12. I'rediickson. lDo.Uet. FOR SALE Two pool and billlr.rd tables, cheap. 161 Lrondwjy. Council Hluffs Q- St0.'5 SE 'ONDHAND Neb. Cycle Co bicycles from $1.00 up. Cor 15th and Harney. Q-.M72I 29 11a vi months' trial free: $11 25 for a high grade 5-ilrawer. drop head cabinet sewing ma- I llllir, li O ll-i,,... -..v' ,........, t'Js.W for a $3ii0.0i) piano: $29.75 for a $73.00 parlor organ; $13.W for a 5-plece over stuffed velour $10.01) parlor suite. All now high grade standard goods. For full par ticulars state articles Interested In and we will mall you a snecial catalogue Hears, Roebuck & Co., Chicago. Q-SI05S OI3 NEED .Money $IS5 will buy line Chlcker lug upright. Address, U S, llee Q-207-O-1 FOR SALE-2 Hoo'sler " wlre-plcket- corn crib machines, aood working order bargain. J. V. Hart, Stromsburg, Neb Q-MW8 3 iisii;i.l.v.m:oi:s. NOTICE, country tlealers. Jdliand furnlturo 11 ml stoves ut lowest prices, carload lots or icii. v.insgo 1 urnitur wo,, ivis uoaac ( I. llt OV.T5. MME.OYLMEIt genuine palmist. 1C06 Dodge. 115 St HS. riHTZ. clairvoyant. 819 North lth I2I.I1C I HIC TUI!ATMIST. ELITI2 parlors. CIS S. 16th. second floor. T-375 OS St ME. AMES, 1S15 Howard, room 1. 2d floor; .uae I'jugur, assistant. t-.mwi 2Q' St St 1-2. LEE. magnetic 13th. room 2. treatment, 507 S. T- Slits IS PI2II.SO.VAI.S. DIt. HOY, chiropodist; corns removed, 25c and upward. Koom 12, Frcnzer block. U-9I3 HOFF'S Express & SIesenger Co. Tol 1717 F-017 S10NHI2IT, Chiropodist. 151! ram. Tel. 23. C-900 4- VIAVI. woman's way to health. 340 Ree b'd; U-'JS TFHKISH bath", massage batns. electric baths, for ladles only; sklllnl women massugo operators; llnest eiiulpped biths In tho city. Henstrom Hath Company. Itootilil 210 to 220, Bee Uldg. U-910 HUPTtTHE cured; no knife, no pain, no danger; send for circulars. Kmplre Hup turo Cure, 932 N. Y. Life bldg., Omaha. U-914 PHIV'ATE hospital for Indies before dur. ins confinement; babies adopted. 1136 X. 17. U-911 PLEAT1NO nnd pleated skirts of nil kinds. SI. Goldman Ai Co., 2' "J Douglas block. U-015 PLEATING, buttons to order; plnklri; while you wait. Omaha Pleating uo , 162 Douglas. U-910 JOHN HCDD. optician. 115 S. 16th St. F-594 S13 I'UIVATE homo before and during conl'no- ment: babies adopted. Mrs. Uurget. 2(70 tiurueiie. u jii LADIES' hair slmmproed, drtsfed, 35o. Hair tunei Bogus, nionntii, uis l arruun. i ei i-u tv' LADIES' .tnckets nnd tnllor made suits al tered, cleuned, repaired. St. Foael. VT, S. 17. F-311-O-l LA PETITE French oval photos We per nozen during sepiemucr oniy. rrueior, 816 S. 10th. F-S1333 Oct. 4 PLACE vour order now for seal sacoue. fur scarfs and collarettes of all descrip tions: furs repaireil ami altered, aui.i baugh, Son & Co.. COfl Karback blk C-SI.357 03 WANTED 50 secondhand ladles' bicycles. Nebrasku Cyclo Co., Cor. 15th A- Harney. V MT22 22 FOR SALE, elegant full dress suit at one fourth Its vnlue. Look 1C17 Farnr.tn C-S9I MOXI1V TO I.O VN Hi: l, I'l'ATI2. LOANS on eastern Nebraska and western lovn farms at o per cent. Horrowers can pay $1(W or any multiple. Any Interest date. No delay. flrcnnan-Lovo Co., 39 soutn lain St., umaiia, Neb. w 924 SIONEY to loan on improved Omaha real estate, urcnnati-uovo Co., aw Ko. ISth. W 92S $1,000 and upward i loan on Imnroved citv property nnd farn.s. W. Famam Smith .V: co., f arnam. w v.j WANTED, city loans, bonds: nnd warrants, Ococgo &. Company, ltWl Farnam St. W-031 SIONEY In nny amount at 6. 5V4, 0 per cent J. W. HOHUINS & CO.. 1SU2 FAHNAM ST W-930 SIONEY to loan on farm and city property lowest rates. O. F. Davis Co., 1503 Farnnm W-932 SIONEY to loan at 5 and 5H per cent on umnua properly. v. u. .ieiKlo. 4U1 . ism. PRIVATE money. 5, r4. 6 per cent: no d. lay. Qarvln'Bros., 1613 Farr.am. W-020 WA.NTED, city, and farm loans: alio bands niW warrants. H. C. Pettrs & Co.. 17u2 Karnam St., nee tiiug. w on PRIVATE money. F. D.Wend. 1521 Doual.is W 922 FIVE per cent money. Re mi- T'axion block W-923 SIONKY to loan on first-class Improved city nroperiy or tor nuiiuing purposes. Pavne Knox Co.. New York Life. W 023 MO.MIV TO LOASi CHATTELS. MONEY . MONEY 1.UA.NKU HALAltltiD rl'.Ul'Lt. No endorser or mortgage required. LOWEST RATES. EASV PAY3II2NT3 nnd STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. OSIAIIA CREDIT CO., Room 626, llfth floor, New York Life Hldg. X-933 -Sl-O-N-E-Y--D-O-Y-O-U-N-E-E-D-t-T-We make loans from $10.00 up on furniture, pianos, horss. rows, etc.; you keep the property; or wn will make you a SALARY LOAN rn your own note, without lndorser or mortgage; we charge absolutely noth ing for making papers and we keep noth ing out of tho amount you borrow; von may pay the money ba k In one month or tako more time In which to pay It, and you nre expected to pay for It only what time you ue It; our rates am low and our terms are the easiest; our business Is as confidential as is posslblu and our treat ment Is nlwnvB courteous. Omahn .Mort gage Loan Co.. 306 So. Kth St. Estnh llshod 1S92. X-934 LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE. FOLLOW TI1I2 CROWD. They romo to us. If you can do better eisewnere 11011 t come hero (but you can't). Come und let us prove to vou that we give REST TERMS In the citv nml more for your money than others DARE. No mortgage, uo lndorser. no publicity; slmplv conlldcntlat business deal. RELIARI.E CREDIT CO. Room 3"J. Third Floor, l'axton Hloek. X-3I07S 20 .MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture. Jew- lery, norses, rows 01c. w. f . itecd, 319 S. 13. X-936 SALARY LOANS. CHATTLE LOANS. J. . 'i A 1 Luis, .13 first xnx. Rank Hldg. X-937 SIONEY loaned salaried people holding per- inuiieiii iiuaiuon Mini rcsponsiiiio concern upon their own nnmes without securltv; easy payments. Tolmnn, 70C N. Y. L. Hldg X-939 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, horses, cows, joweiry. mm ureen, it.s, Darker Hlk X-93S SIONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, dia monds, watcnes, privately. Merger s Loan Co.. 1501 Farnam St., upstairs. X 940 3ION17Y loaned on furniture, diamonds, watches: paymenta contldentlnl. Omaha Chattto Loan Hank, 2.0 H. 13th, upstairs. X941 PRIVATE LOANS TO SALARIED PEO PLE momentarily embarrassed who deslro above everything else to AVUIU l'L'ULICITY can be accommodated at our olllee with less expense, tlmo anil trouble than nny place in the city. A3IERICAN LOAN CO, Room 601, Uee Iiutldlug. X-912 iiLSiM2s t,ii.vn:. FOR SALE, a $2.0o0 stock of drucs In S E Neb.: $1,500 takes It; this Is a snap, will trade for small Improved farm Address 1 ij, umunn uee. 1 .mvju i A LADY or ccntleman wanted to Investl gate a mining proposition presented by rename jiariy; nang roieronces; security given. E. C. Atwood, 401 Tabor Opera limine, umrK, Denver. v M9ll FOR SAL12. a well-paying steam laundry In county sent: largo territory: excellent chance for right man; sickness cause for belltnif. Address C 56, lice Onlce. y-si: ' $150 cash or easy payments buvs 25 strictly lawful (nickel) slot machines for drink', cigars or cash: will earn $2 and unward weeKl each. Karl. 1 lark & ("o . Finn! ture Slanufncturers, Chicago, III . Y-SI7M SIAN and v.ifo without children wa it management of a Mrst-tiass $2 house or would tai.e for two yer 3) years' ex per ne In houl buinii rrfrneri, Addreis, U i, Be. T-.M3M 13 III .ilMW (. II M I2. KOIt RENT, owing to adxnnclng years Str it una" tne tlorist at ti vnnon "treei. ha decided t.. rent o it his ho; house .it above loi,itl,,n, ociuplng 7.0 0 to S OH souare feet, under gla-s, with about 201 windows, anil the residence and "tore fronting the street, on the m t..r line 'o South Omaha. Uxiellent 1 'cation for the business. Y-941 ron i:ciiMii. ln ACRES clenr improved land In Red Willow Co, Neb., to exchange fir pr ! erty In vicinity of Hansom pirk; i ntt pay dlfferenie In cash. J. 1J. It'. in. lni-d, 1II2 So. 29th St. Z-M7jd22 $?,'Mj stock new general drv gor,,ls; will ex- euange ror desiranie properi in tne south or west; owner would reipilrc aliotit $2.S0 cash to pav up obligations, but would take ail property for b.ihi'ne. Ad dress L. J. Wilde, trustee, "43 Wabasha St.. St. Paul, Stlnn. .-St"01 2l $6.iV). Jj.ftH $17.5A) and $.HfY stVks Kc irnl tnerchaiMlln for sale or trad". "Wilde." 743 Wabasha .. St. P.iu'. Stlnn. Z-SI 2l WW worth of general merchandise for sale or iraue in cnunKs to sun iiue, 711 Wubasha st , St. Paul. Minn. Z-SH'CI 21 I'Olt SA 1, 12 It 12 All 12VIATI2 HOUSES, farms. R. C. Patterson. SOSYX. HOUSES. lot, farms, land, loans; nl-o fro Insurance. Ilemls. l'axton blk. R12-9B READ THIS; one of the best hotneg In Hnn scom Place; 9 rooms, large lot, good barn, sightly home; party bav.ng i.ty; pnc-. $7,ff0. SI. J. Kennard & Son, room ..10, llrown block. HE 917 SEE HENRY H. PAYNE COt N. Y. LIFE. RE-90 PAYNE-KNOX CO.. HEADQUARTERS for HEAL ESTATE HAHiSAlNS LOW EST RATES on LOANS: SOUND IN SURANCE; HOUSES. FLATS. STORES, for RENT. First lloor, N. Y. Life, HUig. HE "to GOOD rental property for farm. Slonroo iv i-o., r ecu uuu t uei, cii j r;,,-v RANCH AND FA RSI Innds for sale by the Union Pnclllc Railroad company. H A. SIcAllnster. land commissioner, Union Partite Headquarters, Omana, Neb. I 'U 1 3 I3ARG A INS HARRISON, N. Y LIFE HE HSOrt7 CHAO. 12 WILLIAStSON, y& Farnam St. Ill-l S i C. F. HARRISON, FARSIS. N. Y LIU 12 RE- Gl OS" 4113 Davenport, 7-room house itnd burn: fenced, trees, shrubbery; great bargain, $1,000. Imiuire 130S 1'nr"amn,.:MS30 iv 31 Y neat little home nenr Hansrom nark, llnvii moved to Denver. Slust se'l; $l.f,, $S00 iQnn time, fi pur cent. Call on my agent; Cfl Heo Hldg. HE-923-19 LARGE 7-room, 2-story house; good barn, 3 largo lots, near paved St., school, etc.. $1,200. C. F. 1IAHH1SON. N V. LIFE. 1(1 j .'1 Jm i SNAP IIARC.AINS. WE HAVE THE CHEAPEST LOT IN THE WEST FAH NASI STREET DISTRICT. THE NON RESIDENT OWNER IS HERE TO SELL IT WITHIN THE NEXT ! HOURS AND HIS l'HICi; WILL ui n. I1ETTER SEE US AT ONCE. J. W. ROHHINS .t CO., 1MU FARNASt. RE-SISI 20 Ai-lviua, I'rf acres in ciui.. ooo- iiiti.'v,, some rouub land, house, well, barn, all fenced, 2 miles ninth of Ponctt. Nebraska Price. $S.0t). 100 acres of land. SO miles west of Sioux City, nil uniler cultivation, full set or or dinary buildings, windmill. 6 miles from railroad. Price. $2.M1: $70') cash. 2,5f ncres of land. 123 miles from Sioux City, with excellent stream of living water, some line hay land: will make a verv prolltable stock ranch. A barguln at $.7.'fl IHLAND P. LOCICWOOD, Sioux City, la. RE-.M9l.-i 21 'INPPISON'S WEDNESDAY HARGAINS. 7-r. house, 3 lots, $1,2110. ' 3110 Slarcy 7 rooms oiewi, iflCti. 15.lt S. 29th S rooms. $3,20, 2S01 Wonlworth-S rooms. $3,(W). 1534 So. 29th 8 rooms, $5,500. s rooms, near High school, $5,000. 5 rooms, Cal. and 2dh. $1,250. 6 rooms, 36th, near Fnrnam. $3,ti. . X rooms. Lowe ave.. near Farnam, $.1.6oi. C. F. HARRISON fc CEO. T. SIOHTON, 912 913 N. Y. Life. Tel. .111. or 2012 F RE-90: 19 5 ACRES flno garden land near Omaha for $725. Hicks. 323 Hoard of Trade. RE-93S 19" A NICE building corner, lots Z and 29. Falrmount Place, on easy terms. Write to I'. II. Kappen. Slllwaukee, Wis. RE MEDICAL LADIES out of health find prompt relief Uox 232, Omaha, Neb. Confidential. -935 LADIES troubled with Irregularities, whites, sterility, painful or suppressed menstruation llnd prompt relief and cure; quiet homo befoic and during confine ment. Call or write with stamps to Dr. Pries. 1513 Dodge st., Omaha, Neb. U-.MC09 013 GONOVA Is a French treatment for male and female, for the positive cure of Gon orrhoea. Gleet. Unnatural discharges, In flammations. Irritations and Ulcerations of the inucouH membranes. An Internal remedy with Injection combined, war ranted to cure worst cases In one week. $1 per package, or 2 for $5. Sent any where on receipt of prlco. The KIdd Drug Co., Elgin, 111 American Olllee, retail, wholesale. Myers-Dillon Drug Co., Omaha; SI. A. Dillon. South Omaha: Davis Drug Co.. Council Hluffs. Full line of rubber goods. LADIES! Chlchosler's Engllsn t nnrnvnl Pills aro tho best: sifo, reliable; tako no ether. Send 4c stamps for particulars. "Relief for Ladles" In Icitir bv return mall. Ask your druggist. Chichester Chemical Co., Philadelphia. Pa. OS TEOPATH Y. JOHNSON Institute. 615 N. Y. Llfo Rldg.; Tel. 10C4: AHco Johnson. D. O., ladles' dept.; Gid E. Johnson, Ostcypathlst, Stgr. -a;o SI. 12. DONOHUE. D. O.. of Still school, Kirkvlllo. Sto. 601 Pnxton Hlk. Tel. 1367. 837 N. F SleStURRAY. H. S. D.. D. O., Sirs. J. R .Mustek. D. O.. graduates A. S. O., KlrksvUle. Mo., suite 536-3S Hen bldg. 372 03 A. T. HUNT. D. O.. 303 Karbach. Tel. J332. 5S0-Oct. 9. LOST. LOST or stolen. Sept. 1. 1910. large Irish spaniel bitch. Return to Join Spruce st.; iv rewaru. Lost 31601 20 au.MTi hi: am PIAo imvr.'ii. JACOR SCHWARZ, 1510 Webster. Tel. 2016 -Ml.'S 20 .ML MCA L, PROF. P. nitAUN. teacher of piano and organ; studio 550 Rainge blk; opm I to ! P m.; terms moderate; tnoroumi, artistic worK guaranteed. Jl'iOOctu' IIEI. (itAV IIARI2S,, THE Los Angeles Ilelgian Hare Co. Is head quarters for thoroughbred stock for breed ing purposes, -jizj .-s. iuin hi., umnha. i69 22' WATi:il-TO IIOHROW. WANT $200 one-year, 10 per cent, clear 160. goou security. Address owner, r r,, llee -92I-19 A(12T I.12.M2 3IONARCII Generaiors nre best. Carbide 54. w per 1(0 lUs. Agents wanted. 31 A. O. 1.0.. p2 Douglas St. 6.7 U-13 lllltDS AMI TAMIlEHM V. STOCK S Ulrd Store. 1603 Leavenworth. 919 Forvn. FOUND Purse, owner can have same by uvin; iiikQi inuon 4t i' rnenkin . j.-o n llth. I'ouna-SIMi 20 SIIOIl'l II MI M 'rM'llWHI TIMI. A C. VAN SANTS S. hool 717 N. Y. Life. -Ml ROYLES' College, court reporter principal Pec Hldg tfea NKHRASK A l!ulnes and Shorthand Col. lege. Royd's Theater -9'3 ORKOO Short hind taught at the Omaha Commercial College, 16th and Douglas S;s -951 IMM'I.Ml. CALL on Storand. Crelghton hall, for society and stage dancing, waltz anil 2-step. $5. Large hall to rent for con ventions, meetings, balls nnd club socials. lae-sept. 2i CHAStRERS' school of dancing. 17th nnd Douglas Classes nnd el ibs now form ing at nrnilem. Open dally. 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. 'Phone, 1111. Hall and mule furnished parties. Circulars. S159S O10 2111 C.VTIO.N l CHATELAIN School of Languages will re open September 24; enrollment bonk will bo open Sepietnbcr 2" and following days at the school room, Hoyd's theater, evorv day from 9 a. m to 5 p. m. ; t ittlon $2 per month. SI 970 23 nilU.SSJIAKrj. IN families. SIlss Sturdy. 31S S. 26th st. -ttJU rept. 2I E. G. SI' DONALD, 1012 Capitol avenue! -SttW 01.1 .STAMMEItlNG AMI STI TTnUIMJ. CURED. Julia Vaughnn, 430 Rutngo Rldg. -961 MIRROR FACTORY. Damaged looking glussos resllvered. 70S N. -!'2J- 1C ACI ()lll)IO PI.I2ATI.M:. ACCOHIiION and lde pleating, ihenpest best, nulckest. Sir.- A. C. Mark, 9 Pat terson Hlk., 17th nnd Farnam. -3151 1 05 TICKET IlltOlvlvlt. CUT rate tickets every where. P. bin, 1500 Farnam. Telephuno 7M. 11. Phll--967 PI MI Tl MM!, WE tune jour piano for $150. Rose's Art Store, 1521 Dodge Tel. 1915. 9.10 I.AMil AIJI2S. CHATELAIN Si hool of Languages, Royd's theater, will reopen Stonday, September ID. 425-OS HOTELS. HENDERSON, $l.co per day house: board, $3.50 to $5 week. 9th and Farnam; tel. 1211. -31261 Ol P W.N nitoic I1RS. EAGLE Loan Olllee. reliable, accommodat ing; all busness contldentlnl. IJul Douglas. -905 LOANS, H. SInrowltz; low rates. 418 N. 10. G0.3 LAI MIRY. OSIAIIA Steam Laundry: shirts, 7c; collars. 2c; cuffs, 4c. 1750 Leavenworth. Tel. -863 STHV12 It EI'.MIt INC. STOVE, furnace, range repairs; water con nections Om Stuvo Rep. Wks , 1207 Doug Tel. 900. Ill 1)S WAVTEI). WANTED, bids for cutting up 4C tons ol 1 Kcrap locomotive boilers. A 11. A'plci, 913 Douglas. 31 100 k 1: I'Olt mai.i: ICE for sale In car Council tllurfs. lots. Gilbert Rros 31510 I ItMii Hi; HI2PAIIMML TEL. 1.-31. SI. S. Wulklln, 2111 Cuming St. -9jJ M Mi.M'.i K) HE l,I(i. GREAT Western Institute, 1623 Douglas St enronic diseases cured .110 drugs, surger -o:s CARPENTERS ..M) .lOIIIILUS. ALL kinds of carpenter w irk and rcp.ilri ig promptly .mended to. .1. 1. ucniitree in and Lake Sts. 370 1 n 111, iioii.iHis, mc. L. C Sharp Stach. Wks.; motors, dynamon. 913 III. Oft TIO AM) OR VTORY. ELLA DAY. 2i( Rntngo bldg. reading, elo cution, oratory, Thursday night seho il. 3l7SS-Octl5 M( Kl',1, PLATiMi. STOVES, lamps and chnndellers replatcd. 0111. tinting Co., lieo Hldg. Tel. , POXTOUI'ICi: NOTICE. (Should be read DAILY by nil Interested as changes may occur at any time ) Foreign mails for the vvek ending Sep- lemuer i:j. win eune (piio.mptly Hi all rasesi at the General Post Office .is follows: PARCELS POST .MAILS doe one hour earlier than dosing time shown below. Parcels Poi-t Malls for Germa ny close at 5 p m. Slondav and Wednesday. ii'ltlm-Af litnf o Mulls. THURSDAY -At 0:SO u m. for KI Rope:. per s. h. l'uerst Hlsmarck, via Plvm.cr.h and Hamburg (mal1 for France, Switzer land. Italy. Spain, Portcgal. Turk.-v, Egypt. Hrltlsh India and Lourenzn Mar qucz, vbt Cherbourg. mi't be d r-o . d "per s s. Fuerst Hlsmarcl"i; at 0. a in. for FRANCE, SWITZERLAND. ITALY SPAIN. PORTUGAL, TURKEY. EGM'T HRITISII INDIA and LOU REN'' I MH QUEZ. per s h. L't Lorraine, tla H.i.r. (mall for i.ther parts -if Europe must he directed "per s. s. La Lorr.tlii"") SATURDAY -At x n. m. for NETHER LANDS, per s. s. Statendam (null inuU bo dlrertcd "per s. h. Statendani 'i, at 10 n. m. for SCOTLAND direct, per s s As toria (mail must be dlnctcil "per s s As toria" i; at 10:"o a. m. (supplementary 12 m.) for EUROPE, per h. s Lmnnl.i vi i (Jueenstown; at 1 p. m. for ITALY, per s. . Knlser William II. via Naples imi'l must be directed "per s. .i Kaiser Wil liam II"). PRINTED MATTER. ETC -Th stea-nnr takes Printed Matter, Commercial I'ip.'i and Samples for Germany only Th same class of mall matter for other iwri of Europe will not be rent bv this dilp unless specially directed by n ! After the dosing of the Hupp! inoi : i v Trans-Atlantic .Malls name.l above . I 'i tlonal supplementary malls nre opei ei m tho piers of thu Amerli .i Eng' '. French and German stearic.. ,ir. iem h i open until within Ten Minnies or tl). hour of sailing of steamer Mulls for South nnd (en I nil Anteiien, West liiilles, Elf. THURSDAY At 10 n. m for RH7,IL direct and LA PLATA COUNTRIES. ,.-r s. s. Coleridge (mall for North IlrnH must l.r .liiecied "tifr s. s f'olei big. ' i.i.t 1 p. m for SANTIAGO, CUHA p.-r - s Clenftiegos. at 1 p m. ior H'i'ATAS. CASII'ECIIE. TAHASCO nm ('IIIAPA-I. per s s. Segtiriinca. vln Hiiv.tmi ami Pro. greao (mall for other part" of Mexh o nnd for Cuba must bo directed "per s ,seg. urancii"i; at 1 p ni. for YUCATAN. p r s. s. Prlmu. via Progres . (mall niu-t le directed "per s. s Prlni.T'i. ui i . m f. r .IAS1AICA, per s. s Admlr.il Sdi.c,, f ,,m lloston. SATUHDAY-At 1 a. in. for NF.WFOt ND. LAND, per s. s Siberian fr..rn I'hl'ud. phlti! at 10 a. in. (supplementarv l ,:o ,i tn.l for FORTUNE ISLAND. JAMAH'V, SAVAN1LLA and CARTHAGEN . i. r s. s. Athos nnall for Cosla Rica must directed "per n. s Athos"), ni lo fi in (supplementary 10:30 a. m i for INAGUA and HAITI, per h h Adlrondi.ek. hi lu .i tn (supplemo.itary 10::t0 a miforpORIO RICO. CURACOA and VES'EZ' ELA, p r s s Philadelphia (mall f-.r i- vnntlln i i Cnr'hagrna mut be directed "ner s s Philadelphia ai II u in for CUHA. per s 31xlio. vi.i Havana at I p m I' r 3tATA.NV.AS ('AIR RIEN NTKV'TW G I f AHA IIMIAI'OA iinJ l'ER'K) FAD UK, per s s. Cudityba (ordinary mil. posrouuit 12 Mvnt t:. oMy. whleh must be dlt'ctcd "per s ('urlt.tba ' Stalls for Newfounillana. Vy mil 10 North Syilney, and thence by st Mtiirr, coe it this olllee dnllv at S 30 p m (connecting close here everv Slondn, Wednesday nml Saliirda 1 M.uls for Mlqiielon by rail to Roston and thencp bv .tteamer. c!oe at this office dnllv at S i p in. Mulls for Cuba, by rail to Port Tampa, Fhi . and thence bv steitmer, cloo at thU olfce daily iecept Slondityi st a. n itho connecting closes nre on Sunday, Wednes day and Friday). .Malls for Meb o CI y. ovitiand. unless specially addrei for illpntch bv s'e.imer. cloi-e at (his nlloc dally at 2 '!" a in. and 1 30 P m Malls for Costa Hli a l y rail to Sloblte. nnd for Rfilze. Puerto Corler. nnd Giutema'rt, by fall to Xi,. Orlenes. end th.'"ce bv steamer, close at th' olhce da ly at "3 P in 'connecting closes hrp Tues'iis for Costa Rica and Sundays for ItcilJC. Puerto Cortez and Otiatc.nut.n. Peat. tercd mall close at 6 p. m previous tl i i'riiiii-l'nclllc Mull". Stalls for Australia (except Wet Aut ci'Lt. which goes via Europe, and New V.eil.nvl. which goes via San Francisco), a ".it U'd Islands, via Vancouver, close here dally at 6-.T, p m up to September "ISth. In clusive, for dispatch per s s Warrlinoo i-iipi'iriueniniy mails, Ma fcaiue, tl''-"-' at 0 .1) p. m. September "li'thi. SI i'Is (T Hawaii. Japan. China and Phlllpphio Islands, via San Urancifco. dose her dally at 0 :tt) p. m. up to September "17tli. Inclusive, for dispatch per s s. Nippon Slaru. .Malls for Hawaii. China. Japan nnd Philippine Islands. Mt San Framl-"'" close here dally at 0:30 t m up to Sep tember "27th. Inclusive, for dl-pntih per s s Rio de Janeiro M ills for Autrilli (except West Aulrallt). New '.enland. Hawaii. FIJI and Sainoan Islands, via San I'ranclsco. close her d.illv at ti;Ki p it. after September IGtli and up to Septem ber 29th, Inclusive, or on day of arrival of s s Cnmpnnla. due it New York Sep tember 29th, for dispatch per s s. Ala meda. Malls for Chl'i.t ami Japan, via Vancouver, close here i'..llv nt 6:3ft p m up to October "2d Inclusive, for dljpa'.ii per s s Empress of India (regl terci mall must be directed "via Vancouver"). Malts for Hawaii, via Sail Francco, close here dallv nt 6.30 p in. up to Octo ber "12th. Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Australia. Transpacific malls nre forwarded to port of salting dally nnd the si hedule of dos ing Is arranged on the presumption of their iitilnteriupted overlnnd transit Registered mall do es at 0 p m piev lous day. CORNELIUS VAN COTT. Pint master Potoillce, New York, N Y. September II. 19). 2(1 I. XOTICI2 NOTICE To CONTRACTORS. Sealed proposals will be received at the olllee of the undersigned until twelve o'clock noon on the 17th day of October. 1900. for the construction of the Carnegie library building. In the citv of Lincoln Ncl.iMskn Plans, specltlcatlons and con ditions may be found ut the office of the Librarian of the City Library In Lincoln, and nt the olllee of Slessrs Fisher & l.iiwrlc, architects, In the Pnxton building. Omaha. Nebraska. The board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Ilv order of the Library Hoard of the City Library of Lincoln, Nebraska. S. L. (2EISTIIARDT. of Committee on Plans. I4S Hurr lllock, Lincoln. Ne braska. S-10-1S-20-22-.M DOUGLVS COUNTY FAIR The count v fair will be held with the Ak-Sar-IP-ii ccrnlval in Omaha on Septem ber 21 to 29 Persons desiring to exhibit live stock, poultry or In nny department of the fair should secure rtitry blank-i nt onco from 1. W Hcrvey, tiecrcuiry, 1112 Farnam street. The Ilv. stock will be exhibited 011 ho grounds of the Onnh.i Driving pirk. 818-31&E 7t RAILWAY T1MH 1 AIII.ES. FREMONT ELKHORN Missouri Valley Railroad "The Northwestern Line" General Offices United States National Rank Hldg., S. W. Cor Twelfth und Farnnm Sts Ticket Office, 1 101 Farnam St. Telcnhonc. tol iiepoi, mm nnu wenmer ais. reie jihono, 143? Leave. Arrive. Hla k Hills. Deadvvood. Hot Springs a 3:00 pn a 5:00 pm Wyoming, Caspar and Douglas d 3:00 pm e 5:00 pm Hastings. York, David Citv, Superior. Geneva, Exeter and Seward.... b 3:00 pm b 5:C0 pm Norfolk. Verdlgre and Fremont b 7:30 am bl0:25 am Lincoln. Wahoo and Fremont b 7:30 am l10:23 am 1'reniont Locni u 7:30 am a Dnllv. b Dally ONcept Sunday, c Sun day onlv d Dallv except Saturday, c Dally except Stonday. CHICAGO. ST. PAUL. Sllnncitiolis ,t Omaha Hallwa "The North westetn Line" General Offices, Nebraska Divi sion, Uth and Webster Sts (itv Ticket (lnice. 1101 Farnam St Telephone. Ml. Depot, 1Mb unit Webster Sts. Leave. Arrive. Twin city Pnsenger a 6-oo am n 9:10 pm Omaha Pnsesnger nll:10 am Sioux Cltj ,t North east Nebraska it 3 50 pm Oakland Louil b 5:15 pm b 8:13 am n Dally b Dally excep. Sunday. CHICAGO & NORTII western Rallwuy "The Northwestern Line ' City Ticket Office, llul Farnam Street Tele phone. 561. Depot, Ten ih and Slason Sts. Tde- phone, &y. Leave. Arrlie Da light Chicago Sp-- cf.tl a 7:00 nm all "..) pm Chicago Passenger n 4:13 pm a S.lu am Eastern Exoivf" Des Stulncs. Mnr.4if all town. t eiiar iiapius auu cm cago nio .s nm n t-ir. ,r. al0.o5 am a t-0- P'n Eastern Limited. Chi cnuo nnd East a 4:53 pm a 4.05 pm Fas Stall. Chicago to Omaha n 2:4.". nm Omaha-ChlcaijO Special. rt 7:13 pm a KM pm FnHt Mall a !:;!y urn a Dallv SIOUX CITV ! PACIFIC Railroad 'The. North western Line" (jeneral Olllces. United States National Hank Ruildln, S. W. Corner Twelfth ami Pnrn.im Klu 'rllnf Office. HOI Farnam SI. Telephone 501 I pot. Tenth and Slason Sts. Telephone, 023 Leave. Arrive Twin City 12xpress Twin City Limited Kloux ity Loca: . a Dally. ...a 0:55 am alo 50 pm . . .a 7:35 pm a x:li am . .a s:W uin a. 1:20 pm CHICAGO. HOCK ISL- nnu t'aciiic ''-iiiroa.l "The Great Hoi k I 1 and Route " (it Tick et office, 1323 Farnam Street. Telephone, I2J Depot, Tenth .Vi Muson Streets. Telephuno C2l Des 3Iolnes nnd Daven port Local a7-25nm bll::!5nm C itcigo l-.xpress . . . till :13 nm a s:ln am ( Imago 1'iisl Express.. a 5:00 pm a 1:25 pm Uncn n and Fulrbury . .a 8:30 urn a 7.0J ;im Lincoln. Colorado Spgs.. iMMiver. I'lienio ami West a 1-10 pm a 4:15 pm Dee 3Iolnen, Rock Isl end and ('hloago .... n 7:15 pm a 5 V) prr. C nloratlo St. , ex. is Ii rr a 5:M pm a : 15 am a Dally, b Dally except ."ui.day. HURLINrriON .t 3IIS sourl River Railroad "The Hurllngton Rome Gcneial OllUes, N. V. Corner T-nth und Fa' nam Sts Tlckcrt Office, 1502 I'arnam Htreet. Telenh"no. !V Hurllngton iniioii. Tenth and Mason Sirccit Ttiei)iMiif. 12S Leave. Arrive. I.li roln Hastings and McCoulc a 8:40 am a 7:33 pm - iih oin. ue:iv-r t'tah'.'tr..Uf"rn'in "a 4:25 pm a .loo pm rado 1 'nr o'r, tv l-tisi' k Hills .a 9:30 pin a 3 no p'n .vionm:,a, i-iigti no'inn a u:4u pm a ij Ii am Lincoln fast Mail . ..a2:lipm hI0.3j am Denver. Colorado Utah & California a c:i5 am t. Dally. K A Nh AS CITY. St. Jo seph ,v Council Rliitts HaiIro.nl "The Hurling-to-i Route ''i ickct otllce, 1FjO Farnatn titreet. i'ele. phone Depot, Ten'h and Slason streets. Tele phone, I2 Leave Arrive Kansas City Day Ex ..a x:50 am a C:lo pm Katsa i ity Night Ex alO.I5 pm a 6:15 am Ht l.ut Fler lor St. Joseph und St Louis a 4:55 pm all. 15 am a Dally WAR AS II RAII.ROAD Tlcket Office. 1504 Farnam Street. Telephone, SW. Do pot, Tenth and Marcy Strcetf-. Telephone. i&. Leavrt Arrive. Cannon Ha'.l" a i 'A pm a k 20 am H Louis Express O De .'. 111'. I Jt I ! Till CRITICISES NIGHT CAM', Declares with Euiphai that tho After-Dark Folic Reporter Won't Do. NOT CAREfUL ENOUGH ABOUT TACTS Andy .liihiisnu Did 3nt Put Aniline In Ills Ni'lghtinr's I Isti-t-ii, Itcciiuse Hie Nclnlibor tlnsn't n (isiem. Tlm Ornisby dropped a handful of stilt Into the big pot of boiled bonus and stirred them up, then walked slowly down tho long table and ilcpoltcd a spoonful of tho mix ture upon ouch of thlrty-flvo tin plates waiting to receive It. "No, we're not fcodln' as many now as wo was a month ago," lie satd. ".Most of the hoboes Is too busy now- to get Into Jail they's hiistlln' for a soft berth before cold weather sets In." Then ho retraced Ills steps and pl.iced two boiled potatoes beside each Ittllo p.tt of beans. "Say. pnrd." he resumed abruptly, "not to change Hie subject, but jott know I'm no knocker, don't you?" "Never thought of you In that llgbl. Tim." "Thai's right. 1 don't belong lo no car penters' union and I'm 'inoug tho List of 'cut to get his hammer nut, but all the same I've got a rap conilii' this time." "Haven't they been treating oil rlnht "" "Oh. It ain't that. It's ngln' tho night shift the night noospaper shift down here nt the hatch. They've been workln' off some pretty raw ones lately." "Doesn't their work suit you?" "Come, come; You nln'i got 110 eatl to get crimpy with me. I know I ain't no gradunio In tho wrliln' graft, but I'm learntti' nil right, alt right, nnd 'less you've give mo n bum steer that night shift Is dead wrong. "The Ilrst thing yon said to mo was, 'Re careful of your facts, Tim. That was my primmer lesson; ain't that straight?" "Well, doesn't the night shift observe that rule?" "I should s-n-y not! Now look hero It's this w ty: I wouldn't know that moon light shift If they'd stand In front of mc and liinkc motions, 'cause I'm not down here o' nights. I hns to tear for the pad early no's to bo back about tho time the sun Is rlsln' over the Rig .Muddy. Hut I drops In here the other night 011 my way home from n little pink ten over In tho Fift' and In tho hall I finds ntt old geezer handin' a game o talk to two foiir-cved noln with pencils. Well, I nets busy right awny. 'This le my lino', 1 says, so I stnuds around to get an earful. "Yon seo ll'rt one o" them neighborhood tiffs. The old geezer wants n warrant to pinch the guy that lives across the alley from hlin. and he's glvin' that four-oyed platoon a heart-to-hcnrl talk about how bo's abused. "Well, the next mornln' I looks In ths pnptr for the piece, and hero It Is. 1 cuts It out, but I ain't wiso no more lo what paper It's from. Hut ain't It a peach? Say. the guy that wrote that knows how to throw the kibosh! You seo it says hern that Andrew Johnson threw red nnilcno on the roof of Ellas Swanson's house, bo when It tains all the water In Swanson's tislern Is stained a 'vivid carmine.' That's what the piece says 'vivid carmine.' Then Johnson gees nnd hunts up a fly cop and pumps him full of ozone about Swanson killlu' n man and hldln' htm in tho cistern, and has the cop dredgtn' the tank fer the body. That's what tho piece says. Now. I'm Icnrnln' to scribble fcr noospapors, an' 1 want to know If tbnt's the nngle." "Why, certainly. That makes a very 1 callable Rtory all about the red unllene and blood. That's 11 goud Joke. What's tho mutter with It?" "'Cause it ain't gospel. The guy ain't Vnreful of his fncls.' Johnson throw a brick, not red anllenc, and all that About drcdgln' the cistern Is gold brick llter nchurc pure kibosh." "Are you mire of that?" "I guess yc3. 1 know Andy Johnson, and he ain't got no cistern." "Then such work Is very reprehensible.'' "Why, cert, an' that's why I've got a rap comln' on the night push. They IhroAvs the klboHb too much." And Tim, having piled plates to a dizzy height on his tray, staggered off toward the detaining pound. It Ml. WAY TIME i'Vtll,)'.. CHICAGO. HUH LINGTON & uulncy Railroad "The Hurllngton Route" Ticket Office 1502 Farnam St. Tel 230 Depot. Tenth & Slnsou Streets. Telephone, 12S. Leave. Arrive. Jja light Chicago Spe cial a 7:00 om 1 toNa Express a 9:25 pm chkogo c tibulcd Ex.. a 4:00 pm a 7:45 nm Chli ago Local Express.a S:50 am a 1:05 pm Chicago Limited a 7:15 pm u 7:45 am Purine junction Local. .alo:45 utn Pnclllc Junction Extra. n 7:00 pm Fast Mull a 2:15 ptu a Dally. UNION PACIFIC'THE OVER land Route" General Offices, N. E. ('or. Ninth and Farnnm streets. City Tit kct Office, 13-'l Farnam street. Telephone, 310 Depot, Tenth and Slason St'. Telephone. 029. Leave. Arrive Tho Overland Limited.. a S:20 am a 7:33 pm The chl.aBo-l'orlland Special a fi:20 am n 7:35 pm Tho Fust Mall a X:50 am n 3.25 pm The Colorado Special. . .nll:33 pm a 0:50 nm The Fust Mull a 4:35 pm Lincoln. Hcatiico and Strotn.sburii i:xpress .b 1:10 pm 1)12:25 pm The Pnclllc Express. . .a 4:25 pin Th Atlantic Express.. a 0:50 am Grand Island Local b 5:30 pm b 9:30 am a Dally b Dully except Sunday. ILLINOIS CENTRAL Railroad. City Ticket or tice, 1402 Farnam street. Telephone, 215. Depot Tenth und Slason streets Leave. Arrive. ...all:10 am n 4:'5 pm .. .a 7:15 pm a 8:15 am St. ...b 7:C0 am b 9:10 pm St. ...u 7:15 nm a S:13 am Chicago Express . Ch.eago Limited Sllui.i .ip'dls and P.i n I Express . . Minneapolis nnrt Paul Limited Fi rt I lodge Local from Council HluffH li 1:20 pm bio.16 am k Dally b Daily except Sunday. rai' OMAHA A: ST. LOUIS RAIL rnail-Ornnhn, Kansas (it ft i:astern I'.iillrond "Tho (julncy Route" Ticket Of fice, mi Farnnm Htreei Telephone 322. Depot, Tenth and Slalcy Streets. Tele phone, b':'.i. Leave. Arrive St I .els Cannon Hall Kxpr-iM a 5:0,j pm a 8:20 am ( K:" ''"V un(l Oulncy 'u t-.'fi am a 9:00 pm SIISPOURl PACIFIC RAIL road General Offices and Ticket offices Southeast Cor ner 14th nnd Douglas Sts. Telephone 101, Depot, Union station. Leave, Arrive Pt Louis. Kansas Nebi.isku Llmitod . . . .alO.OO nm K. C, St. L. Expicis... (110:10 pill a B:30 pm a 6:15 am Leave from 15th W bsti r Sis and Nebraska Local Via Weupln? Water .. .h 4:15 pm ut0;45 am a Dally, b Dally except Sunday. CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE & Ht Paul Railway-City Ticket Ollhe. 1501 Fnrnam Street. Telephone 2il Depot Tenth and Slason Street Telephone. C2( Leave Arrive. Chicago Limited Ex. a 0(jO pm a ( am C hi' ago Omaha Fx b 7 15 om b 3 ii pm a buliy b Dally nxcept Sunday, PS5 it Daily. w MHWA"WEf