1 v omaua pailv jtrcrc: TtiritsnAY. sisptismher 20, moo. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Wt Weather and High Gables Cause Ad Tance in Wheat. CORN DULL AND UNCHANGED AT THE CLOSE Prices In On Cling; Close In the I' Ik ' nt Kml nf Yctcrdii)'n Ses- lou Proi IkIoiis Irregular mill llcnvy nl I'lnl.li. CHICAGO, Sept. 19.-Vhent advanced trongly on wet weather In the northwest ml high cables toduy, October cloning K2?o. over yesterday. Corn and oats closed unchanged nnd provisions I'itHlT'.si lower. Wheat wn strong and active all day 10 start with there was the Liverpool advance of j,tj, wet weather in the north west and a reported advance of 10c per irrei in nour. indcr the Influence of this news October ooned at c higher at TS ?Ui .,. . . .. ... iui uii u report mat mere was a prospect of the weather clearing In tl.,. prime wheat country a reaiitlon to 77V Z. ? A N,)r"'n',t markets were strong Z.l.i ' : nuyiug Jiere tor t It - northwest account. Itcccliils. too. H2 ."i i ,.lor!Mw.''!,t ';ol"tM "10 huylntf n-iTl- . ' ""ll i or country points 2 "to were tninu-rotm reports of serious iruni tno rains. OfTorltlgs In tin fi.,? ;"1 ;,' f'l , the outside demand, cojpled with tho efforts if shorts to net out of harm s way, resulted In n shun, advance. October sold up to 79c, receded mi c mil i wieu till gcil runner to 7914c and closed 1 VfiPiie i.v..r v..,..,.,,. , ..V -!.. t. "''"' J'ork reported sixteen hmds tnken' lor xport and clearances In wln-at and Hour .....' ""i-."iii. primary rece nts .7 , "II.. computed with K.r'.r "" m".1 ear. .Minii. ipi, ui,t uJko,i"' ,il ". vear nx. Local receipts were m cars, nine of contract grade nrfnrin1 .V.,,r""f,,h ,nd smal'er country A r..H?; .!'".' H,,ll."',""! demand was slow. I rmi i. .v-stcr-lay were UWIK ,,. wo ild account for the abate R el J'l'.flerday Th-ro was no strength ": ,' ,' ,'iV. V ' l'n"B- nniilM-r opened at MiSV.,"iUct."Si,f "arrowly and closed uti n'LP( 111 V; were 3s ,.,ir" Oats were dull and featurel. ss. with the tdTuiV' li" r,,,r "U M'H'crdnys lust tlt.ures all the session. October closed tin. car's!'' "l "lr,"-""-- Itc.'elpts were l" .I,in!vl.s.!"1"' w.''r'' iTeKulnr. the tone nt the end being rather heavy, mid with the ,.v. iik was hither on an advance at Liver. C1 thi,U..,!.,S.tr7,l T r,,nK h" Vmrkert ... ...! (. "" t'rt of shorts was larklnir ntn iiisnoseci or some of their hold- Jri nif. " r'" nI"' rinsed liS-t'' r,"'er lard closed '"' "iiu ucioner rl in as lonys iiiks the sou lie I Ween 17'Ac under nl I'4e hluher nt 7'.:c tow-r , t-P1 ni.s ,vI( 9jjv;J.'in'.l,, I r',Vi.I,H' for tomorrow: Wheat :,rhe:adnr" cnrH: oa,s' : . " lc'"dl"K '"tures raned ns follows: A rtlcies.l OponTTTlBli.TLow.l ClOHeJ Yes Wheat Hept. Oct. Nov. Oct. Nov. Oats Sept. Oct. Nov. I'orlt- Oct. .Tun. Lard Oct. Nov. Ian. Itlbs- Kept. Oct. Jan. 79H I 21! 21 'i Sl4'!!la, 211', 21J 79U 71H i is1-; 30V4 12 22H 11 7 in 7 12',4 0 72'4 i!ll.'i1iL (!; ii I . I m . . -i ..A i '..... 12 22U, 11 ) 11 IT',4! It U7'4 7 40 7 15 7 12U G 75 7 7K 7 45 C 10 7 (G 7 0 67!4 7 ft) 7 .".L'lAI 11 !7'4 a 40 7 07'4 7 021 6 70 " 7 0 7 G 07'5 It M'i1l ili.i 12 ir. 11 421 7 C5 7 ii-i fi 07U 7 77H 7 10 No. 2. i.'rl M,tT'll,10V-'1,l0MS wm' Allows: BtrnlKl J iirrnhiV-ltur I'-'"t8. UMI.oO; mraikiiis, J.l.riOf3. ,0 c ears. Stloflinn! sprhiK specials, tl.r,0: patents itvif ' : r'iiVTTN"- 3 7Se: No. 2 red. 7hVriM)e 40iiftfeN- S' ' yellow; 2r,l,5'2.",4e; No. ;i white, 2J'ifI2IUc w,ul HYH No, 2. 6314. u-'..i. HAULICV -cJood" fee.llnir. 3!H.c: fair to clLn,'.(',,J..mnI"nf' f33e. " Hl'IKDS-No. 1 ax. $I.GS; No I north- western. Jl.Bft; prime timothy." JU0Ul"j: , .'"OVISIONS-Mess pork, per bbl $11 ,-, K&!,l;!af.,!ar!, "-2,!-ofI,vlJeo,v..nc'i,,;rl.ta,.;rs,;,,,M shl"n,t,, E!o..r. hi,. Hc?; ' orn SlT.fVM ."lH. ,'" 51.J.0H1 ..a i n y. mi M 0f() On tho produce exebanue todav the b'ut ter market wuh dull; -Fet.merlex. ir.T21.." iiiiuu-B. i.iDiM'. L'lieesc. i . ioit!iin fresh. lt!'..e. ' onrse. hwIpjc to the irr truiaritv and weak- r.f-s abr. ,i. T'.dnv s market wund up with prir. s 10 point below Inst muni'" close, win, sellers on the basis of i2 W and very weak In tone. The rest of the llt de veloped few If ,my new feature. I'Ik Ir n warrants cloed very dull, at 118.75ft 10 3.' . Iake eopiT unrham'd, at JI6.ioUl7 0. Lead ruled dull nnd closed Ht 11.17',, while peller exhibited som st.ndlness. at JI IO fi(15, the prevailing rates. The brokers' price fur lead was II ( and for copper 118 75-617 00. OMAHA UHtM.nSAMS MAItKHTS. Condltloii of Trnde nnd Ouotntloti on tiiile unit I'nney l'rodnee. KfJO? Ilecclpts liberal; Good stock firm at UVui-i LIVn I'OfLTUY - IIcni. 7c; roosters, 34flc: sj.rltiK chickens, (so; ducks, 4fl5c; Reese. 4W5c; turkeys. Sc. IMtnsl niu:3Sl:D POtLTUY-tlens, 8-; ffttlc; roosters, ducks nnd geese, vft V"-: brolb rs, per lb. 12'ac; turkeys, 12'jc OAMH-I'ralrle chlcknix. per doz , J2 W Q I r. IirTTI2Il-rommon to fair, 13c; choice. lSfilBe; sepatator. 2lc: gathered creamery, 1 Mi 20c I'ISir-Trotit, 10r: blucflsh. Pc: pickerel, sc: catllsh, Uc; dresed huffalo. Sc: white rish. inc. herriiiK, 6c: black bass, i0c; sal mon, 13c; white bass, 10c: cropple, 10e; pike. 10c; halibut, hutltMMff, lie; rlns perch Co: lobsters, ureen, 22c: blled lob sters, ISe: mackerel. 2; codlWh, lCc; yellow perch, Cc. FHIJHII OYSTKHS-I'lrst grade, solid packed. New York counts, oer can. 40c: extra selects, 3.'e; standards. 30c. Second prnde. slack tilled, New York counts, per cf.'Jj J??r "' selects. 2le: standards, 20c. IMOKON.- Live, per dozen. 90c. VHALH-Cliolre i'tllOe. I IA V -I'rli I M MlUite.l liv Omnlin U'hnlnanU ITnV tleilter' tivuiielri I l.i'n rU..I. t.hl...l t---.- ........ .u .... i. . vii'ih r uiimiiii. sj'l .no. l upland. JS.M ; medium, 57.60; co.irse, JO B(i. H.e utraw, JR 50. Th-se prices are for hay of nood color nnd ciuallti. Oemand fair and nrlces tlrm. Heceloia in cars. ' OAT.S-No. 3 white, 26c. CnilX-Xn ?,, 3Vc. HHAN-J12.7.' ViyiKTAHLKS. vi'iJJ- ?U!Sll ?-l'cr 1,U!hci b'lHkct. COc. vi Mi- . . !r,',?.T.!,cr..,lo!;p" hunches 15f?20c. l,V..,V.A'lU.O I K-I Vr ounches, 2.5c. I.hl I I t'U-l'fr dozen. lofllSc. J:.A.',i.s.,,1::.-llome Brown, per dozen. 15c. lll'.A.Na V ax. OCT hlllf bushel l,.il;et. sweet 40c POTATO lis Per lu1il. iivrjr.(v. nriti.fi,. .........I ... ' ' :'': " . '"iiimi, ;.i '. ..V,I'-,,,,I.'nn Prown, per pound, lz. I'A I LII'M.oW KH-Por dozen, Jl. TO.lATOtrillnt..n nrT,.A' bushel hiisiiet. ioc " ' .''M,t4i.ft.",irm" R'Own. per bu 50360c. CnLnrtY-Nehrnskn. 3010c. 'HI'lTS PKACI l.: I'liH'roriiln ' clItlKS. 7-,... "oivuv.-, oov, : '.'i!?.:;Cft."for",n'. lcr crn,e- i. loai 25. per boy no i"M "" t,olorai'l ',cr "rale. others. iYVmi 7.-.. ' OI5APKH -CnHforiitn T.iltnvB l.l,.,.L-,i erale. Jl.l; ConcoriN. homn ifrmvn i?r,'.i. Delawnr" and Niagara, ner fi-lh. ln.k,.r tse' WATKIt.Mlil nVSAu Ir. qvno-, u i-'w 41"A '.''-ueins, iicr dozen, 40if.V;o; larco ilzus, t!0'iJ7.ie. iiAII.oV'iSra,lv.r'. -Pr bit.; per 2. GO. '2 vi3 oo. cri, nppleH, per bbl.. J,l iw.jw;i;mi;.s-per bbl., $7; per crnto, $3.50; necordlny to slzo, r, .v....T.,ln,,,CAT' riltllTS. PS.C5.1"1-Valencia. Jt 2r.-. 7. LK.MOXS Prillfni-,.1,. .!.. . - - ...... . Alll IUI IV, Choice i'in.i5'i , H A NA NAS-Per bunch J2.0032.75. . MICF.LLANBOt'S. Nl'lM T.:netu)i wnlntita ,..v 11. 1Afl10rt. filberts, per lb.. 12c; almonds, per lb.. 161? "Ti.JV, l'f.r V4tfc; roasted. Gmi'ic I 1 1 I ll'.K ,1 1 iri'tlAII I!... Vn o Gc; No. 1 salted. 71. e: Vn ? li,.H e.i-.r.. No. 1 veal enlf ! in ! Iiw v ' ..Z.A calf. 12 to IS II... Cc " r'" Shipments. 13 11,1 3ll.o i:,(m. lU'l.Olil lisKH. tlrm NEW VOHIC (iI2Nl:-.t.4I, SIAIIKKT. Prices Vnrloiis of tUe linv ,,,, Com liliiil 1 1 lea i7?Y,OUK- 'i'-l'LO'-H-Hecelp s 11211 bids.; exports. I.i.r.7.1 bids ; sales "too kKS.; market (Inn hkHii d held at hluher prices on all Brmlm. tetne-iiK de a t W.DiT.Tfir,; Mlnnesotii p:.t .,u, HXttlM- Mln-'riiU,:r- ?:! "m ' wlf.ter 1 w firail" , 'Vrf ",v7 ",,,lr llr "'d Hcilvo: s os 1.2) bills.; fair to i;ood. J3 Mi : 3J- cholc to fancy, J3.3:.(((3.iB. -noic. ftMeneliNv'",!'If!n,,:, Vlhiw western. s.S 5,Vrl '- ."randy wine. J2.ir.f,2.ri5. HMO-Klrm; No. 2 western. Wc f o b nn,raU,s,Vl!Vr'1? W'O p- 1- f.. New 'York wan i; feeuinj;, LlTfllc, c. 1. N'e, v.Yri.- iVi:.,'i,.V.VW r- ,,..,,1,11 ii.'if,i-r, r i. r iiniralo 1J,,,,l;1wM,J.,,,l,,,l",l: western. WW'' '5U,r'"0 i . k,iI.1,A 1 Ito'lptH. 235,((X) hit ; expnrtH VL '" ' ".nl,'? '-'"mo ": futures. Sfue0 25 i cVi'' s,",'Ki N 2 red. MUc f. o. I.. fio'UPH pl,,v''tor; No. i northern. nu: . !!' f' " b' "Hoat; No. 1 hnrd Dn- luth, WTo f. o. h. alloat Optloiw oten"d Arm nnd except for two or three brief set backs prompted by reail-n,r was active nnd strong all day. Sen atlonal stren t'i in tno northwest, supplenented hy doleful n,,ruiK wneai crop repons. started a hie care of shorts and Inspired nio an aclv speculative demand from outlde source i,, iii in Liverpool i-ai.ii- el.isi-d closed, Si'dc; Septeniber. S2'4'.i'-3c. c'dhAi! ner, m .iW(.s..i.-c. dosed ff.c COHN-ltecelpts. 26.323 l.u : exports, 5.I.V bit.: sales. 13S.OX) hu.; futures. :oo.fi) hi. ;pnt; spot, lrm; No. 2. 47',6c elevator and il,S, r. '. '. nHnat. Option market wis fairly stesdy all day, but lathet flulet, with little response to the wheat strenKth. owlnii in., in. i i-ii-ijiiH in i.-nicauo: closed nulet, at ijifiV loss on near montl-.i 1?.. ni'vneo on late deliveries; .Mv. 41fi4i,c, closed ip; September closed Wic; October, closed t.V,.e: December. IIM l4Ue. cloved 4lc wA i--neoeipis. r.s,sro bu.; exports, 7 11 1 mi. , n.ii, Hiiiiiuy, no. .ic; .No 3. 2l'r No. 2 white, 27'ic; No 3 white, 26'. e; tr.i"-K mixed western, 24HiTi26c: track white wo-t-ern and state, 2.V!!f123e; options slow, but ntea.lv. FKliD Klrm; sprlnu bran, $17.00; i,. PltV, l,Wq( i $ ro. ch10,Ac!)2,,,Pln, 7W77H'C: 60011 10 iXZhcT Sm "Vrie? Wrfi C0.i;?U,l??9 ,;.ro"' L0ru.I:I: "''I olds. 2JT10 MiniiS-I-'Irm; anlveston. 20 to 2.'. lbs.. ISc California. 21 to 25 lbs.. lS'4c; Texas i n 14 to 30 lbs.. 13Hi-. ' 1 llx'lR' i.I.iJ2ATi.n';,.t,Klrln: bemlocti sole, nunnos ucld rt'V" ,u'liVywolKll,s- --WWtc; Tex'a'ilfic' 0mPtiC tt"ece- MSc: I'lipVISIONS-Ueer. oulet; family. $10 00 ? )W l,?ff ,ll,mH' W-W2l.f: packet. Hooi) Vll.PO; city, extra linl'a inss $p; oof?i7 oo Cut meats, steady; pickled bellies. f")'0 Plrkled shoulders, $10 fO: hams, is I.) 1075. Lard. llrm; western rtenm.-d. W.fiO nominal; rellncd. firm: continent, J" 75 South America. $-; 50; compound f6'err C.12'4, Pork, strotmer; family. 1! ssmti im '',lr5..,,,?a J13.75M 16.00; mess. $12.73Jil00 ."ICL 1-Tnii. domestic, fair to extra, 45. 4i6'ic; Jainn. 4Vtf:ic. MOLASSIiS-Steady: New Orleans, open kettle, jrood to choice.' S'n3.V. TALLOW- Firm; city. $2; per naekaKe. Oc; country tiacknses froo. isiWiJic. Hl'TTUIl-Hccrlnts, 4.23.1 pkss.: tlrinc: ftatij croamety. l6S5,21iac; Juno creamery. 1I1i21c: factory, 141il6'4c , CMIKICSK-Uecelpts, 3.332 pkj;.; tlrm; larno colored. ItijlPi.e; small colored, ll'ic; larite while, He; small white, lie. icons Itecelptw. S.'.'TS pkus ; firm; west em. rfirularpaeklnK, at mark, 3$f 17c; west, ern. loss off, 19c. MliTALS Tin continue Its downward "t. I, mils (i in I ii ii ml Prnvlslnna, ST LOI'lH. Sent IH-1ini1 rrii.-. v.. . , iiii.i I--1UKHCI, No. 2 red, cash, elevator. 77Ue: ir.mii rs.; Selltembl-r TTUe- Oelnl.r -70... rAl ember. 7r- c: Mnv 'xaue- Vr. '-. ', COHN-I T' 4i; nt-iuHNiHT, .iTj,r; ucioucr, 3f!),c; Do .riuiM-i t. year. iUSC. ua r mi rrinirnr- n melt oii. .ni. noc.nit f ... ci . V ...T. r7S I'orpinuor, 'Lvt .Alay. Jlvir: No. 2 whlto - - , -, UYK-Hlchcr nt M'-ic. I- l.lll It 1- ll-.n ' li.itnnlu it lift. nvl-n fnnev and mIi-mIl-IiI. Miliar. An- Ai!.nV bis yl.o Hi " ' ' v " '!. e. on r.un i mnu v. linniiti di-ii nt .nai.. day's decline; nomtually. J3 7'"l.25. I-'!ax IIUIIIII1..I. Ill l.l..,',.. COltN.M HA l-Hteady ; $2 00(iT2.0t;. mkai htrotif;: sacked, east track, r.TSTOp, HATImnthy. steady; J.S.OOi7'12.lO; prairie, 1 1 1 1 1 1 , ft i VI f i "( WHISKY -Stemlv: $1.26. 1 HON i.'OTTONTli:S-$I.S0. IIAOUINO $ 10'oS K,. Illi.MP TWINK-lie. PIIOVISIONS-Pork. firm: Jobbing, $li i.aru. quiet; enmee, 16.95. nry salt meats oxedi. steady: extra shorts. $S.00; cienr iios. ji.ii-',; clear Hides. JS.25. Ilaron (boxed).steady : extra short, $8.6214; clear i.ur, i.i.i; eienr sines, .a. M liTALS Lead, quiet. $1.324. Spelter, hluher. $:t.fC. POCLTUY FJrmer; chickens. 7'4c; youmr, a-ii-; iiiraeys, c; yount;, ac; uucks, Tc Ki-ese. n-jc. KCKJS- lllirher nt 13c. nrTTI.It-Str.uly: creamery, 1702t'5c in... y. ...ir i ie. Ui:ci:iPTS-l-lour, f.,000 bbls.: wheat. 101, r. on.; corn, iiii.'n-i. nu. ; oais, 3.i,id uu. SIIIPMKNTS-i'lour, ll.OO) bbls.; wheat lUT.wo bu.; corn, i,nno bu.; oats, 12.0.X) bu. New York exchange. s. iiimiinni bid lift U.IIH .."KCU. HoSTON, Sept 19.-ClertrlllKS, $IS,17I,6J9, baluli.es. $1,017,374. PIIILADKLPIUA, Sept. 19.-ClearlnKS, S15.K1T.C16. balances, $l.tJ.lll. "ALTLMoltl-:, Sept. l'J.-Clenrlims, $3, 211, S3I; balances, $4!.,tl01. tA'UHVlSSAV' So,,, -f-ClearliiBS, $2. lfin.voo. New York exchnnRe, 2flc discount. Money, 36 per cent. MOVUHIJ.Vr OI- STOCICS AMI IIO.MIS. SpeeeilnlUe Advnm-e of the I, list l-'eiv Diijs Is i: ire c In n 1 1; y Mopiied. N15W YOKK, Sept. 19 -Quite severe In roads were mnde on prices before tradlnst had stopped on the stork exchange today and an awrat-'e level was established con siderably lower than the low nolnt inn. on Monday morning before the rally com menced. The dllllculty of contlnuliiB th adiance which was felt yesterday and which was emphasized this moniltiK prompted the traders to take their profits and the two days' advance was effectually !! . 'J'"', ft", the speculative hoIdlnRS which had been boiiKbt on .Monday were 'i'P' lie mniket came to a pause and rallied slightly, but It was atacked attain In the last hour nnd sold vigorously bv the bears, making the cIosIiik ensy anil .in iu inu iow level or the day. As n res jit a long list of prominent railroad ami miscellaneous stocks show net losses niiiRlim ft om one to two points. Tennessee Coal was the most conspicuous for weak ness nnd fell over 4 points on large sell ing, closing with a net loss of 3V The wenknoss was tho more conspicuous as other stocks In tho steel croup weru reia , t,1,'a' y u" ,0 11 l"te hour. The special weakness of Tennessee Coal was ,?uto ,m.' beuvy decrease In August sur i,V. .Tr"l"t-'s lu'l tho general knowledao ,.r,i it,l1.t'i,V"!n,U"1y,a.eJt''ort tr"''" ls bump. ered bv high freight rates on the railroads. r.uriiiv or ocean rrelcht room, llie local tractions were conspicuously weak hm a group. The proposition to re. l,.,r.l;..Ul.'.' Uronlfiyn Hapld Trnn.ilt company to put Its wires under ground was Inter- 'i.mVl."n'V.1 r-,",r,,',?lo",ot tl Keueral muni cipal policy toward, these corporations. Tobacco suffered to the extent of 24 points Meliled to the late selling movement. The . "''"hums in stocks must bo Plained by general disquiet over the thraclto miners' strike, nnd the m, market outlook. The announcement of nd K. .In i"1.1 ,r.l'', "f rn"' was an un- ....... ,.uu i. n un in me inarKet. riie money market continued nn,i In tone nnu call lonns commanded 2 per cent at the maximum. Although there was a m.1",. i?,a,,tl.on. '" "terllng exchange. It Is thought probable further goNI wia go out nnd there were nmors of multlplyinK for found no contlrmatlon. Discount rates continue to harden abroad and the tin elgn loans to bo placed In New York, wh'cli uncial world recall last year'-. foreign monev stringency, which precipitated tiie December panic. The speculative Inflation seemed to drop out of account In todav 's comparison. .Monty continues to move to the Interior In Inrgo volume, both by tele graphic tiansters through the sub-treaHur and by ixpress and registered mall. Th -sub-treasury paid further drafts today on gold deposited on the Pacific coast and the disbursement for nenslons irai nim '"ge, but i nyments for the latter nccount hnvo reached their maximum for the prcs- Ilonds which were active In the market wire weak, but others he'd tlrm. Total sulen. oar value, $1 ett.,.fli). fnlted States refunding 2s. when Issued, nnd the 5s de clined i, In the bid prleo Commercial Advertiser's London llnanelal cablegram: The markets here wore abso lutely stagnant today. Americans remained about parity throughout tho session. One of the most Important arbitrage houses Si!.!!!, ' . 1 ,,n ,olnl business for the day was 200.000 shnres, with 1-16 per cent turn Paris lrm on the financial outlook. It sold Illo tlntos. The bank received 153.oou from Australia. There was a slight demand for the metal In tho open market for Kranco Silver wns tlrm on Indian buying. rim following are the closing prices on the w York Stock exchange? 1 me ii oi ui- treasury balances in the gen- i.i. .nnu. I'luusai' oi me J1JO..-W.I-.XI gout 1 "o'' iii wie uiMsion or redemption, how. Aiill,ibio eash balance, $I3,3.W.672 Oold, $75. till.. Ml. I.otiiliin stiieli LONDON. Sept. 13.- Conol, m .ny.T tl.. ncrount... . Ati-hlson Can.Man Psc flc ft. PmuI Illinois omml.. ImlllfVllle t'nl. n Pneirtc pf.l N. Y. Central ., i.o(ntloiiK. p. in. Closing: .. MHnBrT' M 7-l do lit ffd . . 274 IViinyliiinla .. 9)(, Head ns . It'.1, ,No. Pacific pfil ..HH (.Imnd Trunk . 73i Anseon.ls . .4 llmil Mlnra ..Ill', I M', tVi M'( 8'i 7J't 5-i I0' SlLVIilt-liar, steady, nt SS 13-lOd per ounce. 1 MoNRY-2',4 tr cent. iT'l'l. rAl0 nf 'llfcount for short bills was 3 13'ltt3-, per cent; for three months bills. 3 l.i-bK4 per ent. Vorlt Ml.. loir Mne Ks, NliW YOUK. Sept. lO.-Tho following are the closing quotations for milling shares today: Cho'lar Cioun Pi.lit ... C n. rat. tc Va .. I DcRllWOOil (Jeiil.l & i'urr. Hale & Non-rots cx-tin- moncy in-- t'nn Silver Mexlrsn .. 15 .. 1) ..111 .. 4S .. J .. i; .ti .. sr. .. 21 .OM.irlo Ophlr Pi mouth Cjiiiekslli-fr .... du p'd Plerta Sevnda Ktan.l.ird 1'nlon Con Yellow Jacket . ..sn .. t: .. 14 ,.U . ,Tw ,. '.'A ..!:. .. 14 .. 13 Kiinxiin City (ii-nln null Pro visions KANSAS CITY. Sept. 10 -WHKAT-De cemmr ii'ic: .May. 75,'ii7.i;lic: cash. No. hard. ft",s5t71c: No. 3, 6S'sW70c; No, 2 red i Vil it'-.i : ?.o. J. 7241. tc. COTtN December, 32-v,ff32Tic: May, 3tJ ;'I'He; cash. No 2 mixed, 3SUc; No. 2 white 3'JV: No. 3. 3n'4c. OATS-No. 2 whits, 23Hc. UYK-No. 2, We. HAY Choice timothy, $9.00; choice prairie, i..:-0" in. IH TTlUt-Creamery. lSJT20c; dairy, fancy 17c. liOOS 1 Uglier; fresh MNsourl and Knn- sas stock, 12'4c dnz., lois o!T, cases returned new white wood cases Included, '4e more IlKCIilPI'S Wheat, 10I..VO bu.; corn. 12. Ooo bu ; oats, ".( bu. kiiip.mi:nth wheat, 200,000 bu.; corn, n.ije.. nu.; oats, i.tiu uu. 1,1 verpnol (irnli. iiml Provisions. LIVKHPOOL. Sept. m.-WIIHAT-Spot. linn: No. 2 red, western, winter, Cs 2'4d; o. i noriueru. siiring, hi int.fi; no. i can lomln. (is ri'iidflus 6.1. Futures, steady September. 6s 2d; December, lis 4Sd. COttN Spot. American mixed, new, quiet at Ss 3d. Future, steady; October. 4s IP Id: November. 4s 2'id; December. 4s 2U-.1 PItOVlSIONS-Uird, American reilned, tlrm. nl .".ns 9d; prlmo western, firm, at 37S lid. Tote do Mnrket. TOLKDO, O.. Sept. lfl.-WHKAT-Actlve, higher: spot and September, 82c; October, fij'ic; Dccemncr. Mic. COHN-DulI; lower: No. 2 cash, 41V4; Sep- lenioer, t.i-; ueeeinoer, .we. OATS Dull; unchanged; No. 2 cash, Sep- leiimer. -.-.j-i-; I'eceinoer, iic. HYIi Dull: unchanged; No. 2 cash, 54c. CLOViillSlSliD-Dtill: lower; October, Jd.W.; December, J6.i".; No, 2. J5.S0. lUiliith Mnrliet. Dl'I.t'Tir, Sept. 10-WIIRAT-No. I hard, cash, S'.e; to arrive, 8."A,o: vn. 1 northern, cash, S3',c; to arrive, 83sc; September, SIHe; O.-tober. S3e; December. S3'4c; May, s.'iTi,c; No. 2 northern, 7Sc; No. 3 spring. 75Sc. OATS-23'i'ru2lc. HYK-53C. 1IA Itl-KY r.TtJ ISc. COUN-IOHc. Pl.lll.di-li.l.ln Pri.dl.ee UnrUrt. PHILADELPHIA. Sept. 19 -IIUTTRIt-Kirni: fancy western creamery, 22c; fancy western prints, 23c. liOOS l-Trni: fresh nearby and western. 1S : fresh southwestern, 17c; fresh south ern. lfc. OlIliliSli-KIrm: New York, full creams, fancy small, Uil1'4p; New York, full creams, fair to choice. 1010'ie; Ohio flats, OJjlOc. Minneapolis "Wheat Market, MINNEAPOLIS. Sept. lO.-WIIliAT-Sep. tcmber. 077-c; December, SOTve; May. Kl" to arrive. No. 1 hard. S3Uc; No. 1 northern. MTc; No. 2 northern. 79,c FLOl'H-lllgher; ttrst patents, JI.IO'.TI.M; second pntentH, $t.20'it l.::o; urst clears. $3,10 3.20; second clenrs, $2.inff2.20. HP.AN-Iu bulk1, J12.WW1 12.25 pnoniA. 2, Sl'lM'. OATS-Qulot; throiiL'li. WHISKY-On Ishcd goods. Pi'iirlti 111., Sept Mnrliot. 19.-COHN- SIow; No. No. 2 white, 23c, billed the basis of $1.26 for tin- Mil vriiulice lirntii InrKet. MILWAI'KKK. Wis., Sept. 19.-WHi:AT-lllgher; No. 1 northern, MKSIV; No. 2 northern, if(79Ui. UYli-lligher; No. l. 5Sc. 4J11AHLHY-Klrm: No. 2. 524Q63c; sample, I'lmini-lnl .Votes. nilCAOn, Sept. 9.-Cearlngs, $S,P0S,Oa; balances. Sl.R12.70t. Posted exehnnrrn tl tic l-M: Nfw York exchange. 40c discount.' NI-JW YOUK. Seut . Cleiii-liiiR ttv . 455.3.VS; balances. S9.118.75S. ST. LOUIS. Sent. 19 (Menrlno till-niK. balances, J6J3.073. Money, 6? per cent; Atct'lfon iO'i Union I'aclllc do pfd C8-, do pfj II i, tun. .re & Ohio.. Oi'l, Wnbath . Canadian Paclllc... 87'kl do nfd Canuiia S.i Clies .Vt Ohio Chlciiifn O. W C. II. & Q. .. Chi. In. I. & I. do pfd cm. & i:. iii ChlrnKo N' C, It. 1. & I C. C C. & St. I, Colorado So do 1st fd do 2d pfd D'i. & Uiid.iun . Del. L & V Dinver & It. O. do pf.l Krlc do lnt l'fd (It. Nor. rd ll.klng Co.il ... Hocking Yulley . Illinois Central . louu C-ntial .... do pfd U.ke Krie & V. do pfd I.Ike Short I j. & N Manlinttan I,.... Mt St Hy Mexican Central Minn. & St. L... du pfd , Mo. 1'aiinc Mobile & Ohio ,., M.. K. & T do pfd N. J Central .... N. Y. Central Norfolk : W do i.f.l No. Pui'lflo do pfd Ontario & W Oie Hy. A Nav.. do iif.l I'.nnaylvunla .., Heudlliic do 1st pfd do 2.1 r.fd Hlo O. V do of I Ht. L & 8. V.. do lt fd do 2.1 pf.l St. 1,. Smitliw.. do pfd Ht. Paul do pfd Ft P & Omaha So. I'HCillO So, Halbvay .... do pfd Texas Pacific Offered. . 13 Wheel. & U 27 I do 2,1 pfd... .. 1 H Wis c. n ral 121T, Third Avenue . 22 jAdams llx.... . t1 American Kx .. 91' 4 IT. S. H. V....i;.9'i Well.-l-nrgo Kx...! ..i.i', .liner. Cut. oil .. .- IS do pfd ' .. :i Amer. .Malting ..." .. 33 f dj pfd .. 15 Amer. S. & Jt..."" ..107 I do pfd ' ..lil'i Amer. Splr.ts ! -- IS'., do pfd .. W Amer. s. Hoop .. l"!i do pfd . . 32 Amer. s. & v. i:i',4 do pfd " J? 'A',"'r- Tln Plate".'.' .. 31'i du pfd ..115't.Amer. Tobacco'",',' n no prd .. 43 Anac. lllnlnr Co .. 2 Il.ooklj-n Jt. T.. .. 92'i Colo. Fuel & J,. ..2tt Con. Tobacco .. 7-i do prd . . 7V, I'cderal Steel ..141 do pfd .. 10V C.,-n. Klec-lrl.. "' . 7.', - . 17 SS . ::i . 1! .U'S'4 .1:4 .1g) . 45 -iii . 81'i 44 foreign I'll. 111. elnl. LONDON, Sept. 19. -Money was abundant nnd easier today and discounts were tlrm. The stock exchange Is settling Into greater Inactivity, the opinion prevailing that It Is useless to look for a revival of business within a month or two. Homo railroads were strengthened by the settlement of the tlreat ICastern railroad disputes. American securities reacted In sympathy with tho New York market. Chicago, Milwaukee ,i St. Paul was materially affected by the tratllu decrease, while Southern Pacllles were stren'tthened by the statements that tho reports of the damage sustained by the .-a. in uirn?iiei were i.iei i-Hiiniuif 11, .lie 11 mount of bullion taken Into the Hank of Kngland on balance today was 153,000. Spanish Is, 717,. PAULS. Sent. 19. Prices on the bourse to- day wete weak, owing to apprehensions of dearer money and the uncertainty of the political sltunttou. Healli-.atlons pre vailed. Internationals reacted mi the de cline In Ilr117.lll.m1, which was accentuated bv Ottoman banks being freely ofTered. The tall In the price of copper affected Illo tlntos. Towards the close there was a sharp break In tractions. Three per cent lenles. 1W francs .". centimes for tho ac count; exchange on London, 25 francs, 1514 centlmcH for 1 hecks. "HULLS', S.-pt. 19 -On the bourse today Ametican securities were maintained, In ternationals were quiet, mine shares recov eied and bank shares were steadv. Kx change on London, 2" marks, llli pfgs for checks; discount rates, short bills. I per cent; three months' bills, 4-"i per cent. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Rccoipts of Cattle Woro Liboral, but Rather Light of Hogs and Sheep. HOGS ACTIVE AND FIVE CENTS HIGHER Corn Cnttle Were SIimt 5nle, but l-'eeilers nnd Ciims Held .11. nut Menily Slieep Mi-uiir but I. limbs l.oin-r. ' SOUTH OMAHA, Sept. 19. Receipts were: Cattle. Hugs. Sheep. Oiliclal Mondav runt ' .1111 i:t?ui Ofllcial Tuesday f.,401 7,91''. ".-Ill Oiliclal Wednesday U.1CS 5,217 2,7'. Three days this week. . .l.O.NW 15,173 Same days Inst week in, 637 15,209 hamo week before 14.172 I7,6fl,' Satnu three weeks ago. .tfl.3v.t is Ortl Same four weeks ago. . . .1I.72J 17.29-: Average price paid for hogs f. r the last several days, with comparisons: ilW."lS?srli9f".l9i. lsto.llST 2I.V.7 20..90 20 3 2;,'."!t 2,09 M'4 Olu-ose Sii-ar .. 91 ,. IS'i ,. JT. ,. 9 . w; .1!9 do nfd. Inter. Paper do pfd l-uclede Oas .N'Mtlonal. Hlseult do pfd National Iid ... 00 pfd.. I'-a National Ktrni ... 50 do pfd ...70 IN. y. ,lr Drake.' ... 19', No. American ... ... il Pacific Coast .... . .. "ii do lit pfd ...126'i do 2,1 nfd .Pacific Mall 54 fVoiile'H (Jub Prt-Hped s. Car.... do pfd Pullman P. S. II. & T. sugar do nfd ll'i Tenn. Coal & 1.., IS' P. S. leather 1H14 do pfd U. S. Hubber do pfd Western Union ., Hepublle I. & S., do pfd P. C. C. & St. I.. S4 . 9) 9i r,-i sit; .173 .110 . 32 . it . 62si . ll'i Car. 36'i &9S, IV 17 IS C5H 3-''i .. 7.1 .. :c'i - f.7', ..I -. 511, .. 31 .. 24 vt .. 7.,., .. 32 . . 6.1 ..137 .. 4!'4 .. m .. m, ,. 63 .. 70 .. 31 ,. 81 17',i .. 9) .. sn; . 83 .121 . lt'i . 5i; . 85 . cu; . . 9)'i . 37 . 7P4 .1S1 4'i .114 . C3'i . 10 . tn . 114 . 92 . T-Jli . 11 . 53 . 54 .mv York .Money Mnrhet, NEW YORK. Sent. 19 MO Vl.'' n i. firm at !V4ii2 net- cent! Ini inn,, , Prime mercantile paper, IVtf5 per cent 8TKULINC, UNCI I ANdfc- JbbIcV with actual business In bankers' bills at tl sVu for dumund and at n.8.-ti-.c SlLyiOU-Certltlcates. 62?iSi(J3ie. n..r n. ver, b2c. Mexican dollars. 491.C. llOMJh (lovernment. ui.nl- o,.. active; railroad. Irregular. ' ' '"' follinvs'0'" rlce8 0,1 bonds today are as P. S. ref. ri-g. .101 '.-.. ll-J .lto .!' .115 .11.1 2b, rB..104 . Jf. v. C."li N. J. C. gen 5s... No. l'acltic 3s do 4a N Y. C & St it'i ;or. t v. e. 4s.. O e. Nav. ls do 4i "!!'!?' 0re' ,sll0rt ''hie 61 ..llJ'ij do consul 5g H'-adlng gen. Is.., -.lll'i Hlo U. W. Is .. ''i St I. & I M p. n,.. -I'll M 1. ,t S I.' ir C li 95 fit. Paul consols ...tr,u .1' ni. i'.. 1 a i 1. do 5s So. l'aeilln la Va so. Hallway 5.1.... S It & T 6s .. l"1'i,Tex. & Pa.-lilo Is., '9 I do 2s 6"tUnlon Pa-ltlc 4s..., 73't Wubash Is U'J I d" 2i lll'i West Shorn 4i. 91 Wis Central 4s..,, 031 .Va. Centurioi 91 do coupon do 3s, r. g. do coupon do new 4s, do coupon. do old 4, reg. ... do coupon do 5, do coupon D .( 5.-.S.... Mclitsnn g"n, 4s.. do ndj. Ii Can. Southern Is.. Chen. & O. 4Hs... do 5s . & N. W. e. 7s... 139 do H. P. d"b 5s..l.'0U Chicago Tor. 4s... Colo. So. 4 1 & It. I). Is.... to 4s I"ri. general 4s.... P. V. ft I). C. Is. J-il. Klectrle 5s... Iowa Central L & N. uul. 4s.., M K. & T. 2s.... do 4s........ "Yhen Issued. .IMS .I22H . fi.'s 1"4' .117 . t)i .1 5 1W?i .1.7 .111 . . 95 .1U' ,'U:i ,119'i . 78' i .10ii . 67 .113'i . U .14H ,.117iS -101T, Mi - S3Vi Cotton .llnrLct. NI3W YOUK, Sept. 19.-COTTON-Knrly events in the New York cotton market partook something of tho sensational, pries breaking heavily under nn nninne. of general selling orders; but the nfterinion developments turned the murket and prb-e-i advanced Bhurp:y. The local trade aga.n tnanliested little sympathy In the efforts of the foreign bulls to create a freh speculative enthusiasm nn the long side and In response to firm cables our market easily moved up I'uin points on the c-.li fho advance was followed by a sharp tUI'll Olid 11 subsernient mill. I deelliw. ivlil, I. carried i-rlces orf 1$Q2G points from tho opening ui.is. Liverpool was etreineK sensitive to the wenKtiess here and not only made a full rerjionse, but soon led In the downward movement, at the same timu suppling liberal soiling orders in th local market. On the down turn room bears were aggressive, directing their (- forts chiefly to the undermining of tin winter moiiins anil to uisiodglng lnfl.ieuilnl lines of long cotton. The south anil west readily sided with the bears. The prlmurv intiucncos serving to stimulate selling for ooin accounts consisted or heavy receipts, good weather news, tolerably favorable crop reports, rumors that southern spot markets were being rushed by the heavy arrivals from the Interior and claims that exporters had secured sufllclent staple to tide over spinners until the price should lower materla'ly. At midday the market ehanr-d und n rices went stcadllv upward on brisk covering by early sellers and moderate btilng on the reaction theorv. this demand being bused on estimates for small receipts tomorrow nnd predictions for Htendlne.is In Liverpool. It was claimed furthermore that the crop was not doing as we'd as generally reported, being spotted to nn unusual extent. Specilatlon bcame less active as the session progressed nnd gradually narrowed to professional opera lions. The market was tlnn'ly very steady, with prices 34(5 points net lower. Spot closed quiet. $e decline; middling upland, m3ic; middling gulf, 11c; sales, 3S3 bales Futures closed very steadv; September, W.12c; October. lu.Oi'c; November 9,74e; Or comber. January, February, .March, April. May nnd June, S.iilc; July, 9J9c; August, 9 Me. NI-2W OUL1-2ANS. Sept. 19.-COTTON Quiet; sales. I, SOU bales; ordlnarv, 8 7-lflc; good ordinary, 9Hc; low middling, lCH,c; good middling. luc: middling fair, lo'ic; receipts, 1.H7 bales; stock. 41,319 ba'es. Futures, steady; September, in.l9ni0.23e; October. 9.t31i:i,i;tc; N.-ember. 9. 191i9 f,0o; December, 9.l!'i9.4.'io; January, 9.4l'n9 15; February. ',1 ir,'u;t 17c; .March, 9.4SfoiM0c; April, O.if-Till.rdc; .May. 9.l9'u9.51c. , ST. LOP IS. Sept. 19.- lON-Dull. V,c lower; middling, KH-c; sales, 500 bales; re celpts. 1.1:! bales; shipments. l.S;3 bales; ntock, .1,820 bales LIVKHPOOL. S.S't. 19.-COTTON-Spot. moderuto demand, prices higher; Ameri can middling fair, .7-32(1: good middling, 31-32d; American middling, t29-32d; low middling. 2o-32d; good ordinary, CkI; ordin ary, 5 13-lt'id. The sales of the ditv were 5,(ii) bales, of which 5n0 were for specula tion and export and Ino'uded 3,9mi) hales American, ltecelpts, 7.(W bales, Including i.-eo nines American, f utures opened quiet and closed weak and Irregular; American middling, 1. m. c, September. (i f2-fitd. value; September-October, 5Cl-Ctd, sellers; October-November. 5 41-fild. sellers: JCn. vemher-lJeeemher, 5 2.VfiPd" 2fi-d, buyers; Oecember-Jantinrv. 5 19-filfio "O.fitd. havers: Jaiui.iry-Febriiary. 5 lS-iild. sellers; I-Vbru-ary-March. 5 lC-lltd. sellers: March. Anrll ill-Old. sellers; AprP-.Mny. 5 12'011j 13-Ctd, sellers: Mav-June. 5 11-iMd. sellers: .loin.. July, r. 9-lff3 10-r.ld, sellers; July-August, 5 7-fil5 S-GId, value. Sept. Sent. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sent. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Kept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. 1.. 3.'. 4... 5.. ' 7. . , 8.. 9.. 10., II. 12., 13., II I 19. 5 0l?il 1 20 3 till 3 P9i 1 111 3 K. 4 O. ! 3 G3 4 07 4 19' I 01 4 22' 3 J2 I 231 3 61 4 tt 1 ;u ;i wi 1 u. 02 I 5 1 tij 1. Oil, r. ni; C .18' C 10T,' I r. leu' c 22 : r. 2ot,i r. o?,i r, 11-, 15.. I 3 04! iu.. 17..I512 4.51 IS. 5 13V 19.. 5 19 4 SO 4 29 4 4 I 20 I 3d I 83 3 31 I 32' 1 sa: 3 G') 3 f,7 3 &Sj S 77 3 :9 3 S' 3 Tl 3 G3' 3 GS I 3 74 1 00 3 91 3 93 3 Si 3 82 :. 87 3 f 1 .1 8fi, 3 91 2 81 2 SI 2 n 2 76 2 78 2 81 2 81 2 8ti 2 SSI 2 79 I 2 ''. 2 JO 2 r! 2 71, 2 Ml ! 5 E3 4 311 4 34 4 21 . 5 .11 4 13 5 56 I 20, 5 f. I 22 f. 57 6 M 4 21 ' 4 IV, 5 G2 I HU 5 8.' 4 OS' " 81 I M 73 I 0.1 ft 7 I 1 CS 4 12. ' I 0JI 5 G7 1 or r. gi 1 0,1 r. it. 0 cows . . fi cows 13 feeders. 1 cow ... 13 feeders . steers.. IS steers.. 1" cows... 13 steers. . 03 feeders. 1000 M22 Pto 911 17 S 3 I 20 .. 4 1 17 "l io 4 3 T: IndlcHtnM Sunday. The ofllcial nuniVier of cars of stock brought In today by each road was: C.ittle.Hogs.Sh'p.irr's. C M & St. P. Uy.... 19 2 o. & St. I,. Uy I 1 Missouri Pacific Uy.. .. 2 I'nlon Pacific System 30 C. t- N. W. Uy F., U. & .M. V. U. 11. 7S s. r. & p. Uy C St. P.. M. Sc O. Uy f II. .t M. U. H. H 132 C H. ii Q. Uy 1 C, U. I. & P.. east.. .. Total receipts ....2fitl The disposition of the day's receipts will ns follows, each buyer purchasing tho num. oer 01 uca.t indicated Uuycrs. Omnlia Pncklnir Co... (I. II. Ilnmniond Co Swift A: Companv Cudahy Packing Co Armour Co U. Uecker & Degan Vansant Jt Co Lohmati .V Co McCrenry & Clark W. I. Stephen Illll A Huntzlngcr Uenton & I'nderwood.... Huston Co Livingstone & Schallcr... N. Morris Hamilton & Hothschlld.. L. F. Hu.7. II. L. Pennls & Co II F. Hobblek Other buyers Cnttle.IIogs. Sheep. 3.10 3iis 4l,i !07 317 PW 797 157 89 0 697 57 M'S 1.158 1.3M .1151 4 00 l:i 3 St. , 093 4 I T. W. L. Wlgglns-Wyo. .. 917 3 55 49 steers.. .. 914 3 5 40 steers.. .M. Uevnolds W yo. . 10G1 3 55 4 cows.... ('. o. McUndlffer-Colo .1213 I 30 R. Murnett-Wyo. 1028 I & . . . J CV Mlnier-Wo. 127 feeders. KSi 3 45 John Wilkinson NeU. Dti steers.. 12S0 4 05 W. Wamekr Neb. 18 cows ....1030 3 3R Scows 1610 J. Jensen Neb. 1 feeder... 830 3 U) 16 ftedors.. S70 Pullman Neb. 3 fin 3 00 Jacobsen Neb. I Id 1 feeder... 100O I 10 2 feeders.. 88(1 I 10 3 25 10 tows 1083 Goodwill Neb. 4 20 I feeder... 1017 3 25 2 cows 8.8J carpenter U. .Mont. .HOT. 3 00 9 steers. ...1120 , H. Ulttcrllng-U'yo. 0 feeders 823 i 25 15 fei ders. . 071 2 feeders.. 124.. 3 (i 27 feders. . S70 . . . w- Tlllntson-Wyo. 301 feeders. 9G2 4 or. 10 ficders.. 92 , . , U. P. Allen-Wyo. 19 feeders.. 118T. 4 70 .1. MllnnU'vn 19 feeders.. 11 12 4 7') 4 feeders. .1270 10 feeders.. 10.;-, 4 13 .. . . J- F Stnlth-Ncb. 13 feeders.. 739 3 35 84 IV ('imflnt.t M.t,l 70 feeders.. 1093 4 25 1 feeder... 1093 II. 11. MoivtilliV..li 23 feeders.. 871 4 10 1 fredei . . . 70) 3 10 9 feeders.. 791 Y VUJIIMi 4 00 4 00 3 56 3 56 1006 2 70 1 . feeders.. 872 13 cows 1011 .r recders. 31 feeders, 2 fieders. 13 cows II feeders. 10 cows C steers.. '.5'i 9.2 85 llf! 1017 1057 3 36 3 85 4 10 3 50 3 or. 2 50 I 40 3 0.7 3 80 3 50 4 70 4 feeders.. 837 3 feeders.. 733 IS feeders. . 78J M steers. ...1191 21 feeders.. 878 II cows 1130 112 feeders. 801 5 feeders.. 8.VJ 2 hulls 1110 4 15 4 15 4 SO 3 75 3 ft". 3 :c 3 75 4 35 3 00 1 feeder. . . 970 2S feeders.. 782 2 steers.. ..Hi;. 17 steers.. ..1120 !':" 850 70 910 20 feeders.. GO? 11 feeders.. llsn 1:1 reeilerw 1 steer tiiu ;i m 1 feeder. COLOUADO. 13 steers.. ..HI. 4 40 1 steer... 2 heifers.. 785 3 15 1 steer... itiATii. I feeders.. io?) 3 73 I feeder.. .1120 11 feeders.. lixtt 3 75 3 feeders.. H 10 feeders.. 987 3 75 . Thos. Uell-Wynmlng. 2J -'owg 9'N 3 50 3 cows 1105 1 cow 1180 2 5o Chas. I lemmlck Montana. 41 cows I cow. 3 cows 2 heifers.. 9v 1 heifer... 920 I bull 1017 3 40 1050 ;t 10 .11. 2 8,1 3 26 3 25 1120 2 SO 51 feeders .1011 5 feeders.. 1014 11 feeders, 7 feeders. 3 feeders. 921 1017 1033 3 6) 3 40 3 10 I 15 I 15 I SO I 10 I 10 1 a. 4 05 1 05 2 50 3 25 3 75 3 75 4 00 3 50 4 10 3 35 3 35 23 feeders. I cows 1350 2 73 2.10 4 382 1,79) r. .89 no .. 12 .. 29 . .1.081 2.73". Totnts fl.237 1.07(1 5.147 CATTLK Tho supply of cattle today was quite liberal, but the market as a whole wns In good shape, rtoth yard trad ers and packers were liberal buyers of most kinds of the better grades and the mnraci ruieu ininy active. About the only weak spot wns In corn cattle, which were slow axntn today. There were onlv nbout llfteen cars on sale, but as other points re ported dull and lower mnrkets, packers wero naturally rather bearish at this point. The market here might be quoted as slow nnd weak nnd bids In extreme cases were a dime lower. There were close to fifty enrs of cows on sale, but there, wns not much change from yerter.lay In the prices paid; good cows were In active demand on tho part of pack ers and the market was Just about steady; common grades were rather neglected, tho same nn they always are. but cannors sold freely at fully steady prices. Considering tho slzo of the receipts, it was a good mar- tii-i 01. iirunitu Miller Itoblnsoii Neb. M0 3 75 1 stag ....... a 1'J 1 tl ll f ilf rl .0. T. ft. 93 fei rs,.1015 4 25 ' i- , ;Mrs- Haynes-Neb. ows f-cy 2 80 -...In Sr.Tll, ""I'ply of boss today we !! 1 th"n "'"" KfiiT'illv anticipated, and 1',r,'K" reported a steady :. strong m.itltet trade opened up here falrlv nctlv at a good nickel advance .n-er veterdn's general ninrTftd Prime light h -us ",.'l around I". 23 and as high as $3 3) w.ti p ud v,hJ.c-1.M.n!' .r,7 ,1,,shr ,h'"' "'' '"I' "' fp'K- Light mixed l.ers s.dd at 5.2' i- hf!iVy b 'gs at J5I5 and fi in'C iJin ,",lv:,n,'' "'a,' general and ap plied to all classes of hog. unle.s It be the coarse heavy packers w'llrh were sl nv sale, and buyers took them n,i. t.rn..., 'PI.. .1 - ... . . . l""iTn'. eri was before the bulk hands. oiAf.u'r l," ,nnn "Kent crders had be,n llllsd buyers were not quite as onilm s for Mipplles. ami the Inst end was ot quite as good as the opening market. Pr.i". iiniiij every iiiing. However, was sold In season. Hepresentntlve snlen: The (leni.md on the part of pad: ... Mil u Ml.-ll.e, SO U v,-ng ,l ,,7 or the hogs had changed pigs and, light". .. kir 5 .!., butcher. J". I1..1 . 1.1 .,.Hl'J-.l;l. A'l, vMPS ltecelpts. 2.000 market Mcady. tiailve muttons J3.75il 5 1... '".' etuis and bucks, J.. 4.0". stocsers. .,.8"4(.i,26 tio, paolters, tiMit 1)) WESTERN PACKING STATISTICS Another Week "f Ulicnil Ollrrlugs nut Aetlie Work In (P MnilKliter IIoum-. eramr.,r;,AT,Ii ," -(prclul TC egram.) The Price curtont s.iys -'ho marketing of hogs contmuis on a fjlrlv liberal basis. Total wesli m packing :,.r tho week. 3l.(o, compared with 345 On p.. preceding week and 3of.,0) lint year. Fi 111 ilTO'b 1 the totnl Is ,tr,5,ooi. m-u n. t n Kv.,0i) a year ago. Prominent places cni- I'.i.u no lUl.olVSi Chicago Kansus city oinaha St. Joseph .... St. Louis ludlatuinolls . Milwaukee ... Cincinnati .... oitumun Cedar Uaplds Sioux City .... St. Paul 1SK0. 3,IU,tiv1 l,B10,iH) i,2100' 911. (1 70.i'0 f.8",0"l 4I4.I 301 .l0 Jttti.UM 2lt'..0( SHR.ltH 229,0. H) l-Ol 3.H0. -X) l.t- . 1 21 VO .) 7 .1 ) rdo,.") I.'.l HV) 3. 1 0 .0 :i47.'n 214.0 0 2lT 0J i;.;.o IviiiisiiN t In- .. St noli. KANSAS CITY. Sent 11 -PATTI.I! ' II.,. celpts, 10,000 tiatlM-s, 4.7W 'I'exans, OX) calves; nothing choice hffered: lienvi. We alits. l()c lower: iinili-., i.n.,.l,n. .... 1 n.. Illld southern steers Hten.lv inn,l n tiii-L-.n-a and feedi rs hluher: i-oiiinioi. Mtnmli-: nniiv.i steers, SI.7MI.".. 10: butcher cows mid heir,.-. S.t.OJffl.i..; stackers nnd feeders, J3.355I I iie cnnticrs. $2.lW1i3.(i0; fed westerns, t.n.V.t -, , Wintered TeMins. tl tvir:: m- ,..nUu 'p.,, ' J3,2..i3 05; calves, $i..ior,iii.(io. ' ' I (Otis liecelnts. In.mN. ,.,.,rt. opened steady to 5c illghcr; closed weak with advance lost; heavy and mixed. $5 5.3..; light. AYlMhYS:.: idus SI '-.. no SIIIOKP AM1 t.A MIIU .).,.... 1. 1 r-.w. head; all desirable grades steadv, common trllle lower: lambs. 1.V tec..-, -r.- ...,,n...,u .--. (j l.oo; feeders, I3."0CT4.0O; ciills. Jl'.OiVIi :l.i'n). ' ' St, .li.Hei.b Live Sti.eh. SOITT1I K'P tnui.M.ir -r, (Swlal .-iiie Journal q'no'tes:' CATi't.n Itecel.itH .1 imiiI li.xi.i. ,.,..1,. . rtcadv to loc lower; natives. Jl.ooft.. .. lexaiis nnd westerns. MKVrfS.lo; and he fers. f2. .! I T". i.i.ii. .... .,; ; -I. SO; yearlings and calves. M.2.lVi.? HtnT.b. .AVl'1. f'Th rs, S3 t 10; veals. J.VO(,f: is) 1 lOfiS Iter. Intu -.ul I. ... , . , - ,e .1.1, r.ii,iiir 11, ,11, higlier; c'oxed weaker: all urades. SA -.i.i 32H; bulk of sales. .V..2."..ii"..30 .11 iiM I' A.M I.A.MIIS-Ue.elnts wtd: sheen, we.ilt: ln.iu hmmV,. sheep, fd.uOnioo; lambs, l.75ifi5.30. 3.S00 Stoeh In Mulil, are the receipts Following riniip.ll western mnrketia bcr 19: Cn It I.,. South Omaha i;.4tvs hIcai:o 7 fin Kansns Litv n'rim St. Louis i.firin nt for the four Septetn- Hogs. Sheep. 5.217 2ii,0() in.OrtO 7.100 22.000 4,l.) 2.ec0 Totals ..IL'.tWS 18,317 31.3'i'J WOOLLEY STARTS ON A TOUR good I No. 1 10 1 1- 78 1 b; 52...., J7 II 17 ' 48 ' 43 f.5 , t IU .... r.4 a r.i The feeder tn.-irknt ,vnu in.nnii.. I 63... sldernblo life. Tho domand from th try was in good shape yesterday and tho feeder division was fairly well cleaned Up. Ooo.l heavyweight cnttlo sold freely today nt fully steady prices and In some ensos sales were made that looked n llttlo better common classes of cattle wero of course rather Blow. In view of tho liberal receipts, but no material change In the market was iiotlcvable. Lightweight cattle moved a little mot-o freely. ns farmers are taking hold of those a little better than they w;ere n short time ago. There Is 110 marked Improvement In prices, but slmnlv a little better demand. ' J 1 Western grass beef brought steady to stronger tir ces todav. ns nneireru anxious for that class of cattle. Not nearlv enough are coming to simniv 11. ,i... I so that what does arrive brings very satls fac pry prices. The cow market whs gen. orally steady and the demand falrlv aetii-A i-eeuers or good weight were steadv to n tt stronger, while enmm ..... .. " 1 slow: lightweight cattle of .,,. ...... sold mote readily at about sten.K. .,1,; . Ueprescntntive sales: ' ' !7 . 73.. r,9.. r.i.. r.c. . 33.. r.:.. m.. C7.. A v. ... 9: ...101 ... 7 ...W. ...3f2 .. 310 ...Ml ...32) ...271 ...282 ...IIS ..:;t ...308 ..111) ...301 ...ISC ..2(1 ...217 ...31.1 ..2-.r ..2f7 Sh. 2:0 P 4 01 4 00 I 00 r. i i 289 si 10) 32) 40 80 8) "f'l) m 40 ID No 49... 6.1... 77... r.4... M... SI. ... 79... 83..., C.6.... 87.... cs..., 48.... 74.... f0.... 51 C2. .'.'.' 61 .. ..::i ..:.-,o . .:r.4 ..2jS 2.'1 '.'.ZU ..211 ..3.16 ..211 ..2'6 . .23.' . .211 ..ST. .277 . .2.V. !)5 . --i 5 1214 5 T. S I,". 5 r. 5 11 5 13 r, is 5 1:, r r .-. ir. 5 W'i 5 17H R K'i r. 1:14 r. 17'-, 5 1:14 s n'.a r. i;, r. ii'i r. 1?'. s i:5 5 17H r. 17'i 5 17'i 5 17'i r. iTti S 17'-i r. i:5 i:'8 3 17S ... r, K'j .. :o 72 40 3 2) -There were onlv salt, thi mornlnc 8) 24) 'si to SO 'tii 2C0 10) 1:0 40 82... f.R... 79... 7i'... fS... ... Ii.'.'. 61... RS... 74... CS... rl.'.'. 75... 6.1. . . 103.. 62... 01... 19... 8S... i:s.. 4:... 67... 13... Av ""8 .'.'.'.'.VIS 2SC J!1 .... 276 2.V) 210 262 ....r.i ,...l3 ....211 ....221 ....21.1 ....22t ....268 ....113 ....235 . 23 '.i'.'.V?) ....r.co ...,:r,i ....2(6 ....20 ....21-. ....ir ....!41 ....2(2 ...,2f7 ....12 ....cos Sh. l'r. 5 20 R 10 R 20 R 20 r. 20 f. 20 8 20 5 20 R 2) 5 20 5 20 .'. 2) R 20 3 20 ,1 20 R 20 3 20 5 20 120 '40 120 (0 129 l'ji 121 8) 60 161 40 80 2rn $0 Prolilliltlon Cinidliliile fur to .spenli In Centi-nl Western Suites. CHICAGO, Sept. 19. -The rinr platform" tour began nt today, when a special train of car and two PullmatiB pulled union depot over iho Chicago. a: wuiney railroad. Among those aboatd were John (7. Woolley. candidate for prrsl dent; Henry 11. Alelcnlf. candidate for viro president; Volticy 11. Cushlng of llangor. .Me., nnd Oliver W. Stewart of Chicago, cimiruian 01 tno titiiional executho mlttee. The train will nols, Iowa, Wisconsin and western states. President mid prohibition S 30 a. m. a baggage out of thu Ilurltngton com. run through UII. and o:her ccntin.1 ,2tl .216 ,l'S r. R 20 R 2.) R 20 R 20 R 21 R 20 R 22 'i R 2." i R 22 'i 5 224 r. R 22'J 5 r.-, R 25 R 2.1 R 25 5 3) Cnflre .llnrkrt, NRW YOUK. Sent 19 COP'iri.-i'Hnni Hlo, dull; No. 7 Invoice, S'.fcc; mild, quiet; CordOVII. 91,Wllc. Klltllres OlietlPil Hlenrlv with prices 6 points lower, but turned weak under the foreign selling, disappointing r.i,iiiniun uiui uoxence 01 snecuiaiive sun- port. Cablo news averaged up a standoff. hllOt market was neleeted nn.l li.n.llni. down under freer offerings. MUrket closed steady at a net loss of 5 points. Total B.ues wero iu,-2.i nags, including Sentem ner. Ji.ii.j; October. 17.05; November. $7.20: Uccember. 17.2..: Pebrnnrv. J7 .-. Mnrr.li t? in. XI.... r.. ,..1.. 1 , i. .ij, it.wi; j.uy, i.w. N'o. I 46... 23... IS... 39... 19... 39... 1... 4 1 1 1 hi:i:f Av Pr New York llrjr (ioods. NEW YOItlv. Sent. 19 I111V nnnno The demand for stnple cottons has been on it quieter seme touav in an departments, Ooods are scareo anil dealers very dllll- uiui in ir.-ioe wuh. ineacneii cottons aro advancing, higher prices named on sovernl medium grade tickets. Print cloths, quiet but strong, firown sheetings nnd drills and coarse colored cottons held for er- iieniM advances. i'1-inis. nrm. irnmi ,ir. 111 and. Stat.le glnrhams against buvers Men s wear woo'ens slow. Oil Mml.et. OIL CITY, Pa Sept. 19.-Credlt balances. ji...; certificates, no bid. Shipments, 1(9,220 ga 01111; average, 91,210 gallons; runs, 107.539 rnlln.-a 11 m.w,, 10 , ii ...,11,-..... ' ti""'"""! kiviuhv, oj.ti'ii Hi 1 1' J 11 r", LONDON. Sept 19.-OILS-CaInutta lln seed. spot. riSs. Linseed oil. 31s. Turpentine spirits. 29s Cdfi29s 9d. Hosln, line. 7s Cil. JAYyy11'- Sc'!t' "--OILS-Turpentlnn NliW YOHIC. Sept. 19.-OII,S-Cottonseed. nrm; yeuow, a.c. Turpentine,- lirm; mt Offered. Ilosliiii .Stock (liiuliiHiHia, HOSTON, Sept. 10. Call loans, au-o.t per cent. Oiliclal cent ; tlmo closing: , T. .t P. P. do pfd Amer Susnr .. . do p'd .... 1 . . . . Hell Teh phono .. llostun & Albany Ilodon E enttd . Ili.slon fi Me 11 .t Q Dominion Coal ... do pf.l l-'edernl Hteel do pfd itchhul g pfd. .. (Jen. Klectrla do rfd Id. Kbctrlc 111. Mexlciin Central Mleh. Telei-hono 17. (1 .t C... Old Colony Old lKim'nlon ... Union Pai-ltlc ... loans, IfJ 1 .. 26 IVest lCm . Wi iVt-sthnii. 11 T Wis. Centraf 115 Atchison 43 110 . 1:. (, IV Q J 2(1 Advcnturo HT'i Amal. Copper , t'S'j Atlantlo .. .li'Pi llJtdon & .Mont. 3S Unite & Iicston 110 Cat llrcl.i .. .... 3l'i Cfiitennlal .... bi4 t-rankbn , ....ISMj Humlioldt ....UP. Oseei.la ISO's Parrot ..'. -i'i noj- . lu'j fun'a Ke copper Sj Taninrack 10'i t'tnh Mining .... .203 Winona i: Wolverines . MS 9i; Klectrlc. 4:4 . 12 , 0) . R9 ,. 57 312 ,. :s ."41 . IS . 12 '. 61 14 If'i 14. . 4'4 ,.2'C . ill' . 21j . 23 Condition of the Trensnrr. WASHINGTON, Sept. l.-Today's state- Cnllfiirnlii Dried I'riflt. NKW YOUK, Sept. 19.-CALI FOUNT A nitllCD FHFITS-Market Inac lve; tniti Ing was of a hnnd to mouth character, and tho market continued t. rule quiet at unchanged prices, with 3ft5c the basis for common ouiporuted apples, lifi(:,t:(. f,)r prime, 6i'uCc for ebul.e and OliOUc for fancy. Prunes, 3lsji7c per lb., us to size und qunlltv. Apricots, Hoyal, llt14c; Moor Park, l..fiT0o. Peaches, pciled, Htte; un peeled, liiiitc. Sep- Sugar Market. LONDON, Sept. 19,-Sl'aAH-Hcct. tcmber lis 9d. NKW YOUK, Snt. 19.-Sl!GAH-Haw, linn: fair relinlng, i4.-; centrifugal, 90 test l'i.M."lnf"es s'-.ir, 4c; rellncd. linn. NI3W OHI.. NS, Sent. 19.-SI'OAI( Quiet; open kettle, low, r.Ti jVc : sei onds, ly.;nt,.0.ntrlf"fi111. 'pl- 3jl I 9-l(ie I. list of (he Light Ilrlgiiile, I'I'j'UH SANIJI'SKY. Sept. 19,-The last .r.. Ihil ikl.tva survivor". James A Vihlte, s dead lie had lived near thl-i plar-o since 18R7. The buttle was made famous by Lord Teimyyon's "The Charge of tie Light lirlga.le ' mil from all that Is now known Mr Whit- was the lust one of the twenty survivors. i'l-iiuxpin-t i'nk. SiippHea, NI5V YOUK. Sept. 19 The tr.inspott .McPhcrson, loaded with supplies furnlBhed by the citizens' relief committee of tho Merchants' nasoclatlon for tho rollof of the aalveston sufferers, sailed today. 1. 1... 1... 1... 1... 1. 4 71: 1101 1182 1',2 1111 10C 8- 1304 ioeo 750 9.'J 1015 f-30 880 930 920 911 920 330 81R 1015 90 813 810 706 3 4 r.i 4 IR 4 73 4 80 ( 80 5 00 R n 1 50 1 50 1 50 2 00 2 2R 2 40 2 50 2 SO 2 R) 2 50 2 60 2 63 2 6R 2 75 2 75 2 90 No. 37 17 21 , 10.... 16.... 39.... 10.... COWS. T. '.'.'. 1 1 2 3 1 41 HULLS. 1180 2 63 1110 2 75 1 1130 2 73 1 1(30 2 81 1 1150 3 (0 STAGS. 1350 4 0) CALVF.S. Av. ...12P1 ...i:4 ...UT0 ...1382 ...131'6 ...1(1.1 ...137.1 ...1177 ... 810 ... 910 ...1006 ... 9'0 ... 96) ... 591 ... 920 ...1C71 ...10I0 . . ,12CR ,.! CM ... 7W ... 9I3 ....119) ....1052 . ... 1 1 S3 1660 ....1720 ...,ie:o ....2020 Pr fi 13 R 2) R 2.1 R 21 R :s f ,1) r n r 45 3 (0 3 (0 3 01 3 00 3 0) 3 00 3 10 3 10 3 11 3 21 3 21 .1 31 3 50 3 50 .1 R". 5 75 3 35 4 00 4 31 4 35 No. :o) r. 75 HEIFFHS. 804 3 25 1020 3 30 72.1 3 30 550 3 DO 260 R R0 1.. 127 5 10 STOCK COWS AND 110O 3 0) 5 , 9'0 3 OR 1 1120 3 10 3 891 3 15 1 831 3 2.1 STOCK CALVF.S. 36) 4 75 STOCKHHS AND FF.BDRHS. 68.) 3 0) 27 801 3 60 RC6 3 ro 1 ni 3 61 S12 3 0) 15 651 .1 70 Rrr, n 00 ( 91,1 3 ;j 67 3 2.1 23 Ct7 3 SO 572 3 25 26 822 3 91 810 3 23 12 672 4 00 6 511 4 (0 9 R04 4 05 CO . 615 Av 101 calves.. 315 $4 8! 2 feeders.. 7t 3 00 10 feeders.. 19 feeders. . 7 feeders.. 0 feeders.. 5S feeders. . 31 feeders.. !7 feeders. . S heifers.. 1 heifer 3 23 3 25 3 5) 3 '0 Nl-.HHASKA. Pr. No. 1 cow 2 cows... 2 cows... 2 cows... 1 cow.. 1 heifer. , 2 heifers 0 heifers, 2 hellers.. C95 fl heifers.. K1S 1 bull.... 1 bull.... 1 cow 788 fl.'l S50 S73 82S 732 81S ,.. 7S0 ..1150 ..1110 .. 90.) ..1U9) .. 870 .. 570 ,. 5.V, 591 3 ' 3 ' 3 01 3 00 3 10 3 30 15 feeders 2 cows... 1 cow.... 1 cow... . A v. I'r. . 730 J3 30 S25 900 9T0 3 15 3 25 3 00 . 3 10 2 90 3 00 3 33 3 35 3 25 .. 153.1 ..1300 .. t-90 El calves.. 3 cnlvest. IS calven.. 2 cows.... 1 cow 2 cows.... 5 cows.... 20 feeders. 39 feeders,, 3 feeders. 30 feeders.. Bfifj 3 feeders.. 8i 9 feeders.. ON 15 feeders.. Kit 5 cows 1030 1 cow. 15 cows 307 133 310 990 R50 970 9SI 911 1032 620 llSO 1"7, 14 steers. 5 steers. 180 feeders. 1131 ii feeders. 88r. 19 feeders 3 35 2 90 2 90 3 () MONTANA. 4 20 3 steers., I 10 13 mixed. I 10 20 feeders 1290 U3f 3 00 3 25 3 20 4 75 4 (HI I 75 3 00 2 HO 3 00 2 10 3 33 4 ()", 3 91 I 25 I 00 I 15 3 50 3 (i0 3 00 3 00 ..1010 .1161 1131 1 no 4 10 3 3:. .'! !J 3 35 31 feeders.. 1112 11 4 20 c. II. Smith-Neb. 1098 I 70 Thos Palmer Neb. 937 4 40 A V. Sinltli S'eh. 21 feeders.. 870 3 30 4 feeders . 020 2 00 U. It. MrClelluml-Wyo. feeders.. 703 4 35 7 feeders.. )SS 3 90 JostMlh Ilenrv W'vii 25 feederk.. 812 4 00 29 feeders. 1000 I 15 14 feeders.. 925 4 10 15 feeders.. 800 :t 1 12 feeder. 73 3 0) 10 feeders . 748 3 90 12 steorn,...lUl 4 5ft Scows 1110 3 65 feeders. 13 feeders. nin-.l-.l' 1 Here were onlv a few ears of V ' " "lorninc nut wlint few did nnive were picked on nt nrlces ring ing iiMi!K in a dime nipper. The- demind for slieep of good quality fully rqual !n the supply coming at the present time, and the market so far this week has been strong and active. Lain'), however, hu-.-e not sold quite as welt t lit week find the market today was again slow ami nrb-.vu weak It l safe to quote the mirkef 2".e lower than It was at the hlKh time hist week. Choice Iambi may be quote) nt .CO. &T. 23. nnd fair to uood lambs at $1731,5.00 The feeder market was about the sum again today with the exception of feeder ..nun- iviii.-ii ore rniner wenK. ns ho supply has been quite liberal. The ilec'l.i' for the week, however, would probably be covered by a dime Quotations: Choice westetn grass wcthr 83 75174 0i1; choice prnn venrllugs. ii 75f? 4 CO; choice ewes. 13 25-f3 50: fair to good eweo, M.OOS?3 2?- null eives, $2 50fl3.ro- ehee, Hiring lnmb. $5 nofl5.25; fair to good pri.g Inmbs. 14 75Kir.00; feeder wetliers, 13 3073 50 feeder lambs, J4.OOir4.40. Hepresentalive Hies: No. y. pr 3 Nebraska bucks 80 3 m 121 Nebraska yearlings 81 1 01 25". Nebraska wethers mi 4 10 1 buck lamb 80 4 51 ?R Nebraska feeder lambs 50 4 GO 305 Nebraska slock ewes 7:1 1 r,n 149 Nebraska stock ewes OS 1 50 I cull ewes lfio 2 30 280 Wyoming stock owes R2 2 30 1118 Idaho wethers 10.". 3 83 300 feeders 4 (or. 20) Wyoming lambs 01 4 75 238 1'tnh wethers 9". 3 so 417 Ptah wethers 90 3 S5 221 Wyoming lambs C2 4 90 CHICAfiO I.IVI3 Ten Primary I : I -. 1 1 o n l,Hv. MINNEAPOLIS, Sept. 19 Tho first test of the primary election law so far as known In tho west and ono of tho first lu the ccuntry, was made yesterday In this (Hen nepin, county. 11 was a great success in getting out the vote, a total of 3J,(,00 votes having been cast iu this city, ns agtlnst 33.911 in the regular election of 1S9S. Tho law worked (.monthly and with llttlo con. fusion Candidates wero nominated for congress nnd all county and city olllcra. Marcus Duly Much linpi-iiveil, NRW YOUK. Sept. 19. It was said ut tho Netherlands hotel today that Marcus Daly, who has been ill nt that place for some days, ls reported considerably Improved. "i rn-1 11 11 11 ( 1 phi 1 rvsiiviii. n''VC!;VN!ATI' 1!)--'l'bo Cincinnati fall festival opened today with a gorgeous street parade. In which all local organiza tions and Industries were reprerented. It combines all the displays of the old Cin cinnati exposition-, together with other features from the German village to tho mldw.iv. The cltv was tilled wlih excur sionists yesterday and todav the attend ance was unusually large. Miss Kolb was the fetlvj queen She was met at the river front on arrival by steamer and tho parade started as her eseort to Music hall where Governor Nash, Mayor 1-ielschmati. Senator loraker. Congrissmen Hromwell and fchattuek and others delivered ad dresses. The festival will continue ten days. STOCK MAIIKIVI'. Steers Choice l.lnht mill Medium Stenils'i Others Somen lint Lower, CHICAGO. Sent 19. CATTLH Receipts, 7.000 head. Including 2,500 westerns and 1,100 Texiins: choice llcht and medium steers steady, others MHOc lower; western steers slow, teeners pic lower; Texans steady; natives, best on sale todav, one carload nt $'1.00: good to nrlrce steers. J5.50.5i5 9i; poor to medium. $4 501? 5 (0; selected feeders, Hteadv to 10e lower 13 S5if 4 li'i ; mixed stueU ern, weak, lower. ."; cows, weak to 10c lower, 12 7517(1.40; heifers, J3.oo.fi -,.00, ean ners, steady, 2.23i2.75; bulls, steady, 12 S.V 1.0). OA LVH8 Steady. JI.MW;fi50; Texans. re celpts, 1,100 bend; best on sale todav two carloads nt JI.05; Texas fed steers, 11 I .(if 5.15; Texas grass htecrs, J3.50,tl.3O; Texas bulls, J2 7Sf(3.50. HOGS ltecelpts. 20.000 head; tomorrow 23.000 head; estimated left over, 3.11.' head, strong to 5c higher; top, J5.02'.i: mixed and butchers. J3.1.7i!"i.57',i; good to choice, lieaiv, J5.105.52'i; rough, heavy, $1 IlKjl 05; light, J5.25ftC lii'4; bulk of s iles, J.V20ff-. 45 SIIi:i-:P AND LAMIIS-Uec-Ipts. 22 000 head; sheep steady: lambs, 15f2".e lower, good to cholee, 13.sr.7i I 20; fair to ebol.-e mixed, 13.2573 91; westi rn sheep. J.I S.'rf 1.20, natlvo Iambs. J4.25ft5.75: western lambs. J5.00 ft 5. 05. New Vnrl. 1,1 e Ntoclr. NRW YOUK. Sent, hi HFF.VKS Re ceipts, 3,205 head; steers, Pi7f20e lower; bilN and cows steady; steers. 11 i.,rii ,.r,,: extrns I'.SO; oxen und stags, J3.IVV1 1.(15; bulls, $2 3u ffll.oo; cows, ,l.77i..io. Cables steady. Im ports today, ii.ooii quarters or beef. CALVF.S-Hccclpts, 2. Hi head; firm to 23c hluher for veals and urassers: vi.nla J.VOOfS.75; grassers, $3 mfif 1. 00; mixed calves! I.2.K4.50; yearlings, J2.ij7(3.00; city dressed vca:s. linn, at !".( i::c per lb. HIIi:i:P AN!) I.Aelll.S-Hoco nts. 1 1 rul head; sheep firm to Sic higher; lambs a. -tlvo at 10c hlk'her; sheen. 301147.: eniis J2.00fj2.50; lambs, 15.(J0fjC.25; bunch. 37',a. culls. Jt Mil I 73. HOGS -ltecelpts. 7,i90 head: firm nt .,':. f(0.10 for state hogs. Tllll IIUALTV .MHICI-yr. INSTHt!.MI-:NTS pll-VTon record Wednos day, September 19, 19)0: W'll 1111 lily Oei'ils, W. A. Jeffries und wife to Ida F. Curtis, IoIh 9 to 12, block 113, Dundee Place 2-,oo F. II. Garvin and wife to 12. It. Moore, sublot 3 In tax lot 35 In 10-15-13 1,000 O. W. U'orthlngton to W. S. King ot al. lot 1, block 91, South Omaha 500 Cathedral chapter, diocese of Ne braska, to same, s20 feet lot 2, block 91, same i Hubert Major to James Neville, lot II, block I50, Grand View 200 W. I). Mead, Jr.. and wife to Uenjamin Folsom, lots 18, 19, 20, 27 to 34, block 1. nnd lots 2, 3, I to 10, block 4, Heillek park 3 C. W. Lyman and wife to Martin Johnson, lot 1. block 14, Dwlght ei L.'s add 400 M. II. Whitney and husband to Alois Hock, sin feet lot I, and slO feet of w3l feet lot 3, block 0, Improvement Association uild SCO ((tilt (In I in DcpiIm. Jf. JL Heed to William Kru--cr. w. of o,i of s',4 sw'i 9-15-12 Jf. H. Johnson and husband to same, s',4 swVi 9-15-12 3 1) Is. P. C. Hacon. executor, to JL R. Kolby. si I feet 'ot 10 and all lot 11. block fi. Alamo Plaza Total amount of transfers St, 1. 1. Ills I, lie Stool., ST. LOI'IS, Sent 19. CATTI.l-1Heeelois 1.500. Including 3,20) Texans. market stea 1 . niillvo shinning and exnort xteei s tr. o.i, 5 85; ilrcspcd bief and butchers' hIk-ih J! Pi 7i5.tO- steers, under 1 ,0oo pounds, J.1 Hit : 0., Blockers and feeders, JljiKii 1.80: cows and heifers. U.t'V'ti 85; cancer-- II GOii'J CO; hull' 12.W73.10; TexitK and Indian steers. 13 204 4.1.0; cows and heifers. 12.4lfi.3 75. HOGB-Heceipts, 7,1W; market uteady, CORE YOURSELF! Ush Ills tl for iinuaturati OlHcharitri., liillululiiH-li.ri. trritutlunr ur nkcnitlur.t of 111 11 ,, 11 rirmlirinrt PainlMK. Ate' r.et futiiiL- THtEvttsCritUieuCo ''" or ronn.i. ,n. C'NCl8Hti,0,PlK3 N'-'a "J HrucBl-da. 0rftfeO4 .01 u itrlctal Irrinotl couliclnn. wom; nr k'nt 111 f luln tvrart'r by ripit-M, inriKll, fa II ro. er l L .tll. !. ?v Circumr lent uu rouUdoti rcMALR nnANs (orfti ninntldr rrL-iilmuriur wo- ' .11...1 .mil one full. lire; moil Ntiilitiorn n.f. rrOn r in 'fir Oivbi I i nt Hliertiimi A. Mrrnnne .. Iniini flCn. uU other druKKUK or muiiiid by Lion Pruk' Lo. Duffulu, N V Cook's Dueliess Tablets nre miecif ullr J tled monthly by over K).(XO ladles. Price, . . uy niHii. j 1. in. neuu 1 rents for KHtnplf) and iifirtleiilais. The Cook Co.. 2.U Woodwutd ave . Detroit. Mich. Hold In Omnia l.y Kubn i ' o , 15 A Jlourlui. &3 mm E- BOYD fi CO., Tcicpliotiu 10311. Oiualla, Nat COMMISSION, GRAIN, PROVISIONS utul .STOCKa UOAItU OF TRADE. Correspondence. John A Warren JJimct wuen to Chicaco and H.R.PEMNEY81 CO. SfQtKSig Grain BC0rl4Hr' Lift BL0& CKAJIA Mtta. OrtAMCrt I03allf UltCCUl MXJfc t I 1