Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 19, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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    . ,-. r i tt i -r-v iit t -n-ni5. wrnvren t V c i: 1 1 TW? A r T? i . T? in 1 find
mi.voh Mi:.vrio.,
DbvIh soils Rlass.
"Mr. Itlley." 5-rftit cigar.
I.cffort, MO Hdy., tests ryes free
Oas llxturcfl and globe at Rlxby'3
Klne A. II. C. beer, Ncumnyer' hotel.
Wr. 8tcpbonnon. 101 I'onrl St. Tel.
Sehmldt'i photos, new ntul latest styloa.
Cab. photos $1.00 doz. Williams, 641 Hdy.
Wollrnun, rielentlllc nptltlan. I0 Hdy.
W. J. llnslettrr, ilentlst. Unldwln block.
J. C. & V. Wnodwnrd, nrrhltects, f.23 IJdy.
W. n. LewlH i-clls monuments. 301 H'vvny.
Lemp's beer, Socnko Hoyncn. sole uncut.
Host beer. Hudwt'lsr. I.. Hoselifelil. At
I,. A. llrlt trin left yesterday on u visit to
Helena, Mont. ...
Horn: T. Mr. ami Mrs Harry Smith of
Klftb avenue, a daughter.
W. H. Hinder went to 1'allHHdo, Neb., yes
terday on n visit to friends.
Mr. and Mis. Paul lleozley left yesterday
on ii visit to (llninl, Kan.
Oct your work done nt the popular Hngle
laundry, 721 llroadwny. 'l'hone 157.
W. C. Kstep. undrtaKer. rs I'onrl street.
Telephones: omce, if"; residence. 33
V. V. draff, undertaker and licensed em
balnier. 101 South Main street. I'hono MS
Tor sale, thlrteen-room, two-story frame
hotel bul'dlmc. Inquire at Hluff Ity laun
dry, 31 North Main.
There will be a special mcetliip tnnlKhl
of Kxeelslor Masonle Iodise, No. Mil, for
work in the serond degree.
A plutiiro given free with each frame
bought In September of (..'. K. Alexunder tc
Co.. 333 llroailway.
C. M. Marl went lo Lincoln. Neb. yes
terday lo attend the nn cling or the .Ne
braska Slate liar asioclallon
Arthur (luff, the celebrated little cornet
plaver. will take part In the inilslculo at
odd KcIIowh' hall. Wednesday, September
All Sir Knights of the Maccabees are re
quested to be present at the review tonight
when the. slnte commander will bo In at
tendance. Mr. P. W. Moneray has some fine views
which he brought back from Cape Nome
on exhibition at ('. 14. Alexander & o 's.
33.1 llroailway.
The Ladles' Aid society of St. John's Kng
llsh Lutheran church will meet tomorrow
afternoon at the residence of Mrs. 11.
oiiron IH Fourth street.
Miss Viola Otto, accompanied by her
brother, Kliner. has gone on a visit to
friends at Chicago, Krceport. Milwaukee
and other eastern points.
The Hoard of Kilucatlnn has decided to
ii ly the rental for a telephone at I lie
xVnshlligtnti avenue school. l"or some time
past the teachers have had I" f'.nl the blr. I
Local deab rr advanced the price of hard I
coal yesterday rrom 57.011 to jn.wi per 1011.
They slate they do not anticipate any fur
ther Increase In the price for some time
Hurglars tried to break Into the resi
dences of II. V. Marlln, '.A'i Park aven-ie,
and K. II. (id'll, at the corner of "il"n
avenue and I'oinona street, last night, but
were frightened auay.
Jacob U'ushlngtou, arrest 'd Sunday fo
disturbing the peace, wan lined $1 and
costs In police court yesterday, lie failed
t 1 appiar when his cure was called and a
committment was Issued for him.
Kred Stone, colored, was urrested yester
day on an Information llled before Justice
Vlen chargltu him with assaulting Mrs.
Kara Campbell, also colored. He gave ball
and will have a hearing this morning.
Justice Ovlde Vlen has 'Ited a claim wish
the city for d mi iges in hl buggy by
reason of the rough ii,vt itiont. Me esti
mate!) that abi'iit $13 out of the
Ity's strong box wl!l cover the damage.
Mrs. N. Sibley of Sail Krnnebico, Cnl.. who
lias been the giust of Ihe Misses ltoss on
Willow avenue, left yesterday on a visit lo
Uos Moines. Mrs. Sibley (nee Miss Nellie
Hockwell) was a former resilient of Council
Deputy Sheriff Canning lias gone to Jack
sonville, III., alter Fred Hansen, who o
Inled his parole and will now have to serve
o'lt a live-year sentence in tlie.ponltetitluiy
tor breaking Into and robbing the residence
of Alblli ! luster.
James Anderson, a farmer living ut Cir
sou, look on a laige-slz.'d Jag last ulniit
and then started to drive home at break
neck speed through Ihe street. After neally
running over a number of people he was
tlttnllv corralled by the police and sp"tit
the night In Jail.
14. 14. Moore, the carpenter who disap
peared from his home In this city about
two weeks ago. has been heard from, lie
Is visiting friends In Hock .Springs, Wyo.
Letters from hlni lo rcl-itlves h.-re give
no reason for his hasty depaiture Irom IhU
city without notifying them.
The nollen received word vesterdav from
the nuthorltien at Fn monl. Neb., to look
out for and arrest Agnes Washington, ageil
15. and William Donohue. aged 27. both col
ored, who had eloped and were thought to
be 111 Council muffs. So far the police have
been unable lo locate the couple.
William Kldlr, living at Fifteenth str. et
nnil Hroudwuy. was arrested last night on
Misplclnu of having stolen a horse which
hi- had placed in a v.ic.nt barn at Sixth
avenue and Sixteenth strot t Me claim 1 to
havo traded n watch and another horse tor
the animal, but the police have suspicions
about his story being true.
The ease against Kriicst Mluiilck, charged
with holding up Oscar Johnson of Shenan
doah and stealing a Jug of alcohol from
him, was taken on a change of venue yes
terday to Justice Ferrlcr'K court from the
police court. Mlnnlek will have a hearing
Friday and In the meantime has been com
mitted to the county Jail.
'Hen Heldler. arrested Monday for caus
ing 14iigeue HuII'h horse to run away and
upset the delivery wagon, was sent before
Judge Mucev of the district court yester
day by Justice Vlen. Judge Maeey gave
the lad a good lecture and promised him
that If he did not behave and attend school
regularly he would commit him to the re
form school. ,
The receipts 111 the general fund at the
Christian home last week amounted to
$ll!i.ll, being $SI.C!t below the estimated
needs for tlio current expenses of the week
and Increasing the dellelency In tills fund
to date to $5Mi.2!. The amount received In
the manager's fund wns Jll.W, being $20.50
below the needs of the week ami Increasing
tho dellcivucy In this fund to $110.33 to date.
Late Monday night the police wero called
to Lincoln avenue, where II was said that
a crazy man was terrorizing the neighbor
hood. It proved lo bo John W. Taylor on
one of his periodical drunks. In pill-"
court yesterday morning Judge Aylesworlh
gavo lilni the alternative of leaving
city bv noon today or spending ten davs
011 the rnckpllc. Taylor said ho preferred
to leave town. If he is found In the city
nfter noon today he will be gathered In
and put to breaking stone.
N. V. riimiblns Co., teleonone 350.
Commonwealth 10-cent cigar.
.Mitrrliiue l.leenc.
Licenses to wed wcie Issued yesterday lo
the following persons:
Name and lt'Sldenie Age
Ilenlamln T Thine! Council Muffs ?l
Mary I Files, dum-ll Muffs
"U' III In mi .1 Crnzl, r Om.ib.i '!
Theresa I', l.l-leror. Oma.i.i ;J
Domestic soap outlasts cheap soap.
Oravcl rooruiB. A II rtrart, Ml llroailway.
Largest Assortment
Boys' Solid, Shoes
$1,25, $1,50, $1,75, S2
lhcr Pair Warranted at
412 Broadway,
Negotiated in liaaiern rtorafka
mm lo;t. James N. Carudy. Jr.,
ki. M s chuicii iiiiirr
Savings Loan and Building Associat'n
- low.
Board of Education Turns Over Purchaso
Money to Owner's Agent.
I'rople Who Object lo the Proponed
Location of Hie High .School
Talk About dilute Into
Court Auiilo,
The purchaso of the Street property as
'the site lor the new High school building
was consummated yesterday morning by the
Hoard of Kducatlon. I). V. Otis, as agent
for A. W. Street, handed over to S -crotury
Hoss of the school board the deed to the
property and also a deed from Street to
the city of Council Muffs to tho portion
of Third street bounding tho tract on the
oast side, which had never been,
opened or graded. In return Sccrctaty
ltoss handid Mr. Otis a draft 011 School
Treasurer Hnvcrstoek for $5,500, tho pur
chase price of 1 ho property.
This action on Ihe part of the Hoard of
Kducatlon was unexpected, as It was gen
dally understood that no further Uu
looking to the completion of the purchase
of the Street tract would bo taken until
the return of President Henry, who Is In
the east. The draft drawn by Secretary
JtofK on the treasurer lacks the signature
of President Henry, but It Is said thai
Treasurer Haverstock arranged lo rash
all drafts In President Henry's absence
on the understanding that he will sign
them on his return.
While no instructions were given at tho
meeting of the school board Monday night
to Sceretnry ltoss. ho acted under orders
given at a former meeting, at which he was
directed to accept the deed from Agent
Otis as soon as Mr. Street deeded the
sttcet to the city. The street having been
deeded Secretary Unas saw no rrubon for
further delaying the matter, so acting on
Huso orders paid oer to Mr. Otis tho pur
chase. price.
Objectors Threaten 11 Suit,
Those citizens who were opposed to th
selection of the Street tract hoped that
the board would ultimately rescind lis
action before paying for the property and
locate the school nearer the center of tho
city. A prominent business man, who
from the start has been opposed to Ihe
Street tract and who was In favor of the
Oakland avenue location until that slto
was barred out by tho state superintend
ent, expressed considerable surprise when
he learned yesterday morning Hint tho
board had completed tho purchase of the
Street property. Ho said:
"I did not for n moment ever expect
that the board would really buy that
property. There Is only ono thing now
lett us to do nnd that is to tako the matter
ngaln Into tho courts. We had hoped to
aold this, but wo do not Intend to sit
Idly by and allow tho school, If wo can
possibly prevent It. to be built in an oul-of-the-wny
corner like the Slreet property.
We shall confer over the matter tomorrow
and I think It Is safe to u.iy that wo shall
apply to the court for an Injunction to
restrain the board from placing the new
High school there. Our application will
be based 011 the grounds that the site Is
nut centrally located and does not In tiny
respect comply with the proposition that
the people of this district voted on two
years ago."
It Is now for the courts to decide
whether the school board has not tuc
High school sites on Its liamU. The own
ers of the Oakland avenue property have
a suit pending In the district court against
the school district to euforco tho pay
ment of the purchase price of that site,
which was $8,000. Tho board contracted
with R. A. Wlckhnm to grade tlio Oakland
avenue tract ami his bill for that work,
amounting to something over $700, has
never been settled. It has been presented,
but the policy of the board, so far, has
been to pigeon-hole It. Unless paid the
board will have more litigation on its
hands, as Contractor Wlckham has stated
that he Intends to enforce tho payment
of his bill.
The Woman's auxiliary of (Jraee church
gives a musical and dancing party next
Wednesday in Odd Fellows' hall. Jackson
Oady's orchestra will piny for both parts
Tickets only 25 rents.
Senator llnlllvcr .Sees Improvement
III the I'oHlienl Outlook.
United StatcB Seuntor Jonathan P. Dol
llver was at tho Orand hotel yesterday
morning for a short while on his way home
to Fort Dodgo from Atlnntlc, The sen
ator was feeling In tho best of health and
expressed the greatest confidence In the
outcome of tho election next November.
Ho said that everywhere he had spoken ho
had been greeted with large crowds and that
his addresses had been given close atten
tion. Last week, he said, he had. he esti
mated, spoken to close upon 15,000 at tho
various meetings he hnd attended.
His trip over this section of tho slnto
led him to havo oven more confidence In
the result of the campaign, which he says
Will IIU tl null) viuililjr LUI llili l-lllliu leilllll-
llcan ticket. Hn said: "Iowa Is all right and
will roll up a bigger majority for Mc
Klnley. 1 feel certain, than It did four years
It. H. Spence, a prominent attorney of
Ml, Ayr and a member of tho republican
state central committee, wns In tho city
yesterday on business connected with the
present term of federal court. When asked
as to the situation In his part of the state
he said It was most encouraging. The vote
this fall, he believed, would reveal a large
republican Incrcasa Judging from the pre
liminary forecast that had been ininle. In
t hn eastern part of Ihe state these forecasts
, have not come from many of the districts,
but returns from the districts in tho
j western part of the stnto In the bunds of
the state committee Indicate sure gains for
the republican party."
Howoll's Antl-"Kawf" cures coughs, colds.
l'olllleiil Notes.
County Attorney W. II. Klllpack will ad
dress the club this
evening nt K o'clock nt republican head
quarters, corner of .Main street and First
Hon. Lew Oenung of Hastings, In., will
address tho Hryan-Stevonson club Friday
night at democratic headquartci.1 nt tho
Ogden house. Mayor Jones of City
In booked for a speech before tho club next
Tuesday night.
Before buying n fall or winter overcoat
call on Smith & Hradley and seo their ele
gant line Just In.
Domestic soap sells on lln merits.
Curlln PleniU CullO.
In the district court yesterday Lee Car
lln, Indicted for obtaining money under
false pretenses from A, A. Clark of this
city, pleaded guilty and was sentenced to
three months In the county Jail. The ease
against him of disposing of mortgaged
property was dismissed.
The evidence for the plaintiff 111 tho
suit of (Jeorgo A. Ilaynos, administrator
uf ihe estate of Herman Smith, against
the Fort Dodgo & Omaha railroad was sub
mitted yesterday and a motion on tho part
of the defendant to tako from the Jury
Is now petidlng.
A special line of ready-to-wear trousers
nnd overcoats for fall ami winter have
Just been placed on sale bv Smith & Ilrad
ley, the popular hatters and furnishers.
M ATTIJHN IN l'KIIHIt.M, ( (11 It T.
.Indue McPhermn ntul ,xhlrn Set the
Cot eminent' l.ntv Mill (irlndlng.
Tho September term of United States
court was convened yesterday morning
with Judges Smith Mcl'hcrson nnd O. P.
Shlras on Hie bench. The business before
the court this term promises to be un
usunlly light and an cnrly adjournment
l. looked for. This week will be devoted
to the business of Hie circuit court and
such matters ns may bo tried to tho court
alone without a Jury. Saturday court
will bn adjourned until the following
Wednesday to enable Judgo Mcl'hcrson to
go to Creston to open tho term of court
scheduled lor thai place. This will be tho
first term of United States court held at
Tho grand Jury wns Impnnnolrd with
The mas Weldman of Ited Oak ns foreman
nnd H. A, French of (Jlenwood ns clerk.
Tho number of criminal cases this term is
far below the average nnd tho grand Jury
experts to conclude Its deliberations this
morning nnd adjourn. Three Indictments
wero relumed yesterday afternoon, two
being against alleged bootleggers, whoso
names wero not made known, ns thoy arc
not under arrest. Tho third Is ngnlnst
Delos Snyder for robbing the postotllco at
Polk City. Snyder Is under arrest in the
Polk county Jail nt Des Moines. Ho haa
confessed to the robbery and will bo
brought here for sentence. Snyder about
eighteen mouths ago was sentenced by
Judge Woolson to a term In tho county
Jail nt Avoca for bootlegging. When leav
ing tlio Polk county Jail to be brought
here he robbed a fellow prisoner of $20, the
money being found on him when ho reached
Council Bluffs.
Judge Mcpherson partly heard yesterday
tho application of tho Wrlsley Hros". Soap
company against tho Iowa Soap company
for a temporary writ of Injunction to re
strain the defendants from Infringing on
n trademark. The plaintiff company manu
factures a soap with the trademark "Old
Country Soap" and the detendaut company
has placed the trademark "Our Country
Scap" on a soap It manufactures. This
case came here from the eastern division,
the application having been filed at Keokuk.
Judgo Shlras granted new trials In the
cases of Mrs. Jessie Kerr against the
Modern Woodmen of America, J. A. Flory
ngalnst.Henry & Spence and tho administra
tor of tho estate of Chris Heck agnlnsl the
Omnha & St. Louis Hallrond company. In
tho enso of Mrs. Kerr against the Modern
Woodmen of America the plaintiff, the
widow of James Kerr of Manilla, In., sued
lo recover n policy for $3,000 Insurance
which her huabnnd held In the order. Pay
ment was resisted on the grounds Unit Kerr
committed suicide after being placed under
arrest for bigamy. Mrs. Kerr secured a
verdict for the full amount claimed and
Interest. This cage will be retried nt this
term. In the ense of Florv against Henry
& Spence the plaintiff, an attorney of Ncw
nrki O., secured 11 verdict for about $3. GOO
against the defendants, attorneys of Mount
Ayr, In., being his share of tho attorney I
fees In the prosecution suit of the (Jelger
Payne case at Mount Ayr a fow years ago.
Hy agreement the hearing on the new trial
coes over to the next term.
In the case of the adminlstintor of the
estate of Chris Heck against tho Omnha d
St. Louis inllroad the new trial was granted
o the motion of tho plaintiff. Heck was
killed August 13. 181)8. by nu Omaha ft St.
Louis train at a croialng near this city.
Ills i-on sued for $10,000 damages and at
the trial Judge Woolson took the case from
the Jury nnd dliected a verdict for tho rail
road company.
The motion for a new trlnl In the mutter
of tho bankruptcy of C. H. Handlett Is to
be argued before Judge Shlras today. Cer
tain creditors of Handlett brought suit to
havo him declared a bankrupt. At tho
first trlnl Judge Woolson took It from tho
Jury In favor of the petitioners nnd de
clared Knndlctt a bankrupt. At tho second
trial, before Judge Shlras at tho lnst term
of court, the court took the caBc from tho
Jury, finding in favor of Handled.
Judgo Mcl'hcrson adjourned court yester
day afternoon at 3 o'clock and went lo Lin
coln, Neb., where ho wns booked for an
address beforn tho meeting of the Slnte Hnr
association. Ho will return this morning.
Premiums given with Domestic soap.
Uso Domestic soap. It's the boat.
Death of it IMoneer.
James Stagenian, a pioneer furtner of
this county, died laBt evening at his homo
In Onmer township from heart disease,
nged GO years. His wife, two daughters
and soven sons survive him. Deceased
had been a resident of Pottawattamie,
county for about fifty years, coming here
from England, where ho wns born In 1833,
when nbout lfi years of age.
C0.000 cakes Domestic soap used In Coun
cil Muffs last month.
Ileal i:(nte i'rnnnrct-n.
1 IlO following I
run lonowing transfers w'erc llled ves-
terdav In the abstract, t It It? nnd loan otfico
of J. W. Suulre. I0l Pearl street:
I. C. Kneel to Mary Jones, sw'i nel
9-70-II w. il $ J ,M0
r. i-. r;ngei to diaries li. Jones, nli
lie,, und sei ne'i L'S-'O-ll, w. d 5,610
I'rntiKiin .leneris to (--oral Jetrerls
nw IS-7S-41: undlv. l-l of lot II,
block 4, Jackson's add, nnd lot R lu
ne'4 havU :!0-7ft-43, w. d 1
Nathan .Merrinm and wire to Willis
Coy, lots ir, and Hi, block 17, Wright's
ndd to Council Muffs, w. d i0)
Total amount of transfers t'.lil
Davis sells paint.
Fleers, open oi obstinate sores, scalds
and piles quickly cured by nanner Salve
he most healing medicine In tho world
Myers-Dillon Drug Co., Omaha; Dillon's
DniK Store. South Omaha.
Ion 11 en iill',
Slgourney has list completed 11 new
$:1,00il school building.
Thomas Challe of Jewell fell from a
moving train and had 11 leg taken off.
Joel 1 1 on 1 it of Marshalltow 11 was fatally
hurt by being run down by u trolley car.
Soven people were hurt, somo of them
seriously, by the collapsing of a platform
in 1 on usKuwosa norse snow.
J. D. Denlson of Clarion wns lined M oon
nu! cos's, amounting altogether to Jl.'.'eO.
or minting a liquor Injunction.
The Adams Express company has decided
to pay the bank tho JJU.OOfi which was lost
in transit between 1 hlcago and Burlington
Chris Trolpe and an unknown man were
crushed to death at Somerset bv the col
lapse of 11 bridge under the weight of n
tr.iciiou engine.
Two htr-neers In the city had n dllll-
eulty In a Marsha'ltown saloon, when one
e' them shot the other In tho hand. Hoth
men then disappeared.
, A. A. Prubetn!, a wealthy merchant of
1 Mauley Junction. Iiiih been arrested on the
cnurgo 01 aiiempnng to nurn tne sioro or
a competitor last February.
It. I'acholke. a ounic farmer living near
West Side, was struck by a fast freight
train while attempting to drive across the
truck, ile wuh ratany injureu,
Firemcn'B Oonvention Hoars Roport of Com
mittee on Ohange of Constitution.
Hnny Cities In the Country MnUf 11
lllil for the ."eit Convention
(irnnd llnnqurt Is Held In
Dm Milium lintels.
PUS MOINES. Sept. IS. (Special Tele-
gram.) Tho tlrothcrhood of Locomotive
Firemen heard tho report of the commit
tee on the proposed change of tho const l
union nnd bv-laws. but no action was
taken. Whether or not Oes Moines or any
other city than Peoria secures the national
headquarters of tho brotherhood will be
decided when this question of the adoption
of the revised constitution nnd by-laws
comes to a vote
Harrlsburg, Pa., sent n proposition 'or
the location of the next convention. St.
Joseph will have ono ready for rending to
morrow, so It U said, und Indianapolis Is
to have another bid on the table of tho
secretary this week. Other cities nfter the
convention nrc Denver, Louisville, Omaha
Detroit, Ptit-ln-Ilay and Milwaukee. No
llnal action seems likely to be taken on nny
proposition before Friday nnd the election
of ofllcers will probably tako place on that
day also. The feature tonight was a grand
bnnquet held simultaneously nt the Savory
Klrkwood and lown hotels In order to ac
commodate the great crowd.
La to last night Frank Wallace, colored
wns stabbed nnd probably fatally Injured
by another colored man. The man who did
tho stnbblng escaped In tho crowd which
gathered and has not yet been appro
hended. According to Wallace's story, ho
had a long standing trouble with tho man
whom ho thinks cut him in regard to n
loan of money.
I.00U Over Xmv llnml,
President Ellsworth nnd other officials
of the Iowa Falls & Northern railroad, pro
posed to bo constructed between this city
and Iowa Falls, left the latter point this
afternoon overland for this city. They
will traverse tho route already chosen for
the road nnd look nfter tho preliminary
work of the survey. President Ellsworth
Is confident the road will be constructed
during the coming season. The party Is
expected here Saturday. It is proposed to
have tho surveying party In the field within
ten days.
Tho superintendents of Hie various state
Institutions began a two days' meeting In
tho olllces of the Hoard of Control today
These meetings nro held quarterly and
havo for their object a better understand
Ing of tho workings of the various statn
departments. The superintendents ex
change notes and listen to papers on the
subjects in which they are directly Inter
Judge Prouty today ruled that the dls
tiict court had no right or power to Inter-
lero with tho county supervisors and de
rlare In what manner they shall perform
their duties. Ho held that while tho court
has the power to compel the board to per
form an act which the statute sets down
as Its duty that tho court cannot proceed
to tell how that act shall bo performed by
them. As a result of this decision the four
official newspapers of Polk county lost
their suit against the board nnd an appeal
will he taken to the supremo court making
a test case of this important point
Iteiiort 011 I'oiiiIm In .lobnsoii County,
ton 11. Millie hy llviierl
IOWA CITY, la., Sept. IS. (Special Tel
egram.) After several months of Inquiry
on the part of Expert Acrounlnnt Klerulff
It has been discovered that tho county
treasurer's office Is short $12,210.01. This
covers a period since 1S02. In his report
tho amount of shortage under the term of
A. R. Cherry amounted to $9,400.88. while
the shortage during Maher's term In 1893
amounted to $1,1:11.33.
The report completed by Klerulff today
covers the collection of tnxes for tho years
1S92, 1893 nnd 1894, and during that time he
has discovered a shortage of $1.S90.S0. This
last report completes the Investigations of
the accounts from the beginning of Maher's
term lu 1892 until tho present time. It
covers a period of eight years. During the
years of Maher's incumbency the total
amount of shortnge is $3,025.13, whllo
Cherry's total shortage wns $9,100.88. Tho
total amount, missing for the eight years
Is $12,120.01.
The report shows that tho errors In
Maher's accounts were nuido Inrgely In tho
footings, although small nmounts In somo
places had not been abstracted nfter col
lection. All but the newly discovered $1.
890 of the shortage has been covered by
cash by both Cherry and Maher. Tho
nbove amount wns found In tho early part
of Maher's term. The board of supervisors
will meet at the call of the auditor and it
Is not yet known what action will be taken
In regard to tho now shortnge.
S wall ion I''N I'll) mIcIiiiik.
TOUT DODGE, In.. Sept. IS. (Special
TelcBram.) Local physicians nre puzzled
over the case of Martin Rvvanson. car ro
palrer of tlio Illinois Ontral railway,
whoso body passed unscratelied under tho
wheels of half a train here this mornlnK
Swnneon was nt work under a caboose when
a switch eiiRlne backed a long train of
cars upon him. Ho tried to escape, but
was caught under I ho wheels of half a
dozen ears beforo he was rescued. Tho
car wheels passed over his right hip and
diagonally across his body, but not a single
botio was broken, nor did ho sustain any
Internal Injury that ran he ascertained.
Tlio only evldenco of the romurkablo ac.
cldent on Svvanson's body nre a few skin
abrasions and 11 dark linn whore the whcnla
passed across this seemingly rubber man.
Ken; 011 for IllrdruiU'n Place,
FORT DODCU, la., Sept. IS. (Special
Telegram.) The Messenger tomorrow will
present the name of Attorney V. S. Ken
jnn of Fort Dodge as candidate for Judg
ship In tho Kleventh Judicial district made
vacant by Judge Illrdsall's resignation.
Kenynn is an nblo young attorony with a
strong following and It Is thonght will
I'cjlon AVIII riKht His (use.
SIOI'X CITY. Sept. IS. - (Special Telo
gram i Frank l'eyton was arraigned In tho
district court this afternoon on the charge
Br the x tt KladYMHwAlMW Boatf
B,enr ZM
n. vA v-i. U.a llivc Uftitrrht
i Si a m"" " 114,0 B"'.;
-MC . - a.i 3
of m irdrrlng John K Uolison In this oily
last December. Tho officers had hoped the
man would plead guilty, he having made
an outright confession that he was Itt.t li
catcd In the crime. Instead of pleading
guilty Peyton employed an attorney when
ho arrived hero from SI. Louis, where he
was arreted, nnd his attorney now declare-
that the matter of the confessions will
be satisfactorily explained and the case will
be fought to a finish
I'lvns 11 is im:ai: in iiutitv, 11. 1..
Wilt Try Sinn for lnnnly 01, Account
of ItellKlou Heller.
DAVENPORT, In.. Sept. lS.-(Spcclal Tel
egram.) M. II. Leo of Harry, III , will tr
to provo his sanity In the dlstrbt court
this week nnd a Jury will hae to decide
whether n man can be a member of the
Hrethren In Christ, the peculiar religion-
sect that has Its heaven nt Harry, nnd
still bo sane. Lee wns one of the promi
nent manufacturers of the west for years,
founding and managing the Lee Hrootn
company with factories In Davenport nnd
Lincoln, Neb. When he wns rich enough
he sold out. Then lie Joined the Hrethren
nnd last winter he headed nn eodus of
local man from here to Harry. Ills son.
Clinton It. Lee, now managing the broom
company, nnd other children asked the
court to appoint n guardian for him. Lee
has hired several nttorneys and came back
from Harry with tho depositions of the
mayor, chief of police nnd tradesmen, de
claring him Intelligent beyond his years,
which number SI. A Jury was secured
today. Tho trial promises to bo 11 long
nnd hard-fought one.
Killed b.v lloxcr.
WATERLOO. In.. Sept. IS. -(Special.)
J. P. White of this city lins received word
from China that hts niece, Miss H. J. Rice,
wns a victim of tho Hoxcrs near Lu Cheng
She hnd been a missionary since ISM,
making her homo nenr Tien Tsln. It Is
supposed she mnde nu attempt to escape
and wns overtaken nnd murdered.
A good many consumptives would be
cured and the worst cases comforted ami
relieved by using Foley's Honey nnd Tar
Suggest It to those atllb'ted. You should
do this ns a friend. Myers-Dillon Drue
Co., Omaha; Dillon's Drug Store, South
Fuiifrnl of Mnrl. Itorer.
COLCMHUS, Neb. Sept IS -(Special )--The
funeral of Mark Rorer. son of Mr. ami
Mrs. Frank Rorer, was largely attended.
The services were held at tho Congrega
tional church, where Dr. Munroo preached
tho seimon. The Interment wns mnde in
tho Columbus cemetery anil the long pro
cetslon wns escorted by the Ewins Utiles,
Company K, of which the deceased was a
member. The company was out in full
under command of Captain Hockenberger.
lllliini iuiec.
COLl'MHl'S. Neb. Sept. IS. (Special.) -William
Saner died at the home of hlf
mother In this city last evening at I
o'clock, after a Bhort Illness from typhoid
fever. Ho was 20 years old and had lived
here since his Infancy. He was n telegraph
operator and was working at Waterloo
when strlcked down with the fever. lie
has a brother lu Chicago und another in
Detroit. The funeral will bo held tomor
row from St. llonaventura's Catholic
Kcislilenl of Scllllj Icr.
SCHUYLER. Neb., Sept. IS. (Special.) -
Mrs. J. D. Woods, one among the earliest 1
comers to Schuyler, died ut her home In
this city lnst evening. She has been ninny
years a sufferer from heart trouble, finally
succumbing to that, coupled with an attack
of dropsy. Her husband and a laigo family
of children survivo her.
I'lliierlll of Mrr.. Illirillnu.
NEBRASKA CITY. Neb.. Sept. 18. (Spe
cial.) Funeral services for the Into Mrs
N. S. Harding wero conducted this after
noon. The Interment was In Wynke ceme
tery. The pall-bearers were: J. Sterling
Mcrton. Robert Lorton. W. A. Catton, Wll
llnm Fulton, J. J. Hochsteller and L. F.
For disorders of tho
feminine organs havo
gained thoir great renown
and enormous sale bc
oauso of the permanent
good thoy havo done and
are doing for tho women
of this country.
If all ailing or suffer
ing women could bo made
to understand how ab
solutely true aro tho
statements about Lydia Em
Pinkham's Vogotablo
Compound, their suffer
ings would end
Mrs. PlnUham counsels
vomen free of charge.
Her address Is Lynn,
Mass. Tho ad v loo she
gives Ss practical anu
honest. You can writo
frooiy to her; sho is a wo-
House of I rooms, cellar, well and stable
lor S horses, near tho Illinois t'
yards. Price only ."".
House of (1 rooms and luili room, with
plumbing In for connecting bath. mi
water, cement cellar, lino corner lot. with
shade trees, .one block from motor. I'llce
$1,000; easy terms. A bargain
4-room house, with room to finish off 3 more
looms, city water, well, barn 11x1V !i good
lots, 0110 block from Avenue A motor line.
Prico J1.000.
flood fi-room bouse uenr Northwestern
depot, icllar. cliv water, cistern and largo
barn. Price $l..m
House of 7 large rooms and room for bath,
'J halls, cellar, cistern, city water, stable,
chicken house, fruit and shade trees, 'i
lots. Price Jl.tiOn If sold within a few dnye;
Kino down, balance monthly pigments.
New fi-room house, Ibreo blocks from th
Methodist church, cement cellar. oUtcr.i.
with pump In kitchen, well and cltv
water, barn, nil In good shape Pnr. ,
$1,11. $2w) down, balance monthly pj
ments. 8-100111 collage. 5 blocks from P. O., cement
cellar, cistern, city water, cement walks,
shailo trees. Will hell with $200 down.
' balance monthly.
lO-ncru fruit farm Z miles from P. .. K'"d
ri-rooin house, well, elsl, rn, bum. ebb ke 1
hiiUHc, Phi bearing cherry trees, appltf.
raspberries, blai kin rriei-. plums. gu"
berrlrs, currants and u r-ni.ill vlniy.ird
Pi-b $:V."0
Tel. 117. Ml IiroiuUvu. Coum.ll Hluffs
ii i i iTiwmm
Of (lie Stud. Kit-ctro-.Mrdlcnt
Institute, i:ios I'm run m Street,
Speclnllit In DlnriiHcit of .Men.
and permanently. Our counsel will cost
vou nothing, and our charges for a perfect cure will not bo more than you will
b" willing to p.iv the benefits confeired. We will do by you as we would yn 1 to do t, us If our eases were reversed. Certainty of cure In what o.l
wiiiit Wo 1 in ami will cite vou, by permission, to some of the het citizen of this
cliv whom wo have cured and made happy, and who will cheerfully vouch for our
financial as well as professional standing. IVIint huvr dnnv for them rre
,'i, 11 do for on,
UARIPflPCI E fmler our Electro-Medical treatment this Insidious dlsnasn rapidly
THniUUULLt. disappears. Pain ceases almost Instantly The pools of wtHgmitit
bl .mi arc driven from the dilated veins and nil soreness nnd swelling quickly sub
side Fverv Indli allon of VnilcoceU soon vanishes, nnd In Its stead comes trv
pride, the power and the pleasure of l'rrfeel be 11 1 lb 11 ml rriMureil inunliood.
QTBIPTIIDC Our Electro-Medical treatment mssoiveo tne. stricture completely una
OiniUIUnr. removes Pvcrv obstruction from the urinary passage, allays all In
tl.uninatloii, stops every iinnalurnl discharge, reduces the postate gland, cleanses
and heals the bladder nnd kldnevs, Invigorates the sexual orgsns nnd restores
health and soundness to every part of tlir body olTeetetl by Hie tlltense.
life work. an d Is Indorsed by the best physicians of this and foreign countries, it
coiitaln.i no datigeroua drugs or Injurlnu h medicines of any kind It goes to tno
very bolt. 'in of ihe disease and forces out every particle of Impurity, ivion over)
sign nnd symptom disappears completely and forever The blood. Hie tissue, tne
Ibsh the bones and lb whole system are cleansed, purified nnd restored to imrfsct
health, and the pittent prepared anew for the duties nnd pleasures of Hid
nlFRVniK flFRII ITY MP"- "a"y a( '' nr" "0,v reaping the result of row
nCnVUUO UCDILIIT former folly. Your manhood Is fulling and w II soon be
Iml unless von d something for yourself. There Is no time to lose, impotency,
Ilko all sexual dlsenses. Is never on the standstill. With It you can insko no com
promise Either .ii must master It or It will master you nnd till your whole fu
ture with mlserv and lndeserlbabli woe. Wn have treated so many cases or tills
kind that we are ns familiar with them as you are with the very daylight puce
cured bv us you will never again be bothered with emissions, ilrnltis preinature
ness. small or wetik organs, nervousness, falling memory, loss of ambition, or simi
lar symptoms which rob you of vour manhood and tibsolntely until you ror ' stilus,
business, picas ire i,r marriage. Our treatment for weak men will correct an mesa
evils and restore you to what nnture Intended a hale, healthy, happy man, wltn
ililciil, iiienlnl mi)l srinnl power rn complete.
RFFI FY niQP AQFQ Many nllments are reflex, originating from other diseases,
IILI L.LA UIOLHOLO For Instance sexual weakness sometimes comas from Varl
cmele or Strlilure, Innumerable blood nnd bone dlseapes often result from eontngl
o'H blood t.iUHi in the svstem. or physical nnd mental decline frequently follow lm
potencj. In treating diseases of any kind -wo always remove the origin -wo cure
of this Institute b.v their special combined Hlcetro-Mcdlcal Treatment are mak
ing many wonderful cures In diseases of tho
Nose, (in J I. nn is, Head. Heart, Stoiiuijh nnd Uovvcls, Liver,
Kidneys, Uliciim.itisin, Catarrh, l'.iralysls, Piles, etc.
Prlvat i is js, Contusions Blood Poison, Unpttire, Stricture,
Varicocele, Nervous Debility nnd
PnOnCQDnMnnMOC One personal visit Is alwnyn preferred, but If you cannot
UUnilCOrUtiULllUL call nt our office, write us your symptoms fully. Our home
tleatment b.v coi respondenrc Is alwayn ajcccssful.
Legal contract given to nil patients to hold for our agreement. Do not hesi
tate. If you cunnot call today, write and describe your trouble. .Successful treat
ment bv mall.
Keforences Hast Hanks and Lending Hnsines Men in this City.
Office Hours From 8 11. 111, to 8 p. in. Sundays, 10 a. m. to 2 p. m
Permanently Located, 1:108
Mormon PIsftoDS Pills
Church na tuti !.wu. ftnuif,
bf icli-aljuse, uiiipMgn, eicette,, or
potnney, Lost Power, NlRht-t-owses, BDermntorrhoea lflJTJ!i",ra,Vi;
InUncli, Kll Doalrci, WmlnnTemHslons. Uamii "ncit, "5.9"?,
b Ity, HBnajoho,Un(ltneBto Mnrrif, toes of K&t Opmdn, Vorlcpcgloi
or c
err,) twncttoii.
rrja-.l. S'.lTtulite. the Inn ! nene ter.ten. - lot,
w utaey telurvcJ, nli 6 Loiei. Clrcilm fiee. AtHrCM,
lOlt SVI.K 11V M Yi:itS-l)ll,I.(
Some excellent lots, pleasantly located and de
sirable for suburban homes, can be had now at
reasonable prices. These lot s are located in
Omaha, Wright's and Central Sub. additions. This
property will steadily increase in value as the city
grows in th at direction and the time to buy is the
present. Call at
DAY 6c HESS, M Pearl St , Council Mull's,
Hove for Mile 11 In rise lint of Improved fnroi'., chicken rniiclie", fruit mill
euetllhle I11111N1 lilxn rcxlilcoce nod I, nI iii'n propcrl In ( oiilicil lllulls
nnd OmiiliM. Mli: IMIIMSi
. . : I . f II lrfln..rnH , I I , 1 p ...II. .
lfO ncrcrl llae! JlcU Iwp . Il nincn nn kj.
com! biilldlnsH. ft ' I'01'
SO arri-H nar iTcmcnt
well Improved, $4
rmicl' mile caM, good bulldliiKS and
fruit, : pci ncrc
CO-acro fruit farm, near city. Rood Impiovc-
menu, Sl'i'i per ' i"".
10-ncrc fruit f..rm adJolniiiR city. $6,000.
The lib""' M on, " """'I'1'' ",,r
r. per cent li,lcrel. Tclrpbimo ill I.
' J 111'; Hi:!'. WANT ADS
" Mz(v 6)(! 3 Sii?
Varicocele, Stricture, Contagious
Blood Poison, Nervous Debil
ity and all Reflex Complica
tions and Associate Diseases
and Weaknesses of Men by
Our Electro-Medical Treat
ment, Which Combines all
the Curative Powers of Both
Medicine and Electricity.
We want every man thus atWctfd t
honestly Investigate our special Klectrp
Mcdlcal stytem of treatment. We Invite in
particular all who hnvu treated elsewhere
without aucciiss, and nil thosn vvhos cases
have been abandoned by family phyilelnna
and so-called experts. Wo will explain to
vou wbv such treatment has not cured vol
end will demonstrate to your entire titlifno-
,,,,,, , In t , i'mii cure vna ft:lfi)V. UUlCklV
Fnruam St., Omaha, Neb.
b"e tern la Uie om y" tr U" 01 tne Mcnoa
cutcf the wont Uln In old and yojnir arttlng (rom cfircu
cigitic - iawtinK,
rte-traUlnf. Dure. Lost Manhood, lm-
iSjevti me li.nnedaie. R AjjO rrarjjil riior nJ polrncy la
mre II t l.n,l, f?jVf-1 IleMore imill, unierel.'rxal
t (jt It 5. I y mail a- -n c- nitf, totji
Dlshou KomeCy Co., Gz ri cranclooo, OaU
llllti; CO.. KITH AM) l'Ut.VAM.
And tho quality of our work Hhould bo
of intorcHt to you if your tooth aro not
in perfect condition Jt matters no.
liow little or how much you have to
bo done, wo will bo pleased lo do 'it
lor you, and tho charges will bo very
. ..Telephone lS
Ii A. Woodbury, D. D. Council Bluffs.
earl St.
Next to
,, -m en .'iisriiuri ooiioill lu nil, r lllllUB Br.
city, $10 pur acre.
210 acres near Tactile Junction,
well lm-
proved, $10 per acre.
320 acres In Silver Crook twp., $.10 per acre)
well Improved.
213 noroH flno bottom land In Kockford twp.,
12. GO per acre; well Improved.
iihi, .moi; i.ovMin on rums vr
Pennyroyal pslls
n V"N. Original mil Only tirnulaa.
.VVV'AKK. !! MlUH. .i.Ja. Urn. ,1.1
-.( "lll IH SIKII'S I'.'i (il.IHIl
(rUJ4KV n t.l ill (iiilil umalll Ull, M.I.I
r 'ti'i . i biur dHn Tiikr- no nllirr. Ill-run
7i VJ Uaiittrruiir. Nuktlllulor.r. utl ImIU.
I fn Mun. llu of jatr llrtcclil or rr.l 4e, In
I j! runi.r Ur 1'r.rtlrnUr. Tl ll mu.l !
V f) ",1 ''ltlle.rfi.f l.dlr."lnllllir,b; r.
L' fn.OIIU I,, I,. Hollhf
. "if ll nnule. n.lrW.lrrl''
UulUl lUjfil Siaan, i'Ull.. V'ti