' ! i H'l: IIAVIi WIIAIIiVllR YOU MA V WANT, MAN OR HOY, TO U'l-AR. Fall Suits ii ml Overcoats that arc rorrcrf. I'uniislilnps flint arc cxcIiimvc am! tint os'l . I luts in the proper .shapes ami leliaNe tmtmiiai'u: THE STORE OF THE TOWN Omiilin's Only I ulusitc Clothiers fur Men ami llo. S. W. Cor. 15th and Douglas Sis., R. S, WHCOX, Mgf. FOR SALE BY ALL LEADING GROCERS. Manufactured hy "Home Visitors" Excursions. Xehraskans can ,io cast wry cheaply Wednesday, September 2()th. On that date the Burlington Route will sell tickets to all points in Iowa, Wisconsin and the Northern Peninsula of Michigan, at rate of Same low rate will apply to points in Southern Minnesota, Northern Missouri and Central and West ern Illinois. TICKETS WILL BE GOOD TO RETURN UNTIL OCTOBER 31st. For further information, consult nearest ticket agent, or write to Omaha, Neb. 8HtCiUW IhIsmxIhIk Largest Hotel in Omaha. IU'KOI'IsAN PLAN. 16th and Howard Sts. HTWO hundred rooms all out side single and en suite. The entire parlor floor and half of the second floor have been ar ranged for sample rooms, each with private bath attached. Three cafes and a popular priced restaurant in connection. The only hotel in Omaha having Turkish baths. COMMERCIAL TRADE SOLICITED. Some agencies show you ONE style and other agencies show you ANOTHER. But we show you EVERY style of typewriter in its best form. You needn't adapt your taste to any of our machines we will show you a machine adapted to your taste. Telephone or write for descriptive matter. Telephone 185. 1014 I'aniam Street, OMAHA, NEBK. We sell Typewriter Supplies for all makes of machines. Largest and Best Equipped Printing Office and Blank Book Manufactory between Chicago and San Francisco. We aim to cany in stock all the latest ni tides brought out in the line of commercial stationery. Selling agents for the Kockwell-Wahash In tension liusiness Systems and Sectional Hook Cases. Metallic lixtuies for office and vault interiors. Metallic Cabinets for Public liuild tugs, Hanks, Insurance and Trust Companies and general business offices. I'RINTIiRS, HI.ANK HOOK MAKIiKS, COM.MI-RCIAI. STATIONIiRS AM) HANK AND OITICI: l-QL'IIMM-KS. Mail Order Department a Specialty, Send for Gatalope, Full and Complete Stock, " -fejia ' II I iff- :t "THE ONLY PIANO WHICH IMPROVES UNDER USAGE," Sold and handled exclusively By MUELLER PIANO & ORGAN CO. For wer thirty years. The oldest pi.ma house in the West. Warerooms, 1316 Farnam St., Omaha, Nebraska. Call and see these beautiful instruments.