Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 16, 1900, Image 24

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    THE OMAHA D VFLT BFAlt stTN D VV, SEPTKMHnit 1(5, 1000.
Factions Making Roady for Their Oountj
Nominating OonvcntionB,
Several l'rril"t lull Problem to "'
Solved ! ln- Slnlr Milk
ers for llrjiiu'i
Democrats adherlns to both factions of
tho party are hustling about preparing
lists of delegates to bo voted on at the
primaries to be held In tbn afternoon of
next Tnursony. a iigiu :
every ward of Omaha and South Oniaha.
One of the chief factors In tho lannln
county committee contingent declares thai
there will be no Hunt In tho country pre
clnctB. ns that faction will put
delegations In the country, but n member
of the Howell committee fighting force d c
clares that their side will have a t Meet n
every country precinct. Charley 1-annlifc
and Harry Miller speak coutlden ly of their
ability to put up a warm tight In e
ward In Omaha, whllo they seem to th nl.
that they are entitled to have everything
CO their way In South Omaha.
On the other hand members and adher
ents of the Howell committee speak con
temptuously of tho strength likely to be
developed by the Fnnnlngltes and deny that
there Is any likelihood of oven South
Omaha going In favor of the old committee.
According to agreement lists of deli-Rate
submitted by both factions must be filed
with tho referee not later than 10 p. m.
Monday. It has also been agreed thai
parties formerly registered in one ward
who have ehanged their residence since
the last registration may changn to tho
ward of their residence by securing a cer
tificate from the ward of former residence
and tiling it with the primary omdals In
the ward of present residence.
Ponding the settlement of this contro
versy discussion of candidates Is not very
heated. although already a bewildering
nrray of lightning rods are up and more
tire being erected s tho day for tho pri
mary approaches.
Among tho democrats mentioned for state
nnmtorlal nominations aro John Mddcll.
president of the Douglas County Democracy
nnd a member of tho legislature four years
ago. who Is ostensibly a labor candidate,
but who brings no union to endorse him
up to date; Dr. Knsor. ox-mayor of South
Omaha: Millard K. I'unkhouser of tho
Ninth ward; John Ncblo of the Danish
Pioneer. T. J. Nolan of South Omaha and
l.yslo I. Abbott, the latter being under
stood to be not an active candidate. Kd E.
Howell also has n lightning rod gleaming
In tho morning sun with all the splendor
that can be Imparted by constant burnish
ing. Sliver republicans have candidates for
stnto senator In the persons of Harry K.
Illinium nnd Frank Hansom, it wns but a
short time slnco that both Howell and
Hansom were contending that they wcro
not nsplrantB for senatorial honors and
Itnnsom oven went so for as to accept a
place on tho fusion state ticket as presi
dential elector, but It Is said ho Is now
fully willing to give up his place on tho
ntato ticket and volunteer at tho head of
tho legislative ticket. Harry O'Neill Is
mother democrat who would like to Hash
neross the political sky In the for the
senate as representative of Fifth ward
democracy and V. ( Turner Is mentioned
bb a sliver republican for tho house.
Two populists aro pining for senatorial
recognition. One Is Victor K. Wllsou and
tho other Ernest Stuht.
Considering that thero nro only three
nominations for senator at the bestowal
of the fusion crow llttlo wonder that per
plexity bogotton by this madding array
of talent is creating n suspicion of trouble
when It comes time to muko the selections.
Nelthor Is thero any lack of candidates
for tho hntiBP, with several prolific counties
yet to hear from. All of thoso mentioned
are not. It Is true, avowed candidates.
Thoy Just have their feelers moving ami If
n nomination thoughtlessly pokes Its head
into contnet with them It will find their
tentncles closing with n snap like that of
n coon trap on a calm December night.
Tho democrats aro discussing u man
named Shuehan of South Omaha, whose
initials havo not yet been recorded In that
neat periodical yclept tho official ballot;
Doc John M. Tanner, the South Omahn pub
lisher; Henry Slert of Pennington; Phil
Mergen of West Omaha; Charles T. John
son, a Cuming street paper hanger; the
venerablo W. S. Felkor, who has served
before and knows how; Silas Kobhlus, the
colored lawyer; Churchill Parker; 1. 11.
Myers, the druggist; Fred J. Frel
tag of the South Omaha Ilrew
ing company; J. F. Meyer of
Ver Mehren, Frlck K- Meyer; Harry C
Hartry, cigar man; John T. EvanB, and, last
but not least, Oeorgo Cronk. tho coal man.
Then the pops have a few, notable among
them being I. J. Qulnby, who Is on the
fence in his inclinations, nnd Hugh F. Mc
intosh, the ngrlcultuiist publisher.
On top of this the democrats aro ponder
ing over giving recognition to thu so-called
labor club that Is clamoring to get Into
politics. Tho club Is insisting on naming
four. In fact it has named four, all of
them democrats Two are from this city,
George Smith of tho Pnlon Pacific MiopB
and a barber named Sullivan, employed by
I,ou V. Ouyo on South Thirteenth street.
Tho other two aro from South Omaha,
riilllp Connell. n carpenter, and Martin
Sullivan, a butcher.
Five names are mentioned for the demo
cratic nomination for county attorney,
while the recruiting "officer has not yet
taken down his sign. Oeorgo Shields np
pars to bo In the lead for u renomlnatlon,
with James II. Kilkenny giving him the hot
foot. Lysle 1. Abbott Is reported to bo for
Shields first and Abbott next. Carl C.
Wright Is being spoken of nnd Fronk
Weaver of tho Fourth ward is passively
r candidate.
The preponderance of republican votes lu
th First district, from which a county
rommlssloner Ih elected, and tho popu
larity of Mr. Harte, the republican can
Uldntn, are very disheartening to democratic
nsplrants. Stanley 11. l.otovBky is being
rnost discussed, but his friends say they do
not want to sacrifice him. W. H. Orocu,
the real estate man, la actively pushing n
diminutive boom uml Kd Walsh Is also
receiving some mention.
The populist primaries will also occur
nn Thursday and lists of delegates will be
filed twenty-four hours before voting be
Kins. Tho populists are avowedly prepared
to Insist on securing four places on the
lenlslatlvo ticket.
I.orrcit llutca of the Sennnii
Iowa, Illinois,
Wisconsin, Minnesota,
Northern Michigan.
Hound Trip!
Minimum Hate, $7
September 26.
City OinccB, 1I01-H03 Furnam Street.
Hagtlma by llellstedt's band at tho pa
'tilloa Monday ulsht. Don't uilss it.
One Hundred Men employed nu the
Street re Dlncluirxeil and Pneu
matic si'picr l Idle.
Omaha's street cleaning fund has been
Jxhausted and most of the men and teams
emplojcd In street work have been laid off.
During the rest of tho year tho streets will
tot be cared for unless the council can
devljp fome menns of raising funds. More
ihnn 100 men have been notified that there
I no work for them. A few gangs which
re employed In filling up holes and Im
proving streets that are actually In a
dangerous condition will continue work.
Thcfo men will be paid under the charter
provision for emergency work.
"I'eople are nppcallng to tno nnd to the
council to provide for the continuation of
street cleaning, but It Is beyond our power,"
Mnvpr Moores mid. in discussing the
irnttcr. "We have no money at our disposal.
The council was forced to make the levy
small for the present year nnd now Omaha
people will see the folly of trying to run a
city without money. Tho gang which
opprntes the pneumatic street cleaner nnd
all the sweeping gangs have been laid off.
It is too bad for the streets to be neglected,
hut tho work cannot be continued when
there Is no money In Bight."
Mothers endorso It. children llkn i old
folks use It. We refer to One Minute
Cough Cure. It will quickly cure all throat
anu mug irotlDICS.
HlKhent Award at l-nrl. Ktnn-iltlnii.
llortlen S Condensed Milk oomrmnv lma
been nwnrded the grand prlx d'Honneur nt
the Paris exposition for tho HUperlor cpial
Ity of Its Kaglo brand condensed milk .ami
Porless brand evaporated cream. This Is
mo Highest award given at the exposition.
This company was cstnhlllio,i in is.-.t
and nro the largest manufacturers of milk
products In tho world, (lall Hordcn orlg
Inntcd the process for condensing milk
nnd In that year the great Industry was
started. Dor-ton's brands are used thrrugV
out tho world by consumers generally and
are deemed nn Indispensable .nmnlv tnr
armies nnd navies, a supurlor food for In
fants nnd n great milk product for general
Pletiiresiitie rnlorniln
M the title of tho most attractive pub
lication ever gotten out by a railroad on
the subject of scenery and resorts. It Is
Issued by the passenger department of the
whose lino reaches tho grandest soonle
portions of tho state, as well as tho lead
ing health and pleasure resorts.
Copy of this handsome book sent to any
address on rocelpt of 3 cents, to cover
postage. T. E. FISHER,
fiom-ral Passenger Agent, Denver. Colo.
P. S. Our other hnndsomo publication,
"Colorado Ile.iuty Spots," sent on receipt
of 1 cent In postage.
fioocl I'lnhlna.
Spirit Lake. OkoboJI, Lake Washington,
Waseca, Eagle Lake. Klver Falls, Solon
Springs. Rico Lake, tlayfleld, Ashland, Oog
eble, Watersmoot and numerous lakes near
St. Paul and Minneapolis.
They are all good fishing places and are
quickly and comfortably reached by tho
Northwestern Line.
Cheap rate excursions September IS, 21
nnd 20. Limit. October 31. 1000. City ticket
ofllco, 1401 and 1403 Farnam street.
If you want to enjoy yourself attend the
rogtlmo concert by llellstedt's band Mon
day evening, September 17.
Miii tnlli.v Statistic!.
The following: deaths nnd births were
reported to the health commissioner for tb
twenty-four hours ending at noon Satu -lay:
Deaths Jaeoi) Henry Wolf. 8150 South
Twentieth, used fil; Mnrlha Coriuvell,
Presbyterian hospltnl. nued 42; John L.
Woodcock, 1 1 in North Tenth, need 4 nionttn,
Clara M. Nelson, 4501 rutnlng, aged :i
Htrths John B. McDonald, TAi South
Twenty-fourth, girl; Adolpli Flala, 133
South Twelfth, boy.
Oo to tho Dollstedt concert early Mon
day night. Everybody is going. It's rag
time night.
Ileyn'n Free Heptemlicr Sotivenlr.
Again with enoh now dozen Platlno Cnbl
nets or larger photos we give a beautiful
wuter color FREE. Heyn. tho Photog
rapher. 313-317 South Fifteenth.
Hamilton Wnrren, M. D., eclectic and
magnetic physlclnn, has moved his ofllco to
700 North 10th Htreot. room 13. Special at
tention to all long standing or lingering dis
eases and to diseases of women nnd children
A concert for the people the ragtime
concert by llellstedt's band Monday night,
September 17.
Chenp llnte HTCiirnlons,
See agent Northwestern lino for cheap
excursion rates to Hot Springs, S. 1)., dur
ing mouth of September.
Criinilull Finn My t'liliiirmori.
F. C, I'randnll of the Hlchnrd'oti Prug
compa.iy has nsen relieved of liU nnxlety
concerning the welfnro or lu- wife and
children, who weie In North Galveston
during the terrible tempest. Mr. Craud.Ui
J-'rldnv received a mesci-sr from his wife
stating that she and tbd children had es
caped Injury. North Cinlveston, where thev
were visiting nt the tlm ot the stirni,
was badly wrecked.
Ella Day. 201 Ramge building, reading,
elocution, oratory. Thursday night school.
Enroll now.
Fur and sealskin garments made and ro
paired 10 por cent cheaper during hot
weather by O. E. Shukert, 315 S. 16th St.
Do not overlook tho excellent program
for Sundny afternoon by llellstedt's band.
Hubormann, Jeweler; est. 1SC6; absolutely
reliable; lowest price guaranteed. 13 & Doug
For policies that ure sight drafts .it
maturity apply to II. I). Neely, mntiag il
limitable Life. 2u and 20S Reo building.
lllank book and magazine binding. A. I.
Hoot. 414-416 South Twelfth street.
Miss Nellie Hardy, teacher of piano,
studio, 1424 Shorn ood avenue.
Two Trains Daily
to Qenver.
l.v. Oinnliu 1:2S p m todny.
Ar. Denver 7:flf a in tomorrow.
I.v. Omahn 1 1:115 p in today.
Ar. Denver 1:20 p in tomorrow
Special Excursion Sept. IQfh
Sill. OO to Dtivor and Return.
$11). OO to Colorado Springs and
$11). OO to Pueblo and Return.
$;V2,OOto Salt Luke and Return.
Return good iintilOctober 31, 1900,
City Tlckot Offloo I 324 Farnam
Gtreot. Tel. 310.
Four Hundred Educators in Oonfereuce on
Coming Year's Work.
Miirrlii(enitetit I'enrne tihci Atlvlec
n to Method (lleimeil from the
('liiirlenlon .Meetliiu I.llirnrles
In the IiIiiht (irntlen.
The city hall wns turned over to teachers
In the public schools for two hours yes
terday. In response to Superintendent
I'earso's call for a general teachers' meet
Ins 100 members of the city's teaching
corps gathered In the city MlUdlng nnd re
ceived instructions concern. .ig the school
work for the year, which begins Monday.
The meeting wns nnnuunccd for !:30, but
It was 10. o'clock before the teachers had
Mulshed their reunion and were ready to
listen to Mr. I'earso.
Tho cuperlntcndent announced to the
teachers that the mayor Is anxious to have
.the school children contrlbuto to tho Otil-
veston relief fund. In easts the Hoard of
Education grants permission for n solicita
tion of money In the schools the fact will
bo announced In tho papers Tuesday morn
ing und all teachers will present the matter
to tho children and ask for contributions
ranging from 1 to 5 cents. The money will
be cared for by principals, who will bring
It to the principals' meeting, to be held In
the city hall next Friday afternoon ut 1:45
Ail lot to Teiielirr.
Mr. l'enrso mado n few remnrks con
cerning matters that wero brought to his
notice at tho Charleston meeting of tho
National Educational association. Mine.
Krause, who Is ono of the pioneer kinder
garten workers In America, remarked there
that she had seen many kindergarten teach
crh who would conduct it child h game with
as much seriousness ns If it were ono ot
tho vital factors in education, rather than
one of a thousand Illustrations which
Kioebcl Intended should b used. Sh as
sured Mr. I'earso that loo many
teachers waste their time on Milieu, on
details which aro nugnlllcd, and forget
that tho true aim of education Is to secure
knlghtllness, to train children so they will
deport themselves properly on nil occa
sions. Mr. l'carse urged th teachers to keep
the purpose of education constantly In
mind and not to allow nil their urcntlnn
to bo centered upon details. He nlso
suggested that every teacher take up some
special subject for Btudy during the winter
nnd emphasized tho necessity of getting
one's mind away from routlno work.
Much attention has been paid In the past
to tho decoration of buildings with pic
Hires nnd various works of art. The
superintendent suggested that the teachers
direct their efforts this year to the forma
tion of libraries In each of the school
buildings nud expressed tho belief that gocd
hooks placed In tho hands of children will
be of greater benefit to them than pictures.
Slates will not be used this year In tho
fifth grado and will bo replaced by exercise
books of the sort used hy the sixth, seventh
nnd eighth grade pupils.
Mine. Bactens, piano studio, 204 Iloyd's
O. W. Wertz. dentist. 1015 Douglas itreot.
Have Root print It.
Ladles' Tallor-Madc Suits In a profusion of styles nnd materials tho
Eton, tight llttlng. doublo breasted, tho Huaslan blouse and all
tho new stylos at $00, $35, $25, $18, $17.50, $1.'. and
Thousands and thousands of ladles' Dress
satins, pcau do soles, gros grains, serges and
trimmed Dress Skirts known to the creators
at $15, $35, $23, $17.50, $15, $12, and
Filled to overllowlng with all tho htylos, from tho plain, quiet kersey garment at
fi.OO to tho etaborato automobile, trimmed In nil the new finery, nt $4r.00. The vn
rlety is amazing. Tho qualities aro such that only tho largest concerns would
daro to handle them. nuylng In theso tremendous quantities Is to your Interest ns
well us ours, as wo can mako prices lower.
Wo have one lot of Jackets that aro ltnod with guaranteed satin, mnde from Im
ported kersey, In ono of tho nowest fashions a Jacket mado to r"V r S
sell for $16.50 our price now is less than other stores will ask JL J
at tho cloao of the season
Wo have made greater preparations for tho little ones than ever before. Wo
have tho best garments from 15 of tho lending manufacturers of New York City on
our counters and we consider them to be the best values today lu America for tho
Ono lot, 200 Jackets, silk lined and well made and well sewed
either In tho now loose back or the tlght-flt ting styles would be
cheap at $5.00 as our leader for this season wo make It
Wo have finer ones In the best Impor ted kerseyB, silk lined
Wo have the worsteds and cheviots, running all tho way In
from 75c to $12.00 each.
200 light wolght Jackets, suitable for early fall wear, lined with
taffeta silk, bought by ub at a fraction of their value, worth $7.50
and $8.00, on sale for
376 Tailor-Made Suits, In colors nnd blacks, cheviots nnd Venetians
lined throughout worth $12 and $15 salo p lico lonly
g You Have Only
To live, both for work and pleasure. You spend moro than one-halt
your llfo In your office. Why not ltvo that part of It as pleasantly nnd com
fortably as you do at home? You will feel at homo In tho DEE IiUILDINO.
It Is a ploasure to wnlk Into Us entrnnco and through Its clean, woll
kept corridors overlooking the beautiful court, with Its palms und fountain.
Hardwood floors, light, bright, cheerful otllce rooms and tasteful decorations
mnko It beyond dispute tho best ofllco building In Omaha. Is the best too good
for you?
Rental Agents.
MT (llllllhtl IlllllltlllU.
To business men wishing pleasant rooms
down town the elegant n w bulldlhg .t
IMS Dodge street offers superior Induce
ments, lu the heart of the business dis
trict, with southern and eastern expos
ures nnd convenient to all motor lines,
the location Is desirable. This building
Is of tho most substantial construction.
Its tnnterlnls nnd equipments are of the
best. The neat entrance leads above to
light nud spurious hallways, nmdo at
tractive by beautifully tiled lloors, brod
windows and luxuriant palms. The numer
ous bath rooms are a special feature, belne
largo and light and equipped with th
very best and most modern plumbing,. In
eluding porcelain tubs nud Tenncsee mar
ble wnshstnnds. The building Is heated
by the most approved systom of steam
heat, lias abundance of hot water nnd
llrst-clnss janitor service.
The building Is n model of good Judg
ment and good work. It was built by W.
S. Hrooke, under his personal superin
tendence. Much credit Is duo to Mr. Hor
ace C. I'llinkett for adding so good a build
ing to Omnha's many fine structures.
Mr. Henry J. Windsor, representing Mr.
I'lunkett's American interests, has moved
his omco into the building.
lllliiot (Vtitrnl llteiirMliins.
On September is, 21 and 26 v.e will sell
round trip tickets from Omaha to St. Paul,
Minneapolis, Waseca, Watervllle, Mndlson
Lake nnd Huluth at rato of ono pare plus
Home Visitors' excursion tickets on sale
September 2fi to nearly nil points In Illi
nois, lown, Minnesota nnd Wisconsin ut
one fare plim $2.00 for the round trip. All
tickets limited for return until October Ml.
Ku It particulars nt City Ticket OfTlce. 1102
I'arnam street, or address W. H. Ilrlll,
1). 1'. A.. Omahn.
Your dog or Cat
With "SHURM AN'S noil SHAMPOO" nnd
LKAVK ON for one-half hour nnd it will
This Is the only preparation that will kill
KVIJHY Ilea KVUHV time No guesswork
It kills 'em.
Kasy to use 23c per bottle
biierman s .Mango Cure, bottle
Sherman's Tonic Tablets for dogs. Imx '"c
Shermnn's Distemper Powder. Imx . .'Oc
.Sherman's Arrca Nut Worm Tabids.
box fiOc
Sherman's Dng Shampoo, keeps skin
clean ami kills lleas. bottle 2,,c
Write for book about dogs free
Sherman &MoConnell Drug Co.
Corner lillli uml Dnilue.
to give satisfaction and to be lasting must
be dono by oxpcrlonied men. All work
(lold Crowns $3 no
(lold Fillings $i f,o up
Oood Sot Teelh i' Of)
Talt's Philadelphia Qantal Rooms
ir.ll Ijoiiclu St-
8 OerataS
(fl Work,
Greater and grander than ever before
aro the styles of our new ladies suits, skirts,
jackets, waists and fur garments. After
four months continued work we have gath
ered togethor in our large remodeled cloak
department the greatest and grandest collec
tion of ladies' high class tailor made gar
ments that we or any other house in the
western country ever placed on the count
ers and at such prices as to make them stand
out prominently defying all competition
great and small.
Skirts, In Venetlnns, broadcloths, taffetas,
tit ""Minus, uiwH'ii-iuuia, litill'iua,
1 the very finest -f y "T
of fashious JLJ JJ
all the very finest
one grand collection
The Hoc HuiklliiK.
mcsoi in i'.m iru u.UMvOr,
pr,r I.iiit llnte.
On Tuesday. Sept IS. To yolnts m
Kansas. Arkansas. Indian and . Oklahoma
territories, Texas and certain points In the
outb. southeast, southwest. .
To Kansas City September 2f 30, October
1 to 6 inclusive.
To St. Louis September 26 and 30, Octo
ber 1 to 5. Inclusive.
i'or further Information .alt on or ad
dress company's ofllces, S. K. corner Four
teenth and Douglas streets.
P. & T. A.
A. O. P. & P. A.
Twenty-five cents admission to Dell
stctlt's bund concerts Sunday afternoon
and every nfternoon lu the week. Kvcnlng
concerts, 35 cents. Hescrved scats 10
cents extra.
Second desrrlptivo concert
stedt's band Sunday evening.
by Uell
Beef. Wfco and Iron
We take a special Interest lu beef.' wine
and iron preparations and therefore se
lected New ton's -one that Is prepared by a
thorough chemist We will vouch for Its
superlotlty over nil otbi rs.
Newton's Href, I run and Wine 33c
'rutin r s Kldm y Cure Tim
Si haefer's Ciuigli Syrup nr
Dr. Karl Kramer's Pennyroyal Tills. ...$l.on
.Melincii s i oleum Powder l:v
Ine of Ciinlul
Carter's Liver Pills 15o
Avers I lair vigor ;,-
IHinVs Mult WhNke,' We
1 1os. L'-graln lifiiiie Cap'tiles 7c
1 doe. J-grnln Ouliilne Cupillles Ine
1 do. .i-Kruln Qulnluo Capsules IV
laxative Hiomo Qulnlno r.c
synip' or F'gs" ;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; !Siic
M lies' .Wrone
M ilteil Milk ".".'.'.'. V.
lMiT.i''. Prr-Kcriptinn "'
I'o.lll lilln 4,,,,
1 ii. . S.iin Toh i, , o I'ure '. "
Ir K ,rl Ki.imk-h Pr ii ii mo yiil pill will
tie ion! M.Nt,.i, on receipt of prh r
SCHAEFER , ri K.,mt
V H. Cur. Jiiih mm ciil'-auo.
that iiianv of vour friends have
mi yn
merchant tailor. They have been convinced of the folly of pay
ing a big price for riot lies. Of course it depends entirely on
what store you are clothed from. We can give you just as good
a lit. and just as good tailoring in our clothing, as any merchant
tailor, and it will have sis much style and character. In fact,
your friends cannot tell t he difference.
Above all. think of the economy. All our clothing is made
specially for us. Made to our order by the largest and best tai
lors and manufacturers in the world, such as Ii. Kiippeiiheimer
K Co., and Hart. Schaffner & .Marx, of Chicago. Michaels, Stern
X- Co. and Ii. Wothschild & Co. Rochester. X. Y.. Hacked, Car
hart & Co., Lippnian X- Sons and Max lOrnst. of New York.
We offer the very newest styles in men's suits and overcoats.
We want you to see our stock before you make up your mind to
stick to your tailor, for we know we will open your eyes when
you see our offerings in men's and boys' overcoats at 97. ."0. 10.
i?12.."0. .?ir, and up to ?:r..00.
Low Rates Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday
High Grade Wetter, Wheclock, Schubert
and nino ntlifi- makes of plnnot, to hcleot from. Write for ciitnlotruo uml bnt'Ctiin
ii-it. Klcvtric pitirio jilnyors funccrts Snt.trdny ovcninjrs. Tel. "23. I'latius
moved, tuned and storcJ. CULLINS PIANO COMPANY,
1C20 DoiiKlas. T. II. I'KHFIUI.D. Msr. South Oninhii, 6IS-7 North Twenty-Fourth.
thu last wnr.ic
Whore you can buy n yoimi; pnrrot nt such low figures as wo havo
offered Intely: MKXICAN HIiI)IIi:AI)i:i) PAKUOTS 3 o0
Mexican Doublo Yellow Headed Parrots, "the human talker".. $8 no
Itcmombor, that theso nrc Rcnulno, hand raised Parrots, as tamo
ns n "kitten," nnd already eommenclnK to talk now. Wo soil every
ono with a written K'laranteo. Solid Parrot Cases from 2 25 up
llct Mliiii-tliin fir the Ak-Snr-llcn Week.
1 1 Wo havo in fine Show Monkeys, which wo will rent out for
1 1 display purposes nt a very reasonable prlco. Put a few Mnn
IjkeyB In your show window and wo guarantee that they will
! draw u crowd all day Ion::.
Established lsss, 3u3 Norih Ifith Street Omaha. Phone 2174
Direct Importers of and Wholesal Dealers In Mexlran Parrots.
mWl F0!1ET THftT
?mstimm a m im-l skim fwsw
You have the Rf.ST not wlthslndlna thry cost you moro than Inferior oooJs.
Just About
12 Days More.
You will need them surely.
Buy now.
Tan und ninck,
69c, 79c, 98c.
Sample lines Fall styles 1900.
Stacy Adams, Dorsh & Son,
Hanan & Sons pick of the
lot $1.89.
Sorosis,cach and every pair
warranted Sale price $1.98
Best assortment in the city,
49c, 58c, 69c, 88c.
Baby Shoes 19c,
The Howe.
U. UU1 fur iintitturm
iM.rhartfrg, tritlAmutiiMuh.t,
Irrltatlnnn or nlrcr.tloiii
of niucoun racnilTant'i
rilnltM. am not nitrli-
TMlE1SCMi'UCo. K"01 or P"ltii.,u..
II.(V). or I ttnttl. U T.V
Cuouiar !) ou rvauert
We Want
the Man
who is in the habit of having
his clothes made by a meiv
chant tailor to read this advert
The fail season is upon us siud we know of
no betl"!1 time to have a talk with .you about
clothing than now. You don't think ready
made clothing is good enough for you. You
don't think ,vou can get a perfect, tit. How
do you know? Have you tried? It's true
most, iviidy-made clothing lacks the style
and character that you want. Hut there
has been a world of improvement made in
. readv-to-wear clothing. Don'l you know
long since broken away from the
stablished 12
Years in Omaha
"Oincst dental work at most
reasonable prices. Get
our prices be'ore having
work done elsewhere.
ijA c
BAILEY, the Dentist
iiiioino :tti:-;u:i I'linnn itioei..
rlionr Ids.',. l.ndy Attouillint.
New Fall
For Men.
Wo hnvo riipivi"d our uiv fnll
fiooils nnd nrr now riM'lv to nh.
tho Indent nnd tnoiit np-to duto tin."
of men's fine footworn Hint ran l
found In tho west Tho ppiiiliml
tli's of our whiles arr tho Kmart .ir
I'oitratUT, i.nroit trim. M'
8UiiK pomfor ,,.,. HpioiMut ftpamin
qiialittcB th, t Hi,. f ,, , ,,,.,.
otiitod hy nil ni.-ii wuo wnnr lillli
sratlo footvii ,r
M. E. Cor. Idt'i tfr
ad DouqIos St.
Washing' Made Easy
is a cRti'hlnK ilii.iso fur hnum"wlos an I
ninlils. It's ii li i. nu duulily ilollKbtrnl in
reality and comes with tii. putting in r
thoso now. modern lul.s which nro gpc i. I
features of our plumlunK work. A hon-
without such tubs Ij a Iuh-Imtu No . ii.
would think of leaving a lii.o where
aro found. None rlt our cliarKc
PlumbliiR, kiis nud si cam tit 1 1
Free S Black,
IMiiinc 101!). .
ismi I' St
Manawa Tickets )
All This Week., j
Savcn you lu rei.M on each ticket Vm
can also savolits of trmiblo and anm)
nnco from
by freely using nboui the clnsets, pantrr.
shelves and sinks
All you havo to do is to sprinkle it
around (non-polsonmis) and, presto, tiny
aro gone.
Doth sold by
I'uurtoelllli nnt IioiibIim Slrrfl..
Wheel Harrow s for dirt, stone
mortar or ashek.
Shovola. all sizes nnd styles.
Hope, mnnlla and wlro.
Tackle Mocks
Yale Different lal fliuln IllocKs.
Timber Curriers
fant HooUh.
Water Hose, eti
(let our prices.
Jas. Morton & Son Co.
i5i i noix.i: st.
Tool Hcad(iiartei s
---o--0 o o e o-o-o
Tliis (or the Face.
The best known prop imtinn ih SVniun
I'umpli'Xlon I tomi . I J ii I ItcmrncH him I
heads, tan and suni iiin I lo wur hs i-f ih
skin, li s tho ion that rerrimi
tho highest award .md Kld medal at Hi
(Irentcr America Kkpi.siiiou. We sell
for Mio a bottle.
Cramer's Kidney Curs r.r
Po-ru-nu '
rt a H '
i'nrtor'8 Liver Pills . I
ICIoetrle Hitters I "
I)r Mill llemedli h
I'lirce s Favorite I r. n I lillon ...
fi i r fl hi T'.i
I r .1 l In - l:p ' ! ' 1
Kllni i f ! ii -1 V
I I 1 1 i,i i i
- a