Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 16, 1900, Page 23, Image 23

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nisiMiss r ii 1 i:.
IilO (11 viiU'tulft ; how tin ! nnd "itii'n WHh
$50 or more miiy mrtl Ip.ite In the divi
sion of million or beonv H h lv th- in
vestment of larger amounts. O. M. H.
OmiHn. IH3I park How Hultdlng, New
lurk. Y
ItAUE 'MAXri:-Huiii paying frim
ll'in in per month fur mv; only small
cupltnl required. Address I' 21. lice.
$l0 cash or easy payment buys 8.1 strict y
lawful inlrkeli slot machine fur dfitiks,
rltfnrs or cash, will ram 12 ami unward
weekly each. Karl, Clark ft Co., Furni
ture Manufacturers, Chicago, III.
t STOCKS of erocerls!.
N. V. Life I'honc, mi
Unit. Ml
Y-Nfil 16
ASANTICP. partner. Special proposition.
Hpeciiv rT table returns. Investigation
S'lliiltcd. Address 1, Use ofllci. Council
HllilT ' y-wu 16
roit i:rit (ii'
1G0 ACHICS rl. nr Improved land In lt-I
willow Co, ,cb . to exchntige for fir
erty In vblnlty of I Inn -ixtn pirk; an
ray dlffcrem c 111 rush. J. 11. tlluli-luir.l.
112 Ho. 2:1th Si Ji-M7I 112
TO MXi'll.XflK-l have h sloik nt cloth
ing, furnishings nnd men's shoes, etc ,
whli h I will exchange for one-thud rush
flinl two-thirds rlPHr proprrly. Good,
clean stock; itivnlr i-h $3,200. National
Clothier. Nebraska City. Neb.
GOOD real estate mi1 cash to exchntiR
for good iiinllty hOU.o furnltllle. C n
Hfo ',579 18'
CI.IIAIl cheap land of rsiute; will take
city Improved mul assume romp Ineum
hrutirp. Address I' "2, 15pp. '." I'i
LAPIICS out of honlth ltid prompt relief
Hex 22.', OiniiliM, Neb. 'onllilt'titlal.
OONOVA 1 a I.'rench treatment for male
nnn reinnie. for uu- positive curs of r;on
orrhiM.a. Oleet, 1 ' limit u rii 1 dlsclmiKci'. In
niitnmallous. trrltHtlons and Vlcerotlons
or the muiiouH ini'tiibratiesi An Internal
remedy with Injection combined, war
ranted to cure worst cases 111 one week.
J.T per pnckuiie. or 2 for Sent anv
where on receipt of price. The Kldd Drug
Co.. KIkIh. 111. Amerlcnii Olllcc. retail.
wh"l-Hiile. MyerH-Dllion Di-uk Co., Omaha;
M. A Dillon, South timnhii: Davis Dru
Co.. Council bluffs. Kull line of rubber
I.A PITCH troubled with lrrenlnrltles.
whites, sterlllt.s. painful or suppressed
menstruations llnd prompt relief ami i mi ;
quiet home before ami during conllne
inent. Cull or write with stamps to Dr.
I'rles. 1(13 DihIkc st.. Omiihn. Neb
T'-MbW 013
I.ADIICS! ChlcheMtpr s Knttllsii r niirov it
Pills are the best, safe, reliable; take
no ether. Send Ic r-tumps for p irtlriil'irs.
"It diet for Ladles" In Irtier bv return
mall. Ask your driiKKlst. (-'hlehestcr Co., Philadelphia, pa.
WOMAN'S; Hlesslng." private prescrip
tion, positive cure for suppressed or Ir
reKiilar menstruation; never falls; samp'e
box rice ,1. M Home. M. p.. Drawer W
III. Chlcairn. III. -Met ir."
LOST or stolen. Sept. 1, ino, large Irish
Siuinlel bitch, lteturu to ltf Spruce st.;
tin reward. Lost MtitU 20
OtTCOI'A'I'll Y.
JOHNSON Institute. Din N. Y. Llfo Ilbltf.;
Tel. 1WI: Alice Johnson. D. O., ladles'
dept.; GUI L. Jolinson, Osteopathlst, Mgr.
m. R PONOHur:. p. o.. or still school,
Klrkvlllu, Mo. 001 Puxton Hlk. Tel. 1W7.
N. V. McMl'HIlAY, 1J. 8. D.. P. O., Mrs.
J 11. Mustek. D. O.. Kraduatcs A. S. O.,
Klrksville, Mo., sulto Kiii-,1S Ilco bldu.
u72 03
A. T. Jit 'NT, D. O..
no: Karbacb. Tel. 2T.2.
TiW-Oct. 0.
a VAN SANT'S School. 717 N. Y. Life,
IIOYLKS' Collefie, court reporter principal.
Ilco HltlB. -Xi2
NICmtASKA Huslness and Shorthand Cnl
li'Ke Hoyd's Theater. 0'3
UHICOO Shorthand tnucht at the Omaha
Commeri lal College, ICth and Pnuglns Sts
'ALL on Morand,
society and stae
?-step. $,1. Large
ventlons, meetings,
Creighton hall, for
dancing, waltz and
hall to rent for con-
ImllH and club soclala,
GM-Sept. 21
CIIAMHICHS' school of dancing, 17th and
uougias. ;insses nnu cuius now rorm
tug at nciulemv. Open dally, 9 a m. to
Ti p. in. 'Plume. 1111. Hall and music
furnlsticil parties, circulars. M50S O10
IN families.
Miss Sturdy, JUS S. 2Cth st.
KM Sept. 21
IC O. M PONALP, 1012
Capitol avenue.
MG7 013
sT.MMi:iii; l vn
CL'HKD. Julia Vnughan.
M Hamgo Hldg.
accohdioa 1'i.r. vnxt;.
ACCOltPION and lde plo.itlng. cheapest
best, quickest. Mrs A C. Mark, U Pat
terson 111k., 17th and Farnuni.
-M51I O?
I ll Iviri1 lllUllvKll.
Cl'T rate tickets every where. I.
Pin. 1W.' rurnnm. Telephoiu! 7S1.
I. A. Mi I Alil'.S.
t'HATlCLAlN School of Languages, Hoyd's
ineaicr, icopen .loiuiay, sopiemner 10,
12i i is
JllCNPICRSnN. tltfl nor dfiy house: board
to Jj wci k. lth and Karnnni; tel. 12W,
-m:ci oi
p uv: mi ii ok nits.
KAOLIC Loan otllee, reliable, iiccommodnt
ing, all buhilcss conlldeiitlnl. 1301 Douglas.
LOANS. II. Marowltz, low rates.
413 N. 16.
I, VI M)lt V.
OMAHA Steam l.aunilrv: shirts, 7c; collars,
Jo; i uffs, 4c. li'iO Leavenworth. Tel. 517.
S'lllli; Itr,!' Allll.Mi
BTOV15, furnace, range ropalrs, water con
nections Dm Stove Hep. Wks . 1207 Doug.
Tel. U.
mux WAvrnii.
WANTICP. bids for cutting up -too tons oil
scrap locomntlvo bollirs A. H A plc'i.
m Pougl is -Ml'
II U I'Olt S VI,
l'i: for sn!e In
Council Hl iffs
car Ii ts Ullbert
't II.MTI IIIJ It IIP I 111 (i
Wnlklln, 2111 Cuming St
ll.4JMJTIl.' lIKM.IMi.
-TUICAT Vi stern Institute. 16.M Pousius Si.,
chronic diseases curd, no dr.igs, surgtr .
t VltlM'.N'l I'.ltS IMI .ItHIIICItS.
AJ 1. kinds of cnrpenti w irk nml repilrl ig
promptly atteiuiea to. J. I. Liciiuiree in
oud L.iKe Sts, 3 o
-Ml.S g'
roit w.l hi: l i;ntth.
oicohgic p iikmih.
Telephone f6. Paxton llloek.
Now is the time tn huv a home, a farm, a
')',. urban patch, it ranch, store and truck
ate properties. Never in the history of
Omaha or Nebraska Hill J oil b able tn
buy a cheaply hh today. Come In mul
look over our llslw before buying nml we
will nl ie yon n gooil, square ileal. Henil
the fnlloHitiz:
A four-room mttnee, pantry. clool, cellar,
we'l. newlv palntcit. and In itooil condition.
1'ull lot. ihed, near Walnut Hill school.
ITw, Wo canli. f lo tnonthly.
An elKht-room suburban home, cistern, wen.
cemented cellar, bHccmenl, lMirn, clone
walks. ThH place Is n built ami In In
Hood condition. JI.Mti, on easy terms.
THIS 19 A SNAlvTimie of els?ht room-.
corner lot. oih block from car line, full
lot and end front. Jl.onri, J3M cash and in
monthly. This must be sold this week If
nt this price.
On Spnuldlnx St.. near 2Uli. house of six
rooms, full lot, south front, n prettv loca
tion nml ood neighborhood. H,2"0, $100
rash, J15 monthly. A HA HO A IN.
STiur'TI V MoDKloTiiouse of elaht rooms
l.n VKST KAKNAM HT.. lot Sxl2S feet,
south front. Only $1,700. Snap.
!'"ie elKht rooms, on WICST I-'AHNA.M
ST. $S,000.
down and $5 per month. Nmr 21th st. ahd
Ames ave.
ItlCHIDUNCi: LOTS, "near 2lth ami Mander
son sts., only J.VKI each, $in down nml ?1
Ier month, unit covered with line, In rue
shade Hoes
THACKAtir. PltopiciFriLS In every part
of th" city. Come In and ItivestlRiite them
unoD iNstiirc i n v kst.m icntS.
Piome iare and some small. Some with
large houses Mini some with smalt ones.
I- rom one to forty acres each.
( o7. and homelike. Most nttv location de
sired and most nuv prices and terms.
rill i'K I" Alt.MS .11 'ST OCTSIDIC PITY
limits, where you run raise chickens, llel
Klum hares, pigs, Karden truck of all kinds
for Omaha market, divided Into 1, 2'2, S. 10
or more acre parcels. ratiKliiK In price
from ,.. upward. Come in and look Into
in in.
"Ayr.!'?'? - CATTLE. SIinKI' AN
HUICNKK. All Kl7..u nit fr
,. , .... it.jiii ti
THY CS r V "I,wnnl t0 S,0i or more.
llrst-cluss city and farm properties.
I'lui; INSI'HANCIC IN C.notv sni-vi.
Will, llUlffl,
Telephone KS5. IMxton Tllock
JUC-SflO 16
. . .. . Tel. 470. .110 N. Y. Life.
.r.".nu:'' wo ailvertlsed three HAH-
m CVB. "im u'"' THI.'US-
PA night. Anything that Is especially
cheap will SICLL. You should WATCH
"... (luuci. 41III1 Ht'C US.
--A1" 1ftli. on Hoiilevar.l. we offer
.."XMii lot, j-room, neat home, elegant,
lame, shade trees, l,uan.
!03-1212 Webster St., 110x159 lot, 1-room
232 I6 S. 2Mb. 2S.NH0. -room. two.rlorv
iiuu.t, nil LiruiiM. i ui
all modern, except furnace, and a par
tlcular SNAP, at J'ljmt.
uio-tiis n. r:d. 5a.cl2S, 7 rooms, all modern,
with furnace, and good repair; $.Vju cash,
balnlire iminlhlv. r.oi '
I. l;2S hewiird, 10 rooms, strictly modern,
with furnace, good barn, lot 50x150. llrst
oriler; KU'T'intee good for price,
IU1 XHt S. "9th ifleo. nvivl. 151 in K rn,,,a
elegant location and while not modern, is
l lll'.lll 111 inue. 3,i..SIM .
531) lam S. 2Sth. Wxli. 7 rooms, strletlv
?i "1 slPani "lllt na " Hnc repair,
-vi in i-.i uuiaiia. on ino im.i. we
out u-room nouse. brick; brick barn,
r...t. . . uiiMii'i ii, cum .i.uijii oesiue tile
ground: nround Is n conmr s'viT? fr.ui.
price Is than cost of Improvements
several thousand dollars. You can pay
erty pan in umcr goou prop
155 On S2d ave,
will sell you
trees, stone
ONLY :'M).
, "j iiioch rrom Mirnam, we
7uxlM feet, on grade, line
wiilk, puvlng all paid, for
ibi un same street, farther north, we will
nen ui.M.kj icei, suujeci 10 paving mr re
covering 32d ae., for only tl.tiim.
iiiese at c regilar "PICK VPS" at tho
pi ii'e.
I2o Lots S and 9. block ii. HriEgs' P'aco,
j nj.M.i, on uoue si., on car line, near
i-u wi.. lying nni, soiu once ror 3,2w
redeced to '.i"A
82 Lot 5 block 7, Parmenter Place, .".Stli
nun jones. ih-ixiiij, ?ju.
151-!nxinj. on :rrth. 2mj feet north of Par
nam, FINB, J3,f.uo.
110 (l.150 cast front, choicest lot in Han
scorn Place, on 31st St., to trade, clear
wltli souh! cash, for piece of good land
ucur uinima,
53 51xl2S feet, with two good 5-room cot
iiigps, an clear, renting for $11 per
month. Trade clear .for good pleco of
i. mo in .M'lirusifn.
in s.-j ami n.'2'i s. 20th. two houses, rent
for $3S month, to trade subject to $2.2"0
olio iKiiKc. ior siock goous or goou mini
i rice, j.i,.)ni.
ror moderate piiccd lots, surrounded with
one inn. i.ii , j anil no ante oak
trees on every 'ot, nothiiig In tho city of-
iem in u uiiii 11 ve oargaius ior nomeseeK
era of uvnlerate means as do lots in this
WLU'Tll'TL addition, i'rices aro from
$25e to $50u and on terms that will suit
J oil.
A I1STHAC T of title with every Int. S1CI
HIC-S21 111
run lot. ixi2i feet, corner on 25th. nei
Parker. 5-room cottage, in good shape
91. umi. feet on 15th, near Vinton, east fro.u
brick house, .1 large rooms: nrlce. UXo.
Lot 07x301) fect. '- block from Walnut Hill
motor line, lays mgn nun sintiy, nl
grade. 2-room dwelling. WkI
I''ull lot, east frort, 5-rooni cottago, large
irees, on graue. dun street, near poun
as. easy terms.
S-room inodern hoiihe, huge barn, N.
street. H.fion.
i-foot lot. east front, 5-room cottage, 22d
near Seward, js.ia.
25-fnot front lot. 6-room rottage, rents tor
Jiu. ri. imp street nun st. .Mary s avenue,
Two full lots, east front, "-room mode"
house. 2Sth, near Ohio, f,fm.
Corner lot. 30-foot front, G-room cottage
on N. 20th street, ji.iwu; ju;o cash, balatifo
no ner montn.
Ci-foot lot ,on new Iloulev n-d. 2 feet ulmv
graiie. .ijtii. near jhi-ksou st . tvo
7-room dwelling, modern except furtui'
In fine shape, rents for -'), 1Mb. neuf
Clark, J2.000.
50x111 fect. fronts east and west, large
10-room brick, modern dwulllng, barn, etc.,
3 blks from court house, on S. 17th St.,
1'ull lot, south front, 7-room modern house,
42d, near I-'nrnam, JI.OOO.
ItK-729 '6
5-room cottage 27th and Hurdrtte. on
grade, east front, good repair. re"ts for
$s; only $1150; $200 duwii. bnL monthly.
Another 5-room cott ige, mi's for '10,
walking distance. $W; $230 cash; a snap.
Nice cuttiige, Hce?e St.. on payments.
C-room cottage, 21th and Spalding, gas
water, tenor, cement cellar, line lawi
ui.d maple trees; a'go ehorry trees anl
smaP fiult. lot t0xl3J. It will please you
$1.65o lakes it
An Investment; 7 rooms, strictly modern
Al ii pair, near i7th and llowird, rents
to llrst-clafs tennnt for $25, $.'.250. Can
you beat Ii ?
S rooms, all modern, good bain, full Int.
most complete homo In llanscom Plac
for the money. $1,5r0 Investlnn'o it.
NHAH NICW I'Ait It HN i2lth and Allies !
This vicinity Is developing ripldly and
prlCfs are steadllv ads'anclng A home
bought now Is sure to apprectito be-'l'lcs
saving rent. I can offer the fo'Iowlng:
7 rooms, full lot. water gas, $1 kno
7 rooms, full lot. r"nts $15, only $', '!"').
5 rooms. Al repair, water, gas, $1,276.
i! rooms, good repulr. water. i1a
A few choice lots left on Templelnn nv;.,
sewer, gas and water In street, $3j0.
ICrnest Sweet. S22 N. Y. L. HUlg
HlC-730 18
NICW h misc. 1329 S. 27th SI
i .ill modern, two-siory Imust . good
locution large lot. line lawn, street to be
i Hi ' i' . or . e $.l,2i)0 Hyron H
n.istitcs :i s, inn st. r.u 715-1$
rem . i.n itiui, itti:.
this Ain'. imofoiiT nnsri.TS so
U tl ay bo
ircriM.' scheme
to kip my
lmn:lnB u secret
for YOL AND Ml).
These aro nlco
1h'b le drive out
ntid see them.
Conveyance at office.
1298 1'HriiHm Street,
1 hnvo lots of
Kood onsh customers.
Tho above may
bring more.
nlJ-S20 16
wn havh
run c
H 21 Hentitlfiil home lit West Furnatn dis
trict, recently Hurt, n rooms, lower Hour
In quarter sawed oak. very best plumb-
Hie. Ill IV e ham. nlee lot! tir'lre tt'.'jH
I! 191 Very desirable resldtnce In Walnut
Hill. S rooms, entirely ttu'ilern. built for n
home, excellent repair nnd very best
construction; cost (t. Lei us show
you this.
H 239, modern residence on l'opple-
ton Ave., S rooms, south front, near park
and car line. Price Ii.ihiO
H 2)1 -New and desirable s-room onttrel'-
modern house, In one of the tnosl desir
able close In locutions, near High schoo'.
Price onli J3.7H).
11 12 In PI'NDICIC. !-room modern house.
barn and two lots. uOP! Cass, limine alone
worth price asked for this property
Only J3.W
11 31 In Pl'NPniC. !i-room residence. SM
North 30th St.. n ic uu. Prieu J2.250.
H 23.S New S-room modern house, lurae
narn nnu largo lot, near 2ltu St. ear line.
Ownar will take small tartn In trade.
Price 2.IKU.
H ID1 1 Good fi-room house and largo barn
on N. 37t b St.. uood rennlr. On V S1.CQ0.
I! 191 Two nice cottuges, one of looms
and one or l rooms, on s. otn Ave., gas,
city water, cistern, cemented cel'iir,
Price $1.2"0 and $1,1ik) Part cash.
Furms for sale or trade.
If you wish to buy or sell call on
uV) acres, f miles west of Omnha. nt end of
Dodge street macadam, llils Is well Im
proved and a choice p'ace for any one
wanting to locate near Omnha. Larg
orchard. Price rod.iced to $55 per ncre.
110 acres northwest of Ilenulngton, near
line of proposed electric toad, all under
cultivation; good buildings and fences
Price tf.&y).
SO acres at miles northwest of Irvlngton
no buildings. $l,fi0o.
The Hyron Heed Co.. 212 S. 14th St.
Last week we placed several line bargain?
on tho market nnd demonstrated that the
averaco purchaser knows A uood
tho public another GOOD CHANC1C this
791 On Webster St.. near 2Mb. we have a
good, well built house of tl rooms, hot
and cold water plumbing, cemented cel
lar, good furnace, gas, nice bathroom, a
beautltul south front. Price $2,l. Hen
sonablo terms. THIS IS A HAHGA1N.
701 This Is a good 6-room cottage on
Decatur St., nnu block from car line, has
city water, sewer connection!!, gas, cellar,
etc., south frunt, good neighborhood and
cheap at Jl.SOU.
131S Tills Is a line double house of S rooms
each, nil modern except furnace, only
oni block from 21th St. car line, on
Miami, and Is now earning 10 per cent on
$5,6MJ. The owner savs cut the price to
$1,601 and sell II. This property Is In
e;ellent repair and u perfectly SAl'IC
I.n v .u..)iui'. Let us show it to you.
1265 -An S-room house on Locust St., one
block from car line, recently put In llrst
class repair and is all modern except fur
nace. In a good neighborhood. Tho pries
Is cut down to $2,300; on easy terms.
1033 In Orchard Hill, very convenient to
car line, 7-rooin house, bathroom com
plete, sewer connection, hot and cold
waur p iimnlng. oii-toot lot. south front,
property in tlrst-class repair and Is ollered
for $2,000 on easy terms.
We also have vacant lots In large num
bers nil over the city, MAN Y OF THIC.M
very cheap.
ii yo i want THACKAOK PHOPICHTY or
any other HFSINKSS PHOPICP.TY call on
Main Floor New York Life Hulldlug.
2 S-HOO.M houses for sale, cheap; modern.
Honawa it Co., 10S N. 15th st. HIC MiO) Is
It. C
17ii2 Farnam St.
Hoc Hid.;.
No. 1,2235 rooms, 3:127 Spn.ildlng St., slghtlv
location, large pantry, china closet, brick
cellar, cistern, city water in house, 50-foot
Int. nice shade and lawn; HAHGAIN, nt
No. 4S3 7 rooms, bath, gas, hot nnd cold
water, finished In cedar, hand carved,
huge rooms, high ceilings, lot 53xlv, to
alley, good burn, lluo shade, cast ftoiit,
near 21st and Spruce streets, Must sco
house to appreciate It. Price, $3,0u0.
No. 456 5-room house near 26th and Chi
cago streHts, TAK1CN I'NDL'H FOHIC
No. 456-Modeni ti-ronm house on 19th st.,
south of Vinton, east trout. Great bar
gain. No. 7057 rooms. 2612 Decatur St.. MODKHN
IN ICVICHY HICSP1CCT. good repair, lino
shade, south and east Iront. on corner
Owner authorizes us to SICLL THIS
WHICK for $2,250 There ISN'T A HICT-
TICH HAHGAIN 111 that part of OMAHA
No. 1,14 7 rooms, city water, sewer con
nections, line shade, east front, near
Pnppleton ave. Price reducid lo Jl.tVio.
Hents for tlfi.
Tho northeast corner of Park live, and
Jackson St.. one 6 or i-rnom house, mod
em, nnd one 4-room house, lot 75x140
feet This property MI'ST IllC SOLD
WITHIN next TWO W1C1CKS. Cost pres
ent owner over i,wp. .Mage us an oner.
A choice property for somebody.
We also have a large list of vacant prop
erty and farms for sale. For furthor
Information wrlto or call u;ion
It. C 1MCT1CHS it CO,
1702 Farnam St . J Jen lllifg.
HU-7SJ 10
2117 Caldwell. S rooms, modern. $1,000.
2M.1 poppleton Ave., Ii looms, barn, paved
13.!6 S. 25th Ave., ii rooms, $1,6V.
411 N. 30th St., r. rooms, barn. $1,200.
160T Ohio St., ii rooms, large lot, 1,000.
2102 Ohio St.. 5 rooms. $l,ouO.
2s3'I Seward St.. t rooms. soo.
jut) Hlclmry St.. 6 rnoms, $500.
The Byron Heed Co., 212 S. 14th SI.
W. 11. GATICS,
61S N. Y. LIFE.
PHONU 1231
S-room modern liouho In nice order, south
front, on west Fa mum. A great bargain
III $2,IH.V.U1.
7-room house, most new. steam heat, up-to
date, east front, lot 50x150, shade, paved
street, near iinnsrom nurK. i,oou.uo.
S-room, bath. bus. 2025 Decatur. $2,260.00,
G-rooms, on the Houlevard. near Gruce, east
front, shaiie, lot iixhu. $i.,iui.
7 rooms, sewer, water, rgrncr lot. $l.u"0(io.
2-3-room cottages, isis s 12th st $600 no
2-3-raom cottuses, 2027 -Miami si $t
nii-425 It
roit s i.i;-iti: i, i:TTii.
277 and 2717 Chicago St
Two large l-room houses with ball. pnf. h
in rront anil arounu ni siue, newi paper
ed and pulnted: city water In house; lo'
fin by 152 feet pnch Your choe f. r $1..
easy payments.
The Hyron Heed Co., Si: S. llth St.
MODKHN 9-rootn cottage near l.'d and Pop-
nietoii ave. tor $i,f'. uuks, ss Hoaru oi
Trade blilg. HH-S6I 1
HOL'SUS, farms. H. C. Putterfon.
,-05 N.J ..U
IlOt'SnS. lots, farms, lands, lans; n' o Pre
insurance, uetnis. raxion oik. uk-i'h
HKAD THIS; otto of the best homes ;n llnn-
soom Plare; :) rooms, inrne lot, gooii nam,
sightly home: party 1 nv.r.f cty; pr.c-.
$7.5')"). M. J. Kennard Son, loom 10,
Hrowti block. HI-li
I'OH SALi:. 17 ACHICS Just west of city, be
tween Leavenwortn ami center sts.; an
In line state of cultivation; Jast the place
for a nice home; can offi r this week for
$2,100. Hicks. 325 Hoard Trade bldg.
H1C-S60 16
y. t.'vn.
ni -a o
PAYNIC-KNOX CO. lir.ADgl-Ain'r.Hi?
for HICAL 1CSTATIC in H.1A1N3. .L"W
i:ST HATi:S on LOANS, SOl'ND, tN-
scnANcic; iiorst:s. pi ats, sTOitrs,
for HICNT. lTrst lloor, N. Y. Life, Hldg.
QOOD rental property for farm. , Monroe
& Co., Feed and Fuel. Ml N. lfith st.
HA NCI I AND FA KM Uituis for snlc by the
rtilnn Paclllc Hnllroad (ompniy H A
McAllaster. land commissi, ner, X nion
Paclllc Headaunrters, Omnha. Nob.,
HL 0I3
ACHKS nice garden land near Center st
Pavement for only $675. I licks. . He'if"
Trade. Hn-fcC8 !
N. Y. I.IFK.
H1C 1130r;7
CI IAS. n. WILLIAMSON, 1518 Frn"'?. j?
S1T'nN7hoco"ints on anth and Pratt st
n.Mnlm Inr aala nr rid. for ImtirOVPl
city nr'oiiertv or good farm land; hive
other Income property and some cash t'1
match any deal. For pirtlculars write
S. Hanson, 1015 Hoono p'..,
llr Al3s
I'OH SAI.n, n modern lo-room house near
llanscom park; am lenving city; win sen
cheap. Address I' 37. lice olllce
HL SWj 10
. nwvnnn WANT OFFICHS.
Miami st.. cottage. 3 rooms, pantry,
I....-,. ni.. .film, sluli. nice lot 40X
IJj'feet- the lot nlone Is Worth the prlre
asked for this property; price, tw, n unr-
2812 Hamilton st . 0 rnoms. city
water, barn, nice lot am', shade. Lxntninc
ibis nioiiertv nnd make all offer.
n:m t.Piiveoworih. new. modern dwelling, 0
rooms, gas. porcelain bath, hot and cold
wnter. fewer: cho ce corner ilxll2 feel.
lCvery thing llrst-elass; price. $',500; n bar
Vmir "i'.Hi im.i 1'nrkpr. moitern eottane.
rooms, furnace, bath, sewer, pas, city
water, good barn, south front lot. brick
paved street: price. $2.0'; a bargain.
Hi:--MC16 16
251' OHIO ST.
s.rnrtn. iwn-sini'v house, nartlv inodern:
barn; lari'e lot nnd trees; alley p.ivej.
one b'ock from two uinerent ear lines.
Prle" (VW.
The Hyron Heed Co.. 212 S. mil , St.
Ill, .IS 16
FIN1C fiin-nere farm, central Nebraska; over
W) acres in cultivation: nouse. nam. wiiuc
mill, granary, etc.; only $12.00 un acre
Dicks. 325 Hoard Trade. HK-MM 10
ICO nrres of Imnrnvl lend. S) ml'ei wes'
nt Ulmiv Cite nml Blv inlUn from rail
road; ail umier cultivation: house, barn.
corner b. uranary. windmill, grove, eie.
I'rlri. 12fi: one-third push.
2.5f)-acre stoc k ranch, wl'h excel 'nt
uire.itn or iivito- w ii1 . Miiee iiiii1 lei
land: will mako a verv iirilltubie stock
ranch: a barualn at js.i.i casn.
lfio ncres of smooth Innu. ifioil mil. neav
railroad town, in .Maria. in couiuy, o. u
10) acres In Holt county, 7.eb. ; suitnnie
for farming. ."
160 ncrps. 13 miles west or hwiivj. inpd.
nice stream on tmi mini, i cice
Clear titles; no trades llllanu t' i.omj
wood. Sioux city, la. h
i viph hni'iUoe corner, lots ami i,
l.'nirmount I'lace. on easy terms ivruu
to F. II. Kappen. Milwaukee. Is
ICL1CGANT. modem, up-to-dtite liouse near
llanscom pant, spieiiunny , o,n
.! .n r1?. Ilnnril Trmlp
"" ...v...-,
nr.- iu-
r.K V Y. Lll.'IC. PHONIC 1291
SO-aere farm on Military road, S miles west
if e IV. Ilk.. ID.
10 acres ono mile north of J.'lnreiico. Clioap
M)-ncre farm ono mile south of Waterloo
good building: every iooi can no cum
vutod: keeps 20 cows. $17.50 per acre.
H13-S26 10
S. 2IT1I, two blocks north of Vinton,
A lino lot, with shade, smnll cottage,
Cistern. A k'enuluo snap at $1,000.
J'art cash, lialnncp time, come nnu see im
If you want u homo south.
014 S. 2fith st.. One 9-rooni modern home.
Fast front, nice lot, walking distance
ICastern owner very anxious to sell.
,. F. CONNICTT, 3l!!l N. Y. Life. IMlone
12.S5. HH-S23 16
SO ACHKS. 11 miles northwest, with house,
barn, crops, horses, cows, implements
ele nil fur 11.511(1.
SO to 120 acres. 12 miles northwest from
Omnha postolllce. I'rlce. $50 per ncre.
312 acres, 1'.' miles west of Omaha, near
Mi'lard. Price. per acre.
221 acres rood Hurt county land, near
Tpl::imnb. $30 ner acre. i
43'ii FninkMn St.. 7-room house, lot 50x15'
feet. Price, M.l"n.
521 S. 1Mb St.. 5-room liouse, $1 25n.
Dai s. "nib si 5-room liouse. $1,600.
1143-45 N. 17th st . lot uuxno feet, paving
paid; price, $2...m. .
C-room. new, modern House, near join nnu
Podge sts. Price. f..m.
Northeast corner of 26th and Cuming sts
liniises. I'rice Ji.u'iu. Huumii o uer.
U-room. modem house, corner lot. within
4 blocks of cltv hail. I'rtee. so WW.
Farnam. near lltli st.. lot 22x132 feet, :
storv brick billdlng. Price, $2.")0
JOHN N. FHHNS5HH. Opp. old P. O.
P.1C-S22 10
CIIICAPICST business pronerty In Omaha,
It reel nenr iin nnu ,incnson, on y
$3,300. Illcks, 323 Hoard Trade.
niC-SCi 1C
H. H. HALL, m v Y ,VUone C1J
1130 S. 30th ave.. 7 rooms, modern, good
52S N. 32d st , 11 rooms, modern, except
furnace, $2,600. ,
3 modern houses, except furnneo. fl and .
rooms, N. 18th St.. rents for $513 per
! nice i-room cottages. N. 23th Bt.. $U75.
C'or. 56tli nnd Curtis live., 5 rooms, b.irn,
lot 122x93 feet. $!"i). , ,
4 nice houses on N. Huh St., o bars;aln.
HulldiP!: lots from $150 up. Farms In
oasterM Nebraska. niC -S55 16
, I, ,
VACANT I O'fS: , ,
Cholco fiflxits ft., 34th and Fnrnam. S",:v)
Choice 6lx12S ft.. 26th nnd Pt. Mnrv's, f'.m
Choice 52 feet. 2;d nnd Leavenworth. SI. 500.
Good 50 feet, SHIi nnd Dodgo. snup. $300.
Good 50 feet, Ohio nml ISth. S40.
Good 10x122 ft., MlutnL near SOtti; wnnt
Good 50 font. Cotlugo jwrli. SSMI up.
UIJ 852 1
To buy real ototp,
To ell real cstote,
A loan ot low rates,
Good flro Insurahce,
nonte co:icUd,
1013 FAUNA M ST.
IlK-t 10
Foil HA LIC. 5-room cottage, neur 27th hiiJ
Hurdetto streets, paying 7 per cent above
expenses on $l,0o0. Will be sold this
week for $7". cash or payments c C.
Shlmer. 210 S. 16th Bt. HIC-MSIfi IS
4411 Davenport, 7-room house and barn;
f- p. cd trees, shr.ibberv . grout bargain,
$l XV in mire IJ'1 Furuum
Hli-MJO 23.
roil vi.i: in: i r r rr
oil SALIC $:'" :li-t m rt nge .li.iwlig
6 per i , ill. s. , ii. ,1 , . . n ,ie' i.irci :.- :n
,eltv, worth sij.'i". Want la e value, on
wl(l dtsiouft 3-motiths i: tetct. A1-lr;'s
V II. The lire nB-MW 1.'
Ml Ml' L.
PHOF P HHAt'N, teacher of piano itid
orjran: studio 55.) Hamme mik; npsu 1 to i
p. tn ; terms moderate; thorough, nrtljllc
work guaranteed. MMiocIIj
nXPnUIKNCUP -ratatllsv. (Rtiitiem.VO
wants position. Address r 17, lice, mi v
rilK Los Ange'e.s pclglan Hare Co. Is head-
uuartnrs for thi roughbred stock for urck-u-Uli
purposes. 2ili'7 N. Irttti St.. omnha
Ml!) 22
:i.oci THIN M) Pin . NIC 11. CI 1.1 1 III!.
1IYSICAL i ultute for health, strength ami
grace. It.tlston s stem; classes and pri
Mitt. Address 1 17. Hep. 7:SI-16
lll.OI t TION vll Oil TOIl V.
1CI.1.A PAY. 201 liatngc bldg, rca ling, elo-
cull in. oratory. TliursUuj Ii K )'. sclioo .
:i,oi t i ni nn pin u vi, 1 1
ri Hi
HAS W. WALTON, teaclu t of elocution
and plivslenl cilture. and Swed
ish Kjmnuslles 2i 9 N. 1Mb street.
-C70- 17
Aiirn i.i:m:.
MONAUCII Generators are best. Carbide
$1 so per lii lbs. Agents wanted. M. A U.
Co.. 1022 I' St: C77-U-13
NKM'.I, l"l. VTINd.
STOVns. lamps and h.iuilelli'rs replated.
Om. Plating Co., Bee Hldg. Tel. 253S.
IIIItDH AM! Ttii)i:iniY,
STOCK'S IJIrd Store. lll'M
iiMiiMV. itoii.r.u.N. ri'i .
L. C. Sharp -Mach Wks.
motors, dynamos.
-a 13
l.llUW. NOTICL,.
hi .'nivni.'s salic.
Notice Is b, icbv given that pur mint P
an order of tie .Ji.strlct court or Douglas
county. Nel rpsk-i. dated Jul Till. Itfu. 1
will, on Hie is n nay ot im pirinner. iv. ai
Court Kmim N.i. '. I'ee tlull'ling. ofter f. i
sate to th hathest ti'.dder therefor, fr.r
colli, ull of tilt iinsoid assets of the Ne
braska Sn .tigs and LMlianye I'.niiK. said
sale will be held from 10 a. ni until 12
and from 2 i. tn until 5 p. m. of said day.
and will be contln.ied irom .uy to diy
until ull the assets of said bank have bee.i
pf'Tcd for sale; all bids are .iiibjfet t,
the npiuoval of the court and mist In
each case be accompanied by men,, oi
lertllled iliecK tor twciii.v -live per cent oi
Ihp amoiitu ot the bid. Said bids shall l.
renortpil to the court after ihe I'onelus.oii
or sain sine ami ino iiainucc oi me pur
chnse price of nil sales npproved and en
llrmed bv the tourt will he wi.,i!im un'ui
said eoniirin.itioii. rue uescriiuion or tne
property and assets to be offered for s.i.e
by the underslgiied. nt sutd time nn I
place, and upon conditions above men-
lloneil, is us lollows:
Lot 5. i lock 1, Albright's Annex.
Lot S, htm k 2. Wakeley Add.
North h-ilf of lot f. block r.i, South omaha
Sojtll 22 feet of lot 2. block 10, Clifton
Hill Add. ....
Lots 5 nr.d 6. Flock F. Lowe s Add.
Lots 1 and 2, block s McCorinlck's Add.
N. K. 'i oi N i it 1. Ii. '1. Sec
0 15-1:1. PoiikI.i coeiiiy, N'ebraskn. le.-s
4 70-100 acres so'.d to Norton N. Gould.
Lot ll. llouscl it Slebliln's Subdivision
Of lot 15. Hartlett's Add.
Lot 1, block 11, urciuiru lllll Add.
Lots 7 and S. block S, Jettcr's Add. to
South Omaha.
South 30 lei t of lot 5, block 03, South
Hunt t. B
and west s, IC.
See. :'.l-i.'-r. Uuffalu county, Neoraskii
West !)! feet of lots 23 and 21, block
llanscom Place. -Lots
3 and 4, ICUIs Place.
Lot 2!, bloil: 2, West Side Add.
Lot 1). block 2, Llnwood Paik Add.
South Omaha. -
Lots 1" tui'1 it. bloc!: 5. Amos Place Add
Lot 1. block ni Florence.
Lot II. block IS, Carthago Add.
Lots 6, 7. S. 9. 10. ll, 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.
20. 21, 22. 23 uud 21, block 1, Madison
Sijunii" Add.
Lot 3. block 2, linker Place
Lots 6 and 7 block 3. Dworak's Add. to
South Omaha.
Lot 15. hlock 450. Grand View Add.
Lots 11 nnd 12. block 4. Hltchcocg's Flr-t
' Sub lot 10 of tax lot 3. Sec. 15-15-13. Doug
las county, Neb., belnu 51x132 feet.
Part of lots 6 and 7. block McCaguc b
Add,, boms 5'lxll' feet. ',,,,
;.ots 1, 2. 3. 4. 7, S. 9 and 10, block 1.
dits -1, 5, 6. 7, S. II. 15. 16, Ii. C8 anl
south 'i -'f 19 block 2, all In Dworak s
Add. to Sojtll Omnha.
Lot 10, block 3, Walnut 71111.
Lots 1, 2. 3, block P'. and lots 1, 2 anil 3,
block 21. ull in Cnrthage Add
Lot 12 and south 'j lot 9. block 3, Ex
change Plncp. South omnha.
Lot 3, block I'll, South Omaha.
North V4 lot 20, block 3, Koiiutze's Third
Add., and a strip ndjolnlng same on north
10 2-10 feet wl.l" nt tho street and S feet
Wide nt the back end.
Lot 11. Slllloh. ,
Lot 23. bloil: 1, Sherman Ave. Park
Lot 17, block 6, Peck's Grove, and lots 4
and 5. bloek pi, limits Vlnce. both addi
Hons to Lincoln, Neb.
Lots 2. 3, 5, C. 7 and S, block 2. Ilrookllie
' Lots 1. 2, 2, 4, 5, 6, i and 8, block 07,
Credit Fonder Add.
Fast 22 feet ot west 41 feet ot lot !, block
19J, City.
Lots 9 and 2S, block 2. West 3lde Add.
Lots 16, block 4, Clifton Hill Add.
Lot 0'.'. Nelson's Add.
A parcel of land described us follows:
llogluiiing at a point In tho center of
Little Puptlllon Creek, where said creek
crosses tho north line of lowiu'hlu 14. range
12 east, running thence west io V. W. cor-
. F X I. , ..f 1 unl,. ......... ul, ,, ,
ner oi n. c. -i m ovi. i. "'ll'. n un.,.-.
thenco south 16 Sl-100 chains, thence cant
lo the i enter of said creek, thence north
along center of said creel; to place of be
ginning, excci t a strip IM feet wide, being
60 feet nn each side of thp located line ol
tho Omaha Holt Hnllway, Douglas comity,
Part of lots 13, 14, 15, lfl nnd 17. block 3.
Hcglcy's Park Add. to South Omaha, do
snilhil ns fnlloiv-K:
ll. ...limine nl N". W. corner o' "iiid lot 17,
theilPK due south on west ilue of said block
3 230 S-1C feet, tl'enr. southeasterly 15H-10
feet to south line of s.ild lot 13 then. .
east along south line oi s.ii.l let i;i. 41 1-J
feet, thence north 20 degrees east 210 35-i 'i
feet to east line of said lot 17 thine
north 45 7-10 feet to north line or said lot
17, thenco west along north line or unl I
ito 17, 130 feet to tho pliuc of beginning
Lot 11, block 3, Lincoln Place
Lota 6, S, 9. 10 nnd II, block UJ. I-'buence.
Lots 2, 3. I, 5. S, 12, 13, II. 16. I", IS, 19 nnd
20, block 1(3, Florence.
Lots 7 and H, block 5S lots 1 nnd 3. block
33; lots 2. 4. 5. 6, 7, S, 9. 10. 11, 12 13, 14, 15,
16. 17. 19 and 20 block 102, nil in riotvncr.
All of block 110, Florence, exci pi lots 2,
7, 9. 10, 19 n mi 20.
West 'a of north i of lot 35. Hurr Oak
uddttlon to Omnhn.
Lots 17, IS and 19, block 1, Sherman Avenuu
Lots ll, 15 nnd 10. block rummtt r.cldi
Hon to Omaha.
Lot 10. block 3. Hillside mhlltlon No. 2.
Lots 10. 11. 12, 14 and 22. block 2, Vnnder
cook Terrtico.
A pleco of land CTxOS feet described us
Ileglnnlng 1,050 ft north of N. IC. corner of
block 310. City, as per Ilemls' map, thenco
north C6 feet, thenco west 09 feot to west
lino of tax lot 5; south 66 fect. cast C9 fect
to plaeo of beginning.
61X-132 feet follows: Hegtpning W feet
north of N. IC crncr of b.uck 311 as pur
Hemis' map of Omrilin, thenco noun fd
feet, went 132 feet, south fit feet, ew-t 132
feet to place of beginning.
AIfo the following property:
Out loin -,5l. 152. 159, 161. 163, 176, In. Im.
153. 25S, 259. 263 . 261 nnd 172, undivided 9-c
ol :ci and undivided '? of 156. south 'a of
192 and west of 193, all of said nut lots l o
Ine tn or nenr Florence. Nebr. All of hlock
91 ojicept lots 7 and Is; all of block 1"1 txcpt
lots 1 nnd h; all of block 111 except lot
14 and 15; all of block &S, said blocks nil
being In Florence.
8 W U cf N. W. U of S. W. H section
No'rtii Mi of H. W ti. section 20-10-13, both
tn Douglas i.iunty, Kubi . also mortgago
polos as follows: ,
Mortr!ie note given bv Thomas nrennnn
for $l.'. Seeurltv. lot I. bluck 3, 1st au
dition to South Omnhtv.
Mortgage note glvon by O. V. Plckard
for $3,7J Security, N. Hi of S. W. i. 8.
B 'i, 25-15-12. Douglas countv
Mortgago note stvon by Thomas Mcrjov
ern for $3,0oo. Security, lot 1, bloek 10,
Heed's 1st addition.
Mortgage notes given by W M. Long a
.Secured nn lots 11 nnd 15, bloek S, North
Sem.reiNon lot 3 and 4, block fc, North
Secured on lot ' ol... k 13, and lot 16,
bio. k 10 North Omaha. iWO,
i.r.t. t, mi i it n.
Si i- ire.t on lots 6 ;!,
btMi k
Hr.M l-a. IS)1
Morunn Ktvon by Maria M. Smith. tM.
Security, lot II. block 66. Hethany lllgt.
Lancisti-r county.
AN i all bills receivable, st -eks. warrants,
Judrmcnts and other claims, and furniture
ii ml iixturts
Tetii'her with any othrr property or as
et brlnnginR to the Nsb.iska Savlns
nnd ICxihanne bank of Om.ihn, Nebr., not
above tniitnernted.
Itecelvw Nrbrnska Snvtngs and lCxchittiKe
Hank. Omaha. Nobr.
OHlce 18th and Furnunt strrfts.
Auk V7-'i2t-rAS
The county fair will te he'd wlih the
Har iiin in umtinn on f n '
her II to 23 Persors drslrlng to cnIi''
Ihe Nt.vk, iinultrv or In any dprtm.
of the fair should sccurp -ntry hi .n
at once from CI. W. Herve, mrnat
1112 Farnam ("tree!.
The live stock Will lie exhibited en
grounds of tne Omaha Driving P"-.
SIS - M.V l 7
Scaled proposals Will be recilved at th
office of the underslrnrd until twcu.
o'elork noon on the Kill dnv of Oct. die:'
19D, for the iniistructlon of tlie t'lroeglc
Ilbrar luilMlne. I" tb'1 cPy of Lincoln,
WbrnskH Plans, sneclllcntlons and co'1
dltlons mav be fouiul at the olllce of the
Librarian of the City Library In Lltuoln.
and at the office of Messrs. Fisher .t
liwrle. architects, tn the Puxton butldliiR.
Omulia. Nebraska. The board reserve
the right to reject nny and nil bids Hy
order ot the Library Hoard of the City
Library of Lincoln, Nebraska
S. L. GICISTIIAHDT. of Committee on
Plans, us Hurr Hlock, Lincoln, Ne
braska. B-10-1S-2U -22-M.
Notice Is hereby given that the co-p.irl
nersiitp neretorore eistiiig oeiween
unilersl2iied. under the llrtn name
style ot Hftlfp .t Hpnd. Is tills day
solved All accounts owing to snl.l
should be paid lo Thomas F. Unite
nl' debts owing by said llrm shall be
ny sniu Tiiomas mi up.
Datpd Omalin. Neb., tills 15th day
September, 190.
S. .'tPMSt
Al'I'I.IC A I t()N roit I, Hit Oil I.M I1VM:
Matter of Application for Hcmoval
Liipior License ol J dill lloeklP IT i
Notice Is lutel'V given that John H ek-,
llolf did upon the Mill dev of Septembct, ,
A. p. I'.,i. Ille ids ipn I. ntloii wlili Me ,
Hoard of Fin and Po. ce Coainrs-leiie
of um. ill. i for r hp ,.! .f 11. nap to sell
M .ill . Splilti ous nnd Ylnoi s hip orn, from
113 and 415 So. Filh street to .n'o 711 N" l
b'tli sinci. Third ward Omaha. Neb, to
J.ii ui.ry I. I! I
If there be no objection, remonstrance or'
protest tiled within two weeks from ibe
i:itli dnv if fc'iptcmler. A. P., l'.io, the salt,
removal vv III be gr ime
S 13 JOHN' P.OICKHOFF. Appl.c int
tl MI.M V TIMIi 'Alll.t:i.
Missouri Vi.Iley ll.illro.ol
"The Northwestcin
Line" Oeneral nillce
fulfill Status National
H.iuk Hills., S. W. Cut
Twelfth and F.irnum Sts l Mhi i
'61 P. 'Pit. 1
Mul Furnnm St. Telephone.
Ih uinl Webster Sts. Telc-
phone, ti'.s
Leave. Arrive. K Mills. IICIUIWOO.I,
Hot S; rlii'rs a 3.00 pn n 5:00 pm
Wvoinuig, (.'.ispar and
Do'igUs d 3:00 pm e B;lK) pm
Hastings. York, David
City. Superior, Geneva,
ICxcter and Seward., b 3:00 pm b G:c0 pm
Noi folk, Vcrdlgrc and
Fremont t 7:30 nm 1)10:20 am
Lin- .In. Walioo and . .
Fri mont b 7:30 am 1)10:2j nm ui c 7:30 am
a Pallv Ii Pallv except Sunday, e San
dav i, nlv .1 D.itlv except Saturday, e
P.iilv e ' pt Monday.
llli'AGO. ST. PAFL.
Mlniie.inollit & Omaha
Hallway "The North
w.slein Line" General
( itlleps, Npbrnska Divi
sion. 15th and Webster
Sts. city Ticket Otllrp,
Telephono, CGI. Depot,
WobstLr Sts.
a 9:10 pm
iill:10 am
Twin CHy Passenger
,n C:u0 am
umana I'ascsnger
tsioux i ny ,v i?,ortli
past Npbraska a 3:50 nm
Onkland Local '. b 3:15 Jim b S:15 nm
a oaiiy u Pally oxecp. suminy.
CHICAGO .4 NOHTIl-wi-stein
Hallway "Tho
N.irihwpstern Lino"
City Ticket Olllce, 1101
Fnrnam Street. Tele
phone, 501. Depot, Tenth
and Mason Sts. Tele-
phone, 629
Da W I c lit Clue. mo Rn
clal a 7:0o am nlt:30 pm
Clilcago Passenger a 1:15 pm a 8:10 um
lCaslein lCxoc -s:i, Des
Moines. Marshal I town,
Cedar Hapids and Chi
cago a 10:53 am a 4:05 pm
ICastern Llmltpd. Chi
cago nnd Fast a Vm pm a 4:05 pm
Chicugo to
a 2:45 pm
a MOO pm
u b':20 um
go Special. il
:15 pm
iS; uulncy Hnllroad "The
Hurling ton Hon to" Ticket
oniie, icoj Farnam St.
Tfi zv). Depot. Tenth ei
Mason Streets. Telephono,
Leave. Arrive.
t hleugo Spe-
.a ,:w am
Piorla I-.Miif
n 9:25 pm
a 7:15 am
a i:o.i pm
a 7: 15 am
n 7:W pm
a 2:15 pm
chtnigo e-t.b.l. d ICx a t:W pm
Ch. i ago I. " il ICxpress a S:50 um
Cliliago Limited .a 7:45 pm
Paciil. Jiu ni, ni Local. .a 10: 15 am
J'ncllic .lutntluri ICxtra.
Fast Mali
a Pally.
seph & Council Hlutrs
Hallroad-"Tlio Hurllng
ton Uouto ' 'l Icket Oltlce,
15)2 Fnrnnm street. Tele
phone 250. Depot, Tenth
and Mnson streets. Tele
phone. 12X
Leave. Arrive.
Kansna Cltv Day ICx ...n S:50 nni n 6:10 pm
KmiHiH City Night ICx. al0:15 pm a 6:15 am
Si !.. 'uis F.. i Tor St.
Jo eph ana St Louis a 4:55 pm all:15 am
u iJa I ly
IimLINm-ON MIS-s.-url
Hlvcr Hnllroad
"The Burlington Haute '
Genital Ollltes, N. W.
Corner Tenth and Fnrnam
Sts. Ticket Olllce, 1502
Fnrnam street. Telephone.
25.1 i'i,ni iton station, 'lentil and .Mason
Streets Telpnhuliu. U3
Lincoln H.utinirS and
Mci' .uk a 8:10 am a 7:35 pm
I.lnc.iin. Denver. Colo-
railo, rt.ih. caliroriua a u:a pm
1 lliroln A- Ilhiek IIIIIS..II 9:30 1)111
n 3:oo pm
it 3:00 pm
a 6:15 am
ul0:35 am
Monlunu, Puget Sound.. a 9:30 pm
I.lncoln Fust .Ainu u pm
Di-nver. Colorado, utnn
& California
a 0:15 am
u Dally.
Itallroad. City Ticket Ot
llee, 1402 Furnam street.
Telephone, 213. Depot
Tenth and Mason streets
a 11:10 nm
.... .n 7:45 pin
...a..'b 7:00 am
a 7:45 pm
it I 05 pm
a K : 15 am
b 9:10 pm
a S:15 am
Cb'cngo ICxpress ..
f'h.cag.i I. 'rutted
Mint i .i iN nnd
Paul Kxpiess
MIllM- .i.i.. II-. .oat
Paul Limited
Fri t i i.g I .ocal
Ci uncll Hluffs
i P illy I. Pallv
h l:.".0 pm am
cx'.ept Sunday.
3 (J" roud -Omaha. Kansas city
U V .im i, H-iHtern lldilrond "The
Uulncy Hout'.." Ticket Of
lire. 1115 Farnam Streot.
Teb phono 322. Depot, Tenth
an I M.ircy .Streets. Telo
phone, 6'-'9.
Leave. arrive.
Cannon Hall
.. .a 0:05 pm a 8:20 am
v ami ijillncy
n 7:00 am a 9:0) pm
St I... ills
ICxpn -i.
K..t.-iu.- i '.'
u D.i'ly.
siocx err & pacific
Hnllroad "Tho North.
v.esti.-rn Line" General
oilV-es, I'nitr.d States
National Hank Hulldlng.
S W. Corner Twelfth
md Farnam Sts. Tiuket
Olllr-i, M('l l-'nrnam St Telephone. 561. 1h
pot, Tti.tb and Mason Sts. Telephone. 620
Leave Atrl e
Twin Clti Impress . ..i 6.5C am nM 5') pm
Tv.1 i ( 1 1 I. nr. ted a 7 ..5 pm u 15 no
S) x . L' a. ...u. s. w ,.ra .t I Jl' pm
a D.,l v
IY Farnam St
15th and
Fast Mall,
Omaha .
Onuili i -ciil
Fas I 51a i1
u D.illv
! Lvillallyiij
it mi.w i nu: i v nt t:.
ii'nl Hou'.i - Oi'liei'.il Oftl.
N I. '"or Ninth and Farnn
stl ei Is City Tteke.t nitlre. 1 :
I'm nam street Telephone. "I
I'.-pot, Tenth and Mason Sti
1 ciephono, (UP.
Leave. Arrive
The Ovrtl.iml Limited .a S.20 am J.Ki pm
Tb ch1 in i-l'or.laml
Speil.vl i S:20 am n 7;3f pm
Thi Fast Mall . .. .a S:.V am A j:3S pm
The Color ulo St.-c!.-.t ..alt-35 pm a 5" ici
The Fast Mall ti 1:35 pm
Lincoln. Heatrlcp and
Strotuslvir 1:10 pm bt2i25 pm
The pacific llxpriss ,n l:2S pm
Th 'At'it tl FNpn ss :.V) n-i
ttt.ind ls in. i .ni nl b f:,K pm b 9.30 am
a Pallj b P.,
cNcipt Sunday.
CHICAGO, ttocri 1SI -and
,t Pacific 'illroi 1
"Tb. Great Hocks sl
nnd Ib iite " Cltv rle i
et oiiicc, 1.123 Farnam
S.rec' Telephone. 12.4
Pepoi. Tenth .t Mason
Streets. Telephone iB'
l.puvp. Arrive
Moines and Paven-
P'.rt Local a 7 26 am blLXi nm
Cb.c.igo lCxprcss ., ..bit. 15 am a S:lo a n
i ChliiiKo Fust lCprcs. .a 5:i' pm u 1 :2T pm
I Incoln and F.ilrbury..a x:30 uin ft 7;l pm
i, Colorado Spgs.,
penver, Pueblo and
n 1:50 pin .1 1:15 pm
Per Moines. Unci; Isl-
r.nd nnd Chicago n 718 pm a
Colorado .t Tcxts Ftyr a 5:5 pm n
a Daily, b P.tlly except
fi w pit.
9.15 am
Tlckot Olllce. 1501 I'aninni
Street. Telrtiholio, S95. Pe
pnt. Tanth and Mttrcy
Streets. Tcletihono. (C9-
Leave. Arrive.
Cannon Unit" . ,
a 5:06 pin n S:20 urn
8. Louts '
n Pally
road- General Olllccs nnd
Ticket olllces Southeast Col -i.i
r lllll un.l Pcun'rt- Sts.
Telephone h'l. Depot, Unton
. aio w nm
..a!0:10 pm
it 6;30 pm
u G:I5 am
Leave from
Wi lister Sts
Nebraska Local
a Patty.
Water 1) 4 15 pm nW:(5 inn
1) Pallv except Sundny.
St. Paul Kallwuy-Cliy
Ticket oiltie, 1501 Farnam
Street. Telephone 211. Depot
Tenth and Mason Streets
Telephone. :'
Leave Arrive
Ch eugo Lipiltcd Fx. .. a 6:00 pm a S:i)5 nm
Cbliago .t Oiimha IC b 7 15 nm b 3 6j pm
a Pally, b Dally except Suliuuy
One of (lit- Perils ol lliiiillug In Mining
Out tn Colorado there arc a great many
.1,1, ores 11... 1 uresellt tile Uolll 111 Certain
chemical coniblnnttons which nothing but
cv-anldc will break down and liberate the
ciptiipiitul gidd. I nder sucli conditions, rc-
lutes Forest and Stream, the prospcc'or lias
' to be somewhat more of u tnlneraloglst
I than when his search Is conllncd to placer,
UiiurtJ and gravel gold. Hi al the li.u k or
Pike's peak there was a camp of hair .i
dojji n prospci tors, for they found u
good line of rouiitr.v rock and were working
out III nil Ulleciions. I regret iu b.ij iiun
very liianv of these adventurous miners nn y drfnkers uud the men In tills cam,,
wi re no exception. Yv hat Is WOISP tllet li.u!
fl ii r, iiiii, tl., iii Hiinolv of the MltilC and even
night utter their exhausting labors above
the tine of lii.l)0 fect of altitude they gate
a cb se Imitation or a ui'iniucn. ah
time they were feeding on bacon and s.ili
pork ami canned goods once hi a while Just
bv way of tarletv. Hut one day a member
of the party sighted u hctd ol deer nnd tho
next uav ne u.nii a nay on vvitii ion nm-,
sulng It was about time the camp had
some rent meat -oomo of the fresh kind
Well, he brought back n deer that day and
tliev looked It and had It ready for dinner
when the others got back. That vunlson
went Just to the right spot and the tump
unanimously agreed to this man's being
authorized to keep them supplied with iresli
meat. After dinner ihey brought out tint
demijohn and lllled up all around. It was
no dllllcillt thing lor that crowd to pour
Ihe stuff down-the trouble came immedi
ately afterward. One gagged; (mother
choked until the tears streamed from hi
eyes all were 111 illltloultles.
"Who's been monkeying with tills
whisky?" fild one as soon as ho could got
his voice
"Flist ilme I ever knew whisky lo go
back on me." said another.
They decided to give 11 another trial, but
't won no go. When they got It to tholr
ops they couldn't get It any further. Tbcv
not only did not want It. but they had an
uverslun to It. This went on for several
days, getting worse every day, and they
were getting so beastly sober Unit it was
like making new acuuiiintiinces ull around
At last they decided to M'lid one of the
party In to Colorado Springs to consult a
doctor. Tlie way they IlKiired It out was
that as Ihey wire all nfllleted in tb" s'ltne
way, one patluiit would be Just un good as
tho hunch and when ihe doctor had found
out wliu t was the matter with him and
given him a prescription all he would have
to do would be to but sl times ns much tis
was ordered unit tin.) there would be
enough to go round, lust to be sociable
this fellow packed III one of the deer that
they had been living on Well, he enmc
back without much satisfaction, but plenty
of medicine of one sort or another at urn
rate, the druggist told him It was a good
deal better, ill u few das who should
come chasing up to their camp but tin
doctor. The upshot of the whole matter
was that tlie doctor hud found himself ilf
Icctcd the same wny, but ns he was an
eastern mnn ll didn't so much matter In his
case. He did some chemistry on tin- i-pt-sou
Hint was left him and he found the
meat jammed lull of gold chlorides. That
made every tiling plain. Instead of venison
they It. id been eating a regular "Jag" cure
and now they cuuldn t drink. Hut the niedl
cine man hud plenty of "savoy" a heap
mure than the piospeclors. I'nder his di
rection they trailed up the runway of the
di-i-r and dually found Ihe place where lli.-v
had their lliks for you know deer must
have something salt lo lb k. The prospi i tors
hud been looking lor sylvunlle nnd the tel
iiuidcs, tiny had no Idea what gold cbloi
jilcs looked like and they had passed this
place over a dozen times as not worth so
much us tho tap of n hummer. The dei r
hud Im en steadily licking tin outcrop until
they were fairly ch irged with the goid in
Its chemical combination, which piss.-.l
illlo Illo men who fed upon the venison
Today I am glad to say thai Is one ol lb..
best propositions north of Crlpplu Creek
The Advanced Men In I'luli Illldel)
leered 111 SI. I.oiiIn.
A shirt-waist man uppeared on Washing
ton avenue lust night, n purls the St I o v
Hepubllc, and a riot was narrowlv nv-ertcil
Ho appeared at tho Llndell hotel last night S o'clock togged up In tho new gar
ment. The shlrt-wnlst was tlie regu'ntlnn stv I'
ll wna made of pink silk The front was
particularly full, with u network of burs
down the front. TIip hIppvih were rath, r
large nt the top, tapering lo sklu-tlght
nround the forearm. Around tile wrists
was a rutllp of the same sort of material
from which the shirt was mude. Around
tlie neck was a silk ribbon of pink It
was tied in front and tlie bow was gutb
ercd by n woman's brooch with two umii
chains attached to the side fustcm-d l.v
plus In the collar.
When the shlrl-walst man walked Into
the lobby of th" Llndell he was surrounded
by a hundred drummers. He wnlked to Hi.
n-.-ir, While the gibes of tho irotvd wern
ruined on 111 m thick nnd fast, lie remained
there only u few minutes nnd when be .in
purled n hundred commercial men uippi I
their hands vlgoro isly.
From the Llndell the shirt -waist man
made his way across the street. Pudestrhin -at
th" corner of Sixth stnet and W.i-li
Inglon nvenuo slopped to tvatcli him go In
Tim crowd deliived the coble cars for a few
minutes and tl looked ns If ho stood a good
elm nee to have the wearing apparel ton
off to Judge from Ihe remarks ol the crowd
Later Iip tried to purchase a ticket or nil
mission to a downtown theater, but wis
refused .
'You ciin't go In here with that of -i
costume You must put on a coat," hi Id
the maniii-er.
The Bhlrt-wntst man did not Argue th -mutter.
He went to another house and
cured admittance and took n box. Throm-h
out tho pluv he was eved by tho nudl. m .
nnd us he left ths building, he was Jcc. I
untnsU'cIf illy
'Ihe shlrl-walst man suld his nanv w.i
.l.imis Ash- r nnd that ho lived In '
'.i, uls. He did not seem lo mind ih mi ,
t'on he was receiving. To a Hepubllc r
lord r he said:
"Yes l do attract some attention, I sun
1.,, s, . but I don't mind It nny. I um used .
It now."
l-'i rtln r thin this th" mu hlv .lr - I
Mi Ash r did not vouchsafe Inform 1 1 ...i
t ll , llndell night tho tel. ph. -plr'-
vv . re di-"uss1ng thi nuiitei "II ot
f , i i .Ii snig rem icK .1 ' "f th' m
aft r il. i . ii. mnt bad suhsidid
k- , -
o- Mil
I 8t Louis, Kansas Limited .
K. c , St. L. ICxpress
I Leave from I5th