THE O MATT A DATLY BEE: Sl'.NDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1900. HI CONDITION OFOMIIA'S TRADE Jobbers Preparing for Big Rush of Business During Ak-Sar-Bon Festivities. GOOD HEALTHY MARKETS ON ALL LINES tin plil Flticttiiitliius III Cotton t'nitf Jobbers lo Witt cli tin; Dry (ioiids .Market tllli CtinsldiT- II II If IllttTOlt. ttr:C01DIERC!AL AXD FINANCIAL b'J Hpnt. i,itet, N,i 2 2V. N.i 3 wb'te. 27if Tr.ulo nt thin point In a wholesale way I Mill moving along at a very nattsfactory fate. All fall ami winter goods arc now In good demand nnil while thero have not been ilr many buyers on tho market a might l expected this tltni) of year traveling men uro sending In good order Hvery thlng now points to there being n large number of men hunts In the city ilurlnK th Ak-Bar-IIen festivities, whleh probably e p'nlns In n largo meas iro the compara tively small number now arriving. The volume of lustiness, however, In practically nil lines Is heavier as it whole now than It was a year ago anil no coni'ilnlnts are beard on that score, rolleetlons uro also belter tbnn th".v were a year ago, ns money heems to be inure plentiful In the hands of consumers ami the losses sustained by the retailers are snial'er. The markets are now In the best condl tlon they h.ive been In for some lime past There seems to be no weakness of Im portance anywhere along the lino und nil Indications point to kooiI, healthy, active markets for some time to cutne The fact that Iron and sle I have apparently r ached the bottom Is having a in flueneo and shoiilil prices Mart upward once mnie Hie effect would be relt III inanv iiunrtors, not necessarily In Immediate ud ances, bill In n heller fiellng and stealer eonllileiie,. in rmiie iilues Jobbi rs are nil greatly cucnuniycd over the prospect for good prices In the future, as wel' as for u big irinli Taking ivervihlnit Into con sideration It Is mtv diiiibtftil If the outlook was ever moie favorable In ihls section of the comtrv than II Is at the ptescnl tune, tirnci'r.v Market Firm. There Is no change lo report this week In tin- market on retlned sugar. The market on ruws abrnad. however. Is In a ver strong position anil on Ihls side prices have been advanced 1-lfi of I cent since the last re port The tendency Is decidedly In the direction of higher prices as refineries are hIIII lareli oversold and lubbers at nil points on the river ate having considerable lllbculty In netting sultb l 'it r.totk to meet the requirements ol the tradi The coffee markei Is still very dull and ulel In eastern markets 'ess business Is being done than for some time past. An other attempt was made lo advance price, but the mniket did not tak on Increased activity and uiol'itioii I'ronned back ngnln while thru were before. The wei k, then, closes with Hie market about where It was lit tile opening. The cheese markei is still on the upward tirade, as the ilcmimd Is In excess of lb" supply. The demand at home Is unusually largo this veat and the same mav be s.ild .f the demand I rum abroad. As compare. 1 with a week ago quotations arc fully one hnlt' or i cent higher. In dried or evaporated fruits there Is no change to report, everything ronnltilng about where II was .1 week ago There I? also little ihiin;i' 'n canned goods, with the exiilition 01 peii 'h's. which have been iidviif.ceil sli'blly owing to the damaje done lo frilt bv the rei ent storms. Th' claim Is being made bv Michigan packer thev will now be unable to ru till th-lr cintr.icts b. cum- much of th I run has been blown from the trees and ruined lliinil lliiidniiro Market. The d"inand tor all so ihiuiahlo lines of hardware continues to be In Rood -diape. The time when cu'd vvcntlnr goods will be wanted Is row 1 lose at bind and as a re sult all such lines are moving out In pool shape. The volume of business being transacted at the present lime oi'":i,irrs iin favorably wllh last year and JnhbTs are u'l linking for 11 big fall and winter trade. The Improvement In markei 1 otidl tlons Is 11 trend: being fell, as merchants are uol liming In a hand to mouth way si much as thev were a short time nun. but on the contrary are beginning to anticipate their wants lo a eot'slderable extent There have not been any uuolnbl" chances In the market during the last week, hut It Is a Mlgnlllcnnt fact that there have been no declines. The market Is (Inner on neatly all lines nnd ndvancs In the near future would cause no surprise. Kastert. markets are taking on consider able activity nnd manufacturers find them f ives er " lib orders Many of the most common stapled arc not being shlppeil prr ! pllv on account 01 light supply and It links now aH thoigh Inbliert. would hive nt much dllllcu'ty In geflng their goods ns wn1 experienced two vears ago The niar bct In a healthy condition and enn lidi nre In future prices Is being expressed on nil sides t'otton titiods ,dv 11 11 c 1 11 js. Locally, trade conditions have not neen very active during the pa-t weo- Till i the time of yinr when Johhers should be doing quite a house iraile. but buvers ate not coming on the market 'n very large numbers A big rush of them, however, Is expected the latter part of the motitu and Jobbers are not doing any worrying The trade Is bound lo come and wheth'T It rami s now or two weeks from now does not make very much difference. The cotton situation Is Hie most Impor tant feature of the dry goods market. The rapid lluctuatlons In raw cotton have cre ated considerable excitement among man ufacturers and thev are marking up ihlr goods as rapldlv .is possible. This fact, liowevr. does not si em to stimulate buying to any market) extent an I the market is not ns active as would naturally be ex pected under the circumstunr es Local Jobbers, however, are of I he opinion thai prices will bo much higher than th. v nr,. at tho present time and that some llvclv times will be experlt need before the year conies to u close. Hoots nod sluies Mow Freely. Kali shipments of boots and shoes are still being made to such merchants as buy put off buying until this late in the sea son. It seems there are quite 11 number that have not placed tin lr orders as yet for one reason or another and as a result Jobbers lire counting on a Good, active trade for some time to come. Hubber goods are also moving out In good Bliape, ns the fart that there Is to be nn ndvance of 5 per cent Is becoming generally known. The advnnce will not become t f fectlvo for weeks, but now that .nf.rchimts sec there Is no chance of a de cline thev have nu nb'eet In longer holding back their orders. Ilubber clothlm? Is 11K 1 In good demand for this season of the year. fruit nml Produce. There has been a good, active demand nil the week for fruits and veetnble. A few lines, such as watermelons and b mons liivn not moved unite as freely as thev did a short time ago. hut that Is to be expected. The quotations on lemons ate now somewhat lower than they cn a week ago. Peaches, plums and such lines are coming In freely from 1't.ih and Colo, rado and the prices at which they are sell- i.r win li.. found below (ir.tnes are now about as popular as any lines being offered on the tnarKOi ami mon any mini uuii nun '"The 'egg market Is the same n It wits a week ago, but both hens ard spring chick ens are lower The rendpts'iif poultry huve, been rather large for the last few lUys and although the demand has been fairly liberal prices weakened. m:w yoiiic" tiiji:ii ti. Mititi:r. No 3 whlfi . 2tvaii.. . track mixed western. iitUfr.lV track white western. 25't. fiXic track white stnte. IS'tfJlW'. Options dull but a shade steadier FBED-Steorty; spring bran. 11R.28C1S.G"; middlings, Jt7 0efil!i.yi, winter bran, JI7.30S 19 nn, city, M.SofllT.OO. MOTH Quiet, state, common to choice, JHO crop, f.fl3c; old olds, Jfllc: l'acluc const, mi' crop. old olds, 2J5o. !imi:8Flrm. Onlveston 2n to lbs.. tSc. California. 21 to ii lbs. inc, Texas, dry, 21 to 30 lbs . 1.1V. LKATIUCH Firm: hemlock sole, Husnos Ayres, llifht to heavyweights, 22',4f)23Hc; aeld. Ki4'.V,4e. WOOIy-lmfl; domestic Ileece, 23p2Sc; Texas, lSflllc. I'HOVISIONS-Heef, quiet; family. JlO.fO AH an; beef hnm. it: .: packet. tio.'iO ftllfiO; city, ixtr.t India mess. $K 0 "RlT.cj Cat meats, stead v; pickled bo'.lles, iX.Tto 110" pickled shoulders, Jin SO; ham. $9 01 tjio ,;. Lard steady; western steamed, t " K4. nominal; refined, lirtn: eonllnent. J7V.; South America. I? mi. eotnpo md, Jrt.ii" WH. Fork, stronger; family. SIT '!? IT.fto ; short clear, HVoofirlij 10. m-ss, tw.min ".f ttt'TTKH Steady ; western creamery. fl"lc; factory, WaWK June creamery, 1S'S 621o : Imitation creamery, 1&41 ITo ; state tiairy. lsufjjoo. cniJKSE-Firm; large white and colored, v.ili'r, small colored, lie, KC,n.S Firm; regular packing, nt marl:, ISftlTc; western, loss off, 10c., 7 7-lfx; cojntry fpkgs. freei, 41,11 lc. HICK- Firm; domestic, fair to extra, 4$ fi'jc: Japan, 4Vf",c. .MOI-ASSi:S-iiteailv; New Orleans, Open kettle, good to rhol(.e, I.TuMc. MKTALS Pig Iron dur, northern, JllOii firii'ifiO; southern. $1". nu'ii Hi 01. Coiuier. quiet; brokers' nrlee, 16 i7',. Lead, dull; brokers' price. Jl.w). Unfavorable Weather find Higher Gables Give Strength to Whoat Market. CORN AND OATS DULL AND CLOSE LOWER ()iiolatloiiM for the Day on Vnrlnus t'tlllllllOllltlCN. NF.W VOHK. Se)it. 15. Fl.OFH-Itecelpts, "6.07.1 bbls.; exports, 22 SOU bills.; sales, 5,100 pkjs. ; mnrkot continued tlrm all day and moderately active; winter patents, J.tWdf f.00; winter straights, W.304i3t; Minnesota patents, $l.20di4.40; winter extras. J2 r(i(ff3.un; Mlnneeota bakers, JJ.b.'ax; winter low BHVK' loru-Qitlet; sales, 40tl bbls ; fair to good, J3.20iI3.25; cholco to fancy, J3.30ir :i.C'i COHNMKAL Steady; yellow western, SSo; city. flSSc; Hrnndywlne, J2 454i2.R5. HVi: Hteadv; No. 2 western, tuc, f. o. li ulloat; state, 54e. 0. I. f-, New Yotk. UAKLKY -Quiet; malting, Ib'sfo'tiO, P. I. f., llufTaln. HAHLKY MALT Western, tkJitjtSe. WIIKA'P IterelntH. 1UI.M0 bu ; exports, lfll.200 bu : sales, 1.2M.fKi0 bu. futures. 120.IXX) tin mint. Snot. tlrm. No. 2 ted. S2'jC. f. o. 1'. afloat; No. 2 red. sO'.c, elevator; No. 1 norllicrn Duluth. S5Vc. f o b. afloat. Ob tains were firm nnd higher this morning on a good demand Irom shorts nnd further r.ilnu In the northwest, collided with smaller spring wheat carlot arrlals. Foreign bouses bought moderately at the start Closed tlrm at 'e net niUance, March, S..MI K.V; closed, sTi'hc; May. Vi'i'ii'si'; iloseil sr.c; September sou,riSO,c-, cloicd, Wc October closed, il'c. December cloacd, S3'C HAY Quiet. Hlupplnu. 'JMl'So. kooiI to rtiotert VlkoS-lc COHN Hecelpts, 9I.IW0 liu.; exports. 11. VW l.n : sales, (i.tviil tin. futures. 24ii.(H) lit), spot Hunt. tlrm. No. 2. 47c. elevator, and 4s'ic f o. b., afloat. option developed fair urength also. Influenced by llrmnebH Hbrnnd. the adam o In wheat and a scarcity of speculative offerings. Dually eased off under reulKIng and closed steady t c net (Iodine, Ma. 41jllV. closed, UV , Sep Omaha wiioi.n.xi.K .MAiticirrs. Coildlllotl tif Trnile nod Quotations (in .ttiile unit l'nne I'rodtier. KGOP Heccipts liberal; good stock Aim nt nViUUv. LIVH I'OI'LTHY - Heni. 7c; roosters, Sfllc; spring chickens, kc; ducks, 4t5c, geese, 4f?.".c; turki'ys, Sc. FIIKSII IHU:?SI:d I'On.TtlY-llens. 8.-i f9c; roosters, 6jii; ducks and geee. Cft iOe. broilers, tier lb., lOtfillc, turkeys. 12'4i3. HFTTKH-r'ommon to fair, 13c; choice. lf.fllUe; separator, 21c; gathered creamery, IDfic. FIHtl-Trout, 10c; blueflh. 9c; pickerel, fc, cattish, 12c. drcsed butf.ilo, 6c white fish. inc. herring. 5c. blnik ba-s, Ific. hnl mon, 13c; while Inns. PV, ropple. 10c; pike. 10c; halibut, ile; burtie.t.H. t'e; ring perch Ce; lobsters green. 22e. b l.e.l lob sters, !3e; mackerel, 2.c; codtl"h, 10c; yellow perch, He. FHHSir OYSTRUS-Flrst grade, solid packed. New York counls, oer can. 40c; extra selects, 3Sc; standards ixc. Second grade, slack filled, New York counts, per can 30c; extra selects, 21c; standards, 2)c. FianONS I Ive, per dozen. Wc. VKAI.H Choice flCTIOr. HAY Prices quoted bv Omaha Wholesale ll.i Healers' assoelatlon Choice uplnnd, M.W; No. 1 upland, JSlK); medium, J7.M: coarse. J TA Hye straw. Ji. These prices are for hay of good coior and quality. Ho celpts. none. Demand fair and prices tlrm. iATSNo. 3 white, 2Cc. COHN-No. 3, 3Sc HHAN-J12M VnOKTAlJLKS. CrCI'Airif;p.pPer dozen. 20ti2oc NOW TI'ItNIPS-P. r bu"hri basket. CCe. MOW IllIKTS For dozen bunches lriH'-'Oc. NliW CAimoTM-Per dozen ounches, 2".c. I.HTTFCi: -Per dozen. lufllRo. HA OIBI 1 KS Home grown, per dozen, 13c. HHANS Wax, per half bushel basket, 40c, siting. ;c. POTATi 'ICS-Per b ishcl. ?:0o; sweet potatoes, 1 er pnitnd, 2c. C'AHHAfin- Home grown, per pound, I';. J.tCLIFLliWFIt-Per dezen. . To.MATOKS-iiomo grown, per half bushel basket. 4c ONHiMS Home crown, per bu., uOftijOc. CHLIJHY Ncbrsska. 30tit0c. FHFIT3. PKACIIKS-Calltornla freestones, S5c: clings, 7. c FLCMa-Callfornla. per crate, Jl.lO'il 2.". PHl'NFS I'lah and Colotado, per crale, $1; per box. 60c HAHTLF.TT PICAHS-Fcr box. Sl.TV32.00. other?. V r,0f?I 7S C.IiAFFS-California Tokays. 4-baskt crate, ji .,ii; Concords, home grown, 17f19c; Ui l.uvare and Niagara, ner n-tb. bnsket. 15c. WATKHMIir ON. As to-lzc 2rtfi23c each. I'A.MAMii Gem', per dozen, 4iic latgo sizes, flnjj7,"(. .in'i.i'h-Miiiu'. oiijisl per tut.; per bid. ?2.ri0fi3o0. Crab apples, per lib!.. J.1 CHANHKHHIL8 Per bbl., J7; per crate. J2 M. THOIMCAL FIltTITS. OHANCF.S -Valenclas, JI 25ill.75. LIJMONS-California, cvtrii f.-incv. iK.M: choice. J 1 (iiv,i.-, .s IIANANA8 Per bunch nrcnrittni- In size J2.00'3:.7r.. MlfCIiLLANKOCS. Nt'TS -Kngllsh walnuts, per lb., 12313c; filberts, per lb., 12c, ulinonds, tier lb lti' jsc; raw. per in , iijirie; roasti-rt, n;Jfijc HinHS Nn. 1 green hides, fc; No. 2 gr -?n hided, Be; Nj. 1 salted hides, 7Wc; No. 2 salted hides, fii4c. No 1 veal calf S to 12 lbs., he; No. 2 cal calf. 12 to 11 Ibj., fc- St. I.iiiiIm firnlii nnd Provisions. ST. LOCIS, Sept IS. -WIlKA'I-MlHter; No 2 red. cash. levator, i-ir, track, 'ei i(7Cc; .September. 74c; Oi tober. 747tC H ctinber. 7C,c; May, SJUo, No. 2 hard, 70V'71o. COIIN Strong; No 2 cah, C9r- trnck, 40,., September HSUo; October, 37(4c; De cember, 31c; vear, M'c. OATS Firm; No. 2. 2lSe; track. 2P.?22c; September, 2l,c; lieceniS'r. Mav, 2f'ic; No 2 white, 2.iW2,iUc. FLOi'It 1'lrm and held higher. SHHDS Tlmothv, steady, nt M.TBliM'1: clin-er, strong. J'.SS'fiS.tO; (lax, higher, nt COUNMHAL-Stendy. J2.00ri2.05. HHAN Strong; sucked lots, east track, C0l70c. IIAY-Qulet; timothy. J3.00ff 12.00; pralrl", jo dOtt; mi WIIISKY-Steadv. JI.20 I HON COTTONTIF.S-JI 30. ItA(lC,lvc,-?.10',S.S5. IIKMP TWINH- He. FHOVIRIONS-Pork, tlrm: Jobbing. J12.&0, Lard higher: choice, J'i G71;. Dry sa't meats, slroncer: boxed ex.ra shorts. $7. 7 Ti ; clear ribs, J7 87U; clear 'Ides. JS ii Ilacou, tlrm; boxed extra shorts, J.3"lj ; clear rtln, JS 5o; clear sides. Jvr2. M HTA I.S Lead, steady at Jl-HVi. Spo'.ter, weak at f3 S. PoI'LTItY -Steady; chickens, CflSc; tnr ki vs. 7e; ceesc, S'se. KOI IS- SH adv at 12'-c. ltl'TTHK Steady; creamery, 17frtlc; dnlrv. lRil"e. HFCHIPTS-Flour. 12,f0 bbls.: wheat. lCl.nOo bu ; corn. :il.rto bu ; oats. s;,()W hu SIIIPMILNTS Fl.or 15'flj bbls.. wheat, C2.000 bu., corn, Stl.OiW bu.: oats, 21,000 bu. Liverpool Crnln mill Provisions, LIVF.ItPOOL Sept. 15 -WIIKAT-Spot, llrm; No. 2 red western winter, tisiud; No. 1 northern spring, i'is4Hd; No. 1 California, fis 3d fols r'-d. ."utures qulel; September, fisiVd; December, fifH'sd. COItN-Spot, American mixed, new, 4s Hid; American mixed, old. nomlnnl. F11 lures, quiet; Octnher. laid; Noyember, 4s 4rvl; December. 4s3'd. 1L( il'lt Hi. I 0 i!s t.tney winter, llrm. ss, VltoVlSIONS- n, ef, extra India mess, dull, Tist'd; prime mess, stonily. Ols 3d. 1'ork, nrlnie mess, western, steady 72s ft I Lard. Ametlcnti lellncd, in palls, dull, 37s pd; prime western, m tierces, sieajv, sm. tinins, short cut. 14 to 111 lbs., dull. 34s. llacon, Cumber nnd cut. 28 to 30 lbs., lis: short r lis IS to 22 lbs., tlrm. t7s: lone clear light. 30 to 35 lbs., llrm. 43s; long clear heavy. 35 lo 411 lbs, llrm, 12s (id; short clear backs, Id to IS lbs., tlrm. 42s: clear bellies, 11 to It. lis steadv. 37s; shoulders, square, 12 to 14 lbs Arm. ss Ol I l.I .SI" American llnest white, tlrm. 52 (Id; Amerlcuu llnest white colored, tlrm. S3 6d. rALLOW-Prlme. stendv. 2tsfld: Aus trallnn In London, steady. 25s Id JH'TTHll Flitted States llnest, P4s; I'nlted states goon, mis PKAS-Canaillan. 5s 10'id. Prmliloiis Are lulet nntl on the I'll nril OihiIp, IIpIiik tin' Most In terest lilts Feiittire, I'll li 1 11 K n .In 111 p of title. CMICAOO, Sept. 15 -Wheat was surpris ingly strong today on higher cables and un favorable weather, October closing lc higher. Com closed 'jc and oats a shade lower. Provisions from 5c higher In lard and ribs to Goc up In pork. October wheat opened "SflfiC over yester day at 70ij76Hc ami sold to 7iV. The crowd was rather short as a result of yesterday's deals and when Liverpool showed nn ad vance of 'jd In place of the decline whb h had been expected, In view of the wmkness here the previous session, they made a rush to cover. Tho demand was further stimu lated and the supply decrensed by more wet weather In the nr . thweit, necnmponlsd by Indications of frost and snow. Coinmlsoioit houses sold treely nt the ndvance. but lue offerings were well taken and the close wei strong, October Ic higher at 76. Theie was a fair cash demand hero and that was also a help toward the end Trade was fairly active. Primary receipts wire 1,074.'iW bushels, compnred with l.b','1.000 last year Mlnmspolls and Dultifh reported .OS curs, against W!i last night and t.7 u year ago. Local receipts were 40 curs. s of contract grade. Clearances In wheat and Hour were equal to MJVKiO bushels New York repoftt d 33 loads taken for export. Cash sales here Were 3n0,(l bushels. Corn was dull and ensv. Many trailers left the pit to participate In tile griater ac tivity In wheat. October sold bctwien au'4i nOV- and 30?uO. closing '40. hlRher at 37!v . Hecelpts were iVj cars. Oats wen dull and neglected und nbso lulely bare of speculative I en lures. October sold between 22c and 21Y(i21'c and closed 11 Bhado lower at 21V(l2l'ii0. HecelplH were 3u cars Provisions were quiet, save In October pork, which furnished an interesting fea ture. Two traders with hlmit lines out rt tempted to cmer. Offerings were light 1 nd they rnpldly bid the price up. October pork sold between til 15 and 12 illid closed ur higher at $12. October lard closed 5c higher at Ji;.77b and October ribs 5c belter at J7.27M:. Fatlmnted receipts Monday: Wheat, iV5 cars; corn, 050 cars; oats, 373 cars; hogs, 2D, ijoo head. The leading futures ranticd as follows: ami with their allotments on subscrip tions d 10 the middle of next month and No vember there will recur the possibility ot gold shli nietits"r lr tin week It Is an noutn ed that New York bankers hnd sub scribed to a new gold Herman lonn to tho amount of :Vi,ooo,n.m London also has sud denly awakened to the realization that the H.itM of lJneland has a ted with foreknowl edge in Its vigorous opposition to the policy of lenders In the outside market, and Lon don discount rates hac turned upward. The new German loan has as a background the large Husslan loan seeking n market and further Ilrltlsh emissions of some kind for ndlltar expenditures It Is evident also that while New York banks have ! en expanding their loans to foreign borrowers the demands upon the New York market have been largel met by interior banks out of their abundant e, so that now, with the movement of the rops the fall demand upon the New York market has been largely mot bv Interior banks. ltontls have tain pradltaltv dormant all week. L'nlted States new 4s have advanced tho old 4s 'u, the refunding 2s, when Is sued, and the 6s , and the 38 1 per cent In the bid price. The Commercial Advertiser's London ca blegram says: The markets here are stag nant and tljll today on the China and th' money outlook, discounts having risen, owing to the Herman loan and the an nouncement of a further Issue of 2,000.oio treasury dims issiimi ny tne war loan act. Americans were quite neglected and In clined to droop below parte.. Tlntos were llrm ami Anacondas weak Sliver was llrm, thouah the Calcuttu f rwnrit price was only 73c. Followln.t nre the closing prices ott tho New York Stock exchange: Articles. 1 Open. lllgh.l Low. Close.l Yes'y. Wheat 1 Sept 78 I Oct. 7651 'i Nov 7C',,!'a, Corn Sept to?; Oct. 3!U, Nov 3G O'lts Sept 2li Oct. 22 Nov 22'4 Perk- I Oct. 11 45 Jan I 11 27'6 Lard- I Oct. f. 75 Nov J C 721 Jan I C 55 Hlbs- 1 Sept . 7 15 I Oct. 7 25 ! Jan 0 00l No. 2. 70' II ' SOUTfJM 1 22'i 12 fO o! 70 1 70! 40j SO',5 21VV213,fri'ili 7!?H,' '5 70 VlS-1!! 77's! 70'j 40 l' 3S'I J'J'h 21S 11 15 11 32U 11 27U Atchln'm 2. I'M n l a Ilia du pf.l Mi, .1.1 1 fj , I la tlmo 0 .4 Ohio.. 6 ' W..bsh Ciiliudlan I'aclfli' ... H do ptd I'aiiada So 4- 1 Wheel. I,, U. ( he Oh.o 2; d.i ;l iM.. .. li.cagu U. W Di Wis. "Mural .U2's Th id Avmu .. a Ail ran Kx .. li Am rlcnn Ux .,161' K.1 .. Jli, Vells-Ka:Ku Ux.... 10 S .... s .... 91 .... l.'i ...,it;i .... H'i .... e; .... 11 .... a: ....r.j .... 1 , .... !') ...,116 .. . IS 4 .... 41 .... M f. 77', fi 75 0 57' 7 GO 7 27'-. t! W'f I 0 75 0 721 15 55 ! I 7 li 7 in 10 12 to 11 30 0 77'. 0 75 I 0 57'ij 7 00 I 7 2 '-I 0 UJi,! 11 to 11 25 0 72', G 7.. n 55 7 I') 7 2.'s 0 Oo Cash nuotnllnnii vere ns fnUova FLOI'H Firm; winter natents, $3.ogiM: straights, HBHJSW: cba-s, 53.IOVt3DO. sprlnc specials, 51.60; patent". JtMQ4,0. str.Hthts. J.1onti3.50. bakers. Ji.ta2 "J. WIIHAT No. 3, 71W70c; No. 2 red, 77'itf 70c. COHN-No. 2, 40lijllil;-, No. 2 yellow, 41'ii li'.e. 'ATS -No 2. 22',2c, No. 2 white, 2!,'e; No. 3 white, 2l'("25Uc. HYH-No. 2. C2c. JIAHLHY-Ooort fefdltiK, 3?c; fair to choice malting, Willie. SHHDS-No 1 flax, Jl.f.1; No 1 northwest ern. 11 55 Pilme timothy, 5I.1P-Rl.30. clover, contract crude. J!0t0. ,,,.,,, PltOVlSIONS Mess pork, ner bid., $11 01 till 05. Lard, per 101 ).. JC 771-.j0..0. Shor ribs lloone). J7.45ft7.73. Dry silted shoulder (boveiU, rPfcGHc. Short clear sides (boxeiH. jj.rii'Krr,, 10 WHISK Y-Hnsls of hlg'i wines, JI l.'ollowlng are the receipts and shipment of the principal grains: 1 .ctf i;o niii;'ii.-.ti- F. .Vac Ci.t Ol. do M Anvr. y.a t ng ,. du pfi Amer. R. ti It.... d i pfd Amo-. ip;rlti ... do pf,i Am. r. S. Hoop... d.i pfd Am r. w. A- w... d pf.l Am i. Tn l'.ate dc. p'. .... Amcr. IVLuo o .. d.. if.l Anne Milling Co. Ili-ooMitt H. T .. ... Ol'i t do. Fuel ...209 Con THucio .. II', di pfd ... SS lVilcral ,"tl .. .. ...113 da pfd ... in, tlm Itle-irlv ... .'iJij OIu'ofp Sugar ..... ... 91 do pfd ... 49'i Itit-r. I'ajjer do pfd Uv-lrile Ons Notional Ills 'Utt . do t.fd Noll imil Lead .. . do iiM 7t'4 Nalloiml Steel . .., .Vi, do pfd t.9'4 N. Y. Air llrakt. 2) No AmeHi-nn 4J l'ae'llc (Vat 74 . 1I0 1st ptd 12J do !d rfi 1Mb Pacltlc .Mall r,i4 l'cnpl-'s O.11 I.', l'reesid Si. Car ... dn p'd rullmm P. Car... H. It. A- T u?ar Mo pfd Tenn. Ceal A- Iron 1' S. Latlier .... d.i pfd S 3 F. S Hubbor .... Ill do r-M 3 Wetm t'i4 Kepublle Z?1 do pfd tr, P. c. c c . 17'j S . 2-Ml . Ut .110 HI 11) . ti .IK . 3:t . 8' ' . tJ . Zi . (dS !' 17 . IS', . n . 16' ... 35 , ... V ... SO ...Kti ...12 '1 . . 31S 17,'ii) 11.0 0 214 ri m)i 'OI.W 3S7,01 3i:.,iA) 207,0 0 y 0l l.ol 6.5.00 27,00) On the Produce exchange louav me mu ter market was wcaK; rrcauiero-n. ;n;n;' 20',c; dairy. Hftlse. (', nrm; i,n llc. l.ggs. sie.inv. ijc. MOVH.MHNTS OK STOCKS AM) HOXflS. Flour, lib's Wheat, bu Com, bu . Oats, bu .. live, bu ... Harley. bit 13. & Q Clli. 111. I. c I,.... d.i pf.l .nlcnuo it 17. til Chicago & N. W C, II I. ft P.... 0. C C .V St. I.. Culotadi .eo du tut pfd do 2.1 rr ; Del. & Hudwn .. UH I.. & V Dmver & It. il . do pfd IM.' do tut pfd fit. Nor. pfd Iliieklnt t'ual .... Hocking Vallfy lilini.tH Central h a ivntrui . . do pf.l Luke i:Me i W. do pfd Lake Shore I. A N .Manliattaii 1. ... Met. ft. Ily. . .. Mixlcin Central Minn. .V f t. I... ttu pfd Mo. Pacific .... Mai'.'o Ohio . M.. K. & T d.i pfd N. J. Central .. N. Y. Central .. Norfolk & V.... ln p d Nn. Pacltlc .... tin pfl Otnnrlo Sr W.. On. P.y. & Nav do pfd Pennsylvania ... HiMdlnu do 1st pfd do 2d pfd lllu G. W di rf.l.. ft L. & S, do 1st pfd ... . do Id pfl St. I, Southw.. do pfd St Paul do pfd St. P. & Onintia So. I 'net Me S.. Hallway .... d.i 11 fd. .. Texas & Pacific ... ll P. C. C & St. L... 01 ' Offered. Veiv Vorli .Moiipv flnrki't VRW YillMC. Scot 15. MON MY On cnl'. nominal, I'j per cent; prime mercantile paper, .ti&'i per rein. SILVIHt- Cert'fl a'es C'ftir!;e r.'n.c MTlenti dnlinrs. 4J';c STKHLlNCi LWCllAN'. Steady, wllh actual business In bankTs' hills at JI.SA for ilHniaed and at J4.S.T-. for slxiy days posted rates $1 SfM M'j nnd J4A7'il.v-S; coin- merclal bills. jl.W'fi I 1IONDS State binds, Inactive; rnllroad boi.d.i. wcik: goveri inent bnids, stro a, refunding 2s, when Issued, 104; coupon, Ml. 3s reir. nnd coupon. 110; nw Is reg and . upon, 134; old I- rett.. lll; coupon, 115; . resr. and coupon, 113's. '"he closing prices on uonds todny are as followf.: . T4 . 0' . 9'j . C. . 31 . II', .112'. t'n'on ... 1 A- S.... 121 41 -,Ll Irrn. 31 S. "i :t-. CC 137 ! Pi 1' I'.l't .. . TI . 3I . M . IT's . !i . St'l . &, .12. . if; . All; . (.. . fl', . 31 . 3 . 7. ISO Ib'di 11? 17' 111; C :s 1 , 92 7)i . II 'a bar, the ursatlsfact.Ty outlook In the Iron In- duslr i.atiK fhares w-re wetk 1.x. hanuc on l.otulon. 111 in lit' pies 1 ir cue s.". 1 n court rate- Short bills. f-4 per cent; three momhs' bills. I' per ceet PARIS. Sent 15. Pr C's were nrm on me bourse today, owing to the favorable atti tude of Industrials, international secu'i ties partly recovered. H!o Tlntos were In demand KrttMrs were -strong, but outet. Three per cent rentes, MH 7tc for the ac count; exchange on Lonlon, 2Sf 18c for checks. Spanish 4, 72f '."Z'jc. JI .M0.664; JMM,- It 11 it U Clcnrlimi. HUSTON. Sent. 15 -Clearings, balances, Il.97S.i50l. HALTI.MOHR. Sent 15 -Clearings 007; bnlnnces. 30s,ih.i NEW YOHK. Sent 1r. -Clearings, JI2S.- 023.267; balam es. l!t.9! PHILADF.LI'IIIA. Pa.. Sept. 15,-Clear- Ings, JU,7is.iyj; balances, I1.0SI.SS2. CINCINNATI. O. Sent. 15 -Clenrlh-s. J1,5!I.&A0. New York exchange. 20c dlf ctutit. Motley, 3'ii0 per cent CHlCAtiO. Sent. 15 -Clearings. ls,S27,0Sj; babmces. $I.;O'.0".'l Foted cxchatiijc. JI M' til.S. New York exchange. V discount. ST l.OFIS. Mo. Sent 1 Clearing", 51 . 3M.0O7; ba'atices. J.M7 0V!. Mon . I't" per rent. New York exchnlige. I'V dljcount bid. 20c discount asked. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Week Closes with Onstomarj Light Run of Cattle and Sheep. HOG MARKET STARTS UPWARD AGAIN ' Until Cornfed t nttle nml Feeders Are t'oiildcrubl) l.imcr fur the WceL but Sheep nml l.ninbs llnie Ally iiticcd Miurplj. SOF Hecelpts were: Olllclal Monday .... Olilclal Tue-dav .. Olllclal Wedaesdny tmiclal Thursday Otilclnl Friday .... Olllclal Saturday .. TH OMAHA, Sept t5 Cattle. .. fi.M'O .. J.i'41 .. 4.0M .. 1.061 . l.W . . UH Hogs Sheep l,t' 7.2M 10,. fi 5.ol 3,570 17 . Ml .'. .f, : !! .J' Si .V, 74 71 . 1 0 4" S V't SS J7i I' I. I7' "4 . 2.4 Hi S0:vt 61. :.. ii ij' n 7!. . ,'7 IM f. ""' 7., 7 . m s i'V a . 67.. .. 3 It' S 7't tW , 70 . 217 Pl f 0?S 1 ci ;so 41 in', si 7 111 till 5 67', ' . t 10 t. c;i, M VI . .. ;?.l . H tit : 11 lit 1 . m .I'S .M 10 4 i 10 S 1" I ' S ' 1 .- I 5 1'. I? 1 S '.''. fl t." K I.-', . 1. I f. r. 1 5 i res Knuii City nil 11 nnd I'rorlslons, KANSAS CITY SffPt. 15 WHKAT D, cembcr. (ISe; cash, No. 2 lnrd, 07'o'6SVic; 4o. ,i, iiO'iiiin.c; io j reu, COHN lU'cember. "3fj"ntie Uv. "UK 3le; cash. No. 2 mixeii, 35lj3i'ic; No. 3 white. 2U'-'72:tc; No. 3, 2fc. OATS-No. 2 white, 2c. HYH-No 2. 47c HAY-Cholco timothy, J10O1; choice prairie. $ 00 nFTTKH-Creamery, UM20c; dairy, fa-icy, 17c KOCS Steady: fresh MIourl and Kan sas stock. 12'c dez . loss off, cases ie turned; new whlto wood easoi Included, V mere. HF.CI'IFTS-Wheat, 19,t) bu. ; com, 13.60) bu ' oats. fun bu SIIU'MHNTS, 2'0 fOl bu ; corn, 1S.S0O bu . t ats, 3.000 bu. Cull'oriiln Dried I'mlls, NI7W YOHK. Sent. 15 -CALIFORNIA pniHO FHFIT-The inirket fcr evtp orntnl app'es was quiet an J cloi-'ed at nom Inft'lv unchnimi'd pries S'nie comm n. :iv; prime. 4V;5'e: choice, i'i"; fa icy, f.j'IO'ic California dried fruits dull and tin. chaniTcd at 3t7'vc per pound for prunes, ns 10 size and uunlltv Anrlents, r" H'-f 14e; Monr Park, lVdlilc. Peaches, peeler1, 14 jllSc; unperled. frillie. Peorlii Mr.rUet. FHOHIA. Sept. 15 COHN Firm : No 2. 40e OATS--Flrm: No. 2 white. 234c. track WHISKY On the banu gf 120 for tin Ishcd o. Js, .Sntlirdiiy's Short Session Ilrenus n Dili's lteeiird for the noistn. NHW YOHK, Sept. 15. The same factors which caused the break In prices at yester day afternoon's stock market continued in rnrV in.lnv anil more business was done ditrlni; the two hours of the Sntuiday short session than on nnv full uav tins moiuo. Llouldatlon was puuniy 111 ni. u . bear operators sold In bunion 01 tue uiu -Itft In contldence that lower prices i wo .ld enable them to cover at a prollt. I he dc- c lines which incy nroiisiii uooui 0. nu- ..... uncovered many slop-loss orders, had been placed in the market as 11 prccau- tlonarv measure uv recent "i'1 "' ' ers. I no points 01 wt-.iiMn-.-n . - dent that the li.jul.lution was larRelv of speculative accounts. In People s t.pp tin 10 Is a large short uccount already and the de mand to cover was wirne eiioni,o ... o that stock comparatlvtly steads until near the ClOSe Otllerwise, tue wenno.-,-, ...... quite Kcneral and evenly uisii lo'iieu. if principal murium n" "." '; . i. M. the coalers, uranuers. Fncltles and trunk ni.. ilw. t.rliiclnnl sufferers. The Hteel stocks and th" leadlnit HI"'' 'laities show the same r.ilure of losses. These were ex- t 'iided from : points in miKiir. uiihiou, Mi'iioiiolltan. F.lecl lie, Northwest ern l.rle lirst prorerreu nun i.inin ,v C.blo nreferred. '1'he bear tnders coven d In rome Blocks, but in others the fe'llni? con tinued In I.uue volume 10 me ciusc, ui n was active and weak The decrease tn tlu cash reserves of Jl.iril.20u came close to the preliminary estimates, HhowltjK that na tional banknotes have not taken the place of local tenders to any extent In the out ward currenov movement. The loan ex pansion of J7.n22,0eo Is largely due lo Iho operation of tho Oennan loan suhscrlpllon and Is a reminder that even If no oId soes out In pavment of the subscription the de mands upon the local money markei will have tho effect of absorhlnK available credits. Althoiii'h surplus reserves jtlll stand at over JJO.fiO.nOO. compared with a merely nominal surplus at this time la-' year, the sequence or last year's events was so tinsatlsi'actorv that the parallel doea not vleld a ft'clltiK of contldence over the ability of the money market to meet such a trpld rate of deplotlon na Is disclosed by lodav'fl bank statement. The lethargy of the stick market was t.n relleved durlnK the wei k and t 10 liml'i'.I ec tlvlty nnd the narrow movements of prices were nolhlns more than rlpnles on .11 sur face of a deep and staRnint pool Some positive deprerslon has resulted fnm the declaration of tho anthracite miner' A'rlke, lint tin? effect on prices, even on the group of cotnmen till catrvlns; railroads, has been small. The extensive propertv damage in Texas and the naturally depreusins In lluenco of the aptialllnc disaster to oilman lives had nstonlshliiKly llttlo effect en prices. Favorable deselopments are Ignored. Current vnllroad earnings, thottrh In aoino cases not fully up to lust year's high level, are by no moans so much Impaired ns was apprehenileil wnen tue ir.iu penon 01 uie stock market bepan Many railroad nys tems show handsome Increases over last year In spite of the latRer expeure of opera tion. The renewal of the demand for Iron and Iron prodints has meamrnbl.- rclleod apprehension over the future of that Im portant lndustr. and the urgent demand fot- cotton markets made up In the money return for the shortness of the crop. Partly by a process of elimination of these vnriotifi supposed causes of dullness Wall atreot has reverted to Its earK apprehensions over tin autumn market. Thepe were lulled by the continued apparent ease of money, the larpe Increase In the currency by banknote ex pansion nnd Fnlled States treasury dis bursements, the ab.indance of money 1 im ported In Interior banks, ns Indicating a smnll demand this fall upon New York banks for crop moving purposes, and the decline In sti tllns oxchinuo from the yold export nolnt. The week's eents have ie sultcd In some bardenlni; of money 11 tcs In New York, nnd the tone Is slctdlle intlv firmer, l'arly In the wetk It became In. wn thut prenaratlons had been made by a mem ber of the Ilrltlsh lonn syndicate to i-hlp .told this wei k to meet th" Installment due on subscriptions to the lonn. but the volume of cotton bills brought on the exchange market broke the rate and frustrated th Intention to snip unin Apparentlv tins 1 rr- lin syndicate Is under n eontintfcnt or I in plied obligation to fa. lhtate u- jM ehipmcnu IT. P. r-f. : iln coupon iln it. r B .lo coupon do new 4' do coupun ilu old 4. ilo coupon. rtn Ss. r K ilo cnupon t r . .t s.. Atch. cm. ir -- li mlj. 4a Canada Fo. ! flies. & O. 44s. d 1 ."s r. iv V w do S. F. d"h rrc.101 IV Y r. n. .. ....I'H'jlN J '. sen. 5. .. .11) 1 No. Ilo 3i.. . ... !') I di 4 j....r:i N ..INS ur .... 111 tiv 1.1 .ni's V. r ft Pt 1, It .107 v. coiusi O ... Nnv. In 1 do la 103'! O etton S I fji . .IJ"i, .11314 du ts . . Ill 1 lto irllic tcnfral . k i. .101 '1 ltlo ti. W. Is.. 514 et I, A I M e rj.. , ...1 '4 .t I. & S F r. fi . SS'a Ht Paul c'lnsnH 1JJ.,SI. P. C. & P. is . 'I I di Is .'.S..liO, So. I'Krlflc 4 Tr. .. 4s.... (1. Is.. 4k Is 111 'c lire Cote. P I) It ilo 4s IM Ken. ral l 1' W & I. C O 11. n-rtrl- 's.. Iowa Central Is . I,. A- N. nnl. 4 . M., K. T. 2i.. On 4S When Issued . S4 S Itallwiy Rs . ?14,H It T f... .1' T'X. & I'ar.flc Is . CO, M'j Cnlon Pacific 4....l 9S 'I 121, W, 'I".. I'l'l 7 114', 7 1 2 Cotton Market. NF.W YOHK, Sept. 1 COTTON The cotton market opened steady, with prices UP 23 to 19 no nls nnd rem h'-d a leycl of ..'if 31 points aboe lust nlijht s Hunt bids before a biff scire or snorts siioweu tue ursi sign of nbatliiK. The bears were ci iRht over- nlttht by a slartllni? bull swims or the i;ni; llsh market and b a more pessimistic crop summary by the Chtonlcle than was ex- lectetl. The cables showed Liverpool to inve developed pronounced strength after n brief response to our weakness or into yeslerdni. reported to base resulleil irom iiulllh tMironicle statements, kooiI sales In Fall Itlver cloth markets on a .".-cent basis, n llrmer tone of southern spot markets and Increased estimates of the lexas crop dam- aite by the recent storm. Lurope cahieit important buyltiR orders to represeniatives on Ihls side and this, too, rurnlsneii con siderable b.islness on the bull side. The public bought with tin encourni;tni: show of conlldence, while the room trade, which had none home heavily oversold last night. In antidilution of n further severe tumble, coverrd. There was n sllnht rea Hon after the call under week-end Kollltiir of n settle ment character, but the market us a whob was concrnllv steadv, with the undercur rent of sentiment bullish The markei for futures closed strontt ' with prices 20f?4! points net hlKlier. Spot 1 Iom'iI HleailV, c advance, middling uplands, l"c; mlddlliiK Rlllf, 11'fC; snles, WO bales. I'utiires closed stronc; Septciber, 1 . -tOo ; October. 10 10c, November. 10.02c; Iiecetnber, 10 02c; Jati uarv, 10,01c; February, U.IKc; March. P.!7c; Atirll, S.9Jo; May, P.llic: dune, P.Wc; July, !).9c. NHW OHLHANS. Sept. 15.-COTTON-Qulel; sales, 2,i'im bales; ordinary. 91-IOc; Kood ordinary. 9,4c; low mlddllni;. 10ic. tnldillln, lie; ood mlddllni;. ll'4c, middling fnlr. H'c; receipts, 2,llKi bales; slock, 15.210 bnles. I.'utures, steadv; September. 10.02c hid: October. lO.OSijlO 1 9c. November, HHi 9S5o; December, ! S2iii9; .lanuarv. niti 9V3c; Kebrtiary. 9 saw.slc. March, !).SIi9.S0c; April. f'.SIffj'l vrtc; Mav, 9S519.S7C ST. l.OFIS. Sept. !.. COTTON -,e hlKher. llrm: mlddllni,'. lfl',c. sales, none; receipts, 511 bales; shipments, S9 bales; stock, S.II7 bnles. till Miii'Kets. NHW YOHK. Sept 15 OILS- Cotton see 1 oil, llrm; ellow. ::0'5c. Petroleum, dull; retlned New York S' 50; Phlladelphi.i end Hattlmore. Jx 10; Phllidelphl.i and Haiti more In bulk. $5 15 Hnln. unlet ; strained common lo cood. 'I'urpetttlpe, steady; IPjUfiaic. OIL CITY. Sent. 15 -fil LS-Credll bal ances, JI.25; certllleates, no bid; no rutin nor shipments reported. LONDON. Sept 15 Ol LS-Turpenllne spirits 27s. Calcutta Unseed, Hpot, 57s; Unseed oil. 33s 7l-.l. L1VKHPOOL. Sept 15-OILS-Cotton-seed, Hull refined, November and April, steady, 20s 0d. Turpentine hplrlts, steady, 27s 9d. Hnsln common, steadv, 4s 9d. Lin seed, 34s 9d. I'etrole um. 8Vd. CuCfeo Mnrkcf, NHW YOHK. Sept 15 -COFFUK-Spot Hlo, quiet; mild, quiet, Cordova. 9jfillc I he market for futures opi neil steady 5 points decline, and ruled Inactive, wl'h a weak undertone fo'.lowliu; lower IPimv Hlo and Santos quotations, l.irpe receipts and predicted Increase In American v'si ble. rhe Hlo exchange rate wn private v cabled lad. maximum, not wltlrtandlni; tho public uuotatl ,11 of 1",,) IV.ilniH was slack The mnrkel ob'''l steady, with prices net unchanged Tot il sales, 7.7'0 ba"s, Includlin,- September, J7 20; November. J7.30fi7.35: Deci mber, J7 40; I'cbruary, J7.55; May, JlImVi.iO. Silulir Mniliet. LONDON. Sept. 15.-SFO A H-Heet. Sea- tetnhrr, IN 9d NF.W OHI.I'.A NS. Sent. 15-SFOAH Quiet; open kettle. 4,C, centrlfiiBal yel lows T-ftiSw- eco'ids oTii 9-ll.e NHW YOHK. Sept. 15 -SI fiAIt-ItH'V. firm, fair leilnlnfr. 4t,c; cenlrlfuiral 'fj test, 5c: molasses sucar. Ic; refined, firm, No. 0. $5 iM: No 7. $5 50. No. !, J5 40: Ni. 9. J5 30, No 10. $5 25; No II. 5 15; No 12, $5 10; No 13, 15 15. No. II. IFi to; M'andard A, J5.93; confectioner"' A, $195: cut loaf. JO 55: crushed. Jfl 55: powdered. $0.25; granulated, J0.15; cubes, J0.30. Nmv orli IJry l.ooils, NEW YORK. Sent. 15 -The week closed with still more buyers than sellers In most lines of cotton goods. Itrown sheetings and drills not quotnltie for forward con tracts, woolen goods frequently held above buyers' present limits; coarso-coloreil geods are strong; bleached In good do main), some heavy 0-squares above re cent lowest prices; print cloths very strong; prints active; cotton yarns not quotable owing to retlcenso of buyers. Total this week .. . 25,01s 3l,i.$ eck ending Sept. .v.. .19.350 31,319 V.cck ending Sept. 1.. ..2 .'71 "3 049 eek ending Aug 25 17.0''? Week ending Aug. is 17.015 31. LO Average price paid for hogs for the nays, wun comparison MCI 1.IK5 S.7'l' S.772 OA 17' 1.J19 3V.2:S 32.552 l".61 1 43.:'? ' 31.177 last SIIKF.F-There were otilv ft few cur- el sheep on the market today nnd they w.-m mostly feeders, so llu re was no pnrtlcul r cliHtige In market conditions There was a s!lnht Increase In the rreelpts Of sheep this week, as comnared With list week, und also as compared with the cor responding week of List year The demand however, was futlv cqi al fo thu iiceasle'i and, its 11 result, the market ha t . itettve nnd strong all the week At the cl. s. of the week It Is safe to sav that lambs are close to 2Cc hUher. while sheep .ir. 25fi3iV higher. A slrlctlv . holte bum b sheep or venrlliiK" would pr.'b, bK lirlnc 1 high ns $100. Lambs sold Ihls week as bbi'i as J5.38. and all extra prime b nu h might sell as high as $5 80, but they woi.ld bin. to be strictly primp In every vvnv The feeder market has not cb inge.l mn ' during the week The dctratid Is good ..' tirescnt pilces, but lmyern do not se.-m i lie willing to pay more The week !',. with quotatloii!i about where they were a wecK ago Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug Aug. Aug. Aug Aug Aug. Aug Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug Sept. Sept Ppt. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept Se pi. Sept. Sept. Kept Sept. 1900. I 97 4 AS ft l 4 95 ! 5 03 5 02 5 01 ; 4 97 5 Ol' 5 re i.o , Quotations: Choice western gra s vv. il" r l"99.;iW.lv97.I9?. 1V90 iivfl. ;t 75f, 4 in, clndcc gras vearllng. J.: 7 I 2 S3 1 I 9S I 5 02 . 1 6 02 5 (0 I 5 05 5 04S1 ' . 1 I 5 02 , . 11 OA, .1 5 OS It .1 5 ff,i; ., f. tisM 5 lOTt ' r. 1 mi .! 5 22 .1 r. 201, . 5 U5. .1 5 0. 4 4H 4 32 I 30: 4 471 4 5l 4 42 I 12 4 ll 4 42 1 4tf 3 751 3 7v! 3 741 3 06 3 07 3 75 3 70, 1 71' 3 ti 3 73 3 70 3 TOi 3 09 3 74 3 U .1 ni 4 O I 4 42 1 I 40 I 4 271 4 20' 4 14 3 7.V 3 72 1 3 70, 3 SI 3 91. I 02 3 97 1 2 S4 2 M 2l? 2 S5 2 ;y 1 ft' 79; 70 4 42 4 471 4 65! 4 51 4 56! 4 49, I 30 1 091 i I 301 5 14' 3 21 f. 0.', 5 04 5 11 ft 07 5 01 ft M sot 1: 3 91, 3 yt 3 991 4 071 2 SI .1 70 3 72 3 6.t! 3 Oil 3 69 3 05 4 19' 4 22 ' 3 02 1 I 23 3 0.11 4 061 4 30 3 Ml 4 02 4 30' 3 001 I 00) 4 291 3 071 3 91 3 OS 4 2l I 221 3 77 I 25' 3 79 I 30' 3 4 M 3 71 2 Sll 2 Si 4 32 4 21 4 2! 4 ri 4 21 I 20 4 311 5 :t :t s ;:) 5 42 5 15 I 5 W 4 07' 2 SI' 4 341 4 04 3 9.11 3 M ;t 2 76 2 7Si 2 SI 2 SI 2 SO 2 Sl t 2 791 3 S2' ; VQ " 00. U ST, 2 70 1 21 r 01 4 131 r. m 4 20 6 ftl 4 22' h 57 6 IS 4 2l 4 of. 1 6 62 4 O'll 5 V2 4 Of,' 5 11 4 00 5 73 4 05 ft 7' I 5 tS Indicates Sunday. The olllclal number of cars of stock brought In today by each road was: Cattle. Hogs. Sh'p. H'rs. C. M. St. F Hy ... 2 O. iV St. L. Uy l Mo. F. Hy. 3 I'. P. system II ,. 1 F, K. M. V. It. II. . 15 .. 2 C . St. P., M. & O. Hy 5 ft H. A M. H. H. H 1 12 7 ". It. .v y. Hy I C . H. I F , east.. . 2 Total receipts 11 K-VI I M7 110 SI2 ... . 917 37 1 131 M 170 "21s :Cft64 T70 I 1 9 U1 911; KiV, , 91 Wabash Is. On 2s West Sho-e 4s Wis. 4.. V. Centurirs ... .1171, .102 .112 . 67H, . S3 lloston StueL llliotlttlillis llOSTON, Sept. 15. Call loans. 2573 per cent; lime loans, i'.ICl1) per cent. Official closing: A.. T. . F.... do pfd Amor Susar ... do pfd A HIT. Telephnif Ho'tun P. cvat'd Host 11 Mo.... C , 'It. Ss Q HoTtlnlmi Cral .. 1'ed ral Hte'l ... d ' p'd Orn. Klett.t' .... tin pfd KI. Elee. Ill Mexican Central Mich. Telephone. N. O. & C... 1 Ud CPnv 1. Id Pimilnlnn ... llubber ,.. , .. 6H, ..11 , .ir.' . II! .. IK'S ,..'.SS ...i::va ... t'nlon Pae tic Went Und AteliUnn 4s... N". 1: n. & c, Adventure Alloiuz Mln. Co Aiual Cojiper ,. Atlantic llostm & Mont. Ch 32i "al A llrc a 9.1 '3 99 :e . t Hi , sri, . 2J's .312 711 . r ,. 0. .Centennial ..1 s Franltlln , ..139 -.lit ..IP flscfola 61 .. 11 Pamt K1 .. 16 K" ncy It. .. D iSun'a Fe Copper .. 4' ..2 i U nh Mlnln? 3"'!, .. C Winona i .. 2S', Wo.VMlncs 4J Sriv YorU Mining; S locks. NHW YOHK. Sept. 15. The following nro the closlnR quotations tor mining shares today: t'lml'iir C'own P Int Ci n ' 'al. St Ya . Pea Iwond c.oulil & currk . Hale St Nercruss I -on Fllver Mix!. nn . 17 . 1' 1 . 4. . S' . 1! -..v., . a .. 21 nml ophir 1 bo mouth ,i" eksilvrr .... d pfl Hen Nevada Htamlarl . ... I ni n Con. ... Yellow .la tiet ..5 VI .. 41 .. 10 ,.6"i . 3) ..Ol .. 1.1 .. 15 Loudon MncU LONDON, Sept F - 05 --1C .93 7-tn Can., m n"y do acci.utjt. Atchison Can idl'in Pa iflc... 9 Mt. Paul Illinois Central nilFVllle fid n Pacific pfd N. Y. central ... ..'li 119', . 73 V . 70 .133'., t 110I11 1 Ions, 0 11 in -Closing: Cr e do 1st pfd I'-nnslvanl.i Heading No. Pacific pfd . . fl and Trunk Annconda Hani Mines 33, 6 7SI.J 1 9 Oe- 'I'oledo MnrUet. TOLKPO. Sept 15 W 1 1 F.AT Dull : tober. 79'ic; December. Slie. COHN Hull; No. 2 cash and September, 42'c; December. 35c. OATS Dull ; No 2 cash and September, 22'c: December. 2.1':c. HYK-Dull: No. 2 cash, 62c OLOVKRSKKD-Active: October, J0.90; December, $0.70; No. 2, Ji.'pit.SO. Plillndcliibln 1'rortnep Mnrknt. FI1ILAD1:LTIII.. Sept. 15.-I1FTTKH-Steadv but quiet; fancy western creamery, 22c: fancv western prints. 23c. KOUS Stendv; fresh, nearby, 1c; fresh western. 17'iff 17'i.o; frresh soulhwestorn, 17c; low southern, 10c. CHI-KSK-FIrm; New York full creams, fancv, small. lFrtll'.c; Now York, fair to choice, lPi.il0c. lliiiieniiolls Wlient MnrUet. MINNHAFOLIS. Sept. 15.-WIIHAT-Septcmber, 70c; December. 777(77'i.c: May, fcOc; to arrive. No. I hard, 79Hc; No. 1 northern. 77'vc; No. 2 northern. 75vb0. FLOL'H First patents, $U0fl.2O: second patents, Jl.oOfjl lO; llrst clears, J3.00fi3.10; second clears, J2.00iii2 10 HHAN Steady at J12.00Jil2.25. The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head Indicated: Huvers. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co 1 li. 11. Hammond Co.... Swift and Company.. Cudnhv Packing Co., Armour St Co Itenton & t'nderwood II. L. Dennis ,t Co .. Liiyton & Co Other buyers Totals CATTLIC Tho usual S.ilurdnv conditions prevailed today, nothltur ot any cons ' quence being offered on the market. The supply of cml .Ii past week 'ut' been fairly liberal, quite a gain having been made oyer tho pie.'Pdlng week, but us compared with last ur there Is a slight decrease. The arrivals were com-pot-ed mostly of western cattle, and inly a 1 few of those were good enough lor klllei-s The supply of cornfed eittle win v-'iy light at this point. I ut still the market Is lower than It was u vvitl; ago. The run of cornfed altle ut some other points has been rather liberal, and packers tlgurc they can get what they want at 1 tivcly lower prices than sellers, are hold lug their cattle for heie As 11 result the tendency of prices has been b wcr nt this point. The better grades nro probably not more than a dime lower for the week, but the common kinds am In cMremo cases a quarter lower. Tho cow market has ben In good t-Iune all the week. The demand has been gnod and hellers found little diniculty In de posing of their cow stuff at Just ab'iut steady prlce.s all around Th" medium kinds In some cases may nave been a little lower, but the week olos up about wli Te It opened runners are also fully steady lor the week. Feeders are not quite as high as they vero a week ago. The heavy weight cattle of good quality are, perhaps, no morn than a dime lower than they wfro a week ag". but from that the decline runs down to 2"c on the common grades. On Thutsday nnd I'rldjy. In particular, common light cattle were very slow sale, as yard traders were heavily loaded and were afraid they would not be able to close out their cattle before tho end of the week. The demand from the country, however, kept up In good shape, particularly vvhon It was known tirlces were off a little, and a eood clear ance was made, so that a new start can be taken next week. Thero was a liberal supply of stock calves all the week nnd tirlres on that class of stock also went off a little, though proba ldv 15c would cover the decline In tho ma torltv of cases. 1'iinlrnra have, been unable tn llnd Verv many cattle of their kind In this week's receipts of western cattle, and for that bnvo Ti.nlil eood nrlcen for what del arrive. Steers of good quality aro fully (2i..twlf for tlm weeli. rnw.i are also about tho samo 4s they were a wei k aso, nnd the market was fairly active on most davs Feeders are quite a little lower, and pa'--tieiilnrlv Is that trim of the common stuff The good heavy feeders are In porno cases not more than a dime lower, hut tho lltht common stuff Is In somo cases as mucit ns 23c lower for tho week. Representative 8aU'!,: IIU1FHHS. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. I'r. 1 810 2 CO HULLS. 1 r.i 2 65 STOCK COWS AND IIBIFKUH. en. choice ewes. $1261)361. fair to g ..1 ewes. $:! KVU3 26. cull ewes JiNHfHO. cb.-i spring lambs, J5.25f"' 50; fair to good si t li t lambs. $5 imri?5 25 . feeder Wethers. J.l : .e feeder Iambs, Jlo.4)l.l0. Represents iv sales. No Av l' 170 Nebraska ewes Sti - ritic wjo i.fx'i.; vrot ic miuuht. Cuttle N 111 1 it i 1 1 Meiidi Tenus Close M iiiim Mic')i mid l.fiinbs I'lrio. ClilCAllO. Sept. 15.-CATTLH Hex W 7iio head; nominally steadv; Tcsans 1 l.w, ,1 strong; natives, good to inline steers, 0 tiftliii, poor to medium. JI.I0n5.35; tecders, J.1 9i"nl.0o; mixed slockers, weak 1' J2.5iOf3 S5, lows, J2 SOU i.Xf, hclfel'S, Jlm'o 61, caimers, 2,25i2..S", bulls, J2.5i'ot.' calves, Jl.00o0 7ft; TcmiS fed steers, JI ."i ft 15; Texas grass steers, J3.404J l.3o, 'IV mis bulls, !2.7uCr 1.30. 1IOOS- Ret elpts today, ll.tsw head; M m day. 30,uti0 heiul, left over, a.ftoo h .ol lieavy packing, n shade lower, other, steady; top, $5t; mixed und butchers. . . Hlo.t'A, good tu chub e heavy, J 1.06 i .'. 1 '. rough heavy, Jl.5'ii5O0, light, Jj.Uoi.. ic. Imlk of sales, J.'i.Iiku.. ;i HHKKV AND LA MRS -Hecelpts, 'Jn.onu head; llrm; good to choice wethers, $.: 7".'o 4.20; fair lo choice mixed. J.t loli.l 75; w 1 em sheep. J.I. 75't I 15 ; Tesas sliccp, JJ " ' 3.30; native lambs, $1.30510 00; west. 1 1 lambs. J5 K.lft.'.Hl HKCHIPTS This" week: Cuttle. head; hogs, HI.Oul head, sheep, OO.60O hi ,1.1 last week, cattle, 69,500 head, hogs, l.Jo. r" head; sheep, 90,fi0 head Kansas City Lite MiwU, KANSAS CITY, Sept. 15 -CATTI.K H ctdpts, 4i) head; market sleadv; receipts this week, 02,ooO licad. being the lieavl. .-1 of tho year: all killing and best feeiliin; grades steady to a shade higher, with common light under bred feeders decld. IK lower; native steers, J4 7.Vu5 76: stmlo i and feeders. $.1 1'ltTI 60; butchers' cows .in. I heifers. J3 00!".00; catiners, J2.ii-ii'. calves. JI OOrutj 00 1IOOS- Hecelpts. 3.000 head; inaik. t a shade easier; receipts for the week. 4S oou head; prices wore Just a simile higher Him last week, with light summer weights suit fetching a premium; heavv and mlxi d to day. J5.l5fi5.25; light, J5.10i5.27',s: pigs. JIJ (fie 00 SIIKHF AND LAMIIS-Hecelpls t lit week, head; market active nt ...I vanclng prices; lambs selling 25c to : . high'-', muttons. IO'.iCc higher: slock .hi. I feeding kinds stendv to IV hlchee; lambs JI.5(Vfi6 25: muttons S3 25Ti3.Xi; feeders. $1 01 (TH.IO; culls, J2r,iK,(3tKl St. I.iiiiIm 1.1, e Moel.. ST l.OFIS. Sept. 15 - CATTI.K -It Ipt 000 head, market stendv native shlpoliig and exnort steers. JI OWi S"- dressei'j beef and butcher steers. $lfii!5 35; steers under 1 oou lbs JintwiT": sloiliors n'd feeders. lfll7"- cows and hcHers " OUT?! 75, can ners JI rJiTin no; bulls 2 W1 35: Tovns nnl tndliio steers. J3.35'u"IO: cows nnd heifers J2 Jfifit 70 IIOC.S-Hecelpts. 2.l'VI markei s but sleadv tdgs ami lltthl" " !.".fT5 50, pneVcs 5.15'r. . T; )il ,.l,nr. JV",',, P Mii.;i;r ami 1, ,m us ifeceiots "in bend; markei slondv native million" '0i Ti'loo- lambs. tlSVTr-, frfi- colls and bu. ks. I6ff3 60; slockers, S.'5e3 J5. ; 920 2 6.) 1 KM 2 70 J C20 2 75 Clbbs 29 CWH & h 019 2 !) 21 CWS & Il 011 2 ! 61 CWS & h S20 2 W) l.A I Ti 5'.0 742 3 CO 3 U0 A. -Neb. 2 cows. . . . 2 bulls.... 10 COWH Y1J8T MHDA Y , 701 .1110 . G 2 i.0 6 feeders 1 feeder. 1 feeder .1T.0 . 0.'1 .1060 SILVRH-llnf, dull. 2S 16-lOd per ounce. MONK Y -3 ner cent, short bills. 3si per cent; three months uius, .t,t3it per cent Weekly llnnU MnleiiiPiit. NHW YORK, Sept. 15. -The weekly bank statement snows me 1. mowing 111111 Surplus reserves, decreased, $5,2 0 075; loans Increased. J7.e22.6''. specie, iiwrea'ed. 5. 091. 10u: legal led rs, di'.r"'ifp I. $2 2ri,10i; t'.epoflts. del reaced, $1 OnI.60': clrcula:iO'i, Ineri used, $.172.iO. The h.inks now Ik Id $l'u.c"i.l75 In 1 xtejt- of the I cqull'erncnts of the 25 per cent rule. Hiorts nnd Import, NHW YORK, Sept 15 - Rxniirts of gobl and silver from this port to all countries for tills week aggregate lt,M5 silver bars and coin and 132 91 1 gold 'I he Imports of merle were JI7.0V? g' Id ai.o Sl04u FllVr. The Imports of drv goods and iiicrchnr.fUs.' were valued nt js.sio.o o. t ondllloii of the Trensury. WASlllNOTON, Sept '5 -Today's stite ment of the treasury lulan es In tho gen eral fund, txcluslve of the ll50.0oi.(.0 1 gol t icserve In the division of redemption. shows1 Available cush balance, JirO.079,211, gold. J73.139.529 I'orrlnii Fiiiiincliil. HKRI.IN, Sept 15 On the bourse toil iv 3 per ient home funis were llrmer on Vol. 1 1, . niM. ti Ami-neons and Cani- duiui vvnu Uu.i. Minus de. lined, vwlng 10 j Total amount Ilolutli Market. DFLFTH, Si pt. 1" - W I IK AT No. 1 hard, cash, to arrive. September nnd De cumber, So'hc; May, si'ic; No. I northern, cash, to arrive, September and December. 7S7tc; Mav. S2'.c; No. 2 northern, 7311c; No. 3 spring. .0V. OATS-2"".''.2tc. COHN-4'i',c. Crnln MnrUct, MILWAFKKK. Wis.. Sent. 15 WIIHAT Higher: No. 1 northern. 7Sc; No. 2 north ern 707l77c. ItYH -Firmer: No. 1, K!Viii3;o. RAHLKY Firm, No. 2, 52c; sampV. 35 (Q514c. Tin: maiikht. INSTRFMF.NTS placed on record Saturday, September 15, 1900: Wnrrnnty Deeds. A. M. Goodrich to Andrew Klewlt. s',4 lot 0 and n4 lot 7, Pieston & W.'s add t 2,000 Ci. T. Morton to K. .1. Hauler, lot 11, Ford's Saratoga add 450 Mary H. Rrlileiibcckcr und husband tn L. II. Waimcr, lot 2, block 9, South Omaha 600 M. H. Crushy et al to L. C. Hiiteliln son. lot 32, block 2, Shermun Avonuo park 25 Same to same, same 42.i Omaha Savings bank to John Ken nedy, nw part lot 3, Johnson'H add... 6,000 (lull I it I in lleeils. H. W. Patrick to New Hampshire Sav ings bank, lots 7 and S, Dundee Place O. H Lake to L H Sears ot nl, Vi st't, nnd se', swl, 20-15-12 M. L. Mitchell to Adelaide Sackott. s 37 feet of n 73 feet Iota 11 and 12, block 2. Sherwood park 1 A. T. Ayres and wife to W. A. Uald- win, lot 6. block R. Lowo'h add 1 Deeds, W. S. Aifkwlth. administrator, to A. T. Ayres. iot 5, block It. Lowe'a 1st add 75 Mary R. Kimball et al to Thomns I, Kimball compuny. w'4 section I, e'u section 5, nei,, poU and government lots 2, 3 and I In section S. wli nw', nnd govtrnment lot 2, In 3-lC-ii; lots 20, 21, 21. 86. 28. VS. 32. A. Kountsse's add: lots ID to is, uiock II. Ileiiroro Place, lots 51 und 55. Fulrinount l'luce "I fni.iters.. 7S7 2 90 fl feeders.. f.s5 2 90 1 foeAer... t40 2 !1 iir-ir!-'rii.r.' wns n llclit run of !... in.i.n. nml as the demand ivns In good shape, tho market opened up active at .n ndvance of 2V.'iC TIU! ouiK.tii 3 8 2 90 3 16 hogs tho 4 .liisetili 1,1, r lilni'U. POFT1I ST .tOui.'PM Mo . Knot 15 iSne- clnl Tnlertrnoi 1 The Journal (Kioto- C VTn I V. Iteee pis. i.o: mnrket stendv: i,,n'..el Fronr llorlS Hecelpfs. t KO- tiinrket average I slfolv n'l grades, J5 15'u5 25; bulk of s-i1e. 171- 1ir. "2U SIH'JKF- Receipts, none Xi'tv VurU l.l,i Moot.'. Nl W YORK Sent. 15.--C.V TTI.t." Re. celnts. 424. no Ii-kPii-': nomlni'l'v steoh enble t iinchnnee.l' shipments '.V-S cnl tie. 102 sheen and 7.0'0 oiiarters of be"f CAI.VF.S- Vo fresh arrivals- nolhliig do Inn" ""'lunlb' sie prlv SIIKKF. AND LAMPS Recb.t I.OYi; Iambs onennil weak, l"'ol 1"i't5e ..ff sbeen 3(VvrH.?0: mills r"n- 'milis. J '. ip0 25- Cnonda Iambs ffl l'.U'O 7" IIOOS Receipts, 3.110; nominally sleadv Slocb In sttxlit are the receipts Followlne nrlnclpal western markets 15: CilHi South Omnha. .... bs Chicago 700 Kansas CRy .. ' "i St. Louis 0 0 al the f "li fer Sept' inner II ICS 3 r.7o 1 '.001 .,) r imi Sh 0.. 1 9. Totals 1"R 22 970 40 H i hogs sold from $5.65 to $5.15, with the light oKi. roloi tiiostlv at J5.WiD.15 with a veslerdiiv. Medium weUhts sidd around J5.07'Xj and J5.10 und the heavv packers around J5.0o and lower. The greatest advance today was on the In uvy hogs. The kind or lings mat iirouKin in Mime cases as low as JI 9.i yesterday brought as high as $5.0u loilav 'I tie quoiuy of the receipts, today wiih better than vesterday, which lielps out today's aver ago considerably. Practically everything wa:4 sold nnd weighed up early In the morn ing, no material chango being noticed In the market from start to Mulsh The receipts of hogs thlH week wero about the same uh for the preceding week nnd a trlllo heavier than for the corresponding week of last year. The demand was In good shape on most days and the. Ilrst half of the week prices advanred Hharply On Monday there was an ndvanre of about fie, with h was followed on Tuesday by a still further advance of about Co, which carried the average price lo $5 22. the highest point reached bIiicc Hie middle of Mav On Wednesday they took off a couple of cents and Thursday and Friday the market wont down rnpldly. The low point was on Frldav, when the average cost was slUhtly over $5.05, but Saturdny'H Hdvunro carries the mnrkel nearly back to vvheru It was at ot last wecK. jiepreoeriiauvH the i:lono kiiIlh: No. 4.V. 16. . m... 04... 7J... 73. . . SI 71. 31. 0! . .',! 70 . Av. .334 .C5V ,S3 .231 .238 .178 !90 296 .29 3' 6 ..2'ih ..:oi Sh, 81 SI 40 to 'm so 41 Pr 6 (0 D 05 t ftj 5 01 5 it, I 07 5 01 t 01 r, ir, S rr. , 0:, 5 15 Ni. r.3 . U... 64... (2. . 64. . ... !..! 6! t6 . 73 Ml Av fih. ...2'0 ...2'3 ...237 .171 .. 21 ...III 365 214 :v IT I 10 t 19 19 6 19 6 10 f. 10 6 10 6 10 V 10 c n r. 10 5 o $800 PROFS? ON EACH $100 Invested Is the record of 14 new minis opened last year, the lowest allowing $100 profit and the highest $2,100. lb nverage of the 11 being oyer JKO11 net prollt on each floo linested tu tin ir stneks. No Investment offers greater oppnrtunltleH for unusual prollts than mining legitimately condueled as a business on u business basis and not as 11 Htock speculation. The IDth and 25th ol each month regularly are Tim TWO DIVIDI NI) DAYS for tho several si lected mining Invest ments wo handle as ext luslvo Fiscal Agents and onlerH must leach us prior to those dates to hci urn tho current monthly dlv blends. We are Jutt bringing out a Now Property AT 25 CLNTS I'liR SHAM- PAjVooLUE that In our Judgnif nt will pav a prollt lo first investors of luo per cent within a year fiend for our neiv booklets of ill vlilcinl-pnycr nnil lull pnrllcu lltrs of IiIkIi liileresl-benrlliK, nb milntely Mtfe lliv eslioeiils. DOUC.LAH. LACKV & CO,, HANKHHS AND HROKFRS. DIVIDEM D PAYING MINING STOCKS 06 Hroadway A 17 New Sl NEW YORK. Wcbtcrn Hrani b chamber of Com miric, Clrv eland, o. JAMES E- BOYD & GO., Telephone 10;9. Oninlui, Nat COMMISSION, GRAIN, PROVISIONS und STOCKS BOAUU OF TUAIIB. Correipondence; John A Warran ft Co Uirot wire to Chicago and Mw xorX mm: w H.R.PENME.Y8.C0. f Av- a ins JViVis ROOmMY LITE BUG. OMAHA tltD f 'O. ry BRAMCH 103b IU5T jncoLfi turn. 40, SCO r trui.fffrs JJ.C7S DO SPECULATE P llf so, speciiluto HUiccsHfully. Send youi .orders to a reliable house where they will j be placed In the ujo 11 imukct We an man" tor you 111 one monin more lnnn si on your money than any bank will pay you In a year Kend for our b ink on npei ijlatb n H is free, J. K. Comsiock & Go- i Itooni 2:i Traders' llliljr., t lilcui(U,