Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 12, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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    THE OMATTA DATLT 11 BE: "NVKDN 15 SI) AY, Shi TKTtlHF.Il 12, UllMt.
TTould-Be Murderer and Suicide Confined at
Lancaster Oountj Jail.
t'enr Hipre,aei1 Hint Mli Vnrla Will
ClinriKf Her Htory In Order lo
fnve Her liotrr from
llir I'rnnlt.
LINCOLN, Sept. 11 -(Special (-Albert
Hetties has not yet recovered fully from the
lilt? dose of belladonna ho took with sul
clclnl Intent. When Its Influenre hail worn
off slightly he wits taken to tho pollen sta
tion, whero ho sat all day long, silent anil
oMlvlous to nil things about him.
Florence Voris. tho girl In tho rase, she
whom he Induced to tako the poison on
the representation that It would save her
from seasickness, will ho brought baric
from her homo tit Memphis tomorrow.
While still under tho Influence of tho drug
she told her mother of nil that had passed
between her and Hetties and expressed a
willingness to return and testify against
lilm. Sho may rhnngo her mind, however,
when sh fully recovers. County Attorney
Munger lefl word at tho station that no
one should Interview Hetties. Meanwhile
Mr Munger will have a talk with Miss
Vorls. Ho will then decide on what course
to cursue.
In Hetties' effects at the lodging house
were found n number of letters. One of
them wnrncd him to keep away from
Omaha and Ashland, ns warrants were
out for his arrest, but for what causo
was not stated.
Itrfrrrrn Tnklnic Testimony.
E. P. Smith and K. II. Duffle, both of
Omaha, to whom was referred tho col
lection of evidence In tho suit of tho state
against tho Union Pacific Railroad com
pany for alleged violations of the max
imum freight rate law, were In the city
today taking testimony. They sat In tho
consultation room of tho judges of tho
supremo court. The defendant company
devoted Its time to attacks on tho regu
larity of tho passage of the act under
which suit Is brought. Tho nttorncy gen
eral ullegcs that tho "Union Pacific Hull
roud company" Is different In name and
personnel from tho "Union Pacific Hallway
company." the organization in existence
nt tho time of rendering tho decision by
the United Slates supremo court. This
decision hold the maximum freight rate
law unconstitutional becaiisu tho rateB It
commanded would result In confiscation
of property without due process of Inw.
Tho defendant company was represented
by J. N. Ualdwln of Council Hluffs and
Kdson Ittch nnd Charles I. Dundy, both of
Omaha. Attorney General Smyth con
ducted the prosecution.
School Low l.eimon Forfeited.
The Stntc Board of Publlo Lands and
Funds, held n meeting this morning, at
which It declared forfeited about 70.000
acres of school land. Thu most of this
has been leased and the renters have
failed to make their agreed payments. It
will be re-leased, Land Commissions
Wolfe leaving tho city the latter part of
this week on n tour for this purpose.
Dr. S. P. Tracey resigned his position this
morning at tho Old Soldiers' and Sailors'
Homo at Mllford. His action was approved
by the Hoard of Public Lands and Buildings
nnd Dr. I. C. Stuveus of Hrunlng chosen to
III! ths vacancy. It Is said Mint Dr. Tracey
resigned because ho wants to change loea-'
tlons, having been desirous of leaving Mll
ford for some time, the position under tho
state paying but $10 a month. Thero were
two applicants for tho pUce. Drs. Stevens
and Itowe. Mrs. Dr. Howe 'Is physician nt
tho Womnn's Industrial Homo at Mllford
and the board was of the opinion that one
stnte position In tho family was sufficient
In this particular Instunce. Dr. Stevens
formerly lived In Seward county.
niaposr of liisiine Mnn.
COIATMHUS. Neb., Sept. 11. (Special.)
Tho stranger who was found a week ngo
In Loup township running amuck with a
pitchfork nnd stnrk mad was adjudged In-t-nno
by tho Commissioners of Insanity Mon
day. Ho is violently Insane and there Is
little hopo that ho can be restored lo
rcafon. From papers found his name Is
Chris Merrron and he Is evidently a Ger
man. He Imagines that he Is constantly
being pursued by officers who want him for
tho Durrant murders In San Francisco sev
eral yonrs ago. He declares that lie will
kill himself beforo he will bo taken. He
passed tho time In tho Jail either trying to
secrete himself somewhere from his I in
aginnry pursuers or loudly declaring his In
nucenco, nnd makes pathetic appeals In lits
own defense. Ho will bo tnken to Norfolk
soon, but It Is probablo that ho will
eventually bo taken to the Home for the In
ItclllKTX Will Suit,
FHEMONT, NV1).. Sept. 11. (Special.)
The case of tho Grain Growers' Mutual
Hell association of Omaha against John
Ilolmers, which was tried In Justice's court
hero Homo time ago, wns decided yester
day In favor of tho defndant -no envse
of action. It wns nn nctlon to recover on
an Assessment for paying tho losses of tho
company ami wns defended ,on tho ground
of fraud and Irregularities In levying the
nsressment and alleged misrepresentations
of tho ngent. Similar suits were Instituted
some time ago in Saunders county and
have been dismissed. Tho enso will be
Cetelintte HViIiIIok Aiuilvrrnnry
TAIILK HOCK. Neb.. Sept. 11. (Special.)
Tho fortieth wedding anniversary of Mr.
and Mrs. James L. Flshor, living n couple
of miles west of here, was celebrated yes
tcrday by a pleasant gathering of tholr
friends and relatives.
A presenl of n set of elegant dishes was
left as n memento of tho occasion. Mr,
and Mrs. Fisher nre nmnng our most es
teemed citizens nnd have resided hero for
a quarter of a century.
ply to pinens.
The KfTert of ColTee on Hlulily Or-
Kimlaeil People.
"I have been n coffee user for years
and about two years ngo got into a very
serious condition of dyspepsia and Indi
gestion. It seemed to me I would My to
pieces. I was so nervous that at the least
noise I wns distressed, nnd many times
could not stiHlghten myself up because of
the naln.
"My physician told me I must not eat
any heavy or strong food and ordered a
diet, giving mo some medicine. I fol
lowed directions carefully, but kept on
using coffee nnd did not get nny better.
Last winter husband, who was away on bus
slness, had Postum Food Coffee served to
him In tho family whore he boarded.
"He liked It so well that when he came
homo he brought eomu with hlni. We be
gun using It and I lound It most excellent.
While I drank It my stomach never both
ered mo In tho least, nnd 1 got over my
nervous troubles. When tho Poslunt was
all gona we returned to coffe. then my
stomach began to hurt me as beforo and the
nervous conditions came on again.
"That showed me exactly what wbb the
cause of tho whole trouble, so 1 quit drink
ing roffeo altogether and kept on using
Postum Food Coffee. The old troubles
left again and I have never had any trouble
Inco." Anna Cocn, Mt. KpUralm, Ohio.
Stnte .Hcnntor Mini Itrprrnrntntl ve
Named nt lltialnessllkr nnd Har
monious Convention,
SIDNBV. Neb., Septll (Special Tele
gram.) Promtly at 1 o'clock this afternoon
the Thirtieth senatorial dlsirlct conven
tion was called to order at the court house.
The room was comfortably filled with dele
gates nnd visitors. II. R. Lewis of Ban
ner county was elected chairman and H.
L. Hldgclcy of Lincoln secretary.
A committee on resolutions was ap
pointed, consisting of Hoagland of Lin
coln, McAllister of Deuel, Cook of Dawson
anil Wllkerson of Kimball. Tho report
endorsed the ablo administration of Presi
dent McKlnley and tho Philadelphia nnd
Lincoln platforms. Tho report was received
with cheers. Matt Daugherty amended tho
report by Inserting a resolution that the
candidate pledge himself to Ihn enactment
of a law making an appropriation for the
services of n state veterinarian. Nomina
tions being In order, Lincoln county,
through Delegate French, presented tho
nnme of Hon. H. D. Owens of Dawson
county, tho present Incumbent. There being
no opposition tho nomination was mnda
unanimous. Owens being called for de
livered u pleasing response and pledged
himself to tho enactment of all laws that
would not only be beneficial to his con
stituents, but to tho whole state at large.
Hon. Jntnes L. Mcintosh of this city mndo
tho house ring with one of his chnrncter
istlc nrntlons, touching upon nil tho Is
sues. It was complete with statistics and
a strong plea for republicanism. After the
nppolntment of various cen'rnl committees
the convention adjournal,
Immediately upon the dissolution of tho
senatorial convention tho Fifty-fourth rep
resentative district convention was called
lo order. Soy Lyons of Cheyenne county
rend tho call. Hon. George McAllister of
Deuel wns elected chairman and II. L.
Hldgcley of Lincoln secretary. Tho tmrno
platform was adopted as In tho previous
convention. Tho committee on credentials
reported all counties present, exceptlns
McPlierson, Perkins and Scotta Bluff. Wes
ley Wilcox, the present Incumbent, having
positively declined to accept a renomlna
Hon on account of sickness, tho name of
Hon. John B. Lvans of Lincoln county,
former deputy secretary of sfatf. was pre
sented nnd he was made tho unanimous
choice of tho convention. Various minor
matters were then discussed and the con
vention adjourned. There was a number
of politicians of stato reputation present,
among whom wero Hill Klder of North
Platte. Will May of Lexington and Hon.
Wesley Wilcox of Lincoln county. Both
conventions wero strictly builucss.
Itrpnlilleiins Working Quietly,
CAMDHIDOI2. Neb., Sept. tl. (Special.)
A stranger passing along the streets of
our town might think that wo are strongly
In favor of Bryan, but such is not true. Al
most every democrat has n large portrait of
their would-bo president In tho bay window,
but you don't see McKlnley's any place.
This Illustrates the differences of the two
parties. Tho democrats are very loud and
deslro everybody to know that they are
demo-pops, while the good, sensible repub
lican keeps his mouth shut, keeps down nil
external signs and thinks and reasons with
himself nnd God as to which Is the best
for himself and his fellow-man. Cambridge
will curry a big majority for McKlnley and
Roosevelt this fall.
Xnmlnntloii nt Ncbrimkii City.
NHHKASKA CITV, Nob., Sept. 11. (Spe
cial Telegram.) Tho republican float con
vention for tho legislative district com
posed of Otoe and CaBB counties mot here
this afternoon and nominated Hon. David
Brown of Nebraska City by acclamation.
Mr. Brown has resided In this county over
forty years and Is ono of the best known
mon In this section of the slate. Ho has
been a member of the legislature nnd post
master of Nebraska City. He has a high
reputation for Integrity among all classes
In this community. He Is engaged In tho
lusuranco and real estate business.
Captain llrovtn for I.ckIhIhI ore
MMKHSON, Neb.. Sept. 11. (Special Tel-
egrum.) Tho republican senatorial com
mittee met here today to appoint a coudl
dato for tho ofllco of Btnte senator to (ill the
vacancy on tho ticket caused by tho resig
nation of W. II. Ryan, the regular nom
inee. Captain J. II. Drown of Wakefield
received tho plum. Mr. Brown served In
tho SpanlBh-Amcrlcan wnr In the Third Ne
braska as captnln of Company O. Ho Is a
hard rustler In tho republican ranks and
will make a hard run.
Popocrtitlc Front nt I) miliar.
DUNBAR. Neb., Sept. 11. (Special.) The
fuslonists announced a meeting to orgatilzo
a Bryan nnd Stevenson club In tho local
papers nnd on posters nnd brought n brass
baud from Tnlmage. When tho meeting
wns called to order not more than a score
of popocrnts and a few republicans were
present to greet the speakers, who ills
cussed Imperialism nnd other Issues, but
failed to make a point.
CiiiiiiiiIiik for Stnte Senator.
SBWARD, Neb., Sept. 11. (Special Tele
gram.) The fusion senatorial convention
mot In Staplehurst this afternoon nnd on
tho fifth ballot nominated 11. B. Cummins,
populist of Sewnrd. ns senator from Seward
nnd Butler counties, H. Wolvln being tho
strongest opponent nnd at one time having
n tio vote with Dr. Cummins.
Old Soldier. ; Wet,
SUPBRIOR. Neb., Sept. 11. -(Special. -The
S00 tents nt the Inter-state reunion
grounds woro fairly well filled by old
soldiers nnd their families yesterday noon,
tho attendance being larger for the first
day than nt nny time In the history of these
Superior reunions. At noon a steady rain
set In and by night the campers were all
drowned out nnd, bedrnggled nnd uncom
fortable, wero forced to seek shelter In the
city. At midnight n heavy wind sot in nnd
nearly all the tents wero flattened mil. A
force of workmen was Immediately set
to work and soon had them pitched again.
A. C. Shallenbarger of Alma, democratic
nnmlneo for congress from the Fifth dis
trlct; W. S. Morlan of McCook. republlcnn
nominee for tho same office; Hon. R. D.
Sutherland of Nelson, Hie present con
gressman, nnd Captain Henry of Fnlrmont
made nddressc s from tho stnnd In tho grove
during the day.
Looks llrlKht for lli'piilillcnnn.
WYMORB. Neb.. Sept. 11. (Special.)
Stnntor F. N. l'rotit of Beatrice, candidate I 1C" of ministers nnd laymen of the church
for attorney general on tho republican 1 have arrived. Rev. IMmund M. MHIb, D. D..
ticket, was at the Touzalln hotel several I ' -N'ow York dellered an Interesting nd
hours today. In conversation with Tho ' lress this evening, his subject being "Tho
Bee correspondent Mr. Prout stated that
the outlook for the success of I ho repub
lican ticket wns exceedingly bright In No
braska this year. His opinion was formed
from actual knowledge gained In his trav
els over nil sections of the state. The
young men, especially, in all purls of the
stato are for Dietrich and thero Is no rea
son to bellove Hint they will scrntch the
balance of tho ticket. Nebraska voters
are not enthused over Bryan like thoy
were four years ngo.
Himv llrluhf Disease Starls.
Indigestion, biliousness, blood poisoned
with urea nnd uric ncld (which should hnvo
been excreted by tho kidneys, rheumatic
pains in nerves and Joints, causing Irri
tation of the kidneys, then pains over the
small of the bck, mnrk suro approach
of Ilrlght's disease. Do not delay taking
Foley's Kidney Cure, for It makes tho kid
neys right. Take no substitute. Myers
Dillon Drug Co . Omaha, Dlllon'B Drug
Store, South Omaha.
Immense Orowds at Fremont Street Fair Pay
Homage to Monarch,
Mnny Hxrri'l-ei nnd Attrnrtlons Fur
nished Preclude Possllillltj of n
Dull Moment for Mtor Fine
AurU'iilturnl l)lplnj.
FRKMONT, Neb.. Sept. 11. (Special )
The heavy rains and wind of last night
played havoc with the booths erected by tho
mcrdiants on the streets and left many
In u dilapidated condition, but had no effect
whatever upon tho attendance or Interest In
tho street fair. The train from the north
on the Klkhorn brought in the Hooper
Comet band and several carloads of people
from up the lino of tho road to enjoy the
festivities nnd trains on tho Union Pacific
were nUo loaded with passengers for Fre
mont. Tho features of the morning's exercises
were ihe civic parade nnd nrilval of King
St. Kelt RngiM. The parade formed on Main
street between First nnd Second and wns
led by the members of the St. Eeb Rngus
on horseback, followed by the Hooper band,
tho Woodmen of the World. Highlanders
bnnd of Doniphan, In full highland costume,
plaids nnd Kilts, Fremont lodge of High
landers In full uniform, float representing
the Lady Highlanders, Hngenow's band of
Lincoln and tho chariot of the king, drawn
by four vvhlto horses. His majesty, St.
Bob Rngus, John C. Clelnnd, wns dressed In
robes of green nnd white silk, with n crown
of green, silver nnd gilt. Ho was nttended
by the court chaplain. Sir Knight O. A.
Murrell, and thrco gentlemen of tho court,
Sir Knights F. M. Henley, Kmll Cloos and
A. K. Dame.
Tho progress of the king through tho
streets was greeted with cheers and ap
plause. Tho parade hnltcd nt tho plntform
on the corner of Sixth nnd Mnln streets,
whern were sentcd Muyor Vnughn nnd the
members of Ihe city council. Ills mnje-ty
was escorted to the platform and presented
by the mayor in u brief address with tho
huge glided key of Ihe city. He replied
thanking the mnyor for the honor and trust
bestowed on him, congratulating tho mayor-
on his success as u ruler nnd expressing
the wish that his own reign would be as
successful and prosperous. The parade then
reformed, headed by tho manager of the
St. Bob Hague, mounted, nnd the chariot
of tho king and followed by the othor bodies
marched to tho hall of tho knights on Fifth
During the forenoon free entertainments
wero given on tho various elevated plat
forms, tho first being by the Alexander
sisters, corner of Fifth nnd Main. These
two little colored girls nro proving onp of
tho best attractions of the fair and hold the
crowds closely nt their entertainments.
Thero was nn Increased crowd on the
streets this afternoon, made up of people
wno had driven In from the country, rest
dents of the city and fresh arrivals on tho
trains. During the noon hour "Gumperfs
parade," consisting of cats of all ages.
colors, sizes and varieties, In cages, drawn
by dogs and attended by boys, evoked much
laughter and fun. Zerklll. the magician
occupied platform No. 4. and was followed
at platform flvo by Karchcr nnd Moore, mu-
slcul nrtlst nnd comedians, and tho "dog,'
which underwent many changes of condl
tlon. This is one of tho best drawing of the
free shows. Dan Rice's educated pigs, which
climbed ladders. Jumped, hauled a wagon
urawing ono of their number and per
rormed mnny other tricks. The Mantells
nnd other nttrnctlons occupied plntforms
during tho afternoon.
An Interesting fenture of the fair Is the
display of agricultural products grains,
grasses and vegetables which occupy a row
or booths a block long on Broad street
under the direction of J. Yeager. The
splendid specimens of grains, bunches of
grasses nnd millet, and especially tho sugar
oeeis. cause it to he a much frequented
exhibit. On Fifth street between Broad
nnd ! Is a display of chickens nnd ngrlcul
turnl Implements. Among the former nre
strains of prize-winners from the coops or
many ot iTemonts chicken fanciers, the
riyraouth Hocks attracting especial atten
tlon. Tho weather during tho day has baen
cool and thero has been no dust.
ftmiKli It litem nt Uriiliiaril.
BRAINARD, Neb., Sept. 11. (Special.)
M. V. Mahonoy of Bruno wns nominated
for representative on the republican ticket
yesterday. Tho drat Mahoney Rough Rider
club In tho county was organized here to
clay, with tho following ofllcers: Joseph
Mntousek, president; C. C. Gelwlck, vice
picsldent; Judge John Rozach. trensurer.
Over eighty names were nt once secured
to the list, many of tho signers being dem
ocrats. Mnhoney is a prominent banker
nt Bruno and will undoubtedly put up tho
strongest campaign ever known In the
county, having Ihe Biipport of many In
fluential democrats on this side of Butler
Prosperity .11 a Leu Trnvel.
OSCBOLA. Neb., Sept. 11. (Special.)
There has been more business done by
tho Union Pacific here In the last eight days
than ever beforo In tho same number of
days and the receipts of the office have
been over Jl.SOO, nnd besides that for the
last week more tickets have been sold to
the stato fair nt Lincoln than any before
In any ono year, the numbor being 128.
It never could have happened were we
not having good, old prosperity, McKlnley
.lull Delivery nt Geneva,
OBNI3VA, Neb., Sept. 1 1. (Special.)
George W. Gates, who wns committed to
Jail here some time ngo on n chargo of
criminal assault upon his 10-year-old
daughter, wns released from Jail last night
by two unknown men. Another man con
fined In tho Jail tells that the strangers
unlocked the outer doors with keys nnd
turned tho combination to tho cells, took
Gates out and locked the doors. Thero Is
no clue as to who the parties are.
Methodist Kploi'iipal Con ferr nee,
NEBRASKA CITV, Neb , Sept. 11. (Spo
clnl Telegrnm I Tho tenth annual confer
ence of tho Methodist Kplscopal church
convened In this city today. A largo nuin
Twentieth Century. Th sessions of tho
conference will he held every day during
the remainder of the week.
Snloou Chkc l)ra;a.
M BAD, Neb., Sept 11. -(Special.) The
saloon case was called up again last evening
nnd hearing continued until October 1. This
case has been bunging for over two months
and If continued very much longer will tako
mnro time to settle than any other blmllar
case. Tho Anti-Saloon league has been lo
lots of expense so far and the end Is not yet
In sight.
Mueli I, noil CliniiKlnit MnnUs,
TRBNTON. Neb., Sept. 11. (Special )
More, land Is being purchased and trans
ferred than evor before In the history of
tho county. A number of farmers arc buy
lug adjoining lands, thus giving them
more good pasture nnd cultivated lands
Several buyers In eastern states are buying
nnd n number arc coming to purchase cood
farms. .
tin lr tin's llestroj rr Pnsses Through
State, lint l.eniea llrnrflti In-
tend of Until,
COLUMBUS. Neb.. Sept 11. (Special.)
Ono of the heaviest rslns in a number of
years set In hero yestenlay afternoon nt 4
o'clock. Tho gauge at tho government
station this morning registered C." Inches.
Tho laterals of the Irrigation ditch have
overflowed In a number of places and caused
more or less trouble In plnres. A bridge
over Shell creek, Just south of Plntte Center
on tho Norfolk branch of the Union Pacific,
went out Inst night nbotlt 11 o'clock Just
ns n freight train was passing. Tho last
three cars were derailed nnd the track torn
up. Fortunately no one was injured. The
track was repaired so that traffic was re
sumed this afternoon at 1 o'clock.
WBST POINT. Neb., Sept. 11. (Special.)
The heaviest rainstorm known In many
years at this season occurred last night. A
heavy downpour continued for twelve hours
without Intermission. The rain gauge reg
istered Ave Inches of water. This will ma
terially help fall plowing, which had ceased
on account of the wenther.
SCHUYLBR, Neb., Sept. 1 1. (Special.)
The excessive hot weather which culmi
nated In a day almost unendurable last
Sunday wns followed by cloudy weather
Monday nnd Ihe commencement on Monday
evening of what proved to be one of the
heaviest rains known In this section by
even tho oldest settlers, five Inches of rain
having fallen In tho twelve hours from f
o'clock Monday afternoon. The heaviest
part of the rainstorm was entirely without
lightning, thunder or wind, hut nt about 1
o'rlnck a very heavy wind sprang up and
continued until rainfall ceased at an early
hour this morning. Water Is standing In
quantities such as not witnessed hero be
fore, creeks are up and even tho effect on
the river Is npparent. No damage of ex
tent resulted; some hay out and grain yet
unthreshed will suffer heavily. Cool
northwest wind Is now set In.
SHELBY. Nob.. Sept. 11. -(Special.) Ac
cording to the opinions of tho older resi
dents the rain last night and yesterday was
tho heaviest wo hnvo had In ten years. All
the basins nre filled with water. A pri
vately constructed gauge showed four and
seven-olghths Inches of rainfall. Thero
wns little wind and no thunder or light
ning. The corn crop about Shelby will bo
considerably nbove tho nverago, mnny of
the fields going sixty bushels to the acre.
The small grain crop was also flno and
prospects for another year could hnrdly
be more flattering.
HARVARD. Neb., Sept. 11. (Special.)
About 1 o'clock yesterday n light rain be
gan falling, continuing In force as the
hours passed and at Intervals raining qulto
hard till about 3 o'clock this morning, tho
amount of water falling, as shown by tho
government gauge, being D 10 Inches. Tho
rain camo without wind, being u "straight
down rain," and will bo much appreciated.
FARNAM, Neb.. Sept. 11 (Special.)
The long continued, windy and dusty drouth
was broken this morning. Rain commenced
falling at 6 a. m. and has continued all
dny. It has been a slow but continual pre
cipitation, which is absorbed by the earth
as It falls. Farmers rejoice, as It enables
them to plow and put In rye, which Is tho
surest crop ns regnrds small grain, In
this locality. A largo area will be devoted
to this cereal, which not only assures late
fall and early spring pasturage for the
stock, but a fair yield ot grain.
MINDBN, Neb.. Sopt. 11. (Special.)
Four and one-half Inches of rain yesterday
nnd last night seemed to be general over
this section of country. Thero will he a
large acreage of fall wheat and most of
samo is now in tho ground.
Next week Is county fair week. The speed
department offers good purses and n fair
exhibit In farm producta and stock Is ex
FRIEND, Neb., Sept. 11. (Special.)
This suction wns visited by a flno rain yes
terday evening and last night. Two and
ono-hnlf Inches of water fell and the ground
Is In fine condition for receiving fall wheat.
MADISON, Neb,, Sept. 11. (Special.)
Tho heaviest rain of tho year fell yester
day aftornoon and Inst night. A government
gunge showed tho fall to have been 4.38
Inches. The creeks are all high and sloughs
are full of water.
GIBBON, Neb., Sept. 11. (Special.)
Three Inches of rain fell hero during yes
terday and last night. This puts the
ground In flno condition for fall plowing
and sowing and breaks our long hot dry
LINWOOD, Nob.. Sept. 11. (Special.)
It commenced to rain hero about 5 o'clock
yesterday afternoon and continued for nl
most ten hours. About four Inches of
water fell.
IIRADSHAW. Neb.. Sept. 11. (Special.)
Tho heaviest rainfall ever known visited
this community last night. Tho govern
ment gauge shows 0.1-1 Inches of water. The
rain was a steady downpour and lasted for
about fourteen hours. Everything Is thor
oughly soaked.
ST. PAUL, Neb., Sept. 11. (Special.)
Tho hot, sultry wenther of tho last few
days was followed yesterday by a splendid
rain. It began raining In enrnest shortly
after noon, continuing until about midnight.
The precipitation amounted to .1.02 Inches
and was tho heaviest rain ot tho senson
nnd will greatly help fall grain nnd pas
DUNBAR. Neb., Sept. 11. (Special.) A
heavy wind has blown In this section for
tho last twenty hours, accompanied by rain
intermlttlngly. Tho rain will help the
pastures and assist In fall plowing.
GENEVA, Neb., Sept. 11. (Special.)
Rain commenced falling yesterday afternoon
nnd continued nil night In torrents. At 1
o'clock tho wind blew a galo from tho north
and blew the rain In nn almost solid mass
Tho most harm done was knocking oft
peaches and npplcs. The rainfall amounted
to 3.94 Inches, tho biggest rnln wo ever had
in September. Hon. J. L. Caldwell was billed
to speak In tho court room last night, but
the heavy rains prevented tho peoplo nt
tending nnd nnother date will be made. Tho
Republican club roll contains tho names ot
22C voters.
FAIRFIELD. Neb. Sept. 11. (Special.)
This county was visited yesterday nfter
noon nnd last night by tho heaviest down
pour of rain since early In tho spring. The
total precipitation from 4 o clock yesterday
afternoon to 4 o'clock this morning was
five and one-quarter Inches. It was n reg
ular downcast downpour without wind and
very llttlo thunder and lightning. The
wheat planting will now go on with a rush
FAIRMONT, Neb., Sept. 11. (Special. I
Four Inches of rain fell hero last night
making It tine for the plowing and drilling
of the wheat, of which there will be a largo
amount sown this fall.
WISNBR. Neb., Sept. 11 - (Special. )-Tho
heaviest rainfall Hint ever fell here In tho
samo length of time came yesterday after
noon and last night. Tho government
gauge registered n.f.o Inches, but as It was
running over It did not register all of the
water that fell. Others claim that all the
way from S to 11 Inches fell. It was a
nice, sternly rain, without much wind. The
only damnge done was In filling some of
the cellars in town with water- But out
on the Blkhorn bottom lands tho report
Is that It has destroyed fully 23 per cenl
of the hay crops, as all the stacks are
standing In more or less wnter, which
makes It bad for the stock feeders, as hay
wns rather n short crop In this vicinity
this yenr.
TEKAM All, Neb., Sept. 11 .( Special )
The oppressive hent wns broken hero Inst
night by n rainfall of two nnd one-half
Inches, which will revive pastures nnd
put tho ground In good bhapc for fall plow-log.
Outlook at the University Is Uncommonly
Good Just at Present.
Plenty of lUperlenpeil Plnjers from
Which to Work, tint nn llleirn
to He pre sent the
LINCOLN. Sept II -(Special ) The Ne
braska university foot ball situation Is be
coming animated. Coach Walter C. Booth
arrived In tho city last night, Captain Brew
has been hero since Wednesday and Man
ager Tukey enrao In tonight. A confer
ence wns held this evening and the situation
thoroughly canvnssed. All threo officials
are dollghted with the prospect. Said Cap
tain Brew:
"The prospects for a winning team were
never better In tho history of tho school.
Wh nro going to have an nbundnnco of
heavy nnd tried material. In addition to
nine of last year's players there will be n
number of experienced men who played on
our own team In former years, and men
from other colleges who will be In the
school this fall. No mnn Is assured n po
sition. Everyone will hnvo to work for
what he gets, regardless of reputation."
Coach Boolh Is n large, affable and nt
tractlvo looking young man of 21 yenrs. For
four consecutive seasons he has hcen n
member of the Princeton first eleven. In
ISflO he began nt tnckle. worked from there
to guard nnd there on to center, where ho
remained for tho thrco succeeding yeuis. He
wns graduated from the academic course
last Juno and has been spending his vaca
tion In the mountains of the east. He
comes hero with his interest In his work
nnd with a warm sentiment for the univer
sity. As soon ns tho law school opens he
will register for work In the Junior class,
becoming ono of the students. He says his
playing weight Is 210, but he looks twenty
pounds better than that now.
Wants to Develop Kickers.
It Is too early In the season for him
to tell Just what stylo of play he will leach,
as much will depend on the personnel of the
men. Ho favors a kicking game, but if
punters cannot be developed ho Is willing
to resort to lino bucking methods. On this
score ho snld:
'Thero should be much kicking If we've
got the men, but If we haven't got them nnd
can't develop them, woil have to use other
So far thero are no kickers with reputa
tions In sight. They may bo developed
later, however. Thero Is plenty of excellent
material In prospect, though, and tho fact
that a man once held a position on tho team
Is no assurance ho will hold tho place this
year. So far the most prominent candi
dates expected in school are:
Mntrrlnl Im Mlnht.
Center Koehler, last year's center, and
Welch, center for Oma'ha High school last
Guards Brew nnd Ringer, last year's
guards; Hnllen, from Tabor college, la., a
member of tho '97 team; Gilbert, a member
of the victorious team of 'PS, and Plllsbury,
member of the same famous eleven.
Tackles Westover. last year's left
tackle; Gilbert, Pullsbury and Fisher, tho
star tackle for Doane In '!'".
Ends Corlelyou nnd Drain, who played
these positions last season; Stringer, a
right end for the seasons of '97 nnd '9R,
nnd Ryan, n quick, heavy, nervy man, who
failed to make tho tenm last yenr. He has
been spending his summer in the Rocky
raouutalns preparing for the coming cam
paign. He himself Is confident that he
will win n place.
Quarterback Manager Tukey and "Stub"
Crandall, both of whom played last season;
cx-Captnln Williams, Gordon, Hooper aid
Fullback Carver, Gordon and Bell, all
of whom played this position at times dur
ing Inst season; Tucker, fullback on tho
team ot '94; Kingsbury and Hollen.
Halfback Kingsbury, Follmer. Williams,
Hell and Gordon.
(iruiliiute Conches Plenty.
It Is thought the team this year will have
tho advantage ot considerable graduate
coaching. "Bill' Melford, captain of tho
victorious team of '98, will be In the city
If he doesn't accept a position offered ns
coach at a minor school, which naw seems
quite Improbable, and has agreed to lend
his experience and knowledge of tho game
to Nebraska's aspirants this year. Wig
gins, who played end for four years, has
agreed to come down from Omaha once a
week nnd assist In coaching this portion
of tho lino nnd William Manss, nn ex-Yale
end, will also nld this portion of tho men.
An effort Is being made to establish a
training table. Kansns' superb endurnnce
last year Is attributed to tho fact that she
had a training tablo and Nebraska s coach,
cnptaln nnd manager will not bo satisfied
this year until tho samo privilege Is en-
Joyed hero.
Superior In the Dark,
SUPERIOR, Neb., Sept. 11. (Special )
Superior bus been In partial darknesB for a
week, tho Republican river, which turn
Ishes power for the electric light system,
having gone nlmost dry. There havo been
no arc lights on tho streets and tho lnean-
desccnts burned until 10 o'clock only. Two
and four-tenths Inches of rain yesterday
helped matters. Guthrie Bros., proprietors
of tho roller mills, yesterday contracted for
a 10(1 horse-power Sioux City Corliss en
gine with 12.1 horse-power boilers, to bo
running In thirty days. With this they will
have power for thomselves and tho light
ing plant when tho river Is low.
Vlnsl Support Ills Child.
HARTINGTON, Neb.. Sept. 11. (Special
Telegram.) John J. Vlncklo was brought
from Iowa last Saturday on the chargo of
criminal assault preferred by Annie Dior-
schank of Randolph. Tho crlmo wna nl
leged to havo been committed In August
lt.;S. The case was dismissed by Judge
Plumlelgh. Vlncklo was ndjudged fnlher
of her child, which was born In the spring
of 1S99. nt tho spring term of tho dis
trlct court nnd since tho dismissal on tho
chargo of assault he Is hold by tho sheriff
to carry out tho Injunctions of the court
that he should pay $1,000 for tho support
of the child.
County I'ulr at Mndlsnn,
MADISON, Neb., Sept. 11. -(Special. )
Tho Madison county fair opens tomor
row nnd If the weather dearR off will bo n
great success. Thero aro a larg number
of exhibits being nrranged today. Tho
race program promises some good events
It ' 1 1 i Itcmly to l''llil.
SAN FRANCISCO. Sept. 11 -Tommv
Rvan, win) yesterday Informed the Na
tliinul club that he cnulil not mci-t .111"'
Mnffutt tomorrow night, owing to Illness
is now nrepareil to co .igiilnM MotTatt, inv
lug Hiifllcli nilv re oven d frnin bin recent
IndlHpoMitlon to warrant lit lighting to
Will llrlntr Home llestllutr Miners
BAN FRANCISi'D Scpl II The fulled
Stnte transport Law ton failed today for
For Infants aud Children.
fne Kind Ycf Have Always Bought
roof tl&&ffi&&4'.
Signature of
t ie far nirtlt ti bring bark ilc.- ' . e
miners All the nv.iliable mwcp bci w
decks Is deviled t lu-rHis pr vi U I vv'h
bedding fur neirlv 1 i prsnns bc.-lde thu
regular complclin lit of "Ulcer ntvl i row
The big transport will prorred t-i Cit"o
Nome, stopping nt Senttle for supplies
Cli len no's .Society Horse Miovt,
CHICAMO. Sept 11. -Chicago will hnve
n horse show October 2!'. 3 ucd 31 Hid
November I, 2 nnd 3 Mortimer Lovriinx
will be the secretary and general mat)
nger. This exhibition Is Intended strlitlv
ns a nuclei v event and n prepare fr It
there will be over loi boxes, sealing from
six to eight persons each.
o Hellef tor 20 ears.
"I had bronchitis for twenty years,"
said Mrs Minerva Smith ot Danville. Ill .
"nnd at times have been bedfast. I never
got relief until 1 had tnken Foley s Honey
and Tar It Is pleasant and gives quick
relief nnd Is n sure euro for throat nnd
lung diseases. " Take nothing else.
Myers-Dillon Drug Co. Omaha. Dillons
Drug Store, South Omaha.
ProRimst Icntlon for Toiln Includes
Incrense of 't'emiicrntiirr with
I'll I r Miles.
WASHINGTON, Scpl 11.- Forecast for
Wednesday and Thursday:
For Nebraska, South Dakota and Kan
sasFair; warmer Wednesday, Thursday
fair; winds becoming southerly.
For Iowa Fair Wednesday nnd Thurs
day; warmer Wednesday In western por
tion; warmer Thursday In eastern por
tion; westerly winds, becoming variable.
For Missouri - Fair Wednesday; cooler In
si ut henst cm portion; Thursday fair; varla
blo winds.
For North Dakota I-'nlr Wednesday nnd
Thursday; variable winds.
For Colorado Ocnernlly fair Wednesday
and Thursday, except showers In western
portion; wnrmer Wednesday In eastern
portion; winds, mostly southerly.
For Oregon. Wyoming nnd Montnna--Fnlr
Wednesday nnd Thursday; variable
For Texas, New Mexico, Oklahoma nnd
Indian Territory Fair and warmer
Wednesday and Thursday; winds, mostly
fresh, southerly.
For Illinois Fnlr Wednesday nnd Thurs
day; cooler In extreme southern portion
Wedncsdny; high westerly winds, slowly
diminishing In force,
l.ocnl Iteooril.
O.MAI I A, Sept. 11 -oniclul record of tem
perature nnd precipitation compared with
the corresponding day of the last three
years: 1(VK). Wi lVls 1S97
Maximum temperature... 74 ,V F9 Ml
Minimum temperature Ci M M n:
Average temperature 70 72 W T
Precipitation 1.25 o T n?
Record of precipitation at Omaha for this
dny nnd since March 1, 19f0:
Normal temperature for the dny.. fi
Excess for the day 6
Total excess since March 1 5S1
Normal rnlnfnll in Inch
Excess for the day 1 lfi Inch
Tnlnl rnltifnll ahind M.,.,1. 1 o-l n l.
u ....... ....,,.,,, , , t .,., v,i b. i.i in, ihe,
Deficiency since March 1 1 ill Inches
uenoiency tor cor. pcrinii, isra . ;ioi inches
Deficiency for cor. period, 1S9S 2 Inc lies
IteportM from .Motion nt S. p. in.
3 K
a - 31
5n cc
Omaha, clear
I OS! 7I T
North Platte, cloudy
Cheyenne, port cloudy....
Halt Lake City, clear
Rapid City, part cloudy..
Huron, clear
Wllllston, part cloudy....
Chicago, raining
ls i. .'"I
f,i; mi t
7SI S2, .0)
fiill "II1 .1")
I'ii'iI 70 .0)
721 721 .00
701 Mil .01
M 90 .00
f.2' ill! .S
fiS! 2! T
7i; 82' .00
701 711 .W
711 7fl .()
701 71, .00
Hi. l.ouis, clear
St. Paul, cloudy
Davenport, clear
Knnsns city, clear...
Helena, cloudy
llnvre, clenr
Bismarck, cloudy
T Indicates trnce of precipitation.
I.. A. WF.I.SH,
l.ocnl Forecast Official.
Tho ono thing that quail'
flos a person to nlvo ad
vloo on any subject Is
oxporlenoo exporienco
oreatos knowledge
No othor person has so
wlafe an oxperlonoo with
female Ills nor suoh a
rmoord of suomess as
Mrs Plnkham has had
Over a hundred thou
sand cases oonto beforo
hereaohyearm Some per
sonally, others by mall.
And this has boon going
on for 20 years, day after
day and day after day.
Twmniy years of con
stant success think of
tho knowledge thus
gained! Surely women
aro wise in seeking ad
vice from a woman with
such an exporlance, a&
(sscially whan It Is free
If you aro III got a bottle
if Lydla Plnkham's
'Sagotnhle Compound
ncothen write Mrs
kikham, Lynn, Mass
ha vis you r.vna uivit. a
ir.4111 TltlAI, TO. . . .
If not, you have misted a good thing,
This exqulflto malt hevrraRo stands on a
unique basis. It cells tclf. Its fame nnd
reputation la the envy of many. The. palate,
the beneficial results achieved "within" tht
Inner man are tho ouly and real judges ot
Its merits. Approved of by them. It tri
umphantly enters Innumerable households.
Where Cabinet enters, doctors and drui
bill exit.
iwtmvKD nv
ritr.n ickm; iiitiswiNc. co
I'ho'ie 420. OM4IIA. SKll
8at nn porch, raucht
i'il, , Ihrnat lickl-s.
n rent st night
Try Anil Kawf .ic
Ad dru'EiMa,
The only
sure cure
in ihe world.
Thtre are ftw
complaint! more
common thn piles.
The cauw ol Pile te
nuny among them con
stipation of lone 'landing
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will radically and quickly
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This utve Is a scientific
compound poimslnjt, ill
of tht cleansing, powerful disinfectant nd
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dehyde together with the most soothing
emollients Vnown lo modern science. Dr.
Qco. Lelnlncer's Ihtr-mnl-dc-hydo
Salve is different from and vastly superior
In my silve or ointment in the world.
There has never been a skin remedy so
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nitals and surgeons throughout the country
for the cure of tllccri, Salf Rheum, Eczema,
llurm, Scalds, Itruisrs and all skin afflictions.
SoM at 1 riniKitMi At a pA0hftteori1lrct
from Tbn IT lino lrlnlnr(,Chlego,
lloohlf I mallet firo for thu illnf,
Thn gunrnntrnl curv fur CnUrrli, llronehltli,
AiitmiH. I.Altrlfni'. t'ntinntnfttlnn anil li Not
Tlirnit ami I.olii. ilton-. SoM nt til ilrugtfUt
ni lurpm on no senium fru.vrsnice.
Sold nnd recommended by Sherman &
MeConnell Drug Co, Itcaton-.McCJIliti Drug
Co., Merrltt-Ctrahiiin Drug Co, II. II Ora
hiim, Chas. II Schaefer. Mux Ileclit. Units
com Park Pluirmw-y Ol.ullsli Pharmacy.
King Pharmacy, Povt-ni Pharmacv, O.o
K Duvls dun. II lllufrs. la , M A Dillon a
Drug .store. South Omaha
Hlr ncds food to keep It alive.
The food should be supplied by the blood
vessels of tho scalp ivhkh run up to th
hair roots
If tho roeU have been vvenkend by th
attacks of the si nip microbe, your hair
falls sick, falls out. turns gray.
A suru sIkii of "hair disease" Is dandruff.
If dandruff Is allowed to remain It smoth
ers the growth of your ha'r
Heretofore th froatinent of diseases of
the Hair and Scalp has been n mntter of
guesswork, without rtgnrd to the cnuse.
In the Inboralo'1" of Crnnltonlc Hair
and Scnlp Institute of New York, the first
anil only t'linic in America uevoiru io ai-
rm or tl.c nnlr ami scalp tun cause or
the ill-care Is learnnd by moans of n Mi
croscopical Kx. urination nnd u cure ef
fected by mact and scientific methods.
From an exsmlnutlmi of l.ovo different
samnles of human hslr no fewvr than 2
different dlirasus of the hair and scalp
were Identified, mnny of them uontagloiw
and dangorotis In the extreme.
The advantages of those rrnsarches nr
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thn blank below nnd mention Tho Umahiv
T'non receipt of this llee coupon
n lieu out nna enc usinir a smaii sniiuun .
of your hair, we will send you a I KICK (
nOTTI-K of Cranltonlc llulr Food and nV
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the only propxratlons ever formulated
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FKTSi: HKPOHT upon the condition of J
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examination by our I'hyslclnns, whoj
will also proscribe curative treatment
rrco or cnarce.
Name ,,
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State ,
fit rent and No
Is your hnlr fating out?
Have you dandruff?
Is It greasy or Is it dry? ,,,,
J Doss your scalp Itch?
Any eciwna or eruptions on scalp
140 Temple Court NEW VOflK CITY.
ltotall drug trails supplied by Klrhardsoa
Drue Co,, Omaha
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poses. AluuiR n-ady t ride Always
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v 'TD iW-
Colnmlilsi, Hartford, Hlormer ami
reniiant Chntn WIiitI
nre leaders In their rt-peetlve classss
nil-: coi.t miiia tnmnm miiaku
ndds greatly to the exhilarating final
ity, lestfnlness iilid rui.e of yelllln
Send for Illustrated Monklel Outings,
( oliiinlilo Mil') cl va,
iiomh oi'iMt ii, ii vn i i'iiiti), rr.
Neb Cyrli. ( o , Columbia Dealers.
Omaha Hlrjcte Co, Hlormer Dealers,
Omaha Neb
iVtffuia WKU in1 (i
Tv .V'V lll !'! OI'UB '
7l llaiBr.m al
I fTT lion, iluj ,t jt
I JX 'ir I'an
bl biftkllie btlia
1 mV nm tilhr. flaf-iaA
Niit1lilt.un and I Hall
t-f fotr lliuifltt tit Mill If. la
K.uri ' ' .'rllritUr-, TMllfnouUla
o4 "He. Iter for lillr.Mtn kkip, (.
I urn II kll. I O.Otltl 1 8t.4 f, tr
ail I jr. .! r kl.l. IL a-'
Ifl-fe uHlCHEjrart'U iHCiLI3n