24 NO DELAY OX THE VIADUCT BaHroads Promise Oity Officials the Spacdy Erection of Structure. TWENTY-FOURTH STREET CITIZENS REJOICE UMt (Iip Coiilentliiim for AVIilrli Tlm Stood llnt- lleeii lii'iinlril mill Jjnrtli i: tn lui it U iik-ii t Im AIiiiii ilonril In rut or of Trestle. Tho city Attorney and city engineer held a confercnre with tho railroad officials yes terday and lis n result tho Twenty-fourth street viaduct has taken on a definite anil Immediate share. Iresldcnt Hurt of the Union Pacific, speaking for his road nnd tho Ilurllngton. mado all of tho concessions for which tho officials nnd property owners have contended. Tho earth embankment upon which tho railroads had made such o persistent stand will be abandoned nnd tho whole dlstnnro will bo covered, with trestle work. Tho npproaeh beyond the trackage reaches for 500 feet nnd this dlstaneo the railroads had desired to cover with an earthwork. Tho property owners rnlscd a violent objection, however, as they clalme I frhnt tho aides of the bank would extend to their very doorsteps. "It Is now certain," said rity Attorney Conncll at tho conclusion of tho Interview, "that the plans and specifications will bo submitted to the council this month. When theso arc approved I will at once sectiro n waiver of damages from property owners, nnd as they hnvo expressed themselves satisfied with the trestle plan, their slgna turos will be easily secured. Those Inter ested are tho Heed estate nnd Shull heirs. When tho details are completed President Jlurt has promised thnt tho work will go forwnrd nt once.' Iln expects to have tho masonry for columns and abutments in placo before cold weather anil to mako Rood progress In setting up tho structural Iron work A large force of men will bo put to work as soon ns spring opens nnd Mr. Hurt is confident that tho viaduct will bo com pleted within the contract limit, July 1, J901. "According to thn agreement mado yes terday, the structure will bo In till respects equal to the Sixteenth street via duct. Tho width will bo tho same fifty ulx feet and tho tppor work will bo nn open steel trestlo on substantial masonry piers. Tho viaduct will bo of sulllclent slzo nnd strength to support n iloublo-track mo tor line and tho city legal department Is well satisfied with tho railroads' attitude." I'leturcniiiiv foloi'nilo Is the tltlo of tho most nttrnctlvo pub lication over gotten out by n railroad on tho subject of scenery and resorts. It Is Issued by tho passenger department of tho COLORADO & SOUTHERN IIY.. whose line roaches tho grandest scenic portions of the state, as well as the lead ing health and plcasuro resorts. Copy of this handBomo book sent to any tiddress on receipt of 3 cents to cover postage T. 13. FISHER, Cionernl Passenger Agent, Denver, Colo, P. fi. Our other handsome publication, "Colorado Henuty Spots," sent on receipt tt 1 cent In postage. I 111 iioIk Oittrnl Uxciirnlnnn. On Sept. 4, 7, 10. 18, 21 nnd 26. wo will sell round-trip tickets from Omaha to St. Paul, Minneapolis, Waseca, Watcrvlllo, Mad ison Lake and Duluth nt rate of ono faro plus J2.00. Homo Visitors' excursion tickets on salo Sept. 10 and 26, to nearly nil points In Illi nois, Iowa, Mlnnc?otn nnd Wisconsin at one faro plus J2.00 for tho round trip. All tickets limited for return until October 31. Full particulars nt City Ticket olllco, 1402 Karnara streot, or address W. II. Urlll, D, r. A., Omaha. (iOllfl KIStllllR. Spirit I.ako, OkoboJI, Lake Washington, Waseca. ISaglo Lake, River Falls, Solon Springs, Rice Lake. Iiajfield. Ashland, Oog eblc, Watersmcot and numerous lakes near Et. Paul and Minneapolis They are all good flwhlng places and are quickly and comfortably reached by the Northwestern Line. Cheap rate excursions August 21 and Sep tember 7-21. Limit, October 31, 1900. City ticket office, 1401 and 1103 Farnam street. NEW DRESS FOR THE STREETS Dottrel of I'ttlillc Wurl.M Aitiioniirr (lie I.imy lllililern on Sim nil 1 in i r- tllllt I'lltlllK t'lllll I IICtN. HIds for tho paving of Twenty-fourth itreot from St. Mary's avenue to Dodge Street nnd for the paving of Dodge street botween Thirty-eighth and Fortieth streets woro opened by tho Hoard of Public Works. Tho Rarber Asphalt company's bid was tho lowest on asphalt, Its prlco on tho Twenty fourth street work being $1.93 per square yurd on a tlvo-yenr guaranty, and $2.17 on a ten-year guaranty. W. P. Muniaugh's bid was lowest on brick, his prlco on tho Twenty-fourth street work being $121 per square jnrd und his bid on the Dodgo street paving $1.S0 per squaro ynnl. C. I). Woodworth submitted tho lowest bid on curbing. He mado a price of (12 cents per lineal foot on Dcrea and Bedford stone and 6S ccuts per lineal foot on Lyons stone. Vmr AVci'Uiiie rnr tlie llnlr. The unrivalled hair tonic. Thn perfect dandruff cure. Thn only prevcntlvo of baldness, For Bale 1615 Douglas streot. Omaha. Awaking In tho morning and having severe pains In your back Is caused by four kidneys bring weak, Tako Cramer's Kidney Cure. That will strengthen them, fold by all druggists. Mortality MntUlica. The following death and births were re- rortrd to tho Hoard of Health for the wenty-four hours ending at noon Satur day: Death Mrs. Lena O. Scott, 171G Dodge, aged ;!0. lllrtlis-T. Nelson, 2) North Twenty lxth. girl; M Jolinni.il. K2 North Six teenth, boy; James Vopocensky, all Wuol ivorth nvenue, boy; John tiopecke, 1539 Houth Twenty-tlflh, boy: John erectile, Becond nml Pierce, boy; Anton Drnpellske. 1230 South Fifteenth, boy. Jleyii'n Free itt'ittemlir r .Snuvriilr. Again with each new dozen Plutlno, Cabi nets or larger photos wo give a beautiful water color FREE. Heyn, the Photog rapher, 313-317 South Fifteenth. Hamilton Warren, M. IJ., -clectlc and magnetic phyulclnn, has moved his office to 109 North 16th Btreet, room 13. Special at tention to nil long standing or lingering dis rates and to diseases of women aud children, llentl '1 Itln. Don't fall to read Dr. Richards' card clsevthero In this lssuo If you have head jtcho or eyo defects. Fur and sealskin garments made and re paired 10 per cent cheaper during hot weather by (1. E. Shukert, 315 S. 10th St. Hubormann. Jeweler; ret. 1866: absolutely reliable; lowest price guaranteed, 13 & Doug. niank book and magazine binding. A. I. Root, 4H-416 South Twelfth St. Have Root urlnt It. Fl'MIUAli .OTICU. POADV-Mliiiuel. Funeral from Masonic hall, 16th nnd Capitol ave , 2 p, m. Friends Invltt-d. Eastern pupcrs please copy. I 1'rncl All Turin of ItOLUll Ittli:itl. Iltr World Com I lift Here. Monday. September 10. will mark tho return to Omaha for two performances of Ruffalo Rill's Wild West and Congress of Rough Riders, which has this season at tained a degree of success never before vouched to nny outdoor enterprise In the history of amusements. Their recent sea son of twenty-four performances In New York was marked by a scries of audiences that for slzo broke all records at the Im- ti.ensn Madison Square (lardcn, every per formance seeing thousands turned nway unablo to gain admission. The Inherent merit nnd tho genuine character of the en tertalnmcnt, which Is never nllowed to fall below tho highest standard, Is In n great measure responsible for this con tlnucd popularity of Messrs. Cody nnd Sal '.sbury's unique and original entertainment. Hut a feature that has Increased public Interest In tho exhibition Is the addition to their program of tho most realistic bat tin scene ever offered to a peaceful public. Messrs. Cody nnd Salisbury have selected as tho most timely subject, patriotism Instilling and enthusiasm-producing pago of recent history tho charg? up San Junn Hill, as tho subject of tho most popular spectacular Item of their Interesting pro' gram. This Is produced with every nttten Hon to detnll, the hill Itself, the block' house, trenches, trees and bnrbed-wlro fences being built In tho nrena In exact replica of tho ono In the suburbs of San tiago. To give n reality to tho fight these enterprising managers havo engaged, not theatrical "supers," but nearly 300 nctual participants In tho fighting around San tiago. More Clii'iip ttxeuraliitt. September 1, 1900. Remarkable! The season Is nt Its height. Cool weather. Al titude, 3,400 feet. Healthful climate. Good placo to spend a vacation. HOT SPRINGS, South Dakota. Tho trip Is easily mado via the Fremont, Elkhorn & Mltjourl Valley railroad. Satur day excursions September 1. 8, 15, 22, 29. Limit, October 31. 1D00. Saturday nnd Tuesday excursions on salo nt all points on "North-Western Line," Sinus City, Missouri Valley, Omaha and west thereof In Nebraska. Tuesday excursions, September 4 and IS, also on salo at points on "North-Western Lino and connections east of tho Missouri river. Rate One fare, plus $2, for round trip. Limit, October 31. 1900. Date sale September 1. 4. 8. 15. 18. 22, 29. Por pamphlets telling nil about hotels, i-cciiery, climate and cures, call on any ngent North-Westcrn Lino. Attention, A. O. II. IV. All members of Alt-Sar-Ilen Indue 'n. 322 nro requested to meet at their hall, Seventeenth and Vinton, on Sundav. Sen- tember 9, at 12:30, to nttend funeral of our lato brother, Ocorgo M. Wright. Funeral to tako placo from resldenco, Sherman flats. Sixteenth nnd Lake, nt 2 n. m. All Omaha lodges and degree teams Invited to nttend. W. S. STRIKER, Mnster Workman. M. P. SHANAHAN, Recorder. Attention, Sir Knight! Tho Sir Knights of Mount Calvary Com- mandery No. 1. Knlahts Turn nlar. are hereby notified to appear at their Asylum ns 1:30 p. m,, Soptomber 9, 1900, to attend me tunoral or sir Michael Coarty. ny order Of OSCAR ALLEN. Commander. Attest: EI1EN K. LONO. Recorder. Mme. Raetens, piano studio, 204 Boyd's .beater. School Shoes Get them this week, This Is the last week before school commences. Your children must havo shoes to wear to school. Wo are going to soil school shoes this week more than anything else. We nre going to give speclnl attention to the school children fitting them prop orly In every case, and selling them tho best wearing, most comfortable feeling, and neatest looking Hohool shoes they havo ever bought at the prices for which we sell them. $1.50, $2,00, $2.50 CP aririgS)f SCO K. E, Cor. Ifllli Ml Dauglu St. HAVE TOll 1SVKR (JIVES A FAIR THIAI. TO.... "Krug Cabinet" If not, you have misted a good thing This exquisite malt beverage stands on t unique basis. It idls Itself. Its tame and reputation Is the envy of many. The palate, tho beneficial results achieved "within" th Inner man are the only and real Judges ol Its merits. Approved of by them. It tri umphantly enters Innumerable households. Where Cabinet enters, doctor and drug bill exit. niir)vi:u nv KitiiD kiii'h nitmvi.r. co I'liaoe 420. OMAHA. Mill THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: STXDAV, SEPTEMBER 0, 1000. TOMORROW IS THE DAY Burlington Excursions to the East Prove Popular. TICKETS AT ALMOST HALF RATES llnrllnicdin It tin tf- rnssrtiKer .linn Predict lleitvj Trnt'rl Vln tho I'nst .Mull It nn lc. Every Indication points to the likelihood that an Immense number of people will take advantage of tho Home Visitors' oxcurslon rates In effect tomorrow. A Ilurllngton passenger man who was In tcrvlewed on tho subject expressed himself In this wny: "Tho volume of travel which went to Chi cago In the latter part of August won't bo a circumstance to that of September 10. Why do I think this? llecnuse tho rates are Just as low nnd they npply to practically every point this Bide of nnd Including Chicago, St Louis nnd Duluth. "When a man can buy a round trip ticket to Chicago for $14.75 or to St. Louis for $13.C0 ho makes n saving big enough to cover all tho Incidental expenses of travel. I predict that our ticket agents, both up town and nt the depot, will have reason to remember Monday, September 10, ns tho busiest day In their history. From out In tho state wo are receiving not dozens or scores, but hundreds, of requests for tickets nnd rates. "The Ilurllngton took tho Initiative In an nouncing tho Homo Visitors' rates, and for that reason wo are tnoro than ordlnnrlly In terested In them. Wo havo had several record breaking days this summer, but to morrow will bo tho latest and greatest." Covert I.oilnc, Nn, II, A. !' A A. 31. Members of Covert Lodgo No. 11, A. F. and A. M., "Ill nssemhlo In Masonic hull at 1 p. m., Sundny, September 9, 1900, to attend the funeral servlco of Rrother Gcorgo M. Wright. All Master Masons nro requested to par ticipate. LUTHER 11. HOYT, Attest, Master. EHEN K. LONO, Secretary. Open Air JleetliiK, Republican campaign. Hon. Den S. Baker nml others will speak. Music and patriotic songs by HARTON QUARTET. Sherman avenue nnd Locust street. Tuesday evening. September 11, at 8 p. m. EVERYBODY INVITED. Andersen, housewreoker.3724 n 21, tel A26S2 HAYDENs Ladies Furs Suits, Skirts and Waists. We are pleased to announce that the man ufacturers permit us to . Furs One More Day, Monday, They como in Jackets. Cnpes, Collarettes, Scarfs. Unas, Muffs, in Krinimers, Near Seals, Persians, Astrakhans, Beavers, SkuUks, Minks and every fur known to the manufacturer. A SAVING TO YOU OF 50 PER 1150.00 EACH. The greatest opportunity over offerer!. During this tremen dous sale on furs we will sell 275 ladies' tailor-made 7 CO suits, worth .15.00, ?18.00 and $20.00, for only I 3U 1 table ladies' skirts, in new all worth .?5.()0, on sale at 275 ladies' all silk taffeta waists, $(5.00 and i.50, on sale for 200 ladies' early fall jackets, silk worth 910.00, on sale for .'500 ladies' early fall jackets, worth i.00, for 1 table ladies' petticoats, on sale at; 75 dozen ladies' porcaline underskirts, worth 1.00, on sale at We are showing our advanced at 15.00. 20.00, 25.00, .'50.00 (JREAT ADVANCE SALE IN See bargains on page 13. HAYDEN BR0 We Have the Best Hard Coal And You Know It. for furnace size, $8.00. small sizes, Sheridan Coal Office, VICTOR WHITE. TEL. BABY PARROTS Until September l&th wo offer tho following Sl'ECIAL PRICES MEXICAN REDHEADS, only j3 5o MEXICAN DOUHI.E VEM.OW HEADS "Tho Human Talkers"- tho lieRt parrots In tho world, only 53,00 Each 0110 Is guarunteeil to bo n Ronulne hand-raised tame Baby Tar rot nnd to learn to talk within a short time. SOLID PARROT CAGES from $0 25 up GEISLER'S BIRD STORE Established 1SSS. 303 North 16th Street. Omaha, Thono 2174. DIRECT IMPORTERS OK MEXICAN PARROTS. Everything Known in Music Staled Pianos THK WAY TO FIND OI'T about a CONOVKK. CAULK, KKOKGRH IMONO Is on inem nnu compare uiem wiui omer piauon. cut In prices of all miiUcs. Tuned and Repaired COLLINS PIANO CO., 1020 Dotiglaa. T. II. Pcrlleld, Mgr. linXMJTT'.H lll(i II.UIKAIV4. Seven nf the lllitueM llnrunlm In ItMiclrv Kter OITeroil. 3,000 COLLAR BUTTONS FOR 1 CENT EACH THE REOl'LAR BC MUTTON. Wo stand by them; creations of the gold smith's art: ornnments for fair women; ev cry article Just as represented. 3,000 oc collar buttons, rolled gold tops. celluloid backs, ball top and lever top, each Solid sliver lace pins, turtles, enameled lletir dc lis, regular 35c nnd ISc vulues, lc for 19c Tie balls, plnln gold or silver 7c Tlo balls. Jewel sets 12c Good rolled gold plate waist or collar pin, dozen 10c 30-hour porcelain clocks, handsomely orn nmented, regular price $1.75, Monday.. 9Sc 1S47 ROGER BROS.' KNIVES AND FORKS, FANCY HANDLES. REGULAR PRICE $4.75, SALE PRICE MONDAY, J2.75. W. R. BENNETT CO. llniiiMome iitl ii tr ot views enroute to California; cuts nil finished In beautiful colors. Copies can bo obtained nt address below. UNION PACIFIC, ONLY DIRECT ROUTE TO THE PACIFIC COAST and nil principal western points. City ticket offlco 1321 Farnam streot Tel. 316. Attention, Mnilern Woodmen. Members of Beech Camp, Modern Wood men of America, nre roquosted to mc-t at tho camp room, Fourteenth nnd Dodge streets, Sundny, September 9. nt 1 o'clock p. m. to nttend tho funeral of Neighbor George M. Wright, which tnltcs placo at his residence, Sherman nnd Mudlson nve nucs, nt 2 o'clock. . NELSON C. PRATT. V. C. F. W'HITMARSH, Clerk. Your Duty If medicine Is to cure n disease. It must bo good medlcine-the best only Is good enoiitfht Your duty to yourself nml to your doctor Is to go to the very best drug gist you can find, without letting dollars ami distance, stand In your way. In doing vour duty we have every reason to think that you will come hero with your pre scriptions. Cramer's Kldncv Cure 75c S. S. 8 75c Pain's Celery Compound 75c llostotter's Bittern "5c Carter's Liver Pills 15c Dr. Pierce's Remedies 7.e Dr. Miles' Remedies 75- Wine nf Cnrdul 75c Peruna ... KlImer'H Swnmti-Itoot c Hood's Sarsaparlllu "'" Garfield Tea 20c ALL OTHERS AT CUT PRICES. BOSTON STORE IJ DRUC DEPT. hold their sample CENT. FU1JS FROM 1.00 TO wool materials, n flfj ZlwO worth ft fljft Zg lined throughout, 4.9 2.98 25 c 49c , styles in earlv fall overskirts, and 10.00 each. MILLINER!' NOW GOINO ON. 127. 1605 FARNAM, WKHKK, WHKHI.orK. .SOHT'HKUT, lo como to see them, hear them and play , near tno Ulcctrlo rlano J'laycr. Ills , Moved and Stored Iti:i)t(i:i) HATHA O.N .ItH'T. 10, Vln ClilottKn, .Mlluntikrc .t At, t'nttl Itnllvtii j. On September 10 nnd 26 the Chicago. Mil waukee St. Paul railway will sell round trip tickets from Otnnhn to Chicago nnd teturn $11 75 Milwaukee anl return 16 75 SI. Paul and return 12 C5 Minneapolis and return 12 65 Dubuque nnd return 12 10 Spirit Lnke and return s 30 Elgin, til . nnd return 13 90 Lit Crosse, Wis., and return 13 25 Madison. Wis., and return 15 IS And to nil points on their llnea In Iown. till nols. Wisconsin. Minnesota nnd tho north ern nenlnsula of Mlchlgnn. nt one fare, plus 2, for the round trip. Minimum selling rate J7, tickets limited to October 31. F. A. NASH, General Western Agent, 1504 Farnam St., Omaha. .MciiilH'rn St. .Inlttt'n l.oiluc A. I .V A. .M. Please assemble nt hall Sunday at 130 p. m. to nttend the funeral of our lato brother. Michael Condy. Interment at For est Lawn cemetery. CHAS. S. LOBINGIER. Master. U. E. HERRING, Secretary. setl for cash only. If we did 11 credit busltiesH wo couldn't sell goods at prices we do The reason we can sae yo.i money on perscrlptlons Is because vc ilnn t dlvy with Doc Cramer s Kidney Curo "5o llnml'M Sin ru 1 1 ,t, rllln n-m Catarrh Powder "".'..'.I.'.!!!!!'.!!' V. :i5e nirtiey catarrh Powder 353 Sim- l)enlli, rnr lugs ;uc lloitetter's Hitters 75c Pnlne's Celery Compound 75c Carter's Liver Pills lftc Mention' T'llcum Powder 1Bc fi. S 8 75o '. Ine of Cnrdul 75c PlnUham's Compound 75c Pyramid Pile Cure Mi llar Ben 40c AJnx Tablets Wj Scott's Emulsion 75c H.i-Cnn llnlr Tinlc 75.- Duffy's Malt Whiskey Mc Peruna 75c SCHAEFER CUT PRICK DRUGGIST S. V. Cor. I'illi nnit Clileuo. Watch our Series of MI UEIlS Clothing Amiouncemettts s ANNOUNCEMENT OUR SECOND PRESIDENT. I desire no other inscrip tion over my grave stone than this: "Hero lies John Adams who took upon himself the re sponsibility Of the peace With lM!1(,sachuRcttF. Inaugurated 1707, born Oc- France in the year 1800. j toner 31, 1735. died July 4, i8;e. Grand Special offer of Men's New Fall Suits at 50c on the Dollar. Hart, Sclia finer & Marx of wear clothing in Anierien.They carried over from las! season thou sands of yards of the finest fabrics,and made (hem into men's fin esl suits of this year's styles, and cash we bough! the entire stock start I he season by placing thif an offer never before equaled or heard of at the beginning of 11k season. The Fabrics are the Finest (Jlohe & llockaniun, worsteds, liannockburn tweeds, import ed cheviots and cassimeres in every known style and patfern and guaranteed to fit perfectly. Do not miss this sale. All at Three Prices, $7.50, $10 and $15. Hee prices and styles in our show window. See our hand some line of men's new fall hats. Head bargains on page M. Selling the Most Clothing in Omaha. A Valuable Remedy for Motormen. The Ilfo of a motorman Is tho same hs a locomotUo .enptinopr ono continuous Jar and Jolt, that, combined with all kinds of stormy life, makes him mnro hiis ceptlblo to klrtnoy complaint than nny other man perhaps that Is why so many motormen tako tho most remarkablo remedy of tho twentieth century Cramer's Kidney Cure. Such testimony ns the following ought to convince the most skeptical: Cramer Chemical Co., Albany, N. Y Mnrch 15, 1000 (lentlemen: I have been n sufferer with kidney dlscaso for a number of years. I had tried different remedies, but could get no relief. At 1 ast I wns recommended by ono of our drug gists to try your remedy. I did so and w as surprised at tho result, as I began to Improve Immediately und today I feel Ilk e a new man. I cannot pralso your medi cine too highly and would advise all wh o nro ainicted to try It. I'lllM.IP liKN'DUIl. All druggists soli Cramer's Kldnoy C ure. $1.00 u bottle, six for J.l.oo. rit VMr.lt t'llinilCAI. ( (, Alhllll, V. BON'T FORGET THAT Yon hjve the BOST nolwlthst Jndlno they It. Itll.'l". .M. C. O.. .MANtTACTI'ltEHS, ST I.OI.'IS, ,MO. C. A. UAILSBACK. OMAHA, DlSTRIIJUTOIl, SPRCIAI, Hl I HMO.VO IJAVI" A XIHTII ! Vln Hoelt latum! llontr. On September 10 and 26 tickets will bo on sale to points In oastern Iowa, Illinois, Wis consln, Minnesota nnd northern Michigan. One fare plus 12 for the round trip, good for returning until October 31. I'or further In formation call nt 1323 Farnam street. Mnonllutit on the ItUcr. J Grand moonlight excursion on the 'steamer Jacob Rlchtman, to be given by Omnhn lodge No. 76. Star of Jupiter, Thurs day evening, tho 13th Inst. All members of tho order nnd their friends In Omnhn, South Omaha nnd Council Bluffs cordially Invited Good music, dancing, plenty of stars'' and a good time promised. Tick ets. 2. cents Two Trains Daily to Denver. Ill IIIS IIM Lv. Omalin 4:25 p in tmlity. Ar. Denver 7:!?5 a in tomorrow. Lv. Oninlm 11:35 p in to Jay. Ar. Denver 1:20 p in tomorrow. Sept. 10 fhc Next Excursion. S1D.00 to Denver anil Return. $10.00 to Colorado Springs anil Return. $19.00 to Pueblo nml Return. $:12.0() to Salt Lake and Return. Return good untiljjctober 31, 1900, city Tlckototflool324Fornnm Stroot. Tol. 310. Oft Each ono will havo an au thentic portrait, important dates and most famous sayings from Washington to McKinloy. Chicago, make Hie fines! ready-to at an immense outlay of ready at fi() cents on the dollar. V( big stock on sale a! half price A SIGN OF THE TIMES. Winter time Is trying on bad teeth I'nlesB your leeih are perfect, you are going to suffer. You catch a so vore cold and the cold settles In the weakest spots. Tho pain Is awful. Oct them fixed beforo It's too late. Wo can do you good after tho pain has commenced, but wo do you more good by preventing tho pain. GAILCY, the Dentist I'ltiiierr ctf rriiNiiiiulili. iirlei'H In llniiilin, U2 I'mtun llllc. lOlli .t I'nrnnm. I.uilr Attciiilniit. I'luilie 1118.". WHEN SMOKING A cost you no more tlun Interior goods. nlerlor aoods, union made tfillli Stovepipe Enamel NOW Im Hi. Mini (,, , Sti o p,( ,,jt iln.- tint rusty in .f st.ive plpo I.Oillllll Will ,!.. It ,.ri. r Ni. J ARMSlu.S The Sh. rwm Williams Cos AKMSIIi:H like their paints "r" "f Hiipiilatlxe iimllt Tho are put up III sm.ill e,tn as well as large ouch There tv tarnlshe rnr 1't'RNlTl'RK ami var nishes for the IM.Otllt. Then there In the iiruimun Oil, FINISH" llnlr piMt .an I'.imiiy Paint Il.i f pint .nn Varnish Slnln Half pint i mi Screen Palm (Jinrt. r pint nn ICnamel Paint oi.im.r pint . ,m lllcile Ktiamol . . giurter pint ,.in timKv Paint OM. tjl WIT CAN FLOOR PAINT ,. ''""t.ts 7. K.nnue feet, two coats l I (.if pint can 1: ithttih F.iiHtiiel Half pint , .in i HI Stain One pint ,,, kim Vnrtilsh Otic ii.i. irt h.ttlr Siinnilera' llih i:.c IV li'le IV 10 Floor (ill One pi. und can Sh.nnti Floor Wax Sherman & McGonnell DrugGo. turner Kllli nml lloiluc. Headquarters for Amateur Photographers Wo nro cxrluslvo dealers In photo- Kraphle materials nnd only carry fri'Rh, first -claps nnd up-to-dnte Roods. We nro agents for all good mnkcH of Koduks. Kodaks and Cameras, 20 per cent discount on all Eastman's KodakH. The Robert Dempster Co,, l'J15 l'ai iiiiin St. Developing Films n specialty. Se our lino of I'lcturo frames. Manawa Tickets All This Week., Saves you 10 cents on each ticket. You can nlno savo lots of trouble nnd nnaoy anco from Roaches by freely uslnc about the elosats, paniiv shelves and sinks Eciffo All you have to do Is to sprinkle It around (non-polouotiB) and, presto, they are nono. Doth sold by J. A. FULLER & CO. l"itnr(rr,i(li antf iinuulna Strretn. The Luxury of Hot and Cold Water In your homo cannot be overestimated when supplied through tho medium of modern sanitary plumbing appliances. We are prepared to fit up your home with all the latest Ideas In sanitary plumbing at prices that will enable tho man of modcrato means to enjoy It. Free& Black, I'lionc 10t!. 18() Farimin St. Go id Crowns Are mnde of TJ karat gold nnd nre hhaped to nfiHlmllntn the natural tooth; havo a Hue polish and will wear n lifetime. flold Crowns j.1.00 Cold Fillings Jl.r.O up Sllvor Killings 7fo Taft's Philadelphia Dental Rooms inn Dtitiirlna SI. Builders' ? Hardware i t ? t Let us snow you up-to'datu Door and Window Trimming's. See the New Steel Joist Hanger. Estimates cheerfullly given nn any- i thing you may need, whethor you wish to buy or not. Jas. Morton & Son Co. 9 in I I iJUUdl. s i. Tool Headquarters. T PILLS .llnln H lllllllli,H'S l'..(il.lSll ill n im iioiii .iiin. in,, ,i k 1 le ,,,, nihrr. Ilrr,i Mnirrrnu Muliathnllou mid lialu. IInh. Uuk ft i.ur (r. iiih erwal Ir. u .'rjr. fer I'iir1lriilar, lr.tllngl,Ull r j Urllf f fr l.uUlr,Mm iitltr, nj rr. I n m Ui.ll. lO.fllilll il,Tt.l,l. h ) '(( .1. Chlrllr.trr lirnalrul Co., llni.n MIUU 1', rilli., l'A HOU'KLIS KhI ,,n jiik h. , .nn- it it Mw O.V I ,r, I t, ii if it at null'. Tr- ,ri'i Kawf .jc. All urutsmu. , an p Ants-Kawf SJllL 30c PENNYROYAL IK