Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 09, 1900, Page 23, Image 23

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roit sai.i: hi; a i, estatb.
Thole NBW ho, is.-. 7 rooms. STRICTLY
MODERN, easl fr.n. within walking dis
tance (only three-fourdis mile from post
olflce, only $3,5uO.
NBW H'i R1CTLY MODERN ft-room house
In Vfi Eartuim district,, up-to-date In
.very rcs;cct. Come In and lot ns show
you this, Cheap at
A three-room rotiase and lot, 52 foet
front, 2 blocks from Crelghton college;
Hero Is a simp- 0-room eottace, newly
papered and palnled, Inside and out, well
and cistern, iuitee and walks In Rood re
pair, Silh and Parker. Two blocks from
(hn now car lino. NOW IS Till! TIME TO
Ht'Y In this liieiiMon; ou can set this for
$1.2" on easy prtMiients.
And this Is another. A new 0-room col
lage and lot. 50x132, near 21th and Ames
live , for II, OTA
Last week we advertised lo build nil
eight-room modern li'iuse In "llemls Park"
for Jl.TlO, $l't) .-ash and 515 month!). This
Is sold, but we have just one more lot on
which we rim build nl these terms. THIS
the first payment you actually buv this
plaeo for less monthly than you could rent
It for COMB IN IN Till! MORNING nnd
look at the plans and seclllcntlons.
An 8-roum. 2 full story home. bath. gas,
city water. large rellar, good barn, stride
trees, on an elegant Cn.foot lot, south front
and paeil street; puvlng paid; In a very
desirable neighborhood, 3 blocks from N
Slth st ear line. This Is worth Jl.Wu. uu
can get It for 2,o. l,onk at It.
residence lots.
Only 5 minutes walk from 21th st. and
Ames nvc, and tho NBW MOTOll EX
Thev can't be duplicated. Tin y are SNAPS
Also have some of the prettiest lots In
the city near 21th and Manderson sts.. cov
ered with line large shade trees-only tm
each. 110 down and lia per month; come In
and sec lire one of these before they are
nil gone. ,
suhuriian HOMES.
Come In and look over our list of bar
gains In 1, 2, 3. 1 and fi-uere homes In the
suburbs of the c ity. Have them w ill small
houses and large houses-some loaded clown
with fruit and berries-Ideal homes for
neon i) who are in love wiiii imiuiu ''
wniild nun io
sweat of their
ens, c nlves,
prices from
thousand. I
ItlUJ UI.1III llllllin. i . V ' " . .
i i-,.smu tin en tiiitm wiiniii ii rw i
mllen of Omaha and feel confident that we
can suit you Have them large anil small
to suit (he wishes or most iivvii I 'caoj
In every location In and about the city.
somo vacant nnu some wiiiiiiukihj
proved. Can huK you In prices
...... nui nf Htrlctlv llrst-class In-
ves(men(s In way of Inside brick blocks
bringing in largo remain, -uiiiu m .
5 por tent money to loan on good real
es(a(e security. Also wrl(e good, sound
flre insurance- p n5MiR
(Bs(ul)llshcd In 1MVSV
Telephono DK.V ,aX,RBBn 0
The recent demand for homes Is i .
Km..' .ixit.. 'en nmiril ASE. Look over
our list of HA RO A INS for tills week. Wo
chullciiBO compelliion.
No. R3 A Blx-room house built less (ban
two years ago, hiiH bath room, hot and u'liinp iilinnhliiL- eemeuted cellar,
south front, and only three blocks from
car line. Located on Cullfornln St., near
27th. Price $2,000; J.W casn.
2.V-In -Walnut 11111. on LnFayette Ave., close
to car line, we are insirucieii io oner .
Holendld eight-room all modern, house,
recently put In tlrst class repair, for $3.S0p,
in easy terms. SEE I'S AT ONCE-Thls
iroperty must bo sold uulck.
1513 Two doors cast of the nhove Is also a
well nuill nil mnciern niran- i m-u
eight rooms, Just put In good condition
nnd Is now one of the most clesltaiiin
i.,....u it, I, , t ,,,,.-1 nf Min cllv. which eun I
bo purchased for $3,000, on reasonable
in Hie west nnrt nf the city on Harney
St.. Juiit three blocks from Farnnm car
line, we have nn eight-room all modern
hnusci nnd good barn, 60-foot lot. south
and east fronts. The house Is well built
and Is cheap at $2,500. Terms reasonable.
1166 This Is a new seven-room house
located on norlh 33d s(ree(, about ono
block from Cuming St., motor. The houso
Is well built, on 11 good int. easi ironi, unci
will tin vacated 111 a few days. lm-
medlite possession can bo given. Prico
$2,500; $500 cash.
A client owns the west two-thirds of lots
rn rA .....1 ,!l 1.-,. 1.. . Din nn nml an'ti
Tl llllll III, 1' II II ,1,1,1, . I III,,. ..,,.
t!i.v miiHt hn Bold. MAKK ITS AN
AVo alpo hiivn 1"(h 1, 1 and X In Knox Stib
on California St. and r,owt Ave, for
t-fk. ..n,,li' r. min i.nnl .lljnnlitit fnr rnsh
Iill","t'-lt' I Hill lliei'MIII'i l"l l'
XV n havo also a few lots in Kendall's addl-
linn for $250 lo $300; easy (erms. Just tho
placo for motor men una street ear con-
Main Floor N. Y Life Hldu.
Omaha. Neb.
Wo want to any to you that what wo nd
vertlso as HARfJAlNS means Just what
we kiiv. We ninniit afford to snend money
for rtdvertlsliiK unless we think l( Is worm
white In so doliiKi and (hut you will bo
We will refund car fare Kindly. It what we
say hern Is no' a fuel.
vua niiuiu oii ni. wc imen inn cnni ironi
lol, 47xl2S feet, with 7 law rooms, lino
furnace. i:ood plumbliiK. elecant brick
cellar under entire house, hands nno
llnlsh. well built. House and lot cost
owner $ti.6iKi. V; have cut tho prlco to
$.1,6ii0 and It Is cl'.eap. WE KNOW IT.
newititi Hut'fi mi uin-i i'ii'kiiiil imu-
story house. Just been repainted and llxed
In elcBnnt shape. H will astonish you
when vou seo It. Corner lot 60x160.
rooms, all modern In every particular.
Fine furnace, bandsnmo oak Mulsh, sewer
connection and the house alone cost 13.500.
Wo will accept up to Wednesday, this
week, the old prlco of $2,300. It Is rIvIiib
It away at the price. We want you to
see It.
4422 Howard SI. wo offer three full lots, 150
souiii ironi, iviiib iiik'i, uy 12.1 icei ciecp,
with fc-room house, all modern but fur-
nace. Only 2 blocks from car line. Wo
min ni'ii 11111. iin 41. Jim nun it in ujieap.
Cnn Klve luirl tlmo nt ii per cent Interest.
fuiTiiii-iii uiiKN i;o.,
Tel. 170. 310 N. Y. Llfo.
HE 127-9
$7,500.00 for lino pi-room house one block
rrom llnuscom nark.
$J.5W.OO for new S-room, strictly modern
house, west part of city, cholco location.
v.10011 uarn.
ji.t,ir.w near mrd and doiIro streets, 7-room
.now couhku. raven street.
J4.2CO,(io near 31st and ChlciiEO streets. 0
roiim modern house; barn. Special taxes
1111 num.
$2.6O0.W for tWO houses nnd l.irirn Int nn
21st street near lirace, lentlnt; for $27.00
I'lT ll'.UUlll.
$2,600.00, 4324 Frunkllii St., near Military
road, 8-room modern house, except fur
nace. In lino condition.
$1,950.00 for 6-room co((ai;o within (en blocks
1-. ii. ,v imrziun.
$ for 1121 Norlh 19th St., on Houlevnrd
$1,300.00 1 for full lol, vacant, 2ii(h and Hodsto
u.Mnii ii-ei, i-riMiui niuise, rny waler
...I'yr- ni"'v,,JI iiim-h ii. uii .
IliW'l ror VacniK lot. CM nnd llnrimv Ul
$3M.0O for vacant lot Military Ave. and
Franklin street.
$760.00 for live ncres Just south of Soudi
C.E0HHB .t COMPANY, 10U Kama in Si.
Desirable dwelling of 7 rooms, with modern
conveniences, kiis. bath, sewer, furnace,
luw rellar, rood bum, permanent walks
niirmnnnnt i'iiu..u
and brick-paved si. ; soulh front lot. 45x126
l i ' J'i'i ''clghborhood, near car lino.
I I 11,1', .,Uii'.UU.
X . ,
cur min unci intoii sts.. new house of
icicniiM, wun porcelain linlh. closet, sink.
.LVi Vn.;r.r',0,li p ",or8 "m' oxceptlonally
lot, 06x140 feet. Price, $3,000.00. '
",..!iVn . "v.". "'-.".v". el,Bl ironi
.enr ti. loth car line, 0-room dwelling, city
T... ..."f K"UK
On N. 19th st. houlevnrd, dwelling, fi rooms,
city water, choice corner lot. (2x140 feet;
cA.rLC0,l;nl "I'"!"-; a bargain. Price,
RB-535 9
AVAXTKll In 111,.' ...Ill I. .
Sr.l'A Q0i W, Usikrook, sot Brown
lQC 1 HE-iJI I
ui VA iinii fruit chick- ! N. 21lth. 7 rooms nnd bam, m
briiws-rals ni, truii. iiiiiK nrani. 8 rooms, modern. $1,500.
, vegelaliie iruca. eie., ii- '' ? .. m il Inrcfn nt. $1,000.
a few hundred up to a lew : , t2rM.
HOUSES, farms, n. C. Patterson, t'i M VU
ItH 0
HOUSES, lot, farms, lands, loans; at o lire
Insurance. Uomls. Fnxton btk. tiK-9ll
RKAll THIS: one nf th liMt homo in Han-
scorn rinco; :i rooms, large mi, n"u I
smntiy home; party leaving ciiy: pri---.
tijX).). M. J. Kennard A Son, room ..10,
jirown diock. m-jn
HANOI t AND FARM lands for sale by the
Union Pacific Knlironcl company, u. a.
McAllnster, Innd commissioner. Union
Pacific Headquarters, Omaha, Neb.4
nr. J .v
for RENT. First noor, l. i.iie ihci?
C1IAS. B. WILLIAMSON, 1203 Farnnm St.
ol. r enoico loir oil ouui itiu. i inii. n ,
rirrmhn rnr aiB or trade tor lmnrovca
city property or Rood farm land: have
other Income property and somo cash to
matcn any cieni. ior pariicuiars wruu
S. Ilnnson, 1015 uoone St., noone. ia.
iiri ,mju in-
MODERN -room cottage, furnace, plumb-
incr nfii iiniMti. rtiu int. rrnniinif easi on
20th st. boulevard near Sprague. Sec
owner, m rortn sot n. mi mmu a-
11E-36I 00-
VATBD, best bargain $500 cash will buv.
Address nt once, T 27, Hcc. HB-SGj 10
IIAIiaAINS-ilARRISON. N. Y. I;'Ki:.'..
niN'ri mm.. In. lii ilio rltv for S1.000.
northwest corner Park ave. nnu iiarney
sis.: ToxllH. Inmilre A. Cornish, with
Drummoml & Co., tttli and l'nr"nX,, 'o;
3311 Fowler avenue, G rooms. $C0O,
4li:t Davenport, 7 rooms, $1,000.
1111 Davenport, 7 rooms and barn, $500.
3023 Parker, 7 rooms, $C00.
1JOT Ames avenue. I rooms, JjW.
oner. Vnl,.,l,i. .1 rnnm. nml li:irn. $1,500,
W.lm.1 H1U.
i'iina, tifiiiHf.H nr.. the nronerlv of casfern
linnltH nnd are worlh from 60 (O 100 per
cent more than prices asked. ...,,
631 Puxlnn Illock.
RB-623 9
It. C. PETERS & CO..
17117 lfnrnnm St
Mn IWfLJi.rnnm llllime. 3327 SnaUldlng St.,
i,ifit. i.wMtfint. nun rv. rnina ciosci.
........ .. . i . i .
Iirlek eellnr. eood cistern, city Water, SO
feet frontage, nlco Bhado nnd lawn. This
1u ti itdiii I I m f irti I tl
No. 4S3-7 rooms, bath, gas, hot and cold
water, tlnlsliecl in ceuar. nano cm ,
largo rooms, high ceilings; lot 63x100 to
,, n... .....i.i I,,, rn (in., Hlmde: east front:
vicinity of 20th and Lake. Must seo this
,int,un ... (I ,.,t.,Il1 f II.
-tv7 ww,,u l.hth tinreelnln tub and
wash bowl, gas, not unci com wuier, cuinu
cinsni. imtitrv. line shade trees, east
front -3 bTocksfrom llanscom Park. This
sTiwlioMe f nml a bargain. Only $2,850 ;
onsv tnnnl
11. C . I'l'.ll'iHH CC l.vy.,
1702 Furnura S(., Hce Hldtr.
Ttl.- 4 t'TMM't. lll.'Mlf l'AIKv.
.nifi.-i.t.- lu w. ,,, l.llflnn In nmn in wmcu
1 II 1,1,1, I.-, ,,,...... ... w. ,,,,,
offers as attractive lots tor so mm
money as Deer Park. This. Is located
only two blocks south of 29th nnd in
lull avu-tin, mi v..
vard, which is being tlxod up and will
Cl,.. r Inrrr,. Mill I TPOS till. (TPCS nlOllC 1
be the linesi urive in me cny
. i . . i ..... 1, . I 1 1. v .hi. lntu I
Ur7,l themrU
w c el vou ,.iCS!nnt lots for from J..1
to $r,no for the best, and they "re "
Ruro to Incrcnso Ip valuo,asl',wie ,un Is 1
wVa'sk you to see them; Trices and tbrms
to sun you. . , ... ...
itcr-Shn1es Co., S61e Agents, 310 N. A.
jjf,., rai. 470. lit, iu J
. .
qW'NBR about to leave the city offers at
large sacrlllce a beautiful home, corner,
south and east front. 9 rooms, modern.
Inrre. bnrn and carriage house, line shade.
,i frnii trues, tiermnnent walks nn.u
u,,.a ...... . . -. TI,..
,.f,i.,i utrpHi: nniv j-i.ow.w, i.t-u. ... ..-i-
tirook, 307 Urown Hlocll. RE M43o H
It ALT i.
iinO S. 30th Ave, 7-room modern house. Good
1 . MO
52s N. 32d St., H rooms, modern except fur
3 good' modern houses on N. 18th St.; In-
1.111111: iwj ... 1 ... ..... . . . , a
2 spanking new 7-room houses, ono block .
of Ilnnseom Park, modern except fur-
....n.n tiaf mnni 1 ui nil.
$2,;VX). miCIl l',i moults irom outti
I .,11. . . ,
2919 Catitollar, 5-room, city wntcr, cellar.
cn r.
Cor nor rti nnd CurtlH Ave, C-room, good
ham. lot 122x293, im
nwwl fnnilB I ti flinto'TIl ISi flimfl KU.
Iis - Vl ' . - - - - - 3k 1 1.
Tracknco properly on Jones St., and aliJ
on 13th street. HE l-l-J
THREE sections of land belotiKlnK to east
ern estate In Jackson Co., Kan., $20 to
$27.50 an acre. Jlox .Hi, -cd. i r iy. fi
1 1 lit I ilv O J
arn what you are looklnB for. Hero they
A 10-room modern house, barn, etc.:
Improvements nlone cost a,wu: owner
u.ia mn.'M,! in 1.!iunnu Pltv und writes
us to sell It for $1,000
i.'i..iii.ninm lmnse. biz lot. larco barn.
Bnd nelRhborhood; must be sold; you
i can lllko It for ,
Seven-room modern house, corner lot,
i-nnil Inn
I Two n.mnm enitHses. south of tho
Swift packing bouse, each 830
j: acres ot land, small house, on 27th
t., evon blocks from Q st 1,000
W,i hiivn Hoverul ebolco lots on which we
can assist you to build a home at prices
t nut win interest you.
tn ncrn nrnnprlv wo e.'in offer vnll!
350 acres just a mllo from tho city limits
part wood land; thn R. It. boulevard and
iieiieviici roan luucii iius iiruuciiv. inr
HUb-dlviillim mis is mo nest opportunity
that nan uccn onereu lor many moons.
Think of l(. Easy (erms. Prlco per acre,
60 ncres, two miles out, small houso; owner
must sen. win iniio somo trauo on tins,
Prlco nor acre. $70.
1 aero, pood houso and bnrp, fruit trees, not
1 inr 0111; 11 very cosy nnine, iov.
10 acres soudi of tho city, 1,4 miles; no Im
provements, this is very cuoice. l'er
acre. Si5.
1&) acres In Sarpy county, good bulldlncs.
l'er acre.
South Omnha.
RE-M491 10
N. Y. Llf HldK.
5-room cottage on Jtith and Pinker st.'.,
eas( front, city wnier, sewer sm.ui pay
ment down, balance mommy, rrice,
Full lot, corner, 25th, near Parker, G).',27
reet, s-room coiiage, ti.m
Full lot and C-room houso on Decatur rt.,
4 blks. rrom motor line; pan casn, tai-
nncn nnwv. 1761).
Full lot and 7-rnom house etc., on Parker
t.. B blks from motor. $550.
Full lot on Hamilton st., near 40th, 4-room
cntluire. K.V).
0-room cottaRe, 23-foot lot, on Hth, luar
Fine.' law brick, 'modern residence, 2d
UI Ini.'u n ..n XI '.MI
n KS (mm couri nmisi', uirKe rn, eusi
I trn l,.,,ln Invvn li' lr iff tm
Nlco residence lot. 35th. near Jacknon, (Six
1.13 font, iihw boulevard, when comnlntril.
will enhnnco the vnluo of this lot NX) to
!lll ner runt. IIOi).
We havo a large list ot small properties
thnt we can fell at ie man me nouiis
nlnnn cnot nnd Oil Hmllll llUVmi'lIt llOWn,
balnnco monthly. If purcliafor prefers ti
buy that way. eun nun ?ep nor jisi ne-
foro buyliiB elsewhere. tii-5.'i J
SO ACRES. 11 miles northwest, with house, 1
bam. erons. horses, cows, implements,
I .... ah cir.iin
SJ to' 120 ncres. 12 miles northwest from tho
Omnhn iiiistnttlcn. I'rlre. S5U ner acre.
312 acres, 12 miles west of Omaha, near Mil-
lr.M.1 1).tn.. t-.K ....n ..n.'A
S 320 acres, good Hurt county land, near
, IUIII. I lilt. JU l'V- ll-.'.
Tekiimuh. iSil ner acre.
4339 Franklin st., 7-rooni house, lot 60.1M
feet, rrice, ji.n).
621 S. ISth st., 6-romn bouse, $1,250.
S. 20tb St.. 5.1'oom houso. $1.6C0.
1113-45 N. 17th st . lot 60x110 foot; paving
paid. Price, $2,600.
fl-room new modern house, near 20th nnd
Dodse sts. Price. $3,000.
Norlhensl corner of 20th and Cuming sts,, 2
Houses. Price. $3,300, Sl'IlMIT OFFER.
11-room modern house, corner lot, within 4,
uiorss in cny uau. j'rice. m.uuii.
Farnnm, near Hlh st , lot 22x132 feet, 3-story
brick nuuuing. l'rico. ju.oyo.
JOHN N. FRBNSKR. Omi. old P. O.
RE-J31 9
FOR SALE. 7-room house, beautiful vard
60x100 feet, shade and fruit tree, st 1017
May reduce to cnh purchmer. t so. ne
1 RE-iTJ 5'
Mnutn uti cireei, v, ihock ironi car, -,'oiw.
I liMtl !,..,.... I r.v.ima lustra It'irn. Sl.COO.
618 N Y Life Phone. 1291.
S-room. modern house, hard wood tlnlsh ot
nrst noor. hot water neat, nonse most
new and everything up to date, comer
101. i,uuu
6 rooms, a nice home, fronting Kountzc
Place. i.iw.
S-room, modern house, cost to build W,CX.
anil Kent in irood ciruer. we i nainioii nnu
niceiy papered, cellar muier me wnoie
house, all bricked up, south front, on
west I'arnam, oniy tz,v;.
7-room cottage, 2627 Davenport, $.,Ci0.
C-room cottnRo nnd lot S3xl40, east front,
on :2u, near ciarK street, rent Jio pe,
mo., nnd can sen this for jsio If taK.'n
within a rew days.
2 small cottages, rental $13 0 lot Boxl22, on
.Miami, near lsi si., ii,3w. m-; a
W. II. a.VTBS.
CIS N. Y. Life. 'Phone, 1291.
71x121 N. W. cor. Hth ind Wirt: owner
sayo sen tins, with all Improvements tin 1 1
for, even ir l c.tnnoi iici over l,tw.
C0x122 S. B. cor. 21th and Miami; want an
ROKirLI on !tMh nviv. bet Dndi-ft nml Par,
nam; street now neing paved nnd owner
wants to sen.
50tl21, on Howard, little east of 31th; nice
nouses on cacn sine; owner win m'iKe
liberal loan at low rate of Interest for
someono who will put up a house, st.r-oo.
2211 N. 21st., 6 rooms, $fi.fi0.
loio jtnsnn, u rooms, jnx).
1214 S. 17th. S rooms, $10.oo.
803 n. Zotn. 0 rooms. J10.00.
2105 Miami, rooms, modern, $1R.0O.
2611 Iodge. !l rooms, modern, $22.00.
RB-331 9
MODERN S-room house near Park. 14.2SO:
Fine Investment, Improved, paving $SI0
fi acres choice garden land, only $C75.
iioauinui mi near nnnscom 1'nru, Jl.150.
Jtlf'K'M r, llnnr.l nt T,n.l
RB-549 9
MODBRN S-room bouse, nnd barn, sou'H
iront, part down, uai. easy, call i)
uuructtc, 1 block from car line.
RH-17S 9
GREAT Western lnstltuto. 1C23 Douglas St..
enronic aiscases cureu;.no arugs, surgery.
STOVES, lamps and chandeliers replatcd.
om. 1'iating uo., ucc jjiuk. xei. 2S35.
Julia Vaughan, 430 Ramge nidg.
OMAHA Steam Laundry; shirts, 7c; collars,
2c; cuffs. 4c. 1750 Leavenworth. 'l'el. 647.
IN families.
Miss Sturdy, 318 S. 2Cth st.
-630 Sept. 24
MRS. JBFFRIS-KBMP, dressmaltlnc nnd
ladles' tailoring. Room 401, Pnxton block,
IGtll and Furnam StS. 361 12
1 ' 1
1'RNDBRSON, ..C0 per day house; board
$3.60 to $5 week. 91h and Farimm; tel. 1210.
.. M261 Ql
EAOLE Loan Office, rellahle. accommodat-
lng; an uustiess conuueniiai. iwi uougins,
LOANS, II. Marowltz; low rates. 418 N. 10.
nGl.Ma, llOlLEHH, ETC.
1. C. Hlinrn Much. Wks motors. dviiamnR
STOCK'S UIrd Store.
1603 Leavenworth.
CALL on Morand, Crelshton hall, for
society nnu staso uancinc wanz anu
2-sten. $3. Larso hull to rent for con
ventions, mctlngB, balls and club socials.
uiu-sepi, -i
PEDfOREED s(ock. reasonable nrlccs.
Address JU llcrvey, ma . 40111 street,
omaua. ftiau 11
WANTED, bids for cuttlnB up 400 tons old
scrap locomotive uoncrs. j. u. aiihui,
913 DoukIiis.
TEL, 1331.
M. S. Wallllln, 2111 CumltiK St.
ALL hinds of carpenter work nnd repairing
promptly attended to. J. T. Ochiltree, 20tn
Lnd Lako Sts. -3 0
JACOH SCHWARZ, 1510 W ebster. Tel. 2046.
HTflVR. furnnce. ranco renalrs: water con
nections, om. stovo uep. wks., j.ui dour.
Tel. om.
CUT ralo (Ickets every where. P. II. Phll-
bln, i&oj i'arnam, xeiejuione 7. vi
for hxchamh:.
GOOD rentnl property for farm. Monroe
& Co., i' ecu unu fuel, u is. Jtitn si.
Z M022
ArroilDION and side uleatlnir. ehean'St.
best, quickest. .Mrs. A. t- .Mam, a cai-
tcrson lilK.,. urn unci r aruum.
-Moll 03
ICE for sale In car lots.
C.llbert Hros.,
Council Ulufrs.
At t TUIX.
WILL sell at public auction (he furniture
nnd conionis or mil o. ,-jji i'arnam si
Tuesday. Sentembcr H: uas ranee, lied
room suns I'lirnein. iron ueus. uciiiiiiii;
draperies, parlor Roods, etc.; this furni
ture Is extrn Unu and must ru; sale to
commence in u a. m. snarp. . ii uiiiiii
ju eun 1 1 "ii"! ''
LOST, lnrgo S(. Ilernnrd dog. 10 months old.
white and binr spnueti. iieiurn io rcsi
detico of James W. Hamilton, 4S35 Cali
fornia at., und receive reward. .
STOLEN, from front of Bennett's store In
omnhn. Friday evening, September 7th,
between S:15 and 10:23 p. m.. one horso und
buggy. Largo brown horse with heavy
black mnne and tall, hitched to black
Concord bugay with hoot on bnrk; owned
by V, A. uroauwcll : tiro., south umuna.
t uai .11 iv
JOHNSON Institute. 616 N. Y. Life Hldsii
Tel. livil; Allen .lotinson, IJ. ii., l.idtcs
dept.; tlld B. Johnson, osteopathlst. Mgr.
M. B. DONOHL'B. D. O., of Still school,
Klrkvllle, ,mo, wi i'.ixton un. Tel. i-iii.
N. K McMl'RRAY. II. S. D.. D. O.., Mrs,
J. R. Mustek, D. o., graduates A. H. o ,
Klrkuville. Mo., suite L2i-Zi. Ucc bide
' " 372 05
city official mitice.
Of the Sitting of the city Council as a
llnarti of Bcitlalliatlnn
To the owner of the lot", purls of lots
and real estate described herein or
abutting on or adjacent to the street",
alleys or avenues herein nam t or siui
iited Iti whole or In par wiililn any "f
ine uisiricis nerein nccineti, at ci tin
being within the city of Omaha. Dine as
county, Nebraska.
You nnd pnrh of votl nre h.rwl.v .inline
that tho city councfl of the city of Omaha
will sit ns u Hoard of Eiuallzatlun at the
council chamber In the city hull. Omahi,
Nebraska, three days from 10 o'clock a m
until 5 o Clock I), m.. COinmeiicleir Tii.-s-
day, September 11, 10CV, at 10 o'clock a. in..
tor tne purpose of considering and eriuHM
Ing Uie proposed levy of sreclnl taxes ..nd
assessments as shown by "Proposed Plans
of Assessment," prepared by the city cm,"-
liter, anu approved ny mo imard or 1'iini.'
vorks, nnd now on llle In the oillce of th.
city clerk, and correcting anv errnr thm
In, und hearing all complaints that the
owners of property so to be assessed nn I
mxeu may mux?; saiu special taxes nni
assessments proposed to be levied being
necessary to cover the com ef the several
Improvements dulv authnuzed to be made
Hid now completed, as follows:
To cover the cost of dimages nward'l
nnd cost of appraisement, under nnd In
pursuance of ordinance No 4C.S., for the
purpose, of opening Ilrowne street, from
21th street west, through tax lots 2 and 3,
section 1, township 15, range 13. amounting
to the sum of $1,212.50, which sum It m
proposed to assess upon 'he lots nnd real
estate specially benefited by said opening,
proposed to assess upon 'lie lots nnd real
aa follows:
Lot 7, block 1, Andrews IJenson's
Addition ( 6)
Lot S, block 1, Andrews & Penson's
Addition 61
Lot 0. hlnek 1. Andrew A; Ilen.nti'j
Addition 60
Lot 10, block
Andrews & Benson m
Addit on
Lot 11, block 1
Andrews & Uensou'n
AH t an
Lot 12, block 1, Andrews & IJenson's
Lot 1, block 2,
Anilrews .'c llenson's
Andrews & iiensons
Lot 2. block 2
Add t on
1 3
Lot 3, block 2, Andrews & Honson's
1 10
1 10
1 0.1
1 10
3 00
3 00
3 ro
Lot 4, block 2,
Andrews & Henson's
Andrews i- Henson's
Anilrews, & Henson's
Andrews & Henson's
'Andrews & Vte'iiso'n's
Anilrews .t Henson's
AH t on
Lot 6. block 2,
Lot fi, block 2,
Lot 7, block 2
Add t on
Lot S, block 2,
Add t on
Lot 9, block 2
Lot 10, block 2, Anilrews A: Henson's
Lot 11. block 2, Andrews fc Henson's
Lot 12, block 2, Andrews A Henson's
3 ro
1 00
4 00
Lots 1. 2. 3. 4. r, nml ii. block 1.
sent no's Harntnea Add., nt J3.60 ouch Zl Oj
Lots 1. 2, 3, 4, S and !. bio ;k .'. Lessen-
tlne's Saralogn Add., ol $3.60 each.. 2100
Lots 7, S. 9, 10. 11 and 12. block 2. Les-
seniine h sarnioga Adci., ai si cacn u wi
South U lot 5, McEntue's Addition.
1 ro
1 15
aoutli A lot 6. McEntee s Addition
South U lot 7. MeEntee's Addition
South V, lot 8. MeEntee's Addition
South U lot ft. Mellntee's Addition
l oo
South i lot 10, MeEntee's Addition... 60
i.ot 11, ftlcllntce's Aunuion i v
Lot 12, MeEntee's Addition 2
Lot 13, MeEntee's Addition 4 L0
Lot 14, MeEntee's Addition
7 0
S 41
8 40
7 00
Ii 0
4 21
2 M)
1 41
1 00
1 25
1 M
i.ot l&, fllci'Jliteo s Aijimion
Lot 16, MeEntee's Addition
Lot 46, MeEntee's Addition
i.ot 1, MCHluce s Auuiuon
Lot 18, McBnleo's AddKlon
Lot 49. McEnlee's Addition
Lot 60, McEnlee's Addition
Lot 61, MeEntee's Addition
isorin ',4 101 .Mcr-uic- s .iiiuuum..
Norlh 'J lot 63, McEntpes Addition..
North 4 lot 54, MeEntee's Aldltlon..
North lot Ki, MeEntee's Addition.,
North Vi lot 5, McHntcc'n Addition..
North 4 lot 67. McEntee'j Addition..
Lot 1. block 1. Oxford Place 10 fj
Lots 2, 3, 4. 5 and fi. block 1, Oxford
Place, ut $20.00 each. .......... .... .... 100 CO
Lots 7. 8, 9, 10 and 11. block 1, Oxrord
Place, at J6.00 each..... OJ on
T..n v Viinob 1 nvfnrd l'lneo 3 2j
Lots 1, 2, 3, 4. 5 and ri. uiocn J.
Place, at $20 00 each. ......... ....... 12)00
l.OtS 7, P. V. ii, II '- ut -
Oxford Plnee. nt $6 00 each
3(1 0
10 CO
23 00
Lot 31, Taylor's Addition................
Lots 37, ,!S, Si, s'l nnu ii, jiiyiui .-
Addition, nt $5.00 each J? Tnvlnr's Addition
. 14 0)
l.nt 1:1 Tnvlnr's Addition
, 12 ro
. 11 ro
9 so
1 75
1 3 ()
Lot 44, Taylor's Addition
Lot 43, Taylor's Addition
North lot 6S. Taylor's Addition.
Vni'iii u. int r.n. Tnvlnr's Addition
North V4 lot 00, Taylor's Addition
Nordi H lot CI, Taylor s Aduiuon
4 50
4 20
i.i 1 WnrHnll'ii Sub
1 . . . n n t f - -1 C H'onlnlt'o Oil, nt
I l.OlH . d, S U UlUI U, HMIUho ..v
ti nf! no nil
20 00
t nt'u 7 s n in nnd 11. Warden's sub. at
V.' 00 'each 10 99
Lot 12, Warden's sub .10
Lot 6, block ;i, vwins J 'arts i-iuce iu
Lot 7. block 3. Willis Park Placo cu
Lot 8, block 3, Willis Park place to)
l.nt n blnrk 3. Willis Park IMacc SO
Lot 10, block 3. Willis Park Place 1 00
Lot 1. block 4, Willis ram j-iaco aw
Lot 2, block 4, Willis Park Place 1 G
Lot 3, block 4, Willis Park Place 1 i"i
Lot 4, block 4, Willis Park Plnco 1 nfl
Lot 5. block 4, Willis Park Place 1 60
l.,Ot 6. IlIOCK 4, Willis I'lim I'liicu s mi
. , , ,. -tt'iiii.. ii..hi. niunn a r.n
l.Ol I, UIOCK i, llll.T I iiiiv i iiii-v 2 :
Lot 8, block 4. Willis Park Place 6 00
Lot 9, block 4, Willis Park Place 6 00
Lot 10, block 4, Willis Park Place C 00
That part or 101 in section i-iu-i.i,
lying norm oi jsrowno Bireei u
nnineil 290 0U
That part of lot 3, In section 1-15-13,
lyltlft SOUIII oi urowno Biiuci ua
opened 300 00
To rover tho one-half cost of KindlnK
Phelps street from 13th street to ICth street,
nmouiuini; to mo sum ni jtu-.-s, which mini
It Is proposed lo assess upon (ho lo(i nnd
real esla(o on both sides of said street, ac
cording to special benefits, ns follows: On
the north sldo of said street (o a depth of
132 feet; and on the south side of sold street
to a depth of 115 fent, according to tho usual
scallnc-back process, pro rata per foot
frontage, at the rato or U.ausii per tool, us
Lot 1, Oak Hill $ 25 M
ItLt; i? inf V nnVViiii
f " '4 lot .1. Oak 11 .....
"a ': S-J, 11 uml u
1J ui
5 10
Oak Hill.
at $13.03 each 93 5j
Lots 13. 11 16. 16. 17. IS. 19 and 20. Oak
1111. nt SI3.U6 each ju:i x
Tax lot 60, Section 31-13-13 73 23
rsnrtii j rent or tax lot ui. section
31-15-13 5
Tax lot 62, secMon 31-16-13 C9 79
South V. tax lot 63, section 31-15-13.... 247 SI
Tax lot CI, section 31-15-13 10 07
west z.& cet or norm sj rent ot tax
lot 44. section 31-1D-13 1 Uj
West 29.3 feet of south ft foet of sub
Dlv. 2, In S. E. U section 31-15-13.... 9 0:
To cover the one-half cost of Krad-
Iiib alley between Mason street nnd Pacille
street, lltli street nnd 12th street. In block
23H, city, amounting to tho sum or $,j.v.ui.
wmcn sum, less izyj.iu paid ny uoani oi
Education for lots 5, ti and 7 In said block
230. It is unloosed to assess unon (be lo(3
and real estate on both sides of said alley
according to special uonetlts nnd tho usual
scaung-nacK process, us louows:
Strip of ground lying cast of and ad
Joining lot 1. block 230. City $ lrt 11
Lot 1, block 230, City 53 17
i.oih .'. j. 4 unu b. h oc zm. u iv. nt
$53.17 each 212 CS
Strip of ground lying east of and ud-
joinlng lot b, block 230, uuy ig ll
Total $29S 07
To cover tho total cost of constructing
sewer in Hewer District No. 210. on Illnney
street, from 25th sluet to 27th street,
amounting to the sum of $919.12, which sum
It Is proposed to assess upon the lots and
teal estate Incl.ided In said district, no-
cording to speclul benefits pro rata ir foot
immune ut ine ra(e or jo.u02.ii per roo(, ns
South V4 "f lot 6S, Olios Addition.... $ SO 01
nouin i lots 6i, , ill, i. U3. at iso.03
eucn uy la
r.asi 6U reut or south 'i lot 61. disc's
Addition 4S 21
Knot w.l reet of north lot 99,
Olses Addition
North b lo( 100 .Olscs Addition
3 2 no
SO 01
SO 01
jsortn a lot loi, oiscn Addition
v,)rti, u it m-'. cjimum miditinn
10 03
l.ast 112.S2 fenl nf nnrt i U. lm tn:i
North Vi lot 101. Olses Addition ....
so iu
To rover the tcn-il cost of eniiMtruetlnir
sewer 111 Sewer District No. 247, on Geward
street between 22nd street nnd 24th street,
amounting to tho sum of $591.17, which sum
u is monosea io nsscss unon the lntu ..un
real estate Included In said district, accord
ing io special iieneitis. pro rata per foot
i ot8 ji ,5 K
,B ."g 4j ,","',
i,ots H and IS, Oo
ironuigu ni mo rale or jo.vjmi per foot,
Godfrey's addition,
J17K 23
GodlteV's Addition nt
$.VJ.42 each 118 S4
Sub lots 3, 4. 6, 0 and 7 uf tax lot 22,
section 15-15-13, at $59.42 each 297 10
To cover the total cost of const! uitlng
sewer 1n Hewer District No. 219. .on Plnney
street between 1Kb avenue and Shertnuh
avenue, amounting (o (he sum of $559.17.
which sum it Is proposed to assess upon the
lols and real estate Included In said district,
according to special benefits pro rata per
foot frontago nt tho ruto of $0,099 per foot,
as follows-
Lots 14, 15, 16, 17. 18, 19. 20. 21, block
5, Sulphur Springs Addition, nt $34.95
each . $279 CO
Lots 1, 2, 3, block t!. Sulphur Springs
Addition, at $3f.0l ea-.i .. 101 S2
Lots 4, 5, 0, 7, s, block 6, Sulphur
Springs Addition, ut $31.93 each 174 75
To cover the cost of paving and curb-
4 ITY OKI'K I A I. M riCB.H.
lug Jlth s(r. e( frutn die sn ith line "f Ilod
street cast (u (he in.rdi line of Ame
avenue, wlthtn Street Improvenic nt Dis
trict No. ni, amounting to the sum oi
$2.710 7(5. Including cost of onr private ap
proach, which sum (except $7 23. cost nf
private npproachi It Is proposed tn assess
upon the lots nnd real esta(e on bo(h
sides of r.itil street and Included In said
district according to the usual scnllm; back
process, pro ra(a per fool frondme a( 111'
r.ite of $3 1111 per fool, as follows:
Lots 1. 2. 3. I. 6 and 0. Hock 1, Isabel
AddKlon, ut 13ti! cilcll $ VII 51
Iols l and Z. block J, Isabel Ad
dition a( $140.11 each
Lol 3. block S, Isabel AddKlon
North 31 feet or lot 4, block S,
Isabel Addition
Lot 9. block 4. Oak Chatham Ad
dition (Including private approach)
Lots 10. 11. 12. 13. II. 15. block 4. Oak
2SI 2S
llu 1
i S9
175 41
Chnlham AddKlon. nt $!W.15 each 1,009 OS
Lot 10, block 4, Oak Chatham Ad
dition 171 41
To cover the cost of paving nnd e.irblns
Ames avenue from 22nd street to 1Mb ave
nue, within Sttee( Improvement District
No. OS l, atnmintlnp to the sum of $7.011 7!
Including cost of three private approaches,
which sum (except $20.2". cost of prlvat
approaches! ( Is proposed (o assess upon
(he lols nnd real esltKc on both sides of
said Ames avenue and Included In said
district, according to tho usual scaling
back process, tiro rata per foot frontag"
at (he rale of $3.09329 per foot, as follows:
Lots 7, S. 9, 10. 11 and 12, Clifford's
Adltlon. at $13il.l0 each $ 81(1 00
Lot 1. block 1, Isabel 207 0i
Lot 2. block 1. Isabel 10J 62
Lots 3 nnd 10. block 1, Isabel, ul $77 61
Lot 11, block 1, Is'tbcl
Lot 12. block 1, Isabel
Lots 1. 2. 3. 4, 6 and 6. block 2,
Isabel, nt $139 20 each
Lot 1. block 3. Oak Chatham
Lot 2, block 3, Oak Chatham
Lot 3, block 3. Oak Chatham
Lot 4. block 3. Oak Chatham
Lot 13. block 3, Oak Chatham
Lot 14. block 3. Oak Chatham
Lol 15. block 3, Oak Chaiham
Lot 10. block 3. Oak Chatham
Lot 1, block 4. Oak Chatham
Lot 2, block I, Oak Chatham
Lot 3, block 1, Onk Chatham
Lot I. block 4. Oak Chatham
Lot 13. block I. Oak Chatham
Lot 14, block 4, Oak Chatham
Lot 15. block I, Oak Chatham
Lot 16, block t. Oak Chatham
South 10 feet of tax lot 12, section
Tax lot 1.1. scctlo" "M5-13, Including
cost of ono private approacn
West 99 fee( of soudi 13C feet of (nx
lot 10. section 3-15-13
Tax lol II. section 4-13-13. Including
i :s
103 6J
2'J7 05
S3,, 21
lftt 41
ioo i:
67 00
5(1 9J
6C, 91
57 tfl
10) 17
l't 41
Iftl II
100 17
67 01
6(1 99
M 91
57 (U
100 17
109 41
60 40
IXS 93
3CU 21
cost of two nrlvale nnproaches 1.900 SI
Ens( 30 feel of soulh 132 feet of tax
lot 13. section 4-15-13 92 Si
To cover the cost of paving and curbing
JSlh s(rec( from Pacille slteet to Leaven
worth street, within Street Improvement
District No. C.55. amounting lo the sum of
510.H3M. wllteli sum It is proposed in as
sess iitinii the lots mid real estate on both
sides of said street und Included In said
district, according to the usual sailing
back process, pro rata per toot frontage
.. ...... , (l--K ..,. ., .. r..lln...u.
Ul llll' lilll' III t..,ut!i liiTl Hiui. ii.-i niliuim.
Lots 11. 12, 13. 11, 15. 10. 17. 18 and
19. Heed's Second Addition, at
$239.60 each $ 2.155 50
I.iiIh i!0 nnd 21. Reed s Second Addi
tion, nt $213.77 each 4S7 51
Lois 22. 2.1. 24. 25, 26. 27. 2S. 29 and 30,
ltncd s Second AddKlon. at $239.30
each 2,155 60
Lots 41. 42. 43. 14. 4V 46, 47. 4S and 49,
Rees Place, at $2fi2.27 each 2,540 43
Lots 50. r.l. 52. 63, 54, 55, 66. 67, Ki, 59
and CO. Recs Pluce, nt $2S2.2C each . 3,101 S.
To cover (he cost of paving and curbing
Cuming s(ree( from 40(b slreet (o (he wes(
line of 42nd s(rect on the south, within
Htr,it Imnriivemciit District No. 66
iimnnntlnp- tn Int- mini of 16.420.53. which
sum It Is proposed to assess upon the lots
and real estate on both sides of said
street nnd Included In snlfl district, nC'
eordlnir to the usual scaling back process
pro rata per foot frontage nt tho rato of
$4.U4H2o:il per root, ns tonows:
I.nin 1. 5. 3. I. 6 and 6. block 1, Pon
plelon Park, nt $181.20 each $1,105 20
Lots 9 and 10. block 1, Walnut Hill,
at $101.93 each 323 80
t.nfM 11 !'. 13. II. 18 nnd 111. block 1.
Walnut Hill, at $202.41 each 1,214 4C
t.nix fi in. 11. 12. 13 nnd 14. block 2,
Walnut Hill, at $202.41 each 1,214 4C
Lois 15 nnd 16, block 2, Wulnut 1 till,
nt $161.93 each
East 3S feet of lot 20, block 3, Wal
nut Hill
North 160 feet of tax lot 20, section
S.ib lots 1 nnd 2. (nx lot 21, secdon
323 S3
153 83
971 5S
17S 14
17-15-13. nt SXSl.O, each
North 150 feel of (ax lot 21. section,.i.i nvrciit nun lots l nnu ... .
913 1 1
Tn enver thn cost of tiavlnir nnd curb 1 11
Hurt street from 2Sth street to 10th street
within Ktn.nt liiinroveinen( Dls(rlc( I 0
r.1 nmniiniliiir tn (ho sum of $7,796.06. In
cluding cost of Inspection, advertising and
one private approach, wWch sum It is pro
posed to nsscss upon the lots nnd real
nntntt. Ine liidcd In said district according
to special benefits, ns rouows: 'inn cosi oi
paving. Inspection and advertising (except
ju'.'.'u, cost ot private approacn) n is im
posed to assess upon (he entire dlstrlc
iircnrdlnir In llle usllnl scaling back liroe
ess. pro rata per foot frontage nt tho rate
of $3.5161 per foot. The cost of curbing and
inspection 11 IS proposcu io assess on hip
lntu nniinufln which nnld ClirblllC Was get
only, according to the usual scaling back
process, pro mm per iooi irouiagu iu me
rate of $o.G1079 per foot, the proposed tax
on eacn lot netng as ioiiows:
Lot 3, block 0, Lowe s 2nd Add. nnu
vacated strip or ground unjoining
until in! Inntlldlmr nnst nf reset-
tlin? curb $ 071 (0
West 73 feet of north 150 feet of lot
7. block 3. PntK Place....
203 63
3S6 G6
3S6 C6
453 SI
453 S4
453 SI
453 SI
North 150 feet of lot i,
block 3,
"block" 3,
Park riaco
North 160 feet of lot 9,
Park Placo
North 150 feet of lot 10,
Park Place
North 160 feet of lot It, block 3,
Park Place
North 150 feet ot lot 12, block 3,
Park Place-
North 160 feet of lot 13, block 3,
l'nrlc IMficn
North 150 feet of lot 11, block 3,
Tark Plarc ,i
Lots S. 9. 10, 11 and 12. block 1, Sher
wood Park, nt $217.60 rncb
Lot 13. block 1, Sherwood Park, ln
1,171 74
1,237 S3
entiling cost or rescuing corn
Lot II. block 1, Sherwood Park. In
cluding cost of resetting curb and
one private approach
I nto 7 ti II 10 nml 11 lilnnlf 2. Hhnr.
11C 91
190 93
wood Park, at $217 50 e ich 1,237
Lot 12. block 2. Sherwood Park 21B 17
To cover the cost of paving and curbing
Leavenworth street, rrom otn slreet jo . ii
Htrnt within slrppt I mnrnvement dltrlr
Nn 717 inmiintlnrr tn thn slim nf J3.343.r9,
which sum It Is proposed to assess upon (he
ln(s und real estate Included In snld dis
trict according to the usual sealing buck
process, nro rata per foot frondige, at the
rate or s&.&:tl i.m per iooi, ns ioiiows:
Rtrtn nf p-rnimd lvltli? west nf nnd
adjoining lot 5, block IfS. Cltv $ S3 E7
'nls R fi. 7 nnd S. block 1,S. Cltv. ut
$-;n3.0l each 1.476 10
Strin nf ground Ivlng east of nnd
ndlolnlng lot S, block 1SS City lit 83
Slrln nf fimiind Ivlnc ensr nf n.n-1
ndlolnlng lot 1. block 207. Cllv HI 3
T.ntH 1 " anil 3. hlnnk "07. Cltv. lit
$309.03 each 1.107 01
Lot 4, block 207. City 30')
Strip of ground U'lng west of and
ndlnlnlni' Int 4 hlnek- 517. Cltv 83
To cover the cost of paving nnd curbing
19th street, from Douglas street to Doibre
street, within street Improvement district
No. 729. nmountlng to the sum of $2.boi.ui
which Rum It u tironoed to assess unon
the lols nnd renl estate on both sides of
said slree( and Included within nlil ills
trlet iiecnrdlnu to the ns.iirt senllnc bael
process, urn ratn per ton frnnlngo nt the
rate or i.4::i tier root, nB ioiiows:
I.ot 3. block 100. Cltv
Lnt t and 6, block 109, City, at
1.13 kii cacn
Lot ll, block IK!, City
Lot 1. block 110. City.
1R7 S
43S U
Lots 2 and 7. block 110. Cllv. at
S1ST S3 each 375 FA
Lot S block 110, City 43S 27
To rover the cost of paving Yates street
from Sherman avenue to lh" west ll"o of
15th slreet on the smith within street Im
provement district No 731, nmountlng to
the sum of $1 721.13. which sum It 1s pro
posed lo nsscss upon the lots and real
estate on both sides of Fnld street and In
cluded within said MHrlM. nerori'lng ti
tho iimiu' sealing boe'i process nr, rat"
ner foot ffiiitage at (ho rnte of $3.715s -cr
fool, as foMows:
South 3 feet Int 4, block 2, Paddock
Place $ 4 72
Lot 6. block 2. Paddock Place 11 1 '7
Lot fi. hlnek 2 Pndock Place ffi' r0
T.ot II. b'nek ?, Paddock ''lace 115 7'l
Lot 15, block 2, Pndilocl' plnce IVi "!
T.ot 1. bleck 3 Pndoek Place 321 04
l.nt 2. block 3, Paddock Piece PS 10
N'-th 32 feet lot 3, block S. Paddock
Plnee 71 n
Lot 7 block- 3, Pnililnck Place T "0
Lot 8, hlnek 3, Paddnek Place IS" 79
To onvcr the enpt nf constructing perma
nent sldewlks. done under cnnlrnct wl(h
(he P.ivlng Coinnany, nmountlng to
the sum of $1,634.06, which sum It Is nro
tinsed tn nssesn uinn the lots and real es
tate along nnd ndjolnlnir which sntd walks
were constructed, ns follows:
Lot 5, block 172, City $172 10
Lot 1. block 174, City 217 3o
Lol 8. block 174. City 22) f7
Lot 4. hlnek 171. City "17 61
Lot 4. Mock 1".. City Ifil 70
Lot 5. bl"ck 193. City 165 '9
Lot 10 Convent Placo U 'o
Lot 17. Convent Plnco 49 77
T.ot '0. '"invent Plnen t 33
Lot 20, Convent Place '1 i5
Lot 16. Oak Knoll Addition 61 70
Lot 16. Onk Knell Addition .. . 51 41
Lot 15 Preston & Williams' Addition. 78 64
Lot 16 Preston & Williams' Addition 78 08
To cover the cost of constructing perma-
city ornciAi. XOT1CHJ.
drn( sidewalks, done under ct:trnct "I'b
Oi urge R Crandall. nm.-unlli g t the . in
of $22 7$. which sum l( is pnpmed l" iiiM
urn lol s, rresinn mi iiinis .vnim 'ii
ottg which snld walks wen- cmstnu'ed
The "usuul scaling back process. ' t"
hlch reft-rcnee Is made In tuts 11 dice.
ns follows:
One-third or such pro rain eo( upon uu
one-sixth part of (he whole ainoun' of t It
ground to be assessed llrst nbutilm up n
the street line al dig said Improvements.
One-llflh of such pro tntn cost upnti th"
second one-s(h part of the whole ntiMUtr
of said ground ncM ndjaicni.
one-siMii or sucli prit rain cost upon urn
third nue-slxt i nnrt of the who.e amount
of said ground next adjacent.
And three-tenths of said pro rata co-t
Upon the adjacent or reni'ilnlng one-half of
id ground.
Vim :ir further nnllfled thnt said "Pro.
iiii.cit Pliins nf Assessment" nre now sub
ject to the Inspection and examination o'
anv or (lie owners oi saiu uhs or pice
of real eslnte. or of any other p tsuii ti
teresled In snld proposed s.essim Mits, ,it
the oillce of the city clerk, nnd that II '
proposed that, unless fcr good and sudl
elent cnuso It may be ethorv. lc ordered all I
determined, the cost of said Improvement
respectively, tie iiossru oa me :cverii
lots, parts of lots and pieces of teal estate,
as shown by said "Proposed P. an cf As
csment "
You nnd each of yen are hereby no. Hied
lo appear before said Hoard of Eciuailra
tlon nl the time nnd place above specified,
to make nny complain!, sla(ement or ob
jection you may desire, concerning any cf
said proposed levies and assessments of
special taxes
,1 t... v.,1..... -I... a,is, lnM i lain
VJIllilllii, oi'iii nnii, I',. , ii... i i
City Clerk.
i. i:u w. xuTirr
Vntlcn 1 limtiv itl'i,n Ihut linriillnnt tn
an order of (le hlstrlet court of Douglas
county, Nebraska, dated July 7tli. l!W. I
will, on (he lSih day of September, 19v). nl
Court Room No. 6. ltee Uulldlng. offer fc-r
sale (o (he highest bidder therefor, for
rush, nil of the unsold assets of the Ne
braska Savings and Exchange Hank, said
sale will be held from 10 a. m until 12
nnd from 2 p m until 5 ii. in. of snld day
nnd will be continued from dnv (o clay
until all (he assels nt said bank have been
offered for sale; all bids are subject to
the aiinroval of lb" court nnd must In
ench case be accompanied tiy money or
certlllcd check ror tweni.v-uve per cent of
the amount of the bid. Said bids shall be
reported to the court after the conclusion
of said sale nnd the balance of the pur
chase price of all sales approved and con
firmed bv (he i.c.ur( will be p.-iii'de upon
snld conllrmndtm. The deserlnllon nf (he
iroperty and assets to be orfered for sale
111 tin. llluli'mllMlcil. lit Mlllll flmn llllll
place, and cpon conditions above men
tioned. Is ns follows:
Lot 5, block 10, Albright s Annex.
Lot S, block 2, Wnkeley Add
North half of lot 5, block 65. South Omaha
South 22 feet of lot 2. block 16. Clifton
lllll Add
Lols 5 and 0, Illock V. l.owc s Add.
l ntu I nml fi hlnplc A Mi'Piirm1nk' A.1.1
N. B. oi N. B. of N B. L. Sec '
6-15-13, Douglas coiinty, Nebraska, less
4 70-100 acres snld tn Norton N. Oould
Lol 10. Ilousel .V Stebliin H Subdivision
of lot 15. Hartlett's Add.
Lot I, block 11, urcutmi tint Add.
Lols 7 and S. block 8, Jetter's Add. to
South Omaha.
South 30 feet or lot d, uiock iy. south
East 14 a. v . "4 ana west vt a, u,
Sec. 31-12-15, Huffnlo county, Neblaska.
West 90 fent of lotB 23 and 21. block IS.
Hanscom Place.
Lots 3 and 4, Kills Place,
Lot 29, block 2. West Side Add.
Lot 10. block 2. Llnwood Park Add. to
South Omaha. . . . . . .
Lots 13 ann .4. moei: s. Ames 1'iace Add
Lot 1. block Florence,
Lol II, block IS, I'arlliage Add.
Lols ti. 7. S. 9. 10. 11, 12 13. 14, 15. IS,
20, 21, 22. 23 und 24. block 1, Madison
Square Add.
I.ot 3. uiock naKcr i-ince
Lots 6 and 7 block 3. Dworak's Add. to
South Omaha.
Lot 15. block l.vj, urn mi lew- Ana.
Lots 11 nnd 12. block 4, Hitchcock's First
ARuii lot 19 of tax lot 5. Sec. 15-15-13. Doug
las county. Neb., being 51x132 feet.
Part of lots 6 nnd 7, block 9, McCaguc's
Add., being 50x140 feet.
Lots 1, 2. a. 1, I, , J anu iv. diock j,
lots 4. 5. 6, 7, 8. 14, 15, 16, l). IS and
notith H of 19 block 2, ull In Dworak'a
Add. lo Mu.iiti umnnn.
Lot 10, block 3. wninut inn.
T.ntH l. 2. 3. block 10. nnd lots 1. 2 and 3.
block 21. nil In Csrthnse Add
Lol 12 and south H lot 9, block 3, Ex
change Place, South omnha.
l.Ol J, uiock lut, nouin uuiuiia.
N'nrtb U Int 20. block 3. Kountze's Third
Add., und" n. strip adjoining same on norlh.
10 2-10 feet wide at mo ntreet ana t icei
wide nt the back end.
Lot 11, Shlloh.
Lot 23, block 1, Sherman Ave. Park.
Lot 17. block 5. Peck's Orovo. and lots 4
and 6. block SO, Hoikz Place, bodi addi
tions to Lincoln. Neb.
Lots 2. 3. 5. u. 7 anu 8, iiiocK 2, iirooKiino
Lots 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 'i nnd 8. b ock (i
Credit Ponder Add.
Enst 22 feet of west 44 feet of lot I. block
193. City.
Lots 9 and 28. block 2, West Hide Add.
Lots 16, block 4. Clifton Hilt Add.
Lot 02. Nelson's Add.
A narcel of land described as follows:
llcu'lntilmr nt a. nolnt In thn center of
Little I'auilllon Creek where said creek
crosses tho north lino of tounshln II. range
12 cast, running thenco west io N W. cor
ner of N. E. U of Sec. 1. said township,
thenco south 16 Sl-100 chains, thence east
to tho center of said creek, thence north
along center of snld creek to place of be
ginning, except n strip IOO feet wide, being
50 feet on each side of the located Klin of
tho Omaha Uelt Railway, Douglas county,
Part of lots 13. 11, 15, 10 and 17. block 3,
llegley's Park Add. to South Omaha, de
scribed as follows:
Beginning at N. W. corner of cMd lot 17,
thenco duo south on west duo of said block
2 239 8-10 feel, (liencf noiitheasterly 15 9-10
reet to south lino or said 101 i.i. mence
enst along south lino ot snld lot 13. 44 4-10
fee(, thence north 20 degrees east 216 33-109
feet (o oust line of said lot 17. thence
north 46 7-10 feet (o north line of said lot
17, thenco west along north lino of said
lot 17, 130 feet to tho plnee or beginning.
Lot 11, block 3, Lincoln Placo.
Lots 0. S. 9, 10 nnd 14, block 142, Florence.
Lots 2. 3. 4. 5. 8. 12. 13. 11. 16, 17, 18, 19 and
iti, diock iu, 1'ioreiice.
Lols 7 and if, block 58 lots 1 and 3, blocK
33; lots 2, 4, 5, 6. 7. 8, 9. 10, 11, 12. 13. 14. 15,
16, 17, 19 nnd 20 block 102, all in Florence.
All of block 110, Florence, except lots 3,
7, n, 10, 19 and 20.
West lii of north of lot 35, nurr Oak
addition tn Omnhn.
Lots 17, IS and 19, block 4, Sherman Anuo
Lots 14, 15 and 16, block r, summit addi
tion to Omnhn.
Lot 10. block 3, Hiltslda addition No. 2.
Lots 10. 11, 12, 14 and 22, bloclt 2, Vander
cook Terrace.
A piece of land 66x09 feet described as
Heglnnlng 1.05C ft north of N. E. corner of
block 310, City, as per llemls' map, thence
north 00 feet, thence west 09 feet to west
linn of tax lot 6; south 6ti feci, cast C9 foot
to place of beginning.
61x132 feet us follows: Heglnnlng 198 feet
north of N. B. corner of block 311 as per
llemls' map of Omaha, thence noith 61
feet, west 132 feet, south 61 feet, east 132
feet to place of beginning.
Also the following property:
Out lot" ill. 152, 159, ICO. 163, 176. 177, 173,
195 , 238, 259, 263, 261 nnd 172. undivided 9-10
ol 61 and undivided of 1D6. south V4 of
IK! and west Vj of 193. nil of said out lots be
Ing In or near Florence. Nebr All of block
91 except lots 7 and is; all of block 101 except
lots 1 nnd 8; all of block 111 except loU
14 nnd 15; all ot block Ci, eald blocks nil
being In Flurencc.
S. W. U cf N. W. Vi of S. W. 'i secdon
North ',6 of 8. W. J. section 20-16-13, both
In Douglas county, Nebr., also mortgage
notes ns follows:
Mortgage note given by Thomas Ilrennan
for $1,000. Seeurltv. lot 1, block 3, 1st ad
dition to South Omnhr..
Mortgugu no(e given by O. V Plckard
for $3,700 Sectnlty. N. of S. W. '4, 8.
E. , 25-15-12, Douglas counly
Mortgage note given by Thomas McOov
ern for $3,000. Security, lot 3. block 10,
Heed's 1st uddltliJli.
Mortgago notes given by W.M. Long as
Secured on lots 14 nnd 15, block 8, North
Omaha. ;:;mi.
Secured on tots 3 and 4, block 8, North
Oinnhn. $300
Secured on lot 5, block 13, and lot 10,
block 10, North Omaha. $300.
Secured on lots C and 7, blmk 3, North
Omnha. $300.
Mortgago given by .Maria M Smith. $150,
Security, lot 11, block K, Hethany llelguts
Lancaster county.
Also all bills receivable, slocks, warrants
Judgments nnd other claims, nnd furnituru
and fixtures
Together with any other property or as
sets belonging to the Nebraska Savings
and Exchange bank of Omaha, Nebr., not
above enumerated. .
Receiver Nebraska Savings and Exchange
Hunk, Omaha, Nebr
Office 15th nnd Frnam streets
auk. '7-".2t.oifcB
O0 0
9 ..r-.i. nr nrr-. .
s s
Missouri Valley Railroad
The N'rthwestern
Line' llencral Offices,
rnlied Sta(es National
Hani; Hide . S. W. Cor
Twelfth and Fnrnam Sts
. Hi 1 Fitrnnm St. Telephone,
1Mb and Webster Sis. Tele
Leave. Arrive.
Tl. krt i I1U
5t.l Ii, i . t
ph'tie, H.-S
Him k Hit's
Mot Springs
. . .a 3.00 p'n a 6:00 pin
ominu. l asiur
DoiiElas d 3:03 nm e 5:00 lini
Hastings. York. David
Cllv. Superl r. Oeneva,
Hxeter and Seward... b 3:00 pm b 5:00 pm
Norfolk Vcrdigre and
Frenii't b 7:30 nm htO:J5 am
Unci ;n. Wahoo and
Fremont . . ..b7:30nm bl0:25 am
Fremont I.ocat c 7 .10 am
u Dallv b Dally except Sunday, c Sun
day oltlv d Dallv except Saturday, e
Daily except Monday.
Mlnnrapnlls ,v Omaha
i:allwa "The North
western Line" - General
Olllces, Nebrsska Dlvb
sinu. 16th nnd Webster
Sts Cltv Ticket OBlee.
UU Pnrunni St. Telophone, 661. Depot,
15th and Webster Sts.
Leave. Arrive.
Twin City Passenger. ..a 6:W am n 9 10 pm
Omnha Pasesnger nll:lO am
Sioux City ,i North
east Nibraski n 3:50 pm
Onkland Local b 5:45 pm b S;15 am
n Dally b Dally oxcep. Sunday.
western Railway Thn
Ni rib western Line" -City
Ticket Oillce. 1401
Farnnm Street. Tele
phone, 661. Depot, Tenth
and Mason Sts. Tle-
1 vrt A frit.
Daylight Chicago Spe-
clal . a 7:00 am all 30 pm
t hl. ago Passenger.. n 1.15 pm a S. 10 am
L.istirn Exn,,rs. i)0s
Molnos, .Mnrshalltou it.
Cedar Rapids and Chi
cago . nl0:5$ nm a 4:0J pm
I.astern Limited, Chi
cago and East u 4;53 , n 4:05 ,,m
Rit M.ill, Chicago to
flmn lm a 2:15 pm
Omaha-Chicuao Special u 7:15 pm u S:00 pm
l ast Mall uS:30um
ii Dallv
Htillrond The North
western Lino" (lensral
Olllces. Putted States
Nntionnl Hank Uulldlng,
S W, Corner Twelfth
.lull l.irnittn Mtu Tl,lnt
Onirc. 1101 Farnnm St Telephone, 661 De
pot, Tenth and Mason Sts Telephone, o
m...... ....
i.envc Arrive,
'.' "!" J'lMiriTS
. .a U 55 am a!0:60 pm
. .a 7.33 pm a s:15 am
..a 8:00 um n 4:20 pm
I Twin City Limited
Hlonx . cty i.oca;
n Dally
qulney Railroad "The
Hurllngdm Rottlo" Ticket
Oillce. 1502 Farnnm St.
Tel. 250. Depot. Tenth A:
Mason Streets. Telephone,
I.nflV... Arrive
Daylight Chicago Spe-
. clnl a 7:00 am
Peoria Express ... . n fl! tim
Chicago Vestlbuled Ex .n 4:00 pm n 7:15 am
Chicago Local Express.". S:60 nm a 4;03 pm
Chicago Limited .a 7:15 pm u 7115 am
j-iiciiic junction Local . iiiu:ci um
Pacille Junction Exirn. n 7:00 pm
Fast Mall a 2:45 pm
a Dally.
seph AV Council Hlurts
Railroad--"The Hurling
ton Route ''j Ickct Office,
1602 Farnnm street. Tele
phone 250. Depot, Tenth
nml Mnsnn streets, Tele
phone, 121
. Leave Arrive.
Kansas City Day Ex ..a s:60 am a 6:10 pm
Kansas City Night Ex al0.15 pm n 0:15 nm
St L uls Flyer for St.
Joeph and St Louis n 4:55 pm nll:15 am
a Dally.
souri River Railroad
"The Hurllngtou Rome
General unices, N. W.
Corner Tenth and Fnrnam
Sts. Ticket Oillce. 1502
Farnnm slreet. Telephone.
250. JJurllngton station, Tenth and Mason
Streets. Telephone, 128.
Leave. Arrive
Lincoln, Hustings and
McCook ii 8:10 nm a 7:35 pm
Lincoln. Denver. Colo
rado, t'tnh. Cullfornla.a 4:25 pm a 3:00 pm
1 'tuoln fs lllack Hills.. a 9:30 pm a 3.00 pin
Montana, Puget Sound .a 9:30 pm u 6:45 am
Lincoln ! nst aian . . .asiuopm niu:3a am
Denver, Colorado. Utah
& caiirornta
c Dally.
s C: 16 am
land Route" General Ofllces,
N 13. Cor. Ninth and Fnrnam
streets. City Ticket Ofilce, 1324
Fnrnam street. Telephone, 31C.
Depot, Tenth and Mason 8tt.
Telephone, 629.
i.eava. Arrive.
The Overland Llmlt"d. .a S.20 um a 7.33 pm
Tho Chlcugo-Porllund
Special a R:20 am a 7:35 pm
The Fast Mall a 8:50 am n 3:2.1 pm
The Colorado Special ..all. 35 pm n 0:60 nm
Thn Fast Mall a 4:35 pm
Lincoln, HratricQ and
Stromsburg Express ,b 4:10 pm bl2:25 pm
Tho Pacille Express .a 4:23 pm
The Atlantic Express . a 6:50 am
Grand Island Local ..b5;39nm b 9.30 am
a Dally, b Dally except Sunday.
nnd & Pacific "nllrond
"The Great Hock Isl
and Rnule " city Tick
et Oillce, 1323 Farnnm
Street. Telephone, 4XS,
Depot. Tenth Mason
Bttcets. Telephone, d?).
l.,.ni.n Ai-iIum
Dea Moines nnd Daven
port Local n7-25nm bll:35nm
Chicago Express till -15 nm a S:10 am
Chicago Fast Express.. a 6:00 pm a 1:25 pm
i.iiicoin ami c ,nruury..ii s:J'j um u t.vj ;ira
Lincoln, Colorado Spgs.,
uenver, rucuio und
West a 1:50 nm A 4:15 nm
Dec Moines, Rock IbI-
rnd nnd Chicago . . .a 7:15 nm a 6-.60 ntr.
Colorado & Texan Flyer a 5:55 pm a 9.15 am
a uniiy. u iiauy except miuuuy.
Railroad. City Ticket Of
flee, 1102 Fantam street.
Telephone. 215. Depot
Tenth und Mauusi ttrcets.
Leave. Arrive
. . .nil (io am a 4:05 pm
...a 7:15 pm u S;10 um
...b 7:00 am b 0:10 pm
...a 7:45 pm a 8:15 um
Chicago Express .,
Ch.ctigo Limited ,
.Minneapolis und
Paul Exniess ....
Minneapolis and
Paul I. tinned
Fori Dodge Local from
Council muffs n 4:so pm am
a Dully, b Dully except Sunduy.
S(. Paul Railway CUy
Ticket Ofilce. J50I Fnrpum
Slreet. Telephono 2SI. Depot
Tenth nnd Mason Ktrettts,
Telephone, C2'i.
Leave. Arrive.
Chicago Limited Ex.... a 6:00 pm a 8:05 am
Chicago U Omaha Ex. b 7:15 am b 3:65 pin
u unity, u unity except ounuay.
road Omnha. Kansas CKy
& Eastern Rallroud-"Tho
Qulnoy Route" Ticket Of
fice. 1415 Farnam Street.
Telephono 322 Depot, Tenth
und Marey Strouls, Tele
phone, 029.
i.eavo. Arrive,
SI Louis Cannon Hall
Bxprehs a 5:05 pm u 8:20 um
Kansas City and Qulney
Local u 7:00 nm a 9:00 pm
a Dally.
rond General Olllces und
Ticket olflces Southeast Cur
lier llth und Douglas Sts.
Telephone 101. Depot, Union
Leave. Arrlvi.
SI. Louis, Kansas &
Nebraska Limited . . . .nl0:0i nm n 6.30 pm
K. C, St. L. ExpicsB. . .al0:10 pm a 0:15 nm
Leave from 1.1th
Webster Sis.
Nebraska Local
Weeping Water b 4:15 pin al0:45 nm
a uaiiy. n unny except Sunday.
Ticket OfTlce. 1504 Farnam
Street. Telephone, S93. De
pot, Tenth and Mnrcy
Streets. Telephone, 029.
Leavii. Arrive.
St Louis "Cannon null"
Express a COS pm o SlSO am
a Dally.
L "" Sr.