Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 09, 1900, Page 22, Image 22

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Arirerllaementa for these column
tIII hr mUrn until 1 m. for the
rTmlm edition anil until 8 HO P. m.
for nurnlnK nnd Stinilny edition.
Tlnten, I l.Ste n trord first Insertion.
In rroril thereafter. .Nothlim Inltni
for Iff limn KX.O for the flral Iiiaer.
tlnn. The.e nilvertlaemenla mint be
ran ponseetitl velf.
Advertisers, Uy requesting nnni
tiered ehepL, cnn linsr nnsrrers nd
dreased tii it nnmliered letter In rnrr
of Tbr Her. Atisnera an odd rcascil will
lir delivered on preieututlou of the
check only.
situations wvn:n.
WANTED-My experienced lady cook, a
Idaco to cook In a restaurant or hotel.
Address T :, Hee. A Hi 9
vati:ii-mam: iihi.i'.
POINTER NO. 1-Nlney-llve new Htudctits
In nno week breaks thr record. Mnn
others will enter tomorrow. All depart
ments lire In full Mil"' itti'l doing splendid
work. You cnn enter the coming week to
good advantage. New classes tomorrow.
POINT HH NO. 2 Over IK) students now
studying Gregg shorthand nnd touch type
writing. New class tomorrow. Send for
catalogue telling all iihout thin new nnd
wonderful system
POINTER NO. 3 Night school now open.
We have classes In Gregg shorthand,
touch typewriting, bookkeeping, nrlth
nietlc, spelling, reading, etc. It is u line
POINTER NO. 4-We hiive a llnp class In
telegraphy. Io you want to learn It?
This Is our chnnce. Plenty of good posi
tions iih soon as ready. Catalogue free.
11-561 9
HAND. Ilooms 710. 717 and 7 New York Life
Hulldlng-"Not thii oldest; not the. larg
est; Just the hext " Investigate.
The Van Sunt School of Stiotthnnd Is con
ducted by a practical stonoKr.iphcr of
largo experience It hnu alile and ex
perienced teachers and Is strictly selo i
and strictly up-to-date. Young people of
good education and good character cor
dlally welcomed to the school.
Special attention Riven to touch typewrit
ing In what Is known ax the Van Sant
System of Touch Typewriting n system
that has a world-wide reputation. Over
ti)."' sets of the lessons have la en sold
fine hundred sets were (-eat on a single
order to .Melbourne, Austrnlla and dining
the. past Week orders have bei n lllled ill
many parts of this country, besides tilling
orders to Yokohama, Japan and Valettn,
Malta, an Island In the Mediterranean
In taking up touch typewriting attend
some school that uses tho Van Sant sys
tem of touch typewriting. Instead of a
school that uses an Illogical, Illiterate
piracy of thei system
The Vim Sant school furnished the expert
operators for the Tratistnlsslssippi Expo
sition, for both tlv Snilth-I'remler and
Remington machines.
The Smith-Premier, operated by nn Omaha
Ctrl. Miss Marian Rclchnrdt of the Van
Sant school, took the highest honors at
the Purls Kxposltlon-the grand prize -which
was won by only two midline.
The ntllclal markings on which the grand
prizes were won were 2162 for the Smfh
Prcmler. 23.31 for the Remington. Iloth
of theso grand prize maelilnes are In use
in the Van Sant school, and each student
can have choice of machines, and can
make no mistake In using either of them
Tho machines and tho shorthand systems
used are. strictly standard. The school
Is unsurpassed In Its equipment, and its
students aro In demand In many parts
of the country as teachers and stenogra
phers. Among the cnlls of the pa U week
was one for a teacher In Indiana, and
another for a rapid typewriter operator
for the Smith-Premier olllcp at PlttsburB,
Pu. "Uy their fruits shall ye know them. '
It 510 t
WANTED, wo have steady work for a few
good hustlers of good habits and uppenr
ance. O. F. Aduma Co., 1005 Howard St.
HARDER trade taught thoroughly In short
time; catuloguo and particulars free.
Address Western Harhera' Institute,
Omaha, Neb. H-871
WANTED, laborers, teamsters, rock men
nnd surface men, Neb. Wyo, and Iowa;
freo fare; highest wages; ship dallv.
Western It. U. Labor Agency, 310 S. 11th.
AN INTELLIGENT vounir man to take a
shorthand scholarship In best school and
pay for It when courso Is completed and
position secured. Address I 20, lice.
OUT n free cntalogue of the Nebraska
School of Magnetism nnd Osteopathy,
1515-17 Chicago street, Omaha, Neh.; grad
uates employed. H 871
WANTED, nn experienced stenographer.
Address with reference and full particu
lars, Hox as.'). Fremont, Neb. H M316
TINNERS wanted; must ho first-class
mechanics. Address T 32. Ilee. I. M399 10
WANTED, men to learn barber trade; only
8 weeks required; special offer of board,
tools, scholarship and transportation to
our colleges at Chicago, St. l.ouls or
Minneapolis continued this mouth; posi
tions guaranteed; catalogue tree. Ad
dress Moler llarber College Represent i
tlve, 1623 Fnrnam st Omaha. 1J-M301 13'
ItELIAHLE man to travel nnd nppolnt
agents In Nebraska; $0 monthly and ex
penses besides commission, permanent.
John Cross. ;(56 Dearborn, Chicago.
M-M3S9 9
AN experienced tea and coffee salesman,
having a llrst-class present conueetlon
with the. grocery trndc In Nebraska may
eorrcspond to advantage with Thomas
Wood & Co., Importers, llostou. Mass.
n to- io
SEVERAL good salesmen for Nebraska
nnd Iowa; enclose stamp nnd references.
A. N. Canllcld, p. O. Mox 25, Moulder. Colo.
u nu-o
WANTED, men who hnvo been cured of
deafness with Suro Cure to glvo testi
monial for publication, will allow $2.00 n
month for many years. P. O. Drawer
1610. Milwaukee, Wis. It 117-fl'
WANTED, canvasser for AI Sorenson's new
Illustrated paper, tho Examiner. Liberal
commission and guarantee. Must he a
hustler. Apply nt &CU-511 South 12th St.
'Phono IMS. II US-9
pare for the nostolllco or nny other civil
service examination without seeing our
catuloguo of Information; sent free.
Columbian Correspondence College, Wash
ington, D. C. It 1 11-0
TRAVELING sulesnmn of nhllltv for high
griuln lino appropriate to nearly every
department of trade; references; bond
and entire time required; commissions,
JIN to J3G on each sale. P. O. Mox Three,
Detroit, Mich. R III
WANTED Everywhere Hustlers to tack
signs, distribute circulars, samples, etc.;
no canvassing; good pay. Sun Advertis
ing Rureau, Chicago. R 113 9
CAPAULE, reliable men In every county
to represent largo company of solid finan
cial reputation; $3 per day absolutely
sure to start; definite bona tide salaried
contract and expenses; opportunity to
secure permunent position Involving no
canvassing Universal, Mox 733. Phila
delphia. M 110 7
WANTED-Flrst-class oil salesman to sell
"Muckeyo Holler Hcalo Solvent." A very
liberal commission. Address Lock Mox
151, Masnlllon, O. H 138
WANTED, engineer for small heating
plant, acuu'cxh, giving references, T t7,
life. H 121-0
WANTED, n capable business man to tnko
a position with an established
concern; references required; permanent
position' nnd ample remuneration, with
chances of promotion to r.v energetic
man. Address mix r u, iieo omce.
It 113 9
MAN to care for horses; sternly work;
rererenccs required. T it, nee.
M 193 9
WANTED, experienced traveling salesmen
for a high grade speclaliv line; must t u -nlsh
good references ami bond. Mo i))s,
St Louis. M aiti 9
WANTED at once, tlrst class circus acts of
all kinds; also a few more gmul nuiM
clans; long engagement and sine salary
to good IHMinle. Call or address Lew F
Cullliis, Klondike lintel, until Sunday
evening; atierward, 23d and M str ets
South Omaha, Neb. H-512 f
WANTED, nn energetic young man In
each town to represent our company.
Permanent employment; go id jviv .in'l
advnnceuieni io cuimiuo men. ssn px
penso attached. Full particulars on re
quest Address McGraw Mardon Co.
Nw York City. 11-139
WANTED M A lit j HEM'.
Rep Rulldlng.
The high standard mulntnlnetl by this
srhonl places It In the front rank of col
lezys In tho land.
Yes, the fall term Is now oten In the day
and evening seswlons and yet It Is not too
late to enter. Mko your arrangements
without delay and get the mental drill nnd
discipline! that will double your earning
Complete business course.
Complete shorthand and typewriting
Complete English course.
Apply for catalogue.
B-623 9
112 PER week bona fide; snlary and cx-
penses; capable men und women to repre- FIVE unfurnished rooms, all modern. 2711
sent us appointing agents; rapid promo- N. 22d St. D MH1
tlnn and Increase of, new, brilliant
lines. Mutlef .t Alaer, New Haven, Conn. IF yo.i want your houses well rented place
M them with Menawa & Co. D S7S
FAKE CAPE NOMIV-Transportatlon or HOt'SES, etc. F. D. Wead, 1524 Douglas.
Mining companies Btid Information D S79
bureaus are always exponed In "IN- 71 ' . .. ;
DI'STRY AND MINING " It Is the of- 6-ROOM flat, city water, 2719 Murdetto.
Ilrlal paper of tho Alaska Miners' nss'n; D SO
better subscribe for It for three months ,,,,,,., . "
and keep posted on tho mining Industry HOUSES, stores. Remls, Paxton block.
out west; It will cost you only 60c and It UiSO
may save you dollars In your Inveat- t.-rtj our o , ,., TZ ,...,.
merits. Industry & Mining, No. 629 New 1 ' P'VrfS",! Address T ?l Mee Ko"nt,e
York Illock. Seattle, Wash. U nneo' cncnP- Address l .1. I,fk3;09,
or appointments to be made: examina
tions soon In every state; circular 151. giv
ing full particulars, sent free; write for It
today to National Correspondence Insti
tute, Washington. I). C. IJ
WANTED. The American Oil works wants
a live representative lu Omaha to hnndlo
the "Original Mrown's Moller Compound."
Man with ustabllslwd trade in engines
supplies, or an engineer In good standing
in either association, pieferred. Addrfss,
with leferemes, American OH Woi-lcs,
Rochester, N. Y. U
WANTED by wholesaler, energetic sales
men to learn to sell elegant line depart
ment goods to tiierchantn; Inrge salary;
no experience necessary; wo educate.
Mox 7:i, Chicago, III. IJ
AGENTS, stereoscopic views artistic
beautiful, sample 10c, make t'2 to $5 dully;
call , revolving scopes, views, etc., free.
California. M-ICO 9
NEWSPAPER correspondents nnd report
ers (male or female) In every town In the
1'. S. Good pay, also freo admission to
theaters, etc. Experience unnecessary.
American Press Association, Los Angeles,
California. II IM 9
WANTED, a llrst-class plasterer nt once.
Must he strictly sober. Address C. P.
Wllmot, Hancroft, Neb. U-MJOI-IO
WANTED, grocery specialty salesman;
give your past cxoerlencp fully; wo offer
exceptional opportunity and good salary.
S 37, Mee. M U5-9
WANTED, dry goods salesmnn, one grocery
man and one meat cutter; must he men of
experience, capable of taking charge of
department. Address W. D. Rumcr, Alli
ance, Neb. IJ OOfl 9
TRAVELING salesman, with experience In
selling machinery, windmills, pumps, etc.;
state references. Address T 60, Hee.
1J-5IG 9
SALESMEN wanted nnd men with light
rlss to sell goods. Moore's Stock Food
company, Council Mluffs, Iowa. M Motl 10
WANTED help; Christian man to qualify
for permanent position trust; hero or In
home county; $9n0 yearly. Incloso self-addressed
stamped envelope to Secretary,
box T 15, this otllce. M ISO 9
LIRERAL Inducements to experienced
salesmen. Domestic Mercantile Co., 707 N.
18th St. R-C32 9
WANTED SALESMAN, familiar with
handling saloon trade to take the agency
for a quick-selling nrtlcle; splendid
chnnce for live hustler. Address P. D.
Mox fw5. Haltlmore. Md. M 197 9
WANTED, contmnker; good man cnn have
steady work. J. T. Oliver, S Pearl St.,
Council Mluffs. M 558 9
GOOD men cnn earn $3 to tC per dav. Call
i reigiuou oiocK, room i., cor. ism and
Douglas. II 5G!l 9
WANTED, mnn to do clock work In
Jewelry store. Address T 52, Mee otllce.
H 551 9
AV A N T If I ) V I l.M A Ml 1 1 E 1. 1 '.
WE tench the Graham nnd Gregg systems.
Shorthand College,
Royd Theater Mlllidlng.
An Institution of the highest order.
Absolutely thorough.
Fall term opens with large enrollment.
htiideniH may enter any time.
Individual Instruction In all the branches.
Teachers are experienced and painstaking.
This Is the school that furnishes positions
for Its graduates.
Every week students enter to finish their
course witn us who negan tne stuiiy else
where. Make no mistake, and enroll with tho right
scnooi in tne neginiiiiiK.
Muslness men call dally for our graduates.
We uso six different makes of typewriters.
A school clean In character, strict In dis
cipline and non-sectarian.
Day and evening sessions.
A. C. ONU, S. M., LL.I1.. Pres.
C-552 9
AN INTELLIGENT lady to take a short
hand scnoiarsnip in nest scnooi and pay
for It when course Is completed and posi
tion secured. Address L 25, Mee. C S75
WANTED, 200 girls. 1521 Dodge. Tel. 878.
u s.u
80 girls wanted. Canadian otllce, 1522 Douglas
c till
WANTED, a competent girl In famllv of
two. Apply to Mrs. W. J. Murgess, 1013
(tpnrsin nve. i m.m v
WANTED, good girl for general housework
30! N. 40th St. C 3S3 9
WANTED, competent girl: housework:
small family. Mrs. Judson, 4024 L-if.iy-
etto nve. c
GOOD girl
Park nve.
for general
housework. 1021
C .M45 10'
WANTED, bright young womnn to canvass
for A l sorenson s new illustrated weekly.
Liberal commission and guarantee. Apply
609-&U South 12th St. C 450-9
WANTED, woman or mnn In every town to
collect names, per Hundred. 11. li.
Robinson Mfg. Co,, Chicago, III.
WANTED Girl for general housework at
4207 l.aruyitte live. C 492 9'
WANTED, a ladv of some business exnerl
ence tc occiipv a position of trust with
a tl nn no In 1 company; icnmneratlon mil
prouintloii given aecorilng to ability
Address Mox T i2. Mi o olllce. C 119 t'
LADIES to do plain needlework for us nt
home; we tiirnisn niuteri.tis and p.iv
to !0 per week. Send stamped envoi p
to Standard Co., Indiana Ave., Chlcag
C 42 !i
WANTED, a young girl to IssNt In house
work. H. K. corner loin and worcas
C-Ml 9
GIRL wante.l. Apply 2222 Miami Et. Mrs
Alex G. Charlton. C-MI32 10
LADY to travel In Nebraska; $50 monthly
and all expenses io siori; permanent post
Hon If satisfactory: self-addressed en
velope for reply. Address MacMrady. Star
Mldg.. cniouRo. i isi-y
WANTED, trustworthy lady or gentlemen
to travel: moderate salary and all ex
penses to start, advancement : good route.
Personally addressed envelope for our
reply. .Manager nuns, aj lunnioni
Chicago. C 4S8-9
WANTED, an energetic, trustworthy l.uly
with a ralr snare or nusiness Knowledge
must be endorsed by responsible reennv
mcnilatlons and bo prompt at her post
T 19. Mee. C 515 9
WANTED, ladv coon shoutcr and dancer
lady ballad singers; amateurs with good
sister act accepted; 25 ladlea for chorus;
lilliaieurs wiiii goon voice accepieii .p
ply 211 S. 12th St., 10 to 12 a. in.. Monday
C-MI 9
LADIES, you can 'earn V) In 1S per week
ni nome can i rcisuibii ui .c.i. r nni
15th and Douslas. C CM 9
wati;ii-i'i:mai,i: iint.p.
WANTED, a competent china and class
salesman Address with city reference
only, T 61. Mee C- M5 lu
WANTED help; Christian woman to qtialiry
for permnnent position trust; here or lu
home county; 1900 yearly. Inclose self-nd-
nrpsspti, stamped envelope to ecreinry,
box T 46, thli office. C IS1 9'
WANTED, nt once, competent girl for
general housework; good wages. 509 N.
23rd St. C-518 9
run i:t ttot'sEs.
HOt'SES and Hats. Rlngwnlt, Marker blk.
FOR RENT, strictly modem tint In Dav-
idpp minding, opposite city nan.
ALWAYS moving H. H. goods. Pianos.
omce. isu'4 t arnnm st, rei. ir59 nr sta.
u MO
HOt'SES for rent In all parts of the city.
jjrciinnn-iiovo co., d.u o. lain si.
NEW fi-ronm cottage, water and gas; rent
jij montn; norm pari city; convenient to
enr nnd school. Inquire Win. 1. Kler
stead, City Hall. D-310
SIX-ROOM cottage. 810 S. 30th.
D aisaa 12'
C-ROOM cottage, all modern; 2124 Miami st.
D 371
NICE 5-room cottage, 2530 North 19th
D-370 10
1-ROOM cottage, 2721 Dodge. $8.00; 7 rooms
ami nam, limmet. ji;i.iki; , rooms,
1120 Jackson, J17.00. Rlngwatt. Rarker
block. D-M378
S ROOMS, strictly modern, barn; an Ideal
nome in uiiiidpp. v. l. .seiny, 331 cnam
ber of Commerce building. D 115 9
4 ROOMS. South 20th. $7.50.
t rooms. South 29th. J7.50.
W. L. Selby. 331 Monrd of Trade.
D-416 9
FOR RENT Elegant 8-room house; nil
inuueru improvements, inquire no x ".,ii.
D 111 10
HEAI'TII'TL six-room cottage, furnished
or uniurnisned or would sell furniture on
payments, Leavenworth motor. 1 block,
914 S. 40th, n 132.9
NINE-ROOM house, modern conveniences.
-ni uongo at. ij M 155 in
RENT, 2218 Webster, 6 rooms, bath, lanli-
ory, iiirnacp. graie, lawn, snnne, nrn.
W2 N. Y. Life Mldg. D-45U tl'
GOOD house, 8 rooms, also barn. 4H2 N.
ud ni. Li 157
HOl'SE. 4907 Webster, 9 rooms, nil modern,
oarii, perieci repair, m.w. inquire e2ri
Cass St. D-I5I !)
FOR RENT, a four-room cottage, gas and
city water, mm south 25tn otreet. can
nt 1021 Ohio st. D-tM 9
MOARDINO HOUSE In South Omaha, 14
rooms, in excellent repair, $35. R. C.
PeterH k Co., 1702 Fartiam. D 122-9
FOR RENT. 1910 Mlnney street, 14 rooms
modern. i.
2828 Ciinltol Ave.. 9 rooms, modern. 125.
195 S. Sith St., South Omaha, G rooms, city
water, $1S.
2011 Lindsay Ave., B rooms, $3.
u. c. I'eters & Co., 1702 Farnam.
FOR ItENT, elegant 10-room house. 2108
cnicngo st.; nn modern. 1715 cnllfomla
St., 3 rooms, $0. STRINGER.
631 Paxton Rlocls.
FOR RENT, T-r. house and 13 acres for
mnrKPi gardening or chicken business; 100
Mrown Leghorns for sale. Ad. P 46, Mee
olllce. i)
FOR RENT, furnished rooms nnd bonrd;
sieam neai, gas and uaui. ill tj iiiin st.
D-503 9
COTTAGE, 5 rooms, 911 S. 25th st.. half
piock or i.eavenwortli; largo vnrd and
shade. Call Sept. 9. D 500 9
3 furnished rooms for housekeeping; man .c
wne; rent iiiKen in uoaru. 319 is. 17tr..
FI'RNISHED rooms-modern, light house-
Keeping allowed. zy.i imkc. IS 310-11'
ROOM, steam heat, gas, hath. 408 N. 16th,
third lloor. E M35ti
HOUSEKEEPING. C14 So. 17th Ave.
E 362 12
THREE roms, housekeplneg; 1112 S. 11th.
FITRMSHED 5 nice rooms, some house
keeping, single or ensulte, modern, reas
onable, no children. 516 North l!Uh st.
E-379 9'
TO LET, rooms, modern, In prlvnio fam
ily; gentlemen. 26o7 L stree'. Smith
Omaha. E M39I 10
TWO furnished rooms for housekeeping.
inn . .isi nve.; reierence. 1. 51.1 f
TWO choice rooms furnished or unfur
nished; parlor lloor; nil conveniences. 116
S. 25th st. E n: 10
MODERN furnished rooms, $1.50 to $2.oo per
week. 701 S. 17th St. E 570 9
GLENCAIRN,trnnslents.$1.25 day. 16n9 DSK
GOOD board, private family. t&9 So. 25th
avenue. F MS53
HANDSOMELY furnished room; g"nd
board; rates reasonable. Tim Rose, 202 j
Harney. F-.M2I4 SU'
UTOPIA, 1721 Davenport St.
IN PRIVATE fnmlly. 2020 St. Mary's Ave.
THE PRATT, a desirable front room with
alcove, 2d lloor, 212 S. 2oth St. F-SIS
TUB Merrlam, sood summer resort, 23th &
Dodge. F-SSi
FRONT room and hoard, 25SI Harney.
GOOD bonrd and room nt 1016 N. 23rd st.,
South Omaha F 330 9'
Sl'ITE of 2 rooms furnished or unfurnished,
with board, In private family, mar Hans
coin park. 2803 Woolworth. F 567 U
TWO front rooms, suitable for four gentle
men; also two for light housekeeping;
steam heal and bath. 707 S. 16th st.; top
lloor. E 551 9'
3 PLEASANT rooms, modern, ikslrnblo
neighborhood. Address T 29, Ilee
G 776
2 UNFURNISHED rooms; no hojsekeeu
Ing. 1057 Park ave G 112
THREE roonis for llelit housetteepip.t,
heated, modern. 2612 ll.irpey si
G-.V.1 )
SUITE of four rooms, modern, light hous.
keeping;, Hue locality au.l good neighbor
hood. Ml S. 25th nve. 0-550 ,
FOR RENT, store In llrt-clns location:
rent reasonable. Apply R. C. Peters
Co., ground lloor, Meo bldg. 1266
FOR RENT, nice brick toro building In
Rock Port. Atchison county. Mo.. One
location for general stock of incrrlni'i
dlse; building Is 2ll0 feet, with w,ir
room separate, and Is owned by Masonic
Indite, om- of the best cornels in town.
Address W. E. Glermann. tecretar.
I -187
i.ANiit At;i:.
CHATELAIN School of Languages, Moyd's
theater, will reopen Monday, September 10.
aoents avathh.
$25 TO $50 easily made hv our Hv aen'.
men (.r women selling nir latest novelty
cnmtMisn waterproof neckties. eoihIs n.
tlrely new nnd patented, agents delighted;
sales unlimited, what others do, nu can
do, time .s short write today anr; secure
exclusive territory. best seller
Address, with stamp, M. M. Manfg. Co.,
Dept. C. Sprlnt-lleld. Mum. g)0,
AGENTS on salary nr commission; the
greatest agents' seller ever produced;
every ucr of pen nnd Ink buys It on
sight; 200 to 601 per cent prollt; one
agent's snles iimounted to 62J In six
days; another $.12 In two hours Monroe
Mfg. Co. X 16. Ln Cro.e. Wis. J-M3.KS 9'
AGENTS WANTED, genernl agents In
every locality In U. S. to represent Inrge
concern, appointing ngents on strictly
salary basis of $S5 per month, with all
traveling expenses paid. Dept. SMI. 1970
Park Ave.. New York. .1195-9'
AGENTS, streetmen. stores handle goods
that sell, our photograph campaign but
tons, brooches, watch chnrms. etc.. are
bread winners; designs urn nil original,
handsome anil fast sellers; every button a
gem of photographic art; tasty, 3' and fl
inch bullous with photograph Mrynn or
McKlnley club for marching purposes.
Wo also make photograph buttons and
photograph Jewelry from any picture
sent us; catalogue. Cranley Photo Mutton
Mfg. Co., Chicago, 111. J -50S-9'
WE WANT one man In each town to bliv
for us. Nothing to sell. Mlg Income If
reliable. Commercial Rubber Co., 12 Eiim
42nd St., New York. .1
AGENTS, cunvnssera, streetmen, our two
color lithograph campaign portraits tire
the handsomest nnd richest looking plc
tutes and best sellers money can pro
duce, 22x2; heavy tmp.T. Full sample
by mall, 10 cents. Nlclen Art Emporium,
Cincinnati. Ohio. J
JUST OUT New Peerless gasoline lamp;
eislest lighted, most satisfactory, knocki
nil competition; stents (ollilng money.
Peerless Lamp Co.. 244 Railway Exchanc
bldg . St. Louis, Mo. J-
RIG PROFITS handling latest Improved
gaollne lamp, sells at sight beats elec
tricity, cheaper Than kerosene; ret Ul
$l.oo up: 12 different styles; exclusive ter
ritory. Standard Lamp Co., tr.anufiietqr.
prs, Chicago. J 513 li
AGENTS make $." dally handling our enm
palgn ties, buttons, photoengravings, carl
cases and other novelties. Address, with
stamp, U. S Mall Order Agetns League,
Elkhart. Ind. J-460 9'
AGENTS for Ludwlg 100-cnndle-power In
candescent vapor gas lamps; simplicity
Itself; mech.inlcnllv perfect; most econo
mical, quickest lighters; Ludwlg burners
lit any lamp and we Guarantee not to
dug. Ludwlg M'f'g Co., Knnsns City,
Mo. J 111 9'
AGENTS wanted to handle our standard
goods; also latest cnmpalgn novelty;
goods unequalled sellers. Write for terms.
C. .t T. M'fg Co., Sprlngllcld, Mas.
J 191 .)
SOMETHING new agents make money.
Our Invention beats them nil. Further
information, receipt lutter, stamp en
closed. Muck 49. Rush, Chicago.
JHS1 9'
AGENTS Start mall order business at
homo on business principles; also buy
nnd sell patents for us. Rapid Intro
duction Co., Chicago. J 183 9'
AGENTS wanted, to sell campaign badges
and other novelties; write for catalogue
nnd prices. Herron .V Ilcrron, Oskuloosa.
Iowa. J 462 9'
AGENTS wanted to sell Incandescent vapor
gun lamps; lw-candlo power; no torch;
quickly lighted; latest designs. Write
KUdeuaker Gas Lighting Co., Kansas
City. .Mo. J 184 9
NICHOLS Trace Fastener; bonanza for
agents, holds any trace; attaches to
unv singletree; requires no talk; sells at
sight. Send lie for ramphi nnd full In
ttciilnrs to agents. C. M. Nichols, pa
tentee. Meaumont, Tex. J 165 9'
ANOTHER new patent $25.00 per day guar
anteed you; free outfit to start right to
work. Mrahnm Mfg. Co., R 2772. Cin
cinnati, Ohio. J 4S3 .)
MOOIC AGENTS, send your address and
we will send you our 170-page Illustrated
catalogue, nnd we will supgest a plan by
which you can greatly Increase your
protlts without Interfering with your
present work. Address American Llteary
Ass'ti, 40 Dearborn St., Chicago.
J-5IS 9
AGENTS, either sex to make money, riuzt
have fast sellers with good prollts; jonvi
thlng tho people want; wo have Mich;
2n) per cent prollts. C O. Myer Co.,
Atchison, Kan. J-G17 9'
AGENTS for household necessity, easy
seller; no ensh required. Address C. -A.
Reed, 81 Fulton St., New York. J 190 9'
AGENTS, male and female; best seller on
earth; Just out; sold In every house; Wg
prollts; sells Itself. Weldon, 27 William
st , New York. J I9S 9'
MANAGER wanted In every city and
county to handle best pnylng business
known; legitimate, new. exclusive con
trol. Phoenix Co., 114 W. 3tth St.. New
York J-500 9'
AGENTS, article of unusual merit; highest
awards; government Indorsement; half
million sold. Agency dept. 312, 27 William,
New York. J 501 9'
GRAVITY Dellnnce bnll, always wins;
money, mystery, monopoly; new system;
sample 25 cts., silver. Good Luck Novelty
Works, Garlleld. N. .1. J-502 9'
$10.00 DAILY: no failure; newest, greatet
selling household necessities ever pro
duced. Mlg assortment, samples free.
Mradford .t Co., E 71, Cincinnati, O.
J-4-9 9'
WANTED, to leae. building; amount of
room required, about 22 by 132. four
htorles. Address T 26. Mee. K-M352 9'
YOUNG lady desires room nnd board con
venient to East Omaha car line; state
terms. T 31, Mee. K-M398 10"
WANTED-To rent by Sept. 15, small fur
nished tint or cottage, with some modern
ciinvi'iileiices by small family; references
exchanged. Address T 37, Mee.
K 10S 10'
A ROUT Oct. 13th, by a family without
children, 8 or 9-room modern house,
within a mile of P. O. T 35, Mee.
K-109 9'
WANTED by young couple, unfurnished
room and board In private family, refer
ences given and required. T 31. Re".
k-i:s 0'
WANTED, bonrd nnd room for couple,
dowp town or park district preferred. Re
fetences given. T 18. Mee. K-522-9
3 FURNISHED rooms, modern, bath, heat,
respectable location, references, by man,
wile, two quiet girls age 0 nnd S; write
price and particulars; October to May, for
light housekeeping. Dr. J. H. Mrown,
Mlnlr. Neb. K-3H9-9'
MY gentleman; moderate price; prefer near
South Omaha car line; state terms. Ad
dress T 51, Mee. K 555 9'
S'l'llll Kill.
PACIFIC Storage tied Wnichouo Co., 912
911 Jo'ies, general btorue and forwarding.
Om. Vim Stor. Oo.. 1611'i Fnrn. Tels. U59-'63.
ALL kinds of household goods, hotels, et".,
In large and smnll quantities, (id ag
Furniture Co., 1106-10 Dodge. Tel. 2 0)
N- Mil
WILL purchase a limited number of
Omaha Salng bank accounts. Mreniifn
l.ovo Co., 309 So. 13th. N 8 3
2DIIAND bicycles. Omaln Mlcyclo Co.
PRIVATE money to loan. J. II. Shnrwno I,
939 N. Y. Life bldg. N-.Mi.lD 11
WANTED To purchase a home; must be
s ur 9-room house, In good location; will
trade .No. 1 city lot or pay spot en fill.
particulars, nox
-166 S'
NEW and 2d 11. vehicles at marked down
prices. Harry Frost, 14th Leavenworth.
MRAND new high grade $325.00 Snyder
pnaeton; low price. Apply .111 wnrimt-rt
Illock. P-.M393 1I'
FOR SALE, new baggie bodies with gear
Ing for sale nt $160 each. A M Alplrn,
913 Douglas. P-MI01 OOI. 7
FOR SALE Fine black drlvln-j horse and
phaeton. Addrcas T 40, Uee. P 467 9'
roil sale nouses, vmiit i.ns, etc
GRAY mare, 8 years old. 1,(00 pound nlo
roan horse, 6 years old, weight 1,160 Ihs
Harney Street stnb,cs. Wm. Frankle,
1205 Howard. P-4.U
HARD and soft foundation plllnc; hog
fences nnd cribbing. 901 Douglas, y S99
CUTTERS of drug prices. Sherman & Mr
Council Drug Co., Cor. 16th nnd Dodse.
R. HASS. Florist. 1813 Vinton St, Tel. 776
Plants, cut flowers, boquets, hall, resi
dence, wedding and grace decorations.
Orders by mall or expresse promptly tilled.
2DHAND safe cheap. Derlcht, 1116 Fnrnam.
SAFES; buy, sell, ex'ge. Schwartz, 111 S. 13.
M. & W. tires, $2.75. Omaha Rlcycle Co.
MANSON bicycles, $26. Omaha Rlcycle Co.
2DHAND wheels, $5 to $10; new wheels $15.
umaim mcycic Co., lum & Chicago Sts.
SECOND.HAND Callgrnph (new) for saleT
Call at oince clerk district court,
FOR SALE, corncobs. Monroe Co., Ml
i " . Q-Mitw
MEAUTIFUL Stelnway upright piano, must
uu sum una hk. Address l I, Ilee ot'lra.
il-26? Ol
PIANO-Sllrhtly used upright, big bargain;
V" Private party; must he sold.
1620 Douglas street. Q 370 12
FOR SALE, cheap. larite well made booth
used at exposition by the Chicago Rec
ord; Just the thing for street fair pur
poses; good ns new lniulre 613 Ramge
Mlock Q M 102 13
I'pR HAkn, gasoline etislne, one nnd one
half horsepower: cheap. Mox A, Mee Of
fice, South Omaha. Q M393 9
10-IIORSE power gasoline engine. $125.00. T
63, Mee. Q-MI6S V
FOR SALE, grocery, shoe Rtore and dry
h"ia u.Muirr. cneuii; aiso iwo grocery
wagons cheap. People's Store. Q 533 9
MELOIAN HARES, pedigreed stock, "for
nine, cneap; score cant riirillsiied with
each animal. C. II. Rolerts, Holdrev.'e.
Neb. Q
FINE horse nnd rubber-tired buggy, crv
cheap. H. E. Frcdrlckson, 1422 Dodge St.
Q-431 OS
I' OR SALE, cheap, one of best paper routes
In Omnha, making $12.00 per week. Ad
dress T 55. Mee. Q-665 9'
E. L. LOVE.IOY. US N. 15th St., hns a few
fcium .u nanu sewing macnines; also 11 new
Singer machine. Q 562 9
NOTICE, country dealers, 2dhand furniture
uim moves ni lowest prices, carload lots or
less. Chlcugo Furniture Co., 1406-10 Dodge.
WANTED, teams to haul coal; big wages
and work all winter for good men. Omaha
Coal, Coke k Lime Co. It M377 9
Y; aioninini, locaieu ill urn UUOlif.
bl" 0V?J. Knmnin & McConnell's drug
store. This wonderful woman reads life
correotly, Hclentlilcnlly and honestly. She
tells your past, present and future by the
only sclentlllc method now In vogue. Her
predictions tire always accurate and many
times are regarded ua phenomenal. She
does not make any pretensions that she
cannot fulfill. Her lona- resldonc in Omaha
denotes square deullng und Is evidence of
ability nnd Intearlty. Don't fall to nee
this remurkutilA flViM l v
itme. Palmer, whose wide experience as a
palmist, clairvoyant nnd life reader cov
en a period of 25 yours, has conscited
owing to the. demand to tench palmUtry.
complete In every detail, for $2.00. This
is a grand offer nnd shiuld be embraced
by all who are desirous of acquiring a
knowledgo that will be of Inestlmablo
yaluo to them. Mine. Palmer has long
been recognized as 11 psychic nr.d occult
medium without a peer. Her predlctlans
nnd admonitions to those who have con
sulted her havii been so productive of
good results that many, not alone In
Omaha, but In every city of importance
ln America, look back to Mine. Palmer
and her wonderful power for good In tho
realms of life reading with admiration
nnd praise. .Mini'. Palmer's long resi
dence In this city Is in itself proof of the
fact that her udvlce by Otuatia residents
Is constantly sought after.
If you are In perplexity or doubt ns to
the proper step to pursue In mutters of
business, love, legal transactions, divorce,
sickness, etc., a conversation with Mmo.
Palmer will set your mind aright and tho
direction to follow will be shown you.
Avail yourself of the opportunity. It will
bo of help to you In everyday life. The.
courses complete. $2.00.
',',T, S-556 9'
MME. GYLMER genuine palmist. 1605 Dodge.
ELITE parlors. 615 S. 16th, second floor.
T-375 OS
MME. LEE, magnetic treatment. 607 S.
13th. room 2. T M402 15
PlillSO.VA I..
TURKISH baths, massage baths, electric
baths, for ladles only; skilled women
massage operators; llnest equipped hatha
lu the city. Renstrotn Math Company.
Rooms 216 to 220. Mee Mldg. U-910
RUPTURE cured; no knife, no pain, no
danger; send for circulars. Empire Hup.
tare Cure, 932 N. Y. Llfo bldg., Omaha.
MONHEIT. Chiropodist. 151S Farn. Tel. 2333.
Saturday and Monday we will sell the
following second-hnnd machines at prices
that will Interest you. They are genuine
3 Wheeler & Wilsons,
1 Davis,
3 Singers,
1 White,
1 New Home,
1 American,
CHOICE $2.00.
Former Sat. and
Hrlce. Monday.
Domestic $10.00 $ 6.00
Wheeler & Wilson 15.00 7.50
Singer, modern 25.00 12.60
Household 16.00 8.00
Standard 2'i.00 1260
While 12.00 6 00
Shoemaker, Singer 40.00 25 no
Moudav forenoon wo will give one-half
dozen machine needles to nny lady who
nsks for them at our store.
Geo. E. Mlckel, Mgr. 16th and lUrney.
U-3SI 9
PRIVATE hospital for ladles before ft dur.
Ing cotillnemcnt; bubles adopted, 1136 N. 17.
I' Oil
PLEATING and pleated skirts of nil kinds.
M. Goldman & Co., 2"o Douglas block.
PLEATING, buttonn to order; p nklt ft
while you wait. Omaha Pleating Co., 1521
Douglas. U-91)
JOHN RUDD, optician. 115 S. 16th St.
U-501 SIS
PRIVATE home before nnd during conPn''
moot; babies adopted. Mrs. Murget. 2ti20
Murdetto. U-916
IIOFF'S Express & Messenger Co. Tel. 1717.
I '917
VIAVI, woman's way to health. 346 Ho" lt d','
A MIG reduction In price on new and
second-hand bicycles, repairing and sund
ries. Louis Ulescher, 1622 Capitol nve
U-M315 10
$250 RfiWARb-TheTnbove reward will lie
paid by the Omaha Street Railway coin
puny for the arrest and conviction of any
party or parties, who robbed their con
ductors on the night of September 3d, on
Park Avenue Line nnd Q Street Line
WANTED, lessons nt homo In French and
mandolin; beginner In both; terms must
bo reasonable. Answer by letter. No.
261S St. Mary's ave. Mrs. B. R-.
U-M4M 9
LADIES' hair shampooed, dr. r fe 1. 35c Hl''
toilet goods. Monhrlt. 131S Farnam Tel ."..J
U '0.
LADIES' Jacket and tailor made milt al
tered, cleaned, repaired M. Fob el. 7 S. 17
WANTED, to get party to share a car no-
iii 10 an l.nKP i ity. inquire 111: s
DR. ROY, chiropodist; corns removed, 20
and upward. Room 12, Frenzer block.
LA PETITE French nvnlphotiis (uy p.r
dozen during September onlv. Pneior.
616 S. 16th. U-.MKB Oct. 4
PLACE your order now for seal sncquef,
fur scarfs and collarettes of nil descllp
tlnns; furs lepalred and altered. Au'a
baugh. Son Co., 506 Karbaik blk
U M357 OS
A SELF-MADE millionaire' ?&. to en'C
soclety through honorable marriage, rl
erences exchanged. Mr. King. ' E. 69th
St.. N. Y. U 170 .
REFINED, generous gentleman, $2i.0iX).
beautiful home, excellent business, ecKs
wife to share his home and woilt'i
"Ranker," 771 North Park Ave.. Chic mo.
111. I 171 T
CORRESPOND for amusement or matri
mony; sealed particulars, 2c. Champion
Council Mluffs, la U MS 9
MANHOOD RESTORED; ten days' treit
mont free of Aplitu.1l.-lrH. tho only abso
lutely reliable remedy for weak men In
;ill stages. Address tho La Croix Clinic,
yilwimkee. Wis. U
VICTORY of science over disease; cancer
bntlllng general practitioner's skill yields
readily to our sclentlllc methods. M ioti
Medical Co.. 121 W. 42,vl street, New
York Rook and advice tree. U
MARRY lovely women nnd honorable men:
many rich, send 2c for big list. Mutual
Exchange, Kansas City. Mo. U
MORPHINE, opium. laudanum, cocaine
habit; myself cured, will Inform you of
harmless, permanent homo cure. Mrs
Raldwin, box 1212, Chicago. V
SECRETS that win; ktiinvledge thlt 7ny;
science that brings buslneis and s'i il
success cures dlease and bad habits;
wins love and frlemlsh'.ti, c.rafllles am
bitions, gives womb rful power and coi.
trol over others; you can lenrn nt home
Write today for mil elegantly Illustrated
linnk which fully exjilalns nl' tne hldibm
mysteries of personal tnagiKtlsm, hypn
Usui, magnetic heillng ,pte It's fie"
Address New York Institute of Selene,
Dept 444 N. Rochester, N. Y. U
LADIES, your bust enlarged 6 Inches;
failure Impossible; harmless; $100 cash
guaranteed; proof free. Leonard Medicine
Co , Kansas City, Kan. U 487-9'
WIDOWER. 46 years, young, no Incum
brances, nice home, Income $4,ooo yearly,
pioperty, $3,200; bank references, wants
wife who will appreciate kindness. Mr.
Will, Mox 1I6S. Chicago, III. U-507-9'
MARRY, National Matrimonial club, pri
vate list 2c; marry rich. Hox 1363, Den
vert Colo. U-169 9'
WHY spend a fortune, when for $1.00 1 will
send you guaranteed prescription for cure
of liquor habit? Reliable, absolutely safe
and sure. M. W. Meade, 303 W. 120th st.,
New York. U-IP9 9
E. L. LOVEJOY, lis N. 15th St.. will repair
your blcyclo or sell you a new one the go
lightly kind, tho Imperial. U-663 9'
E. L. LOVEJOY, 118 N. 13th St., for a GOOD
bicycle, for a good sewing machine, for
anything for blcyole or sewing machines
see him. U-M364 15
SUPERFLUOUS hair, warts and moles per
manently removed by electricity, consul
tation free and confidential: all work
guaranteed. Miss Allender, 1613 Douglas.
LOANS on eastern Nebraska nnd western
Iowa farms at 6 par cent. Borrowers can
pay $100 or any multiple. Any Interest
date. No delay. Drennan-Love Co , 309
South 13th St., Omnha, Nob. W-921
MONEY to loan on improved Omaha real
estate. Rrennnn-Love Co,, 309 So. 13th
$1,000 and upward to loan on Improved city
property and rnrms. w. r nrnam smith :
Co., 1320 Farnnm.
WANTED, city loans, bonds nnd warrants.
George & Company, 1601 Farnam St.
W 931
MONEY ln any nmount at 5, 5U, 6 per cent.
MONEY to loan on fnrm and city property;
lowest rates. O. F. Davis Co., 1503 Farnam.
MONEY to loan at 5 nnd 514 per cent on
Omaha property. W. M. Melkle, 401 S. 15th.
PRIVATE money, 5. 6H, 6 per cent; no de
lay. Garvin Mros., 1613 Farnnm. W-920
WANTED, city nnd farm loans; also bonds
and warrants. R. C Peters & Co., 1702
Farnam St., Mee Mldg. W-921
PRIVATE money.
F. D.Wead, 1521
W 922
FIVE per cent money. Memts, Paxton block.
MONEY to loan on tlrst-clnss Improved city
property or for building purposes. I'nvne
Knox Co., New York Life. W-925
No endorser or mortgage required.
Room 526, fifth lloor, New York Life Mldg.
make loans from $10.00 up on f irnlture,
pianos, horses, cows, etc ; you keep the
property; or we will make you 11 SALARY
LOAN rn your own note, without indorser
or mortgage; we charge absolutely noth
ing for making papers and we keep noth
ing out of the amount ou borrow; you
may pay the money back lu one month or
inko more time q which to pay It, nnd
you are expected to pav for It only what
time you use It, our rates are low nud
our terms are the easiest; our bushipss Is
ns eonlldentlal as Is possible and our treat
ment Is always courteous. Omaha Mort
gage Loan Co., 306 So. 16th St. Estab
lished 1892. X-9.ll
partial payment plan" Let us QUIETLY
explain snine to you. We loan employes on
their notes. No mortgage; no Indorser: no
publicity. Simply a CONFIDENTIAL
CALLING. Wo are hustlers and want more
times of heavy competition and to remain
leaders wp must give more for your money
than others DA RE.
Room 203, Third Floor, Paxton Mlk
MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture. Jew
lery, horses, cows etc. C. F Reed, 319 S. 13.
W, TAYLOE, 21S First Nat. Rank Mldg.
X 937
MONEY loaned salaried people holding per
manent position with responsible concern
upon their own names without security;
easy payments. Tolmnn, 706 N. Y. L. Mldg
MONEY loaned nn pianos, furniture, horses,
cows, Jewelry. Duff Green, R.S, Marker Mlk
MONEY loaned nn nianns. furniture, dia
monds, watches, privately. Merger's Loan
Co., 1604 Farnam St.. upstairs. X 910
MONEY loaned on furniture, diamonds,
watches; payments confidential. Ornuhu
Chattle Loan Hunk, 220 S. 15th, upstairs.
momentarily embarrassed who doslre nbovo
everything else to
run bo nccoiiimndated nt our olllco with
less expense, tlmo and trouble than nny
placo In tho ally.
Room 601, Res Rulldlng.
FOR RUNT, owing to adintuinR years Mr
It Ham the tlorlst at 11 1 Vinton street,
has decided to rent 01, t Ids bo: house at
above locution. occupng 7.0 0 to S.O.S)
smiare feet, under glass with about 1.0J
windows, and the residence and store
fronting the street, on the motor lliiu o
South Omnha. Excellent I 'cation fur th
business. Y P4I
FOR RENT, dining room of Linge h'leii
good Inducements to tlrst class party
Ft ill HALE, a new and clean stock of gen
eral merchandise In a good northeast N
braska town. Addres Men h int. T 19.
cafe Omaha Mee. Y Mtll 11
FOR SALE, cigar, candy, cider, peatur,
popcorn, lemonade. Ice cream, soda ind
all privileges at Ak-Saf-Men catnlv.i;
get plan at isos Harney st. T. P c. u,
superintendent. V- M3 6 1)
GOOD lle Nebraska town of 1,340 conn iv
seat- can Well support another grocery
ntul letieral merchandise store; an eleia .t
opening tor wide-awnke man.
I 2.. Mee V-MUI II
A RARE CHANCE I have np1easant an 1
protllnble business, I need the services of
gentleman or ladv of good buslne-s ad
dress; will pay reasdiably good sa'arv or
glvp Interest lu the Inislness, Willi h I
wish to enlarge. mut furnish about $.
which will be secured This Is nil execp
tloiuUi. ;lne opportunity: I court an in
vestigation. State when Interview can bo
had. Address T 3.1, Hi e Y-MI03 0'
A MONEY milking Investtnent-A limited
number of non-assessable t-hares In a
Chicago maiiufactarlug company, Incor
porated under Illinois laws, witli patt pl
ed process; highest leferenees, estab
lished throughout United States, will be
sold In small lots nt low price until Oct
1. 1900 Write for particulars ( l Edwin
Jones, Investment Mroker, Chicago Sim k
Exchange. Chicago. Y 112 9
3 STOCKS of groceries for sale; no trade.
Mall, 90 N. Y. Lire. 'Phone 612.
OIL nnd Rakerv routes pnyltur 15 per cect
on Investment monthly. Address I. x
261, Vllllscn, la. Y-MI73 13'
FOR SALE, good cleaji ntoek of mllllnerv
cheap; good reason for selling. Mts E.
M. Gaddls. Prescott, la. V 474 )
WILL pay cash for n satoon or will rent;
slate price and locution. T 39, Mce
Y-175 9'
POULTRY farm for sale or rent; stock
for sale. Renter, Wlnthrop Harbor. Ill
Y-.MI76 11'
WANTED, a parly with $2.0oo.oo capital
to purchase stock 111 a conservative lie m
clal Institution; dividends of 1 per cent
In 6 months. Address Mox T 41. Men
olllce. y . CV) 0
MUY wheat; we believe there Is pip 'i
bushel protlt to be tn.ido at present pii
Send for our book. "Successful Specnl i
tlnn " J. K. Comstoek, 21 Traders Mldg ,
Chicago. Y 515
FOR RENT or Sale; owing to III health
will lease or sell blacksmith shop ilohitf
good business: will sell simp, fixtures,
tools, etc., complete, and take cattle for
part pay. Address Geo. Reynolds. ,lu
nlata, Neb. Y MIS4 10
FOR SALE, furniture nnd iitulertakf'ig
stock, good town, nice buslnos A snap
for a live mini. Address T 26, Hen
Y-472 :'
$8,000.00 GEN. Mdse stock, good town, good
trade, 76c on the dollar. Mox 314. Nebraska
City. Neb. , Y MTia5-9'
MIG dividends; how men and women with
$5o or more may participate In the dlvi
slmi of millions or become rich by the In
vestment of Inrger amounts. (! M II.
Company. 1031 Park Row Mulldlng. New
York. Y
ANY man with energy, ability and $2o0 t
$10.0110 can make $2,onu to $15,000 vearly:
unv state. Address Hatbaway A Co. 21
Park Row, N. Y. Y-
AN established $250,000 Ohio corporation,
composed of men ruled over $5.ti,0J0 (fur
nishing highest banking and commercial
references), operating 011 the Carnegie
profit-sharing plan with employes, desires
correspondence and Interviews with men
able to earn salary and commission of
$.!,fl per annum. To comply with co
operative condltVins and nhvtute giving
bond an liivestmnt of $1,000 10 $5,000 abso
lutely necessary' Address Auditor's de
partment. 200 to 205 Wyandotte bldg.. Co
lumbus, O. Y
FOR SALE or trade. Rargaln. Newspaper
plant. Addreso P. W. White, Onawn. In.
PIIYSICIANS' practices nnd drug stores
for sale. Locations for assistance,
partners, etc., wanted. Medical Exchange,
Omaha, Neb. Y-629 9'
CALIFORNIA, richer In oil tTmti g M.
We develop the most valuable land In thi
entire state; the same Immense stratum
of oil that, lias made pillions fur ilio
companies surrounding the "Metropoli
tan" sweeps through our enure tcriltory.
It will pay Investors, huge and mini, id
address Meioiolllap Oil Co., 31 1 Curr'er
Mldg., Los Angeles, Cat. Y-620 !
IT R SALE: 1 offer my restaurant and fur
nished rooms, seven single and two Hue,
large double rooms, fur sale, doing good
business with constantly Increasing pat
ronage; have other liuslmss demanding
my personal attention; all located lu Co
lumbus, opposite Union Pacific depot; ,1
good railroad town and has a good rail
road patronage: will sell for part cash
and good ensv terms; will bear strict in
vestigation. S S. Rlckly. proprietor,
Vienna restaurant, Columbus Neb.
Y-.M57I II'
STORE building with six living rooms i.p
slalrs. city water, S'WT. i;as, fiit'ipi";,
to trade for mdse h.inlwaie preferi'-I.
I. N. Hammond, Kith and Fnrnam
'A - 6 1 3 '
a7c. VAN SANT'S School. 717 N. Y. Life.
- 9.1 1
HOYLES' College-, court reporter principal.
Men Mldg - '-
NEMRASKA Muslness nnd Shorthand Col
lege. Moyd's Theater. -f3
GREGG Shorihind taught at flin Omabii
Commercial College, 16th and Douglas Sia
LADIES out of health ind prompt rclb f.
Mox 2.12. Omaha, Neb Conlldenllal.
GONOVA Is n French Treatment for main
and female, for the positive cure of
Gonorrhoea. Gleet. Unnatural Discharges,
lnllnmmalliiiis. Irritations nnd 1'lcoratloiia
of the 111 icons membranes An Internal
remedy with Injection combined, war
ranted to cure worst cases In one week;
$3 per package or 2 for $5. Sent any
where nn receipt of price. The Kldd Drug
Co. Elgin. 111. American Otllce, iclall,
wholesale, Myers-Dillon Drug Co , om iha ;
M A. Dillon, South Omaha; Dals Drug
Co , Council muffs. Full line uf rubber
LADIES! Chichester's rmgllsTi Pennyroyal
Pills Aro the Rest Safe, reliable. Taka
no other Stnd 4c stamps for particulars.
"Relief for Ladles" In letter by return
mall. Ask your druggist. Chlcheuter
Chemical Co . Philadelphia. Pa
W'OMAN'H blessing, private prescription,
positive cure for suppressed or II regular
menstruation; never falls, sample box
free. J. M. Home, M D. Drawer W,
HI, Chicago, III 18.8-3'
A MOON TO WOMEN' Greatest female
regiili.tnr known liner price per
box. with full dlrn lions, JlOi. Adlr -
Mox fill, Omaha, Neb. - ha .1
TYPEWRITERS, secondhand. 1116 Farnnm.
Tho following list are in good condition
and 1110 pargnius lor uie
.$ 5.0i
2 CnllRrnphs
Smith Piemler
3 Remington No 2
Rein Shu.. .
Nebraska vi le In, l or
Geo. E. Mlckd, Mgr.
, , . 1" in
. . . and $15. 1
. . . 25 00
... 20 l
... 15 m to 33.10
15th and Harney,
-111 9
THE Los Angeles Mclfslnn Hare Co. Is sell
Ing line thoroughbred does bred to thor
oughbred bucks for $ii) each They urn
beauties This Is the month to start your
rnbbltlles. We will guarantee you to
iniiko more money than nn thing you can
invest in. Wn ship 10 any point and
guarantee satisfaction, Vlult our rahhltry,
2627 N. 16th hi , OinalU). 65 It