CONDITION OF OMAHA'S TRADE Volume of Business for August Heavier Than Same Month Last Year. FALL TRADE STARTING OUT IN GOOD SHAPE ainrkrt (irnrrnllr About Sternly, TlimiKli (hi- Tendency of Prior la L'pivnrd Itntlirr 'I'll tin Dim inwinl. The votumn of bulno!3 Is now rapidly Increasing In practically all lines. It could not be enld, however, that trade was quiet during the summer month, ns Jobbers re port substantial calns over the records of last year. The demand bus been for no particular lines, but simply a general cnll for nil classes of scasonahlo goods. In view of the, fnrt that the consuming de mand has kept up to well during the quiet oason. Jobbers flguro that traao during this fall and winter should be far In excess of that transacted during tho correspond lug period of last year. Tho fall demand la already opening up In nlco shape and uic number of buyers coming on the mar ket Is rapidly Increasing. It Is thought, however, that there are not as many mer chants coming In at the present time ns there WOtllll tr ivi.n. Il tint nr tin. fnct lhn the big proportion of them are pintponlng iieir visn 10 tills cliy until tile AK-Mir- Jien festivities shall lie In fil l swing. It Jailers out through the country who have been seen say that trado at tho nresetit time 1m In t,v,i.Ur,tit vhi.t,., ntid 114 r.irmkri nro now woil ll.xni) financially they sic 1,0 reason wny tney siiouid not huvo a vciy liusy season. There was not much change In mnrket r'ondltlnns durlnif the nast week. With a few exceptions, howov.r, the tendency if jinces is upwnru. Tins is pnrticuiiir-y iiollceable In dry good and hardware. Til Iron and steel market has, of course, he' n lit rather bad shape for snino time past find prices went down at a rapid rate. In dications now are that the bottom hn.i been reached and predictions ore helm inado that higher prices will rule In the near future. If that Is the case tho ten dency will be to strengthen the market on all lines which contain either of those Jiroducts. Armtln'i favorable feature Is the lieavy demand that Is anticipated for all i-lasses of goods, which should bo sulllclent to keep mills and manufacturers busy for eomo time to come. (iriifcrli'H Mioiil Mcndy. There Imve be u comparatively few mar ket changes tins week on ill" staple lines of groceries l'rl' es. however, are holding tlrm on nearlv all tines nod the market ns a whole In a int healthv condition The demand, locally. Is exceptionally lieavy for this time of the year and a sood gain over last year's report are being xnnde. Tho sugnr market Is still attracting a great deal of attention, and while I re-re liavo been no change In quotations slico last report, prlcis are being held very tlrmly. Those who are In a position t' know state that If the demnnd during the next few weeks Is ns h-avy as predicted there Is apt to be some dlllltulty In gcttlnrr Mipplles rapidly enough to (III orders promptly. The local market, however, Is In better shiim- than mot other points an I jobbers sny thov can ha-.dle an immense nmoiint of business. Tho coffee- market Is still very dull and weak. The advance oo greens that was reported a week ago has been lost and eastern markets are very dull. It Is prolm tdy truo that the nirlvul of tho lew cro.i on the market, together with the 1 ti-; -continued hot went her. ha had much to 110 with the falling off 111 trade, and tin general opinion Is that a g.ent Improve ment will take place In the future and tirlces advance Tho salmon market Is very llrm and It Is reported that the supply of cheap stock Is bout cleaned up. 'I hen- Is. however, plenty of high grade stock nt the present time. Present prices on Alaska salmon nro lully 111 per cent higher than they were a year go. The new pack will arrive here the latter part of the month or early In Octo licr. The demand Horn all sources Is un usually heavy both at homo and abroad. The English army Is consuming large quantities, as they huve adopted salmon as a n-cular ration There Is no change to report 111 cither eastern or California canned goods, though the market Is llrm on nil lines. Cheese Is also tho naim n It was a week ago. There Is nothing to bo said regarding tho dried fruit situation except that tho California l'rult Growers' association has announced Its opening prices on prunes. The smalt Hlzes are plentiful ami prices are com paratively low, but the large sixes nro scarce and for that teason are held nt good firm prices. The 10-50 ske Is quoted at 8-V tier pound, delivered at Uinulia In carload lots, which Is nearly 2c. higher than the quotations ruling In lWfl. Hotter I'VclliiK In lliirilti lire. The hardware market Is in considerably licttcr shape III. in It Iiiih been for some time past. The downward course of prices has nl last been stopped, and, while there has not bce.i any advance as yet, the matket Is (Inner and Indications are that values nro Just at the turning point and tho next move, will he upward rather than down ward. Iron and steel men are holding their goods nt firmer prices anil state that tho demand bus greatly Increased within the lust few days. Many dealers seem to llgure that this Is the low point and consequently nro trying to buv In anticipation of future wnnts. That being the case Indications are favorable for u good, active market for romo tlmo to come Loonlly the trade situation Is very satis factory. The demand Is exceptionally heavy for this season of tho year ami fall busi ness Is now starting out In nice shape. In a short time fall business will he In full wliig and the way things look now it will bo heavier than ever before. Dry (iomlM Market I' I nil. There has not been much If any change In tho dry goods market since last report. Hosiery, underwear and In fact all lines of cotton goods nro belli:; held at very llrm prices. Trade Is gradually Increasing and tiiutiufacturers are all looking for mi Im mense trade .is soon us tho market becomes rettkd. Trado at this point has not been very lieavy for tho last week or more. Not as many inurchants are coming on tho market ns were expected, but that fact Is causing no alarm, as many of them no doubt aro waiting for the Ak-Snr-IIen festivities bo foro coming to this city. Everything points to a good trade the latter part of this month and preparations nro being made for tho heaviest fall and winter trado that has ever been experienced. Ciood Dcuiniiil fur .Shoe. Hoot and shoo men report a good demand for fall and winter shoes and say that wherever a man can bo found who has not placed his order tho lateness of tho senson makes him fairly easy to land. A nlco trado Is anticipated from merchants who will bo In Omaha during this month, as many have put off buying until they arrive hero and have an opportunity to Inspect tho Htoeki. Thero Is also a good trado In rubber goods owing to a large extent to tho fact that there Is to bo up, advance of 5 per cent next month Dealers who have hesitated about buying for fear of lower prices aro now rushing In their oulers be fore tho advance goes Into effoct. That applies more particularly to footwear, but rubber clothing Is also being held at good, llrm prices. Tho hide market Is holding just about steady and jobbers do not seem to know In which direction tho next movo will be. l'rult mill Produce, There has been a good trado this week In fruit and also In vegetables. Utah and Colorado fruit Is now being offered on tho market nt prices not materially different from those ranging on California fruit Over sixty cars of fruit were handled on this market last month, which wero the heaviest receipts for a single mouth on record. There has boen no material change In the quotations on vegetables and about tho same Hues nro being offered. Poultry Is tho samo with the exception of Hprlng chickens, which nro lower. Eggs and butter remain tho time. ni:v ionic ;r..i:n.i, mahkht. Quotations for the l)n- on Various Commodities, NEW YORK, Sept. S.-PLOUR-Reeelpts 0.ffl5 bbls. ; exports, 11,112 bbls. ; sales, 1,70) pkgs. Market wai slow but a little li sellers' favor, on act mint cf the firmness In wheat; winter patents. J3 75fil00; winter straights, $.1 15fl3.tiO; Minnesota patents, Jf.OOiM 30: winter extras. J" TiWfJfo; M-i. iiesotn bakers, t3.s.t3 23: wlnlcrow grade, fi IStTJ.tkS. live Hour, unlet : sales, 450 bhU; 13 aorsco ' U.vJl3 25; choice to fancy, Colt.V.MUAli Quiet: yellow western. SSc; city. Mifssc: Hrandywlne 2 4,'if J.M. RYE Steady: No. 2 wertern, 5sc, f n. b. afloat; Btato rye, SIBMc, c. I. f.. New York PARLEY Quirt; feeding. CJrUc. e. I. f. New York; limiting. Id',tiCc, c. I. f., Hut tulo. PARLEY MALT-Dull: western, 62CTo WMKAT Kect-ipts, K.S75 bll.; exports, 858.947 bu. ; sjIcs, I,00,Oij im. futures. 40,oy bo, spot, spot, firm, No, 2 red, fe.'c in el- vatftr. No. 2. 8c, f o. b,, nfWt. N'fi. 1 northern, Dululh. f3c, f o. b.. afloat. Op tions opened steady ani were at onci strengthened by iirmnes abroad and ralr 3 in tho northwest, to which can be ndd'd the Influence of yesterday's largo export trade and a moderate senre among lo.-al Aborts; closed llrm at -StfUe net advance; falo Included No. 2 red, March, closed at 3fr; May closed at KH,o; rieptember. 7S"4 H's'ic, closing at .Vtc jjecemuer, wj-hi; ov-nv, uiusing ai su-c . CORN Receipts, 65,00 lnt.j experts, 1(2 6S bu.; sales. 65.0,0 bu. futures. 120 oV) bu spot. Spot, firm. No. t. 4ie In elcvaior and 4Cc, f. o. b.. niloat. option market was strong and higher on the bullish ra llies, lorni covering, ilgnt country accept ances and recent eood export trade; dr ied Wllel but firm at Ufil.n ret blither Miv. lOn-filViC, closing nt 41'ic; September cioseu ai ij'tc, uctoner cioseu at 41V4C; i-iecemner. v'ini,i' ciosi1". at 11'iC. OATS Itectlnts. 3fl2uO bu. : exports. 10 No 2 white, 2flHe. No. 3 white, 25',c, track, mixed western. 2IH'W2'ie;, while wrst. ern, z5-(33e, tracK. wnite nate. z&nxie. uu tlons Inactive hut well snulnln'il bv eorn I-'nKD-Hlendy; spring brnn, tM 0 ifflfi.tsi; mixru. winter iiran, ill ooaiy.iu city. JK.oo. IlAY-Qiiitt; fhlpplng, 7240; gotd to cnoieo, wiis-o. HOI'S Dull: stilt, common to rholc". 1JDJ crop, wmc: o'd, Jfjfsjj I'aclllc coaat, jv.v crop, j'cjjiso; niu. ztibe. HIDKS Firm: Galveston. 20 to 25 lbs.. ISO; California. 21 to 25 lbs., ISWe; Texas, ury. 1 10 ,m ins., Jd'tc. LKATIIKIt Sternly; hemlock role, llucnos Ayres. upnt to neavyweijnis, i:li'UiitVi, acid. 22H'ii23Wc. U'OOl-Oull; domestic fleece, SoUJic; Texas. I5H16e. ritOVISIONS-Ileef. steady; famllv. JIO.M jiiid-i; mes. w.iwh; iiacKet, io'iti 1 j.-.i, city, extra India mess, U6.rOHl7.0l. C-it meats, steady : pl-kled bellies, J7.75?J1I.W; shoulders. JO-fVOTJ 6.75 ; pickled hams, J10ff 10.75. I.ard, firm; western steamed, J7.1"i Heptember cloed at J7 07'3. nomlml; to (Inpd, firm: contlnnt, 17 0: South America, JSflO: compound. ia.COyO.12'4. I'ork, steady, fnniily, tl6.fyH15.T5. short clears, tl3.250' 13 50 mess. tl2.0WU.CO. IICTTKH-Weak; creamery. 17S2l4e. fac- torv ll?,li:i,. Tn lnl?ltk lmltntln1 creamery. IDSliISc: utato dairy, lltO'j". CIIKKSK-Klrmer; largo, white, lO'nc; small, white. lO'iMOHc; large, colotud, lOUe: smnll eolnreil. lfrVIIIOUr. 1K10S rirrn; state and Peiinsylvanla, 16 'awe: western, regular p.icKiitg, at marn, 1017 1 He ; western, loss off. 17'ilse. TAM.OW-Steady: city tt2 per pkg.). IT-ltlr: country (packing free), 4HGlH- HICH-Stcndy ; domestic, fair to extri, 4fiG'-e; Japan. 4Vl'5c. MOI-ASSi:S-Sleady; New Orleans, open kittle eooil In rholc. Vi'il'.Cc MKTAI.S- PIg Iron, eany; northern, tllfO ffliom; soutnern. Jl5.yi6i0 cooper, qu'ei brokers' price. tlH.75. head, dull; brokers price, tl.W. Tin, dull. OMAHA wiioi.kham: mahicbts. Condition of Trnde mid (luotntlons on Stntile mid 1'nnoy I'rniluco, naas Receipts liberal; good stock firm fit 13l4TJt4e. MVK I'OtTlVrrtY Hon. To: roosters, nernrdlng to ngc and size, 3I?lcj spring chickens, SiiSc; ducka, 4t5c; geese, 4fj6c; turkeys. Sc. FltliSH DttHSSHD rot'ITItY-lIens, Sc-; (flSc; roosters, ftyfic; ducks nnd gcose, t"tf luo; broilers, per lb.. lOflllc; turkeys, 12'40. IH'TTHU-C'omninn to fair, 13!4c; choice, lSfflfic; separator, 20o; gathered creamery, 17fJ!c. FISH-Troiit. lOe; bluensh. 9c: pickerel, fc: cntllsh. 12c; dressed buffalo. Jc: whlto fish. 10c; herring, 5c; black bass, 10c; sal mon, 13c; white bass. 10c; cropnlc, 10c; pike. 10c: halibut, lie; bitlitieaov, 10c: ring perch, fie; lobsters, green, 22c: boiled lob sters. 25c; mackerel, 20c; codfish, ICo; yellow perch, 6c. FHKSH OYSTKHS First grade, solid packed, New York counts, per can. 40c; extra selects. 35c; standards. 30c. Second grade, slack tilled. New York counts, per can. ,10c; extra selects, 21c, standards, 20c. IMOKONS-Mve, per dozen, Wc. V 1-3 A L8 Choice. fJtflOc. HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Wholesale Hav Dealers' association: Choice upland, IS 01; N" 1 upland. 17 50; medium $6.50: coarse, JC.00; ryo straw, tj, Theso prices aro for hay of good color and quality. Receipts, 0 cars. OATS No, 3 white. 20c. COUN-No. 3, 3Sc. HHAN-tl2.50. VKOHTAIIKES. CrCfMnnRS-Pcr dozen. 20fi23c. NKW TI'ltNIl'.S-l'er bushel basket. We. NKW I)1:i:tS Per dozen bunches 15fl20c. Ni:V CAHUOTS-Per dozen ounches, 2oc. l.KTTI'CK-Per dozen, lOglBc. RADISHES Home grown, per dozen. 15c. 11I3ANS Wax, per half bushrl basket, 40o; string, 35c. POTATuKS Per b'Jshel, 40050c; sweet potatoes, ner pound, 2c. CAHUAniJ Home grown, per pound, lc. CAl'UKr.OWKR-Pcr dozen, . TOMATORS Homo grown, per half bushel basket. 40c ONIONS Home grown, per bit., DOiJjSOc. CULERY-Nebraskn. 3O-(40c. FRITIT3. PUACHKS-Callfornla freestones, 90c; clings. Sac. PLl'MS-Callfornla. per crate, tl.1011123. PRt'NMS Utah and Colorado, per crate, tl; per box. 60c IIARTI,KTT PKARS Per box, tl.7JS2.00; others, tl.501il.75. ORAPKS-Callfornla Toknys, 4-bftsket crate, tl 50; Concords, home grown. KITlfle. V A T IS R M K I .O N 8 A s to size. 2r,a25c. eacll. CANTAI.OCPK-acms, per dozen, 40'0'K'c; large sizes, fifii7Bc. Al'PUKS Native, 75cf7tl per hu.j per bbl., t2.5Oi)3.0O. Crab apples, per bbl., 3. TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANOICS-Valonclns, tl.2jiH "5. MCMONS-Callfornla. extra fancy. t3.75: choice. t).00Hf5.25. BANANAS Per bunch, according to slzo, t2.00S2.75, Jl I H C li I-1, A N KO I. . NL'TS Hlekorv. larae. uer hu.. 11.25: shellbarks, 11,35; Kngllsh walnuts, per lb., uiuerts, per id., jzc: aimonas, p-r lh., 14iil6c; raw, per lh., CViti6c; roasted, fllG7'.Sc. HIDKS. IIIDKS-No. 1 green hides. 6c; No. 2 green hides. 5c: No. 1 salted, hides, 6Hc; No. 2 salted hides, 514c; No. 1 veal calf, S to 12 lbs., 7c; No. 2 veal calf, 12 to 15 lbs., 5c. St, 1,011 1 m (irulit mill Pro vlliuiM, ST. I.Ot'IS. Sent. 8. WHK AT Higher; No 2 red. cash, elevator, 71Vc; track, TUTf 73'e, September, 72c; October. T2o; De cember. 737ic; No. 2 hard, avSRSVic. CORN-lllgher; No. 2 cash, 30Wc; track, lOMf-Hc, September, 33Tc; October, 370; December, 33c. OATS-HIher: No. 2 cash, 21Uc; track, 22tr22VSe; September, SIHc; December, 22', tfiJ'iC Slay, 24c; No. 2 white, 23Hc Fl.OUR-L'nchntiged. RYK-Steady. D2c. H10I0DS Tiinothy, In demand, firm and scarce at from 13.5934. 12',$, with prime worth $4.3. KLAX-Hlgher. tl.48. C011NMKAI-Steady, t2.0ova2.06. HRAN Firm: sacked, east track. 6tc. HAY-Steudy; timothy, tS.6Ofil2.00; prairie, t7.50S.W. WHISFCY-Steady. Jl.CR. IRON COTTONTIKS-fl,30. 1IAOC.1NO- .S.10a3.R5. HIC.MP TWINK-3C M UTA I.S Lead, quiet, tl.32i,4. Spelter, da II. $3.90. PiU'I.i IIY Steady; chickens, 7c; young, 8'sc; turkeys, 7c; young. 10c; dacks, Oc; inline 7c geese, IHc; young, OijGVic. IOOnS-Htendy; 12Vic lll'TTKR-Steady; creamery, 18i2c; dairy, ir.iiil7c .... PllUVtsiii.e I'orK, lirm; .inuoing, i.-.ui. Lard, higher; choice, lfi.72'4. Dry salt meats (boxedi. higher; extra shorts, 17.1124: clear ribs, f7 75; clear sides, I7.87U. Uacon (boxed), higher; extra shorts, 18.25; clear ribs, ts 37' , clenr sides, tt.50. IHCCUIPTS Flour, ",000 bbls.; wheat, lin.lHio bu.; corn, W.tHW bu.: oats, 42,000 bll. SHIPMUNTS-I'lour. 7,i) bbls ; wheat, 71,00) bu.; corn, 33.000 bu.; oats, ll.ow bu. Liverpool 4 i r it 1 11 unit rrovlslons. LIVHRPOOL, Sept. 8.-WHKAT-Spot. steady; No. 2 red western, winter, BsllH'l; No. 1 northern spring, (is 3d: No. 1 northern, lis 4'jd'uOs fid. Futures, steady, September, .sllViii: uecemner, ts i'. CORN American, now, 4s2'id: American. old 4s 2i d. Futures, nominal: October, is 2d; November, 4s SM, December, 4s l-d. FLOUR St. jouis inuuy, winier, nrm, T;9d. . .. PROVISIONS Ileof, extra inula mess, dull, 72s CI; prime mess, steady. 01s 3d. Pork, orlmo mess western, steady, 72s 6d. Lard, American refined. In fair demand, In tlorces, 15s Cd. Hams, short cut, 14. to 16 lbs., steady, 15s. Racon. cunibcrmnii cut, ;s to bu ins., firm, 43s; short ribs. 13 to 22 lbs., llrm, 4tis; 'rug clenr middles, lliiht, 30 to 35 lbs., firm. 12s Td; lone Clear miuuies, neavy. ai 10 iu lbs., llrm. :Bs; clear backs, 16 to is lbs., llrm, tlsCd, clear bellies. 14 to 10 lbs., llrm. 47s. Shoulders, square. 12 to II lbs., steady. 33s CHKKSK-Aineiirnn lineal white, llrm. 51s Od, colored, llrm, 62 Cd. tallow prlmo city, dull. 24s su; Aus tralian. In London, dull, 26s 3d. HOPS-At London (Pacific coast), steady. 2 5sff3 3s. Ill'TTKR United States finest, Ws; good, Sis. PRAS-Canadlan, 5s lOWd. I'corlu .tlurUrl, PEORIA. Sept. 8.-CORN-Hlgher; No. 2, 40c. OATS-FInn; No. 3 white, 2222Uc. billed throush WHISKY-On tho basis of 11.56 for finished goods. MlliruuUrr (Jrnln Mnrkrt. MILWAl'KHK. Sept. S.-WHKAT-Dull; No. 1 northern, 754c : No. 2 northern, 71c. RYK-Steady; No 1, 63c HAKLUY-Dull; No, 2, 51ifjC2o; sample, Jiysoc, THE OMAHA DAI COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Market in Wheat Is Dull, bnt the Tone is Firm, CORN MODERATELY ACTIVE AND STRONG Onts Open (Itiletl)', but Prices (io t'p as Session AiH aiiees Provisions Sboiv StreiiKtli nml Close 011 L'p (irnile. CHICAGO, Sept. S.-Whent was dull and steady today, October closing Vslfic hlher. Corn closed o and oats He Im proved. Provisions closed 10fjl2VjC higher. Dullness characteristic of curtailed Sat urday sessions pervaded the wheat market throughout. The tone, however, was firm. October opened 4c higher at 73H173-V, lie cajse Liverpool was steady nnd unwelcome rains were again reported, damaging wheat In shock In the northwest. Following the opening October on selling by scalpers touched 73Vjc. but nt the dip there was some Influential buying. This stirred up shorts and October ndvunced to 737'fJTtc. Tho heavy primary receipts, 1,321,000 bu., against 1,183,000 last year, caused some sell ing, byt the closo was llrm, October jU'ic over yesterday nt 7340. The corn strength helped sustain the market toward the end. Local receipts wero 372 curs, 21 of contract grade. Minneapolis and Duliith reported 619 cars, against 418 last week and 915 a jear ago. New York clnlmod 15 loads taken for export. Seaboard clearances In wheat nnd Hour .were 837,000 bu. Yesterday's export business na reported from New York was l.OOO.OdO bu. Corn was moderately active nnd strong Liverpool was ifcil higher and country " forlngs boro the regular label, "light,'' 4 the reports of receivers. There was a good outside demand, while the selling was local and scattered. Receipts were 371 cars. The market early assumed a booming aspect, bat after a liberal advance had been made further gains wero nipped by the selling of a good-sized line of one commission house. October sold between JSMiiOijUay'te, clos ing strong So up at SsVttiiVc. Oats made a quiet beginning, but were moro nctlvo later. The corn strength was a help and thero was a good cash de mand, although tnule was mostly local. October sold between 21 Vu 21V'. closing 4c higher nt 21r?ic. Receipts wire 419 cars. Provisions continued strong. Packers tightened the screws some today and shorts did their best to recover. October oork sold between iW.Wd 11.17V and closed 12U0 higher at tll.15; October lard between tO.i2VSii6.S2l4, closing 10c up and October ribs between ti mifiV. with the close 12V4C better at 17.30. Kstlinnted receipts for Monday: Wheat. 300 cars: corn. 450 curs; oats, 460 cars; hogs. 20,000 head. . . ,. The leading futures rangeu as ioiiows: i Open. I Hlgh.l Low. Close. Yes'y. . 73,7(4! 73V T3 73? i I 73 TSViN "3"?l T3V6 734315,1 71?, 711, 74U 74VsTP,4-U 39T 4.04 397, 40'i 39i SSVWSn 39U 3SVi3STil3S'4'(il 30 36H 36 36Vi.'UT'rU36 21V4 21?, 21', 21H 21'i 214 21N.21VV4 21'H,,2tWl'4 214 22 21i 22 21 11 10 10 95 11 10 11 17V4 11 10 U 17V4 11 024 11 224 11 274 11 224 H 274 H -Is fi 73 6 80 6 75 6 SO fi 70 C 724 6 824 tl 724 6 824 6 724 6 50 6 574 C 50 6 574 6 50 7 43 7 474 7 424 7 474 7 374 7 174 7 324 T 174 T 30 7 174 6 90 5 0714 0 90 5 974 6 Mis Wheat Sept. Oct. Nov. Corn- Sept. Oct. Nov. Oats- Sept. Oct. Nov. Pork- Sept. Oct. Jan. Lard- Sept. Oct. Jan. Rlhs- Sept. Oct. Jan. No. 2. Cash quotations wero ns follows: FLOt'R Quiet: winter patents. t3.S0'i?4.O0: straights, t3.lMiK.70; clears. t3.10G3.50; spring specials, tl.1Uft4.50; patents, $3.50lt 1.00; Straights. t3.o0'((3.50. n iii-iAT ro. 3, iS'Wiie; no. 2 reu, 7.r?4C. COUN-No. 2. 404Q41c: No. 2 yellow. 40L(i 44c. OATS-No. 2. 21&i1i22',ic: No. 2 white. 2PA(rT 25c; No. 3 white. 234fl25e. IllJi. iNO. flU'IiC. UArtLUY Good feedlnir. 39c: fair to choice malting, 43Ji47c. SI3UDS No. 1 flax, 11.49; No. 1 northwest ern. 11.50; clover, contract grade, t9.505t9.60. l'liuvttjiu.-sa .iiesH pork, per bbl., 511.101) 11.15. Lard, per 100 lbs., t6.75ijfl.824. Short ribs sides (loose), t7.30T(7.60. Dry salted shoulders (boxedi. 6.!I7Ia'ii6.62U. Short clear sides (boxed), t7.93(i(S.03. w HISK.Y Hiisls of high wines, tl.26. Sl'GARS-Cut loaf, J6.60; granulated, Jfl.10. Tho following are the reeelnts nnd sblti. menls of tho nriuclpal products: Recelpls. Shipments. F our. bbls 13.000 !i fNi Wheat, bu 312.000 3X3.0OU Corn, bu 257.O00 6S4.fHiO Oats, bu IS2.0O0 15.1,000 Rye. bu 3,000 25.000 Uarley, bu 34,000 fi.OOO On the Produce exehnnce tndav llm bol ter market was (inlet; creameries, lM-lf 21lc; dairies, 14fjlSc. Cheese, llrm, W'Av 114c. Kggs, llrm; fresh, H4tfl5c. MOVUMKXTS OF STOCKS AMI HOMJS. Little Doing; on Wnll Street nnd Mnr ket Is lleiii j. N12W YORK. Sept. 8. With tho excen- tlon of a dabbling speculation In som.i of the specialties, notably Pecple's das. Suuar nnd Ilrooklyn Transit, no particular Inter est was attached to the dealing.!. The holiday In London aggravated the ditlln- ss and the weakness of tho .icilvn specialties made tho general ti no heavy. The Im pending strike of anthracite mill ern hud a depressing Influence on sentiment gn erally, though the coalers themselves weto llttlo affected. New Jersey Central re ceived most of Its early decline mid Read ing llrst preferred was not down moru than a fraction at nny time. No:,e of the other stocks of unthraclto carrying roads was dealt In. Tho comparative firmness of the coalers w-as partly due to tho recent laige outpv of coal from tho mines and partly 10 a belief that tho strike might be retrlclo within narrow limits. Urn the pnspe t of n, controversy affecting so largo a body of laborers and such Inrge investments of capital being abandoned to hostile meth ods for settlement aroused uneaslneai among holders and operators In securltlei Yesterday's recovery In ltrnnklyii Tronslt gave place to a relapse today and People s Ons continues wenk In spite of an effort to make It appear that the Chicago CJ.ib was covered by 1111 understanding between tho contending companies A largo de mand from the shorts rallied the stoclc and practleallv nil the loss was recovered. Tho weak bank return filled to aff-ct tlo market. The movement of currency to the Interior has evidently been much larger than tho preliminary estimates In dicated It Is evident nlso that lh- banks hnvn been obliged to draw on (heir legil tenders to meet tills demand. It had been expected that tho Interior demand tli'x fall nilfht be met by the newiv Issu d notes of tho New York banks, which ! not figure In the onh set nslde to mfet tho legal reserve requirement. The figures of tho banks show that this has not bee-i the case. The loan Inereise was nvule I--the local money market on time loans and on purchiino of commercial paper. Insto d of on sterling collateral, n- ha b-en the case for some tlmo par. The n"t rerv Is a decline 111 the surplus of a Utile over tl.000,000 The stock market made u r lis -start again this week after tho three day-i of Idlencs, nnd after n brief fjnrrv 1 f activity dropped back Into its leih'arg and prices sagged acnln to the fni'ner level. The genuine Investment or specu latlvo world was not n participant In the dealings nt nnv time, but there was some evidence of bolder and larger nperntln-ii of a character, which wee supposed to be due to the re-entry of sotro Of the Influential speculative lenders newiv returned from vnentl ins abroad. Tn'e board room professionals who have at tributed the prevailing dullness to politic i cause expected that the determination - f the Vermont electoral cont-st would levl to some activity The London stuck m-n -ket wns Impressed with tho 'n"ie view and American stocks were poshed in briskly on tho London exchange on Wedneday morning before the nponlm here Hut the local market oaeciiv oval'e.i Itself of tho London demand to unload some heavy blocks. Later In the dnv stock" were bought again In the hope tint the demand from London would be re newed on Thursdnv but 'hat hope wn" quickly dissipated Thurdav mornlnir mil London e'earlv showed lt ilsnppointme't at New York's failure to co-operate In th buying movement. Tho erratic tluctintlo:i--In Hrooklyn Transit were speclaliv at tributed to the undercurrents of muiilclo'l politics and other operations doallnT "I'll public utilities were llkewi e affected. u-. cnstlons are heard of an additional llrtll loan to be placed and th.e presence In Franco of the Russian minister of ilnun e arouses discussion of measures to into' Russian demand" for funds. Th Increased business In Iron ard siefti nnd the progress made toward ndjiutment of wages are rnnildered tnsorablr as far as thev go. but the defln te i-tatos of the Industry Is felt yet to be decided, und LI- lUIKi SL'ADAV, S15PTJ3MHMK , 1000. the future nrli es of steel rails n,i.i11v are looked for to help decide the future level of fallrund expenses, lllnh prte s of steel rails and coal are serious elements In th expenses of railroad opsratloiis. though railroad carnlng-i continue to be wen maintained. Th ntmllll- nt nanltill lnu'nr rtllx. has been quite as marked In the bon 1 marKet as 111 siocks. l nited States re funding 2s, when Issued, and the lis ad vanced i4, nnd the old Is 4 per cent In the bid price. Following are the closing prices on the i lors. aiocs. cxciiange: Atchlunn ...r. do pM Ilnltunore & Ohio Pacific. Cnn.ido CtKS U Ohio .... Cnlrsgo t). W l., 11. & Q Chi in J & L do pfil Chi. & i: 111 C. & N. W C, It. I. it P 1'. C. C. & it. U Colorailo Ho do 1st pfd do M pfd I)e:. & llulson .. Del. L & V D-nver k R. a...., do pfd Erl do lit pfd , Ot. Nor. iM Hocking (Vial Ho king Valltfy ... Illinois Crntrnl ... Iowa Central do pfd Lake Krle & V,'..., d pfd Ixike Shore I.. & N Miinlinttan L M l. .t. Ity Mexican rmlrnl .. ,. ?: Union I'aclllc .. e'S -I" Pfd ,. 72'i Wubnsh , . 7 1 no pfd .. IJ't Wheel. & L E .... .. SJV do fd pfd ,. 1 oA4 Wis. Central ..IM .Third Avenue .. .3 Adams l'x . . ST 'American Kx .. M'i C tlx ..16 llx ... ..tifie, Amer. l ot Oil .... . is'i do pfd . b ,mer. Mulling .... ,. tt I do pfj ,. 1 'Ainfr. . A II .tlOi.i do pfd ..173 lAnirr. spirits ,. Wl do pfd ,. iiT'i Amer. .1. Rood .... ,. n 1 do pf,i ,. 334 Atntr H. ,t V ,.1.',2 1 do pfd ,. 14!i Amtr Tin Plate .. . 1 do pfd ..UO'i Amor. Tobacco .... . im; do pfd . 44 Anaconda Mln. Co. . IS Hrooklyn R. T . 9J4 Colo. Fuel A Iron ,.?i Con. Tobacco . "Pi do pfd . Dt'i Felrral Steel .rii do pfd . IIS Oen. Klrtr,. . 5lOliicos- sugar . 23 . 13 .110 .124 .is: . a .in . 3J . ss - 4 . 13 H4 . 1 l'i . hi, . 3t'i . Tl- . 271 . Si Mi; .1:1 . 31', . Jfi . 7S . Jl'i Minn. Ht. L do pfd Mi. 1'aeifle Mobile ,t rihlo .... M . K AT do tifd N. J. Central N. Y. Cenlral Norfolk & V do pfd No. Pacific do pfj Ontario & W Ore Ity. & Nnv... il-i pfd Pennsylvania It'iidlnir do 1st pfd do M pfd ltl O. W do pfd St. L k S. V do 1st pfd di 2d pfd At- L. Hoiltlnv do pfd St. Paul do pfd Rt. P. Omaha... So. Pa'-lflp So Railway do pfd Tfxas & Pacific . Offered. .3 . 51 i . 93i do of! . 17 . 21 H . " . 71 . 131 i . SI 17i . S9 . ::i . , .vo , S-. , llj 301 i 3SI4 7ti 1t un 11c; . 57?, I-tr Paper ...... do pfd !arlm1e Oas .... National lllicult . do pfd National Lrad ... do pfd National Stel ... iln nfl . I)V, . 31 .1304 .li, . 314 . 75. . sin . 7IU N- Air Drake.. No. American 1'HCitle Const ...... . 2--S . 12 . 7 .us; . in; . &." . it . M . 0 11 . 7 . 3t; . 12; . n; M'' .171 .110 , 3t 00 1st pfd do 2d pfd Pacific Mall ... People's (las i-r-sp,i s. tar .. lit .M Pullman P.'ca'r ?. it. .& T Sugar I do pfd Tenn. I'oal A I,.... l. m leather .'..... do pfd P. fl. Itubber itn nf.l ip. 7') 19), 52 79', 11), 51 SI Wetern 1'nlnn"!!" IlepilliMO 1. s IC4 P. C. C. A St L.' 00 ir,i .v- York .Honey Market. Ni:V YORK. Sept. S.-.MONUY-On call, steady nt 1'4 per cent; prlmo mercantile paper. iVM per cent. ST13RLINO KXrilANOK-Weak. with actjal business In bankers' bills at J4.S6iiQ I.S7 for demand nnd at HS-Vltf 4.S.H4 for sixty days, posted rates. $4.84H'3l.fco and Sl.ttfitmt; commercial bills, (.Si'if4.S3i4. SlLVKR-IJar. 2c; certlllcates, CSVsff ClHc; Mexican dollars, 4Pc 110NDS State, Inactive; railroad, Irreg tilar; government, steady; ref. 2s, when Is sued. 103'i; coupon, new 4s, reg. nnd coupon, Ml';; old 4s, reg.. Ill; coupon, 1I'4 : 5s. reg and counon. 112. The closing prices on bonds today aro as follows: P. H. ref. !s, reit. di coupon do 3m, reif do coupon do new 4f, reft.. do coupon do old 4s, reg.... do con 1 wo do 6s, reg do coupon I), of C. 3 Ms Ateh. (ten-ral 4a... do ndj. ts Canada So. 2 Clies. A O. 4!ts do r. C. A N. W. c. 7s... do S. y. deb. Ss., ChleaRO Ter. 4 Colorado So. 4...., I). A It. O. Is do 4 Krle general 4s '. IV. A D. C. 1H., Cen. Klectrlo 5s..., Iowa Cenlral Is L A N unl. Is M . K. A T. Is do 4s When Issued, fsu 10SS4 100 100 133 133'i 114V, HS'i 112', U2 111 MIH ii 10.5 Sli; 1lS'i tl) 119 M S2t 1, !Sll 63'i 7114 lli 111 (II 07t, 52 N. V. C. Is N. J . gen. 6s.. No. Paclllo 3s do ts N Y. O A St L 4s, N. A W. con. 4... Oregon Nav. la.., do 4a lOregon S. L. 6s... do ronsol 6a Heading gen. 4s.., Itlo o W Is St I. A I M e. 5s. .I'VS'i in . 1V1H .1OP4 .U4 . 17 .I02H .KtU, .um . ST'i . 9!l .ill Ul'i .W .US .IP'i . 7S .10ST. . 7 113 . S6 .PV.14 ir .102 .in"' . S7 . sy.i St I. A B V g. 6s. St. P. conjoin St. P . C. A P. Is. do 5s K1. I'aMfln 4... So. Hallway Cs H. It. A T. 6s Tex. A Pacific Is. do is Union Paclflo 4a... Wabash Is do 2s West Shore 4s Wis. Central 4... Va. Centuries llostun Stork tun In t Inns. ROSTON. Sept. S.-Call loans, 203 per per cent; time loans, 3Q4i,4 per cent. OfTlclal closing: A.. T A S. F do pfd A me . .Sugar :7ViWest i;nd . .. sm 71, WesllnRh. Klectrle. W, Atchison 4s S'li, Adventure 4 Allouez Mln. Co.... IV .1lDi do pfd lli Dell Telephone H2' Hoston Llei-nted Ilostnn A Maine C. P A Q Dominion Coal do pfd Federal Steel .. do pfd (leu. niectrio .. do pfd Kd. Elec. III.... Mexican Central Ml-. Tf.hone N. K. O. A c.... fild Dominion .. Rubber I'nlon Parlfln .. .US Amal. Coprer fS'i 1SS Atlantic 21V. ..123 llloton A Mont.... 320 .. tl'i llutte A lloaion ... ..110 TbI. A Rcclu 7P .. 3li Centennial 1(H w'jil-'ranklln 1111 ..13S omhildt Osceol.i Mlj Parrot 42 Qulncy 113 Santa Fe Copper 4i ..210 .. lHi .. ) 13'i Tamaraek 223 lVjitJtah Mlnlnt 31 !9i, 1 Winona 3 674 Wolverines 42 I3x-illvldend. e-,v York .llliilnic Stock, NKW YORK. Sept. S.-Tho following nre the olosliiK quotations for mining shares today: Chollar IS Crown Point v) Iieadwood I" CoulJ A Carrie .... 33 Ilnlii A Norcrots... 20 II me-take W Iron Silver 'S M xlran 25 Ontario 'i.o ,Ophlr 4i Plymouth 19 Cjulcksllver 150 do pfd ClO Sierra Nevada 30 I Standard ton .t'nlon Con 17 lYellun- Jacket 17 London .Money Market. LONDON, Sent. K Although the Stock exchange closed today, there wns less do ing In tho money market than umiuI oh Saturday. The udvnnces for the day wero easier and discounts wero llrm. The Joint stock banks were not disposed to work freely and wero disinclined to make con cessions. The upwardness Is expected to continue. In view of the Hank of Kngland's withdrawing money from the market. Tho Statist is of tho opinion thnt tho payment of the Installment of exchequer bonds next week will further restrict tho balance und that the settlement will also Increase the demand. "Consequently," the Statist adds, "wo may see the rate for short loans again near the bank rate and borrowings from tho Rank of F.nglnud may ngaiu bo neces sary. The surplus of reserves of the New York banks means that money In Now Y'ork will be much cheaper this autumn than last and Indicates that they nro not likely to call on London for gold. Tho Statist also thinks that the check to trade arising from tho approaching elec tion, points to the probability of a smaller dim.ind than In and that In the event of serious pressure London might hope to secure gold nnd s.ivs such a posslhllltv, not Immediate, may arise only In the event of the demand for gold upon London for F.gypt. Argentine, India and tho provinces, causing Htlll higher rutc-8 here. I '1 11 11 ncln I Nolo, ST. LOIMS. Sept. n.-Clenrlngs. i5,404.576; balances. 870,91 1; money, 4fl7 per cent; New York exchange, 60o discount bid, 'Zc dis count asked. CHICAGO, Sept. S.-CIenrlllgs, J0.59l.nsfl; balances, ;.105,1N; posted exchange, l.85y H.Siij; New York exchange, 60o discount. CINCINNATI, Sent. S.-Cle.irlngs, t,i!51, son: New York exchange, lSjiOc discount; money. J'-aftti per cent. NKW YORK, Sept. S.-Clearlngs, 117.3S2,. 'S07: balances. 5.44I.G54. PHILADELPHIA. Sept. S.-Clcarltlgs, H.'WMKi; balances. LOUVsV.. UALTIMORK. Sent. o.-CleurltlgS, 3,4:5,. 15'.'; balances, C15.V HOSTON Sept. S.-Cloarlngs. 17..W.572; balances, 1,ISG,I58. Foreign Financial, LONDON, Sept. S.-Today i a holiday on the Stock exchange, jtar silver, sternly nt 2Hd per oz Money, ',U2i; per cent. I he rate of discount In the open market tor .ihort hills, 8 per run, and lor th' -o months' bills. 3S.1i 3 11-lti per cent. The amount of bullion taken ito tho Hank f England on balances was t,l5,('. lli:ill. IN, Kept S. Hmlr.ess on the bour. e today was limited, owing to the London market being closed. Americans w-re quiet. Chinese were malntutneil and locils were weak, but tlvy ncoverod before tho c-loe. Exchange on London. 20m 4l)VjPfg' for checks. Discount rates, short bills 3 per cent; three months' bills. 4'i per cent. PARIS, Sept. S Iluslnass on the bourse today was lunnlmnte. but prices were tlrm. Mines ivcrc particularly Uroni, but closed quiet Three per c-nt rentes, lotf 1" for the mount Kx.-lunse on London, .-f liiUo for checks. Spanish 4s ilosed at 72 IV). Imports nnd i:norla. MJW YORK, Sept. S.-Kxports of gold and silver fiom this port for last week u pregate (96I.I2S slU.-r bars and coin and JS.Vio gold, ihe Imports of specie were la.1. as gold and 136.1u sllser. The Imports of d.ry-'Ll,s u,ul merchandise were valued at fill bin TIVUVVlWl f lt f I nil Mnfl. iii M.W ORK, Sept. S.-COTTON-The cot ton market openeil stf.idy at an advance of M11S points nnd ruled feierlshly llrm during the early session on Hurries of general buv mg, In which the foreign contingent and southern shorts took the lead. The com mission clement and prominent bulls sold on the rise for prollts ns a precautionary meusure, pending developments over Sun day abroad and the nceh.t of MondaVs soi eminent report. The cables from Liver pool were tb. ii,,.f au,.M....,.i celved. They showed a wild panic among iti. .iiii, 1 .. .,. . . ,lKi i-ji. i in- i-urreni monin shot up points, equal to 75 points or more )irv fin. .. 1 ... . . . m.nrvci oct.lllie 1U1CI.1I1IV quiei after tho call, but was Intensely quiet In tin absence of sellers. Reports from the - ... uiaini-is iiecuircu inoi tne ue- nilltlll f.ll nwi,pl ,...,.. , .,. .LV J . I. " wh uiivuiii'iiig i ne "liH.?.1 faMdly and caiislns selleis to hold OfT. Th uAtit),,.. ..... t ....... .i i .... ...,...1 ,,MO iiouiuuii- uuu oit re ceipts showed an Increase. Some exciting developments wero predicted for next week, i i ", --ii. o.-iui luiv-aieuuy, ?i'i,llilln 'f nds. hn,e; mUldllng gulf. lo,c; sales, 22o bales. Futures closed steadv. Sep tember, 9.500; October. 9.39o; November. ..u, iiiioer, ;-.i.'c; January, 9.11c; Feb- Jo?P',iM.Wc'-,,arc,h',9'tl0o; Ai,ril- Jiny. 9.09c June. 9 lv: Ju v. u.ote. i.rl.'iv "'"'WANS. . Sept. S.-COTTON- noien, i,lw nines, ordinary. 85-lt-c, good ordinary, 9c, low middling. 9V-; mld '".'' K. 10'ic; good middling, lin.he: recelnin. .031 bales; stock, 22,914 bales. Fututes ?U,'.!i,J'i.'cu,Pml,er- 8S.Ml9.91e; October, 9 32 J'R;"c; "vcmber, 9Oi',(9.05c. Uecembcr. 9.0.' SVS , , 1 - f-eir.'.uic .Aiarc 1, 9.0 it April, U.05-U9JiCc; May, 9.051i9.07c. 'iV1.'."1'001" ,t50l,t- S.-COTfON-Spo(. modcralo demand; American middling talr. i i5.?W '"Iddllng 0 2,V32d; low middling. m i'3f K00.'1 r""1' I "('. 0 3-liid; ordlnarv, 5"' . ,r,.le !",l,8 f he day were 6.000 bales, or which M were for specilatloii and ex .'.7 ,I,ml lnfliled American. Receipts :.'... 1!illrf'' "l,"dl"K M American. Futures ."'VmI1 wt'uk al111 ulnsed excited. Amerlian middling, 1. m. t.. September, fl 40-f-ld sell ers, September-October, il 43-Old sellers; October-November, 5 13-615 Il-iitd sellers; Novcmbcr-pecember, 5 2-6Hj.", .l-uid buyers; December-January. 4 tU-tilil buvers; Jani-ory-l-ehruary, 4 f,9-S4lJ4 fiu-CId buyers; Feb-ruary-March, 4 67-G4d sellers; March-April. tsi-Old sellers, Aprll-M.iy. 1 53-Old sellers, Mny-June, t 61-GIJf I f,2-Cld buyers; Juiie- 7 It V uw" woiu uuyers JUiy-Atlgiist, 4 45-Old buyers. ICnnsns city (J nil 11 nml Provisions. KANSAS CITY, Sept. 8 -WHKAT-De-C?,nli0Iiw';,ci No. 2 hard. fil'mViiijc-. 'i,0-M'-siPH'.ic; No. 2 red, 70u 70140; No. 3 to W(t)9c. CORN September, 37c; December. 32He. i!a'i 3Vrl'; Ci,"u- No. 2 mixed, 37'aU3.Sc; pr'a'.VVerKO. Umo,hy' ,3 : cho,CO fanc''da.''Kc.'' crca,ncr' S! ... u.v.v... man uu, CUHCS returneil: tiw u.'I,h.v,.m,,i 1....1. , - ' w..., v,,vo louiuiiuil, he more. IIJ-3AT Receipts, 272.S0O toll.; com. 12,500 bu.; onts. 12,000 bj. , aiHPMKNTS-Wheat. 218.400 bu.; corn, 3,800 bu.; oats, 1.000 bu. SiiRiir .AlurUet. N'RW VDtllv fi UMflin , j. ----- . . - o, nv i,ji i.inv,,.lnlnK' 4Vc; centrifugal. 90 test. 4 15-16c. Molasses sugar, Ic; refined, firm. hl 6-. N- tS-W: No. 8, 15.40; No. 9. !o.30; No. 10. 15.25; No. 11, 5.25; No. 12, 15 20 No. 13, 5.15; No. 11. 3.15, Standard A, 5 OS, coiifoctlmters' A. 5.95; Mould A. 10. 10; cut 1001, o.oj: crnsneu, jd.ui powilcrcd, 0.25: grniiulated, 6.15; cubes, C.30. ft"f' uuuuja.-sw. sept. S.-SUOAR- Ollet: nn,n lnll 41.,, ,..,.,iir,.M..i ...n 53I5Vc; seconds, 3H4 9-lCc. Molasses, noni- 1.0nnV. Hon) S HITS A In. J.. lis 6d. nominal, centrifugal. 12s 3d, nom Inul; beet, lis G1. Oil .Market. mi. eti-v Ti o r. it- ,... v., i ,)un, o. -iciiii iiaiances, 11.25; certlllcates, no bid, no runs, no ship ments. l.ivniinnnr. Unm a nii e r,. i r" w,,.n uiiiiiisvi-ii, Hull rellned, November nnd April, strong, 1flj ITll rl'llf tnt, I I n ul.l,a ,1 Km -.. ,1.1 t. .. vu w... u, ,u,v lr, o JlllMUl, common, steady, Is 9d. Linseed, 31s 9d. . rilHII-utll, 11" Sll. Vl.'W VliriU- Unr. O OTI , yi "-ev. o. vino-iiiioiireeii, steady; yellow. 3l4c. Petroleum, quiet; re fined New York, S.os; Philadelphia ami Haltlmorc, Pi; In bulk, 5.45. Rosin, firm; strained, common to good, 1.50. Turpen- iiiiij, itiiii. .i73iiii-, I.ONMmV ,i,t fi Olio t-..- . I v- w- a iii oeiiiuiu spirits, 2hs Cd. Cuff en Market. NKW YORK. Kent. S rni.,l,'l.,l'5nni Rio, barely steady; No. 7 Invoice, S'.c; mild, quiet; Cordova. 9,4i14c. The market for coffeo futures opened steudy at a decline of iu-.-.u iioiiiis ana ruicu generally ensy un der Kuronenn cables. Truillno- Incut nn.i cautious In absence of cables from Rio nnd Santos; adjourned for holiday; market closed lowor at 15W20 nnlnln n,.i ,lr.,.inn Total sales. 16.M0 bags, Including "i.15 i.20; October. 7.23; November, 7.3dli 7.35. December. f7.4iM7.45; March, 7.507.0, April, 7.C0 nnd May, 7.0U!7.C5. Dlllllth When I MnrLrt. DI'Ll'TH, Sept. S.-WIIHAT-No. 1 hard, cash, 77',4c; to arrive, new, 77V4e; Septem- ner. iitc; iiccemner, TM-; ko, 1 northern. cash, ioV4c; to arrive, now, 75i(,c: Sentem- ber. 75V4c; December. 7fie; No. 2 northern, 70V4C. No. 3 spring, 07Hc. I IA TH i '.'t'diiriC. RYE-COHc. HAKLl-n -tfic. FLAX Cash, 1.50; September, 1.4J14. CORN-39T;e. RKCKIPTS -Wheat. 12S.I13 bu. SHIPMENTS Wheat, 201,000 bu. Xew York Dry Cnoils. NKW YORK. Sent. S. DRY OOODS Market closed with a generally ilrmor tone. More Inquiry for brown sheetings and drills to arrive and more dolnT In spots, some sellers asking an advance on tno latter. wide sheetings very llrm. Illeached cottons unlet, but steadv N'n chnnge In prints. Staple ginghams selling well. Cotton yarns llrmer with Improved demand. Win .en and worsted yams quiet and unchnuged. California Dried l'rult. NKW YORK. Sept. S.-CALIFORNIA DRIED FRF ITS Inactive. Trading In evaporated snnles was of tho usual .Satur day half-holiday order and the market con tinues quiet In tone at unchanged prices; stato commnn wns quoted from 31(5c; prime, fUjnwci Liiuice, ii-.nnmc; inncy, inuttc. Prunes wero quoted from 3l4?i7'4c per lb , as to slzo nnd quality. Aprlcotd, Royal. Hff He; Moor Park, IfiiillCc. Poaches, peeled, 14 (U18c; unpcclcd, tJtfJc. i'oleilii Mnrket. TOLKDO. O.. Sent. 8. WHIIAT Higher- spot nnd September 7G'ic; December, 79c. r"t,v- n..ii. 1. 1 ... n-. i. t r. .. ,fc.-i i-fiiii, iiihiit i . i'o. - I'll nil itiiii oep tember. 42'4c; December, 24'4c. DATS cnsl). .-W; December, 22sc. 11 YE Dull, unchanged; No. 2 cash, 5te. SEEDS Clover, dull, hleher: 's nrlmn .i.W; '99 prime, 0 00; No. 2, 3.00; October and December, 0.40. Minneapolis Wheat ntt I In nr. MINNEAPOLIS. Sent. 8 WMIMT- Closed: September. 72Tic: December. 71UW i'4-. !.. 1 1 -ie . on iitiun, ,mi i iiaru, ioo; No. 1 northern, 74c; No. 2 northern, 72c. l-'LOl'R- First patents, I orvfi (,2ii; second natents. 3SiMil.0o: first clears. 1.1 ft.Vfi n .-. second clears. 12 0,T72 25. UtlAN-Ill bulk, U'.OiMj 12.23. CniitriM ersy (lii-r Heserv nllnn lliimls. I'lEnni:, S. I).. Sept. 8. (Speclal.)-In tho Sully county circuit court this week tho question of roads across the old Fort Sully military reservation took up a large part of tho time of tho court. Tho contentions of the settlers In that part of tho stato were that the old-traveled roads across tho reser vation were legal roads from having been used as such for twotity-nno years. Further tho commissioners of Sully county bad de clared all section lines In that county to be legal roadn. This hi ought up a protest on tho part of the state, which has tltlo to practically the whole tract, and on tho pari of thoso who hold leases to largo parts of the tract. Such action would mean that they would be compelled to fenco each sec tion separately and nlbo to fenco along the old trails. The attempt to establish the fact of the use of tho old trails by tho evi dence of old-timers failed badly. As the different ones took tho stand they could not agree as to how loug any ono trail had been used, as It was an easy matter to strlko out a new trail nt any tlmo according to the whim of freighters, and tLls seems to have been done so often that their testimony imounted to little in the way of establish ing a caso on the contention. As to tho sec tion lino controversy tho matter Is yet pending, but will probably It settled wltbln a few days. OMAHA LIVE STOCK HARM Week Closes with Practically No Oattlo 01 Sheep on Sale. HOGS SELL HIGHER AGAIN TODAY 5teers Are About Hcmly for the Week, but Cons Vie II I u (lunrter lllulier. Feeders Striiil) nnd Mo Are Sheep, SOl'TH OMAHA. Sept. S. Reeelnts u ere Cattle. Hogs. Sheep .. 5.750 2.745 19,090 Official Monday 'flit-In 1 Tuesday Olllclal Wednesday . oniclul Thursday ..... Olllclal Frldav Olllclal Saturday Total this week .. JJeek ending Sept. 1.. JW-ck ending Aug 25 cek ending Aug. 15 Vock ending Aug. 11 . C. l.n Vtti.) S.1W .. 1.243 fi.1.11 2 1W .. 1,710 6,1(3 3 lT . . 1.KC3 5 470 S..7 .. 10J fi.!". . lJ.f-5" 2J.3U ..J! 0,13 . 17.0F. .is.73i ..13,73 31,301 ..I9 47.697 11.106 37.04-5 32,1 ).t,IJ 11,225 JI.1T7 3 .(' IS enuing Aug. 1.. 36,03. 19. iW Average nrlce tiuld for lines for Mm last several days, with comparisms: I 1900. ,lS99.i9i.UM)7.llS9rU. 11591. Aug. 15.. 4 97 ' 4 411 3 731 12 S.1! 4 42 5 at Aug Aug IB. . 4 9S 4 32 3 7' 3 70 I 4 47i 5 IH fi ( 1 4 .(HI 3 74 1 711 2 S4I 4 55 5 11 4 93 1 4 47' 3 60 3 bv 2 92 6 07 4 501 3 07 " 73 2 IV 1 511 fi 0.1 3 7,i ,1 70 2 79' 4 r.B fi 01 6 tn! 4 (2 3 ',6i 2 S5l 4 49 5 lo 5 01 4 42 3 !' I 2 7.11 I M 3 01 17 Aug. IS Aug. 19. Aug. 2i, Aug. 21 Aug. 22. Aug. 23 Aug. 21, Aug. 25. Aug. 2tJ, Aug. 27. Aug. 2-, Aug. 2:1 Aug. 30 Aug. .11. Sept. 1., I 4 97 4 411 3 7I ,1 S3 I 36 3 12 I fi 02 I 4 42 3 SI T 791 2 ri! 4 Jil 5 II 5 05 I 4 401 3 73 3 M 2 79 3 21 4 3S 3 72i 3 91' 2 Td 4 32 I 3 70 4 021 2 75 4 2l 5 21 I 401 13 971 2 V0 4 2'-' "' :t 4 42, J 7i, I 2 SI t '- r ::n I 40 3 7.'1 3 911 121 5 42 4 27 3 G3 ' ' ' " 4" 4 2iV .1 fil .1 99 2 77) 1 t. 6 J I II 3 611 4 071 2 Ml 4 all I 3 63 4 07 2 SI I 341 I !'S 5 (-2 oj 5 0 5 05 6 0i, Mcpt cpt Sept Sept 3.. 4.. 5 02 5 rilt, I 19 i 4 04 ? 71 4 21 5 1 K out i -i - i tci 4 131 r. r.". r... Sept. C. I 5 KKi 4 23 3 Oil 4 lV.I I I 20 fi 51 opt. , ..if, nv;r 4 :im ;t fa 4 02' 2 7S 4 22' 5 57 Sept. S... 6 10TJ 4 30 3 fJ0 I tv 2 Sl 5 V Indicates Sunday. The olllclal number of cars of stock brought In today by each road was: r....i.. 1 1.. ... l-i.-i. ir.'u C, M. & St. P. Hi-.. vjiiliiv, ii'(,n. nil , 1, e. I . . 1 1 19 1 nt. i iiv Missouri Paclllc Rv.. I'nlon Pacllie System C. N. W. Ry F 1.' A'. M - 1 11 ('., St. P.. M. O. Ry 11. ft.- ,l, 11. H. u C. It X. Il l!v C, R. I. ,t P., east!! Total receipts .... 1 77 .. 3 rri... .11 1, , m . . , . . . ou ui.iiuniiiou in uic nay s receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the ntiin- 1 v ,1-,,,, 111u1v.11 leu 1 111 vers Cattle. Hogs. Sh'p . 53 870 1,019 1,046 Dllliihn lii,iMn r.. O. 11. Hiimmoml Co! "win nnu ( (impiinv 1 iiuany i-acKllig lo Anno ir vi Co r'tlf1ll),t. Il-nu c. r.. 1,025 725 120 3-'G 16i itntiimoM,! Mlfit.illul, Other buyers 1 Totals "3 5,131 1R-. CATT 1,1-7 As Is crr,IK. il,n Saturday, there were no cattle of anv cm sequenco on tho market and buyers did not i.niii. ,uiy. Till) SlinillV nf rnltlA llllc n'nab wta ll.A lightest of nnv week Mnco the week ondlng August IS'. Tho decrease over last week nniounts to ,1.221 heail, an I over the cor responding week of last yar there Is also a decrease of 1,761 bend The demnnd mi tho part of both pnekers nnd yard tradr was In good shape, ho that the market ruled uctlve at fully steady prices all tho week. Thero huve not been verv ni.-inv eornfe.l cattlo on sale, und as jiacnors were look ing for supplies they picked up what was offered at good Mrong prices. In some cases sales wero madu that looked perhapa a dime higher, but tho week closed up Just about where It opened. 1 nere tins oeen n sliarp nilvancn In cow stuff, and at the close uf the week it Is safe to call the market on good stock a big 25c higher, and In some cases It Is prob ably 35c higher. Tho medium grades hn"o not auvanceii as much, though they nro probably lOQISc higher than they were a week iico. Cilnners hnvn also mlvnneed nbout 11 dime I-eeders have met with ready snlo all the week, particularly If thev were nf irood quality. The market has been strong nnd In some cases a llttlo higher, but the week cloes up without much change Common feeders have been a llttlo neglected In tome cases, and that class if stick Is c'ltllnly no higher. Yearlings of good quality are In much better demand than they were n week or two ago and prices aro 11 little higher. Western grnss cattlo have, of cour'e. made up the bulk of the receipts all the week Tho nrnnortlon of killers, lmwever. was very small, and as packers wero nfler that class of cattlo tho market his ruled strong and nctlvo all the week. In snmo cases the market was uiidnuhtcillv 1 f15o higher, lint the week closes with prices about where they wero at tho opening. Cow stuff of good quality has ailvonco.l materially during the week and sales the last of the week were anywhere fr.iin 2511350 higher than at tho close of the pre ceding week. The common kinds have ad- vnnceii aiiywnere rrom ioj(-oc. The feeder trnde has been In good shnpe, but as a general thing the market has held nbont steady. Homo cases were noticed where sales looked a little higher, but the iveok closed without material change. Rcpro seutatlvo sales: cows. Av. Tr. No. A v. Tr. 1010 3 25 1 1210 3 60 No. 1..., BULLS. 1 1030 3 10 1 1010 3 GO CALVES. 1 ::o 5 50 STOCK COWS AND HEIFERS. 2 920 2 00 1 70) 3 SO 1 1100 2 S". 1 lisa 3 4 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 1 500 2 71 1 K0 3 l"i J. E. Reddlck-S. D. 1 feeder... 1200 ?, Ki 1 bull 1310 2 75 1 bull 1220 2 73 9 cows OCO 2 55 IIOOS The sutinlv nf heirs w:i.m tint verv heavy today for even a Saturday, but pack ers wanted the hogs, and, ns a result, they nan 10 pay more money tor mem tlian they did yesterday, although Chicago re ported a weak close. Tho market here WHS nil the wnv from Ntenilv In Rr. tiltir Tho light and light mixed hogs were 34 f-o higher and 15.224 was paid for a prime load of 195-pound hogs. The hulk of that cluss of hogs sold from 13.12H to 15,15. The heavier butcher weights sold around 15.07W 5.15.10, and the heavier and conrser stuff irom 4J.UJ1,, iiown. tiio coarse heavy hogs In somo cases wero no moro than steadv, but ir they were heavy, but of good qual ity, thov hrollL-Ilt 2U(l. mill iiecusloniillv r.e higher than yesterday's market. The gen eral market was 2',4o higher und active, everything being cleared up early In the IIIIUIIIUU. Tho hog market this week has been In very satisfactory condition. Ilecnlntn were a trifle heavier than they were for tho preceding wren, ami us compared with the same week last year a gain of 10.M7 head has been made. The week miniied will. a drop nf a little over 2c, I1.1t was followed on riiesuay ny 11 gain or over 4c, and 011 Wednesday the market was over Cc higher than It was on Monday. Thursday prices fell off 11 little, but the loss was murs than reealneil on Frlilnv nml Rniiirrii.v'u advance carried the market to tho highest point slnce August x, when tho average i-nsi wns) .i.i;. iiepresentative sales: No. iv fih. Pr No v up Pr. 16 XJ4 . 5 024 M 591 120 5 115 61 6? 3'9 40 5 M I'd .211 1'.') .1 10 ,2Si im r, to .2S1 ... 5 1) ... 5 10 40 5 10 hi r, 10 . 217 ..213 . .24 ..27J ..CSS ..2M ..251 0 5 07J 41 5 07'i 40 5 0714 ... 5 07'4 ... 5 07', 81 5 C74 ... 5 0714 74 63 .... .15 .214 .301 r.5 .... lis.... 53 fl7 54 (A.... 61.... ti..., ts.... sv... 71.... ..267 120 5 tl ..lea no 5 i ..226 10 5 I2'4 ..223 120 6 12'4 ..221 S'O 6 124 M 76 67 ..211 I) 5 071 67. :9 5co 5 .WI M r, iz-i 51.... ...Ml 6 "71-, 72 171 121 5 12'4 r..... 4.... ...2Vi ...2SI ...257 . . . 5 0714 M S 071.4 70., ..23 o r. 1215 ..250 10 5 12'j ..154 10) 6 12'4 CI,. 79.. . . , CI.. IS.. 65. . 60.. 59 . C3 . 67 . 60.. 61 . 2 71. 61.... 5 10 62.... ).... f3.... ..273 IM 6 10 210 41 5 12'4 .203 SO 5 10 ..27 ..22S ..2(4 5 12S ..150 ..18? ..19) ..22? ..2C1 .. 5 10 .. IP .. 5 10 4) 6 11 . 6 10 S) 5 40 5 121,4 4) T. 12i 91.... SI.... .213 78.... CO ... 61.... 66.. . 31 ... C4 ... .201 120 ..2(5 5 12' r. 1214 23 120 f. 10 257 ... 5 10 2',3 .. f. In 27 , '.'(0 1 I i d it.) fi io ill Ti 12ia Ml ico r, t:4 244 ii l ;, 231 :'..! O 5 1,4 5 15 cs .. DO YOU SPEGULATE P t 10 5 10 10 .. 1 . ' :ro s 10 i-: sn uo s u m mi lid 5 ri p s 'i 1 20 10 V 72. 1(1 J 15 It 119 4) J li) Ii l i 1 sd to s to 7i. t u 77 . in to r, ) 7,1 .-1 , 0 ,v i.v 7 it: 110 1 ) M.. . STi . J 1"H 67. HO Mi 5 i 91 "tl J' J lo '? 111 41 i D 71 tM . S 111 SHEEP There were practically no sheep on sale today, and consequently nothing wi!," w nloli te make 11 test of the market The sheep market for the week hns been In very satisfactory lomllllnn Th,- .le mniid was good for anything: at all de sirable, and as u result sellers hrtd llttla dllllculty In disposing of their supplies nt very fair prices The receipts for tho week show a decrease over the preced.tic week of over S..Xi, but as compared with the corresponding wnk of last there Is an Incu-nse of over 6,000 head. The m.irki t 00 but 11 sheep nnd lambs Is Just about steady On some days they sprunx the market a little but us 11 gtn ernl thing the week closed ibout where It opened. Lambs of good weight and qjal Ity ate In very good demand, nnd the mar ket on thnt class of stuff - strong. Feeders have also hm.ight good, strong prices all the week, and In many cases feeder buyers outbid the packers Tho week, ho over, closed without much change In quotations. Quotations Choice western grass weth ers, 12,3513.50; choice grass yearlings. 11 Wttf 3.65; choice ewes. .1.0043.25. fair to good ewes. 12.5013 ft): choice spring lambs. 1 OOip 5 25; fair to good spring lambs. I.65'(fti 00. feeder w'cthers. (.1.3DU.1 50; feeder lambs. I.OWftHO. Representative sales: No Av. Pr 2W feeding ewes 10O 1 6 1.410 Wyoming wethers 100 3 30 CUICAliO mm: .stock mahkix Cnttle .steady Hogs Av crime Mlmde Loner sheep Firm. CHIOAOO. Sept. 8.- CATTLE Receipts, S00 head; week's receipts largest of year, nominally steady today, good to prima steers, 5 6Xfi6.00; poor to medium. I fi.Hf5.80. selected feeders, HOOfll.75; mixed storkers. 13.004(3.90: cows, 7,Vnt 50: heifers. ,1 00;f 6.00; runners, 2 (vi2 75; bulls. 1J 50414.60. calves, S".00ji;.7o. Texas fed siecrs, 4.23'if 5 0-); TeMis grass ted steers. ,12.(11.20; i'evas bulls. .' MUii.l.lO. lions-Receipts today. IS.OOO head; Mon day. 30,000 head, estimated; left over. 4.000 head; average shade lower: top, (5.52V; tnlM-d and butchers, (."..IKiSi.'i 52l, good to choice heavy. 3 in'y."i 17'; rough lieavy, (4.90 15 05; light. (5.15i5&2V4; bulk of sales. 5.15'tf sitEEP AND LAMPS Receipts, 2,500 head: slead; good to choice wethers. (3.50 3.S3; fair to choice inlved. (.1.350.1 60; west ern sheep, $3.501.1 V.; Texas sheep. (2 50'if 3 23; native lambs, (l.2.Vfj5.75; western lambs, (I.CivQi, (B. RECEIPTS-Thls week: Cattle, 69.500 head; hogs, 1,11.000 head; sheep, 91,000 head Lust week. Cattle. 49.400 head, hogs, 111.500 head; sheep, 91,7oO head. IC 11 11 ani 1'itj- ,p Stork. KANSAS CITY, Sept S -CATVLE-Re-cclpts. 50n head; lharket steadv; receipts for the week. 62.000 heail; export ami choice feeding grade steers, 10c higher, wintered and straight grass killers, steadv. sales today, native steers, ll.x.'ijiTi.Mi; Block ers nnd feeders, .l.tti.OO; buti her cows und heifers, (3 Ooj.25; canners. CIWXTt.lno. fed westerns, (I uoCjj.60; wintered Texans, (3.SOt4.IO; grass Texans, (3.0013 75. HOOS Receipts, 3,v0o head, market steadv to 2i4c higher; receipts for the week, 41.H00 head, good demand for all classes ami prices today about 10c higher thnn lost Saturday. Today, lieavy and mixed, (6,l5!f 0.30; lilgs. (6.311C1.1.4O. SHEEP AND LAMPS Receipts for tho week. 15,000 head; excellent demand for all varieties: lambs advanced this week 10ii 100, wniie nun lun slieep was tl sluulu higher; today. Ininbs, (4.75415.10: muttons. (3.3553.75; feeders, (3.00it4.2o; culls, (2.50fip 3.00 St. I.oillx Mvr .Stock. ST. LOFiri. Mo.. Sept 8. -CATTLE Re celpts, MH) head; market steady: natlvo shipping and export steers, (5.00ft 5.K5. dressed beef and butcher steers, (4.&0&'i.35, steers under l.otK) pounds, (3.20if 1.90; stock ers nnd feeders, (2.G0ft4.70; coirs and heifers, (2.0O'uf..0O: canners, (I.fiftff2.50; bulls, 12..13JJ3.75; Texas and Indian steers, (2.WW 4.40; cows and heifers. (2.0O3 50. HOOS Receipts. 2,100 head; mnrket steady; pigs and lights. (3,rq3.l.i; pnekera, (j,107'i,30, butchers. (3 Xifi.1.53 SHEEP AND LAMHS-Recelpls, 500 head; market steady; native muttons, (3,40 ffl.00: lambs, (l.noifi.25; culls und bucks, (2.00(81.00; BtockerH. (2.00IT3.00. . Yorlf Live SlocU. NEW YORK, Sept. K.-REEVES Re ceipts, S93 head; no trading; feeling steady; no later cables; exports, 1,310 cattle und 3,000 quarters of beef; calves, none re ceived; feeling stonily for veals; firm for grassers; city dressed veals, 9Bi2V4c per pound. SHEEP AND LAMPS Receipts. 1.771 head; sheep llrm to shade higher; lambs, lontlfic higher; sheep, (3.90ft 1.00; lambs, 5.30 QCTiO. IIOC.S-Recelpts, 2,09."i head; 146 for sale; feeling steady. .St. .lose pit l.lve Slnelt. SOUTH ST JOSEPH. Mo., Sept. S.-(Spe-clal.) Tho Journal quotes: t TATTLE. -Receipts, 500 head; market steady; demand strong. HOOS Receipts. 1,500 head; market steady to idiade higher; all grades, (5.15W 5.30; bulk of sales, (3 2015.25. SHEEP Rocelpts, none; demand strong. Mock in Mailt. Following are the receipts at the four principal western markets for September s Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. South Omaha l(ni 5,099 Chicago 500 18,000 2.5IK1 Kansas City 500 .1,800 15,000 St. Louis 800 2,100 5D0 Totals 1.9 it! 28,999 18,003 I'repnri' Wrloonir for Round el t. HURON, S. I) Sept. 8. (Special.) flov crnor Roosevelt, republican nominee for vice president, will bo hero on Wednesday, September 12, and for his coming extensive preparations havo been made. The parly, which includes Governor Shaw ot Iowa and Senator Nelson of Mlnnehota, will arrive hero nt 2:30 in the afternoon and remain two hours; they will lie mot by tho Lln-coln-McKlnley Republican club of this city nnd a company of Rough Riders, together with similar organizations from surround ing towns. An lintneneo throng of pcoplo Is expected, A BIG MOVEMENT IN WHEAT Is nbout lo take place Wo have positive Information that 11 ileal of gigantic pro portions Is on foot In the wheat marKet Send us your name and address nt nivo If you wish to share In the enormous prollts which will be reaped ACT Ql'ICK. W. H. HAMMOND &G0. li ruin CoiiimiInnIoii, .MINM1 PIILIS, .MINN. Speculate by Charts The only safe and sure guide to success Charts never He This method fully ex plained and Illustrated In eighth edition 150 pages (Just out) INS AND OPTS OK WALL ST (37 Illustrations), 10 cents In stamps. LEWIS C VAN RIPER, 11 Ilrnadway, Now York. JAMES E BOYD & CO., Telephone 103U. Omaha, Nob COMMISSION, GRAIN, PROVISIONS mill STOCKS BOARD UU TllAUIC. Correspondence: John A- Warrtn Co Lnrtct wlru to ChicMO nnd Ntw TarK H.R.PENMEY8C0. 600M4HY LIFE BLDG. omaha run. BRANCH 1036 ft5T If so, speculate siicressfully. Send yr. ir orders to a reliable house, where they will ho placed in the open market. Wo an mako for you In ons month morn Interest on your money than an bank will pay you in a year, bond ror our hook on speculation. It Is free. J. K. Gomstock & Go- ILoom S3 Traders' Ulilif., Culci.-o. 1