The Omaha Sunday Bee. j EDITORIAL SHEET. g EST A 13L J SI I ED .Jt'XH 19, 1S7J. OMAHA, srNDAY MOKXlXr., SI2PT IIHEU 0, li)00. siX(iuo copy in via noxTs. You'll Not Soon Forget. am One of those incomparable money saving sales when prices are named that cannot be duplicated when we throw profit to the winds and ignore former BelUng prices, to introduce new lines, clear ou reminders and swell sales. Bear in mind that our offerings are not restricted to a few departments, but that every department in ths house is included, All combine to make the Big Store beyond doubt, Omaha's bargain headquarters, Mail orders filled, Out of town visitors are requested to make themseves at home in the big store, Catalogues, samples and prices mailed free, Agents for Butterick patterns, HAYDENs Barg Shoe Sale Monday In Ladies' Fine Shoes, Oxford Ties and Children's School Shoes. s9 Ovpf ftOO naif ? nf Indies fine S3 and S3, 50 vici kid lace shoes direct from S3 the Rochester Shoe Co's factory, in all sizes, on sale Monday, at $1,85 Over 600 pairs of ladies' fine S2 and $2,50 oxfords, made by Hazen B, Goodrich and P, N, Wadley & Co,, in black and tan, on sale at 98c, MISSUS' Olio kid lace and button school shoes, worth .?l.r0 and 2.00, jn .,11 sizes, on salo 111 $1.00. BOYS' lhu siitin calf and tan vici kid lace school shoos, worth .1.2B, 91.0 and $1.7. all si.os, on big bargain table at $1.00. CHlIiDUUN'S line donirolu kid school shoes, worth .fl.25 I "ifis 0 to J0J, on sale at Toe. The Leading Press Goods House Cotton Goods OF THE WEST Dress Goods Wholesale and Retail mm&ZFZTmMondav we will fire the IMfeiSsi opening shot of I W0F Fall Dress Linen Department. Monday we will place on sale a line of household linens, such ns has never before been seen in the city of Omaha. Some of the Rood things are as follows. CO Inch cream damask. 39c a yard. D-8 size BUver bleached napkins, $1 dozen. 3- 4 Pl7.o full tileached napkins, $2.25 dozen. Inch lino lilcnched damnsk, 59c a yard. Chcrked dollies, 15c a dojen. ID-Inch linen crash, S'4c yard. 4- 4 brown muslin. 44c a yard. 45 Inch pillow muslin, lie a yard, IS Inch check glass crash. 31$e. Flno linen Glass crash, 'l0c.ii yard. Hath rugs, '45c and SSc. Flno Turkish towels, size 20x10, 15c each. A fine bleached muslin, 7c n yard. Uemnnnts of sheeting at one half price. Remnants of table linens at 50c on tho dollar. 42 Inch pillow cases, 10',c each. Douhlo satin damask towelB. 22x15. 25c. 8-4 tapestry tablo covers. $2.H5 caoh. Genulno Turkey red tablu covers, Mon day. $1.00. The finest piece of tablo damask In tho city At tno price,. 00c a yurd. ammKjooas. Read carefully the following ad and see if we will not sell every yard as represented. jt We will sell all our 2.fi0 Silk Ciopons, all our .$3.50 Silk Crepons. all our $1.08, S2.2"), 2.30 Pierolas, all our $l.fi0, 1.0R. .?2.2 Cheviots, all our ?1. ."(), 1.7."). 1.J)S Broadcloths, all colors and black; all our 1.2"), l.n0. French Venetians, all our silk warp lCudorns, 1. HO, 2.2."); all our genuine Lans down, all our 2.0S Zibeline Plaids and 10,000 other weaves, worth up to $;" 00 yard Monday every yard will no at We will sell 'all our 1.2;" and 1.00 Broadcloths, all colors; all our 1.25 and 1.00 Pierolas. all our 1.2" and 1.00 Novelties, 1 and 1.2") Homespuns, all our 1.00. 1.2;". ..-0 and J.7" Plaids, all our Priestley Black Hoods that we sell for 1.00, 1.2"). yard, will go at We will sell all our l(5-inch all w.ool Cheviots, all our HO-inch all wool Cheviots, all our Gloria Silk worth SHe, all our " 1-inch Tailor Suitings that Ave sell for !)Sc and 1.25 yard, all our 75c all wool Herman Henrietta, all our 1..00 Novelties, all all our 7;"c and 08c Crepons. etc., all our 7."e and 1.00 P.rilliantine. all our 1.00 and 1.25 French Serges, will go at M'KCIAl,. 9Sc Crepons, yard High Grade Tailor Suiting Any of our $2 50, $2.98. $3.50. J 4 50 and J4.9S Tailor Suitings we will sell for exactly half price on Monday only. Theso prices do not hold good for Tuesday. Any of our high grade lllnck Novelties, worth $3.00, $4.00. $5.00. $(i.00. $7.00. $8.00. $! on, $l0.oo yard, we will cut the price ex actly In two. We have n few high grade Trench Foule patterns, worth $35.00, $12.00 and $C0.00 per pattern. You can have your choice on Mon day for the e nttre pattern. $10.00. We have tho largest line of Trench Flan nels (over S00 styles) ever fhown In Omaha at from .is., to $3 00 yard. The largest line of French Phalli at 49c, 59c, 75c yard. Our catalogue and samples are now ready and nny lady sending In her name with this Bargains laltrJs the 75c 2,500 pieces Amoskeag Check- Apron Gingham standard gingham of America --all sizes of checks and fancies--a 11 colors-yard 5c 1.S00 pieces double width dyed cloth worth Sc a yard yard all colors new desinn.s for fall tlresses- 9Sc Hroadcloth, yard 35c 45c ( )l I'OV stntlng nbout price, color, etc.. and what the drcs9 Is for, will receive a large package of latest new fall sam ples free. NOTi: -No samples sent In town. We prefer to show the goods. Wo will fill all mall orders on goods nd vertlFed hero until Thursday, hut wo will send no samples of goods advertised AS SA1.K IS FOR ONK DAY ONLY. Wo guarantee every article advertised as represented and refund money If not per fecly satisfactory. Cheap Dress Goods Department. Half Wool Tlalds. per yard 5c Half Wool Cashmeres, per yard fic 3i)-ineh Half Wool Novelties, per yard 10c 36-lnrh 7,lhellno I'lnlds, per yard 15c 34-Inch Silk and Wool, per yard 19c '1-Inch All Wool, per yard 29c 54-lneh All Wool, per yard 39c 4K-lnch llrllllantlne, per yard 39c French Flannel, plain, per yard 3ic II A It (JAIN Hqi'AHF,. 300 Dress Patterns, 7 yards each 9Se 300 Dress Patterns, 54-lu. wide, strictly all wool, 5 yards In pattern $1.9S 300 Dress Patterns 54-ln. and 4G-ln. 5 yards and 6 yards In pattern, every yard worth from $1.00 to $1.25 wo will sell entire pattern for $2.9S SI'KCIAI.. French Flannels, In plain Persians and all tho new designs for this fall, 38c. 48c 4jc 3aC 1,000 pieces of Standard Now Indigo Dyed Calicos common price lie and Mc on Monday-yard Flannel Department. 1 case all wool fancy plaid flannel, per yard, 25c. . 1W dozen California Lainb'sFloece Kmbroidered Skirt Pat terns, each 25c, worth 50c. 2150 pieces Fidordown, leading colors, plain chocks and stripes, .per yard J50c. :5c. 40c. 50c, 55c and (15c. 2I cases uuting Flannel, per yard Ue, 54c, SAc, 10c, and 3(5 inches wide at 1 lc. 1 case White Shaker Flannel, extra value, per yard, 5c, reg ular. SAc. 1 case extra heavy and fancy Feather Ticking, 12c and 15c per yard. 12 new styles embroidered Flannnel, fancy patterns, worth SOc, per yard 51)c. 65c, 75c. 9Sc up to $3.00 yard. Monday is the Big Silk Day BED SPREADS. 304 Fringed Spreads, at $.00 each 31-'l Fringed Spreads, at 1.15 each 11-4 Satin Spreads, at 2.0S each The most sensational Neckwear Sale ever held in Omaha. Men's SOc Ties 7c S00 dozen men's line neckwear In black ' French Percale, Bilk and satin, and all tho new fancy colors and light colors. all laundered and dark all mado to sell at $1.00, that wcro mado to sell nt 50c, all In one lot at 7-ic Men's f)0c Suspenders at 2!e. Men's $1 50 colored laundered shirts at T5c. Men's 15c Handkerchiefs at 5c. Why pay $1.50 for shirts when you can buy tho samo shirts at 75c In all tho VKKY LATEST 1 'ATT BUNS and tho best makes. Men's $1.00 shirts In all styles nt 49c. Men's 50c flno ribbed hhlrts nnd drawors Ot 25c. Tho genulno Shawknlt Hoso at 15c. We havo Just received 500 dozen moro of tho Shawknlt Hoso In all tho new colors. In plain and fancy, and wero mado to sell lit 25c and 35c, all at 15c. Boys' $! 00 and $150 shirts at 49c. TUB MOTHEUS FUIKND SH1UT 9Sc, worth $1.50. JU'AISTS AT 290 mado of flno madras and' Bargains in Books S1.25 Coovricrht Books, 15c. . This is the famous Capt. King works. on salo at 29c. Children's 25c underwear nt 10c. Hoys' Junior Shirts at 29c. Ladles' 25c Vests In whlto nnd fancy col ors, at 10c. Children's flno ribbed hose, tho regular 25(j quality, nt 15c. Ladles' flno Jersey ribbed vests and pants that were mado to sell nt SOc, at 25c. Ladles' $1.00 gowns, extra large, at 59c. Ladles' $1.50 downs at OSc. Ladles' $1.00 Silk Vests at SOc. Ladles' line wool vests nt 75e. Infant's trimmed slips nt 35c. Infant's short dresses, embroidered trim med, nt 25c, worth 75c. Infant's lino whlto flannel skirts nt fi5c. Infant's embroidered Flannel Shawls at HOC nOUND noOKS SC This Includos a full lino of the Advocate Hooks, whoso headquarters until recently was In Omaha, siien they moved we bought their stock your cholco Monday 5c. .envelopes, HurlburCs best goods only 15c i 2,000 copies Ilrynn's HooK, Just received, on sale COc. SOC LADIES' I1ELTS. SC. $1.00 Oenulne Scnl Pocketbnok, 35c with 200 PACE HECEIPT HOOK 1C This Is genulno sturllug silver comers, nil new bno of the best receipt books over publish- . goods, no trashy or shelf worn goods on cd. Do not miss this bargain, only tc. sale Saturday, 35c. SOC OOLD INITIAL I'APETEUIES, 15C I Do not forget tho great Work Ilasket This Is tho best bargain ever offered by any Salo on Monday. 60c lined baskets, 19c Jaouso In tho country. I Monday only. 14 sheets of the finest rapcr, 24 up-to-date i Carpets fireat closing sale of carpets this week. NV must closo out all patterns Mint aro not running at tho mills this season. To do this wo slah tho price to far below the .'ost of tho goods. 25 patterns ot Ingrain carpets, best all wool goods, that havo told for 75c a yard, go at SOc. 25 patterns brussels carpets, 25 to 50 yards to a pattern, goods that have sold nt S5c to $1.00 a yard, go nt 09c. Rugs. As our new goods como In wo And we havo moro rugs than wo havo room to handle. To reduce stock this week wo make a 15 jnlshes, status, enamels, brushes undd room per cent reduction on all rugs. SO dozen window shades, 3 - ft price. Wo put the entlro lot on sale Mon day at prlcos below manufacturer's cost. $1.00 Nottingham curtains 49i $1.75 Nottingham curtains OSc $2.50 Nottingham curtains $1.15 $5.00 Druasels Curtains $3 $G.00 nrussnls Curtains $3.50 $S.50 Brussels Curtains $5.00 Wall Paper and Paints. Every roll of wall paper marked down to mako room for new fall stock. cut prices on ready mixed paints, var wide and V ft long, at 25c. Curtain stretohrrs $1, $1.50 nnd $2.00.. Draperies. Our eastern buyer found n laco curtain Importer and manufacturer with moro cur tains than cash The offer of spot cash for the entire lot enabled him to make his own, to Me," "Lucy Dale," "All I Abk of You. mouldings. Great 15c Sheel Alustc Sale. Cako Walks. "Smoky Mokes." "Hunch of Illackborrlcs." "Impecunious Davis," "New March "Vnlted Nations,". New Songs -"You Ilroko My Heart," "You Are So Dear PLAIN AND FIOUUED SILKS-on sale Monday morning from 9 until 11 o'clock a limited quantity ot Silk Ends, in all colors, on salo nt 9c 49c 3ic Wo Invito, your attention to tho fact that on Mondny vin hold a grand special ellk sale that Is of tho very greatest Importance to all of tho ladles n greater variety of pat terns, a moro extensive collection of high class novelties in all, a tiner lot of silks than was ever placed on salo by nnyono anywhere. Tho newest weaves, the newest shades, raro and nobby styles, designs of the most exquisite character, all confined to Hayden Uros. for city of Omaha. Tho richest silks nnd velvets you have ever seen will bo on display and on salo Monday. THOSE DEAUTH' liL SILKS DISPLAYED IN OUR WINDOWS FOR PAST THItEE DAYS ON SALE An Immense quantity of lino silks that Is u clean-up from a well known eastern manufacturer tho pieces are sullkient for waist or entlro dress nnd In this lot you llnd silks nnd ratlim of all kinds nnd colors, both evening and street shades plaids, stripes, brocades, taffetas, gros grains, satins, Romans, crepes, all sorts of silks, some worth $1, $t.r.0, $2, $2.50 all go nt HEAVY CORDED SILKS-llght shades I FRENCH POPLIN SILKS-abnut 10 colors ALL COLORS IN TAFFETA a line quality nbout ISO pieces both checks and stripes In tine Imported silk poplin I of Taffeta In n large range of warranted to wear all l f now very fashionable for entlr "hrf"k shades on salo on sale Munday 0 costumes on snlu I Monday at i-cfV Momiay kmJ'XJ,.., $2.00 Crepo nnd Pllsso Silk, nil colors. .9Sc j $5.00 high art drain do Londrc Novelty $1.75 I $3.00 heavy Satin nrocatellc $1.25 $1.50 Embroidered Taffetas nt only G9c I $2.50 Printed Satins at only tic $2.50 Lace Strlpo Crepo Novelty 9Kc WE SHOW THE ONLY STOCK OF NEW P.LACK (JRENADINES IN THE CITY Tho unusual demand for this most dressy fabric is a forecast of Its coming popularity. It will pay you to look Into .Monday's prices. $2.00 Ulnck Orenadlurs for $1.00. $3.00 (Jronadlncs for $1.09. $5.00 Grenadines for $2.15. OUR I1LACK SILK DEPARTMENT will bo at its best Mondny and the prices wo will put on tho finest Rlaek Silks In the world will simply bo beyond belief. $1.00 Ulnck Satin Duchctso nt 50c $2.00 Hemstitched Taffetas nt only .... OSc $3.00 Peau do Sole, French make, 27-ln. Ulnck Taffeta, l-ln. wide, nt K8c $2.50 Iilack Pllsso Silk, 27-ln. wide. .. .$1.00 , wide $1.50 lllnck Taffceta. 27-in. wide, at 5Sc $1.50 Heavy Drocado lllnck Satin and $5.00 Dnest Imported PePau dc Sole at $2.50 Ulnck Taffeta, 3f',-ln. wide, at SSc Corded Silks nt only SSc ! 76c Hlack Faille Frnncnliio 34c $1.60 pure dyo Taffeta 75c $1.09 Hlack All Silk Gros Grain 85c , SOc Ulnck Oros drain nt 4Sc Iilack Sterling Taffeta OSc ALL COLORS IN A 27-INCH WIDE TAFFETA AT 59c In the sauio similes and exactly same width as Winslow Taffeta, hut wo do not misrepresent It as tho Wluslow Taffeta. Wins low Taffeta is confined to us for city of Omaha nnd thero is but ono gradn no better no worse every pleco has name stamped upon It. If you get tho genulno Winslow Taffeta It can be absolutely depended upon. Can you tell tho real Winslow Taffeta from the substitute? If not, visit Hayden Uros.' silk department nnd compare the two. Optical Deportment Eyes Tested Free Consult our expert optician. Glasses titled perfectly. Prices less than half usual figures. And SfiirOor Hot Weather Prices Continue in Our Basement. Sold. A. 11 Sttinmer CJoocls Alu si J3g 20 Per Cent Discount on All Gasoline Stoves. ., ,-BSBSa fgSjf ElEEE ngfgl i 1 " iaiilj Furniture To all those intending to pur cliaso a new bedroom suit any time soon wo wish to state that we have just received two carloads of now suits. These are all finished in rich golden oak, large, flaky grain, swell fronts, line carvings, rub finish, pattern plate mirrors, solid brass hard ware. We aro showing over 40 stylos and can give you a aood line to select from as well us Ihe newest ideas possible in bedroom furniture and at our usually low furniture prices. Suits at $, $t(i.n0,, $18.r0, $20.00. We have just, secured about 100 metal beds, in .'1-0, .'-(J, -1-0 and '1-0 sizes. Theso aro white enamel, brass Iriinminjjs, have angle iron at head and foot. You will notice most cheap beds have only a rod at head and foot. While these beds last you can got one at '2.i. .Inst in new china closets, new combination bookcases, new parlor tables and stands, new rockers of all kinds, new couches. Special couch offer: .'0-inch couch, upholstered in velour, ro oooeo base, regular price $1-1 .00, our price S.S.". We arc letting down furniture prices on all our new fall line and have sold a great many people this week who have gone tho rounds before they bought. We have as line a line as anyone, as good an assortment, the same grade. The only dif ference is ono of loss profit. Aro you interested? Take a walk around and you will find it just as we say. 20 per cent discount on Ollico Desks. C1 Vii'tiGl 1T f1fsi Ours is the only upr'tcvek WlllllCi I. Department in the west date China 10c 2nc Gold Handled Creamers 2nc Miller Hall and liowls 2")C Hand Decorated Stippled Gold Plates , 2.")c Hand Decorated Stippled Gold Olive Dishes 2.r)o Hand Decorated China Cups and Saucers . . 12-pleco Decorated Toilet Set theso ,Tln Top Jolly Tumblers C, for sets nro regular $5 to $fl values $2.93 N'lco line of Japanese Sugur and Creams 9-plece Canton China Tea Sot C9c Closing out Dinner Sets about 150 of them they formerly sold at from $9 to $15.00 some havo 100 pieces some havo less your cholco $C50 Our lc. 2c, 3c and 6c Tables contain values from loc up. 4 Did you see our New Standard Steel UanRC'' It's ii beaut. Made out of the very best stock obtainable. iirIhk only the hlKliest Rrado patent leveled cold steel, hu Iiir an even and smooth surfaco free from scales. Tho oven is removable oven doors form a shelf when open bottom plates double nsbestos lined. The oven Is extra Ini'Ko, 14x18x21 Inches duplex urate for wood or coal has hlith wntmiiiR closet, beautifully nickel plated. This ratiRC would kcII In a roRiilar way from $.1S to $10. Wo havo 100 of them In our ware-' housn nnd will sell them for n short time for 29.95 Same with 1F gallon copper reservoir or whlto enameled caHt Iron '-il. tVi reservoir for 0.rtJ No. 8 Cast Cook, 18-Inch largo oven, i holes fine baker, regular 1 f A ft 8 Inch J13.C0 special No. S fi-holo Cast Range, with 20-Inch oven, w hite ennmelcd flush reservoir, '1 A ftK X"J..tJ price $18.50 special No. S Solid Copper Holler $1 9." Oalvanlzed Tubs n9e Nickel Plated 1'otts Irons 10-quart Crnnlte Dish 1'nnn :13c Folding Lunch lloxes lie Hand Saws 19c Sot Knives and Forks HSe 0 Tipped Tea Spoons fio Dover Ugg Heaters fic No. 8 Nickel Plated Copper Tea Kettle "9n Complete Cobbler's Outfit .'!9r. Solid Steel Framo Wringer 9!r Vnndergrlft Itotnry Washer $1.9." Japanned Ilread Box ,1.1c set six Hits 79n Nickeled Hall Hearing Egg Heater.... 19c 10 D Nails 2-c 20 I) Nails 2MC SKNI) IN YOUR MAIL OtlDKUS. Grocery Specials. Hcst Minnesota XXXX Superlatlvo flour, sack, 95c. Another shlppment of 2000 gallons purn Cider Vinegar, from the country, on salo tomorrow, per gallon, 19c. Large California lemona, per dozen, 12c. Largo bottle French Mustard, 3c. Now sardines, per can, .IJe. Large Hack whlto or yellow corn meal.lOc. Largo sacks pure firnham (lour, 17',c. Yeast Foam, German yoast, etc., per package, 3c. Quart cans Gold en Pumpkin, 6c. Quart cans Ornted PlneappU, Sc. Hulk Laundry Starch, per pound, 10c 2-lb. cans Karly June Peas, 10c. 2-lb cans Btrlng Heans, only 70. Tall rans Blood Hod Salmon, 12V4c Quart cans pure Tablo Syrup, 8c. 8 bars White Russian or Diamond Soap, 25c. 1 Fancy Pickles In bottles, assorted kinds, 8 l-3c. Tapioca. Rice, Sago, Peal Uarlcy, Farina 'etc., per pound, 5c. C Butter and Cheese from Flno China Japan Kobe Ware, finely decorated anil as thin as un egg bhell, each Embossed Decornted Lamp, fount and globe to match, with colld bronze trimmings, Sunbeam burner nnd chlm- Quart size Mason Fruit Jars, per dozen, 49c. 9C German Cut Solid Sterling Silver Salt 1 and Pepper Shakers, 2 for 25c up ' .Emerald OlasB Hand Lamp, cotnplote., 15c 2-quart Glass Pitchers 12c 15c Flint Mown Tumblers 2c Fish Glomes frvm 29c up Como In and see our beautiful display of Western Grass Creamery Hutter, per pound,, 20c. Flno Elgin Creamery, tT'fec. 18c and 19c. Dairy Huttor. 12',sc, He nnd lc Fancy Fulll Cream cheese, per pound. 10c. Yollow Herkimer County Cheese, per pound, 1214c. Now York Whlto Full Cream Cheese, per pound, Vi'.'v. Everything fresh nnd now In this depart ment. No Imitation butter. No skimmed cheese. ney $1.59 Japanese goods Just imported Ham! Hams! Hams! No. 1 California Hams TJo Boneless Cottage Hams lie No. 1 Hums, sugar cured 11 Jo Sugar Cured Haeoii 10c Chipped Moef, per pound loc 10 pound pails host brand I.ard Sic Sausage and Tomiiinto Suuci 10c Hoiist Hoof, per can bio Potted Ham, per can Uo New Bologna Sausage Uc