Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 08, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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Children's $1.50 Shoes. 75c.
Misses' 51.85 Shoes, 95c,
Those prices speak for themselves, but we want to tell
you something about the shoes. We are reducing our stock
of children's and misses' shoes hence these prices these goods
are made by the best eastern houses and are great bargains
while they last. Cloth top, leather top, hand-turn and ex
tension soles, button and lace.
Among our early arrival-- is a patent leather tip. exten
sion sole, Cuban heel, button or lace boot that sells everywhere
for $:i.r(). We have marked them $:Ui.
Then we can show a uic( "Louie" heel, hand turned boot,
the kind that is being worn so much now, most always bring
$4.t0 and $o.00 we have marked ours .$-1.00.
We can show the best street boot for 4.00 you ever
looked at. It's "Ideal Kid," extension sole, medium broad
toe, and just the thing for golf skirts. Your outfit isn't com
plete without a pair of these shoes. (Jenerally sold for ?".()(.
our price 4.00.
We can also show the best shoe for $2.2." that money
ran buy always sells for 2.00. but $2.2. is all they cost when
you buy them of us.
Just received, a beautiful little patent leather shoe for
infants. Nice foot-form shape, velvet tops, sizes 2 to ;. regular
$1.25 shoes we have marked them 1.10.
Don't Forget. We Have a Shoe De
Cor. 15th and Fnrnnm St.
Big Boss lias Apparent Control in the New
York State Convention.
Brxulnn 'Which Ilriclna n Snmlnen
Today I'romlm-x n .Merry Kluhl
JletTTPrti the Fnctlnns of
Ihc Deinorrnoy.
Last Day Sees Small Orowd and Some
Good Sport.
Altornrr firnrrnl Instructed to Ileum
Uttn Warranto t'roceedlnii
AcMlnxt .Man Who Will
.ot llr Ousted.
LINCOLN. Sent. 7. (Special Telegram.) -
With tho closing of the Rates nt 6 o'clonk
tonight tho thirty-second unnual Nebraska
state fair camo to u close. The attendance
was much smaller than on previous days,
but was fully as large as etpectcu
hv Mm mnnscctnont. Secretary Furnas, an
nounced tonight that It would lie impossmie
to determine cotrectly the total attendance
for the week until the reports of all gate
keepers are tabulated, a task that will not
be completed until Sunday or .Monday.
Thn principal features of the day were
the afternoon races and the parade or pre
mlum-wlnnlng stock. Following Is the sum
mnry of tho races:
First race, pacing, 2:M ctuss, purse $300;
Cup Medium ,M 'i J 1
Jessie King. Omaha ft fill!;
Queen .1
Uncinr i nm
Fred It
Wheeler Woodllne
Fleet rlc Storm
month ending August 31 Number of farm
mortgages fifed 17 amounting to $27,350.
released, 33. amounting to US, 239.40. Num
ber of city mortgages filed, 7. amounting
to $7,060, released, II, amounting to
...1 1 t! 3 5 3 3
5 . 2 2 dr
7 3 3 6 6 dr
3 7 7 4 dr
6 S ds
SARATOGA, N. Y., Sept. 7. Kvery dele
pain who has nrrlvcd hero predicts that
lllchard Croker has tho upper hand for the
control of tho New York state delegation.
Congressman Sulzer Is predicting tonight
"that there will be llttlo or no friction"
nud adds: "What friction there. Is will re
dound to tho good of tho purty and will
Klvo tho people to understand that the ticket
Is the outcome of vigorous rivalry and not
like tho republicans, all slated weeks be
fore." It, Is said tonight that out f tho 4S0
votes In tho convention Croker will control
277. This is providing Kings county votes I vnn u member imd which tt.n.ited me, 'rm
ns a unit, which It Is said it will do. There
said If thn wnrklngman did not know how
to vole In order to hurt tho trusts he should
watch the way the trust magnates voted
and then vote tho other way. Hp was
cheered and applauded during his remarks
.rrr YneVc Lender Itelternten III
UKreemeiit with NrlirnUnii'
Fntitrllr Theories.
1IKUKIMRR. N. Y.. Sept. 7-Kx-Senator
Hill's appearanco hero thlB evening occa
sioned something of n sensation in political
circles. Ho came ostensibly to visit his
old friend, ex-Juclgo Karl of this plate
He was met by Judge Earl at the Central
depot anil they hail dinner together.
Mr. Hill later made a speech, the chief
feature of which was his declarations in
support of IJryan. There wan some talk
that Judge "Karl was to be advanced as u
compromise candidate for governor, but
Judge Karl said emphatically that his namo
was not to bo considered.
Mr. Hill spoko as follows:
Ueelnren for Hrjnn.
Jt' Is needless to Bay that I nm lieartllv
In favor of the election of Diyiiti and
Stevenson. They nre the ct.ndldnts of the
democratic party, duly and regulurly nom
inated ut u national convention or wnicn I
rime: 2:19, 2:19t 2:23'., 2:KV!, 2:27. 2:31
n,"n,l m.-ri tmttlnc-. 2:1!) class, nurse $tirt:
Itf.iirv rtnulv 1 1 2 1
Amer eo - - -
Marie c uineron
Time- ' "'Jli. 2:2IU.. 2:Z"W.. J:"4.
Third race, one-half mile dash, novelty,
nurse $.71; Bway Dick won, yueen I. sec
ond. Time: OtflVj.
Dm a Int Wins at tlolf.
A team of tho members of tho Omaha
Country club today won the state golf
championship, defeating Lincoln fourteen
holes up and Holdrego twenty-six holes up
Lincoln was also defeated by Holdrege
thirty-three holes up. Thn Lincoln team
played In much better form today, but was
unable to wrest n victory from Omalia
This was tho first golf tournament ever
held In tho state. Tho victors clearly out
classed tho home team In all points of tho
game and tho fact that tho score was not
larger was due to tho Individual efforts of
four players S. H. Damnum, F. W. Drown
Wlllnnl Hammond and Captain Morrison
Lnwrle, Hums. Dancker. I.emlst and Fair
Held of Omaha did some especially 'brll
llant playing.
Governor l'oynter has Instructed Attor
ney (Jencral Symth to Institute quo wnr
rnnto proceedings ngalnst Superintendent
D. I'. Lane of the institute for Feehlo
Minded Youth at Ileatrlce. This action will
compel Lang to appear In court and show
by what right he ho stubbornly refuses
to relinquish the superlntendcncy of tho
institution. Governor Poyntor lias given
up nil hope, of effecting a compromise with
his recalcitrant appointee and has adopted
this method of bringing about his removal
from otllce.
Adjutant (loneral Darry has approved
claims amounting to $4,654 covering the ex
penses of the recent Natlonnl Ouard en
campment. The amount Includes only one
half per diem for all ofllccrs and men.
Vouchors for tho balance will bo glvcu
militiamen to be presented to the next
legislature for payment.
Hlrotrlrnl torm nt rnlrtnimt.
FAIHMONT. Neb.. Sept. 7 (SpeclalJ-
Last night this vicinity was visited by a
severe electrical storm. Lightning struck
some grain stacks of Louis Nelhaus, south
of town-, burning them up. Mr. Nelhaus
had a lightning policy In the Union In
surance company of Lincoln, which will
cover his loss. Lightning also killed three
head of stock belonging to Shelly Stlnes
northwest of town.
Workman's; llnnil Crushed.
TEPl'MSKH. Neb.. Sept. 7. (Special )
A. C. Kramer got his right harm quite badly
mashed here yesterday. Mr. Kramer 14 cm-
ployed by the D. & M. on the construction
of tho new steel bridge at the edge of town.
Ho got the member between two heavy
pieces of moving metal. It is believed the
hand will be sacd.
Irnt Cntehen In Thresher.
TECL'MSKH, Neb.. Sept. 7. (Special.)
While- feeding a threshing machine on tho
McClure farm, southeast of here. Henry Al-
bers got his nrm Into the machine In such n
way that the bandcuttlng knife severed the
artery of his left nrm. He suffered much
ftom tho loss of blood beforo tho How could
be checked.
riilntc Cliureh for Vliltnrs.
LEXINGTON. Neb., Sept. 7. (Special.)
Tho Methodist Episcopal church Is under
going it scries of repairs, being painted.
papered and thoroughly cleaned, previous to
tho meeting of the annual conference to be
presided over by Dlshop Merrill.
Iliirlmi I'retinrea Orations.
TKENTON. Neb., Sept. 7 (Special. )
Locko II. Durton, n young man of this place,
has under preparation four orations, "The
Flag," "Presidents and Their I'arty." "War"
and "Politics." nurton Is n staunch repub
llcan and will glvo the addretscs during the
Netirimkn Mint M lanl nu.
ALMA. Neb.. Sept. 7. (Special Telegram.)
J. I. Wllklns of this plncc disappeared yes
terday and his whereabouts nre unknown
He Is n cripple and his folks nre senrchlng
for him.
nro twenty-four oontests noted. Tho fac
tion controlled by Mr. Hill has to Its credit
J49 votes. It takes 226 to control the con
vention and Mr. Croker starts off with a
total of 228 certain. Mr. 11)11 controls the
votes In thirty-one counties of slxty-ono In
tho state. Mr. Croker controls tho votes of
but ' fifteen counties outright, while eleven
are about equally shared between the two.
If Mr. Croker controls the state commlt
teo at Us meeting and names Senator Mc
Carren It Is fairly certnln that Crokor del
egates will be seated from theso counties.
If Mr. Hill controls tho commutes and Mayor
McGuIro of Syraciuo Is named ns temporary
chairman it Is Hald tonight that a motion
to submit the namo of Mr. McCarren will
bo made on open convention and the will
of tho committee overturned. It such a
thing occurs It will bo rather unprecedented
In democratic annals, though such nn at
tempt was mado In tho republican conven
tion of 1881 by thoso opposed to Governor
Cornell. In that convention It was de
feated by a majority of 12. With tho
overwhelming odds alleged In Mr. Croker's
favor, however, the attempt could ba suc
cessfully mado In this convention.
Talk of the ticket seenii to favor Stanch
Deld and Mackey for leaders. If, however,
Etanchfleld should not want to run Mackey
Is spoken of for first place with Colonel
Howe of Ilcnssaclaer for lleutennnt gov
ernor. Ilowo has quite a boom tonight and
H Is believed that It Is quite possible to
chango the ticket so that Mackey should Its
attorney general, with Howe for lieutenant
governor. It la believed, however, that tho
ticket would bo mado as follows:
Governor J. II. Stanchflcld of Chemung.
Lieutenant Govornor W. F. Mackey of
Secretary of State C. F. Uowo of Hens
iclaer. Comptroller Edwltj Atwater of Duchess.
Attorney General Georgo H. Palmer of
beginning to end, vlth nrlVU'ed nnd ununiul
courtesy nun i urn nonoraniy nound to rtc
lively support Its candidates
uur candidate represent tun interests or
the uver.ine man the plain people of the
mechanic, th
Bryan lMcUs Out tho Dull llr Thinks
WorkliiKinen Will lie
Likely to Take.
CAMIHUDOE, O., Sept. 7. William J.
Aryan left Wheeling for Chicago this morn
ing. At Cambridge there wnB assembled n
crowd of several hundred people, who de
tnanded a speech of the candidate. Mr.
Hryan spoke for three minutes, confining
himself to the trusts, nlong tho game lines
lie has used in former speeches. Ho said
that no one could expect remedial legisla
tion from tho republican party, which de
pends to a large extent upon these cqmbl
nations for campaign contributions. Ho
A Traveling Saleswoman
Writes a Letter About
Her Feet.
Kansas City. Mo., Sept. 8, 1SJS.
Messrs. Sherman & McConncll Drug Co.,
Omaha, Neb.
Gentlemen: Enclosed find 25c for which
please send me per mull ono box of your
Omaha a few weeks ago I purchased n
liuckugo of this nt your' store nud must say
It Is the beat thins I havn ever
UBed for tired, swollen, tender or
aching feet. Tho relief Is ho prompt
us to seem almost imiKlcnl. I should think
you would enjoy an Immense sale of this
nrtlclo tlurlut your 'exposition. You cer
tainly would If people knew jbout l.
Yours sincerely,
Traveling Saleswoman tor Quaker Couch
Drop Mfg, Co.
country -the farmer, tin
luoorer. J lie Ikhucs Wits year nrs
ilium and cannot be mlsunderxtond
One party favor? large standing armies,
Immense, public expenditures, a ijovernr.ienc
of grandeur nnd rnagnll'.cenc. hlqh nro
teetlvo tariffs, a Drltlsh colrinlal mil ev.
gient combinations of corporate wealth unci
a central zed aovernment
ino otner party ravors n onunuance ot
the plain and simpl' gnvernnu nt of our
fntliem, public expenditures limited to tho
actual nece.thltles of the government, tariff
taxation for public purposes only, un army
for defense- nnd not for conquest and com
petition In business, free from monopolistic
An appeal Is mode by our opponents to
our love of country. We heard the fame
FpncloiiH application In ISM. nnd .we iilwnva
henr It when our opponents seelt demo
cratic votes to aid the'r eaui-e
Charge False l'retemes.
It Is n pnrtlsan and rot u sincere nr
patriotic appeal. It Is based unon fills
pretenses. Tho country Is nut In danger
except from thoso who are now ndmln.i-
lering us government, we w.ll proie.-i
the ling wherever It goes, but we will
sco that the ring goes imy where It be
longs. It shall not be hauled down In dis
grace, neither shall It be tulsed nny where
In dishonor.
Tim people are oninsed to this Govern
ment acquiring territory wWch is not to be
governed by our constitution. It has no
moro constitutional right to set up n
colonial system than It has to create a
King, i lie roreign policy or t lie present ad
ministration has been weak, shlftv. Incon
sistent nnd unpatriotic, nnd the b nt
thought of tho countrv tits best students
of lilftory the most Intelligent of Amer
icans nre ngnlnst It.
No right-minded mnn can defend a pr.'sl
deiit who said In lilt annual message tint
It was our "plain duty" to slve free trd"
in I'orio Rleo with tho rutted States and
then within n few months thereafter (-Wred
ii measuro which Imposed a tariff duty of
15 per cent.
Appenl to l.iiliorliipr VI, mi.
Our party his been ulw.iys the true nnd
gcnulno friend of labor and aided it t every
opportutity to Improve the condition of
tho laboring man. For the Urst time in
our mi 1 1 in I history a politltul pjrtv hi
Incorporated In Its platform a rec nnmend i
tluii for it department of labor, with a sc -
ret.try thereof to be ullowid u seat In lh
cabinet of the president. The ih moduli
platform purposes this 'nnovatli u In the
Interest of labor and why should it not bo
If wise counsel shall prevail nt the Sira
toga convention next wek and wo proc-ei
on rlulit lines to nlan (T viclorv Insteui
of" Inviting defeat and slull so shape our
courso and polities as to deserve the sup
port of the great Independent and c n
servatlvo forces of this slate always an
Important factor In our elections nnd the
thousands of repubicuns dissatisfied with
the arbitrary machine rule of their patty
vc cannot only rescue the Empire siaie
from further repub. lean control, but can
give our electoral voto tor our g.uinni nu
tlonnl standard bearer, William J. Drynn.
Wbile dtHiinreelmr with Mr. Drynn !i
some matters. I need not reiterate that 1
earnestly desire Ills election.
rtnr mmnm.nts lire entrenebed In natron
ngo and power nnd tho H'rugnle to out
them mint lie necessarily terrific.
Tim tide, however. Is with us. The skttM
are becoming brighter every day. Let us
then all wont togetner eniniisiasiieauy r. r
tlio causo aim victory i.i wiuiiu um iwu
California Detnoerats Ilrolare In
Favor of lte-eimet ntent of Ui
t'lnslon Aft.
DnniitRe .Suit nt Mohrarn.
NIODRARA, Neb., Sept. 7. (Special.) A
petition has been filed In the district court
qf Knox county for n $3,000 damage suit
against Frank Vlo3nlk of this town by
E. L. Flschel, n merchant and leading poli
tician of l'ischolvllle. The suit Is tho out
growth of tho county sent relocation now In
progress. Iischel accuses Vlosnlk of slan
dering him and thus Injuring his good name
and business by circulating tho story that
Flschel was bribed by Dloomllold and
Crolghton to use his Influence to sccuro
names to the orlglnnl petition for reloca
tion. Vlosnlk succeeded In securing many
remonstrances from Fischers own neigh
borhood and Is said by tho plaintiff to
have circulated tho story to tho effect that
Flschel was a party to a scheme to first
move the seat of government to Bloomfleld
and In return for this aid Bloomfleld Is
to assist In dividing Knox county on the
west side so as to give Cretghton the
county seat of tho new county.
Mlil-ltond I'oiitillstM Choose Hint us
Candidate for Congress from
the Mith.
DHOKEN DOW. Neb.. Sept. 7 (Special
Telegrnm.)--The mid-road populist congres
slonal convention was held here this evening
James Stockham was elected chairman nnd
W. A. Overmnn secretnry. II. G. Stewart of
Dawes nnd James Stockham of Custer were
placed h.'foro the convention ns candidates
for congressman of the Sixth congressional
district. Stockham withdrew In favor of
Stewart and the latter was nominated by nc
clamntlou. Hon. M. W. Howard of Alabama
was present nnd delivered an ablo and for
clble speech In favor of old tlmo populism
Strong resolutions were adopted favoring dl
rect legislation nnd public ownership of pub
lie utilities. A large audience was present
and more than the required fifty partlcl
nated In tho proceedings.
The representative convention will bo neid
nt Callaway tomorrow. The senatorial con
vention will be held later. The county con
vention to nominate a county attorney will
be held In his city next Thursday.
Catholle Workmen l'nd Convention.
I'LATTSMOl'TH, Neb., Sopt. 7. (Spo-
clal.) Tho Catholic Workmen of America
closed their convention here yesterday. J
M. Jlrousek of I'lattsmouth was re-elected
president; M. Faval of Able, vice prosldent;
Anton D. Chapek of Wahoo, secretary;
rank Drlchacclt of Heun, treasurer, and
Rev. Alois Klein of Dralnard, chaplain.
leven delegates wcro elected to attend
the natlonnl convention, to be held In
SpllIsvUlc, la.. In January. 1901. It was
decided to hold tho next stato convention
In South Omaha.
SAN JOSE. Cal., Sept. 7. The demo
cratic st'nto convention adjourned this aft
ornouii after nominating an electoral ticket
uml adopting a platform embddylue tho
principles ot the Kansas City platform.
The platform condemns tho meployment
of Asiatics and favors tho re-enactment and
Improvement of tho Chinese exclusion act
and the adoption of such lavts as will ex
elude all Asiatic labor. The platform op
poses "government by Injunction:" do
nouuees the black list and favors arbltru
tlon between corporations and their era
Tho following were chosen presidential
electors: Willard A. Stumson and J. II
Sewall, nt Urge; John W. Hayncs, W. R
Jacobs, W. 11. I'rathcr, W. T. Uaigett
James N. Block, T, A. Rlc and Gaston
Peruna, The Greatest Remedy of the Age.
(ion, ilit (ius.ul;i. Secretary of tho Cuban Legation In Washington.
Senor Quesada. Secretary of the Cuban Legation In Washington. Is nn orator born.
In nn article Id The Outlook for July.lStiy, by Geo. Kennan. who heard (Juesada speak
at the Estebnn Thcater.Mnntanze-U'uba. he said: "I have seen many nudlenccs under the
spell of eloquent speech and In the grip of strong emotional excitement, but I hnvo
rarely wltnesseilsui h a scene as at the close of (Juesada's eulcgy upon the dead patriot,
Mnrtl." In n letter to Tho Ferunii Medicine Company, written from Washington, u.
C. Senor Quesada says
"Peruna I can recommend as a very good medi
cine, it is an excellent strengthening tonic, and it
is also an efficacious cure for the almost universal
(iouzulo De Quesada.
tlon of tho blood vessels of these mem
branes. Peruna gives tone to these ves;
sets nnd restores them to their natural
complaint of catarrh.
l'eruna does not operate upon the system
as tho usunl remedy does. It Is not a local
treatment. It operates as a systemls rem
edy. It give? tone to the weakened nerve elasticity.
centers, nnd thus gives tono lo tho mucuous
membranes that line tho various organs of
the body.
Catarrh Is always located In somo mu- i appear, once the cause la removed
cous mcmbrnne. Catarrh Is a flabby condl- appear once tho cause Is removed.
Ihus It Is that lVrunn strikes nt tho root
of tho evil. l'eruna removes the causo of
catnrrh nnd the symptoms disappear. It Is
remowa the cause. It I the only system
lc catarrh remedy yet devised.
Mr Howard Harry Mnrshall. 4R2 Main
street. Tuckertown. N J., writes.
"I have been troubled with catarrh for
eleven years. All remedies and doctors
failed to cure I heard of l'eruna. through
a friend nud bought a bottle, lu less than
four months 1 was n well man. and now
weigh more than I ever did In my life."
His wife writes- "I wnnt lo give my e
perlence with l'eruna. It Is the only medi
cine that American people should buy If they
wnnt to be cured of catarrh. I have luul
catarrh tor twenty years, ami it
luul extetuleii tlirouuout my entire
system. I spent hundreds of dollars try-
I Ing to get relief. I did not expect to bo
I cured.
! "As I wns seeing so much lu tho papers
.'about l'eruna, 1 thought I wouldd try It,
but had no fnlth In It. I bought it Lot lie
but did not sco much chnnge lu my condl -tlou,
but thought I would tnko another bot
tle. Then 1 saw n big change. I kept on
tnklng It until I wns entirely cured, nnd
have remained so for six months, People
don't know a sure euro for catarrh when
they see It. My advice to all persons suf
ferrlng from catarrh Is. to take Perunn
regularly and persistently and tho catarrh
will leave.
"1 will ilo all I can to u,ct your
mctllclnc into tlte homes of the
American people, as it Is the only
sure cure (or catarrh in any form
or any part of the. human body."
.Mrs. 1 1 an nah .Marshall.
Miss Martha Wlttkopp writes from Green
ville, Mich . the following "When 1 began
our treatment I had cntnrrh of tho head,
nose, throat, stom
ach and pelvic or
gans. 1 was trou
bled with hnwklng
and spitting,
caught cold very
easily, had almost
constant headache,
My stomach was nil
out of order. 1 did
not sleep well, and
was moro tired In
tho morning than
when I retired. I had bnckncho nnd was
very nervous, lu fact (he catarrh had percm
ated my enure system, nnd 1 almost des
paired of gelling well,
"I wrote you for advice and you advised
l'eruna. I began to gain right along, and
am now well. My patents prnlso Peruna
very much. As for myself I can't speak well
enough of It. I am well and happy nnd en
Joy my life ns 1 never have before. 1 can
not remember when I havo felt as well as I
do now."
Address Tho Perunn Medicine Co., Co
lumbus. Ohio, for a freo copy of "Summer
Culnrrh." This book treats exclusively of
illscai-os peculiar to hot weather. Is pro
fusely Illustrated nnd should bo In tho hands
of every person suffering with any form of
summer catarrh.
Martha Wlttkopp.
Peruna is the best remedy in the world for summer catarrh i. e., dyspep
sia, cholera morbus, cholera infantum, diarrhoea and dysentery of adults. No
other remedy for these diseases is necessary when Peruna is taken.
a committee of reception for the occasion southern portion Saturday; rain Sunday,
of Governor Roosevelt's appearance in the high easterly winds.
city on the nftornoon of October 1. The
panic, committee Is to nttend to tho erection
of a platform nnd seats.
Flint IMstrlet CoitKressniiiii Opens the
Cuss Comity Cninpalicu ltlt a
Good MeetlliK.
ELMWOOD, Neb., Sept. i7. (Special Tel
egram.) Congressman E. J. Durkett ot
Lincoln opened the republican campaign
hero tonight with a ringing speech. He
wns greeted by an nudlence that moro than
packed the Hobbs opera houso and waB
warmly applauded throughout. Mr. Durkett
confined himself to the issues of tho cam
paign. He showed how Dryan hnd failed
as a prophet In predicting tho dire disas
ters that were to overtake tho country in
case ho railed ot election in is-jo, anu
argued from that that there Is reason to
believe that the predictions of calamity
Mr. Bryan Is now roaring forth havo no
better bails. The imperialism bugaboo
was given some attention and tho facts of
prosperity In all branches of industry nnd
commerce wcro set up in contrast with
popocratlc threats and prophesies. J. II.
Hall, president of the Elmwood club, pre
sided and music was furnished by tho Englo
Glco club.
Cull for llepuhl leiin Convention.
YORK. Neb., Sept. 7. (Special.) On Sat
urday, September 8. tho republicans of York
county will hold a county convention at tho
court hoiiBe for tho purpose ot nominating
two candidates for tho legislature and one
candidate for county attorney and the trans
action of such other business as may come
beforo It.
After the convention n bettor township
organization will bo formed. The York
county delegates to tho stato senntnrlnl con
tention havo been Belccted nud will meet
somo time next month. On United Stntes
senator none of tho candidates nominated
for tho legislature nnd senate have expressed
themselves. It looks very much as If both
M. Tucker and A. Sandnll will be returned
to the legislature, as a large number of dele
gates prefer their nomination. Tucker nnd
Sandnll mado good records in tho last leg
islature nnd York county farmers aro for
Iloomer'n Views of Philippine.
AURORA, Neb., Sept. 7. (Special.) G
R. Doomcr of Company C, First Nebraska,
has been giving free stcreopticon views of
tho Philippines In this county this week. Ho
has shown In nil the towns In tho county
and overywhero tho houso has been crowded.
Tho pictures were taken by himself while
his regiment was on Luzon Island. Ills pic
turcs show tho boys on the firing line, Col
oncl Stotscnburg, tho firo In tho Tondo dis
trict, of Manila, Agulnaldo's cabinet and tho
royal palm.
Illood hounds Trnek liny.
CAMDRIDGE. Neb.. Sopt. 7. (Special.)
A Cambridge lad was badly frightened last
night by tho city bloodhounds. Ho had
been appropriating for his own use somo
watermelons that belonged to ono of the
tiburban citizens. Tho owner of tho melons
started in pursuit of the young midnight
marauder, but he escaped for n while.
Tho hloodhounds were taken out and soon
ran him down. Tho boy confessed tho
theft nnd was allowed to go free after a
mock trial.
Mnry Kllen I.rnse at llarvnril.
HARVARD, Nob., Sept. 7. (Special. )-
Republicans opened tho campaign last
ovenlng with a polltlcnl address given by
Mnry Ellon Lease, formerly so strong In
popullstlc circles In Knnsas.
In substance Mrs. Lease assigned as her
reasons for supporting the republican
ticket that, while In sympathy with many
of tho populist views as to tho needs of
political reform, she saw no chnnoo to se
euro them through fusion with democrats
as hcrotoforo carried on nnd at present
conducted nnd that tho policy of tho Mc
Klnley administration wns moro In keep
lng with tho needs of tho American people
than the theoretical policy advocated by
Drynn nnd his followers and that she felt
It her duty as an American citizen to glvo
what Influence she might hnvo to tho sup
port Of tho McKlnley administration and
republican success.
Tho address Is considered ono of tho
most logical over delivered In our city on
political Issues and especially of interest
to tho honest populist, who is being swnl-
lowed up by tho democratic Bryan com
bine. Most excellent music wns furnished
by tho singers, who hnd special aolcctlons
for tho occasion,
Genera Wins Third I'laee,
GENEVA. Neb.. Sept. 7. (Special.) Tho
citizens of Geneva and Fillmore county are
justly proud of third place given them nt
the Stato fair. Credit for the display Is
duo to a number, who worked hard to se
cure nnd pUce it, ninong them being Dr
Herrlot, P. Youngers, George Flnloy,
George Kenyon,' A. Stevens, F. M. Flory
and John Mills. Many premiums were
taken by Mrs. Emma Kelley.
Vnekolls County MortKitites.
NELSON. Neb.. Sept. 7 (Special.) Tho
following Is the mortgage, record for Nuck
olls county for tho month of August: Farm
mortgages filed. 7. amounting to $6,470; re
leased, 6, amounting to $7. ISO. Town and
city mortgages tiled. 7. amounting to $2,360;
released, 8. amounting to $6,090. Chattel
mortgages filed, 70, amounting to $36,:03.C6;
released. 72, amounting to $28.1C9.tS.
Indian Ulrs friitit Wound.
LYONS, Neb., Sept. 7. (Special.) Word
has been received here that the Omaha In
dian. Wood, who was disemboweled with a
knife in tho hands of a white man last
Saturday on the reservation, has since died
and the man that did the shooting was still
nt large, with but Uttlo hopes of ever being
captured. The amount of money involved In
tho quarrel and which led up to the murder
was $2.
Saunders County MortKHRf .
WAHOO. Neb., Sept. 7. (Special.) The
following Is the record of mortgages filed
and reU&sed In Saunders county for the
.Mrs. I,ene Seoren Stevenson.
CENTRAL CITY, Neb., Sept. 7. (Spo
clal.) A largo and enthusiastic audience
assembled at the Opera house lust night
to henr Mrs. Mary Ellen Lease discuss the
political Issues from n republican stand
point. Her broad and oxpa,n8lvo views ot
tho responsibilities of American citizen
ship and the rapid dovelopmont of our na
tlon under republican rule were ntten
tlvely followed nnd appreciated by her
audience. Her statement of facts estnb
llshinr that W. J. Bryan was a fnlsa
prophet and her denunciation of Adlnl Sto
venson from tho standpoint of n daughter
who had lost n father and a sister who
hnd lost two brothers In support of the na
tlon, while Stevenson was declaring the
war n failure, and her nppeal not to honor
such a man were very Impressive. Mrs
Lease drove forty-five miles to fill her
engagement here, but declared sho alwayi
kept her promises nnd wns enlisted for tho
war or until McKlnloy wns ro-olccted
president of tho United States.
Illltlnn HepulilleillK .Meet,
HASTINGS. Nob., Sopt. 7. (Special.)
The republicans of Hastings township held
a mass convention nt the court houso last
night. It wns a convention for the nomlna
tlon of township officers and district su
pervlsors. W. W. Miles was nominated for
tho Fifth district and George II. Lamonte
for the Soveuth. T. J. Creeth was renom
lnated for assessor and 1U R. Morledge for
Justlco of the peace. Tho new township cen
tral committee consists of J. Edgar JoncB
chairman; J. H.1 Fleming, secretary; Jacob
Heller, L. J. Capps and M. A. Hnrtlgan
J. R. Sims, Jacob Dally. J. U. Cessna, M
H artisan and John Slaker were appointed
I'lulit lit Fusion Forees,
DAVID CITY, Neb.. Sept. 7. (Special.)
tislon politics In Dutler county is warming
up considerably nnd If the leaders aro not
careful a hot old tlmo will bo a part of tho
program nt the fusion county conventions
hero tomorrow. Yesterday afternoon tho
democratic primary was hold and the
ticket prepared by somo of the leaders did
not suit C. I). Casper of the Dutler County
rcss. Yesterday evening n new ticket
wns sprung with the name of Casper at tho
head and somo lively rustllug waB tho ol
der of the day until tho polls dosed, and
when tho count wns completed tho Casper
ticket was defeated at tho ratio ot about
16 to 1.
For Western Texas. New Mexico. Okla
homa and Indian Territory Locnl r.ilns
Saturday nnd Sunday; variable winds.
For town and Missouri Partly cloudy
Saturday: showers Sunday; east to north
east winds. f.'.JfHI
For North Dakota Fair and cooler Sat
urday; Sunday fair; northeasterly winds.
For Knusas Partly cloudy Sunday; pos- i
slbly showers Sunday; vnrlable winds.
For Colorndo Rains Saturday; cooler In
eastern portion; showers Sunday; varlnblc
winds, .
For Wyoming Showers; cooler Saturday;
Sunday fair; variable winds.
For Montana Partly cloudy, with mod
crate lempernturo Saturdny and Sunday;
northerly winds. k -iC'J 31
Local lleeord.
OMAHA, Sept. 7. OtlWinl record of tem
perature nnd precipitation, eompnred wi'h
tho corresponding day of the hut thr,-e
"JW. JW.I. 15'Ji. 1S37
Maximum temperature .. Mi Si 74 0'
Minimum temperature ... m M K no
Average temperuturo ... 7.1 "n fin N
Precipitation On .? .m ,
Record ot precipitation nt Omaha for thU ,
tn,. nn.l ulnon 1 .t-,.1. 1 1 '.iVl I
Normal tenveruture for the day . . .07
Excess for the day b
Total excess since Mnrch 1 5.1't
Normal rainfall 10 huh I
Deficiency for the day 10 Inch
Total rainfall since March 1 20 fio Inches ,
Deficiency since 1 2 SI ln h -e '
Deficiency for cor. period, ISM.. 2.UI Inch s (
Deficiency for cor. period, ISHS. . 3.07 Itniieo
IteiMililienn (Innrtet on the Itoitd.
YORK, Neb.. Sept. 7. (Special.) Parks'
Imperial qunrtct will start next week Blng-
ing for McKlnley nnd prosperity. They
nro engnged to sing nt nearly nil of the
largo republican polltlcnl meetings lu tho
stnto. Their new Rough Rider uniforms
havo arrived and nro very pretty ond stiik'
Ing. A large number of tho songs uro com'
positions, both music and words, of Prof
Parks of this city, who has a national rep
ulatlon as a composer of high class music.
Ilnhenek Is 11 Candldiite.
CAM D RIDGE, Neb.. Sopt. 7. (Special.)
Hon. W. E. Rnbcock, ono of the pioneer
business men of this place nnd who named
mid helped to nrganlzo the village of Cam
bridge, will be a candidate for legislative
honors before the republican county con
ventlon next Tuesday. Mr. Dabcock has
represented his party In national conven
tion on several occasions nnd ho was a
member of tho legislature several years
TAita Vista
Situated on the finest residence ave
nue In the city, with nn unbroken
view of tho mountains, and only two
blocks from tho Union Depot and
business center, Is supplied with
every comfort and convenience tho
traveling public can demand.
For Information and rates address
lleiiurtn from Million ill S
a "
hi"1 Si b
. r : n ! 3
; J: 3 .
Omaha, clear
.North Iintte, part cloudy .,
Cheyenne, cloudy
Suit Lake, Clear
Hupld City, part cloudy ....
Huron, raining
Wllllston, cloudy
Chicago, clear
St. Louis, clear
St. Paul, cloudy
Davenport, dear
Kansns City, clear
Helena, clear ,
Iliivre. clear II
Dlsmnrck. cloudy
Galveston, cloudy
SO SB .01
til !ll 0'i
711 S2 .00
s-t, su .00
721 00 T
IW 701 .36
(IS 7S 00
Kli 70, .00
K2l SO! .00
71! 7S .0:
711 "0 00
SS ft).
71 1 .00
70 .00
X4 00
9.2 .01
T indicates trace of precipitation
Local Forecast Official.
When others fall ennxult
Wo guarantee to euro all casrs uurabU ot
SEXUALLY. Oured for Ufo.
Night Emlusluns, Lost Manhood, Hydrocele,
Varicocele, Gonorrhoea, Ol.ce:, Syphlllt,
atrlctuie, Uil. FUtulu and Rectal Ulcera
ana all
I'rlvute lllnrnaea suit Dtaurdera of Moat
Stricture anil tiled Cured at Hums.
Conbultatlon Free. Call on or address
1)11. S12AHI.ICS A. aUAIU.tS!.
110 kumu talk hi. OUAHa.
I'lniiH for 1'imlon ('nnipnlun.
LYONS, Neb.. Sopt. 7. (Special.) Tho fu
sion forces expect to open tho campaign in
this county September 8, beginning nt Der
tha, when J. II. Emloy of West Point, tho
fUHlon candidate for stnto senator, will ud
dress tho people. On September 15 a llko
meeting 1b billed for this place, which will
bo followed luter with u rally at each of
tho other towns In tho county.
(.'niupiilKii YVnrmltiir 11 1 Trenton,
TRENTON. Neb.. Sept. 7. (Spcclnl.) A
Dryan club has been organized here. The
enthusiasm Hint Is displayed Is not "marked.
A number of fuslonlsts will this year voto
for McKlnley and Dietrich. Tho political
pot Is beginning to simmer. A McKlnley
club will be organized here soon and a hot
campaign will be on.
A Kill it Is Ne hriinlui ('routined Senium
of Shottem mill Temperature
I. ens ( nliirle.
WASHINGTON, Sopt. 7. Forecast for
Saturday and Sunday.
For Nebraska Showers Saturday, with
cooler In southern portion; Sunday fair
In western, showers In eastern portion,
east to northeast winds.
For Illinois Fair Saturday; probably
showers Sunday; brisk east to northeast
For Arkankas Fair in northern, rain in
Little Liver Pills.
Muit Boar Signature f
Am Pae-SltalU Wrapper Blow.
If Ton ha?., imall. wrak orirAtii.
loit powrr or wvakrntnff Utnlni,
our Vucuum OrirHii Developer Mil
mtora joii witnoui driiKff or
elrctrkltr 35.010 In mm not ona
failure not one irliirnnl nor o II frauili wrltefor
liirllculara nt Maleil In plain envelope.
10CAI APPUANCE CO.. 414 Chirm Blot.. Dtnm, Colo.
Tary araiU and aa aaa?
fri tAius as cmar.
ran sallow sum.
. 1 tilth, L'JJeu 11 iuTvatt
1 1 ijucif Li.mii ma 1
Curen Dandruff Falling Hair, nrlttla Hair
and all Scalp Troubles, such as Itching,
Eczoma. Eruptions, oto. Purely VesaUbla,
hannlosB and reliable.
Cure Guaranteed
evert afer nil other rtmtdits havt failed
or monti refundid.
A It. IIH12MI3K CO., - Oklaiia,
For Sal Tr
Sherman is M 1 unnrll Drug Co.,
Myers. Olllo Drui; Co .
M. A Dillon. South Omaha,
Trail" fiuiipllrd by
M. Monhelt liuir Uutaur,
A. L SJndorland.
Kloiiardson Dru- Co
lr'iJiM ! nun 11.1 tii.i.t r.,uui tu, m
T- .XJfl -u lut rtl.u,n 'I'uku ho olhrr, lleruk
m "Xi "unceroua ub,lllutUn umi liult.
I f7 tloa. t'i f lMjt,t t (at 4v. la
1 M (HUM t't 1'f.rlUulara, Tealluenlall
VV H "J "tUllcrhr l.ii!le,"ln filler, ei r.
.A. A' Jnrn Mall, 1 u.fcnli t,lliikl, Kol(,
" T all timl.u. t'l, t''.l : ,
Haul,. U4!on nukrr. I'lll fii