10 T3TE OMAHA DATLV BEE: SATODAV, SEPTEMBER 8, 1900 COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL "Wheat Market Holds Steady, but Shows Extromo'Dnllness. VERY LITTLE TRADING IS DONE IN CORN PIT Thrrr I n fltitsMe Sprcillntlmi 'n Onts Pro Islnns Open Strong, De cline Mtnlrriitely nml 'I'lirn Hall), Closing; Firm. CIIICAC.O, 111.. Sept. 7. Whent was dull but steady, lielpccl mostly by Unlit Ar gentine shipments. October whent. corn nml oats closed each ''slfUc over yester day. Provisions at the close were 5c to ll'.ic higher. Dullness wan probably the most nntleo nblo feature of the wheat trade. Trade wan restricted In volume nml local In char acter. October opened Side higher at 73'4f.73c. because Liverpool wax a trifle JilKher In the face of a hnlf decline here jestcrday and because. Arijpiitino ship mentis Inst week were only 160,000 I'll., compared with 9l5,oo0 bu. the week pre vious. The crowd was rather bearish, and a there seemed a very slight desire on the part of outsiders to take any more wheat the market sold off to 73'tc. At the decline reports of an export demand frightened shorts nnd under their eov.-r-lntr, October rallied to 73ic, ami shortly ufterwnrd closed linn and Ml'i'' over yes terday at 734f73Sc. New ork reported forty-otie loads taken for export. Sc.. board clearances In wheat nnd Hour were -ounl to 2CS,f0 bu. Primary receipts were ijll.COO bu.: compared with, l.tisj ihjO bu. last week. Minneapolis nml Dul'ith re ported IS3 cars. against 3!.'. last week and S:I a year ago. Local receipts' were ..21 cars, eight of contract grade. Corn was dull and Innocent of attractive ness. There was a demand, but It was a small one. Offerings, to even up matters, were also light, and the result was a liar row but steady market. fables were Mcndy and the movement slow, ltecelpts liere were 321 cars. October sold between SSi.c and TAc and closed MP,i' higher ut 3Sifj,c. ,. , ., . . Thoro was no outside speculation In oats mid little business was transacted by local traders. October Hold between 21' i and iWdWfic. closing steady and W4e higher at 2l!li1f2mc. The market was sustnlne I bv the llrmness or other grains. Hecelpis here were 458 cars. Provisions opened higher on a stronger market at the yards, declined moderately on local selling of pork, but rallied later and closed llrtn on an excellent cash ile: maud. October pork sold between J10.8j nnd Jll KTVi. and closed 12Vic higher at S11.il2V; October lard between $l tli anil J-i.72',4, closing M(7V4c higher at JG..2',4. and October ribs between ii.()Vlra . 10 ami J...'0, with the close 7lje Improved at $..1.',4. . Kstlmuted receipts tomorrow : heat, cars; com. 330 cars; oats, 110 cars; bogs, 13.ooii head. , The leading futures ranged as follows: ArtlcleXlbpen. I lllgh.l Low. KMose.' Vest'y. Wheat Kept. Oct. Nov, Oct. Nov. Oct. Nov. 1'ork Sept. Oct. .Ian. I-ard- Sept. Oct. .la n. Xtlbs- Scpt. Oct. Jan. 1 I 73ft 7372-liTlJi.l 73 73 73V4 73 73t,73'i'NJ, 7: J 71'i 7I'.4 71 7IU1ii 71' sw 3014. sn'ii sn'a nn wnw its, asfr'iOTUft. :ts'(, 35Wl.'W ' 35T3."iV(30 !! 21 '.'Hi, 21 2P4 21 21i . 21i 21'A , 10 95 10 R2V4 10 97 ',4 II 024 10 STi 110214 10 90 11 05 II 2214 11 05 11 22',4 11 05 fi B74 6 70 fi 071,4 "0 8 2'4 ti ,70 ti 72,4 fi 05 fi 72'4 fi 7'4 45 5214 fi 12'4 C B" : 7 2714 7 10 7 2714 7 3714 7 25 7 1!V4 7 20 7 10 7 17,4 7 10 5 85 6 SI214 -0 K2V4 6 9214 5 No. 2. Cash nuntntlons were as folio""!: FLOUR Stoutly: winter pntcntH.. $3.80fJ 4.00: straights, $3.10fJ3.70; clears. $:M0ii.l.o'. rtprlng special, Jl.HXifl.50; patents, $3.50y4.0; bakers. t2.2tvH2.75. WIIKAT No. 3, 72c; No. 2 red, 74HfJ.5Uc. f'OllS-Ni). 2. 40c; No. 2 yellow. 40Uc OATH No. 2. !l'.4ft22e; No. 2 white. 2114 E47.C; No. 3 white, 2:i'4fj2l1ic. HARLKY'-Oood feeding. .ISfflOc; fair to choice mailing, 40f?l9c. SHUOS No. 1 llax. $1.48; No. 1 northwest ern. 1.48!4fll.4!; clover, contract grade, $3.25 fiiO.M). IMIOVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl., iWM'it 31.00. Lard, per Kk lbs., 714ii0.7214. Short ribs sides (loose), J7.20'u7.50. Dry salted Khoulders (boxcdi, $fi..l71Vit'i.fi214. Short clear fides (boxed), $7.70ft7.M). U'iMSKY-baslH of high wines, tl.21'4. SrOAHS Cut loaf, tii.W; granulatt'd, i'i.10. The followniK are trie receipts anil mup- meiitH of the nrlnclpal tiroducts tecelpts. Sblpments. lfl.tHK) 17.0O) '.t.'.UOO Siili.WM Dolour, bbls... ftVhcat, bu.... Corn, bu Oats, bu live, bu 23,000 3 1 1, OUO 273.IHH) 47H.OIO (i,0(H) 47,000 Ilarloy. bu. 11,000 f)n the Produce exchanuo todav the but ler market was steady; creameries, IN',4r tl'4c; dairies, 14f71Ke. Cheese, steady, 10'i 1114c Kkbh, llrm; fresh, isffllc. m:v voiik (ji:m:hai. .miiki:t. ((iiotntlonn for (lie Day nil Various CoiiiiuiidltleM. NKW YORK, Sept. 7.-l',I.OlTtt-RecelptH, 17.RI4 bbls.; exports, 4.73S bbls.; sales, 7.4ml pkgs. ; market was slow and featureless, iipart from a steady undertone; winter btralghts t3.45i7i3.00; Minnesota i-atents, tl.oo (iit.'M; winter patents. $:l.75it I.OO; winter 'X tras, J2.7Ufi3.lKi; Minnesota bakers, $2.S5ir S.25; winter low cnules, S2.10ifj2.G5. Hyc-llour, ltlet: sales, 5K) bbls.; rail' to good, iXWif 8.25; choice to fancy, W.IWfiH.fiO. COHNM ICAL Hteud ; yellow western, iSc; city. .S7fSSc; llrandywlne. t2.4.Vfj2.55. It YH Steady; No. 2 western, 5Se, f. o. b.. milnat ; state, f.2Ji53c. c. I. f., Now York. HAHIjKY Dull; feeding, 43r(c. c. I. f., Mew York; malting, Is'iJi.Mic, c. I. f., Huf fulo. I1AHI-KY MAI.T-Diill; western. fiW.Sc. VI I RAT ltecelpts, M.025 bu. ; exports, 60, 710 bu.; sales. 2,l5o.fKH) bu. fututes, 240.000 bu. rxport; market steady; No. 2 red, 7!)V". f. o. Ii., alloat; No. 2 red, 7(iTiiC, elevator; No. 1 northern Duluth, 8240, f. o. b., alloat; No. 1 lianl Duluth, b(c t. o. b., alloat. Options opened steady on light offering and after a brief decline tinder liberal receipts recov ered In the afternoon on strength In north veHt markets, smaller shipments and mod orate covering. Closed llrm, c net ad vance, sales Included; No. 2 red March. S2 fiiS3c: closed. Klc: May. 82ifi2 13-lfie; closetl, M?4; September, 77fi7Sc; closed, 777ne; De cember. SO IMiVfiSOtfcf; closed, W)c. COllN HecelptH, 20,025 bu.; exports, 10.27S bu. ; sales, 2I0,(XI bu. futures, lOI.OOO bu. ex port. Spot market llrm; No. 2. 4014c, f. o. b., alloat, and 45'ic, elevator. Option market was generally steady nil day on light coun try offerings and a scattered demand from idiorts. Closed firm at ttftlp net advance; IMay, 40'MflO-He; closed, 4oilc; September, dosed, IIS,c- October closed, tic; December, 074Oc; closed, 4oc. t ) ATS HecelptH, 101,100 bu.; exports, 15.0.V. bu.; sales, UO.OOO liu. spot. Spot quiet; No. 2. 25c; No. 2l,4e; No. 2 white. 20V4c; No. 3 hlte. 25V..c; track, mlxeil western, Wu'Xc; track, white western, 2SU3.lt'; track, white Htate, 251(33e. Options, slow but fairly utemlr IMCliD-Steady. IIAY-Dull; shipping, 7214fT75c; good to Choice,. 85t(9(V. IIOPS-Qulet; state, common to choice, l&ri) crop, 101il3o; old, 2C?5e; Pacldc, 1&99 crop, 10'iil3e; old. 2?f5e.. HIDi:S 1'lrin; Onlveston, 21 to 25 IIir.. 1SQ t.le; California. 21 to 25 lbs., lSV-c; Texas, Ury, 24 to 30 lbs.. Kliic. I.ICATIIKH I'lrin; liemloek sole, llunnos Ayres, light to heavy weights, 221.fi".'3'ic; eld, 22ii02.Hie. " VOOI Dull; domestic tierce. 2,'iH28c: Texas, I5i)16c. PHOVISIONS-Ileef, dull; famllv, $10.01 11.50; mess, t!).(KH(B.50; beef hams. 20.50ii 21.00; packet. tlO.oofiu 00; city, India mess, llfl.005T20.OO. Cut meats, steudy; pickled bel lies, t8.75ffll.p0; pickled shoulders, tO.SOJi 8.i5; pickled hams. tlo.oo?lo.75. hard, llrm; western steamed, t7.05l('7.('i714; August closed ut $7.10; No. ,. nominal; rellued, unlet; con tinent. t7.30p South .America, is; compound, J8.uHj6.iai. Pork. iulet; fandly! 'tIS.wVf 1300 ' ,3':B,8',10i ,m'-ss 12.00 POTATOKS Dull; Jerseys, $1.00Til.25; New .'K.5.",1', ,onB '"''n. 214'iii.r.o. TALLOW Quiet , city (t.'.oo per pkc., i i-Pk'; county (pkgs. free), 4!iij4'V'. Hl'TTKH-Hecclpts, S.tiiit pkgs.; weak; creamery. 174i2H,c; Junu cri'amery. 20f VlHe; factory. 144ilc'4c. CH12i:Si:-Hecepts. 2.5'iJ pkgs.; strong; JiiiKf, nunc, iu'ic; Ninail, wnite, -...,., - - ... " ,,,,,,,, ,, ,,,.., iwivu iv-li i largo, colored. 10c: small, colored lriil 1(11.0 ISO CIS Uecelpts, 4,974 pkos.; llrm; wen- rrn. renuinr imickiuu. a l innrK. lOOfpic, vestern, loss ott, 17i(lSc. .MKTALS Thero was a general wenkenlug In ton In metal circles today. The iron markets of the country show easiness ami urn tending downward. Philadelphia re ports a lower tnurket. Light, steel rails were quoted nt $25, which was $10 below the Combination price for heavy rails. Pig Iron warrants were qiinicu ui :i.:miiu.ai, cop er in London advanced h, nut railed to HlrcnKthuu the local market, which clusa 'pilet niid imhatiKed at tlfi.i. Lend nnd spelter d ill at ti 37' and t4 07ifi4.12t. There n sllcht ue- line noted for tin. il'ising h-re at j.io .tc'dJ" o Tlnplates ruleil unlet Thi mills opened nnd commenced to make black plates, as no arrangements with the tinners nave been made The brokers' price for lead was ft nnd for copcr 116.7G. omwia wiioi.usai.i: Al A It Kills. Conilllliin of Trade nml Quotations on "Inpli' and I'oiic)- Produce. nO(4H Hecelpts liberal; good stock firm nt 13,Ti 1 1c LlVi: POt'LTllY-llers. 7s,7Hc: roosters, acenrdln? ,:o r.qo aid nizc, 3ic. sprliir? chickens. 9ti9c, ducks, P(i5c; geese, tff.'ic. turkeys Sc. FHLSH DHKSSUD POPLTHY-Hens, 8H J19c; roosters, nfitin; ducks and geese, in 10c; broilers, per lb.. 12fjl24"; turkeys, !2'4o lIPTTIJIt Common to fair. 134c; choice, 15rlfic; separator, 20c; gathereil creamery, 174 Pc. KlSIt Trout. 10e; blueflsb, Oe: pickerel, fr. cnlllsh. 12c; drcsed buffalo. 6c: white tlsh, 10c; herrlncr, fie; black bas, 10c; sal mon, 1.1c; white Inn, Kc; cropple, 10e: pike, pie: halibut, ICr; !nl!ltieaa, Kc; ring perch, fie; lobsters, green, 22c; bM!ed lob ster". 2Sc; mackerel, 21c; codINn, 10c; yellow perch, fic. IMIKSM OYSTnttS-Klrsf t;rade, solid packed. New York counts, pT can, 40c; extra selects, 35c; standards. 30c. Second grade, slack tilled. New York counts, nrr can. 30c; extra selects, 2le; standards, 20o. PiCiKONS-Llvo. er dozen. lc. VKALH-Choloe HfTlOc. tlAY Prices iiotcd by Oimhn Wholesale IInv Dealers' association: Choice upland, .mio; No. 1 upland. t".50; medium, J4 CO; coarse, C.,V); rye straw. J5. These prices are for hay of gr nd color and quality. Hecclpts, 19 cars: demand fair, prices weak. OATS-No. 3 White. 20c. CORN No. 3, .-.v,.. ItItAN-t!2 V VKGHTAHLKS. Crcr.MPUItS-Pcr dozen. :0f25c. Ni:V TfltNIPS-Per bushel basket. 00c. NKW IlHirrs Per dozen bunches 15f?20c. NKW CAHHOTS Per dozen nunches, 25c. LKTTI'CK Per dozen, 10ni5c. HADISMKS Home grown, per dozen, 15c. IlKANS-Wax, per half buslul basket, 4fc; string, 35c. POTATOKS-Per bushel, 40tf50e; sweet potatoes, per pound, 2c. CAHIIAOH-Horno crown, per pound, l. CACLII'I.OWKIt-Per dozen, l. TOMATOKS-llome grown, per half bushel basket. 40p ONIONS- Home grown, per bu., 60'SMc. CKLKH Y-Neb'skii. 30-.1 10c. KU1MT3 I'KACMKS-Callfornla freestones. 90c; cllliRs, 80c. PLCMS-Cnllfornla, per crate, tl.lOni 23. PIll'N'KS I 'tah nnd Colorado, per crate, tl; ier box, fiOe MAHVI.KTT PKAHSAPer box. tl.75fi2.00; otb-rs. ;i.5t'fil.75. C.HAPKS-Callfornln Tokays. 1-basket crate II. vi; Concords, home rown l"fi le. WATrcn.MKI.ONS As to lze 2C5T25C each. CANT A LOI'PK Ocms, per dozen, 4y.K,c; larpo lze, 00fi75e A PPI.KS-Native, 75c?it! per bu.; per bbl., t2.50g.1.m. Crab apples', per bbl., t-'l. TltOPICAL THt'lTS. OUANflKS-Valenclas, $ LK.MfiNS -California, extra fancy, $3.73; choice. tinnfi3.2.1. I1ANANAS- Per bunch, nccordlnn to size, t2.Wj 2. 75 M ISCKLLANKOI'S. N I TS Hickory, large, per bu., $1.25; shellbarks. tl .Ij; Kngllsh walnuts, per lb., 12'13e; lllberts. per lb.. 12c; almonds, p, r lb... ! initio; raw, per lb.. Wiiic; roasted, Cliff i '4c. HIDKS. HIDUM No. 1 green hides, 6c; No. 2 crecn hides. 5c: No. 1 :illr,l lil.lxx. Kl.n- Vn ' salteil hides. 5'4c; No. 1 veal calf. 8 to' 12 '.!., IV, kill. m Yt'UI lllll, I IU 13 IDS., DC, SI. I.oiiIh (; nil ii nml Provisions, ST. I.OIMH. Sept. 7.-WIIKAT-ITrm: No. 2 red. cash, elevator. 71c; track. 7214ff73c; Remember. 7ltr: Oetoher, 72c; 4ecember, iSo ; No. 2 hard. isgfi,s'i.c. .n7,',,)llN-Kl", : Vo- 2 'asl1' trncU. JOV41l40c; September. 3Sc; October, 30c; December. 327e. .PA,,ra-w.u"k: No- 2 cnf,h- 2'We: track. 22f22Uc: September, 21c; December, 22c; No. 2 white. 2.1V- ItYK-l Uglier; 52c. KLOt'lt quiet and unchanged. bKl-.DS Timothy, scarce, llrm and In de ninnd, sales at $l.02Mi I.12: prime would brluir tt.25. I-'lax. hlglier at $1.4714. COUNMKAl.-Stcady. $2.00H2.(C. KUAN Steady; sacked, east track, G8 i Of. HAY-Steady; timothy, $S.50fi 11.00; prairie, $0.5nJj8.(iO. WHISK Y Steady at $1.26. 1UON COTTON TiKS-$1.30. KAOOI NO $S..'!0fi ,S. SO. HUMP TWINK-Wc. MKTALS Lead, steady; $4.3214. Spel ter, dull; lower; $1.90. POI'LTUY Steady; chickens, 7c; young, Sv4c; turkeys, 7c; young, 9c; ducks, 6c; younp, 7c; geese, 4Vie; young, Cf?6'4c. KOOH-I Uglier; 121t,c. K1TTTRU Steady; creamery, lSf(22c; dairy. 1.1iil7c. PUOVISIONS-Pork, -steady: Jobbing, $12.50. Lard, higher; choice. J6.70. Dry salt meats, boxed, strong: extra shorts, $7.50; clear ribs. $7.624: clear sides. J7.75. Uncon. boxed, strong; extra shorts, $S.12',4; clear rltlM tH T. l,.n ul.lnu tW 'l-rii. UK KIPTS-Klour. 11,000 bbls.: wheat, 101.000 bu.: corn, 54,000 bu.; oats, 28,000 bu. SIIIPMKNTS-Flour. 12 OoO bbls.; wheat, 57,000 bu.; corn, 40,000 bu.; oats, 7,000 hu. Liverpool (iriiln Market. LIVKUPOOL. Sent. 7-WHKAT-Sont. dull; No. 2 rcil western, winter. Bs UMid; in i noiinerii, spring, os .in; .io. l i ail fomla 0s 1'i.iKnCs fid. Futures quiet; Sep tember. 5s lVt(; Decemtior, 0 lSd. CO UN American mixed, new, 4s 2J American mixed, old, 4s 24d. Spot, llrm Futures, unlet: October. 4s lT.d: Novem ltecelpts of whent during the past thiee nays, iyii,tjo centals, including las.ioo Araer lean. ltecelpts of American corn during the past three davs. 83,300 centals. PUOVISIONS-Lard: American leaned. steady. ;iis; prime western, steady, 30s 3d Pork, prime mess western, nteadv. 72s Oil Shoulders, square, steady, 33s. Kacon, short clear imeKs. lirm, 4is 4U. CH KKSK-Amerlcan llnest, white, llrm, 51s fid: American llnest. colored, firm. u. mi. Iviiiiniih City fi in I ii nml Provisions KANSAS CITY. Sent. 7. WIIKAT De cember, fiOliwi'c; cash, No. 2 bnrd. Clef 63c; o. :s, wiVsKvi'n; o. . reti, w u TO'Ac ; No. 3, OfifjiWe. f'nTfM o,tl,l,.,l' 11.1'.. llannmliA . jiiv, .Kivn'ji.iojic; casu, 4o. . mixed, 3ic; mo, i wnne, aiMjc; ro. ;i, aic. UA lri.No. 2 White, 2414t(2oC. H YH No. 2. 44c. HAY Choice timothy, $9.00if9.25; choice prairie. $0.73117.00. KrTTKU-Creamery, lS$20c; dairy, fnncy, KOfJS Ste.-ulv: fresh Ml-isnurl nml Kin sas stock, 12c doz, loss off, cases returned; new wane wood enses inciuaeu, '4c more. KKCK!PT3-Whcut. 231.200 bu.; corn, 16, COn bu.; oats. I3.(nh) bu. 81 IIPMKNTS Wheat, 2S8.000 bu. con 16.MH1 lu.; oats, l,cio bu. Toledo Market, rriM.'iin ? u,Tii.'ip.n..n t.i u,,...-vt ,.,.. ,. i lit,.,, ,UH lllKIU'Ij spot and September, 75c; October, 76e; COUN Dull, lower; No, 2 cash nnd Sep tember. l'tc; December, 31c. OATS Doll, lower: N'n. 2 enli oil,., a.,,. tember, 22c. ' " ' U K Dull, unchanged; No. 2 cash, 61c. SKKDS Clover, dull, lower; No. 2, $5.50. Plilliiili'lpliln Produce Mnrkrl, PIIILADKLPIIIA. Sept. 7. KI'TTKU Finn: fumy western creamery, :2c; fancy western prints, 23c i.'noa-i.'iw.i r,-.ui. nn.,1... . ... ....... ..-, i uj iiiiu wesiein, L'c; fresh nearby southwestern, 16c; fresh ,litiii.. , nt.vi i in I 1 1, ii CHKKSK-Dull. New York full creams fancy, smnll. lONc: New York full creams fair to choice, 95f(10c. Mlnneniiolls Wlient nml I'loiir. MINNKAPOLIS, Sept. 7-WHRAT-De. eember. 74c; May. He; on track. No. 1 hnrd, 7r,Ke: !To 1 northern T31i,er Vr nrtli.pn FLOl'U-Flrst patents, $4.05tf4.2O: seeon 1 patents, :.wi; ursi clears, w.oi5ri.2i second clears, $2.(02.23. Duluth Whrnt lnrkct. DI'Ll'TH, Sept. 7.-WHKAT-No. 1 harl, ic,i,c; ijeceniiicr, iiuc; pepiemner, TTie; No. 1 northern, ensh, JSTic; Septctnher, idu; ufcciiiiicr, iriic; io. J spring, js'xc I'rorln Murki't, PKOItlA, Sept. 7.-COUN-Flrm: No. 3, " OATS-Slow; No. 2 white, 2214c. WHISKY-On the basW of $1.26 for Iinisiicd goods. MIMviiiiWre Criiln MnrUet. MILWAl'KKK. Sept. 7-WHKAT-noll; no. i nortiiern, itivnc: ko. 2 northern, 73ii UYK-Steady; No. 1, C3c. KAULKY Firm; No. 2, 61f52c; sample 4 W 19c. Niriv Ynrk Dry liooils, NKW YORK. Sept. 7.-DUY UOODS .Moro Inquiry today after brown cottons and some Improvement In bids for forward deliveries, nut actual business cnntlnuer moderate and spot jirlcen without materia' change. Pleached cottons still quiet, at unchanged nrlcca. Wide sheetlnirs urn nd- vunclng several lines, raising 7'Mlo jut cent. Coarse colored cottons, steady; mod erate demand, Prints, unchanged. Stnple giugnauis reoiiccn Jp nun good orders re ceived. Dress stylo glnshuiis uuchunged Linens are nulet nt previous nrlces. Ilur laps nro In better demand and tendin; aguinst uuyers, WEEKLY REVIEW OF TRADE Interest of Past Seven Days Oentors Upon Settling Wage Scales, METAL WORKERS' DISPUTES CLEARING UP (iiind Crop Iti-ports CoiiiIiik in. but llffrrt Is Neiitrallreit Uy 1'orelnii Kstlmnte of World's .Supply llelmv Iteiiiilreiiicnts, NKW YOllK. Sept. 7.-U (1. Dun mil C ompnuy's weekly review of trade tonmr row will say: The volume of business does not mate rially enlarge nt the east nml there Is only moderate Improvement nt the west and south; but If executions of greater activity when politics cease to disturb nro rcalls-'.l. current operations will be found to hae aid a substantial foundation. Th-- most Imnortnnt event of the u-wli In thn Itiilus. trial world was the agreement on tin pl.ito wage scale with the amalgamated associa tion grailtlnc about S tier tent iidvnnee In 35,0ii hands lont; Idle. Other metal work- rrs disputes are Hearing settlement, wtii.e the Horden purchase of 5 0,0 0 pieces print cloths at 7'i, cents clears up the Kail U'vcr iniirKei ami is neueveii to preclude serious Wage dlfferi-nees there. The tiimi ili.rUl.iii ol "the i1lsntlsued anthracite miners as to a strike will be reached today. If a strike is iiecioen upon. 11 is llKeiy to involve only a portion of the anthrncitc Interests and the producers nre well nriniired. .im tirn- ductfon in August was 619.000 tons over list year, and the coal has been moving to mnrltet for two weeks very heavily. Prices of grain are little altered. kooiI crop reports coming In freely, but the ef. feet Is being neutralized by a foreign esti mate of a world's crop below requirements Wheat stocks carrljd over wer" iinip'o to meet the discrepancy nnd trnders do not seem nble to nilvnnce prices more tlinn 5 cents over last year's price for wheat nml u cents ror corn. This difference Is ap parently satisfactory to growers, as 7.4.1 ),:,72 bushels of wheat were received at Interior cities In the first week of September ngnlnst 5.915,097 bushe.ls last year. Kxports from Atlantic norts amounted to onlv I KI2.5I0 bu., wheat and flour Included, against 2,!1,9i a year ago. The Atlantic shipments of corn made a better compari son thnn In recent weeks, 2,923,071' bu.. agninst .1,051, 50") last yenr. Cotton Is strong in the race or a larger yield than ex pected. KuslnesF In Iron nnd steel products stead ily Increases nnd mills nro more actively employed. October 1 Is mentioned as the probable date of a general resumption It Is significant that shipyards on the lake nnd tlie Paclllc const are full of mleis for eight months or more. As to pUlron the outlook Is no better In suite of a decrease In production to 231.77s tons weekly, accord ing to the Iron Ace, furnace stocks have Increased to 591,218 torn, a gain of M.''77 during August: but the Incrense In demntul was not noteworthy until August is. iiuu roads have refused to make reduction in freight rates which It was hoped would li.- creasc exports. Hessenier pig ami gray rnrge rurther declined M per ton at ritis burg, although no change Is reported at other notnts. Conner continues firm, with electrolytic higher at 16is bid and tin ad vanced moderately. Last week's shipment of hoots and shoes from Huston were only 7a,3l5 cases, against 71.722 In the previous week, and for the year thus far the decrease, compared with 1S99 has amounted to 25f3l1 case Sales of wool ut the three chief eastern markets (In clined to 2.S33.50O lbs., atrr.lnst 4.214.W In the nrev oils week. lait year. I II" dullness was not accompanied by any pro nounced weakness, although Coates Kros.' circular for September I mnde the average price 20-e for one hundred grudes, against 20's, cent a month earlier. In the woiieu goons mnrKci mere is u nnun ,i', -..iv appearalico of greater nctlvlty. The bulk of the business ts In new lines recently put out ns substitutes for standard goods and nt lower prices. Failures for thejwee't wero 1)5 In the I'nlted States against 1.12 last yenr nnd 21 In Canada against SO Inst yenr. WUIIKIjV CLIJAIllNO IIOI'SH T 111.11, Agrrnte of Iliislness Transacted In the- Associated llnnlis. NKW YORK, Sept. 7. The following table, compiled by Kradstreet, shows thn bank clearings nt the principal cities for the week ended September 6. with the per centage of Increase and decrease, us com pared with tne corresponding wcok lasi year: C1TIKS. Clearings. Inc. Dec. New York 617.761,4201 . 115.CI2.SC1. 79.992.S69l . G6.135.16S;. 27.215.45Sl. 21.0 1.5 16.8 15. 1 4.2 Chicago Iloston Philadelphia St. Louis Pittsburg San Francisco 23,773,105 17.fcS0.llS 16,157.322 1.1,524, 409 12,320,500 10,300,794 10.287,2:10, 7,700,074 7,12:i.7:W: CS13.671 0.9 r..s Baltimore Kansas City 11.8 22.3 Cincinnati 5.2 Minneapolis Cleveland Louisville 19.0 16.5 .io.'e New Orleans Detroit Houston 0,71.1.9261 11.5 9.7 Oalveston OMAHA Milwaukee 6,R97.000 5.400,621 4.721.S37 4.S Indianapolis IJurfalo Providence Savannnh Denver 4,757,246 4.71S.W1 4,112.100 12.1 4,113,992 C6.4 3.91S.I-14I 3.S37.575! 3,607.3001 3.401. 13C 16.9 St. Paul 6.3 4.6 Columbus. O St. Joseph 11.2 Toledo Hartford Richmond Seattle Peoria Los Angeles Memphis Washington Rochester New J la ven Atlanta Salt Lake City Fort Worth Portland, Me Portland, Ore Norfolk Des Moines Augusta. On Davenport Worcester Sprlngllelil, Mnss.... Syracuso Nashvlllo Wilmington, Del Fall River Scranton Ornnd Rapids Lowell Dayton. O Tncoma Spokane Sioux City New Kedford Knoxvlllc, Tenn Topelui Klrirlnghani Wichita ninghamtnn Lexington, Ky Jacksonville, Fla Kalamazoo Akron Chattanooga Ilockford, 111 Canton, O Snrlnglleld, O Fargo, N. D Sioux Falls. S. D.... Hastings. Neb Fremont, Neb Helena Kvausvllln Macon Little Rock Sprlngllelil. Ill Younshtown, O Totals, I'. S Totals outside N. Y, 3.039,0X7 2,601,105; 2.524.741 2,331,424 2.000.SSS 1!,(!M.3H 1.201.533 .17.3 21.3 55.0 13.6 33.7 15.2 11.2 2.1 37.7 ii.'i 'in 1. 030.011 1,679,5121. l.CII.OSl!. 1.351,1291 1.IWI.017'. 1,513,0911. 1.083,9661. 1,SS1.417I 1,051,7051. 6.01. 18.6 1.4..0,t.VI i.ioi.mo; 1.037.214 'i.i;6 29.7 8.5! 920,510 SS.1,171 900,910 661.019 490,219 S70.3S9 99S.430 19.S 14.8 14.0 12.5 29.4 35S.SI0 931.72 2.8; S06.951 972.03S 20. 39.0 913.752 10.5; 29S.7U9 491.1101 0.5 13.0 SOI.477 012,011 'i'a'.r, 1.1.5 1 o 41S.i:t,S .10.1,5111)1. 373,4101 172.77.1!. 30I.640I. 377.9 29I.109!. 1S7.7.10!. 237.0001. 21.1.2731 232.S23 . 132. 122 . 157.374 152.SSI 547.924 . 703,0.10 r.8o.fs 334.1151 I12.S4II. 5:3' 20.9 "s!a ii ....1 6.0 19.0 7.7 'ii.'i 7.6 23.61 15.1 'ii!s! 15.5 10.9; .1.1 10.; 321,107 .I$1,1I5,371.9S.S! . I 507.608,502, 16.4 4.5 DOMINION OF CANADA. Montreal $ 11,310,1911 I Toronto 7.210.091 20.8 . lnnlieg 1,071,2301 8.0 , llnllfox 1,39),401 7.5 . Hamilton 70.1,571 t. John. N. II 075.1301 . Vancouver 9i4,6;W . Victoria - 2S0.GMJ 4.3 10.7 "fl!2 17.2 Totals 1 21,336.3021 1.4 im.iiiSTitKivr's iiiivikw of 'ru tin:, Iniprovi'iiii'iit In Wi'slern nml South ern 'I'rnde Is Wi'i'U'n reiiturc. NKW YORK. Sept. 7 llrndstieet i! to morrow will say: Tr.ulo developments for the week have been mainly favor ible nnd the Imnrove ment In general distributive buslm-si In the latter part of August hns gathTe 1 force in the first week of September. Lend ing fenturcs have be.n the widening of fall trade reported at nearly all point west, sojth and on the P.icllie coast, som ' Improvement in the Jobbing demnnd u: tho east, with southern buying a marked feature, rather bettor reports from the two great staple crops of the .vojt and south, com and cotton. 1'iiproM.I export demand for American products, nmnhlv wheat. Iron unit' steel amKtott.i'i ami unvarying good returns by the (rani-poi tutlou Inter ests of the country. Tho corner appears to havf turned In bank clearings becuuc tho aggregate for the first week of Sen- I tember, though, broken by holiday, la larger than tlu total fur the preceding wi-k Tin- Industrial outlook has beci lintm-ved In settlement of the tlnplutc si.ile. the gen eral resumption of operation In the glass Industry, the predicted settlement satis factorily of the remaining Iron and steel scales and the posslbllltv that Inrgr sales of print cloths will avert a resort to wage reductions In the New Kngland cotton In dustry. The anthracite coal trade outlook, however, Is clouded bv the prediction that 140,000 men will strike this week The Iron and steel trade contlnies posi tively cheerful In tone nnd it large busi ness has been and Is now being booked No Important gains In prices are reported. On the contrary. Bessemer pig Is lower on the week nnd little Is doing In steel billets, the price of which is little above that of raw pig. Kxport demand Is ex panding, however 10,000 tons of southern pig being shipped this week from Klrmlng ham and orders for twice us much more are reported booked. Iron production showed a further hrnvv itrcllnr in August, but stocks again Increased. Wheat, Including Hour shipments aggre gated 3,373.100 bushels, ngalnst 3,218.373 Inst week, 4,4.i.1,9'l In the corresponding Week of 1899. 3.200.21; In IS9. 5,461,5'i6 In ls97 and 3,799,141 In 1S96. From July 1 to date this season, wheat exports are 30.317.S61 bushels, against 37. 176.213 bushels last season and 32,79.1.500 bushels lu 1S9S-99 Corn exports for the week nggrcgnto .1,102,271 bu hels, ngalnst .1.717,490 last week. I.7SC.S7S In this week a yenr ngo, 3.Ss,so9 In K, In 1S97 and 2,s10,H8 In 1S90. From July 1 to date, this season, corn ex ports nre 35,251,260 bushels, ngnlnst 46.077.512 Inst season nnd 28,307,867 In 1898-99. IMslness failures for the week number 156, as against 105 last week, 123 In the week n year ngo. 112 In 1S9S. 173 In I817 nml 308 In 1S90. Canadian failures num ber twenty-six. ns against thirty-two last year, twenty-one In 1S99, seventeen In 1S9S. thirty-two In 1897 and forty-one In 1S96, MOVHMK.VI'.S OF STOCKS AMI IIOMIS. Mnrket Hns the Appearance of He. niiinlim n Period of Activity. NKW YORK, Sept 7.-Todny's stock market was exclusively In professional hands. Although It was hut n narrow if falr. It showed evidence of some operation of rather Inrger scope than have been seen during the summer, reflecting In all probt blltty the resumption of nctlvlty by somo of the Ifilluentlal traders who have been away for the summer. Kfforts by n bull clique were In evidence, hut they met with only moderate success. Their metlnd srems to be to pass from one strike to un othor on successive davs. seeing some no penrance of continuity in the movement by manipulating stocks in which their Inter, ests nr allied or which are materially af. fected by some development ot conditions. Today Missouri Pacific was tile favorite nt an extreme advance from the low point of lt. with drillings on quite a large scale. An attempt was made to tnnke this seem a logical sequence of yesterday's movement in the Southern, railway stocks and St. Louis Southwestern preferred was brought In on talk of close relations with Missotiil Pacific and of benefit from the prevailing high price of cotton. Meantime, tne South ern railway stocks, Chesapeako A Ohio nnd Southern Paclllc nnd other stocks which had been under manipulation tnrller In tl.c week were held back by protlt taking. The fears of a strike of anthracite min ers were 11 depressing factor, and Reading first preferred. Delaware A- Hudson mil New Jersey Central were off from 1 to P4 nt times during tho day. Liquidation In the coalers was not large, however. Lon don was a seller In this mnrket, owing 10 uneasiness, on account of the anthracite situation and to tinner money rates In London. The holiday In London tomorrow nlso Induced some closing out of accounts. In tho list of specialties. Krooklyn Transit was the most conspicuous figure, nnd ow ing to the fact that the identical IntenMift In the two properties are large the contrary movement In the stocks wns ttrange. In tlie late dealings this opposing movement was rather palpably due. to manlpulatlnii. Krooklyn Transit being bid up In an un availing effort to check the decline In Pee. pie's (las. The latter stock dropped 21a points below the high level nnd 2i below yesterday at tho close. Krooklyn Trnnslt gained two points net. th" demand from the short Interest playing n part In Its strength Municipal Oas developments were nlso a factor In the movement. Sugar moved narrowly on 11 small volume of deal ings, minus the dividend which wns de clared early In the week nnd closed with a smnll net gain. The steel stocks were re ported quiet and Irregular, Tennessee Coal rallying sharply from yesterday's depre slon. The money movement for the week Is Interesting, as showing an excess rf shipments over receipts by express for the first time this fc-isoii. The shnrp decline in New York exchange at Chicago from 30 cents discount yesttrdny to 50 cants dis count today explains tlie sojiree of the demnnd, though money has gone out quite freely to the south also during the week, tlalns by subtrensury operations, due to payments on account of government bond redemptions nnd of deposits of gold nt Pa cific const points, leave a large margin of gulp to the banks, th" Indications beln-; that the Increase in cish reserves has reached over a million dollars. Continued liquidation of Kansas City Southern bonds was the feature of the bond market. Trading otherwise wns small. Total sales par va'U". $5,000. Culled States 4s ndvanced ld In the bid price. Tin Commercial Advertiser's London financial cablegram says: The markets here were Idle nnd featureless today. Amer icans opened weak nnd New York .selling further reduced nrlces. Paris bought tlntos. Government disbursements unexpectedly kept money ensv. tleiplte heavy require ment!! from war loan Installment. Following nre the closing prices on the New York Stock exchange: Atcblion -S! t'nlon Pacific do pfd Watinsh 57. 74.',; lis sv, 21 '4 1.1 110 124 Itt 11 121 Jli; ti :i s'i SI Pi 17 , 67'j 1 74H : w fl.1'4 12s "S 7 1P4 fi" Uin. in 4 51 KfilJ 73 II '7"4 snij :c'4 811 J i:s 15 5414 s; (itij 31 M14 3'i H'l iu i iifiij 11414 70 71 70 n?; so 73-4 1-"l SI do pfd 7iV, Haltlmoro & Ohio.. 72" a Canadian Paclllc .. '7 do nfd I'anau.i !n Vhl. & I.. R Phes. & Ohio In 2d pfd Wis Central Third Avenue Ada inn llx Ani'rtrnn tlx P. S. I5x .IVells-Kargo Kx..., Arner. Cot. Oil .... 1 1o pfil lAmer. Mnltlng do pfd 'Am.-r. S. & It tV pfd Amer. Spirit 1 do pfd I Amer S. Hoop .... do pf, 'Amer. S. & v do pfd lAiuer. Tin Phte .. I do pf. , Amer. Toline.o ... do pf.l Anne. Minlnj Co.. Ilrnolilyn It. T Colo. Fuel & I Clilcano 14. W U I! , It. & Q 12"H Chi. lncl. & I. 2:14 do pfd Chi. & K. Ill "U Chicago & N. W....PB C, U. I. & P lWi t C. C. & Ht. L... MIJ Colorado So t do 1ft pfd II do 21 pfd 11 1 Del. & Iltnlsnn 1H"1 Del. L. & W 17.1 Denver & It. 0 104' do pfd 7 I Krie 11 do 1st pfd Sl'-'i Ot. Nor. pfd .....lVI'i Hocking Coal D 1 Hocking Valley .... SI Illinois Central ....UGl'i Iowa Central l?'i do pf.l 41 I.Ike i:rle & V.... 77ti do pfd Lik Shorn Vi I- & N 72 Manhattan L ti Met. fit. Uy 151 Mexican Central.... 11 1 on, lolmcco d.i pfd Federal Steel do pf, , Oen. i:iprtel Minn. & St. !....... M, Glucose Hllgar ..... do pfd fTPi do pf.l Inter. Paper do pf.l Ltrleile 0:i Xfltlonnl IIIh ..f.l Mo Paeltle Z'i Mobile .t Ohio ....i 3 M . K. A T 9 do pfd 11 14 N. .1. Central lin'i N. Y. Centrnl 1V National Iyad ..... do pfd National Steel .... do pfd N. Y. Air llr.ike... No. Amerlean P.icllie Cn.nt .... to lnt pf, do 2i nf,i Pacific Mall Pi-iinle'a ijai . Norfolk & W 34". do pfd 71'6 No. Pacific SIH do pfd "Hi Ontnrlo & IV 21'; Ore Hy. & Nav.... 4? di nfd 7fi Pennsylvania Ufndlnif !' do m pfd V.Ti do 2d nfd :i Hlo O IV II do pf.l Sit St. L. & S. F D do 1st pf.l 17 do 2d pfd v, St I SoUthw I'V. do pfd 101', St. Paul Ill do pfd 171 St. IV ft Omaha.. .11! So. Pacific SI Ho. Hallway 12 Presned fl. Car on pfil Pullman IV c.ir S It. ,t- T "! 'Sugar do nr.! Tenn. Coal & Iron V. f. I.-nlher do pfd V S. Rubber do pfd Wenlern t'nlon .. . It'publle I. p... do pfil P. C. C & St. L... do pft '.1 T'xas Pacific ....1.'; Kx-dlvldcnd. Hit AllSTItlirVr'N FIVAVCIAL RKVIIIW. Politics Is Still 11 Ml-oliK influence 111 tlie Money Market, NKW YORK. Sept. 7.-nradstreet's Finan cial Review tomorrow will say: Irregularity ban prevailed In the move ment of prices for securities tills week. The tone of tho market, however, hns been llrm, although the nbBenec. of public participation reduced the volume of trading to a mlnl 111.111.. Politics are still uppermost In the minds of the llnnmlal community and nl though the results of tlie state election lu Vermont were considered favorable there w.i. 'i continuance of the Indisposition to enter upon any speculative ventures. Investment stocks nro In ilemnt.d nt nil 1 oncesslons and holders of securities still llspli.y n marked Indisposition to pell them, th" piospecis for a continuance of rain l.irntlvelv low rates of Interest being con sidered eM'cllent. The decline In foreign iiNcliaiige Is a matter of Interest to the street, the l.irge rorelgn purchases or col ton and the pressure of bills against such oxnorts tending to reduce the level of ex change still further. It Is noted that the liank of Kngland Is manipulating the money market and it Is nlso thought that considerable foreign loans nre likely to be made In New ork during the uutiimn, some authorities going so far as to predict that another Issuo of British consols may be brought nut In the I'nlted States after tho jjrealUenUul election la over. TI:s money nnd sluk markets her. pwcrr have rei oik lied thtmsehes to the Idea thi' the I n ted States will hac to supply fore gn rc qulrcments for specie anil no particular ap prehension Is felt on this score. London has, on the whole, been a purchaser of securi ties In this market, although Its transac tions were on a limited scnle unit specula tive Interests on the other side nre Inclined to wait and the market there Is dull. Railroad earnings nre still dull nnd some surprise wns occasioned by the largo In ctense of $190,000 In the St. Paul's gross earnings for the Inst week of August. This led to some speculative buying of the grnnger stocks, that portion of the share list developing n very strong tone. The ready nctlvlty of the week, however, cetij tered In n few specialties, the movement of American sugar being the most notnble. That stock ndvanced sharply to lljij In ad vance of the Incrense of tlie quarterly divi dend rnto on last Tuesday from 1V4 to i per cent. The directors met early In the day nnd ndjourned until the nfternoon, but In the meantime Information as to what wns intended seems to have leaked out and n vigorous buying movement set In, the In cident being clinraeterlied as n new ex hibition of manipulation on the part of the mnnagemcnt. There wns pressure In Peo ple's Oas, due to the unfavorable competi tion nt Chicago. Among tlie few notnble movements In the rnllrond list was 11 rise lu Southern Railway preferred, which sold up to 6"t, on reports that an Increase In the dividend rate wns not Improbable, notwlth stnmllng the Intimation given in the an nual report that the rate would be kept nt P.4 per cent. Xmv York Money Mnrltet. NKW YORK. Sept. 7-MONKY-On call, steady at l'iJtlt per cent: last loan at 1'4 per cent; prime mercantile paper, 4S'6',4 per cent STKUL1NC, KNCHANOK-Knsy. with bc tual business In bankers' bills nt $I.S7 for demnnd nml at $r.S3" for sixty days; posted rates, $l.Ml&tf 4.S5 nnd $l.8S1f4.SSV4; commer cial bills. $I.S2M;4.MU. SILVKR - Certlllcates. 62i.4y63V.e: bar, 62: Mexican dollars, 4Sc. UONDS Government, strong: state, Inac tive; railroad, Irregular. The closing prices on bonds todny arc ns follows: P. H. ref. In, reg da coupon do 3s. reg do coupon lWi'N. T. C Is .103V N. J C ren. hu... .10', si .10(1, .If . "H .w .?:! .iii'i . S7U . ! .11214 12lt, .m .11 .1U'i . -3 . 7 .112 . 85 .UV.'d .11" .102 .11JtJ . 1J . '. l"!l ,FS No. Paeinc 3s do 4s N Y. C A- St I. s V. A V. enti J do new i, do coupon re. 1.1? .Hi"; mi, do old 4, reg.... do coupon do 5s, reg do coupon I), of C 3 ) .... Atch general 4... do adj. 4 Canada So. 2 Clies. & O 4V... do Ss C. A N IV. e 7n. do S. V. deb. ts. Chicago Ter. 4.... Colorado So. 4n D. & It. CI. is do 4s Erie general 4.... p. w. n. c. is.. "Oen Klectrlc 5s. Iowa Central Is L A- N. tint. k M . K & T. In.... do 4k 'Oregon 'Nav. Is .. do li: Oregon S. !,. Cn... lis' I do coniiol Bs IK llteadlng gen. ... Dl'i Ulo O W. 1 S'v4 St I. A I Jv 5s lit! St L A S K x. 6. 14 St. P. eonols 11. .t P , r & p la ID I do 5s 11! So. Paellle . , !2 So. Itallw-ay Ba i'i,r. 1;. s r. (, ,1f-2, Te. A Pacine Is. mi, w; do 2s t'nlon Pacific 4s... Wabash 1 do Js Wet Shore 4s Wis Central 4 Vn. Centuries .121 .114 When Issued. Offered. Iloston Stork ((nntntlons, ROSTON. Sept. 7.-Cnll loans, 2.1 per per cent; time loans, 3fl4V4 per cent. Official closing: A . T. A P. P.... do pfd Amer Sugar ... do pfd Hell Telephone . Iloston Plevated H Mton A Mrflne. C. II A Q Dominion Coal . do pfd Federal Steel ... do pfif. Kltehl.urg pfd ... Oen. Klertrle ... I7d. Plectrle III.. Mexican Central v ' Telephone N. K. C. A C Obi i-olony Old Dominion ... Rubber . 2ii't'nlon Piclfle 7i West i:nd 120H Atchison 4 .II.V4 Adventure .142H Alloii'i Mln. Co.. .11? Amal. Copper .P Atlantic .12S Iloston A Mont... . 4P, Unite A Iloston . .1101, Cnl A Herta.... . It, Centennial . 6,Krnnklln .111 -'umhMt .n'HlO.ceoia .20 1 Parrot . llVQulnry .. S" 1 Santa Fe Copper.. . IJij'Tamarark .23 Ctali Mining . 1 iWlnonn . 29'i Wolverines . 7i . Mi, . ?!', . 4 . 114 . Ml, . 21', .321 . K . 7.1 . KH . H'i . 23 . 6.1 . J'5 .141 . .::t . 31 . 3 . 42 Ex-dlvldend. Nerr Yni-k Mining; Stocks. NKW YORK, Sept. 7.-The following are the closing quotations for mining shares today: Chollar 18 Ontario , 5VI Crown Point 10 Ophlr 4J Con. Cal. A Va 17 Plymouth 10 Deadwood 4 Quicksilver 150 Ooul.l A Currle .... 22 do pfd tSO Hale A Norcrosa .. 22 Sierra Nevada 28 llomestake 6000 Standard 2S0 Iron Silver 'J t'nlon Con 15 Mexican 23 Yellow Jacket 17 London Stock Quotations. LONDON, Sept. 7.-4 p. m. Closing: Consols, money. .... ?; .OS 13-11 2?'4 ... 0214 ....117 ... 11914 Krie do 1st pfd 1 Pennsylvania .. Heading No. Paclflo pfd. Oiand Trunk .. Anncomla - n .. .14 J .. 6:.4 .. S'S .. 73 .. 6- .. 9ii .. 41 do account ... Atchison Canadian Paclflo St. Paul Illinois Central . Louisville t'nlon Par. pfd. N. V. Central .. 'Rand Mines ... .i:ti; RAR SILVKR-Stendy. 2S 11-161 per ounce. MONKY-2?f3 per cent. The rate of ills count In the open mnrket for short bills Is Z per cent; for three months' bills, SMfS, per cent. Foreign Financial. LONDON. Sept. 7. The continued Rnnk of Kt'gland borrowings have reduced the Moat ing balances in tlie market and have hard ened discounts. Operations on the Stock ex change todny were narrowed to tho closing on engagements in preparation for tomor row's liolldny.and the settlement of Tues day. The tone was good. Home railroad securities were supported, contnngos and beur coverings. Ilrazlllans wero In renewed demand. Americans were dull. Irregular and below parity, fears of a coal strike In ducing sales. Readings, Southern Pacific prefcrredfs nnd Southern Pacifies were strong owing to the likelihood of friendlier relations. Ornnd Trunks were easier, Chi nese nnd Rio tintos were firmer nnd Kaffirs fluctuated. 11KRLIN, Sept. 7. Ruslners on the bourso today opened dull, owing to tho absence of stimulus. Americans were quiet. Locul shares were weak on an unsatisfactory re port about the American Iron market. Later they had a better tone on London ndvices. Chinese securities were in special demand. Towuril the eloso they wero duller. Kx chnngo on London. 20m 4S pfgs. for checks. Discount rates: Short hills. 3'i per cent; three months' bills, 4 per cent. PARIS. Sept. 7. Prices opened firm on tho bourse today, with business fairly active, the affairs In China helping them, ilrazll lans recovered on tho Improved rate of ex change. Ulo tlntos were undecided, but closed firm. Kntllrs wnro firm. Three per cent rentes, loif 22'4c for the account. Kx change on London, 25 f 16',4c for checks, Spanish Is, 73.75 Flniiiiclnl Notes. I1ALTIMOUK. Sept. 7.-Clearlngs, $2,723, 09o; bnlnnces, $351,442. ST. LOUIS, Sept. 7.-Clenrlnss. $5.131.R30; balances, 61R.985; money, 4f(7 per cent; New York exchange, 50e discount bid, 30c dis count asked. CINCINNATI. Sept. 7.-Clearlngs. $2,213, 650; New York exchange, 1017',4o discount; money. 3fi6 per cent. CIIICAC.O. Sept. 7.-Clearlngs. $23,320,740; balances, $2.033,SI9; posted exchange, $4.S55f i.w.'j; .ew iiim exenange, wir iiiscnuni. UOSTON, Sept. 7.-Clenrltlgs, $15,312,061; balances, JI,1'.'X,F,62. PIIILADKLPIIIA, Sent. 7.-Clearlngs, $12, 321,053; balances, $2,402,008. NKW YORK, Sept. 7. Clearings, $123,638, 491; balances, $6,723,752. Condition of the Trrnnury. WASHINGTON. Sept. 7. -Today's stnto ment of the trensury balances In the gen eral fund, exclusive of tho 150,cno,r in th division of redemption, shiws: Available cash balance, $134,373,208; gold. $6(,50I,M CiilTeo .Mnrket, NKW YORK, Sept. 7-COFFKK-Sp';t Ulo, dull; No. 2 Invoice, Mjc uomlmil: m'll. quiet; Cordova, 9f(Hc. The market f 'r coffee futures opened steadv with price.) 5ftl0 points higher, In sympathy with Kur pean Improvement and continued to ad vnnco nil day on llrm later cibles, foreign export, demand from shorts and bull spec ulation. Receipts were smaller thnn looke 1 for and Amerlcnn warehouse de'iverl"1 wero decidedly larger Tho spot demand continued slack. The market closed qi i-t with prices 151120 points net high r t'nvn sales weie 10,250 bags, Including. November, $7 35; December $7,155)7.55. November, $7.7i; March, $7,655)7 70. April, $7 70; May, $,70I) 7.80. California Dried Fruits. NKW YORK, Sept. ".CALIFORNIA DR1KD FUl'lTS-lnactlve. The mnrkot for evaporated apples rulej quiet and n shade easier for fancy grades. Very little busi ness doing; state common wuf quoted from 3ft5c; prime, IMijUo; choice, 5tVf0e; fancy, 6'i6'4c. Prunes were quoted Irom 3',4'Tj 7'.4c per lb., as to size and quality. Apricots, Uovnl, lli)Hc; Moor Park, 155(li)C Peaches, peeled, H5ll8c; llllpeeled, Ofj&e. Sugnr Mar Ur I, NKW YORK. Sept. 7 -Sl'C.AR-Unv, steady; fair refining. t'io; centlfugnl, ti test, 4 15-ltic. MoIukccs ugur, lu, rctined, llrm. OMAHA LIVE STOCK HARKfiT Cattle Wore in Light Supply nnd Pricci Were About Steady. YESTERDAY'S DECLINE ON HOGS REGAINED III Run of Slirrp for LnUrr Pnrt f Hir U'crU, lui Prices Were Jtnlntnlnert on Prne tlcnllj All Kinds. SOl'TH OMAHA. Sept. 7. tlenl.,l. .. Cuttle. Hogs Sheep. lO.O'.n .VI. n 2.152 3 S79 S 27j 32.V.2 10,613 43.153 ai ITT Olllol.il Mnli.lnv' . . .1.750 2.715 riftii.,! t .1.:.. --...t..,, 1 iiriuitt Omelnl WciinoMday Ofr.rlti1 r1,lin.u.t.... .. 0.179 .. 4,253 .. 1 710 .. 1.36.' 1 iuuj- rive dny thin wopk... Hnmo Ouyrt nt week.. .19.251 .22,475 ,19,799 Sftrno thr Mokj nto .lii.?vs .10.051 " - s nil n.s 11 11 1 t,(K)l I v"i' Average price paid for 'logs for the last icveral oavs. with cnmiuiris.iiis- rfsSaTllS'l. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Allg. Allg. Atlg. Aug. Aug. Allg. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. kept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sent 4 41 3 75 4 .12 3 71 4 361 3 74 4 47' .1 W 4 50) 3 7 3 75 .0, - i -i" .1 1. u vui 1 1 r 1 i t iv. a cm :t 'Hi ? xti 4 in' 5 is I 201 3 611 3 99! 2 77 1 5 53 -1 n o n i 4111 ? si 1 1 at .1 i;r, 4 07 2 811 4 .111 - ;t 4 :t 19 1 4 hi 5 K 5 M 2 761 4 1.1 D li'l 1 -J .1 IhI 1 IV ' 1 -V, I) il 5 0S,( 4 30, 3 53' I 02 2 7S' 4 22 3 57 1 20, 5 51 Sept. Indlcstes Siimlav The official number of enrs of stock brought In today by each road was: , Cattle. Hogs. Sli'p. HT's. t J. (3 11 !.. V. W Ol. I, IVJ . . .. O. A St. L. Ry 2 .mo. f. uy 2 2 T'. P. svstem 9 in " T 19 29 i 15 3 ' 6 1 F. 1;. .M. V. R. U.. 9 St. P.. M. A O. Ry .. c. II. .11. II 11. II. c.. R. & Q. Ry. ... t." I' C.', it'. I. A P., east'. r TV T ?-?' a it Ml. J. ... Total reecelnts 49 SI 31 The disposition of the day's receipt! ns follows, each buyer purchasing the her of head Indicated: 1 was num- It 11 ye rs Omaha Packing Co. , O. II Hammond Co..., Swift nnd Companv ... Cudahy Packing t'n. , Armour ft Co Hammond Co., K. C. Armour fc Co.. K. C, R. Pecker & Degan.. Vansant & Co J. L. Carey Lobninn A- Co I 1!.I 15.. 4 97 I 16.. 4 9S I 17.. 5 0) IS. . 4 95 19.. 20.. 5 0.1 21 . 6 02 22. . 5 01 23.. 4 97 21.. 5 02 25. 5 03 26.. 27.. 4 9 28. . fi 02 I 29. . 5 02 I 31.. 5 05 I I... 5 0141 2... I 3. . . I 6 02 I 4.5 5... I 6 MH' 6... I 5 ort(, 7..., 5 OSV ! 2 S3I 4 42 5 01 3 70' I 1 471 6 OS 17H 2 SI t f5 5 II 3 (S 2 92 1 , 5 07 73 2 S, I 51 I .1 iVh A v en i vi 4 42 I 3 ',61 2 M I 19. 5 11 4 42' 3 69' 2 791 4 SSi 5 04 I 411 3 74 .1 S31 II 36' .1 12 4 421 3 SI ?. 791 2 6S I 30 5 1 1 i 401 3 7.r .1 M1 2 791 3 21 t 3SI 3 72' J 91 2 76i I 31 1 3 70 1 02' 2 75, 4 2I 5 24 4 4l! 3 9i 2 VV 4 215 .': 4 42, 3 70, 2 84, 1 22 5 36 Cattlo. Hogs. Sh'p. SI S00 19 222 1 2.T ,1't HI r.lS.'i 2S0 1.021 1,17.5 166 1,212 70) 51 S5 110 6 66 21 59 46 n ITS 5,7.12 Llvlngstonee Schaller Hamilton ft Rothschild. H. I. Dennis & Co Other buyers Totals .. 1.115 5.4S4 8.262 CATTLK Tho supply of cattle was light today for even a Friday nnd as n result the market came to an early close. There was not much change lu the market as a whole, though the general tone was strong ami tho demand netlve. There were only h few bunches of cornfed cattle on the mnr ket. but what few were liere brought steadv to strong prices. Tlie market all the week has been In good shape, but nt the close prices are about where they were on Mon day. It simply being n good, llrm. active market for the week. Cows were also In light supply nnd buy. ers picked them up nt prices which com pare favorably with yesterday. There have not been enough cows coming this week to meet the demnnd nnd. as a result, good kinds are a big 25c higher and ennners are also selling considerably better. The medium grades have Improved somewhat, though not so much ns tho better grades. There wns not much change in the stocker nnd feeder trade today, though the fuct that It was the last end of the week mado, the ranr!"t rather uneven. Some claimed they did not get quite ns good prices, particularly on the common grades, as they did yesterday, while others called the market higher. The demand from the country, however, continues vrv heaw ami the genenil opinion Is thnt It will be liberal for some time to come. Thero wero not many western rangers ll,e.rJv,hn.t iiV'roiiR.00'1 ""'"'R'1 'or killers, but what did sell to packers brought fullv1 steady prices. Cows were steady to stronc and netlve while feeders were right around steady. Representative sales: around UKKF STEKRS. No. 1... 16... 2... ... IS... Av 1'r. No. 17 A v Pr. .1111 5 10 ..133.1 S 40 ..1172 5 J -.1137 5 45 ...13M 14 no ...10-.3 5 10 ... f0 4 25 ...IP. 4 10 ...1013 4 70 43.. 41.. 19.. IS.. ...i::c 5 a STKKRS TKXAS. ...11JC 30 COWS. 2... 715 1 23 2 ,1115 3 no , ttt .1 15 ,1041 .1 IS M .1 35 IMS 3 31 ,1100 3 41 1141 .1 10 1461 4 21 740 770 MO 932 2 31 I '.0 i 3 1 , SV0 2 W , o;o : si HKIFKRS. 3 7S3 3 2". 24 SIS 5 00 HULLS. 1 1381 2 55 1 1 1200 3 11 I ST A OS. 1 1290 3 25 1 . 790 3 50 .1310 4 25 ...10W 3 61 STOCK COWS AND HKIFKRS. 1... 1... 1... 6... 1... 3... 930 2 B, ; 70.-, 3 10 130 3 no 2 c:;, 3 40 f0 3 0) 1 r.70 3 SO STOCK CALVKS. 333 5 ) STOCKKRS AND FKKDKRS. 630 2 GO 21 fW, 4 (A (ill 3 ("i S f.TS I 00 442 3 CO 4 S37 4 l'i "SO 3 0) 2, 610 4 11 S30 3 51 ' 6 COS 4 15 755 3 S5 21 S41 4 11 W0 .1 '.0 16 807 4 25 653 3 75 2 f4) 4 41 .900 3 71 3li 578 4 75 957 3 V. NKRRASKA. 4 1 1 2 .'...'.'. S 5 4 5 feeders.. 624 .' RS S feeders S.'iO .1 90 913 2 00 1 bull 1160 3 05 1 cow 920 3 00 3 stk civs. 326 4 00 9 feeders.. 722 3 50 1 feeder... 730 2 00 1 cow 910 3 ill 2 cows 920 2 60 2 feeders.. 69) 3 25 3 cows 1 bull SOI 2 00 1 stk calf.. .ISO .1 75 4 feeders. . 770 3 00 1 cow 1070 3 10 5 heifers... S14 3 20 10 feeders.. 6.7) 3 ' 1 cow 770 2 50 1 heifer.... 670 3 20 1 cow.. . , S70 ,1 00 , . 10O0 3 33 ..1150 2 50 ..1300 2 93 .. 950 2 60 .. 93S 2 S5 1 bull. 791 2 50 1 cow. 6 feeders. 1 bull 1 steer.... 42 steers. .. 1 steer.... 28 steers... SCO 3 1 bull... 11S0 2 SO 1 bull... 800 II. .1297 , 7S0 O . R64 2 25 1 cow... Knowles Colo. 4 15 17 cows.. 3 75 L. Moore Colo. 3 40 O, Hnlley-Colo. 2S feeders.. SS0 3 75 J II. Howman Neb. 14 cows 1020 3 20 4 feeders.. 9V. 3 95 1 stk cnlf.. 110 t 2.1 1 stk civs. 250 5 25 HOOS There wore only eighty-one cars of hogs today nnd as the demand on the part of packers was heavy, the market at this point wns active and stronger Kverv thing was hold and weighed tip inrly in tho morning nnd there was 110 particular chnnge In the market from start to llnlMi. The hogs changed hands on a basis of an advance ranging from utrong to 5c higher Light and butcher weights sold largely around 15.0714 and 15.10, with a number of prime loads at a shilling, 15 15. and a load of butcher weights sold at ".17'4 Tlie heavier and less deslrnblo loads sold from $5.05 down. Ah will be seen from the table of average prices the mnrket today was nt the high est point of tho week nnd nlso at the i.i, .,.., ,r,i., r..i. if-i Ml-"n Aur'"t s when the average cost was $5.15. Representa tion sales: Sh. Pr. 10 p. no 21 5 W) . i fi!',' SO 5 01 . . .1 n;1 ' ' tli. Pr .251 121 ,1 07' , .272 (0 .', (,71, :e . 94.. 47 . 70. S.',. 40 .11.. 14.. :t.. ee.. 73.. C3 ti.. si.. .. 17.. 13.. 7:.. 50.. 75.. !.. 57 ti W.. . .s'.n ...17 ...314 . 2'i4 ...336 ..!S0 . . . .:so ...i:o ...in ...vo . . ,!9. ...Ml ...:s: 71 60 61. ... fO 75 15 75 M 70 TS 70 .11 73 M 9! 1! 11 70 7S 71 16 7 .... 7S .. ti .itv 111 .', IjTi .243 .' 5 10 r. to so .1 in 14 5 10 .. 5 10 ..ira ..247 ..J - - 120 S 05 80 6 05 .. 5 05 S) 5 01 40 I 01 . . i, 8) 5 01 40 5 01 ..m ... 510 ..!J9 40 5 0 ..c:t 1.0 5 11 858 .1 10 ...501 ...337 ,..:i ..JC1 ,..!&! 5 10 5 19 5 10 5 11 5 1 .', 10 ...: m 0.1 05 0.1 . . .:3 . .211 ...S9 ...!M !00 1 K 4) 5 (5 so r, M 5 op-, ..717 294 1.0 5 10 251 tl '.II 247 ?11 SO 5 lu SO ; 1" l.'O 5 10 t i 19 tit ld c on, 216 i , 165 353 l 1 7', ,2il 19 S 7V4 k n '. ; e:i ?v ' to ii st T ; 1 .1-, , . . ., 2. .10 :. 1 . i. .'12 . e;', ; . 231 1?' 1 ' 1 ..? . . no ... . 07v s7 ii so . ii' H4 KS ... . 73 m f H'i 76 MS it) t!t, 01 nt to 5 ll't : :i ... J ti, in ) ... ii'. fi IIS 41 S 'C 1 7 1M ... 12H . J49 ... if', Jl 211 ... 5 134 l 11.1 St) adit C t SI 5 1!' is J73 41 r74j, J9 196 1W 5 I5' (1 273 .. 5 ell. x70 11 s 'r' 1 m . J OT', 74 2"6 10 5 P' fC 2.16 . . i 7l, 56 2IS ... 1; 90 20 S) .107', SO 2.11 -I1" .Vt 217 . . 5 oji, 61 1 ... 5 17' j SIIKKP-Thero was n liberal supplv of sheep here today for a Friday, but ns thn demnnd on the part of the puckers was 111 good shape, the market did not show much chnnge Sheep brought .lust about steadv iirlcf ns compared wltrt yesterday nnd lambs brought Menu's to stronger prices Some of tlie lambs today were good enough to bring J.Vim nnd It was evident that Pik ers wetc Inking for Innihs of good iiuallts. Feedeis brought right iiroitml steadv prices anil considering the time of the week the dcM.ii-d wns ill good shape. Quotations-Choice western gruss weth ers. .1.50li3.a. choice grass yearlings. (.I'dif 3.65; choice ewes. W (sMT3.25; fnlr to good ewes, 2.504t3 m): -choice spring lumbs. i"''f 5 25: fair to good spring lambs. $l.tVJ5 1). feeder wethers. $3 40CT3.60; feeder lambs. ll.(s5il.40 Repiesentative sales: No As. IT. S Idaho stock ewes 100 $2 50 170 cull ewes 91 2 5.i 171 I "tali owns Vi " '' 161 Idiiho slock ewes 99 2 9) 19 Idaho wethers 102 3 50 157 Idaho wethers 167 3 .71 :25 Wyoming feeding lambs 51 4 20 327 Wyoming feeding lambs 5t I 20 35S Idaho lambs 61 4 90 195 Idnho lambs 62 5 00 520 Wyoming wethers 91 .1 50 24S Wyoming wethers S 3 i SI Wyoming wethers sr. .1 60 51 clipped Iambs 77 4 40 517 I'tali lambs 71 5 fl CIIICAOO mm: stock msrkp.t. Cuttle Mcnriy to Stroiisi Hons Actlir In Simile lllubcf. CIIICAC.O. Sept. 7 CATTLK Receipts, 1.500 bend, steady to strong butchers' stock steady, except medium cows; natives, best on sale, today. 1 carload ut $5.70; good to prime steers. 5. 600 6. 00; poor to medium, JI.05fu5.5O; sdected feeders. $l.Wf4.75; mixed stockers. $3.(Mlt3.!M: cows. $2.75fj t.50; heifers, M.ooi6.oi); ennners. J.l.OOfi.l.W; bulls. f2.50ff 3.60; calves. JS.niMiT.fiil; Texans, receipts, 10c) head; Texas fed steers. Il.25fl5.0il; Texas grass steels, $.1.25jt 1.20; Te.xns bulls, $2.5nra 3.10. HOt IS Receipts today, ls.fH) head; tomor row. 13. don head, estimated; left over. 2.000 head; active, strong, to shade higher; top. 13 55. mixed ami butchers. ST. nt.VM; good to chnlce heavy, . inftii.15; rough heav, l.!)Viff..0T.; light. J5.I5W..55; bulk -of salos, J5.15175. to. SI I HHP AND LAMUS-Recolpts. 6,0) head; active, strong, except for Inferior; good to choice wethers. t3.50(ftt.R5; fnlr to choice mixed, ?.1..'I.Vi(3.61; western sheep, S3 M ffr.l.SO, Tcxiis sheep. $2.503.25; native lambs, Jl. 25Wi.7S; western lambs, JI.70'fTf.65. Ktmsns City l,lr Mock. KANSAS CITV. Mo, Sept 7. CATTLK -Receipts 3.000 natives, 1,100 Texans; Jll grades killing cattle opened strong, closed shnde easier; choice feedeis, steadv: imii mon gradCM. slow, native steers. J1.S515 4V stockers and feeders. J.1 Wj5.01; hult ' ee cows nml heifers. J,1.0ivri5 25; runners, J2 50 3.0c); fed westerns, Jl.on1i5.00; wintered Texnns. S1.75Ti3.95; grass Texans. S3.lVll0 CALVKS-Receipts. 200 head; "murk-H steady; sales, J5.C)f6.0O per ewt IIOlIS Receipts, 7,ns) head; opened strong to Be higher: cloned BfulOe higher; heavy nnd mixed. JV.WfVSl; light, J3.2iWi 5 32'.: pigs. Jl.flfr. 0O. SIIKKP AND LAMIIS-Recelpls. 2,lc bend: active trnde: steadv prices: ImnlH J4.75frB.10; multniis. J.1.50S.1.75; feelers, J.100 l.(i); culls. J2.50fi3.f. St. Louis Live Stock. ST LOI'IS. Mo.', Sept. 7.-OATTLK-R. celpts, 2.500 bend, Including 1.S0O Texans. Market steadv: native shipping nnd export steers, JI.91f71.SO; dressed beef and butcher steers, Jl 63fr5.25; steers under 1.000 h . J.l.40f)5.00; stockers nnd feeders. J3.15fjl.K0; cows nml heifers. J2.0OfJ5.OO; ennners, Jl.BOfTi 2.50; bulls. J3.O01T,1.30; Texas and Indlnn st. ers, J3.23cjTI.iri; cows and heifers, J2.35T? 3.73. HOOS Receipts, I.S00 head. Market strong on lights; others hrnvv; pigs ami lights. J"i.33f1.45; packers, J5.151J3.35; butch ers. J5.35f75.55. SIIKKP AND LAMUS-Recelpts, 1.500 bead. Mnrket steady; native muttons, 13 50fi4.00; lambs. J4.50f(;.25: culls and bucks, J2.25fJ3.75; stockers, J3.00Ui3.50. Xrw Ynrk l.lvp floeU. NKW YORK. Sept. 7.-!:KKVKS-Rc-celpts. ,1,571 bend; the market o ened nctlvo nnd firm: closed quiet: steers. JI.40fJ3.Sl; 1 enr extra. J6.15; bulls, J2.i0fi3.81; cows. 1133 iJW.50. Cables, steady: shipments. 410 head cattlo nnd 4.100 quarters of beef. Calves, re ceipts. 2SS bead: steady to strong; vents, 15.iyf8.25; tops. JS.50: little cnlves and culls, J4.0Ofrir.Ci; grnssers. J2.62'.fT3.50. SIIKKP AND LAM US Receipts. 4.991 head: active nrlces shade higher, except for common stock; sheep. J2.B0f74.20; few rholrn wethers. J4.B0fr4.75; culls, J2; lambs, $1,501? 6.50; culls, J3.tslfJ4.00; Canada lambs, J5.62iT) 6.00. lIOC.S-Recelpts, 1,148 head; steady at J5.70 fJ5.90; pigs, J0.50. Si. .Inii'iili I.lvr Stock, SOPTH ST. JOSKPH. Mo, Sept. 7 -(Special.) The Journal quotes: CATTLK Receipts, i.von head: market, slow, steadv: natives, Jl.25fr5.45; Texas and westerns. J3.25fr6.45; cows and heifers. $2 ft) f4.S5; bulls nnd stags. $2 25151.75; vearllni-H and cnlves. J3.33JJ140; stockers nnd feedeis. J3f1frl.l0; veals. S-.0Of?7.oo. HOOS Receipts. 4.3"0 head: mnrket, strong to 5c higher; all grades, J5.12,45rfi..1A: bulk of sales, $3.1f.rff6.224. SIIKKP-Recelpls. 10.) head; market steady Stock In Slant. Following nre the receipts nt the four principal western markets for September .7: Cattle. Hoes. Sheep, South Omaha 1,162 B.II0 s.vr. Chlcngo 1,50) I8.O1O n.oii) Kansas City J.l'rt 7.100 2.in St. Louis 2.500 l.SOO 1 5 0 Totals 9,762 35,210 17.875 Oil Market, OIL CITY. Pa.. Sept. 7. Credit balances, J1.25; certificates, no bid: shipments, 114. '21'; average, 90.512; runs, 94,211; nverage, 90.451 NKW YORK. Sept. 7.-OILK-Cottoirsecd, firm: yellow, 3l'(.tfCBc. Potrn'eum, quiet. Rosin, sternly. Turpentlii", llrm. LONDON. Sent. 7.-OILS-Calcuttn lln seed, spot, B6s 6d. Turpentine spirits, 27s. Churned ivltli Allllnu Hint. AKRON. O., Sept. 7. Andrew Ilullrr, lirother of the police court clerk, was arrested today on "tlie charge of having participated In the recent riot. Ho wns bound over lu Jl.ooo today, havlilg waived nxamlnntlon. Wllllum Hunt, n well known contractor, was also arrested In the saint) connection, being uccused , of using tho dvnamlte which blew up I ho city building. Ho was bound over In $2,500. Till! IIKAl.TY MAItKF.T. INSTRl'MKNTS placed on' record Friday, September 7, 19o0: W'nrriinty Denis. Hermnn Kountze nnd wife to I,. L. Kountzo, lot 3, block IS. Smith's add.$ 1 L. L. Kountzo to A. A. Kountzo, samo 1 Jacob liurkard and wlfo to J0I111 An- ilerson. wli lot 5, block V, Shlnu'H 3d add '.. T. II. rirllton o it I to J. V. and S. C. Warren, n',4 ne 35-15-10 C. R. YVIltlams lo Leah M. Skinner, lot 21. block 1, Ralph Place A. P. Tnkey et al to F. C. White, lot 15. block 2. Clifton Hill Itcnsou Lnml company to Frank Shutt, lot I. block 73, Ilcnson J. F. Murphy to M. K. Luw, Iut 9, block 32, Albright's Choice 909 2.3O0 2,000 l.K'sl 250 250 (lull 'I l I ill Deeds. Kate Hell, administratrix, to C. N. Harrison, lot 7, Housel ft S.'a odd (retlled) Deeds. I'nlted Stales to Rnrney Rush, ne 33-15-10 . Total amount of transfers $ 7,502 JAMES E- BOYD & CO., Tclcphonu loat). OiiiqI4, Not COMAIISSION, GKAIN, I'UOVISIONSatia STOCKS DOAltD OK Til A DIC. Correspondence: John A V.'arron It Co uiract wlrci. to Chicaso and Nw TorU H.R.PEhHE.Y8. CO. U4AA vwvyyt