THE CW ATT A DAILY TIT2T3: Tnrn.SDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1000. COMMERCIAL AND FIXAXIAlJV';'-r Vhcat Opens Weak, but Steadies and Grad ually Reacts. CORN BREAKS EARLY AND CLOSES LOWER 0t Mi on Sjiiipnlli.! 11 llli Other Mnr krls lint ill the Und .1 li Tune Is Firm Provisions Finish Ses sion it Miiule Don n. CHlfAOO. Sept. 6-Whrnl vns weak eartv, bin steadied cm un Improvement .n the. export elemiinel, October elnaltiK 'ilV' i. enter yesterday. Corn olood t,e lowe nnd nuts in hinder. Provisions Ht the rinse were ii shndo to ""c down. Wheat opened oasy. October unchuhited nt TI(,'c7IUp. Liverpool win lower and rrreipts were, lieiivy. l.otiBs Hold freely nnd i ho slump thus begun wan parried further by stop-Ions orders, which were reicehed noon after the opening. October dropped to 73r. where the market steadied nnd Krnduii!ly renetrd on covcrlnff by shorts, combined with a ressntl'in In the Ilciuldatlon, c-llmbltiK to 7.1c Here furth-r pelllnir wns Induced by the lucre-use In the world V visible of 2.7(i,eVO tin , ncrnrclltiK t HrHdstrcets, and the market reacted to 73'ie dish sales for expect and wire f r m New York iinneiuncltiK that rlKhty lonH (probably ItuliidltiK i'IiIchko sub's) i.i. been taken for the other ode, tnrneil (In nenle nifiiln und Oetolier rallied to 71c, and closed steady, VitV' clown at 73Tie. Sea board eleurntices were eiiuil t" 1T l,C c" bil. l'rlmary receipts were I.Wi.ono bu , pom pared with !i5Vri,) hti vear. Minim npnlls and Diilnth n port-d 'M cat, iiK ifint SM Inst wek and 710 a car nun l.o -a I receipts were Rift ear." 17 of met Kind''. (.rii broke shut ply on Icw t cablese, luryo receipts and sympathy ullb the curly wenkneHH. There wan a KOod de mand reported and country ncceptnn. e were reported light, but the loin stulf came out freely Later export sales stlff ctied the market nnd a fair recovery fol lowed New York rep irted It1) load tnk"n for export. Local reeeltitM were f2 curs. n tober sold between :!7)iC and ns'.s'ulli'ic, closing ',e lower at tV fines sympathized with corn was civcy earlv. lint recovered later At the i ml Hie tone was firm, shorts IiuvIiil,' covered freelv when corn rallied. October sobl be tween 2li- and 2IM2l'4e and closed, nc t.lnher nt 21-Ve HecelptH were fifiS curs I In rrttiK a ood demand for September ribs, the provisions 111 wns quiet. Oc tober ribs held steady, but lard ami pork for delivprv In that month c aed off u trifle October pork sold between Slt.OTU nnd f!'7'i riiiI closed 7't-c under yester dnv at Jll; October lard between Jil.M) nnd 15 tO'ur, 72'V. elnlnu MlT'-tc clown lit $'."". nnd cirtober ribs between 7.15 ami $7 10. with the c lose a shade lower at JiUO Kstltmitcd receipts t nnorro ': Wheat, Ma ears, porn, XT5 cars; cmts, 125 cars; boss, 31,001 head. The lending futures rntiKod ns follows: Articles lOpen. i Illrh. I Low. K'lnse., Yest'y. Wheat I Sept. I.3"jji, 7.1'il 74J.I 74'il I 7.1 73'; i 74'V 3; WiiH! 73 Oct 7.1'i74t; Nov Porn Sept. Oct Nov OhIs Sept. Oc c Nov I'ork- S-pt. Ort Jan. I.nrd- S-pt. Oi t .Inn Jllbs- Sept. Oct. J a n l744fi',l 7I;! Cb IS1. 1 30 X 2117'! 21 "i 3314 3lJ 3rtH 21 2i; 21, 10 !71A 11 074 It 30 fi 77M fi 824 0 57'i 7 22V, 7 12Vj r. r,v, iT75;,it.'isiss'ii,i l.'KTicfiMI SCTili I I I 21 I 2KP4 I 21'ii21si.'i3H 211YM I .'I'.iil 21.21'i'T-', I io n. i in o" i in M i id no I tl 07K.I It "71A' 10 !I7'4I 11 00 I U 27',4 II 27UI II 20 I It 20 fi 70 r, so C D7H C 72 4 fiso ! C CO I 7 3;tJ 7 13 I r. 05 I fi 70 r. 70 c so 7 23 7 10 C S7'.4 f, 721. 0 7"i n r..i 7 30 7 10 r. w 7 12j r. m No 2. c'nsh ntlntntlons were as follows: FLOt'K Steadv; winter patents. J3 SO?? 4 evi strnlKhts, WOflU'O; plears. saAC.mXM; sprlnc special. $4.40fi 1.30; patents, $3.G0ffl.C0; liakers. J2 201? 2. 73. WIIHAT -Nn, 3. f0f73c; No. 2 red, 75c. t'OltS-No. 2, 33'iii3!Hic; No. 2 yellow, OATS- No. 2, 2(i721'4e; No. 2 white, 23' 2IUr No 3 white, 22M24'ie. HYK No. 2 r,3c. HARLKY (5ood fecdlne. Mc; fair to cholpp maltlnK. l2tf4Sc. SRKDtt-No. 1 tlax. $1 .5lffT 1 ..".2 ; No. 1 north western. t ".2't-fll 34; prime tlmothv, JS.Dj; clover, contract urado, I!i 2WjO 30. IM'OVISIONK Mess polk, per bbl., $10 0"i mil 00 Lard, per 100 lbs.. J.72'frtfi M. Shurf libs sides (loose!, J7.13iii7.4"i. Pry Halted slioiitflers (boxi di 0 I'TUlitf C2,,i. Short clear sides (boxed!. $7 fi."f(7.7. WIlISKY-bMsH of hlcli wines. J1.24. Nt'ClAHS t'ut loaf,; Krauulntcd, fii.10. The following are the receipts nnd shlp inc nta of tho nrlnclpal nr.odiicts: Iteoelpts. Shipments. Flour, bble 2X.(Xi0 H.OiO Wheat, till 612.00O 112,00(1 Corn. 1)11 Ifit.lRHl 123.000 O.ils. bu S31.000 013,000 lte, bJ 14,0)0 . ... Hurley, bu 43.000 2,00) On the Produce oxchnntre todnv the but ter market was tlrm; creameries. lS'alS'ie; dairies, llrm, lO'iHlt'ti" Kbk. tlrm; fresh, 15 M'.W YOIIIC (il'.M'.ll At- MAIIKRT. (1 iiolntlons for the liny on VHrlnim ('oiiiinudillcn. NRW YORK. Sept f V'LOUH Receipts, 3 3W bbls. ; exports, '.Mil hhls. ; sales, 7,!u0 pkirs . market was a trlllo easier, espe clulH on sprlliR patents, which were nluded to encotiniKe business, .Minnesota patents, $1 001(4 30: winter patents, $3.75 4 0(i. winter stralchts, $3.r,0i(T3.t;0; winter ex tras. $2 70fi3.00, Mlimi'sota bakers. $2 Sj'a 3''.ri. winter low uracles, fl Wu 2.0S. Rye flour, dull; snles, 100 bbls.; fair to K'od, J3.01 473 25, choice to fanc v. $3.3("(3.). COHNMHAIj Quiet: yellow western, 88c; cltv. STfiisSc : llrundvwlue. 2.45'i72.5.'.. ltYR Weaker; No. 2 western, 57c f. o b., nfloat, state. ri2i33c, c I f.. New York. HAItLRY Quiet: feedlnx. 42Ti l.1o, c. I. New York; maltlnK. tfi'MfCCc, c. I. f., Hurfnto. HAHLRY MALT Dull; western. 2Ti(Wc. W II MAT - Receipts, 2.1,34.1 bu. Spot, steadv. No. 2 red. MV, f. o ., nlloat; No. 2. Me, No. 1 hard Uiiluth. S.1V. f. b., nlloat. Options opened steady on talk of con tinental acceptances, but Immedlatelv weakened under lliiuldatlon Inspired liv lower cables, larger shipping; receipts nnd foreign selling. A late rally cm covering and t'lK export demand closed the market tlrm. with a partial c net decline, sales Included. No 2 red March closed, S3,ge; Ma 8:?4,u;i31te; closeil, Nl'jc; September r. 7SVil7!t',c! S3 1-lfi-f(S3'(,c; "7,i'u'7S'C , closed TSi'-sc; October, closed. 79UC, December, closed, KOc. CORN Receipts. 1G'U4R bu.; exports, 273. H2 bu ; salen, 175.0iX) bu. futures, MO.OOO bu. export Spot, easv; No. 2, 4j'je, f. o. b., n flout, anil 4IV cdevator. Option mnrket was weak most of the clay, owing to ac tive liquidation, supplemented bv favorable weather, weak cables and the drop In wheat, milled finally on covering and ex port business. It closed tlrm at 'c 't ad vance. Mnv. 40i4840c: closed. , Sep tember. 4('i"4t1ve; closed, 4IHc; October closed, 44c; December, 40(j.( t0"kc ; closed, 40,c OATS Receipts, 207,200 bu.; exports. "fi.7ll bu ; sales. fAOM bu. spot. Spot, weak; No No. 3. 2l;ic; No. 2 white, 2Gi'il27r No 3 white. 25M.112IV; ,'liltn "ill. '11 .'!,, irnpli tiilveil track mixed western, S?f2ei.e. track white, 2j,1T33c IfKic HAY Dull; shipping 244i75c; Rood to choice. SMiimc. HOPS Quiet; state, rnmmnn to choice, 1R99 . rop. 10'(lt:lc; old, 2T75c; Paclllc, 1S99 crop, Willie ; old. 2iT5c. HIDRS Firm; finlveston. 21 to 2,1 lbs., lMff Callrornla. 2l to 2.1 lbs., lv.ic; Texas, dry. 24 to so ins. , iaic. l.RATIIRR Firm, hemlock sole. Huenns Ares light to heavy weights, 22's'ii23'io; scld. 22!,i23iic WOOL -Dull; domestic tleece, 25'ii2Sc; Texas. ISlDc. PROVISIONS-Heef. dull; family. $10 00 J2 20. mess, $9,005(9 50; boef hams, $20,101? 2100. pucket, llO.Wdll.OO. city, India mess, li5.00fi2fl.!. Cut meats, steady : pickled bel lies. $S 75(11 (X); plckhd shoulders. $tj fifty f,75. pickled hams, $10dO7lo.73. Lard, dull; western steamed. $7. to; August closeil at $7 to, No. 7. nominal; retlned, quiet : con tinent, $7 35; South America. $S, compound $ii"(iti.121s. Pork, quiet; family, $15 00(h 15 75. short clear, $13.2.151 13.50; mess, $l2.00ft 13.25 POTATORS Dull; Jerseys, $100id.2j; New York, $1.25511.50; Long Island. $1 12'4'hI 50. TALLOW Quiet ; city ($200 per pkg.K t 7-lfic; county (pkgs. free), 4'.i1(4V. llt'TTRR- Receipts. 10,19.' pkgs, steady; creamery, 17V(22c; fnctorv, 141il7c CHRRSR-Recelpts. 10,612 packages: llrm; large, while. 10V; small, white, loinov; large, colored. 10V; small, colored, 10i,c. ICOCiS Receipts, ILiffJ packages; llrm; western, regular pnckttitr. at mark, lOiilfic, western, loss off, 17JlUc MRTALS. The metal market showed little strength or nctlvlly today Pig Iron warrants ruled dull. Spot and September were qupteel from $9.rt.'U to $10 32, and De cember from $9 to $10. Philadelphia re ports an easier mnrket for Iron Tin In London closed ejsy. but had little or no ffect on sentiment here, as our market elcotd uleudy and slightly higher at $30 701 and unchunKed t er ruled dull nnd Hoi i l allv '.1,1 har.Eecl in the basis of It ,! and 14 "7't''i4 U's respertlvelv The tirok ers price f.r lend was It nnd for copper 5KJ.75. OMIM Wlltlf.n.SAI.i: .1IAHKRTS. Coiidltlon of Trncle mid (luotntlons on (iiile unit Fancy Produce. HOOS -Receipts; fiood stock firm at l.'IVtfltr LIVK I'OI'LTUY-Hcns, '(7He; roosters, Hccordlnr 'o he and sl?e. 3titc . sprlint chlekeni, n',(l(c; duck", Ifor; KCes", 41(5c, turkeii i FRKSII DRHSSIOD POI'LTRY-ltens, R'4 fHie: rooter. Mii'iv; ducks and kcc-cp, 10c; brnllprs. per lb.. 12112V; turkeys, WC ItrTTKR-Comnion to talr, 13Hc; choice. 15fflc; separator, Sic; gathered creamery, 1i1Mp FISH -Trout, I0p; bluellsh. 9c: pickerel, Sc: cattish, I2c; dressed buffalo, Cc: white tlsh, lOe; herring, re, blnpk bass, lop; sal mon, 1,1c, white bas, 10p; propple, 10c: pike. toe. hallbu.'. : built, -,it', IT; rtnn jierch. fie; lobsters qreen, 22c, boiled lob sters. 2Se mackerel. 21c; codllsh, 10c; yellow perch. Ce . FRKSII OYSTKRS First crude, solid packed. New York counts, per can, 40e; extra selects, Sfic; standards, 30e. Second craele, slack filled. New York counts, per can, .T)c; extra selects. 2lc; standards, 20c. IMOFONS-Llve, per dozen, Wc. VLALS-Chnlee. !i-((1T. HAY-l'rlecH eiuoteel by Omaha Wholesale 1 1d v Dealers' association: Choice upland. fin; No. 1 upland. JS: medium. 17; coarse, to GO ; rye straw. $.1. These prices nre for hay of gooil color nnd quality. Receipts 0 enrs: prices steady. OATS -No. 3 white, 2fic. CORN -No. 3. 3Sc. HRAN-J12.50. VKOKTABLES. CI't't'.MRRRS Per dozen 20'(i2.e. NRW TCRNIt'S-I'er bushel basket, 01c. NRW HRRTS-Per dozen bunches. 15120c. NRW CARROTS Per dozen bunches, 23c, LRTTfCR-Pef d.iZell. 101lSc. RADISHRS-llome grown, per dozen, 15c. PRAS Per halt bushel basket, fiOc. HRANS Wax, per half bushel basket. 40c. string, 3iie. NRW PuTATOi:S-Per bushel, miflSc. CAItltAC.R-IIomp grown, per pound. le. CAI'LI Fl,t IWI'JR Per dozen. $1. C5RRRN CORN-Per dozen, 10c. To.MATORS-IIomi! grown, per half bushel basket. 40c ONIONS-llomo Rrown, per pound, 1145? IV CRLKRY Nebraska. SOy40c. FUFITfl PRAClinS-Ciillfornla, per hox. OOflOoc. APRICOTS-None- on the market. PLf.MS -California, per crate. $1.10?11 2.". PRt'Ni:S Callforiiln. Traedy, per crato, $1 25; Kelsey. .laiuin. per crate, 11.25. IIARTLRTT PR A RS Cnllfornla, per box, $2 0'ii2 21; other California pears. $1.75. (JRAI'RS -California, l-basket crate $1.50; Tokavs, $2; Concords home grown, 175719c NRi 'TA RINRS California, 4-baskct crate, $1.2.1 WATRRMRI.ONS As to size. 2'lff25e ench. CANTALOfPR Oenis, per dozen, 40y.H'c; largo -eizes, (VHi7.1c APPLRS Nutlve, 7.1cTf$ per bu.: per bbl.. $2 50ii3 0O Crab upples. per bbl., $3. TROPICA I. 1' Rt'lTS. PINRAPPLRS-Per dozen. I1.S0U1.75. ORANORS Mediterranean sweets, per box, $1. Vnlenclns, $l25tn.w LRMONS-California, extra fancy, $3.50; fancy. Knofi&.Sfi. BANANAS Per bunch, according- to site, $2 253 00. MISCRLLANROUS. NUTS-JIIckory. large, per bu., $1.25: shcllbarks, $1 33; Rngllah walnuts, per lb., 12'(('1"C; filberts, per lb.. 12c: nlmonds, p?r Hi., liniCc; raw, per lb., G'i'ijec; roasted, 0WT"'e. IIIDRS. I1IDRS No. 1 green hides, Cc; No. 2 green hides. Tie; No 1 salted hides, 6',jc; No. 2 salted hides, o'ie. No. 1 veal calf. S to 12 lbs., 7c; No. 2 veal calf. 12 to 15 lbs., 6c. CIIAXCP.S IN AVAIL Vtllil SITIM'MRS. Ci tile nml Tcli'Krnplilo Reports of (J ill In Allmit nnd Ashore. NRW YORK. Sept. C.-Snerlal telegraphic nnd cntilp dispatches to tlrndtreet"s show thee following changes In avallablo KiippH'S since last account: Whrut fulfil States and Canada, east of the Rocky mountains. Increased l,0t5,"0) tin.: afloat for nnd In Rurono Increase 1 1.7ii).0i1 bu; total supply Increased 2,7t5.0X tin Corn t'nlted States nnd Canada, east of the Rockv mountains, decreased 2.2i.XO bit. Oats I nltcel Stnti-s and Cinada. east of tho Rocky mountains. Increased l,S.iS.0( bu. Atnnnir (hp moro Important Increases re- jiorted nro those of 300, (too tu. at north western Interior elevators, rc!,000 bu. at Chicago nrlvato elevator.!. I1O.OO0 bu. a Coteau, SS.eviO tm. at Portland. Me., 70'00 bu. at Wlnnlpejr. 70.(O) nt Louisville. 50,000 tm. at Joliet and 50.WJ ntt. in ;uaniioua. St. I.eiuls C. rnln and Provisions. ST. LOriS. Sept. 5. Wit RAT Lower: No. 2 red, cash, elevator. 71V; track, 72HO 7:tc: Si plemher TIV.c : October. 72'iC De- cember, 73V: No. 2 hard, CSAc. CORN Lower; No. 2 cash, 3Uc: tracK, l0',c. September. 33'ic; October, 3c; De cember. 3.1p: venr. 32liC. OATS Firm; No. 2 casli, 21c; tracK, xiejir 2c: September. 2Pc: Docember, 22c; Jlay, 4c; No. 2 white, 25Q25V- I1YN llett. r at 5i'V FLOFR Oulet: steady: unchanged. SICRDS Tlmothv, tlrm; In demand at $3.50114.00. Flax, higher lit $1.43. COU.NSII iAIr- ssteaciy ut j.'.uo'O-tw. HRAN -Rasy. sacked, east track, CSc. HAY Stonily; timothy, $S.OOi711.00; prairie, $7.00(ilS..KI. WHISKY Htenily nt J1.S4. IRON COTTON TIK8-$1.30. HA(5(ilNC,-$.lor(S.f!5. TWINR lleniD. 9c. MRTALS Lead: Quiet at $4.324. Spelter: Lower ut Jl.oo. POCIntY Dull: chickens. 7c: young, 8'ic; turkeys. fifo7o; young. 11c: clucks, 6c; young. ,c; geese, tViC; young, btf'j'sc. .'.C(1S -Stend:- at 13c. Itl'TTRR -Stendy; creamery, 18R22c; llMll'V. l.itll.l'. I'llOVIKIONS-Pork: Firm: tnbblnc. $12.50. Lard: Lower; choice, $C.C3ii(i.07H. Dry salt meats (boxed), steady; extra shorts, $7.37'i; clear ribs. $7.50: clear sides. $7.C2V4. llacon (box.-di, steady: extra shorts, $S.oo; clear ribs. $S.12i!.; clear sides, $S.25. RKCRIPTS-Flour. 5.000 bbls.: wheat. 82,- 0(o 111.: corn. : i.uoo mi.: oats, ii.uoo nu. S PMI:NTS Flour. 27.000 bbls.; wheat. S4,ow tm.; corn, i&i.uou nu.; oats, ;j,ow nu KnnstiN City Crnln nml Pro visions, KANSAS CITY. Sept. 5. WI I RAT De cember, iMV; ensh, No. 2 hard, aWiUlOie; No. :t. tsiilictp; No. 2 red, (U70c; No. 3, ML.'fiO'c. (ORN September, 35Uc: December, 32'S. (ri32'4c; May, 34Nc; cash, No. 2 mixed, 37 ST'se: no. - wnue. :ii',e; ,0. a, ace. OATS No. 2 white. 2iic. RYi:-No 2. 44fi45e. HAY-Cholcc timothy, $0.51; choice prairie, Jli Y.Vil i IIO. MCTTRR-Crenmery. ISflMe: dairy. 17c. K(1(SS -Steady; fresh Missouri and Kan sas stock. 12c eloz.. loss off. enses re turned; new white wood cases Included, "jp more. RKCRIPTS-Whent, 22,000 bu.; corn. 20,000 bu. ; oats. 2,000 bu. SIUPMRNTS-Wheat, 200,000 bu. ; corn, in, mai uu.; oais, i,roi nu. Liverpool (i I'll 1 11 unit Provisions, LIVRRPOOL, Sept. 5-WURAT-Spot, dull; No. 2 red western winter, dull, at Cs; No. 1 northern spring:. 6s 3'd; No. 1 Cali fornia, lis 4'tiKiCs 5d. Futures, steady! ricpiemper (is jikci; uecemoer. ts j'tci. OoitN- Spot, quiet: Amrrlcnn mixed new, 4s 2d. old, 4 2Hd. Futures, quiet October, 4 Fid; November, 4s IV; De cember. N HOPS- At London, P.iclllc coast, steady, at X2 risii r.s. PROVISIONS-Lard. American refined tlrm. at 33s i;d; prime western, llrm, ut 3.1s Kct. iinenn. long clear miimies, ngnt, nrm at 42s Od: long clear middles, heavy, llrm nt 42s; short clear backs, tlrm, nt All clear bellies, llrm. at 47s. CIIKRSR -Firm; American tlnest white, Dls; American llnest colored, D2s. Toledo Mnrlict. TOLKDO. O.. Sept. S.-WURAT-Dull. lower; spot and September, 73Vi October, 77c: December. .79c. CORN Dull, lower: No. 2 ensh, 42c; tember. 4'.'c; December. 31V. Sep-Sep- OATS Dull, unelnmso.i: cash, 22c; tember, 22c; December, 22V. RY13-Dull, unchanged; cash, 5140. Huliitli Will-nt Hnrkrl. DCLPTll. Sept. 5-WHHT-No. 1 hard, caih, 77c; September. 77c: December, S'c; no. 1 norinern, eaHU, ijc; tepiem tier, 75V; December. 7fi'e; No. 2 northern, ilc; ,m. ;i npring. e. CORN- Not quoted. OATS-23Vi23'..:C. tlllivoiiKee Ornlu MILWAPK1CK, Sent. 5.. ket lower: No. 1 northern, Mnrket.; No. 2 north- ern. ,;o'(i7ie RYK-Higher; No. 1, KV HARLIIY Steady; No. 2, 511762c; snmplc, IU(50c. SiiKiir Mnrlie'l. LONDON, Scit. S.-Sl'OAR-Reet, Sep tember, lis (Id NLW YORK. September B.-SI'CIAH-Raw, strong; fair rellnltig, 4'4e; centrifug-il. test, 4 15-ltfc; molnseH sugar, 4c; rcllned Hugur tlrm tltiiiieiiinli Wlirnt unit l'lour. MINNKAPOL1S, Sept VWH RAT Sep tember. 72'4c: December. 74c On trade: No. 1 hard. 75V. No. I northern, 73i4e; No 2 northern, 72V I'lillMilelntiln. Produee Market. PHILADKLPHIA, Sept. 5,-BUTTRR- Firm, fancy western creamerv 221. fati' western prints, jj. Kfins rm and c higher, fresh nearbv nnd western. ITidTc, fresh southwestern, toe, fresh southern, lie. CIIRRSB-Steady: New York full cream ers, fancy small, oi,c; New York full creams, good to choice, OttftloLc. MOV 1:11 i:vis OF yriH'KN AMI IIOND.O. Coiupnreil ultb llccciit siimnntliiH 'Initio's Mnrhel Minus t P Well. NRW YORK, Sept ii. -My contrast with the recent deadlm k of apathy todli.v s trading In stocks seemed like positive nnl matlon. The aggregate of dealings was considerably larger than for some time past and the total was not made up with an overwhelming prepomlerance of trading: In one or two steieks. Sugar, Peoples (las and Hrookljn Transit all c.outlii'ied fairly prominent, but there was a marked In crease of Interest In railroad stocks nnd the number of shares of some ot the in dividual railroads dealt In compared favor- iimy nun i ne minis in inc speculative ravorltes ntnongst the Industrials. There was 11 peculiar lrreitiilnrltv of movement In tb specialties. Sugar as n rile moving UP. v .in, People's (Ins wns imlnfcr Mown nod Sueur reacting as Peoples Gas recov ered. Moth stocks were largelv deull In both above and below Isst night's level. There was strenuous support In Sugnr at the opening nnd the shares thrown Jpon the market we-re taken at prices run ning from 12.1 to 122'i, compared with T2 Inst flight. Friends of the stock were evi dently In doubt how the dividend declara tion of Is, tor the oimrter would be up. cepted, as the stoc k wns rushed up vester day mi the supposition that tho dividend would be 2 per cent or more. LIlcnuriiEcd bv nowerlul support (be Stock Was pushed UP at one time to 1?:!U. but It turned heavv ilurlnir tin. latter n.irt of the day nml closed with a net loss of I. Peo ple s cms on tne oilier liatul was weaK In the early dealings on continued reports of extreme measures contemplated In the Chicago (ias war. The stock reachid 91, but rallied 2 points nnd closed stead;-. There was early strength In some of the lino lltnl NIi.mI HlncK'M tint llti.i. uitt' away In tho late dealings, seemingly juder the apprehension that tomorrow's trade reviews might have something unfavorable to say. The cause of the drop In thv rail road stocks was not very clear, but there was a munlfest accession of confidence on tho Part of tile bulls. Dcolliiirs were largely professional, but there was buying on 11 largo scale In a number of stocks, In dividual transactions running up to 2,'niO shares In some cuses. St. Paul, t'nlon Pa clllc, Chesapeake At Ohio, on talk of u dividend, and Southern Paclllc nnd Louis vlllo were notably In demand. This strength unci us inception in i.omion nml tuni cen ter bought freely of various Internationals. Buying by local operators was based In part 011 the expectation that demand from London would continue. Sentiment at that center Is elenrly much more' cheerful and uneasiness over the money market seems to lie much abated I lie settlement nt t lie Kncl sn , strike, the belief that the war In South Africa Is nearlns Its termination and a hoiieful view of the Chinese situation nil helped the Rngtlsh market and operators mere interpreted tin- election In .Vermont ns favorable to lusher prices St. Pauls iiotnhh' Increase In earnings for the fourth week In August attracted buying here and inero was a large demand lor tne otner granger stocks trom western sources, said to be from tha short uccount unci to be In duced by the fuvorable weekly crop sum mary of the Weather bureau. Tne strengtli in London was snld tu be due In pnrt to the expectation of receipts of gold 1 rum kcw 1 oik, nu tins am not nun tne New York market. With thn surplus of New York banks at over $27.00t).OOd, with gold from Australia and the Klondike con tinuing unusually light, there Is no Imme diate apprehension over the locul money market. Best prices were lost nnd the market closed with fractional gains. Bonds were somewhat Irregular Sales, par value. $595,000 t'nlted Slates old 4s and bs. coupon, advanced In the bid price. The Commercial AdvertUor's London cablegram says Business wns better In the markets here todny; the ton wns good und there was considerable clos ing of bear accounts. Americans were act ive und quite strong on provincial and Berlin buying, Inspired by figures on the vote In Vermont. New York supplied stock nt first, but later supported prices. Mutiny discounts were steady on fears of borrow ing by the bank and gold withdrawals for Paris. The bank recolvsd 21.000 gold In bars and IMO.Wm from India. There was a slight Inquiry In the open market for gold In Pnrls. Sliver Jumped up on a large Rnullsh mint order and the rise In India ba7iiars. Following nro the closing prices on the New York Stock exchange: Atchison do pfrt Ilaltlmore &. Ohio rannitlan Pacific. Crniadu. So C3iei. & Ohio .... Chicago O. W C . 11. A Q Chi. It. & I. 28' Union Paclflo 7P do pfd TtH 1Valili 63 I do pfd .. 67T4 .. 74 .. 7'4 .. im .. S. .. 53'i .. 13'i ..Hi ,.U1 ..1E4 .. IS ..124 .. M'i .. M'4 .. 4V, .. :m, .. 31; .. 69 p; .. 17 .. 20 .. 7', .. 36', .. 7.M, .. M .. SI .. 3i ..111 45U 13 Wheel. A r Ss'i do J,t pfd.. r. lOVWIs. Central ir, 'Third Avenue 3 Actum ljx . ., Anifilcein Ex. 1I0 pw Chi. & K. Ill . Chlc-nno N W. C. U I. & P.. C O C. A- St. Colorado Ho do Ut pfd.... do 2d pfd Del. ti Hudson .... Ui .... 951, ....1(12', ....107 .... E9; 6' .... 41 .... lfi ... .1114 f S Kr Vllii.Faro Hx.... Amr Cot. Oil ... do pfd Amr Matting ... do pfd Amur. 8. & H do pfd Amur, .spirits do pfd Amer S. Heep ... do pfd Amer. fl. A v do pfd Amer. Tin Plate .. do pfd Amer. Tobacco ... ' do pfd Anae Mm. Co IlrooUIyn H. T Del. L & V .ITS!, . . 6S . H'l . 3t .1.13'i . 15'. . 34 .inn . H . 14 Denvrf & It. C, do pfd Hrie do lat pfd Ot. Nor. pfd Hocklnc Coal .., Hocklne Valley , Illinois Central , Iowa Central ... do pf.l Lakc Rrle W, do pfd Iilce Shore I j. & N Manhattan L... Met. .it. Ily Mexican Central Minn. & ft. I... do pfd Mo. Pacific Mobile' Ohio . M , K. & T do pfd N. .1. Central .. N. Y. Central .. Norfolk & W... do pfd No, 1'aclfle do pfd Ontario-& W.... Ore. lly. A Nav do pfd Pennsylvania ... Reading do 1st pfd M4, 35 Jt Colo, rue! Iron 209 I on. Tobacco . 2ii . J4 . 34 . 67 l.VH . tl', . 91 . 2P; . CC . 73 . 33' 4 . S3 . 17; . S'i do pfd Federal Steel 1H do pfd Ill, Mien. Hlertrle ... 65 niuoos Sugar .. (ilij do pfd Bin Inter. Paper S7 do pfd , (.I..icleie Oas .... 31 National Iliecult ...lM'i do pfd n.iti, .National lail ., 33-V "" Pid.. ... 76 iNatlonal ,te ... 61 I do pfd ... 7P4 N. Y. Air Drake ... Sl'4 American .. ... 42 Pacific Const ... ... 7S 1 d" lit pfd ...129 I do 2d pfd ... 46'; Pacific Mall .... 83 14 121 I." r.j S7 fit 3l'i ."91, "22 117 do 2d pfd Rio O W Mo pfd St. L. & H. F do pfd do 2d pfd St. L Southw.... do pfd Pt. Paul do pfd Pt. I'. Omaha.. So. Patine ' So. Hallway do pfd Trx. A Pacific ... . 27 Pressed S, Car . f.4 . f H . 10 . S7 . Sin . 12; . 29'4 .114 .172'4 .112 . 34'i . tin . s:t; . it'; do pfd.. Pullman P. Car S. II & T SiiKar elo pfd S'i 121 IK. Iron. T0'4 Tenn. Coal ,V V. S. leather It1. do pfd V. S. Rubber ... do pfd Western L'nlon , Republic I. & S do pfd r. c. c & st. 1 TO 39'; 94 12; .11 Offered. Ncmv York Money Mnrket. NRW YORK, Sept. 5. MONKY On call, cany nt I'iifilH per cent; prime mercantile paper. WMj per cent. STRRI.INCi KXCIIANOR-Soft, with nc tual buslncHR In bnnkorn' blllsi nt $4 S7-1ff l.S7Vj for demand and nt l ra'dfil 81 for alxtv dayH; poHted rateH, $I.S5'ii l.&S'i; com mercial bills. SI.MMit.StV SILVRR Har. ffJV,: silver certificates, CO'bJiWhc; Mexlcnn dollnrH. 4S'dc. COVRRN.MRNT IIONDS-Strong; stnte bonds, Inactive; ralrond bonilH, Irregular. Tho closing pricea on uoiiuh today am ns follows: P. S. ref. 2, reg..l')3 IN Y. C. Is KI14 IOS'.j N. .1 C. uen. Ct....l2S IH .S'o p.ieltlc '3 eij'4 109 I do 4n idii. do coupon , do 3n, res.. do coupon do new 4s, re 13J;"N Y. CAS I, U 117 .133V V. A- V innsol U.. 97', .lit lOr'Rou Nav. la 110 .113 do U 102 do coupon ln old 4s, reg..., do coupon do 5, rcg do coupon I cf C. 3 Cls Atih. general Is.. do adj. 4 Cjnaili 2' Ches. & O. 4'jS... do f C. N tY- c 7a. do S. V. deb. Ci Chlcaso Ter. 4... Colorado So. 4t .. II it IHo O. ta... do" 4 P. W. & P. C. l (Jen Kleetrle 6.. In Central l... I,. & N unl 4i.. M . K. & T. 2s.... da 4s .iii" t-ireiton n, u Bs.. ,lli do consol is .122 Itejillng gen. 4.. .101 1 Itln n. v, I, .... . S3; St I, i- I M c. tu .101 St I, & S P g. Cs . ft'i St. p cnnsolH .., .117'j f'M l. a & P la .141 do 5a .111 So. Pacific Ik . 02' j So Hallway 5s... . 2' S. H 'T. C I'.'G 113', . 81', . Mi, .112 121't ,1M'4 .119 .119 . "SS C7 .Ue.itTex, & Paclflo l.. R2 . !!', do 2 'C SS Colon Pacific 4s .111 Witvash la .113', do is . 91'. West Shoie 4s.. . M'j S Is. Central is. ,. 93 "Vu. Centuries , Offered? isv, ..117', ..112', .. m, When Isauod PIiiiiiii'IiiI Notes, CINCINNATI. Sept. 5.-Clearlngs. $2,551.. HO): New York exchange, 20c discount; monev. 3''(c! per cent CHICACIO, Sept 6.-Cearing. $27,913,115: balances. $l,iJ70,3t50; posted exchange, J4 6-ji 4 aSW; New York exchangd, 2'ic discount NRW YORK Sept 5 -Rxchangea. $112. 037.S10: balnncns. $9,354,977. HOSTON. Sept 5.-Rxaiunces, $20,9S3,952; balances, ll.3t.0.92".l ST LOl'IS. Sept 5.-ClcirttlE8. $7,134,505 balances, 5649,079, muny. 4ijJ per cent New Y ik 1 X' hiitige. PA ,'lfceount bid, lOo It LTI.ioRi; Sc-pt. S.- CIearltlgf. M.U1 Sfi'i. bilaiiii's. .M.'.,"rJ. PHILADKLPHIA, Sept. 5-Clearlns?, J16.0I4.7!"); ImtHneen, J2,S,I. HnMnii Mtoek Huolnllona. HOSTON, Sept. S. Cull loans. 2flS'4 per per cent; time loans, !HT4V4 per cent. Official c losing: A . T & !. V .., et. pfl Amer. Suimr do pfl Ilell Tele-phone ., Hinten fit Maine., c-.. It. Q , pomlnlon cVml ,, Federal Steel .... do pfd , (len Klei'trle do pfd 1I. t:ieetrle III.. Mexican Central , ir 1 Telephone N. 13. O. fi C old Colony Old tMinltilon .... Rubber l'nlon pjrltle .... West Hnd , Rx-dlvldend." 2V4, West Inn h. IlieetrfcT T, JIN At-blaon Is. ..12i, Adventure ..117 I Allow Mln Co. ..H2't Atnal. Copper .. ..114 Atlantic . .IJ.1U1 IkMtnn A Mont. . 1 ,. 1 . S3', ,st: .. 4IS Iteille A Iloton .. 33 I'rnltimet . . W; centennial . ltecla.7 17 ..ts', Kmtiklln IS ..I;i9',,lliimbddt 2". ..2i.". .Oeceola fO'i .. ll'illMrrot 12 .. Qtilncy US .. 13 Santa l'e Cepper.... I'i ..m THtimmck .. I't Pt.ih Mining 31U .. )S!Vlnonn 3'i .. r.7,1Solverlne 42; !' Loudon Hiook (luotntlons. LONDON. Sept. 5.-1 p. m. -Closing: Con., money. ..M -.-It Kilo .... 90,l ,o 1st pfd.. .... 29V Pennsylvania 1114 3S, , Crt 73'; 0' 40, do Ki-coiint .... Atchlenn 1'an.idlan Paclllc i'i. Paul Illinois Central . LouHvllle 92S Heading ,..11; No. Pacific pfd. .. 119 ... 7.1', ... 7S rlrand Trunk . Anaconda Hand Mlnea ... t'nlnn Pile pfd. N 1 . Central ...131 HAH SILVF.R-Klrm. 2S 3-li'nl per ounce. tt.v.r.' m, . !.. t. Ill- .A IP .ii' ' 1, 1 s I" 1 ecru; sii'm 1 1,1111., ti.'-iu per cent; three months' bills, 3 9-ltfti3si per cent. ev York MIuIiik Storks, NRW YORK. Sepl. 5.-The following nre the closing ciuotatlotiM for mining shares today : c'liollar Crown Point Con. Cat. & Vu.. lleailwool (tnuld f Currle ., Hale & Norcrosa Hnmetake tren Silver Mexican' . .. 17 .. 12 ..IP. .. M .. IS .. 20 .fyvi .. 'I .. 2d Ontario ophlr Plymoiitli , (Jtilekallver do pfd ..5M . 43 . 10 ,1M .:.o - !37S ,. IS . 17 Plerrn Nevada Stnnird t'nlon Con Yellow Jacket . l'ori'luu I'liinni'lnl. LONDON, Sept. 5. Money Is plentiful, temporarily. The principal movements In the near future will be the payment of nn Installment of i2.f'ii,(J(V) of the war loan Friday and n similar amount of exchequer bonds next week, to meet which ship ments of American gold are considered probable. On the Stock exchange today tin tone wns lulrrablv cheerful In the lead ing departments and high class Invest ments were tlrm. owing to the easiness of money. Some railroad steaks were sup ported on the receipt of satisfactory tralllc returns, while an amicable settlement of the Oreat Rastern strike Is considered hopeful. American securities were llrm In svmpathv with the advices from Wall street. They opened above par and were strengthened bv the news of the result of the Vermont election, th reduction of the republican plurnlltv by much less than had be. n at.tlclpatcd, and there was a disposi tion to buy. A font nro of the mnrket wan th transactions In Denver A Rio Ornnde, Louisville ft Nashville, l'nlon Paell'.n and Al'hlson. Ornnd Trunks were again In demnnd und ndvanced. Katllrs were strong, jobbers biivlntr In anticipation of a pjbllc demand. The amount of bullion taken Into tho Hank of Rngland on balance tixlev was i371.f"0. Spanish 4h closed at 72s. Gold premium at Huenos Avres 131 So. RRRLIN, Sept 5. Iluslness on the bourse today wns nuleit. International securities were steady. Northern Paclllc preferred and Cnnndlan Pnclllcs were firm In re sponse to tho advices from New York Locals commenced good, but subsequently reacted In sympathy with the weakness clisphiycjil by some Industrials. Exchange on London. 20m 47i pfps. for checks. Dis co int rates: Short bills, S'i per cent; three months' bills. 4 per cent. PARIS. Sept. 5--Uuslness on the bourse today opened steady and prices subse. quently hardened In spite of disquieting China nows, speculators comilderlng the situation nearer a settlement. Interna tional securities were generally llrmer, being Influenced by the strength In rentes. Turks were In demand and there was. a good Ineiulry for lnudstrlals. Kaffirs were tlrm ami Rio tlntos were featureless. Condition of the Trrnnry. WASHINOTON. Sept. 5 Today's state ment of tho treasury balances In the gen eral fund, exclusive of the $150,000,00 mold reserve In the division of redemption, shows: Avnllnblo cash balnnce, $134,48f!,318; gold, J6S,B31,731. Cotton MnrUrt. NRW YORK. Sept. fi.-It was n very try ing dav for tho bears In all cotton mar kets, although notably In Liverpool and New York the bulls were merciless In their nttacks on shorts. Nearly every thlnc favored n continuance of the sentn tlonal movement started yesterday morn ing here and on Saturday in the English market. The cables were amazingly strong. There were buylnu orders In great I numbers rrom an epiarters, tne print cinin nnd cotton goods sluatlon changed from one of gloom to an exceptionally bright outlook, white southern spot markets were reported to be thriving under heavy de mands fiom exporters At the time of opening Liverpool was 5 to 9'4 points higher, or far above nn expected fair re sponse to yesterday's great Improvement here. This at once caused demoralization on the bear Hide nnd Induced leading bulls to nggresslvelv operate on the long side. I'll at sulci Hbowcil an Mdunce of 5 to 13 points, with the market officially reported steady. In the face of a temporary reac tion In Liverpool our market continued to move In an upward direction In the tlrst hour. Near tnlddny the retreat of tho beais developed Into a complete retreat and the demand from this branch of the trnde. In connection with Investment buy ing, gave the market nn exceedingly strong undertone. After 11 period of Innctlvlty the market oiu e more took an upward direction In the eariy niiernoou unit soon surpassed tne high point of the morning. Prices ad vanced with remarkable ease, thero being practically no opposition offered and profit ("king being light. The announcement that 50 per cent of print cloth had been sold 111 Pall River and that the cloth mar ket situation was the brightest In many weeks, together with the announcement that American splnni rs were competing for supplies with the foreign manufacturing element In southern markets, added to tho woes of oversold operators nnd acted as 11 fresh Incentive to 11 higher market. It was known that Munchexter spinners were In desperate straits for cotton; that Liver-, pool stocks were nt nn exceedingly low mark and thnt ocean fieight room wns ab normally scurce nt nil southern ports, thus making It Impossible to replenish dnpleted stores of Ruropean spinners readily. The market was very bearish during tho laM hour, with prolit-taklng prominent, though not sulllclently heavy to undermine the market. The public was a eonuplcuous buyer all the afternoon on the belief that Liverpool would show further Improve ment tomorrow. The close was llrm at a nut rise of 31 to Sit points. Cotton futures rinsed llrm; September, 0 17e; October. O.OIc; November. S.Mir; December, S.S,"c; January, S.S2c; February. S.sne; March. S.S2c; April. S..S.'c; May. SS3c; June, S.83c; July, 8.81c. Spot cocd at ".,c advance; middling up lands, I)V; middling gult, lOUc; sales, 50 bales. NRW ORLRANS, Sept. 5.-COTTON-I'lrm: sales, 20ii bales; ordinary. 7'e; good ordinary, S 5-lfic; low middling, !) 7-bie; middling, 0 n-l(Jc; good middling, 10 1-lflc; middling, fair. 10 5-lCc. Receipts, 1,300 bales: stock. 20,2 (7 bales. Cotton futures, Irregular; September, ft 60c bid: October, s liS'uft.OiV; November, S.Sn'uS S2c; December, 8 7SffS."9e: January. S7MiS79c; February Sans.sse; March. S.SjIiS.SIc; April, S.S3M 8.S5c; May. S MfjS.We. ST. l.ol'IS. Sept. 5,-COTTON-Flrm; sales. 15 bales; middling, ft'ic. Receipts, l!2 bales; shipments, 220 bales; stock, 7,3m; bales. LIVRRPOOL. Sept. 5,-COTTON-Spot In Increased demand: price higher; Anierlein middling fair. Itsd; goo 1 mlii'lllng, (17-321: middling, fi fi-.TJci : low mldlllnT, CI -'CI: good ordinary. 13.33d : ordinary. 5 5-101 The sales of the day wero 15 0X1 bales, of which l.OOO were for iipeeulat.on und expri nnd Included 12 Pl bale:' American. Re ceipts, none. Market opened strong nnd cloed steady American middling. 1 m. September. 5f.C-6ld, sellers; September October. 5 IS-iild. buver'c: October-November. 6 1-64 Hi 2-tild. buyer: November-t)o-eember. 4 57-fitd. buyer--. Docember-Jnnn. nry, 4 53-6lfil 5.(Md, buve s; Januarv-Febr t nt y, 4 SO.OId. value; February-March, 4 47.M attS.OId. buyers; Mnnh-Aprll 4 4..i;4d, value: Aprll-Mav. 4 I3-GI174 41-rild, buyers; May-June, H'MiHTIIJ-BId, buyers. .St, I, mils I, lie Mori., ST LOl'IS. Sent 5.-CATTLR-Recep's, 3.50O head. Inc hiding co TexJiix; ina'dtet easy to Jfte lower for nutlves; Toxans tli', stendv; native shipping und export steer, $.'1 'Wii 5 W1 ; dressed beef n 1 butcher steers 4 2Ti5 35; steers under 1. lbs, $1,051)61" stockers and feeders, $2 m 'ft 4 35 cnwfc and heifers. $2 (f74.t, canncrs $15 2 50; bu'W 2 75'u3 65, Toxns and Indl.111 steers, 13 ',0 (4 70. cows and heifers JJiVfi.175. HoOS-Receipts, . had; market n bhadH lower; pits and light, $S.25'e5 55, packers $5 25T5 50; butchnra, $1.350110. SHRRP AND LAMIIS-Heeelpt. I.JOj bead, market steady: native muttonc f.i t'1 fff4fi lambs $(ikh5 4'. 1 11IU and buck. $2O"ij3 05, stockers, $2.03263. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Good Oattle Were in Good Demand Today and Prices Fully Steady, GOOD HOGS BROUGHT BETTER PRICES Sheep Were Hnthrr Lnte In Vrrlilnu, lint Those Hint Were 011 the .Morulim Mnrket .Snlil Stendy, SOUTH OMAHA. Sept. 5. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep Olllclal Monday 5,750 2,i(5 10.1 Ofllclal Tueadav C.17H N.tOa S.lbd Ofllclal Wednesday 3,711 6,131 1,421 Threo elnys this week ...15.(170 17.5M Same clays last week ...11,572 10,37tl Same week before S.vs.1 9.7'D Same three weeks ago . 7,22 7.271 "'Oll lull! l.'?l 11 KO . I.ldl r.vun W.IV. Average price paid for hogs for the i.tst several days, wltli compnrls ina: I 100. lKI9.lS!!j.sri7.lS9TriT?i5.iS'jl. 4 44 3 2 83 4 42 5 IV, 4 47. 5 0 4 5T 5 11 1 5 07 4 51! I fit 5 01 I 4ft 5 1) 4 32, 3 7S I 3ti 3 74 I 47 3 6i 4 50) 3 07 3 70 3 71 3 M 3 73 3 70 ;i 76 2 81 2 S 2 79 ;i 10 4 12 f 4 42' 3 f.!i 4 41 .1 74 2 i 2 7,i I 31 " 04 3 M I OT! j 1 4 42 3 SI S 79 2 6S 4 30, 5 14 4 40 3 73, J Hi 2 791 I 3 21 4 .IS, 3 72, 3 Mi 2 76: 4 3 3 70 4 02 2 75, 4 24 5 2t 4 40 3 r 2 M, I 24 5 M 4 42 J 70 2 841 4 Ii2l 5 36 3 911 14 24' 5 42 3 '1 2 81 4 201 5 45 3 9ft 2 771 I 5 M 1 071 SI 4 .111 4 40 ; l . 4 271 3 6.1 4 20 3 61 4 11 .1 M I 3 CS I 07 4 1. '4 01 4 221 3 62, 81 4 34 TL 4 21 5 61 76 4 13 5 55 Indicates Sunday. The olllclal number of cars of stock brought In today by each road wns: Cattle. Hogs. Sh'p. H'r's. Ry 2 C. M. & St. P, O. fc St. L. Ry Mo. Pacific Ry I P. P. system 35 C. N. W. Ry V.. R. ft M. V. It. R... 67 S. C. A P. Ry C. St P.. M. A- O. R. 6 H. A M. R. R. R 52 C., R. A Q. Ry C, R. I. & P., east.. .. C. R. I. A P., west.. .. Illinois Central 4 ' 11 1 34 II f! fi 1 1 Total receipts 161 93 10 8 mi... j 1 1.1 . . .... ...... . . j ne iiiijuicinu 01 me oav s receipis wns ns follows, ench buyer purchasing the num ber of head Indicated: lluyers. Omaha Packing Co O. H. Hammond Co... Aug. 15.. I 4 07 Aug. 16.. I 4 !'S Aug. 17... 5 V) Aug. IS. . t f'5 Aug. 1ft.. Atlg. 20.. 5 at Aug. 21..' 5 02 Aug. 22.. 1 5 (II Aug. 23.. 4 97 Aug. 21.. I 5 02 Aug. 25 .,5 Oi Aug. 2ii. Aug. 27.. 4 9 Atlg. 2S.. 5 02 1 Aug. 2ft.. 5 02 Aug. 31).. 5 fW Aug. 31.. I 5 p.", Sept. L..I 6 0I, Sept. 2..., Sept. 3... I 5 02 Sept. 4 ..I fi ri;i4 Sept. 6... I 6 OS', Cattle. Hogs. Sh'p. .... 223 1.001 .... 405 1,096 .... 3SS 1,436 621 .... 5('6 1,026 392 .... 191 1,231 916 n,,n 9I .... 331 r, .... 133 .... 444 .... 154 .... 196 d .. 175 .... 10S .... 26 231 57 .... 650 992 Swift and Company.... Cudnhy Packing Co... Armour & Company ... R. Decker & Degan ... Vnnsant Sc Co J. L. Carey Lohman & Co W. I. Stephen Hill & Huntzlnger Denton A I'nderwood Livingstone & Schaller Hamilton nnd Rothschl L. F. Ilusz H. L. Dennis & Co Laugton A. T. Mawhlnncy Other buyers Totals 4,323 6,024 2,921 CATTLE There wero not an many cattle here today ns there wero yesterday or I he day before and several trains were very lnte In arriving, so It wns rather late be fore anything like a clearance had nen fleeted. The early market, however, was In good shape on the better grades of rattle und considerable activity characterized the trade There were between twenty nnd twenty, five cars of cornfed cattle on sale nnd packers bought up the better grades nt stendy to otronger prices They were anxious for cuttle of good weight and Quality and aji a result sellers hnd no dif ficulty in ellsnoRlnr of th.11 Itlnri nf umrf The common cattle, however, did not move qulto so freely and the prices paid were no more than stendy. There were only about twenty cars of uuivh on snie ana me murKei was In coo.i shape agnln todny. The better grades brought steady prices nnd In some case they may have sold n little higher. It was a good market nnd the light supply soon brought the market to a close. The liis desirable bunches of cow stuff soid Just about the way they did yesterday. There was no particular chanre In bulls, tho market being about stonily on nil grades. The bulk of the receipts today were again feeders, but tho good cattle brought steady Crlce and In some cases thoy sold .1 little ctter. The damand from the country is still In ood shape, so that yard traders havo little difficulty In disposing of the better ii;rnde.s The common kinds, how ever, were rather dull and tho feellncr was weak. There were almost no western killers nero loauy, mil 11 is Bare 10 call the mar kct steadv. Tackers are Inokimr for weit ern cattle and had tharo been any here to day they doubtless would havo paid food prices for them. The cow market wns again In nood shape and nil grades brought fully steady prices. Good feedars sold steady to Ktront and common stuff was a little weak. ueprnseniauvo sales: HRRF STKKR8. No. Av Pr. No. Av Tr. 1 1110 $4 W 1 U30 5 30 4 1030 4 50 10 1J76 5 40 3 SC 4 60 IS K02 5 40 19 1W0 4 81 41 1214 5 45 1 1030 f. 00 24 1215 5 4". 21 993 6 15 r.C Mi?, c 4;, 22 1170 5 20 7 1097 5 45 20 1076 R 25 1 1240 r. 45 12 1013 5 25 20 14H0 5 M) 11 1222 6 30 23 1321 5 M 34 1193 5 30 24 HOC & 60 2 1270 5 3 ) 15 1336 5 C5 32 1087 5 30 STRRRS AND HEIFRRS. 2 SOO 4 to cows. 1 9M 2 23 3 1050 2 85 1 930 2 40 7 lMO 2 H 3 10M 2 40 16 1013 2 5 2 910 2 10 10 1004 2 fi.) 1 900 2 50 1 nco 3 00 11 956 2 fO 2 1060 3 On t 101O 2 70 3 1140 3 10 1 9C0 2 73 3 lir. 3 10 13 917 2 73 t 1200 3 40 6 1003 2 73 2 1150 3 CO 2 100O 2 73 1 1160 3 60 3 1110 2 75 HULLS. 1 IS JO 2 tO 1 1440 3 00 3 13J6 2 50 CALVRS. 5 r.o STAGS. 2 63 1 3 75 HEIFERS. 1... 170 .......1000 2 63 1 JB0 4 60 13..0 550 3 73 7 735 4 CO STRRRS AND STAGS. ll!a 4 90 STOCK COWS AND HEIFERS. 6V 2 50 6 774 3 CO STRRRS AND HEIFERS. "'STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 1..., 3 no lis. .1061 3 W 3 90 3 !" 4 15 730 , 11 eV,2 3 25 3 f.5 3 3 ... 800 ... S92 ...1045 IS.. 51.. 1'.. 6.. 23 79 feeders 1 Steer 3 a NEI1HASKA. Ice" 4 no 10 feeders. 1H07 880 1141 796 900 833 1102 3 50 3 20 3 75 3 iW 3 00 2 50 t 35 4 00 3 40 3 15 2 00 3 60 3 01 2 9) 2 10 2 9) t 25 t 15 4 75 4 00 5 00 4 1" 3 55 3 !0 2 50 3 75 3 9'K) 1 cow 6 feeders. 18 cows 4 cows 3 cow . . . 40 feeders. I feedet.. IS cows II heifers.. 6 cows 10 cows 1 cow. 870 2 85 3 25 3 20 3 50 3 40 4 35 4 00 2 60 2 85 3 10 3 00 3 10 2 no 3 90 2 75 3 15 4 15 4 75 I 00 t 10 3 85 feeders.. 10JI 1 cow.. 950 1 cow.. . 9 cows.. .1160 . 641 .1180 .1100 . 905 . 936 . 91S . '.K . 836 .10811 . ft.'rt . 950 .1100 .1039 . 685 3 cows 1 feeder.. 16 cows 3 cows 19 cows 2 cows. . . 5 stk. hfs. 1 lull C9 fecelers 1 feeder. . 1 feeder. . 9 feeders. 29 feeders. .. 810 .. 9S4 .. S(2 . . 936 .. 966 ..1016 ..1257 3S cows. I bulls.. I bull.. ..1470 23-feeders . 856 . 610 .1061 . 6' 6 . 6'(2 .1240 9'8 ,. 1125 . M . 916 1131 .1130 2 cows 7 feeders. 28 feeders. 5 feeders. t bull 21 feeders. 10 heifers. 4 heifers. 12 cows . . , feeders. 21 feeders. 13 feeders. 2 feeders. 20 cows S44 1059 710 610 3 () 3 15 927 Adam Smith Neb. 33 fenders 1017 3 o; s cows 2 feeders.. 1017 12 steers... 1J2.1 1 On 1 cow I 20 IDAHO. 3 cows. . . , 2 steers.. 58 feeders, 5 feeders, 9 cows..., 19 feeders ,1(06 .12110 . 770 . 702 .1124 3 : 4 heifers. ,. 877 .15S0 .1320 20 50 80 3 50 4 45 3 75 3 23 I bill 1 bull 1 cow .12.11 .. 751 .lroo . 96 0 .1060 .K'Sil ..1275 .,1651 . 906 H6 . 1070 2 85 3 61) 2 40 2 60 2 85 2 50 3 75 4 00 3 85 3 00 I 00 .1051 I 50 16 heifers. L. Klrtl:'-Neb. 93 feeders.. 919 I 60 1 cow 1 bull 1200 2 95 1 cow ... 1 heifer.... 960 3 60 1 COW 1 heifer.... 8"0 3 25 1 cow ... 1 cow 1220 4 25 2 bulls... 1 cuw 1100 2 Oi I l ull .. 1 cow 1160 2 85 4 (eeders Nelson Flfh-S D 29 feeders . 837 3 50 2 feeders J. L Alhton-S D 1 feeder .. 940 3 $5 1 cow.... 2 2 40 3 50 3 20 3 i 4 20 3 SI 90 feeders . 5i 4 to 3 feeders. 550 lleorwe W. Ferbelich Neb. W sir. Tex. ft'.'i'. 3 20 17 str. Tex. 930 Mllldalo Cattle Co. Neb, 1 feeder 50 3 tS 5 feeder". 810 876 840 51 feeders 85(1 57 850 KOI J. ltd 1280 Sl1 4 20 I Oft 3 85 3 50 2.8 feeders. . 10 feeders.. 26 feeders 2 feeders 5 cows 3 cows. . . 1 feeder ..810 It (0 2 bulls Kill! 2 ' 2 or. Ilurnett Neli 3 7o 1.1 feeders.. !WJ II steers. 2 steers. 2 steers, lft cows... 3 7R .t 7'. 3 0) 3 70 IS feeders.. !5 3 ( 6 feeders.. y 953 3 fin S Huller--Idaho. 4 25 27 feelers.. 1225 4 0 Thomas S. D. 4 10 1 row 1050 3 3fi 2 75 1 row 900 3 10 2 50 . Hurt-S. D. 1 35 21 feeders. 1116 I 00 R 14 feeders. . 9M 1" feeders 2 rows.. 983 . 965 1 bull ..12.10 ( 17 feeder; 1084 W . 780 . 710 A. Crnne-Neb 11 fenders feeders feeders 3 0 1 feeder. . . 960 . . 920 .. 916 .. K30 ..1000 ..I W0 .. 977 . . 7V0 . . 976 .. 820 .. 970 3 8ft 3 80 3 05 2 75 3 26 3 65 2 75 2 in I 3 2ft 3 25 3 d0 3 80 3 V0 2 50 3 25 1 feeder. 3 cows... 1 row 1 row 1J -S. D. 2 rows. . . i70 bull 1550 heifers... 560 Wood & 9 cows. . . . 1 row 2 cows. . . 1 cow 2 cows 10 cows. . . . 49 steers... 4 feeders. 15 feeders 1 steer.... 27 feeders. 46 cows 3 cows 1 eow 1 bull .... 9 cows. . . . 102 1180 3 (Si 3 65 2 75 3 25 3 25 13 rows... 1 cow 21 cows. . . I cow 3 cows. . . , MM 8V1 WO , 978 J. , 7SI W. , 745 ftvO 830 .1035 .1201 . 813 , 970 lort .1081 J . 9:6 . 973 . 932 .12.MI . 8nG 3 00 W. Currv-Neb. 3 91 9 feeders L. Douglas Neb. 3 80 2 feeders 3 .so 1 steer... 3 30 918 I 00 810 760 3 80 2 50 11. T. 4 00 1 20 3 35 Pa Inc. 1 rtccr.... 2 irvs. .. . 1 row 1 row 6 rows.... 911 980 7m 1 1 02c I 8 111 010 I 35 3 ml 3 (A 3 00 3 15 3 OI 3 .15 3 15 3 35 1 n . . McCoy -Wyo. 38 feeders. 4 U ii hflfers... f.75 3 50 21 feeders. 1 feeders. 2 feeders. 4 feeders. 10 rows . . . 4 50 3 75 4 50 t 50 3 li) 1 heifer 61 11 3 HI in ;i 50 677 3 ro ,1030 n iin ,li) :t co 1 heifer... 17 .lelfeis.. 1 row 1 tow 1092 10) feeders. 673 t 50 J L. Ashton -S. D. 1 cow 870 2 10 2 rows 1075 2 90 Scows 1070 2 90 1 bull 1130 3 1j Montana Cattle Co. Mont. 36 cows 956 2 70 27 cows 976 3 fti 6 feeders.. 575 3 13 1 steer 9.10 2 50 1 steer 1150 2 50 1 cow 920 2 60 W. E. Reed-Neb. 56 stk. civs. 34S 5 on 1 stk. elf . 550 I 00 Suner or cattle Co. Non. 56 feeders. 1002 I 25 37 lecdcrs 1031 I 25 HOGS As compared with yesteniay tne supply of hogs wns rather light. The de mnnd on the pnrt of packers, however, was In good shape nnd as a result lightweights, wero fairly active nt .1 shade stronger Priced. They sold largely at $5.07'. and $5.10, with (pilte a sprinkling at $5.12'4 nnd $.i.15. There were 11 good matii course heavy hogs on sale considering the size- of tho recelnts nml nackers did not seem at nil anxious for them. The market on that class of stuff wns slow nnd the prices paid were' nbout like yesterday. The medium weights sold largely at $5.o5 and $5 c'.ii nnd the henvy hogs from $5.03 down. Lnte In the forenoon several cars arrived, lilt they were bought up ut right around stendy prices, with the general market, In Nplte of the fact that Chicago's! close was none too goon. Hepresenintivo sales ,v. Sh. Pr No .v Pr ...312 ...327 ...336 ...303 ...2S3 ...34 ...?70 m J4 90 ... 5(4) 62 CO f.9 73 63 fit 00 82 5S CO 68 73 67 69 68 69 70 57 202 193 231 5 07'j 5 In 5 10 5 10 5 10 6 10 6 10 5 10 5 10 5 10 5 10 5 10 5 10 5 10 5 10 5 10 5 10 6 10 5 10 C 10 5 10 5 10 5 10 5 10 5 10 8 124 5 12'i fi 12'., fi 124 5 12, 5 12', 5 124 5 124 5 124 fi 124 fi 024 5 07', 5 074 5 07'j f, 074 5 11714 5 10 r, 1:. 3 r, 5 15 5 13 5 15 5 15 280 160 80 80 120 160 40 100 80 5 00 0 0) ...213 ...238 ...231 ...567 ...P6 ...264 ...7 ...226 ...117 ...263 ...233 . . .233 ...239 ...219 ...273 ...237 ...248 ... 50214 ... 5 02Vj 40 5 02'4 240 5 f'2i 80 5 o;ij SO $5 02 4 120 5 03 ... 5 05 16 15 j2 207 i9..'.',.'.'.'.m 62 20 88 2s7 61 297 25 274 32 Ut 8) 5 5 5 05 5 03 6 05 S lu 5 05 f. 03 fi 03 5 03 5 03 5 05 5 03 6 07 '4 5 07iJ 5 0714 f, 07111 5 071, 5 07', 5 071, 5 07 Vi 5 07 '4 5 07'4 5 0714 f. 07'3 5 07', 5 074 5 07' , S 014 I 07'4 5 07'j 5 07 4 5 07' i 5 074 5 07', 5 07', 5 07 4 ii 40 00 57 71 f.9 61 CO 51 09 6S .273 160 160 320 120 120 .3011 61.. 19.. ..WO ..267 ..281 ..279 ..336 ..277 ..22 40 80 120 80 80 120 120 811 64. 73. 283 278 248 77.... 74.... 61.... 66.... 60.... f.7. . . . 1M 40 40 255 245 285 2:6 67 24 16 278 81 248 SO 260 223 218 231 231 246 249 II? 241 290 274 3M 248 214 23") 248 226 'JC.8 82... 48... 55. . . ... 53... 73... 66... 36... 63... 62... 64 .. (3... 63 .. 8) 80 80 40 4) (0 40 80 SO 2o 40 120 200 ..21i C2"i '..K0 ..271 ..2T0 ..247 ..218 ..23 . .2.10 ..2 . 237 76... 44... 76... 89... 72... 01... 01... e... 5... 61... 24... 267 208 S77 2n 218 .. 238 .. ..286 05... 85... 54... t... 58... 39 .. 60... 93. 57. '1 72. M. S7 ..220 .750 ..2.13 ..261 120 80 M 24) J.. C C7 SHEEP The market was not heavily stip- filled today and the most of the trains were ato In arriving. Tho demand on the part of packers was In good shape so that the stuff sold nbout as fast as It enme In nt Just aboutt steady prices with yesterdaN Feeders were nlso In good demnnd. but there was no materlnl change In values, Quotations: Choice western grass weth ers, $3.40(i3.60; choice crass yearlings. J.I. 40V 3.60; choice ewes. $3.J0fc3 23; fair to good ewes, $2 50iff3.0O; choice spring lambs. $5 OOiJJ 5.25; fair to good spring lamln, $1755(5 00. feeder wethers, $3 40Ir3 5(; feeder lumbs. $100 ?j4.2j. ilepresentnttve sales: No. 239 western wethers 100 Wyoming feeding lambs. 197 Wyoming feeding lambs . 37 Idaho lambs 30 Idaho lambs 325 Idaho lambs 300 Wyoming Umbs 663 Ftah lumbs 62 native ewes 6 feeders fYt 3 85 1 cows 971 10 feeders 91$ 3 85 1 cow . 970 J Clark -Neb Av Pr 112 $3 10 59 4 30 57 4 ; 58 4 75 06 4 75 61 4 75 62 4 80 68 5 10 95 3 !5 CHICAGO 1,1 V H STOCK MARKET. Cnttle (ieiiernlly llogs Open Strong: unci Close Wenli. CHICAGO, Sept. 5 CATTLE Receipt". 20,000 head, Including 4,000 weterr-" and j Toxans: native steers, generally 10c lower, western steady to shale lower; natlv-: best on sale today, two car'' ads at $i'l, good to prlmn steers, $3 '.OflG.(X); poor to medium, $16015 10; selecteil f .ili-rs. :IO ffiS.OO; mixed stockers, $3.23 3 90; rows, $2 i5 5T4.60; heifers. $3.0)fi5.t; ennners. $J0Hf2"O. hulls, $2.5of4 60; cnlves, $5CW7 2 Texan receipts, 800 head; bent on sale today, one carload nt $3(1); Texas fed steer, Jt 25fl 5.00; Texas grass steers, $3.25Til,15. Tex is bulls, $2.K3 40. HOGS Receipts. 29,000 hend; left over 4,00) head; opened htrong closed weak, top, $5.65; mixed and butchers. 5.OO7?5 50: good to choice heavy, $5.1G'i?5 5i; rough heavy, $4.55fi5.05; light, $5.00H5 55. bulk rf sales. $5 20fl6.40. SHEEP AND LAMHS Recelnls, I8ev head; steady; lambs, weak. 5ft )0c lower, good to choice wethers. 83.501(.l 65; fnlr t,i choice mixed. $3 35i3."5: western she p. J3.45fi3n5; Toxans. $2.50f(3.2O; native lambs, $I.Oofi4.50; western lnmbs, $5.00fi5 60. Neiv YorU I,lv- rtfoek. NEW YORK, Sept. 5 -REEVES -Receipts, 2,818 hend: good to choice steers stendy, liK(15c lower; bulls, steadv and strong; cows, firm to 10e lower: steers 85 em 5.90; stags. $3.17'i'iTI 03; bulls, $2 Cftt 30 cows, $1.40&3.SO. Cables, slow; shipments 611 heail cnttle, 20 head sheep and 6, ton nu.-ir ters of beef. CALVRS Rerelpts, 2.411 head: veal' steady; closed tlrm; grassers and bitter milks. 15250 higher; veals. $5 onif ". j5 . top . $8 37'4'f(8 5o; grassers nnel buttermilks, $J5i J3 50; yearlings. $2 50 SHEEP AND LAMPS -Receipts, 12 M head; dull and lower' prime lambs stc.i.H others, 151725c off: sheep, $2 2511 4 ') 1 ill it 75'ci".00: lambs $1 "'nf- 25; culls. $3 .V1I1 1 no C.inadn lambs. 85.70e75 75 I IOCS Receipts. 6 6ft", hend; market weak. $5 70ft5.S5; choice light state hogs and pigs $3.906.00. Knnsns City I, lie StoeU. KANSAS CITY. Sept 5 CATTLE- Re ceipts. 10OV) natives and 1..100 Texan, go l general demand at strong piles, n, Mi', steers, $4 5Ofi5.70; stockers nii'l fouler J3 75f(4.80; butcher eow nnd heifer-. $'' oi (ii5 25: canners. $2 501.1(10: feil uisterix $I.U0fi5 (); wintered Texans, $3 ("Of1 Mi, Rr.i Texans, $3 2013 60. Calves Recelnts. 70i head; mnrket steady: Miles, $5 (K((6 00 per inn lbs HOGS Receipts, 11.1"0 h.nd, mnrket ne-t-he. stendv to .rc higher- Ipniy and mixed $5 151(5 3": light J5 201(5 35; pies. $ 25T I U SHEEP AND LA MRS Receipts, 5 (i bend: killing sheep Htendv; fit lumbs shade higher; lambs $1 7fif(5.(0; muttons J3V)f3.65; feeders. $3 25f( 1.30; culls. $J Wu 3.23 StoeU In 5I.miI. Following ore til" ren-pits nt the fi.n- prlnclpnl western markets for September 5. C "Me. Hows. Sliei South Omaha 3,711 6,131 1 425 Chlcaso 2,'t( Iftdi'l 18. urn Kansas city ll. UP') '..Pi' St. Lnills 3,500 4.00) 1.30 Totals ....35.311 50.834 St. ,loeib Live Slock. SOt'TH ST. JOSEPH, Mo.. Sept. B-(Spe-Clal ) The Journal ejuotes. CATTLE - Receipts. 1.101 head, mnrket Heady to 10c lower, natlvts, (4 15'j.'i t' Tex ! nt-t n.vkrns P i' .'S rows ,vd helfrrs $2(ff8 bull- .in I st n.s. .8:'' P 4 "5 ii.iillius 1 nil c.iliis 8 '.'"'-I I 3,, s'i -ci!- .in.l f e,. i, t.t.rt'jil 25. xe.ils. $'V(77'0. HlHlS-Receipt. 6.10) head; steady to shade higher; all grades, J.nmr.S7H; bulk of siles, $5 17 Vn(t SI I EL P Receipts, hend; market rec tlve ami sternly Ciin're Itill'Ket, NEW YORK. Sept. S. -COPFEE-Fuluies Opened steadv. with prices fi'lO point lower. Hid ruled e.isv during tile1 rest u( the cssloii, with pili s tend ng ehnstiwatil limler f.iirlv acthe eenetii' !o,llu, liHe, on we-ik foreign a I vices. .1 1'ctirb-n rul' of st.itlstlcs and dlscnur.ii?t:vi tonclltloes In the spot di iNirtmrnt. SpeeiilHtlVe simp ""t was laekliut nnel the n'ltli ok In aeimrttl pessimistic Th- market closed steadv. with prices in',i IS points net higher. To'. it snles. 26 250 Ini'lti'lln September .it 47.10V 15. October. J7HV.I7 2". November, $"157.25. Dm ember. $7 10; February. J7 10 S7.M. M.irih. $7ir.vi7 5o. May. $;t57(.i. Spot, Rio, easy; No 7 linolee, J8.U Mill, quiet. Cotdova, 9Vn1li Neci 11rt. Ilii l.'ooiN. NEW YORK. Sept. 5 DRY GOODS Fall River, small wile of 500. nno pieces of regular print cloths ut full price of 2c M. C. D. Itorden Was the liuir Cloth market closed very llrm. No Kttir demand than before for henvy cotton goods and prices were very Irregular, not being helped bv the strength of the eott-.n market. Other cotton goods imi'tttw feulureles.i. Woolens and worsteds ,1 ,11 .mil Irregular. Dross goods, heavy .tint un. hanged. Cnllfiiriiln lli'li'it Fruits, NEW YORK. S. i't 5 CALIFORNIA PRIED I'RFITS- There w. re no material change, lu e apor.iteil apples todnv. Thn market continues .pilot nt unchanged prices Stnte, common, was quoted ut from 31l3c; prime. 4V"',C; choice, 54fiii fancy. fiVio'. 'I he market ruled dull nhil unchanged cm the luisls nf 3jn7c per lb. for prunes, us to sire n'-l quality. Apri cots, royal, lUfllc; Moor park, l.VJ17e. Pearlies, peeled, Il1tl8c; uupcclcd, (VU9c. Oil .Alnrlicl. OIL CITY. Pa. Sept. .'..-OIL-Credlt I m Ir tiers. $1 ! cerllllestet, $1.26 hid f r c.ih nil; shipments. 93.3M bbls ; nveriK' 82,lo bbls., runs, 11I.5B') bbls ; nvcrng. Hi. 4'JS bbl LIVERPOOL. Sept. 5.-OI 1,-t.lnsced oil, 21s 3d LONDON. Sepl 5 -OIL- r nlcuttn llneed, Hint. 55s 6d; Hiicp(I oil, .'-Is 7tsd; turpentine spirits, 26s 3(1 I'lt; Oritur for ('mil. PITTS1H RG. S. pt 5 -Tile Pittsburg Xi Haltltnore Coal e unpanv has received .1 contract for 75.ei ton of rml to be scut to England by nay of Haltlmnte. The order Is the tlrst large- one th. ompatiy has r relved for export nnd I the beg lining of ait active rrusaile for torelgn matkets Pitts, burg I'oal men soy that better and larger orders e'lill be obtained If the rail rates to the seaboard arc reduced V P.M. .lee Mill Explosion Romnvea everything In sight; so do drnstlo mineral pills, hut both nre mighty dan gerous. No need to dynnmlto your body when Dr. King's New Life Pills do thn work so easily nnd perfectly. Curen headache, constipation. Only 25 cents nt Kuhn ft Co.'r drug store. Mothers endorso It, children like It, old folks use It. We refer to One Mlnuto Cough Cure. It will quickly cure nil throat nnd lung troubles. Poisoned by le'i ('renin Sodn. CHICAGO. Sept. 5 -The health depart, ment was t otltled today of the pi.lson'ng by Ice cream soda of three persons, one of whom may die. The victims: Clnr-Mioo Smith. 5 years of age, condition critical; Mrs. T. C. Smith, will recover; Mrs. E Smith, will recover. The lco cream soda, was taken yesterday morning. Til II RE Al.TV .11 A It K KT. INSTRI'MENTS placed on record Wednej- day, September 5. .900: Wnrrnuty Droit. J. T. Lunt and husband to O. M. Rlbbel. lot 5, t'nlnn Sqi'are $ 7.0 S. II. Haskell to L c. Hutchinson. lot 16, block II, Omaha View G. N. Stone and wife to Cyrus Hasnn, lot 9, blork 5, (Y Peril" & H.'s add.. Lucia N. Relf to M. F. Pre, n'4 lot 9, Elizabeth place L. R. Rnssltcr and wife to F. C. tvo 40) 750 Pelter, s3.l Tcet or 114 lot 8. block 2. Imnrovement Association add W. W. Welday to F T. True, lots 1 nnd 2. Selbv Heights; lots 6 and 7, block 2. Weiss siibdlv , and lot 4, block 1, A. S. Patrick's ndd ((lilt l lnlni llcctU. D. II. Welch nnd wife to Richard Lynns. Ii50 feet lot 16. block 5, Sweesy's mid 50 Totnl amount of transfers ...$I0.4H When cithers full consult GTOR SEARLES & SEARLES OMAHA. muti mm op MEN SPECIALIST (V guurunte to cure ull cane uurabla ot WEAK MEM SYPHILIS hlCXUALLV. Cured for Life. Night Kinlaslons, Lost Manhood, Hydrocele, Vertcocele, Gonorrhoea, (ilea:, Syphilis, ofricturo. Pile. FUtula and Uooul Ulcwra iind ull I . Ivnle Dlsenaea itnil Dlaor.lrra i.r Bio a Mrlrlnrp anil (ilrel Liire.l at llouie. Consultation Free. Call on or addreu 1)11. MKAlll.lilS Jt allAllliKM. HO Bo 1. 1 1. J tlh Ml. ailAUL. IVIADETSVJ A VIAN i4i Viri ons iHttatt 1-Lilian Mtm cry, HI), tc., cAimvii lijr orer work ftDtl Inrtifccrtiimi. 'ilieu fuirAM anil surety rioi Iott VitsftlltT In olj or joiinir. na Mt n mnn for atudT. hmu nun for iiuiIt, bail ' Inianil. nn.l nna or pUurur. rieritrit Jomnitr ami fvsConiaraptlon If Uker tn t tins. Tint.- ltnbroTAment id .n.l m rjlll.M Hfcfrr at I ottieira lil. lout uisia liuong tliasunulna AJaJCTBDleita. 'J tiT !. cuitJ ttiouads uudnir jnre jon, V s rIia u poaltiv a w rlttan uuarautsa to .if. feet ucura In each cka or the uioner. I'rlr tflole I""" !""', 'ir all f.nclnicea Hull treat OUtlb. menu for SlS.60 t; mull. In plain nrnppen DpnT raol(l ot prlre Clroufa.afra". AJAX REA1I3DY CO., Z" 1'or au li. in diuutiu, Nob. by J art ru'raylti, 102 N i6th. Kuhn fc Co.. 15th and DotiL'las, nnd In Council illuffn fay J. C. DuHavcn. Drusststi CURE YOURSELF! Wtn J)ltra fnr uunnltiril rilichari.?., fiinantu.Hinn trritatlnrir or nli fnitiorii of in u t u niriolx nr. I'mrou outisol I nlnlrt, Bur, i .it uvlrir; it t rrt in ' nil Ml in II (if. ( ...ti-L..- NO CURE. NO MAY If fon tivi rniall wKiak oi f'tnit Vacuum atgn Jiprfl'ipfi will I'liorn yui without ilruj; nr ftri. i t , 0)0 In mi' i ti t oni not on rpiiirnrti . n t ' I' frnutli write for tu vru'vor ill ii iii nn rtix i ; . LOCAL APPIIANCL CO . 614 Cnuits Biot.. fJenvtf, Colo. Cook's DuehefsTslilefs nre aiieeeaifiillr used monthly In wr id unci ladies, l'rlce, IStii. I!v in jil. SI OS. houd 4 eentu for y1 esinnl.. nnd parlieiilftrs. The tlook Co., T Wemdwurd nvo , Detroit, Mich. BnM In e-im,h:l l. Kj tin & i'i, K, & Doucls'. JAMES E- BOYD & 00., Telephone 1031). Oiiinli... Nil COiMAlISSlON, (jKAIN, IMtOVISlO.Nb and STOCKS IIOAItll ok riiADi:. Correipondence Juhn A Warren ct Co direct wire to CU.lbo and Ni Ifor H.R.P&INEY& CO. eoori-iir un eua cKAitA ma. branch loaatust iinuut rtcu DO im?f 1 bbe TlVai' Oi. U triaiutr eV e mtn HVJri IK EM " D If 9 fel H W He filhirr