Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 06, 1900, Page 10, Image 10

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Doctors Endeavoring to Ascertain Oauso of
0. M. Wright's Death.
I'orIIIvp ninumiftln Cnulil Not lit- Mnili
mill I'lixl-.Unrli-iu llxn iiilnn I Ion
Wnn ItfNiirlfil Tn I M
, ' ipirnt Hny I'ollou.
George M. Wright. rx-Miperlntenilout of
tho county poor farm, who was taUrn seri
ously 111 of Homo mystrrlotiH malaily Thus
dny momltiK, rilcil at his apartments In the
Sherman lints shortly before midnight that
night without havlnB n-Kiiliirrt consclousneits.
Thero worn strotiK Imllcntlons of morphine
polsonlnR, but the nttcndlnK physic-Inns say
thoy were not nblr to make n ponlttve tll
nnoHlH of his rasn ami In onlcr to nsci-r-taln
tho muse of ilenth a post-mortem ex
nmlnntlon was eoniliH'toil by I)rs. K. H.
l'ortcr nml J. 0. lllshop. Dr. W. It. Lav
ender was present as the personal rep
resentative of the coroner nnd ufter the
nutopsy reported that there was no positive
nvldunrc of poisoning, but advised that thu
contents of the stomach be carefully nn
nlyzcd. Dr. Lavender stated In the report that
tho heart, stomach and kidneys of the dead
man were badly diseased and that tho con
dition of the heart was such that It alone
might hnve cnuHcd his death. A little mor
phine, tho doctor stated, taken to relieve
pain, might have hastened death on nc
cntint of the dnngerous condition of the
Mr. Wright's condition was discovered by
bis wife about 3 o'clock Tuesday morning.
J lo was then unconscious nnd breathing
heavily. Dr. lllshop was called nnd later Dr.
Coulter was summoned In consultation. A
Ftomnch pump was brought Into use, but
not In tlmo to be effective, ns tho poison
if he had taken poison had been entirely
absorbed Into the system. Then, by means
of artificial respiration and a galvanic bat
tery, the patient's life wns prolonged for
nineteen hours.
Siilclilc Tlieiir.v Si'OiilPil.
The suicide theory Is qulto generally nc
ceptcd by the neighbors and other tenants
of the Sherman lints, but this Is emphat
ically denied by tho members of his family
nnd of the secret societies to which he
belonged. They say ho Is not the kind of
n man who would take his own life. Those
who Incline to tho hypothesis of suicide ns
crlbo several possible motives. I'oor health
Is ono of (hem. It Is said that he had been
doctoring for some stomach trouble and
that ho was beginning lo despair of over re
gaining his physical strength. Two weeks
ngo ho was overheard to remark thnt he
would never take another drop of medicine.
The report that his domestic relations were
unhappy Is dented by his relatives nnd by
Mrs. Wright herself.
The dee'enred wns manager nnd bookkeeper
for tho Standard Bridge company, with
ulltrcH In the New York Life building. Robert
V.. Drake, president of the concern, wns In
Cnccpll. In., yesterday und whether or not
Mr. Wright's accounts were regular will
probably bo known today, when tho pres
ident will return.
Mr. Wright's life wns Insured In the
Aetna nnd Koynl Arcanum for nn nggro
fntn ii mm i ii t cif 110.000. lie waH a member
of tho Masonic, Odd 1-YHowh, Modern Wood
men nnd Hoyal Arcanum orders.
The funeral wilt be held Krldny nl 1 p.
ttv 'Phn ilntnllH of IIiIh liavn not been .ar
ranged ns yet, but It Is probable that one
or moro of tho lodges to which ho belonged
will conduct mo services.
WHuIiI'm l.lfo.
Oeorgo M. Wright was born In -Tcrrc
lliiuto, Ind., forty-three yearn ago. llo
came to Oinnhn In 1SS8 nnd soon nfter
married Miss Krnnko ltavls, daughter of
H. 1. Davis, chief clerk adjutant gen
oral U. S. A. About this time
ho also entered the military service. He
wmi In tho battlo of IMno Itldge. Securing
Ills discharge, he assumed charge of tho
government hospital at Fort Omaha, whl'h
position he held three years. lie thou
iiecamc superintendent of tho county poor
farm, serving until the appointment of the
present Incumbent, when ho went Into tho
bridge building business.
A year ago last March his mother died.
leaving him J2.000. Ills wlfo and a daughter
I years old survive him.
Millions will be spent In politics this
year. Wo can't keep tho campaign going
without money nny moro than we can keep
tho body vigorous without food. Dyspep
tics utcd to stnrvo thomselves. Now Kodol
Dyspepsia Cure dlgestB what you eat and
allows you to cnt nil tho good food you
wont. It radlcnlly cures stomach troubles
iti:ncci:n nvinn o. supt. io,
Till C'lilciiKO, MllivimUcc A .St. I'nul
It ii 1 1 i n y.
On September 10 nnd 26 tho Chicago, Mil
tvnukee &. St. Paul railway will sell round
trip tickets from Oniahn to
Chicago and return $11 75
Milwaukee, and return 16 75
SI. Paul ond return 12 65
Minneapolis and return 12 65
Dubuque nnd return 12 10
Spirit Lake and return S 30
Klgln, III., and return 13 00
I.a Crosse, Wis., nnd return 13 21
Mndlson, Wis., nnd return 15 13
And to nil points on their lines In Iowa, 1111
nols, Wisconsin, Mlnncsotu nnd tho north
ern nenlnsuln of Michigan, nt one fare, plus
$2, for tho round trip. Minimum selling rato
$7, tickets limited to October 31.
General Western Agent,
1504 Farnnm St., Omaha.
Mnrr Cbenp Kt cnmliiiiN.
September 1. 1900. Remarkable! The
season Is nt Its height. Cool weather. Al
titude, 3,400 frut. Healthful climate. Good
placo to spend a vacation.
HOT SPRINCS. South Dakota.
Tho trip Is easily made via tho Fremont,
Elkhorn & Missouri Valley railroad. Satur
day excursions September 1, 8, 16, 22, 29.
Limit, October 31, 1900.
Saturday and Tuesdny excursions on salo
at nil points on "North-Western Line,'
Slom City, Missouri Valley, Omnha and west
thereof In Nebraska.
Tuesday excursions, September 4 nnd 18,
also on sale at points on "North-Western
Lino" and connections cast of tho Missouri
Rate Ono fnre, plus $2, for round trip.
Limit, October 31, 1900.
Dates salo September 1. 4, 8, 15, 18, 22,
For pnmphlets telling all about hotels,
scenery, cllmnte nnd cures, call on any
agent North-Western Line.
lliiiiitniinie Souvenir
of vlows enroute to California: cuts all
finished In beautiful colors. Copies can be
obtained at address below.
nnd nil prlnclpnl western points.
City ticket otTlco 1324 Farnnm street
Tel. 316.
Gale City Caiiin, Xo HI IS, M. W. of V.
CJato City camp, No. S418. Modern Wood
men of America, will glvo n steamboat ex
cursion on tho Henrietta Saturday night,
September 8. All Woodmen nro cor-
dlally Invited to attend. Will glvo a prize
for Foresters' competitive drill.
DnrliiK the Sett Tin re lln We Will
1'ui.lll vl- ( lime (lilt
Which remain from the great wholesale,
stock. The sizes are somewhat broken, but
tho bargains arc Just as big ns ever. Soma
of theso ladles' shoes were mado to sell
for 15.00, somo for $4.00, some for $3.00 and
some for $2.50, but we will close out tho I
entire lot during tho next three days at!
Our new fall stock will be open In n few
days anil wo wish to close out. everything
elee in the shoe department boforo opening
It. We are, therefore, mnklng most ex
traordinary cuts In nil lines of Indies' and
misses' shoes, ladles' slippers, men's and
boys' shoes of nil kinds, so ns to open with
nn entirely new stock. No matter what
you want In shoes, you enn Unci them hero
for about half price; some of them will go
for less than half price.
The last three days of this sale. Como
N. W. Cor. 16th nnd Douglas Sts.
Samuel Hums, 1318 Knrnom. Is selling a
porcelain decorated dinner set for $6.50.
Merle of Accident to Sciile Ciiiinpn
Cniilii-illini n( I ii r-It n oil Ore In
InriW uf tin- Smeller.
A peculiar state of affairs Is responsible
forji dcrrenso In tho force employed nt the
smelter. All ore Intended for use nt that
Institution hns been weighed upon the scales
of tho Western Weighing association. Theso
scales have been In bad condition for somo
tlmn nnd a dny or two ngo they collapsed.
Workmen nro now engaged In building new
scales, but It will bo somo tlmo before they
can bo used.
When tho association's scnlcs wero no
longer nvnllnblo tho cmclttng company ran
cars upon tho scales of tho Union 1'aclflc
Knllway company. Hut few enrs had passed
over beforo n trnln ran off tho track, de
ranging tho scales. They were repaired, but
now tho smelting company declares that tho
weights arc not correct nnd they will not
accept oro or pay freight until tho weights
have been verified by tho association scnlcs.
Cars of oro are piled up nt the smoltcr, but
nom hns been unloaded for several days.
Tho question of demurrngo Is to be taken up
The Unit cry of AViimnii
Wns grandly shown by Mrs. Charles Howl
ing of Hutler, Pa., In n three years' strug
gle with a mnllgnnnt stomach trouble.
that caused distressing nttneks of nausea
and Indigestion. All remedies failed to
relievo her until she tried Electric Hit
ters. After taking It two months, she
wrote: "I nm now wholly cured nnd can
cat anything. U Is truly a grand tonjc
for the wholo system, ns I gained In weight
and feel much stronger slnco using It."
It aids digestion, cures dyspepsia, im
proves appetite, gives new life. Only GOc.
Guaranteed, at Kuhn & Co.'s drug store.
Illliiol Ontritt i:tciirlniin.
On Sopt. I, 7, 10, 18, 21 nnd 26, wo will
sell round-trip tickets from Omnha to St.
Paul, Minneapolis, Waseca, Watervllle, Mad
ison I.nko and Duluth nt rate of ono faro
plus $2.00.
Homo Visitors' excursion tickets on salo
Sept. 10 nnd 26, to nearly nil points In Illi
nois, Iowa, Minnesota and Wisconsin nt ono
fare plus $2.00 for the round trip. All
tickets limited for return until October .11.
Full particulars at City Ticket offlco. 1102
Karnam street, or address W. H. Drill, D.
P. A Omaha.
tiOllll I'lNllllIK,
Spirit I.nke, OkoboJI, Lake Washington,
Waseca, Englr Lake, River Falls, Solon
Springs, Rice Lake, Hnyileld, Ashland, Oog-
cblc, Watcrsmeot and numerous lukes near
St. Paul and Minneapolis
They are all good flnhlng places nnd are
quickly nnd comfortably reached by the
Northwestern Line.
Cheap rato excursions Augurt 21 and Sep
tember 7-21. Mmlt, October 31. 1300. City
ticket ofP.ce. 1101 nnd H03 Farnnm street.
Mnrtnllty StllllMli'N.
The following births nnd deaths were re
ported to the Hoard of Health for tin
twunty-fnur hours ending nt noon Vednen
day: H rtlm Aiexnniier, muni .ortli Twen
ty-fourth, girl; Fred Wilson, bit.' North
Twenty-llrst, Inn : Sam Rlm-mait. ini;i Dav
enport, girl: (!us Peterson. 2.i2rt Uecse. irlrl:
('. Pierce. llSi North Seventeenth, girl,
Frank Ualn. :i!2n Smith Seventeenth, girl.
itsiv .tester. nun. gin; licorco (.Tamer.
1.121 South Twenty-eighth, boy.
Deaths C'lerlse Irwin. Tiini South Klght- neon ; months: i;ucene l'atleri.m.
His Koutn i';ignteentn, nceii ti mimtliu; Mm
Ktnllv Hansom, wni South Twentv-llrst nve-
h i e. nged S5: Edna F. Johnson. 1909 South
Eighteenth, nged i months.
Drugs at Gut Prices
$1.00 Llsterine (Lambert's)
60c Srup Figs (genuine)
50c Morrow's Kld-ne-olds
$1 00 Mine Ynle a Preparations
$100 Poruim
$1.01 Wycth s Hcef Iron find Wine
$1.00 Scott's Emulsion Cod Liver OIL...
Jl.oo steams' Wine . f Cod Liver Oil...
$1 no Klnn's New Discovery
$1 (V Jnyne's Hxpe tornnt
nan s iiair iicnewcr
$1.00 Wnmpnlo's Coil Liver Oil
$1.( Kilmer's Swamp ltoot
$1.0) Wine of Cnrilul
$101 Pierce's Favorite Prescription...
$l.i) P.ilne's Celery Compound
$1.01 Miles' Nervine
$1.0) IIoiiJ'h SarsiiMrtlbi
JI.eo tinned .MHK
$1 o Cramer's Kidney Remedy
wtlto tor ciitaiogue.
Sherman &McConnel I Drug Co,
In New Store at IGtH nnd Dodge,
1 toe iBiiiif mmm
rjtr J::mj. -. -I-.J-LJ.-'. j 1 f
Special Train
to Lincoln
Tlokst OHIo,
1 502 Farnam St,
Tol, 250,
John H. Eich Confesses to the Theft of
Money from Registered Letters.
All the Looted Mlinlvc Are Sen! from
One House anil Only Contain
Sum 1 1 A mini ii In llnliietle
Trouble Alleueil C.'nune.
John II. Elch, ft letter cnrrler nt the
Omnha postolllce. has been arrestee
on tho charge of embezzling registered let
ters. He gav bond In the sum of $1,000
for his appearance at the preliminary ox
uralnntlon, which will bo held this
afternoon nt 2 o'clock. Elch entered the
employ of tho government ns letter carrier
August 1, 18?2, nnd for several years hns
carried route No. 55, lying west of Thirty
eighth street, between I'arnam nnd Cum
ing. On August 13 of this yenr he received a
letter for registration from n woman living
at 116 North Thirty-eighth avenue
The letter fnlled to nrrlve at Its destina
tion nnd the sender called at the postodlco
to make Inquiries. Tho records were ex
amlned nnd showed thnt the letter was
still In tho hands of tho cnrrler. While
this nutter wns being Investigated W. A.
Weber, living at the samo number, com
plained that i letter addressed to .Mrs.
Sarah Wobcr of Olenwood, la., given to the
carrier for registration, hnd not arrived
at Its destination. As Weber left tho
building ho met Elch, who confessed to tho
theft of the letter nnd gave him $10, the
amount contained In It.
Tho house on Thirty-eighth nvenue seemed
to bo fatal to Elch. Tho next letter ho was
given to register contained $1.50. It was
addressed to Marshal Field & Co. of Chicago.
Elch took the rash and destroyed the mis
sive. Another letter given him by the samo
person In thn samo month wns also ap
propriated wltn tho funds It contained.
Tho complaints nlt enmo In about tho samo
l'Jt ll AilmltN HIn Cilllll,
Yesterday Postmaster Inspector Sin
clair nnd tho postmaster decided thnt they
had n case against tho cnrrler nnd ho won
taken Into tho nineo of tho latter and ques
tioned. As soon ns ho was confronted with
thn ovldenco of his guilt he broke down
nnd confessed. In u signed statement to tho
Inspector, which ho says was made at his
own suggestion, ho states that the first let
ter wnB Inst, hut admits appropriating the
funds contained In the other letters.
Elch attributes his action to trouble, In his
family. For several years the Elch house
hold has been n iceno of Infelicity which
culmtnntrd about three months ngo In a
separation between husband nnd wife, tho
latter taking possession of the only child.
This trouble has seemed to prey upon tho
mind of the mall carrier, until his friends
believe him mentally Irresponsible at tho
tlmo of the embezzlements.
When first taken In rkargo by tho In
spector he wns nsked to produce tho record
of registered letters received by him. He
told tho Inspector that ho hnd lost It, but
afterward delivered It to tho olllcer. The
record shows the receipt of tho letters and
bears out the confession. Thin record will
bo used for the purpose of making n thor
ough examination Into his affairs, although
ho states that the four letters already dis
covered constitute tho total of his embez
zlements. Forty yenrs In tho market with n con
stant lncrcsso In sales tells the tale for
Cook's Imperial Extra Dry Champagne.
Mnlli Wnnl HeimlillennN.
The Ninth ward republicans will hold nn
open nlr meeting nt Forty-first and Hamil
ton streets on Thursday evening at S
o clock. Music will bo furnished by Jo
Ilarlnn quartet, and John L. Webster, W. F.
Ourley, John L. Kennedy and others will
deliver addresses.
Awaking In the morning and having
severe pnlns In your back Is caused by
your kidneys being weak. Take Cramer's
Kidney Cure. That will strengthen them.
Sold by all druggists.
I) IK I).
WUIOIIT rieorge JL, September I, 1!W.
ngetl 12 years, at his residence, The Sher
man Hats.
Funeral Sunday, September 0, nt homo
(private at 12:30 p. m.; at Masonic hall.
Sixteenth street and Capitol nvenue, nt
2 p. m. Interment Forest Lawn cemetery.
Friends Invited.
Term Haute papers plea3e copy.
Don't Let
Him Stay.
Tho June bug comes In June,
The lightning bug goes In May,
Hut tho HED HCG takes his
llonnet off und sa;-H:
"I've como to Htuy."
They would stay unless you us Sure
Penth to kill them. Comes In bottles, 20c,
50c nnd $1.00.
Cramer's Kidney Cure 7.'e
HemieliN T.'ileiim I'otviler ........ l'-e
I nele Siiiu'h Tohneeo Cure .TOe
Slirmler'N I'Ik I'oinler -."
Ilr. Knrl Criimer'N Penny rnynl
PIIIn 91.(10
I'lilnc's Celery I'omiioiinil "Cr
Wine of ( arilul 7re
ClirllT'i. I. iter PIIIn m.
Sluiirl'H I) Hicislii TllllletN . o. . . . Kli
Illre'N Hoot lit er Mo
lliienn lliilr Iteslorer ...7."
Mulled MI1U, IOe, 7.1e set. tn
cfMiirrra cur price
8. H. Cor-. Jiilh nnd Chlenso.
Wednesday, Sept. 5.
Thursday, Sept. 6.
Leaves Omaha 8 a. m.
Leaves Lincoln 7 p. m.
Nine hours at the
State Fair.
Round trip $2.15,
including admission
to Fair.
Uurllnaton Station
10th and Mason Sts
Tel. 120
ha vni:'s nn; sii.k sai.i:.
We Are .Sow llnlillnu; n (irent Slllc
For Thursdny wo will sell 100 pieces of
flno colored china silks nt 22e. A big line
of extra grade 10-In. wide rol.ired t.iff. l.i
for 50c. Wo sell you a fine tnffe'n e.'l
27-ln. wide, In all colors, for less tli.ui utd
by nny merchant In the country, wof'h
$1.25, at 50c; all silk satin duehesse. rrp-i
Inr $1.00 grade, for 60c; skinner satin yur 1
wide, worth $2.00, In seal brown, only nt
$1.00; black hemstitch nnd pllsse silk,
worth $1.50 nnd $2.00, nil nt PSr; 36-ln blark
taffeta nt SOc; black taffoln 27-In. wide nt
59c. Tho best value you ever heard of In
black French Peau do sole dress silk 27-ln.
wide, worth $3 00 yard, on sale nt $1.50.
whlto corded silk, worth $1.00, for ."0c.
Read Hayden's bargains, this page.
Hone Mini Sine of Them Setteil Into
lilt Cunt lo Improve
Its I'll.
Frnnk Howe, the man who wns detected
In tho net of trying to loot the Hyron
Reed collection of coins nt the public
llbrnry Inst week, was arraigned In pollco
court yesterday on a chnigo of having
burglnrs' tools In his possession. He
plended not guilty, nnd hts case was set
for hearing Friday afternoon.
Tho burglars' tools referred to nro nine
flno steel snws which were round sewed
Into thn lining of his clothing One of
theso ho used in trying to cut tho lock
Two Trains OaiSy
to Denver,
0's P!CT0rV
I.v. Otnnlia 1:25 p in today.
Ar. Denver 7::l5 ti in tomorrow.
I.v. Oinitlm 1 1:115 p m toilny.
Ar. Denver 1:20 p in tomorrow.
Sept. 18 the Next Excursion.
$10.00 to Denver ami Ketiii n.
$10.00 to Colorado Spring and
$10.00 to Pueblo and Return.
$;12.00 to Salt Lake and Ketnrn.
Return good untilOotober 31, 1900,
City Tlokot Offlco 1324 Fnrnnm
Stroot. Tol. 316.
Seem to be very troublesome Just at present.
JudRlnR from tho numerous chIIh for rut
polHon. In looking for a reliable nrtlcle,
wo decided on
Steam's Electric Paste.
From the rcporU wo hear nhout It, It la
undoubtedly tho best rat extormlnator on
tho market.
25c per boxcut price 20c.
Fonrlci-nlli nnif Unnclna Streeln.
I. S. MANAWA TICKKT3 on salo at
30c--n saving of 10c on tho regular faro.
Large boxea fancy Free Stone Crawford Peaches
for preserving tomorrow in our grocery
department, per box
Grocery Specials
Rest Minnesota. XXXX Suporlrtive Flour, sack 05c
Another shipment of 2,000 gallons pure Cidor Vinegar, from
the country, on sale tomorrow, per gallon 10c
Large California Lemons, per dozen Ilk
Large hot tie French Mustard 'Ac
New Sardines, per can .'?3'
Large sacks White or Yellow Common! 10c
Larue sacks Pure (iraham Flour 174c
Yeast Foam, (Jei'inan Yeast, etc., per package .tc
Quart, cans Ciolden rumpkiu tie
Quart cans (h-ated Pineapple 8c
Hulk Laundry Starch, per pound lie
2-pound cans Early Juno Peas 10c
2-pound cans String Beuns, only 7Ac
Tall cans Blood Ked Salmon 12Ac
Quart Cans Pure Table Syrup 8c
Sbars Wliite Kussian or Diamond C Soai 2nc
Iancy Pickles in bottles, assorted kinds S l-.'h-
Tapioca, Pice, Sago, I 'earl Parley. Farina, etc, per pound .... "r
Butter and Cheese
Western Crass Creamery Putter, per pound 20c
Fine Klgin Creamery, lU', ISc and l!)c
Dairy Jbitter, V2U; 1 1c and 1 Cm-
Fancy Full Cream Cheese, per pound 10c
Yellow Herkimer County Cheese, per pound J2Ac
New York White Full Cream Cheese, per pound 12Ac
Everything fresh and new in this department. Xo imitation
butter. Xo skimmed cheese.
You have the REST notwithstanding they cost you no more ttwn Interior ooods.
r it. hick m. r. o...M.M-r.cTCKi:its. i.ons, mo. HUMIM UlfllP
or. the coin -nsc. " Judge" J. S, Coolcy. j
v.ho hns been retnlncd ns his counsel, j
snys his client Is a Jeweler and that tho
saws were for use in thnt vocation. They
were sewed Into the lining of his coat to
Improve the "set"' of that garment
O-naha Tcni ana Awning Co . tents, nwn- 1
l"p canvns g n-ds. ll'h A Hanif r Tel. 833.
N ,d3Sv tfJn
for Early Autumn
V ni-p fently to show you n fine
llSMortll'i-Ilt of liiiiulsotiic wool
wuNts for full wear. Ill till popular
colors nnd styles.
New silk wnlsts. pretty patterns
and mailt' rljrht nt prices that defy
Kc'iiionilior vp arc lientliiuartprs
for UOt. I' SKIHTS.
1510 Dotiitlus St
Banisli Disease
From the ho-isr' Adopt our modern open
sanllnry plumlilnK and oxeludu t ho deadly
Beourite of sewer pas, whleli has claimed
ho ninny vlellmn. Air and water are two
Katea ! whlrh disease enter tho Hyntom.
With our superior plumbing, ono of theso
entrances Is securely burred against tho
enemy. Wo Kunrnnteo tlrst class results
In plumbing, gas or stcamnttlnK at bottom
Freeze Black,
Plionc 1010. . . 1800 I'arnam St.
nur the looks of the most beau
tiful faeo. Wo replace such
teeth with a nnmOK or I'LATH so that
they look Ilko tho ones nature guve you.
Oood Ret Teeth f-fi.OO
Rold Crowns $K.OO
Gold Fillings $1 50 up
Taft's Philadelphia Dental Rooms,
ir17 Douullln St.
wants in
school shoes. A few days' wear at home will be more
satisfactory to the little folks in the way of comfort.
Six hundred and sixty-nine school children, the in
crease in the attendance for the past year over that of
the previous year, and the increase this year they say
will exceed that of th past.
This store is offering ,ou great shoe opportunities.
In tan or black, extei sion soles, any toe, anv width,
. to 8, ?1.00 8A to 1U. 1.2.") 12 to 2, $l.n0.
In satin calf, nice, neat solid shoes, evei'y pair guaran
teed, sizes 2A to ."A. ?1.2." youth's, l.'U to 2, $i.U).
Low heel, made just I ke a man's shoe, best extra line
linish, vici calf stock, will not sen IT or rip, sizes
tt to I. 'I, $1.10.
Made for rough usage, solid and serviceable, good
style, good titling. '.) lo .1.2n.
Bring your boys and girls hero for m hool shoes.
There's a saving in ecry pair.
Cramer's Kidney Cure
Has cured more people of that dreaded disease than any
other kidney cure on the market, and it is safe to say
what it has done for others it will do for you. One bot
tle of this wonderful remedy will convince you there is
no better Kidney and Liver Cure made. Others fail lo
give results but Cramer's never. Don't, keep on suffer
ing but give this remedy a trial Cramer's Kidney and
Liver Cure is for sale by all druggists and dealers in med
icines. If they haven't it in stock they will get it for you
if you request it- and insist on having it. Take no sub
stitute for there is none.
Cramer Chemical Company,
HAYDENs Bargains
10 Spools Perfect Machine
Thread for 15c
These are full 200 yards goods and guaranteed to run on any ma
chine. J00 yards Belding Bros' best, sewing silk, He. These goods
are put up in 20-yard spools and will be sold for 1c per spool.
2oc all silk satin and gros grain ribbon, He.
HOc dresser scarfs, only l"c.
10c all linen doilies, He.
20c tooth brushes, 0c.
10c hair nets, 5c.
20e pearl buttons, He.
1. 00 copyright books. Sc.
Kendall's recipe books, 2
fi()e initial stationery a big bargain. I He.
10c hooks and eyes, 2c.
15c work baskets, 5c.
Dress Goods Sale
FHIiNCII FLANNELS e will place on sale tomorrow,
and every day this week, our plain French Illinois, worth 5!)c, at
.'Sc. 27 shades in stock. We will placo all our st ripen, dots and
Persian patterns, manufactured by Koechliii, Baiinigarten & Co.,
Paris, on sale at 5Sc. All Shearer Louth's high grade Persians,
at (55c. All our tine imported ( hallis, strictly all wool, -l!)c. Per
sian Ohallis, 5!)c. Satin stripes, etc., 7."c. All wool cheviots,
10c, 5!)c. 75c, OSe up. Wo hav an exira weight for ladies' jackets
and skirts, 5l-inclies wide Priestley's West of England our
price will bo $1.25. and will put it up against anything in town
sold at $2.50 a yard. We will sell you a lirst class Pierola worth
81.25 yard at 75c. 10.000 yards of the newest .'!!) novelties will
go on sale at 25c. See our Kit I. St. window for Saturday's great
dress uoods salo. o
Don't wait until the 17th of Sep
beforo you attend to your
the way of boys and girls'
That jitrinil thflr ti'cth to troubln
Hum It h .rv I j 1 1 h I Of riiurxp.
II U'.ulcl l,i. I III J ,OMM I tl I (: to lllWdVH prf
int thi- t .! from kMiik piun. but
Y.O Mill n-.l ic ! II, llllHHlhllttV to thn
Ii.lnlinum If will Uuvo llie tunlli irup
rl uiiimUil (o tlio pain v.lll li- le-hivi-il
nml lh- Irmililt' Felllpil.
IWILCY, the Dentist
I'lllllflT fit' l'1'llklllllllllll irIu- lu
rfl I'nilon IIIU. mill ,v I'urpniu.
Lutly AlteuilHUl. I'liuue tUNu,