THE OMAHA DAILY 117515: TUESDAY, S15PTI53CRE1? 1, 1000. OMAHA TAKES ANOTHER PAIR Rourke Family Makes a Long Reach After Third Place. PUEBLO TIGHTLY FASTENED IN LAST HOLE Locnln ,nll finn the 1,1 il on II. r II ti -Irnlle-i In I'lnf Nllr llcforc n I,nrc llollilny I rtiiwl, Omiilin. Ill 1 1 I'liclilo, I)ck Moliirn, V.-..- llniipr, 1-1'. M(in I II), M M, .Iii,piIi, , Ini'lnnntl, llt.lli ViirU. I-II. Ill until) u, li-HH I hlcnun, .-.-7. I'lttalmru, M-lli llimtim, T-l. Plillnilcliililn, lll-llli M. I, mil.,, li-l. Detroit, ('lilciiun, ll-ll, liiilliitiiiliolln, :t-l Kit ii hid. Clt, .. .MIlMnnkcp, CIim rliiiid, II, The second iloubloheader of (hp seaon (he Omahas won fjulto handily and that. too. be foro tho ndmlrlng Raze of h multitude of en thtirdaillc fans whono Joy knew no hounds When It was clearly demonstrated (hat the Orentera were like no many marionettes net up for Pitchers Hoach and Frceland to mow down. rioth Rames were easy money for the locals and they didn't even have to half try In or der to firmly t.lant the Pueblos at the bot tom round of the percentage ladder. In tho tlrst same flrandpa Hourke's hired men de scended upon "Tacks" Parrolt for hits with Mnrtllng rcsulnrlty and chased away with a run or two o; five In each Inning, except the third anil fourth. Realizing that victory was so certain the locals did no( overexert themselves In their fielding operations and a nice hunch of errors was strung up. Hut (ho accumulation of thc3n didn't begin until after tho game was easily cinched. In the last two Innings of the dm game the vljltorj chalked up four tuns, every one of them due to fielding errors, but then nobody was dis posed to be too critical, for It would have been a covetous Individual. Indeed, who would have sought another Fhutout of (he poor, broken down, despairing Colonidoans. One of (ho features In (his game was 1-M-die Latizon's repetition of the brilliant bane running of Mattlc McVleker the day before. F.ddlo stealing home In the third Inning, Just as Mattlo did In Sunday's game. Tho second game was a prettier contest, but It was oven easier than the first for tho Colts. Freclnnd pitched a magnlMcent game and was touched up for but one hit, a three-bagger, by Parrott In the sixth In ning. This hit netted the tallendcrs their only run The locals succeeded In approprl ntlng four tallies. This afternoon's game will be (he last of (ho season and a big crowd Is expected to wltncm the wlndup of the Western league this year. It will bo ladles' day nnd (he fair i-cx will undoubtedly turn out In large num bers to encourage their favorites (o ano(her victory. Score, first game: OMAHA. All. II. II. O. A. E. Toman, ss t 2 2 ."i 2 0 Freclnnd, rf 5 2 2 10 0 McVleker, ef 12 3 10 0 T.nuzoil, c !i 2 2 ! 3 1 "Wilson. It) I ft 1 7 0 I Hoy. 3b I ft 2 2 n 2 Clark, If n I 0 0 I 2 T.nwler, 2b 3 10 2(0 Hon eh, p I 2 3 0 2 1 Totals IS 12 l. 27 12 7 I'UKIll.O. All, It. H. O. A. F Mcllale, 2b 3 10 1 10 Tlaymer, ss 1 1 0 3 2 1 Parrot t, p I 0 2 2 3 ft Yerkes, rf . ' 0 11 2 1 0 Graham, 0 112 10 1 Dalrymple, ef I 1 0 1 0 0 Moron, If 3 0 1 5 ft ft Kelly. Mb 3 ft 1 0 1 0 Johnson, lb 3 0 0 n fl 0 Totals 32. 4 6 24 11 2 Omaha-. ..i:v...;..2-M 1 ft" ft' I 1 'R' 12 Pueblo. " 0 00 0 0 0 1 34 Karned runs'. Omaha, if. Two-bam hit: Freelnnd. Throe-bane hltn: Ijuuoii, lloacb. Saerltler hits: MeVlclter, Wilson. Bases on balls: Off Itoai'h, 1; off Parrott, 3. Struck out- n.v Hoach, 9; .by Parrott, 2. Stolen liases: Laiizon (2), Wilson. Double plays: Yerkes to Johnson, I touch to Lawler to Wilson. Time: 1:10 i'mplre-Kbrlgbt. Score, Beconil game: OMAHA. All. It. II. O. A. E Toman, ss 10 15 3 1 Jrreeland, p 4 0 1 0 0 McVleker. of 4 112 0 0 l.allgoil, ' 3 ft ft 2 0 1 Wilson. 1b 4 0 0 11 0 0 Hoy. 3b 2 0 0 0 7 1 Waller, rf 1 1 o 0 11 n I.owler, 2b 3 10 3(0 Itoach. If 3 0. 1 1 0 ft Totals 2.r. 4 I 27 2(1 PUEBLO. All. It. H. O. A. K Mellnle. 2b 1110 12 0 Itn mer, ss 4 0 ft 3 1 0 Parrott. lb t 1 I f, 0 0 "Wbltrldge, p 2 0 0 0 1 Crraham, c I ft ft 4 3 0 DHlrymple, ef 3 0 0 4 10 Mornn, If I 0 0 1 0 0 Kelly, 3b 3 0 0 1 0 0 Johnson, rf 2 0 0 3 1 1 Totals 27 1 1 23 3 2 Waller o.K, tilt by batted ball. Omuba 0 0 1 0 2 1 0 ft Pueblo 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 ft-l Earned runs: Omaha, 2; Pueblo. 1 Two base, tills! McVleker, lloaeh. Three-base lilt: I'nrrcitt Saerlllcc lilt: Johnson, liases on bulls: Oft Freoland, !i; 11IT Wblt rldgo, 2. lilt by pllcbeil ball: Ily Freoland, 1; by Whllrldge, 2. Struck out: Hy Krec land, 2: by Whllrldge, I. Stolen bases: "Waller, Mcllale, Wbltrldge, Moran. Dou ble, plays: Johnson (o Parrot (, I,iiwlcr to Toman, lloy to Tomnn to Wilson. Passed ball: Lauznii. Time. 2:(H. I'mplre: Kbrlgbt. SIOUX Tl'll.V O.V 'I'll 10 SAINTS OXCH. Old Honrs l'nr III (let, n I. Idle Vcn urnncr on 111, Own llimk, RIOt'X CITY. Sepl .1 -(Special Telc pntm.l Althougli St JoHoph knocK''d noncii" Parvln out nf the box ventenpiv, they could not touch him tnibiy. Three safe liKrf and one Initio on balls wan all tho vlsllorn got to fatten their batting averages. Klyun male SI. Joseph's nn run by getting to lrnl base on tlelder' rbolcn and htorlng on Hrlstnw'H iwo-b.i'e bit Slouv City got the two runs In the tlrst on eriois. The dual game of the sea son will be played tomorrow. Score: SIOUX CITY. All. ft. II. O. A. E Tlaer, rf 2 1 0 2 0 ft lUeCrciidlc, If.' 5 1 0 ft 0 0 TtrtiAbean 2b I' ft '1 1 1; 0 (Irltlln. ef 3 ft I 2 ft ft OhiSHcnek, lb I ft ft II 1 0 Nile. 3b 3 2 2 2 2 Herte. ss 3 I I 2 3 0 Cote. 0 3 0 ft 7 ft 0 Tarvln. p 3 0 I 0 I 0 Totals 30 5 6 27 13 0 ST. JOSEPH. AH. It. II. O A. E Strang, 3b 4 0 2 2 3 " Hall, ss 4 0 0 1 1 1 AN OLD EDITOR Kn 11 ml fllllllO Worth if I'noil. W S. Ollham. cdllor of (ho Capllol of Boulh McAlrHtcr. 1. T., said "Yes. It Is true when I got hold of drape-Nuts food, It was worth more than a $2000 doctor bill to me, for It mude mo a well man. I have galucd "5 pounds In weight, my strength returned tenfold, my brain power has been given hack to me, und that Is an ubttluto essential, for 1 urn an dllor and have been for 3."i years. "My pen shall alwnys bo ready to speak a good word for this powerful nutritive food 1 had of course often read t lie ad vertisements regarding Grape-Nuts, but never thought to apply the food to my own use, until. In my extremity and sickness, the thought came to mo (hut It might fit my ease, The statements In regard to fond are absolutely correct, as I havo proven In my own case. One vory for tunate thing about the food Is that while It Is the most uolcnt 111 ally nmdo and high ly nourishing concentrated food I have ever known, it has so delicious u taste Ut It wins and holds friends." Kllng. c n l 0 A Selirall, If ..3 0 0 4 0 1 !nvls. Hi a 0 o 19 0 o Mi Klbbeti. rf 2 0 o 1 0 n Flynn. cf 2 1 ft 2 n llrMlnw. 2b .1 ft 1 2 2 2 MIKon, p ;l 0 0 0 2 0 1 Totals 2S I 3 21 4 Sioux City 2 ft ft 0 0 1 0 2 - f. St Joseph 00001 OOOft 1 Farneil runs: Sioux City. 2; St. .tosepn. 1 Two-base, hits: HrlMow. Strang. Thr e baso bit: Nile... Sncrlllee h't: Orlllln. Do'l bio play: Pnrvln to Olnsscook to Nll'i. Hiises on ball: Haer 3, Herte, Cotp, Nile,. McKlbben. Stolen lwae: liter, Urashear, llerte. Struck out: Hall. Sebr.ill. Divls, Milton (2i. Time: 1:10. I'mplre: Kllnt. mis moim'.s ti iins on m:vi.ii, I'rnlilli, Clip In re Tun Vfler Alt Hope Hiin Left 'I'll cm. DKS MOlNt.S. la . Sepl. H.-lSpeclol Tele gram.) Den MolncH (ook (wo fiom Denver today, one game being played before 50ft people In the morning and the second In (he nfternoon before 1 .TOO. Denver nulbatted Des Moines In both gami'K. but Des Moines outllelded them and while Denver could not bunch her hits to good effect Des Moines' few singles were made at opportune times, Just wlnn they were most needed. The tlrst game was n pitcher's battle froin start to llnlsh. Score: DK.H MO INKS. All. It. II. O. A. n Thlel. If 3 n ft I 2 1 Hull. . 4 ft 0 f I II Nagle. ef 2 II ft 3 I 0 Itebsanieii, lb I 1 1 In ft 0 lllnes, '.'I :j J l 3 2 l Urn In, .11) o 0 o ft I 0 Mriiirlnnd, If 2 0 0 2 ft ft Helsler. rf 0 ft 0 M II l.omau, t- 2 0 0 3 3ft Olade. p 3 0 0 0 7 1 Totals 25 2 DF.NVF.Il. IT All. It. II. O. H. 0 II ft II 0 0 0 I 0 Preston, ef ... Mohler, 21 Miller. If Illlolow, e Sullivan, lb ... Holland, rf .., Hellly. ,1b I.eowe, ss . . . . McNeely. p ., (I 1 u 1 "l 10 I 3 I I I :i i 3 21 1 I 24 13 2 Des Mollies 0 2 0 ft 0 ft 0 11 ft 2 Denver II 11 0 11 n 0 1 0 01 Stolen bases: Preston, Mohler. Two-lmse hit: Iluilly Double plus: McNeely to Hellly; Nngle to Hall, liases on balls: Off McNeely. :l: off Olade. 3 Struck out: IJy McNeely. 3; hy Olailc, 3. lilt by pitcher: Hy McNeely. I; by (llailc, 1. Passed bulls: Iliielow. I.111111111. Time 1:10. Ctnplres: Weaver ami Glenilnn. The second game was also cloje and o citing. Huelow'M two-lmggcr and Itelllv'. single mini" Denver one In the luiirlb and the singles by Hellly. Preston and Mohler added one In the Hoveiith A lilt, a paased ball nnd an error and a wild pitch gave Des Mollies two In tin- secomt; 11 base on balls. 11 passed ball und l.eewc'n error made one In the sixth und three .singles added two In the eighth. Score: DES MOINES. AH. It. II. O. A. E. Thlel, 3b 2 11 0 1 I 0 Hall, ss 1113 4ft Nagle, cf 1112 0 0 Hebsumen, II I 0 I 0 I ft lllues, 2b 2 2 1 S 2 o Selsler, If 4 I 1 ft 2 0 Olade, rf 3 0 ft I 11 ft l.omiin, c 2002 0 0 McKarland, p 3 0 0 1 .1 11 Totals 2S 5 DENVEIt, AH, It. I 0 tr, 0 A. E. ft 0 O. II Preston, cf . Mohler, 2b . Miller. If ... Htielow, c ... Sulllvun. lb Holland, rf . Hellly, Mb ... I.cewe, ss ... Scbmldl, p . 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 4 II Totals 34 2 11 24 17 4 Des Mollies 0 2 0 II ft 1 0 2 3 Denver 0 0 0 1 0 0 I 0 (V 2 Two-b.isc blip; Sullivan, Huelow. Double pluys: nines In Ilebsnmeii; Holland (o Sul livan. Hnses on balls: Off Scbmldl, 4. Slruek out: Hy McKarland, 2; bv Schmidt, 4. Passed balls: Huelow. 3. 'lld pitch: Schmidt. Time: 2:05. Umpire: Mesmer. MtnmlliiK of I lie Tenuis. Played. Won. Lost. P.C. Denver nil i;i t.i ,M6 Des Moines KiS (7 .5C Omaha ins 53 ,v, .in at; ".lorrrTifi-rh ;.ios' r,2 " .ft isi Plleblo 10.-, n .3S7 4JAMI1S Uh' THE WriOMI, l.KAIM H. Ilrnnklyn lilts Clilenuo for n 1'iilr nml liicrcnni-, tli finch, HHOOKI.YN. Sept. 3. -Two bases by C.rlltllb, bits by Kelley, Dalilen and Mc (Jlllro. toeelber with 11 mil mi llnmllv,. 11 winning lead (his morning In the first I....I. .1. I . . 11111111K, which mey unproved upon later and won. 'I be ClituagoH wore kept well In band by Brooklyn's pitcher. The liKdng of Unh and McOulrc was timely. Bniillev ninde it home run and (wo doubles In four times 1.1 lt.ll 111, tlllll ll.n . In the run-getting. AKendance, 2.S00. Scoro: illn.'A".i. 1 HKOOKI.YV ' H O It H O A.U. Mel'arfy. If i 2 ! 0 ft Dexter, -b.. 0 10 10 Merle,, lb... 0 0 13 0 0 Ityim, rf ... 0 3 1 0 0 Oreen, rf 0 1 .1 fl n Don.'ihiie, p. ft 1 j 0 1 llrartlv. 3b. t 1 I fi 0 MeCnr'k, s. 0 ft lift firtmii. p... 2 1 (1 5 I Jonej, ef 11100 Keeler. rf . . 1 3 1) 0 .lennltiK,. lb 1 0 IS I 0 Kelley. If... 1 1 .' 0 0 Dahlen, si.. 1 I .", 1 I'rosH.. "b.... 0 I 1 1 cl Ial. 2b... .23161 MrOlllre. c . 5 3 3 1 0 Kennedy, p. 0 U 0 2 0 Tntuls . . H II 24 14 2 T.iUls .. ! 13 27 16 3 Chicago 0 0 1 0 2 0 1 1 0 S Brooklyn 3 1 0 0 0 1 0 2 9 Earned runs: Chlejgo, I; Hrooklvn, 0. Home run- Bradley. Two-base hits: Ityan. Bradley (2), Jones, Keeler. Daly, McC.uIre. Mrst base on errors: Chlcngo, 2. Left on bases: Chicago. S; Brooklyn, 7. Struck Hy '''incdy. 2; by Urimtti, 1. Sacrlden hits: Jennings, Kennedv (2. btoeii bases: McCarthy, Cross. Huso on balls. By Kennedy. 3; by Orltllth. 3, Double plays: Daly tn Dahlen to .lennlngs; Dalv to Jennings: McCormlck to Hrndlev. Tlinu": t:ltt. Umpire: Hurst. 'I'!" .Mr,,0,sl'n8 won the second game Willi C hicago by hard baiting and bv tak lllg advuntiige nf Ihe mlNiiluys of (he Chl eugos. Itiirsl railroaded the visitors out In the third, when Ityan started to kick on n decision, and the umpire ordered Kit son to pitch the ball with no bntter at the plate. This drought tho Cblengos to their senses. Bradley's third base pluv anil Cross' batting were the features. Attend- uiii'c, .i.nni, mine, second game: I'HK'AOO l(t'OKNVN- It H.O.A.Ii Mci'.iil'y. If 1 ; 2 0 0 ilmnre, ,1.. 1 0 2 2 2 it. wo Jones, Ci. ... I i) Keeler, rf . . I 2 11 fl 0 0 1 0 0 (I 1; 1 1 0 I 1 1 t 1 0 Mertes, lb.. 0 Itiun, if.... 0 I 1ft 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 I 4 0 3 1 6 0 Jennings, lb 0 ft Kelly. If , ft 2 Oreen, cf... I Donahue, ill 3 I llnnltev. lb. I 2 4 Dulilen, . 1 i) . "I 3 :i 1 0 : , 1 I CrcHu, ?.h.. Only. 2li.. Kartell, e. Kltsun, p.. Mei'or'l., i ft I'allalian, p I 0 t 2 0 Totals ... ! 24 l .". Toml. ....10 11 27 13 3 Clllciico Brooklyn Earned runs: 4 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 I 2 0 1 0 -10 11. 2. tills: Chicago, 2: Urookly Three. base lilt Bradley. Two-bice Callahan, Bindley Bases nn balls cago, 2; BrooklMi. 3. Struck out: Bv son, I; bv Cilluliun, I. Stolen buses: i-nrttiy, Bradley, cross, wild pitch lahan. rime: 3:113. umpire: Time: 2:03. Umpire: Hurst. I)li luliiii nt ,Ner VnrU. NEW YOKK. Sepl. 3.-The two games be (ween (he New Yolks and (he Cfnelnnuds this nfternoon resulted In 1111 even break. The visitors won the llrst and Ihe home team the second after five innings had been played. The llrst game the New Yorks lind practically won, but beenme cureless, Cin cinnati winning In the ninth by bnttlng Currlek for six runs. The New Yorks won the pci-ond game by timely hitting In the third Inning. Beekley was nut out of the second game for kicking. Davis, while at practice for the llrst game, split his linger and laid off. Foster took his place. Uruw ford was Injured In the llrst game sliding to third basH and retired In the second In ning of the seconit game hi favor of Hrelt ensteln. Attendance, 15,00. Score, first game: CINCINNATI. NEW YORK. K H O A K I It.H.O A.B. lUr.-ell rf . 3 t 0 0 Vanll'n, -ef. 1 0 3 i'thw furd. rf 0 1 Htrlnf'.lt. Sli 1 I ll'K!e. lb. 1 3 2 0 0 2 5 0 0 Ulster, .. I 0 tielbach, If. 0 0 2 0 0 S 3 2 3 0 Hickman, 3b 0 0 Hmlth. rf...O O.Dnyle, b... 0 I'ortxirun. 0 MillrlUe. If. 2 Irnln. 2h. . I 3 I 1 0 2 0 It 0 11 Oleason, 2b 1 1 3 Kaluw, flraily, e... 1 1 1 Carrlcli, p... fl 0 1 Urelt'im 11. p I I 0 4 2 1 Total. . .10 10 2J12 2' Totala ....4 27 IS 9 Cincinnati 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 1 010 New York 0 0 2 1 0 1 0 0 04 First base on errors: Cincinnati, 3; New ork, 1. Left on bases: Cincinnati, lii: New York. 12 First base on balls: Off Hreltensteln, ti; ofT Carrlck, 1. Struck out: Bv Hreltensteln, 2. Sacrifice hits. Corco ran. Irvtn, Van Haltren. Foster, Selbach, Smith, Doyle, Cirrlck Stolen bases: Bar rett, Crawford, Grady. Dojble pUys: Stelnfeldt to K a line to Irwin. Fostr to Gleason to Doyle,, Two-base hits; Steln feldt, Hickman. Wild pitch: Garrick. Passed ball: Kahne Umpire. Snvder Time: 2.ftJ. Score, second game: CINCINNATI I NIJW YORK Il II O A.K.I ti II O.A n llarr.'tt. if : 0 0 0 o Vanll'n. if. I 1 I 0 0 Crawford, rf n 1 0 0 Keter. j. .. 3 3 0 3 0 llrelt'ns'n rf 0 1 0 1 0 elbnrh. If . 1 3 0 0 0 Htelnrrlt, 3b ft 2 I 0 lllllckman, b 0 10 0 1 Ilerktey, lb. 0 0 I fl i),PmlUi, if... 1 0 0 11 0 I'elU. lb. ..0030 0 l)oye, b.... 00100, 0 0 1 1 li1len. 2b. t 2 3 2 I Melinite, if, 2 1 10 Oillowerm'n, cl 2 2 0 0 Irtvln. 2b.... 0 5 11 Mercer, p... J 2 0 2 0 Totals ...11 13 1.1 7 2 Kahoe, c... 1 1 3 I 2 Newton, p.. 1 1 0 2 0 Totals . . 9 11 i Clnclnnutl 0 4 0 I 1-fi New Vork 3 1 fi 0 1-11 First base on errors: Cincinnati. 1. Left on bases: Cincinnati. 7; New York. 1. First bnse on balls: Off New(on. .1: off Mercer, 3. Slruek out: Bv Newton. 1: by Mercer. 1. Stolen buses- Stelnfeldt. Hickman. Double plav: Foster to Oleason to Doyle. Two base h'ts: Irwin. Bowerman Hit by plltht i . Hy Newtiin. 2. Passed ball: Bow erman. Umpire: Snyder Time: 1:30. At tendance. 12,'W. I'llltllitcliililn Only Wins Tito. PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 3. -The morning game between St. i.ouls and Philadelphia was won by the locals with comparative ease. I'razer was a puzzle to the visitors, who foiled to hit safely until the sixth Inning. On the other hand. Philadelphia batted Hiighey at will and also run the liases well. Attendance, l.fiHO. Score; ST. IU I. , l'IIII.ADi:i.l'HIA. HH.OA.U II II OAK Miilinw. 1b 1 ft I I 0T1iomi, if. 3 0 1 11 0 lurked. If.. 0 0 0 0 0 Slaulr, If ... 2 3 .1 0 0 Htllrlik. rf 1 2 2 I 0 Ileleu'iy. lb :i 2 II 0 0 tloticviin, if 0 I 2 0 n Uijolc, 2b... 2 4 3 3 0 WalLice, , 0 13 .1 0 l-'llck, rf.... 0 I 1 1 0 Kflilei, 2b.. 0 I 2 0 Mcr.itTd. r. I 3 2 1 0 itlnnn. lb. 0 I I1 .' ft Wolv't'n. 3b 0 1 10 0 Itubltipon, e. 0 I jo I Cion, .... 11 1 t 0 llughej, p.. 0 I 0 4 v KrusT. p. . ft 0 0 0 0 Tolalu 2 31 1 Tiitalu ..10 13 27 11 0 St. I.ouls 0 (I 0 0 0 2 1) fl ft 2 PhlladelplilH 1 ft 3 0 2 2 1 1 10 Earned rims: St. I.ouls, 2: Philadelphia, 3. Two-base hits: I.ajole, Wallace, Cross. Home run: I.ajole. Suerlflce hits: Slagle, Wolvertou. Frazcr. Flick. Delebanty. Stolen buses: Delebanty (2l. Wolvertou. I.ajole. McFurlaud. Slaule. I.efl 011 bases: St. I.ouls 7: Philadelphia. S. First base on balls: (jff llughcy. 5; off, 1. Hit by pitched ball: Hoblns I.njole. Struck out: Hy Hllghey. 2; by I'razer. 2. Time: 2:10. Umpire: Emsllr. In the sixth inning of the afternoon game twelve of the locnl team butted anil him en bits were niuile off Jones a triple, three doubles and three singles netting seven runs. After that St. I.ouls did not have a chance to win. Attendance, i!,SI9. Score: sr. ijdi'is . I',i'ia. ii.n.o.A t: I lt.ii.o.A 1:. M.Omw. lib. 1 1 11 4 1 Tliomar, cf. I I .1 0 0 llu.lieti. If. 0 2 3 1) 0 .Single. If.. 1110 2 lleblrlrk, rf I I . 0 0, Deb-h'ty. lb I ; n 11 l.jnoviiil, if 1 110 ft, lJole. 2b.. 1 3 t 2 0 Wiillnce. . 0003 fl.rilrk. rf. . . . I 31 0 fl KMpter, 2b.. Mil 11 M'K'rlaml, c 2 2 130 Mcllalin, lb 11 1 i) 2 0 Wolv't'n. 3li I 12 2 t IliiUlisiin, c 0 0 2 0 0 OiOBn, .... 2 114 0 Jones, p.... 10 3 4 0 Orth, 1 0 2 0 2 0 Totals ...4 9 2(14 t Tntuls ....10 1(27 11 3 Philadelphia 0 1 0 2 0 7 0 0 -10 St. I.ouls 0 010012001 Earned runs: St. I.ouls. 1: Philadelphia. 0. Two-base blis: Or(b. Cross, Delehanlv, Flick, McUruw, Three base hits: McFar land. I.nJole. Home run: Wolvertou. Stolen bases: Flick. Thomas (2, Single. Left on bnses: SI. I.ouls, 0; Philadelphia. 1. First base on balls: Off Jones. 1; off Orth, I. Hit by pitched ball: McOraw. Kelster, l.aJole, Cross, Wolvertou. Struck out: By Jones. I: by Orth. 3. Time: 2:16. Umpire: Emsllc. I'lrnlcs Flog: llcniientcis, BOSTON. Sept. 3,-In today s tlrst game, with two on banes In the ninth Inning, Wagner knocked the bull over the left Held fence for a home run. Boston batted l.eever hard throughout the game. Pitts burg plaed a miserable game In the Held. Attendance. 3.0M1. Scoie: IIOSTON. , I'lTTSIIlllil. ll.ll.OA.K It II. O.A. f: lluinllt'n. rf I 2 3 0 11 T Clarke, If 1 2 :t il 0 linir. ss 0 ft 2 4 o'lte.rmom.vr 2 2 3 0 1 Stahl. rf 1 1 0 0 llllcbrv, 2b. ft 1 3 ;l I Tenny, lb... 1 1 11 0 fl Wngnl, rf.. I I 5 11 0 CeJIInf, 3b.. 1114 O O'ilrlrn. lb. 0 1 it 0 I Duffy, If.... 2 2 2 0 fl I.eaoh. 31... J ft 0 2 1 le.we. 2b.... 1 2 5 3 0,0'Coiinor, e. 1 2 I 2 2 V. Clnrke. r I 1 2 ft I Kly, s 1 1 I ;. fl Willis, p ... 0 n 0 2 0't.eever, p... 110 12 Totals ....7 10 27 13 l Totals ....S 11 27 13 8 Boston 3 0 0 II 0 3 1 fl 0-7 Pittsburg 0 1 0 0 0 3 1 3-s Earned runs; Boston, 1; Plttsb.irp, I. Two-base hits; Hamilton. K. Clarke. Three base hit: Hltchey. , Home runs: Collins, Duffy, Wugner. Stolen bases: Hltcbev, Hamilton. I.e.-iclv Double plays: Collins to l.nwo to Tenney; Ely to Itlicbev to O'Brien; Tennv (tinusslsteill. Saerltlce hit: l.nwo. First base on balls: Oft Willis, 3; off l.eever, 3. Hit by pitched bull: Hltchey. Struck out: By l.eever, 2, Passed ball: Clarke. Time: 2:32. i'mplre: O'Dav. All pitchers looked alike to Pittsburg this afternoon. Cuppy was batted out of the box In tho second Inning and Lewis, who succeeded him, was equally easy. Waddell was extremely effective, holding Boston down to four scattered singles London was taken sick In the third and retired In favor of Barry. Attendance, 3,5ftfl. Score, second game: HXSTO.V . I'lTTHIlt'ltO. II.IIO. A. 1:. Hamllt'n. cf 0 I 3 0 0 lns. us ... . 0 0 0 1 0 Harry. r.... 0 I 2 1 Hl.ihl. if 1 0 0 fl 0 Tenney, lh.. 0 0 6 1 0 Collins, SI.. 00100 Duffy, If.... n 0 .1 0 1 1jnr, tb... fl 0 3 3 11 Sulllvun, I'. 1 17 10 'upp, p ... 0 0 0 0 0 lwls. p.... 0 1 0 I 0 iui.o.A.i:. Clnrke. If., 2 ,1 3 0 0 lle.ium't, cf 2 2 1 0 0 ItlUhey, 2b. 114 3 1 Wnirner, rf. 1 3 2 0 0 O'ltrlen. lb. 2 13 0 0 l.HOh, !b. . . 2 1 2 I :; X,lmnir. v.. 3 3 5 1 0 Illy, ss I 2 1 BO Warldell, p. 1 1 1 ft 0 Totals .14 17 iT 10 4 Totals .... 1 4 27 X 2 Boston 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 01 PIKsbirg 0 0 0 1 II 1 1 0 2-14 Earned runs: Boston, 1; Pittsburg, s. Two-base hits: Leach, Wngner, Clarke. Three-base hit: Wnddell. Stolen bases: O'Brien (2), Zlmtncr. Beaumont. Double plays: Tenney to Lowe to Tenney, Hltchey to Ely to O'Brien. First base 011 balls: Off Lewis, 3; off Wuddell, 1. Struck out: By Lewis, 4; by WaddoU. 4. Passed bull: Sullivan. Time: 2:13. Umpire: O'Dny. Standing nf lic Ten ins. Played. Won. Lost. P.C. Brooklyn lol til 30 .t".2l Pittsburg 107 r.:i IS .331 Philadelphia 103 31 31 .311 Boston 10S 32 33 . 433 Cincinnati 10i 32 SI . I! Chicago 107 32 n'i ,P0 SI. Louis 103 17 3 .41? New York 101 It ..rl (JAM I!S OF TUP. A ICW I, i:iii 1:. Detroit Wilkes I 11 nnd Miikr II Three Slrnluht nt ClllcnKO. CHICAGO. Sept. ..--Detroit won the morning game by a lino batting rally In the fourth lulling, which nlso forced Thomas out of the gnme Patterson re placed him anil held the visitors down to one lone single. Attendance. 700. Score; cHU'ADii 1 nirrnorr. 11,11.0 ,. r.. ll.Il.O.A.K. Ilov, rf.. .. 2 3 3 1 I! Casey. 3b . . 0 1 fl 1 1 I'nil.ten, 2l. 112 7 0 Holmes, rf.. 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 Dlllanl. lb..O 1 12 0 0 ll.irley, f...O Sag leu. e... ft M 4 4 flftjini, 2b... 1 1 I 2 3 3 3 Ilfirtin'ii. 31.0 I 0 0 2 Me.M's'r. c I Ikbell, If.... 0 0 0 0 Dillon, lb... I n 1 Slimurl. sh. ! 1 4 3 1 June, rf 1 0 0 Shcnniii, rf. 1 I 0 0 0 Slieehun. ss 0 0 1 0 0 Thomas, p.. 1 ft fl 0 1) !--elver, p... 1 2 0 5 1 IMtt'is'n, p. fl fl ft 3 0 YeaRcr. 3b.. 1 I 0 2 0 Woes I 0 0 0 0 0 .j - - - Totals .. 7 12 27 17 2 Totals .. 8 27 18 I llatled for Patterson In ninth. Chicago 2 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-6 Detroit ft 2 0 3 0 0 0 0 ft-7 Earned runs: Chicago, 1 ; Detroit. 1. Left on bases; Chicago. I; Detroit, 3. Two-base bits: Jones. Saerltlce lilts: Thomas, Pad den (2), Sbugart. lsbell, Jones. Holmes. Stolen bHsos: Sbugart. Harley. Double idays: Holmes to Dlllnn. Struck out: Hv Thomas, 1, by Patterson, 1; bv Slevers, i. Passed ball: McAllister. Base on balls: Off Patterson, 1; off Solvers, 1. Wild pitch: Solvers. Tim' 2.33. Umpire: Sheridan. Chicago suffered 11 shut-out In the after noon game. Cronln was in great form and scattered hits was all his opponents could make. Sheridan sent Padden and Dlllurd to tho bench for questioning a de cision. Attendance, 5,000. Score: CI 1 1 OA CO. DBTHOIT. It II.O.A.B. It H O A.i: lloy. if .... fl ft 2 0 0 Casey. 3b . . 0 1 rauuen, :n.. n 1 2 3 0 Holmes, rf. 0 1 too 0'l.enry. 2b. 0 0 0 0 ( Harley, If... 0 0 J I 0 Woo.1, r ... 0 ft 3 2 Hi Ityan, 2b. .. I 1 1 2 0 Dlllurd. lb. ft ii !i 1 u'MeAI'a'r. e. 1 0 3 1 d HugJen. lb . 0 ft 2 0 0 Dillon, lb . 0 0 14 0 0 Hartman. 3b 0 I 11 1 0 lsbell. If.... 0 14 0 0 Hhtisrart, ax. 0 1 2 4 1 Hliearon. if. 0 0 3 0 0 KUher, p... 0 0 1 3 0 .Iniien, rf.. OIO00 Hlieehun, SA 0 12 4 Cronln, p... 0 0 0 3 0 Totals 2 I 27 13 t I Totals Chlcugo Detroit 0 4 : 14 1 0 fl 0 0 1 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 II 9 0 0 10 02 Left on bases: Two-base hit: Earned runs: Detroit. 1 Chicago, 3: Detroit, 3. Shucurt. Three-base bit Ityan. Stolen base: McAllister. Double play: Ityan to union. nirucK out: ny 1 inner. 1; uy Cronln, 3, Bases on balls: Off Fiher. 1: off Cronln. I Time. 1:30. Umpire: Sheri dan. Inillnuupolls TuUrn Holla, INDIANAPOLIS, Sept 3.-A large crowd witnessed the morning came betwen Kan sat City and Indianapolis. Hlckey's play ing was the feature of the gain . he pra -tlcntly winning the game by opportune hit ting. Score: INDIANA POL IS 1 KANSAS CITY. It B.O A.H I It H O A.B Hartiel. If 0 t S 0 0 Hemphill, rf 0 0 1 1 0 Maironn. 2b. o n 4 3 0 Kartell, cf 0 0 3 0 0 Geler. ss . 0 j 1 0 1 O'Brien. If 0 0 1 0 0 Kll. lb .. 0 0 7 1 n Ihituran. Hi 0 1 10 11 1 Hebol,!. rf. t 1 2 0 1 Cllnimifln ss 0 2 0 3 1 Powers, r .. 1 0 S 0 0 Cwmhlln, 31. 0 0 ;t 1 2 Hoffi'vor. rf 0 0 1 1 0 ."chnefer. lb 1 t 2 4 1 lllckey, 3b.. 1 1 0 2 0 (lon.lltiK. c. 0 t 4 S 0 Kellum. p... 0 0 1 1 1 Patten, p... 0 0 0 2 0 Totsls ....3 5 27 8 s' Totals ....1 i 21 1J 3 Indlnimiiolls 0 0 0 3 ft ft 0 0 3 Kansas City 0 0 1 ft 0 0 0 0 01 Two-base lilt: Hartzel. Three-base hits: Cllngman, Hlckey. Sacrifice tilt: Gondlng. Stolen bnses: (Jeter, Fnrrell, Hogrlevcr. Bases on balls: off Patten, 3. Struck out: By Kellum, 4; bv Patten, 2. Double plays: Hogrlevcr to Kelly. Hit by pitched ball; O Hrlen Umpire. Mannassiui. Indianapolis won the nfternoon game be foro 4.() people. Both teams scored ill the same Inning, the llfth. Three singles nnd ft long Hy gave Kansas City her tally. For Indianapolis Magoon drew n pass and Kelly secured u home run. It was u battle of the pitchers nnd 11 contest replete with brllllntit plays: Score: INDIANAI-OLIS. 1 KANHAH CITY. It 11 O.A. 1:. Itll.O.A.n. Ilnrltel, If.. 0 11 1 0 o'Hemphlll, rf 0 I 0 0 0 Magooti. 2b. 10 4 0 0 I'nrrfll. rf.. 0 0 3 U 0 Oeler. ss.... 0 112 OO' Hrlen, If . 0 0 2 0 0 Kelly, lb.... 1 1 9 0 0 Diiligun, lb. 1 i 6 0 0 Seylmld. rf..O 0 3 0 1 Cllngliun, ss 0 1 4 1 ft Powers, c...O 0 6 1 0 CoUKhlln, 3b 0 t 1 1 0 Hnitr'ver. rf 0 0 2 0 0 Hohaefer, 2b 0 0 I I 0 Hlckey. Jb..0 0 1 0 0 lloMnnuj. c 0 2 7 0 0 MIIIIrmii. p. 0 1 0 2 fl.le, p 0 t 0 1 0 - Our 0 0 0 0 0 Totals .... 2 3 37 11 1 I Totals .... 1 S 24 4 0 Hatted for Lee in tho ninth. Indianapolis 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0-2 Kansas City 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 Ul Earned runs: Indianapolis, 1; Kansas City. 1. Bases on balls: Bv Mllllgun, 2; by Lee. 1. .Struck out: By Mllllgaii, 4; by Lee, 5. Two-base hit: Lee. Home run: Kelly. Sacrlllco lilts: Geler, Cllngman. Left on bases: Indianapolis. 2; Knnsas City. s. Time: 1:21. Umpires: Mannussuu anil McDonald. Itninl Itntlle nf ('! rlniiil, CLEVELAND, Sept. 3.-Today s game was 11 pitchers' buttle, llelriy, for the visi tors, doing murvelotis work. Not n single Cleveland player passed second Inse. Thev secured only four little singles and no' a base on balls was given by Heldy. I'll" visitors scored their only run on two bas. on balls and a single, combined with a dropped ball bv Pickering. The side was then retired by 11 double plaj. In which llvo players took part. H.llli prevented th-.' morning game. Attendance, l.son. Score: CI.KVKI.AND M 1 1 AV A 1" K E 1 1. It B.O A.B It. 11 O.A B. I'lrk'rlng. rf 0 0 I 1 1 Kelihalii. rf ft 2 I 0 0 (Senilis, It.. 0 110 0 Wiil'lroii, rf. (1 1 0 n Jones, rf. . 0 1 1 0 Itatlmnti. If. I 1 3 0 0 ijiCli've. lb 0 I 1! 11 OAnlers'n. lb 0 2 V, 0 0 Tnnisctt, 3b. 0 0 2 5 0 I'ulU, 2li 0 0 3 3 0 Shay, ss 0 t 0 4 OiConroy, s.. 0 110 Flood. 2b.... 0 0 4 3 lllurle, 3b... 0 0 2 1 1 cross, r 0 0 1 0 0 smith, v.... 0 0 s 0 o Crlsham. c. ft 11 4 1 0 ltelil, p.. . 0 1) 11 C 0 Hurl, p 0 1 0 S 0 1 Totals .... I 7 3J 10 1 Tnials .... 0 4 3 1 23 3 Cleveland ft 0 ft ft ft 0 ft 0 0 0-0 Milwaukee ... ft 0 ft 0 0 (' 0 0 0 0 1 I First base 011 errors: Milwaukee, 2. Sacrl lice hits: Wulilron, Fulu. First base on balls: Olf Hurt, 3. Struck out: By Hart, 1 1 it 1 1 111 a 11 . Fultz; by Iteldy. Shay, Flood, Oeulus. Double play: Pickering to Hurt to Crlsham. TamseU lo Flood. I.efl on bases: Clevelund. 3: Milwaukee, 8. Wild pitch: Ilnrt. Umpire: Caiitilllon Time: 1:30. BUFFALO. Sept. 3. Both Buffalo-Minneapolis games were postponed on nccount of rain. M 11 11 ill 11 k' f I bo 'l eu ins. Played. Won. Lost. P.C. ,Hl7 Mi .3lij .ul2 I'll .173 31 377 Cbii ago Milwaukee . Indianapolis Detroit Kansas City Cleveland Buffalo Minneapolis in 121 11!) 123 121 lis 71 (; GS a". t:i no 4'J 53 34 tyi ii 02 70 70 122 CHRISTIANS WIN AND LOSE Y. M. C. , In Dcrcilled by Hie Knlr liionls tint In AveiiKril on the I iiliiics. Two stirring games of ball wete played at the Ames Avenue park yesterday. The llrst. between the PalrinonlH and (he Y. M. C A. Grays, was a wulkiiwav for Ihe former, Gordy's curves pi'oylng too much for the Christians. In the second game. It btoked as If the Uniques wo lid tucelve 11 sliiltout until tho ninth Inning, when n three-bagger by Ken ncdy and a passed ball brought the first blue suit home. Davison for the Y. M. C A. Triangles pitched a splendid game and was given encouraging support. Score: CNIQCK.S. Y. M. C. A. Triangles. K.H.O.A.i; I It.ll.O.A.i:. Doe. if ft 0 t 0 2 Trail, s. 3 3 2 1 1 Hall. 3b .... 0 0 J 1 1 Moore. 2b .. 3 3 1 2 1 Small, ll-p. 00011 Kennedy, cf 2 2 ? 0 n Srttv. 2li... 0 0 D ft 2 Welsh, 1I....H tin 0 1 Henry, e.... 0 ft 4 1 TunVlil, 3b.. I 1 t :, 1 Kennedy, ss I 1 13 2 Iteeil. If 1 1 1 1 Susr. rf-lli.. 0 0 3 0 1 Tniri . rf... fl 1 ft a 1) Strong, rf . . I t 0 0 fl Karr. r n ; j Spane. p-ef, 0 0 0 2 0 D.ildson, p2 1 1 0 0 Totals .... 2 2 24 13 10 Totals ....14 11 27 21 7 Utllillies 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 22 Y. M. C. A. Trl'les.l 4 1 0 ft 0 0 0 5-14 Struck out: By Davidson, S; bv Spane, 2; by Small. I, Bases on balls: Off Davidson, 5: off Small. 2. Two-base lilt: Kennedv. Three-base hits: Kennedy, Trail. Umpire: Hodiran. Time: 1:43 Two o'clock game: H.H K. Fulrmonts 3 0 0 I 1 0 08 6 6 Y. M. C. A. Grnys..u ft 1 ft 1 II 0 2 I Butteries: Tracy and Karr; Gordy and T. Platney. OltKilWI.S SHIT 1)1 T i:oi, TEAM. Frist Amnleiir (inine In WI1I0I1 Omnlin l'lnerN Win, NEOLA, In.. Sept. 3. (Speclal.)-Nenla suffered a shutout at th lianiU of the Originals here Sunday through their In ability (o hit the ball nt rppurtiine times and stupid base running. Up (o tho sev enth Inning it was goose egg business, but In this Inning the Originals broke the Ice and scored a run on u hit, a stolen base and u sacrifice. In the eighth thev piled up three more on bases on balls, Wallar knocking a three-bagger und singles by Whitney and F. Jellen. It was the fasten nniuteur game ever reen In wcstqrn Iowa. Mellvulno pitched a wonderful game and received fair support, while Steele received poor support nt critical times. Attendance, 330. Score: Nim.A. ll.Il.O.A.K. I Campbell, rf 0 0 o o o Downs, ss. . fl ft 2 2 1 Wllkins. .1. 0 It si 1 Ford, lb .... 0 2 8 I 1 SlnrPr. rf-2b 0 0 0 0 0 Sterle, p.... 0 0 4 3 1 Maxa'd. 2-3b 0 12 2 1 Wllmott, 3b. 0 1110 Hamllt'n, If ft 2 1 0 0 .Stepliuny, if 0 0 fl 0 0 OIIKJINAI. H.H. O.A. B Waller, ss.. 1 2 3 Whitney, 3b I 1 1 0 Rrullv, lb... 1 1 12 1 llriiilfnril, 2h 0 0 3 4 P. Jfllen, If 0 1 2 t ItcKiintkl, r. 0 0 2 Dlneen. rf.. 0 0 3 0 0 K. .lellen, rf I 0 1 0 .M'HIw'ne, p 0 0 0 4 Totals 4 5 27 13 3 Totals .... 0 7 27 12 Oilglnals .... Ncola .. ft i ft ft 0 0 1 3 ft 4 . . ft ft 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Earned runs: Originals, 1 Two-base lilt: F. Jellen. Thrce-base hit: Waller. Sacrl tiro hits: Whitney (2). Left on bases: Neoln, I; Originals, 2. Sloolen base: Whit ney. Buses on balls: Waller, Bradford, K. Jellen. Hit by pitched ball. K. Jellen. Struck out: By Stride, 0; by Mcllvalne, 2. Double plays: Bradford to Scully; F. Jel'en to Wnller: Steele to Ford. Time: 1:35. Um pire: Keenan HAM. TIM UNAMl'.VP iT AHAPAIIOE. .Mniiy Tennis Are Present 11 nil 11 Ooml Week In Assured, Alt A PA HOE. Neb., Sept. 3.-(SpeeBl Tele, gram. 1 Tho Arapnhoe liaso ball tourna ment opened her? this morning All teams are present und a good week of Imso ball Is ussurcd. The morning; game between Arupahoo and Superior wl won by the latter by the following score: Superior 2 ft 2 0 4 2 1 0 011 Arapahoe o 0 0 2 1 5 0 0 0 X Butteries: Superior, Caso and Heed; Arap nhoe. Jess Scott and Bornnp. lilts: Su ixrlor, 12; Arapahoe, 10. Errors: Superior, 3; Arapahoe, 3. Th afternoon game between Indlanola. nnd Bertrand resulted as follows: Indlaiiolu 2 0 2 1 2 ft 2 1 2-12 Bertrand o 7 ft 0 0 0 0 0 jb Batteries: Inillunola, Teol nnd Hull: Bert rand. Scott. Weiser and Maask. lilts: in dlanobi, 13; Beitraud, l. Errors: Indlanola. 4: Bortraud, 9. Umpire: Arh Cole. Mlnden and Indlanola play tomorrow morning and Superior and Bertrand In the ufternoon. I'lUliorn DefoHls AXntrrlnn, ELKHOBN, Neb. Sept. 3-iSpeclall-Elkhoin defeated Waterloo In a nicely con tested gnme of base ball Saturday at Ell: horn. Score: Waterloo 0 I 1 4 I 1 1 5 rt-14 Elkhorn I 0 4 2 l 1 1 1 jp, Batteries: Waterloo. Donwn, Slbertz and Johnston: Elkhorn. Livingston, Baldwin und Jeffries. Umpires: Denton and Warren. llbncH Dermis West Ashland. ASHLAND, Neb.. Sept 3. (Special, I A pretty game of base ball was played at Ithaca yesurday aftarnoon by the Cedar III nine in West Ashland .ml Itha.a Ithaca won the gnme bv superior batting Hlckle's batting was the feature, he mak Iiik a long home run drive to deep right The Memphis club will play In Asblnnd next Frl lay afternoon and 11 hot context (.-. promised. Score. Ithaca. ft I 2 2 0 ft 2 1 ft--II West A shin till 4 0 ft e 2 ! ft 0 ft ft Batteries: Ithaca, Coacher nnd Acker. West Ashland. Hubbard. Hickle and Fuller. Thirteen Innlims nt Krnrncy. KEAHNEY, Neb. Sept. 3. -iSpoclal Tel egram.) The Hanover. Kan . base bull team wns defeated by the players of Keir tiey today by one run. the si ore being 3 to 1. It was n battle between pitchers. John Hedmnnd and Gordon Thirteen In nings were played. Hanover made lis onh run In (he third Inning on an error Kear ney made n run In the eighth and the other In the thirteenth. Another game will be played tomorrow. Butteries- Kearney Gordon and James Bedmond; Hanover. John Heilmond and Heck irliillelil Wins from II111111110111I. SPIHNOF1ELD. Neb. Sept. 3-(Special Ielegram.i-Sprlngllelil won nn easy vlcmrv oyer the Hammond Packing company team of South Omaha todav The locils h.'Ve only lost one game this season They are anxious for 11 game with the Originals on (he home grounds. Score: It II E Slirlnglleld ... ft 4 3 I 1 ft ft t l-ll II I Ilumtiiotuls . 1 ft 1 11 o 2 ft fl 0 4 S s Bnderles: Slirlnglleld. Cl"ment nnd Bate. Hammonds, ('oilier, Mi Kail nod Hull 1 in plre; Charles Thompson ru iim 'I'm t 'l'h I ril ( in 111 1, NEBRASKA CITY. Neb . Sept 3 - (Spe cial Telegram.)- The third game in the series between the Knnsas Cll Bank if Commerce and the Argos of this iU was played this afternoon and was Klven to the Argos by 11 scoro of 3 to 0. The score was B to 6 when the Argos went to bat In tho last half of the ninth. After two men were out Knnsas City took exception to a decision of the umpire and refused to con tinue the game, which was accordingly awarded to the Argos. Ilnlluns Pin)- n (in inc. Tho Soulh Italians beat th- North Ital ians at base bull Sunday h 11 score of ti to 13. Batteries for South C Bltz. Gus Montrn and Anton Humid, for North, Charles Callv, Mucel and Koplan. DES MOINES CUIMS THE RAG I'rcsldenl Cluise Vlrend) Out for Ills I'lulil HiTiu c I lie Mecllim nf till' Mnuniltes, DES MOINKS. Sept. :!. -iSpe, lal T. Ic grum 1 President Chase of the Des Mnl'c s bull team says that the peni'nut In tin Western lengue depenus upon the gini" tomorrow afternoon bclwien Denv-r and Des Molncs, und that If D.s Moines vun the ban I will turn .nit ul night and tlw club will celebrate is pMinaut wlun .r. Mr. Chase said this cvenliK1 "That game Suiiiluy ha.' been piotcst". and will never strtnd. so v.c now have 11 chnncc und 11 good one, too, of ik-lciilo Denver tomorrow nnd winning the pcnnniK. Tuesday will be the lust .if tie Benson. We wanted (0 play 1. poi-tpoiicil game with Denver, but tnr owners of the Denver team ure Ilgbtlnc very -bv of il.e Des Molncs team Jus; pnw and ate afraid to play us." On the other hand President Hlckey who owns half of the Denver team, and lia . been tlchtlne Des Moines all year. say It Is charged by Cliusc (hat we have no chance of winning the oenuant. The fol lowing dispatch hits been received from him: "SANDWICH. III.-SporMnp I il'pir He-ls-ior: Western league standing, including the games of September 1, is as follows: Played, Won. I.ot. !' Denver 101 10 41 .3 'I Des Moines lftft 3ft II .iiji "II1CKEV." lllckey's table curried up to and Including toduy's games, gives the following: Played. Won. Lost. P.C. Deliver lot HI 41 .3V, Des Molncs 103 3S 43 .XI The Register's table for the period, In cluding1 Saturday's gam-, a table frequently corrected by lllckey, stood as follows: Played. Won. Lost. P.C. Denver on 3S II .."Si Des Molncs ;ix W 12 .3,'l That table curried 011 through makes tho stnndlug ol the clubs now Played. Won I.' st. P C Denver 102 3n 43 .37 Des Molncs lul SS I.I .371 On Sunday The Bee e,(ln nttintton lo the Impending squabble over the stnii'dln of the teams, resullliiK Irom President lllckey's arbitrary ruling In throwing put the games between lies Mi lues and KIo-in City. It Is now r4pnrt"d that Hlekev has also thrown-nut a Des Molncs game" that wns played with 'he chase, ball. It w'll be noted thai neither lllckev nor the Register ngrees with The Bee's stumllng The Bee's table contains the tesult of ouch gnme as decided bv the score and the umpire. When the league meets nnd pa sei upon the several games In tlbputc It will be time to throw out or otherwise change the count. If Des Molncs wins todav the standing will bo: Plavcd. Won. Lost. P C Denver 1ft". 01 II .'ed Des Moines lftft f.2 17 .5t?l If the game played Sunduv Is thrown out the standing will be: Played. Won. Lost. P.'' Deliver 101 HI II .377 Des Molncs 10S f,2 10 r,7l It was absolutely necessary. In Ihe fn- of tbtnes. tliut Denver ehotild lose nnd Des Molncs win four games In order tint the lown teuni might b"(onie cbuniplon.i of the league. However, all this will but add zest to the league meeting. ROWING ON HARLEM RIVER HcKnlln of Middle Stnles sxoclnt Inn I'rinl net I ve of Fine Sport uinl (irenl (rmiil, NEW YORK. Sept. 3.-TI10 Middle Slates ltegutta association held its eleventh aim regatta on the Harlem river todav. The entry list was high class and thoroughly representative, the llnlshes close and e cltlug, the weather line and Ihe water In tho forenoon all that could be desired. A large crowd turned out to sec the races. All the races wore rowed down stream until about 3 o'clock, when the tide changed. About this time the wind veered around to tho south und blew directly ugiilnst the rowers und nfterwurds the rnces were rowed uti stream. A bad inlxup resulted In tho Junior pair our event. Three crews sturted, the Nonpareils, the Peiinsylv.iulu Hargo club and the Union Boat club. The last named crew Jumpud to the lead at the start. Soon afterwards the Nonnarells wore over Into the Union's water, when the lat ter crew crashed Into thorn. Immediately tho Union stopped rowing, ns did the Penn sylvania Barge club. The refer llsquull- lled the Nonpurells and ordered the race resumed. The Union llnally won by a longth. Tho senior single sculls was a sore ills appointment, for It was thoight that John A. Riimnhi- nf tho Harlem llowlnb club had an easy win. Titus, the New Orleans sculler, lid for a while, but dropped be hind Rumohr and Mchorhoff at the three quarters. Il was then Ruinher fouled Mehr boff and the former was illsqiiullllud. Tho ruoo was rowed over from that mark und Mebrhoff won, with Titus second. The race of the day was the senior eight shell, which practically decided (he cham pionship of tho Ilnrlem river. The Daunt less Rowing club and Bohemians were the contestants und though It was nearly dark when It took place every one staved to seo tho tussle. For n quarter of 11 mile It looked like the Bohemians, but tho smooth swing nf the Dauntless soon told nnd thev went by their rivals at the lmlf mile anil won by u clenn length of open water. Tho Dauntless' time for the mile was 4 minutes anil 49'i seconds and this was claimed us n record for the Harlem river Junior centipede, final: Won bv New York Athletic club, New York; Vuriinu Boat club. Brooklyn, second. Time: 3:ul'4. Intermediate double sculls, llnal: Won by Bohemian Boat club, Union Boat club sec ond, Harlem Rowing club third. Time: 0:22. Intermediate four-oarod, llnal: Won by New Rochelle club; Wjannke Bout club, Now York, second; Crescent Boat club. Philadelphia, third. Time: U:lo. Junior elghl-oared shell. HimI: Won by Metropolitan Rowing club, New York; Potomac Boat club, Washington, D. C, second; West Philadelphia Boat club, Phil adelphia, third. Time: 3:2l"a. Intermediate singles, llnal: Won bv Henry Hllbers. Wnhnetah Boat club. Flushing. L. I.: Joseph Behrensky. Bohemian Boat club, New York, second; Jesse W. Pnwets, Nas sau Boat club, New York, third. Time: ii;20. Junior single sculls, tlnul: Won by M. Illrsch. Harlem Rowing club; S. S. Cramer, Lone Star Boat club. New York, second; A. C. McCloskey. Peru Barge club, Phil adelphia, third. Time: 0:ft3. Senior single sculls: Won bv William Mehroff, Nassau, B. C ; C. L. Titus. New Orleans Gymnastic association. second; John A. Biitnohr. Harlem, 11 i, win ns riuulltled. No llmo taken, because uf foul at three-quarters ; second slait fiom that point Junior double sculls, llnal: Won b N'cu York Athletic club, J c. Anderson, bow; H. L. Zlmm, stroke; Harlem Rowing club, Charles Scotleld, bow; John Schultz. slrok", second; Vesper Boat club, Philadelphia, third. Tlmo: 5:40. Senior four-oared sin II. final: Won by Instttutu Boat cl.ib, Newark N J . Union Boat club, New York second Crubient Boat club. Philadelphia third Time 3 13 Junior four-oared gig llnal Won b Met ropolitan Rowing club, Clifton Boat Uub Thtre Ii only ONE POND'S EXTRACT strtnsth and great medicinal value. Don't take the weak, wattry Wltch llaiel preparation! repreiented to be "the lame as" POND'S EXTRACT. They generally contain "wood alcohol," which Irritate the skin, and, taken Internally, Is a deadly poison. si I3et POND'S n.XTKACT, sold only 0) r VYttU 11110 Hot Weather Offices. Anyone who has a wrsl front office these dujs, or nn of fice in a ramshackle huildint;, otihi not to he in the same tx next summer. Dirt, too, seems more offensive in hot weather. mt bee miimm is cool, clean and well entilated. There is always n draft, the walls are thiek.the aii is pur eand kept constantly moist by the fountain in the court. This is the place to be In enimner. R. C. PETERS & CO., Rental Agents, Ground Floor, Bee Ihilldinj. M I XjSt.Ai ('overnmetit tuiervlloti. .Simiriiiiiii'.iioti1tnKrruliinte. I'ri par.Hk 1 4-,6T nil NMIonsI Amitrmln, COL SAN0F0RII SELLERS. M, A.. Supt., l-l.. ripn I,., 1 1 new barnieltH are coinpleteil Now Staten Ifland. scioml. ('rer. int Ileal lull. Philadelphia, third. Time r. 0. Senior elght-Hbell Won li linuntleK llowlng club. New York; Hoheinl.-m lloat club. New York, neeolid. Time: l.I'.l', Ten lijel. Ilenleu ill lliillfux. HALIFAX. N. S, Sepl 1-Tbe nnale Heiill race on lledford basin HiIh nl'terno n between .Mark Lvni h of HallLiv .lativ -1-3. Ten Kok of WorceHter. Ilnrrv Villi f St. John, N. H., and Jiitnei Nnrrin of Hall fax for a purse :m won by Lynch In ;"J.JU. Ten Myck was hccoiiiI. 'I'll I 1 1- Win I 'h n 111 iiIiiiikIi i p. NIC W A UK, N. .1 . Sept. S - The Vallsbut g board track furnlsbed nn afternoon of rare sport for ",inii persoiiM today. The quarter mile dash for the championship of Amer ica brousht nut a clever lol of sprinters, including "Major" Tavlor. Owen Klmlile. Frank Kramer, Will Colewln. L. II ('..lletl. Tom Under. Olto Muyn, II. P.. l-'reeinan and Al Newluilise. Kimble, who dlsposeil of ('illicit In the llrst heat in '.'7 seemuls. was looked upon ns ilaiiKcroiK until r bent him a couple of Inches In the second heit of the ilnals. Summary: Qjarter-mlle, championship: Major Tay lor, won. Frank Kramer, Fast Orange, sec ond; J. T. Fisher. Chicago, thlnl. Time Ml. l'le-mile profe.i.'lonal liaudlcap: C. II Collelt. New Haven lITi" yarilsi. won. Charles Hadlleld. Newark ( J.V0 1 . second. Lou Coliurn. Newark Oni), third; Olto Mavn. Frio. Pa. 011. fourth; Will Coliurn, Newark (200). llfth. Time: 11 ::! li-V MUk Icleer, Western ( lillliiplnn, C'lllCAOO, Set.l. II. Miss McAtc.-r of Pittsburg, Pa., won Ihe woman's western tennis championship nt Kenwood tmlux In iletiMitlng .Miss Hanks of Philadelphia li-li. li-l. :', U-2. The championship In doubles also went to Pennsylvania. Miss McAtecr nnd Miss Hanks defeated .Miss Pinker ami Miss Champllii. (he Canadian (cam, by H-.'l, 5-7. ti-:', ;-7, 7-r.. In (he consolation singles Miss Leo de feated Mlsa Pennington 9-7. 2-U, ii-1. Mixed ilo.iblcs: Miss Strever und Or. Lee defeated Miss McAteer nnd Mr. Lee Val ley 7-.".. l-ll, ti--' The eastern players left tonight for Cin cinnati, whore the American Lawn Tennis association holds an open tournament this week. WANTF.D Bids for nil concessions on grounds of Fremont Driving put It, Fremont, Neb., during rnco meeting Carnival weok, September 12. Ill and 11, l'.iOO. Address, IIHUCF F. SMITH, See. LETTER CARRIERS AT TABLE (her Slid DeleuiilcH nml VIsltorM In lllloillll Coin eiillon nt lleli oll All I IUk Itlllliiliel. DKTIIOIT. Mich. Sept. n.-Twonty-ilvo hundred of tho men who deliver the mnlls In the various cities ot tho country ap peared In Detroit today, marched at fi n'rlni'k this nfternoon In an Imposing pa rude, lunched together In Light (luard armory and tonight took parting In a pub lic reception nud listened to nildrcssca of welcome, rommondntlotiH and encottrago ment. Thoro nro but 7,"0 dolegatoa to tho annual convention of tho National AHRocla tlon of Letter Candors, which begins to morrow find many of Uioho In the city to day returned homo tonight. Among tho liugest delegations In the parade, nsldo from tho Detroit carriers, wero tlioso from New York, Cleveland Toledo, St. Louis, Columbus ami Orniid Rapids, nil of which wero accompanied by largo brass bands. First In lino was Ihe New York Loiter Carriers baud of sixty pieces, whoso playing aroused an onthu slasm which was maintained all along tho lino. Tho crowdB of spectators who pressed ngnlnst tho ropes along Woodward uventio Rccmed ipilto an largo as that which witnessed tho big Labor dny parade earlier In tho day. Among tho features wero representations of tho Detroit marine mall dellvory sorvlco and of tho rural freo delivery. Lattir In tho evening the gaily decorated drill hall contained a largo public audi ence, of vlsltora nnd citizens. Tho carriers wero cordially welcomed by Mayor May bury and Postmaster Dlckorson and wore also addressed by A. W. Maehem of Wash ington, superintendent of tho free delivery service. HYMENEAL. Sen r tin rn 11 c,li -N11 it bill. Miss (Jertrude Sawhlll nnd Mr. Charln Scnrburough were married Monday evening at tho homo of the 4irlde'H parents, .Mr. ami Mrs. John II. Sawhlll, 1513 Douglas street Hov. Luther M. Kuhim officiated. Thoro Is no better dinner wine than Cook's Imperial Kitrn Dry Champagne. t helps digest your food. Ileef Unit-lire Iluilly Ilenleu. Phil Coggln, n beef bulcber rcMitlng ii -'101 lloulevaid street, won badlv bnns .1 about the bend In an encounter with J 11 Marshall nt Hunn'H saloon, Twentlnh m,. Vinton Htrevtn. lute Monday night Tim latter was arrested by Patrolman .Mellini, According ii. I'oggln's mory Mui-ibnll kno. ked him down with 11 hnny h.ilr ') Hlnnk him riieulerlll while he luy 011 t' tloor 1 ogglo s woundu v.ere driseil by Peine Sarueon Ames, GWSllSU 1 liVjSA) .1 .KHiilui 1 1 II III r rill I . . I r, The and tvervbodv knowi Id nurliv, In scaled bottle s In bull wrappers. IIOIII.S. est and larrest military school In Central West. par.ill in fur I'nUemltlen LEXINUIUN.MU. m MISSOURI MILITARY ACADEMY .1 1 n ,,f i.r .tl lnul I . fl m .. mi, imitunr. i.iiuiiiiic, 1 ui'iiiij 111 ipei ihiii liimnl nl tnrlte I, u.IIiil- tnllll.irf t, lifiotn and lueiit..p ol nail. mill rei'iitullen, .tl.lrei YANCHY A. PONVILLE. Mnloo. Mo. riadx for imr Si bool i.peiiH Sept 2fltlt s( iiiini.s. Grammar School "The School That ) Makes Manly Boys." Its GrjJu:tcs enter any Col' i lcf.c or University. Social and Athletic AdvjnlJEeB. : Military Drill. ; For Boys of 8 Years Old and Upward. HliiKtrAteil Cat.duffiiHent on Mpiillcatlon to J Rov. II. I). ROIilSSON, II. A., Wurden, Kcclne, Wisconsin. .ieee-eei ketB Northwestern University, At nVANhTIIN Hn.l CIIICAfill, Il.l... ftiimpri'ei llolli-ceof I,ller,il ,rt, Meillrid Seliool, lm SrliiHil, hrliiMil of I'li.irtiiacj - liealnl School, WoliutrH Meillctil School, Si'linol of Mlielo uinl Srlinol of (Initor) Alro It ronilui-t nn Ai-nilt'inT ot the Mullet gr.nle. 'I Ii" (I irrett lllbllrnl In-tltiili' la loi'titi'it 011 the CoHecc Cituiiu". Ciillec. )-,.itr lieglnn Si'liletntier'tli. Tor Itifiilin.itloii, nililreeii, 'I'll K rtr.iilMTICA It. I'.villlilnu, III. The Kearney Military Academy ki: iir.v, m:ii. Third year begins SepL 12, 1900. with tn rreused fn, n!ty and fncTlltles to glvo tha boys of Nebrai'Iia complete preparation for University or Huslncss. Charges moderate. Address the nrrHiiieut A SKIN OP RliAUTY IS A JOY 1 0KEVFR D R.T. I LUX GOURAUD'S OIlirMAl. CREAM, OR MAGICAL BRAUTIIMnR. lleniord Tun, I'lmplf", 1'iecklet, Math rtche. lues -nd Skin run eime, mil every til'mliri on beauty, arid defle ilete. ion. It hit atool tho tent of It jrnri. and In id tmrmletn we Halt It to hi in re It In propcrlr made, Arcept no oounter- reit or aimllur njmf. Dr. I.. A. .Sayre tald to a la ity of thr haul-ton id n.llfenlll 'An you ladles will use ij'ein, I recom mml 'aOl'ItAI'D'S CHFAM' as the IcnBt harmful of nil the Skin preparations." For yalo by all Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers In tho I'. H. and Uuropu. l-i:itl). T. IIOI'KIN.S, 1'1,,,,'r, 87 Oreal Jones St., N. T. Imperial Hair Regenerator The Stnndnrtl llnlr Coloring for Orajr nr lllearlied Hair, U a rlaao. Curable anit perfectlr barrolrit Hair Coloring Any natural nhufle l.eorlDi; hair beaiitlfiii, eleaii and ulonir ONF. Al'I'l.ICATIO.V IAHTH MdN'TIIH ffrS Mmile, ol hnlr roloreil fret, Trlvaoy " saMireil, Hemt fur I'amiihlet, IMPERIAL Ctir.MICAI. MHl, CO., 21 W. 21dSI Ntw York, uoiu by nruggists and lialrdressei., MUM HI HALF RATES ST. I.oris anil rottii'ii. Ahb. l!lt ti tlllll, Sept. :itlth In Oi l. filh. CUH'ACO mill ifliiin, Aiir. 'j.-itli to li'.ilh. DIITHOIT nnd ii-tiini, Au. SiiU to KANSAS (MTV nml rctuni. Sept. 211th ti Oct. tith. To most ALL points south, August 21st, Sept. Ilh, Kept. 18th. Tralrs leave. Union Station dally foi KANSAS CITY, QUINCV, ST. LOUIS and all points cast or south. All Information at CITY TICKUT OFFICB, ltlj FA 1 1 NAM ST. (Paxton Hotel Hlock) or write Harry B. MooreB. C V. & . A., aVIAHP" , njn. 1 Ail a w.r. v--.....,. ,,.....' :1 i..ViV,!. .VKH ui. 1 .m.. ....-i ihUI jnuin. "tr, Hli.ei,leiio, etc, CBilwtd Or over ork ludUcintloin, 7ieu uulrAu oinf iirefiy reatqro Lot Vltullty In oM or louoif, and lit a miin tor btudr, bout- iO,. .in . . 1 . loD"i tnwikoiij nnri wane 111 lima. IllUlr p(tfaowMiuiDwilatoiiii.raTnieot .adatfaetaOUltH tohhrn nil nt h ru lull In.Ut ,.,. ir. . . tur. tou. )e bIto 1, ,k,UI. rllU.i Hrant"i (o ,f fejtacore In enclitic,., or rIund ttii inonef, l"rci BQr.tS ,"'r !';', rclingH (full treoi urxnre,.tonnrH (Ircuforifree. v ""PPeu AJAX REMBDY CO., '"J l or rule in Omana, Hob. by Jaa. foraytli. :02 N iUih. Kuhn & no,. 15th arid Uoula, and In Couneli Illufrs by J. C. Deiluven. Drugglsta Cook'afltielienu TAlJata AO,,.MA i,w,.,i r.,7,.,M,i, ,v;",: p H I y mail, $i.os. Send 1 cent, for .,. .!.'" ""u l'rvmara, 1 no UOOK UO.. 1 nundwnnl avm . huimii u..t. v F-'ld in Oinan.i by Kulm . t'j, U &. luutluv i..1.:: ...rr JCJrV