Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 27, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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    TITE OMAnA DATLT 3? EE: MOTvDAV, AFGI'ST 27, 1000.
Davis polls rIoss.
"Mr. Itlley," 5-ccnt cigar.
Why not smoko the Why cigar?
I.effcrt, 23? fldy., tests eyes free.
Gas fixtures and globes nt Hlxby's.
Klne A. II. C. beer. Naumaycr's hotel.
Dr. 8tephcnion. 101 Pearl St. Tel. 393.
Bchmldt's photos, new anil latest styles.
You pet the best dinners nt the Vienna.
Itlley. best photographer, 102 llroadway.
Cab. photos 11.50 doz. Williams, 641 Hdy.
J. C. & W. Woodward, architects. 523 Hdy.
W. E. Lewis sella monuments. 301 U'xvay.
Lemp'8 beer, Socnkc Iloyscn, sole agent.
Hcst beer, Hudwlscr. L. Hosenfeld, Agt.
Miss Ada Miller Is visiting friends In Chi
eiico. Hclentlflo optician at Woolman's, 409
Girl wanted, for housework, at 709 Hojth
Hlxth street
Mr. and Mrs V. Uean have gone to
Chicago on a visit to friends.
Miss KMn. Kuan of Hunt Pierce street Is
visiting friends In Mlmlen, la.
Campaign pictures nnd buttons. C. K.
Alexander A Co., 333 llroadway.
Qet your work done at the popular Iingle
laundry, 724 llroadway. 'Phono 157.
W. C. Kstep, undertaker, 2S Pearl street.
Telephones; Office, 97; residence, 33.
neglnnlng classes In Orpgg shorthand,
Wenterii lowu. College, September 3.
W. P. Oraff, Undertaker n lift licensed em
bnlnier. lni Houth Main Htreet. 'Phone 500.
Itev. Albert Venting conducted the serv
ices hi tin- thiptlst church yesterday at
Ule, la.
Mrs. W. II llnlinwuy of Third avenue has
os her nuent Mrs. I'M ward Morton of
Qulncy. III.
Mrs. M. K. fasady of Oakland avenue Is
homo from a visit with friends at Leaven,
worth. Kan.
Miss Lnxv of Washington, D. C, Is visit
ing her sister, Mrs. James McCabo. of
Mr. and Mia. I.. T. llason of Logan, are
thn guests nf Mr. and Mrs. I.. T. Murphy
of Avenue H
Miss Mae Adams of Sioux t'lty Is the
puest of her sister. Mrs. J. llolllnger of
jlauzhn street.
I)r. H. P. Chittenden. president of the
Kearney Military academy. Is visiting In
the city fur a few days,
Mrs. S. Henderson has gone In Denver,
Colo., to visit her daughter, Mrs. K. V.
I'alr, formerly of this city.
Misses HchsIo anil .liwslcn Monre of Third
venue are expected home today from a
three months' visit at Denver.
Mrs. (Seorce Carson of Kranklln n venue
left Hatunlay evening for an extended east
ern trip, going llrsl to Chicago anil from
there to visit irlcndH In Michigan and Ohio
Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles Kills of Havunnah.
fla., who hae been the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. fi II. Jacksmi of South First street,
have gone for n trip through the Vclloxv
Btone Park.
City Treasurer Frank T. True nnd wife
returned yesterday from a two months'
visit with relatives III Norway. Me. They
were accompanied by their little niece, MIhs
flanih True, who will make them an ex
tended visit. ,
The xmokeNtnck of the motor company's
power house, whlrh was blown down about
ten days ago, linn been rebuilt to n height
of about seventy feet. Although the smoke-
ntack Is not vet eomplete. tile power House
wns put In operation yesterday.
Among the eventa at the Labor Day cele
bration at I'nlon Driving park will be two
blcvcle races, one nf which will be a tlve
inll'c bauitli'iiii for a llrsl-i lass !ady's wheel;
the other a half-mile amateur for prizes
amounting to JIG. II. K. Smith has charge
of the entries.
District .Judge .1. W. Holllnger of Daven
port, la., was In the city Friday night on
Ills was hoinii from a trip In O'Neill. Neb.
llo s.ivs that from observations made on
the trip he believes the statu of Nebraska
can safely he counted In tho republican
column at tho oleotlon next November.
Miss Haiierllend. sister of Itev. J. II.
Ilauertlenil, puntor of the Salem lOvangcIical
church of this city, Is his guest for a few
days. She Is on her way to Japan, where
she goes as a missionary. She addressed
the congregation of Salem church last even
ing, taking as her subject "Missionary
Judge K. K. Axlcsxvorth left last evening
for Chicago and during his absence Just ce
Vlen will preside over police court. Justice
Fcrrlcr left Sal. inlay exerting for Detroit
to attend the supreme lodge of the Knlghti
of PvthhiR ami during bis absence of ten
iI.ixh Justice Vlen will also look after hl
Chairman C. L. C.lllettc has Issued a call
for the people's party of the Ninth con
gressional district to meet In convention
next Thursda.x morning at in o clock In the
county court house here to place In nom
ination a candidate for congress. 1 lie dem
ocratic convention of the Ninth congres
sional convention will meet In the county
court homo on the same day and at the
sumo time.
The (inimitable farce comedy. hat
Man." will be the bill at tile Dohany thea
ter tomorrow cveiiliiB. It Is safe to sav
that none of the recent comedy productions
have jumped Int.. public favor more iiii
ceremonlojsly than has this one. In lb-
character of "That .Man. wie jcucm
Aronser," Mr. Wider Walker has made a pronounced hit. lie Is ablv supported
by a company of unusual merit.
Lots of new piano boxes for sale at
Bourlclus; we stole, move, tune and repair
Pianos and organs at Hourlcliis; the line or
mandolins, violins, strings, sheet music and
books Is complete at Hourlcliis; we rent
laiios from V1.M up. organs at Jl per month
lip; xvo have two full catalogues of sheet
music containing over two thousand piece
Si 10 cents per copy constantly In stock at
llourlclus Music Mouse. S3T llioadwav.
"elephono tS, where the organ stands upon
the bulldlnu:. .
Mrs. I.lllle Cook secured a temporary In
jimction Saturday from Judge Aylesxyort h
of the superior court restraining . H.
Hot I .Hon from entering upon any portion
of the west tlfty feet of lot W. orlg Jim
i at. north of Indian Creek or any portion
f s ich property lying between Uoblnson's
ro, cr y and thi creek or from placing a y
rubbish thereon or grading same In any
...!;.;i.onv,.r Hob I1SOI1. It Is Bald.
h h hecn . hrow.ngsome of the old paving
EVcmioon 'the gVoumi in coniroversy and a
N. Y. numbing Co., telepnone 2S0.
Itririittn on the l.nUr.
KMne bonis started yestcrdny nftemoon In
tho first hent of tho three sailing races to
bo pulled off by tho convassed Meet nt Lake
Mnnnun. WhltO'S Sftl ng cailOC, I lie
Chum." won easily, with Purvis' "Hoxnnnn
rrnMil nnd Clarke's "lolanthe" third. "The
Chum" xvas placed In clnss C nnd had seven
minutes start of tho "lolanthe," xvhlch xvas
In class A. The "Itoxnnna" xvas listed In
class It and bnd live minutes stnrt of tho
"lolanthe." The second heat xvlll be sailed
next Sunday afternoon. The raco attracted
much Interest nnd us witnessed by
large crowd.
For sale rheap. a good location for three
rental homes Forrest Smith & Co , 204 Main
Negotiated in ra4turn rreorasks
mid lowu. James N. Ca&idy. Jr.,
Ui Mum St iMtiurll PK-rt
Savings Loan and Building Associate
Council Blurts. Iowa,
I kvkuy iaik of H
I $3.50 SHOES I
Republicans Will Try to Decide on Him
Wcdnosday Afternoon.
Four Striinn Men In the Field. F.nch
xvllli n liooil rnllnvt liw. nnd
(Hie Dark Horse Looms
I'll llllt.
The repuhllrnn convention of the Fif
teenth Jiidlrlal district will be held In thin
city next Wednesday, when two candidate
lor Judges of the district bench will he
placed In nomination. One candidate xxill
bo placed In nomination to succeed Hon.
N. W. Mncy of Harlan, whose term ex
pires this year nnd who will he renom
inated by acclamation. Tho other candi
date to be placed In nomination will be
to succeed Judge Walter I. Smith, who has
been nominated for congress and xxho hns
tendered his resignation to Governor Shaw
to take effect September 1. For the place
vrcatcd by Judge Smith there aro four
nvowed candidates In tho Held.
Tho convention will be called to order
nt 11 o'clock Wednesday morning In the
superior court room at the county court
house by I). O. Stuart, chairman of the
Judicial committee of this district. The
Fifteenth Judicial district Is composed of
nine counties, their votes In tho conven
tion being: Audubon, 9; Cass, 14; Fre
mont. 10; Harrison. 15; Mills. 11; Mont
gomery. 12; IMge. M; Pottntxattamlc, 27:
Shelby. 10. Slxty-txxo voten will be neces
sary for a choke.
The contest between the four candidates
to succeed Judge Smith premises to be an
Interesting one, as each will go Into the
convention xxlth his county pledged to use
tts best elfortn to snoure his nomination.
I'ottnwntlamlo having twenty-seven votes,
nearly double that of nny other county,
glxcs Its candidate. O. I). Wheeler, con
siderable strength at the outset. The can
didate from Mills county Is W. Scott Lewis
nf (llenxxood. Montgomery's candidate Is
It. W. Ileeson of lied Oak, while the can
dldate from C.iss county Is J. It. Kockafcl
low of Atlantic.
Hon. N. M. l'usey of this city xvas an
nvowed candidate for the nomination, but
at the county convention Wheeler's friends
xvere in th supremacy and the delegates
selected to the Judicial convention were In
structed for him. Whlli' this placed a
serious setback on Mr. Posey's candidacy,
his friends feel confident that he has still
a lighting chance for the nomination. It i
claimed that In the event of Wheeler fall
ing to make tho nomination on tho first
few ballot- It Is possible that Mr. J'usey'a
name may ho sprung and In that event tho was cleared, uc amcKen irom mo com
delegation from Pottawattamie, having plaint and that the Investigation be solely
failed to win for Wheelei, will throw Its.'"" Hi" nPW charge, xvhlch Is to the effect
twenty-seven votes for Pi'sej.
Illvlsloii nf ODlcrs.
Despite the fact that Wheeler will go
Into the convention xxith twenty-seven
votes at his back, those who claim to know
say that the present indication:! are that
the Htrongest candidate of the four be
fore the convention xvlll he Scott Lewis
from Mills county. The claim Is made
Hint Mills county Is entitled to tho nom
ination, for the reason that every county,
except It nnd Harrison, Is well provided
for In the xvay of onVcs. Harrison county,
being a newcomer Into the district, cannot
this year bring forth any special claims
In this line, but tho Mills county people
nre In ib-nd earnest xvhen they say thoy are
entitled to the district Judgeship this year.
Pottauattamle county has a federal Judge
In the person nf Judgo Reed of the United
Stntes court of prlvnte laud claims, clerk
of the I'nlted Stutes district court In the
person of Colonel .1 J. Sleadmnn. super
visor of tho federal census for the Ninth
district nnd a number of minor unices.
Cass county has u member of the Insular
commission to Cubn. connil to Oermnny
and member of the state central committee.
Audubon county hns Judge Green of the
district bench. Shelby county has Judge
Macy of the district bench and Fremont
has Judge Thornoll of the district bench.
Pago county has a congressman and Mont
gomery county bus u Judge of tho supreme
court and a federal Judge In tho nerson
of Hon. Smith McPherson. With this ar-
ray of oftlces held by the other counties
Mills county republicans claim thoy nre
at least entitled to a Judge of the district
court and on these grounds, In addition to
his fitness for the office, will urge tho
nomination of Scott Lewis of Glenwood.
As Judge Smith's resignation Is to take
effect on September 1 there will bo n va
cancy between that date and tho election
noxt November, xvhen the successful can
didate at tho polls will be ablo to tokc
his seat an the bench. To fill this va
cancy It Is understood thnt Governor Shaw
xvlll nppolnt the nominee of next Wednes
day's convention.
Commonwealth 10-ccnt cigar. ltoxns xnr ncat'iiuon.
Attorney (ieiiernPn Opinion cm llir
Milliner of Vntliiir on Amendment.
County Auditor Inncs has secured some
fifty nexv ballot boxes to he used at the
November election in xvhlch to deposit
tho ballots cast on tho poor farm
proposition nnd the constitutional amend
ment providing for biennial olectlons.
Tho general understanding was that these
ballots could not bo cast In tho same
boxes containing the ballots on candidates
and tho Hoard of County Supervisors, act
ing on this understanding, Instructed the
county auditor to procure nn extra set of
boxes. According to Attorney Genoral
Komley this Is unnecessary. In response
ui n request irom llio auditor of state,
.Mioriif)- iit-uerai iicnuey nns given an
opinion on the question whether additional
ballot boxes uro legally required for use
In voting on constitutional amendments
Th law passed by the Twenty-eighth gon
oral assembly requires that constitutional
amendments, propositions for Issuing bondo
and kindred matters shall bo voted on by
use of separate ballots. Nothing, however,
Is said whether or not theso shall be caHt
In the same ballot boxes ns thoso used for
bnlloiing on candidates, in his opinion,
Mr. ltemley holds that to require separate
ballot boxes xvould be useless expense. This
opinion was asked for by Auditor of Stato
Merrlam for tho reason that a number
oMnqitlrles on tho subject had coma to him
from county auditors nil over the state.
Howell's Antl."Kaxvt" cures coughs, colds.
Dentil of John Clniisen,
John Clauson, n pioneer resident of this
city nnd ono of Its best known business
men died shortly after midnight Saturday
at hlo home, in: lirondxxay, from typhoid
fever, after an Illness of three weeks. Ho
xvns 02 years old and had been n resident
of Council Muffs since 1652.
Mr. Clausen xvns born In Holsteln, Ger
many. December 25, 1832, and twenty years
later came to this city. In 1S35 he married
Anna Uaffrey, who with five daughters and
two sons survive him. The children are
Mrs. Mary Allen, Minneapolis, Mrs. Kramn
Hereld, John II. Clausen, Miss Joslc Clau
sen, Miss Lena Clausen, Fred C. Clausen and
Miss Isabcllc Clausen, all of this city.
After coming to Council Bluffs Mr. Clau
sen started a little grocery on the corner
xvhere the Ogdcn house now stands. Then
In partnership xvlth Peter Wels he erected
the block now occupied by the Zoller
grocory and there for thirty years he en
gaged In the grocery business. A few years
ago he engaged In the Implement business
on South Main street and also conducted a
branch at Carson, la. For thirty-one years
he had been the agent for this vicinity for
the McCormlck Harvester company.
In 1876 Mr. Clausen was elected city
treasurer ond served one year. In 1882 he
xvas ngaln elected to this ofllce nnd was re
elected three successive terms. After that
he served one term as county auditor nnd
xvrb also a member of the school board fr
several years.
Davis sells paint.
Similny Amusements.
The picnic of tho local Danish societies
nt the Driving park yesterday attracted a
largo nnd merry gathering. The weather
clerk, to make amends for the rain txxo
xveoks ago, provided n beautiful day for the
picnic and tho Danes and their merry friends
took full adx-antage of It. An enjoyable
program of sports wns furnished, xvblch
afforded much Amusement. Tho one-mile
bicycle race was captured by Sam Hansen.
RImor Shugart'n little mare carried oft the
pony race, an amusing feature of xvhlch
was the entry of n long-eared mule. The
latter, however, balked after going half
around the course. The shooting contest
excited conslderablo Interest nnd lasted
almost the entire afternoon, the winner be
ing K. W. Hansen, with Albert Wells a
close second and Dr. M. C. Chrlstensen
third. A foot race forlioys was xvon by Will
Aylcsworth. Thero wero sixty entries for
the girls' race and. nB about thirty of them
crossed the wire all In a bunch. It was Im
possible to pick the winner. The dancing
platform was well patronized and tho merry
rankers did not start for home until a late
hour, all well satisfied with tho day's out
ing. One of the largest croxvds of the season
vlilted Lake Maniwa nnd enjoyed tho num
erous attractions there. Tho vaudeville
show at the Casino Is again this xveek a
first-class entertainment, Slsson and Wal
lace being tho topnotchcrs. The turn by
tho Illack Averys Is clever and caught tho
popular fancy, the audlenco Insisting at
both performances on several encores.
Clravet rooQnc A. IL Read, 541 llroadway.
Ilnrdnn's Cnst- Comtiiw Pp.
The city council will meet tonight, when
the speclnl order of business xvlll be the
bearing of the charges preferred n gainst
Street Commissioner Hnrdon by Alderman
Hubcr. Harden had not (lied his answer
lup to last night. When the hearing opens
tonight Harden s nttornoy, it is saiu, xviu
move that all tho charges, which aru sim
ilar to tho ones previously riled against
the street commissioner and of which he
that Harden failed to obey the orders of
the council In not applying to tho streets
and alleys committee for Instructions.
The nldermen are determined to settle
the controversy one wny or the other to
night, as the streets nre In n bad shapo
nnd need conslderablo attention. No work
to speak of has been done on any of tho
streets since the fight between Alderman
Hubcr and the street commissioner com
menced. The streets In the business center
of the city nre especially In a bad wny and
need n good aleunlng.
DlNcoTrrs flnilntx' Property.
Deputy Sheriff Dakor returned yesterday
morning from Woodbine, where he recov
ered the buggy nnd harness stolen from
nobert Hudatz a week ago. Tho maro
which the thief also stole was driven to
death and its hide sold by tho thief to a
neighboring farmer for JI. The buggy
mid harness the thief sold to the same
farmer for J12. The farmer, when ho
learned tho parttculnrs of tho theft from
Deputy Sheriff Baker, readily turned over
the buggy nnd harness as xvell as the hide
of tho mare. Tho maro xvas n valuable
one nnd with the buggy and harness was
taken from Dudatz's barn on the night of
Sunday. August 19. Tho horse dropped
dead about sundown the following even
ing two miles from Woodbine. The thief
explained that tho animal had taken sick
and said he was on his way to Minnesota.
Tho Identity of the thief Is not known.
i;jrets Txvo Trnmpa from n Hns Car
mill l-'nlln t nilrr the 'Wheels
RED OAK, la.. Aug. 26. (Special Tele
gram.) James P. McKee of Cromwell, n
Burlington hrakcmnn, was killed In Hcd
Oak nbout 3 o'clock this morning by being
run over by n freight train. Ho was
a brakeman on tho first section of No. 76
oastbound from Omaha. The train stopped
here for coal and water. Ho saxv two
tramps In a furniture car nnd ordered
them out ns the trnln started, then ran
and caught the ladder of a freight car.
That was the last seen of McKeo nllvo.
About 3:30 o'clock Conductor norgantzcl
saw nn object lying on the track and re
ported it. Upon Investigation It proved
to be the body of McKeo. It Is thought
McKeo lost his footing and fell betxvecn
the enrs. Deceased wns I'l years old and
had been braking over n year. Tho body
xvas taken to Herman's undertaking room
nnd Coroner Kroldlcr held an Inquest this
afternoon, but no new facts developed.
Corn Crop n Itrooril IlrenKrr,
SIOUX CITY. la., Aug. 20.-(Spcclal.)
At the mcotlng of tho Iowa Grain Denlcrs'
ussoetntlon Just closed In this city the crop
situation In Iowa was thoroughly canvassed
and tho consensus of opinion among the
dealers was that Iowa's corn crop this year
xvlll bo tho very best ever known In the
history of the state.
Tho general sentiment Is expressed in the
following statement by a prominent mem
bcr of the association "Last xxcrk I drove
125 miles nnd did not see a field of corn
that will produco less than sixty bushels to
the aero. Iowa's production of wheat has
been Increasing ever sluco corn got so cheap
n few years ago. When corn got down to
10 and 12 cents farmers discovered they
could mako more money growing wheat."
Tho object of tho grain dealers' mooting
Is largely social and for the discussion of
topics of particular Interest to grain deal
(lire Money for Deiicnnenncfc' Home,
SIOUX CITY. la., Aug. 20. (Special.)
Slnux City Methodists nre looking for n
suitable piece of property on which to erect
a Deaconesses' home. Mrs. A. A. Shesler
of Spencer, la., has signified her Intention
of deeding nil her property to Iho enter
prist?. When her hufcbar.d, Rev. A. A.
Shi'Blor. n minister of tho MrthoJist church,
died some years ago, ho expressed a desire
that his wealth, which w,n not inconsidera
ble, should upon the death of his wife be
given to some charitable enterprise. Mrs
Shesler has decided to give It to the pro
jected deaconesses' home here.
No mailer how well your
Meats, Fish, Soups and Salads
are prtpared they will be im
proved by Lea & Perrtn'
Greatest Exhibit Evor Made at Des Moines
Opens Today.
Ttto Hundred Will Tnltf n Jipeelnl
Trnln This XtornliiK to Attend
the INnllnnnl lloiinlon of the
(iriuiil Army.
DF.S MOINES, Aug. 26 (Special ) Fri
day and Saturday wcro really nothing hut
days for final preparations nnd the Stato
fnlr opens tomorroxv morning. Tho last
exhibit xvns piibhed Into plnco this even
ing nnd everything Is In readiness for xxhat
tho ofllcers Insist Is the best fnlr the state
hns over seen. Thero xvlll be several now
featured to the fair this year. Including
entertainments every evening In tho wny
of n great fireworks display nnd n full
grown midway. Tho cnttle nnd stock ex
hibits, machinery hall, agricultural and
dairy hall, as well as the Moral hall nnd
cxery department of tho fair, aro full to
overflowing. It Is believed Hint tho nt
tendanco will be a record-breaker nnd
there Is no doubt but that tho hundreds
who nre now pouring Into tho city pre
dict grent crowds. There will be onter
tnlnments in tho city for the visitors, In
cluding ono of Pain's spectnclcs of fire
every night, nnd the opening of tho clty'a
first continuous vaudeville, theater. Mon
day will bo Des Moines day.
Some 200 veteran soldiers of the civil
war will leavo hern on a special train
over tho Great Western road tomorrow
morning for Chicago, xvhoro they xvlll at
tend tho reunion of the Grand Army of tho
Republic. Crocker nnd Kinsman posts of
Des Moines are both furnishing all of their
members with railroad tickets for the
round trip frco of charge and the dele
gation sent to tho encampment by this
city will bo tho largest that hns gone
out of loxvn In mnny a year.
Slti- for n exv Fort.
F. M. Hubbcll, tho chairman of tho
finance committee having In charge tho
raising of the funds necessary for tho pur
chase of a site for the Des Moines Army
post, reports that $25,000 has been raised
nnd a number of largo subscriptions. In
cluding one for $10,000, have been made
contingent upon the location of tho post
on some particular site. An especial effort
xvlll bo mndo nt onco to raise all tho
needed funds nud havo tho deed for tho
slto In tho hnnds of the government by
Soptomher 1. It Is stated thnt If the slto
Is provided at once, nnd It Is accepted by
the government, $150,000 will he spent In
getting tho post grounds Into some sort
of shape this year.
It Is stated that tho commission of
United States Senator Dolllver xvlll bo
ready for the signature of tho governor
next week. Tho commission Is nn elab
orate piece of penmanship by a skilled ar
tist and It a beautiful thing. Tho commis
sion xvlll bo dated Wednesday, August 23,
tho dnto of Dolllver's appointment. Sena
tor Dolllver xvlll qualify at Washington In
Carl Hohl Smith, tho famous Chicago
sculptor xxho died In Copenhagen Inst xveek,
xvas tho designer of the Iowa Soldiers' and
Sailors' monument which stands near tho
capital grounds. Ho xvns appointed to tako
chnrgo of tho art xvork of tho monument
at tho time of the death of Harriett
Ketcham, xxho originally designed the mon
ument. A. R. Cummins has been naked by thu
republican national committee to give
thirty days of his time during the cam
paign to making speeches outsldo of tho
state. Ho has been nsked to speak In
Kentucky, Indiana, Illinois nnd Nebraska.
.Xlnlli'rx nt (Inaxvn.
ONAWA. In.. Aug. 20. (Special.) The
Monona county republican convention has
been called to meet In Onawn September
20, xx hen the political situation Is expected
to liven up u little. So far politics are
absolutely dead In Monona county nnd in
marked contrast with 1S9C, xvhen everybody
hnd time to discuss financial matters.
Ono nnd soventy ono-hundredths Inches
of rain fell hero yesterday, xvhlch makes
1T.09 Inches for July and August, which
wipes out nil records for moisture In these
months for twenty-ono years at this sta
tion, according to Observor Perkins. Con
slderablo damage to grnln has been done
by tho recent rains ami ono farmer In par
ticular has 400 acres of grain standing In
shock xvlth only threo clays threshing done.
Tho Little Sioux river raised five feet last
night, hut is still within Its banks. William
Coons of Lake township reports thirty
bushels of wheat to tho acre, xvhlch Is tho
banner yield so far In this county. The
corn crop Is going to bo Immenso and
farmers say tho outlook Is the best for
txventy years. The heat nnd wet weather
caused the corn to ear out heavily nnd the
acreage Is grcnter than last year.
A petition for free rural mall delivery,
xvlth US signers, has been sent to the Post
oirtce department. The route will supply
a lnrgo farming population xxest of Onawa,
also Ulue Lake park.
Tho new opera house Is nearly completed
and will be n fine looking structure.
Howies & Dally, the Omaha contractors,
have promised to have the now school
house rendy for school by September 17,
whlc,h Is nbout two xxeeks later than usual.
Seiiniillonnl .Stilt In Iimxii.
KORT nODC.B, la., Aug. 2fi. (Special.)
Telegram.) One of the most sensational
Indictments In tho history of the county
was returned by the grand Jury here today.
The Jury found a true bill against Matt
This signature on
Fnlferllek. charged xvlth adultery xxlth the
little 12 year-old sister of his wife Falf
erllrk Is one of the most prominent farm
era In the county, living in Hlkhorn town
ship. The crime xvns alleged to have been
committed last xxlnter, xvhen the child Has
stnylng xvlth Falferllrk's wife, xxho xxns ill
Mrs. Falferllrk has nlso sued for divorce
on tho snmo grounds, nsklug for rustodx of
tho child and alimony. Tho affair Is at
tracting great nttentton.
Itnlil on Itoolli'KKei's Sliopx.
AMI-IS. la., Aug. 20. (Special.)- It has
been a matter of current rumor that Trtaln
bootleggers In this place have been doing a
land ofllce business for several months past
from tho Inrge number of workmen employed
on tho second track nnd locnl Improvements
of tho Northwestern railroad. Thce rumors
xx ere thoroughly examined Into at the Story
county prohibition picnic held on tho
campus of the loxx'a State college last Fri
day. It was Indicated In strong terms that
tho moral sentiment of this community xvas
slumbering nnd tho alleged open violations
of the Inw hero wero soundly denounced.
Last night a committee, consisting of sev
eral merchants, ministers and professional
men of the city, who xvere determined to In
vestigate tho truth of the prohibitionists'
assertions, accompanied by an officer, raided
tho places of business of the alleged boot
leggers. It xvns found that they xvere all
closed with one exception, probably on ac
count of tho fact that the grand Jury of
Story county Is now In session and tho
matter of thn Illicit ?nlo of Intoxicating bev
erages In this community Is said to have
been under consideration by that body. In
tho ono case referred to tho raiders found
several men engaged In reducing the con
tents of a keg of beer. This xvaB confis
cated, part of It taken out for chemical ex
amination, nnd tho xvholo matter xxlll be
brought to tho attention of the grand Jury
nt once. Tho party raided Is under a por
petunl injunction to forbear fiom selling
intoxicating liquors in this community.
Sheep I-'itiIIiib nt Slon Clt.
SIOUX CITY. Ia., Aug. 20. (Special. )-
Arrangements havo been completed for the
feeding of 10,000 sheep nt tho Sioux City
stock yards this winter. The sheep will
ho brought by Timet Ilros. from the ranges
of Montana and it is expected tho first
consignment xxill nrrlve within n fexv xveeks.
The feed for the stock will consist mostly
of screenings of grnln from the locnl mills.
After the sheep nre fattened they xvlll bo
plnced on the market here, thereby furnish
ing good supplies for the local packers.
This big project probably xxill mark the
beginning of a Inrge Increase in the
amount of sheep business done at the Sioux
City yards.
llriMvneil III I:nn..
KSSCX. In.. Aug. 2ti. (Special Tele
gram.) Kred Larson of near Hawthorne,
nged 10, was droxvned In the river here
ion Sunday at 4 p. m. Ho was In bathing.
His body hnd not hecn found nt S p. m. I
Millions will bo tipciit in politics this
year. Wc can't keep the cnmpnlgn going
without money nny more than wo can keep
the body vigorous without food. Dyspep
tics used to starvo themselves. Now Kodol
Dyspepsia Curo digests xxhat you eat and
allows you to eat all the good food you
want. It radically eures stomarh troubles
.ottrltlintiliiilliiu; Kn 1,iiiik Viillie SI.
I.oiiIV Knterprlne I'mnilxeH (it
lie Sneeexxflil.
ST. I.oriS, Aug. 2C There has been a
marked renexxal of activity at the head
Hunrters of the Louisiana Purchase Cen
tennial World's fnlr recently. In accord
unco xvlth tho program mapped out at the
meeting held at tho end of .luno active
local work to secure tho completion of
the stock siibscrlntlon fund of ir. nrin nnn
will be begun early In September. More
than $I,000,OUU of this amount has been
pledged nnd It Is bollcved the remainder
will bo obtained soon. At least one sub
set Iptlon running Into six figures Is con
fidently relied upon as an uncoiiraglng
sianer lor tno Inst canvass.
Very encouraging correspondence has
been received xvlth reference to the con
stitutional amendments. So far no oppo
sition xvhntover has developed and as only
n majority of the votes actually cast on
tho question Is necessary tho carrying of
tho amendments authorizing tho Issuanco
Of $.1,000,000 of city bouds and thn diver
sion from tho sinking fund of $1,000,000
tor a stato exhibit Is looked upon as a cer
tainty. Steps will bo taken, however, to
bring tho matter nromimintlv lmforn iim
voters of ench county In tho statu in order
Hint tno majority may ho overwhelming
and further assurance given to tho country
thnt tho movement Is endorsed throughout
the entlro state.
Communications roeolved, from outside
points give further evldenco of the great
Interest taken in the I.oulsana I'urchaso
Centennial, not only In practically evury
statu In the union, but In a very large
number of foreign countrh.s.
Correspondent from I'ans Indicates tho
certainty of securing several of tho very
best exhibits In the exposition (hero for
the St. LoulB lair In 1903. Novor since
the Inauguration of tho World's fair movo.
ment has tho corrcspondeuco of tho xvoek
been spread over such an enormuus area.
This is owing to thn largo number of re
plies received from I'nluM States gonBiils
to queries, asking what each consulate
district could he relied upon to do.
majority of the replies are hopeful and
enthusiastic In i haracler
WVnllli)- 1'iiiincr'-. Son Klllcil
FM;iSA,?., (;ITV' 'V.IK' --hnui.. K
F.iuteck, 21 yearn old. nop of Frederick
uW,t$:Vithy ,Hrm"r- IW last
night In Wyandotte county, Kansas. aeroxH
the river. The evidence polnta to murder
every bottle
Cooks and butlers every
where pronounce it an indis
pensable requisite to the Culi
nary Supplies,
Agents, ,Vc- York
Real Estate is
Sonic excellent lots, pleasantly located nnd do
sirable for suburban homes, can be had now at
reasonable prices. These lot s are located in
Omaha, Wright's and Central Sub. additions. This
property will steadily increase in value as the city
grows in th at direction and the time to buy is the
present. Call at
Council Bluffs.
Mormon DIshODft' Pills
Church .imT Uir. - foi.,!.n. Totiut.i
nf ..l.liute. ttisthatioQ. etceilet. or
potency, Lost Power, Hlcht-tost, permotorrhoen 'niJlriI,..if JU5
rnBncKiEHl Doolre amlnnrKrfilislon,. LnmryrjacK, Nervous Do
bllltv. Hndach,UnfitntoMnrry,Lpof g-j;omni nrlcoojle-,
or constipation, stops, QulcKnsfw ,of DIs- Erf 11 pbarcoi Stops Hor-
rWVumr I if1 S Sllin&St. . cure It It h.l.I. RTrTSJ Htcrt itnlil. UB.Ie.elorea
trClM, StlrnnHtet the train Ami nent centr-rl. te ft tt.
tt mtujr rafurlc J, olila 6 tMiea. Clrculan li.t AdtJross,
on SAi.n nv .xi Yi:iis-iMi,i,o
Wenlwnrlh Military Aarfpmv
OovernmentsurfrxiMon. HlntncommlMinna to graduate".. I'repariilloii fur ijtiltcrtltlm
nnd NMIoimt AcedmiliK. COL. SAN0FORD SELLERS. M. A.. Sutt.. LEXINGTON. MO.
for robbery. The body xvns found tndux on
tin1 trucks of the Kaiisas-l.eavvnxvorlli elec
tric line, where It had been placed, cxl
dclitly to cover up the crime.
Mothers endorse It, children llko It, old
folks use It. We refer to One Minute
Cough Cure. It xvlll quickly cure all throat
nnd lung troubles.
Hem y Until In Iteil Itlver Valley.
KAWiO, N. V, Aug. :. An n'l-dav rain
yesterday and part of last night added an
other Inch and a half to the molHture that
has fallen this month, making Hij Ineliei
Klnee August I. All records are broken.
Tile downpour has made threshing an Im
possibility and the farmers are illscoutugcd
over thu situation.
Tlint I.InIIi'n. I.nek-I.uxler I'eellnt;.
Caused by a logy, languid liver. Stir it
up xvlth Cascarets Candy Cathartic, Ideal
laxative, Intestinal tonic and brain bracer.
Druggists, 10c. 2.1c. r.0c.
I'l iiuiioM lent Ion fur .llnmliiy In Xi
lira I. n In flip I'ulr .NLIch unit
l oollliu llreee.,
WASIIIN'CiTON, Aug. 2C Forecast for
Monday nnl Tuesday:
For Nebraska and Knnsas Fair Monday
and Tuesday; cooler Monday; Houtherly,
shifting to northwesterly winds.
For Western Texas, Nexv Mexico, Okla
homa and Indian Territory flenurnlly fair
Monday and Tuesdny; light southerly
For Arkansas Local rains Monday, with
xvnrmer In eastern portion; Tuesday fair;
southerly xxlnds.
For Iowa (lenorally fair Monday, with
warmer In eastern portion; Tuesday fair
and cooler; southerly, shifting to xvesturly
For .Missouri Fair and warmer Monday;
Tuesday fall', xvlth cooler In northern por
tion; southerly xvlnds.
For North and South Dakota fienorally
fair Monday and Tuesday; cooler In east
ern portion Monday; xvnrmer in western
portions Tuesday; northerly xvlnds.
For Colorado nnd Wyoming Local rains
and cooler Monday; Tuesday fair; north
easterly xxlnds.
For Muntnnn Fair and warmer Monday;
Tuesday fair; xvesterly xvlnds.
Local Iteeonl,
OMAHA. Aug. 2i)'.-OlllclaI n't-nrd of ;em
perature and precipitation, compared wIMi
ine coireapoiiiiiiig nay oi 1 1 it- mm inr.t
1!M0. W lS'in 1.S9T
MnMinum temiuratuio .. Sfi S2 .i n
Minimum temperatuio .. ill 7 " f
Avir.ige tempi ruture .. 75 71 7i.
rreclpltntliiii ) T mi in
Iteeonl of precipitation at Onviha for thU
nay nun since .xiaren l. j:"":
Normal temperature for tho day ... 71
Kxcosi for the day I
Total cxecHH since March 1 IV'
Normal rainfall in nu ll
nelli leiu y for the ilnv In Inch
Total rainfall fclnee Match 1 2" P Inrh -
IJellcleni y since March 1 I M liieli"s
Delleliniy for cor, period lMfl . Id Incite.
Deficiency fur enr, period lSTiy . 2 7l Inclu i
Iti'liorls Irom SliillntiN r, 1 S I', XI,
HI i'
in -l L
5a tt i.
. a f
Jt -J P
u2 riH r
s -1
' SI I fi .im
i M 1 in '1
I 71 .1 T
1 M Wi T
I 72 ; i .i'i
' K !C im
I 0! (,-, T
I US 72 ;i.
"x VJ I. I
71 7S 'I
V2 i M .im
i ill o; .!
i fiS V1 I ,im
I 72 7 i .'ci
i SlIM I .01
OF WBA'l'HlJlt.
Omaha, eloar
North Platte, nart clmnlv
fheyenne, part cloudy i 71
nun l.ilKP, ciuur
Itapld City, cloudy
I lu run. part cloudy
Wllllston, clear
ChlcaRo. cloudy
St. Louis, cloudy
Hi. J'uul. clear
Davenport, clour
Kansas city, clear
II clc nil, c"ir
Havre, clear
Hlsmarck, part cloudy ....
(jiilvestuii, part clniitly ...
T Indicates trace of precipitation.
L. A. U'KI.HH,
Local Forecast Official.
' r " j t. .
43 i
9 vaMD
I". tn In ute over years by the leaJm oi trie Motmoa
c.Kl Ibe worn CMtt la Did tfld younvr ftmln? cnYcu
clfutnt - wooklaj'.
S fjr If obT rn!l fcrViartw A wiltten ffuatftrtlf. incurs
BlihOP Hoincdy Co., Onri Francisco, OaU
hum; to.
Oldnt and larcett
military school in
niiiii Central Weit.
lloiirillnir mill :n School for ulrl
it tut it the direction nf 1(1. Hex-,
lieorue X nrtlillitUoll, T. II., I.I,. I).
Villi term IickIiiiiIiik Sept. 17, 1 11(H).
Ono of the oldest nnd most successful
educational Institutions of tho xvest lit
high standard allowing It to compete with
eastern colleges and schools. Iliilldlngs In
complete order perfect ntcaui heating, n-
Itary plumbing; colleglnto and proparntor
courses, special students In mdslc, tho lan
guages and nrt; competent corps of U'ucor5.
Every ndvantngo offered a regards thn
moral, mental nnd physical training. Send
for circular or apply personally to Mrs. U.
11. Upton, Principal.
Nexv buildings. Cainnim 100 acres. Mmln!
school bome Faculty of JHN not Iiovh -
Specialists from beat Hihools of America
and lhirope
YANCV & 1'ONVILLK. Mexico. Mo.
Dohany Theater
'I'litirndK y, AiikiiM liNlli.
"That Man"
An original Fnrco Comedy In n nets
presented by
Walter Walker
Mildred St. Purse
and nn excellent cast ns presented nt tho
Herald Square Theaier, Ne York.
Wfeaa etiwrs fen oMMtm
0 T 0 R
op MEN
vn giiurantco to curu ull chsps lurabl ct
SUXUALLY. Cured for Life.
NUht J.n.labiunf. Iout Manliood, Hilrocele,
Vurlcojcle, Gonorrhoea, uice;. bypntlU,
dtrlctuiu, Hie, t'kiula and HccUl Ulcers
anu ull
iTIxuir llUcimca rtnil Dlioi ilrrx of Moat
Stricture unit Ulet (.ureil ui Homo,
Consultation Free. Call on or nddreia
1)11. SKlltl.KS A. sUAlll.Cr..
Ill) Hiiulii Mitt tit. UUAIIft.
r )ou havA tin til we-iU nrtfaru,
Inst ftuwfr or wialtflitfiLf itmtll,
our ftcimut urrin )U'VelrT v4t
rti it uii v ittiutjt dniji or
failure nt rMurtifM ti r h u frauil. wrltefor
(iirtldilu ifitt Ft f i n iituiti ''lire '..
LOCAL APPLIANCE CO . 4)4 Charles Bldr, Denver, Colo.