Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 26, 1900, THE ILLUSTRATED BEE., Page 7, Image 7

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    August -(!, 11)00.
American Trade in the
Philippine Islands
(Copyright, 1500, by Frank a. Carpenter.)
MANILA, July 2, 1000. (Special Cor
respondence of The Uec.) The Philippine
Islands do n foreign business of more than
J20.000.000 n year nnd of this the United
States Is not getting Its shnro of the profits.
Ono of the big Importing llrtns of Manila to
day gavo Its cheek nt the custom house for
$1)7,000 In gold. This wns the duty on one
shipment of goods. This was petroleum nnd
1'. came from Russia. The most of tin
kerosene used In the Philippine cotnro
fiom that country, notwithstanding the
I tilted Stntes has the gteatesl puuo'.mm
fields In tho world.
Wo rnlao more cotton than any other land,
but the cotton Roods lined heie come from
Ktiglnnd nnd (iirniany. We have tho cliier
lion mines nnd the best hardware, but O'er
many and Knglni.d are supplying the Philip
pines. California Is nearer Manila than
cither Spain or Fiance, hut tho wine. eon
Binned are from the latter countries.
In fact, about the only thing that Is i.oa
being Imported hero In great qunii'itu
from Amotion 1m beer. Tills was hn igln
to Manila by the shipload ns soon ns tho
Amerlcnns took possession of tho country,
I crossed tho Pacific with the agent of one
firm who mndo $2SO,000 by getting his cargo selling f. r 10 icnts in gold nnd n pound of reduced one-nnir. bnocmtKcrs wno lm
of beer In first. Other men have done nltnost pottrd chicken worth f.O cents would pay Port 200 per nnnum, drug stores $400,
ns well, nnd today nil tho leading makes of
American beer nrc sold here. Tho beer 1j
largely consumed by Americans. Within
six months after our troops landed the
nutnber of Manila's snloons wns multiplied
by ten. There nro now n hundred whero thcro
wns ono before, tho chief support of nil be-
lug tho American soldiers. The beer sells
nt high prices, the ordinary bottlo costing
2."i cents In gold, or moro than three times
ns much ns nt home.
(iooilN Unit America Should KiiimiInIi.
You would think thnt tho United Stntes
Bhould furnish the most of tho butter nnd
canned goods of the Philippines. It
docs not. The bulk of tho canned stuff
comes from Ktirope, but Australia Is push-
Ing Its way in fnr nhead of tho Amorlcans.
Wo hnvo Australian canned fruits on our
dining tnbles nnd our nrmy Is now eating
Australian butter nnd Austrnllnn beef. Tho
duties nt present are so great as to make
such Importntlons prohibitive. A enn of
Cnllfornla pears which sells for 30 cents
In Son Francisco would havo to pay an nd-
dltlonnl 30 cents ns duty before It could
enter Manila.
As to other products, France, Switzer
land nnd Austrln ship Inrgoly to this mnr
kot. Machinery, paper nnd silks como
from Frnnco, furniture of tho Uentwood
variety from Austria and glass and glass
waro, ns woll ns iron, pnpor and cement,
from Bolglum.
Wo tnko moro of tho exports of tho Phil
ippines thnn nny other country, but wo
get less In return. Last year nil thn
United Stntes goods sold In Manila wcro
worth, In round numbers, $130,000 in gold,
upon which wo paid a duty of $33,000. In
, nddltlon to this thcro were somo good3
, sent by wny of Hong Kong nnd trans-
shipped thcro, which woro probably crcd-
ited to China, but nltogothcr the imports
were very light.
I nm told nt tho custom houso that, bo-
.ginning with this yenr, thcro has been a
rapid Increnso In American Importntlons.
great denl of flour hns begun to como In.
'otton Is boing Imported In small lots nnd
'Iso somo galvanized Iron nnd machinery,
Quito n number of Amorlcnn typewriters
aro being shipped ln, tho business firms
hero seeing our machines In tho hands of
tho government clerks nnd thereby nppro-
dating their vnluo.
- T find I 1,n.,1 In rrni nnl.l".). 1 ,1
f-rmntlon from tho custom houso. For
-mo reason or other tho ofllclnls think
financial matters should bo kept secret
nnd that tho Amcricnn people have no
right to know what business Is being dono
until tho nows is sent out from hendqunr-
tors, tho matter of a month or n year mak-
. Unman SrhoLnlLb01" !lOU8tt!3
still mnnnged on tho Spnnlsh system, tho
old Spanish duties being In force. Tho
tariff is collected chiefly on tho weight of
Uo fIf,0r8,cnnl, a,mUty PrlC n,nk Ht'
tiI T ? mn.r f 1n.i f , ,
n - 1 ulJh lJ7,of0r nstnnco., nvnr In , VIT
handed over to n Jowoler nnd turnod Into
r ?wivCC,in-,,(!if Inn''1 'l0lInr ,W01lB,hlnB
rZ nnf ? Vh rZ 7u lnt0, a
fnRtwn L t!Z?Zt of dlnmonds,
tho two articles coming Into a Mnnlla cus-
torn houso would pay tho samo duty. Ono
iv l vji j im, u n, uv. v. li. n wj ill-
" 4ImB!
might bo nitually worth but $2 and the
o. her $2."..00n, but the weight would govern
tho tariff. A piuud of canned tomatoes
ti)0 same tnrlff, nnd so It is with scores of
other things. Furniture pays Its way by
tho pound nnd so do silks, volvetB nnd
urniinlni' nnnnra. It Is the same with enr-
H.ts nna cottons, with hemp, mnrblo nnd
drugs, nnd, In fact, with every 1m-
Himv Not to Do II.
flio custom house Is doing n big business,
mt tl 8,.rm8 to bo run on tho plan that
Dickens characterized ns "tho science of
noVt. not to do It." It has an nrmy of
clerks, many of whom nro soldiers, nnd
others civil officers, but It lacks men who
are skilled In customs work. It has n host
of Flllplncs to help tho other clerks nnd
notwithstanding this It tnkes from n dny
to a month to get n shipment of goods
through It. If you nro ln n hurry tho of-
fielals will ndvlso you to go nnd got n cus-
torn houso broker to nttend to your mat-
tors nnd nfter you hnvo nttemptcd onco or
twIco to do tho work yourself you nro glnd
to tnko tho ndvico. The dolny may bo duo
to tho Spnnlsh system, nlthough It Bcenis to
mo that tno rcii tnno of tho nrmy hns some-
thins to do with It.
Take an oxperlcnco which I hnd with the
olllco myself ns nn Instnnco: It rclnted to
n package of a dozen rolls of photographic
films, worth $17, which wrro shipped to me
from Hong Kong. Tho shipment nnd tho
bills were nil In regular order nnd tho duty
wns onlv a matter of 27 cunts, but It took
mo n whole half day to pay It. When I
said I was ln n hurrv for thn conds I
Wns told that thoy could not bo possibly
I)nsscd through tho custom houso In ono
,.. i tried to get them nevertheless nnd
thereupon bognn my labors, which Instcd
rrcm morning until noon. Tho box hnd to
i. hunted up nnd weighed. Then tho rolls
0f nims were tnken out nnd weighed ono
by ono, the wrapping paper being placed
on top to see thnt It paid Its shnro of tho
(ity. i had lien to mnko out n declnrntlon
in triplicate nnd to ehnso this from ono
clerk to nnothor. through the various of-
flees of tho custom house. I venture thnt
nt lenst twenty-flvo clerks ench passed on
that 27 cents' worth of duty, each carefully
endorsing tho threo pnpors nnd passing
them on to tho noxt. In mnny Instnncos n
record wns mado In tho books nnd nt Inst I
wns given a paper nnd told to go to tho
cashier nnd pay tho duty. After this I got
1 T .., .,,(n1, l.n,n. ,-nnn,l M . n i
II1V IMJA. I iia lllllvii uiilli I l(i mull viiti.i
tho ordinary customer, boing Invnrlnbly
pushed forward In advance of tho Filipinos
nd Chinese who wcro waiting by the score
to havo tholr wants attended to.
I can see how this custom system might
havo been a profitable ono to tho Spnnlsh
officials, where, ns n rule, every clerk col-
1""", Wi l0"" tt "P?"' tWt
Americans and It should ho changed nt
once. Tho commercial trcavolcrs who aro
hero from tho United States nro complain-
,?B,n"0Ut U- T,,nsr mY U lnt0rfr W,tU
tl,P,r 1,,l8lnPSS nml ioy can do nothing on
nccount of It. Indeed tho slowness of tho
"T" "Crvlr0 nf nMtt ,mfl bCn "
notorious thnt thn Kuropenn Insurnnco com-
pnnlc1B oxteni1 ,holr InBurnnco on goods to a
,'nnth ntl(,r iholr nTTUn or "nlU t,,0y
hnvo pnsesd from tho custom houso Into the
hnnds of tho Importor.
At tho samo tlmo tho custom receipt!
nro showing a considerable Increase. Thoy
nro now JSOO.OOO a month, nnd thoy will bo
moro thnn $8,000,000 this yenr. This will bo
nt tho port of Mnnlln alone. It dots not In
clude tho six ports of Hollo, Cebu, Znmbo
align, Slnssl nnd Join. It shows that the
business of tho Philippine Islands has nl-
ready begun to increase, nnd this Increns
will probably continue.
'I'll I'M Oil llllNl IM'MM.
In order that Amorlcnn trndo may bt
Increased hero thcro should bo a consider
able reduction In tho tnxes on all kinds o'
business. Tho Spanish Inws still prevail,
ns I havo said, and every ono who nttctnpts
to engngo In nny undertaking for profit
must pay a part of his receipts to th
government. Bankers, Importers nnd ship
owners nro charged from $1,000 to 7."i n
year, according to tho nmount of busln ss
done, whllo monoylcnders or small pawn
brokers pny from $250 to $80. Nankin"
establishments nlso pny 5 per cent of tholr
profits. Thcro is a tax on all salnrles
Directors, administrators nnd nttornoys
nro charged 5 per cent of tholr Incomes
nnd every ono who receives $100 n month
nnd upwnrd must turn In 1 per rent of his
snlory to the government.
All storekeepers pay heavy tnxes. Those
who deal in hnrdwnre, Jowolry and optical
Kn"s "o charged from $400 to $113 p'r
annum, proiaca moy net niso ns importers.
'f they '' from middlemen tho chnrges
nnrcmaro stores ?.iuu ana sninil shops sell
lnK wine, beer nnd ennned goods. $30
Chlncso druggists nro charged $100, nnd
Chinese, provision stores $100
Thcro Is a tnx hero on tho butcher, the
baker nnd tho cnndlestlck mnker. The
barber pays so much every throe months,
nnd this Is bo with ninny other tradesman.
Thcro Is not n man or n woman doing busl-
ncss ln Mnnlln who Is not tnxed, nnd oven
tho market peddler who brings In n bnskot
of vegotnbles hns to pay her toll boforo
sno enn Boll.
A largo number of tho businesses In the
Pnst havo been monopolies farmed out by
tho government. Thcro Ib a bcor brewery
hero which claims thnt it nlono has tho
right to mnko beer In tho Philippines until
1910. Tho company hnB already mndo n
fortttno nnd todny no other browery enn
bo started until Its concession Is with-
drawn. It has, I am told, vlolntcd the
terms of its contract with thn government
In thnt It ngrccd to noil bcor In Manila nt
6 cents per litre. It nctually chnrgod this
prlco un to tho tlmo that tho Amorlcans
enmo In, when It Jumped to 40 cents per
lrc. which Is its present charge,
Kiirin Out Tux Collect Ioiim.
collection of tho tnxes of different
classes has In tho past been farmed out nt
auction. Tho man who inspected the
weights nnd mensures of tho city paid
$7,000 for tho privilege, nlthough tho nctunl
lnconl from such Inspection, nccordlng to
llls report, amounted to $2,400 a year. Ho,
or course, mado tho difference botween this
nmount nnd his profits by blnckmnlllng nnd
Tho collection of tho taxes at tho mar-
,nts wflH 1,0,10 ,n 11,0 Buno wny. When
tho Rovornmont took chnrgo this wns nbol-
lslici1- n"'' 1,10 receipts from tho markets
for tho ,1,rcD (,ny8 following woro only $7
I'cr1 (,n'' u wns turned over to ono of the
lTnlte1 Stntes collectors nnd the receipts
rose soon to $l0 n day. Shortly nfter this
American P"" tho government $180 n
,,ny eollcet. the tnxes, nnd It Is currently
reported that ho then mndo $00 n dny In
nddltlon. This wns n rise of more thnn
$200 per dny In tho nctunl receipts. Then
tho provost marshal took tho collection of
.,lxefl ,n, hls " lttn'U' 1,Io"a,w
that evory person pnld his tnx, nnd within
two months tho city wns receiving $3.10 per
day. It ln now getting from $!)7!i to $025 n
"" , ' 1 , " ' i , i....
JJlZJXZ Plvnrv rL 1
r cent nor L ? Z
of SounTBho octuple. ? ay" ho
"r tho Lrkotl
.vr it tV i. Trl mil,? fnr I
hJcu7 b caJSLTZlZKL oven"
th. wom hns 'Ll T2lt t ta
h . , , , , 10 ,
Smetor Nono iro charged however
Z"e thnn 80 cents nor Ty or $21 ncV
Sh. fS? the r?ght to sel! In the market
nn(, thlB ,nflt cnnrR0 ls for a aco nbfllJt nH
,nrK0 10 nvornRO Amorlcnn pnr,0P( or
nhoutslxtccn fcetwldo by twenty-two feet
,onK i
Th'0 p0(1(llrr8 on hoats In tho canals pay
1 cent per day per square meter of boat
mlrfnc0i'or an amount ranging from 3 cents
(Continued on Klghth Pago.)
,i.. .,, a
Dr. Richardson, the Specialist in Varicocele
and Nervous Diseases, Does Not
S'.mkI Medicines
copyuiatiTKi), moo, u
From nil nnrts of tho country I nm In ro-
celpt of n great mnny letters dally asking
ii i no not treat patients ror varicocele,
Itupttire, As.Hocliited Pelvic nnd resulting
Nervo-Vltnl Discuses by mnll.
I desiro to stnto very emphatically tlint
I do not treat by correspondence, under
any clrcumstnuccs.
I ennnnt conHclontlotiHly nccept enscs for
trentnient by mnll, understanding ns I do
thnt tho grnvlty of these discuses renders
it of tho highest Importance; that tho pa
tient should recelvo mv nersonnl nrofeH-
Mlonnl nttentlnn nt my Institution, whom I
hnvo every fnclllty for cnrrylng out tin
methods which 1 hnvo originated.
I wnnt to oxnmlno overv en so thnt I
accept for treatment with thn utmost caro.
No two enses nro exuet v n Ke. mm d frer-
ont modlllcntlons of trcnttnent nro noces
snry for ench patient.
In mnny coach a comnl cnt on of dm-
enses exists, nnd only the most painstak
ing examination by do lento sc cnt 11c In.
struments will cnnblo mo to obtnln n thnr-
nugli timlcrstnndlng of nil tho conditions
if a slnglo symptom wcro overlooked th
treatment administered might full to ro-
storo comploto health to every orgnn.
Why I ItcfiiBc to Send Medlclnex.
Men very often wrlto mo risking mo to
send medicines to them, stating thnt Dr.
So-und-.So offers to euro them nt their
homes by medicines nlono.
i nm not responstt) o ror what ur. Ho-
and-So does or promises to do, nnd nm per-
lecny wining Hint you snotini experiment
with thcHo trontments If you hnvo th
tlmo nnd money to spare.
my irentmeni, Known ns T in iiicnnnison
Method, absolutely cures nny enso of Vnr-
Icoeolo. when administered by mo nt my
Institution. Its results nro sntlsfnctory nnd
lasting. It enables tho patient to forever
dispense with tho old suspensory, restores
nil of tho attributes of physical nnd men.
tnl manhood, brings bnek tho enjoyment
of healthy cxurclso of tho functions of ma
turity, tones up tho exhausted nervous sys
tem nnd rehabilitates a man In thn vnuiiir..
of youthful vltnlitr.
Tho professional service which I rnnilnr
to patients nt my Snnltnrlum demands tho
highest degrco of diagnostic Insight nnd
Tho nttontion of thoso living nt
rr away irsWi
lowjrntos to 'Chicago for tho 04th National Encampment of tho
Grand Army of tho Republic, in this city, Aug. 20th to Sept. 1, 10OO
1266-74 Michigan Avenue, Chicago
u. uioiiauixson. m. d.
manipulative skill nnd comploto mustery
over tho natural curative forces which I
Tho scientific equipment of my Institution
represents tho Investment of a fortune,
nnd I havo never hesitated nt expense ln
keeping It In ndvnncu of nil other private
When a patient places himself under my
personnl treatment ho bus tho satisfaction
of knowing that nil thnt experience has
taught, ull thnt science could suggest nnd
Inventive genius devise, nnd nil thnt high
professional attainment enn nccompllsh Is
being employed for his Individual benefit.
Ho realizes thnt through these Instrumen
talities ho Is being mndo n now man, free. I
from tho dragging weight of disease and
tho blight of weakness, Infused with now
powers, new hopes, now ambitions, and
thnt ho Is entering upon n new ern of ac
tivity nnd enjoyment.
My M I ii I in ii in K'
My professlonnl fen for tho euro of un
compllcnted Vnrlcncolo Is $100, this amount
being my minimum fco In every case no
cepted for treat incut.
Any reasnnnblo man will understand that
this is not high, considering the exceptional
chnrneter of tho service rendered.
I nlso trent nnd euro tho vnrlous nssoel
ated Pelvic ailments with unvnrylng suc
cess. Ruptures of tho most serious nnturo nro
permnneiitly cured by tho lllchnrdsou
Method. 1 Invito nn Investigation of my
trentment by ruptured men who hnvo tried
tho mnny trusses nnd so-cnlled "cures"
with unsatisfactory results. After a pa
tient has been dismissed from my trentment
ho litis no further uso for tho soul-trying,
nerve-wrecking truss.
My nrrnngemnnts for tho personnl con
vonfetico of my patients nro universally
admitted to bo perfect In overy pnrtlculnr.
and tho hotel features of my Hanltarltun
nro npprecluted by business and profes
slonnl men who nro uccustomed to good
living nml pleasant surroundings.
It is my nlm to mnko my newspaper an
nouncements so clear nnd plain that a long
correspondence with Intending patients will
not bo necessnry.
A great many who come to my Institution
from a distance simply wlro mo a fow hours
In ndvnnco of their coming.
I am always glad to glvo a professional
opinion by correspondence, provided you
will descrlbo your enso fully ns you un
derstand It, although a personnl consulta
tion Is prcfernblo. My books aro freo only
to thoso who wrlto a full history of their
Consultation hours dally 10 a. m. to ! p.
m. IOvenlngs, 7 to 8. Sundays, 10 to 1.
Appointment for prlvato Interview may
bo mndo by 'phono, South 1029. (Long
distance connections.)
a distance Is called to tho apodal