Till! Il.LUS'lHATKI) BKK. Published Weekly by The Bee I'ubUahlnu Company, Ike Building, Omaha, Nob. Price, f, c en h per copy jut year, $2.00. Entered at tho Omaha I'ohIoIIIco as Second Class Mall .Mutter. Kor advertising rates address PuhPHhcr. Communications relutlnc to photographs or articles for publication should lie ad- dressed "Editor The Illustrated lice, Omaha," Pen and Picture Pointers iac ciiiiu am. is .'in ui u i uiu desi rvedly fan. one There Is not an art etoro In the country which does not hold miii.o iibturo of II' lie fi year-old Emily Kehoffer, whose jiortrult l rt jiroiluced as t lie frontlFilecc of The J'ltistraled llee this week, or Ednu l.uwfon, or Daisy de l.acy, or one of I he other few of these h. -ant If ill children who sit as models for the muntcM of the brush In the great inetroiolls. ; Our Paris letter thl vk Is descriptive of tho remarkable devices for fiivlng Hfo at sea on exhibition at the cxosltlou In competition for tho $20,0(11) prize offered by the heirs of Mr. anil Mrs. Anthony I'ollok i iiiiniuiih .i.i ...n. M....t.l...l,.. ll ,1 ..I... ,.,.. I,.ul ,iit tho Kronch steamshlj) La llourgogne, whl h ? ...in. ..li .... i. i ,.rr ii... foundland const July I, 1S-.I8. Captain William L." Murphy, tho gallant young olllcor who was killed August 11 In tho Philippines, wns born In Council Illurfs In 1871. Ilo wns educated In tho public schools of that ulty and won an appoint- ment to West Point In 1801. When tho Sjmnlsh-Amorlenn war broke out Captain Muriihy and his elasBinatcs wero graduated from tho military ncadomy several months iw.fnr,, (.inuitniitiir ttin cinirHii tlmt thev might nceeiit commlBSIoiiB in tho service. Thu young Hocond lieutenant was nsilgned in llui 'f'u'f.iif vffinrMi lnfnntrv. tho wilnri.il regiment which distinguished Itself at San Juan hill. A first lieutenancy rewarded tho young olllcer's bravery In the Snntlagi campalgn. August 17, 189'.), In wns np- CAPTAIN WILLIAM L. MUUPIIV KILLI'il) IN ACTION AUOUST 11, 1900, IN PHILIPPINES- Photo by lleyn. pointed cniiluln In tho Thirty-third United States volunteer Infantry and assigned to duty in tho Philippines, where ho dls- tlngulshed himself In tho cnmimlgns ngalnst tho guerilla foe. Ho wns nnxlius to rejoin tho Twenty-fourth Infantry and a short tlmo before his denth wroto frlonds thnt ho hoped to seo servleo In China. Captain Murphy wns tho son of Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Murphy of Council Bluffs. In December of 1898 ho wns married to Miss Paulino Lowe, daughter of tho Into Oenoral W. W. Lowe. Ills wlfo nnd little daughter, six months of age, are nt the Lowe homo. 1824 Wirt street Omalm. It Is expected that the Orand Army of tho Uepubllc enenmpment which opens nt Chicago today will bo tho largest and most Important nntlonnl gathering ever hold by tho voternns of tho civil war Prom tho jien of tho ilnBhlng cnvnlry leador of tho confederate forces, Major Ooncral Joseph W heeler, wo print nn opln rn of tho Orand A.m of tho ej.ubllc. which he snvs. wns organized In tho hearts of tho soldiers as thoy stood side by slilo In battle. Ho ro- vlows tho organization of tho various so- cletles among tho veterans and tells how tllOy hnVO promoted patriotism InOlirCOUIl- r . Major Oenernl Daniel Sickles also con- tributes nn article on tho Orand Army of the Hepublle which ho considers tho great- est organization nf Its kind In tho world. While tho old army Is slowly fndlng away nnd tho veterans nro jihyslcally unequal ror tho tnsk. still thoy Insist nn marching In tho pnrndo overy yenr. ? Manila Ii rapidly putting on Its American clothec. On every hand In Mnnlla thero nro ovldoncoi of tho trausltlnn that Is go- Ing on In tho business world. Frank O. Carpenter dlsciiBPes In nn Instructive nnd entortnlnlng wny facts that he hns irnthered regarding our trndn In tho Philippines, U'lill,. Riirniin linq hnnn irnf til 1 11 cr Ibn bulk of ii.,. imnnrtB Amnrir-nii L-nods nnd American the imports. Amor oan t,oo.is nnu Ainu icnn merchants nro rapidly coming to tho front, Tho custom house la Btlll run on tho Sjmnlsh Hystem and old Spanish duties are Btlll In force, It taking from a day to n month to not a shipment of goods through. About Noted People Philip D. Armour, the Chicago mil lionaire, cxnrcH8cd hlniHelf tho other day ub of tho opinion that n college educa tion was moru apt to hamper than to help a man In thu making of li fortune. "I my- Hi'lf," '"O said, "got my education In a little led Hehool house, except for a few months at Cazetiovln academy." 4 Lord Roberts never learned the art of dictating his dlHjiatches and to this day has to wrlto them out with his own hand. Ills writing Is, moreover, so very bad that ll can be read only by his aide, to whose ,()t t consequently falls to "translate" the orders Into characters more readily decipher able. In the retirement of his old-fashioned but comfortable home In New York City William Maxwell Evnrts Is itiletly awaiting the end Mr. Evurls, who was 82 years old In Feb ruary last, has been attorney general or tho United States, secretary of state and Pulled States senator. Though jihyslcally Ulle feeble, hu Is Btlll clear and acute or mind and takes much Interest In law affairs. T"T5. '. . .. , (;""nt ,''" 1,llHl0' ItiI-l the o her day "l0 rw'ently jirlnted statements to the effect that ho had been nsked to visit the Unl- n ,, 'ln"- " "h " i" -. i"""- "lent. "1 am," he said, "getting too old '" ,r"V1'' fur' 1)1,1 1 ,n"8' , l,lnl " ,H ,""u "f '"y Krcatest regrets that I never had an "l'Prt;iMljr to study VVwH the splendid "'P'""t' 111 Am ,lf uppreclation of the con- ,.1uh of ti. commercial agreement be- lNm. the United States and (lermany the m,)(.ror has conferred mmn the atubaBsador to the United States. Dr. Von Holleben, thu order of the Crown; ujion llurr Koerncr or tb,i Korelgn olllce the Order of the Iteil i.',...i., .,,i n.wm itf.rr iinriniin. who Is at- tm..,' to th ibassy at Washington, thu order or the Ue.l Kagle of tho fourth class, H'' '"' i"""-' r tho titles which olllclally helong to Abdul Ilamld, sultan of Turkey: ''" heloved sultan of sultans, eniieror of emi.erors. thu shadow of god upon earth. brollier of tno buu, uisj)enser 01 cnnvn u. ,, , I , "' .. ".."-". Constantlnoplo and tho great city of llrousn, as well n of Damascus . of paradise; king of k'' KS' w ''nH0 V " L he ay urn o vl, tory at tho foot of whoso throno Is Justho .uhorefiiKo of the world. The lato Collls P Huntington wns never a hyj.oerlto. A j.urt of his buslnoBS was to buy legislatures and hu made no soerut of It Onco he said, referring to a man high In tho politics of California: "How much do you think that fellow Is worth?" When his comjmnlnn hesitated to answer ho went oir "I bought him for $500. Ho asked mo for that amount as his prleo for voting for a certain bill. Ho wns foolish enough to take a chuck and 1 havo tho cnnccled voucher In my desk. So long ns ho is In politics ho will do what I say. Ho Is the cheapest man I know." LaBt winter Dr. Troves, a noted London Burgeon, raused a sensation by denouncing society women who went to South Africa ns nurses, claiming that their sole object wna to 11ml amusement nnd that they weru In the way of regular nurses. Tho doctor Is now in tno public oyo once moro, nnvmg in "a lawsuit arising out or tno uniawrui " 'Parson,' ho said carnistly, 'I'm down declared tn nn address to students of tho nets of n disorderly mulo" tho opinion says right sorry that tho rules and' regulations Loudon hospital thnt thero Is no such thing ho wns found "loitering nbout tho stroots prohibited mo from bringing you moro'n ns genius. What goes by that namo. ho without any nnnnrent business, n nnnn.i nf Mm,., inio i.i , ,i,i,i says, Is n form of neurosis nn untnbulnted nervous disenBo. Ho added that genius nover accomplished nny great thing, but that hard work will do nil things. Q With Nathan Brown, his brother-in-law, Jo" Wnnnmakor, In April, ISfil, rented tho fltoro nt tho southenst comer of Sixth nnd Market streets, Philadelphia, nnd purchased 11 s'" flel ot clothing nnd furnishing K"ods, Bays a writer In Success. Tho I'nriuers nnu a capuai oi oniy t.i.Mw. inoy could not afford n horso nnd wngon. so Jon" purchased a two-wheeled pushenrt uni' ih'llvered his first ordor himself. Tho jirofltB of that first day's business amounted to Juflt t T,h? ynunK, imM,nor8 '"V08',0'1 7 ,T "l n,,VPrl,1SPmnt ,h ''"""'P'1'" Inquirer next day. Told Out of Court There Is n Judgo In Now York City of whom tho ,awycra novor tlro tcIllnB BtorcB Thoy nro ,nlcct 8torle8 nni, th,8 ,8 lho mtost. His honor was drowsing pro- foumy ,,;,,., 0Xftm Bomo tmo nf?0( whon ., Inntlon of talesmen tho lnwyor for tho foreigner who failed to nnswor repeated n,,nKln Tin nnnnnlml tn hi. hnn.r upon n specimen of -Kvestlonl Kvestlonl" shouted tho Judgo to tll0 lUlmD tnosmnn. Ho was Irritated, .. snyB ho do0Bn.t speak English, your honor. Bpoko up tho Interpreter. His i,onor grow wrotn nniJ summnry. ..q no don't, hoy7" ho ruled, "Veil ho lm pe Vnea vlvo jollnrs. You seo to Id. cert. Kn ho shall po brought hero do- morrow und do next tny und do next tay until ho kin spenk Id gut: und vivo tollnrs by ench tny. Ho don't speak English, boyl" ? The lato Henry VV. Pnlno of tho Mnssa- chusetts bar was onco dofendlng a charity enso In which a boy of 15 was charged with nrsnn. Ho mniln out n strong man tn nrnvn Mm ilofeiulnnt nn Idiot After n nhnn-n tno uerem nnt an uuoi. Alter a ennrgo from tho Judgo which was prnctlcnlly an ordor for acquittal tho Jury brought In a THE ILLUSTRATED 1JJ3.K. j .TRAIN WHKCK N IS A It HUMBOLDT, Neb., AUOUST 15, 1900 HEAD-END verdict of guilty. Tho Judge asked Paine tf j10 Wotiia move for n new trial. "I thank yo for your auggestlon," wns tho answer, -. ' a" ' ..,)Ul x nn, 0pprc8Sca wmi tuo gravest (iauhtH wlmthor I hnvn tlm rli?ht tn uuivn for a now trial. Your honor, I have already nHl(;(1 f()r nn(, ,mvo roccVl.j for ,y ldot c,u,nt th(! I)1()8t procloU8 llortnKO )f our English nnd American common law a trial '' a J,,ry (,f la Peers." Paino had an 01,1 'lunrrel with tho supremo court, and ovor lost nn oj.portunlty of showing his contempt for that hodyr Once, riding from Unston to Cambrldgo with n load of law hooks, ho was accosted by a young Har- vnrd man with tho remark: 'You have unite n load, Mr. Pnlno. Law books, I sup- Pobo?" "Oh, no," wos tho onswer, "only sujiremo court reports." Wnyno MncVengh, tho well known Phlla- delphla lawyer and ox-mlnlstcr to Italy, jmg n oon Bonso 0f humcr, Bays tho Satur- lIny Kvcnlng Post. jtecently ho wnB arguing a tedious, iccnnient enso uororo tno supremo court. T,,0 nffnlr (lrlftc,, through long days of uninteresting detail. When It was finally ended Mr. MacVengh and a colleague. In (nl)lnK R oyopi 8pocullUc(1 ns t0 whom clIot Ju8t(;0 Kllcr wou,(, nB3l(?n t0 Wfto 1,10 opinion In tho enso and tho specula- tlon resulted In a wager. J,,Bl then chlof Justice l-ullur camo down tho corridor. Mr. MacVengh called him nml t0,(1 n,m of 1,10 wager. If yo" will help mo out, Mr. Chief Jus- Un''' a,la ,pU 1110 whether my guess Is cor- Ttcct' tno nffnlr cnn 1)0 settled right horo. for yu ,mvo 1,10 nsslgnlng to do and you 1now whom you will nsk to wrlto tho do- c'8'0"-' "Whom have you selected In your wagor, Mr- MncVengh 7" asked Justice Puller, keenly Interested. 'Mr- Justice Clray," answerod Mr. Mnc- Veagh. "And why did you chooso Mr. Oray7" "Ilecauso 1 noticed ho slept through tho entire nrgument," nnswered Mr. Mac- Vengh. no vlslblo menns of support and no ovldenco of ownership except n yoko on his neck," which wns ovldenco thnt "tho mulo had been nt somo tlmo In a state of subjection, but did not Indlcnto to whom." Bolng ar- rc8tod nnd taken to tho lockup, nfter five ,mys. (loiny nn ndvortlsomont wns pub- j8i.,i for two days and then tho mulo wns ,,0,(1, Tn8 nntco was hold lnsufllclont, on t10 Kroun,i that "no ownor would feol nny Kreat bohbm of loss In so short n tlmo." On W. 11. Harrison, postmaster, occupies tho chair, and tho employes, beginning nt tho left, aro ns follows: H. IC. Bovlor, carrier: J. D. Klelnknuf, carrier: VV. It. Hlto, niessengerj A. C. Partrldgo, aubstltuto; O. A. McCounoll, carrier: A. J. Ilaumann mailing clerk; William Ivors, carrier: J. Alexander, assistant mailing clerk; T. P. Uoolim, general delivery: J. II. Harrison, deputy jostmaste! POSTOFTICE FORCE AT QttAND ISLAND, Neb. the question of delay htfore publishing thu notice, which tho ordinance required to be published Immediately, tho court said: ....... . .. .. "ino argument is mat the word immecii- atelv.' as used In the ordinance, does not menu 'Instantaneously; that the pound keeper must have sulllclent time to shut tho pound gate, so as to keep the mulo In, before ho starts to the printing olllce; that, after ho does start, he muy proceed In a "risk walk nnd Is not required to run; that nfter he gets there tlmo must ha nl- lowed to set up tho matter In typo nnd thero must then he a delay until tho hour when the paier Is printed nnd ready for dlstrlbut on, and that the pound keeper Is "ot required to get out on extra. We are sntlslled tho learned trial Judge did not mean to require such despatch as this." Told on Preachers "Tho first chargo I ever hold wns iu a small town In tho western part of tho state," said tho well known minister to a Detroit Freo Press man. "Tho town was not very large, and my congregation was ycrrLaloVXe ml toward tho support of a minister, sd they nmdo ( J hoWlnB donaton part,cB now and then Ju, ing tho year to cko out 'the small salary that they paid. "Tho first Infliction of this kind that I had was called a pound donation party, at which everyone was expected to bring a pound of somothlng or other. Among tho congregation was a member who had moro worldly goods than all tho rest put to- guther, but ho had tho reputation of being 'nenr,' nnd I confess that I looked forward with somo Interest to seo what ho would bring. "Imagtno my consternation when I un- n8 packago nnd found nothing but n fow small potatoes. .t mot nlm tno nexl ,lay nnd h;lll lnri, work to remember that I wns a minister 0f m,10 gospol nnd treat him pleasantly, u0 Baa that ho wanted to speak to mo privately for a moment nnd drew mo aside. dropping his volco to a whisper 'I gavo y0u down weight!' " a- Religious services In Ireland nro not al- wnys Bolomn, according to tho stntomont of nn English clergymnn now on n visit to this country. "Tho only tlmo I over heard a congregation laugh unrestrainedly dur- Ing tho regular sorvlccs In a cathedral," snld ho, "wns hack In tho 'SO's, when I wns n resilient of dear, dirty Dublin. On cno AUBUSt i!0, 1000. COLLISION Photo by Hughes. Sunday morning tho archbishop of Cork preached. Ho was a splendid man, nn Irishman to tho backbono, and possessed of as flno a broguo as over distinguished a son of Erin. His congregation was mndo up of tho very essence of fashion in Dublin, which in thoso days was ono of tin great est social centers In tho world. Notori ously, people were living beyond their menns, for tho income from the landed estates of Ireland had taken a big tumble. But that mndo no difference, nnd good dressing went ns a matter of courss, and wns ono of tho smnllest of tho extrava gances. The archbishop prenched cn the subject of extravngance, and sooko par ticularly of overdressing ns a prereiuislto to attendance at church. His sermon wns a bitter arraignment of tho sin of debt nnd tho wickedness of setting the heart on fashion and dress. Ho nttacked ths over dressed women, nnd wound up this par ticular reference this way: " 'Now, supposln' overy ono of ye overy ono, man and womnn, should stand up In this church, tnko off tho clothes yo have not paid for, Just walkln out with only the things on your backs yo havo paid for a pretty lookln' lot of scarecrows yo'd be.' "There wns a pause until tho real sig nificance of tho suggestion had porcolatcd through tho members of his congrcgntlon, then somo ono snlckorcd. Every ono wns picturing to him and herself the real sreno thnt would occur should tho nrchb'shop's Idea bo cnrrled Into effect, vhllo wlfo looked at husband and membors of each fnmlly nudged ono nnothcr. Tho ludicrous sldo wns Irresistible, nnd tho laugh was general." Not the Same Chlcngo Tribune: "You'd lot tho Philip pines go, would you 7" "Yes, by gum! I'd let 'cm go. Wo hain't no right to 'em." "Somo other country would grnb thorn." "Wouldn't make no difforonco to mo. Wo hain't got no business with tho Philip pines. Don't want 'em." "Would you let Porto Itlco go 7" "Suro. What do wo want with them niggers down there?" "How nbout Hawaii?" "I'd lot thnt go, too. VVo'vo got enough to do with lookln nftor tho land tho Lord gavo us. Wo don't need outsldo posses sions." "Supposo tho Japancso take tho Islands?" "They can havo 'cm, for nil o' mo." "You don't bellovo In oxpnnslon at nil?" "Nary expnnslon In mine." "You'd give back all our outsldo posses sions because you think wo havon't nny right to them. Is thnt so?" "Thnt's tho slzo of It." "Then, whnt's tho mntter with your giv ing bnck to mo that ten-acro strip this sldo tho crock between our fnrms tint your father beat my fathor out of forty years ago on a legal technlcnllty?" "By gosh, that's different." Pointed Paragraphs Chicago News: A fool at 20 may bo wise nt 40. Envy produces hatred and pity borders on contempt. Ono hour In tho future Is worth a dozen in tho past. Tho husband Is apt to bo penslvo If tho wlfo Is expensive. Quack doctors nro probably ho called bo causo of their bills. A hen lays during tho dny but nt night sho becomes a rooster. A dollar In tho pocket Is better thnn a hundred tn expectation. Tho whip may bo used In tho circus ring, but not In tho wedding ring. A bachelor says that women laugh whon thoy can nnd weep when they will. Ono man may tench another to spenk, but no man can teach another to think. Advorslty Is tho sieve of friendship, u'nod to separate tho wheat from tho chafi. Ho who Is In debt must enduro Insult lest ho Incur tho dlsplensuro of his creditor. Exporlenco Is n sort of compass that a man seldom thinks of consulting until after ho has lost his way.