BOSTON STOKE BIG LINEN SALE The Greatest Special Offering in Linens Ever Attempted in the West. I 25C TABLE LINEN 9C PER YARD Hundred of Other llnrunlns IJcti tilty (Ironl mi Httlr In Our llnspiiirnt Tomorrow Cotnr Hnrly " There Will lie n Hush. 25C TAI1LK DAMASH. OO YD. We will otter to sell tomorrow fifty pieces of fancy turkey red table damask, tho kind that always sells for 2Jc, as lone as It Usts tomorrow, at !c yd. COC AND 750 TABI.K DAMASK, 250 YD. We will sell tomorrow two cases of Bate's Renfrew turkey rid and oth?r woll known brands of oil turkey red table dam ask in lengths from Vh to 6 yrd. for 25c. 15C TOWKLINO, bC YD. Ono blK lot of regular 15c quality all linen Klaus cloth, up to 22 Inches wide, go l 6CCRASH TOWHMNO, VAC YD. 600 bolts of unbleached crash towcllrg that generally sells at 5c, tomorrow as long as It laols at VAc yd. IOC TOWELS. 24C KACH. One big lot of nil kinds of unhemmed huck towels thut generally sell nt 10c each, tomorrow as long as they last, at 214c each. tC TUHK1SH WASH CLOTHS, 1C BACH. Ono big lot of dusters and turklsh wash cloths, large slzo and very heavy, go at le each. 6c MUSLIN REMNANTS, VAC YD. Ono big counter of all kinds of muslin remnants In long mill lengths, that gen erally sell nt Co, go at 2'Ac yd. One big counter of all kinds of unbleached muslin remnants go at 3c yd, worth 8Hc. IIOSTON STORE, OMAHA. N. W. Cor. Ifith & Douglas Sts. The (Jmrrnl Ptilillf In Invited. The Metz llros'. Urowlng company ex tend a cordial Invitation to tho general public to attend the opening nnd reception at their now brewery. Sixth and Leaven worth streets, on Thursday, August 30, 1000, from 11 a. m. until 5 p. m. Every do partmtnt of tho handsome new building will bo opon to visitors nnd ample re frcshtmnts will be provided. An orchestra has been engaged to furnish music and tho entlro browcry will oo handsomely dec orated for i ho occasion, which will cele brate the forinnl oprnlng of tiro new plant. Tho growth of this company has kept pace with tho growth of Omaha until today Its name has becomo almost a household word In this section of tho west and its now building In one of the handsomest Btructures in tho city. Don't miss the grand oponlng; everybody will bo cor dially welcomed. (noil I'lsltliitf. Spirit Lake, OkoboJI, Lako Washington, Waseca, Knglo Lako, River Kails, Solon Springs, Rico Lake, Bayfield, Ashland, Oog eblc. Waterimieot and numerous lakes near Et. Paul and Minneapolis. They are nil good tlHhlng places and are quickly and comfortably reached by the Northwestern Line. Cheap rate excursions August 21 and Sep tember 7-21. Limit. October 31, 1900. City ticket ou "' ,J03 Farnam street. Wo clean our onus, bottles, vats, etc . with sal soda and llygos (u hom powder.) To persons who have never seen or iwu n. washing1 or soap powder It might be In teresting to know that there Is a barrel of it nt tho Chicago .fc Northwestern freight depot. It will be there for three days nni In our olllce after that for Inspection or -est by llnynT1JIU00 CREAMERY ASSN. Ilnlf Fnr l.n. Tlquettes on sale via "Tho Northwestern Line" to Chlc.igo nnd return at HALF RATES, August 25 to 20. good tilt September 20. 1401-1408 Fnrnsm street. A Cm ml 0iiiirtunlir To Incrense your knowledge of the country. Half fare to Chicago nnd return via "The Northwestern Line." August 25 to 20. Good Mil September 30 returning. Yon I'nn tin To Chicago nnd return for $12.75. Aug. 25 to 29. Detroit nnd return for J22, Aug. 25, 2G, 27. St. Puul and return for $12.65. Minneapolis and return for $12.65. Madison Lako and return for $10.68. Ihiluth and return $16.95 Sent. I, 7, IS, 21, via tho Illinois Central Railway. Particulars nt 1402 Farnam street. W. H. DRILL, District Passenger Agent. Hamilton Warren, M. D., tvlectic and magnetic physician, has moved his onice to 709 North 16th street, room 13. Special at tention to nil long standing or lingering dis cases and to discuses of women nnd children. Chicago and return, $12.75, Via Rock Island Route. Tickets on sale Aug. 25 to 29. City ticket offlec. No. 1323 Farnam st. Genuine Imported 11. II. Pilsner beer on draught at Ed Maurcr's. 1306 Farnam St. lill HE IWLliiTW SMKtm $12.75 Tloktt Olflot, 1 502 Farnam St. -j ti. eu, Tel. 260. Pianos PoorloKi Htock of easy terms lo eult nil buyer. Used Pianos at tlil up. Organs $10.00 up, mri IMG DIAISin r.OMDiNY 1620 DOUGLAS STREET. WVKHiM-' D"?IWM.T-V It II l ikuvt tinti. (Ill) llOXn MAM.Ht.M.ll.l.tlWJ. It llriitirtt'n Montlny. Just received 600 boxes of this delightful dainty candy but opened one box for sam pic They are rnwio especially for us, We guarantee- them til be strictly fresh, pure and Just what you want. Take the elevator they will bo sold on the SECOND FLOOR as long as the supply lasts, for only 10 cents per box Sugary delights. The best sweets for the sweetest of best girls, Our candles contain no harmful Ingredients, WE 01 VB YOU THE PROFIT. Just received, a big lot of well-mA-'c WASH HOILERS; these are all tin with galvanized bottom. They are usually sold for 78 cents, hut as long ns they lflBt we aro going to sell them for only 59 cents. They will be sold In our hardware de partment, where you will find thousands of bargains. Don't fall to eeo these. IN OUR SPORTING OOODS DEPART MENT League Loaded Bhotgun shells, prlco (1.52 per 100 nnd up. W. R. DENNETT CO., 15th and Capitol Ave. Shrine I'llKrlmngp. The Shrlncrs of Nebraska will go to Dcs Moines to assist in Instituting tho new tem ple, Za-On-Zle. and conferring thn order of the Mystic Shrine on all petitioning unre- generates in that oasis, The special, consisting of a solid vestl bulo train, Including dining car, accom panied by a brass band, will leave Omaha at 8 o'clock a. ra., September 4th. 1S00, over tho Chicago & Northwestern railway. No ono but Shrlncra will bo allowed on tho train. Tho special will arrlvo In Dcs Moines In tlmo for tho parado. Entertainment has been provided for tho entlro day and night. All Shrlncrs visiting the Temple nt Des Moines must havo their traveling cards with the in. Wear your fez. Train will stop only nt Council Hluffs and Missouri Valley, la. A special street car for tho Union depot leaves South Omaha G;10 a. m.; Walnut Hill, 5:15 a. m.; Hanscom Park, west side, 6:20 a. in.; Farnntn and Forty-first street, 5:i0 n. m. ; nnd Twenty-fourth and Ames nvonue via Twenty-fourth street, also via Shermun avenue, at 5:20 a. m.; change at Harney street. Cunt nt Til nit I; ii. Wo hereby return our heartfelt thanks to tho many friends who so kindly assisted us during tho brief Illness of our father. Wo wish to especially return thnnks to Dr. Riley nnd tho choir boys nt St. Mathlas church. MRS. JAMES HURNELL, MR. and MRS. RICHARD DURNELL. Mil in in or ItCKoria. For a book describing the cool, pleasant, healthful summ-r reports of Wisconsin, situ ated on the lino of tho Chicago, Milwaukee & St. 'aul Ry., address or call on F. A. NASH, General Westorn Agent. 1504 Farnam Street, Omaha. Sue Knrnier'n t'nnnl Ciimnnnr. Suit has been Instituted In tho United States circuit court to wind up the affairs of the Farmers' Canal company of Scotts Rluff county. Nebraska. The proceedings nro brought by Aldnre F. Wnlker nntl nth. ers. who in their hill stnte that tbev nnld $15,000 of the $S1,000 of bonds Issued by tho company and that no Interest has been paid since 1S93. The coinplnlnnnts usk that the property he so'.d under tho trust deed and the proceeds bo apportioned among thn holders of thn mortgage bonds In tho pro portion in meir noituiiES. Two nullum In Detroit, Mich., Return, mil Plus ono fare, August 25, 26 and 27, via "The Northwestern Line." Inquire nt tho large city ofnees, 1401 and 1403 Farnam street Des Moines ami return, $4.50, Via Rock Island Route. Tickets on snio Aug. 21 to Sept. 1, goon for return until Sept. 3. Ticket offlco No. 1323 Farnam st. Omaha Tent ana Awning Co , tents, awn lnRfl, canvas goods, 11th & Harney. Tel. 833 Rlank book and magazine binding. A. I Root. 414-416 South Twelfth St. Andersen, houspwrecker.3724 n 21, to! A26R2 Kill Thai Pain With MULL'S LIGHTNING PAIN KILLER Kills nny nehc or pain Instantly, Internal or external. Guaranteed absolutely pure. Safe for children. 25c and 60c Five, years ago wo Issued u challenge to pa" h,iwj ror n production to equal mis wonderful l'aln Killer That challenge still stands. This remedy contain no aiumonl.t or eatideum. therefore Is not Injurious to tho stomach taken Internally. Cnntnlns no opiates, therefore Is perfectly snfo for children. Follow directions carefully. It gives results quicit as lightning. llcmom lier the human body Is heir to no ache or pain which It will not Instantly relieve The prescription was perfected thirty voars ago by an eminent physician In Berlin, Germany. It recently enme to America us oui' snie prcqvriy. Mnregunm your family with n 2Se bottle or, if on the road, carry u in your grip. Our red diagonal Initio mark on every bottle and package, Uiko uo other; nt drug' store or write. THE LIGHTNING MEDICINE CO.. Muscatine, ta Chicago and Return TODAY- aiid every day until Wednesday, August 29 long limit. Trains for Chicago Leave Omaha 7:OOa. m., 4:00 p. in., 7:15 p. in. urllnglo ion Station, I Mason Sts, ir . 128. - 10th and Tel 2 and everything known in Music. The I'lnno Plnyor come in und hear It. Our Woboi', Conovor, riuhubort, Cnblo, Kroe cer, Klniisbury and other pianos nt prices and m SOUTH OMAHA, 6)5-7 NORTH 24TII ST. t nvrv-FiA i: ntiu.Aiti nr,v.nn I'nr Infnrtiiiillnn deadline to the (nil. rlellnn of I'l-rnint lliitlnu Itetllleil lltniit)- Unities of COKE DANDRtFF 01 RE rr having adulterated or tampered in any way with the original contents of tho same. Extcnslvo frauds have been practiced by a large number of unscrup ulous barbers, who have lately used spurious and often Injurious preparations In "Coke Dandruff Cure" bottles, palming them off ns the genuine Coko Dandruff. Cure. Certain dishonest Jobbers have offered to barbers spurious goods, in color like "Coko Dandruff Cure," representing that their goods are tho same as the genuine nnd that tAo barbers can use them In "Coko Dandruff Cure" bottles, Rarbers aro warned ngalnst such frauds. These Imltntinns nre not the same ns "Coke Dandruff Cure" nnd to tiso them In "Coko Dandruff Cure" bottles Is a mis. domcanor, punishable by fine and Impris onment. Tho A. R. Ilrcmer company has decided to protect Its customers and has Instructed mo to presoctite nil who Imitate their packages, refill their bottles or palm off bogus goods ns tho genuine "Coko Dan druff Cure." Any communication lciatlng to the de tection of such frauds will bo treated with strict confidence. RORERT CATHARWOOD, Attorney, Monadnnck Dulldlng, Chicago. (Jrnnil Army Knrniaiimrnt nt Clilenuo August 25 to 29. Half-fare tickets Via The Northwestern Line. . Special cars and Accommodations. 1401 and 1403 Farnam St. Mme. Raetens, piano studio, 204 Lloyd's theater. TO CHICAGO and EAST. LEAVE 7:00 A. M.-4:55 I. M.-7:45 P. M ST. PAUL and MINNEAPOLIS, LEAVE 0:55 A. M.-7:33 P. M. HOT SPRINGS-DEADWOOD LEAVU 3:00 P. M. Cltv Offices, 1401-03 Farnam I ifllfitf&V I The UNION PACIFIC OMAHA TO SALT LAKE CITY Ten hours quicker than any other line. OMAHA TO SAN FRANCISCO Fifteen hours quicker than any other line. OMAHA TO PORTLAND Fifteen hours quicker than any other line. Butfot Smoking and Library Cars, with Rarber Shop nnd Pleasant Read ing Rooms. Double Drawing Room Palace Sleepers. Dining Cars, Meals a la Carto. Plntsch Light. CITY TICKET OFFICE, 1324 Farnam St. Tel. 316. u avr new mi uens READ PACE II. Is what we have made it, a lively, busy de partment a safe place to trade Your iiv terests are protected If goods are not as represented, money cheerfully refunded, Whenever we get a bargain we give you the benefit, and at the present time we have more actual bargains to offer you than ever before We secured for spot cash, 275 ailor made suits, in tho new there are no two alike, on sale Monday at Wo havo about 75 silk waists, very best taffeta, warranted not Wo bought them cheap, ind they are worth six dollars, on sale Monday at 1200 ladies' dross skirts, in all serges, Venetians and coverts. lined and interlined, made up for $0, oar prico 800 ladies' light weight jackets, tor early fall wear, they aro silk lined throughout, worth 80 and 10, now on salo at 82.98 and 200 ladies' golf Bkirts, in all wool materials, ingray and other colors, selling for 80, our prices Your choice of any women's waist in our house that sold at 82, 82.50, 8 and 83.50 for HAYDEN BROS da vi.kiiit tii w for spirit i. ut;, I OknlinJI nml Arnold' I'nrk, The C'hl ago Milwaukee & St Paul Rail way Company has Just placed In scrvi e daylight trains between Omaha nnd Spirit Like, okobojl nnd Arnold's Park Oolng the train leaves Omnha at 7 15 a. m. and nr ! rives Spirit Lake at 4 15 p. m. Returning ! the train leaves Spirit Lake at 4-45 a. m. nnd arrlvrn Omaha 3:55 p. m. This Is the best servlco that has yet been offered over any ono rend. Round trip tickets, good re turning until October 31. $10.70. City ticket ofllce, 1504 Farnam street. F. A. NASH, Oeneral Western Agent, A Cnrtl. To whom It mny concern: OMAHA, Aug. 25. 1900. I wish to an nounce to tho candidates for the repub lican nomination for county commissioner In thn First county commissioners' dis trict of Douglas county, Nebraska, that, If one or more of said candidates nro willing to ngreo with nie. wo will file a petition In accordance with tho primary law to have our names printed on the oflicul primary ballot In said district nt the primary elec tion to be held in Douglas county Septem ber 7, 1900. 1 will agree that If any per son so doing receives n majority or plural ity, ns tho case may be, of votes cast for that offlco over me my namo will not bo presented to tho convention nnd I will do all I can to nomlnnto tho person who is a party to this agreement receiving tho most votes. Let us settle this question without preju dice to tho candidacy of any other candi date for olllco and In a friendly way. Respectfully, ROBERT D. DUNCAN. Card of Tlinitlt. Mrs. Fred R. Smith nnd family wish to thank tholr many kind friends for tho heartfelt sympathy shown them In their sad bereavement. Have Root urlnt It. For-mal-de-hyde. This Is the article whlrh kills germs. It DOES NOT como In "white powder" but In a gaseous form which Is mixed with water and this forms the "Formalin" (or 40 per cent Solution Formaldehyde of Commerce) For-mal-de-hyde Inhalers nro tho Inven tion of Dr. Oeo. Lclnlnger, and nro a unique devlco whereby Formnldehyde Is exhibited In convenient form for nnsal inhnlutlon by means of n neat Aluminum Inhaler. Formaldehyde- Is DEATH to MILK OERMS, preventing fermentation. It also kills tho germs of Catarrh nnd Consumption, which lurk in tho air and lodge themselves in tho nose and throat. SEE tho For-mnl-de-hydo Inhalers In our window. Uuy ono for 60 cents. Use It. Sent by mall upon receipt of price. Sherman&McGonnell Drug Go. Cur. llllli nntl Undue Streets. Time is Money. THE "QUICK TRAINS ARE VIA This Cloak Dept. of Ours ladies' $898 fall styles, in all colors, guaranteed tho Drs, guaranteed tuo $290 to crack. wool $29 to sell suitable $498 around QI 1 QU Jrc,-'0 69c Ttltll TIII1 WWIA5IL Tn Hie Illenttliil (onclmr. Kitlulils of I'rthlnn, nt Detroit. On August 21 to ZS the Wabn.Mi will sell tickets from Chicago at half (are 4 DAILY TRAINS KItOM C1I1CAOO. il i'" n. in., arrive Detroit 6.30 p. m. 12.40 p. m., arrlvo Detroit 8:10 p. m. 3:15 p. m., arrive Detroit 10:50 p. m. 11:00 p. in., arrive Detroit 7:50 p. m. Only line running reclining chair cars from Chicago. Ask your agent for tickets via the Wa bash. Tor further Information call at city ticket olllce, 37 Adams street, Chicago, or write. (1. N. CLAYTON, X. W. P. Agt., Itootn 403 N. Y L. Hid., Omaha, Neb. Kx-ShorlfT James Hooncy of Albany, N Y., snys Cramer's Kidney Curo Is n remedy that saves you doctor bills. It cured me of kidney troublo. Druggists sell it. Cramer's Kidney Cure - 75c t doz. 2-graln Quinine Capsules 7c 1 doz. 3-graln Quinine Capsules 10c 1 dozen 5-grnln Qulnlno Capsules 15c Shratler's Klg Powder U3e Dr. Karl Cramer's Pennyroyal Pills. Jl.W Schnefer's Sure Death 20c Castorla i5c Palno's Celery Compound 75c Cramer's Kidney Cure 73c Carter's Liver Pills 15c Duffy's Malt Whiskey SGc I'eruna 76c Wlno of Cnrdul 7&e Llstcrlnc "Co S. S 9 75c Packer's Tar Soap 15c Pierce's Prescription 75e Scott's Kmulslon Iftc Ozomulslon 7iV Miles' Nervine 7tc I'liile Sam's Tobacco Curo $1.00 SC81AEFER UUT h. W. Co-. Kith nntl Chit-nan. STRENGTHENS SYSTEM BODY BRAIN and NERVES. CMAIUAM WINK) No other nreunratlon has ever received so many voluntary testimonials from enil. , nent people as uie worid-ramous Marian) Wln. Gives Appetite, Produces Refreshing Sleep, A Safeguard Against Mental Diseases. Fr overworked men, delicate women, 1 sickly children, this healthful, lnvtcoratlng 1 Ktiu piiiiiuiiiiiuu luuiu tinn ttu rqutt, DORK A nmnll win. lun full thru tlmi a day i 9 HAYDE Sensationally Low Prices In Men's, Boys' and Children's Light and Medium Weight Clothing. This is what we call real marking down of prices. All our men's suits 822.50, 19.50 and All our mon's fine trousers that were 85 to 87, now All our men's suits that were 87.50 and 810, now All our boys' vestee suits that were 81.75 to 82.25, now , All our boys' double breasted knee i fl'C pants Buits that were 83 and 83. 50, now 1. All our boys' fine blue sorgo vestee suits that were 8'1. 50, now .... . . . . All our boys' odd largo sizes, 12 to All our men' pants, that wero 83.50 now All our boys' long pants that woro 82.75 to 83.50, now Read sensational bargains on page 11. 8 Mmimm mH FQBSET THAT mm SMOKING A You have the BEST notwithstanding they cost you no more than Interior goods. r. It. RICK M. C. ..: MANUKAI'TUHICHS. NT. I.OUIH, NO. HUlftii U1TIP C. A, RAILSBACK, OMAHA, DISTIUIJUTOU. UNIUll MADE tiiicAtio ami nivri it, u,:r ( hit-nun nnd lletttrit, St'.!. 7.1, On Atittust 2C 37. 2$ and 29 the Chi vago, Milwaukee St Paul Hallway will sell round trip tickets from Omaha to Chi cago for $12 7u City ticket office. 1C04 Farnam street. K. A NASH, General Western Agent. Uubermann, Jeweler: rot. 1S6C; absolutely reliable, lowest price guaranteed. 13 & Doug HANDSOME PAIR of pIiopr is flonietliluK that every lady an gentlemen wants whon they buy footwear, nnd It Is what we can Bupply better than anyone else, because vc carry only high grndo goods. This don't mean that wo enrry only high-priced goods, for we have thorn at nil prices, but thev are the best of tho kind tho best there nro nt the prlco I whatever tho prlco may be. They nro tho most stylish, the most comfortable and the beat wearing, and are fitted to your feet perfectly. The next pair you buy, let us show you what a really satisfactory shoo Is. CP. Cariwrigbt Unit were 818, now.. $12.50 3.75 4.75 98c 2.75 knee pants, mostly 10, wero 95 to $1.50, at 50c 1.75 1.75 TEney Are After You. Thoso teeth you have so Innfr neglect ed. They will make you rue the day you Bhould havo Riven them atten tion. You may think It too late. Not ono person In a hundred has teotli that ennnot bo fixed up to not only bo serviceable but look well. Wr havo tho reputntlon of belUR experts In our profession. 6AILEV, the Dentist At'i I'liiton lllk. lUlh Sc 1 'urn urn. l.tttlr AltPiitlnnt. I'liotie 108.'.. Get One For Tli Street Fair. e Tho KnlRhts of Ak-Snr-Den are r. ItiK to make the city more uttracttve than ctcr this year. Get a Kodak or Camera nnd make yrtir own souvenirs We have n beautiful JlOOn Poco C.imer. for t 60 All the latent novelties .n tho photocrnphlc line. If you want i picture framo see ours before buying. The Robert Dempster Go,, 1215 Fitrnum St. DevelopliiR nnd printing a specialty. The New Bath Tub Is not only "a thlnR of beauty, but a Jo forovcr" to tho family who is wlso enoiiKlt to know tho value of the bath for health nnd beauty. You can rovel In tho luxury of ono of the newest drslRiis in enameled bath tubs nt n reasonablo cost, when wo plumb your bathroom, ns well ns up to dalu wash stands, foot tubs, closets and sti-am nntl cas connections, with open nickel plated sanitary plumbing. Free 6c Black, Phone 1011). . . 1800 Farnam St. Hveryhody lias a Good Word TO SAY FOR Cramer's Kidney and Liver Cure Uecause It not only Rives Instant relief but effects a permanent cure. Wo sell the $1.00 size for "fie. Palne'H Celery Compound "t0 liond'ft Sarxuparlllu 73o I,ydla l'lukham'n Compound 7So I'eruna 75o 9. S. S 7Bo Carter'H I.lver I'llls 15o Blectrle Hitters 0o Dr. Miles' Ilmedles 7Bc Pierre's Kuvorlte Prescription 75o (iartlold Tea 3o Hll-Cnn Ilnlr Tonic 75o Dr. Jnyno's Kxpeclorant 7Do Kilmer'!. Hwamp-Hoot 75o Indian SagTs-a 75o BOSTON CTORE M DRUG W DEPT. ooooooooooooooooooo Do you ever buy a Knife? o o o o o o o o or do you find them -You ran buy a GOOD KNIFE--just liko tlndinfiO them from u O O O 10c to $5.00 lnrpest assortment of Pocket O Knives, Carvers, Razors In the west. O O n o.lac Mnrtnn & nn f n 5 O 1511 l)OI)(;F. ST. o TOOL HEADQUARTERS, o QOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOu RATS Seem to bo very troublcsnmo Just nt present, JudRiiiR fiom tho numerous calls for rat poison. In lookltiR for a rellablo article, wo dccldetl on Steam's Electric Paste. From tho roports wo bear about It, It Is undoubtedly tho best rat exterminator on thn market. 25c per box cut price 20c. SOLI) I1Y J. A, FULLER & CO. l-'niirlrriltll nnt iiiu!ns Streets. P. S.-.MANAW TK'KKTS on salo at Mr. n snvliiK of 10c on tho reRiilar faro. A PROBLEM IN HEATING. If any .'urnact cobHiir J.10.00 burns one ton of coal per month to heat a ten roum hoiisi. to (10 tleR. F. in 7eio weather, and a SIAOUK furnnre, costliiR ninety ($90 00) dollars, burns threo fourth of a ten to heat tho same liniuto, thn tamo lenRth of time, to 70 des. F., which furnace Is the cheaprn' ? Answer Tho MaReo Fllrnaro Is the cheap est becnupo btttt, and boat beoniiHo chcapeHt MnHCo Furnaces not only burn less coal, ami Rlvo mnn heat than any other furnarn. but nro built to att a llfotlme. Call and kn them or send for descriptive circulars. For sale by Chas. A. Pegau 6c Co., Mill-Ill.', .liifkmiii fit., Oiunlitt, Xrli. Crown ai,d Bridge work Teeth put lii wit limit plates by fiir per fo. I i r .wi l'iti v-.ieiri. iH't tienutiril, hiiIi' .nxl liKtln Fully Buur.inle.'tl ii.,d Cr.wnr i22!ti Slim lii-mo Work, i per tontbj y.m Ttttii C'liunetl ij Tail's Philadelphia' Dental Rooms, 1017 Uoaiilits 81.