Encampment of Fifty-Firstflowa Regiment at Red Oak Hi.l' VAH FIRST LIBl'TBNANT DON MACKAB, COUNCIL HLPFFS K1KST ASSIST ANT SI ROICON OK KIKTY-KIRST IOWA UK.til.MBNT Photo by UoiiIh It. IIomI Willi. I IIC recent tiicaiiiinutit of lilt Klf ty-lli'Ht regiment, Inwu Nh I lima I Ouard, ut Red ()al, was u momornhlo event In tliii his tory of Unit organization. Not only WIIH till) (llrllllllllll!llt II great HUCCeHH, llllt It brought I K't lit'r for the llrHt tlino Hluro t liny were mustered out of Undo Sum s Hervlco Iii San Krnnclsco tlui veterans who served In tho Klfty-llrHt Iowa volunteers throughout the Philippine -a m pa lti It wiih tho Hist tlnio tho twelve roinpanloH IiihI been In camp since tho day thiy sepu ra l'il in Council IIIuITh for tholr respective home towns after receiving n royal wolromo to Ihclr native Htato. Men who hail fought Hlilo by Hide In tho far-olf Islands of tho I'hlllpplncH met again, shook IiiiuiIh and talked over tho old iluyH when the regiment lay In camp In San KrnnelHco or wan realiz ing the Htcrn necessities of war out on the llrlug Hue In thu l'htMpplncH. The camp, licautlfully Hltuatcd, wiih nanicil after Walter Wagner of Company A, the llrHl Iowa man killed III aelloii In the Philippines. Wagner wiih on iletacheil Hcrvlco with Hawthorne's battery ami, wiih 1; 11 lt'd In a HklriulHh at Zapote bridge on June III, 1SD!. HIh home wiih In Dch Moines. The cltl.ciiH of lied Oak did all In their power to make the week's encampment pleasant for the soldier boys and numer ous HOflal functions were held In their honor, the week's gaieties being brought to a clime with a public reception and ball. The feature of the encampment, especially to the "veteraiiH." was the reunion of the members of the old Klfty-llrst Iowa voluu teei-H. About 300 were In attendance ,.ml took part In the review of the regiment Colonel Loper was tumble to be present mid the command fell on Major Moore of Vllllscu, the ranking olllcer. The veterans formed Into their former rcHpcctlve coin panics, tho battalions being commanded as follows: i'H t battalion, Captain Worth lugton of Des Moines; Se.'oud battalion Major Hume of Dch Mollies; Third hat lallon, Captain Mount of Shenandoah. On the evening of the day of the ro- RBV1BW OF THU VBTKRAN KIKTY-KIRST RBOIMENT Photo by Louis It Ilostwb k. T "if'TiimfiliT BNCA.MPMBNT AT RBD OAK, la.-RBVIBW OF TUB NBW FIFTY-FIRST RB01MBNT-Photo by Louis R Hostwlck union the Iowa Society of the Army of the PhlllpplneH wiih organized with First Lieutenant Don Macrae, Jr , of Council IIIuITh iih president. This honor wiih ten dered to Lieutenant Ma cm- in recognition of bis services through the campaign iih assistant surgeon of thu Klfty-llrHt regi ment during which he endeared himself to every member of the regiment by hlH un tiring zeal and attention to their care. IMmIoi-) nf Hie l'iri.v-1'li hI Itt-tilmriit. The Klfty-llrst regiment of Iowa volun teerH wiih the result of tho reorganization of the Third regiment, Iowa National (Jiiaril, hut its Identity was preserved al most Intact. After being disbanded on re- being uiiderstond that It would be sent to the Philippine islands. It spent two mouths In Camp Merrltt In San Krnnclsco and on July 20 was removed to the Presidio with ninety-two men on the sick Ust owing to the unhealthy loca tion and condition of Camp Merrltt. August was spent at Camp Merrlnm and the sick list liR'rciiM'd to Km men In ho:-pitai. The month of September was alto spent in Camp Merrlam with -- men sick. In July live died, in August six. in Septtmbtr ten. My this time the regiment bail almost despaired of feting active service ami the mouth of October was passed with it still In camp, when, on the llr.st tiny of November came the glad tidings to prepare to leave San Francisco for the far-olf Philippine Islands. At 11 o'clock on the morning of November c.bnbkal jambs iiltsh Lincoln new colon hl of fifty-fihst iowa HLdlMICNT, NATIONAL OUAUD Photo by Louis It. Hostwlck. :i. iv.is, the Klfty-llrst Iowa volunteers, 1.0SO vtruiig. left Camp Merriani for the San FranclMo ilocks. That afternoon It sailed on the transport Pennsylvania for Manila by t way of Honolulu. Un Hoard TriiiiNiiurt l-'iiur MoiiIIin. From that time the history of the regi ment was the most iinbiue of any which entered the service. More than one-third of the whole time the regiment was away fiom tho United States was spent on hoard' of a transport ninety-three days going out on the Pennsylvania and thirty on the Senator returning. The regiment arrived at Honolulu November 1- and left on Novem ber It!, thirty-three men remaining there In the hospital. It arrived at Manila on De cember 7, but It was not permitted to leave the transport until Kebrtinry II, l&Ult, re maining on the phlp for two months after renchliig the Philippines, awaiting orders. During this time the transport, with the regiment on board, was ordered to Hollo, anchoring within six miles of the town on December !I0. The transport lay In tho harbor of Hollo until January 2!t, arriving off Cavlte January 31. On Kebrtinry II thu regiment disembarked fiom the transport, having been continuously afloat for three months ami three days, during all of which time theie wns not a single death. At Cavlte the regiment went Into camp ami Colonel I.oper was placed In command of the district. Here the battalion forma tions of the regiment began to come Into play, the battalions being composed and coiumiiiitled as follows: KIrst, commanded (Continued on Fifth Pago.) , CMP OF THK FIFTY-FIHST HKfilMKNT AT Ilostwlcl; Ui:i) OAK la Photo by Louis It K.NCAM I'M UNT AT KBU OAK, la,- TUB KITUHBN Photo by Louis U Hostwlck. turning from the Philippines it was n few mouths later reorganized as a regiment of the Iowa National fiuard, retaining the number It had been known by while serv lug Uncle Sam. The twelve companies were mustered in from tlu fame towns as hud been represented In tho old regimen anil a large per cent of the men who served through the Philippine campaign re-cnlhted. As a regiment of the national guard, previous to Its service In the Philippine, the Fifty-first, then known as the Third regiment, saw considerable service In 1SSI Companies A and II of Des Moines were called out to quell miners' riots at Angus. In ISSii these two companies guarded prisoners In the Polk county Jail for three weeks; In ISO! Companies II. C B, (1. I. K, L anil M met Kelley's army at the Missouri river nnd the same sum mer Major Loper, with the Des Moines companies, spent three weeks In tho Bvans mining district. The regiment was mustered Into Uncle Sam's service In April, ISfiS. In Des Moines where It remained In eainp until June ! when It started for Dch Moines. It then BNCAMPMENT AT HBD OAK In WASH INO UP Photo by Louis It. Hostwlck.