TINS ILLUSTRATED KEK. Alltfiist lit, 11KK). Tin: li.i.rsi kati.d Bi r. Published Weekly by The the Publishing 'iiiii.niy, I!m. limbling, Olnanu, Ni'li. h i-r i npy per jiar, f- 'io ITIm Kill' red at thit otii.ihii Posiollic a.- .Si. on. I i I Mall M, iilcr. Fr n.lviTlNiiiK rate whlrm I 'uiil -.m r Communications rehitlni: to photographs or articles for publication should tic nil dressed "Kdltnr Tim IlliiMr.ili d Isn . Omaha." Pen and Picture Pointers diir' of tin' iinmt intercHittm Miii'i'i' for iiiikk'hh lii Nebraska thin yiar will uiltn place In I In- 'I'hlnl cmigrc-H onal ll:'i i. i In which llin opposing -it 1 1 1 1 ' I it t h inn John It I lays of Nolfolk, the reptibl can nomiii'" n ! the present cnngreHainnii, John S lt.ii ion of MiiiIIumi, on the fusion llrK' l Mr Havn has long been lilciillllcd wPli ihi' i;niwih of that section of Nebraska, ho hi lain pioiiiliioiil In hU own prtifr hioii, i!u law. mi I alKit In political elides, hi win h lit' has boon huiio.vd In varlo.m capai itn Tlu cnmuinniling piescneo anil good aihlrt'si of llin icpiihll'.iiu fit ml iilitlo ari' mire io imil.o him friends wherever ho goes. l''roin Iiih poriralt, which forum tlm fiontlspio o of iIiIh ti ii mlifi- of 'I'lio Hoe, the lines of ehur ai tin- ami IIiiiiiii'mh may ho readily (listtn guislici, ami If elected Nebraska can count on having In him an utile ami active ropro k illative at Washington. The monument shown In the accompany ing picture Ih an unique exemplification of the teaching of till) christian religion licit It. this life we should proparo for death and the hereafter. Tho work of erecting IIiIh monument In tho little cemetery at Stirling. Neh., wan completed htHt wuok. It l tweiity-lhreo feet high, weigh CO, IMHI pnunilH and font $2,000. Two Hat cars wire required to transport It from Initi al a. wht iv It wan paiclmseil. There In nothing rcmarkahte alioiit IIiIh occurrence were It not for the fact that this monu melit Ih to imirk Die last renting place of Mr. and Mrs. Henry l.ainlwier, both of III. as iho tew king of Italy. The olllclal of tho oldest citizen runneth not to tho antioiincoiiiciit of the deatli of King Hum- contrary. He always wears a red Jacket bcrt, also furnished by courtesy of Consul and u cap with a wide red hand about It. Howe, Is reproduced its a souvenir of the There never was much music In his drum memorable event, this proclamation having heals, but for all that everybody has been ported ibrotighout tho country to no- watched him with Interest, for every time tify tlm Italuxi people of the country's losf. ho save the sheepskin a lick there were zeal and sincerity In It." John R. Hays' Career Candidate for Congress Fle gener.i'lotis nre represented In the photograph of Mrs Anna Mccarty of When tho present Kins Victor Email- The nomination of Norfolk for glasses. Victor described one of tho scenes thus: "When papa saw the glasses going up to mamma's eyes he cried. 'Murghorlta, put down those glasses!' Mamma did not obey. 'MarRhorlta, If you don't take those Klasses off I shnll slug!' IHWUN I, HUSTON OK OMAHA NEW StPKItlNi UNDENT OF ST TAt'l (Minn ) SCHOOLS (Ii, mil IhIiiihI. Neb., Ki years of age; Mrs. Margaret Uyan of Schuyler, Neb., 02 years old; Mrs. Kate Ferris, T years old, Mr William Ferris, 23 years old, and Master Ocorgo Ferris, 2 years old, living at Sterling, III. The most Interesting eighty miles in the world today separate the seaport of Tien Tsln from Pcktn, the cnpltal of ttio Chi nese empire. I'rof. Isaac T. Headland of tho I'ekln university furnishes Tho lice with an article on the lines of coinmunl cation between these two points. There .are three routes by water, by dirt road and by railroad. Tho railroad has been destroyed and tho allied armies advanc ing to the relief of the foreign legations can only get to I'ekln by the dirt road melhnil, the most dangerous to life. While the Chinese may not be able to successfully cepo with the foreigners In modern warfare, they have shown that In the business and Industrial world they have few, If any, superiors. Nowhere Is this more clearly demonstrated than In the Philippines, whore tho celestials nro practically In control of all lines of busi ness. Frank (J. Carpenter writes to The Iteo this week of his visit to the gorgeous homo of Don Carlos l'alauca, In Manila who talks of exclusion and says the Chi nese will have to come hack to the Islands again. l'alauca Is practically the ruler of our Asiatic celestials. Ho has a th.m sand dollars for every hair of his head. of John H. Hays work nt Nevada, la., ho was appointed congress by tho county superintendent of schools without uel was a small boy ho frequently told republicans of the Third congrcs- his request or knowledge. This olllco ho outsiders about tho domestic life of his h10"1'1 district of Nebraska was brought retained for three years nnd was then parents. Humbert had a particularly "hout by a combination of circumstances elected county auditor. Ho held this post dull car for music. He disliked to realize l,ml " 'innor which might Justly causa tlon for ten years, positively refusing to bo that tlio queen w'ns getting on In years ,llm ,0 101,1 '"'Khly fluttered. Until thrco a candidate again. During his college days and lie protested ngalnst her uso of eye- ''ays before the convention ho would not he began the study of law and while- In consent io oe a caniiiiiuio mm 1111:11 iiubi- unicu hu uevoieu ins spare umo io mo lively refused to see a person or write n pursuit of his legal studies and was ad letter touching tils candidacy. In the milted to tho practice of law In tho Iowa face of tho fact that most of the delegates courts In 1SS2. He followed his chosen went to the nominating convention expect- profession In tho town where ho had lived Ing to vote for some ono else he was so long with more than ordinary success ,nd mimiiim Ii.,.) Hindi n iirend of h.hiVm nominated on tho llftli ballot. for a new attorney until 1SSG. false notes that sho obeyed nt onco, to 'Mr- ""'B ,mH 1,11 tllL requirements of a Fourteen years ago Mr. Hays moved to save herself from torinmt." The 'late ttesman. Ho has a well trained brain, Norfolk, Net)., to accept tho position of king of Italy certainly had humor, which Is a brlglit, original speaker, prepossessing cashier of tho Norfolk National bank, Is one of the essential cliaraeterist les of ,n appearance and was favored with tho which he held for n year and a half, when a trulv great statesman. 'Ight kind of a start in life by being born lie resigned It to enter tho prnctlco of l In Ohio on a farm. Tills event took place law, In which ho has been actively nnd Carl Schurz lias sustained a sad loss In in Clinton county on April HO, 1S1.", less successfully engaged ever since. Ho Is ono tho death of his second son, Herbert, who than a year prior to the death of his of tho leading attorneys of northern No died In London recently and whose body Is father. All that John It. Hays Is today ho liraska and a man In whom the people now on the way to this country. The can attribute to his own perseverance nnd have the utmost confidence wherever ho Is young man was of unusual promise. He hard work. He was not only early do- known, expired suddenly of heart disease while prlved of a father's protecting care and i n his way from an extended tour abroad, counsel, but ho was also hampered by tho . m t which began with a trip to Ilarbadoes early hard obstacle of poverty, which sometimes StOTlCS AOOllt PreaCIlOFS last spring. Ill health, brought on by seems to have Its compensation In lm- nvcrwork while a student at tho Columbia pelting men to do those tilings which A Scottish prison chaplain, recently up- Law school, forced liltn to drop his studies finally develop and perfect a character pointed, entered ono of tho cells on his first round of Inspection nnd, with much pomposity, thus nddrcsscd tho prisoner who occupied It: "Well, my man, do you know who I am?" "No, nor 1 dlnna care!" was tho nonchalant reply. "Well, I'm your new chaplain." "Oh, ye are? Then 1 hao heard o' yc before!" "And what did you henr?" returned tho chaplain, his cu rloslty get'tlng tho better of his dignity. "Well, I heard that the last twa kirks ye were In yo preached them balth empty: lint ye wlllna Unci It such an easy matter to do tho same wT this one." "An Irishman of tho full blood cannol resist nn opportunity for repartee, no matter how solemn the occasion or what, his surroundings," snld an English clergy man the other dny, when the conversation turned on the funny experiences of clergy men and the humor that creeps Into mat ters connected with tho church. "I was assisting nn old friend of mine, the rector of n church In Ireland, ono Sun day, nnd before tho servlco wo were In the vestry room putting on our robes, with tho old sexton, n shrlveled-up Irishman of tho perfect typo, assisting. My friend, who was somewhat old, was a Uttlo testy that morning and somehow the sleovo of his surplice got mixed up. Notwithstand ing tho assiduous efforts of tho old sexton to direct his arm to tho right hole, tho two would not connect. Finally, losing pa tience, my friend said shnrply: 'Ach, tho dlvll's In tho thing.' "The old sexton brightened up nnd, look- Mrs, Anna McCarty. nge 8.1, Grand Island, Net).; Mrs. Margaret Hvan, .Schuyler, Net).. Mrs Kate Ferris, ago 15, Sterling, 111., Mr. William Ferris, Sterling, 111 , Master (Jeorge Ferris, 2 years old. Ft VH OHNUItATlONS UKI'HKSICNTHD. age G'J. age 2.1, About Noted People by his physician's orders and seek a more which the world must recognize and re i.i.. .. 1 1 , .t. ii .i., . .'Uimi.iu cumuli, iui i.nie. wo a.,...... opeci. ... .. .., ...,, ,...,,.. health In travel and was believed to have Mr. Hays passed his boyhood days, until unlll .,,,, na ni.,, ,v,, . ' been wholly cured of his ailment. Herbert ho was 10 years of age. on the Ohio farm ver,ncoq. "stnlK. 'Not Jr Schurz was 21 years old. Ho entered where he was born when he. removed to u rM;orc(, h(J Harvard in IS!., and was graduated with Livingston county, Illinois. A ho ago of u nnJ ,h ve8tmcnt .. nronoPlv Thin -M vi years ago all Kugland was Honor in imij. Tiinugn a Keen stuueui ami it an ncciuent nereii nun which eiiangeu i,lat(1(i ringing with the name of (ioveruor Fyre; 11 young man of Intense zest for something tho whole course of his life. During liar tuiw lie has completely passed out of put)- more than the pleasures of college life, vest lie was riding ono of tho liorses nt lb iiii'timry. The former governor of Ja- young Scliuiv. was among the most popular tached to an old-fashioned Manny reaper. maun whose suppression of revolt In that 1,1 his class. Ills election to tlio Tlio animals became frlglitcncd nnd ran Inland ii'ialed such a ferment in the Hasty l'uddtng club. Harvard's most ex- away, throwing the rider In front of tho Justed.' In n country chargo In Scotland a young minister was settled where lits house was a long way from tho church. Ho was 1MU ....... ......V , , , , 1 1 ..... ..,.. ., , Knglaud of tho TiOs. Is not only alive, but elusive social Institution, attested that, sickle, which so mangled and bruised his " " ' " ' " " hate and hearty In his Devonshire retreat, coming to .New oru upon ins grauuaiion, rtgni arm mat amputation just t.otow tno - : " . " ""n " " lie is v, and has been enjoying the pension ho took up the study of law and. had his shoulder was necessary. Surgery In those ", P , ..i ..... Imnllli nermllleil lie wnlllil lmve renelveil iIiivh una inneli tnnrn nrniln limn 11 la now u- P(,I1'l- ' driving tamleiU 11ISO to (111(1 hi a reiiren cuiuiimi Kiitt'iiiur 11,1 iwt'iii oix yearn health permitted, he would have received days was much more crude than It Is now his degree this year, and young Hays was compelled to suffer fro"' c,h"r ,on Sunday. One of his elders the torture and pain of an operation with- nv" ",lu l,'u lBl" "l l,,u 111,315 l out the use of an anaesthetic. After this v,rvh''' ?."n,,".y . 0 ro.InnHtrnto . w,,h , i, i- a. "" uic 01 an aiiiicHiiiucic, jiiur cilia . , ,, ,, .. . . . lie Got IIlS Receipt accident he was not in much demand on h' ,Bat 1,0 """"t. "what Is There was a lawyer In the Indian country 'ho farm. Uln" wiuim iu uuvihk iiium uiiiuein more Mr. Hays took advantage of such facilities "m" 1,1 ''riving inom anreast ; "Jt dlsna' who had none to good a reputation for lion- tn'u country school afforded until ho was lo0'' woul on tno Sahhnth," remarked tlio esty. Ono of tho aborlglues employed him able to obtain a cortlflcato nnd could teach, ol'!t, "Look! Wllnt nll0l't Ho 'look?'" MoM MIC NT UIIK(THI) 1IY Mlt Jli MUS. UFA'ltY LANDWIIOU AT STICK LINO Neb TO M UK 'I'll HI K FINAL ItKSiiNtJ I'l.U'i: Photo by llenson whom are now living and enjoying good health at their homo In Sterling. Mr. Landwter Is 70 ears old, white tils wife Is three years his Junior. They nro natives of (lermany, but have lived In tho United States since early childhood. 1 Hiring the last thirty years they have made ttiolr homo In Johnson county, Nebraska. They are childless and live a rather secludud life. It Is the Intention of Mr. Laudwier to have a vault built when he and his life (ompauloii will 1o prepared to cross tlio mystic river. "We had tlio monument erected whtlo wo woro still living," said Mr Laudwier, "mi that our llmil renting place might not bo forgotten. Had wo left the matter to others It might have been neglected. I think It Is the lluest monu ment lu Nebraska." Mr. and Mrs. Laud wier are Using examples of what good management nnd Industry will do on a Ne braska farm. Wtion they located In John son county thirty years ago they owned u horse and cow and had a few household goods and farm Implements. Today they own $3.1,000 worth of real estate in John son nnd Otoe counties, Tho portraits louud on nuotlier page of the loyal family of Italy are reproduce 1 from photographs sent to The lice by Hon. Church Howe, American consul at Palermo. They linvo n peculiar Interest at tho prosoat tlino because of tho changes forced by tho iisaas3ltiutloii of King Humbert, which have brought forwnrd his bou, Victor Kmniiuel Charles M. .Schwab, the president of the ( aruegie Steel company. Is about to found a trade school for boys lu the neighborhood of Pittsburg. Ho will pay tho salaries of oil the teachers and provide a library. rm. .. .,, I... .............. .... ..........ill ..in. 1 ll l i will lie t:uill ni n I'll kvu. nil iit- - .... . u.,,.,... bu.h...v...u ...... . . ,.., , ham U.1 Mm besides thorough training " '1" " ' W' business. It was dono His first school was In n country district, f1''1 l0ra1l"1?.tcr' U18,ft,n,or mntto1r , of lu simp work. Like Mr. Carnegie. Mr. ''u L'llunCs satisfaction, tho feo duty whero tils salary was $15 a month, with ,ln?1 e' , ,,ut' . , Persisted the elder. S.hw.,1, proposes to make his gifts during 1'nl'l "'l receipt for It duly demanded. board among tho parents of tho pupils, thero s something oyen n the look o' a his lifetime, so that he may direct more "A receipt Isn't necessary." tho lawyor which was taken out In Installments of 1 ""K' Now. when yo ro gl In tho hencdlc H.,Hr. torllv the expenditure of his money, said. from ono to three weeks nt each place, ac- 1 " J? 'nU(l,"f1 your ,!m,.s so' V'.0 - "Hut I want it." replied tho red man. cording to tho nblllty of tlio host to supply (1h'r 1'1'ltnte,l tl10 minister's gesturo with The Wichita ICuglo says: (leneral Ailna There was some argument, and the attorney the tablo with eatables. Whon a suulclent ""iHprcad and uplifted hands. "Hut sup it Chalfee, the commander of Uncle Sam's finally demanded his reason. sum of money had boon nccumulntcd ho Poso ' Put 'our thoomb to yer noso nnd troops In the Chinese empire, lias a brother "Since becoming a christian I lmve been attended Cornoll college at Mount Vernon, 8Prcni' 01,1 'or hands tandem fashion In living In this city. Everybody knows him very enrcfut In all my dealings, that I may la., nfter which ho alternately taught and frontthis way wad thero no bo n guld who knows the Salvation army, for Nelson ho ready for tlio Judgment," answered tho nttended coltego until his graduation In 'u,nl ln tno 'look' ' that?" Olmu'eo has been one of Its most zealous brnvo sentcntlously, "and when that day lSfiii. Thus ho secured a collego education members for several years. Ho Is tho comes I don't wnnt to take tlmo to go to without nny osststanco but from his own PnilltpH Puratrrnnhfi quiet llttlo old mnn with llowing wtitskors tlio bad place to get my receipt from you." unaided efforts. nillllCU Sral tlplls who lias hammered the big drum of tlio Tho receipt was mndo out nnd delivered After graduation ho continued to teach chlcairo Nnwc Tim nntinnn in n iniior Salvation army so long that the memory promptly. for a time until, while engaged lu school of tho g00i 1 Dead crows nro silent mementos of tho lost enws. Somo men nover do anything without ovordolng it. Tho less a man boasts tho more true worth ho possesses. A lover's quarrel Is tho sauco that seasons tho courtship, Koform is nn nlrshlp that is always on tho verge of starting. A woman's mirror will tell her what nono of her friends will. Oood naturo is n glowworm that sheds light In tho darkest places. Tho man who is driven to desperation usually nsslstB ln tho driving. An envious person Is npt to dlsparago everything, bo it good or bad. Tho oftenor a man falls tho greotor the npplnuso whon ho finally succeeds. It matters but llttlo what your ancestors were It's what you nro that counts. Society Is a fashlonablo game In which diamonds are wagered against hearts, I ! COMPANY U, FIFTY-SECOND HEUIMKNT, OF PEHUY, la.