Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 13, 1900, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee.
ESTABLISH HI) JL'IJ 10, 1871. OMAHA, MONDAY" MOUSING, AUCiTST 155, lfioo. " SIXCSU5 COPV vivw ppvi
Chinese Emperor Appsinti Viceroy to
Negotiate with Powers,
Stato Department Receives Official Notice to
That Effect.
Expresses Ability to "Hold On" Until
Relief Forco Arrives.
.iiiiiixH-rn .MiiNt III- Uridine, I from
Pel. In Hi-run Ail) ,i Arntiiuc
liclllx Will Hi- CiiiinIiIitcI
hy lulled Slllleil.
WASHINGTON. Aug. 12. Indications of
llio deslru of China for n peaceful nettle'
mr nt of tier present dllllcultlcs have been
displayed for several iluys. OMlclal no
tleo of that deslro wan presented to the
department of stato today. It was In tlu
form of an edict promulgated by the um
Jieror, Kwnng Hsu, appointing E.ul LI
Hung Chang envoy plenipotentiary to
negotiate with the powers for "an Imme
diate cessation of hostilities" pending a so
lution of the questions which have grown
out of the anti-foreign uprising In the
empire. Karl I.I Is to act directly fur tho
emperor and a fair Inference Is that what
ever tho terms of tho settlement they
reach with the powers will bo approved
by tho Imperial government.
During tho ilny only one dispatch tli.1t
was made public reached any of tho gov
ernment departments from China. A be
lated message from .M I n 1st or Conger was
transmitted to the War department by
General Chaffee. It expressed simply his
nMllty to "hold on" until General Chaffee
Hhould come to his relief. All the power
of this government vv uo exerted to Ret lellcf to htm and the other Impris
oned logatloucrs at tho earliest possible
Minister Wit vnt an early caller nt tho
Pcpnrtmcut of State. Shortly nflor 0
o'clock he made an engagement with Act
ing Secretary of State Adeo to meet him
lit tho department nt 10:30. I'romptly at
that hour the minister's automobile
ntopped nt tho west entrance to the de
partment and Minister Wu nllghted and
hurried to Secretary Adec's olllco. He pro
Kent oil to Mr. Ailoo a copy of the Impe
rial fillet which he had received last night.
It had been transmitted to him In the
Chinese foreign olllco cipher ami Its trans
lation mid preparation for submission to
tho Department of Stato had occupied much
of tho night.
Hunt Heeolven IMIet.
Minister Wu remained with Secretary
Adeo for three-quarters of an hour dis
cussing the' icmt" of II' edict mid tho
parlnierit Secrcimy" of war Root mcr tnu
two diplomats, but remained only loug
enough to receive u copy of the edict
ntnl discuss It brleily with tho Chines?
Minister Wu thought the edict pro
penii'd n means of peaceful adjustment of
tho present trouble and that tho request
of tho Chinese government for n cessa
tion of hostilities pending peace negotia
tions was entirely reasonable.
Immediately upon tho conclusion of tho
conference tho text of tho edict, together
with the delullB of the call of Minister
IWtl, was communicated to President Mc
Klnley nt Canton. The president's reply
Iihh not yet been received. Later In the
day Acting Secretary Adce made public tho
text of the edict in tho following state
ment: ' Tho Department of Slate makes public
tho following Imperial edict, nppulnling
Viceroy 1,1 Hung Chang as envoy plenipo
tentiary to propose a cessation of hostllo
demonstrations and negotiate with the
powers, u copy of which was delivered by
Mr. Wu to tho acting secretary of stato
this (Sunday) morning at 10.30 o'clock:
"An Imperial edict forwarded by tho
privy council at Pekln, under date of the
31th day of tho seventh moon (August S),
to Governor Yuan at Tsl Nan, Shan Tung,
who transmitted It on tho 17th day of
tho snmo moon (August 11) to tho taotal
nt Shanghai, I y wham It was transmitted
to Minister Wu, who received It on tho
night of the same day (August 11).
Tevt nf I in M- I'll! 1 Aft.
"Tho Impirlnl net, as transmitted by
tho privy count II, 1b as follows:
" 'In the present eonlllct between tho
Chinese nnd foreigners there has been some
misunderstanding on the part of soiuo for
eign nations nnd also n want of proper
management on the part uf some of the
louil authorities. A clash of arms Is fol
lowed by calamitous results and caused
n rupture of friendly relations which will
ultimately do no good to tho world. Wo
hereby appoint Lt Hung Chang as our on
voy plenipotentiary, with Instructions to
propose at once by telegraph to tho gov
crnnieuts of the several powers coucerned
for tho Immediate cessation of hostllo iUm
onstriitlotiB pending negotiations, which ho
Is hereby authorized to conduct for our
part, for the settlement of whatever ques
tions may have to bo dealt with. The
questions are to be severally considered
In a satisfactory manner and tho result of
the negotiations reported to us for our
timet Ion. Hospcct this.'
"The obovo Is respectfully ropled for
truiismlSHlon to your excellency, to be
communicated to tho secretory of stato for
Ills excellency's Information."
While II Is conceded by tho Washington
officials that the conference of plenary
authority upon Karl 1.1 to negotiate with
tho powers for n settlement of existing
troubles Is n step in the light direction. It
liy no menus Is assured that the Cultcd
Rtnlos government will consent offhand to
open negotiations with tho distinguished
viceroy. The demands of this government
upon China have been mado plainly and
without equivocation. They cannot bo
misunderstood. Assuming that tho Chi
nese government Is acting In good faith
the demnnds nro reasonable ami can be
compiled with readily.
f ntiilllliiii OlVereil to Clilmi.
Afl transmitted to tho Imperial gov
eminent by the secrctnry of stato, through
Minister Wu, the demunds, In brief, woro:
That tho Chinese government glvo nssu
ranco that tho foreign ministers are olive
niul If wo, In what condition; that tho in In
Istrrs bo put In free communication with
their governments, tiring upon tho lega
tlons cease and oil dangers to their lives
nuil liberty be removed; that tho Imperial
(Continued on Second l'uue.)
I nlteit Stiite Trims in I In ltept.v to
Utile! AiitliorlrtiiK 1,1 1 1 ti n (iuiiiu
ik I'cnec llinii)',
WASHINGTON, Aug. 12 Tonight Socro
tary Adie, by direction of I'nwMent McKIn
lev. tiresentt'il to MlnUtf-r Wu for (runs
mbslon to his government the reply of the
United Stat to the Imperial edict appoint
ing I.I Hunz Cham; envnv to necntlntn with
the powers for a cosnntlon of hostilities. Tho
text of the reply will not be made public
ueroro tomorrow. In effect, however, It Is
a reiteration of tho ilemnnds previously
insde by thu United Slates noun China.
coupled with a vlgoron Intimation that no
negotiations will be inlered Into until the
Chinese government Khali have compiled
Willi thofo ilemnndff.
This government. Inmlrcd hv n ilotrrmlnn
Hon to effect the rescue of the legatloncrs
iKRlrged In l'ekln, takes advantage of lis
reply to the ullrt to reiterate the demands
previously mane upon China. These de
mands firm were made by the president on
June 23, and subsequently wero reiterated
substantially by Acting Secretary Adce by
direction of tho president. Tho demands
for the protection of the ministers, for free
communication between them and their re
npectlvc governments ami for the restora
tion of order in China form tho keynote
of the memorandum forwarded to the Im
perial government by the president today.
The lUratleii nnd rcltprntlnn of thn ilo.
mands mutit, It Is thought, make It perfectly
clear to the Chinese government that no
negollottoiiH will bo entered on until a
square-toed comnllancr. to them hn m.nfo.
Should the demands ho acceded to, there
win ne, u is snlil, no obstacle in the way
of the settlement of questions arising.
ii Hiin .Nothing lo .Niiy.
Mr. Wu declined tonight to make any
statement bearing on tho reply, not oven
In lug willing to say whether cr not It had
been received by him. Copies have been
sent to tho United State.) representatives
In Europo and Jnpan to be submitted to the
governments at which thov nro stntlnnrd.
also to the Europitin dlplomatluts resident
hero for their Information.
Mr. Wu Is very much elnted over the
appointment of I.I Hung Chang as a plen
ipotentiary to arrange peace with the pow
ers. Ilo sincerely hones that It will hn Ac
cepted by them, hb the results attained In
his opinion would bo tatlsfactory to all con
cerned. "I think Karl I.l's designation a
one," herald. "Aside from the emperor and
i:iipress ne is tlio Highest olurial of the
Chinese government and he has the Implicit
contldence of all Chinamen. In many ways
he Is eminently qualified to act ns an In
termediary between his own cnvcrnniont
nnd tho representatives of the powers who
may he appointed to act with htm. He has
duno cxcellint work for tho Chinese nnd
lliey have great confidence In his discretion
and wisdom. Karl LI has traveled over a
larse part of tho world, has met a large
part of Its foremost iicunle. I linn
pnlntment will be acceptable to the powers
and I know tho results of the neeotkiiinu
conducted by him will bo satisfactory alike
in i iuneso ami toreigners, for ho will bo
Just and honorable In all his dealings. "
Chi n n. MtiM Prove fiutnl Fulfil ly .!-
loMlnur Allien fu I
i miiu, miK. ia,iv oo ii. in, i mi .....
11 yamen forwarded through tho Chinese
minister In Paris, Yu Kent', a message to
the breach government complaining of
tho "tardiness of the foreign ministers lu
I'eKiu in replying to tho offer of the Chi-
neso government to conduct thorn under
escort." Tho message proceeded to sav
that the tsung II yamen declined to bo re
sponsible for any casualties which might
follow theso delays and Insisted that tho
Kuropean government!) order their repre
sentatives to leave l'ekln.
To this communication M. Delrnsso, min
ister of foreign affairs, sent tho following
Wo order to depart from l'ekln will
bo given to our minister so long as tho
route is unsafe. If a casualty occurs tho
responsibility will bo entirely with tho
Chinese government. Its strict duty Is
to protect foreign ministers even more
than ItH own.
"If it bo true that tho Chinese govern
ment has great dllllculty In defending them
mil In defending Itself against rebels It
should order Its troops to stand aside be
fore the allied forces. This would ren
der freo tho road from Tien Tsln to the
iiipltnl and would accomplish tho work
of protection which Is encumbered.
"Tho Chlneso government should under
stand that the only means of proving tho
sincerity of Its designs nnd of limiting
Its responsibilities Is a cessation In the
plaelni, of obstacles in tho way of such
an nrrnnKoniont."
Snlillerx Helm; i'riinxferreil from
ViirloiiH StnlliiiiM nl Home
mill Abroad.
NKW YOUK, Aug. 12 llattery C, Sev
enth I'liltni States nrtlllcry, whbh has
been ordered to Chlnn, arrived In thin city
today from Port Adams, It. I., and to
morrow will Blurt for San Francisco. Tho
battery, which la lu command of Lieuten
ant Johnson, consists of 105 men and ninety
live horses nnd six field guns. Tho train
port Sedgwick, from l'orto Itlco, landed
nVnrly H00 men today In Brooklyn.
Aboard tho Sedgwick were four com
panies of tho Kleventh Cnited States In
fantry. In command of Major A. L. Meyers,
and a squadron of tho Fifth L'nlted States
cnalry, under Colonel W. a. Hatferty. Tho
cavalrymen were shipped to Fort Meyer.
Va., In tho afternoon nnd Companies A, 11
and C of tho Kleventh Infnntry wero con
eyed to Governor's Island. There they
will perforin garrison duty at department
headquarters, relieving two Initeiies of tho
Fifth United States artillery, which will
return to Forts Hamilton W.ulsworth.
Company I) of the Kleventh will bo shipped
tomorrow to Fort Kthan Allen, Vt.
Tin United States army transport Crook
arrived this evenlug from Havana, having
on board four companies of the First or
tlllery. Among tho passengers on board
tho Crook nro Major Hakor, chief quarter
master of tho division of Cuba, ami Major
Qualy, Judge advocate of tho Cuban depart
Iliilitlxf l'riiMTly Dent royetl.
HONG KON'O, Aug. 12. Tho l'nlted
States consul general here, Mr. R. Wild
man, has received a telegram from tho
American ll.iptlst mission nt Wntow, prov
luce of Kang Tung, saying that threo
moro chapels have been demolished nnd
that thero has been much looting of mis
Bton property.
The dispatch also soys nn attempt was
mado on the llfo of tho preacher thero and
that the ofllclnls oro taking no nctlon In
tho matter. Tho trouble wus attributed, to
the "vegetarian society," probably nn off
shoot of the notorious "Triads," though
some believe tho Vesuturlans are conucctcd
with the Boxers.
Pekin is Safest Place for Ministers Until
Relief Porce Oomes.
Mr Hubert Itnrfx l)linleli Indicate
'liilll Chliui l Iveeplnn, I'll I'rc
lenie of Co ne er n fur Safely
of nnwiyN.
LONDON, Aug. 13.-3:30 a. m. "Tho
sooner we can bo got out of this the bet
ter, for It Is Inconvenient for tho Chi
nese government and unsafe for our
selves." This Is n message received last
evening from Sir Robert Hart, dated I'oklu,
August 5, nnd sent In cipher to the Chinese
mnritltnes customs In London.
Commenting on It the 1'ost says: "It
would seem to Indicate that tho Chinese
government Is anxious for tho safety of
tho foreigners, or at any rate anxious to
get" them safely out of l'ekln, while Sir
Robert Hnrt evidently expects that they
will get out sootier or later."
Sheng. director general of railroads and
telegraphs, according to a Shanghai dis
patch to tho Standard, expresses grave
fears for the safety of tho members of thu
legations when tho defeated Chinese
troops return to the cupltnl.
The Austrian naval commander reports
lo Vienna that tho allies decided to rest
for three days nftcr tho taking of Tang
Tsun. A dispatch to n news agency from
Tien Tsln says:
Country Giiml for Mnrolilnir.
Junks and stones block the river be
yond the udvnuced post of tho allies for a
considerable distance, but tho dryness con
tinues and tho country is lu good march
ing order, subsidiary dykes having made
the enemy's damning lnetfectlvo.
'It Is believed that some 500 have been
added to tho expedition by the Increase
In the numbers of tho Uiitlsh naval
Korea, according to n Seoul dispatch.
consents to Japan sending troops there to
provldo for emergencies.
General Orodekoff reports to tho Rus
sian wnr office the occupation of Santehu
nnd the passes across tho Chlngau moun
tains. Orders have been Issued for the
formation of two additional Siberian army
corps. A stunl-otllclal telegrnm published
In St. Petersburg describes the sending of
llrltish troops to Shanghai as "without
the least necessity."
Tho reception of the message from the
Italian minister In l'eklti effectually dis
poses of tho report that he had staited for
Tien Tsln. Tho Dally Mull publishes an In
terview with the Chinese minister In Lon
don. Sir Chili Chen Lo Feng Lull, and quotes
htm ns urging the ministers lo leave I'cklu.
"Snmo people say," remarked Sir Chlh Chen,
that tho Kurnpcans nro still besieged. It
Is not to. When you are besieged you are
not allowed communication with tho outside
world, hut hero you uro recelviug messages,
cipher messages, from Sir Cloudo MacDon-
l'norly Veiled iiirent.
Commenting upon tho vnrlous propositions
mado by China to the powers, the Dally
News well expresses the predominating
1h1.i.k nnlnlnll tu fnllmvu , i i
will give your ministers a snio conuuci io
Tien Tsln. If you do not nt once Instruct
them to leave l'ekln wo cannot answer for
the consequences.'
'To this abominable and not very thickly
vellid threat thero can be only ouo nnswer,
and M. Delcasse has given it In very cogent
terms. Tho ministers cannot leave except
under absolutely convincing guaranties of
safety. In the speedy advance of the allies
Ilea the only bopo of saving tho ministers."
In the same vein tho Dally Telegraph
"American statesmen take up what seems
tho only logical attitude when they tell Mr.
Conger thnt they have never for n moment
entertained tho Idea of his placing himself
at the mercy of a Chinese ofllclal pledge.
Cheng Ylng Huang, the Cnntnneso who was
the special ambassador of China at Queen
Victoria's Jubilee and who Is now In ban
ishment nt III, has been ordered, according
to a Shonghil dispatch, to commit suicide,
an Imperial edict having been Issued to this
Deluynl Mexxnue from M. I'lneluin nt
1'eUln lleellen DrlalU of
HeMleKfiiie ut.
PARIS, Aug. 12. The French Foreign
otllco received this from M. Iinchon, French
minister at, l'ekln, which Is evidently the
delayed dispatch which he referred to In the
first message received from him, puullslicil
hero last Thursday, as "My cipher No. 1,
dated August 3." It Is as follows:
"From Juno 20 to July 1" Chiucse troops
benieged and llred upon nnd bombarded us.
Four legations have been burned and that
of France three-quarters destroyed. Wo still
hold out, thanks to the heroic defenre of
tho Franco-Austrian contingent. Our loss
Is sixteen. The general loss Is sixty more
and 110 wounded.
"All the missions in Pekln have been
burned, save tho Pel Tang mission, which
Is standing, but the condition Is uncertain.
Desplto anguish and privations the person
nel of tho legations Is in good health. Tho
bombardment ceased July 17. Offensive
works, Chinese barricades and Intermittent
flints continue without victims,
"Tho government Is attempting Indirectly
to negotiate with us for departure, but wo
cannot leave without some protection other
than thnt of the government."
According to dispatches received today
from Vlco Admiral Courrejels of tho French
naval command, natlvo Christians nnd mis
sionaries on tho line to Han Kon 500 kilo
metres from Pekln, nre In great danger, tho
point being entirely outside the sphere of
tho allied operations. He has alno received
bad news regarding New Chwaug being
captured August 1, which, ns ho Is advised,
tins slnco been evacuated.
According to his advices from tho French
colony In Pekln eight marines, one endet
and one customs employe hnvo been killed.
Ho says a Danish company tus laid a cable
from Che Foo to Tnku.
Tho Patrln publishes the following:
Tho procureur general of tho congrega
tion of the LnznrUt mission, Mgr. llettem
bourg. Informs us thRt he had Just been ad
vised by M. Delcnsue that according to a
dispatch from the French consul general at
Shanghai, received yesterday, 7,000 Chinese
have been massacred at Pao Ting, east of
Pekln. No othor details are at hand.
If such startling news has been received
by tho Foreign olllco It has been kept se
cret, as tho usual news chnnntls have not
been mado acquainted with anything of tho
VnldcrNiT Will flo to Home,
UF.RLIN. Aug. 12. Field Marshal Count
von Woldersoe, according to the Ilniiliier
Tngeblntt, will go on a special mission to
Romo before sailing for China to nssume
the command of tho International forces.
('iirrrxpoiiileiit nt I'relorln Sii)h
Kroner I I'uftlnic, t'p HiiiHlxtmicI)
for the itmiiulun.
'Copyright, ISM, by Press Publishing Co.)
LONDON, Aug. 12. (New York World Ca
blegram Special Telegram. ) John Stuart
correspondent of the Morning Post, tele.
graphs from Pretoria: "The Doers state
that Krugcr Is contributing to Ilryan's clec
tlon expenses between 500,000 and 750,
000. It Is also stated that Webster Davis
received 25,000 toward tho expenses of tho
American cnmpolgn."
President l.ooliel I'rexcntu IHieill
tliniMi.v Curl vtltli I'luttx niul
l)eller Aililrcnn,
MARSKILLKS. Aug 12. President Lou
bet, nccumpunled by M. Delcasse, minister
of foreign nffalrs, General Andre, minister
of war, and M. Dclenc?snn, minister of ma
rine, at rived here this morning at 9 o'clock
and proceeded to the reviewing ground,
where they Inspected thu Chlneso extio-
dltlonnry corps. There was much enthu
siasm, with cries of "Vive Loubet!" "Vivo
la republlque!" and "Vivo l'lirmoa!"
The cheering wns continuous. After tho
review Loubet, taking his position on tho
reviewing stand to present the flag to tho
corps, said:
"In the name of tho republic I deliver to
you the Hags of tho expeditionary corps.
They are confided to your loyalty and
patriotism, which 1 guarantee. "Honor and
I atherland Is your motto. Soon you will
Inscribe on their folds the nnme of a cam
paign rendered necebsary by the violation
of our rights, the disregard of our legit
imate Interests nnd tho brutal assault
mado upon those who represent In China
civilization and progress.
'Officers, noncommissioned officers and
soldiers, let these flags be to you a sacred
gift. They recall tho lofty mission of
France, a mission confided to your cour
age to exact from a country, whure the
essential laws of civilized countries have
boon odiously violated, the chastisement
of the guilty nnd to Impose some vivid In
demnities for tho past with necessnry
guaranties for tho future. They toll you
that tho heritage of honor, tho enre of
which your elders confldctl to you cannot
grow less at your hand and In this Inter
national army, which Is formed for tho
defense of civilization, those bearing tho
iTench uniform mint not yield In disci
pline, endurance or courage to any.
'They will nlso recall to you your fam
ilies, your children and firesides, nnd all
tho affections which a soldier leaves with
out hesitation when tho scrvlco of his
country clnlms him. They will bo tho
symbol of your country In your very midst,
of your country attentive to your sufferings
and watchful of the dangers from which I
wish you may soon be relieved.
'Wo will await with Impatience, but not
with alarm, tho return which will permit
us to shore with vo.i and your comrades
of the fleet under Admiral Pottlcr our sat-
Isfactlon and gratitude,"
U ne in y nil lliv .Move.
LONDON, Aug. 12. Tho War office today
received tho following message from Lord
"lUKTORfA, Aug. ' 11. Tho enemy Is
fleeing lu front of Kitchener's and Methuen's
forefs. Karly thla morning he was trying
to cross the railway nt Wove.leen station,
where ho was engaged by Hmlth-Dorrlen.
"Methuen on August 0 fought a rear guard
action near lluffnlshook. Ho captured hIx
wagons and two guns."
In spite of tho fact that General DeWet
Is In full flight South frlcan dlopatches an
nounce an cllltix of civilian)) from Matching
and that Lird IJdwnrd Cecil la preparing to
stand another siege. Mr. James G. Stowe,
United States consul general nt Capetown,
has left Johannesburg for that city. He re
ceived an enthusiastic send-off.
Society of (lie Army of the Philip.
lilui'N Will lit' Founded at Reunion
ii lie Held ut Denver.
DKNVKR, Colo., Aug. 12. Veterans of
the Philippine wnr ni.d their friends began
arriving today to attend tho reunion which
begins tomorrow. Tho first meeting will
occur nt 2 p. m., when tho organization
of the Society of tho Army of the Philip
pines will bo effected. In tho evening a
public meeting will bo held nt which
speeches will bo made by Governor Thor.ias,
Senators Teller and Wolcott, General Mcr
rlnm, General Francis W. Greene, Gen
eral Owen Sumuer, General W. S. Mctcnlf
and other promluent men. Letters of re
gret were received toduy from W. J, Ilrynn,
Govirnor Roosevelt and Secretary of War
Root, who had bceu Invited to attend,
Death llnte in lliiwnll.
HONOLULU. Aug. 4. The health reports
for tho mo tit ha of Juno nnd July
show un alarming Increase In the
death rate, especially among native
Haw allium and Japanese on tho Island
of Oahu, which has tho only com
pleto ri cordB. In Juno thu number of deaths
per thousand was forty-flvo; In July 19.68.
Tho Increase for the past few years, as
shown by tables Just compiled, has aroused
u good deal of diseiuslon. In IsOC the July
deaths numbered fnrty-olght. Slnco then
the figures have Jumped to 5(1.75, and thh
year 111. Consumption heads tho list of dis
eases, causing death in almost eery month
and there Is agitation for strict measures to
quarantine patients. The Hoard of Health Is
discussing n quurantino against consump
tion, ns mnny people como hero from other
places to enjoy tho mild climate, and It Is
believed they are a source of danger to the
Tho United States court In Hawaii wn
formally lnauguraUil today by Judge N. M.
Victor lli'i'lH Semile nml DepulieN,
HOME. Aug. 12.-today King Victor Em
anuel III received fioii membere of tho
Senate nnd Chamber of Deputies, who de
sired to ocknowiedgo their dovotlon to
the throno nnd the present monarch. His
mnjesty thanked them In his own nnmo
ond that of Queen Helena for tho part thoy
had taken In the funeral of King Humbert
and in""hiB own elevation to tho throno.
Mu vc iuent.1 of Oecnii VcnncU A hit, lil.
At New York Arrived Steamers Stnten
dam, (ram Ituitenlnm ami .''oulognc; llul
liarlu, from fjumb irg; Cynv 5. from Liver
pool and Queenstowti; Asto ,n, from Olui
Kow and Movllle.
At Queenstown Arrived Ivcnila, from
Itoston, fur Liverpool, and proceeded.
Palled-I.ueuila, ftom Liverpool, for New
York At Mnvllle ArrlvtMlTunlslaii, fiom Mon
treal, for Liverpool.
At London Sailed Minnehaha, for New
Passenger Train Crashes Into Crowded
Omnibus m Pennsylvania.
Uf i:ilMcn atlicrn Sorluimly Injured
Si'wrnl Are i:iieeleil tit llle
Vlt'lliiix lluil No U'lirnliiK of
liiilienilltii; llnimcr.
SLATINGTON, Pa., Aug. 12. Fifteen per
sona were Instntitlv killed nnd nlotnn nlh.
ers, several of whom will die. were serloti'ly
injured tonight In a grade crossing accident
three miles east of this cltv hv a nasnou-
ger train on the Lehigh & New Knelnnd
railroad crashing Into nn omnibus contain
ing twenty-live persons. All the dead and
Injured persons were In the omnibus and
only three es"nped. The dead:
hi. I REMALEY, aged 70, of SIntlngtoti.
MRS. ELI REMALEY, his wife, uged C3.
MRS. JAMES KERN, their daughter, uged
SAMUEL MUMMY, aged CO. of Walnut-
MRS. SAMUEL MUMMY, his wife, aged 68.
MRS. SOURWINE. ii widow, aced f,3. of
MRS. WILLIAM KANE, nged CI, of Wal-
MISS CARRIE SMITH, aged 22, of Wal-
MRS. TILOHMAM KUNTZ. nired .1.-,. nf
MRS. JAMES MINNICII, need 33. of Wnl
MRS. SUSAN CHOEN, C7 years old.
MRS. ROI1ERT SEII1ERT, Wnlnutport.
DAVID KERN, C years old. son of Mrs.
The Injured nre:
Miss Dlzler of Wnlnutport; will die.
Threc-yenr-old son of Mrs. Kern: will die.
Ilnrry Mlnnlch, need 10. of Slatlnuton:
will die.
Mrs. William Reach, hurt Internally: mav
Louis Kuntz, seriously; may die.
Miss Carrie Nnglo of Walnutnort. internal
Injuries; may die.
Georgo Mlnnlch, probably die.
Ilryan Wnlp, Walnutport; mny die.
Miss Lizzie Jones, Wnlnutport; will die.
Miss Alice Naglc; will recover.
Ono unidentified: may die.
The accident occurred about f, o'clock.
Tho omnibus, driven by n man named Pet
ers, was returning to Slatlngton from n
iiiiiriui un- oceiiiaiiiH nan aiicuueu ai (jiier
ry8ille. The coach belonged to Henry Din
ner of Slatlngton and the dead and Indirect
were nearly nil relatives of Sophia Sihoeffer.
nt whoso obsequies they had been present.
The train was a special and consisted of nn
engine nnd ono cnr. At the nolnt nt which
tho collision occurred Is a sharp curve In
the ronii ond the omnibus enme along nt a
good ralo of speed, the occupants uncon
scious of any Impending dungcr.
As the bus swung nround the curve the
engine nnd care como In sight. It was too
lato to ston before the oiniilliiis noil thn
train come toKether. As the driver of thn
former whipped up tho tout -"",". " latter
tho track nhi.j.1 nf the ' troll....1' ....... .
-z - - v nllli'u uuuiKUi.
Physicians and a special train wero Bent
from here nnd tho Injured wero taken to
South Bethlehem.
No wntchmnn Is employed to warn teams
or pedostrlaus of any approaching train and
those Uvlnir In the vlclnltv t-av It Is im
possible to hear an approaching train. A
peculiar reature or the accident was mat
tho horses drawing the coach escaped un
MlritciiloiiN INenpe of 1'iixseimeiM In
Wreck oil Southern I'liellle
In liOiilftliniM.
LAKE CHARLES. La., Aug. 12. The
Southern Pacific company suffered n com
plete wreck of pnsscugcr train No. 9 this
afternoon at f o'clock. Tho train was going
at full sfieed over the trestle, over the La
Casino bayou, when the tender jumped tho
track and broke looao from tho engine. Tho
engine went on and the ntue coaches wero
thrown In every direction. Only ono Pull
man cnr stayed on tho track. Tho enrs wero
nearly all thrown Into the mud and water
of the La Caslne bayou. Tho trestlo was
completely demolished. Tho railroad men on
the train declnre It wns the most complete
binashup they ever paw. On board the train
wero about l.'O peoplo and tho fact that only
ono boy was killed Is beyond explanation.
Fred Chnttln wns tho boy's name. Ho was
the son of Mr. nnd Mrs. 1). L. Clint tin. who
wero also on tho train. Mrs. Chnttln, who
held a baby In her urms, was seriously hurt
on tho head.
Tho boy that was killed was asleep by nn
open window when the smashup occurred,
and ho wns thrown partly out of the window,
the car falling on him and breaking his
neck. Tho baby had his hand slightly hurt
and Lucius liryan, a mull clerk, was badly
bruited. A relief train consisting of tuo
coaches and u cnbooso went out nt 0:30 p.
m. with doctors and Interested citizens. This
train returned nt 11 o'clock with tho body of
Fred Chnttln ond his mother, together with
other passengers.
Tho small loss of llfo and bodily Injury Is
the greatest marvel of the dUnster. Pas
senger tralus will likely bo operated over
tho Watklns road, vlu Alexaudila, until the
wreck Is clean! up.
I'iiIIInIiiii Venr Home.
ROME, Aug. 13. A train beating mnny no
tnblo persons who had been nt tending tho
recent ceremonies hero eollldul with an
other n few miles outsldo tho city. Six
persons were killed outright nud several
others fntolly Injured.
Tho king nnd queen went Immediately to
tho scene of the accident. Tho names of
tho victims havo not yet been ascertained,
but it Is understood that Grand Duho and
Grand Duchess Pleiro of Russia uro safe.
I'rnnec I.nxcx (iuiilioiil.
PARIS, Aug. 12. During maneuvers of
the French fleet off Cape St. Vincent Inst
night a collision occurred between tho llrst
claes bnttlenhlp Itrennus, Hying the flag of
Vlco Admiral Fournlrr, commnnder of the
flct, and the torpedo boat destroyer Framee.
The Framee sank Immediately. The accident
was due to tho fact that tho Framee turned
to the right, whrn ordered to tho left.
Details thus far received nro very mea
ger, but only a small portion of the crew,
consisting of four officers nnd flfty-clght
men, were aved. It Is believed that no
fewer than fifty were lost and great anxiety
Is felt here. The Framee, which Is of r13
tons dlpplaccment, was u recent addition to
the Frauch navy.
.Hunter Mechanic Mnrilereil,
I'lTTBliriK!. Pa., Aug 12 -Jasper Hous
ton, master mechanic for Klpttiminn &
HollerhMck. contractors on thn new tov
eminent dam near Sewiekley. wiih mur
dered III eold lutluj Li) William I'obbb
uud unuthur mro,
! air; Warmer: Sniitherlv Winds
i'riniieriiliire nt lliiinliu
1 1 ii nr.
' Hour. 11
p i J"
hi .
in .
10 (I. Ill 7S
11 II. 1 7
i-' iii s:t
l'le I'iKntllle unit Siueli Dnnniue (j
Properly Ilexiill from Uuhl
nlnu'x I'lny.
NEW YORK. Aug" 12 -In the storm
wnicn pnsseit over this section this after
noon four persons were killed in nn,.,.n.
boro nnd two others ulntnl veee tuii.i
ennnce or recovering from the lujutles they
reieiveu. j nomas Duun of Flushing, L.
I., 10 years old. took refuse from th., ruin
under n big tree. Lightning struck tho
tree nnd Dunn was Instantly killed.
i no Darn belonging to Frank Valentino
In Flushing Was hit hv llelitnln,. nti.l ui
on fire. Valentino rushed Into the bam
to save his cattle. Ho wns struck by a
falling rafter nnd burned and crushed in
death. Clarenco Weeks, n farm hand em
ployed hy Valentine, was In tho barn beforo
the lightning struck It ntnl has nut Ilium
seen since. Chauiicey Lay. 10 yenrs of age.
was out walking with his father In Corona
when the storm came up. Tho two started
to run for shelter. A broken nleelrl.. IV I !
fell across their path and the boy beenmo
rniangleil in It and was burned to death
before ho could bo extricated.
Fannie llvrnm. IS vearn nhl. una hmilv
burned nnd sin eked In ullghtlng from a
Urooklyn Helghlrt trolley cnr during the
storm. The arm of Hie troll,... c.n- lirnt;,
nnd fell upon Miss Ilyrnrn' shoulder. She
tried to push it from her and was badly
shocked and hurnnd. Iter emnlltlnti u
despalied of. In running from tho storm lu
nroouiyn Aiigeune itma, 30 yearu of age,
stepped Oil II live elcefrln llirlit ivlrn nml
wa badly shocked. Her condition, from the
minis nun nnori, is said to bo critical.
At Tonally. N. J.. cno vounc unmnn u.ik
killed ami three others Were Kit niil-nrnh- In.
Jureii by u single bolt of lightning that they
win prooaniy uiiv when the t,torm camo up
Mrw. Nouth and her two dnnchierM t.i
and Nrllle, and n woman friend were sit
ting tinner n grape arbor. A bolt of light
ning struck nninug them and killed Mies
Lizzie Nouth. Nellin Nmith was rrlvhiriitlv
burned about the body and face and her
mother' was nlfo burned.
The visitor, whoso nnmo has nnt hren
learned, was also burned and had her nose
cut off by the flash of fire. The three In
jured women aro bald to he in tmiw,iini,.
danger of death.
It ft i it llell.-M
h Votic.
12. Tho backbone of
for tho past week has
. causing many deaths
the hot spell, which
prevailed In thla cltv
and prostrations, was
lent thunderstorm. A
broken today by a vlo
large number of pros-
the enrly part of tho
Thirteen fatal cases
tonight. Tho highest
trillions recurred In
day before the storm.
were reported up to
lenipcrntllrp tn.lj
act pcgPFP.TS in HUMBERT
l nlteil Million Societies nt Xew Vnrk
lloltl .Meinorliil Si-n Icon for
I, lilt' IvIiik.
NEW YORK. Aug. 12. Memorial services
for King Humbert of Italy wire held In
Carnegie hall by Iho united Italian socie
ties of New York. The hall was crowded
to Its utmost. Chevalier Clovanul Ilranchl,
the Italian consul general, presided. With
him on tho speaker's platform were the
Duca Garlgnanl, Hist Kccietury of the em
bassy at Washington; Iiaron Franchettl of
the Italian Parliament; G. Ilnssat of the Ital
ian Department of Agrlcultuio and Com
merce; Dr. Eglsto Rossi of the Den.irlinenl
of Emigration; Chevalier Fugassl, pi evident
of tho United Italian roclcties, nnd some
twenty other locally distinguished Italians.
The mention of the king's name was
cheered, the Italian national nnthein wns
saluted and cheered nnd before the closo of
tho meeting n messngo expressing tho sym
pathy of the Italians In America with the
queen and royal family nnd expressing their
icauy io me new king wns sent.
CtiilliiH n IIUInIoii of Chlnn.
SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 12.-Prof. John
P. Frier, head of the Dcpailmetit of
Oriental Languages In the University of
California, who arrived herr yesterday from
China, In nn Interview, nald:
"China will not bo partitioned. This Is
something that I have always maintained.
Not Ions ngo nearly every writer on China
foretold Its division among tho powers, but
they will sonn Bee that recent events have
nullified their predictions.
"This war has nroubed n bad uplrlt In
China. It In not thnt there has been any
fundamental change In the organization lu
the empire slnco the Japanese war. That
was really not a war nt all. A few raw re
cruits were stood up beforo tho Japancm
guns nnd shot down."
l'ekln Dihiiiilrli nl lloiue.
ROME, Aug. 12. Tho Italian Foreign
nfllro has received the following dispatch
from tho Italian minister In Pekln, Marquis
Salvago Raggl, dated August r,:
"Shots exchunued between tho defenders
of the legation and tho Chinese. One killed
and two wounded. Wo have no news fiom
the allies since July 30. We hopo they will
not delay advoneo to Pekln."
Another rniiiptmy fur Chlnn.
LITTLE ROCK. Ark.. Aug. 12.-Compnny
A, First Infantry, which hns been stationed
nt Fort Logan II. Root slnco its return
from tho Cuban war, has received orders
to proreed nt oner to Son Francisco. It
will leavo tomorrow on n special train
nnd Is expected to sail for Nagasaki on
August 20. Company K of thn Twelfth In
lantry will bo sent to thlH post.
Mem I'luhllnu In I'oloiiihlii,
KINGSTON. Jamaica, Aiut. 12 -Thcic
heavy lighting last week hiiu'Ii of C.irtlin
getin, Colombia, neeordlng to mall advices
from Colon today. The rcbcW Inst In avlly
nml ict rented Letters from Colon uav in.'
rebels are lollylng and that un iitt.ielt by
Hum wnx Inured at nn curly dutr
The w I Iters describe the suffering of tho
people us very great. Ono sayii that a dis
order resembling bubonic plague bus ile
velo cd at Panama. So m'iny were killed
In thn Ust battle at I'.innini that some of
th" bodies had to be burneil. A lire nt Hlim
fields July 30 destroyed twenty-one houses,
Including tho Ilrltlnh consulate.
Wlinllnn Schooner I, nut,
SEATTLE. Wash., Aug. 12. -The steamf
Alliance has arrived from Nome with nnwn
of the wreck In Iterlng sen of the Vletorl i
whaling schooner Minnie on July 20 In u
dense fog. The Minnie was driven on the
rocks on Siigiunok Island ut the entrance to
I'nlmnk puss, No lives were Inst. Th
Mlnnlo Is reported to bo a total K.hs.
Sloehliien Filially Shot,
ST. JOSEPH, Mo., Aug. 12 -Jos', ph Phll
pot and Frank Craig, wealthy stockmen,
wero fatally shot threo mile.) from Noda
way, Mo , i arly this morning by two men
who attempted to rob them The stockim n
had Just icliirned from selling enltle at Si
Joseph They had deposited thu piocetds 1 ,
tho bunk.
, ,
.C-M'Tf1 er Il,rcss Messenger is Quicklj
Ktin to Earth.
lakes Full Confession of Cowanllv nml
Treacherous Deed.
Had to Havo Monoy to Provido for Eli
Approaching Mnrringo.
Co IN to (,'ei , r luerliiiltintliiK
llvltli'iiei' In Tlnn o I'miT Trnoka
Aiii'xtcil nl Homo of Ilia J
eel lieu rl.
COLUM1IUS. (., Aug. 12,-Charles IU
II. l-'errell, n former employe of tho Ailanm
Express company, was arrested this after
noon In this city and has ionfeAeil to
tho killing of Messenger Lane and rob
bing the safe of the Adams Express com
pany on the Pennsylvania bo nml train,
which arrived In this city nt midnight Fri
day night. One thousand dollars nf th
money which he had stolen was recovered.
Ferrell was to have been married Thurs
day next to Miss Lillian Cost low, daughter
of Patrick Costlow, an engineer on tho
Pennsylvania lines. He had been ills
i barged from the employ of the Adams
Express company about three months ngo
and had nut since been able to secure em
ployment. Ho confessed that tho motlvo
of the robbery was to secure money, of
which he felt In need on account of his
approaching marriage. The money ro
eoiered ho had taken to Miss Costlow to
keep for him. saying that It was money h
had saved from his earnlni'S.
He was nt the home of his alliance
when placed under urrest.
Ferrell Is but 22 )ears old and has a
splendid physique, being six feet lu
height, with dark hair and on attractive
face. When tho olllcers took him Into cus
tody he usHiimed n nonchalant demeanor,
but when ho found he could no longer de
ceive the olllclnls he made a full con
fession. After his statement hud born
taken by Chief of Police Taylor and ht
wns led to a cell In tho police station ho
wan In a xtato of ncnous cullainu uud
orders were given that ho be watched
closely to pieveut him doing himself bod
ily Injury.
Iliilihery Inclllileil Muriler.
The confession of Ferrell disclosed ft
preuiolltntcd and bluodcurdllng crlitia
that seemed almost Impossible of belief.
Ho said that he had become desperado be
cause of his Inability to secure employ
ment and a realization of tho fact thnt bo
t.MiHi. He had no accomplices and no con
lldnnts. He knew Lone well. In fuel they
wero friends and ho relied upon Initio's
confidence to help him execute tho crime.
He knew that considerable money was al
ways carried by the messenger on Pennsyl
vania train No. 8 betwein St. Louts nnd
Columbus nnd that he wns certain to uo
rnre n large hum If he robbed tho way
safe on thnt train. Having provided him
self with a Smith's- Wesson .'IS eallbro he
went to l.'rlmiu Friday morning nnd
waited for It. When tho train arrived
thero Ferrell went at once to the express
cnr and told Lam; that he was out of
money nnd asked permission to ride to
Columbus Willi him. Loud consented,
never for n moment suspecting tho treach
ery of his pretended friend.
For n short time nfter the train left
Urbana they chatted pleasantly. Lano
sat in n chair In tho rear of the ear with
his back slightly turned. When Ferroll
had Dually nerved himself for the crlmo ho
drew his revolver nnd stepped up behind
Lane unobserved nnd llred three shots In
rnpld succession Into, the messenger's back.
Lane rolled olf the chair on the Moor on
his face and Ferrell quickly fired tho ro-
mninlng shots nt the prostrate body. Lano
was unconscious, but Ferrell fearing that
tho wounds already Inlllcted would not
cause death, took Lane's revolver and Ilrc4
two moro bullets from It Into the body.
Miil.c i;m'Ui. from Train.
Ferrell then took the key to tho nafn
from the pocket of tho dead messenger nnd
opened tlin safe and laid Lane's revolver
Inside, where he could reach It easily lu
case ho was detected and usu It to defend
himself. After he had taken nut nil tho
sacks eontnlnlng the money pnckugcH,
money orders and waybills hn placed them
In n BatcheJ and wnlted until the cnr ar
rived at Plain City, where ho slipped off
tho train. He walked obout for H few
minutes to regain his composure and then
Inquired for the hotel, which ho found nfter
n hhnrt time, a belated citizen dlrectlnir
him to tho place. Hn secured a room and
retired for the night without registering, a
fact nf which the landlord took no notlc
nt tho time, ns ho was half asleep.
Onco in hlfl room Ferrell proceeded tb
go through the packages and tnkn nut all
tho eobh. The remainder ho tied up In a.
bundle. Tho question of how to get rid
of tho debris of his plundei and his re
volver then confronted him. It was nn
easy matter to dispose of the latter. Lift
ing up the mattress of thu bed ho placed
the revolver In n seeuro placo lu tho
springs. It was not so easy to dlsposo ot
tho bundle of express sacks and envolopes.
After thinking '"' matter over ho conclu
ded lie could get rid of tho bundle best by
expressing It to n (let It t on a address la
somo distnnt city, knowing that It would
remain there n year ut least beforo It
would be opened, If It wns nnt Intercepted.
Ferrell arose early tho next morning and
sauntered down to thn railroad station,
and sat thero (or n I lino reading a bonk.
Then he expressed tho package which h
had nddresseil to O. W. Coylor, Lockport,
N. Y., bought n ticket nnd took the train
for Columbus at f,:30. When he nrrtvod
In tho city he went at once to his board Inn
bouuo on thn north sldo of the city and
changed his clothes. Ferrell said ho was
very much dlstuibed by tho talk about tbo
murder nnd robbery, which ho heard upuu
every hnnd, but he kept up his nervo, Dur
ing thn day ho paid a number or bills thnt
ho owed out of tho money which ho hud
stolon nnd bought somo clothes ami otho
things which he needed. Saturday nlnbt
ho went to see Miss Costlow and urranufl
to call ngalu Sunday nttcruonu.
Ileleellven Gel on Trull.
It was ut Plain City Inst Saturday nlgM
that City Detectives O'Neill nnd Dundon ob
tained tho duo that Ifd lo Fcrirll's sppro
hehHinn. Thev had brcn nt the hotel t
daylight, while Ferrtil was alcuplng la