8 THE 1 J j J j II ST It AT E D J J 10 13. August 12, 1000. Carpenter's Letter (Continued from Seventh I'ngc.) tfinl ttr.nAftnftnfl nf Amntlrnn ffinltnl mltrtit bo profitably Invested In tho building of rallroadB In tho I'hlllpplno islands. I can- not glvo accurato eetlmatcs of what rail- roads will cost hero, but thero Is no reason whv tlmv nhmilrl print nrnrn fhnn In Din United Stntcw nnd tho lines that might bo profitably constructed aro many. Tako a look at tho Islands nnd you will see something of tho enormous possibilities of such Investments. Luzon Is as long as from Now York to Plttaburg and wider nt tho north than from Haltlmoro to Now York. It la In shnpo llko an immonso bird aquattlng down upon China, with lie groat body toward tho north nnd Its long neck, craw nnd head toward tho south. It Is tho richest bird In tho aviary of the universe. Its tall Is fat with tobacco nnd coffee, Its bowels and stomach aro loaded with sugar and rlco and tta neck nnd head contain norno of tho richest hemp, atigar nnd cocoanut Inuda known to mnn. Tho best hemp of tho world Is raised In Its bill and tho wholo of Its body la feathered In spots with mountains of mlncrnls and moat vnlu nblo timber. Tho railroads already contemplated em brace, I abould say, at a rough gucas, at Icaat 1,000 nillcs, nnd tho probability Is that moro than this could bo profitably built. Tho pnescngcrs nnd tho freight al ready In existence will mnko tho rnada pay nnd nt tho snmo time they would bring about such n development of tho cuiintry ns to mnko their stock Increase In value right along. Only Itiillronil of I In- I,IiIIIiiIiicn. At present thero la but one rnllrond In Luzon nnd this Is the (inly ono In tho Phil ippine Inlands. It Is li'O miles long, running from Manila north through tho valley to tlici (lulf (f Llngnynu. It taps ono of tlu rich rice and aiignr-ralslng centers of the Island, but one which la no better than much of tho country south of hero and which Is not ao fertile, It la said, as the rich vnlley of tho Cayngan, further north, Tho Mnnlla-lJHgupan railroad, ns ll Is called, Is tho property of n syndlcnto of London capitalists. It wns started with a capital of 15,000,000, on which tho Spanish government guaranteed an Interest of 8 per cent, which gunranty tho company ox pectn tho United Statca to continue. Tho term of Its concession was ninety-nine years from about 1888, nnd nt tho end of that time It wns to belong to .tho gov m imnt. Tho railroad 1ms not confurmed to the terms of thu original concession. Tho Hint company failed nnd It was not com pitted ns ngrccd. It hns stneo Increased Its capltnl to 117,000,000, nnd It probably tan pny dividends on that amount. Tho ronu is won mini, mil is now in very nnu repair, nnving nocn lorn up ngain nnu again during tho wnr. It Is now being operated by tho United States army, two passenger trains each wny passing over It ovory day. Tho company domnnds heavy damages of tno Americans ror tlio destruction cnuseu by tho war, Its claims running up Into tho millions of dollars. Some I'onnIIiIi- Itiillrniiilx in l.ur.on. Among tho railroads which will probably bo planned ns soon as tho Islands hnvo become thoroughly paellled nro lines from Dagupnu north along tho west const to Snn Fornnndo, Vlgnn, Long and tho ex treme northwestern end of Luzon, nnd also from Ilncolor or Manila through the prov inces of ccntrnl nnd northeastern Luzon to Apnrrl. Hoth of theso lines could bo easily built. They would bo of Immense advan- tago to tho government In n mil tnry way nnd would probnbly pay from thu stnrt, as they open up nomo of thu richest lands of tho Philippines. They would bring tho great tobacco fields of tho Philippines within n day of Manila and would open up territory which Is now worth llltlo bo- causo It Is ho far from tho markets. They would open some of the bust of tho timber lands and also n rleh grazing nnd ngrl- cultural country. In tho southern part of Luzon ronda nro being planned' In vnrlnus directions. Ono of the most promising Is projected to go from Manila to lliitangus nnd thence west nlcng tho const to Cnpo Santiago Tho main line to llntnngas would not be more than llfty miles long nnd would bo llroiisli a country nf wonderful richness. Uvutigas was for yenrs noted as a cofTeu-rnl-lag country, nnd if the coffee blight can bo controlled It will again bo ono of tho insst prosperous parts of tho Philippines. Another railroad which would parallel thlB a part of I he wny or which might bo nn extension of It is projected from Manila around the ureat lnkn at the enat. Lngunii do Hay, running along tho tdiorus through the towns of Calamba. Los llanos nnd Santa Cruz nnd thence southeast through the wholo peninsula to tho port of Sorsogon In the bill of our bU bird of Luzon. This railroad should be a gold ttil.m in Itu ti.ll.lnwa Tim tf I II f V la ft Ml beyond conception, nnd Its possibilities In Mm i-n r nf Ii nm n nml ntlini mnnnv tirrwlllPta are enormous. It would bring tho hot mineral springs of Los llanos within easy access of Manila nnd would mnko them a rPHnrt. Tlin mlllhirv vnlnn nf tlin railroad n,,nf l, nrn.ll..n.l ,WVM HnllrouiU In MliMliuiiio. As soon ns conditions have becomo settled thero will bo applications for concessions to build railroads In tho grenter Islands of tho south. Mindanao, which Is ono of tho very richest of tho Philippines, will bo slower In having roads built than somo of tho Vlsaynn Islands, on account of tho sparsoncss of Its population, but tho government may think It neccsitnry to construct boiiio lines as a military necessity. They would undoubtedly pay In time. In tho Island of l'nnay railroads will bo titnntiml .tirrillutt Itin I torn ithlcl unllntm nnn- nectlng Hollo with Cnplz and Conccpclon, whllo electric rallroada will bo built from Hollo to Us two chief suburban towns- Jaro and Molo on well aa In Hollo Itself. Pnnnv Ih nhnlit llin ln nf Pnnnpntlrnf nml Its population Is 830,000. It le now raising nbout 2,000.000 pounds of tobacco and al- most 2,000,000 pounds of sugar a year. It has rich rlco lands, but Imports yearly nbout r.0,000,000 pounda of rice. It la so formed as to mountains and atreams that all of Its railroads might bo run by clcc- trlclty. A railroad posnlbly might bo built along tho const of Nogros, which Is ono of tho richest of tho sugar-raising lalanda, and noted for tho fertility of Its landa. Tho TI1H HOT MINKHAI HANOS, ,,,,, ,H IU0H l01Bi wth nn Iiverage wlUh of thirty-six miles. It hns a chain of low ,lu)Ulltns n,nnlng through Its ceu- teri c'ol)Ui Siunllr llm, Loyto nru alI rch tslnuilu wuh much undeveloped riHourcw. Cebu Is ft3 InMK ns Ncgros, but only nbout half as wllIo. Samnr Is ns big ns Pniiay, but haa no moro penplu than Indianapolis, nnd Ley to Is nlnust tho elzo of Pnrto Hlco, with n popu Intlon nbout ns great ns Cincinnati. They are nil good fields for electrical develop ment In the wny of railroad and factories. FRANK Q. CAHPENTEIt. Skeptic and Believer HulTalo Enquirer: A young man who 0kcd us If ho might bo about 25 years 0d was Hitting In tho waiting room of tho depot. On his kneo wns a year-old baby, Presently tho bnby began to cry, nnd tho awkwardness nnd helplessness of the young man were ho marked as to attract general attention. At this point ono of tho waiting pas- sengers, a fat and amlable-Heemlug mnn, crossed tho room nnd said to the distressed baby-tender: "A young woman gave you that baby to hold whllo sho went to Bee nbout her baggage, didn't buo?" "Yes." "Well, now, I know It ns soon ns 1 saw you. You expect her back, I supposoT" "Of course." "Ha, ha! You nro looking for her ovcry minute, nlu't you?" '1 think Bho'll come back." "H. ha' Excuso me, but I can't help laughing. A woman once plnyed tho same trick on me. It wns in Chicago, You're cnught young mnn. Sho took you for n hayseed." "Oh, she'll come back," nnswerod the young man as ho looked anxiously nround. "She will, eh? Hn, ha, hnl What makes you think BO?" "Why, becnuse slio's my wife, and 'this Ih our first baby." "Oh um 1 sou!" muttered the fat man, nnd bo was In such hasto to get back to the other Bldo of tho room that ho nearly fell over a passing pug uog. lJepOrtlliei) t Oil lJlat tOl'Ill clllK lts Ho hud studied nil the ;' ,f courtesy la d down for conductors lln'1 y lllu,- 1,0 m not ,ntond 1,1 uu -"""l unppuife. "WllOt COr Is tlllfl?" asked tllO BWOOt yOUUg thing. ,Jo aoffuil hg cnp ,, gllvo her chostor fleldlan bow. "Madam." ho said, "this Is car No. 319.' "I mean," sho oxplnlned, "what is Its destination?" "Madam," ho answered with tho snmo courtesy, "It affords mo pleasure to bo nblo to Inform you that its dustluatlou is tho enr barn." BsBs!BKvBaBKBM6uBBBBBM isBBBTrissY aeaflsfik o sflsaBBLaH wmm , SIMUNC1S OV LOS I Too Accommodatinu Chattanooga News: A guileless rustic who wished to becoino attached to one of ,0,ur llwayB emerged from the exam na- U" 41ro0ln., 1ai laJor,m?i t.ho "P001 , , tl,mt ho hnd fallcd t0 pa88 tho , , Why, you Can t httVOl OXcIttlmed tho f' Wa" ho",fl,c,d1 nt Ltho thought, u ro 00 moro co,or bUnd than 1 am- 'HnPPMi not, but thoy won't have mo," nn8Wtjrcu tho rustic bitterly. "It all comes 0 trf,n to bo pollto an obllgln , ns you Bal" 1 wns t0 bo ' "ut 1 cnn 1 800 how ,)olnB Pm oould mn,0 nny dlfforcnco," quavered tho father, "u m though," said tho rustic. "Tho 01,1 clmP ho,d something up an' says: 'T,1,B ,s tsreen, Isn't It? Come, now Isn't 11 Rrccn quite pienuing-iiKo, nnu. tnougn I could bco It wor red, I couldn't find It In my 'art to tell him ho wor wrong for foar .ho might tako offense. So I simply said, 'It Is, yer honor,' an thoy bundled mo out. No moro politeness for mo. It don't pay." "Music Hath Charms" Detroit Froo Press: Tho unmusical car camo Into pnlnful promlnenco at a recent gay gathering. Tho program Included a choice assortment of elocutionary efforts nnd muslcnl nccompllshments that wore supposed to bo of tho highest ordor. Among tho numbers was a duet between tho professor and ono of his pupils. Each hnd tho oxcluslvo ut.o of a piano, nnd tho way thoy thundered and crashed would have mado Padcrowskl, could ho have heard them, rush to tho nearest barber shop nnd shnvo off his personality. When tho concert wns over and tho nudl enco wns filing out a demuro young woman, referring to this particular num ber, remarked to her escort: "Oh, dear, I can't see why people can't do their tuning up at homo!" POLITICS AND POLITICIANS A Presidential Campaign Dovelops Politics and Arouses tho Politicians. INTERFERES WITH BUSINESS AT TIMES l'r-Hlleiit HoIiInoii of (lie IliiiiUcrx lloMerve Prefer Longer 'IV mm mill Kotver I'll'Ct Ioiim. ".Many good business men aro of tho opinion that wo have too much politics," said II. H. ltoblson, president of Omaha's successful llfo Insuranco company, the young but vigorous, growing und reliable Hankers Iteservo Llfo association. "I shnro this Idea with others. It seems to mo tho presidential term ought to bo ex tended to six years. Wo scarcely recover from tho excitement of ono compalgn bo foro wo nro preparing for another. We business men get no time for our proper rest between polltlcnl heats. "Then tho frequency of our elections stimulates tho development of politicians i uoiiovo every Amoricnn snouiu Do a politician In tho broadest senso of tho term, but tho professional politician, who does not sook offlco, but seeks to livo on thoso who nro anxious to servo tho public, is a genus of citizenship which wo ought to dlscourngo. "Our business Is not feeling any ovil ef fects of tho cnmpalgn, however. Our field I forco 18 meeting with phenomenal success. Hvery mnn now out writing applications Ih mnklng n weekly showing of which ho need not bo ashamed. Tho policies we wrlto aro unoxcelled In tho world. Thoy nro liboral, modern, clean-cut, easily understood nnd meet tho requirements of twentieth century Insurers. Tho peoplo who tnko our policies becomo at onco our most olllclent ngonts, becnuso thoy nro Inter osted In building up tho compnny, for their own good nnd tho good of tho stnto. "This explains why tho llankors Reserve although only thrco yenrs old, has dls tanccd nil competitors In tho rnco for busi ness during 1900. Wo hnvo a good deal moro thnn doubled our business this year All our losses aro adjusted promptly and with tho utmost fidelity to our contracts The Insuranco departments of tho vnrl'us states where wo do business have Invnrla bly commonded our plnn of Insurance, our methods of business, our policy contracts and tho economy of our mnpagement. "Wo hnvo n right to bo proud of our success nnd I nm mnklng ngency contracts with tho best underwriters In tho country with a view to pushing tho business of tho compnny regardless of the presidential campnlgn. Any good underwriter can make a profltnblo arrangement with tho Bankers Rcsorvo through mo." Special i TARGET RIFLES aueoij Kco Our Display in HiuwWindow. Omaha Spor'tingrs Goods Co. 1413 Douglas Strcot. Secrets Our 24 Page Book Free on request IiHebeart'5 Swans Down Prepared CaKe Hour Cpring wheat flour will ans- wcr for bread, but Is not adapted for lino cakes. "Every homo should keep n packago of Iglchcart's Swans Down Pro- pared Cako Flour." Not a self-rising flour. Good all tho year. Uncqunled for finest enkes, puddings, pastry, etc. If not sold by your grocer send us his n.iino and we will make you a special offer. Costs 2c aCake. Address Department C, Igleheart Bros., Evansville, Ind. YOUR LIFE AN OPEN BOOK iif Knowinn jour iuiutm ou cnn rn P'trHfor omortutiltlH tlmt t'nmin)nii, Mks Ufthi heitlth. wealth, Iovh, frirnittiii i ArXHS ct"nWH yon fihniilil rnxkH i how to tuke flwSMT 111 re of ynur lirn'th nhtl inukH thohH yon wi-ji, to Ioth j on. loclRinonntrntH my uhlillv tfi fnrfiikvt tniir fnlnrw hMiul fSti'JiSVki . iliiln nf hlrth nml Btnmp to I'ror IWIIIuril, Tl Mln.lo" Atr., I Inrlanill. I Jabon tie Arnica. Savon Dentifrice D' Arnica. Arnica Zaltn Selfe. The Only International Dentifrice. The Standard for 30 years. Protiorves and whitens the teeth, strengthens the Ktuns ttwooteus the breath. JSC at Alt Druggists. H. STRONG &CO.,Props.,Chlcago,U.S.A. IbyJ l)iflopthf llnt (I Inrhrt, Alls U hollow .Ui, (ra, curmnllitiit) Uiliilipck..ci(l,inn.cli-rilli-kln llrautl tul womon cterywlicreowethtlr iuiurb flyitrei a nl Mt.itrhlei ovriini 1.1 iiniini. iMrnucn. ixrminenl. MILD. TUB BUST OF BEAUTY. (nOW TO BEOUBB IT.) Hill U the tills of Flit Butts nn interoMinK llluti. ch g ed f Tt) Scrawny we will luull.KHuled in 11 iJialn envelo; for tl.B fuikititf. nccu telU liovf (without the um of drugs) any lady may ikhmmm h ierfrrt and attract ive fluure. I Kvfti I lie plalnt fltiure can be tranit- 1 tormed to one of Round, Pluap 1 tod Qraaful. queenly Iwuuty, tu. ' f, r u n 11 u taKclnatloK. ' 1 Write liw dar enolfMu , i II If tun rant ' mmp. jorrtMiHiiiuaura cnnnufnuai. Aiiaretta u, rLAL mcuaiNK U)., ClevcItDd, O. A NEW DISCOVERY lor Ihi COMPLEXION M AiloundiiiK niulli. At ROZGEINE ilitoundingriiulli. Atialutilf Inlillibli. firlitll; hum- 1111, nimoiii wriniui, nn, Iricklil.plmplM.ite. Routhhindi llmidi toll iiiilnl Skin clur ind diliciti iii lllr, No na ainciliii 1 llli, Poll Fni. 2S emit. toilet tabic complin without II. id III Without It. foil Frtt. 25 ctn 1. TUIE00 CHEMICAL CO., toi 681, ST. LOUIS, M0. Dipt.C 1W DON'T BORROW TROUBLE." BUY SAPOLIO 'TIS CHEAPER IN THE END. All the LadlM Kat Cold Medal Chocolate Bon Bons II7 Bxpreaa, I, 'Jt, 3 and S-ponnd boxea, OUo a pound. W. S. Baldtiff, ISSiO Farnnm St., Omaha. The Pioneers Of low prices on high grndo, reliable qual ity up-to-date men's shoes hnve been the famous REGENT SHOES they are guaran- ced to be the equal In tone, style, quality and finish of nny $5.00 or SG.00 shoo on the market. Our prices are S2.50 and $3.50. Send for free Illustrated catalogue. REGENT SHOE CO. 205 South I5lh. Write for IlliiHt rnteil CiilnliiKiif. DVORAK DRAMATIC SCHOOL KIMBALL HALL. 243 WABASH-AV., OHICAQO. Instruction In Aotlnj, Elocutljn. Physical cul ture. Oratory, I'antomlct, Fencing. Modern Languages. Fall Term Opens SepL 10. Oataloguo free. BDWARD DVORAK, Director. tlfttn WEEKLY I MEN and WOMEN Mr. Hmlth, of Ind.. made ttW ft) flrt 6 monthi. Albart Hill. of N.J.. 23H tlrht month. Mr. Manor, of Texas, tUMHrt 2 hourw. Oarria Wllllnra. clerk, 1H In 6 weeks. Mrs. Illtchcoi, $20, Imldes housekesplns. Uda Kennedr. (M hl la teaching. LET UB 8TART VOU No eierlence neeiled. Our Aaenta made atr 4r,000 OO last aaoath aiiplrlnu the rnorm'oi demand tor our famous Quaker I l..t It Cutilnet. and WJSLLi.J 'fSTPOInttnn aent. rt'ond-rful seller. .tLiii itTBrTironr ou7-uin men, lem. Ilea and physicians. No srhenicfYuud or Take methods. Write today for our I'rormnltlon. New Plan, etc Fran. World Sir-. Co., 4T World ll'ld'ii, t'lnrlnnatl, . (V tecommtnii above firm at reliable. iriitvt . 4 Brass Band laslrumrata. Ilrama. rnlrarwaa, it Hasp lea. Write for catalog. Mo iimsiraiions, u gires in formation for musicians and new Danas. Ly0N & HEALY. All Vtnn.. HU. UII1UAUU. idaaUkOt mXl The $eal of $atisf action WHEN we deliver an order of printing we render full value for our charges, and also "satis faction." The "satisfaction" is thrown in. as it were, Just to gra tify you and retain your patronage. We have only one way of doing business, and that Is why every customer gets "satisfaction. "a 0 A. I. Root, Printer 414-416 South 12th, Omaha $2.50